Guitne r, Alma Sept. 1~1 1 75 West College Ave
an att
VOL. 4.
MARCH 21, i921.
C.0'"1P 11{ (. •
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Crowded Chapel Audience Listens to Charming Rendition of French Dramatic P roductions
Debaters Open Season W ith Unani mous Decision at H ome and Split Vot~ at H iram.
Ot terbein Team Gets Only Affi rmative Vote in Triangle In Hot T ilt at Hiram.
Professor and Mrs. A. P. Rosselot and Prof. G. E . Mills Direct, Roles Well Played tr Le Pre entations francaises etaient e bon talk ne,-tres bonne t The muchFrench Plays are now a mat le r ed-of of h.I hi t tory and what a fine bit of Ca ory they make. Too much credit nnot b Part 111 . e given to those who took mitt the play. We wish sp.ace pered ou - . to all th r givmg public recognition e players.
OO~T~!l'~L~L§S:T"~"~~T~~Ci"-~Uc"' ~==~O•~·c~=:5§=::]~=~~~~§e~~~~~ 1b~l' "T"L"'-r,cs c""c How
a~;klingt play, "The Initiation," was farce well acted by com-• fi~
of ~ of ten young ladies. The . work lllent·orothy Bright deserves pecial IOn .
No. 23.
11 '
, ,-.,.6 ,
Wh t he Athlet e Makes Good Down on the Farm. . y · g through the dusty archives of the editorial sanctum Whtl burrowm · a 1·1tt Ie game o f "k eeps" • ble that we ·had J· u t won 111 after an elu ive • marManager we happ ened to tum bl e upon t hc above carwith the B u meAs Hender on, '15, now a weJI - k nown cartoon1· t. I t aptoon by J_amel · . ag jn, at.l Ott r in pt'tblicati n and ;ve r produce it peare4 e.vera years " . ,, with ac.knowledgm nts to Jnnmy .
"'a ~ ~octor in pite of- Him elf" Part title of the econd play. The and R:b taken by Harriet Whistler STUDE NT VOLUNTE ERS MEET tray d ert Martin, were well por '-"ell\.; and Gordon Howard played Annual Spring Conference H eld at o· e role of M. Geronte. Denison During W eek-End •fferetit · Other m every respect from the Local Volunteers Attend to wa the fairy play entitled 1 pring convention of the Continued on page five.) The lannuda outhern Ohio Union of entra dan t olunteer Movemen t was SIBY L STAFF ELECTE D th e tu en h 1 .19 20 at Denison. held Marc of 'the 'conference wa t o Sopholll ores Choose Staff for 1922 The purpo \ as many Chri tian Annual-To Be Diamond bring togt e; ibl in a conference student a P . d and experienced L Jubilee Number ·11 which trame . d f th Id eXplain the nee o cJa at Mon day night the Sophomore • leader ~o~ Id and plan for it lhe Pu~~i~ t~ elect tafE member for non-Chn t1an wor of the ation of next year's number evangelization. k t the conl'bis • college annual the 1922 ibyl. mong the spea erphaC Robins, Ice nurnb • ue wi·1I be the' Diamond JubiDr Jo e . vention were k. Mark Roy Mrs. J . er, 1bat eve er and i expected to feature Dr. B en . on Ba Dr Kenneth Latourette, • l'h nt very prominently. Hal m1th, H L eamon and f e electi Olio,,., . on of officer resulted a ' E. 'Fay Carnpbe ' . . . ded from F ri:~1_1 an~.,•~ a tie vote on T. E. e- M 1. F n·eda Klenk. The conference eXhteln to unday sistant bu·. L. · Hancock a econd • g Marc , !::di . Ille s manager. day ev-enin • h A wonderful1Y 20t · wa reported by h tor-in-ch th evening of e 0 u ine •cf-Lawrence White -· conference in p1nog d La t year , conirculaf Manager-J. P. Schutz. . ho attende • Jubilee E:•on_ Manager-Lucile Ewry. those w ld t Otterbein. C 0 n t r • bd1tor-J · W . S ene ff. • ventio'n wa he a ho atter ded th Among tho e w frorn Otterbein Whisue/ u ting Editor-Marjora . on conference )D eru A.sst, B · ~ . d page two. (Contmue on _ A. t. cts. Mgr,-Wilbur Coon. Or r. Mgr J C li:d· &'a niza ti -- • . Bradrick. Recital PostponedM . . F ac llo •tor --G on and Publication 't 1 by • The faculty re~1hat which was ~• EHen Jeneva Braley, lice Davi. od Wng ' '-Ocat E: .ones. Robinson ba given last week :"a• A.rt t:- . dttor-Ross H 1' II to have een E ter "Vacation. c.d1t 0 • til after a po tpone d un need later. (C:onr r-Henry 01 on The date will be annou tnued on page seven.)
Sophomore and F reshman Speakjng Classic to Occur D uring Second W eek I n April The a nnual Russell Declamation Contest which was po tponed from an earlier date , ill be held in the college chapel some time during the second week in pril. This yearly event i open to ophomores and Fresllmen only and i the re ult of the genero i ty of Dr. Howard Russell who ha provided Uie funds for the premium . The prizes consist of cash award. of 15, $10, and 5 for fi rst, econd and third winner re pectively. elec tions may be chosen from any contem porary or tandard. producti?n of a dramatic nature either senou or humorous. J'he preliminary cont st will b held during the fir t ~~eek of pril, when ix. contestants will be cho en to con (Continued on page two.)
Otterbein's debaters opened the season last week by taking the cham pionship of their first triangle by an edge of one vote when after a clean cut victory by their egative quib bler over Muskingum on the local platform they ent their Affirmatives to Hiram where they won the o-;,ly vote accorded any Affirmative team in the triangle and the only vote received by any team on a . foreign floo r. The first- debate oi the ea on occurred in -the -coUege chapel Thurs day evening, March 17 wheµ Otter bein's negativ team con i ting o . Jayne , J . Gordon Howard and J. Ruskin Howe, (Captain) with H , W. Troop, as alternate, met the affirma tive team of Ml! kingurn college on the conference question, "R~s~lved, that the executive budget . y tern should be adopted by the federal government." (Continuep. on page _two.) MUSIC STUDENTS P E RFORM D elightful Recital Rendered by Stu dents of School of Music on F riday Evening.
One of the be t mu ic r cital of th year wa given in Lambert Hall on Friday vening. Two piano quartet were among the delightful number 'Overture to Oberon", on Web r, played by Faye Byer , Lois Hughe , Loraine Rinehart and Evelyn Dar ling .and ''Poet and Pea ant Overtur '', Von upp , played by irginia Taylor, frginia Wolf , Hazel Dehnhoff, and Byron Wil on. Among the ,vocal ~olo were " lave Song', Virginia Wolfe· " wallow " iola Prie t; ~• For a Br ath o' th~ Publication Board to Elect Moorlands", Loraine Rinehart· "My The Publication Board will . fternoon in it regular monthly Mammy" Ruth Rob;rts; " ea;olitan th I a . f erenade', Donald .Baugher· "Joys of - g at whicl1 time election o • mee t 111 fficer for the en uing year W!ll be pring'', Faye Byer ; "Cradle ong", fargaret Meyer; .and "The Road Q d ~ taken up and acte upon. that Lead o ou", Corli s Monn. All of the e were exceptionally well Easter Vacation. rendered. The Easter recess open . Ruth Mattoon played, a a piano Wednesday, March 23, and contmue hour of the Wedne day olo, "Butterfly"; Ethel Harri , "P n to t he same (Continued on page two.) following.
Page Two
MUSIC STUDENTS PERFORM \ Pin , Etc .. nice as ortment E. J. 9TTERBEIN WINS , orris. -Adv. FIRST TRIANGLE (Continued from page one.) (Continued from page one.) see du Matin"; Marjorie Copeland, '"Dutch" Myer s. '17, visited friend A fi ne enthusiastic crowd was on ·'The Lark's Morning Song"; Do nald over th e week end . · hand to s upport th e local debaters and Clippinger,•"Danse Arabe que"; Mar: Shoes, and Bostonian Walk-Over to wi tness the humbling of O tter g uerit e Wetherell, "Butterfly"; and 10.85. E. J. 5.85, $6.85, $8.85. Hazel Barngrover and Helen nder b in's traditional rival in forensics, o rris.-Adv. and the most ardent supporter of th e son played as a piano duet Ove rtur e to "C. C. C." i not a prescription from Tan andCardinal was not disappoint "Martha". The one violin number an army doctor. The Co~k Club ed in the forceful argum ents and was ·'Meditation from Thai ", Mas Cellar Champ of the Prun League excellent delivery of th e speakers. senet, by Josephine Cridland. The whole program was o well were awarded let ters for participation The case of the negative was well in thi s sport. These letter are a rot1nded and carefully worked out yet arranged and skilfully executed that beautifu l blue denham with a delicate they evidenced no difficulty in adapt it made a very pleasant evening·s enwhite strip . Eight player and the ing themselve to the arguments of tertainment. manager r ~ceived the a ward• their opponents, and car ri ed the fight Glee Club To Vacation In Penn Prof. Grabill wa the recipient la t G et your track smt · froi11 E. the enemy throughout the debate. sylvania On Concert Tour week of' a igned and worn affidavit Adv. Mu kingum was represented by C. While the majority of Otterbein from two uneasy Fro h who com1 B. Grah;m, E . H. Jack on, R. Montgomery ( aptain,) and alternate students are a t home enjoying a ll the p-letely outdid Sherlock Holmes in the STUDENT VOLUNTEERS MEET of detail with which (Continu ed from page one.) R. M. Giffen, who did very creditable delights of a week of pure re t our thoroughne they de cribed and identified "one were. the following: Arthur Peden, poor nomad ic glee club boys will be debating but eemed unprepared to ombat th e plan of legislative bud rushing about Pennsylva nia scatter bra s a)ari:n clock'', which by ome La Vaughn Leatherman, Lill ian Ca rl get which the negative proposed as a ing melody and Otterbein spirit all freak of c1rcmnstance found it way son Russell Ehrhart and Man on solution of present conditions. Ow- over the we tern part of the . tate. from their quiet tudy to the pipes of 1 ic,hol s. the chapel organ and eventually into _______ - . ing to their failure to attack the plan The Club will leave Westerville at Profe or Grabill' hand . It wa an M "ss Kahler Talks on " Ideals." of the negative the cla h of argument :30 a. m., Thursday morning, March intere ting document but it brn ught Because o f the broadne s of th e 24 and will sing at Ea t Pittsburg that was largely confined to the local de the wandering article home. ubject, "Ideals" was u ed again as baters' attack on affirmative argu night, and for the next week will -visit seven of the larger town , including Ath letic Union , Wil on B , the topic for Y. W. last week. T~,e ment. ro. s. d1s leader, Mi Kath erine Kah ler, . hTbe <ieci ion of the judges was un Johnstown a,nd Greensb ur g, and will E. J. orri .-Adv. 11 I cu sed the college girl' need. of ~ an i1nous for the Otterbein team and wind up -its trip at A ltoona, April 1. "Bob'! ·M artin missed unday din ideal . If a girl would have her 1tfe while each of; the judges declared Let us how you the new pring ner a~d give a the re.a on, lack of round rather than triangular, she afterward that there was never any Oxfords. E . J. orris.-Adv. capacity. lery and endive are very must keep her conception of a true doubt after the constructive speeches filling. woman con tantly in mi11d and ever a to the O\ttcome of the debate, the D E CLAMATION CONTEST . p·alding "Var ity" sweater 10 00 trive toward this ideal a a o-oal. local quibb lers came back e pecially (Contmued from page one.) Bcadley w t 7 50 ' ···· · in rebuttal and rounded out a tend in the · fina l contest. Tho e who ea er ········ · and l0.00 --------- t E. J. orris.-Adv. P r esident Attends Mee · ted con tr uctive and de tructive case that expect to enter the contest hould get · · · The C h T'r II President lippinge.r represen would have been hard to beat. their ele.ct1qn 111 hand at once. oc ran na banquet board . . . . Chicago was hy four young ladie or Sunday Otterbem at the meeting 111. . of The judges were Profes or Lacy everyone dinner ; they we re gue t of the Mat- of the North- en.tral soc1at1on Lockert, Kenyon; Professor R. P._Mc talk money " When ioon Club. Colleges last Friday and aturday. Cuthcheon, Deni on.; and Professor Ji tens." Whittier 'Burnett, Ohio State. Pro" Ye , but it alway talk en e." "l\fen' Jewelry- e t Chain , Collar 1620-Indians sold Manhattan harle navely pre ided. fe or I land for a keg of whiskey. violin solo by Mis Jo ephine Crid1920-Citizen want to trade backland, Mi Brewbaker accompayn ing. ~(111111111111111111111111111111 Ill 11111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111 entertained the audience while the Sin has many tool but a lie is a ' -Holmes h an dle that fi t them' all judge . vote being collected. ~~~~,,:.:.~ ' • The Otterbein-Hiram tilt wa a ... hotly conte ted affair aod the defeat wa a hard one to swallow in view of § Stoughton, the fact that even the ho tile audience § s erned to concede the decision to our 31 W. College Ave. men. How ver two of the judge aw it Hiram's way and our boy took J~ WESTERVILLE, OHIO the urpri e in tru e port man like § · · .,.,l· § Bell" Phone 190 Citizen Phone~ style. Their' i the credit at lea t : Stetsons Borsalino for bringing to Otterb ein the deciding : vote of the triangl e and they won the § Mallory Crofut-Knapp only vote accorded any team on the : Henderson, triangle, upholding the affirmative. § The Tan and Cardinal was upheld Westerville, Ohio in thi c.a. h _by R. M. Johnson, w. Efvery good new tyle brought out by the e Roberts (Captain), and E. E. Harri ' amou maker 1 here. at prices from 4 to ~ with John Mayne a alternate. Their 10b By Appointment ca e made a finely proportioned pre- § new narro,v ro rim hape ; other entation and was given with a with. wider brim -in rich new olid color moothne. and effectiveness that § and mixture -featurino-W. M. Gantz, D. drove home every point. The audib ence and the opposing team after the ; DENTIST debate were unanimou. in their prai e of our debater ' work. § 15 West College Ave. Following the debate an informal : 167 party wa enjoyed by th two team in § -a real nappy hat th_at ha all the qual1'ty and - Bell Phone~ Citizen Phone which the plendid port manship of t 1 th t b ~ the two institution, ,repre ented was § _.Y el a can. fe put into a hat-guaranteed to evidenced and a fine ocial time enjoygive ono-, ati actory ervice. ed by a ll. Our learn report the v ry : ■el!!ll=IIII fine t treatment and ho pitality and a : :C:''-'·-=""'""' t:.~:,,a.,,,,..;= , : highly enjoyable time in pile o.f the East C~llege Av~nue adver e fate which eemed pitted f.1111111111111111111111111mmnm § PHONES (Continued on page eight.) IIIIUlllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT, Citizen 26
= =
= - C. W. -=
M. D.
~ G. W.
= = =
M. D.
A Nobby New
Mallory Hat at
G. H. MAYHUGH, M. o.
Page Three
To urist Headquarters, a nd o f tha t J th e front of th e tray proclaim s to th e numb er over 1800 a re from O hi o. j genera l read ing public. On cl ose r Of course l think of W e.;ter,ill e i1nestiga tio n I have fo und that the and O tterbein fo lks very of ten. but I tas te of t he infr equent ''wall n ut s" is . on e man especia ll y takes my thought s [ not m uch changed by do ubling the . I cc h'1111 . ·' I" 111 . t h e spe 11 mg. · hack no rt h ever y time . Yo u a re pretty sure to run across him E ve ry week I r ead th e entire Tan . . . . , . S tree t, and Cardm a l with av1d1ty. It s every o mewh e re on F ranklm ' H. h S t" ) h I . f . d d . 11 . ' tree o r pe r aps J1 t o 1t goo , an espec1a y sm ce I 'm (T ampa s · 1g · fo rmahon · down 111 P lan t Park 111 t h c a f te rn oo ns away fro m fi rst hand m ex. d A <l . .' abou t time for th e ban concert. n ce pt m letters,- and then my fri ends the r easo n I re member Otterbei n usuall y say so methin g like this: "O f . I k . I wh en I see him-h e oo ·s amazmg y cou r se you've heard all ab out-( the like P rofesso r A ltm a n, excep t th a t of most important thing th a t's hap pen) course o ne cannot imagine tha t mem- ed - so I wo n't bo ther to tell you." ber of th e F aculty in a white duc k And th e jokes ! I don' t see w he re suit and a perky littl e ro und w hite you get them al l, but they're th e . • I see anywh ere. hat. di spe nsing from a tray cleverest ·- thmgs PURE CREA M Here' s hoping the source of supply CAN DY where ever it is, nev er gives out. . . 1,ve been hav1hg W ith Wall l\'uts a mighty o-ood 10c per pkg. time down here. and some way s I . . as a la rge o ilcl oth sig n ta ·cked to ( Contmued on page eight.)
Inter e:,tJlg Letter From Flo"rida. · t · g below an inter-: ste a re pn n I 11 . W • st r eceive d by th e staff. lll g let te- r. JU[( Il er form e r ed itor o f e , fr om H c 1en . O . . ho is spe nding t he Pu blic p11110n, w . . . F l rida W e thi nk yo u will wmter 111 ·t•o · . ery rea dab . le ep1st · I-~ : a "'o-r ee t ha t I s a v. M h 7 1921 Tampa Flonda, arc ' ' Dear " taffites" : . f f h t sugges ti on o o ne o t t e recen f t ff l th e worthy memb ers O yo ur s a · ·· 1 . . .. u a ll" a lett er, a am writing yo . ht to n1 g though it is alm o~t too ~ arm , 1 · I exerti on · -' ear for any -specta h. Y · so warm and sun e very day ts . s m . y here that it's reall y ha rd to _ima; me the m ea n slushy weal her _yo ~ vde ce~ ·t does ralll ti oes n t having. \"h •v en I mean much to us. because five or t en · stops You can goh out minute after it anywh e re a nd scar cely ge ~ you r ~ O ·' S •-------------~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.damp, for the water ,mmed1atelyd '.!Jlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! soaks into the sand so th at th e .groun
13. Professor Charl e
R . L a yto n o f Muskingurn CoJ-l ege, :,;- ew Concord, 0 hio, accompanied hi s deb ating team to W t f , t es erv1 11 e or th e deba te ,as Th ur d ay evenin g. 12·. .M'1I·o L . H artman ' , pas tor o f Tnn1ty U n1te · d B ret h r en c I1urc I1 o f Cleveland, Ohio ha led hi s co ngrega~ion to the 'completion o f th eir bu11d1·ng proJ•ect. A beauti f u 1 new hou e o f wor ship was de dicate d Ias t lllon th • T he new church is on t h e ~Orner of Hayde and Alder Avenues tn East Cl eveland and is a comniodiou and well equipped building. GI bf Mt . auner . ead, Ohio, was a yisitor in Westervil! 1 . e a t week. Mr. Glauner 1s exPecting t · I o enter upon the prac tice o f aw in Newark, Ohio, soon. '19.
George . L
· Carl Vernon Roop of Findlay, 0 hio who has bee11 eng;iged in evang 1· . e 1stic work for ome years, reWntly closed succe ss ful meetin g at illard, Ohio. Mr. Roop is now 'Norkin g ch.1ef ly in Sandusky Con f er.. ence of the United Brethren Church.
h is never sloppy. I'm having th e most fun do wn ere. d 111 · th country at Spent th e week-en e ' M . -sta ll 's home. Had Sunday ane . , J' . . . t Veda Bea r s . home. ve dinner a · dam gobeen boating several tim es an in fi bing in Tampa Bay tomorr_ow g · Wednesday we are going mormng. D d d Anna boat to Fort a e an . by · - h re I expect to go ba th111 g t~n atrh1ee, G:lt of Mexico. I mustn'tftathkee e to enumerate any more o gs~:cd times I've had_, but I've had 'em,
returned ~o this c~untry from 'Yladras I d. . acciden~ ~ ta, o~ account of a _ser~ous fra m which he sustame a ~. cture of the jaw is now in Jew tork . spe . 1· tty and the East to consult c1a 1st . 'Ot. . J Penn a.mes _G. Sanders of Harrisburg, of Ylvan1a Zoologist for the state Pe ' 'Week n:1 ylvania, is spending a few '
. h t I'm feeling You may mfer t a I I ftWester better than I was when e • d s~ and 1 am. Have game vi lle, that sometimes I hardly much pep h ti f it what to do w it a o . know . ts are here that So many touns · and evening t 11e afternoon every parks are full of people, streets and ywhere. Over ten ever d e face strang of them have registere at
sp ecimen .s lt1 the f . Canal Zone ' collecting ~t:h:o~u~sa~n=d= ===============::::;~~~~ is s or the state museum that Pe to be e tablished at Scranton, HAV E WRITTEN P O EMS! nnsylvania. YOU to have them revised or '19 Do you care . . . d by successful t· ely criticise · Ear! V W ' l h of th : 1 cox is the aut or con true iv d then send us your 0 issu e leadmg article in the latest authors? · If you_ 'articles or poems ). e of the " C G " t ·pt (stones, · Which . ountry entleman , o manu er 1 . . . and place t h em I ed·ito r he a regular contrib utin g We will criticise,to be accep table for T Stack · he article i entitled "The should they prove ill!,,_•1er Inva ion," and discusses the publication. charge for our '" grat 1·0 • no actua 1 n question. There I r you have not . If howeve , . services. • U d 'th the advisory . I . ro e w1 A. PASSING CONDITION prev1ou Y en th. association, we redepartment of JS lose the intial fee '1' i of · '1-, an Otterbein Co-ed quest that -you e~~ h we rou st ask of b., nat I of two dollar ' ~ ,c There is no <1er coll my words select. contrtbu tor· . no future ob 1igaI d . cge work,I've heard it aid, · each new rtftin additional eXpen e, ~ g to neglect. ow she · tion. d that we can only But is mart without a doubt, It mu t be rea izei serious intent. If F'or h once he surely fell be of aid to tho_ e o_ for literary sucer sern t ' Jl to strive • many ways. With e er card came out You do mea help you m one grade lo w as-sam hill! ce s, we can rs until we have 0 f 11i M . e are you . t Our ervtc d . marketing a And ti cCabe this tale is told actually s ucceede cript . Send \\rhen iough her work is good least one of your he · ' hold 1 received her grade Beomething t.o-day! turn postage with An "x_;, .Please enclo e _r e llut among_ them stood. yo ur communN icA a tL1o nLITERARY Pray do , NATIO N };' Or any .n t let me chill your glee, ASSOCIATIO or 't tnind Perplex 1' Wa in 131 w. 39th St. hat B t ca.mpustry, you see, York City N ew Department e ty go~ her "Ex". Advi ory D. D. B. '21.
= = = =
ART MATERIALS Water Color Paper .03,
1 · Mr. E. C Worman who recent- all right!
_ -
= Bogues Paper .02, = = Cross Section Paper .01 or = 6 for .05, qPissmeo" .35 = a package, "Enginex" = .60 a package, F~ench Verb § Blanks, _45 cts. = = = EASTER NOVEL TIES & GREETINGS = = Athletic Goods and anything you may = wish to order at lowest prices=
-_ : _ :
= = = =
University BouJ(· Store § -
= _ulllJ 11111 11 II II III IIII III III III III III IIII III IIII I IIII III IIII III III 111111111111111111111111111 1iii
111111 11
I a~EcN'~Oie"ii~a;iL
= Try some good old buck wheat cakes like = mother used to make. =
40c = Dinner -- ------- ------ .. 45c = Supper --------- -------- -- -- ---- .... - .. J. C. ROACH, Prop.
Illll 111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIII11111111ii
!'age Four
==~======= ========;===~~~~====== -=--=~- -=== essential purpose of a college career. THE OTTERBEIN
TAN AND CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, Ohio Member of the O hio College Press Association ST AFF Editor-in-Chief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 Assistant Editor .... J. G. Howard, '22 Contributing EditorsE sther Harley, '21 A. W. Elliott, '2:l Business Manager .... J. W . George, '22 Assistant Business M,magersJ . P. Schutz, '23 T . E. Newell, '23 Circulation Mgr... Marvel Sebert, '21 A ist-ant Circulation Managers Harriet Hays, '22 Lucile Ewry, '23 Athletic Editor ········-·· M. N. Funk, '21 Local Editor -···-···· H. W . Troop, '23 Alumna! Editor .... . Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor ........ P . K. Noel, '22 .Cochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 Literary Editor ........ J. W. SenelI, '23 . Address all communicat ions to The Otterbein Tan and Car dinal, 103 W. · College Ave., Westerville, Ohio, . Sub-scription Price, $1.50 Per Year, -if paid before November 15 ; other ' wi e $1.75. Entered as second class matter · ·September 25, 1917, at the postoffice at \Vesterville, 0 ., under act of iarch 3, I 79. Acceptance for mailing at sp ecial - rate of po tage provided for in Sec. I 103, ct of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919. EDITORIAL To Study or Not To Study? \ e are rea onably certain that this ditorial eill do no good, that prac tically no on will read it and that · ab olut ly no one will heed it. everwe hall proceed, to make our h I point, oblivious to the cool uncon ern with which our mu ing meet. Ther wa a da:y when the advi a bility of att ndi11g college wa open t argument. Tbat day is past. W may re t as ured that we will ne ver regr t ha ing attencl.ed college, but we may regret very keenly tbe di po ition we have made of our college opporunitie . Vve take issue with the popular idea that eern to be gaining fayor in tudent circle , that the noble t height to which a college tudent may attain i to get him elf mixed up in a many activities a po ~ible, to attach the mo t impo ing array o[ t itle to hi Sibyl eulo gy, to break into the scare head of the col lege paper occa ionally and to pull a traight line of C's and D's in hi cla work. •ow, the wodd has no use and mall ympathy for the reclu e or the hronic "grind." The confirmed "bookworm" is of little ervice or in spiration either to his school or to his f !low tudents and hi: i certainly narrowing bis phere of influence an d u efuln by isolating himself from th e ge neral college life. But on the other band, there is danger of lo ing one's head in the busy whirl of col lege activities and forgetting the
Leader shi p, 1111t1at1ve, breadth of vis ion and interests and a certain social fi nesse and adaptability are, of cours e, essential to a well-rounded personality but no stud ent can afford to develop th ese trait to th e ut ter neglect of scholarship. President Fost er of Reed College give us statistics from Who's Who to show that in spite of the few out standing exceptions, the ave rage "A" stud ent in college is ac tually making good in after life, 400 % often er th an th e ave rage " D" man. Apparen tly the "good fellow" in college, the "sport" who does not let his studies interfer e with his education, but who intends to settle down to hard work later on. and who late·r on does actually change his habits of li fe, is almost a myth. Success in life depend large ly on the ame qualities of mind and charac t er as are required to attain high rank in college classes and the habits of in dustry and application that make for A's in college also make for success 'in later careers. Too many of us have been tr ying to jolly ourselves along with the thought that good grades are a symptom of nice u elessne s and that the poor de luded "N' student will be given the "merry haw, haw" when he takes bis dip into the cold, cruel world. ow comes a bunch of stati tics to knock another of our cherished undergraduate idea into a cocked hat and we are forced to recognize that scholarship amo u11t to omething after all. ·
During th e pa t ' few weeks several alumni hale wr itten that they do nor- receive th eir paper regularly. Any one kn owing of persons having such complaint will favor us by m ention ing th e ma tter. We " aim to plea e" and whe th er th e fault is with 011r mailing Ii t or with th e post office service we are anxiou to make it right.
Prin ceton has raised its tu ition fee to $300 a year.
Dr. Russell Addresses Men at Inductlon of New Officers. At th e Y. M. C. A. meeting Thurs day night the outgoing president, Walter N. Roberts read his final re port of th e year's wo rk. Mr. Roberts has been a very eonscientious leader and has accompli hed a great deal during bis term of office. Dr. Russell whom, all Otterbein st~dent kno; and love to hear peak gave the main address. Dr. Ru sell poke of the founding of the Y. M. C. A and of the Volun teer Band and ome of the great lead er s and of the work being done. It was a very inspirin g talk ai1d one which the new officers as well as the· rest of us may consider with great profit. There was no forma l induc tion of the new officer s as Dr. Ru _ sell's speech was meant to serve the purpo e of uch ceremony. CALENDAR
Wednesday, March 2312 :00 m.-Ea ter rece s begins. Thursday, March 24Dr. Frank E. Miller ?lee Club at East Pittsburgh, Pa. Next Saturday, March 26, marks the Fr:day, March 25second anniversary of the pa sing of Glee Club at Mt. Pleasant, Pa. a friend and cholar who e life will Monday, March 28never cea e to fiU a bright page in Glee Club at Green burg, Pa. the hi toi:y of Otterbein ollege. Tuesday, March 29Let u ,pau e, on that day, long Glee Club at Connelsville, Pa. enough to pay a silent tribute to the Wednesday, March 30great man whom we have lo t. For Glee lub at Scottdale, Pa. tunate are tho e of u who e lives have lZ:00 m.-Ea ter ·recess ends. been touched by hi . The quiet poi e, Thursday, March 31the amiable incerity and the genuine Gle~ Club at Johnstown Pa. bolady worth of Dr. F rank E. Miller Friday, April 1' will never cea e to be an influence on Glee Club at A ltoona, Pa. the life of Otte1:bein. W ednesday, April 6Glee Club at Fo toria 0 We atl agree that there's Thursday, April 7' · no~hing eriou ly wrong with Otter-I Glee Club at Bowl" G bem' college pirit when tbe tudent Friday April 8- mg r een. body back every branch of int r-colLyc:um . legiate activity a it do . Our de- , Glee Club ~~~~~ m college chapel: 1 bater are fortunate. in having the ) onburg, 0 . (Matib k" nee . ac mg of a bunch of mighty fine allGlee. lub t T . round port . Sat d A a. 0 1edo, 0. (Night). ur ay, pril g_
T~I e lub a_t C lumb u Grove, Q. sday, April 12• W odphomore.n e.nior Banquet. e esday, April 13frad,uate Recital, Mis e Wagner and Perfect. Friday, April 15Ba eball, Var ity v . We leyan Delaware. Speaking of seriou operation , we had a doctor take ten bone out of T h ursday, April 21 _ our hand once. D~bate, Otterbein egative vs W1ttenberg Affirmative at S . . prmgfield. Our Weekly Proverb. "Wh,en you get down in the mouth Debate, Otterbein Affirmative vs. r member Jonah,-he came out al Ohio ortl)ern egative Coll right." Chapel. ' ege W ednesday, April 27_ Save the Campus! Keep off the grass! Graduate Recital, Miss Dixon. The girl who u ed to boa t of lier dar chest ha met her match in the a chiffon e~r · Talk about learning young-the Bible ays Job cursed the day he wa born.
Denison r epo rt s more than fifty tudent dropp ed th e second semes ter as a re ult of th e chool' s new standard of sc holarsh ip. Student of Cinci nnati U ni ve r ity propo e to raise a fund t o complete tlieir tad_ium and equip their athletic fiel d.
Dental Cream Your teeth are white naturally. The enamel ought alway s to look white and sparkling. K lenzo. Dental Cream will i estore this clean whiteness. H O FFMAN' S REXA LL ST ORE
Star Rapid Shoe Repairing 27 W. Main St.
Westerville, O.
T hey always carry Goodyear Heels and N eolin Soles.
If you want us to
apply them, they are guaranteed to you. Also Shoe Shine P arlor for Ladies and Gentlemen.
·A Shorter Shorthand Systern In T en Easy Lessons Thi cour e covers ten easy Jes on which will enable the tudent, Pro fe or, J ouroali' t Doctor Lawyer or anyone eeking ~ profe ional career, to go through life with 100 per cent efficiency.
T his Course .I hort and inexpen ive, and i_s gtven with a money back guarantee if not ati fied. E D THI CLIPP! G TO-D y Pyramid Pre s: Publisher s 1416 Broadway, w York City Gent! m en: Enclosed herewith is '5.00 for which kindly send me your short hand course in ten easy les ons by mail. It i under food that if at th e end of five days, I am not satisfied IJJY money will be gladly refunded. ame --··-······-·---··-·-·--·-··- - Street --·---·--·········•·H-••··--·-- ··..-·-.......City and State ··················-·-···-········-·····
Monday 14. After a delightfully azy Sunday always comes a dull hard\ k. . vo r 111g Monday. I never knew : to fail. But this day ended eautifully because one of the girls had a box from home and we were callect 1· . . · 11 to help devour what was ID :~. Fried chicken is one of the nicest tngs I can think of and I think of it · often. 1
uly 1, 0 hourues ay 15. Just fancy! h and 40 minutes before we start orne for Ea ter " reces "' a the facuity I • • \he h wou d ay. I can Just picture W appy moment when I step on the I : terville Limit, starting for home. ed ope they have all our chickens linup read b Y to e smitten. Wedesday 16. Our girl's class basket ball lllen tdeam played against the fre hill! '. an we were beaten. Can you ,,, ag111e uch igorance? And by £re hu1en1 B t . rn 1• u we managed to grin nor.., a ly and be glad for their weet ,oung k " b a es. ThetJ ay it greater to e able to lo e gradefolly than wjo. thThursday 17. t. Patricks day in e rnor . I ed 10 . ning. The greenness disp ayfr h. Undry neck-wear was really ree ing I 11 . team · the evening our negative debated Mu kingum in the Ch ape\ tiv on th e de ep subject of execue bud d intell' get . Our. boy talke o did ,1&ently about this subject, and th emselve to be ruffled by nant allow h aid Yt ing our honorable opponent ' th at after hours of suspense, Dr. nave)y . . ha b announced- "The-dec1s1 on• een- u • . f th neg . nan1mous-111-favor -o - eative." rid ay lS. In our Shake peare class are di • . " l\ie h cussing "Romeo and Juhet. ave uch enlivening discussions
at Endeavor Enjoys Fine Musical about t rue lo ve and whether love· d Session and Elects Officers ight is possible. I have notice Follow: 11 3 L ie annual Christian that the masculine elemen t does ab~ut all the talking and most of them th1~k End : avor election , the members of that it wou ldn't be sane to fall 111 section ··A:' li stened to a eries of inspiring musical num bers consi ting love at firs t sight. of · a mu ical reading, vocal dueJ, After a day of stroll. S aturd ay 19• trumpet solo, vocal solo and a elec in around in this heavenly .spring tion by a male quartet. g h. I was glad to patromze the suns me that French The election resulted as follow French plays. Why, . President-M. E. ichol . . t flowed· out oi their language JUS I I Vice-President-J. A. Toy. o smoothly that on y Rec. ecr etary-Velma Lawrence. mou ths S "f d I ht about one word of a ty an . Corresponding Secretary - Cather~~~gpride myself on intimate acquainine Kahler. tance with the stuff. Treasurer-E. H . Cavenaugh. lm Sunday. Every Pianist-Ruth Robert . Sunday 20. Pa h saw fit to sing Chorisfer-A. E. Roose. place I went t ey , h '11 p 1 s" Then I guess t ey "The am · , · put it away and not get it out aga;" Academy Students Plan To s d next year. 0 n Y Have Football Eleven Again till Palm un ay h mineighty l~ours and twenty-t ree The latest word in athletics at utes till we start. Otterbein i the new cademy foot -------ball team. When Otterbein entered Senior Recitals Again. ffi boy got all tangled up the conference la t year it meant that The o ce t week ju t the Academy player .c ould not play 1 with our second form a:~ as a re ult on the Varsity until they reached b f 0 e it went to press e ~ duating Recital article appear- ophomore tanding. th e ra . During the past few years the en utilated and ome ed cons1derabdlybm t So we announce rollment in the Academy has steadily h t scattere a ou · . w ~ ti at the firs t grad uating recita 1 decreased but last year and this year 1 again A ·1 3 by Helen ·wag have shown ful.e increases and next ·ll be given pn · wi Fl nee Perfect. On pn 1 year wili witness I?erhaps a greater ner au<l ore· ho is completing increa e. So because the Academy 27 Florence Dixon , w . . ill is growing o rapidly and because the ' k a degree in music, w wor on cl sho rt time later Beulah Academy students are excluded eri appeadr. atn graaduate in voice, will be tirely from college . athl etic the Bene 1c , · "Preps" are asking the Board of Con pre en ted . trol to give the cademy an athletic - - - - ---f-:-- · peo «v '11 meet a lot o nice · J)rogram ,._.wi:; would include a He- ,. ou t ur party:' . " regular football schedule. pie a o "Oh I'd rather be with you. The "Preps" ha,·e elected "Fat" She' Monn manager and "Bill" Foster cap ---.-d---n--;f-,; ell off th e tain. Foster was this year elected "Boss, th e hire ma ,, · t now captain of the Fostoria High leven barnya rd fence JUS · d when you "Had he hit the groun 0 the "Preps" will bave an able cap tain. Their lin e i expected to aver left?" ----·----:--:::-_ . age 190 pound and the team on " . ou eat like a pig. ists of players who will some day be Dad- Jimmy, Y • . ?" Do you know wha.t a pig ·is··1 a bog's re ponsible for so1ne notable Otter . "Yes sir, a pig bein victories. Jimmylittle boy."
::: :::::: ::: ::::::
College Association MeelsDt Clippinger js President On Friday and Saturday, ¥arch 25 at:1d 26, will occur the annual ineeting of the Ohio College As ociation. This w'ill be held at Ohio State Univer ity and includes twenty-eight of Ohio's Colleges which mea ure up to accept ed educational standards. Otterb in CoJlege. has b et:1, a mem.ber of this, a sociation since its organization over thirty years ago, and has alway held a creditable place. Pre ident W. G. Clippinger is the l_)resident of the a sociation. :Profes ors antler and Snavely- are members oi the Com1:riittee on omity and Service to the community, re pectively. Profes or . E. Cornetet is chairman of th Classical Language · section. Other professors in the in titution are iden tified with allied associations. Doc tor P. P. Claxton, United State Commis ioner of Education will peak on Friday evening. large number of profe sors attend the meetings each •year. The delegation from Otterbein is usuaJly among the large t present. Save the Campus! Keep off the grass!
: Best Wishes For Your Easter Vacation : Oxfords are Here Our Easter
'i:"';a; ••••••••••••• :•••·····················................-•···'······-·· ••••••••• =•••••••••••••• :::: : ~e",; sttk , light·••••••••••••••••••• and cool • for spring s
"The Princes Emeraude." Pauline Stubb , a the Princes , was ably sup ported by Denni Brane and John Mayne. The play wa beautifully done, the co tume being unusual. Much credit for the success of the French plays goes to Professor RosseJot and his wife. Mrs. Ethel Young Rosselot. The plays spoke well for the work done in the French Department. We would not forget to mention th music, as rendered by Margaret Meyer, the " Scrap Iron Quartet," and the orche tra, that added very mat erially to th.e succes of the program.
II IIll 111111111111111 IIII 11111 IIIIIIII IIIIII IIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111111 !.! • :
Shipments of Shirts just arrived
:::::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: :::
I ~:-ii
FRENCH .PLAYS . HUGE SUCCEsi:; (Continued from page one.)
"I)~ess Up For That Trip Home 111111111111111111111111111111
Page Five
Color-fas \ ·t.
Men's Mahogany, English last ................................................................ $$7.50 Men's Cordvan, broad toe .......................................................................... 7.50 Men's Brown, English ·····················•·•···············································-········ 10.00 Men's Black, Gunmetal, English ............................................................ 8.00 Ladies' Walking Oxford, low heel ···-····················································· 4.50 Ladies' Black, English ...............................................,................................ 4.75 Ladies' Suede and Leather Combinations in black and brown, Baby Louis heels .................................................................................. 6.50 Men's Fancy Hose, in duotones ................................................................ 1.50 Ladies' Fancy All Silks, Parisian clocks ····································:·······-··· 1.95
= = = = = = = = =
~ Se A New Tie will brighten that East ...~ ······ 85c to $1.50 e OUr new lot ·································································1111111111111111111111111 Ill III IIII Ill lllllllllllll llllllllll Ill Ill II 11111111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111111111111 111111 IIIIIIII 111111 11111111111111 IllIll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111
Page Six
If it isn't worth while
If you come once you
Season's Review Shows Hardest Graduate M anager R. F. Martin Schedule Ever Attempted. Announces Schedules for BasketProspects Bright ball, Track and Basketball Hclow will be found the individual record of the basket ball quad for the past season . It is certain that our squad had an extremely hard chedule to play. One need but look at th e final tanding of the Conference to see that all the teams we played in th e conf~rence with the excep tion of Heidelberg and Cincinnati finished with a percentage better than 500. Five of th e quin tets encountered were undoubtedly the best in the con ference. Every large school in Ohio seemed to have a great number of good floor men this season . With th e foregoing a alibis. Otterbein expects to come back strong next year. The squad deserves great credit for maintaining it morale during such a season. To Coach Ditmer must be accorded the praise for having kept them to ge ther in such good spirit. Albright, the captain and center, leads the point column. "X" has played a fine brand of ball during the entire sea on and starred particularly in the Cincinnati and Wesleyan games. White L. L. next year's captain. ha also put up a consistent ·game, u ual ly playing in the guard po ition. He (Continued on page seven.) SP ORT CHATTER
L. L. White, guard of the past caon on the basketball squad ha been elected as Captain for next eason. White pl:1.yed a very con i tent game throughout the entire chedule and hould make an excellent leader. Con . gratulations, "White!" Twenty-five candidate an wered the call for p~ing football · practice. Practically all are Fre bmen as the majority of Varsity men and scrub of la t year are out for either baseball or tr,1ck. Light workouts in the funda mental are being given by Coach Dit mer. Ba ball and tra..:k tarted in earne t , edne day when the fir t call for can didates wa given. About twenty were on deck for practice. A succe fol sea on is fore een a last year' nine is practically intact. The record of la t ea on wa four won and three lost. The ophomores elected their cap tain for the interclass spring conte ts with the following results, T. E. ew Irey, ba eb~ll and R. J. ell, track; White, tenni .
"Bill" tauffer and F. V. Stearns are manager of the var ity ba eball and track quad , respectively. The tennis courts are started. Sedl
Pat S.-"A fellow can find anything if be looks hard enough." Roose--"Well you ure .look hard enough."
w ill come again. Westerville Bakery
Graduate . manager R. F. Martin at the recei1t meeting of the graduate managers of Ohio Coll ege , held a Columbus arranged at least partial schedules for the two spring ports as well as for next year's basketball squad. Followin g are the schedules as arranged: Baseball April 16.-Denison at We terville. April 23-Ohio Vve leyan at D elaware. April 30-Kenyon at Gambier. May 6--,Capital at We terville. May 20-Capital at Columbus. June 3- _Ohio at Athen . June 11-Kenyon at We terville. Track. April 15-Denison at Granville. May 7-Heidelberg at Westervi lle. May 14-A triangu lar or quadra,ngular meet at Delaware with Ohio Wesleyan, Otterbein and either Ken yon or Heidelberg or both. May 21-Kenyon at Gambier, May 27-2 -Big Six meet. 'ot defiinite. Basketball schedule for 1922. January 7- Capital at We terville. January 14-Denison at Granville. January 21-Ohio orthern at Vv esterville. January 28-Wittenberg at Spring field. February 4-Heidelberg at Wester ville. February . 11-Ohio orthern at Ada. February 16--Cincinnati at Cin cinnati. February 22-Miami at Oxford. February 25-Wittenberg at Wes terville. March 4-Capital at Columbus. March- 9-Kenyon at Gambier. March 11-Ohio Wesleyan at Delaware.
W hat's the Use?
Change of Addres~ Johnson, t he Pennant Man has moved to E LMWOOD PLACE
L. L . W hite, Captain 1922. "B." · ig W hite, guard on thi year' Varsity, wa elected last Monday a~ternoon to cap ta_in the Tan and Car dmal basket to ers for 1922. Here's a hand "Whitey", and uccess !
½ Block South of the Corner· of Grove and Park Come Around.
Second S eries of Girl's Games Results in Victories for Freshmen and Juniors
The In urance Man Ab tracts, L oans Notary P ublic
(By O ur Co-Ed Sport Writer) By their vict~ry over • the S emors ·. l~st Wednesday night the Freshman girls have put them elves in line for the girls' interclass basket ball championship and those long-talked of letter s-when th y m et the J . this week. u111or
Owing to the splendid pas ing on the part of both teams, the end of the fir. t half f9und the score tied at four all: . The Fre hmen showed their ability m th e second half b fi . h. Y 111 mg tl . 1e game with a core of 11 to 5 T.he second game in which the Jumor oppo ed the Sophomores was afir hard battle . t half th throughout · D unng th e bl e ophomores were una e to co re but they held their opponen t to t wo pomts. • The propect wa con iderably brighter for the o~hom?re when they made three g~al. m quick ucce ion at the be gmnmg of th . e econd senod. The - core remamed 6 to 2 until five min ute before the end of the play h the J · w en umors began to turn the tab! The game ended with the Ju·tors th ree es. . Po• 111 t s 111 the lead.
Are good t o eat. ·Phone your Order.
Citizen 92 Bell 46-W ~======~===== =~-~
RHODES & SONS The College Avenut
R esults fo r the Season. Otterbcin, 12; Wittenberg, 33. Otterbein, 17; Heidelberg, 32. Otterbein, 16; Ohio orthern, 42. Otterbein, 18; Deni on, 33. Otterbein, 21; Antioch, 33. Otterbe!n, 13 ; Ohio University, 47. F nal Stan d··_n_g_o_f_T_eam _& _l_n_ THE TAILOR Otterbem, I 5; Capital, 38. 0 11.· t .o Confe rence Basketball State and Main Streets Otterbein, 17 ; Mt. Union, 52. Otterbe~, 31; Exline , Canton, 37. 1 Oh· · • Won Lo t Pct Cleaninp: and Pressing Otterbe~, 19; Ohio Univer ity, 46. Ob erhn io. lllver ity ········ 8 1 • ·889. Otterbem, 29; Cincinnati, 30. 1 kron ················ 6 .856 Otterbe~n, 23; Ohio orthern, 22. Increase Your Weight Wittenberg ·•·..·····- ···· 9 2 .818 Otterbem, 17; Capital 35. Mt ········-········ 11 3 .814 Of u and . nion ············-······ 4 1 .800 Buy your luncheon upplie Otterbein, 31; Wesleyan, 49. We leyan ·-· II weights 3 ziota1-Otterbein, 279; Opponents, Deui on ········-······ 9 .750 let our cale prove it. 5 Ohio 0 ·;~j~~rn ~ 3 .728 free. 2 Woo t r .714 "Though college days MOSES & STOCK, Grocers Miami ······················ 8 5 .615 Have th.eir delights Case ................. ~ ~ .545 They can't compare Cincinnati ··- ................ .400 With co1lege . nights~" 4
Sh~-"Is your watch going, Joe?" He-"Yes." She-"Row soon?''
ROH:!~~e~~.~:=:::::::=::::: .t terbcin Hiram ·············Kenyon·····-::::::::::::::::::
~ 1! :~~~
========== ~ Use " Nyal" Face and
.167 .100
Cold Cream at
~ 1
Page Se;ven
Several Saum Hall girls enjoyed a !! IIIIIIllII IIIIII III II IIII II IIII III II I 1111111111111111111 IIIII IIII II III IIIII II IIIII IIIIIIIll 11111111111111 : . TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders Toilet § breakfast Satu rday morning. • Waters, California Perfumes Vanity' Boxes Flesh Brushes, Etc. ' ' ALBRIGHT LEADS TOSSERS
(Co ntinued from page six.)
8.TfDN Del fl I . We hear a lot abo ut spring s hopPuig th e e d ay , an . d m a ny boxe and bUndlc p accompan y ea ch weary shoper home. Ac cordi ng ly we ar e surpr, ed to h f · Who h ear o th e fo ur yo ung ladies h opped all a ft ern oon and cam e orne with two shoe. shin es. "Th
e flower s that bloo m in th <: d ring, Ira! la!" can' t compar e w ith the ecoratio 11 b on all tho se new Eas ter on nets We ' re wearin g. p .
~fi. M'1ld red H agam eyer of P emberv1lle
Pent the we ek.e nd with Etta
\Ve d th fort . 0 ank Pr-of. We t for his efs in getf 111g u that maple syrup . Virg· · terno 1111a Blagg who had her toqsils nicet ~ed at Mercy Hospital is doing 3
Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds.
stands third in th e point col umn. With not a man taken by graduatio n this year and wi th a likely lookin g _ bunch of this year' s Freshmen, th e §
Tan and Cardinal will no doub t Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. spring a few urpri ses next year. Yea ~ Satisfaction Guaranteed. -teaml : : Individual Reco rd s. , ~ W e Ii t below. the ea son s record of each player showing gam es played ; j lllllllllllllllllll llllllllll Ill llllll Ill llllll llll llllll Ill lllllllll lllll lllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllii ( G), fi eld goals ;. (F. G. ), free throws ; ( F . T. ) , and total points (T ) . Player G. F .G. F .T . T . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 A lbr ight (Capt.) ---- ---- 14 40 40 120 : Priest ···························· 14 20 06 43~ White L. L . ················ 14 16 : ' 8 10 12 32 Schutz -····················-·· 4 Ranck ···························· 14 12 0 24 6 2 1 : Schreck ·· ·····················: 12 5 2 1 Collier .......................... 6 2 1 O Barnhard •·-·· ················ 6 2 l O White, R. ] . ·····-··········· 2 2 3 l O : Braddck ················- ··-·· 6 O O O § George •························· 6 O O L ehman - ············· 27 ~ Total _ _ _ _ _
I§ =
Quality F·Iowers ==~
McKellar Flower Shop:
22 N. High St.
Columbus, 0. -
• • •
SIB;.L STAFF ELECTED _ (Continu ed fr om page one.) A thl etic Editor-Lauren Barnhard. ::: T n A lum na! E ditor-Mary ryo . F a culty Editor-A. A. Luther.
Fancy Roses, Carnations and all Flowe
1n season. -• • • -Corsages a Specialty -• • • --RAY M. JOHNSON E - -Is Our Agent at Westerville. = -ii!- ~================-ii =
Trea ur er-hA r~hWur RMooS seh.~enberger. P hotograp er· · M. Collin .
E:ctna Ell ------:-\Ira inuch en. J o hnson's box of eat b' "I ay Ikey v y don't you pull 1 a erni I enJoyed by the girls who d e-the blinds ven you Juv your even· led to partake last Wednesday ow 11 · ht'" 1ng. . ·f ? saw you last nig · ::: 1t v1 e . 1 . k , 11 you A-t r B !Ke - "Ah, de JO e o . 5t ering · f elle. Hunter and Hunter P icky t II I v asn't home la o L vasn' t me !1 a . &ue t anca ter were tlie week-en d . ,, s of Alice H t night. 111111111 un er. 1111111111111111111111111111111111!_!1 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 ~ :
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Try A Box of
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! rancis Wi ar i~ Order Your Photos at Once i... Home Made Candies I!- ~ --
!.: : ..
Butter Cream·s -·C~ocolates -Bon· Bons -§. .§§ -::: d SO cts ~ Pound Boxes -$1.00 Half -_Poun · ~= :::. = -- -~ AT . ~=
=-==-~ I -:==-~
Your Photo
the only thing your friends cannot buy.
One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated prei;enta.
Have the Best
~ ,·
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Page Eig~ 1111 " 1111111 ~111111111_ 111111111111111111
LaJara~ •
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The New Suit You Want for -Easter--at a Big Anniversary Saving
$2 9. 70 Suits . . . _
$3:5 to $40
New spring suits from our regular makers that would sell regularly at $35 and $40, even at spring's new lower prices. Plenty are the plain color suits men want for dress-up occasions- spring weight. worsteds, c~ssimcres, flannels; solid blues, dark grec;s, browns, oxfords. o'thers, in stripes and fancy weaves, are fine or business or general wear. Spring's best styles-single and doublcbreasted. '
Stein-Block Suits . ....
A big feature of the Anniversary celebration is this sale of Stein Bloch suits at $37.70-outstanding values. The distinctive style, the custom-tailored look, the wonderf~ly fine Stein~Bloch spring woolens-everything that has won for Stein Bloch suits the preference of so many m~n who dress carefully.
Save $& to $8 ~ Spring Overcoat
------- ----------------------------
These are the days for them. Standards and double-breaS t ed models for young men and -the famous "Knit-Tex," that can't wrinkle or muss.
Men's Extra Trousers $4.70 Sizes 28 to 60 waist-striped worsteds, fancy cassimeres and ser.ges. Suit atterns among them. . (Lazarus Second Floor.)
Founded 1851. Celebrating 70 Y cars
= ii
High and Town Streets
11111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111
CLUB TALK (Continued from page three.) hate to think of leaving, but when I think of all my good friend "up no'th,"-1 guess I'll be ready to come home at the time set. And that will. not be very long now. So,-till I see you_ all, Helen Keller ,
OTTERBEIN WINS Warren and Prof. Carl z Iler of FIRST TRIANGLE Nile · (Continued from page one.) ',foo much credir cannot be given again t them. Proie sor Fritz for the fine work Hiram was repre ented by William howri by his debater,s each yea;r. Davi (Captain), B. W. McKay, Under his coaching Otterbein's squad Irvin Sander and E. F. Poole, alter- to~k the Conference honors last year nate. Judge were Profe or McCane and have made a creditable beginning of Baldwin-Walace, E. B. Franklin of of the present ea on.
I ~::
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. ? WhY I ays th "vet'',-" easick. thing wa so sea ick that the on 1Y f the hope o that kept me alive was dying soon."
"L dy can you Hungry Tramp- a · tnafl, I give me a bite(" Queer old lady-"My poor have no teeth."