Gui tner, Alma Sept. 1111\ 7S Wes t College Avo
au att
FEBRUARY 28, 1921.
ar ina
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No. 21.
>-'age Two DR. SWAN Noted
H I G HL Y ENJO Y ED TRU STEES PLAN GR EAT ADVAN C£ L ecturer Speaks Twice To (Continued from page one.)
Mr. E. L. Sh uey of Dayton , P r esi- 1 dent of the Board, presid~ at the neet ings which were no t only the bes t 1
Make it the Best ·
fir st stru ctur es to be built and which attended b ut by far the mo st forward- 1 Select your luncheon supplies of is to be co mpleted and ready for use, looking meetings that the Board ha accord ing to present plan s, wit hin two had 111 yea rs. The entire spirit of the The loca l Y. M. (. A. wa s fortu- yea rs from elate. A long wid1 the gym- meetings was one of optimism and ag- ' Moses Stock Grocers nate in securing Dr. E. L. Swan, who nasium or possibly at a S()mewh2 ~ gressive ach ievemen t a nd th e present is lecturing in th e intere st of social ea rli er date will come a new dormi- fin an cial plan~ represe nt the needs and t 11\·giene, to speak to the students laS tory for women which is becoming a planned goals _of t~e nex t five yea rs Wednesday af ternoon and eveni ng. very se ri ous need. Pencliag it s con- only , after which tim e th e expand ing \ lb He spoke to both men and women struction t empo ra ry bl.!ilclings will be program of th e college will be cared F :ne, Fresh Pean ut Candy ........ 25 c • at Lamber t Hall in the afternoon a nd rented or purchased to meet the needs for as the need sha ll dictate. Nuttines ..............................:........... 25c. lb. to the men at the regular Y. M. C. A. for larger rooming facilitie; fo r OtterIn addition to the tru stees them- Salted Peanuts ............................ 19c lb, me eting which was held on Wednes.. bein's you ng women. The ad dition of selves, the Conference up erintend ents clay instead of Thursday night. . th ese builcli_ngs wi ll necessitate an ~n- of thei co-operati ng co nferences were K eefer's l n the afternoon, a lthough speak- largecl heat111g pla nt which, along with in atten dan ce a was Dr. Schell, ing to a rather small audience, his j a new home for th e President, an e n- Secretary of the Board of Educati on. talk was interesting and inspiring iargeme nt of th e library, a dormitory - - - - -- · I throughout. His lin e of th o ught was' fo r men, and a new chapel, is included W . H . VANC E P ASS E S AWAY a sp lendid tribute to the lives of in th e first plans. (Con t inued from page one.) the young ladies, telli ng them of the The committee on administr at ion "Bill" Vance will be remembe red for influence they could haYe with men made a ve ry fine and he lpful repo rt his su nny m il e and ffable di posi and citi ng several ins tances during on th e infor ma t ion secured by qu es- ti o n. He ha d m a ny fr iends a nd his 27 W. M ain St. the wa r w here th e influence of a few ti ona ires submitted to t he fac ulty loss w ill be keenly fe lt. T he a bund Westerville, 0 . g irl s was r espo ns ible fo r th e savin g m em be rs. T he two o utstand ing fa cts .ance o f fl ora l tribut es and th e pres Repairing done while you wait. revealed .ar e fir st that nearl y all of the ence of m any fri end-s was evidence of of m a ny soldi er s. Aga in in the eve nin g, at the m en' s pro fessors ar e carr yin g m ore cla sses th e es tee m in w hich he was held . A Men's sewed or nailed half soles, s am e price. ra. m ee ting, Dr. Swa n held th e in teres t than can be mos t effic iently handl ed n umb er o f hi fo rm er asso ciates a s Ladies' sewed soles, 25c ext o f a rath er large attendan ce of and that additio nal ins tru cto rs must we ll as evera l fr iends of his s ister parlor. m en. He expl a ined th e ph ysiological be secured ; eco nd, that the standa rd Ma r y, wh o i no"Y a ophomor e in' L a dies' a nd Gents' Shoe Shine r ea on s · fo r th e d'evelopement o f of sc holarship is fa ll ing in eve ry de- Otterb ei n, at te nded the fun eral service D. GROCE vir il e yo ung manh ood a nd why pa rt me nt and t hat more stri ngent T he sympathy o f eve r y O tterb ein youn g m en hould stri ve to d evelop regula t ion must be adopted to main- fri end goes o ut to the family in t heir th e high est e fficien cy poss ib le. Dr. tain t he high grade o f work in i ted bereavement. S wan us ed the sto ry method to upon a t O tter bein. - - - - - -tendid illus tra te hi points an d w_ith fine Essay on Creation. W e have just received a sp T he committee oa t udent life ub• · e a b roa d ex- m t·tt ed a ver bal r eno "- ,rt 0 11Jy and are Man wa made before woma 11 assortment of O·1nghams. effect. He has ha d q uit . h f •... 29C pe rience a a m edical ma n in .the contin uin g their study o f social con- Wh en Go d looked a t 4 he a id 32 ann y and has lectured, according" to ditiou and agenci_e at Otter befo and " W ell, tha t's< p retty fai r b ut I think' me or .......................... ···":" 3Sc 32 i nch for .-.................................;... SOC · tions · o n w n·1c h t h ey w 1·11 I ca,n do o e_tter than tha t." So h e . h f • ~ his ow n stat e ment, to m ore men on o th er institu 32 me ·ect of social · hyg iene than ender a complete r epor t in th e Ju ne made w o man . Ma n was made an or .......................................... 90C r th e Subl inch for ··············-······················· . m eeting. M eanwh ile th eir repo rt in- God rested the seven th day. Womand 32 · th e u 111·ted St~te any ot h er man . , 111 ~ 2001 D. t all our }losierY· stru ct th e facu lty to carry out th!' wa mad e . an d' neither God nor man 1° iscoun on VALUABLE BOOKS DONATED policies al ready laid dow n. ha had a ny r e t evet s ince. THE OLD RELIABLE Student Audiences U nder Aus of Y . M . C. A .
A t Dr.
The Star Ra Shoe Repairi
. Streets Corner of State and Main
31 W . College Ave.
oaro '
Citizen Phone 110
Bell P hone 190
Westerville, Ohio
E very good new tyle brought out by the e famou maker 1 here; at J? rices .from $4 t o 1.0--ne.w nar~o w r.oll brim hape , other w,1 th wider bnm -1n rich new olid color ancl rnjxture - featuring--
A Nobby New
By Appointment
===.====~. ~
W. M. Gantz, D. D.S. DEN4'IST
15 West Mallory Hat at = = Bell P hone !, = -area,l nappy t~at ha all the quality and = =
rran gem ent hav e been m ad o that an y stud ent who desi.res the e te..xt s may make application to the lib raria n and if th e r equ e t is grant- : ed may u e the book during an ent ire sem ester .
"It's a wi. e tudent that knows the cla record of he fellow he is copy~ ing from ."
College Ave, phone 161 Citizen
~y le that p~ut into a haf-guaranteed t o === ====-1ve lono-, ah factory ervice. =- G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. East College Av , nue
~m1111IU1111~11111111111111111····MJ'ffli~, ,,mum ·
llllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 Citizen 26
a •
Page Three
'18. ' in thH. Roscoe Brentlinger, a sen ior b ~ Harvard Law Schoo l has een s1g11 II I ' of th ' a Y ionored in being th e one 15 Year' d to be gra uates to be invited Lo . coine a mem ber of the law fi rm of r111g c r ton M' 00 tdge, and Nob le of Bosher ' of as th eachusetts . · The senior me mthe M firm ts enator Loring of Brentt·assachu etts L egis latur e. Mr. 1h' enter th e fi rm as soon a. he Iiinger . w·11 n1she , is cour se at Harvard. ·11· Claire V H ff ing in the . · o ert, who is teach-
. c p t re11 ch • a o r of the nited 1 urcher at Gallo w~y, Ohio ltcc led a lead tied e fut eva . of o.n_g m a very llr on early . ngelt tic campaign car111 Febru C! Lr · 1 , 95 '' en chUrch at ar m the United ('; 9g D nion Furnace, 0. "laud, r. and M hn e Barne ) r . W. B. Gantz cai; ~Pent a of Detroit, Michiti . •hort ti . i.. Mr me wit~~ 11 • the 6 sister le• r ·t ' m.1s T" L '10 of last irza . Barne ' of .\Vl'he R. Week. et everend W I allon ervilJ e I f a ter A. Knapp Cond' Penn yl e t. la t week fo r L ebltct van,a h . , an ev .' w ere he w11l 11. ,, , ange l1 tic . lJ . YV. p cam.pa1gn, lltted ,., auJ B 11 lilttor orethren ar, l?a tor of the ~a}'t:~ Ohio, Wacs ur_e l_1 _at No:Jh Ba_!-
SECOND "WORSE" Wilt thou let her have her way, Cons ult her many wishes, Make the fire every day A nd help her ~ash the dishes?
through the chapel floor he sank, He faintly moaned , •·r WILT."' -Froth
" Have ye Micky?" "Sure, he's saw. You're he's thinner together !"
th e
age:: t .
the thinnest man I eve r thin , and I'm thin but than th e two of ti put I
Miss Harley Leads Endeavor. "There are useful lives among eYery race and in every land", Miss Harley stated in her leader's talk at Chris tian Endeavor Sunday evening. To illustrate this point, brief sketches were given of t he lives and works of a FOURTH "WORS EST" number of g r eat men and women who And then hi s fa ce grew pale and have been of service to the world. blank: Man son Nichol s will lead the con secration meeting next week. Tt was too late to jilt, THIRD " WORSER" Wil't thou comfort and suppo rt Her father and her mother, Aun t J emina, Uncle John, Three sisters and a brother?
tory ·Th eatre. On Sunday afterno0\11 Governor Morrow of Kentucky spoke at Meinorial H all before about twentyd five hundred men and just prece GI Cl b gave a ing th e address the ee u half hour conce rt. The next day th they were escorted to all three of e -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!""'"-----------• Dayton high sc hools and were mo t '.!_!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII en th u iastically received . After one of these concerts it . was _gathered from pretty good aut h on t y th a t Otterbein's bunch of merry..-makers " took" better than any college crowd th at had been there to appear b e-
burg, Ohio high chool at Mechanicsliigh S ' was la t week g ra nted a tate b c1i ool Life Certificate by the '91 Oard of examiners of Ohio. . Edgar L W . of Columbus, h b0hio ' w,.1I on ·M emland ber of a law fi arc_ 1 become a memy himself J rm m that city fo rm ed l . Doud ' Th anies B. Kahle and Harry the Ne ·F· ey will have offices in '07 ' w ir t ational Bank Building. fo r e th e tudents. • 09 M t noon of the same da y they _sa ng (Eita A , k r. and Mrs. F . A. Ri sley f h a embly of at1onal of n eny) , h or a uge Freet an"1 t eir son Franci Cash Register. emp loyee , after an ti~ed in th· own ' \V e t A£ nca, · have ar- interesting trip through t b e f ac t ory. 1 their ~ountry on furlough from Foll ow·ing the ·concert th e boy _were tr1sion. Work 111 ti 1 e United Brethr en d inn er the guest o• £ the Company for . 'Is, in tbe office r ' dini ng' room . The tia Mi M:ab I . t1·nle fo r departure drew on, and Gl!_e to Har e 1chols, whose mar1 k aJ1011, Ohio ol~ R. Geiger, '17, of they left th e Gem City already oo th early · ' w,IJ be an event of the ing forward to_ the time when ey d1nner Pring at th w as gue. t of honor at a co uld e,ome again. . . h 1:. t Saturda; Maramo.r in Columbu f cou rse the men were tt~ed, wit 1tend j ' given by several of her husky throat and home-~tck djs~I e11foynedth a~ city. After the dinner but the Otterbein Home 1·t 1·ons ' q a JI po b Club go attlllan. Jo Y theatre party at the authori ties insisted th at t e d Id •~7r, thGuy Cliee k
Wi lt thou take her for thy pard , For better or for worse, To ha ve, to hold , to fondly guard, Ti ll hauled off in a hearse?
tContinued from page one. ) most attractive affair, for in addition to ge ttin g the men acquainted with Dayton fo lks, it ser ved as a nucleus for local peop le from w hich Otter bein ··pep" will emanate for weeks to come. The Y. M. C. audi to rium was c rowded for th e corrcert. Much credit is due to ce rtain of th e a lu mni fo r giving the lub such a fi ne audience, but they declare that n ex t year they will do even better, and wi11 ho ld th e concert at the Vic-
: _-
New Baseball Caps, _Bird, Dictionaries, -. I. P. Leather l"oose · Leaf Note Books, Athletic
: : -
= ~
= = =
Goods, St. Patrick Novelties = We buy ·and.sell second = .. hand books. =
there to ing for tht cJ~ild:~1~ :: tiey folk . : O th ey wen . ot •there they decid ed unan1m_ou - -- , , d g h ou ld not have m 1sse : ly that t ey w . £or anything. that part of th el 1_tt.rtPlly yel led th ei r =--===== The yo1111g ter era d I of tb e Club's caper ' an approva t ed th e co mpliment hy th e men re urn . they bad in g1vt11g theJn eve rytbmg d by , : ·: O f entertail,lm ent an th way 11 of them : k" the r eq uest t 1,at a . ma ,ng t to get acqua1nstay after the conce r I re- : t d II of them were aroP Y . ., e . day on th e roa.u. paid for the£ extrWaesterville on th e : They left o r · hd . f Washington's Btrt ay, morning o rly ten thou- : . before n ea : hav111g s un g . M " 011- Valley. : I the ia sand peop e in SPECIAL CHAPEL SEfRVI C ) ES iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll_l lllllllllllllllllllllii1
= = = =
= =
1 page o ur. d f (Con tinu e ron ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlllllllllg ., . . tur e and praye r . h crtP p sident of th e § 'er vice wit § E • L · Shuey' reddressed the li ---- -.-...... Then 0.,,,. tar ' l e ~ Board of Trustees aAn ad'cled fea11\ent . UStc Student s ! s·tt1den t body briefly. ' GI -., 'ng ro to ' in suff' . Club which er, any of h ic1en t announce- J ture wa th e Mens ee nurr1bers in 1'!tltr 11ot «la Pre ent t fc nHt 1· c tud eu ts rendered a fcw se lected all forth 0 ~ th e photo la t uch admirable style as to c ~Ctl Thi 1lt·, ,. "lond f ay M picture w1·11 b e an ava la nc h e Of applause. W dnesday 11 '-'ho h ront ~f Larch 7, at 4:00 p, s th e chapel 2 n . e [ro~ a an}' ave b amb ert H 11 . t recovering but in• ti.,_ een e a . IL morning wa JUS •1 ~,e th· nrollcd . . . ·t of unknown Rice ts Ye m music at n:iidnJght v1s1 licitously 1~ i;. ~ club ar a11d II . t· s who so \ 5' Ot s, lllan . a. member dus trious pam e!" in honor 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,ii cnielllbchestra :0!111 club and col- decorated the chapel seats I ervice 11111111111111 . er the d s ould be prese nt. of th e Trus tees, the- chape s ay and hour · h Id · , n th e church. were e ,
hi 0
: Ohio vi 1t111g fn nds 111 111 ' recent! '"TT a rev· Y- .ne also a 1va1 se · · L11ua, • ' earJ Y in the rv1 ce m mo11 th
You can't beat the "eats" at the
i- LENDON•i: H0tE = = I= r~~~:~ -:.-: ;:-:: : :-: ::: : ~::~:: : : : : : : _:':::~: - ~~ -= = Try some good old buck wheat cakes like
mother used to make.
J. C.
ROACH, Prop.
J•age Four
doubt it? Deni so n issue s thirty num- \ gram they have laid out will make ber per ye 4 r; Woo ter, thirty-two; ' history for our college. D I A R Y O F A COCHRAN H eidelberg, thirty-two: \Vittenberg,: Let u all join in the new era of H ALL GIRL previously twenty-fiv e. this year growth and accomp lishment just bePublished Weekly in the interest of thirty; , orthern, thirty-two; W esley- gun. The plans are at once ambition By " O n e of 'em." Otterbein by_the an. thirty-five; Hiram., thirty-three; and deliberate. They challenge us to I OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING Baldwin-Wa ll ace, twen ty. measure up to big demands. Ever y k came BOARD Of course we are glad to put out a son and daughter of Otterbein is Mcnday 21. At laS t a c Iiec eeks \,V ester ville, Ohio good a paper and as many issue as grateful for the forwa rd-looking pro- I from hom e! F_or_ the paS t two w Member of the O hio College Press ca nt ily on pos ible and we had hoped to print gram adopted by our leaders and will I\ 1 have hecn I tvmg ver y A ssociation a paper each week. We would have pledge full allegiance to the cau e of three ce nts and a street ca r ti cke\ done so but for unfore een condition s a "Grea ter Otterbein". I Had a notion to send home ome STAFF - - - - - - - -these smart ·'S. 0. S. , P. D . . ~ Editor-in-C hief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 which are adding about one-third to Those Class Numerals . notices that you read about but inA istant Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 the co t of our paper stock for the . d 1ly year. That i a neat little sum. And Rumor of pring football practice stead l sent only gentle, mat ei Contributing EditorsEsther Harley, '21 money talks. Moreover when money bring back to u certain vague prom- reminders of my sad condjtion. A. W. Elliott, '23 Business Mana ger .... J. W. George, '22 talks in that vein someone must an- ises of some month ago in conn,;ction Tuesday 22. G eorge ,s birthday. . , wer. Hence the little pronounc ment with the awarding of class numerals to George Wash111gton t . , s I mean. Don Assis tant Business Managers. ]. P. Schutz, '23 with which we began . those worthy warrior who •·scrubbed" , 5 bir thknow when the rea l Geor ge , T. E. ewell, '23 A professor last spring complained for th e Tan and ardinal last fall. · · · ome Circulation Mgr . .. Marvel Sebei1:, '21 day i · but I suspec t that 1t 1 111 J hoW to u that we were putting out too Thi recognition i well-deserved by As i taut Circulation Managers picturesque month like une,Harriet Hays, '22 few issue for the sub scr iption price. eve ry F res hman and" ub" who s hared co uld it be otherwise? Trustee bega n Lucile Ewry, '23 Vvith all due re pect for the p rofessor's the knock throughout the football t bags · · b h sea on. to straggle in laden with carpe Athletic Editor---········ M. N. Funk, '21 It i and fat well:fed smiles. They came Local Editor ·-··-····· H . W. Troop, '23 op1111ons we eg to sugge t t at he aid that the awarding of th e e to Cociiran Hall for dinner, an d we Alumna! Editor ..... Alma Guitner, '97 was not thoroughly familia, with con• ith iceExchange Editor ........ P. K. Noel, '22 dition in other college a revealed long-awaited trophies await a necesCochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 in the data above. Of course we ap- 3 ry r evi ion of the con titution of the had chicken and cherry pie • w to k"d ·1 · A oc1ation. · Literary Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 prcciate the fact that someone wants A t hi etic It i to be hoped cream perched on top. Trying . k 1"11 g w e h h · "the " dignitaries" into thul . Address all communications to The to get the paper and is willing to read t at uc action as may be necessary have such royal food as a steady di et. Otterbe in Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. it. It would never do for us to ad- will "nat·d be much longer delayed . t,·on to College Ave., Wester vi lle, Ohio. mit it but that makes us feel mildly Tlie gn der " urely rate that m uch W ednesday 23. Funny ensa rd Subscription Price, $1. 50 Per Year, complimented. It enco urage us in attention. Let's elimi11ate th e r ed have chapel in the U. B. Ch u if paid before November 15; other- fact, but it doe n"t pay our bills and tape and delay and show t he " ub " it was rather nece sary-t h e eats wi e 1. 75 . while we of the taff are glad to invest th at their work i appreciated. native being sitting on chapel . ts Entered as ' second class matter about fifty per cent of our pare time - -- - - - - - fre hly painted by midnight art1 . September 25, 191 7, at the postoffice and un alaried effort in giving our It Hear ~he M :r t b -Maker.s. no doubt the pillars of the college: at Wester ville, 0., under act of reader a s nearly a readabl e sheet as in goe wit out saying that there maybe trnstees! In t he afterno_ March 3, 1879. our poor power lies, we humbly con- will be a capacity hou e out for the they began to straggle ho me aga ut. Acceptance for mailing at special fe that our financial ituation does Hom e Concert of our Men's Glee Went to the girls' ba ket ball game. rate of postage provided for in Sec. not permit of our endowing the b Club, a week from Thur day night fect ly pu r1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized pu - Th t · · I ' ll bet the boys were per •t a l one event that never goes pie with rage hecau e they weren April 7, 1919. lication from our private purse. And bill mu t b paid. A we were ay- begging for an audience. Thi year O b a llowed to watch them. ing a bit ago, money talk . And io tter in ha , a mo t peop le agr ee, b ea kfa st ED ITORIAL reply we ay, " No p aper next week" . the be t Glee Club she has had for Thursday 24. Bacon fho r rangelic Boy, Pag e the Town-Crier ! _ __ _ _ _ _ __ many ea ·on at least. It is our loss puts me in sue an . g th en if we fail to hear the songster We have an announceme11t to make. Hats O ff to the T eam ! We had it thi mo rni~ · f societY elate with John a ter e would be hear d by all. Therethe Yea, Coach! Yea. team! Are they pread joy in thi , their only home apfore, if_ ntony will accommodate u crapper ? Are th ey loyal? Do w pearance. You will wear a grouch the and we walked around- through with hi phra e, "lend us your ear ". love 'em? YEA! Fighting an up- r e t of th e year if you a llow anything oftly-falling snow. Hear yet There will be no paper hill battle again t odd , again t the t? keep you away. Better get your Friday My room-mate went 25 next week. And now before we hand "dope", a•1d again t a team that bad ticket now. · II II alone" week-ending and I am a , a d 011 r back tho e auditory organ let us get won i.xteen out of twenty games and - :.--k-'- - - -- "b l an Th" I mi I wee bl ff them mo t born Y ·1)' one more point aero . There will b e lo t only to Wittenberg in the Conpoore t u ,-the exdrear 1 th;....., th · ues . cu e of the fellow who d d h once happy home echoe con· . I 1u t t h I year, a 1ast, ~ •J · ree l SS ference, our boy aturday night, with Id . . . ec 1are e n to !ia"e -for th year, which mean that ·m-order their fighting captain injured and al- cou not r e ct t e 1~ pu bli c speaking be- with only me in it, but ' · cause he had spramed h" k • Gl fe s that it is qui te a luxury , self to put out a commencemen t I ue we mo t unfit to play carried the fight b . ts nee m ee 1e s 01 I u practice! . . ' . . . a large 20Xl8 room al l to ut . , hall omit anoth r num b er ome t ime to the enemy 111 a thnllmg tilt and 110 ""' in· which to weep or sing or 5 no\\' . . pril. came through with a victory. O ur Weekly Proverb. d. I member will. tudied bar re , 111·1 All honor to our coach, and to our I1 ow we are n Ot altogether Con • T ·tt1 1 t · ·11 he Insurance M a n.' that I dec"1ded to get a ll · 1 in d t h at our lI e proc arna ton wt team, and to it captain I They're a "Ho 11 tly, thi 1 the be t pol1·cy." semester · ca 11 fort h a orm o £ popu Ia. approval game bunch and we're proud of them. Colum· or a hower of enthu ia tic alvo . They will not win any champion hip CALEND Saturday 26. Sojourned to. "The et it may, for. we ca11 conceive of. thi year. Everyone know that in the Sat urday M h. 5- AR bu to ee David Warfield in -,as . , It ' . . f er f ' arc ur r ader . a ed mg 0k very _nature of thing they could no . Ba ket Ball, apitol here Return of Peter Grtm01- ., pook " 11 grate.fut relie at emg a owe a wee Deprived of th three - main tays o.f- Thursday M h · man,elous but I expect the to· of calm and quiet, undi turbed by the la t year' team vith all new talent GI e j b ~~c 10to walk in my innocent d rea111sbeat ·c · I· d tal . . . u n.ome concert , • k we drone of pro Y e d tcoria an e lll hg1ble to play and with the hard- Friday M h · night. nd then to thin· ·ght . d , arc 11ball tot11 new . I n t h at ca e a 11 1 we 11 an t chedule we have v r Ii ted Coach1 le I b 1,· Ohio orthern in ba ket. " of everyo1~e i hap~y. . H~wever in ~ e Ditmer ha fa cd a Hercule.a~ task. Saturday, ~a:~h Ave. Columbu almo ends me rnto "co~nipt~: :1neth ome d1 ent a.n . pme or our _wee. y The tory of the pa t two game is the Beautiful Baffling "B ff . " happine . My cup of J~Yl our neJ' t appearance, we rt e on our vene t t~p- be t tribute we could offer to the abil- Wednesda a a1re. over. I hall not want unt1 other toe to announce that _onl)'. throu h ~1r_c ity of our coach and the loyalty of :15 Y, March 16- . game and then I shall wan t an nece ity do we relmq_m h the pnv1- our team. Our hat i off to them! Thursdp. m. Faculty Recital. victory. h' lege of cattering our u ual creed. _________ ay, March 17WhY, o . It' like tbi . Tan and Cardinal Y ea, O tterbein! Debate, Otterbein v Sunday 27. I'm lo~e ooie~ JuJ'urY to Mu hlnwhy did I ever say 1t was to tbe reader are gettu.1g more paper and a To write a di ertati.on that would gum a t College chapel. be alone. I hall r u h do wn c1a01or better grade of paper- toe k, we are do ju tice. to the ig1uficance of the M~1~ 0 .... ma te , . ·, ,peaking oi, not r ading matte.r,-than rece.nt meetin~ of the "Board of TrusY. \ · Cabinet Retreat. • car to meet ,my roowd O 11c1 0 0111 the reader of any other colleg pap r l es would require tjme .;nd ability W ednesday, March ca r ry their bags h_ \ : hope of mo uthfu l, that we. do not have at our comrna n.d. E~ ter V a cation Begins in t h e late at our price. tou ly help unpack in t d cakes finding a couple of° devil' ~-fo o good you ay? \ \ e back that statement. Therefore we content our elve with 0 11 In addition to that they are getting aying in a imple way that their a mule we find t w o leg s behin d they brought me f or being a nd more i sue per year t han the aver- meeti ng w ill ~tand a a land.mark in two we find before. ' girl in their absence. age college paper pu t out. You the annal of Otterbein. The pro- We go behind before we find ~ } 1 10 ! ha t the two beh ind b e for. Hear the Glee Club THE OTTERBEIN
Page Five
we ca nn ot ignore it. It is a sta te of mind, if you like, without national reason fo r bei,i _; but we cann ot cu re it a j w e cu r..: some personal dis(This page will carry each week a representative production from the o rders hy ceasi ng to tli ink about it. ~i;ograms of one of the four literary societies, selected in such manne_r as Many speakers grow eloquen t plead each may determi ne. The rotation will be regular unless censors fail to ing th at we shou ld rec eive a ll na ti ons with open hea rts. But th ere is a subm it production s in proper t ime for publication.) natura l inborn fee lin g of an ti pat hy OUR ORI ENTA L P ROB LEM first fee lin gs of misgivmgs towa rd between races. We who live three · Philophroriea. Ameri ca were ·caused by th e se ttl e- th ousand miles from the Pacific can -"T here is noth in g th at makes a ment of th e Russo-Japanese War not have the unders tanding of the ma n suspect much more th an to The fate ex-Presiden t Rooseve lt was one who has th e Orienta l as nergh kno,w little and the:efore m en sho uld th e m ediator and on him th e Japan ese bor or business competitor. Herbert · · · rem ed Y susp 1·c1on . by procuring to Ja i·d th e b lame for th e loss of an Spe 11cer w as a n ad voca t e o f k eep111g ow more and not to k ee p their expected la rge indemnity. I mmedit he races at arm' s length of each kn uspi-cions in smother," is a state- ate ly a wave of ill fee ling toward our oth e r a s much as possible. Some -~ent accredited to Francis Bacon. country swept Japan. ra cial reform ers have advo cated the ·J!ollowing out such a poli cy in reJapan next · hasten ed to entrench assimilation of races by inter ference . to our O cc ide ntal and Orien- h erself on the continent which was I marriage. To anyone with th e pure tal prob lem would do much to clear against her expressed intentio ns. blood of a good an cestry th e thought up the rumors of war which persis- Her ac t ivity along this line has is bo th r epul sive and revolting. It ~ently weep th e country. done much to dissipate the fri endly would tear apart the fabric of our * * * * * * * * * * * * fe eling of th e United States go vern- social and moral life. Besides, War between Jap a n and th e United , ment. Along with these suspicions marriage between races is a biological . fates is not a newly dis cussed sub- has come the f~ar _that a strong problem. Biologists tell us that " if Ject. Fo r o ve r a century it h·a s been nation wou ld arise 1n the far eaSl you mix the const itutions of two a topic for s tates m en educators, which wou ld .e ndan~er .our com mer- wide ly divergent varieties which have POiiticians d . ' It h cia l policies and aspirations. severally become adapted to wide ly an agitators. as f h bee? u ed as a football by bo th One of the 'fir~t phases. 0 t e divergent modes of life you get a capitalists d W Japanese ques ton 1s our a'thtude to- constitution which is adapted to th e . ined h an 1a 1Jor.' e areW now . e Is land s. There mode of life .of ne ith er, a constituti on Jncl Id wa rd the P hilliprn .owever, sin ce th e or • h h u ·1 d Ill e which will not wo rk properly be\ 'ar, to li sten to th e words of for- are four relations w 111c can assume WI th ese cause it is not fi tt ed to any set of ni r proph ets for all of us have in States Our sul . . possessions. First, we may continue condi ti ons whatever. By all means, or fo bJcon d c10us minds some inkling otir present relati-o n. . Second, we (Cen t ir.ued on page eight) h . re o ing of an armed oonflict With th . may cut loose from them altoget er, GLEE CLUB GLEA N INGS Ab e O nental. As James I . d d bo tt has aptly said "One is g ran t th em comp ete in epen ence. th ~re likely to believe in 'earthquakes Yet how long woul d it be ?efore e We hope th e Manager will not be : ~n in th e presen ce of one." p resen t con~ition s in Mexi_co wo~ld arrested for pro fi te ering. The net * * * * * * * * * * * be duplicated. It is th en lt~e 1Y t at proceeds on the tri p amounted to The h o th er na tion would wterfere f t . ht t ht or y-e1g cen s. . c ances for an armed conflict some With Jap an, are great Here a rc. two ancb the Filipino is in wor e Pig ---nah~on separated by. an ocean over than ·before. The Upited States would It seems that the "Paper K ing" wi ll w icb th ey have been wres tling fo r have lost an opportunity to render have to sell an ex tra note-book to· a se rv ·i ce to a dependent people and pay hi s fine for missing the L ewis. that tc supremacy. It has been aid . woul d have Jost much wealth. Thir d , bu r g concert. cau b every wa.r has an economic . ome say assume a protectorate. J t. We are willing to wager after the 1 a sentimental begi11111ng. u uld thoo be our duty to pro t ec t A. glanc to h o e ath your history is sufficient wod · t how Jon g woul d it be b e f ore roya l en ter tainment the men receiv ed in Dayton, that they will admit , w t e truth of this s ta tement. It an JUS , . . va an th ese poople, igno rant m mte;- that th e patriotic s tudents from that t' al conduct would involve us m tb b eco nomic cause which lay at t own were not "spoofing" when th ey b e ottom of our war with Spai11 na 1011 · .. Mut_ it took only the sinking of the a crucial war. F inally a Joint p~o- used to claim they came from the a1n e to . fi h tectorate has been proposed with Gem City of the Un ited States. i raise the country to g tI d d ng heat I ·Un 1'ted States, Japan. Eng an a1_1 Wh' · t was an economic cause B h They tried to put Joh nny Mayne \.' ' ich lay at th e root of the World F ran ce as sovereign st.ates. ut is'var but , t has proven treaties and agree- in th e joke box at Steele, but he was ch , 1t took only a mlirder to ory . f no too big a joke to get in. ange th f f meats a re mere scraps o paper me rce · te peace ul conflict o com- , tter bow much we attemp t t o Th ·nk th Ill O a conflict with arms. ma , v alue th.·ink otherwise. T h ere ·is no Let t hose w ho think Glee Cl ub 1 '"outd en how easy a m a tter it feer be to have a wave of war in a contract which cannot b e en- traveling is· all fun be q.u ickly dissin ~g weep the entire country if- a forced. h illusioned. This ti me we came out hog le act against the United States It is then easily seen t at our pre- at the wrong end of a financial score u d. bear th t attitude is the beS t we can an<l had to come home on a bea tly inJf e mark of the Orienta I• sen with these islands. We are . h Id' s"nokn.:- of our warships were to be assume terurban . d • " h benevolent act m o i ng 11 t e harbor of Buenos Ayre The train to Lebanon made w omg a I avo~1d~ Ou]d have litfle difficulty jn them for in Japan's hands t ,ey "blamed" poo r speed if any. During 1ng t would be in a constant state of ~prouble but if it shoul d J · an has shown by h er action one of the intermissions in the jour occur . ney "Wes" Seneff's voice was heard to Who cotn Idthe harbor of Yokahoma, .roar.K ap what th e p Ill·11·ipmes · can· ext top a eeorea d it is certain that, w 1'th th e ca ll out, " Cross-roads ! .. , u . d foretell the result? I t m COtintr ev1 ent that throughout the· expect anen t of the Filipino, Japan d o uble house!" h th Ori Y an An ti-Japanese or Anti- t empe ram ental . . . . could not control fur th er t an e Which . enttment 1s crystalhz1t'lg The orchestra was playing. The 1 tro·ubie ~ th e end must bring serious ranAgfethooufg~er t~;:sPhillipine que tioo op rano soloi s.t was screaming around * * * if not actual a rmed conflict. the high G while the leader directed with * * * * * * * * * *. is. a n, iJn.Portaat Origi.nau· d •epone t yetbetween by far the his baton. Tommy was frantic. O tra fti Y the Japanese were ex- Occide.nt a~ :; difference i that " Mamma, w ha t's he shaking that for to ~ Y toward the United States· g rea~est pointe race question. - Race stick at her for?" l'he h. er they owed th eir progress. r elatmg t~ th il and w should " Sh!-He's not shaking it at her." lllen t .1story of the fo rward move- prejudjce is an. ~ .ble means .to "Well then what's she hollern' 1n Jap . . . by all possi · ,,, ad-vent . an 1s the history of the stri ve . own sake. But aboutr of we t ern civilization . The eradi~ate it or our
_Literary Department
P lace and Tally Cards, Loose Leaf Note Books, Films and F ilms Developed at Hoffm an's Rexall Store If it isn't worth while
If you com e once you will come again. Westerville Bakery What's the Use?
Change o( _Address Johnson, the P ennant Man has moved to E L M WOO D PLACE
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A. A. RICH The Insurance Man Abstracts, Loans Notary Public WOLFE'S MEA T S
Are good to eat. Phone your Order.
Bell 46-W
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The _College Avenue M,E AT MARKET B. W . WELLS THE TAI LOR State and M~in Streets Cleanina and Pressing
Page Six .
OTTERBEIN DEFEATS NORTHERN Ditmer's Scrapping Quintet Springs
Surprise by W a-lloping Fast Seniors Down Juniors While F irst Results Last Week. Northern Five Year Girls Sophs Locals Play Stellar Game Losing to Mattoon , 28 ; Bl endon, 2. Quin t et "BearcatS:" t7by Single Priest, 1; Town, 0 (forfeited). TEAM WORK IS PERFECT Point Tuesday (B y our Co-ed Sport Wnter ) Reed, 48 ; Coo k, 16 . L ocals' Strong Five Man Defense The enthusiasm with whi ch th e coThe Tan an d Car d .ma 1 put up w h a t McRil l, 33; Bishop, JO . of was perhaps their best fight of the Final St anding of the Clubs and Everlasting F ight Do eds entered ia1to the fi rst game II W L st p t ·the eries of inter-class b1sket ha , Year W hen they were nosed out by Club on c · the Work the University of Cincinnati five in a McRill ...................... 7 o 1000 Wednesday, foretold a nsc of i~tere t contest full of thrills, and which Priest .......... ................ 6 1 .857 In one of the scr,a ppiest games Ill women's athletics in Otterbein. ended with a score 30 to 29 in Reed ............................ 5 2 .714 seen on the. local floor for ome time The first game was Sophs vs. favor of our opponents. Town ............... .......... 4 3 .571 Otterbin won from Ohio orthen~ Freshmen . The teams seemed c,·enThe game was a hot battle through- Mattoon ...................... 3 4 .429 by the score of 23 to 22. Incidentally ly matched for a few minutes. Zura out even though th e University was Bishop .................... .... 2 5 .286 it was our fi r st conference victory. Bradtield, Freshman, made the 5r st never headed by Coach Ditmer's Blendon .................. .... J 6 . 143 orthern had been defeated b u t once goal. The score at the end of the scrappy quintet. Cinc1nnati opened Cook .... ........................ O 7 .000 this year by a Conference team and fi rst half stood 9 to 4 in fa vor of the up at the start and ran up a twelve The Boarding Club League finished that was by Wittenberg. Freshmen. Several substitutions point lead. However, Albright and th e season last Saturday w hen the Mc- Although Otterbein lead the score were made during th e second half in White came through with baskets at 'Rill Club took the champ io nship by the most of the game yet there was both teams. A lthough the game was the opportune moments and• at the defeating the Bishops by the score of -on ly a few points of difference at any fast and hard fought the Fre hmen end of the first half we were only 33 to JO. The champions have not period. The fi r t half ended with ended decidedly victorious with the three points in the rear. Jost a game and do not have a for- Otterbein leading by one point. Al- score 21 to 5. Close guarding w a a feature of feited game to their cr edit. ti righ t who was playing in whi.rlwind The J uuio r-Sc nior game was a the second period and although The Priest club, last year's pennant fashion was . h urt when he wa ··t h ri ller" as th e score was close Otterbein outscored her oppon~nt-s winner, ended in th e runner up posi- thrown into the heating pipes. He throughout. The end of the tirst, in this half she lacked one point of tion with but one game charged to the went out .but returned to the game econd and third quarters found the tying the score when the whistle Jost column. The T o wn aggregation shortly and looped two through the Juniors in the lead by from one to ended the contest. ended the sea on by forfeiting to the i.ron rim. However he wa greatly three points. During th e last quarter Aibright put up a classy game, Priests and falling to fourth place. weakened and wa compelled to re- th e Junior kept the score two point swi hing the net five times a.nd markThe Reed Club, materially strength- tire from the game and R. J . Wbite in their favor until a clever shot by ing up nine out of twelve fouls. ened by addition of m en the second ook his position at center. Marvel ebert tied the score at Erwin and Coons were th e high semester clo ed their schedule by adThe second half was all fi.ght from eleven all with a half minute to J,ilaY· co rer af the Unive rsity of Cincinn- ministering a 48 to 16 defeat, with the tart to finish. R. J . White in his In the overtime period neither teatn ati fi ~e, each making nine points. Cooks a the victims. . fir:s t game for the Tan and Cardinal scored for four mi.nutes. Then Mi 5 Otterbein Th Mattoon Club b)'. troun_eing th e I u_p very · creditably. Albright Sebert came throught wi th another P layer B. F. T. Blendon , 28 to 2, went mto fifili place. replaced him in the la t -few minutes ba ket and ilie game. · Ranck ····-················· ···· O O O · The ea on from every standpoint The entire Otterbei n squad played Monday, February 28 , the Seniors Barnhard -·-- ·-~ - - O O O has been a very ucce fol one. Great well and howed th e r e ult of the. will meet the Freshmen and the Albright (C) ................ 5 9 19 interest has been shown in the games weeks of tr!Uning by Coach Ditmer. Junior s the Sophomores. Schreck ·········-··-·-····· 1 O 2 and material has been .developed which Their pas work wa nappy and White ....................':"....... 2 O 4 will make a strong bJd for berths OIJ. ilieir hoo fing accurate. Wh·t SPORTING NOTES , . R I e, P rie t ·········-···-.-··········· 2 0 4 next year .s varsity. . a.nck, and Prie t did some excellent George ····-=··········-······ 0 0 0 B~low is found a umm ar y of the guarding. chreck brought the crowd It was a bit of- hard luek at Cin~ . cormg. don.e by each club. to ilieir feet whe.11 he placed the cinnati. Great improvem 1 t in th~ , ,. Total ······- ······-·····-·········-·················· 29 M-cRill, l73 ; Oi;>ponents, 52· Otterb ein force ahead at two passmg and shooting was noticed. Reed, 146 ; Opponent , 80. different l ime with· long h t With no losses through graduation Cincinnati Town, 130; Opponents, 90. ' For Ohio¼ . orthern Vin-o:u: made and tl1e new F re hmen to dra,y F. Player B. T. Mattoon, t , 103. fo urteen· of the,·r tw n t Y- t wo · pomt . . .100; Opponen45 . f rom , nex.t eason hou Id b e a win9 5 0011 •..... ...• 2 • Priest, 88, Opponents, . The · orthern bask e t t eers wer e fast n e r. Th e results of Coac 11 v·t•~ 4 . 1 u• er'· 0 Wj)Jiams. .... 2 Bishop, 88 · Opponents 9 5. and hard fighter an d gave ampL work wa clearly een io th e c 1·ncY 4 0 Liunenan ·-- 2 Cook 74 ; Opponent , 182. n toof w\ly the t d . e 0 B d • ..:' ,r Y• s an so well 111 th e game. 0 Van Pelo .... 0 2 Jen on, 41 ; 0 pponents, 163 . conference tanding. 0 Shirlow . .... 1 The Boarding Club League has 9 HOW'S BUSINESS? and Wesleyan remain to be proved a valuable a ddition to Otter· 1 Erwin ..... .... 4 I ·apitol d Th O ____ P aye · e victory last night gave ·ght 0 Ernest ... .... 0 d h bein' athletic . About eve"nty-ei 0 Geis ......... ..... l ' D ead low," complained the under- : enewe. ~pe to Otterbe in of defeat- players took part in the ·· contests. 2 taker. mg their nvals next Saturday in the Th 1. . . First, · 1 beneficial in two ways. d local " Booming!,' exclaimed th e muui. gymna ium and with the team 1t · develop v ar:,ity' materia 1 an . tion dealer. g omg at uch a clip We leyan w1·11 b r ot b econd, it gLve a large num e . Remember, "A GYM FIRST!" "Gone to the dog ,." growled the e co mp e II ed to tep live},, M ~rch 12. men au opportunity for Ph Ysica 1 J ~ sausage maker . · The Scor e. development. ·• Helen Keller Writes. " Ru h ing" hou ted the date-hound. Otterbein Say! Did you know that th e "At a compl~te tand till," aid the Play r B. F. M iss Helen Keller, '20, former edi cindered? "All things Ranck ········-· ...... : ...... l tor of Public Opinion and now vaca stationer y dealer. 0 , . Priest come to him. who wait ." Just watch 'The poor e t ever," declared the ···················- ··· ···· 2 2 tioning in the south writes the staff th · A lbr ight · tho e tennis court gr.o w under e from Tampa F lorida, that she is en a I m - h ouse m a nagei:. J ·······················- 2 1 pril showers. "Ju t ew, sew," remar ked lhe dres _ White, R. J. •··········· ···· 0 joying the wonderfu l climate and t h e 0 White, L. L. ················ 2 beautiful cenery beyond all power to makec 0 Mar ch 12 our quintet play th eir "All up in the a ir," vowed the Schr eck 3 de cribe. Rathe r an unkind t urn, we 0 6 fi.nal of the season with Wes· Total take it, considering the weath er here avia tor. ········ ··········· ·············· ··-········:··· 23 leyan. We feyan is having a verY and in view of the fact that we have · "Picking up,'' ob erved the rag excellent ea on and will shoW a never knowingly done the lady any picker. speedy quintet. "O h baby, grand,'' cr~amed the , wrong. Yet we turn the other cbeek aturdaY C apitol hope the bathing and the boating a r e piano m a n. our gue t next S ·,·evening. 11 hould be in the r ecei "Pr etty Fair," admitted the expo fine, Helen. itio;1 promoter . ing line. "You ay Noah wa the first . f . .. need for prmg ootfall 1s annou . el tauffer-"I have an idea." elec trician ?" March 15. Candidates, take notlC " Ye , lLe made the arc light on Mt. '1 Levi-"Oh boy, boy! Be kind to the will little stranger." Otterbein' baseball schedu Ie Ara·rat." b e annoµnced in the near future.
DCIJ\TIDN Miss Helen Raymond of Cincin~fr · \Villi am Counse llor en te rtain w·1th a dinner party Saturday nat i is visitin g Virginia Blagg. Marjorie Miller gave an im prompevening Th . . . l:ll · e guests were V1rg1111a tu push. agg, Helen Anderson, Be1111y Hee ter M 1"l Mary Tryon is "(risiting h er grandM' drcd Conn, Bo nnibel Yanney, f ar th a Stoffer and Evelyn Judy mother at Deleware. ro':1 Coc hran Hall Mrs. Ralph Srn1th O f W Rev Ea~l c. Weaver· Speaks. . e' and Gladys H e ter vtll Rev. C. Weaver, pastor of the owa rd - and Miss Loney of London. . U nJ·ted BTethren Church. Firs t . Belen Krehbiel and Ruby Som Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and a rner h d }I a as Sunday dinner guests, mem ber o f . the Board of Trustees, I h I Ge en Shutt and Gladys Conway, dressed the student body at t e d a F "d Rev Do~on Hues of O hio State and chapel period last n ay. . • Bratt of Deni son . Weaver, though a young ~n, h~s attained success . m hi-s chosen calling since grad_uatio.n from Otterbein, and Otterbem stude~ts deemed it a privilege to meet hlill
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 = . . §
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Page Se;ven
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Page Eig~-·
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• • -~IIIIIII I I I I I I I I II Ill 11111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111 lllll 11111111111111111 II I II I I Ill 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill llllllllllllll= OUR O RIENTAL PROBLEM (Co ntinued from page five)
I'' 111 111 ,.. 111
Rev. E. ,
:Pa., led th morning.
aver of John town, hapel ervic Friday
' Bill " ta1,1ffer appeare-d again W d n , day mor~ing in a khaki hirt.
. Worman of lev ).fr. IT. vi ited P hilomathea Fr iday night. cRill gav e a pecial upp r ham.pion of th Prune at urday cvenio .
. E . Roo e of Ea t P itt burg e.due day.
fr. Efflo J ho on of Man fie ld vi it d "Hardboil d" Mill r and ' Hom hr w" Heitz ov r the week end. Miller had a feed aturday night a a birthday t ken from hi mother. nd r on brought Howard Bryant from th e W !cyan Tournam nt, where " be re.pre ented kron entral, to vi it tt rbcin. ~fr. Bryant i a prv pec tive tuuent. mong th tru tee that vi ited here after their meeting were Re . Tryon and R v-. Leari h. It i reported that either a Bo-I h v-iki r union or a wedding took place in th vicinity of Cochran Hall day :1 ight. new u e ha been found Chapel period. ee Velma winger for " Ho w to Develop Hou e Plan " dur ing the chapel ervice.