Guitner \T 1:; ,:, .. ma. r\ C.St CoJJ
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VOL. 4.
No. 30.
MAY 23, 1921.
BY LARGE SCORE Kenyon Defeated In One-Sided Meet: By Unequal Score of 88 to 29.
"All-of-a-Sudden Peggy" Is Produc- 1 tion Given By Junior Footlight Artists.
PROFESSOR FRITZ DIRECTS I George, Stearns and Mignery Show Up Weil-Kenyon Only Takes One First.
Alary 0ber and Paul V. Sprout Take Leading Role-Eleanor Whitney 4 • Performs Well.
Otterbein had little trouble best ing Kenyon here last Wednesday afternoon when the two schools stacked up for a track meet. Kenyon did not place fi rst in a single event but the relay an<l Coach Ditmer did not place his best sprinter · in that event. They were handicapped by not hav ing enough men to have two entries for each event and failing to enter anyone in the pol vault thu con ceded to Otterbein. Peden was high point man ~ ith 1 not counting the pole vault and Johnny Gcor econd ith 11,
. The Junior class presented the pleas· 1 ng farce, "All-Of-A-Sudden-Peggy" j to a capacity audience in the coll ege ' , hapel last aturday evening. The part were well chosen and th c Production wa evidence of ability and car ful preparation on the part of the cast. The very difficult roles of "Peggy" atid "Jimmy" were taken by Mary Ob r and Paul V. Sprout. Mis Ober a. Umed the part of the impetuous and ~ivacious "Peggy" in a splendid Jash1on ai;id Mr. Sprout' work in the capacity of an ingenious lover wa de Brviog of commendation. Gordon 0 ward a . nthony rackenthorpe, an eccentric pwfe or forni ed mo of the · · · Th'1 very . o cca 10ns for a •mile. diffi cult part attrlrt'ted the attention of th e ci1tire , audience. M r. ·Howard i Particularly • pi,able of a swning parts Wh' . . ich haJ an abundance of eccentnc(SXi nt inued o n page two.)
n,•= <rrrr1....
had 10
a,pi ce.
A lthough the track had be n roll ed in the morning, it- was low, a the cinders hav not be n ettled olidly a yet. The weather wa hot, the (Continued on page eight.)
,d "Bob" :Ma~- 1in a match unfin.i ~ed bccau e of rain. ORGAN RJ<.:CITAL GIVEN with apital i met th1 ~ week when the "Hindu"' Bancroft ai I ed them eve tin have rown . score will be ettled . GIRLS' GLEE CLUB SINGS laurels thi · ea on. . e aThi i Bancroft' fourth and · ta t Esther Harley Presents Splendid Prof the be t aggr · d I· gram-Dan Harris, Tenor Soloist,. Ji Playillg ome O t O Ineet I year as a Var 1ty racqueter an 11s 0 tne Concert Given In College tion in the t a te they have yet h d fill . C pita! hoe , ill be ar to ne.xt year. Also Appears. 1 Chapel-Miss Hope Housel, with a defe:rt. Ohio tate anc . al to .l) Cartin i playing hi third year for OtH have been their two greate t rt1~ fell tcrbein and will till be with u an\,Vednesday evening, May 11, 11 s arpist, Assi sts. . honor but a e Esther Harley gav her graduating 1 0th The Home Concert 0 { the Girls' champion llP d apital wa ti d er sea on. organ recital. The program , "th its I in a hot conte. t an Gle C gave ample 1 e lub, given in the College Chape :~;:::~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~:~~~::~~==== variety of numb r ca~t 'I'hur day eveni ng, wa well reopportunity fo s Harley to de;~v d and highly appreciated by all mon trate her ·· To ~ttended. · , arti t. The P the~ popular organiz~tion. fulfil~ed m rit and w and highest expectations m their vaned · t 1"Jin time honored, moth eaten old prank, appreciative a . i ntertaining program which con.vould think that aftc~I ~0 af- commonly called " nipe Hunting". Dan Harri 0 11 cl tbc<l of four groups of song by the . g enough within college ' a. that et this is a fact. ot long ago, program, singing a 1on t ep I1en . u a d b 11i s . of eni r ratmg . d upperc1as man ac- J ame II n several number 'l ' . th dignity . d at afore menbone th ope Bou el, Harpi t, who a si ted tam_ndividual would have ~cqmre companied, we regr t to ay by ever- · well known and j s ern, an 1t a f w· cruntb of learo1J1g.h t me al J er light · · t an d- ent from anyth·mg 1' o £Jo~ er a a det)1..IC a he vocal number were well chosen 1e.aF thermore we are aware t ~ soare ~ ing, , a invcigl d into a plea ant little that it wa heard wit hnu very killiully rendered and the f u:ur worthy contemPOrdane eyer-v motor trip at the end f which aid infi gpes ri . wa o "'ciently e Iu 1ve . to e,a e , . d w1·u1 " gunny'' M r. H arns. . r earty app 1au e of the audience emdi idual w ell qmppe eward su•H pt to fur upon them ome · · d t h e arnva · I of Th e numb ers on M.1 ¼ ed by charming encore . d lb t a ack patiently awa1te i Hou el j an arti t of unu ual ateni of coil ge education ~ . ~ nipe' or any other wild game that gram are given below: 1111 11 en Becker / ent and contributed much to the ~ an~ceulun:i roll front off ei:d 01: might ~ppear out of the darkn onata in F, p. 41 • "entu ' di .. urn "oil pour" . r g entertainment. Her ren · ble domes a , , al Time pa e d, yet t h e smp re f use d . I n d.1an a1·1 . . . . nton Dvora ,;on of "In the Garden" by cbeutze; pregna bled duck ' back, a e, er to accept the ho pi ality of the gullible Herb tnacht J . Frank Fry inger . . . . . . . R a!ph Kinder 13er c use ,, from Jocelyn by Go d ar d·, the trou . k e d?. E v1. ouvcrur ,,.,., b ay. d . t hunter . Ha d th ey b een t nc T occa t·ma . . . . w·11· . w e -~av )e d ntly ibey ha d. ''l-l~o a 1ld Ro e" by McDowe11 ; an d prover W knew all this. , an er.y 1 1am FauJke A pleasant little trip home concluded uptial March L Ul)loresque" by Dvorak wa very . ed"d e realize that uo_dcr our vf 11 . c,1arrn· u a memo rab Ie evenmg. L ou1. Ad op I I1e Coerne e 1ng and greatly plea ed her r1 t - little L0 w b that to speak t h ere existedd one ner nose 5 ho was dupe Y • fledged Senior w (Continued on page i_wo.)
THE T :\
•Page Two
Cleiorhetea to Observe 50th Anniversary Commencement Week Prominent Alumnae to R eturn. The Cleiorhetea n Literary Society iii celebrate its 50th ann ive rsary o n Tue day of commencement week. Mrs. Ella Moor Lee from Kansas, Miss Ada Guitner, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lizzie Reamby Co llier, Ravena, Alice and D. Laura Gardner Schrum , Pittsburg, Pa., and Mrs. F ran ces Meyer Flickinger of W est erville, t he living charter m ember s are expected ~o be pre ent. The day will l.,e cele l>rat ed with au informal recep ti on in :the morning fo llo wed by the annual luncheon in the banquet room o f th e nited Brethren Chur ch , for wh ich an ~ labo rat e program of mu sic, toasts :and tab leau is being prepared. Every girl w h o has been associated with th e Oeiorh etean Socie ty in any way is heing urged to attend and thus make it one of the largest days in th e history of the Society .
Dean Brown of Yale Addresses Students at Chapel Service. Oaerbein has been very fortunate irecently in having as her gu est D ean :Bro n, of the Yale School of eligiou. Dean Brown pok e at chapel a nd h e.ought to· th e tuden t body one of -:th 1:>,ge t mes ages ~ver delivered at platform. '.Jhe chall nge coming years to th~ youth of today the growiJ1g oj')portunity in. th \fi.c;id of Ouis tian ervice were th e '.hig:b poin t tressed by D ean Brown, mag~1etic [ ea. r ' \vit11 a huma n inter t in every pha e of life, D ean :Brm: ·n co u but make a profound im ll an y tudcnt body and_ tudeot received him w"ith lcomc.
b ad
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ity to portray. All the other m ember of the cast incl uding Eleanor Whitney : a s Mrs. Crackenthorpe, R. M. Johnson a rchie, Ruth Hopp as Mrs. O'Mara, Muriel Murray a Mr . Col- _ hoquin a n d H. J. Murray and P . J . Harri th e two b u t lers p layed their r e- §
= = =
Anniversary: Sale Week! ! We are celebrating the Ninth Anniversary of our founding in Westerville with a full week of bargain offerings in every line. Harvard Athletic Union Suits .................................................................. Straw Hats, latest designs and materials .. $2.00, $2.50, $3 .00, $3.50, A Special Shirt Offer-$2.00 values ...................................................., ... Tan Silk Pongee Shirts ···-···-'--··--·-·····--· ·--·············••H••·······-·········-..--------Tan Pongee Shirts ·······························-······················································· Men's· Heavy Leather-edged Tennis Shoes .................................'. ........ Women's Heavy Leather-eoged Tennis Shoes ...... ..............................
S .79 .: $4.00 $1.49
4.50 2.00 3.50 3.00
parts in a very creditable __ • =:_ Tbe p lay a m1der th e direction o{ P rofe or Frit z a nd to him much credit i du e- for the s ucce of the play. H e alway give to very activity und er hi direction , very careful at II IIII III II II IIIIIIIIIII Ill llllll llll lllll llllll lllllll llllll 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 iii
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t nlion and h • i alway anxiou for it
ful .. etc tion. The man-
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in tru or, and rcb - uted to a ver plea ant ering a roductio1: that n acceptable to any
• Little drop in water, Little drops on land, fake the aviator, join t he h ave nly band.
(Continued from page one.)
So Have We . Phy icians have perfec ted a dev ice She (critically)-'· t n ever could ee by which a hear t beat ca n be hear d for Juniors Entertained By C lass of '21 at much in those crepe de chine d r esses." miles. W e suppo c th a t th e n ext He (a lso a critic)-"Ah, my dear, Semi-Formal O ccasion- Faculty but you never looked at them in the cx.perimen ter wild go to work o n a de Is Presented. vice with which to hear th e growiilg of ri g ht li g ht." so m e of o ur spiffy you ng fr eshm en· s Coc hr a n Hal l was t he sce ne o f a most pl easa nt soc ia l fun ction las t Fri Remember Lake Geneva Rally! mu sta ches. if a ny? day night w hen th e Sen io r s entertain ed th e Junio rs at a semi-formal recep tio n, wh er e the Faculty was forma lly ~ 11 11111 111 11111IIIIII111 1111111111 111111 11 111 111111 II I I Ill II II II I I I I I I I I I I I 111111 111111 111111 11111 1111~ introduced to th e Cla of 1922 by th e o utgoing class of 1921. A brief, b ut de lightful progran1 of three numbers wa r ender ed; Mis Robinson, vocal solo; Catherin e Kah lcr, readin g; J osephine Cridland, violin : o lo. Each perform er wa s highly ap- _ preciated a nd hearti ly encored. § Refres hm ent were served, g ues ts ea ted at tab le for fo ur. Special music wa furnis h ed by a select jazz - • o r c he tra. The affair wa s most pleasi ng in _ eve r y respect and it i to be hoped that a S enior -Junior R eception may be come a regular part of Otterbein's so cial progr am.
ucce . The mu ic urni hed by the Philomathcan tra. The Junior lay i one of the mo t looked f ac.livitic: of th year and each 11ew production in crca the intere in the one to foll w. The. present Junior cla ho;:e a pshire pl~y·of a vecy lea iµg character .!.nd Visit Here. the as i nment of role to the indivi.dtterbcin ha uals who layed them gave videncc of
se,•e L ..
1-tarry- 'Do you_ mind if I Harriet-"\ ell, you know hate the ta te of tobacco."
Picnic -Supplies=Paper Cups, Ice Cream . Di hes and Spoon
Page Three-
CLEIO SPECIAL SESSION Mrs. Joseph Drake Potter o_f Columbus Gives Varied Program of Vocal Numbers. The Clciorhetean Literary ociety and its friends enjoyed a ra re treat on Thur day evenin g, May 12th, when Airs. Joseph Drake Potter of Colum bu gave a voca l recital at an I ndted es ion of th e society. The program consisted of four group of songs varyi ng from Old Italian classics to the popular lyrics of today's concert stage. The group of Indian songs was especially pl a ing and we ll suited to the singer's voice. Mrs. Potter an honorary member of Cleiorhete;, has a beautiful sop rano voice and ·a ve ry pleasing pe r5?11ality and held her audience cap tivated from her fi r t number to her last.
chester showed promi e of ma ~mg a heavy score for his team but was en tered in o many event: t_h at he ,.,,,as and worn Out by the prehmmanes . emi-finals and had to be withdrawn . the fina l There were other ear Iy 111 • 1 . d. .d al sta rs ' among them Snave Y Ill 1V 1 U and Hartwell for We terville, ~nd an abundan ce of promising material was displayed by the var ious sc hools. _It . expec ted that the co unty meet. willd 1s be made a permanent annual affair an . welcomes the tra cks ters 0 tterbem back at any time. CALENDAR
of one set of singles and the last set of doubles. The sco re: Martin vs. Doudna. 6-8; 6-1; 6-2; Bancroft vs. Moore, 6-3 ; 6-3; Martin and Bancroft vs. McCounelee an d Hutchman, 6-0; 8-6. Otterbein has one of th e classiest
tenni s teams in the Conference and if their work in the past is an y found a tio n for prophecy we can hope for a creditabl e s howing in the "Big Six".
Phoenix Knit Ties, 75c and $1.00!. E. J. N o rris. -Adv.
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll _
"Otterbein" and "Tan and Cardinal' TEST BOOKS are now here. The prices are still 4c 3c Sc Otterbein Tand and Cardinal Otterbein Small Medium Large Remember last winter's rush · and buy your test books early;
Wednesday, May 25Baseball at Capital. Friday, May 27. 1·x meet af Columbus. Track, B ig ght after Chapel, from ZEPP. Satur day, May 28-. 10:45 a. m. Baseball, Antioch here. ·g ix meet at olumb u • 1TI 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11 111 1111 11111 11 trmlt1 mmn1111111 T rac k , B 1 Either M ay 3 1 or June 1- . Ba ebalI, Ken yon at Garn bier. '.!,!1111111111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlllllllllUlllllllllll _ Mrr. Samuel Wednesday, J une l The accompanist . Tenni • Kenyon at Gamb1er. . Richard Gaines, is 'a composer of Graduate Reci tal,' Miss Be11ed1ct. Prominence in Columbus musical cir cles and assisted to a large extent in Thursday, June 2-- . Cha e1 : 1·. th Cleiorhetean play in Coll ge P . : . .• ,, e ucce s of th e evening. The Selection, "Spring is Awa ke," is o ne Frida,y, June 3. : th 11 of Mr. Gaines' own composrtio1,s. Ba eball wi th OhlO, A • Thursday, Ju~e 9- leiorhetean and CouN;y TRACK MEET HELD Open Se s10ns, . . : Phi lalethean Li tera ry Societies._ Otterbein Is Scene of Franklin County 1 Ph ilophro~ea~1 an d ;=: . · • : liigh School :ll'eet-WesterP hilomathean Li t rar~ Societies. ville High Wins. 1• Saturday, June 1 ..W -On Saturday afternoon May 14, th e R eception by Presiden t andR1~;5' . -=0 tterbcin a thletic field ;as the ~scene G. Clippinger a t Coch'x:an a . 'Q .I:~ : of a . I m tere ting event when t 1 e h1.&h very June ermon by <1 C sc h ools compo ing the F r ati kl'111 Sunday, Baccalau reate S rv_ice._ D 9 Z • ounty Ath letic A sociation met here ~ th e fu: t anaual County High School • . · d off "leet w fitst · esterv1l~e H igh q r ne Po" honors with a tota l of 115 2-3 M d y June lS.. on ~ '. . b y S Chool of Fine A rt . ints, with anal Winch.e t r runE-xh1b1tton • , • ning I th· econd at 57¼ point , Bex ey and Home Economic D:~:r~en~f ~. ~ I G rovepor t 1rct Wt·th 50¼ points, nnual oncert by \\>ith chool of Mu ic. .. 'With 4 ½ poi_~1ts, Worthin~ton fi fth une 14-v·icw 33"Lr•5-6• pomts and Dublin, Grand- T d J Y ues a , d f rrrustee . f g of Boar o ,_ M ,.-ul11ard and Hamilton Town . • h'P ct· · ee in by: Philaleth a,-i Literary l'1, !Viding the remaining point · Reception tir meet was handled almo t en Society. 1 er ary 1 ·y Cleiorhet af) L't of r:5 by the "V arsity O" Association Reception b aft . tterbein which took charge of the Society. . :Philaleth an and air r ar . roin the minute the iirst team Annua l D11111 r , . . rfyed · . Literary oc1ebe . Vi on the ground until the la 1 Cle1orh tean f Philomath an retor had gone. Beside pro iding nnual Banquet o L" r oci"- re . . d and PhilopbroJlean ,tera y , clerk ' hmer , in pector , JU ges loc • etc., for the variou events, tht l5tie . Chea 1 _college furni hed dre iJ:1g and Wednesday, Jun~ clt,ng f ·1· . h . •· With ~ct 1tie for t eir gue u , lui:uni ounc11. . O" ]3 eakfa t ol ra to y . the recep tion committees to how unu~I . d th Quiz and Quin : _ · Ul to th etr · quarter and pomt · int of o 1ation an 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIJI Ill ll lllllllfllllllllllfflllll 1111111 a(!:~.t, and a squad of train er who C1ub. Banquet nee 1 tered rub-down and other "Pilla r of _IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII thr ary atten ti on to the athlet s nior lar Ougl\out th e· day. win to the ocie y." li rn_~e number of schools en tered, pr • ursday, June 16nt. 1 • ixy11 uual _ _ _ __ . t iiJtb " . ne 11aries an d sem1-fi~1al w re ma de ary. 13 tli~~ taking fir t place e tervill Otterbein D e f ea ts Muskingum . Second Time. In Tennis § •IVa captured t wo loving cul) , kl" rded . team <lefea.tec;I Colin re Pcctively by the Fran 10 Th ttcrbcin tenn1 ourt la t Ott ty Athletic A ociation and b)r th latter c erb · Offer e,n College. The two cups ~ u kingu111 o1! wa the ~econ<l match divided by Otterbein for the high tin- aturday. Thi d •1 0 the econd de"'-Olb Ual p omt-wmner · • were ta k en b Y of the eason an \~ve handed Mu - :! and urn of Worthington for the boys feat that our boy d "Ban'' handled "B. 0 b" ' all! 'th th 'excepttQn • for Ucile Lambert of Westerville kingum. 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 their men with ease w1 t e girls. Smith of Canal Win-
5 =
5 = 5 5 : 5 i
Crane's Stat· onery = Correspon den ce Ca' .rµS, rl ei E vers-harp pencl•1s, -i_ i F~;;~;::si~°:;, Fountain P~ss, = -= i:< Tenn1·s B:,1'1-11~. ·Rackets 1,__ . Ingerso 11 w atChe.S,= !::I:::·:i:, Cl;~r-~:;'·A ;., ,- 1i: Blank Books, Paste, Ink, G}·Ue and. penc, . •}s.'
See us for pictures to be developed and for new film s.
Meals at all Hours Box Candies-Ice Cream = If we don't have your Favorite Magazine we will get it for you. ... J. C. ROACH, P rop.
Page Four
chapel period to the fifteen minute of the executives and leaders of the UM1\1ER WORK FOR limit would be a more practical solu world are college graduates. Are they tion. leaders because at college th ey learn COLLEGE l\1ENNoon is not the logical, satisfactory ed who Simon Bolivar was? No. They Published Weekly in the interest of are at the top because at college they time for chapel. After a five hour ~tterbein by the stretch of recitations, no student is develoJ)ed qualities of appreciation, SELL TIRES. Men with ,OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING likely to be in a reverential mood and imagination, ambition, sympathetic BOARD or witho ut car. mile so chapel, rather than being a daily understanding, and ability to think. Westerville, Ohio We must not take such criticism of ember of the Ohio College Press occasion for both spiritual and men Association tal benefit, would become boring con successful men too seriously. College g uaranteed tires at popu finement and just another thing to be men today are as college men of yes STAFF terday, if anything, better equipp ed. lar price . Full time men endured. Editor-in-Chief, T. Gordon Howard, '22 At 8 :45 in the morning, how ever, a College men are and will continue to per week. Assistant Editor ------ J. W. Seneff, '23 student's mind is still fresh and ready be leaders. It is for us to "carry on" make Contributing EditorsGrace H. Hill, '23 to r eceive whatever bits of informa ,in olir preparation for that leadership Offered by a college man. Horace W. Troop, '23 tion and help that may come from the which will come with living and learn :Business Manager ___ J. P . Schutz, '23 chapel platform. We can imagine ing after graduation. RubAssistant Business Managersthe treatment an "eloquent" speaker -J. w. s. The Wolfe Tire T. E. Newell, '23 J. F . Dillinger, '24 might receive about 12 :25 at the ber Company, Benton Committee at Work. Cu:- Manager .... Harr iet L. Hayes, '22 ilands of some four hundred and fifty · taut Circulation Managers hungry students. We often hear queries as to just Harbor , Michigan. Lucile Ewry, '23 Furthermore, why change? Fifteen what the Faculty-Student Committee Veda Bearss, '24 tbletic Editor ........ A. W. Elliott, '23 minutes at 8 :4.5 is ample if students on Student Life is doing. Several will do their utmost to eliminate use- weeks have pa sed since the formation Assistant Athletic EditorD. A. Harris, '23 less announcements, dispense with un- of this body and apparently nothing Local Editor -----·--- M. M. Collins, '23 Alumna! Editor ······- Alma Guitner, '97 essential after-chapel meetings and go tangible has resulted. It is natural that students should be £._"<:change Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 promptly to class after chapel disCochran Hall Editormissal. Fifteen minutes at 8 :45 is eager for speedy action, yet the com • Alice Davison, '23 ample if proper authorities will see mittee, realizing it re ponsibility Literary Editor ···-r···-- H. R. Mill , '24 that outside speakers are gi ven to ha taken no steps without acquaint :Address all communications to The understand that they haven't the. ing themselve with all phases of the Otterbein Tan ~d Cardinal, 103 W. whole morning at their disposal and if qu estion and ha done its utmost Collr,ge Ave., We terville, Ohio. ' the faculty representatives who speak to secure reliable information from ~uhscription Pric~. · $1.50 Per Year, at chapel will do their utmo t to set other school by who e experience we ff paid hefore November 15; other a commendable, example by seeing can profit. • • C 1.75. that chapel is dismissed on time. All thi ,. of cour e, takes time, but within the ensuing week some definite second class matter ,_._ action may be 25, 1917, at t.he. po toffice "Carry On" terville, 0., under act of -~ The re o lution a ubmitted by 'the • 1879. Last ,\reek there appeared. in th-; Committe , it i understood, will con nee for iling .,c special lumbu daily papers a Ii t of ques cern n.ot only the oci~l ijfe at .Otter po t;,lg_e pro ided for in Sec. t of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized tions which men seeking work at the bein but aJso pro ision for some form Edi on factories mu t answer. The of government. il 7, 1919. li t coo.1prise geographical, hi torica l at1d indu trial qu stion , all of which The Week's Worst Joke. EDITORIAL 31 W. College Ave. any one man could hardly be expected ogan (giving letter to Brane.) WESTERVILLE, OHIO to know. ollege graduates have not "Po t 'em. Th re's a rea o n!' New Chapel Hour con1e up to what Mr. Edison ha x Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 ~ome days ago t):te student body pected o them, and he speaks in ( AMPUS (HIT ( HAT suffered a severe shodk when it was anything but complimentary terms of ':' e w~uld l~ke to_ go on record as perempt9rily announ.ced that the the knowledge po e sed by the averfacu ·t ~tad ,·ot d to have the regular age coll ge man attd claims that our saymg t , ~t t O e 111 charge of tbe ,chapel _period at 8 :'15-9 :00 shifted to college are falling down on · prepai:- l County High chool Track Meet held . . i here thed o thci: day de erve a word of 12:00--12:30. This plan it was an .mg men for en.trance into real life. • Th Westerville, Ohio "th t ti If commen at1on. ounced wa to be tried only tem J.1. OlUITlOll WI mo O 1erse . at was one big J . t k j' way to put Otterbem on t he map. poraril_y. The l')urpose of the change ma de men, M r. Ed 1son a e every opwa to make arrangement whereby portunity to criticize collegiate frain-1 "Put chapel at noon," ugge ts the By Appointment - t w uld be possible to have ample ing. He attaches very great impor- faculty. " tudent need more time," t ime iu which to conduct after-chapel tance lo the very thing that the sys- I they ay. However, we notice that m_eetiug hich, under the pre cnt tem of specialization in his own fac- within the la · t week three faculty s stem, e1u;ro.ach rather objectionably tories utterly contrad,ict , he. demand II m 1:nber h aYe till been talkino- at opon he Q.~e o'clock class hour. wide general information in young nine o'clock. DENTIST Th idea of having chapel at noon men who ha ve been concentrating Count you r many b le smg · . . . . . . "vv' e 15 West College Ave. :after fi,·e h.ours of classe was looked thett entire efforts. on pecia!Jzatwn, notice in an exchange from Hiram, pon unconcealed di gu t by the he look· for a walkmg encyclopc~1a m that the have only ONE hurdle to Bell Phone !t Citizen Phone 167 tud nt and immediately a cry of a m~p who 1~u. t really be a hig~ily drill their track men on, isaµpr~val ,1.rose. Student enti- efficient pcc1alist, he eems to thmk 11t :again t a noon chapel period be that the average man should come ~ou P_'.·o~ably remember the_ old Mighty oak fr m httl c:ame so trong that the faculty ha away from college pos essed of a aymg, n acorn i ithb:cl.d .action for the present, and fund of wide knowledge retained by a acorn gr w." :no facuity action is li kely to be taken supe r-d eveloped m mory, and at the cheer up, my friend, w 've East College Avant:e Jong a - tbere i a pr vailing tudent ame time be fitted for filling a place chance. PHONES :Sentiment again t infringing on the in mechanical or electrical engineer We notice during the e warm day ' 84-R :nine o'c lock cha,pel hour. ing. Thi i a day of the utmo t in when mos t of us arc coatle,s that a Cnizen 26 Bell 'That ~o t-chapel meeting were be divi ion of labor, the day of extreme big, broad neck-tie doe n t go very far -----, ocomii1g too numerous and were a de pecialization. Do we look to a pro in hiding a dirty hirt. cided nuisance by cutting into the fe or of Engli h for the pla1111ing of eguiar ta time cannot be denied. aa intricate ma.c hine? Do we con ult An lrishman wa planting shade :Bu rather than make any radical the ma ter mechanic, or electrical engi- trees when a lady pas ing by aid In uranc Man change in chapel tim e and thus tir up neer for the bi tory of the death of " ou'rc digging out the holes a re storm of protest, it appears that a Cleopatra? Doe an extraordinary you Mr. Haggerfy?'' 3 b Loans " o mum" h an wered, "Oim dig 0 -operative effor t Oll the part of me.mory con titute a fair index to a culty and tudents to confine the man's real ability? evcnty per cent gin' the dirt ou and lev-in the hole/' Public THE O TTERBEIN .
Cameras and Films De veloped, Printing Paper at DR. KEEFER'S
J.R.LOVE Insurance Notary Public Bell Phone 61-W
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
G. W . H enderson, M. D.
W. M. Gantz, D. D. S.
A. A. RICH The . tract , ota.ry
Page Five
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1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III111111111111111111111111H 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Variety Shop News = =
Tissue Ginghams, light shades, plaids and_ check~, per ya~d ....:................................................................................. soc S . in rose light blue and wht!e, 38 inches wide, _per yard .................................................................. 75c Dotted . wihss, t~ 32 inches wide, plaids, checks and plam colors, at .... 28c, 30c and 35c Dress Ging ams, 27 PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS '
The Cave Girl and Alice Hunter -entertained Ruth Hopp, Jessie Wilson, c::: Margare t Pifer and Lois Bickelhaupt with a week-e nd party at their hon1 es jn Lancaster. Albert Miles of Wittenb erg visited Mary Tryon. Sunday.
New light voiles in green, pink and blue check, suitable for grown-ups or children, at per yard .......................... 50c Plain Voiles in a variety of light and dark shades, and white, good quality, per yard ··························-··············· 50c Figured Voiles in lights and darks, good quality, per yard ................................................................................ S0c
SILKEN WOOL EMBROIDERY YARNS!!! hi u have long been wanting. Comes in thirty-four beautiful shades ten yards in a skein Justa~d :ell~ga{°per skein ··-····-··c;;·~~··i;··~;d·;;~t~i--;;;·~~··d·~~;~·;;-~··ii~~~~·······-····················-···················-········· 1Oc
ULRY & SPOHN, Westerville,
0. --mf
Betty McCabe and Ruth § 11111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 trout celebra ted the feast of a beau 111111111111111111111111 tiful Saturday with a chicken push for were elected: They were Grace Hill, The magazi11es contain numerous The Florida Girls with their week"'i.ust four of us' '. A. A. Luther, Ellen Jones, :Virginia short st6ries, · poems, editorials and 1,r es lnez Lowe and 15 Ruth Sommers spent unday in Co- end gueS t s, · · d t Devil's navely and J. R. Howe. jokes and all show evidence of care ,·a Buchman p1cmce a El ful preparation. Othe'r magazine • are 1umbus. Ha1f Acre, Saturday. Freshma:n Magazines Appear to be is ued in the near future, Miss Lucile E inger of Dayton was d at dawn Lera Waters, Three magazines, publi bed by memthe wee k-end guest of Faye ,Byer · .,_,.~ a.tur. a~opeland Kay Sellman and bers of the Fee hmen English classes, , Wanted! ,._,...,.rJone ' d with four are now in the library and are being A Sibyl of the year 19151 The set Ida . Marit Snelling entertaine· d 1'M.i. H elen ampbell ' journeye .,_, noyman a teacher of W es t erville ' friend laden W1·th 1u nch ba ket ' .to a enjoyed by a large number of rea'ders. rof Sibyl at the · College library is Irtg h S chool af dinner S atur d ay. for breakfastmg.• The three magainzea issued are the broken by the lo of the 1915 Sjbyf. pretty po t u·,ta...!e >' . . . . 't d Ida Mane Follie of 1924, edited by Margaret h,ayone wb<;> wiU elL their of that After th e goodie of Lym's picnic • even!.! i: latives v~ 1 e ,·afn The Jbylfo , edite.'d y- ~~len year iJ1 rde:r to give tn~ college a upper had been eaten, bis gu t W r nelling on unday. ;\filler, and The queeler, • edited by complete et p lea e. reply to the Colmore than ready to wi h him manY' ~ Dr SI1ernc · I·, and Mr. and Mrs. ath rine abler. lege. Library at once. 'tu ore happy birthdays. Velma Hoppel vi ited friends in Columbus over the week-end. Mr. and Mr Pollock pent a few bours in Wes.terville Sunday with their daughter, Katherine. "Pingk a pingk ', ang a banjo and th en the note ota guitar a nd ma nd0 lin were heard at the outh ide of Cochran Hall one fi,ne evening two Weeks ago. The t rave ling . mi nstre! -Who sang " fammy" and other darkte songs were urely app,reciated a are au serenade . Mi Charlotte, of Sunoury, r eturned to Otterbei n w.1-t· h Helen ~r ••1 cCormick who had pent th e wee kend at her home. Florence Reed, J e i , LaRouc he, G artha tofer Mable a ell, erk ' 1rude Bradfi eld, all pCJ:tt the wee -e nd at their re pective hqme . l'h a tired e ornithology c a wa d Ut happy group wbe11 they r e.tu rn e fi Id aturday evening after ar a ll- d ay C trip and picnic at ugar Grove. Th~Y the b ,. a_d uch a good time that even u1t t d.d 1 r not count. . d Loi t 01.s lark accompa me liughes to her home at ew Paris \\there they pent the week-end. -.,1 ••
11:r. Lo~ry of Ohio tate visited -Y-etrna Swinger 'on unday. 1'his week y 'u hes were given b Y :Etta Ward, .l3ycrs.
· 1 • tool- Sunday dinner at the cc '.E;Ioverma Hall. . . flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll f d 1lr Bell of Columbu Vl itZ2' ed \h~tzal ui1 day. § M. Glady Howard, '20, and - • I : "Jd ;Me tr . Glen Osley and Wilbur.Hume : ~ f L d n1 drove to \V terv1 lle oit ..........
Notice to Subscribers. You did not rcce1ve your "Tan. and d. I" las t week because that l UC ar ,na·tt d due to lack of · For was omJ e ti "Tan and Cardi,adou rea ous 1e . 11 ' I" I. or ely embarr assed financia y n. a t ,,_ w and rather than go b too JU I '·111 . een t h hole' ' it has deep y 't two is ue o far 01111 ry to nece a .11 be omitted between and one more w1 B 'with d Co.mmencement. ear now an d xt year uJ1dcr a new us k.111 dly an• ne ·ll your financial policy you w1 paper unfailingly. Thanks Due c. D . Mann. awarded by OtterThe three cups F kl. County t the ran 111 bein o llege aT. k Meet held here H' h School ,ac C D ,g d t cost through . . -were secure . a J Tlus !1)ean i . I ca l Jewe er. Mann, O th k Mr Mann for ht taken to an · · effort .
= = =
K Th , n OW e:u. re .~: ~ ~ th e •.B es t 'V aI ues to Be Founa
_ -
Hart, Schaffner li Marx New High-Grade Suits Now at
= = = = 1 ha
~ · = = -
= =
be beauty abo ut coming b re for cl the - yo,u can be certain you have the cor r ect tyl and the be t value yo ur money can buy. _ ; Suits Like These·sold at $60 and $65 = Last Year. = b.1 vane . t y O tue 1, §_ popu l ar new tripe , h . b : check and etnnoone weave ; and the nob1 _=bie { new ino· e and double-brea ted tyle and port m del . -
~ =
. nd Quill Elects. Qui~ a t the bi-weekly meet1,{onday the ii111t1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll f the nigh~ Qwz a an d Quill Club, . ellie Baird and Faye ing o member for the en umg year new
Jl•J~III)"I '"!11:1\!!=IW-=-!~W~!l:il
= ~
Page Six
A new product for sandwiches. Try Kenyon and Heidelberg Fall Before it with your next luncheon. So many Local Team-Capital Game other good things, space will not per Ends In Tie. mit us to mention.
Since th e publication of th e last MOSES & STOCK, Grocers I Tan and Cardinal, Otterbein's tennis OTTE RBEIN ENTERS BIG SIX I QUADRANGULAR MEET HELD i team has met and overcome several foes on the local courts. The only First Year In Annual Classic Will Be O tterbein Track Men Show Up W ell slip up that stands on their record is Hard One-Competition In Recent Meet Held. at the contes t staged with Capital. Mr. Tressel of that school gave the best ex At the Big Six Track Meet, Columbus, Wesleyan. Keen. hibition of classy tenni-s playing that May 27, 28. On next Friday and Saturday OtterOhio \,Vesleyan was victorious 111 has been seen here this year. Martin bein will enter severa l of her track the quadrangular tra ck meet h eld at had been nursing a '·Charley Horse" Pennants, Banners, Skull Caps, Arm athletes in the nineteenth annual Delaware on Saturday, May H. win r ece ived in his training for track, that Bands, Pillows-just what you need track and fie ld meet of th e Ohio In- ning with 65:1-2 points. Denison was somewhat of a handicap for him for that occasion. tercollegiate . thl etic Association came second with 49:1-2, Otterbein in his tennis work. In this game the Student Agent better knO' as the "Big Six Meet." 37 :1-2 and Heidelberg 6 :3-4. Dorner ''Hindu" came to the rescue and sav This is a new undertaking for our , of \,V es leyan was the leading point ed th e day by defeating Mr. Dornbier boys and regardless of th e ou tcom e getter having 15 to hi credit, white in their singles match. The double the ve nture will boost Otterbein King of Wesleyan and Cla rk of match was well und er way when old Student Agent tock amon g Ohio colleges. Denisdn were tied fo r second with J.'i man Pluvius interfer ed wi th th e pro Last year thirteen colleges en tered each. Eddie Newell was high point cedure and the game wa called be two hundred and fi fty-eight men in man for Otterbein with 13 . Peden fore any decision coul d be made. this annual classic. Forty-eight of had little troubl e taking the Pole Our boys meet Capital on their this numb er m onoplized th e seventy Vault at 11 fe et but fai led to place in courts next week and we are expect places awarded in the fourteen fie ld the dashes and hurdles. Mingery ing them to keep out' late clean. and tra ck even ts. Of the men placing, showed best fo r Otterbein in th e Score of th e Capit al game : Your Films Developedt ·ixteen, scoring the winning total of da hes, while Stearns brought up ou r ¥artin vs ·Tressel. 3-6.8-6,6-0. eighty three and o ne third points, ba rometer by copping fi r st place in Bancroft vs Dornbier. 6-1,6-4. were fr om Ohio S tate. In connec tion th e two mile. The doubles match was o nly s tart Printed and Enlarged. with the meet th e fo urteen th ann ual This was th e fir t time Otterbein ed wh en rain interfered. Qhl ~igh School Championship will has eve r participated in a quadrangu• . ltenyon Game. run off. Referring once more to last lar m eet of this so.rt and from all Quality and Service. In the net tilt, wh ich came on last year's recor<;l we find thjlt thirty;-nine appea~ances gave a v ery good account 1 Tue day afternoon, May 17th we met High Schools entered_ three hundred of herself. The visiti11g t eams were ind defea ted our old friends from and fifty-one boys in that part of the g uests of Ohio Wesleyan. I<e? yo~. 1'he gel)tlemen par ticipatil)g Hoffman's Rex all meet. :No one can <}Ppr~ciate a lift more were brothers, Kilgore by na me, and year ago the ·ouerbcin tracl,: ~vere eacl;i . the -proud p ossessor of a ~ai.n lc;,st to Hcid4;lberg by the; score than a tra~k 91an w h~'r ~e ~. s . all-in f ~t i• t w;orth while head of beautiful hair (as the gi rls put QJ 51-75, and to :O,enison by a scQ re of after a race. And if the g od "!Y,Ords it) . They were defe ated in straight ~6-71. J;:ach of t hese teams competed of praise for our big boy, "Fat" Monn, i1! the Big Six. Heidelbei:g succed_ i:~iste ed by the t x;ack n,ien are sets by our racquet - wielders but come once qidn't seem to mil}d the defeat as they ed in placing Oil~:;&} her nine men, any evidence, "F;i.t'' deserves a 11 were rather expecting it. " Hind,u while not one of Dcnison's eleven men hand. One of our track men o nce remarked; " Lots of races are won from Bancroft as usual did not get going gained a point. will come again. good until th e second set, being bested These facts arc presented not to the shoulders up," and we might add in- the firs t by an 6-8 score but after that th ere might be tim es when so me dishearten the conte tants for they head ha worked that had little trouble defeating his well know the tas that lies before other fellow' Westerville Bakery a mighty important pa rt in the win- man. them, but rather to dissipate th e fal e S core of the Kenyon game : impre ion on the part of m a ny tu- ning. Ba ncroft vs Kilgore. 6- ,6- 4,6-4. What's the Use? den t d)at ce rtain of the Otterbein Martin vs Kilgore. 6-1,6-2. DARN B ILL I athle te will have " oft picking." The H eidelberg Game. winner of an event in a classic like th e The other day On last Thursday afternoon Heidel Bill and me Big Six mu t be in the pink of con berg · wa the victim. Martin had dition. When one considers that the Were little troubl defea ti ng Schmidt, five be t men are picked from twenty Talking about tenni . Heidelberg' best man, although he to forty conte tarits in each even t he And Are good to eat. wa not _playing up to standard, hav gain some idea of the strain to which I said to Eill ing quite a bit of trouble getting his the individual participant is subjected "Wonder how long serve in. He wa only in danger fo going through the various elimina Tennis ha been played?" Phone your Order. for a hort time however and in the And Bill tion processe . second et he came back strong win H. V. M. Toying with his ning it by the score of 6-1. "Beech-nut." Citizen 92 When , e see a fellow student tak In the second singles match Ban (Chewing gum) ing a voluntary interest in helping croft had his usual trouble getting aid: kee,p thing in shape the way Hal tarted but .had little difficulty defeat "Why the Bible Goodman ha thi pring out on the ing Harding in both ets. ays that Jo eph track we feel like borrowing "Col" In the doubles Harding and ervcd in the court of chutz's old phrase and a.ying, "That' Schmidt again .represented their school Pharaoh and that the old time pep, Hal." We are ure and played well but were no match for Mo es returned into Egypt." The College A venue. that Hal will make a fine manager for our men. Their only comment after nd in the ilence that followed next year. the game wa ; "We have no kick com II that could be heard ing, we were just outplayed, both Was Bill It ort of "hurt youc heart" a we Martin and Bancroft play a keen game Madly heard a peaker remark once upon a of. tennis." Chewing hi "Beech-nut.". time, when you see a little lad plug Score of the Heidelberg game: Darn Billi ging for a race the way "Dick" Good Martin vs Schmidt. 10- ,6-1. rich did in the Heidelberg meet and White Duck Trousers in stock now. Bancroft vs Harding. 6-2,6-3. THE TAILOR then to see him fall when he wa al E. J. orri .-Adv. Doub les. 6-1,6-2. State and Main Streets most within touching di tance of the Patronize our advertisers! Remember Lake Genva Rally ! tape. Cleanina; and Pressing 1
Show Your Colors
R. M. Johnson
If you
Bell 46-W
TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, Etc.
Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds.
HNS0 Is Our Agent at Westerville. .!,! Ill III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill IIIII II II III IIIIIIIIII IIll II IIIII IIIllllllllll IU1111111111111111!01~
Order Your Photo at Once Your Photo 1s the only thing your friends cannot buy. One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. Have the Best
State and High Streets
Page Eigirt
High jump-Schreck (0) first,\ (0) second. Distance, 134.7. Ulrey (0) second. Height 5 feet. 220-yard hurdles-Miller (0) first, 120-yard hurdles-Peden (0) first , Arndt (K) second. Time 31 seconds. Maxwell (K) second. Time 18.2. Discus-Peden (0) first, Ca ble 220 dash-Mingery (0) first, ; (K) second. Distance, 102.6. George (0) second. Time, 24.2. Two- mile run-Stearns (0) first, Shot-put-Peden (0) first, · Mc- Prudy (K) second. Time , 11.47. Ilwain (K) second. Distance 35.3. Relay won by Kenyon. 1 Mile-Stearns (0) first, Purdy \ Pole Vault conceded to Otterbein. (K) second. Time, 4.59. Final score-Otterbein, 88 Kenyon, 440-yard dash-George (0) first. 2~. Twiggs (K) second. Time, 58.4. Javelin-White (0) first, George Remember Lake Geneva Rally!
Dear Editor: "Senior" sug'gested in '·Tan and Cardinal" a few weeks ago that hi sugge tions be taken in the right way. and we would do no other, for some of them are worthy of consideration . But we must take Yery serious excep• tion to his proposed policy for the handling of th e club contracts. \\' e learned to ou r great surprise that our concerts do not belong 111 o-,1r churches, and that the surest way to pre,·ent such catastrop hes is to keep the contracts out of the hands of Dean Brown of the Divinity School church people entirely! But ''Senior" _!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllg of Yale University made an inspiring will hardly deny that the Glee Cluh address in Chapel one morning week built up it excellent reputation thi s : before-last. His address won for him year almost wholly on the efforts of _ a "warm spot"' in the hearts of Otter church people, and I wonder what _ bein listeners. Few men speak with some of the e good friends who worked o hard for our entertainment the ea e of Dean Brown. would think if they should read this § Rev. Kenneth J. Scott, '20, visited Otterbein and Philophronea and (?) late t expression of our appreciation. § the 12th and 13th instant. Ken- The Glee Club's success this yea r was NORTH H1GH 00 du e in larger measur e than we u pec t : neth till wear hi o ld '·forget-a ll_ . to the fact that it trav elled among o ld .: troub~e" s mile. acquaintances and warm friends of the Mi irginia Burtner,'19, was a we!- coll ege, and ju t whenever the club 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. come v1 ilo r at Otter bein week-b efo re- gets good enough to ever relation last. with its most loyal sup po rters, its da y White Duck Trou er , Dutchess is don e, and it will soon be an:>ther ,!llllllll!~i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Brand, $1.90. E . J. 1 orris.-Adv.' of those "pep le s" organization which ·call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Bell 8-W office, for · Pushes, Pulls, uppers, Breakfasts, we surpassed this year, but which _ _ "Senior" would now have us ape. The D inners, Parties, E:anoe Rides, etc., Glee Club owe a · little service to § . . , § _have been in vogue during the season those who are g enuinely interested in : of p lea ant wealh er. us; but here again we have tramped § Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work a nd ~ Misses Elva Buchman and Inez on 'Seniors" toes for he definitely Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers : Lowe of Ohio W esleyan were v1 itors states that Otterbein spirit should Headqµarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, O. to the Floridians over the w·e ek-end. " ta te a little !es of denorninationa- _ Subscripions taken for The Country Gen tleman, Ladies' Home _ A upper wa given in .\to.llQr _Qf these !ism," and hould "appeal to all men _ vi itors by the "F lorida ·Bunch" on and women-not just to . B.'s." Fa t Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Saturcfay evening. Everyone had a is, we haven't noticed any rabid out- : Prompt Service--Best Service. fine! · b'ur t of denominationa!ism lately, fimnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllRlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii Many O. C. tudent en joyed th e 11or heard of anyone bemg expelled -= ======== ============= ===========~ Band Concert given la t Tuesday ntgnt because ·he didn ' t bow the knee to U. . B ut, 1· f a man d osen•t 111111111 I I 1111111111111111111IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11111111111111 1111111!! b y We terville' .Band. B, discip I me. owe omething to the mother who = Thr ee Shaker ladi held the tu- bore him, or if a college doe n't o we dents pell-bound.- in Chapel la ·t 'Fri~· omethin g- to the denomination that : day morning by th eir wee t founded it and • till upport it, then1 = The e ladie had beeo vi itor we a re mi guided. § Otterbein Home, at Lebanon, Perhaps no notice hould have been : everal day pr , iou to their ta\( 11 of- th e two " ugg tion " hut : to tterbci n. they manifested uch a poor pirit. of § Bradley Xnit BatlJiJ1g ui . E. f. ingratitude and uch a poor conccp- § Norri .-Adv j tion o f the true Otterbein pirit, that Mrs. . \;\'. Kei ter cnt rtai.n d ei ht we were moved to write the e wo,;:d . _ ~ ; ~ · 1 semor g1· r I a t a. d e 1·1g htf u l e r 1a t I I 11 rder not to burden . .T. & C. reader • Ladies Tennis Shoes -·-···-······--·---··-··-········--··-·-·········-······ $1.70 to 3.30 we have made it po 1ble for further E W edne day noon a t J1er h01ne on 0 1. . . Men's Heavy-Tennis Shoes, leather trim --·····--·--······- $3.40 and $3.60 lege avenue. Tho e enjoyil)g her ho _ di cu ion on the ubJect ~ such 1 White Duck Trousers, finely tailored ...~·····-··-····-·····-----········-·-··-· $2.50 pitality were Loi Bickelhaupt, Bertha nece~ ary, to take -place pnva ely by § Hancock, Marjorie Miller, _1c va Prie tl off rmg our name. _ Tennis Rackets, 'Balls, R acket Covers and Racket Braces at Edith Cave Mabel Peden, Je ie \J Phillippi. Special D iscount. La Roucbe, and Florence Robert . TRACK MEN WIN
~~o. 8 5
Th e Cl ean- U p Man
= -
Tennis Togs
= = = = = = = = =
= =
Hal Goodman Elected. :Yhc Ath letic Board wishe. to take t bi · opportu nity of thanking Mr. Hal Goodman for hi helpful services in helping Track Manager F. V. tearu , Mr. tearn , due to hi a ctiv e part on the track team, ha found it nee-I s ary to turn almo t all managerial work over to Mr. Goodman who has accompli hed it faithfully. In recog nition for hi e(fort :tllr. Goodman has been elected by th e Athletic Boa rd as As istant Manager and will thu be in line for Head Manager nex.t year.
BY LARGE SCORE : Continued from page one.)
= = = =
The famous Hatch O ne-Button Suits. You will like them .. $1.00 to 2.50 coach wa in a good humor and C' track men. were te.pping hi wide and fancy. Jthough ome the old timer may remark th at bea t- 1§ Madras, P in Stripe 1.50 _ ing Kenyon "ain't what it u ed to be·• § Crepes ··················-·····-···-·········-···· ·--·····-······· ·... · ··········-·-. ·····- ······•- 1.90 n vcr th ele we like to beat 'em. : Egyptian Silks, real beauties, at ...........~·········-~··--·-·········--···-··········· 3.95 ummary :: Silk Hose, all shades ···--·······-·······-······-····--····-············-·········· 50c and 75c 100-yard da h-Minge.ry ( 0) fir t. 1. : Peden (0) second. Time 10.4. Broad jump~Ma_rtin (0) fi r t, Maxwell (K) second. Di tance 21.1. 0-yard run-L. ewell (0) fir t, E. Newell (0) econd. Time 2:19.1-5. 1111111111111 IIIIIIIIII II I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I II IIII II II II I IJ 1111111111111111111111 Ill
- Mc[EOD-SANDERS, 21 N. State St. = ~