itner. Alma Sept. 1.,~ 1 7;; vVc t College .Ave
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l 'l 'I \LISIIED
1:-.J TIIE l'.\TTERE~T
~=--------__.:..-----::-=---~-----~ - -
VOL. 4.
No. 32.
fLARGE CLASS TO GET DIPLOMAS O tterbein>s Sixty-fifth Commencement To Be One of the Most Im pressive In History. SIXTY SENIORS GRADUATE . i Dr.
G. D . Batdorf to Deliver Com ,mencement Address Next Thqi:sday M_orning,
. T'htu: day morning wbeo Qtterf>eiu s ixty-fifu.h
on11\'len . 11161 .:.p:.e:q :jses trb Unitcd-,-B r ethre , Chur ch, ixty Senio r ', t11' Jarg t graduating lass fo r m art receive their dip lo ma-. t,. The c.otni:nencerh ut addr-e ~ill b delivei:e by Rev. . V. !J t.d .,:i. Dh . ~ D., pastor of tf)e J! ir Cburch, Dayt n, hi Doctor Bat clod i wid y known a a aker Qf l qu ne and pow r a1 cl hrs addr s ·•. 1 ba11 ,.· ,,.ft" w· h;ive tremendous app al. The Otterbein ·co ll ge fuq1i Ji music for t b cca ion and Profes or G. G. Grabill will pr ·de THE OTTERBEIN CAMPUS I the organ. O tterbein has a Campus which is one of the most beautiful in O hio, and wt ich can be the pride of eve ry st udent ixty ~ nior , clad in •caps and and alumnus. gowns, 1n solemn proces ion and ma.r 7hing. to th strain of tirring 1 LETHEAN OPEN SESSION CLEIORHETEA GIVES PLAY music, wi ll be an impre sive ight. Y. M. AND Y. W . HA VE CHARGE Due to the size o f the graduating class I Christian Associations Hold Annual " Everywoman" Is Production Given Delishtful Commencement Program Is an unusually large numb er of vi itor by Society-Philoph roneans A s) Given By Philaletheans Before is expected, and v n ' 1iow every train Anniversary Service Sunday Night. a:nd ca r brings an add 1' f 1 f Rev. R. A. Smith Speaks. sist-Mrs. Orr Directs. Many Alumnae and Guests. guests. . wna q uota o I O pen sessio n, _Thur day evening, FoH ' .win1;; 11 ex ell nt . cu tom, (ast Lat Thur day evening th e ~-oll ege . - -.- . - - - - - Sundayr uight the rcgu:ar evenmg chapel wa crowded to capacity to Jun e 9. WQ a fittlng clo e to a very ! President Cb.ppmger Gives church sen ice was turned over to t~e / wi tness Cl iorhetea' Co mmencement I succes. ful year fo r Philalethea. From Add Elkh two hristian ociation s as an play. nd r Hie capab le dir ction of the firs t mu i ·al numb r ' to th e la t F . . . ress at art, Ind. Annivei·rnry o f the founding of . M. Mrs. Grace L ee Orr, of olumbus, extcmporaneou speech the program . n?ay mgh_t, Jun 10, President . A. and Y. \V C. .\ . work at Otter- an ho no rary member of the ociety. was exceptio nally fin<.'. hppmger delivered the Commeocebein I \,\ alter Brown· ·'Every oman" was Pauline Daughter ty and Mary ment address fo r th e graduating M.i ~ l'uth. H Pl> repre -enting presented. Members of Pli' lophro nea Elizabeth Brewbaker opened the pro- cla. of Elkhart High cbool Elkhart, : , . . • . I nd1a11a. W. : .'\ . an.d J. rfoward, repr e nt- a I t ed very ably 111 the pre enta tion gram with a killful rendering of "The ing Y. M. -. had cb:a.r e of the of th e play, a stuning all the ma le Entry of the Gladiator " by Lucius. . While in Elkhart, r iden lipop Qin pa he ice. parts, and thei r .effor t aided material- ·Pauline · tub!> in " Mi cellaneou ~mger was entertain ed by J.R. ar;-jsh e\>en · g wa de- Jy in ,na ~ng th .e~ enin<T's program a Let er ·" gave a1) intere ting glimp 'l'7, who i a teacher i1;1 th:e he add l~vcrcd hy 1ui•t.Ji of Ta'llpa, uc s. into the Ji£e of -the enior ten years chool, · M . Arno'l 1, 'l.7; lobt Li.fee:.. F lorida. J mith is pa or of tl1e The parf f Ii:verywoman" wa por•1 hen ce. Gen eva Braley ang "House tor of Boy Scout, Frank Barnttm, •~o» First ·11i d , retbren hurch in trayed by 1 eva ~riest who deligh t- O' Dreams" by De Bueri very Garnet Thomp on, 'll. The Presiamp.a and ha ·1 n,.,. been a loyal ed the audience with her interpreta- pleasingly. J o ephine ridland add d dent was tl1 dinner guest of r. ad heren t of Otterbein Colleg . There tion of tbi difficult rol e. Mis Priest' much to the beauty of the ong by mold at the Rotary lub. ,i..,. are five students now attending rt r- ability i w U known but th e a e her charming violin obligato. Rhea President Jippinger reports that bein from Rev. mith' church and with which · h a wned thi part, in- McConaughy' tory, " How Her too much canno t be aid .for the ele ven students from the Conference vo h,ing many varied and hi g hly Knight- Came Riding", wa exceptional- ho pitality hown him during- hi tay he represents. dramati c it uation . wa. a new revela- ly in1eresting, as wa Luci! Gerber's at Elkhart, fo r he wa entertained ·'The Ba ck ground of Spiritual Life" tion of her talent. EYerywoman' r endering of Booth Tarkington' royally. . was th e subjec t of Re v. Smith's er- companions, Youth , Beauty, and 1 "~rot~Terh oAf Angels." The violin Otterbein alumni .in E lkha, ·a;e al mon and, experi enced preacher that he Modesty, were played re pectively by tri o, e ndante" from Hayden's meeting with gr.e at s u ce tu the11."" is, his message was well presented Ca th erin e Kahler, Alice Aobo tt and Surpri / Symphony :was very fine. various nes of 'WorJb ''Jack" i. ~.11~1d and well received by the a udi ence. Muriel Murray, whose graceful and Genevieve Mullin's "Appreciation" of is having unusual succes in Boy The student attendan ce was not as a r eal ed ucation and of college life was Scou_t work, being the local Hea-" clever acting deserve especial p raise. <& large as usual which was unfortunate well wri,t ten and had an appropri- Scout Master and having twe1ve · d · " · ohody", a difficult and interestt l th I · f as this is a spec1a 1 stu en t meetmg. a e P ace on e c osmg program o troops composed of some 600 boy (Con tinued on page two.) (Continued on page seven.) (Co ntinued on page seven.) under his direction. a ·c }f<i:l.d .,. in ,
Y. 1
1 I-1 E T :-\ . . .-\ i\ D C ,\ R
f>age T o
f N A L
==== ================
Student Council Elects.
' Vaughn Leatherman as secre tary and
During the pa t week, the Stutknt tr ea urer. I C . f S . The counci l is suppcscd t o draw up 1 ouncd, composed O th e emor a nd a c nstitution of stud en t government I J un io r ,members of th e M en's an <l I and a s ub- co mmittee of I{. F . Peden, W omens Senates, met and elected . cha irman, La Vaugh L ea therman a nd n.: f h · I, o,11cers e r t e cnsu111g y ear. J. G. .H owa rd was appoin ted to in1 I M errill L. Howe wa c hosen presi- 1vestigatc cons tituti o ns in o ther scho o 1s dent. J ohn Toy a · vi,c-pres ident. La and subm it a report t th e co un cil
Dear Bil l :ay, o ld top, do you kn ow th a t I P resident W . G. Clippinger Delivers . . . d h' • hav e Ju . t d scovcre somct m g.1 o 1·· Serm_on, "The Forward Look", • d lcge life has three division~. an a to Senior Class. f e 11 ow can o n IY I10~c to tar 111 t wo o f th em, and then hes a wonder. e ry LOCAL MINISTERS ASSIST few of us can eve n be good in o ne. 1 uppose you have discovered this to o, C hurch Choir, Pro~essor Grabill and at that o ld tate _choo l that you de- ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ B eulah Benedict Take Part cidcd t o fin ish at. 11 1 In Service. t l1cwrc~~ ·y~o:r t:t:;~:~e d::~:1: , \h~;; it~ ' § Pre ident W. G. Clippinger deliver~ : ed th e Baccalaureate sermon to th e at hleti c . And thi rd and last, but be:graduating class, Sunday morning, lieve me, by NO mean lca_t, th er e i : § , June 12. ocia l life. ow the question before Pastors of lo cal churches co- me is, which am I going to choo e to _ operated in the service, Dr. A. M. specialize in? 1 don't li ke to study Courtenay reading the scripture an<l (who does?), 1 am a po itive dub in § athletics, but oh, boy! I sure would _ like to star with the ladies. \\"ell, Bill, I thought I was all et with that I§ dame 1 wrote you about, not that : blonde junior that I wrote yqu abo 1t at the beginning of the year, but t he blue eyed, brown haired * * • * * * * Venus of the Freshman cla . Y o.i _ r emember, her name was Mona, but 1 _ finished it, and called her Liza. Well, § I thought I was itting pretty, and, ( ding bu tit, and a co upla darn ), that piefaced, bowlegged, no brain of a § er pnces. ophomore, Per ry Jon e , beat my time. You r emembe r him, you . aw him when you were here at Ea ter. § He i the goof that wa talking to _ Prexy ,vhen I knocked you do ,vn to hi m . \,Ye ll , to contin ue, wi th the advent of pring, he brought the fami ly Packa r d up here, a n d proceed ed to wipe my girl. He' got a ll k ind of Jack, never tudie , a nd sure does § how t he -dame a good t ime. ell, _
Your Best Chance to Save ~= Money on Sh oes = = = =
= = = = = = =
= =
F in al Clearance Sale of A ll Bostonia n and ;
= Walkover Sh oes- On sale at almost half form- = = = = Offered In Two Groups =
Shoes up to $14.00, at ---------------·------ ---- ----- $7.85 Shoes up to $9.50, at ---------------------------------- 6.50 -
he knocked me out. Gee, 1 felt awfu l lllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii bad for a bo r t time, but I aw tha t if he wa tha t kind, I did n' t want hv . ): e Gods. I di cover ed that kid, ~IllIll llllllllllll II Ill llllllllllll I Ill I IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II IllI IllIllII Ill Ill II llllllllg President W. G. Clippinger who b r ough t her o ut, you might ay, and : preached the Baccalaureate Serlook what be did to me. But h e who § : mon last Sunday. laugh la t, la ugh be t. 1 w ill tell _ t he wor ld. Poor Pe r ry got hi ca r : .inith o ffering prayer. ta ken home, cau e h had a sma h up wa r d L ook" wa the w h en joyr iding w ith it late a t night, § th m of Pre iden_t C lippinger' er- and his allowance cut b cau e t he : a tin,l ier ubj ct for a car wa art ab olute wreck. Thy eat could not be found . he now, he couldn't even take a girl to Hart, Schaffner & Marx New High-Grade Suits ,vith hi usual eloquence, the V inter Garden, let alone ill ie' ! hi t h me intere tingly and o, Mona the good tun gone, quit him cold, and what do you th.ink? ht: Now tr ir nder d "And th Glory i looking ,veet at me but your uncle f the Lord" from the Me iah while ju t barely tip his hat, and when he at Prof' - r Grahi ll at t h organ play- want to t~lk in th ha ll b f_~re § -ed "Th• Ru ian Boatman' ong 011 [ chapel, don t want to , and I b . T. § :the Ri v r Vo lga!' as th. offe r tory. I h pe .i t tea ch her a 1 on. That's the l>eauty abo ut coming here for Mi - Beulah 13enedi ·t, graduatin f ay, Bill I got my eye on a k en 1§ clothes-you can be certain you have correct hi y car frortJ th Conservatory of I da'.11e, he tall got violet ye . black hair, OME look r. he h:i : u i ga\'C a cha r ming vocal ol . Tht chur ·h was filled to capacity <lat with a fre hman, h ' tha t I : stvle and t he best value your money can b uyniemh , r from oth er chur he h lp- 1too) , !fut I am going to try to cut him - ng to ~ ell th crowd and with 0 1nc o ut, by the offer of a date to the ixty r , clad in caps and gown apital ba eball game next aturday the front ection of at week, and a how aft rward Thi to ay t he least, mo t freshman can't do that, for he' no~ § any too flu h. Well, Bi ll , l'll write tater and let ~ 1 The p opular new stripes, checks and herrin g bone weaves ; and th e nob- ;; Y. W . HA VE CHARGE you know my ucce < Contin ued from page one. You r fri en d, and would-b ladi biest new ingle and double-breasted sty les and sport m odels. ~ hos who were present, ho v ver, man, ere all b n fited by ev. mith 1 ermon and he i to be ince r ly 1: banked for th servic he rendered .
~ -==================================
You Know They're the Best Values to Be Found =-= = = = = =
I§ = = = =
Suits Like These Sold at $60 and $65 Last Year.
l 't~ -=iimnm
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111111111111111111111111111=~=:!:::!111!1••• •11111111111111111111111 111 11111111iii
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Philomathean Open Session Friday Night.
1 ·
Many Old Grads and Visitors Attend O rations and Musical Numbers Com-
Page Three
• :Mariy Charter Members to Return to
pose I nterestil'lg Program-Many Graduates Attend.
Celebrate Golden Anniversary of Cleiorhetea
society. th One of e special features will be a pageant portray ipg the beginning j o f Cl e10 · r l1etea an d mterestmg · · e,-ents I up to the presen t ti'm e and also what is !c oked for ewa rd to in future as possibi liti es of society. Each of the Charter M·emb ers will give a short toas t and messages will be read from Cleio gi rl s from a ll over the wo rld. Mrs. Earle Hopkins of Columbus. and her ac companiste, Mis F rances Beall, bot h honora ry m ember will be present and furn i,.s h one of the: musical numb ers. Others who wi ll be hear d in mus ic are Edith Coblentz, ' 13,. O live Mc F arland P lott, '14, B lanche Groves Huffma n, '1 6, and Verd a Mil Dailey, ' 16.
J~ast F' nday · · h ea eveni ng, Phtlomat Comme ncement Open Session, al- I . , gave her Com m ence m en t Inaugural ways a special eve nt on th e Society's O n ~uesd_ay . morn in g at ten _o ~!~ck ession and entertained a large num- calendar, was u p to the usual ·tandard th e ac ti ve girls and alumnae wi ll give bcr of friends and old membe r s wi th in P hilophronea la t Friday ni g ht. i a r .:cep tion in Cleiorhetean Hall in an excellen t progr am. The program A finis hed prog ram of music and or- 1110~ or _o f th e chart er membc_rs. was of the usual ord er of prod ucti ons ations, both well prepared and well T hi s will a . ~ery ho nora ry 111 for Inaugu ral Session, interspersed rend ered, was g iven befor e a large I formal affair, givmg a_ chance _for with several excellent mu sica l numb er s om men cc mcnt audi ence of a lumni in ernbe i.s, alumnae, exacbve and acti ve, r endered by th e orch estr a. ex-stude nt a nd o ther vi sitor s_ ' t o become acquainted. Music will be T he night was extreme ly warm but :fur~i hed _durin~ th e recep ti o n by th e The first literary numb er o n the prog ram was t he Chap lai n's Ad dress, en- in spite of thi s fac t th e occasion was ;ach ve society girl s. titled "My Bro th er' s Keeper" , deliv e r- enj oyed by all fo rtun a te enough to be At twel ve o'clock noon will be th e ed by M .. B. Klepinger and showing prese nt. Golden Jubilee L un cheon in the banT he Phi loph ronean Orc hes tra furn- q uei room of th e Un ited Brethren careful co nst ru cti on on th e part of th e peaker. F oll owing the Chapla in's ished all music, and though ha ndi- Church. A large number of Society Add ress. J. R. Love gave the P r esi- capped by the , ab3e nce of ~eve ral a lu mnae a re returning especially to at- W ho buys him ga soline aid th re dent's Valedict ory, .. Noblesse Ob lige'' , .n embe rs. perfo rm ed creditably. t end. A t this affair the progra m will Him se lf hi s hu ng ry fiivve r, and John and effec tiv ely used the t ho ughc of in- 1 S T he reti:ing critic, Mer to n E. lie give n entirely by - alumnae of the I D . ' -M. cr~ascd resp.o nsibiliti es in th e world 1- tea r,~,:• d ehver e~ an ora ti o n c?, ncen~ gomg hand 111 hand w ith high er ed u- 111 I he mcn ca n Pro bl e:11 . H1. cation_ T he President's Inaugural, , thinki ng wa clea n- cu t . hi s d eliv ery '.!! 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111II I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111IIII11111111111 "Poli tics and Polluti on ," was g iven by I exc e llent, maki ng the pr o:.1uct iou of R U. Martin in a very ab le and cffcc- 1 1nus1·.al m erit. I 1710yd L. Roberts, retiring president, tiv e man ner . F oll owi ng th e regular program. c_ ! ~ook ··'½!e, the Educated" a a subject I L. B:iil ey. 'l l , L. w . Wa r son, ,0 5 , j tor o r~t1 o n. F ull pf pr?f~Lmd th o ught, : L. A. \N cinland . '05 and D cto r Iand with well c bo en d1ctton, th e numCharl es Sna ve ly. -94 _ sp~ke cxtcmpora- I ber wa_ bot~ helpful and interesting. neous ly. • T he 111 com 111 g pre iclent, J . Gordon ! Howard, poke on the Japan- American Di plo mas were 1fresen tecl to th e qu e tion, choo ing .. All Men A r e twelvt! mem ber s o f Phi lomathea who : Created Equal" a th.e ubject for hi s : gradt-ale in thi s year' s cla. -L. S. oration. Hert, D . .\JI. P hillippi, G_ R. Lincoln, T he pre ntatio n ol cliplom· J · R R owe, H . D . H a ld e rman, J. R. .i11101ediately fo1 owed by ~ten;:-po,a- : Love. G. W. White, D . C. Bay, L. B. p eaking at which time Mi H armon , A. S. ~icho ls, M. _ . Demor- neou Mi ld.rcd Deitsch, '21, renresen ted est and V. Wi llet. Cl e10rheteta; · -_,, er, '21,· ¥i s Ma rj orie Mill The program was interesting and spoke for Philaleth ea ; J oe Miller, '14, well given throughout and the atten aid a few words in behalf of the tion and in terest shown by the large alum ni; R ev. C. J. Roberts wa t he last numb er of friends and visitors present of the extempore peaker . _ • gave evidence of th ei r appr eciation . T~e following enior , as Philop ~1,roneans jn good tanding1 r eceived Track Team Elects " Ed" Newell. diploma , together with a little book let presented by a \.VO,:- thy alu111us to As Captain of ne..'Ct year's track team, the members of this yea r' quad have th e l)lembe,s of the grad uating cla s.
Otterbein Students _
= =
Our best wishes follo
you for:
Success and Happiness.
Come to us for Souvenirs, Spoons Rings, Stationery, Pillows ,
Pennants, Memo Books, Athletic Goods Bibles, Testaments,
s their leader. W . H. Cornetet, R.
i ho en T. E. ewell "Ed" has been a con istent trainer for thi classic each of his two year in_ college. It has been om what of an honor for him to be elected thi year since th e election ,1sually goe to a Junior. W e are ure, however, that the interest and the good port manhip that he ha s hown throughout the year has bee~ ample proof · tha t b~ m erits this di stinction. With the right kind of care eWell {"tOuJd mak good in the "Big Six" nex year.
Mignery To Captain Baseball. Merrill Mingery, kno,vn to the £ llows a " {in", ha been el cted a Captain of next year' ba eba ll team. Anyone having watched tbi hy little athlete perform around eco.od base could not but have been impre se<) with his ability. He is also a good hitter. This is "Min's" third year a a v;i.rsity man. He is well liked by aJl the fellows, and has a way about him 0£1
R. Ehrhart, T. V. :
Bancroft, . P. Hovermale, Barthlow W. J. Moore, A. P. ;o. hank, D. D . Bram:, J:Iarris, E.. . \i arrick' M. F. V. tearn , F. L. ~ob rt , M. Funk, 0 . . Jayn .
L. E. Peden,
Kodaks, Fancy Books and
E. E. _ team ,
Fountain Pens.
= =
Department of Fine Arts
Gives Annual Exhibit The a:nuual xhibit of the Art Depart~eut wa held at arub rt Hall on M·o nday aHernoo1J, Jun 13 1 from tw o until ffre o'clock. q' be work ace mpli h d by the tu_dent f th e Department was arranged in a cha rming manner._ ne room of the Department wa given ov r to J)pl'ed D e ign,..:._co t un,e china and basketry ; another room 011 tain d the exhibition of oil paintings in till life. life and, laJ1d caping· an exhibition of d ecorative, la11d cape , o f po ter and of cla y modeling occupie the thi rd
E: §
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllF
N V. n m N HAT V. \;I P .l
= =
Meals at all Hours Box Candies-Ice Cream = If we don't have your Favor1"te M . : agaz1ne E we will get it for you. -
winning the confidence of everyone. .room _of th e Department. D elightful mu ic wa furnished . . . e are countmg _on btm to le nd a big throug hout th e aftemOO)l for the part in the making of th e 1922 ba e exhibition of the Art and Home § ball team. Economic Departments. _
= -
Prop, "
ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111 111111
Page Fo ur TH E T AN AN D CARD IN AL ~~~=========================~~ -,,.,-. -=~====== THE OTTERBEIN
ful. using their talents faithfully and I tracks when one is carrying three 1
conscientious ly. others loiter fo r four I travelling bags and a trunk. years, stand on th e outer edge a nd Ttat something is always taking the scarcely take a step into the whirl of joy out of life. college activity. The man or woman who has squan CAMPUS (HIT (HAT dered opport unity, lacked interest, may soon be a non eIJ tity indeed, but th e To say that young ladies scra tch Senior who dur in g his coll ege co urse availed himself of every chance of im- their arms on tags unremoved fr om provemen t, s nat ched every m eans of young gentlemens' new shirt collars is promoting his sc hool, will never be rather a bo ld statement. Yet th a t ve ry forgotte n. Hi s name will be remem thin g happened. What we want to bered, he has accomp li shed a work no know is, " Street Comm ittee, where is other cou ld have done, his place yo u a ll at?" ca n not be filled, his posi tion in col When young gen t lemen keep you ng lege hi tory and tradition is his own ladies up till the wee hour,s, so afore and will remain unviolated. Seniors. w ith these words_ we bid you mentioned young ladies over-sleep and farewell. We take up the duties you miss breakfast, and aforementioned have passed on to us, not with the idea young gentlemen carry breakfast to of filling your place, but merely doing the young ladies in a brown paper our bi't in continuing the work of mak sack. we would think Cupid was about ing Otterbein what it always has been, ready to turn the job over to the license bureau. "The best school ever."
of Published Weekly in the interest Otterbein by the OTTERBE IN PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association
STAFF Editor-in-Chief, T. Gordon Howard, '22 A ssistant Editor ........ J. W. Senef'f, '23 C ontributing EditorsGrace H. Hill, '23 Horace W. Troop, '23 Business Ma nager .... J . P . Schutz, '23 Assistant Business ManagersT. E. N ewcll, '23 J. F . Dillinger, '24 <Cir. Manager .... Harriet L . Hayes, '22 Assistant Circulation Managers Lucile Ewry, '23 Veda Bearss, '24 Athletic Editor ........ A. W. Elliott, '23 Assistant Ath letic EditorD. A. Harris, '23 Local Editor ............ M. M. Collins, '23 Alumna! Edi tor ........ A lma Guitner, '97 Now that the Trustees are here and Concerning the Future. Exchange Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 ready to dine at Cochran Hall, we Otterbein has just completed a year Cochran Hall EditorAlice Davison, '23 that has been both successful and try- suppose the girls will have a chicken dinner again . Literary Editor ............ H. R. Mills, '24 ing. Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal. 103 W . College Ave., W esterville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, if paid before November 15; other wise $1.75.
Entered as second class rriatter September 25, 1917, at the postoffice at \Vestervill e, 0 ., under act of March 3, 1879. ·· Acceptance for mailing a,.t- special -,ate of pos tage provi ded for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.
Great forward steps have been made in attendance, in material impro\·c ment and in plans for the future, all tending to mark this year as one of the best in the history of the college. But, on the other hand, a variety of problems, constantly presenting themselves for settlemen t, have ca lled fo r the use of utmost patience. lt has been difficult at times, urtder thc str ess of the m omen t, to exercise proper self control. Hars h words have been utt ered and feelings haye been hurt, and th ere has not always been a whole-hearted attempt to attain the oth er point of view. We hope, how ever , that next autumn will ee th e slates wiped clean. Let g rudges a nd ill feelings be cast asid e, and wh en we as emb le in September, approa ch all pr ob lems with open - minds and a desire to attain a solution w hich wi ll r esto re that harmony which µ1u st charaterize a: successful, growing college.
\Ve wish to squelch forever those in dividuals who say that to give girls an ·'O" fo r walking a hundred miles is "poppy cock." Doubtle s anyone guilty of suc h a statement ha n't pep enough to win an "O" in inter-class jack straws.
Cleiorhetean Philalethean Philomathean Philophronean Pins and Pennants
C O L L E G E lVIEN SELL TIRES. 1\/Ien with or without car. 6000 mile guaranteed tire s a t popu lar prices. Full time men make $100.00 per week. Offered by a coll ege man. The Wolfe Tire & Rubber Company, Benton Harbor, Michigan.
Quiz and Quill Meeting.
fonday e'len.u.1.&. at the home of Professor C. 0 . Altman, the Quiz and Quill Club met for the last time 31 W. College Ave. thi s year. · WESTERVILLE, OHIO Election of officers for next year re sulted in J. Gordon H oward, '22, presi Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone llO dent ; M . L . Howe, '22, vice president; Edna Delligner, '22, secretary and tr eas urer. Followi ng the business sessio n th e Club was addr essed Dr. R. F. Bishop, who spoke interestingly and helpfully . Westerville, Ohio Dr. Bi shop is a writer of considerab le r ep ute and out of hi experience co uld By Appointment say much of benefit for asp iring young
C. W. Stoughton, M~ D.
Aurevoir Seniors! School days for this year are rapid ly drawing to a close; Commence ment approaches with Seven League Boots. In a few days some five hun dred Otterb ein students, now forming a compact school organization, will be scattered to t he four winds. Three months, however, will pass scrib bler s in the Club. rapidl y, and then most of us wi ll as Due to the kindness of Professor sembl e again to ass ume once more the THE WEEK'S WORST JOKE \ and Mrs. Altman refreshments were various duties and pastim es that make I serv ed, wh ich fitt ingly closed a most Was He Cross Eyed? college life the -j0y it is. , enjoyable evening. DENTIST Sbc-"George, Darling, you have I .M.0.sJ: of us, we say, will assemble 15 West College Ave. ========== agai n, but not all of us. A goodly such affec tionate eyes." He-"Dearest, do you mean it?" number, except fb occasional visits, Citizen Phone 167 Bell Phone !I She-"Yes, th ey are always look Ira e crossed the th reshold of the old college for the last time. The Sen ing at each o ther." iors, after four year~ of w 0rk, o-f play, 4>f service to their chool, will have W E'VE BEEN THINKIN' passed the respous ibility on to their That it would be nice if we had \ s ucc.e or . East College A v .nt:e We often hear chance remarks to the studied a little al\ semester and not taple and Fancy effect that the Seniors will scarcely b e so int ensively all at once. PHONES m_is ed there will be others to fi ll their Bell 84-~ T hat if there were any more organ Citizen 26 pla e ,' b ut we always feel constrained izations around here to say " Good to differ with thi view. bye" t o the Seniors, we' d have · to lay o. So. State St. It i a fact, rh ap , that as time in a new supply of handkerchiefs. passes, the memory of tho e who have That the Profs. must enjoy exams preceeded us grows dim, but it is _far LAST CALL from true that a enior Qnce leavmg quite as much as we do. The Insurance Man Before vacation for these good liis A1ma Mater is forgotten . T hat judging by the long faced " Re Abstract s, Loans Each student must find his own cessional" up Cochran Hall walk last luncheons and pushes. We have all niche. When entering college he dis Sunday ev-ening, some folks do hate otary Public co ers peculiar problems awaiting so to go home. the requirements. ation he must carve his own college That it's a long way to the railroad MOSES & STOCK, Grocers carce;. omc are em"nently successPatronize Our Advertisers!
G. W. Henderson, M . D .
================= W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.
The Grocer
DCHft/\N SSDCIJ\TICN Cochran Hall is a regular ''bee-hive" of fond parents :ind solicitious frirnds . For this reason our new will have little variety-just an itemized list of guests and th eir ho tesses. Mr. a nd ~lr s. P erfect and J. R. Beaver were vi , iting Florence Perfect.
PHILIALETHEA RECEPTION Fort McIntosh, Texas, Grace Armen trout, Lenore Rayot, Virginia Burtner, Marie Pierce \Volfe, Agnes Wright, Annual Ban1uet and Reception to and Helen Keller. be Held Tuesday in Society Hall Mr. and Mrs. E . R. Hancock are here attending Commencement. The Philalcthean Reception will be Marjorie Miller is entertaining an held Tue day morning, June 14 in the old roommate of hers, Gladys Brenizer. Society Hall. A very p leasant pro \' elma Swinger was called to Green gram has been p lanned, and all Phila ville be cause of th e death of her grand lethea ns past and present are cordially invited to attend. Immediately fol fath er . lowing the r!ception the annual din 1Iae Sellman. '20, is visiting her sis ner will be 1eld in the ba ement of ter Kay. the Presbyterian church. \\' e arc sor ry to report that Saum Mrs. Irene Al ton Whetstone, '0 1, Hall has no contribution for our news will be th e toistmistress. The address column but it seems the young Frosh of welcome ,\ill be given by Ida Marie have done nothing more thrilling than Snellin g, '21, and the r esponse by tripping on the taircase and thereby Helen Moses. '16. Among the speak skinn ing their noses. (The story of ers will be Hrs. Eva Doty Halleck, our Saum Hall reporter.) '96, Mrs. Gnce Wallace Titlow, '01; Mrs. Emma Guitner Worman, '01; 1I rs. Helen Weinland Pillsburg, '11. ;._'1rs. Bessie Daugherty Mattis, '1 1,and Mi ss Ruth B-undage will sing.
Kenneth Scott, '20, is the guest of Mi ss Edith Cave. and Arthur Co uch arriv ed Sunday to enjoy Commence ment wit 1 Ida 1hric Snelling. Grace Hill gave a delightful push for tht: following vi sitors: Edna M. Del linger . Edth Bingham, '20, Mr. and Mrs. H oope r, Albert, Franci , and Ruth H oo per, Flossie Broughton, Eth el Eubanks, '20, and Mr. Deitch. Owing to the fact that La Vaughn Leath er man will leave for Eagle mere the last of June, he thought it neces ary to leave before the Commence ment fc tivities had begun. Lois Bickelhaupt ha as her g ue Mrs. George Bickelhaupt.
Page Five
Science Now Knows. That when you ea t onions you must not breathe it to a soul That dead men tell no tales but tombstones are awful liars.
This is wishing the Students of 0 . C. a very happy vacation and hoping to meet you at the opening of College in the Fall.
Good wishes and good-byes
to those whom we have 'learned to know well and who now go from a mong us to the broader fields of duty.
The Old Relable Scofield Store Corner of State and Main Sts.
,!_lll lllll l'.i lllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Beu ·s-W office, ior
J.E. HANSO = =
The Clean-Up Man
Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry We>rk and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E. College A ve., Westerville, 0 . Sul;>scripions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home -
Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service.
ii 111 fl 111111 l II l Ill I l I Ill I l llll I I Ill II I 11111111111111111 rt 111111n1111111111111111111111111111111111111 jj'
I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I l I II I I l I I I I I I I l I I I II II I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ll ll
Betty Fries, Cath er ine Warn er, Prof. C. A. Fritz. Gla dy Howard an d Florence L o hr Profes or Charles A. Fritz, who for were t he gues t of honor at a dinner th e pa t several years has been at the party, given at the home of Helen head of the Department of Public Ensor Smith, Saturday eve nin g, June peaking and Oratory, will be given 11. a t we lve month leave of ab sence Evelyn Judy a nd Berni ce Heeter during wh ich time he will take have left to spend a few da ys in Day up pecial post-graduate tudy. ton . Professor Fri tz will take hi work in Literature and Public Thursday nigh! in Room 205, a pu
: Thank You Friends
Was g ive n in honor of Lydia Garve r Otterbein students have a hi gh re Cooper, Mary Garver Miller, Cleo Coppock B r own, J osephine Foor, gard for Professor Fritz and his Belen McDermitt An nette Brane, and leaving even for one year will be a ource· oI regret. However '"ve are Nettie Lee Roth. ' happy that he ha this opportunity to W. V. \1/allace of Cincinnati and do th e tudying that he de ire , and Cecile Wallace have arrived to attend will look forward to hi return with the graduation of Lera Water • eagerne s. Helen Bechtolt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bech tolt are here for President's Reception Held. Commencement. atu r day night, June 9, Cochran Geneva Braley's si ter, Ruth, pent Hall wa the cue of the Pr ident' the we ek-end with h_er. Reception. Jesse \Vil son and Margaret P ifer This i an annual affair at which time have as their guests, May Freeman, Pre ident and Mr . lippinger, with '19, Laura and Elva White, Evelyn the Faculty, recei ve member· of the Pifer, '20, and Mrs. Pifer. enior cla , together with the parents Miss Evelyn Judy entertained Mr · and vi iting friend of the graduates. Last • aturday eveni11g a large number of gue t ,va pre ent The ''Paradise Lost" was the scene ion faculty a~d vi itors mingled together, day night of a mid night feed and a becoming accquainted with one icily slumber party with the follow another. Mu ic wa furnished by a ing as the hon0red guests-Gladys wigart, Neva Anderson Mertz, of el ec cd orches t ra. Robert K. Staley, of Denver, Wyo.
For :
= -
our ind Patrona e. You have
Said It With Flowers nd t e Fifth v nu Fl ral hi ha CY} n y u th be
f f
lumbu r
Roses, Corsages, Sweet Peas _
ur f r ucce
= _ = : =
erv1ce D L u e"
= iTI t tI I I I I I l I I II I II I I I I I I I I Ill111111111111111111l111111111 IIIIIII IIII Ill I I II Ill II II Ill I I I I I I I I Ill Ill I Ill 1'f
Page Six
the consolation that they were the \ goats of several close decisions given by umpire Cloyd Bailey, but all the "Quibble Stuff" was left on the field and th ey took the cleaning that they possibly deserved, and as good spo rt s only said : " It was ome game at that." Concerning Spring Baseball.
COMMENCEMENT Orders taken any time
La t week was o ne of the most in. J uniors and Sophomores Fight It Out . Inter-Class Baseball Contest Waged teresting, ath leti cally, that the student Hot and Heavy-Games at for F irst Honors on body has enjoyed thi s pring. Class Well Played Track. events are always accompanied with In the class baseball games of Hoffman Rexall Store The intra-mural track meet held last week, quite a bit of class spirit plenty of good friendly rivalry and last Tuesday proved to be almost a and enthusiasm was de □onstrated, class spirit. We believe th at class competitio n if well r eg ul ated is a good d ua I meet between the Junior. and . and th e games were all fought to a thing for a college a nd is also good Se Sophomore classes, the Juniors wmnmg finish by those contesting. y al P e r o x i d e Every with 78 points. The Sophs lost out class had a representative team and for tho e participating. It seems to y latis Talc in the last three even t s. Peden and each played very credi table ball, be the opinion of many, however , that Cream and Johnny George took first_ and · sec~nd something that has not always been the intramural baseball games should be sta rted earli er in the spring and for tan and sunburn, at from Ulry and Schreck 111 · the High the case in inter-class baseball. more of a series worked out so that jump, clearing the pole at fiv~ feet The fir t game was between the an d four inche . Schreck later Jump Frcshics and Triangles. There was each team wo uld be allowed to play more than one or two game . Unde r ed five feet six. plenty of scoring by both side and Peden took the pole vaul t at eleven when the dust cleared and the foia l present conditions this wou ld be prac six. He tried twelve feet but failed count was taken the score was 16-9 in tically impossible since the coach has his hands full trying to develop a to clear the bar. Big White showed fa ,·or of the Freshies. track team and a varsity baseball team some good -form in this event and At the Big Six Track Meet, Coiwnbus, In the next game the Junior s and with some training will make a good Seniors. rivals for th e last three y,'ar , and the athletic fie ld i usually taken May 27, 28. va ulter. Big White also threw the locked bats and played a seve n in over fo r use by these two aggregations. Those who are familiar with th e it u javelin the farthest he has thrown It ning game. Credit mu t be given t~1e ation know that base ball as a varsity Pennants, Banners, Skull Caps, Ann this year, in a trial for a record after m embers of th e Senior class for the game has always been a dead financial Bands, Pillows-just what you need the event was over, when he hurled it spirit and th e way in which they wen t weight on the Athletic Board and that for that occasion. 144 feet and 6 inches. after things. They have never been at no time has it come any way near Student Agent 1 Mile-Klcpinger, Ed Newell, recognized as an athletic class and, it financing itself. It is quite impossible Broderick, teamboat Stearn . Time is true, have •few repre entatives on to collect admi sion with our present 44.3. the vatsity teams, but they were out field arrangement, an_d if it wa ; the · Pole vault-Peden, Ulry, White, tron g with 11inc men on the field and crowd would hardly pay for the ball Martin. Height, 11.6. a. couple on the reserve bench. The used, to say nothing of other expe n100 yard dash-Mingery, Peden,. game proved to be a walk-away for se . Any one who attended the class Foster, Goodrich. Time 10.3. the Juniors since even of the nine game last week will verify the fact Broad jump-Martin, Peden, An If it isn't worth while p1ayer of their team are on th e regu that there was a larger crowd and more der on, lry. Di tance 21.1. lar varsity team . The score was 15-3. real pep and enthusiasm shown at 440-Ed ewell, George, Mingery, On the next afternoon at four most any one of those game than was you come once you T. Noel. Time 58.1. o'clock the Fre hies tackled ·the shown at the varsity games. 120 High Hurdle -Peden, Time Sophs. This was indeed a conte t, a ow you are wondering, pos ibl y, 19.2. (Andy and H;ard Boiled dis the 6-5 score will indicate. The game what we are trying to get at. Here it will come again. qualified). was clo e throughout and the Freshie i ; we are advocating that Varsity ho~Peden, almo t threw a scare in the econd baseball be eliminated from our pring teamboat team year camp in the ninth inning when ports and that an inten ive intra-class Westerville Bakery Halt Mile-Len well, Murray, Ander on made a de perate effort to eries of games be sub tituted. We Loomi , Menke. 2 :22. . steal home but eneff blocked him realize that thi will meet with the di High .Jump-Peden and eorge tied What's the Use? out at the plate and aved the day. approval of some, especially those who for fir t. Schreck and Ulry tied for Millard Hancock pitched for the are lovers of the old game ·and who · econd. Height 5 feet, 4 inches. Fre hmen while Joe Ranck threw maintain that var ity baseball is the 220- 1'.ingery, George, Fo ter, them over for the oph . Joe proved means of developing th e highe t type Goodrich. Time, 26. to be somewhat of a tartar to the of material. Thi i true, but we a k JaveUn-White, George, Heitz, Freshie and the high average that tho e of th oppo ition to con ider the Martin . 136.5. they w re enjoying a the "Prep " financial end, the coache cbanc to Are good to eat. Low Hurdle (120 yard )-Miller expeu were lower d con iderably. develop a beft r track team the oppor Ming ry, Andy, Len ewell. Time u the ame day about a half hoµr tunity for a greater a.mount f individ 14>3. later, the battle royal \.va tag d be ual , who love the game equally well, Phone your Order. Di cu - Peden White, fartin, twe n the Juniors and the opho to have a chance to play in a r al game Franklin. Di taace 102. more , each having won from th eir and not p nd their afternoon acting 2 Mile- tearn , Ed Jewell, L 1\ fir t conte tants. Ranck went back in a dubs for ~he Varsity, or refu ing to Bell Citizen 92 Newell, hultz-. Time 12.20. the box and proc <led to do the old come out' at all becau e they know Relay won by J u.nior ''iron man" tunt, wjth hi 'old o th y are only m cliocr . Point , Juuior 76. laborer, We ley eneff, on the receiv Thi 1,1ay be on1e, hat of a hock to ophon1ore '63. ing end. In the infield were D . Han 0me, but we a k you kindly to give it Fre hm u 13. & cock, Leffel, Ulry and Elliott, whi le criou thought and ce if you can't Barnhart, Big White and J obner agree that it would be the be f olu eniors 7. Braderick played the outfield. tiou for the pring athletic ituatiop The College A venue. Prep 3. Johnny orge went to th e m und a;,d the be t m thod for all con rn Yale swimmer., ea tern intercolle- for the Junior with Levi Howe on ed. giate cbampi n , will take a tri_p to the re eiving end. Ex Albright, Min .Honolulu thi um.mer. ery Pe<;len and Lehman played the Hors back riding ha!. become o j 1jnfi.eld while Murry, oel and Morri- popular at the niver ity of Michigau. George Gauthier, former football!· son covered the out garden . Th that in ind0or ridir~g acadetny will be coach of Michigan Agriculture Col- 3-1 score will verify the fact that the opened soon. There will be an in leg has been cho en a Ohio Wes- ! ophomore team was but little tructor to teach the stuceJ1ts to ride THE TAILOR leya:1 •s football coach. He will come weaker than that of the Junior properly. For popular feature ther~ State and Main Streets to We Jeyan in time to conduct a two had the elite of the var ity. be mu ical rid e once or twi <!- a • we k ' spring practice. Th oph went off the 1i Id Cleaninlli and Pressing
Show Your Colors
R. M. Johnson Student Agent
================~ B. W. WELLS
Page S,even
1111111111111111 HII 11111 111111111111 IIIIll llll III 1111 Ull 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II~
TOIL ET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, Etc.
(Con tinued from page one.)
ing role, was ably and artistically played by Marvel Sebert. Edythe Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all k inds. Eby a ''Time", Beulah Benedict as "Con cience", Violet Patter son as _ FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED "Truth' ', F lorence Rober ts as " Greed", _ UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY Katherine Pollock as "Self", Ella Wells as "Vanity", Margaret Frazier OPTICAL DEPARTMENT '14. Announcement of t he approach - as "Vice", and Lois Seller as = Eyes Examined Free. Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. ing marria ge of Miss Mearl M. Ma r- "Charity", all took their parts _ Satisfaction Guaranteed. tin of Westerville to Harold M. Deis exceptionally well. The gay and § of ew York Ci ty was mad e at a five giddy troupe of chorus girls was com-1 = o'clock tea given by her sister, Miss posed of Ruth Roberts, Kay Sellman, : _ Irma L. Martin on Saturday, J unc 4. Edna Hooper, Marjorie Copeland, j ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii Miss Martin was engaged in Y. work Ellen Jon es, Marguerite Wetherill, overseas during the war and during Ethel Wright and Cath erine Minton, that time met Mr. Deis who wa a and. a chorus girls usually do, they g111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ lieutenant in the army. The wedding added a zest to the performance. date is June 21. Mr. Deis i now Philophronean who a si ted w:ere connected with the American Brake- Russell Ehrhart as "King Love", hoe Company of hicago and the Arthur Roose a "Flattery", Dennis : Young couple will make their home in Brane as '·Bluff', John fayne a = Chicago. .. tuff", John Noel a "Wealth", § Daniel Harris as 'Passion", Raymond ' 06. Miss Mary ~ eikirk Baker of the H' : tJ . . Axljne as "Puff", Marion 1te as nive:sity Branch Library 111 Seattle, ., e" and Ray John on. Benjamin _ lb t z pp and Albert _ Washington, who was several months _ g ' ago I t d . f th Pu et Carl on, er e e ec _e president o e g Mattoon a "Rogues". These parts : ound Library Club, delivered one of II d'dly taken and too : the . . I b t were a sp Ien i ' t b said of Philophronea' 22 N. Htg t. prmc1pa addresses at t c recen i I me ti f . '·Th muc 1 canno e . Jj c ng o the club 111 eatt 1c. e to co-operate in making = 1 ' Community Library" was the subject wi ngn~ of th h the evening a uccess. e addrcs , which rcce~ved muc I h H a chafrlJ]an of the play favorable comment from members of >.Ut_ opp rked tirele ly and i to the I b L . B k COJJ1U1Lttee WO ' cu . a t week Mis a ·er t d on the p lea ing pror ta t d · . b'I be congratu Ia e · r e with friends on an automo I e the other member d tr·1 f . . (Yram that I1e au _ P o a month through altforrua. "' ·tt worked up , . of the comrru ee . · : _91. Dr. Early V. Wilco,· of Wa hDu.ring the evening, d1~lomas . _ l11gto11, D. C. wa a gue t at the home pre en!ecl t"' ~:.e- fo lowmg emor~. f nr. G<'<>rgc co la ~ eel<. arvcl Sebert, Margai:et Pifer Edna ' 19. Benjamin Peter ' pas tor of Hooper, Alice ~.\bbo t t, ther Harl~y, the Ch n·, tia n E ndeavor Memona · I M t' ldred Deit ch Ma ry- Chamber Im_, Un·t 1 d B e ret h re11 Church of ewark, Lera "vv'aters, F lo re11ce Perfect, Lois :: Oh10 · h a JU · t been elected pre iden t B'ckleha up t ' Gladys Yokurn, ~,Beulah 1 of th e M 1111 ' . teria l f I Be11ed 1· ct, Edy t he a;ve, J e sie vv I 1 on, ociation o t ia t : Xcva Prie t, V io let Patter on and city. L uci ll e W arso n. ' 65,_'71. Mis es ri lla ,H. and da J. ~Uttner of \iVashington, D . C., a re in LETHEAN OPEN SESSION 'vestervi lle to attend th e fe tiyi ti e5 of (Co n tinued fro m page 1 0 mmencment week a n d are a m o ng ' 1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,, 1,,,,,, 1, 1,,,, 1,, 1,,, 1,,,,, 1, 1,,, 1,,,,, 1111, 1 th e Olde t graduate who w ill be here, the year. The selection by t h e Glee rcpre enting a they do the classe Club, t he la t mu ica l number, was of fifty- ix and fifty yea r ago. ve r y pretti ly i:e nd er ed. • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' Tl p e ide11t Eleanor \\1lutney 95. , '98 • D r. \ixr·1 . B G t d I 1e r ,vi !Jam . an z an d" '1 • to t he twch·c = t h e ip oma Wife, (Maude Sarne ) of Detroi t. pre ented .. M:khigan, wer called to \,\' e tervil le enior in a p leasing manner, givmg : th i week 011 account of the death of Philalethea' wi he to each in turn. Dr. Gantz' cou ,i11, John . Bea l, wh ich Mr . tella Gifford \Vcaver, '11, -
Quality Flowers
McKellar Flower Shop~ . h S
• • •
= =
F ancy R oses, Carnations and all Flowers 1n season. =
Is Our Agent at Westerville.
Orileri Your .Photos at Once
~~:ured in Lo Aiige le • Califordni_a, Mr Ruth Dete,·ei lc antler ·, ' 12 , _ _Funeral serv ice were he! 111 • \ V E. Bancroft poke to e tcrV1f!c tfos afternoon. and Mr. · . . d b ' 11 society. Phila let hea ts mdee to e ·. Thoma . Harper, pa tor of the on her open e s;on. United rethrcn church at Latro le, / congratulated up I _=_-~=;,enn_ ylvania has recent ly bee n in th e Patronize Our Advertisers! ,Ospital where he underwent an 1 0 Peration for the remova l of h is
w e 6.
Your Photo
cannot buy.
ton ii.. He i now impro\·i ng anrl is out of th e hospital.
the only thing your friends _-
= One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. Have the Best
' 17. Dr. Homer D. Cas e·l, who wa graduated from vVcstcrn Re en·e M dicaL ollege thi year, will be con11 ected wrth the Miami Va lley Ho pithanks to the students ~al in Dayton, Oh io, du ring th e com- Exte nd s many d _ ing year. of the college for their patronage an 'ls. :N"orri \V. Grabi ll. who ha been wishes them a happy and prosperous
teachino- in the high chool at Con. "' • vacation. ne 11 svil[ Penn ylvania, the pa ·t year. I 15 in W tcrvill for t he ummer. He expects to attend un:imer school at
niver ity.
I.....,~,. , ,.,.....,
27 W . Main St.
~ St ate and High Streets
= ~
ii 11111111111 IIIJ 111111111IU 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111
Page Eight
!_!II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II II II I I I I I I I II II IIIIIIIIIII II I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I II II IIIIIIII Ill llll I II 111111111111111111111111111111111
= = = = = = = =
Many fam iliar faces from yea rs _ gone by begin to make their. app ea r- _ ance on th e campus for the IJ1g week. Bishop and .Irs. A. T. Howard a rc in \,V cs tcrv ill e io r Commencemen t week. Speaking of politeness, we arc re-
Variety Shop News
New light voiles in green, pink and blue check, suitable for grown-ups or children, at per yard ....................... ...50c Pla·n Voiles in a variety of light and dark shades, and white, good quality, per yard ............................................ 50c Fi.gured Voiles in lights and darks, good quality, per yard ........................ ...................................................... .... 50c
Tissue Gingl:ams, light shades, plaids ai:i,d chei:ks, per yard ............. ................................. ................ ........................ 80c Dotted Swiss, in rose, light blue and white, 38 mches w1ce, per yard ...................................................................... 75c Dress Ginghams, 27 to 32 inc!:es wide,. plaids, checks and plain colors, at ............. ......................... 28c, 30c and 35c PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS
= =
'= )iab ly informed that the edito r-in -c hi ef = wins th e cheese-cloth ink-well; he wa : caught bending ove r his typ ewriter = mutteri ng soulfully. ·'Oh. I beg pa r don" and inve~tigation revealed that =
he h;d hit the ,vrong key.
Just the tr.ing you have long been wanting. Comes in thrty-four beautiful shades ten yards in a skein and sells at, per skein ....................................................................................................................................................... 10c Come in and match your dress or blouse
ULRY & SPOHN, W esetrville, O.
ii111111111111111111111 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II Ill I II I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IllI II I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111
Manyto ,tudcnts already hurrym g I away variou arc summ er occupation, to gather the wherewithal for another I
=============:::-:===:=:================~============-===== I
year. f · Large Representation o Alumm and Monday Nigl:t Is Time Set fer Annual Annual Literary Publication Is Put Ort .d \Ve arc glad to sec in our 1111 st t I1c \ . . · Students to Enjoy Hilanous Reunion-J. D. Riebel, Sale-Esther Harley Is friends and relatives of the departmg Time Toastmaster. Editor. seniors. . \ uu ,, 1, ,. • '16 · E 1,11 er Bovie,. One 0· '-·· ' occasions \ Philoma.th ean Liter'a'r ~ · · · · -+>.~..u..s;..:,,u,.u - .l,W.1.Ull.U...__.l-f"<'-',_,..-'l92 ~ru..: ,nra_~__.. ·- y, ··-f --d . 1 t b an- "Q mz . an d Qm·1 1 M agazme . " app ea-r ed · · ,c • • H.- \,V. Elliott, ' 15, are roamor. b o th a Iumm· _and students of the hol .its annua commencem en '16, and Society is the quet m the United Brethren Church, on the campus and found ready buyers Lt h 1 P hl op ronean I erary in th e old haunts again. g . annual commencement banquet. Monday evening, June 13. j immediately. . W. Grabill, '20, is here from hi The affair thi year is to be held u ual, alumni, students and other This year' magazine is comiderhigh chool work at Connel ville, Pa. in the social room of the United friends will vie with one another in ably larger than any yet published and C. w. Staacke, ex-'23, ha returned Brethren Church, Tuesday evening, making the event one of unusual in- with a hand ome binding constitutes from hi year' work at Minne ota June 14, at 8:30 p. m., when a regular terest. With many old grads on deck what i probably the be t publicatioo tate and will take ummer work at "old-time" r eunion is on deck. ready to inject the old-time pep the the Quiz and Quill Club has i sued . Alumni from far and near usually occa ion promise to be a top-notcher. Conta ining the choice t of the year•s . U. •th '20 flock in fo r this event a nd wi th a goodJ . D. Riebe l, '97, as Toastma ter, oration , the prize hort tory and the C C. L. Fox, '20, and arl mi ' . ' Jy representation from present memk,. are spending the week a b out Otter b_em. bers a hilariou occasion will be in wi ll be th e g uid ing light of th e affair. cream th "Q of· the college' literary" wor · · Horace W. Troop, '23, will deliver th e e mz and Quill Magazin 1s 1n Th many friends of Edna Dellmg- 1store. Welcome and Ralph W. mith, '12, every way wort h the nominal price of r are glad to ee her here again; she Music will be furni. hcd by a will give the Re ponse. Toa t w ill fifty cent . will be in chool next year. elected orche st ra a nd a peppy pro- be forthcoming from Lyle Michael, The "Quiz and Quill" taff is as Ruth Hooper, '19; Lenore Rayot, gram is planned, wi th George L. '19, and Cloyd L. Bailey, ' 11. The follow : '19· Glady wigart, '19; Grace Ar- Glauner, 'l 9, at th e helm in th c capac- Philomathean Orche tra will furni h E ther · O f t oa tma · Harley, Editor. ,ntrout '19· Betty Frie , '18; Virity ter. music during the banquet, and Mi · me ' ·11 · Of iolet Patt r on, Contributin I ginia Burtner, '19; Mary Sellman, '20; The program wi con t Jo cphine Cridland, '24, will appear Editor. . Annette Brane, '17; Florence Loar, Welcome R. F. Peden ,'22 on the regular program giving a Marjorie Miller, A '19; Glady Howard, '19; Ruth Det- Re pon e V. L. Phillip ' '17 violin olo. Merrill Howe, Bu wiler arider , 'l 2 ; Hazel ozie~~t Vocal Solo D . A. Harri , '23 Mildr d Deit ch Miller, '14; Boneta Jami on, '14; Y ia "Sleigh Bell ,, D. _Shank, ,21 Mrs. Cook's $und_ay School Editor. ' I Cl G P t Ch h l' Garver, '16, and Mr · E . C. Weaver Extemporaneous peaking ass tves arty a urc '-uth Deem, ontributing Editor. are among th many formc.r Cocl-ran S · d · \ • ton iderable number of ''Quiz and H a llites who nave r eturned. With eighteen en1ors gra uating On Friday evening, May 27th, Mr . and leaving Philophronea thi year, the Cook's unday chool Clas gave a Quill " an till be had and 'any alumfr . H. . Elliott (1.1:ildred Cook), ociety i lo ing one of the large t tparty for the girls of '21, in the church nu wi hing a copy hould send name '14, and Mr . H . D. Bercaw accom- cla ~epre entations it has had for parlors. An interesting little program and addre s to Profe or C. 0 . Altpanied their hu ba nd on th e om- ome time. wa pre ented after which a delicious man, Westerville, Ohio. menc ment vacation here. - - - - -- - - lunch wa erved. fr . Cook pre entDale Phillippi ha ju t discovered Members of International ed to each enior girl a valuable little Home Economics Exhibit. that th e clock, which he ha wound 1 Relations Club Meet handbook a a rem mbrance of her Th Department of Home Econodaily all year, i an eight day clock. The member of the lnternatio11.al u nd ay School life in Otterbein. \ mic held it ~11nual exhibit at LamHe is incon olablel Relations Club recently enjoyed a very bert Hall on Monday afternoon, June Wedding Is Announced .,, f Mr. and . fr . H. J. Roop, Mr . \' . plea ant evening at the home of D r. 1., rom two until five o'clock. The and Mr . uavely. After the regular Announcement 1s made of the Department gave the largest exhibi• h G . Clippinger' father an d mot er are program wa given, the officer for marriage of Miss Beatrice Shafer, '19, tion in its histo-r y. commencement vi itor · Their home the ensuing year were elected. E . J . Exhibitions of the wor' " accomplishdaughter of harles E. Shafer, '89, "i in Highspir e, Pa. bright, will be the new pre ident; ed during the year by the classes in • •d d and wife, of Benton Harbor, MichiJ • C H. V. Miller, the vice pres1 ent, an umor ookery and Sewing Dietetics, Do the girls that are modelling P. K. oel, the ecretary. Th e Cl u b gan, to Mr. Glen E. cott, of Fair- an d F' reshman Cookery and Sewing • f moot, Indiana. their eyebrows like a doll real wa unanimou for the continuance o are ta tefully arrarrged· in the various Dr. navely a the Faculty member. The marriage occured June 1. room occupied by the Department. ize what doll • heads are filled with?