1921 02 21 The Tan and Cardinal

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Guitn er, A lm a Sept . West Colleie Av,


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VOL. 4.

No. 20.

FEBRUARY 21, 1921.

TRUSTEES MEET ISTUDENT RELIEF PROMOTED : WOOSTER IS STATE WINITT:R IJOURNAL HONORS HERE TUESDAY Otterbein Students Make Second Re- Dunbar of that School Receives First LOCAL WRITERS n· ---I sponse to Call for Assistance Award in O ratoric_al Contest1

iamond Jub ilee and Expans;on Pro- i· gram to be Planned by College M oguls.

From O ver the Sea Th e

ha1Jel period last \ Vednesday

Imo rping was turned over 1:o Mr. Herbcrt L, eamans. State Student ec-

Muskingum Second.

Prominent Magazine Purchases Right

The State Oratorica l Con test. held I of Publication For W orks of r C d Oh ' I F ·d " Q uiz and Quill" Members at New oncor , 10, ast n ay ,night was won by W,oo t e r College T O BE PUBLISHED S OO N whose orator. Earl Dunbar. spea king on '"The upreme );[enace". was almost unanimously voted first winner. Productions Selected Are By Lois • Ad a ms, •19, Edith Bin gham, '20, Virgil. Baker of Muskmgum Co llege · "I . my el f" , and J. Gordon H owa rd. who .spoke QII th e uIJJect. · wa s a warded econ d plai:e. Th e pnze :\nother ev iden ce of th e hig h awards we~e 25 and 10 re pectively quality literary work fostered by the . tor first and second places. Quiz a nd Quill luh and th e wi•de The con test wa . a close one. recognitio n given its contributors is a f Every orat ion was h " ho · high d class d . .and recent req ue t to se~•eral members well deliverec1 w ic ma e ec1s1ons of that club for the u e of th ei r difficult. Harmon for . Otterbein did literary productions. I fine work. ext year's_ contest will be Mr. W . M . Brown. editor of the held at Wooster accordmg to the regu- Journal of Railroad Yardmas ter of Jar rotation 0£ the sc~~I . America has just purchased th e right The Mu skingumite. · proved them- of publication for everal of the work elve g·ood host and entertain ed their of Quiz and Quill members and wi ll < gue t at an informal panque t follow - use the productions in that magazine. ing the prog.ram . 'They will appear during th e next three months. Fa ulty Reci 1 AJ11lo sesL 'The n m c:ho, a11d pu, I cd We a making this ear ly announce- by Mr. Brown are : " Meg." by 111ent o that all may plan to keep Miss Loi L. Adams; "In the Heart an open date for Wed1iesday evening, of Natalie," by Edith Bingham: and March 16, when· Mi se Robin on and "The Man of the Monitor." by J. Wright, instructors in the School of Gordon Howard. Mu ic, ·will render their Faculty Re­ The production by Miss Adam . ap­ peared in the Quiz and Quill's annual cital in Lambert Hall auditorium. magazin e for 1919 in which year it GIRLS ELECT OFFICE RS was awarded fir t prize in the Barn es' Short tory Contest. Mis Bing­ Cabinet for Ensuing Year Chosen by ham's story which was first winner in th e Short Story Contest of 1920 wa~ Y . W . C. A.-Ruth ¥ opp (Continued on page two.) P resident

COMMITTEES AT WORK r etary of the y_ M. C. A. Mr. eaC ---behalf of Herbert · irnpaign Plans t o go Before General mans ?amel_ ifn mpaign ·for foreign Hoover s re 1e ca f Conferenc I S . e n pnng or studen ts. . . bl d "t"1011 of th e:. stu1 Th e p1t1a f e con Approval · Th It nbcrs of " the le e Board of Trustee of the col- , dent a nd . acu_ _Y mei put before wa WRed wi ll meet here next Tuesday and f orei·gn u111vers1t1es d b . fl d plainly e nesda . the student bo Y· ne Y an , . n an opportumty to the Y to lay definite plans for great n·1amon d J ub1lee . . and all were give \Vhi " ch . celebrat10n worthy cau e. . th" . 1 exp t d b h Id contribute to 1s .-The time . 0 ec e to e e somhearty one considerindic::i ctober, 1922. Early reports '.e ponse wa~/ appeal for the same rnern be: th at a large majority of the mg fhat ano e~ been met earlier in for this . of th e Board will be on hand cause had alrea l~d es and cash payF _impo rtant meeting. the year. I_n P g t d t approxi. . . ar our unp 0rtant tandmg committee men t s the gifts amoun e o e alread Y at work on their special • mate tY ·$200 · ub· e ult Ject Th Th d ble app eal came as a r e ou . f •needs by on b : ey are, the committee ]. I-! u1 ldi11g and grounds Dr. of an erroneou e timate o ) · Ha · ' (C fnued on page two. Oil fi rn , .chairman· committee on 1. lllan·na nce, Mr. George Bright chair_..,:__ _ _ _ __ ' conu ·t ' Case Rcpre!tentative Sp_caks. on tudent life an.d orRanizaf ni t th "grai1 d Dr G orge Johnson, e . d Chairm 1011 • M·r. Ira Richmond, Illini / nt: a11d the committee on ad- old 1~1an" of Ca e School of ppflie_ 0 a ion and . . F . was the speaker at last n. Oen 111 truction, Mr. . c1ence. . D Johnson Th ien~ chairman . day' chap el serv ice. . r_' e. lllaJo · · expla111111g Ca e ';\,ill be r mter t of the meeting spent the day 111 . inter\Vhich i PIan for he financial budget po t-grad engineering work to before th planned and which will go ested students. Church e Genera] Conference of the LECTURE Ttese P~~en i_~ c~nvenes next May. DR. E . L . SWAN TO 0 the b WI 1 mclude the amount • th ·ty to it shalt :::gret! the m ethod · by which Noted Social Hygiene Au on .: ho_n of th e a'. ed and the determinaSpeak Before Student Body lla~gn_ T he time of the active camand Y. M. C. A. aint Valentine was honored at Y. lla1gn "' · t w. C: A. last week. · Not only was ,..an employment of a camL Swan prorn111en ager will be considered. Dr. Eugene · '. so· ial the c.ripture written on red hearts lite1:;..o n--of the mencan, .._ IS lecturer As ociation will deli ver two but even the topic itself was "Hearts." A. Scuss_ed by ClubHygiene t Wedne day, February After the discussion led by Pauline 1n · Nichols Speaks on Diaz lecture nex . of the local Y. Stubbs, the girl were teady to agree e Inte 23 under the au p1ces ,., that- the varieties of heart are as ' llioyed rnational Relations Club ' A t heir rega I very profitable hour at j MDC. S~an has tong been one of th~ numerou as the kind of people. 0 The annual election of officer for ~"ening u ar meet ing last Monday r. t workers on problem the en uing year was ~eld following I b . . A critical t d f M . foremo d I covered the . e1ng s u y o ex1co . giene an 1a th 111"estigat:ad th present subject of so~'.a 1 1~~untry in his· work foyr 'Me. the d~ odonal meeting and resulted A.. S _n by the club. en ir . al mroittee of th e . . as folio, : re • · 1chol . Jnternat1on M · 1·11 the Pre ideut-Ruth Hopp. View of h gave an intere t111g C A His work while aJor 1ead· . \ Pre .-La Vaughn Leath rman . t e re· f n· h . . . camp on r lllg topi ign o iaz a t e rm lecturing 111 armY kaR~cording ecr tary_:_Grace Hill. / t of the h of th evening and the ah" ~•oard and at port of emb~ ion orresponding ecretary - Rhea .Urrent our was pent distus ing I . ip heel more than a mi McConaughy. 1n th Problem D rl t1on, r ac ';\,jd e di cu io T _r. n.a ve 1Y 1,, I men. D wan will Trea urer- e hna ~a-:vrence. is e range of _n. h1 tudy of 5he The fir t lecture of r. el at . • t Mary Eliza.beth Brew. b llrovin international problems . d ·I 11 the College Chap P1a1u ;;•>er g v r h be deliver h. h meetY e Ipful to the memdn.e day at w ic · of th ba~er. c club. 4 :00 p. m., e f the tu dent body horister-Kay etlman. -::----__ ing all membe r s o t t 7 :30 The committee c}1airrl) n wi ll he li r . d t be presen . lre;idy the new are inv ite o . Dr Swan wi ll announce d 0011 . 0 tterb . o tday ·Tuesday , to , e.111 w"I lJ · W d' d y even ing · . tl 1 d 11 8 Birthd c lebra te Was hinge ne a n's meeting 111 , C. cabinet is laying plan for it . work · The' regu lar Worth111gton ay On th ay by ob erving a fu ll ho li- lectu re at a me ociation building nex:t yea r. . . tur at ocea 1· d. · · ro of the s f the the old and new cabmet Ill accorct· 011. Cla. ses will oc- au itonu. k the place o f party o d thllrnin~ i in to chedule Wednesday which wi ll ta e ning meeting of will be helcf "M~rch 19 an 20. a11e1 hon tead of beginning wi th the regular Thur day eve Ur a y M on1e have under tood. the · ·






D r. K imball Addresses International Relations Club on Mexico. The International Relations Club and a number of friends enjoyed a very interesting and instructive lecture on Mexico la t aturday evening, by Dr. Everett Kimball of mith Colle e. Dr. Kimball in a very entertaining and effective way portrayed the past his­ tory of Mexico and the events leading up to the pre. ent situation . The speaker pk.ad d for a fair and unprejudiced con iderati011 of th Mexican proh lem bv the American people and e pre eel great hope that the pre ent gove:nment unde.r Pre- ident Obregon w1~l- be ~ble to bring about ettled Mexico · _ _ cond _ _1t1011 _ _ _111__


Glee Club Makes Trips. Otterb in' Mell' Glee Club will re­ turn tonight from a five-day trip through outhern Ohio, in which it v1. 1t Cin innati. Dayton. Lewisburg a nd other point . includin th Ottcr­ b in Hom .

i->age Two

'.fHE TA




M h


it is doing just now. 1 do not believe !I Reports at Hard to Talk Otterbein. there has at ematlCS h b been a _time when th e alumn i Editor Tan and Cardinal ·. ave een wo rk mg a nd boo tin g for Numbers Rendered In Interest Glad to bigger thing a th ey are today. 8c a Pa d . of 1921 Sibyl ee the old school is getr11 ting alive to her athletic needs. That view of that. i n't it our duty to v,; ednesday even ing at th e ·o llege seems to be the one big s hortcom ing boo st for a 11 w ''gym" at this critiChape l a highly entn tainin g concert at the present time. ca_l time as never before? Otterbein Wl:y go elsewhere when you can get wa rendered by th e W es ter\'i ll e ome. people do not realize that wi th out a doubt ha th e poor e t gym- , Band. The affair was staged under athletics have made more proo-re in I ; ,a s ium of any college in the tate. all your paper r ;ght in the College the au pice of the Junior class for the last decade than in twe:ty-five I he re ult are only too ev ident. Not the joint benefit of the band and the years before, and that th e college that a hmon th ago we lo t an all-s tate high Bu'ld' z p the sc ool athle te who . Id h mg after Chapel from ep , b 1921 ibyl. used to lead 1s a back number today h wou ave come A pleasing program of tandard unl : ss she is awake to the growing er e ut for our poor gymna iu m. · Bes 1·d e , . our coaches are making Paper Man. Any kind, any day. elec tions was given by th e ban d . L . demands of athletics. 0. Pe rr y' solo, "For All Eternity," I fought for the Tan and Cardinal every effort to put athletics across was well rendered and heartily a decade a go when our "gym" was as at~d 1 doubt very mu ch if Otterbei;~ applauded. 'good as many. We had good teams will be able to hold the service of · · uch a h e now has if they .\ male quartet, cons1st1ng o f \ -at Icast we won from the be t of' coache Mes rs. Seneff, C~ons, J. C. Brad- th em, but I know that many of these mu~t work ui~der uch handi~aps for ri ck and D. L. Hancock. came in for athletes would have hesitated to an 1ndefinite tune. Th e gymna sium i · a large share of the applause. Thei r attend ,a school whose athletic equip- our mo t crying need. rendition of popular songs was very ment compares as unfavorably with Student, '2 1. ,good, and was received w ith great othe r colleges as doe Otterbein's Fem _Coy L eads Endeavorers. enthusiasm. today. I have been working in the Ohio, ~l The ize of the audience was dis- high sc hools for several years and I !he Ch ri tiah Endeavor meeting 27 W. . Main St., Westerville, hil wait, appointing both as to th e number of can a s ure you that it's . a hard t~1s week was given over to th e con- repair your shoes w e yo 11 Give us a trial it will convince you. students and the number of towns- matter to talk Otterbein to a young 1deration· of the Work of th e ca b.met folk who attended th e chap el being athl ete when he ha a b etter gym­ and· committee~. The leader Mis Men's sewed h~lf-sole s ame price as nailed. L adies' 25c extra. only about half-filled. The quality na ium at high school than the one ;he;n Co_y named and briefly outlined " · of the program merited the attendance at Otterbein Coll ege. duti es of the various stand· . mg Shoe Shine Parlor fo r ladies and gents, of a large audience. Director R. H. By all means boost for a big gym­ com'.111ttees. During· the general disShaw is to be commended for the na ium and boo t for it now. Our cu ion ma?y new and helpful ideas good work he is doing with the Wes- efforts to send athletes to Otterbein a11d uggestions we.re offered terville Band. are all but wasted unl ess the college !he leader for February ~7 will be gives athletics a chance by putting M1 s Est~er Harley, and the topic STUD ENT R ELIEF PROMOT ED acros a modern "gym." eful Lives." ' (Continued from page one.) Alumnus, '11. did We have just received a splen an under- ecretary who had placed the assortment of Ginghams, Mr. Gogan Addresses Students. artier goal far · too low. Sub crip­ Can We Keep Our Coaches ? :zgc tion hould be paid to Professor Editor Tan and Cardinal: Mr. Jay M. Cogan of Canton Ohio 32 inch for .......................................... 5c brought the tudents an msp · ·1nng · ' mes-' 32 inch for ..................,....................... 3 chear by M arch first. There can be no doubt that the tu­ at the Mo nday Chapel s . ctent 6f fterbeln are unammous in Mage c· ~ erv1ce. JOURNAL H ONORS r. ogan has just c'oni'plefecl -a trip their de ire for a new gymnasium be­ LOCAL WRITERS fore everything el e. ot in years around the world and he condensed his 20 % Discount on all our }losierY· · (Continued from page one.) .ervation into a very helpful pre en­ ha the athletic ituation opened up as ob tabon. publi hed in last year' Quiz and Quill THE OLD RELIABLE SCOF{ELD STORE -magazine. The oration by Mr. How.ard al o appeared in la t year' journal. Corner of State and Main Streets ·1


Pleasing Program of Vocal and Band



The Star Rapid Shoe Repairing


!; :~~ !~; .. .=··..···········:.............::::::: :



ISN'T lT TRUE? p aking of a "living death", how -ab ut our uffei:ing friend quoted be­ I w? And it all bapp ned to the same ' ndividual the ame day. "It was per.feet torture to get up thi morning." "Thi .room i o hot, ·I'm cooked aliYe." "lve gone crazy over football." "Thi light i _punk, I'm nearly blind." " peak louder can't~hear a thing." "I wa ab ofutely petrified." 'Her impudence makes me simply

C. W. Stoughton; M. p. 31 W . College Ave. WESTERVILLE, oJIIO Bell Phone 190

=======~~~~ G. W. Henderson, M. D,


hut that window, I'm frozen ·~tiff." "J\'fy clothe are worn to tatter " "You make me sick." ''J'm comp letely exhau led." "'lt wa o funnywa ju tiJ1 g.' "I'm imply tufted." '"That boy drive me mad. ' ''l played tenni till I ju t dropped." "l nearly had a fit." "~ly dear, I'm imp ly dead." Boh-'Yes, lwo y ars ago I wa a mental wr ck, actually in an . What do you upo e hr.ought about thi big chan e in me?" Hoh-'' What change?"

Citizen Phone JlO

West erville, Ohio


}\fill@ I



T is because of the sterling qualities p · d b. • Sh· ossesse y A RROW 1rts, that you see them featured in shops like ours If you b so ~rong1Y you will get the fullest q.uota of v ul y anff RROW . Th a ue o ered at t h e pnce. e ARROW label is d guaranty a Soun t h at t h e garments are worth th . . . A e1r pnce at all times. - ny merchandise that sells at a fix d . is exceedingly good merchandise and th e . pnce we carry ARROW Shirts. ~t •s ~hy

By Appointment

=====~=~ W. M. Gantz, D. D. S. DENTIST ·15 West College Ave. Bell Phone



Citizen Phone



.G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D, East College Av . nue

- .~ E. J. NOR·RIS, Westerville


PHQN~S U S4-~ ~ ,, -e . . . ,~ ~

Page Three






here" .

'l 7, 'l8.

Mr. and Mrs. A lva H. Sholty (Ru th Co nley ) attended the ~'.n.~al Gentleman's Night of the 1 1 " nity Dames Club of Yale Un i­ ve r it}'. on Thur day evening February 1 · ' 0. An ela bora te d in ner was served, after which an excellent progra111 w d who . as ren ered. Mrs. Sho 1ty, I one of th e membe rs o f th e I b co t .b Cu . d . 1 • 11 n uted to the program with elightful readings.


·•-..Dr. L. C. Hensel is spending orn · e t e hm e in California, in the interof ; fl th e _Lewis S. Myers Co mpany a Para1so, Indiana with which be • Is a . ' w ociated as manager of the st e ern division.

'07 '01


(F:~ ~ Mr: and Mrs.

E. C. Worman

i\f d



Gu1tner) and two sons of ea:, ra ' India, arrived in \Vesterville horny la t Week and are now at th e J. E: eof G .M r · W orman's mother, Mrs. , · uitn er on We t College aven ue. 08. Dr J h Pittsb · 0 n W: Funk of Ea t tervi ll :rg, Pennsylvania, was in Wes­ ' one day last week ~ - Dr . lou 1 •· Frank Oldt, who is on furg i in th·1 1n· . s coun try from medical iss1onar ha Y Work in Siu Lam China. r cently • -• h. received a scho 1a r s 1p fr 0111 h enabJ t e Rockefeller Foundation that es 1i·101 Puhr to complete his work in M:ed!~alhealth at th e J ohns Hopkins , School, Baltimore, Maryland. 10. 'I'h R. of W e everend Walter A. Knapp . J e tervil Je, Oh·10, conducted d ur1ng anuary . 1 camp . a very successful rev1va Anns:;~n at Lebanon Valley College, People ef Penn sylvania, in which the gregatio~ t)Je United Brethren con­ lege ,.. and the students of the col,.ere g 'Ii reat 1Y helped. 13 rethren . Mis Ma n·JC k of th e U01te • d . ~ Who Mission in Canton China return ed h • ' Year's f ome last sp ring for a Co1teg Urlough, has enter ed T eachers' \, . . . 111 . •~ cw ye of Col umb.1a U 111vers1ty 1.ng th Ork tty for special work dur'lt e. second semester. . M1 s I "1lte h rma L . Martin of WesterapPointii~n t r cc ntly received an . llhYsicaJ a pecial teacher of ch001 education in th e public '10. R of olumbus, Ohio.




mouth ?" _ _ _ _ _ __ _

-=-~ 111111 mu 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~=-1 Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Bell 8-W office, for



J. ·E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man


Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers _ Headquarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0. Subscripions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home _

= =

Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service.



f, 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111IT



11111111111111111111 I I I I I III I I I I III I I I IIIIllI I I I I I IllI 111111111If1111111111111111111111111111111II11111111



= -==

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They talk about the _women and the : wa we do our hairY wear our skirts and : The way we · . shoes-our very haughty at: ' . i that we' re foolish m : They te 11 us _ such little things, but t~en ,: . h. k we are alone m suchIf th ey t 111 ? Well, how about the men §

= = =

to wear a pompadour, They u se d . . like that now, but not h mg f at1ltlessly leams A center-par t g c· bo ve a noble brow, A:d if. they don their headgear, • II it forward 0 they pu 1 th ey may have eyeThat thou g 1 11 kno,v. brow ' you never rea y th then the little jaz z tie-aoo er nd d. thin·,,. abs ur b t on 11 day W. . Knapp left Thurs­ t bad up O 11 th e Ie o ' u 0 0 0 ·"'here r L ebanon, P nnsy lvaJ1ia. 1 the big-mY ~ ; ~£ collar tell b le ·1 aughert .wi I a ist Rev. B. F. T ha t half-inch kin . ' 16 y in eva nge 1·I tic . . . rv1ce d u ever all anOll,t the only one i · Elnier L ng_ hig\i • · Boyle . who i tea chThat girls ar\;o to the wan . with throats 1 e C)h10, i y· c_b~o l at Bowlin g Green . I aro und with that l itin g friend here. . A lld t hen th ey go t ,, air''tsh - - - ­ ouln't h f me for " in't-1-the-peanu . you hk e o , ' h. teak,, ave eaten that mi j on " Think aoyt mg ,, ••p aid th~ ca . I don ' t ca re ! really d o-aloshe ! Jow 0r oft , . nnibal .king with a fr ow n, 1 Third eye.b rows a n o You can!;: h ard the old proverb. :Now tell me if you can-talk and . ' h t you ~ a g ocl man down ." 8Iest The r ea so n \ : gi r!-O , Man! cu be th laugh about -Exchange. ts. e man wh o fir t inv ented



. "You ca n lead a st udent to lectures "Even tombstones say nice things but you can't make him think." about a fellow when he's down."

lb==============:=.J After the Sophomore M onday 14• Valentine "Kid" Party in the gym the freshman and sophomore boys t have gone out and played tomus . ht I g we gether because all mg on and the next howl s heard wo !fish ' there were horrible rumors . mornmg • .. ble evidence of freshmen bemg an d v1s1 d d an ma 1d uc k e d ' their heads s,1have Oh I to be a treatment administere.,.. · as a freshman once morel . trus tmg Tuesday 15 . . There was a. good y W. C. A. meeting and th e topl'c was "H . ts" I wonde r if I'll ever be ea r • 1 d able to get up an~ t/llk so fluent y a n . ly as the Seniors. I s uppose that w1 e . The comes with the advancmg !ears. . moon was go rgeous. It is a crymg . th t 7·30 is the appointed hour to pity a · come into the Do rm. . Wednesday 16. If ther e's an"'.thm g ·t• a man who procrastmates. I dete t 1 s f d.d that until an hour be ore George . I s·byl B a nd Concert and the J un1or 1 h lied me -up. Of course 1 act en ;a Then I ' got to thinking and :e:1:~e~ed just how many girl s he had k d before he thought of me, and a e . I thought the madder I bethe more I d.d 't t n n Geo rge cam e came. S o w he I t all I wonder how ong go down a · · d th he at th er e. H ope he enJoye e eat, I detest a man who co ncert. I r ep procrastinates. Thursday 17: George didn't c~me Wonder if he' sick. to classe to d ay. so Well anyway, the weather_ was ' (Continued on page six:.)

Cus tomer-"I-ah-er-um-" Tailor-" Want a cuff on Expe rienced J ewe Ier (to as is tan t ) trousers ,., ·Bring that tray of diamond rings Custorner-··Want a slap on


: : : : -



= = -

UniYersity Book S,tore

: -





IllIIIllIIIllIIIIIllIIll 11111111111111111 IllIIIll Ill IIIll Ill II HIllIIll Ill Ill 11111111111111111 IIIllIll~


-_ : : :


: : -


You can't beat the "eats" at the





Try some good old buck wheat cakes like mother used to make. 40c Dinner 45c = Supper -- --·---- -----


§ 1111111111111

J. C. ROACH_, Prop.



TAN AND CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD Westervill e, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF Editor-in-Chief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 A istant Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 Contributing Editor~Esther Harley, '21 A. W. Elliott, '23 Business Manager .... J. W. George, '22 Ass istant Business Managers, ]. P. Schutz, 23 T. E. Newell, '23 Circulation Mgr . .. Marvel Sebert, '2 1 As istant Circulation Managers­ Harriet Hays, '22 Lucile Ewrk' '23 Athletic Editor ............ M. N. Fun , '21 Local Editor ............ H. W. Troop, '23 Alumna! Editor _... Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor ........ P. K. Noel, '22 Cochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 Literary Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, if paid before November 15; other­ wi e $1.75. Entered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Westerville, 0 ., under act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized pril 7, 1919.



Greater Otterbein. . n expre sion that has become trite with u age is the familiar phra e, "a greater Otterbein." It has been ur logan of achievement in the past and we omtime forget how many fine things have come to the college through the inspiration of that challenge. However, if there ever bas been a ~ay when we could be aid to be tanding on th e thresho ld of a 1 ' Greater Otterbein," it i tod'ay. Old head tell us that the college has never seen a year of finer pirit or of more general and genuine progress than he has had this year. ph nomenal increase in enrollment, with ever greater prospects for next year, a deepening of intere t in all pha e of literary and academic work and a new and broader program for athletic give us a situation that is full of promi e for the future. Tomorrow we ai:e ho t to the Board of Tru t es who will plan very definit ly the material goal that our ''G reater tterbein" i to trive for. \ Ve have confidence that our leader , ill formulate a program into which ,. ry Otterbein man and woman f)a t, pr nt or to come, an throw hi or her en rgi mo t enthu ia ti­ cally. mon the leading feature of thi program ~i ll c~rt~il!!Y be provi ion for our or ly-needed new gym­ Ila ium to which everyofl ha looked forward for so long, but it will be ·only a part of the general plan for a greater and better Otterbein. ·


That Old-Time Fight. ·'They say "chrvgsensae rn eunall f anyone imagines that our handi­ · · · k'' · Eskimo for f n1aJuaghuanyuarJac · 1s capped basketball team is tamely ub- Wednesday, February 23"I lo,·e you" at the same time it is a . milting to defeat the e days they have Trustees' meeting. , V\1e terville. reasonable , explanation o f ~vhy . the another guess coming. A ·glance ove r 4 :00 p. m. Dr. Shaw's Lectu re Arctic nights ha,·e to be so long." chapel. ' the exc hanges wi ll suffi ce to show that they ar e putting up a desperate fig ht 7 :30 Men 's meeting, Association bu ilding a uditorium . every minute of eve r y game. The Mt. nion Dynamo says, Saturday, February 26-·'.1\'lore pep was displayed by the Wes- , Basketball. Ohio orthern here. terville quintet in their warm-up than Saturday, March 5by any other team hei:.e this ea on Basketball, Capiral here. and though out-cla ed by the taller I·Thursday, March 10-Mount players the visitor did not Glee Club Home Conce 1t. slow up but played hard throughout Friday, March 11th e game." The Dispatch ays of SatGlee Club at Fifth Ave. Columbus. urday's game at Ohio, ''The Tan and Saturday, March 12Cardinal played snappy basketball and Beautiful Baffling "Baffaire". fought right up to the la t minute." Wednesday, March 16-With the team putting up that so rt 8 :15 p. m. Faculty Recital, Lambert of fight against s uch odd it' a pretty Hall auditorium. • poor sport who would falter for a March 19-20-moment in giving the boys th e right Y. W. Cabinet Retreat. kind of upport. And that sort of fight plu s loyal support is the thing that orma.n Hopgood says, "Socialists will make Otterbein r espected athlet­ will not get anywhere." From the pres­ F ine, Fresh Peanut Candy ........ 25c lb. ically regardless of pre ent handicaps ent abode of Deb s we would say Nutt 1nes . ........................................ - 25c lb. and that will bring her to the front they are liable to get anywhere. ' Salted Peanuts ............................ .. 19C lb. eventually. Stand by the coach and team in these trying days and you can Save th e Campus! Keep off the grass! be justly proud when fortune smiles ================~===============~ our way.

Place and Tally CardS,

Loose Leaf Note •Books,

Films and Films Devel-

oped at

Hoffman's Rexall Store SPECIAL


A t D r. Keefer's

.!l 111111111111111111111111111 n1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mg


We are all out of Carnegie medals but we feel like awarding something to the weekly e..--cchange that has been running a special column, "Engage- _ n1ent ". Their's. mu t be the ideal social life. :





Doesn't it make one proud of the elf- ati fied gra s-tramper to note the _ -p th " aero our _


~o-. 8 5 NoRTH




WE' VE BEEN THINKIN' That when the Glee Club heroes and Daytonians go " week-ending'' the O tterbein population decreases notice­ a.bly.





'' '''"" 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 nii

~ 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIH11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111111111111111M




Reduct1·on Sale Hart ~=-§ ,.;:::.~1.~-:·~o?."'"'•"mnOt : S~haffner & Marx Clothes .~ = :: T hat it's for us should that Father George andfortunate the Trustees celebrate the same day.

That the Dorm girls wonder without ceasing what's become of the old



faithful " Chinese Honeymoon" serenaders. Our Weekly Proverb. "A titcb in time ave a lot of embarra men_t." And He Slept W ith H is Fathers ! By 0 . Ima Ashcan.



An unusual opportunity to buy the best ::::

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"IU fool that mule,-1'11 ju t neak up behind him and surpri e him." : "That· bomb mu t have gone out.- : 1'11 light it again." ~ "Watch me make thi canoe dip ouder if th ga tank i empty,- _ trike a match!' "Here come th limited expre • watch me jump a ride." ' "I'm trying a different acid in thi formu la; wonder what it wiU do." HYou can't eut your elf \Vith the e : afety razor ; watch me!" 01

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Page F ive


Speakers In Field. man who sat next to the one who had 1 Following up th e work of Educa­ bui lt his talk upon slang. ow this man b:>.d builded his speech upon tiona l month Dr. Sanders and Presi­ gc-ocl. E11glish. And his employer dent Clippinger spoke at Logan and t h came a11d spoke with him and found Circlevi ll e respectively last Sunday. (This page will carry each week a represen tative product ion fro m e Other addresses are to follow from program of one of the four li t erary societies, selected in such mann~r as that he was worthy a11d ab le and that week to week. each may deter mine. The rotation wi ll be r egul ar unless censors fail to he cou ld ta lk E11glish-therefore this man wa lif ted up aboY e the other suiJmit productions in proper time for publication.) Passenger (noticing woman with man beca use he had builded well. dog) " Do you let dogs on this train?" SLANG,-AN I NVECTIVE a few hundred mi les away might not Virginia Snavely, '23. Conductor-"Sit down, nobody will Philalcthea fully understand your conversation, notice you." "'R if you should go amon~ th~m, but Prof. Fritz (at debate), "Well How­ e Peet old age; honor your parents; that is immaterial. It will give you 1 ''W hen a woman will, she will and ~\"~ Your enemies.'· These and many an original air, a reputation for in­ ard, show some pep. Get enthusiastic. e~m~ar injunctions have been hand- dividuality in speech which is very Open your mouth once and throw that's the end on't"-or rather it's usually just the beginning of it. ' yourself into it!" . own from generation to gene ra- desirable. t1on · .. H ave a high regard for works The irlitter of slang tempts us. F• or 0 f an a d f · · · - a time ~we stand in the back groun d . n or the genius which 111 y 1111HUll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllllllll ll lll llll lllil ll lll llllllllllll!II IIIIII !,!! Pire the " y · f m. es mdeed, but regar d looking 011 in admiration w h"l 1 e I"t s l:e mother tongue, never! Her, sponsors display its manifold advant­ and e P~~r, we haYe with us always, ages in their picturesque language. ::i familiarit y apparently breeds Slowly we elbow our way to.ward. the contempt. So We front and inYest in the proiect 111 a _ constantly try to change this very modest way. Time goes on, we _ 1an uag w e Of ours to create some new are so pleased with th e promising out- _ rd or expression which for a day look of our investment that ,v.e put a 0 1 plea e the popular fancy. bi·t more into the scheme. L 1tt. Ie b Y Cr .two vv"![ . foOlJl a• n ew PIuase, a new appellat1on .ittle at first, then reckless I y we mves t T he " Wedgewood" and " Br uce­ r ome '·f am1·1·1ar object and your 1 t·J we ourselves at 1ast b ecome frIends . . un 1 , ' wood"- the la test styles in low t By this time the venture wi 11 re gard you as one worthy promo ers. . Of r Cse good, p ur e has reached magnificent proportions. stiff collar s. Engli hat hon or. Which • call an object by the name It is difficult to und erstand why anyMen's Pure Silk Hosiery, nob t!elongs to it and you arc a one with any brains could be so reduced to ...... ........................ 85c O re t good to associate with the foolish as not to invest at leas~ ~ Dress Shirts, stiff pique Ono:e t~e world. little in this wonderful . cnterpn e . Ure in a ve ry long while, to be The scheme reaches its h1ghes~ peak. : bosom ·····················-············· $2.50 int ' ome Phra e or word is brought W re about to receive our mveS t White Dress Vests, o Pron · ea · h n opportun 1 mence which really is ment increased a million tim es w e at ·························-· $4.00 to $7.00 tirne . e and appropriate. In due the bubble bursts. Our air castles fall 1 of ou: may become a recognized part about our ears with a crash, and we requ· Peech. A new machine may find ourselves with a burden of ire a ne · 1 rds on 'I'hi . w word to designate 1t. grotesque, foolish, use ess ~vo .h or Ph1r a legitimate coinage of word our tongue, Wl·th no capital wit _ th e n-an e.. But for ordinary speech wh ich to start again on the road to Wester ville st st 22 a.• .c gh h language should be Poor broken-down people, :: N . ate ' U11 1cient w·· success. · own 1bt 11 out the use of words helpless, destroyed by ~ur of que t' Tlllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll lll ll llllllii We iona le propriefy. foolishness. The scheme glitte_red so 1st th e ~111111111111111111111111 U1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ll I I I I I I II I I~ ana ~ave a language rich in word brightly that we could not res advanf ra e, but few of us take temptation. . ho held back and did word age of t his. We use the same and The man w When Phrases day after day. our scheme comes . • not mvest tn d ve w e cannot think of anyd to sympathize with us an th ing I rence eth e, .t far too frequent occur- aroun "I told you so," that , en "I'll perhaps to say d H \VorJd" f say;" or "I'll tell the balm to sore hearts and hea s. he 1 We ,,., a Is from our lips What do · h man because e ,.,ea b . has become a n c thing! n Y them? 0, almost any- . t d his means securely. Instead 'I'h mvehs e b den of meaningless slangy t-ere are e of t e ur . t. ~ngJ i h nough adjectives in the h' h hinder our conversa ion Iang uage to describe any words w icd I ce large number o f cI ear Pa , co 1or . he comman a . H h out of ten ' emotion; but nine times good words full of mea111ng. • e ads 0r " we say it is "some" dress h' tongues en 0lhe" ' ' h ·gh t word on is ' ~nd " ome" Party, "some" anything t e. n e flounder around, t rying to Orne" . everything! In its place while w h. h will express our d'1 i a find a word w ic Ctionary very good word . The finally conclude by us11 th t h0 !essor ays so, our English prought, e threadbare, slangy 1s " ays O w h ing the same, , e say so, but w at h used fo r yea r s. orn e" dre s beauf.arty like? Is "some" wo r d we ave a mothe r to ngue, a alway iful or hideous? It is We have f • h hadings and t ·1 n ce f 11 o ncma tter what we :,,a1 th ob. ary to describe in de- language u O On,e" th Ject to which we apply warm colors. words in the \ h ' at · there a.re y no t word so full of meaning. have to say, 'th which we can Pre o~ ule a word which will ex- English language !wti clearly and fully and Pu t r" t iought 111 . the beg111111ng . . j c ore our thoug, I . t the use of sang. · h ou t re ortrng . 0 to do as tho e -,.,,.,erh orne" m · ·its proper place? wit illu ap it . b It 1. a temptat10n h t 1't h ch th at 1 cause we know so B~t when we know t a. ow o w u lang. We must about u . . . to do. an action Uch a ur .kno wedge I by peaking in ·is a. fooh. h thing . nly bad res u It s. only th e ?1~1. ct, if you plea e but which will brino- o 1n1t.1at d h · Id? app ' ed teciate e can understand. and w v yie · ho built hi talk :::: Th e Place for Sweets to Eat. Uc atio . our w or d s. This . is . true Th ere was a man w 1 er came an d . 11 and fOre· • His emP oy 1 13 ign w cu1ture! ~enr us e upon sang. d him by, for Ord Th Ut k 1 t h'm 1 and pas e ,,,,1,1 ,111,11,1 11, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111,1,,1,1111111,11,,1,,,11111,11,11111,, 1 Pro &ood Old-· ~y are meaningles . ta! ec o . d badly and was not 11111111111 Per. f fa h1oned lang i quite he had bu1lde And there was a course, the people living worthy of honors.

Literary Department



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Page Six




O hio U niversity Q uintet Grabs Long Coach Ditmer Announces Theory E nd of Score In Contest Drill and Light Practice Periods at A thens. To Begin Soon T he Tan and Cardinal pas er s threw a scare into the Ohio quintet fo r a few

minutes at the tart of the game Satur­ day night which ended in an over­ whelming victory for the Athenians. Starting in with a rush the Otter­ b ein basketeer ran up a ·six point lead. However it wa only fo r ten minutes a the Ohio pa se rs got t~ range and

Coac h Ditmer ha announced that sp ring football prai:tice wi ll probably tart about March 15. The length of th e period of practice will depend en tirely upon weather condition . Spring foo t ball will be omething of a new departure for OtterJ:>ein at lea t in late years. Coa ch Ditmer however believes that light workout ,accom-


Results This Week. Town, 21 ; Mattoon, 12. McRill, 30; Cook, 7. Reed, I ; Bishop, 0 (forfeited ). P rie t, 1; Blendon, 0 (forfeited). Games Next Saturday. Mattoon v . Blendon . P rie t v . Town. Reed v . ook. McRill v . Bishop. Two game were forfeited la t Sat­ urday when the Bi hop and the Blen­ don failed to mu ter a quintet. The McRill maintained their leadership by defeating the ook by an overwhelm­ mg score. 1:he Mattoon held th e Town aggre­ gatJ?n to a tie in the first half but \Vh1te broke loo e with everal ba ket in the clo ing minute of the con:. te t. t aturday will fini h the ea on. Standing of the Clubs. Cl ub Won Lot Pct. McRill ........................ 6 0 1000 P rie t ··-··············-······ 5 t .833 Town ...............~.......... 4 2 .667 Reed .............:............ 4 2 .667 Matto.on .... ,............... 2 4 .333 Bi hop ······-·············· 2 4 .333 Blendon ······-·---····-· 1 .167 Cook ···········-··········- · 0 6 .000

The Grocer

taple and Fancy o. 1 So. State St. If it isn't worth while' .

If you .c ome once you

will come again. Westerville Bakery What's the Use?

Change of '·Address


THE BIG EL E VEN OF 1916 Diary of a Cochran Hall Girl. (Con tinu ed from page three. ) Back , left to right,-Peden, Ream, Gilbert, Lingrel. Line-R. E., ).{iller; R. T. Coun ellor; (Capt.); R. G., hoity ; C., Walters; balmy that I went to cofield's St b h ore, L. G., Evan ; L. T., Higlemire; L. E., Mundhenk. ?ug t me ome checkered, 3 - -cent gmgham cut out, ba ted and e·wed up .a dres ' having a bad ca e of the panted by theory drill wil be of a looped 'em through .the net in a spnng fever. I can hardly wa it till to­ great benefit. Much interest is being al hower. mouow to wear my new creation. Ohio Northern will be with u manife ted by the warriors of the aturday night. Our quintet wa gridiron and it is likely that a great . Friday 18. A little bit o_f fro t a defeated by their men a few weeks number of candidates will be in uni­ little bi~ of now and lots of c~ld north wmd. Didn't w ear my gingham ago at Ada and a sharp battle i pre­ fo rm at the first call. go.wn at all. Walked around the four­ dicted. ~le quare alone. One can accom­ "A GYMNASIUM FIRST !" The core We have been noting with intere t _p l'. b a great d eal of cogitation in four Otterbein (19) (46) Ohio University mile . Oh I I d 0 . Priest F. kinner-King the lette.rs which appear weekly in wi h something would happen! behalf of a new gymnasium. We chutz, Ranck, Barnhard F. Davis ha ve contended in our pa t work for .s aturda~ 19. It did. F irst thing Albright C. · Van Sickle two things at Otterbein. First, a new ~h1 morning I sp ra ined my ankle in White G. Mye rs, Berkett gymna ium and econd, a campaign ": ketl~all. It is inter esting to have Schr eck G. Earich in the high chools for ath lete . If orn iga~ent ", and meals brought to F ield Goal -Ear ich, 1; Sk inner, 1; we reach the first goal the second will ~ou, and kind solicitous friends inquir­ Davi , 4; Van Sick le, 4; Meyers, 1; be much easier of attainment. Let's ing ab.ou~ th e welfare of yo ur an kle and b n nging the news th t G ' Berkett, S; King, S; P riest, 2; Ranck, make our slogan, " A Gym, First!" d . a eo rge has 2; Whi te, l; A lb right 3. a ate wit h J oanne tonigh t! . Foul Goals-Ear ich, 1; K ing, 3; A l­ Girls' Games Wednesday Night. Sunday 20. But it's mighty lone­ The firs t of the girls' se ries will ome when ever ybody goe . off to bright, 3. and Sunda h Referee-Ha milton. be played on Wedne day, February clturch lk . Y sc ool, and out for 23. O n that evening at seven o'clock "':a in the bright su ns hin B Spring Sports Show Signs. the Sen ior wilt ·at tempt to cha e I m t hankfu l that it' only to:· r ut instead o f . n ig a The a lmo t summer weather which th ei r rivals th e J uniors, to cove r, ment l"k omethm g pe rma nent i ited us durin g th e pa st week was w hil e th e Sopho m ores claim they are , e ca ncer. o r sleep ing- ick11e . ac compan ied by a rise of in tere t in l!'Oi ng to troun ce the Frosh ·q ui n tet. the sp r ing spo rt . As evide nce that Everybody should be out for th e S t ude-" But how do you fi th the tennis team mea n business, game · Get behind your cJa t am I pre su re on thi da m?" gur Bancroft . wa seen w ith two bran d- a nd make it win. J 'Prof.-(a Orne " So that ft er exp Ia na ti.o n ) new tenni bal l . T h n we noticed answer yo ur dam que tio n 1,, Littl e girl. t - - - - - -- • that the ba eball hug had a lready be- , gun to work fo r " Jo h nny" Geo rge wa Pair of kate '·The avc rag-e man lay Hole in ice. law t O h.I down the pitching a ho rse h ide in fron t o f th e wife and th 11 "B.g'' Wh . 1· Pearly gates!" her amen d ments." accep ts all gymna ium. 1 1te w as 1mbe r- I






Johnson, t he Pennant Man has moved to ELMWOOD PLACE

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Citizen 9Z

RHODES & soNS ' A nut The College ve T MEAT MARKE

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ing up hi arm with th e di cu w hic h "Con ider th e fi h - he n r em inded us that track easo n will \ cau a ht h ·k eve r ge ts j . .. a s Io ng a s e eeps his . th oon be w ith u . II that see m to he hut." mo u neces ary to have o ur fie ld a nd dia mond arti t co me out of win ter 'Ever hea r o f chlo ro(o r m?l, a li ttl e heat from " O ld "Of cou r e." "Don ·t b rea the it !"

Mak e It . t he Best

Select your luncheon supplic ,


S 0



Moses & Stock Grocers '


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Cleanin,; and Pressinl

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TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, Etc.



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Quality Flowers~ =

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• • Fancy Roses, Carnations and ·all Flowers 1n season.

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RAY M. JOHNSON Is Our Agent at Westerville.


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A Smashing Clea of Broken-Size SUITS forMen and Young Men at


P-R-1-C-E The sale in full swing tomorrow-a great chance for men to get good clothes at uncommon savings. Choose from suitsHalf Price · and Less at ----·--········--


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Every Suit This Season's Style-from Regular Stocks ale, and bri k a



$22 • SO

early fo ur hundred uits tar ted thi till mighty fin•e choo ing.



the choo in; ha


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erges, cas imere , cheviot , wor ted -good uit , in a bi choiGe of plain plaid and mixture . nd altogether a fit for <il man of almo t any proportion bade Come oon-the earlier the better. (Lazarus Second Floor)

tripe ,

No Style is Too New or Smart for These SPRING HATS AT $5 An Unusual Value--They Are from One of the Leading Makers It took deep planning and much diplomacy to get uch hat at 5-the fen' Hat hop i proud of them. Firm, mooth felt and nicety of makin that typical of much higher price .ewe t mall hape for the yo un o-- f llow , and other for the _ more conservative men. Pearl and da rk gray , t obacco, seal- -...... brown, new green. Other Hats at $4 to $10-including Borsalinos and Dobbs ( Men's Hat Shop-First Floor)




Sprout Speaks on Lincoln. Paul . prout, a leader of la t week' Y. M. . . meeting took for ubjcct "Abraham Lincoln." his .\fter outlining the chief point of great ne s in Lincoln's life he drew from it many lesson which may well he applied to our own li ves. The Xominating Commi ttee reported nominations for next year's cabinet

offices. which will be vo ted upon in two weeks. ------" II aboard," yelled th conductor. '' Hold on." shouted a · feminine voice. "ju t wait till I get my clothe on." A choru s of a toni hed ga p and then-enter a woman with a ba kct of laundry!


Delightful Evening E . cl i Barr a prominent . . c of oluiu:\1 " n1oye banton • 1 e Ethyle Wright, Helen Jan e bu and Pauline Daugherty entertain. It's an Ill Windbl e~ a number of local and olu mbu £nend Thur day ev ning wi th a Th e anci nt Greek enjoyed a fudge par ty_ve~y delightful evening ing jog• wa spent m making cand d , ded pres ·mg game . The mo t Y an Pla.yTheir trou er never neeI om at tacheS, . . part of th . . appreciated But to th eir joy ome- go 'ke their Yaried olo e, c~mg wba a number o[ They had no plac to tn given Y Mr. Robert match ..- hronicle.


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