G.ftner, Alma Sept. ljn 75 W est Colle6fe AYe
MAY 2, 1921.
No. 28.
Music, Art and Prep Students Enjoy Recital Wednesday Night-Is AsOut:ng and Banquet-To Be Miss c h . W esleyanites Bite the Dust to the at enne Kahler W ins F :r st sisted by Miss Beulah Bened:ct. Annual Affair. Place I 11 R . Tune of 3-2 Before O tterbein's ussel Declamation ConThe graduating r ecital o f M i The T r ia ngl e " Bo n Te mp s• ·, wh ich Heavy Onslaught. test Last Thursday N ight. F lorence Dixon, a sis ted by Mi too k place Tu esday eve nin g wa a Beulah Benedi ct, oprano, was given huge uccess. T he cla leaving the ULRY SHINES ON MOUND ALL CONTEST ANTS DO WELL in Lam be rt H all udiitorium la t A sociatio n Bu ildin g a t 6:00 o'cloc k, Mando!i -:--. Wednc day evenin g, p ril 27 th , with walk ed o ut to th e o ld til e m ill w he r e n and Guitar Club Funusl:es t he fo llo w ing program : an infot m a l ge t-to-ge th er wa enjoyed. Wesleyan R allies In Eighth Inning Muslc of the Evening-ProfesBeethoven . . Co ncert in Bd, Op 19. A t th e de ig nated tim e th e party r eBut Fails to Overcome O tterbe;n•s turn ed to t he B lendon Hotel whe r e a Three Point Lead. A dagio sor Altman Pres:des. very enjoyable m eal wa er ved. A ah Ro ndo O t terbein 's ba eball ea o n tar ted T he decoration of or ar1ge-a 11 d1 ie , ·o p • 13 Co ll te t ay d• t he An. n ual D ecl a matio n Beetho ve n . 011ate p a th e t'gt o ff wii th a bang la t Tue da y w h 11 osit ' rna e pos 1bl e by t he gener- G ra ve . . . Al legro de mo lto con b rio black cla s-colo r were very attractive the var ity journ eyed o ver to D ela ex.ci·yt adnd inter e t of Dr. H. H . Ru ell , . T he Pin in th e candle-lighted room. M a tth ews . e a ware to p lay o ff th e g a me po tponed offe red an g r eat_ d:al o f inter e t, an d Mosz kowski . Following the banquet Toa tma t r evenmg ve r y pl ea ant en,. ,r 1• s Dixo11 M. W . Horlache r took charg e. Lyman from t he p r evio u Saturday. T h tert · a1nrne11t t . D'L Pr ciative ~ - an m ter ested an d ap. Far well Minnehaha . Hert an alu m nu of the academy day wa id a l fo r a g a me an d every coll au ience gat her ed in th e illanella spo ke on th e " Pa t". The "Future" on e seemed to be in fi ne me ttl e fo r th e fraca . "veege cha pel la t T hur sday even in g. M i s: Benedi ct "- ry nun wa d i cu sed by Prof. F . A. Hanawa lt I Very 1 Je r on the p rogr am wa R ha p od ie Hongroi _e o. 2 followi11g which Mr. W. E . Fo ter There was an e.n th tt iasti c fo ll owing ch 0 11we~le rt~nd ered, a11 d each we ll . fi ixon m a de a brie f talk on athletic . Ex- -~ai~o y~le:o::~er w~~d a ll er e more ~ o de . . c 1011 wa full o f in te r e t. D ixon wa ver y capa b ly tempora,1eou peecbe wer made by X . th e o utcome.. Brigh c1 ion by th e j udge , M! E dna Mi Helen agn er repre enting th e • either team eem d to be able to in her fir t number by l[i Pro(.} Rev. M. A. Co urte.n ~ and a g n e r ig ht o f th e M u ic D epar t- mu ic ide of the triangle, and by Mi locate th e pi ll u nti l th latter par t ( th e game. Bob Mar tin r em ter cl th I b. · W. J on e of ppe r rl mgto n M · p d h · 0 • '1 c Id me n t, w ho p layed t he o r che t ra part an e r u en, on t e art 1de. M r. E. aud· · ou have at i fi ed th e entir e H. a,,ana u h r pr euted th\! thi r d longe t h_it fo r 0 . •, r each in g third 1th m I of :nc_ ; th . el ction wer e all o full of th c elections. 11 t ,,, rit . ~ • Mis Dixon and- Mi Den diet ar s icl e w hJc 1 is , l a r fin Boehm Academy. J I G ace at ii mp to h ad that • ' 111 1ntere t and pr·e entation t· . of Otterb in' ve ry T he voca l selec ti o n by Mi L orrain rnn y eorgc off a JUdgrne nt d d fi e rcpre enta 1, es . h d . econd ru11 of th B ohyer o ( art. wa r e uce to a 11 . . 1 talent and tra ining ; Rhme a r t a n t he p ian o oJ by Mi • \ g am • 1ti h bes ~ 111 mu sica rece i-ved t h mo t H Jen hutt we re v ry delightful. The f e ley~n i cr edited with i:wo of their at ar· v- -ht d d their p rog ram f ,. • our h it both cl d · the fi r t . in c n..,, er wa awar c r oval and commeJ1datioJ1 o f ,cb o ru e o th e M a r chmg ong'' an d . • an n ve . lry alllu . Pnze of 15 for h r clever and hearty a pp d pprecialive a udience. ( Con tin u d on page t wo.) wa 11l :are fo rm, pitching the ntire a lllg Portrayal o f the character in th e large a n a - - -- - - - -rou te w1th ou t a wave r. ith a littl '' e/ ne fro m Booth Tarkington' Tennis Match I s Cut Short mo r e ea oning he h uld b invincenteen" Pleasant Affair Oelebrates ib l aga in t all om crs. John M. Murray-Nichols Engagement By R ain-Otterbein In Lead H" h . ig pot mning by innin g:" lro h · J ayne, with a cenc from ditio ng eart", a drama of Indian traochrao Hall dini11g room wa 1:11 e Friday afternoon th tenni team f Fir t i~ning; -Leffel walked. George n, (~ve and r enunciation, excited sc ne of a very p re tty little urpn_ journeyed to D eni on wirh the avo - orce.d him _at econd. George sfol c ontinued on pag<! two.) la t Tue day evening, when Mur_ie l ed purpose of com in g back with th eir <Co ntmued on page six.) " --------M iid :\lbert ~icho l cnterta111- fir t co nference victory of th ca on. "llSs NE urray a • . f d J. A. WARD IS SPEAKER ,ILSON ENTERTAINS d th eir friend at a dinner party. Rain inter er 0011 aft r the gaoi Wen kn ---e The table wa beautifu lly decoraled had been tart d aJ1d the conte t wa G· own Reader and Impersonator . cll ow and w hite and from the untini bed. Martin had bi man 6-0 in Interna tional Relations Club Is Told Ives John Drinkwater s Famous :: r : ba kct of m/1-rigold and nap t~e .fi r t et ani B~nc~oft wa . leading Concerning Conditions In Europe Play "Ab h . . the center of it, yellow h1 man 3-2 w en it e ame unpo iDuring Era of Reconstruc• 'on. • ra am Lmcoln" . dragon 111 t· Th · . .. u la t M . t mer were extended to 1l 1e. to con rnue. er I a po 1bil1ty Th nd white rea , e. member · of th e I nternational 0 ttcrl . 0 n d ay night th tudents o f a The ,m e t were 111ghly of pla.ymg the game at a futu re date lii )Cin were gi v en a treat when ca -: h place. . d ~ page two) ( Continued on page t wo. 1 Rela~ion were unu ually fortun0 b. Rorten e iel on read J o hn (Contmue . ate '.n havmg pre ent la t Monday 1'1:~ikwater' " br aham Lincolin." eve'.1111 g _Proi. J. A. \,Varel of Berkley,
I •·
Capa _cofleg chapel was fi lled to California. Profe or Ward ha ju t City a11d ti return d from an exte nd ed !rated b . 1 aud ience demonthrough tour ap Y it undivided attention its :J Europe a nd e pecially th Preciaf1011 Ba lkan late . During th e la t few fron 1 th · a t he imprcs ive ce nes On the warm Saturday, May 7, remember th at on th e fi r t aturday month he has been attac h ed to th e 1 1'11 great p lay wer e pre en ted. d \ e ter- i11 May, Coc hran Hall is the ccne of Greek c pl , e few s tud en ts and goo rmy on the T k 1" h \\•e!J ay ' bra ha m Lincoln" i not om . breakfa t th e May Morning Breakfa t, the day R • f ur and adapt d villians are go ing to ouman 1an ront in the capacity of Iack of e to recita l. There js a d dinin g- room. hall be full of flower and un hine. y M th ba ti ·r own reary b · · • ecretary. and witne cd in th e dining-room w ill ~ o_ '.HI j Athens r ecent ly lhe re toration of at 111ake :~ cottra st in character I t~:~ fate decrees that it will rain. traYaJ b . pay diffi cult for por. ff . ill ta te like the ri ver la ughter. mu ic and weet o c1ab1hty King on tantine to the Greek lhron . ~i a iugle individual. Thu their co _ee w al will be fla,·orles ay no thi ng of ambro ial and P rofe r \\lard, Jlre,·1·ou to the ,.,ar 1 1111c · ., ieJ o n, t h ough r ea d1n . . foo d , . en·e d I1y .lttcr b em's . .. k' t h c 1 tyx· · their oatme d eggs will re emb lc nectarine wa an in truc tor • p 1. . illfull h th ir hacon an I . .d h 111 o it1ca 1 cience llowc y cou ld not display er tllcir temper will mo t c iarrmng ma1 en , w o e every and thi fact mak h' ob r of f II eds and tone . kl h I I d e i ervation adva 11np r onatio n to u we . bus in es proj ct free e a )een wa 1 away by the on interna t ional ff . 1 C\•cr IJtage. T h program wa . how- be di agreeblc, ti 1eir hap.py being early May morning dew. va lu e In t h a a ir f of e pecia l , elllin . fail for t 1e e nn . f G · e co ur e o hi ta lk h bCin nt 1y worthwhi le and O tter- w111 -: b I dooed I \ Vho, l1l the name o ood om- brought o ut many t ti · d . Can 111 · d h da . will e 100· C Id h j a r mg an inter ate 1 c d b con idcrecl fo rtun- t e ) h f d'srnal forebodi ng. /1111011 en t wou c oo e the former , e ting fact which co Id But enoug o i . h th I 5. j u on 1Y be th i o. have ccur d -Mi s :--eil on at d lu cky one who 01ct ur w en e a tt er co l known through Jler ona l b . 11n1e. For th e wise an o . crva ti on.
•'age Two Special Anniversary Program . Is Conqucted By Endeavorers
Prof. J. A. W ard Speaks. Shoman-"! rea d rece ntly that a \; . M. C. A. was favor ed Thurs- certain doctor co n siders ki ssing sure day evening by having as speaker Prof. cure for heada che." h e ( swee ti Y) - '·W e II , I mu st a cl m1t · J . A . W -a rd who has just return ed 1, from Europe. Professor Ward spent th 1 seve ral month s with th e varied allied at ha ven't had a sin g le heada che armi es. and has made quite an ex ten- 1 since I've known yo u."
''I kn o w that thi s i go in g to be a shock to m e" r emarked the conv ict. a he wa being strap ped into th e
La t unday night at the United elec tric chair. B rethren Church the reg ular serv ice wa turned over to the Ch ri stian Endeavor ·Societies o f th e chur ch for Remember May Morn:r,g Breakfast! a pecial progra m commemorating siv e study of cond ition as the y exist the -!0th anni versary of the founding in Europe today. H e told in a very 11111 11 IIIIIIIII 11111 Ill II II I I I II Ill Ill Ill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill Ill of Ch ristian Endeavor. interesting manner of the actua I conJ. Ruskin Howe had char ge of th e dition of th e European natio ns. = _ mee tin g and wi th the co-ope ration of Profes or Ward said that Germany r epresen tati ves from th e Juni o r is the cen ter of th e present trouble and = : Endeavorers and Sections A and B of that she does not intend to live up to Senior Endeavor an extremely help =_ ful a. well as interesting se r vice was the t erm of the Treaty of Ve r saill es = unl ess forced to d o o. Europe is conducted. loo ki ng to America a s the w lution of The fi rst feature of the evening was the present situation and unless she a ong by th e girls of th e Junior dictates to Europe what shall be done Society led by Vio la Priest. Then chaos wi ll be the res ult. after b ri ef remarks by th e leade r, J . l{. Howe, the m ee tin g was carried on Pleasant Affair Celebrates by Muriel Murray, Dale Phillippi, Murray-Nichols Engagement = Lucille Ewry and Pauline Lambert (C0ntinued fr om page one.) § each of whom spoke three minute . entertained on pulling these streamers § Jo ephine Cr id land then gave a charming violin olo, being accom to •ind on ea,:h a very interesting ;.!. nd panied at the piano by Mary Eliza amusing favor, but the mystery of oeth Brewbaker. Dr. E. E . B urtner the occas ion was exp lained only when § then poke briefly after which the Muriel drew from the magic basket, a meeting was closed by a mixed beautiful "s,parkler" which "?\ick" _ quartette compo ed of Helen Keller, proudly placed upon her finger and § Geneva Braley, Spencer Shank and drew 'f or him self a miniature " love nes t." Dan Harris. Dean McFadden proposed a toa t to the happiness of the beaming § ANNUAL CONTEST HELD IN CHAPEL . couple to whi ch every gue t most :
Don't Miss
= = = =
= = = = =
P r esented by
W. H. S. Class of '21
A t t he College Chapel
On May 6 at 8 :15 O 'clock
(Continued from page one.)
hear~ly re ponded. The T. and C. joins in heartiest
= =
Admission 25c
Reserved Seats 10c -
Seats on Sale at Hoffman's
the _a dmi ration of all by his killful im congratulation and incere good § per onation, and won for him el£ the wi \le . econd prize of 10. "Miss era Johnson made a strong Tennis Match appeal in her interpretation of "The y R ain-Otterbein In Lead. = Confe ional," a highly dramatic tale (Continued from page one.) of Italian temperament and tragic when we play Deni on again. V e iii 111111111111 IIIIII I I I I I I I II Ill II I II I I II I I I I I I IIII II II II IIII Ill Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111 iii love. .and wa granted the third prize have a return date with them. in a oi 5. Mr. Raymond Axline' inter coup le of week and no doubt will a t r~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ e ting election, "The ourage of the that time give them the short end of Commonplace'' wa rendered in 2 the co re that seemed inev itable la t clear, p lea ing, unaffected mann week. de erve pecial m ntion and D ni -on i rath e r handicapped thi mendation. year a all of la t year ' var ity : "How the Church Came to Kayo' Bar", a ttong tory of trong men men graduated and they have an en- _ and heroic deed wa given by Mi s tirdy new team on the cour t in fact : Alic Davison with very trong dra- the real var ity teain for thi year has : · 1· d d d not been definitely lected. The _ mauc qua ity, an a true un er tan - boys who made the trip were treated = ing of th emotional qualitie of the tory. with the u ual Denison courte y = The Mando li n and Guitar lub which is a rare treat to any vi iting § added a very con iderable part to the team . even ing with their melodiou s e lection . and were worked hard to ati fy TRIANGLE BO N T E MPS HELD the clamorou appreciation of th e ( ontinued fr om page one.) ti-Le " Love ong" wer e s ung in uni so n crow d . f . "T nangl . . . and a £ter a big Rah.'' and a : P rofesso r Altman a pres1dmg offi- b' "Y O b • ,, . . . 1gger ea tter em.1 the company cer kept thmgs movmg m mooth d' 1 d cl 'f • · tyle. 1 Jan e , a 11, . e ti ymg that 1'. had been a rea l oc1al even t and that 1t wa _ to be an annual affair. t:. of N ebraska-Fi.fty-three enior in the Universi ty of Kebra ka have
= -
Thursday, ~ 12:00 P. M.
S~ar.t New Spring Hats = ..in the
been a warded the Phi Beta Kappa K y. Thi number const itute exact ly one-seve nth of th.c class. Th ir ty thre of th e st udent are women.
WILSON The Grocer
F rench hee l are a thing of the pa t a t Iowa U11iver ity where th e co d hav determin d to fi.n girl w ariqg ho e or _lipper wi h heeJ over an inch and a hal.f in height.
taple and Fancy
Remember May Morning Breakfast!
o. 1 o. State S~.
= Cor·rect Styles : Stetsons Borsalino Mallory Crofut-Knapp -= -= = Every good new tyle brought ou t by the e famou maker i here; at p r ice from 4 to -10--new narro roll brim shape ; other with wider brin1. -in r ich new soli l color -and mixture -·-featuring= --= = = A Nobby New = Mallory Hat at -= -= -a real nappy hat that ha all the quality and -= ,- s~yle that can_be put into a 11.at-o-uaranteed to -= = g~ve long, ati factory service. tlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' ' "'
.Mlffi~ I ""';""""""""""'""'J
Page Three
DCIATION Ruth and Rosa lie Hall and Gladys Brownfield spent the week-e r.d with Helen McCormick at h er h,) me at unbury.
Mr. and Mr . Recd of fl. hville. vi ited Florence last Sunday. Fiji of the Fiji Tslands and Rose of Broadway were the en ter tainers at a pu h given by Eliza.beth Kiswonger Friday evening.
Mr. Wi lliam Comfort of :Jayton. visited his sister, Marie Sunday. Lucile Ge rb er visited at Green, thi s week-end.
Kay ellman was fortunate enough to get to motor to her heme at Toledo in ''Dick' " limou ine.
Ward has been engaged in Y. M. C. sea on, the band leader. the ong I sugges t that the Glee Club mana . \ . war work. took dinner with Dean leader. and several cheer leaders wer e ger attempt to place contracts in the Mc Padden Sunda y. all seemingly running on · their own hand s of non-chur ch people a much Mr. F. B. Mabbit who i on his way hock .. OXE head cheer leader should , a possible. This wo uld keep the w ~st fr om ~ew York City stopped 1ave direct charge of all the noise- I concerts ou t o f th e churches (where making. they do not be long) and at th e same over a few hours to visi t " Judy." I sugge t that the managers of time bring Otterbein before more CALENDAR team assi g n, at the beginning of each cosmopolitan audi ences . sea on, to cer tain cla ses and organizaI uggest that Otterbein bea-in to Tuesday, May 3tions the responsibility of tunts for p lan for a dining room for the men Tcnni , Capital here. all the ralli es to be held during that (or men and women bo th. for that F riday, May 61 sea on. Thi would insure real pep matte r ) where meals wo uld be pro Baseball, Capital here. for all the pep meetings. perly erved, and eaten with p roper Tenni , Mu kingum here. 1 I uggest that an a rti tic book let of decorum , and wh ere it would he a I Sat urday, M ay 7May Morning Breakfa t, Cochran view , etc., picturing Otterbein li fe real pleasure to entertain guests. A be published by the Admini tratio11 small room, suitable for private din1Hall. tudent . ner parties and luncheons, should ad I T rack, Heidelberg here. join the large one. Wednesday, May 11I uggest th at the Otterbein spirit 0rgan Recital in Coll ege Chap el by I suggest that the e uggestion be tas te a littl e less of denomina Miss Harley, a si ted by Mr. Dan Har tionalism. The chool s hould appeal taken in the right way. None of them ri s, Vocalist. to all men and women --not just to U . may amount to anything, but they Saturday, May 14B' . are meant well. Tennis, Kenyon here. Junior Cla s Play, Coll ege hapel. Track, triangular meet at Delaware. ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Wednesday, May 18tud ent Reci tal, Lambert Hall. Friday, May 20I Baseball, Capital at Columbu Junior-Senior Reception. Saturday, May 21Tenni , Mu kingum at ew Con- : cord. Track, Kenyon at Gambier. Monday, May 23Tenni , Capital at Columbus. Saturday, May 28§ Tennis, Deni on here.
Mrs. Brewbaker of Dayton v1 ited Mus ical Program Held at Y. W .. Mary E lizabeth everal da:,s thi Mrs. E. Worman W ill Speak week. Kay ellma11 was the efficient Etta Ward gave a pu h in honor of leader in the annual mu ical e ion her gue t Mi Dori Grinder, a stu- of Y.W.C.A. Tue day eveni ng. "The dent at Oh io We leyan. Melody of ervice" wa th e subj ec t Virginia Blagg wa in London for di cu sion. During the program ridland and Virginia Tue day and Wednesday visiting Josep hin e navely entertained with violin solo • Glady Howard, '20. Ruth Rob rt , vocal olo; Ida Mari; The Mi e Hancock, Flegal nelling and Evelyn Darling, piano ~ertz, Po llock and Ulrich drov duet. n enthu ia tic general di ,_ with F lorence Hanzel aturda y- to her cu ion followed in which it home at Logan. proved that mu ic and melody important place among Voice at home phone-" Colurnbus an e entiaJ for hap,pine . calling Bonnibel Yanney." ext Tue day evening Mr . E. Glady Yokum-"! thought he wa W,orman will addre . W. dead." Mrs. Worman ha recent ly returned Margurerite WetheriU entertained from India and will give a glimp in~r mother, Mr . D. J. Wetherill of to an merican home in fadras. enton at aum Hall thi we ek-end. he wJl di play numerou Indian Olive Given of Hopedale spent a curio and will u e nativ Indian few day vi iting friend in e ter- custume • Thi i a rare treat which ville. 110 girl will want to mi
= =
= = -=
Bogus Paper, Drawing Paper, Brushes, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Roman Gold, Corres- §
pondence Cards, Box Paper, Birthday Greet.ings, Place Cards, Visiting Cards, Eversharp Pencils, Fountain Pens, Varnish, Paint and Wall Paper.
Subscribe for Magazines. Bring . Pictures = to be Developed. = =
= = =
Give Us Your Order for Commencement Presents. = =
- ·
University ·Book Store ; = :
The large number of ,girls who have Suggestions-From a Senior. . een "Way Down Ea t,' pronounce I ugg t that tterb in tudent IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii_ it to be .. uper crun1d•1'fferou .'' • • quit com/I) 1a111111g a b u t petty incon-
Jo ephine Cridland's grandparents, and Mrs. Cridland of Dayto11 v1 ited her thi week. P f d re roV. and Mr. ltman a.n•i chi! 11 • ivian and Mr . Patterson and the ~6 d LY!e r ' A lbright, Funk, Howar M:Orri on, and hank were dinner gue ts at the Hall unday. lda Marie nelling pent the week nd at her hom e. vrar d of Mr · an d M rs John B . erkley, Cali .. . mg ho fo r ma, who arc r eturn111 c frop1 G r eece where Mr·
venience ' and rea lize how good they've got it. }\t D ni on they are not allowed evening date , andnoneat all on unday . I su,,. t that letter· h awarded to cheer I ader who hav rv d a Ii d . d f . d Peci e peno o time, an that they be cho en by the tudent body after a year or o of try-out . Thi ould rai C th standard of our id -line
= -
= __ = :::i: = -
pii:it. I ug e t that w aim to ha C a . . better orga111_zat1on propo ition . As j§ it wa d uring the la t football
= = =
ll H Meals at a ours Box Candies- Ice Cream If we don't have your Favorite Magazine we will get it for you. = J. C. ROACH, Prop. §
= =
I ii Ill I1111111111111111111111111111111 Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill Ill I Ill II Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill II Ill IIll Ill Ill Iii
I 'age
at th e same time it is imperati ve that ! up th e whole thing we'll find about ten the co mmittee arrive at so m e definite ,easons. N m e of th em were o ut on th e co nclusion as rapidly a possible. diam ond, and one of them, the man beStudent sentiment is just now open hind th e sce nes, was o n th e bench, but Publis hed Weekly in the interest of t o convicti o n , tudent are eagerly all ten were giving all th ey had fo r old ! Otterbein by the casting abo ut for some feas,ib le so lu- Otterbein. There co uldn't hav e been OTTERBE IN PUBLISHING ti on of their social problet'n. any thi ng e lse but victory. BOARD But continued dilly-dallying on th e Co ngratulatio ns, Gentlemen! Westerville, Ohio Member of the O hio College P ress part of this committee and th eir A kind word put out at in teres t failure t o offer a fitting subst itute for Associatio n th e old order of thing s wil l de troy brings back an enormous percentage STAFF all spirit of co-ope ration and har o f lo,·e and appreciation . THE OTTERBEIN
Editor-in-C hief, T. Gor don How~rd, ;22 As i tant -Editor ........ J. vV. Seneff, 23 Con tributing EditorsGrace H. Hill, '23 Horace W. Troop, '23 Business Manager .... J . P. S chutz, '23 A. i tant ·Bu in ess Managers. · T . E. ewe ll , '23 J. F. Dillinger, '24 Cir. Manager .... Harriet L. Hayes, '22 A.s istant Circulation MangersLucile Ewry, '23 Veda Bearss, '24 Athletic Editor ........ A. W . Elliott, '23 '\ i tant Athletic Editor• D. A. Harris, '23 Local Editor ............ M. M. Collins, '23 Alumna! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 Cochran Hall EditorAlice Davison, '23 Literary Editor ............ H . R. Mill , '24 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. ubscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, if pai<l before. November 15; other
wi e 1.75. Enter ed a second class matter eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Vlesterville, 0., under act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for :nailing ac special -..ate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act -of Oct. , I9r7, authorized April 7, 1919.
mony, th e very thing most im,por tant in the present cris is. Therefore, committee, a word of admonition- ge t busy-ob tain results -you were elected to solve thi problem promptly. Also, student . Be pa t ient. Remembe r that a completely new, perma nent scheme of ocial life cannot be construc ted in a day. Otterbein, whatever we do , let's s tay together and work this thing o ut to a finish.
fres h toc k of Chocola t e P r a lin es a nd Chocolb late C r ean1s, at 28cts. .
Dr. Keefer's
C. W. Stoughton, M. D. 31 W . C ollege A ve.
The ability to keep a friend is very W E STERVI LLE, OHIO much greater than th;it requ ired to C itizen P h one 110 B ell P hone 190 g ain one. Think, th en act but be sure and keep 011 ac tin g till the thin g i accomp l,ished.
Dates and peaches do not grow in the same cli mate but a re often found c lose toge ther. Xot to do it all. but to co-operate is genius .
Intercollegiate Courtesy.·
Remember May Morn ing Breakfast!
\ i\lithin th e last two weeks we twice met Denison in an athletic way, once in track and once in tennis . On both oc ca ions our athletes have come home loud in their prai e of the fine hospita l ity accorded them at Denison. This · is no new thing, for often in our experience we have heard of the excellent spirit with which the D enison ians welcome vts-iting friend . Denison, we appreciate your cordiality and if ev ry chool ha the ame experience a Otterbein, then any team mu t count it a r eal privilege to vi it Granville.
EDITORIAL Our New Committee. Recently the Pre ident of th e Col g caUed together certain repre en tati ,· memb er of th t ud ent body and allotted to them th e ta k of car.cy out ome definite -program with th e.n d in view of ecu ring a perma11 nt tudent and faculty committee on ial Life. ·M o nday morning th recommenda ti n of thi preliminary commi ttee vie.re placed before the t udent body. The e re ommenda.tion were in the form of 'Re elution ' advocating that the permanen t committee on ocial Life be compo d of one m an and one woman from each of the four collcg cla e and from the Trian ,.le Mu ic, rt and Prep ,), th fac ulty to choo e their repre enta ti ve a the)' aw fit .' The reso lution w re unanimou ly accepted and conseq uently, as each cla imm diately took action and the faculty having dul y elected t he ir r'•pre entati vc s, t he fir t ommittee ocial Life i an acuality .
Henderson, M. D. Wester ville, O hio By A ppointment
W . M. Gan tz, D . D . S. DENTIST
Our Weekly Q uotation. 15 West College Ave. V\Th en you see some of th e thing Citizen Phone 167 women marry you' ll have to admit Bell Phone ~ tha:t Love is Blind. The Week's W orst Joke.
Teacher- n elfishne s i volun tar ily doing without thing we need. East College A v .m:e G ive a li~ing example. PHONES Tommie-Pa. H e goe without a ,bath wh n he need it. Bell 84-R Cuizen 26 CAMPU S CHIT CHAT
It is not a difficult thing to show a littl e deference to vi iting athlete . A hearty hand hake, a bite to eat after the conte t, mall thing in them elve , but what a difference they make u1 one' opinion of a c hool. On a recent ba eh.all trip Otterbein wa no t e ven hown common courtesy, and do what we may, it will be ome time before we can efface this mem-
_:( ow, an yon acquaint ed with prei1.t c ndition realize to th utmo t that th e problem before thi com mitt e i a baffling one, and to ' iron out'' all the complexitie of the que tion will r quire the mo t profound th ought, caref ul planning and judiiou action. Jothi.ng an be d.oi1.e over ni ght r even in a few day , but
When t>he baseball, tra ck an.d foot ba ll men all come in at once and o conge t thing that they mu t needs m,ploy cave man tactic to ecure e,·en a emblance of a bath our mind This cour e cove r s ten easy lessons unconsciou ly revert t o that old song, which will enable the Student, Pro " Oh, for th howers we ,plead.' fe sor, J o ur nalist, Docto r , Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, und er tand that our friend Menke to go thro ugh life w it h 100 per cent keep his t hought o concentrated effi ciency. ory. upon such thing a food and what ow, within the next w eek Otter- n t t h at la t un day he miled be bein will _b ho t to five team - , nignly upon the u h r a h pa ed I s hort and inexpensive, and is three tenms, . one ba eball and o.ne t he collection plate and muttered given with a money back guarantee if trac~. W~ will ~ave t he opp?rtumty ~ ot any more, thank y u." not ati fied. of eithe r 1mprovmg or mar r ing our I CLIPPI G ,T O-DAY E D THI reputation a ho t . o let' be j ur contemporory, 'The Deni oni C0L\rteou and kindly in our attitude Pyram id P r ess: P ublisher s an," call attention to the fact that and how our vi itor that we are a 1416 Broadway, they · are having a new thing in r ea l chool. ew York City athletic at ittenb er by way oi Gentlemen: Enclo ed he(ewith is $5.00 '·I ntermaur I .'' B ut then, \Vitte iiberg for which ki nd ly send me ycur short Congratulations, Gentlemen! alway did in i t upon being different. hand cou r e in ten ea y lessons by W e don' t believe in a lot of meauingle prai nor do we advocat to \ e learn that ten tuden t of T xa mail. It i under tood that if at th e ing unde ·erved bouquet promi cuo u ' niver ity ar going to work a s end of five day , I am not satisfied my ly about, but we wou ld like to " hake" laboi:er t hi ummei: to tudy money will be gladly r efunded. ame ................-............................. -... ·•-·-· with Coach Ditmer and pat the boy economic condition , w wonder on the back for bringing t h "bacon" if that " gag'' would work in ou r old Street ........................................................... . home from We leyan last Tue day. home town when we grasp the ,pick City and State ............................ - ..............
A Shorter Shorthand System In Ten Easy Lessons
This Course
ow, let it be known t hat we don't hav e a thing again t o ur Methodi t friend , but neverthele it warmed our h art ·when we hea rd that the Tan and ardinal warrior f th e dia mond had handed our D elawar ac quaintanc a gpod old-fa hioned trouncing. n reason or another can be given for th real cau e of victory, but we have a ,littl "hunch" that in m:nming
and hoY el in ord r to accumulate a little coll ge, xpen e 111 ney. \.Vh en our o ld friend I Elliott wa home th e last time hi mother fond ly a ked him what he mi ed mo t wh n at college. ~ out poken youth that h
g Breakfast !
A. A. RICH The In . ura.n ce Man b tract , L oans otary Public Patronize our advertisers I
THE TAN AND CARDINAL your face be able to sit down, think back over th ose golden days of train ing when co llege spirit was uplifting and fa ir, when you were putting your whole elf into your work a nd didn't ha ve time to -kick ? lt i up to you now. - J. W. George, '22.
Literary .Department . page will carry each week a representa t·ive production from the (T his pro grams of one of the four literary !!Oc1eties, • • as se lected in such manner f . each may determine. The rotation will be regular unless censors ai 1 to ubmit productions in proper time fo r publication.) COLLEGE SPIRIT Philomathea
President Clippinger To Speak.
President W. G. Clippinger will preach the Baccalaureate ermon at Bonebrake Seminary, Dayton , Ohio, next Sunday, May 8. Remember May Morning Breakfast!
to have uch a fellow around. . t 1011 " • "fi d" Do we then advo cate a s 1ss1 e ' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ uninteres ting college life without any th ing at all of pice o r ze t? No I e,xa~t ly th e qp,po ite. A sys tem of ocia l d athletic c en ts which tend toward Ji ing a nd th e a boli hmen t of There is none, bullyi m. In all this cold and hollow world, no fount We find in ome larger in titutions Of deep, strong, deathless love, save that within that th e students believe they are A mother's heart. democratic v hen in fa_ct th ~ are really brutal. Courtesy I not m con- i tent with d mocracy. It eems to b a lmos t imbec ility that leads col1 ge' men to a sert th eir independ ence b discourtesy to college women. y f ti true t igns of coll ege ay it with flower and make mother upremen o , . the . ·t 1• ourte y i.n athletic . s 1:) happ -for what may Mother' Day next sptn f I e to footba ll team goe rom p ac y ear bring? _ ·t imprc ion of each coll ge 1 1 pace, th e • . f d b th tr atment g iven _ I~ ·t~rm gete~;, One cannot help adv 1 1 111 ..,~ . . h . . Harvard' pint when e ee:s nurmg b t t Yale _ the catcber" handing the a o a Vl'ho i returning to the . bat man . late aft r a fo ul tip. ft t ime we P f ti1 treet-gamin e too much o h _ . ·t manifested at the game; t e pin ·t her getcrowd tryin g to ratt 1e a p1 c ' . I have arrano-ed with The Fifth ven ue F loral . ·n th e catcher' way or growling . of Columbu , Ohio, to have Mother' Day .§ tlf\~ i . That indeed how at th e umJ)ire. . ·t How much better we Fl wer ent to any part-of tJ1e nited tate . § ~oor pm . crowd that cheer . good e attend t the datail . 11ke to se~ t~ cr side and di dains little !t _µlays on ei d a Thi i not con emn . . k our - ee e 0 ervice I dirty tnc • . Thi ti on for fair .and lean play111g. p ba,p the greate t draw-back for er . . . " knocking." How e s,p1rlt IS co lieg fellow who knock ' "Flower Service DeLuxe" often we see t be h. land . II e bis profe ors, I Ins c;n~ge~eryth in g in general, sim_PIY ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UI II! Ill lllllllll Ill Ill II 111111 llllllllii lady f rnplainin,g. ine for the sak; o ~ou couldn' t drive times out o ten to a .. ,_do wn 111111111111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIJ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ 110 .. · if ·t came him a~ay :- k Row much better _ but hL! he. ic · wrong, L,e would _ ' -
That feeling shared and breathed by college men is th e "esprit de co~p- ·• or, in plain English, Co llege Pirn. 'v\l e are ag reed that thi s spirit or atmosphere expr.e sses it elf in 001 e form in ever y co llege. If thi atmo Phere were to be the id'eal it ~~ould _b e. one of clean li ving and gh th111k1ng; and th e idea that men should not ay "My college right or Wrono-" .,, but, "I ta nd be hind' my co_I1 :ge When he's right and if she 1s Wrong I'll do eve rything I can to '.llake her r ight." Good college pirit 1 full of jollity, good feeling in all 'Yorthy ambitions and an undercu-r r~n~ akin to patrio tism. ~ _ow in order to ha ve this fine Pu-n there mu t be a fine broad-mind ed h b' elpful, hopeful type of men a~ck of it. And to bring this h out the old idea of the '·rod behind \ ~ mir ror" or th e thought of doing t ing under fO'fce mu t be aboli heel and 111 · · it place come that type of college . work which is real vital~a Pan _of li fe. The reward 'for uch sen•. ice are not cheap toy that w ill Peri h but a bigger fi eld for ervice and developme11t. Fi r t what shal I \\' e d with the idler ? 0 me think that to bani h idlene would b c to destroy college spin · ·t• B Ut li ten: the world no lon ger bas ally u £ hi e or th e man who cannot earn v· own bread. Idlene s lead to dice, ,·ice divide men and divi iou _c troy co llege p,irit. Dr. Jordan ofays ·• . ''T o make the college a p 1ace f eno u work i to pr pare th way Or College pirit. True college 5Pirit · I I con 1cler the good of the co cge a d .1 d. . n not the plea ure of the u ''"1dua1" if, when thJ~gs go and try to make Cia up hi s eeve t ut If you haYe forrn . ru he , hazing and other roll h 'b etter or ge O · • • d f el like k110clnng JU t of of rowdyi m are mi taken ign t e1T1 a grouch a1_1 our college ong o r %it~ollege pmt. They are indeed stop and sll1g Y It is a sure no f .th e oppo ite and in mpst cases . on some ye 11 . . practice till. keep in tou ch with air play i ev id ent. But we on ly touch Better s ' and avoid these Pr . upon the e as they are not cure. fellow-men yo ur , orn111ent evil here. An I pells. . . d or bad ha it once . a uni11u of Bo~ton far r'eaching. Co ll ege Spir_itl go? bod 111 _ a plea to another tudent wh1c 1 1. influence. not de troy our ood int Y aid, ''Never carry your colors . e Therefore let u th college of our :Yo o a a I0011. H you must d1sgrac . among e th_ur elf do it in the name of ome- stan d 111gt by cornrno n sen e keep our . h 1ng el .111 ta te b u 11 setting a h1g B sc. When we visited a saloon o ton we alway gave the H arvar d ideal high and /o o pirit that other >'ell,, tandard of Co egell to pattern after. e111 · liere's th e poii;it: if you mu t ,ill do we er ou . d g coll ege ~ benefit our :\Ima :Yo · honahle place do not ra Thi will not on 1y I e If we do \vi~ college or any other co llege b en efit .our e vI .1i-oade· :,, ,., Mater but You. . to th1 rea . c\g . in to~cf'ya'.n we ay that hazing and not· ·get o win we wi·11 he handicapped · h we . •p ie wh1c sp· . 1 ll1 do not indicate coll ege sp irit n·r The princt ·11 l lTJt I f after I e. . f thall game w1 a b · t acLd nothing to the name 0 111 a ~0 ging! In years learn at and elov ,d I 0 lllorc h ollege that th e op 1 0 hold in life. Keep • ig to hudd cr and ban ave brok en up th e £re hman you going . d Illa % et by earring away th toa t to come _arhc sh·ime to your attitu e point wit ' h"lc vou were han ter, or • breaking into the banquet toward your c liege ~~h1 a -smile on it i · 1'he world hate a coward and th re or will you, " I not to the er dit of any in titu-
,. '
Page Five
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Mother's Day
To those Students: = nQt going home . =
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€all Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Bell
office, ior
J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man
Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Lztundry. Wc,rk and ~ Peerless Dry Clean:ng Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0. Subscripions
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taken for The Country Gentleman, Journal, Saturday Eveni~g Post. Prompt Service-Best Service.
Page Six
pretty piece of tie ldi ng. Durling was o man ca n ervc two masters.'' hit by a ba ll. Eva ns, who was now observed th e good parson who wa pitching for Wesylan, came to bat visiting th e pe nit entia r y. and ingled throug h secon d. Muth "I kn ow it'" replied conv ic t No. 1313. hit o,·er :\!bright' head scoring bo th " I am in her e fo r bigamy." EYans a nd Dur ling. Muth was run down between second and third. At this ti me practicall y a ll the Wes leyan students came out of the grand stand and flocked on the side lines lb. L owney' Hard trying to rat tl e Ulry. H e prompt ly tru ck barber out retiring the side. andy with every :'\ineth inning:-li lr y flied to Muth. 1 lb . box Lo w n e y Leffel struck out. George fli ed to left fie ld . Chocolates at Wesleyan came back wi th a ven g an ce when Bohyer whaled out a two bagger an d imm edia tely s to le third. Th e dec i ion wa close. Richards kn oc ked a sacrifice fl y to ''Ex" but Bohyer left th e bag before the ball was caught and wa, retired when the ball was thrown to Geo rge. This quieted th e now raving crowd of students a s REXALL STORE the y had thoug,ht the run had count ed and th a t th e co re wa tied. Stager What would make a finer sent a lo ng o ne to A lbright who re
OTTERBEIN W IN S SEASON 'S OPE N ER (Con tinu ed from page one.) second and died there a Martin and Howe wen t out. After Muth had grounded out and Barber had gone out on strike , Bohyer lined a hot one over third base for a single but died on rirst as IT STRIKES US: Richards fanned the air. That Coach Ditmer used some rare Seco:nd inning:-Mingery ground"tact'' at th e rally Friday night, in I ed out. Lehman waited for fou r ba ll . his peech on "close con ta ct." ! Pace was thrown o ut by the pi tcher That drives like the ones Martin a nd U lry fanned th e air. and Howe made in the eighth inning A fter J ohnny George had thrown at \,Vesleyan will win more games ou t Smith and Mann in ucce s1on than arguments with th e umpire and ~urling_ whiffed thr ee times and the effo rts to razz the pitcher of an sid e retired. opposing team. Third inning;-Leffel drew his econd waJk. but died on ba e as Tha t rallie like th e one held Fri Geo rge, Mart in and Howe were ca y day night are only another bit of out . triking evidence of Otterbein's co m Loomis st r uck out. Muth out, tired th e ide and the O tt erbei n stu ing ucce in the athl etic world. Barber fli ed dent as embl ed in th e now gather George to Lehman. That B rane and Harris will never to Lehman. ing shadows lo give W e leya n a cheer oo me to want, since they w ill be able Fo urth inning;-Mi,ngery hit s ha rp that ent th em their va rious way to interest the pubLic while young and ly through th e infield. P ace wa lked. with downca t countena nce . when they are old-we ll we have con Min,gery stole third and scored a For Anyone RHE fi dence in the old buckeye tate that minute la ter when A lb ri g ht ground'e d she will neve r neglect her publi c to Stager, Pace wa forced at second, O tterbe in o o o 1 o o o 2 o-3 a 1 Than an Otterbein Pennant, P illow, \i\' es leyan 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 4 3 Banner, Table Runner, or Merqory in titution of charity. an attempt wa made to double Ex at Book ? That Johnny George' work last fi r st but he bea t the throw. Ulry T ue day fully redeemed him for the struck out ending the inning. This See me any time. DARN BILL! "bone head" he pulled last winter at core gave th e men the needed con- The other day R. ,M . JOHNSON incinnatti when he hot the winning fidence which th ey held throughout ln Dr. nav ly ' cla Elmwood Place ba ket for th em . the game. It was very noticeable at W e were di cu ing That th e contractor who o-ff.er d th thi point that Wesylan's fielding was Th e If it isn't worth while er vice of his steam roll er to help in low a,nd did not show the pep a nd Diffirnlty the fi ni h drive to get the track in snap that was evidenced on th e part A ustria-H ungry had of Ditmer' men. Bohyer truck out. In deciding on which order hould be voted Richard and tager grounded out. Languag e to u e in their armie honorary member of If you come once you Fifth inning ;-Bandy now pitching And boo ter club. e ylan. Leffel fanned the air. I That if the way tho e fre hman for will come again. football quad went at it in th ir la t George and Martin went out on pop Lean ed over fli e. And practice i any evidence of what can Smith ailed a long fly to !bright, k-ed Bill be expected from th m n xt fall , along Westerville Bakery hat kind of language about th twentieth of eptember it wa a good catch and the crowd ey u ed oach Ditrn r will be the happi t- ga ve him a hand. Ma,nn and Durling grounded to Martin and lry. th e Marine orps thing out. What's the Use? Sixth inning;Levi Grounded out. d 'I1hat with a few le on 11 Martin "butter fly cale thenic ., Mingery got on when Boyher dropped th ball. L hman fli ed to center " Mo tly profane." cla , Wilber Coon would be in hap fi Id. Pace g rounded out. Bandy, for fir t cla vaudeville. Muth and Barber w nt out in a row The way Doc looked at me That with three tenni game , a on in fie ld gro u nder . 0 . C.'s infield When I laugh d Are good to eat. track meet and ba e ball game and wa playing airtight ball. He mu have thot th May morning breakfa t all in one even th inning;!bright truck I was ju t getting th e point week, Ottenbein athl ete will not out. lry went out 011 a fly to th In one of the joke Phone your Order. have much time for per ona.1 con tact outfield. Leffel truck out. He had told th day b fore. other than lidi"ng ba e and uch like. Bohyer truck o ut. Richard grounded Darn Bill ! o ut and ran into Lehman as he hit th e A Poem bag on fir t, both men w re hurled he make no threat to ummon h lp, SPRING POME violently to the ground but " kinney" In fact he offer no objection; held the ball. tager struck out but I wi h I were a little Bee My arm goe firm ly around her wai went to fir t on a pa ed ball . mith So then from cla e I'd b free. My ear detect no interjection. fanned the air al o-, making three I'd ramb le down by Alum " rick" Experience thi maid ha had; trike out for lry in thi period. nd be a d viii h a Old ick. he murmur not when. I ca re Eighth inning;-George opened up The College Avenu<' I'd fly around o'er bill and dale Her lip are wax, h r heart i too t 11e b.1g mnmg · · w h en b e b eat out an nd gorg my elf v;th nectar ale. nd infi Id hit Martin clouted on through nd I-well I'm the wi ow-dre r. Do, n college avenue I'd fly · On of ou r " h ps"-" re you the ce nt : fie !~ and Johnny ~or d B~b Jd ak oa h Ditm r in the ey barb r who cut my hair th la t tim ?" rea ch mg third on the throw-111. Martm r d when Howe whaled another th ru But then I 'po e that I d oon find B ar b er _ ., 0 ' I h~~v e only been h re t co h e 1111·ddJ e o f t 11e d.1amon d . M 111g " ry That Prexy in hi daily grind a year." flied to Muth. Lehman flied to Stager. Would think that ~vas qu,ite too afe rough tude-"What are you going to Pace lined to Richard but wa THE TAILOR wh en he dropp ed the pill. " Ex" rai ed run - th e mile or two mile?" nd right away he d call my bluff. State and Main Streets Stearns-"! . don't know-I'll tell one to I ft fie ld. Martin got Mann's grounde r in deep hort, it wa a Remember May Morning Breakfast! yo u a t the end of th e mil e." Cleanin11 and Presailll
KENYON GAME POSTPON ED The base ba ll game with Kenyon which was to be played last Saturday wa po tponed on account of wet ground . 1t i not likely that this game will be played u11le per chance an arnngement can be made to play it on some day ea rly in the wee k.
Bell 46-W
Citizen 92
Page SejVen
Sweet Heart's Arithm,etic.
~ 11111111111 I I II II I II I II I II I II II II II III II IIIIIllIIII IIIJI 1111111 H11111111111111 HI I 111111111111111 IIII~ 11 e's teaching h e r arithmetic -TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet H e sa id it was his mis sio n Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, H e ki sse d her o nce, he ki s ed her : Flesh Brushes, Etc. tw1c- e Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. :\ nd s aid ":'\ow th at's addition."
, And as he added kiss by ki s I 11 s ilent s atisfac ti on : J ohn A . Ward I h e ge ntl y ga ,·e him o ne kiss back I: ie iebel were in W estervi ll e i A nd sa id " Now th at's s ubtr act io n." day la t week. They had ju s t j ,. ed from .'\th ens. r eece, wh e r e l h e n . lw kissed he r and she kissed :
Ward had bee n f r tw o· y ear s in him ork of th e Y o un g Men 's hri svVith o ut a n exc )a mation Associati on. and we r e on th eir Th e n b o th o i th e m toge th er sa id to their former hom e in B e rk e ley, "Now th a t's m11ltipli ca ti o 11 ."
I§ = I:§
FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED UP-TO-DATE PliARMACY OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Th en Dad appeared up o n th e ce ne !!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllll~ .\nd s t a rted with d ec is ion George L. Gla un er, wh o is now ticing la w in )J wark, Ohio, was 1-1 e ki c k ed thi: Boob thr ee bl oc ks _ in Wes t e1· vi ll e away AIHI said " Now that's division ."
J. Pa , dir ec tor o f
Ohio S ta te Lan tern-The \V oman's . \ t h.le tic Boan! of hio State l ' ni l'e1·s it y ha s decided that g irl s who have obtained at least three class num era ls. good work in at k ast three sports and have done me1· itorious c lass work may receive a sweater a nd a sca1~ Jct and g r ey ·'O". 'I ' hi s is the I. omfort, who is first time in the hi s to r y of Ohio Stat e ying in Boneb rake T heologica l U nivers it y that a woman has b en inary, D ayton, Ohio, vis ited hi s a ll owed th e wear the .. 0". er, Marie, and o th r fri ends over week-end.
: _ _ _
McKellar Flower Shop~ • • •
Mi . Ila Grind e ll, v ho has been _ ected with th e nti -Sa loon A t 27 W . M ain St., W esterville, 0. rue for man y y ear , has r es igned repa ~r s your s hoes while you wait. _ position th ere to e nter the Central ty Company of o lu mbus. For Shoe Shine for Ladies and Gents. pre ent she will co ntinu e to li ve in A new line of Silk Laces for G irls' e terville.
Columbus, 0. _
22 N. High St.
StarRRa pi• •d Shoe epaJrJng
Pumps. M r s. Fred ri ck Riebel e gone to Tona ke t, Was hi ngton , to e an eJJ:tended vi s it w it h t heir son w and daughte r, Mr. and Mr s. YOU HAVE W RITTEN POEMS ! Do you ca r e to ha ve them rev ise d or yton Judy. ~Ir. Judy wa a mem co nstructive ly c ritici se d by s ucces ful of the cla .s of 1903. auth o r s? If you d o, th e n se nd us Mr. H . G. M Farren of Ste ub e n you1· manu sc ript (!; to ri es. articles or e, Ohio, was in W e te rv ill e o n Fri poems). \ Ve will cri tici se, and p lace ¥ calling 011 coll ege friend s. them shou ld they prove to be accept'13. Ann o un cement of th e e n able for publi ca tion. ement of M iss Ruth L e M e in e There is no actua l c harge for our J,andage and M r. Thomas Haw ley services. If, h ow ever, you ha ve no t el on was made at a d elig h tful lun c h prev iou s ly e nroll e d with the adviso ry eon on Thursday, . pril 21 t. ln addi departm ent of thi s association, we r eto her degre e o{ A . B ., M iss Brun qu es t that you enclose the initial fee e received th e degr ee of B. Mu s ic, of tw o d o llar s, "i'hich we mu st a k of no, in 191 2, and ;B . Mus ., Voice, in eac h n ew co ntributor. Th e r e is no 915. Mr. Ne lson is Educational Sec- additiona1 expe nse, no future ob ligantary of th e Intern ationa l Committee ti on. " Young Men' h riis tian Association It must be r ea lized th at w e can only •h headquart er in ew York ity . be of aid to tho se of se ri o us inte nt . If llrs. Loui .'\ . einland, '04. a nd you do m ean to s tri ve for literary sueis Alma Guitner, '97, attend ed th e cess . we ca n h e lp you in many ways. Biennial Board Meeting of th e Our ~erv ic es are yours until w e have Mi ionary s o c iat io n actually succeeded in marketing at hich wa held in Bowlin g Green, least one of your manuscripts. Send something to -day! Ohio, Apri l 28 to M ay 2, 1921 . Please enclose return postage with MICHIG AN-Th niversity of your communications. 'chigan is to ha ve a unday co ll ege NATIONAL LITERARY M&>er. This paper will contain art iASSOCIATION des written by th students and 131 W . 39th St. faculty. It i th e only paper of it s New York City d publi heel . Advisory D epar tment
mis 1on ary departm ent of th e dy Bible In titut , hi cago, I ll i ' pent unday of la t week w ith brother in Columbu , Ohio, and an addr es in Fifth Avenue Brethhren hu rch n S und ay
vcn on) , who :ce~~;a:1:de<:~::~~ rgical operation in levela nd, ha s ed to her home in D ayton , Ohio.
Fancy Roses, Carnations and all Flowers in season. -
• • • Corsages a Specialty
• • •
RAY M. JOHNSON Is Our Agent at Westerville.
iiI I I II I 1111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llii I I I I II I I II I I II I II II I II II III IIII IIII III IIIIllIII I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11
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Order Your Photos ·at Once Your Photo 1s the only thing your friends cannot buy. One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. V
Have the Best
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State and High Streets
Page E ig\->•
THE TAN AND ~C;;A ~ R~D ~ T~N~A ~L~================== ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,k
a 1'11
111111 1111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111
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Leonard Wil son pent th e week-e :1d at hi home at Brookville, Ohio.
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Young Men's Suits You Get Lower Prices-- and You Get Quality, Too •
A. W. Elliott was at his hom e at : Galloway over unday. :
-= -=
D . W. Blau er was at hi s home at Ba ii, Ohio, for the week-end. :
"Dick" Goodrich and Bert Jayn es visited friends in Toledo, aturday and unday.
= = = =
Harold "Andy" Ander on was a week-end guest of his parents at : kron. ylv
ter Broderick spoke at an im-
portant chu rch n1eeting at ~owling
= § =
Green on Sunday. Friend "Jup e P luviu "ruined a number of excellent ''p u hes" and canoei11g partie Friday.
= §
= = =
large and loyal crowd of rooter aw W e leyan bite th e du t in base- _ ball la t Tu day. aymond A:lCline wa acquainting friends with points of intere t about Otterbein la t Tue day.
= =
The" iby l of 1921" i being deliver ed to the waiting and curiou t11ulti- : tude a we go to pre .
= = ~.'..i,s.;_1w.,asr::rnb ..I h
How much can you get for· what you pay?
. The answer to that question is _right here on the dozens of clothes racks, filled with fre sh, new spring styles for men. We would rather SHOW you than TELL you.