1921 05 09 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

G1li:ner, . Ima Sept. 1. ::1 7fl W~t Colle~e A ve


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O tterbe· Team Takes Meet From T iffin }\ggregation In Easy Fashion.

Annual May Morning Breakfast at Cochran Ifall Is Usual Success.



Local Men Take Ten First Places­ Final Score Stands 83-48.

Artiltic D ecorations and Delightful Music Add to Charm of the Occasion.

On last aturday afternoon O tter­ bein 's track team again evidenced the "Three h c er for the May Morning B fa ct that s he has a . bright futu re in the t" seemed to be th e sen t1. lllentsreakfa f Ohio Ath letic Co nfer ence. The day O r __h every one who breakfa ted at was ideal and th e men on the team '-\IC ran H and if all last Saturday morning with a few exc eption were in fin e You Y° U were there, gentle reader, shape. Pace and Albright were not the e WI 11f ~n d er tand and appreciate ab le to fi ll their regular places in the W a n .t . Pleeling rriend . per f ect I y. da he . o me futur e material wa U V! . . • of rnind th ~ m an admirable fram e ee n in action in t he per o n of L oom ­ the gr ' 0 and wa n't the breakfa t i , Goodrich a nd a fe w other who "T AND C" READ BY ~BORIGINAL MAN Th·1ea te t th ·111 g .mce last year? wer e given a chan ce to how on a V ar· of annual th lltce vent, under the au . received To say that only th e monk ey read ity team fo r th e fir t time. They be one f e . W. C. A . ha come to Th above p1ctu~~r wa d Mr E thi heet would be rather a mi s tate- wer e no t a bl e to place in th e e vent th e ·big "1d · an -t fr· i a.· ment a we read it our elves, but we ~ut with con · tent p lu g!!;i llg w ill in tterb . events of the y ar o.mcume a go . from ,nr · W 10 0 , is o m ething like M Hur h 1crra Leone, c:s tl1f rlly s t !E ~ t h Chri tm a to e1n1te ah ordinar I I . ' . 1. . ·u t one c ,c c e:':'a1n 1 I n tra t . . • ese (1me ma ke valu2.ble 111 11. Peden wa. oliday d , Y peo~ e, a way 1 _s J ·ct .. lation of . pecime.ns of abon gma l man pe ru e high point man with nine.teen point . The di;1ir~gn t y u k'.1ow? ou r colum n . illu trat1n g th e w_1 e ,_c ircu He conceded th e p le vault to lry Pre ented th room 111 Cochran Hall the •·Tan and a rdtJ1 a l. at ten f et in order that thi coming Every t bl e app a ra nce of fairyland. athlete mig ht ecure enough point to ta.ch cl: e \~~ laborately decor ated, JUNIOR PLAY COMING win hi letter and al o lo t a fir t in lllalc.ing h _vierng with the ot her in • CLEIO SPRING SPREAD his hurdl w hen he kn o cked off th e Pre''All-of-a-Sudden Peggy" to be aIJ.d eve t e1r th arti. ti.c ma terp1ece, . la t one at the fini h. F enton tea rn Annual Cleiorhetean Social Event Held scnted in Chapel Saturday And ryhon took the p riz e. <Continued on page six.) Last Thursday Evening In t o e r E . Night. (Co . at • ve ryth111g any Society Hall. nttnued on page two.) ·11 g There would probably be a great STA.TE NET MEN DEFEATED ? Gob lin s? Were we ee I Gho ts . djv r ity of opinion a to what i the OTTERBEIN DROPS GAME . ? ~• L o f t h e Otterbein Tennis Team Takes Ohi~ t 1lflgS. " , it was jus t Cleiorh ctea ad mo t pop ul ar enter,ain01ent lo1e p·1rst Home Base Ball •Game I e imagin e it mu t h ave appeare year bu t all wou ld doubtl e State Across In Home agree w ut if th ey had suc h Meet. lif ty year ago, b . . 7.1 as th e that the Junior •la play tand With Capital On Account of W k a rou iog good tlllie 111 1 liigh iJi t h Ii t. Entertainments by 0 ea Hitting. from Phi. lophroneand out ide r are all right in their . place . . lterbein' hilarity 1ssu111g n Monday, May 2nd , tte rb ein · 0 . team prung a urpri on hio late attempt to keep a cl an Hall la t Thursday e,·enin~ eeme _ but 11011 e arc quite o enjoyable a 111 ~ith O ah~; ba e ball chedule m et to te tify. then tim es ha,·en t chang tho e !riven by local tal nt. F or tate a nd b t d th em th e m e t a ternoo ou re ult la t Frjday ed much in fif ty years. . a eve.ra t week the ca t ha been hard held here. O her oId f11 wh n he wa h um bl e.d by T he nnua I Cleiorhetcan . prui,, .. t work under th e capa ble ct·t ree t·ion I1 l n tb e .111g 1e M artin played riu 1 th e Ta 0e Cap ·t a. T he defende r o f j Spread · was t h 1.s yea r a h1 torica ao f pro f. f ritz. ·· II f. udden I around Ca rran and won both t I I 1arge 1y . ·ct 11 t affair. Th~ progran:1 wahe mu .ir to be one o f th e be t Th e fi r t by th h't thei nr and t . ardinal imply d1 ica l Peggy"' bid fa co re of 6-1 and th e. 1 hit Lt to Friday, and being out- given by the Alumni. T d _ ucccs e of th e year. The play has econd by th e core of 6- 2. Ban.croft nd l'h b ·ii ty of teio rh etea, pa~t an !Jre I ee n produced on the creen £ea.tu ring had rou g ~er ailing with arl Wirth7 is their only al ibi. J 1 gi. ven on wem . an d wa only abl e to ho ld him to ing "·h e troul le I)cgan in th e :fir t inn- a ent t was demo n t ra ted in a piano . 1· Marguerite lark. T he Pay .. en B s a v 10 111 Of bi11gt elk drew a pa,s . pa ir so lo • by Mi s Ethel H"II t . •17·' '2 1 and atu rday. May 14, will featur uch a 6-4- c r in th fir t t. In th tan,, e cored two counter in that d t by Mi s Glady Yokum, ' II - elcl)ritie a Howard, prout, Ru th econd the gam e went 11-9 1 efor ...... Ag . ue . . and a co ec c w irt · b w •Ill fi nally ot two in a row Wa(kAd a111 in th e econd Menter M. Ruth Robert ' 24 ' v· . . Hopp Harriett Hay ' Mary ber ~ d 1rg1111a I • I . t Miss acrific' a vanced on chmidt' t · of o ld so ngs by . . T 1 id ot hers of no le repute. n ': th double Martin and Ban roft ion ct Can hit e, and cored on Bernlohr' 1.,Volfe, ay or, evening a1 . . . li\'e I ' 23 and M.is v·rg1111a of enJoym nt I. as ure d to a III were P Iaymg t h game of their llurp Je•s · The th ird frame ended the , ., • h O attend. om on , come all. and wer only kept from nowin "Vern If Watfe t. · h t J u dd a_n d L eonard com_pletely under 2,,. In that In the reading, .•Th e Two-Boggan roved w '.\'ext Saturday in th l' chape 1 at e1g With idcnou r tarted the !"de" Mr . E. E. Bu rtn_cr p - I ell wh en it h cam too dark to fi ni h. Wh a two-b _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ The fi r t t 111 · th d 1 f h t of If11 persona ) 1 · e agger,d and wen.t M to third lf h"I master t CJ. arw • Jone ' J) rO. . ·spea ks. OU )le cdwent 1·t trr en w· 111elm (i . , herse · O Mrs. President Cl•ppmger and the . econd wa e untinish wh en6-1 . 1 rst on a rt111 s u on. w I e 111 . f y th ·• wa . . or. M b • . 111 a e tec doubl ed to left cori ng d ucti o n ·'T he Spirit o b-~-~y ' Mrs. Pr ident Cl ipp in g r det; ret t ~e l e~at . 1111,p ible to play. 1~iden u r en . I d real literary a I t . . b alau rea te serm o n fo r on e ra e mter t of the crowd videncanct Wil he l1n. d1s p aye , ( t prcsi- ace I d d I f h ln tunba!. d1na1 meanwhil the Tan and rFl ick in o-er. leior hetea . i\i wry o f Theological emina ry a It e l1 act tf at t n ni is fa t be om " · . th e s .. a g· . ·ery intere t111g . ~ " . Clippinger and vera t r em ing o th intere tin Care. a \• e it foun d.1ng 111 1 '1. i,,,rd· t accompa1ue · d 11·1111 to D ayton. gam tiivmg th e apita l boy a dent · gave . e two. J tu en (C111 i e econd Howe led off th e oc1e ty sine ontinue.d on page ix.) (Continued on pag













•'age Two


co uld not manag e th em on the t r ain j s umm e1·'s conference will be under- I CLEI O SPRINGS SPREAD so Mr . and Mrs. \Vhis tl er drove th eir \ take n. Eve ry man in th e co llege 1 • • (Cont111 ued from page one. ) daugh ters and the "box" to Weste r- !>hould mak e a hero ic att emp t to be Mi·s. th e Ga nt z and Mrs. Ditmu too k I vill e after th eir week-end trip to Day·· o n hand next Thursday night. ton. - - - - - -- -\ gir,l s th ro ugh th e Hall of Fame, G ;:neral Con ference to Convene. where they lea rn ed many interesting Miss Bertha .-\nd erson of Dayton. ex t Thursday. May 12 t he General . · ' facts conce rnm g the .Alumn1. accompanied Mae Loomis on her visit Con feren ce o f th e Un ited Bret hr en • to Otterbein. Church , which meets quadrennially. _ A. c\c lightful lu nch was served. in wil l conve ne at India na po lis, Ind . , Philophronean reception hall , which Alum Creek is minus . even mam I Th is body. th e supreme gove rning was ta stefu l!)' decorated, and it was moth fish as the result of the Tryon body of th e chur ch, will co n sider wit h a "righ t good will" that th e g irl s fish in g expedition Satv rda y. ma ny ques.tions. of moment not the joined in singing •·C tei~ rh etea·• beMarjorie Miller. Flore nce Reed and least of which will be to endorse plans fore adjournment of th e Society. Alice Hunter spen t the week-end a t for Otterbein's Diam o nd Jubil ee Campaig n. \ . See " All-of-a -Sudden P eggy"! their homes.




Mrs. L. R. Harford , '72. of Omaha, _· ebraska, president of th e ~ a tiona I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II II Ill In 1111111111 IIIII,!! W. M .A ., Mr. a nd Mrs. J. A. Wine- : \\" e were glad to see Mae Loomis land and Mr s. Frank Ressler, all o ld friends of Otterbein, were ente rtainon 0ur campus again. ed at dinner unday by Dean Mc1lrs. Vida W il helm Bruner. ' 19, and Padden. son, of Canton. visited in the Hall The special feature of Alice Abbo t' s : this week. party Saturday was a Kewpie May•· Twenty people enjoyed a splendid po le. \ i\Then each guest had un- : party at Sna ,·ely·s Saturday evening. wo und her ribbon she saw w ritten on new Pauline Stubbs pent the week-end the polc-sh-h-h-"Gladys and Mike. : J une 17 th." Mi s Lake and Mr. visiting relatives in Columbus. Mi chae l w ill be married 111 th e l '. B. : \ e will have all sizes in the "Hiker·• chu rch at \ N es terv ille. by Thursday. E. J. Norri .-Adv.



= = = = = =

Spring-Time !~


1= A

and complete line of Spring Shirts, ; Collars a ttached, in Pongee, Duck, and Ox­ £ord Cloths, ready for inspection. Come in = and see them.


Me rs. chultz. Hill, and Owen DAINTY AF F AIR took dinner at Cochran Hall Sunday. Mr. R. . Powell stopped at Westen·ille Monday on hi way to Genera l Conference to visit Loma. 'l'" • h d h t I t owe .i., n111sE Jat an • s oe d a pnce · · · orrJ..v. , ,. Virginia d r cus ing th e track m eet: HAw, anybod y cou ld po le vault if th ey on ly kn ew bow." . Be ty-" Well I can't do it and I know Howe."


(CoJ1tinu ed fr om page one.)

one could possibly d e ire for breakfa t wa their for th e a king and uch charmtng dam e l 111 fluffy ru ffl e to ' bring . to t1' em1 one didn't like ro lled oats with strawb erri es he could just as nicely be erv ed shredded whea t and no one used to anything less than ambrosia wo uld think of aying nay to tho e t u ffed baked po,,1i Plant , a graduate of Wooster tatoe and egg -a-la-go.l den-rod. Every one pre ent i aid to have w i ely preollege, ha entered Otterbein to ferred that deli ciou (;Offee or cocoa to take om e po t g~duate work. the nectar which indeed would have Ju t arrived. new epia Kid, on.e- see med commonplace. rap pump, 6.50. E. J. orris..,..-Adv. The success of th e occasion wa du e The hundr ed mile hiker ay it i largely to Mi Velma Lawrence who cheap er to pttrchase a pair of boys wa th.e very competent chairman, and heavy choo l hoe to wea r whil e her equally capable sub-chairmen. The '· doing the four mil e quare" than to Cochran Hall orchestra furni shed have their , own half oled every mu ic, t hrou g hout the break[a t.

I .


twenty mi le . omfort and durability in "Hiker" . E . J. orri .-Adv.

th e Ford Le~ds Y . M. C. A .­ Lake Geneva Rally Next W eek.



Place your order now for a pair of White Flan­ =' = nel Trousers, $6.50 for a dandy number. _ _

Straw Hat Season is wit,h us now. The latest in Straws, $2.50 to $5~00. = :

= _ -




III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111




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= ----- ----------::l

With lively mu ic a h elpful talk Mi Dorothy Davi of Dayton has and an interes ted group of listener been vi itiug Mabel a el. th " Y" meeting la t Thur day night Margu rite Wetherill, Lucile Wahl, wa of unu ual benefit. . Luther I§ Your Attention is Called to the Fact, t h at for $1.00 you Can Buy ~1ildr d lemen and Lucile Ger ber had a pecial orch e tra to tart I: w re invited to Bay' for unday thing off with a boom and D a u I§ 5. Pair,s of Guaranteed lro!l Cla.d Sox.. A good Nainsook Union ~uit, like B . V . D . A good Kmt Un.on Swt. 3 Pure L inen Handkerchiefs. dinner. Har ri furni h ed th e pecial mu ic A good Shirt. Neckties. Mr. J1arle Grady of Lima vi ited with a plendid rendering 0f ' Open : th e Gate of th e T em ple." 3 y ards of 32-.inch Gingham ........ ·-····-················ ........................-............ $1.00 . Mildred D ei t ch, Tue day. Beautiful Printed Voiles, per yard 1.00 Mr. Ford, the peaker of the even- : Marie omfort i suffering from a 1.00 in g, then a urn ed charge and had a § Cris~ Swiss Organdie, guaranteed, ~·~·; .. evere attack of ton iliti . real m age. Hi remark were § We invite you to come and sec; the m any barga· n s we offer for $1.00. Lenor R,ayot, '19, wa 111 \: e ·t r­ en tered around t h e th eme, '· What we : vi lle over the we k-end. can take back to our home co m- : , fterbein_" ince Mr. ene ieve Mullin g-ave a push JU nitie fr o m Ford wa a leadin g light in the recent Th r day' in hono r of h r gue t. campa ign of th West Virginia Oub § fr . arrie Geron of priugfield, throug h their state, he co uld speak ' vi ited E th r Mac Donald thi week. with authority born of true experience. rext week will be h eld th e ann ua l Mr . Whi tier load d Harriet and Corner State and Ma in Streets Phone Bell 14-0-R Marjorie down with o many eat to Lake Geneva R ally when th e matter of recru itin g r ep resentatives for thi s bring ba ck to chool that th e girls 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii1


= = = =




LI.terary Department

Page Three

I h guns on this seemingly disinterestI e class of students. 1 have heard

cause I tind pleasure in_referring to the past, but because I believe that Ott~rc.c he curse players who seemed to be111 deserves to be ~nown as a bdoing their best to make good, and . ning schoo l in athletics as well as 111 (Tl1 1-s page w1.11 carry each week a representative . . . , 011 the other hand, p i:;yers have any other phase of her college proproduction from the tin programs of one of the four literary societies, selected m such manner as snetimes•d'elibemtly sought to thwart gram. each may determine. The rotation will b~ re_g ular unless cen ors fail to ti desires . of the coach but the What is said of athletics can just submit productions in proper time for pubhcatwn.) siousnes of th_is question does not as truthfully be said of our attitude toarc glad to note that victo ry finally lihalf so much '. 11 th e matter who ha_s ward our litera ry societies. I think that BOUQU E TS A ND BRICKBATS perched 011 the banners of those na- b:n ~uilty of bnck:bat me th ods, as it we all recognize the fact that it is a tions, which for a long time have had j res 11'. th e fact th at s~me n~ver _seem wholesome thing to have a s~irit of P hiloph ronea. at· leas t a limited sense of aipprecia- t,reahze that defe~t , the inevitable rivalry existing between the different rld st As we look out upon the va wo tion for th e aesthetic and the beauti- j r,ult of such practices. _ literary societies, but when this_ spirit as it lies before our vis ion, and there ful. :f we are to win in athletics, then resolves its~lf into the p·rac_ttce of discover how each thing in nature What was true in the great world t: campus and athletic field must be throwing bnckbat_s, then there 1~ great th eem to be related to every o th er war certainly must be true in the I c.re r,e d with bouque ts instead of danger that the lights of our hte~ary thing, we ar made to feel that no - every-day affai·rs of !1'fe. If br:1ckbat societies will be damaged. Certainly s,nes. If we are to p,r esent an nuing has been made in vain. But even methods fai l in times of war they will dided and victorious whole to the this is a serious matter when we are with the feeling of design and pur- just as surely fail in times o.f peace. Cl e of athletics in Otterbein, then led to believe that som have reached P.ose, which the universe reveals to us, If to 111 ak c nian feel the righeousnes hi · the place when they no longer feel that v. must insist that, at our at etic certainly there is not a single one of and nobi lity of a cause will win in rlies we should serve bouque t and their society should have their best us who would say that he believes times of bloodshed and carnage, cer- nt brickbats. This i said not be( Continued on page five.) that all things in this world were tainly the same psychology holds made to serve the same end. While good in tim e of quietude. everything has its p-lace in th e Few of u will deny the fact that economy of affairs, yet it is a fact the essen tial thing in the game of life 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I IllIIIIIHII I I I I III I I II 11111111111111111111111111 ~ that no intelligent person will deny, is to win. ot to win in the popular that bouquets and brickbats were not sense of that term, but to win in deed made for the same purpose. and in truth. By this we mean that We do not believe it a wide s t retch no success i real victory unless the of the imagination to say that bou- results are as lasting as time and as quets were desi.gned for decorations, far-r(eaching as eternity. Thus, whether while brickbats were made for terner we enter the political field, or the _ realities. One appeals to th e sense teaching profession, or decide to spend of beau ty, which is an endowment of our lives in the Gospel ministry, or every normal human creature, but th e some othe1· form of worthy endeavor, other often becomes a weapon of mor- one thing we will have to recognize •tal combat. Bouquets are used to ex- ooner or later in the course of .. pre one's appreciation of life ;. th is event , and that is, that the fragrance







·1 C ' St t· T · = Eversharp Penc1 s, rane s a 1onery, enn1s -


justi ce hone ty and charit i, a mightier force in the confli2t of me, than the Iatn of deceit, 1naliciou ness and infidelity. . What can be said about life in its -

Rackets and Balls, Otterbein Jewelry, Pen-

more genera:! aspect can just as truly be said of our college life. Often it is ju t as hard for u , as college : student , to en e the real ba ic principle on which succe s re ts, a it

Water Color Paper, I. P. Loose Leaf Note


and infelicitous relations. But turning a ide from the compari on of the e two elements as to their relative beauty and form let us see how th ey effect the cours; of even t in th e career of the human race. . It goes without aying that man is a creature of reason, and that whatever leads him to action, or at lea st

is for tho e who do enjoy the privi- _ lige that have become a part of our inheritance. Per hap there i not a cla of people in the world that think and ta lks more about WIN­ ING than do college studen ts. Thi's term is a byword in all college athletic , in debating conte ts, in § society activitie , and every othe r phase of ou r co llege career. But even with thi inten e d'esire to win as stu-

to that kind of action which is backed by the sum total of all his power must have an impelling rather th an a compelling influence. So it is th e fragrance of the beautiful and not th e force of the migh ty, that makes ~an

dent' many of u have yet to learn that bouquets are more essenti al in • college life than brickbat . Thi i not only true in our relations with the fairer sex, ·but ju t as true in every othe r relation.

give hi be t to the cause of humamty. This is true because the power which tir man to action is lodged wi th in, and is not a thing which is applied from without. we think of how man ha acted in the course of history, we are led to ay that no really great cau e has ever been won by hrapoel a nd cannon ball, but v ictory ha always come to tho e who have dared to die for th e beautifu l and the ju t. Germany t~rtd the great world war on th e bnckbat ba i · but before the conflict wa ver he ~a forced to ee th.at might do not make right. While th ~ war wa tarted on thi inhuman ba 1 , we

For five years I have watched illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii, athfetic at Otterbein, and at no time have I been half so much di intere ted a probably I have eemed to be. But IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg after these years of ob ervatiou I am more and mo r e convinced, that neither Otterbein nor any other ollege ca n have winning teams when brickbat are more io evidence than bou 1u e t . Probably there is not a ingle one in our schoo l who i abso lutely free from criticism when it comes to thi 111.atter. The a th Let has often been critici d by tho e we do not ha ,·e any pecial inclination toward th e ports of ol- ! lege, and sometime the athlct has

true whether th e life is still resident in the body, or whether it ha go~e out into the pirit realm. But such ~ not th e ca e with brickbats; even their roug h, uneven and jagged edges 11d veal a pirit of contempt a disatisfaction . It is a fact that no 01~e will gainsay, when thinking of th is O creature of the clay, that it · d es not express beauty and harmony like th e th roe and the lily; but it is ~ ve r y embodiment of the spirit of di co rd





nants, Pillows, Kodak Albums, Card Board, -

Books and Theme Paper at lowest pnces. -



u• • n1vers1ty

B.00k St 0re :-



~ =

Meals at all Hours Box Candies-Ice Cream If we don't have your Favorite Magazine we will get it for you. J. C. ROACH. Prop.




!'age Four


CAMP US CH IT ( H A T Tennis Courtesy. ! Last week there appeared in these , ·'T and C'' weather forecas t for the column s a few remarks r egarding ensuing week. "vVait and See." Published Weekly in the in t erest of l nter-collegiate Courtesy. We dislike lb. Otterbein by the Followin g the suggest ion made by to agitate thi·s too strongly, but would like:' to add this word concern­ the lady in chap el co ncern ing the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD ing our beha,·ior as spectators in a beneficial properties of mi lk we sug­ Westerville, Ohio gest that a flock of Jerseys be installtennis tournament. ,, . Member of the Ohio College Press ed on the coll ege campus. . , ow in almost any inter-collegiate Association sport, nval schools are represented Word comes from th e Annapolis STAFF by team s of several men all of whom Naval Academy that they are to build I 31 W. College Ave. Editor-in-Chief, T. Gordon Howard, ' 22 are playing simultaneously. Under the largest swimming pool in the WESTERVILLE, OHIO Assi tant Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 th ese circumstances any remark world. They say it is to have a seat­ Contributing Editorsdirected a t an op.posing team is not Citizen Phone 110 ing capacit y of :1,000. That's funny. Bell Phone 190 Grace H. Hill, '23 Horace W. Troop, '23 felt so keenly by any one individual. Business Manager .... J. P . Schutz '23 l t is an easy thing to say· under the Some track meets are ''darn good" A istant Business Manage rs' st ress of the moment certain things and some are some thing else. The T. E. Newell, '23 that a f f . J. F. Dillinger, '24 . re ar rom comp 11mentary, but one Saturday was th e former. Eh I THE OTTERBEIN

A fresh tock of Chocolate P ra line s and Choco­ lat e C ream s, at 28ct s.


I I ~--~---~~---~--- I

Dr. Keefer's



Stoughton, M. D .

G. W. Henderson, M. D.

Cir .. Manag~r .... ~arriet L . Hayes, As 1stant Cir culatton MangersLucile Ewry , Veda Bearss, Athletic Editor ........ A. w. Elliott A istant Athletic Editor' D. A. Harris, Local Editor .... ........ M. M . Collins lurnnal Editor ........ Alma Guitner'. Exchange Editor,. Virginill Snavely, Cochran Hall EditorAlice Davi on, Literary Editor ............ H. R . Mills,

case a team of several men is play­ What! Westerville, Ohio ing no particular harm is done, so long '23 as personalities are omitted it is all Two of onr contemporaries who '24 attend Otte r bein were discus ing the '23 in a spirit of good rivalry. By Appointment [ n tennis however, conditions are relative merits of a third individual. '23 slightly different. Rival teams '' He's o fore-sighted" said one. '23 f are ·' How so?·• said the other. '97 ten represent ed by single indi v iduals "Well, he's going to ha\'e lire '23 and any remarks therefore are hurled extinguishers put on his coffin. I directly a t this one man a 11 d h I DENTIST '23 ' e a one '24 muS t ~ear the brunt of all th e sarcasm CALENDAR and sideline comment. It is usually 15 West College Ave. Address all communicat ions to The good policy, therefore . in tennis. to Wednesday , May 11Citizen Phone 167 Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. resist the temptation of '· ragging" the 0rgan Recita l in College Chapel by Bell Phone~ .College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. o ther school, and to show ourselves Miss Harley, assisted by Mr. Dan Har­ Subscription Price $1.50 P er otherYe.ir, good sports by praising all good play , ris, Vocali t. if paid before N o~ember 15 · and to demonstrate our pep by en­ Saturday, May 14wise $1.75. ' Tennis, Kenyon her e. couraging our own players rather Junior Clas Play, College Chapel. Entered as second class · matter than by rattling our opponents. East College Av . m:e eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice Track, q uadrangular meet with Ohio at Westerville, 0 ., under act of We leyan, Heidelberg and Kenyon at PHONES March 3, 1879. On With The "Old Grind." Delawar e. Acceptance £or .mailing ar special Bell 84-R Citizen 26 Ilt1t a brief month and a hal r - Wednesday, May 18-.ate of postage provided fo in Sec. mains, and then , the cl1ool year of tudent Recital, Lambert Ha ll. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized 1921 will have slipped away. Friday, May 20April 7, 1919. 0nly six more weeks, but we should Baseball, Capital at Columbus. r olve to meet them with greater Junior-Senior Reception. EDITORIAL vigo r than ever. Some individuals Saturday, May 21ew ConM0ther r ealizing that chool is not yet over' Tenni , Muskingum at La t uuday we celeb rated Mother's are till faithfully buckling down to cord. This course covers ten easy lessons Day. · Thi cu tom inaugurated ome the old ' 1g rind". Mo t of us tho~gh, Track, Kenyon at Gambier. whic h will enable the Student, Pro­ y ar' ago ha .fixed it elf upon have omehow acquired the peculiar Monday, May 23fessor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer o r merica o it i now one of th year' notion. that it matter little what we Tenn.i , Capital at Columbu anyone seeking a profe sional career, mo t wid ly ob e r ved event . do the re t of the year in ce "school' Fx:-'..day, M~y to go through life with 100 per cent n la t Mother's Day, the a r d- a?out out anyway." pring athleti<; 1 l • Track, Big ix rn et at Col um bu efficiency. ness and love of a Moth r wa hik es, picnics and one thing and I Saturday, M ay 28.heralded from every pulpit and another encroach upon our time and Track, Big ix . meet at Columbus. Is short and inexpensive, and is articles appeared .in o:iany periodical , rather than enjoy all the e and by J Ttmni , Deni ·on here. given with a money back guarantee if but we wonder if many ttidents extra effor t k ep up in clas e we are Thursday, June 2pau d to con ider Moth r' part in wont to negle~t the latter with the idea Cleiorhetean play in ollege Chapef. not satisfied. SE D THIS CLIPP! G TO-DAY making po ible our pre ence in c61- that th time for hard work i over. Now, mo t of u are here to be- 1 Many Chapel Speakers: le e. Pyramid Press: Publishers There are few tudent who do not come efficient, well rounded m n and ! \ ithin th la t week Otterbein has 1416 Broadway, r aliz that in att nding a college. they women, and to achiev our purpo e I been. unu ually fortunate by way of ew York City they are enjoying a rare p:ivi\ege, and w mu _t not let any. on phase of JI e~al sp akc : a~ chap J. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is $5.00 few of u actually knowingly wa t chool life ab orb our mtere at the Mt ao)m \Vil on from the for which kindly end me ycur short­ thi opportunity. But how i1~finitely exp,en e o f . s?me other qually ch.ool Moyamba, ierra L one, \: hand cour e in ten easy lessons by mor careful we would be with out portant .activ ity. Therefore arrange nca; J>rofc or J. . V ard, r cent- mail. It i under tood that if at the tim : ho , would cheri h every your daily . and weekly schedule o ly returned from tudying po t , ar end of five days, I am not satisfied my d' . 1 chance for improvement, if we. would t b.a t a on t muou round of mere fun on . t1on in Europe. Mi Garvin money wilJ be gladly r efunded. hul r member that at horn will not crowd out th e les plea ant pecial peak r from the . ..,, ncu · It ura 1 ame ..-··-·....-····--·-·············-···-··~···--····-·· who ·e tho· ught and prayer · are con- cc upation of mer tudy. Colleg . •Ohio tat '· J· H · Patt'er on, Street .................................... - •--·--··-·..········ E tantly with u . one who daily makes We a re far from advocatin that ~a~ eh t; Re\'. (. E-. Caldwell City and State ....-......... · ................... •-··---· material acrifice and foregoes pleasure anyone becom a bookworm. Indeed ' mt recently returned fr om' Po t ionary R. that we may ma k e t h e b t o f our uch a p r on n v r doe th chool r O tco. each of the have occupith ducationa l advantage . Th re ar or anyone el e a jot o f good. Rav a ed e chapel ervice and ha poken th o e per ons who e Mother have go d time, by all mean whole ome helpfully to th e tud nt . pa ed on, yet we can know that wer port and amu ment hav an impor­ 'The n igbt wore on they here th y would b th fir t to tant and legi timate place in very co l­ The hour grew lat~" le~ career-but b ca r ef ul that unti l urge u t o g r eat r thing . ·:Wore .what, tell me t pray?" if you alue your collegiate th last "exam!.' we don' t wholly f rTh m ght, poor littl addle-pate­ 0 educatio[)., r emembe r that it may g t that sixteen hou, in cla s requir It wor the clo e of day." never have been an actuality were it at lea t a slight amoun t of preparaSee " All-of-a-Sudden P~gy" I no t for your Mother. tion. Patronize our advertisers! ' 22



W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.


A Shorter Shorthand System In Ten Easy Lessons



This Course










A. A . RICH The In urance Man b tract Loans otary Public


Page Five


Free Will Offering Taken to Put O tterbein on th e Map Dale P hilli ppi wa rn ed us Tuesday Dl.orning in chape l and then Wednes­ day it happened Didn't it do your heart good to s~e all tho se hands go up at th e call for our "lifty cent's"? The treasurer tells us th at th e total wa. !ii 8. -1 5. This money, as exp lain­ ed 1n chape l. will pay Otterbein's en­ tran ce fees to the Big Six Track Meet and also to the tenni tournament at Ohio State. Some of it w ill be used for the pu~chase of trophies for tht Winners of th e Co unty High School [rack Meet to he entertained here on aturday. May 14. as explained elsc­ W?er e in thi s issue. Any su rplu s (?) Wtll be used for the erection of new and badly needed bleac h ers.

Harriett Hays Is Leader. Miss Harriet Hays was th e le~der of Y. W. C. A. last T uesday ev~,mng, with the top ic. ·'Gifts of the Day . Miss Hays gave an interesting _talk on the subject, afte r w_hi~h various members of the society 10111e~ m the . · The meet111g was gene ral d 1scuss1on. to the girls in attendance ve r y h e Ip fu l . r and brought to eve ry m 111d a rea ization of the many commonp la ce blessings that o ne is so pro ne to take for gra nted.


: - . : :

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Otterbein Entertainers Tour. La t Frida y eveni ng, May six th, . a t ·11 d Ohio th e Otterbem E nt ertam, . · f d W 1 ar , e a p rogram cons1st111g o rea ers gav b The . s and va ri ed musica l num ers. . mg m was enthusiastically received progra by a large audience. . • · a new l Otte rb ein Entertamers ,s T ie b · The memo r ganizatpio101 f::s~/t~~ l'.'\.· rit z, reader; bers are r . I · t· K Hollinger, ba n tone so o1s ' RM~y Jo.sep hine Cridland, vio lini st, a nd 1s • · t . Miss Agnes Wright, piams · KBATS BOUQUETS AND BRIC (Continued from page th re e.)

: :

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Alumni Seniors Faculty~-




-The big events of the year are a short time away. -Then let dignity reign and

Say It With Flowers Corsages:

C. E. Led By Bertha Hancock. . "living Close to Christ•· was the sub: Ject of a ve ry 111terest111 · · 0- meet111g · at h. . "' C 1-1 r, tian Endeavor. Miss Bertha ancock was the lead er. The scripThe F ifth Avenue Floral Co., of Columbus, 0 ., is the ONLY floral ture · Jo h n . house represented at O tterbein that grows its own flowers-which ~r1 le 5 on wa . taken from First means Better Flowers for Less Money. O ur special truck service _ .Hancock said in exp laining the from the greenhouse means immediate service. Say it- I'll do_ the _ ;ean,ng of each word in th e topi c: rest. e all know what it mean to li ve. Clo · ll ~ -~s u~ed in the sense of lo~i_ng. ht and interest while in coll e~e. ( living 111 th e spirit we are hvmg deco rate our soci etie~ with : ~ 0 e to Ch ri t. We should be willing beautiful laurels, then t~ere ;;','s ~~a~ o do what Christ has left for us to h rn1 for us in o ur society a "Flower Service DeLuxe" d0 · a ll summed up by the word c a come to u s if we re ort to "L'· th·1 ts never' ca n . . . ove". . indifference and cnucism. " Do you have one of those new blotters? See me and get oneIf brickba ts will no t win ·in ~th le tics they' re free!" · · · then 1t goe~ : and society_act~~,:~es;hey cannot win 1111 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllllllll Ill I II llllllllll lllllll II I Ill 111111111111111111111111111 uii he other day at the tennis meet th e u · without saymg Without Jnulti- •~ k a .f lllPJre made a speech. He po e here m college.. 1 the remarks we made would be anyw d further in regard to 1 · g wor s Prett · pl yrn matters I imply want to ha_y IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII betw Y apt to breech ' the fellowship t 1es £ t imes during t is een our school and that of th e t~m that a numbe:b: el leader· ' Sunday- t h we played. I gue s he mu college year, a~d oth er ' who have a~e th ou,ght a bit about the thing he . welfare, have aid · Th ey ay th e way to show your sC'hool teache rs 111 interested our • h been th e brickbats whtc Pep whe 11 t h e team 1s . comma . h h t roug been wounded by ht dly or malicious­ and "' Wat the pill aero s the net a nd we have unthoug e lll.ake th . . t0 ,1 e score love-2 ,s 1ust ' -- ap aid and done, the real · Your hands as if , you were watch- ly hurle.d. ing . When all is . nder di 1 . dney Drew. f thi s q uestion u ence o ·tself into th e rela- e ra ~w I can see hi s point all right, that · resolves I f the spirit · of gging stuff don't go a fellow can't cus 1011, he at h. importance O r O matter . ' h is be t when maJcino- uch a uv~ . d pes imi m. . . we may play Ill, if a ow. Our choo l conducts it sports optl 1sm an f cl a n a any other o when team what game o_ , ed by the pirit o.f COllJ. ' we are dominate e defeated beth here to p lay again I'll treat . . th en we ar . th pess1m1sm . \, he11 analyzmg es cin a a bro ther. for we begin: ' of th e human race, "Hank" '23. cbaraden st1 c · the extwo d t ay that on 1 we are Je f ·th and a warm f a eclea r a , . Darn B ill l'hc .; o - , 1• the revelation P r essionb.l In Dother day . theotber ' hear:t w i ed i>rain and an in on , . - § i, r. cott' clas of a becloud h th er we. conlnW a k-ed Bill · ·f 'fhus w e . de- : ho th b. te.nt It e. throw bnckbat : l'hat h e tgge. t crook wa b ute bo uquet or l rge d gr e u_p o \ e had ever heard about t a very a f . nct Bill pends O ff we are made o · Gri11ned th e kind of tu . . h. ball be my bab 1hty t ,s c.1 .'\ littl ln all p ro_ . P hii ophronea an And · la.s t prod uction ,n ay with all my ''\V aid: ant to · ·t , hy Atla . .I" that ,it i spin ertai nly 1· w I' ·,nct h art. thlll J be ,ev itc t i flower ''llo th ·n D c aid: . . and not p . f nd • w come Atla " that ,v111 . ,d not on:e, "lld t impel v1 tory at r are fini hed, tha lliiJ ge caree when our co 11 e lea ed to remem Grinned wc shall be be tter ( the roses, than to Anct · 0 "\V aid: I nerfume b r ue "' .f bri cJdJat • ,. e car O 121 \yh~y boc, h held up the world." wear t t1 E. E. J-{arri , Or tch broke up the morale See "All-of-a-Sudden Peggy"! Patronize Our Advertisers! I) the cla ------.--:=dden -Peggy''! arn BiUJ . " All-of-a-Su , See -A. W. E lliott, '23.









You Know They're the Best Values to Be Found

= = =

Hart, Schaffner a Marx New High-Grade Suits Now at



That' the beauty about c ming lier for clothe -you can be certain y u have the rect tyle and the be t value yo ur m n = bu.





Page Six




In Second Mat ch of the Week Otter- Cinder Athletes from Franklin County bein Takes New Concord H igh Schools to Compete on Men Across. O tterbein Field. For the econd time in a trenuou Nex t aturday, May 14, Westerville week Otterbein racquet wielders hum- will entertain the F ranklin County bled their opponents. Muskingum High School Track Meet. Between furnish ed the opposition. In the two and three hundred boys and girls firs t and on ly singles match last Fri- representing thirteen schoo ls, will day afternoon on Cochran court parbqpate. ups, furni hed by ' Hindu" Bancroft defeated Gordon, , Otterbein, will be presented to the Muskingum's be t man, in straight set highest point winner among the boy 6-4, 6-1. Bancroft was in good form, and among th e girls, and al o to th e and after he had solved his opponent' winning team. tyle, victory came easily. " Hindu' s" This occa ion furni he Otterbein game this year is steadily imp roving an opportunity to adverti e itself and much i expec ted from him in the among the gDod a thJetes of F ranklin " Big Six" finals . County' High Schools. The meet will In the doubles Bancroft and How- take place on Otterbein F ield and in ard defeated McConnelle and Geiger return th e Ath letic Board will take after a hard fi ght 3-6, 6-4, 8-6. The charge of th e concession and sell match was of the defen ive variety a nd "eats'', the p·roceeds from which will the Otteroein team, after they got to be used for th e erection of the much worki ng together howed superiority neede d bleach ers. (If you get up too in this tyle of play. " Gord" Howa r d Iate fo r b rea kfast come ove r to t h e made hi de.b ut on the court in thi fie ld and b uy bleachers. ) match and p layed a very creditable -------game. Hi defen ive work wa good, OTTERBEIN DROPS GAME and with a little more seasoning, his (Co ntinued from page one.) consi te ncy will make him a bard man to beat. with a double. Mingery fouled out. eden ent Howe to third on a neat Thee two atcbe completed the single, where be died when "Ex" fanmeet a it was agreed to call off th e ned and Lehman flew out. other ingle match on account of the Between the third and ninth innings late hour. Next Thursday afternoon one Capital and one Otter bein man th e po tponed apital meet will be pa sed first ba se. During th at time Played off here, an.d hard £ought Irey was rowing m o re effective, matche ar e anticipated. while Wilh elm howed sign oi tir1 ing. Boys' Volley Ball League Organized. In th e fin al inning each team P hy ical Director Martin has scored one tally. Fo r apital, wi th organi zed th e members of the boys' one one, Rheinner singled, co ring gym clas e who are not participating o n Wilhelm's liner ai1d an error. Fo r in baseball, tennis, or track into eight O tt erbein George led off with a wickvo lley ball team of seven m emb er ed double, scoring on Howe' single. eac h. This is an impo r tant step to­ The g ame has o nce more demonward giving every studen t the va lu­ trated Otterbein' weake t pot, hitable training received in p layi ng on an ting, or rath er a lack of it. Th outathletic team of some kind . The s tanding feat ure of th e g am e were s tand ing i a follow . Vern R idenour's hitting and Belk s Team Won Lo t Pct. work behind th e bat. Pirates .. ................ 3 0 1000 Score by inning : R H E Ind'ian s .................. 3 0 1000 apital 2 1 2 0 0 0 O O 1 -6 11 0 All Star .............. 2 1 .667 1 Bootleggers ···-··· 2 .697 Otterbein 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 7 2 Gian t , ···-······-····· W hite Sox ·······-··· Jitneys ····-··-······-· Bull Dog ............





0 O

3 3

.333 .333 GIRL'S VOLLEY BALL GAMES .000 Tuesday evening the J uniors beat .000 th e Freshmen, and the results of the

Girls Can Win Letters. " Rah for the girls!" According to a recent rulin g of th e athl eti c depa rt­ ment any girl who comp letes a 100 mi le wa lk, ci.ther 25-four mil e or 20-liv e mil e, wil l be award ed a walking letter. Ju t how th e letter will be haped ha s not been decided. . ny girl is elig ible and the walking mu st be done a side from th e regular co mpul or g ym walk .

Sec "All-of-a-Sudden Peggy"!

HEIDELBERG IS LOSER IN TRACK Use N yals' Face Cream l C-:intinued from page one.) gave a concr ete example of what any man can accomplish with nothing to and Bed Time Cream, at · go on but dogged determination and a wi llingn e s to learn. teams ha been running ince he was a Fre hman Dr. Keefer's. but until this year ha never been able to realize any degree o f uccess. H e won the mil e handily and wa abl e to USE YO UR KODAK ti e Ed ewell in th e two mile. An­ other bright pot in the dev e lopment of the team is th e work of Migner y in your Films Developed, th e dashe . H e came within a hair' breadth of tieing Peden in the century and did tie chick, H eidelberg's best p · d dE 1 d rln te an n arge • p ri nter, in the 220. Ed ewell's work in th di lances was remarkable as a rul e the two mile i left to som~ · Quality and Service. one w ho has never been able to show any peed in any other ·event and to ome one who has never won a letter Hoffman's Rexall Store but Newell tick to all three distanc; event and doe him elf ju tice in each . Other bright pots were Martin's What would make a finer broad jumping, White' throwing of the javlin and the way Johnny George finished th e 440 w hen he overcame Schick's lead and won the event. 100 yd. dash-Peden (0), first; Mig­ nery (0) , econd; chick (H) , third. For Anyone Time, 10:3. B roa d J ump- M artin (0), fir t ; Than an Otterbein Pennant, Pillow, Peden ( 0) , econd ; Wertz ( H) , third. Banner, Table Runner, or Memory Di tance, 20 :6 feet. Book? Half Mi le-Ed ewell ( 0) , first ; Sec me any time. Bauman (H), second ; Mathia (H), RM. JOHNSON third.Time, 2 :16 minute . Elmwood Place High Jump- tout (H), fi r t; Ulry O ) , eco nd : Len ewell ( 0 ), third. Heig ht, 5:4 feet. If it isn't worth while 120 Hu rd1 e -Ebal (H), fir st; Miller (0 ) d L ( ' econ ; oosa H) , th ird. 19 :3 econd . If you come once you 220 D h M a ingery ( 0 ), chi ck ( H ) tied fo fi t G · (0 ) h. , t 1rd. Time r r ,; eo rge 25 seco nd h P will come again. ot ut- Lynn (H ) first · Peden ( 0 ), eco nd· Geo rge ( 0 ), third. Di _ tance, 33 :10 feet. Westerville Bakery l Mile-Stearn ( 0 ), fir t ; E . New­ el( ( 0 ) seco nd ; Weaver (H), thi r d. Ti m e, 5 :16:3 m in ute . What's the Use? Po le Vault-Ulry (0), fir t; Peden (0), econd ; tout (H) third. H eight, 10 feet. ' W OLFE'S MEATS 4~0 Yd. Da h-George ( 0 ) , fir t; ch ick (H) econd · Michael ( H) thir d. Time, 57 :4 econd . ' Are good to eat. Javelin-White ( 0 ) .first ; King _ m.one ( H ), econd; Mic hael (H) thi rd. Di tance 133:5. Phone your Order. 220 Hurdles-Eba! ( H ) first ; Mill er econd ; Len Newe ll ( 0 ), third. Time, 29:4 second Citizen 92 Disc u -Peden ( 0 ) . fi rs t ; White ( 0) ccond; Michael s ( H ), third. Distance, 102:2 feet. 2 Mi le-Stearn s ( 0 ). N ewell ( 0 ), tied for fir t ; Weaver ( H ), third. RHODES & SONS Time, 11 :43 minutes. . In the relay the Coach placed Valen­ The College Avenut tine. Good ri ch and the two Warrick b~y • H eid elberg took th event in 4 111111ute Rat. MEAT MARK ET Final core. Otterb ein 83, H eid I­ be rg 48.




league howed that th e Freshmen and Traingles were tied for the champion-hip. The tie was played off on Wed­ ne day evenin and resulted in a v ic­ tory for the. Triangle . who won two out of three game Th following i th e tandin of th e team a t p re en t. Team Won Lo. t l?c t. 1 F r~s hm.an .............. 3 .750 ap tain Pace watched the ba c ball Tnangle .............. 3 1 .750 game from. the bench la t Frida B y. e.d 2 eni o r ···-·············· 2 .500 t e nur ing a "charley hor e" P a ce op homore 3 .250 .P nt a co uple of day in bed la t 3 Junior -················· l .250 week.

Bell 46 _W

B. W. WELLS THE TAILOR State and Main Streets Cleani1111 and Pre••inc

; .J





Page SejVen



111111111111111 IIIII IIIIll IIIIIll III IIIll II IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Letter of a Cochran Hall Girl. E: TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet S ochran Hall, unday Evening. : Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Deare t Dot:­ Flesh Brushes, Etc.. Don't fee l the lea t bit like writing a letter to,uight, Dot, I ut maybe I'll Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. feel bett r to unload my troubles on FI·LMS "DEVELOPED AND PRINTED ome 011 . 1f you don't like the idea UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY of weepy letter j; t throw thi in th waste I asket but ju t mu t tell OPTICAL DEPARTMENT . : '9"1 • Yir . rellic Snavely Mumma O rne one, or I shall go mad. cd Eyes Examined Free. Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. 1 _ Dot ' did you ever los con,, ence 0d Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dayton, Ohio, ~a in W csterville last a friend, omeone that -y ou believe Week. the gue t of :her brother, Proell] ; • . C. ~ wa the model o a real friend? le or harl Snave ly. ' D t it' Dick. You know bow much U 'IO. \\'alter . Knapp_of Westerville, h · t to me just a a friend h e rn ean . b andh j II 111 IIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111 i II IIll IIIIIII IIIIII II I1111111111111111 LI III IIII11111111111111 fl _a l,een conducting special evangeli - how- perf ctly in ympathy wit eac ~c ervi in Dayton, Ohio, recently. other we were and now-Oh, Dot, I e had a very uccessful cries ol can hardly write about it-but I'm. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,!1 rnettino- at the High treet nited ·just cru ·heel. He cam back to cbool Brtthren burcb and after a we ·'s la t week aud he- ha n't pokcn to me re~t returned to Dayton for a _cam- ince. He is ju t devoting him . elf to _a _ Pai ' 11 at Troy treet church. little insignificant blond thing th at hi 'll. Glen A Id . . 1 of the i ter i utcrtaining and they a1: he H. . rno ' pnnc1pa . d Son1etin1.e 1 think I Just . igh chool at Bloomdale, O~o, h_as CJlgag · I'm ure that I shall Jut been re- I cted to hi po it.ion with hat mei1 a nd -~d · them

E =





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never · haYe I amanynotCOIUJ so ence ure t':at t~: agarn. t th afe t co111mo11p lace one - arc no_ e after all, at lea t tllCY are a grea.Lcomfort Jack ha beeu so good to me I j but of our c you can't talk to at y, · k l:l do sn't him Jik vou can to Die r. e e you understa1~d the lea t bit u11le limit your elf to the weather and footI all and one doe love to talk of real ) · a.whi le, don't you things once 1n know? . . J never d.d 1 ha ve uch a nice tune with Bob as [ did la t week wh,~~he ,. e. EI took me to see wa _,_1er f . • ay E st" and tha ·n it el ..Jll J own, a . see won d er f u I. I was so surprised to I h I·1 Boh turn e ntimental and st ea t Y bed a tear or two during that . torm

avh\try · •h ub tantial . increase in. alary, h. I ic 110w the high e te m m w· tc 1 ht ' h Id ' . 72. :),fr . L. R. Harford (Lillie Rt,ler) of maha, - ebra ka, pre ident o~, t h e ~- · oma.n' 1\.1-1 10uas y A ociatiou of the United Brethren Church, wa pre ent and pre ided over the biennial board meeting of the A G ociation 1·u t held at Bowling reen. :'\ftcr a hort visit in Dayton, Ohio. where he went at the .clo e of h t . e board meeting Mr . Harford will "f 1 it her brother, Fra11k J. Resler and amily in Columbus, Ohio, and will th ~ ~ o- atte1-1d th en go on to UT<1I1<1pvu~ ~ e General onference of the United Brethren Church. 'B3.

Mr . Justina Lorenz


of sce ne. He tells me he i ·rgettin g e: Da . car this summer so J you g Yton, Ohio, "vl10 went to Ch ina a new d d f • I e Dot put in a goo wor or Y~ar and a half ago on a visit to her a c ,anc • • h ·th JJJe b I am al olutcly throug w1 Ce and other friend in th e Pres yme b t cl, xcept to e en e r t · · enan Mission in Shantung, bas men undcrstan e B b ·11 do as O de·cid · d to remain there for an ·111 - ' tamed, · an cl I gue f thatw i 1 know de fi nite time. he i now teaching in well a any onefell eDotr hon.ey but it 0 , the mis · 1011 • · chool at befu, Ch111a. that souiids aw u, faith ' in the 1 '1 2 . . is awful when you o e Gilbert i meeting I Id · M1 s Edi th With great ucce s in her work in the wor · .t now Dot-mu t write y . Mu t qui ' k . oung vVomen's Christian A soc1ame and to Bob. o you' ll overloo hon at Toledo, Ohio. he ha had ho I th of this letter, I know. vVnte th e charge of the Bible study in th e th e eng OU can and tell me all A . h ti a oon as y oc1a tion and ha I recently been I Don't tell any of t e o 1er l)lect_ed a si tant general secr eta ry. new ··d · of my great d .I appou· 1trnent· Ur1ng the summer she will have k1 s d sn't care to ha ve uch percha rge of a ummer camp on L a ke One oe mob ' · di cu e d b Y the t . onal a ffair d _rie for the benefit of the know I can tru t you, ear. 1 irJ of Toledo. but Yours brokenheartedly '93 , . k. ton Lou. ' 18. Mrs. ' harle . Pi! in g (llaud Bradrick) rep re ented the 1'; ew S dd Peggy"! C M See "AU-of-a- u en cntury lu b of \\'estervillc and th r · ~~~===========~ R~I_ph \V. n1ith (Helen En or) e ~ . itizen hip Clu b at th di trict meetIng oi the Ohio Federation of Women' b lub held in oshocton, Ohio, week efore la t. 97 ' . J. I'. \ Ve t of the college fficc \\'a·


111 0


C)h1·0, two· day.


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Gauthier, I Ohio We leyan-Georgc Corrner football coach of 1vlichigan Agricultural college. ha

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Page Eighf

= =

Togs = -= = =

W. ~K. Roberts and Marj o rie Miller heard P re iden t Cl ippinger deli ve r th e : Bacca la u reate sermo n at Boneb ra ke : eminary on Sunday .

= =

A m ong the familiar face seen at _ th e May Mornin g Breakfast were Glady Lake, ·'Tech" E ubanks , Ermal ioel, Mae Loomis, Vida W ilhelm Bruner and Lenore Rayot. Mis Ida Michael of Dayton was th e week-end guest of Ruth Snyder. :· ·

= =

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Ladies' Tennis Shoes ~········--··················•···•············••H••··········:···- $1.70 to $3.30 : Men's Heavy Tennis Shoes, leather trim ............................ $3.40 and $3.60 W _h ite Duck Trousers, finely tailored .................................. .................... $2.50 -





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B. V. D.'s T he famous Hatch One-Button Suits. You w· 1 like them .. $1.00 to $2.50

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Mrs. King of the Otterbein Home : was the gue t of Gertrude eaman on § .Friday.


Silk Hose, all shades .................. ...................................................... 50c and 75c

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with "Bell Bottom"

_lay baugh of Ohio tate wa § th e g uest of "B ill'' Stouffer Saturday and unday. H. E. Bon Durant of the clas of 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllllllllllllllliil § Pittsburg Alumni Meet. '14, former rterbein trackster, watch- evidence during th e week-end. ed Coac h Ditmer' men carry off the banque t of Otterbein ✓graduate F riends of "B a be" LaRue were g lad laurel on Satui:day. was held at to ee his million-dollar rriile grac­ a nd former student ni ve r ity Clu b, ; The Can ton boys had as their gues ts ing the ath le ti c fie ld at Saturday's Pitt sb urg, at the a t u rday evening, i\_pril 23rd. .Presi- _ o>'e th e-e - nd h following high- track, n t . dent W. G. Clippinger, Doctor T . J . : choo l ·'grad " of that p lace, who ex­ Dr. H . E . v ard of Pemberville, a ntler and F ield Secretary V. L. pect to be in O tterb ein nex_t year :Abel vi i~ed his daugh ter Etta, la t Tue Philli ps were guest . O v er fi fty wer e R u ffini, A rthur Renner; Emmet Mc­ day. prese nt at the banquet. Th e o cc.a ion : Ca rrol l. Hale Rich t ec- and Wallace Earl B arthlow wa bowin g a was one of un u ual ignificartce. Mr. : Fo rd. friend ( ?) aro und th e in titution la st Homer Kl ine clas of 1-915, wa elect- Rev. L. H. Downing, r ecen tly r e- \,Vedne day. ed p r e ideo for one year and M.r . tu rned from th e A fri can mis ion fiel d of 191 The Editor-in- hi l flung · care to Marie iddall Barnhart, cla poke at th e unday )l1Q_rni11g church th e winds for a week- nd visit w it h hi s ecretary. o ll ege song and p eec h es _ service. touching upon college life were part Ov,:r a hundred of them just parent at Dayton . of the evening' program. Rev. J_ E . Caldwell, up e rintendent wa visiting mith , ex-'20, Carl _ delivered t o us by one of Amerof mi ion in Porto Rico, is pending h ere recen tly. Esther Harley to Give Recital. a few day here with hi on on hi friend X ext \,\T edne day evening at ica's best makers of young men's way to Genera l ' onference. Senior Class Play . o'clock in th e o ll ege hapel Mi clothing. .Local Edi tor con tinue to Play. Es th er Ha rley will g ive an Organ The cast for th e enior la haun t th e ·· tilly·• rece e of the \Vest Reci ta l. Three single and 4-button Virginia hills wbj le hi humble und er­ '' Pillar of ociety," by Henrick lb en, Mi s Harley -will be a sis ted .by Mr. ha been announced. T h e play is one tudy watche eve r y· mail for an Daniel Harris, oloist; who will § breasted, 3-button double breast- adYance hipm ent of the ·'home-pro- of Danish life oi a p eriod of tw en ty render eve ral vocal number . o r thirty year ago and it wm be duct." ed model Strictly hand-tailorMi Har ley is an organi t of co ng iven on Wednesday, Jun e fifteen th. iderabl e ability a nd her prog ram. of A ft e r that chapel remark, we mu t ed from fine qualit The ca t i a follow . agree that ome of th e folk who are ix num bers ha a variety which will on ul Bernick ............ D. M . Phillippi - worst ed. They're the last word plea e any audience. a ll the time harping on omethin g in Mr . ' Bern ick - ·-··········- ··· Lera Waters thi wo rld wi ll be lucky if they can do _ in style for young men. Olaf ·······················-··· Berth a H a ncock Varsity "O" Feed. a well in t he next. Hilmer ·······-················· Spencer Shank Twenty-five -member of th e Va r ity A nyone desiring a concre te example Martha ···-··-··········· F lorence Robert " O " gather ed at th e ruin of th e Old - No store in Columbus can show of '· how the mighty have fallen." may Johan .................................... J. R. HoVl(e Til e Mi le at ten o' clock aturday evenyou the equal of them for style call at the T. and C. office and inspect Lona ···········-··················· Marve l Sebe rt : ing to ."work-out" on th e pr ov i ion of the theater ti cket of '·Fa t" Monn's R ec tor Ro rlund ...•........... Bert Jayne - and value. the ea t committee. la t how. Aune ............ .................... F. L. Rob er ts Several. new fac e appea r ed bea ri ng I§ \,Ve under tand that Coa ch Ditmer Krap ···-··························· Denni Brane the fam1h3r bra n·d o n th eir fo r e_head . urpri ed one of his sub-pitcher , w ho Rumme l .... ........................ Virgil Wi ll et t and judging from t heir appetite they had lo t hi arm, by fi ndin g it Vigeland ........................ Rus el Erha r t wer~ not eriou ly injured durin g the an tad ·····~-················· A lbert Nicho ls earlier pa rt of the evenin g. •·around somewhere" unday night. D in a Dorf .................... Esther Ha rley oach Dit1:n r and "Buck" Altman l1ade Fo x and L eno re Rayot Mr . Rummell .......... iolet Patter on wer e p r e ent. were roaming th campu again on Mr . Ho lt .................... Helen Bechto lt T he A ociat·1011 d"1 cu e d I? Ian fo r -7 W. Broad St. :_ Mr . Lyn g ................ Ro e Goodman entertainin g th e h " h h I · F dday and aturday. atte nding th e co untig t ckoo a th lete _ "33 Stores in The U . S. A." : ' Y rac meet to b , : m '·Bee lzebub' Bu ch , '19 wa See "All-of-a-Sudden Peggy"'· h e Id nex f 3turday . --' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111



The . Young

Men's Suit Style of the Hour-




§ = = =


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