Guitner, ,A lma ept. .u,,.J. 75 \ Vest College Ave
No. 24.
!MEN'S GLEE CLUB HAS FINE TRIP College. Warblers Spend E aster~Vacation Among the c·t· . • · 1 1es of Western Pennsylvania
"Jim," a tory b . Bright "Tt. p Y Miss Dorothy . ,,.e apoo e," a poem wntte.n. by . Miss Ruth R,._oberts and poem. without title b M" 5 ' a . . h. Y _1 Geneva ceased their chatter but for a moment, Bra ley wer of ,l11g qualit d Y an d they might have een sights to make ec\te pe.cial mention. their blood run cold. Rut they n :ver The produ c t·i ons will . b . winning . did and they never will. Stretching pu bl 1shed m th 19Zt d" . e Th e . ition of the on into eternity that white bench will Quiz and Quill A Q u1z !udge stand in ·si lent invitation and stretch the member of. th = and -were r.. -11 ing on into eternity dreamy young Iub ' who are 11 . we plea eel with~u, th things will uccumb to its charm , (Continued on page t WO. ) gho ts or no ghosts.
Q UIZ AND QUILL AWARDS (Continued from page one.) • Next Year's Lyceum · Course To D.ean McFadden and Mesdames C1ip- l intere. t shown in the ~on tes t and a re Bring Foremost Artists of Counpinger, Sanders, and Noble Enterplannmg on conduc t111 g a similar try To Local Stage tam Guests During Vacation conteS t next year. · NOTABLE TALENT SECURED
WILSON The Grocer
A t one of the most delightful ocial MEN'S GLEE CLUB Lyceum lovers of Westerville have j always been favored with courses of affairs of the season, 1?~an. Cora McHAS FINE TRIP exceptionally high quality but for Fadden, Mrs. W. G. Chppmger, Mr~. C . d f ) . \ on 1rnue rom page one. next year they are to enjoy easily the J. Sanders, and Mr • e(he 1:- 0 •-~c j Perhap th e be t index to the popbe t array of talent ·ever offer~d local ~oble were at home to their f.nenns I ularity of the club i shown in the fact j audience . Tue day afternoon, March 29 111 the that all the cities have r eq uested reThe course is built around the not- parlors of Cochran Hall. turn engagements for next year. ed culptor, Lorando Taft, Chicago, The rooms were beautifully decor:\t who for almost forty years has been ed in yellow and white, and the ame CAUSE AND EFFECT connected with the famous , Art co lor scherrie was observed in the J By I. Smoka Stog:e 31 W. College Ave. Institute of Chicago. ln music the table decorations, refreshments anj commi ttee presen t s th e ational favors. homely woman mil ed a t a man . WESTERVILLE, OHIO Male Quartette, one of the be t in the . Mesdames R. W. Smith, L. A. He topped, Citizen Phone llO country. Those who have a special Vleinland, A. R. p sard, . P. Puzzled, Bell P hone 190 love fo r com edy will be delighted to Ro~ elo t , E . J. orris, R. F . Martin , And wondered what wa wrong know that the Mollusc Company i to B. P. Doty, Nlisses Bertha Hancock Whether hi- clothes appear in 'o ne of th eir popular three an d Helen K eller, and little Misse5 D id not fit, act co medic . Mr. CLes ter M. an- Ch arlotte Clippinger, Loui e Jobie, Or whether h e was looking seedy. ford wi ll lec ture on. the vital subject and and Margaret . ir, a sisteri Then he !ouched on hi way Westerville, Ohio of vocational guidance, .and I r ene the hostes . Disgu tedly. tolofsk y, vio lin arti t, upported by Several Columbus women were A homely woman miled at a man. . · other arti ts of her company, will be among the guests. By Appointment A pretty woman m1led at a man. high ly enjoyed. Crowning thi s r emarkable array· of talent, will come. Ladies' Senior Open Sessions. He rai ed his head Ralph Bingham, America's foremost The Senior Open Sess ion of both I Proud ly, humori t, to pread cheer with his ladie ' literary ocieties will be held And thought what a fine c ap be wa , on Thursday night of n ext week. He threw out hi ch e t, ma ter wit. DENTIST D etail of the plan for ale of ticket The program will begin at 7 :00 A nd trutted will be announced later. The Citizen , o'clock. E veryone is cordially in- A lon g .th e c rowded street 15 West College Ave. annual e nior Comp lace ntly. Lyceum Committee and especially its vited to attend thi Citizen Phone 167 Bell Phone !, ocietie . A pretty woman miled at a man. chai rman , Pro(essor Cornetet, de-Era. erve ou r highest commendation and arm a round me gratitude for securi_ng a cour e of three time." 'They ay th er e's no uch thing a uch uniformly hi gh quality. woman·s upr macy,-yet from the "Some arm s !" time a boy sit under the tr eet-light B ishop M,atthews Dies. "Yes", rant ed the soap-box orator, pl~ying wi th a toad, until he's _old and East College Av ,nue Otterbein wa shocked at the news " We purs ue the phantom, th e ?u.bble , blmd and toothles , he has to explain PHONES r ceived early unday morning of bur ts and leave only a he m our i to ome woman why h e didn't come Bell 84-R th e. death of Bi hop G. M. Matthew . empty hand ." l horn earlier." Citizen 26 He wa the enior Bi hop of the Uni ted Brethren Church and greatly beloYed throughout th e entire d e l_!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nomination . A moce complete account will appear next week:
taple and Fancy
o. 1 So. ·State St.
C. W. Stou-ghton, M. D.
W. Henderson, M. D.
W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.
= =
Faculty Recital Date. The Faculty Mu ic R ecital by § Mis e Robinson and Wri g ht, postponed beca us e of Miss Robin on's illness, will be given ·wednesday : eYening April 6. No one who loves th e be t music can afford to mi thi : unu ual treat, at :15 µ. m., pril 6th in Lambert Hall. §
In the College Chapel,
aturday night, Apr il 9, at 8 o' clock, th e last numb er in th e Lect ure Course will be given. Mr. Rice, th e great r eader, rank with Adrian ewen and Edwif' Whitney. About 400 r e erve will be on ale aturday, at 12 :30 p. m., on College avenue at Han on' Laundry hop.
Declamation Contest.
= =
The Fre hman-Sophomore De- : clamation contest is d finitely an- nounced for Thur day night, Ap ril 14. _ Numerou entrie have been made. Conte tants should watch th e bulletin board for date of the preliminary contest.
§ §
= =-
Styles =§
Stetsons Mallory
= = = §
Hats =
= = = =
P hidelah Rice, Master Reader, and Impersonator To Appear.
A Shorter Shorthand Syst'.etn In Ten Easy Lessons T hi cour e covers ten easy les ons whi ch will enable the tudent, Pro fe or, J ournalist, D octor, Lawyer or f . 1 career, anyone eekmg ~ pr~ e ~lOonoa cent to go through hfe with 1 per efficiency.
= = This Course . Borsalino = I hort and ine:x--pen ·1ve, and 15.f 1 wjth a mon ey back guarantee Crofut-Knapp = given no t ati fied .
Every O"Ood. new tyle brought out by the e famou n1ak r i here; at price from 4 to 1.0--ne_w nar~ow r_oll ?rim hape · other § w1th wider bnm -1n nch new olid color _ d · f · an mixture - eaturmg-
Pyramid Press: Publi hers
= ! B,;~;iw;i~~
A Nobby New
Mallory Hat at
~,-.. . . .~~·-:.;:;
Gentl emen: Enclo ed herewith i s!!~t for which kindly send me. your by hand cour e in ten ea y le sons th b mail. It i understood that !f a~ ; 111 1 1 ::n~~ i;i~l t?~1ad:;r:~~d:~. fie
ame ·················-···-···························-··-·· _ Street ········"
-a real snappy hat that ha all the quality and = ~yle that can_be put into a hat-guaranteed to ; give long, satisfactory service.
City and State ······~···························=;,;;;:
" Even a postage stamp i no good 11111111111111111111111111111111111111m~-a.~11111111.ii.Wl111111111m1 ~ when it gets stuck on itself." 11111111111111111111111 1
A. A. RICH The Insurance Man Abstracts, Loans otary Public
Page Three
tunity whic h s h e opened? And in depe nd ence had in t he co ur t of speaking of "weal t h los t s hou ld th e Eu r o pe r ep r e entati ves, seekin g for L' n ited tates leaYe t h e Is lands ." do the r ecogni t ion of t he ir gove rn ment. we understand t h a t she went there to A r e not h er so n s a nd da ug ht ers cape.· p lo it t he country? I wou ld li ke to state that such an America, is d if- ab le of conducting he r in terna t iona l fcrent from t he America w ho saved affa irs w hen the P h ili pp ines have toI hunlanity from ruin and . who has day seven teen co ll eges besid es hu n1 helped small nations. The latter is • dreds . of students 111 t h e chools of Miss Lydia O e hl s hl eg e l, a tea c h - iI the America t hat we know. '.A,, i:i1 cn ca ~nd w h en h~r per centage of the public chool o f C leve land . 1 Tn his third s uggestio n, th at of a p ro- il li te r acy I o nl y 30%. , pent a part of h er Eas te r v aca- I lectora te ,he asks. "How lo ng wo uld We r ealize t hat we a r c no t as I iting at th e hom e of Mr s. R. H . 1 it be befo r e these peop le ignora nt s tro ng o r. as ri ch as th e U nited States ner in W e ter vill e. Mi s O e hl - ' in in ternationa l co nd uct woul d invo lve a nd we ·know we have our ow n weak dtgel is thi s yea r taking a spec ia l u s in a cr u cia l war?" Ca n t he wr iter nesses a nd s ho r tco min gs. Y et w e are e in peec h co rr tion un de r Dr . cite an instance w h erin we we r e r eady t o submit o ur cau se befor e the t oi Boston , M a ac hu se tt s, a nd 1 ig no ra n t of inte rna tio nal co nduct? I co nscience of intell ige nt A m eri ca a nd t to make th at her s p ecia lt y. k now some may say th e P hilip pin e th e wo rld. A nd b eliev ing in th e wift' method o f s p ee c h co r r ec ha vc n ever had a ny internatio na l r e- fairne ss of A ;neri ca a nd in th e jus ti ce ha been intro du ced into t h e P r o f. Alma Guitner. latio ns . but I wa nt t o call att e ,~t io n o f our cause, we kn o w t hat nobody can I of Cleveland , a w e ll a s in P rofesso r ,\I ma Gu it11 c1·, '\Ii, w h o to th e his to r y of th e F ihp111 0 peo p le pr event t he u lt imate su ccess o f that cities of the co untry an d ha s th e h as ju st bee n r e-elec te d as A lumn a ! as wr it te n by A m e1·ican s. Fo r the ca use. val of the ati o n al Educa ti on Ecl ito 1· fo 1· th e ensu in g yea r has h e ld P hil ip pi n es in t heir s tru g g le fo r inJ uan A. Rive ra , '23. th at p ositio n . a t th e in s is te nt req u est Mi s Helen K e ll r h a s r e turn ed of th e Board. s1n ee the Tan a n d home in Wes tervill e after s p e nd Card in a l' s f-i r st year. H e1· ready co 'llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,!
everal month in th e South . S h e enter again upo n th e w o r k s h e doing before her v a ca tio n a s e cli of the Pub lic Opinio n, t h e wee kl y paper of We terv ille.
'15. Harold H. G eig r o f Ga lio n
= = = -=
Miss Mabel M . ich o ls o f W es Rive ra W ri tes on Philippines. e were married a t t h e h ~ me o f bride's 1>arents o n . G o o d Friday Editor Tan and Cardinal. O n th e L ite r ary page of th e 'T a n 'ng, March 25. Th e co up le wi ll their home in Gali o n w h e r e Mr. a n d Ca r di n a l for Febr uary 2 ' , appearis teaching in th e hi g h sc hoo l. Harry M. William and hi s t wo of Dayton, Ohio, s p en t Eas ter in erville with hi. fath er, J . R . Will -
Dr. Joseph H . Harri and wife of terville were call d t o Ath e n s ty week before la st b y t h e death . Harri ' fath er, John W. Harr is, burial occurred on Eas ter .
'17. Mr. and Mr .
ar l G iff o rd I Meyers) of Micldl town , Ohi o, recent vi itors a t t he h om e o f Gilford' parent s in W es tervill e.
Mary Tint man , 'w ho is this year in th_e H ig h S ch ool dge, Ohio, sp ent t h e Eas t er with her parents, Mr. a nd 0. Tintsman o n Pa r k s tree t .
Professor F. A. H a naw al t w a s in ~ nd, Ohio, during th e Eas t e r
ope r a ti o n a nd neve r - fa ilin g p un ct ua li ty m ak_e he1· assistancl' an inspi r a ti o n to a n y edi to r. M ay s h e neve r deser t Ill: th e co ll cg-c paper!
ed a very s pl e ndi d a rti cle o n th e : Or ie nt a l r ela ti o n s of t he U n ited S t ates. I n it th e wr ite r in dea lin g w~th th e re lati o n be t wee n th e U nit e d S tate and Japa n dwe lt fo r a t im e o n th e P hi lipp in e q u es ti o n as o n e th a t is ... subor d ina te to th e fo n 11er. T h e s in cer it y of th e w r ite r is not to he do u bt e d ; it see m s h oweve ,- t h at th ere was _ lack of co m p lete in formation 011 some po int s. T h e gent leman w h o w r ote t h e ar t ic le was abso lu te ly ri g h t \.v h e n h e s t a t ed the fou r d iffe r en t a ttitud es : S. m ig h t take in rega rd _ w hi ch t he t o th e P h ili pp in es. Ye t w h e n h e _ sta ted, "We may cut loose fro m th e m altoget h er, g r a ntin g th em inde p e nd - : e n ce. but how long wou ld it be be-! § fore t he present condi t ions in Mex ico _ wo ul d be dup li cate d ?," h e m a d e a a very surprising ana logy. Mexico is in 11 0 way co m pa r ab le to t he P hilip - _
wacation attending the sessio n s of th e pines.
SAVE MONEY by buying Magazines, Kodak Albums, Art Ma.terials, Stationery, Pennants, Fountain Pens, Athletic Goods at the
= = c
un1vers1 . ·ty B00k.. s·tore :
Tf the ge n t lema n wi ll of S cien ce of which h e s tu dy t h e h is tory and t h e ac h ieve- : lu member. men t s of the Fi lip ino peop le, th e _ Wilder P. Bend er of B ~wling governmental system and inter~a l con- : "' • _ : , Ohio, recently bad th e unu s- diti o n s a n d their va lia n t se r v ice d u r- _ - • op t · O f d' h · t : ,· n th e War he will see the unfa irness : . n au por unity a t te u mg t e S IX y- fgl . 1-llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 wedding anniv er ary of ·hi s p ar- o 11s companso · Mr. and Mr . J o eph B en de r , In the same trend of thoug h t the · wit live near Bo wl in g Gr een. M r . ge ntl eman stated that in granting the .!.!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Sr., was 111 O t t erb ein 111 P h ilippi n es complete indepe nd_ence, OU Both Mr. and fr . B e nder w ill "we would have lost an opportun ity to nd 'tuinety-one year of age t h is y ear. render a service t o a dcpe ent peo- p l e and would have lost much wealt h ." § ~ners must adorn knowl e d ge Thi s is a surprising statement fr o1n _ lit ~ooth its way thro u g h th e old o n e kn owing the ac h ievemen t s an d -Chesterfield. I0 f t y id ea ls of h is nation. For h as . the n o t th e Un ited States a lrea d Y g iven 40c th e t wo P hilippin es an oppor t u n it y wh ic h s~e 45c· co u ld n o t n ow close if s h e we r e to k ill ? A 11 cl if s h e does Bill a steady worker ?" eve r y m a n t h er_e · • n o t g r an t ind epe nd e n ce w ill s h e no t § • • • • § 'Steady? If he was any teadier h e'd th e n b e b loc kin g th a t pa th of o ppor- TilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii W1iotionlcss I"
GIiio Academy
can't beat the ·"eats" at the
= Try some good old buck wheat cakes like mother used to make.
Dinner = Supper
!'age Fo ur
D CA RD T N A L . ,
we ha ve enjoyed the year's experience ' their ·co'lege paper. sports, Muskingum, and lose game. mo t profoundly. We_ have enjoyed Of cour e we have no objection to Otterbein egat,ve Debaters. r learning all the pet hobbie of our co- their employing any amount of laudiThoughts from Bob Bur det te. Published Weekly in the interest o f workers (and our own !)-tho e . little tory language in behalf of t heir own •·Get away from th e crowd for a expression that they will u e, those debaters aqd we do not mind what Otterbein by the particular _words that th ey never fail their estimate of our men may be but while, a-nd think . Stand on one side OTTERBEIN PUBLISHI G to mis pell, and those bit of jovial we do contend that they ar e unfair in and let th e world run by, while you BOARD drollery that characterize each one. imputi;1g their • defeat to a mi inter get acquainted with yourself and see Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press We have · enjoyed th e opportunity to . pretation of th e. question by our team. what kind of fellow you are. Ask Associa tio_n hecome more familiar with our col- In the fir t place., al) three j·udge de- yourself hard questions a bo ut your lege, its past, p'resent, and future , and clared after the de.pate that their de elf. Ascertain, from original sources, STAFF th e chan ce to get a world v iew of col- ci io1l wa quite i1:i_depe11.dent of the di _ if you are really th e manner of man Editor-in -Chief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 lege life and college _ idea , that any j)uted jnter'pre.tation. Moreover Mu _ you say you are; and if you are al As istant Editor .... J. G. Howard, ' 22 one must get who follows clo ely his kingum'· coach_ admitted, afte; a pro- way honest ; if you alway te11 t he Contributing Editorsl d d'I Esther . Harley, '21 · contemporaries in college new _paper onge cu ion fol lowfog the d'ebate, quare, perfect truth ih ,bu ines de A. W. Elliou, '23 work. And above all -we have enjoy- that our m en were right on ·the point tail ; if your life i a go.od and Business Manager .... J. W . George, '22 ed the zest of th e game it elf, the in di pute, v iz. that the question as upright at eleven. o'clock at night as Assi st ant Business Managerspractical experience it bring , and the agreed upon gives the e..,ec utiv equal it i at noon ; if you are a - good. a J. P. Schutz, '23 co 11 t J 1 d ~ · T. E. ewell, '23 fascination of journalism that even a ro over Ju ge e t1mat e. for the temperance man o·n a fis hing. excurth ree departm nt of government th e Circulat ion M gr. .. Marvel Sebe1·t, ' 21 college. editor tome to know. ion as you axe on a Sunday-scJ1ooL A we. leave we want to exp r e s a· legislative, the judicial and the adinin- picnic; · if you are as good when yQu istant Circulation ManagersHartiet Hays, '22 imple but sincere "thank you" to i trat·ive. Y et 111 · t h e1r · college _pal?er go to th e city as you are at home ; Lucile Ewry, '23 Athletic Editor ............ M. N. Funk, '21 everyone who has given us a lift a- our oppon,ent , after discu i'ng the if, in hort, you a re rea lly the sort Local Editor ............ H. W. Troop, '23 lon g th e way.- It has been a real point, ay, "Pos ibly the Otterbein of a man your father hopes you are Alumnal Editor ..... Alma Guitner, '.97 pleasure to work with our loyal ta:ff. fill doe not ·admit that his and your sweetheart be lieves you arc. Exchange Editor ........ P. K. Noel, ' 22 They deserve much credit for what- analy i a ~10 t valid.' ' - ow we do Get on intimate terms with yourself, Cochran HaII Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 1 or ........ J. W . S ene ff, '23 ever success has attended o ur year' not dgamb • le but neither do w e bandy and believe m e. e ery time you come L,1't erary Ed't 111 work. Our successor is o wefl fitted wor _ u ele argument and we pro out of one of t hese private inter Address · all communications to The for hi' new duties that it is with no P e. ii our opponent ar e incer in view you will be a _tronger, be tter, Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . misgivings as to his success that we their de ire to !ear up the matter, that College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. th f 1011 b I ' urer man ." ass over the reins to hi hand . Here' · e que e. ett eel by any om- · Subscription Price., · $1:50 Per Year P petc Ilt- th ·1; 0 f • '- · if p.aid before November 15; other~ wishing him as loyal a staff and a au on Y uce,r own choosing Our W eekly P roverb. w-i e 1.75. pleasant and pro£table a year as we a nd th lo ing ide forfeit any. con"Be it ever so homely th ere' 110 h ave had. Our thanks , all, • and iderable sum th at ou oppon nt may- face like your own." Entere.d as second class matter "Au revoir!" name to ome worthy charity. We September 25, l917, at the postoffice are. not trycii-1,g to be en ational nor do WHAT THEY HAVE SAID at \Vesterville., 0 ., under -act of we tak pe.r 011al offense at the a~t1·_ Ma ch 3 1879 H ail, the New ChieH , THEY HAVE r , tude of our opponent but we· have too SAID \ e take reat plea ure in pr ent- much' re pee for the value of college Acceptance for mailing at spe.cia1 J · Gor d on H owar d Of D ay t on. debate to -wilful Iv le ;t degenerate 1·x1- ' rate of postage prov ided for in Sec. · By U . R. Daffy 1103 A f O 3 1917 h · d mg ct. ' ' au t onze the J1Cw and shiney editor of the Tan · · · •J ' I , ct 0 . Apr il 7, 1919. to m qwbbling. . ., and Cardinal. vVhilc w e hav corne Agam, we do not qu tion the sin- 1 o 101110;1, ''l love the ladies: to feel a ort. of paternal intere t in the ·t f u nania , ·•1 11 say we djd." ED ITORIAL cen Y o musking-um' debater 111 publication, we gladly hake. th e du t th ir contention at the time. What Sam on, "I'm strong for you.'' ~ of the offic~ from our feet, yield up the d J 011ah, ·• Yon can't keep a good man "Au Revoir!" we ep 1or the unfairne of their · 11 a tmge · • reporting the debate. Ju t down:" 1t ·,s w,t o f .rea l regret token of our auth rity-on rn ty key, pap r 111 kt f a1)d I ave th de tini ol the p.aper a f ew porn+ • Icopatra, You're an · easy- Mar ' . t I1at we P. I y our peJ;J t h I 1as.t tune or ju in tance. It r nort h "' non:y.'' the Tan and Cardinal and our college. and the fate of our abu ed reader t at uskingum.' fir t peaker " proved his • contention David, "The. bigger they are the In parting we waive alike all e ff u ive the hand of a n w czar. well that 0 1J r. Howard doe not com to the harde O effort at apology for "lost opportuJ:Jitterb in admitted it without endeavr th Y f a 11·" in th e .work. · Edison (feeding £r t grapbo_phone), tie ·• and al).y .attempt at elf-con- h elm. without experienc . , onng to ail wer.' The frank fair gratulation. \\'e _make no pr tea e. of ~m 1 th : n~az of!' 0th er ,~nties he. way to have said the ame "thing 'I lik to put on air ," hadng been above fault. W do a oun hme to a~e o~ !oy and i would ha\te be n to ay that the. peakda= . 'Tt wa a gre.:tt life ·t you claim to ha\·e been sincere in our orr w " 1~ a year~ 0 _ ed,_ttnal w~rk r er wa ted h1 entir pee~h proving a rlidn't w aken.'' eff rt to give our read r a fair and t~at , ha -d~ 11 b rep ete ,~it ~enuu:e. j point that wa admitted by both ide olumbus ''l do1t't know where 1'111 impartial as well a an inte.i:e ti11g Pea ur ' 1 e. anter an plam toil. -from th e tart a l h goino- but I'm on my way." \\ h . d Fli . lit rary and xecutive ability re,,. I, the debate mu .' a ra1e1yone ~ 1~ eaxd ::r;ero, " Kee"' the hom e fire burn· and readable pape~e ave toe to quire no commenf at our hana · j "?.f k.i g . Agam 1t ay , i.Jig.'' "" represent Otterbe111 at her b t, to B ad in hi . · u ngum mu t tal,:e her con oland uphold her traditions and to taud l r HJtere t ' frank a } tion in the fact ti t th 1· 1· th Methu elah, "Th Ii r t hundred friendly a the day j long a1td withal, time in th ,ah e fir t quarely for the -be t thing in col- a rovaf good fellow he .Q1easure up ! d f · d ree ~ear t at Otteroein ha year ar the hard t." lege life. \,\'e have tried to maintain • ' · e eate u 111 d bate'' A d h Diogene , 'I'm all _fixed for atur· to every requirement of the po ition to l ound l'k .d · n t at d . 1 e cons, crable con olation a live and spicy publicatio1t while which he com . , ay 111ght! ' to anyo h d Q ir \\' alter 11 1 guarding jealou ly the tandard we \V e ar sorry we. can 110 loJlger thaf . :hw o oesn't hapl?en to know · ueen E1 lizabeth (to th ink a college paper hould ob erve. order hi way , blue pencil hi write- have. 1; t ;e~ y~ars the two chools Raleigh , "K, p your hirt on." For our failure we are mildly orry. up and send him 011 our errand hut four ie Wfice 111 deba~e re ulting iii Plutarch, "I am sorry that I IHI\' ~ or 0 tterbem to t\VO f 0 1· no n1<>re 'L,·ve ' to ,·ve 1ny country._' · · · • f any deg ree of ucces we may we reJ01ce, a tune grinds on to yield 1Iusk'vot e ~ ha, e attained we leave our readers to him our plac·e. Bear with him in h'I · . ingum. Roger v\'illiam (a they put h'.t · dge · JU a wet want to be fair b u t -we are feet in thp-. tock-), "Well, I can mi take ,-they will be few. Prai e not}.;ow Ot;r ta k ha not been all joy. him when prai e i due,-you will cann ccu omed to debate team that kick.~' 10 There have. been time when thing prai e him often. Mr. J Gordo ot _ e ':"1th good grace when the . b . . n j other ide win Ott b . broke bad Iy an d t I1e JO became a Howard gentleman and chola · er e111 ha met a ff ' • r, number of colle · · d h grind. B ut w atever time an e ort editor of the Tan and Cardinal we . . . ge IJ1 year past and we hav(; invested ha been given glad- w 1· h you I k ' wmnmg or lo mg ha tried to ho uc · and h l w, ly and fre iy and we have found our --------. a a w~:s, been hown, a sportsreward in the fine co-op ration and L et's Be Sports, Muskingum. manlike attitude worthy of college loyal uppoi;t accorded u by our The world love a hard fighter al- men, ~nd while. we are not "p tti h" taff and by the enti,.re college. We way but not a poor loser. M.u kin- on our own account we value th e _ nd count our elve to have been rarely gum' debater· won our admiration for teenl a re pect of the college world fa vore d in thi re pect. -The g us th e gamene of their fight in the re- enough a nd we love the cau e of "Oh Where , 01. · ~• Where?' , pec1mean and appreciative attitude of the tu- cen.,' d e b ate h, but in all incerity clean Th. OJ?"" ea on' for 'cat lab 1i·k debate O ufficiently that we "' t• dent body and alumni has we believe. they are cheapening the t~ tepl tterbeio's tandard above me~ j announted and w 5 1P of in piration in ou work. tatu of intercollegiate debate by their e _of new paper ~.Pologies. It con'fid ntial -word of warniug to a~\Je It would be unfair not to attitude toward defeat, a reflected omeo~l C' 1. ~t fault, let' · face u_p and our friend who may have ehg• e~ who it I If n:ot let's b good live- to k. ''Beware the 'lab" class,1
~===== = ==========!
Page Five
Debate Otterbein Negative vs. Wittenberg Affirmative at Springfield . Deb'ate, Otterbein Affirmative vs. Ohio orthern egative, College
By " One of ' em."
Chapel. Wednesday, April 27. E Wednesday 30. Came back after Graduate Recital, Miss Dixon. a ter vacation. It was hard to tear Illy elf f . The . away rom my folks but I d id. i girl \vho stayed at the Dorm dur- ~ · • " Oh, Now You Go ' Way!" bng vacat·ion tried to make us· Jealou c~· ~eciting all the different kinds of Otterbein now tand on the tc en they had, how many times sa me plane with other of her th ey h d . PUdd ' a ice cr eam and no tapioca i ter college having taged an tn g at all. But who cou ld be a11 Ything b "bone t-to-goodn e " beau con £ ut good-natured after a ter vacation? te t Mr. A. W. E lliott i t~e " handsome f' man in Otterbe'.n. Thursd ay 31. chool as usual. ToHe hold the position undis 111 te orrow the Barnes Short Story Conputed, cho en ?Y the ve'.y .com t My . . to be . room-mates and I all stnve petent judge, Mis Manone M. Work literary. At 10 p. m . we began Miller, in a conte t under ~us nd toiled a all through th e night we pice of the Philalethean Literlea · Whenever we became the ary ociety. t bit J f bitt eepy, we consumed a cup o The honor conferred upon Mr. 'u erb. black coffee and thus prevented Elliott i greatly increa ed when ' tn er It . . . eve " · wa Just !tke Chnstma it i remembered that he com eve' not a creature was tirriqg, not peted again t uch men as n a mo ,, A o[ u e . bout 4 o'clock one enke Howard and e r . M • .du dropped off to sleep a bout 5 :00 I M di and h H. Miller. at ;II. t e other one of' us slept not
~=============7 ~
Friday l .. how · April Fool's . Day. Somerath er dull today. Pened em er anything that hapit w becau e I fell asleep whenever leep: ~t all possible. I was even hand d ~n Dr. navely' s class. We 111 Our brain-products and now wa·t 1: rea t bl ly for the verdict. Saturd llJe ay 2. Accompli hed three a I and hear B· a clean room. . ent to B.e I hop M.cConnell• in the evenu1g. nat wan' t pompou and doll like you 1d Be ural!y aid expect a bishop to be. ally ;ore clever thing than .you u u lot ~a, from a platform. I learned a out 11:exico. Sunday 3 IVeat h · uch unny, diar er call me away from this dull l'l! ,~e Gue thi '. II be the la t day hold P one. Hope nobody ever get treasuof th1 • I'll put it away in my enc1 . t. If I take a notion I'll it for . d Quill. F ure 111 the 1921 Qui? an arewel I little volume. 1)0 : we all felt n t rem b
CALENDAR Wedne d G! s ay, AprJ. 6F ee Club at .Fo torfa O acuJt R . • · Y ec1tal. , 1'h G~sday, April 7li'rjdaee Club at B owling Green. l Y, April 8• Yceum Gi~ C 1umber m college chape 1. nee). lub at Gib .onburg, 0. (Ma t i-
BUT MAYBE IT was best FOR OF ALL fair charmer SHE WAS the most FICKLE, MOST jealous, MOST B FFLING, most VACILLATING a well as BEING THE most lovely, AND TO live with HER WOl/LD have been 0 -E HECK of a thing AS I WAS beginning '.CD FIND OUT. BUT AT that it WOULD BE putting IT . MILDLY to say THAT I liked her A D I AM still ass ENOUGH TO think THAT SHE cared for M-E ABOUT as much a s ':f OF her sex CA CARE for a man CONSISTENTLY.
NOW I never was CRAZY ABOUT ki ssing A Y OF HER kind BUT SHE used to get SORE AS the deuce IF I didn't SO O LY to please HER I shut my EYES A D b raced MYSELF when "M IRABILE DICTU!" SOME OF her hair, THA T marvelously RADIANT brown hair GOT IN my nose AND TICKLED very PRO AICALLY. BET:'/G OXLY human I SNEEZED a sneeze . THAT WO LD have BLOWN UP th e "Maine" ! I M U ST have well nigh FRIGHTENED her OUT OF her senses FOR - OUT OF my arm SHE JUMPED and OUT OF the door SHE WENT in about OTHING flat.
A D I have never the other fellow act that ., 1en ,, h SEEN HER since. · '' iU-teinpered ; w en you ,vaY, 11e i u "" " ALL I have to say do it it's nerve . • . IS THAT I shall ~en the other feJlow is set in his NEVER sneeze , " b f . ate" · when you are. way . he , . . o m ,, ' I THE ear of it is ju t 'hrmne • , . MY next the o th er Iell ow doe u t !tke " ·1 CHESHIRE C T. n 1en . d. d". when . d he' "p reJU ice , your f nen · ply d 't like bi , you are sim ~ T I started to A D THERE YOU ARE! you . on.that you are a good judge of TELL how I Miami Student. bo, u1<r human nature. , LO T HER. . When the other fellow trie to tr~t ''I'll ju st have to tear myself awa~", ONE EVE I GI specially well he J CAME IN when she declared the chap whose trou sers had ome one e h e ' . ,.. when you try t e am frozen to the ice. WA IN a whiz toadyu1g , . "ta t" you are u mg c· • 1 tung, er fellow takes time to n tb\othis " dead slow''; when .!_! 1111111111111111111 IIII II IIII IIIIII III IIII III I 11111111111111111111 IIII IIIII III IIII I III III 111111111111111 ' " f]
do thm~s, e re "deliberate". you do it, you a . th other fellow spend a v hen · ''spen dth n,,·ft"., when ._ you Jot, he. 1 a do you are "generoufs.11 holds too ' ti other e ow \ hen JC · "close" · • oney he 1 ' t" ht to h1 m ' ,, ig do you are "prudent. when you th fellow dres cs "h 'Vv en the o "erd 11 dy'' · when you II he' a a . extr~ ~e '. "a duty one owes to imP 1y : do, it 1 her fellow runs great ocietY-." \ Vben the_ ot he '.foolhardy" · .Qk in bu ines ' J 'great nJ you are a when you do,
-fiii'an~ier." other fellow ay what : G!ee Cl When the . £ l''• when you Satu ub at Toledo, 0. · ( igh.t). • "spite u , , he think . Iie 1 rday A il G1 ' pr 9are "fra nk. do, you -I-eader. 'l'uc ee d Club a.t olumbus Grove, 0 . s ay, April 120pho We niore. enior Banqtr t. s day, April 13-
TO GET her ONLY TO lose HER WAS enough to BRI G thought of RAZORS A D ropes AND BUCKETS of blood TO ANYBOpY, for CRY TABELLE WAS TRULY a prize. FEMININITY it elf COULD BOAST of none MORE beautiful THA SHE with her \,VONDERF ULLY brown hair AND HER wonderfully GREY eyes.
OF A GOOD humor IT MUST hav e been, FO R SHE actually BEGGED ME fo r a KISS.
-;O pOWER !
= = =
and PtJMPS _=~
Ladies Will Find a Good .Selection in Low Shoes for Spring Wear
= = = = =
Ladies' Brown Suede, Ankle Strap .·······-:-..:........- ..- ......... •·········-· $ 9.00 : Ladies' W alking Oxford, Brown Kid ---····-··--··-::..........-·..._.. . 8.00 Ladies' Black Kid O~ford, Low H_eel ~.,._...... ____ ____,,_______~~- ....--.......~, · .- 7.50 Ladies' Suede and Kid Pump~Lows Heel ··-··-·-············-············-·6.50 _ Ladies' Double Strap. Pump, .l'rench Heel -····-······-···-··•····-···---· 9.50 Men's Oxfords, English ,. ____ _______. ___::________________ ~--~---!t..__ 7.50 Men's O xfords, N~w Brown Calf ····- - - · - -·-..., ·····-····· ···"·~·-·· 10.00 § Men's Black Enghsh O x~ords -···-~--·-··--··-·-····..:_···-·······•-··•·-·· 8.50 Men's O.xfords, Brown with Round Toe ···-···--··--···..-"' ... ~ ..,........_.._ .. 7.50 -
= =
HOSIERY Let us show you something br:and new in hosiery designs for and women. ·• Ladies' Silk, Navy Blue with white pin.stripe, also cordovan and wh}te, black and whi~e .··-- ··-·-················...._......._.._....•_..•...Ladies' ·p1am Shades, and Pansian Clocks -····- ····-·····--················· Men's New Hose for Oxford wear ·····-··-·············-···-··-·--··-··· 85c,
= = =
men _ . . over whi h -we . to cond iuon the J)aper appear a 0 wing $1.95 and ; uate Recital, Mi e Wagn r have no co:1tro 1 k The power we,nt 1.95 1' erfect. day late this wee . hour and left' the $1.50 _ hursd • n_ ay, April 14off. ju t before. "in the a1r • li'fidu ell D ec Iamatio; Contest. J?aper ' • 13 ay, April 15• t ne date after an- jj 111111111111111111111111 II 1111111II111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 lI11111111 ~ "Oh dear, JU o 'I'b a eball, Ott rbein at We leyan. other" sighed the calendar. Ursday, April 21J
McLEOD-SANDERS, 22 N. State Street
= = =
Page S ix
Bancroft and Marten Will Make P itchers Are Needed-Several Regulars Not Available And More Flashy Pair of Racqueters for Otterbein. Men In Demand Phy ical Director Martin has pa1 tially arranged th e tennis chedule for the season . ine meets have been dated and several are yet undecided. Two meet will be held with Ohio Wesleyan but the dates have not been et as yet. He is also co ntemplating entering th e Big 1x meet at Ohio State. With -both "Bob' Ma r ten and "Hindu" Bancroft eligib le to play, 0 . . ought to have a lal'ge number of wins on her ide of the late. will no doubt be four men on the quad and it is expect ed that there will be ·some keen competition for the sub positions,. with Fox, Mullen and Gr/lbill of la t year's contestants ou t of school. , The schedule up-to-date: A.p ril 19-0. S. U . at Col umb us. A pril 30-D enison at Gran ille. May 3- Capital, here. May 6-Muskingum, he re. May 14--K~nyon, here. May 21-M u kingum at ew Concord. May 23-Capital at Columbus. May 28-Denison, here. June 1-Kenyon at Gambier. Track Training Starts-
Cinders Awaited for Course not met tb e r esponse th at one The first official call for tra ck me n wa is ued las t Saturday. Most of the men have be.en in training for some time but never aa other than per o nal coaching from the coach. Th e outl ook for the season ~s ve ry good but more interes t could be taken by a greater numb er of students. The " . 0. S." has been sent out for the where-abouts of a car load of fine cinders that was to have reached the village of We tervill e some weeks ago but as yet has not been recei ve d. With another coat of fine ci nders and some s t eam- rolling the track should be in fair shape for th e first meet here, with Heid elberg, on May 7th .
Peden To Pilot Cinder Artists. The track team for this sea on will have in Roy Peden a captain who ca n set a pretty mean pace. Roy has had quite a varied experience in track wo rk, having won so me enviabl e dis tinction in am ateur meet at his hom e town of John town, Pa., and also in inter-collegiate co ntests in past years. During his army ervice Peden won r ecognition in practically every branch of athletics and was one of those selected to r epre ent' the United State at the Inter-Allied meet in Paris in the pring of 1919, where he placed for the Yanks, winning fourth in the pole vault. Our tracksters are very for tunate in having a man of Peden's abil ity at the helm.
Patronize our advertisers!
Preliminary Inter-class Track Meet Is Announced
oach Ditmer announces a preliminary inter-class tra, k meet to be held 0111.etime this week. It will take at least tw o afternoon to run off all th e even t . This meet i being held in order to gi e the coach and the clas captains an opportunity to line up the men fo r future co ntes ts. It will no t be 11ece ary to have made any r eco rd in a track mee t to be al lowed to enter this con test. I t is not necessary to have ever see n a track meet. The big idea i that you be out th ere with blood in your eye and a pair of' ome kind of ho e on (b eide hobnails ), and in a congenial attitude o a to give the coach or clas captain a chance to t l e you in some event. More de fiui te announce men.ts as _to the date will , be made later. So be there at a ll hazards. You say w ho? Why YOU a nd YOU and YOU! Get me?
A WORD OF APPRECIATIO N ( By the Ed itor.) We want to ·'tell the world"' that we have had a real a thl etic · editor to work with during the past year and we ta ke this opportunity of acknow ledging the consistent, thorough work as well as the fair and impartie-1 attitude of Mark N. Funk. He ha: done wonders toward developing the ath leti c department of the paper to th e standard that was ou r goal and deserves no little cr ed it for the extra effo rt and personal inconvenience to which he has gone many time , to give th e fan an interesting and accurate account of th e vario u sport • With the add iti on of an ass istant in this fie ld we hope hi uccessor will be ab le to develop till fu rther the po sibilities of th e athletic department Owing to Mt. Funk's ab en~e thi week, the port page of this i ue is the work of the n ew a thl eti c editor, . W. Elliott, who takes up his regular duties with the incoming staff next week.
Th e call fo r baseball ma·ter-ial has not met the respo nse that one might ha ve hoped fo r but with the clea ring up of weather condition and with t he Easter vacation over no doubt there are some . very good athletes in thi spor t th a t . w ill make th ei r appearance within the next week. The team wilt be handicapped for p itchers in do uble- header or two games in a r ow as Per ry is not eligi ble for Varsi ty work. It is possible that the coach will be able to develop a dep endable twirler in the next two or three weeks that will be able to tak e care of th e situation in case Ulry can11ot go the full route. Bob Marten' s place at short will Pace To Captain Baseball have to be filled a he ·doe not th ink / Lela nd Pace who captai ning he can do justice to both baseball and f thi_s year's diamond s q uad has been f u ed to think I knew, I kn ew, But now I mus t confess, tennis. A ll are acquainted his interested in bas eball since his ability as a tennis player an d it is no entrance in Otterb_e in, having made The more I know, I know, I know, I know I know the le s. doubt the. best thing for all concern- letters in his Sophomore and Junior ed that he centraliz e hi effo rt 011 year . He plays outfield and is a "Abou B en Adhem, fleet fielder as well as a clever base this sport. May hi tribe diminfsh The team wi ll r~ceive another jolt runn er. He is the only member of Or the, high co t of living unless ~ome of ''Wes" Seneff's " ships" this year's senior clas o~ning a ba eWill be his finish." come in and fix him up finan cially for ball letter. th e year. " Skinney" put in ome -----~--mighty good licks behind th bat last Marten Leads Racqueters. Rob ert Marten, '22, .i cap tain of year and his old driving chatter wjll be missed to ay .the least. However tenni& fo r th e . season ju t opening. the Coach has a very dependable "Bob " record as a tenoi player. i catcher in Levi Howe. Levi has lo ts one to be envied by a ny aspirant to of pep and no doubt will be found be th e art. He i q uitt ing baseball this sp ring so as to devote all hi space hind th e bat regularly. time in perfecting him e lf in the game that he loves o well. We will not be SPORT CHATTER surpr_ised to hea r of- the tenni team The gi rl are to put on an intra rating around th e top of the Ohio · mural vo lley ball schedul e, beginning Co nference standing. in th e near futur e. We. are glai;l to ee Field Day Planhed. th e fair sex take thi s interest and feel ure that it will be we ll worth th ei r The in tra-m ura l track meet that is while. Girls' a thletics in general are bei ng put on this week i only a pre indebted for most part to the girls' limina ry a ffair aoci the rea l con.test leaders co rp for th e initiative in between the clas es will be held ome th ese arrangements. tirne the latter part of May and will take on th e form of a Field Day. It When we see some of th e loyal is hoped that thi wi ll be an interest Otterbeinites o ut for track and base ing eve nt to students, alumni and ball who have no other aim in view faculty. We wo uld even sugge t that but to do th eir bit and what little th ey hereafter it be et apart as an annual can to help th e coach develop a holiday devo ted to spring athletic THE TA ILOR squad it gives us a firmer grip on faith and make it a point to have prospec State and Main Streets in o ur fellowmen. tiv e studen,t s here as ou r guests. Cleaning: and Pressing "Hooray for the Prune League." Freshmen Girls, "Champs". "As we go to press it is authentically We were unab le to get the details of repo rted that thi venerab le league, of many bloody and otherwise battles, is th e la t er ies of girl ' basketball to have "intra-prune" contests m game , but th e finals result ed in v ic tory for the Fre hm en who thu be track baseball and tennis. come the "champ ". That man out in Iowa that laughed himself to death must have h.ea rd "Ye ", said the woman, "I might about Otterbein' s tennis courts being manage to give you a bite to eat if s tarted. yo u'll saw and chop a good pile of fire-wood and bring in a few buckets "A man who'd set fire to a barn,'' of water and clean the weed out says O'Reilly, "and burn up a stable of the garden and mend the fence "' of horses and cows, ought to be kicked and"to death by a jacka and I'd like to "Stop lady. I'm only a hungry be the one to do it." way-farer-I ain't you.r hu band."
WOLFE'S MEATS Are good to eat.
Phone your Order.
Bell 46-W
Citi'zen 92
RHODES & SONS The College Avenue
Dispensers of Table Luxuries
Use "Nyal" Face and
Cold Cream at
Page Se;ven
Princeton University will li mit its ~ I 11111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111IIIII111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 en rollment for nex t year to 2,000 so § TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet § as to insure close con tac t between Waters, California Perfumes Vanity Box es : the teacher and stu dent. Flesh Br ushes, Etc. ' ' = -
Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds.
The faculty of Oberlin has voted to count triple any unexcused absences lengthening holiday periods. " Most men rob themselves when ' : they call another a ha rd name." -
FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY OPTI CA L D E PARTMENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Star Rapid Shoe!~ Repairing
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27 W . Main St.
Westerville, 0 .
Alice George gave a push Satu rd ay nigkheatnaf.or Mi r iam Geo rge, '19, of They always carry Goodyear Heels and Neolin Soles. If you want us to
-= =
M:ary Tintsman, '20, entertained a num ber of guests a t her home on Park St., F riday evening.
''Didja" hear how Mildred Swab Play " taps" on h er b ugle. It re.a lly do take more than a 111ere bell and the hou e procfor ' t o ge t, " lights out" a ten o' clock. Mr . Paul F out of Midd letown, Pen t Wednesday at Cochran Hall.
Q ua1•I ty
McKellar Flower Shop=
Deittal Cream--
Fancy Roses, Carnations and all Flowers in season.
• • • Corsages a Specialty
• • •
g1r of th e old Y. F riday evening.
You 1111111111111111111111 I I l I I I LI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111 I I I I Ill 11111111111111 I I I 111111111111111 jj th e h · d b' t Do you care to have t em rev1 e or A. ca ~ne ·constructively crjticised by succe ful authors? If you do, then send us 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
entertain d
Is Our Agent at Westerville.
H ancock
• • •
Your teeth are white naturally. The _ enamel ought always to look white _ and sparkling. Klenzo Dental Cream will restore this clean whiteness. everal of the girl en.j oyed a HOFFMAN' S REXALL STORE breakfa t at Min er\'a Park aturday mo rning. Be rth a
22 N. High St.
A hower was given in th e reception roorn F riday evening, the ladies so fa vored being Edith and Ohla Cave and L era W ater s.
= =
ic hard B rad fie ld , '17. o f Co lum bia, apply them, they are guaranteed to you. Mi ouri was th e g uest of Zura and Also Shoe Shine Parlor for Ladies and _ Gertrude Bra dfiel d th is week-en d. Gentlemen. F irst class Beauty Parlor- P ainless ?) eye-bro w treatment ! Apply at +ll, Cochra n Hall.- (A dv?)
M:rs. 0 . E . Knepp of Toledo was the week-en d guest of M il dred Deit ch.
_Donna Ryans, a student at West you r manu cript (stories article o r V'.rginia Wesleyan, w a s the guest of poem ). W e w ill criticise, and p l~ce - · Virginia Wolfe during vacation . them should th ey p rove "lo be accept- _ Lorna Powell gav e a n April Fool ab le for publication. Party F r iday evening. T here is no actual charge for our er vices. If, however, you_ have not Mlr . Frank Abbott, of Rockfo rd, previously enr olJ:d with_t~e a dvisory Was the guest of A lice Abbo t t during departmen t of t his a sociat1on, we reth e Ea te r week-end. quest that you enclose the initial fee Virginia B lagg wa quite urpri ed of two doll ar , which we m u t a_s k of : to find her t ,rthday w a s b eing - cele- each new con trib utor. T here is . no brated by an Apri l •oo1 di nner party. a_dd itiona l expense, n o fu ture obltga-
ur ·Photos
= your Photo is the only thing your friends = ~
cannot buy.
I§ E
Gladys Yoku1n gav a push ·Tues- t ion. I ~ I t m ust be rea lized th at we can on y I = day night. If b'e of a id to those o f er io us in tent. : o mea n to str ive for literary sue" He re's omethin g queer ," said th e yo u d . den ti st. "You ay this tooth has n ever cess. we can h elp you in n::a ny ways. , = b ervices are yours until we have k f een worked on befor e, but I fi nd O ur t 11 • actuall y succeeded in m ~r e mg a : rn~~ t." fl ak es of gold on my mstru- lea st one of yo ur manuscri pt . en d :
Have the Best
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"I think you have struck my back somethi ng t o-day! c0 11 P lea se enclo e r etu rn posta ge w ith ar button,'' moaned the v ictim. your communications. "Far be it from us to flip ashe in anyone' Bevo but th e bird wed like to lllo urn for i the chap th at looks over Your shoulder when you' re w r iting a letter to your very only beloved."
dvi ory
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. COtUMBU5,0. State and High Streets
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;131 W . 39th St. ew York City D epar tmen t 1111111111111111111 i1111 11111111 ii 1111H11111111111111111111111111IllIllIll1111111111111111111111111111
P age E ig~
NEW STAFF ELECTED \ k=lllllllllll.l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll ll l llll llllllllllllllllh= (Continued from page one.) vice rendered. \: The newly elected staff is: : Editor-in-Chief-J. Gordon Howard, r-r_ ; ·22.
Assistant Editor-J. W. Seneff, '23. Contributing Editors-Grace H . Hill , '23; Horace \V. Troop, '23 . Business ).ianager-J. P. Schutz. '23. Assistant Business Manage rs-T. E.
~ =
I§ _
Jroy £:Jailored
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All the lat e Co llar s carried in
stock-' -TO ll \AT1·11 ,,,a11t to look
Ne\vell, 23; J. F. Dillin ger, '24. Circu lation Manager-Harriett L. Hays, '22. : Assistant Circulation Managers- :
M r. V. L. Phillips, Otterbein's field r epresen tativ e, having just r eturned from a trip in Pensy lvania and New Yo rk, r ep_o rts pr ospects for new tu dents very good .
Mr. R. W. Schea r, '20, now of Waterloo, Iowa, spent the week-end in Westerv ille vi iting former school friends.
t llel11 over ·······•·········· 25 C to SO C -_
Lucile Ew ry, '23; Veda Bearss, '24. \: Athletic Editor-A. W. Elliott, '23. \ : Assistant Athletic Editor-D . A. : Harris, '23. Local Editor-M. M. Collin , '23. Alumna! Editor-Prof. Alma Guitner, '97. · : Exchange Editor-Virginia Snavely, '23. • ~ Cochran Hall Editor-Alice Davi- : son, '23. Literary Editor-H. R. Mills, '24.
:-.1 . w ear an d w 1·1son ... Ull ing B r o ., p ri ced at .. 85c to $1.50
= = = =
Tennis and Track Shoes CoP)'light
A. ichol s lost one good suit of clothes rescuing his canoe but he ays that a canoe is wo rth a uit of clothes a ny time. If you do n ot · believe it ask somebody th at knows. A number of th e st udents extended their v acation several day ; however mo t of them have now return ed to chool.
P riced t o a ve yo u m o n ey.
E. J. NORRIS, . . Westerville ;
Sibyl Staff Correction. We a re glad to correct an error in th e Sibyl S taff article of our last 1 iss ue. T h rough some m istake the 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n lin e announcing election of Typi t s was .pa rtl y omitted. Th ey ar e Miss R hea McConaugh ey and . M. M. : Ill I IIIIIII11111Ill Ill IIll I Ill IIIll I 111111 Ill IIll Ill Ill I Ill IIll I 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIll 111111111 Collins. Through a la ter arrange ment the staff photograph er will be A. E . Roose ins tead of as announced. T he Editor -in-Ch ief has been suffer One contributing editor is ye t to be ing { a minor operation that at elected. § tained eriou proportion for .several day , but h i abl e to ta ke charge of A TRAGEDY this issue. He had hov ered about h er all evenT he Gl ee Club men are slowly r e ~o.. 9 B NoRTH H1GH Sr, covering from the effects of th eir ing, notwith standing her efforts to re- pul e him. A t length, stung to mad: strenuous yet profitable trip through nes by her ev ident desire to rid her P enn ylvania. self of hi s pre ence, he w as about to ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii World Federation Plans Relief. leave. -Then th e .flutteri ng of her fa n Clo er pirit of co-operation among disarranged th e lace at h er t hroat, tudent of the world ha been the leaving her white neck bare a nd I • outcome of the se ion of the Worlct's gleami ng in th e moonlig ht. W ith a MIIIIIIIU llllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ tud en t Chri thin F ederation held at w' ld _c ry of passionate longin g, utterCall Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Bell 8-W office, ior : t. E eatenb e.r~, Switzerland from ly ob liviou of th e consequences of : July 30 to A ugu t 7. At that time h is rash act, he flung him elf upon s tude nt leader from 37 lands came her. The next in tant he lay crushed : :: toget~er in the in~e~ests of con- at her feet. Alas! Poor little mosquito! trucu ve tudent activity as well as -Exchange. · : , Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry W ork and :: the probl em of European tudent - -. - - - - - : Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Relief confronting the world at preOne.Writer Says Headquarters-12 E. College Ave:, Westerville, o. sent. "Man has becom e an egotist, deny- : Subscripions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home : European s tucleot relief provided in ing God a)ld thinking himself hi the program of the Federation in- own god, o that unre t dissatisfacJournal, Saturday Evelililg Post. :: elude the follow ing : food, clothing, tion and disorder have followed. It Prompt Service-Best Service. § fo el b.ook , soa_p and toilet necessi- is time to aban qon these n ew-foun d, ·111tllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ties housing, (especially throu gh falla cious doctrines and get back t o hostef ) medical a id and opportuni- th e obser vance of ev erla ting docIf it isn't worth while trines, and it is the duty of- the ch oo) ti es for self help. and univer.sities to lead the way back to anity." " Backwards" Meeting Enjoyed. If Johnson, the Pennant :Man F ollowing th e benediction Rev. Mr. Toledo University is to have a new Burtn er was .in cnarge oj th e installa campu with complete tennis, base has moved to tion ervice which took place during ball and football grounds. the "backwards" Christian Endeavor ELMWOOD PLACE meeting thi w eek. Re poke a Jew "Mary had a little lam word in prai e of the work of th e For everyo!'le and o ½ Block South of the etiripg officer and then inducted the The leave in her engagement book new cabinet. Were ju t a white as snow." What's the 1:Jse? Corner of Grove and Park number of people participated in th e gen.era! di cu sion of th e topic -"Make headway while the moon Come Around. "l Mr . Brow.n sick?" " Common. Mistakes." The leader, hines," say the date-hound. Mi Swab, closed the meeting with "I think so, ma, she ju t threw up a window." Patronize our advertisers! an extract from Van Dyke. Support the· "Y's'.
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J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man
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you cop:ie once
will come again.
Westerville Bakery
Change of Address