an att
VOL. 5.
No. 8.
JUBILEE PLANS IAPPEAL MADE FOR STUDENTs l STUDENTS TO CONVENE [MIAMI CONQUERS ARE UNDERWAY I Professor Graham of Oberlin, Presents IRepresentatives from Various Colleges LOCAL GRIDDERS I Cause of Needy European I To Discuss International Dis- Coach Little' s Powerful Aggregation Joint Committee of Alumni, Trustees
armament at Chicago ____ I L ast Monday morning the chapel S evcra t h un d re d d e Iegatcs. repreI.Period was given over to Prof. Gra- ·enting a majority of th e colleges and C. H. DRESHMAN IS MANAGER ham, of Oberlin Co llege, who appear- universitie of the Uni ted States, wi ll ed as a representative of the Student's meet in Chicago on :No\·ember 13th Arrangements fo r Diamond Jubilee Friendship, Fund, and who presented and 14th to endor e the action of Campaign Being Made-Celean appeal for aid to the students of President Harding in calling the Inbration Next June. Europe. Prof. Graham has just re- ternational Disarmament Conference cently returned from an e.xtended tour in \Va hington. Action will be taken The first general meeting of the of Continental Europe which cook him this week whereby arrangements will Jubilee committees was held last Fri- through those countries which were hit be made to send one or two Otterday October li;' for organization and hardest by the war and which stand bein students. promotion of plans for the Diamond most in need of aid. His address, 1t would appear that a meeting of Ju hi lee. The committee wa com- founded on fir. t-hand information. the college tudents from whom most posed of three groups, Jive appointed and based on the "Brotherhoo<l of the of the leaders of the next generation hy the alumni. five appointed by the World of Mind", set forth very vividly will be drawn, will be highly valuable. trustees and the seven members of the the crying need for our help in those hoth because a wise decision upon the executive committee. uniortunate countries and showed I limitation of armaments means much, The central committee was com- plainly that our duty to our fellow- and because it may ha\·c no small posed of the thrc:c groups oi men men. especially to onr fellow-students. rneailing to the welfare of our counhelow and till' tlm.·,· l!ishops. l!e!!.1 dcman,kd. an<l mcritPd all frat we try and all other countries as it ,ucCli ppinger. ·111<1 ',;11, II IJq;,• [, rrito") c,nt1d n••s• ·I,'. ,,,,.,.. ,·,·,_•<ls i11 1ir;ngi11>.:" ho1r,· t0 till· you:1'..( and Executive Committee Meets Here.
Students. ____
· n- -
1 cg ..
,\ larger committee to be known as the general committee includes in addition to the central com1nittee, the conkr~nce superintendents of the dis tricts with one layman to be appoi11t cd from each district. Extenckd r marks were .made by ~ re ~dent 'lippinger and Camvajgn Director, Mr. Dr shman. request will be made of the Board of Ad rnin,i trati n f t\ie ' nited Brcthrcp hurch to allow ttcrbein College to have a separate and iud pendent cam paign, which in all probably will e ctobcr, 192i. 11eanwhile an lfort (.Continued on page seven.)
Definite Plans Laid For Intra-Mural Debate. The opbo\nOrc-Freshman debate i.s under ,va)'. On la t Tuesday, i\far!on Hite and, Earl B ard, representJng the ophomore and ·wendell _ Gat1JJ? and F. 1. Pottinger, repre entmg' the Frc:shmen met ·v ith Profo sor mith for the p;irpos of arranging the.. de tail . They agreed on the follpwrng: I. A - preliminary conte t for th e ,er ction of debatcr men or women, to be held on Thur day, November 10. at 7 :00 p. m. in the Pul)lic peaking room. 2. The candidate to present an_y subject that will show the judges thetr ability .a s debater , in pechcs not over five minute in length. J. The final contest between th e classes to be field in_ December. _ 4. The quei;tiou for tb final to_ be .the same a lhat for the intercollegiate debate.
Takes Varsity Across by 21 - 0 S core. CLEAN PLAYING FEATURES Otterbein Battles Against Strong Odds -Fourth Quarter Rally Ineffective. Otterbein's football team met Miami at Oxford last Saturday. re turned at the short end of a 21-0 score, held the most powerful scoring machine that the Ohio Conference ever produced within reasonahle limits, boosted Otterbein stock by showing the most genuine' "scrap" of any team that e\'er graced a Miami gridiron. and advanced one step further towarrl O. C.', goal oi m~cting i11 ()hi,, •11 l' l'll 11, ·11·•.. <
me .lean. Three distinct features of the game Speakers will inclnde representative stand out in bold relief. Th,- game necticut, gave a ~hort. talk '.it Chapel Not ).fonday morn ing. in which ht.: advised 111<,11 in every walk of life. 111\·itations was hard fought but clean. a single penalty was caJled for any have been sent to members oi Presi everyone to keep company every day thing unsportsmanlike. Second was with ,9111eonc larger and greater than dent Harding"s cabinet, to leading the unique rally which the Otterbein them~clvr, uot only socially but al<'O b;:u1kcr . political econom ists. educa men staged in the fourth period. \Vith tor , • lawyers, ministers and many intele· ually a.nd piritually. the. team composed half of substitute . others. with ,•e ry player batte1·ed and ex Professor Smith Discusses hau ted. with fhc score 21 points - ON TO WITTENBERG Adjusted Compensation Law. agajn t them th \,\' e terville men Do you have $2.25? Sure! carried th ball (rom their own l.i 1foJ1day morning at Chapel, the tu- Arrangement have been -made yard line to Miami' · 45 where they dent body wa particularly fortunate ip haying P n;,fessor Bromley Smith whereby special car from Wester lost jt wh,cn an attempted on id give a clear and impar-tial discussion of ville tQ Columbus, and a four car l<,ic • \.vent out of bo unds . ,Peden. the propo ed dju ted C<;>mpensation pecial train from Columbus to pring t.aat . and llarnharl carried the ball an~endment to the ConstitutiQn of the field will carry 200 Otterbein rooters foe ten lo fifteen yard gains in this ot the \.Vittenberg game next Saturday plucky march. The. other i<:atur was tate. He eQJpha iz-e d the fact that the amendment was uot a bonu/l in any Tbe rat.e _secured is about half the the brilliant playi1.1g of Mia.mi' · le(t n e Q~ ~be word, bu; in tead, real reg1.1lar fare, and will permit one to halfback. \ olf, the. back.bone oi the co11'.\pen ation to the veteran of the make the trip and sec the game for Miami .offen e. He cau[~d th qall for mauy ub tantial gain . and wa \.Vorld War. for their ervice and three dollar . t;tted clearly wby he thought tbi proHere i- our hance tQ how Ohio ·well nigh invincible agai1' l t ckler in. the open field. po ed amendme~t de erved every th;i.t Otterbein is on h er way. Peden Punts Well !8" ~)Ile' upport. f We must have 200 rooters. ~One~ again Peden kicked on \·l?n (Contin ued on page two.) Dr. R. L. Swain Is Visitor. responsibilities which it is none too Or. H. L. Swain. of Bridgeporr. Con early for them to r<-alize and assume.
CITIZENS SCANDALIZED WHEN COUPLE IS GREETED LOUDLY The good citizens of \.Vesterville were candalized indeed la t 1fonday morniug when a howling mob of stu dent b9ught out the entire upply of rice and tin horns and pursued the 10 )0 bus through the main street of the towo, to the strains of '·Don't Ever iove a College :Man". Most any bright per on would know the meaning of uch a performance, e pecially when a blushi11g couple
College Contributes To The Student Friendship Fund.
descended from the bus, smiling, bowOn la t Tuesday morning fo chapel, ing arul showing their teeth in .re- Prof. Weinland, with the co-operation spon e to the good wishes and old of the Student Cow1cil, conducted a shoes of the welcoming committee. compaign for funds for our contribu "Somebody mu t be married" observed 6on to the Students' ,Friendship Fun.d. a Da-zed Bystander. Not so at all, To date, $107.75 has been.received io but the fact that they weren t di.d.n't cash with pledges in addition amount take a bit of pleasure from the occa- ing to $50, making a tptal •qf $157.75. sion. This campaign was , ll. .result of the "May th.eir joys be as deep as the I appeal made by l?rof. Graham of ocean and their sorrows as light as its r 0her1in, who previously had pok:u in foam." behalf of needy European students.
] 'age T\\'o
RECORD OF ALUMNI MADE List Is Made of Alumni Who Were at Otterbein Home • coming.
11111111111111111111111111111111 II I I I IIll 11111111111111 IIIII Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill
= ~~-----r-,----------.w---.-·----.
Come To The Variety Shop For Fleishe r's Germantown Zephyr Yarns
< >ft-11.: i.11 H on1e-co111iug s ta t i~ti cs in di ra lt' t hat Ho me• co ming thi s year \\':t• . in fac t. <J11 c o f th e gr~a tl',t such cn·nt< c ,·,· r \\'itncssc d at O tt er ht in . Thi- is dur no t onl y to th e fact that
In Wf:ite. Black and a variety of soft beautiful shades. suitable for your sweater, scarf and tam .
th i!- is Pia111011d Ju hillc r y ta r a n d nn - t1!-t1al i11 tc- r c- ~t i ~ t11 erc fo r e 1nanifes t, -
A new case contammg a wide assortment of shades and kinds. We carry PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS, none higher than 35c Come in and get your December sheet.
= = =
hut a lso to th e fa ct th at th c schoo l. _ a, a unit. did its utm os t to 111 ;,ke th e or ca,io11 a succ ,•s,. I11,·itati o11 s we re is,u ed 11 01 o nly by t he S tud ent < ·Pt11H· il. n' prese nt ing the sc hoo l at Ian!,' . hu t a lso lt y th e ,·arious ii 111111111111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111111 I III I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111 M 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I IIII l .it<·ra ry ~or ietics a ttd ot her orgatti • z ati t, 11!- . \\.l'S tC' n ·illc. 0 .: S. vV . K,· i, tcr, \ '":.s • tcn ilk. 0 . : I.. 11 a rm on . .\Va tt, co11 · Fr0m the li st, o f :di a lu 11111i wh o tc n ·ilk 0 . : Ur. and Mr s. J' . I I. 1,,1 . ( l. : ll ck 11 I,. Sandl'rs. \\ ,•~ t,·n·tlk. rqristercd duri11g H o nt e·co ming it ha s hou rn c. Dayton. 0.: Mr. attd Mrs. (l. : J . S. ti on;: ltn our . Snnl,nry , tl . : L . been ascertai ned th at there were o ne H o mer H. Klin e. Wilk insburg, l'a .: S. ll r rt. l ·an to n. 0.: C. L . 1:o x. hun dr r cl a nd t wen ty •eight alum ni pres• \\' . .\ . Klin e. vVcsten-i lk . 0 .: Mr s.\\'. Hartf,1rd Ci ty . Ind .: lll·il'tt I). Lo nn • en t o,·e r that seaso n. .\ . l,l in c. vV cs terv ill c. 0 .: l{ut h M . ,,ll or. Colt111tb n,: i\lar y Tin ~t111a11 , L· nprcrc dcttted ca re \\'a s ta ken to Kooutz. Dayt o n. 0.: Dell La frH· r. Tallm ad .~l'. 0 .: I{. M. llallc-r, Sp rin g• sr,·p re att arc urat e reg ister o f all \\·t, t - ,·m e. 0. : H . P. Lamher t. ,\11 . fi rld , 0 .: .\ . \\" . \"cally. Day to n. ll .: a l111nni wh o too k part iu th e n 1rious der, o n. lnd .: Ma c F . L oo mis, Dayton. 1r, . t ·. t ·. (;ilTPrd . Middl eto wn 0 .: JI 0111 e•co111 i11g acti ,·itic-s. All alumni 0 .: Mis s ,Uv a L yon, \ Vc stn,·ilk . 0.: F:dit h llingha m . Iro nt o n. 0 .: l.rst C' r wnc a sked to regist er upo n a r ri,·a l. Irma Martin. \Nes tcr vill r . 0.; Hel e n l l. (;o rd o n. l lttPt in gton Ind . an d agai11 a lis t o f a ll a lumui atte11d • Mosr s. We~te r ,·ill e, 0.: Mrs. \V . W . 1 i11g th e l! ome•coming- Supper wa s Mosrs. W e trr ville . 0 . : (; , I{. Mv ~,·~. MIAMI CONQUERS secu red. Usi ng bo th th e c li , ts th c l ·;rnt o n. CJ .: H . ;H. Myers . J ohn st;nH, LOCAL GRIDDERS Tau and· Card i11al ha s co m pil ed a li st Pa.: Mary Nease Keist r r. \ Ves ter • (Co ntinu c<l fr om page one.) I o f a lu11111i a11d Ex•studc nt s who were ville , 0.: Meryl ' Illack l'alm <'r. Zane , . a t O tt crbcitt durittg th e Home•cOm• vi ll e. 0.: Russ ell H. !'aim er. Zane s· tl'rms wit It a man rep ut ed a s one o f ing program . vi ll e, 0.; Arthur . P. P eden. Dayto n. tl1c n ·ry li cs t pun ters in Ohio. You can't cheer every minute at A li ce l ·. .-\hb o tt . Co lum bus . 0. : 0.: D. M. Phillippi . Dayto 11. 0 . : En·ry 01tt· of h is kicks wa s close to Mary Alkire, Westervill e. 0.: \\·. H . vVinifred. Ree d, Wes ter vill e. 0 .: C. tl·, c 40 yard mark, an<l wa s cleverly the game-During Jong periods _ Anderson. Ak ron , 0.: Tirza Barnes. L. R ichey. Nor th Jackson . 0 .: A. P . placed. ·whil e se veral short kicks re• you sit quietly and let the chilly \\' es ten ·ill e. 0. : D . W . Bartlebaugh . Rosselot, Westervill e, 0 .; Es th er d 11ced \V olf's average. Autumn air get a few good bites Th<· fat·t t ha t O tt l' rh ein had a di , . Spring fie ld . 0 . : Charle s R. Ben nett . You11g Ro sse lo t. \ Vcstrrvi lk . 0.: at you-Unless you've brought tinct cdgt• t>n Mia mi in rcnn·er in g \\.es tervill e, 0 . : I ncz Bower. \ Vester• Prof. a nd Mrs. E . W. E . Sch ear. \\ 'cs• along a light, thick, warm, vii Ir. 0 .: Mrs. E. L . Boyl es. Bowling tcr vi llc. 0.: II. E . S hu ey. Co h11tth11 s. f111nble s s ho ws the kind of a gan1<· th e woolly, snappy sheep.lined coat, Gr rc n. 0 .: Annette Ilran c. Dayt on, 0 .: R. W. S mith . Wester vill e. 0.; Tin and l ·a rdinal lin e put up. 0 .: E. U. Brobs t, Find la y , 0.: Mrs. Mrs. R. W . Smith, Wcsten-ill e. 0.: High Spots. belted back. Like one of these! T . B. Brown . Jr. Burgrtt stown, Pa.; Ida Marie S nelling. Millerport, 0.; F. Th e ga me start ed with Miami kick • It will only cost you from Mi ss Faye Byers. A rcanum. 0 .; V. S tearns, Toronto. 0.: Geo rge L. ing to And er so n. wh o was p ro m p tl y $12.50 to $14.50. Benj. Carlson. Cleveland. 0.: \ V. G. S toug hton. \ Veste r vi ll e O .; Mrs. clowned . Failure to gain thro ugh the Cors on. Akron. 0 . : Homer D. las· Geo rge L. Stoughto n. vVesterville, Miami line fo rced Prdcn to pnnt. se l. P a yt o n. 0 .: Mary hamhrrlain . 0.: R. B. T hrus h, Toledo, 0.; Ali ce Mia mi took th e hall. and hy vir tu ,' o f \\·c~ tcnilk. O.; Lois Clark. Williard , ¥ 1axbom. Westervill e. 0 .: L . A. a cle,·er mix ed attack sco r ed in nin e Westerville, Ohio 0 .: 1\1 r s. E . E . Coo per. Can ton , 0 .: ¥ ." ei 1) ',111d , Wester vi ll e, O.; Mr s. I . A. minut es. Peden was kno ckt·d un• More Goods for same money Van ce E . Crib bs . Middleto wn , 0.: W ei nland, Westerville. 0 .: Edgar L. cc nsc io us la te in th e firs t p eri o d, but Sam e Goods for less money E,·elyn Da rlin g, Sco ttdal e. Pa .: Ruth Wein lan d, Columbus, 0.: Grace L. sl:owi ng h is chara cteristic g rit . went Deem . Reily, 0.: Mildred Deit sc h. Weinland. Colum bus. O . ; Goerge W. h,ck and playc<: th e hard er. 11 e in• Lima, 0 .; Dai sy Ditmer, W es terville, White. opley , O .; Virgil Wi ll et. Co• terccp ted the lir~t pa s Miami tri r d. Ohio. ; Merlin A. Ditmer. \Ve s ter· umbu s, O.; Mrs. Robert W il so n, \l'./es• Miami opened the seco nd quart er pu11t s whi ch put 0 . C. on their ow n \'ilk. 0 .: Ruth Drury. Dayton. 0 .: E . terville, 0 .; Mrs. Park Wineland, with an alll'm pt ed pa ssin g ga me. hu t lift ec n ya rd lin e fr o m wh ence they P . Durran t. \V es tervi ll e, 0 .: Mrs. Middletown, O .; Park E . Wineland, los t hea rt after two passes were broken ad\'an ced on s neak s and o ff ta ckl e Al etha Easby. \Vc stenille. 0.: H . W . Middletown. 0. : Sarah J. Winter, up. Aft cr an e:,.chang e of punts th ey plays to Miami•s .\j yard line. E lli ott , Wc sten-ill r. O .; :Mildred M. We stervill e, 0. ; . G. Wisc, Akron , finally work<'<i a pass for a li\'C yanl Miami l{ai1t1•,l th ,· 1,:.11 , and llRain Elliott. Westcn·ill r. O.; C. N . Eme • 0.: S. W. 8 . Wood, Wheeling W. g, in . after which l'crr y wcttt aro und tri ed a pas ~ini;: i;:a111c whi ch once ri <"k . Ge rmant own. 0 . ; E thel Euhanks, Va .; E . C. Worman, Madras India ; ri~ht t' 11<l for Miami's seco nd to ndt· more resulted in failure . They punted Mt. S terling. O.; Mrs. Paul S. Fish• F . J . Vance, Westerville O .; Ruth down . Late in the quarter injuries to O tt erbrin, who failed to gain . and h au g h. Columbus , 0. ; Josephine Margtret Perfect, Sunbury, 0 .; C. H . forced A nd erson and Franklin out o f thr whi s tl e b lew with the ball in Foor, Ohio City, O .; Mamie Groves Weaver, Fairmol)t, W. Va.; H . F . the game. A ngle, Miami's left ta ckle , O tt erbcin·s possession on their own Gant z. Westerville, 0 .; Margaret Moore, Upper Sandusky, O.; Lenore also went out with a bad sprain . 20 yard lin e. Ga\·er. Mansfield, 0.; Alice George . Rayot, Mansfield, O.; Carl Smith, Miami received the kick•oJI at th e Okeana, 0 .: Miram George, Bucy rus , Canal Fulton, 0 .; Gladys Yokum , btginning o f th e second half an d Lineup. Otterbein. 0 .; Jand Gilbert, Dayton, 0 .; Opal Wellston, 0 .; Ruth Cogan, Canton, sbrted a drive. Noel replac ed "F.x ," Miami. Work. I. e........... ....................Stoltz, I. e. M . Gilbert, Germantown, 0.; · A . L. O . ; E. N . Miller, Columbus, O .; E . who was injured. A well executed Glunt , Anderson, Ind.; G. G. Grabill, D. Brown, Bur.,,ettstown, Pa. ; M. A. forward pass, Wolf to House, sco re d Augle, I. t......... ......................Lehman, I. t. Wester ville, O . ; Alma Guitner, \Ves Demorest, W es terville, O . ; Edna )Miami's third touch,down. Pc den ~s S hafer, I. g ............................. Collier, I. g. Hawk, e................................. Franklin, c. terville. O .; Mrs. J. E. Guitner, Wes• Hooper, Bradford, Pa. i Walter 1>u nting and '\,Volf's running feature c terville, O . ; Esther Harley, Glendale. Schutz Pandora , O .; T . H . Kohr, the remainder of the quarter. 0 . C. Predmore, r . g................. Howard , r. g. O .; Mrs. R. J. Harmelink, Canton, Worthington, 0.; Spenser Shank , opened up its drive in the la st few Wire, r. t...............·-·······........ Howe, r. t. As h, r. e...............................Shreck, r. e. 0.: Mrs. J . H. Harris, Westerville, Xenia, O.; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lay• minutes. the Hopkins q. b.....................Sprout, q. b. O. ; Ruth Hooper, Bradford, Pa .; J. to n, New Concord, O.; Betty Mc Otterbein made first . down on R. Howe, Dayton, O . ; Bonita Jami Cabe, Greenville, O.; T. V. Bancroft, first play of the final period, but Fox, I. h................- .._...Anderson, I. h. (Continued on page three.) son, Lima, 0.; Mrs . J. W . Jones, W cstervi~\e, 0.; Lucile Warson, Wes- fa ilures to gain forced an exchange of
= =
ULRY & SPOHN, Westerville, 0.
Norris & Elliott
= =
Page Three
MuCH s y STEM AND p ATI EN CE Il_!,llllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DISCOVEREO IN THE LIBRARY :g Candy Magazines ~ ·· .· 1,<' i, , tu t'frrl " ·ith crcluiti c111 as you'd j ''Tho se reel le tt ers mere ly iu di ciatc _ = , tu ff a lea th er cushi o n the ge nera l subjec t." ShC' was a nAnd her \\'i sdo m is her spcl· ialty- it's ! S\VC'riug th C' qu es ti o n o f a stud ent wh o = ~
Blendon Hotel and Restaurant
m:i rk C' tini;? hC'r mission ." had heC'n looki ng throug h th e files of " I c-a n·t finrl th e mea ning of ecy- thC' c-onspi c11ous cahinC't to the le-ft o f _ th <' desk. : thaC'nanan ." _" Th<' card s ":C' li stC'd alphahC'ti call y § " \\'h n ,ns th t' ;wthnr nf " L ' rnt cC' L'n ntre La '.\atin n :" \\·1th th e author s namC' a s \\'ell as thC' I= = 'Tn· hunt ed CYcry\\' hcr e for the An - litl e." "The call number fo r thi s hoo k is l§ na ls. \\'h ere- '' § This , h oms nf iII tc rrog-a tions g-rcC' t- SS 1. 4· ~ h.1. cal I number is indi- iiilll I Ill llll llll Ill IIll lllllli llllllllll lllllllllllllllllll!IIII IIIII Ill llll llllllll Ill Ill I llllllllllllii <'rl thC' Co ll ege Lihnrian a s she cat<'d 111 th e nght ha n cl upper co rner." "O h. that' s a Philomathran hoo k. step ped 11 P to her_ desk the 0 th er Ynu sec we havC' the society lih a . _!1111111111\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mornini;?. ~he had Just returned from r nes _ = a t \\'O -ho ur sear ch for a di sc us sion 0 f hC' rC' as \\'C'II as th e co llege library. A i = trnt c-atcrpillars . ! l'hiloma th ca n must sign fo r you bc- 1§ ~ "You ca n't find rrythra<'nanan 1n fo re you ca n take the hoo k 0111." § _ the dictionary? Try the-" " Yes . he' ll he glad to do it for you." Best Service and Quality. "The Annals? Perhaps you want "These arc the hooks you want? I Th e Annals o f the American Academy lllU S t go down st airs for th csc NaNionday's Laundry Returns Wednesday. of Politi ca l and Social Science. You'll ti ons: we don't bind the Nation." /incl the111 in the west room down " It is a plea~ure to hunt up books \Vednesclay's Laundry Returns Friday. i-tairs." and 111agazines for people who find out We Call and Del1"ver. "Oh. hl'rc it is." intl'rruptcd the girl juS t what th cy want before co ming to who had caused the lengthy search on th c desk." _ caterpillars. "Now. I'll show Marie "No. I do not recall the author of BOB DEW, Agent Headquarters B. W. Wells' Tailor Shop that the tent caterpillar doesn't belong th at verse. If you look in the Index : Photic Citizen 360 Corner State and Main Sts. fam,·ty." to Poe try and Recitations-It's on the 111111111111111 II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I HI 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I ii n to the Papilio Astcr,·•s "You \\'ould hardly judge it," said sam~ sh e_lf '~'.th the ind_iccs to sho rt the librarian, with a knowing smile. s_tones, tam1'1ar quotations; general "But there is a place and a method htcratnre, short stories and others in MIAMI CONQUERS th e weS t roo , ·" for everything here." LOCA:. GRIDDERS "Reader's Guide? Right here, my "Yes, I like to 1-.elp a student who (Ccntinued from pag.e !wo.) dear." She motioned in the general hl'lps himself-" direction of three thick volumes, "Immigration? We have several Perry, r. h.. ......... ................G1:o rgc, r. h. which lay on the east side of the desk. books on the subject. and hundreds of Wolf, f. b ............................ P eden , f. h. "If you r rcfrence comes between the magazine references." And away she Score by periods : year , o f 1,1n5 and fti1~ it will he gkril' w!'nt to help a lazy looking individual Miami ..._..- ......... .- ....... 7 7 i 0-21 in one o f th<' sc hooks, one heading for find j ust what he wanted to know Otterht'i11 ................... O O O 0- 0 for Shnck, Albright for Anderson, a period of fiv e years . Guides con- ab o ut immigration. faining rcfrcnces before or since that "Oh, where's that librarian? This is Substitutions : Otterbein-Bradrick period will be found 011 the shelf in the second time I've been in here to Troop for Howard, Howard for the north -west corner of the west find out about a reference that Dr. Franklin , Menke for Lehman , Noel roo m." Snavely asked me to look up. Only for Alhright, Ilarnhart for Noel. REXALL STORE Staats fo; George. Miami-House for "The Re;idcr's Guide is a time saver ten minutes until class time too." for the person who knows how to use "Yes, and T have some f~ol things to f-ox, Sonidahl for Ash, Simons for it. Every reputabl e article written in look up for th cory. How docs Prof. Angle. Ash for Sombarl. Tou chd owns thc past twenty-seven years is listed, Martin expect me to know where the - Wolf, Perr y, House. Goa ls from touchdom1s- \V o lf, :1. Referee-Eas with the periodical, volume and page Nov ember 191 6 Outing is at?" ton , Uni versity of Ci ncinnati. U mpire in which it appeared." "Oh. here she is I" Head "Yes. those books in the cast room "And the line keeps or. forever down -Abrell, Purdue U ni vers ity. lincsmanKrcuck. Indianapolis Train are reference books. Every phase of the avenues of timehuman knowledge from religion to So they travel on forever, stretching ing School. Time of'periods-15, 121/,, 15, 12 ½ 11inutes. scie nce is covered by them." far beyond our ken "In the wcst room? The bound Lifting demijohns of wisdom to the International Relations Club. pcriodica ls most frcquently used are thirsty lips of m!'n ." Next lll o nday cvl'n ing in the Fan1l th ere." - H . V. Miller. '23. ty room . th e Interna ti onal Helatio ns 25 0 . C. students and faculty members use the Corona. Clu b wi ll mc<'l at 6 P . M. The Dis "Quiz and Quill" and "Chaucer Euy TcrmN. membership of twelv e, every one of armamcnt Cn nfl'r r nr<' .viii he <li~russ RAY M . JOHNSON Club", Both Hard at Work. which is enthusiastic in the interest of cd . Bell Phone 82-R the organization, and all arc looking Otterbcin's English Clubs. The Quiz fo rward to a pleasant. profitable year. and Quill Club and The Chancer Club, The Chaucer Club, formerly known Emperor Grapes, Grime's Golden, arc both organized and at work again as the Canterbury Pilgrim s held its Fin e Peanut Brittle, this year in a way which promises Jonathan and Wagner Apples. much interest and enthusiasm in the first meeting Oct. 19th with. the follow ing officers in charge: President, La New California Walnuts, many other at --··--······-···-·····-· ·· 25c English department. The older of the c clubs, The Quiz Vaughn Leatherman ; vice-president, L. good things to cat. Good Chocolate and Quill, had its first meeting Oct. E . Pearl; and secretary-treasurer, Miss ' Ida Kittle. This organization stresses MOSES & STOCK, Groceries 24. J. G. Howard is president of the Creams , at ... ... .. 40c club this year; M. L. Howe, vice the lives and works of various authors both early and modern, but docs no; president; and Miss Edna Dellinger, Better at ······- ···--· ······ · 50c GOD BLESS OTTERBEIN! secretary-treasurer. The work of the attempt original writing. These two clubs offer places for club is a detailed study of English literature and authors, much attention every one interested in a study of Eng For her splendid history and her being given to criticism of modern lish literature and much is expected glorious future. The study of the college tradi writers and much constructive original from their work this year. tions and customs is re(]uircd of all work is done by the members of the On to Wittenberg I Freshmen at Be loit Co llege, \\ is. organization. The club is limited to a GLEN-LEE COAL COMPANY
= =
The Cap1·taI c·tI y-Troy Laundry c·o.
Develop and Print
At Dr. Keefer's
o f th e stree t
r esor t
rocks it is h ig-h t ime th ey Iathrowing s k the111 se lYes the q u es ti o ns " . m I
l'at - ''Cood hea ve n s! .'\ncl my poo r that a la\\' again ~! th.-111 \\' ith a . till br o th f'r \\'a s six fre t tall ." pmalt y a tt arhed is a1110111! th ~ < lhi o The exc u se " th0ughtle ss s ta tut('S. WE'VE BEEN THINKIN' lll'ss" will <"OVt' r th efts of fl ag po le That more than a few notables have rope s a ncl elec tri c li id1t bu lbs ju. t as \\'l' II as that o f new spapn arti r lrs . been haunting our campus lately. I f " clipping" \\'Crt' th l' o nl y rt· That if the earth is an animal will so u r. ,. for a person \\'hll is an xio u • it act any differently since we know it? to g-e t a r c rt ain art ir le o r pi c tun· it That be she o ne or be she not , she's might lind sn nH· ,•xr\1s,·. Hut it is no t. Th e ru ll !'!!l' lihrarian s ar,· glad to always had parasites. 11ro 1·ide any pl' rso n \\'ith a ny n ew s That as a pcrfu;;ne we prefer "Three paper ft-a t un· \\'hid1 h o ld s a pa rti nt la r Flowers" to shoe po!;sh. ' int e rest fllr him after th t' 111a ss of That mid-semester has a fore-boding rea, lt-r s h a,·(' had ah e opportuni ty llf sound these days. sc,,ing th e paper . Th r y \\' ill lw, w r a That M . S. T . takes the joy all out of r<'< 1u es t fo r •· a cer tain a rti c le o r pi r • tt•r c .. \\'hl' II prnp rr no t ire is gi,·,·11 at life.
Publi shed \ ee kly in th e interest of \\'ell hred ?''- ",\111 l cou rteou s?" - G.H.H. Otterbei n by th e OTTE RBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD The Alumni. Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press I Hoff. -co ming h a s come and go ne, , Association and it wa s una11 a 11am o u s ly pr ono un ce d a sple ndid succc · s. The STAFF S tudent Cott 1cil , whi ch a ssum ed the Editor ..... ... ...... J. Gordon Howard, '22 respo n si bi ity of making preliminary A ss istant Editor ........ J. W . Seneff, '23 arra n g em en ts functi o ned beyond ex Contributing Edito r sGrace H . Hill, '23 pe ctation s. A ll th e various com Horace W. Troop , '23 mittees. which h a d ch arge o f par t i Business Manager .... J. P. Schutz, '23 c ular pha ses o f the Home-comrng pro AHistant Business Ma nagersT . E . Newell, '23 g ram, perfo rm ed th ei r duti es rnul t Clifford Foor, '24 lessly. Cir. Manager ...... Harriet L. Hays, '22 Howc ,·cr, in spite of th r faithful Ass istant Circ ulation Managers 111a1111e r in w hi c h th e st udrnt s full ill CALENDAR Lucile E wry, '23 Katherine Po ll oc k , '24 cd their part. th e re is on e ;is p ec t of Athl eti c Edi tor ........ A. W . Elliott, '23 thi s Homc-co mi11g whi c h impressed Tuesday, November 8A ssis tant Athletic Editorc ,·e ryone, aud that is th e vi ta l and (1: 15 p. 111. -Y. \ . C. H. V. Mill er , '23 8: 15 p . 111.- Fir s t numb er in the CitiLocal E ditor ............ M . M. Collins, '23 pos tiv c interes t d em o n s tra t ed 0 11 the zcn· s l. t' Cture Co ur se in Co ll ege Almnnal Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 part of the alumni. E :xc hange Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 C hap el. A n y Home- co min g. no matter how Cochran Hall Editorca refully planned. w o uld pro ·c ahso- Wednesday, November 9Alice Davison, '23 8 :00 p. n1.- F.11 trrt ai 11mc nl by Huth Lit rary Ed it o r ............ H. R. Mills, '24 lut c failure if t he o ld '' grad •· lailccl to re po ne!. O tt erhein ha . always Gibson in chap el. 8 :00 p. 111. - Recital at Lamb ert Hall. Address all communications to The been proud o f h er loya l group o f Otte rbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. a lumni b ut this year during the e n- Thursday, November 10Coll ege Ave., Westerville, Ohio. ti re round of .H.orn c-com in g fc ti,·i6: 15 p. 111 . - leio rh etea. Subscrip ti o n Price, $2.00 Per Year, ti cs. th e r eturn ed graduatcs ser 111 ccl to 6: J 0 p. 111. -l'hil a le th ea. payable in advance. fairl y ou tdo them se h ·es in h o w inl!' Friday, November 11Entered a s second class matter th eir m ,failing interest in th eir A lma 6: 15 p. m . -l'hil ophront'.t. S pt emb er 25, 1917, at the postoffice Mater. (, :JO p. m . - l'hil o m a thea . at \-Ves t er ville. 0 ., under act of . l f tl ,, ,e :~ a sin g le g roup o f ( tt e r- j Sa turday, Nov em er 121arch 3, 18 79 hein adh en ·nts that <lesern'. . spe(· ial J F oot hall . \\'it te.11.J rg a l .°pringlicld. · f I r ti '.e Mon d ay, N ovem b t r 14A ccep tance for mailing at specia l ratc o f postage provided for in Sec. me n tion o r ,t. roya s uppo r t o . . J I03. A c t of Oct. 3, 19 17, authorized co ll ege in al: its a ti vi ti e , that •r up ts 6 :00 p . 111. - 1:> crn •tt nal lfr la t1 0 11 s Ap ril - . 1919. the alu111ni. ·111h. tnd 111 owe thl· al11llt11i a ~rr at Friday, November 18d eb t whi ch th ey will ncYer he ab le to T hank. gi,·ing 11as querad e a t Gym. EDITORIAL rep a y in do llar an d cen t s. h ut t hey can in a m ea s ure m eet thi ob li g ati o n o man ca n be trul y ed u cated or hy ac tin g o that thr fai lh th e o ld Editor Tan and Cardinal :It Sl' l'l11 S lll'l't'SSa ry fo r cer ta in per. uc,e . fttl in life un lc h e is a r ea d er "grads'' ha,·e in th r sc ho I m :iy h e j u lili ed. so ns ah ou t ( tl l'rbl' in to ha,·e th eir <• f b o k s.- Benjamio Franklin. atte 11t io11 ca ll d to a h abi t, th e con The Organ Prelude. ti11 ua11 cl' o f whi ·h rob a bout five A Word to All of Us. P resident li ppi n g r . last Thur. day hundr<'< I proplc o l th eir oi, 1 o rtunity I n " Th e American Ma gazi n ·· f r m orni n g, e mpha, ized again th r mi s to a,·ail th emsr h T of . me . plcndid O ,·t~ hC'r t !12 t . th re appe ared an take o f applaudin g rrofr~ . o r ra hi ll's li hrary l'OII' l' t1i e1n·e~ \\'hi c h a h111111i a rt ick · l,y Dr. Fra nk ran e ent it lrd dai ly c hap I p r elu de. and l' X-, tmknt s haH' pr vicled fo r ". \re Y o u \\·ell Bred. ' Twenty- t w a1>prcciate, o f cour e, th e sc h ool. W all tc. t ~ er e •iven by which on might Pro fesso r Grabill 's mu s ic. and it i. Th e hahit in q uc ti o n. whi ch i~ an . WC' r thi questio n. the third o f n o f th e thing. to whi c h w ' loo k c reC' n cd hy th a t u11 ca1111y g ui e whi , h was "A r You Court o u ?'' f r wa rd ev ry day, but ncv crth less, it •·11t ouJ1; ht lessn,·. s.'' is th at o l c lippin g •\ f w days ago we had a gu e t on is hard ly more appropria te to artic le. ;ind picture fr Ill curre nt c>ur ca mpu s. a lo n g hair ed indi,·idual applaud that prelude than to clap i, s u es o f 11 c\\' . paper. and p ri diral. . wllC'I. t m . t o f u wa s so m ething of ha ,{d s ;, a rcgu la r <"llllrt'h o mmt La s t M ncla ,·. fo r cx:rntp lr. :l ·111,·c c uri . ity. o me peopl •• lahonng her. T hi . s hou ld he rca . 0 11 en o ugh to la11d l'lain l)l::ilt-r in whit'lt a1>p can•d 1•11dcr th ilht , i n th at ma king- po rt s t op thi cu . tom. th pict un•~ o f ~ me ciJ1; ht nr 11i111• of an o th r. i. a t ip- top ch an n· tn ex Hut . ro <' ~So r Grahill hi111 sr lf t, a ~ (Jt1,•rlwi11 fo11t),all 11 11·11 was pla ,·,·tl 011 h ihit n11e· 1w11 wit and c le,·rrnl· ::. cx1ir<·s. c,1 a c ir e that a ll appl:iu ~e th .- 11 ,·\\' ~pap C'r ··:li: k ,,! th e l'hil n trc•at ·, I thi • 111a11 in a way th at s h ul cl cc.a l'. and this ut o f ro urll' s y. i ~ a ltlath,·a11 l. ihr:\ ry . l\ l any s tml n t~ make coll eg tud e nt s blu s h. requ t w cann ot ig n o r . e th e pi c ture . were an x io u. 1 En·ryh ,Jy ahou the . ch oo l w uld I rhap h e was s lightly deranged. Our ''Weakly" Proverb. h:1,·c h ad an oppor tunity o f u \\ a that any excuse fo r co ll eg-c s tu Th s pe p l wh o train on ly th ei r th em . l>nt n ' thi e f ' placed h i pcrden ts makin . port of him ? feet m a k e good ki k r s. but that's ~nn al d ire h il.!h c r than th e r r •ht s T'cr h ap h e wa s a dead -I cat. At ut all. fi " hunclr d o th e r pc pl and in less lca~ t h e wa no t for cin any f u s to ab than eig ht h o ur af t r th e pap r \\'a~ patronize him. H e wa courteous. H e The Poet Laureate Speaks. put in pla c th pic tur e h ad b en was a good s port. R e took the im Mary had a little lamb, "clip p ed.'' p rtin ent qu tion fir d at him ,It eyes were kinda e r ss d writ r r ha : l d i!Ter nl som f th . e ques ti II an in ul t t And every where that Mary went c lip t p t h in t ll ig 11cc of a dog-in a way T h e lamb got kinda los t. e ol urr that hould ha ve put th e que li o n r . maga z in s and II w. 1 a pc.r . From thi . to s ham and th ey s h o wed th e m elves The Week's Worst Joke. ,·a s tly infcri r t th e man th y P at- What's your cha rge for a fun time on di cretion will be abandoned .in expl o ri11 • uc h act wbkh , by th e att em pti n g t o ridi eul . When c li e e eral noti ce in yo r pap r?" , ay. arr n ide red o gr at an edl s t 1den t s put th m se h ·es o n t h leve l Edi tor- "Five dollars an inch."
II. V. 1'1ill...-. l.ihrari a 11 l>f th,· l'hil,,111ath,•a 11 Lihr a ry .
G. H. Mayh~gh, M. D. East College Avenue PHONES Citizen 26
W. M. Gantz, D. D. S. DENTIST 15 West College Ave. Bell Phone 9
Bell 84-R
C itizen Phone 167
For all that is good to cat see
WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio
C W S •
toug ton,
M D .
31 W. College A vc. WESTERVILLE, OHIO
Bell Phone 190
Citizen Phone 110
B.W.WELLS Tailor Dry Cleaning, Pressing
machinery to do the work.
W c also
guarantee the work can not be beat.
We appreciate your work and a trial will convince you .
I Shoe
Shine for Ladies and
All Kinds of Shoe Laces. DAN CROCE
Priest-Reed ········ Bishop ............ ---~-Matto o n .. ..... ....... oo k- J-1 o ldren .... Be r ry .... .... ............
Page Five 2
J 4 4
I 0
2 2 2
3 4
SIDE-LINE CHATTER .500 .333 .333 S tuden ts attending th e g am e w ere .250 Po ttin ger, l\fr lkn ~. Kash, Miller. I{ . .000 E. Morr ison. John S hank .
Tuesday, November 8.
3:00-Ili~hop vs . ook -Hold r rn . 4 :0 Herry ,-~. Town.
(Edited by A. W . E l io t )
Saturday, November 12
2 1-0.
< 1, rl in handled \\' oo t er . win n ing by a co re o f 14 -li. It seems nn like ly th at t he Co ngregati o na list ~ wi ll be st 0pp<' <I th i season. ))am · F o r t une c ntinul'S to · mi·1c 111'('11 KC'nyt111. The Ga111hier men h e ld \\'iu e nberg to a s coreless ti c. Kc ny 11 ha s wo n o ne co nference game and tied three. Her game with Mus kingcm al~o cnrici:I with a 7-7 tic. Dur ing th ~t' a o n Keny o n ha . • co rr d a to tal o f 17 point to H for he r OP l'<'ll Ill. .
Close Scores the Rule.
8:.lO- To w11 ,·s. cRili. 9 :30-l\ l al too n vs. Cook-Hold ren. 10:JO-Be rr y vs . P r ies t -Reed.
\ Ve take great pleasure in reprin t Saturday's Games Characterized By ing a n editoria l fr o m th e spor t pagr Close Scores-Kenyon Plays of th e Co lumbus Di spa t ch. Recogn i Fourth Tie. t io n comi ng from th is so ur ce is cheer ·1 hrt·e ga m t's in spt'cial co mm anded th e at tention o f O hi o foo tb all fan s during the pas t wee k. T hey w ere the M iami-Otterhein. Oberlin - \ \'oos t er. and Keny on-vVittenherg g am es. As n nc o i th<' co nfer e nce leaders Wt' r c dt'feat C' d ~li ami. Obe rlin . a nd Kenyon ar ti ed for top run g with 1.000. Desp it e th fact that th ei r S tar a nd ' ap ta in. '· Tommy" Mu n ns. wa s 0111 of the gam e. l\I iami trimmed Otterbein
Thursday, November 10
.l :00- Bi~ho p v~. Priest- Recd . 4 :00-l\latt o n vs. McRi ll.
ing to say the least. 'W e ha ve though:, ha ve arg ued and h ave writt en practi ca ll y t h <' sa m e elope hut hope that coming from an obser n · r n o t co nn ec t ed wi th th e chool it will ha ,·e ~ m o re per tin ent meanin!! to th ose wit '.> are ,·itally int e rested in th e a th lr tic intere ts of the school. "Otterbein play d a very credi table t ie game agai n st th hca,·icr l,cnyo11 t'lc ,·en la st Satu rd ay and seems to he maki ng progress fo r oac h Di tm cr. Otterb ein ha s a very tou g h a ss ig u m en t to ge t to going in th e Ohio con f c r cncc. Tt ' ~ fr hman sys tem is b ei ng bni lt np an h elte r mat e rial is co min ~ t:> th e \ Ve .. crvil lc sc hoo l now that the ins tituti on is rcpr c cn t ed in a t·o1• fe re ncc of ;mpo r tan cr. l t t akes time to bu il d up a winning team and Oil me r is working v a liantl y to get rt ~1111 ~ a s q ui ck ly a s pos ihlc. OIIC' I· bei n alumni ncc <l to he patient aml t h ey arc show ing thi qualiay. I o. Z up p k e co uldn ' t do mu c h be tt er on ga 111111g r o un d each year and 1t 1s11 t t oo much to hope that in a season o r t wo more o f th e D itm e r r egime ttC'rhC'in w ill be back o n th e foot ba ll m ap with good tea m s s u ch as made th e \ Ves t er vi ll ians 'feared cnrywhere in Ohio a d cadc ago.'·
\ lo• t· •ro re pred mina t ed in o th l'r ( hi o gam • al. o. T h e sea o n has r ea c hed th e s tag e w here all sc hool ar m ti11p; their strongest riv a ls, th u th kt'l'nc t o[ compe titi on. ni~on ·~ 7-0 win o,· r \ Ve lc \'an furn i. he. th e l3ap list with a 1tu 1e DARN BILL! che r aft r a run of di . aste r . . 11 th e 0 th er hand th e highly touted Dc- J la war , utlit go e deepe r into th e m ire T he o th er day ,f d espo nd ncy. I n c lass 1 Dr. and er _ was s ayin g Jdi •rs Mt. nion fai led to gra p an T ha t Jergym 11 and oppo r tun ity to win a co nfer nee gam Appea l most tr o ng ly wh n the Case "Scientists" came To ,·.-omen. thr ugh with a 1'.l-7 w in O\'e r th e Bi ll ~I 11111 • omct hin g !;eem s t o be radi- Happ ned t be awake ally wr ng at i\lliance a a. cy' e r w And • ratrs 1, e tt r foo tl,a ll th an it ha s <li · Lca n ecl o e r t,, m e plan· <I. And said :
WITTENB E RG NEXT vVhcn th e Otterbein tea m goes to S 1>ri11 gfiel<l to m eet Witte n berg next Sa turda y th ey w ill have a cha nce to even things np in th e Co nference stand ing. As th e • pringfieldc r a n d O tterb ein bo th played ti e ga mes wi th K enyo n thi ng s tand eve n o n paper. \ Vittenh ·rg·~ come back has been ver y in ter<'. t in J!. After loos ing to th e un dcfra ted be rl in and Miami t eams by 14-0 scores, God fr ey's me n came
Mia mi played the r o le of ho s t in sp lendid fashion. \ Ve ha,·e it fr o m th e Miami ce nt e r t hat Frank lin is t he hcs t n1:rn he ha hi t thi sea so n. S taat~ and Ba rnh a r d had an op portunity o f s how in g th ei r war<' . a t half. T hey did we ll. Miami fee ls th at in th e co ur se o f a nother yea r O tterbei n will have a team to he fear ed anywh e re. O tt r rhcin faced at least fi ,·c 111 11 wh o haY e hccn frcqu ntly m e ntioned a ,\ ll -Ohio possibili ai es. Miami gi rls arr no t a ll o wt' d to c he er. J\fn c h squea ling was heard. howc,·cr.
.'s forward pass defcn , e i. com ing ri g ht al o ng. Miami tc t ed it to the limit. O tterbein ta ckled clean a nd hard.
through with two co nf erence win s be,\ good sizrd group of loya l alumni fore Kcn ~·on s lo pped th eir scoring attended the ga mr , and gaYe a st1rr111g · · ma c h ine. " Y ca tterbein." a t th e begi nni n g . ?' he ardina l a_nd Cream wil~ have whi ch )\'a~ app lauded by th e Mia mi a 111'.c n~u c h hea vier than 0. . s. but st and ~. /\IIIOIII! th em w ere Hi . hop 1\ . ~o d id Krnyon . j T ll owar cl l\ I r. and Mr s. !'ark \\ inT h r on ly t ea m _c.xccp tin g _I en yo n, la.nd. l\1 r . Ge rg-e Sechri~t. J rn n . e tl erbc1 n_ an_cl \ V1t~c n b r g diri. t. Cha rle s Fox. l'an l Fou t <, that bo th h ave pla_yed 1s l\f1 am1. \ , htl e th e l'c r r y I{ gc rs . \\ ayn c 1 ea lly. Spr n n ·r scores dtfTcr to tJ1 e ex tent o f one SI k \ - ·11 I 11 d O Siddall 1 1011 hd ow n no reliab le compa ri so n can - tan·, anc c rt )S . . . n · I{ . K. Ho ll inger. be drawn. Otkrh<' i11 :Hlil"' lc:< lt, \.. fvr •ant t , Godfrey is a hard 111 a n to t rick. Su is Ditmcr. The th in g I ok lik e a more <lat e~ w ith i\ l iami. \\ in 0r I • (' xfo rd mm arc real port~ an rl 50-50 prop o ition, and a s pl endid t h r 1wcrle ~ h ts . gam . hou ld re ult. !!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!1
= -
= =
Don't be misled by second-class Photo-
graphers, the)
ge just as much as a real one
. \11 th r gam whi ch attra cted "Would that were an army c hap lain" mu c h int r e t wa the O hi o U ni Hrsi Darn Bill i ty- in c inn a ti con ic t. · The Bear fail d to ki c k g al fo llowing t ouc h Inter-Club Soccer League. down and lo. t 6-7. The r esu lts of th e Boarding C lub ()hio .'\ rth ern mana ged to w111 Soccer L eague g am es, f t h e las t wee<, secon d co nforcn e game wh e n Bo l a r e a s follows : . quad 1ie:-tt \\. te rn Resen·e ' 6-0. Tow n, 3 ; Priest- R eed , L Cook-Holdre n, I ; Berr y, 0 (forfeit}. Akron handed Muskingum whippin g. while th Hiram quad wa Priest -Reed, 3 ; Mattoon 0. McRill, 3; Bis hop, 0. idl b cau e of a cancellation of th e Tow n I ; Cook- Ho ldre n O (fo rfeit) . Gcne,·a g am ('. s t he C hri tian team is badly c rippl ed it will finish its aTeam Standings . . o n 1111d r an eno rm o u handi cap. Team l'. W . L . Pct. § To wn ........ ............ 4 4 0 1.000 ave m o ney on felt goods by buy in g M c Rill .............. .... J 3 O 1.000 fr om J oh nso n.-Ad v. On to Wittenberg! iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllltt
Bakers Old Reliable A rt Gallery
Student Representative
Page Six '
µ- 1I
they were so cl isa :IIII IIIIIIIIII IIII Ill IIIll lllll llll IIIll IIII I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I111111111111111 !! poi 11 tccl i11 the prog ram. .\ ('1·ordi 11 g : Mrs. :S:oh lc. " high idea ls in =--=.. · fa~ hio ns can be 111a intai11e<I hy n a t· : i11g publi c opinion, agai ns t facl~ and : cxtravagc 1, ces in dress. ·rhr Style how program crt'a tcd on ly cxtraYa· (')( • an t not i 11 s in <Ires ~ an d ceed i11 g ly disap poi nt i11 g.''
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Ma ny " Mrs. Rumages'' a ttend ed th e wondrous a uc ti on sale in Cochran Ha ll , Sa tur day mornin g. 1t wa s a splendi d wa y to obtain g reat ha r ga ins a nd at th e sam e ti me dispose of worn ou t cloth e~. Th e g li b au ctio nee r o ff ered ·' nift y. natt y, nobby" gar men ts at a sa ri fic e on th e in stallm ent plan . only asking a do llar do wn on ni nety eig ht ce nt articles.
Sunday. \ Veli, old dia ry, you see m almost a s tra11'g r, it' s so lo ng sin ce I've seen yo u before. But wit h Home-coming and ' ev ery th ing I just couldn 't fi nd time to wri te a diar y. Ho me-comin g is all o ve r. T he gi rl s ha,·e alm os t all go ne home and we soo n ha ve to co me do wn to ea rth with on e. awful jolt. Had breakfast with Jim a t th e hotel this morn ing and co nseq uen tl y m is sed S. S. and chur ch. O h. well it rained to ni ght so I went to C. E. and church . Guess that makes it all ri ght.
Monday. M y but this has bee n a ~e neY a Bral ey and another O tt er · lo ng da y. Got up• at 4 :30 and wen t to bei n stu dent pe nt th e week-en d a t th e car with th e girls. v\ c all cri ecl \ \ie ll ston. ni ce when they left so I came home T hr e distinguished F ren ch gues t s and w rote a story abo ut it. Had a att ende d Jzetta R hodes' birthday wild tim e th is aft ernoon went autom o part y atu rd ay evening. The affair bile riding with Jim's bes t fri end a nd partook of th e nature of a sean ce and some other kid s and cut four cl asses . wa s th o roughl y enjoyed by those who H ad dit~ner at Greenwood Lak e pass ea sil y from this into the spirit bush els or fun . world. Tuesday. ,R ain all day. Had on
Martha Schlemm er, Helen Gibso n , four dif(c rr ~t pa irs of shoe .
Mme Co mfort, Margueritt Wetherill,
Wednesda1 . Greek test this morn· Blanche W illiamson, Pauline Wentz ing. Feel as f ee as air s ince it's o ver and Mar y Vance all had the privilege I think the mean ing of Mileunium of being at home ove r the week-end. (can't spell it)is "No-More Tes ts." Ma bel a seJ and Ruth Sn yder Thursday. Got a spiffy box of Yisited friends at Ohio Wesleyan thi s candy from Art th is afternoon. He week. ha s real class, I'll say. Offered' some Alice Hunter spent Saturday ni ght to Jim when he came over to stud y with Buelah Wood. Greek and he made some real cutting remark about buying a girl's fa vor. Th e girl in th e dormitories ha ve I think boys are regular cat s. Had been ho ldi ng their breath sin ce F rid a g reat ~c ientist aro und here today day nig ht , wai tin g for a fir e drill wh o says th e e;i rth is an animal. I wh ic h very o ne '' feels in her bone s" is can ' t see what diffe rence it mak es if co ming soon . it is buJ he seemed quite exci ted about Irene Emerick ent er tain ed her it. Ga"c me a n autogra phed cop y of fat he r an d mo th er an d se,·eral o th er his paper. r elat iYe n unda y. Friday. ick headacl1e a ll day. h El ma Rhin ehart spe nt th e week- that candy !! !! eQ d with Twilah Coon s at her home. Saturday. Most fun and th e mo st Mr . and Mr s. E . L. W einland and fo lks killed. Had a rummag e sal e thi~ morning ancl I'll b(' t we wo n't b<: Mr. and Mrs. F rank Resl er and son, ahl e to recognize <'a ch oth er for a F rank Jr., to k dinn er Sunday with . . M F dd week t ne way .. cloth es did chan ge D can hands. ·. c a en. Twenty Saum Hall girls had an My little sister brought me a devil's ''I'll -bring- this-if-you-bring-that push" food cake this afternoon. She' s what Sat urda y. um Hall ha s become I'd call "some sister." Had a date to fam ou s for its s uccessful impromptu night with some fellow Art imported. social fun ctions. W ent to the Winter Garden and had Mrs . Noble, a mem ber of the fun . Art is peeved. I'm dead tired Exec uth·e Committee of the State and th ink I'll cut church again to Home Economics Association, at· morrow. One should have some tend ed a meeting of this Committee time to relax. Saturday mornin g in t'he Chamber of --------Commerce builc!ing, Columbus, Ohio. On to Wittenberg!
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Extra Trousers --More Value -
Young Men's All-Wool "Student" Suits with Two Pairs of Pants ....
-= :z
pecially-designed uits for young men; cut along lively, youthful tyles-special models for young chaps just donning their first Iona trousers. They're hand-tailored, of fine ' ali-wool Herringbone, Blue erges and Scotch Tweeds; a wide varie t y of models, weaves and colors.
High and Long Streets
Columbus, 0 .
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Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence; or Bell 8-W office, for
J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pre11en
Headqi•arters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0.
Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman,
Journal, Saturday Evening Post. • Prompt Service-Best Service.
. . ·=
fi1111 11 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 nii
been planned than that. whi ch will be a mo ~t pleasing evening. gh·en by the Music Department in "Wh y did you put on your hat?" Lambert Hall auditorium Wedne da y a ked Louise. night at 8 :00 p, m . Bob whistled softly. " Chili Bean ." Lack of space does not permit the Many of the Home Economic's girl s printing of the entire program this First Musical Next Wednesday. "May I hold your Palm Olive?" went with Mrs. Noble to the Food For the first recital of the year no week, but the offerings of the various "Not on your Life Buoy."-Record. Style Show on Friday evening. 'W• more interesting program ha s ever divisions of the department promise
. ',
Page Seven
.!,! II Ill lllflll 111111111111!111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I Ill I I I I I I II I I I I I II I II I I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I Ill I I lg1
Impressive and Unique Program Char- _ actcrizcs Reception of Associa tion's New Members.
'fhe Y. . A. r ecog nition serv ice on T uesday even ing wa s mo t bea utiful : a nd i1nprc s ive. A pagean t ,v c:t s g;vc n ' 17. T he October i by th e cabinet m emb ers all of whom O ur new tore, 35 W. Broad t., al so at§ ew s ·, publi shed by the pupil s o f were dressed in white and ca rried tiv er s High School, Da y ton. Ohio. i light ed candle . A bea utiful legend 22 N. High St. , Columbus, 0. c ntain ~ a sketch and a picture of was told of a blind French peasant _ E lmo Lingrell . th e new coach at g irl who lad a visio n of carrying Stiver ;:, Hi s athl eti c record is given Chri st'!l !1gh'. to all the world . Then Corsages and Fancy Roses and hi ~uc cess a coach of the high the tory o f ~• e blue trian gle. Y. W . s hoo l at \ alla \Valla, Washington , . A., wast "d and ' t s service in carry• A Specialty. i cited , where last year Mr . Lingrell ing that light. The cabinet members had th e champion team s of the N orth - th en formed a triangl , the corners of which represented ti1e three-fold pur- _ wes t. Vi sit our new store when in the city. pose o f the organization- physical, in '18. R ohert E. Kline, Jr., who r eceived tell ectual and spiritual development of hi. bachelor' s d egree in law from Har you ng women. ,·ard l"niver . ity la st pring, ha re At th e large candl e r eprese nting c 1111~· <'n t red up on th e practice o f law w ith th e firm o f ri o n, App el, and these ideals, th e new m emb ers lighted Is our agent at Westerville. "rio n. of ·wa~hin g ton, D . C. Mr. th eir small tap er s as a symbol that K line' offi e i in the Munse~r building th ey would add th ei r se rvice lo the ii: great hining cause of Y. W . C. A. illllllllll-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 in th a t city. T he service ended with the "Hymn to=============================== '11. T ho m as . Harper, who ipce th e Light s". It w 00 s service that will grad uation has b ee n preaching in Alle never be forgotten, and one that will g hen y conf erence, has just accepted the mean much in the li ves o f th e g irl s . 44 North State Street pa toratc of the Mills Memorial who were present. Chur ch of Lancaster, Ohio. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies _Qf all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, '15. Howard W . E lliott of Akron, JUBILEE PLANS kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' ARE UNDERWAY Supplies. hi o, has s evered his connection as Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT ( Co ntinued from page one.) sale man with the Goodrich Rubber Co mpany, and has entered into part will ue made to sec ure a many pre Ink Pencils, Shcaffer's Ever Sharp Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye Shades and Goggles. Examination n ership with Mr. E. J. Norris of Wes liminary gifts as pos sibl e. Attention P_$ncils and Leads. Fine Papcteries, free. All work guaranteed. GiTe us te l'i11t, in men's {urni hlngs. Th e wa al. 6- gi n t o the- Jubil ee ce lebra Etc. a call. firm nam e is to be Norris and Elliott tion to eld during Co mmen ce and th e bu siness will be increased in m ent 192.-. A pa cant will be de the near future by the addition of a veloped larg• ly by th e alumni and a lin e o f children's goods. pecial co mmi lee has bee n appoint d. ' 17. J oe P . Hendrix, pastor of the The meeting wa s attend ed with c hurch at the Otterbein Home, Leba fine enthusiasm and splendid spirit. ( non. Ohio, ha s prepared an Otterbein Bet wee n thi s and the celebration H o me Chri stmas exercise to be used periodicals and bulletins will be issu By Appointment. by chur che s and Sunday schools wish ed giving the alumni and ex-s tud ent~ ing to con tribut e th eir Christmas off full info rmation of th e procedure of ering to th e Hom e. the campaign. An effort is being S. State St. '17, '18. Mr. and Mrs. Alva H. Sholty mad e to sec ur e th e nam es and add (Ruth Co nl ey) w er e given a r eception re ses of all living ex-student s so a nd mark et s hower recently by the th ey ma y be pl ace d 0 11 th e 111ail i11 g- li st NEW member s of the Shoemaker Memorial to r ceive publicity _mat eria l. Church at McKeesport, Pennsylvania, T he following person s wer<' pre where Mr. Sholty has ju st enter ed up se nt. Doctors . W . Kei ter, T . ] . The on the pastorate. Sa nd ers, J . H. Harri s. N. W . Co rn ctet '02. Dr. and Mrs. Perley H . Kil Presiden\ W . G. lippinger, P rofc sor Company bourn e (Ethel Crou e) and their three J. r . West. Mr. G. L. S toughton . ident of the Alumni Association, P res Weiteffllle, Ohio daughters have returned to their home in Dayton, Ohio, after a year's ab and Mr. V. L. Phillip~, of W es ter s ence in Philadelphia where Dr. Kil ville; Mr. E. L. Shuey of Springfield; o lumbus; bourne was pursuing advanced study Mr. ~ - L. Weinland , of Bishop . M . Bell, Harrisburg, Pa. ; in medicine. Bishop -'\. R. Clippinger, Dayton ; Mr. '07. Mr. E. C. Worman is spending C. H . Dr s hman, campaign mana g er, a few days in Fort Wayne and Val New York G t ; P re sident A. T . paraiso, Indiana, in the interest of the Howard, Dayton ; Mr. Frank Wil sey, International Committee of the Young New York City; Mr. Homer Kline, You will want Men's Christian Association. At Val Pittsburgh, Pa.; F. 0. Clements, Day SWEET CIDER parai so he will be the guest of his ton; and Rev. E . C. Wea ve r , Johns classmate, Lewis E. Myers and other town, Pa. for Hallowe'en festivities. Otterbein friends. We have it. A North Missouri editor says he '84, '15. Miss Emma F. Burtner and Westerville, Ohio & STOCK, Grocers MOSES Miss Myrtle Winterhalter arc two of saw this on a mossgrown tombstcme: the new teachers at Stivers High "Here's lies our wife, Samantha School, Dayton, Ohio. Miss Burtner Proctor, who ketched a cold and \,Vork.'" "Pal" was teaching formerly in Wisconsin, wouldn't doctor. She couldn't stay, "Well?" "For goodness sake, what is it now?' and Miss Winterhalter i~ Lancaster, she had to go; praise God from whom "Well, you told -me they were plays." "This book is called 'Shakespeare's Ohio. all blessings flow."
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G. W. Henderson, M. D.
Otterbein Memory Books
Buckeye Printint
Come in and have a look!
Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at
Page Eight
:.,!\ ,
, - .'
Shirt Clearence Sale
~ L__; ~
,. .
~liirt Ya lu c: during our
;\] i~N' ! · 0 111 e mi g h tyg-oo d
EH~!'\ :-:-liirt i11 :-; I tick redulv -d e r r ales a nd l\ Iadra s, a few ~izc::; left at ... ... ...... ......... .. ................... 98c and $1.19
'o llar-to -m atc h ' hirt- ~, and fa ncy rnadra :-- 11u111hers. a t ...... .... .... ........... ... $1.49 P la ir! \,\ hit
r o pli11 s . and Bea y
faclra :-- ., 2 ..~0 and ~-.75 Yalucs . at .... $1.95
Si lk ~~t ·,·ip c~ . :rnd l•;t11cv . ' ilk a1 1d ).f ;1dr:i :-; l'o lllhin a t in11 s at .... $2.79and$3.69
22 N. State Street
Compared W ith Others, You Get a Lot More than You Pay for, in
Lazarus Made Overcoats The Price is Based on Cost to Producer Not to Re-sell.
";:-:,;,;" ll a ldc rm an ~p.-n t th <' weck rnd at his h omr in l.a n cas tr r . ~I i st• J , ,h n . J ud y . a n d llu rlchy W<'re gut'st• at t he ~lat too n l luh ~ttn • oay fo r d inner.
Ray J n t111so n an I " l~crl" l';i mp r e· pnrt t h at th " l{a gc o f l' a r i ··· is a ,·P r y strikint.: d ra ma . an d is w r 11 wo rth HC'i tH?
l' ri,·a t c I .a \\'rc n cc D. K eim. o f th e 211d Tank l'lat oo n . ·amp Jli x, :'\ . SJ' 111 a irw ,la y~ la s t w r<'k with hi . brot h r 0 1\' Cll . l ri\'al c 1· im le ft \\"e ster" i11<' fo r his h o m e a t l ) ld Fnr t . Jhi o. th <· latll•r part of lh ,• w<'r k.
\I r. F n r r <t \ alrnt in ,· \\'a~ h 0 111 r "' c·r th t' \\'CCk -c n ,1.
ra llc ,I
ri ch ,Y nolcns u sed . fr m t h e fi n est . ·11:!b in ;\rn eri ca. co . t m o re t han t li c Tli
o rdin a n · o ,·crc nating·:. Tlic hand w o rk or expe r t n Y rcnat m a k er. i s m o r e cxpe n s i\·e than ,yh;:tt g cs in to
-l hri• t y" C hr is t op h er , i itC'tl h i~ h o m c• fo lks at ~lt. \ 'c rn n n q,· ·r ti \\' w e k •cnd.
.\ :r (),I tim e wa s e n joyed l,y ma ny Ott,· rh,·in tud c nts wh o a lt c11 <l r rl t h r Y. \\' . l ·. .'\ . " fr o lic " at t h,· Y. \\·. · . . \ . cam p 0 11 • at u rda y n i)! ht.
l ;.: '
iact o r) -made o ,·crcoat. . l~u t w e buv t h ~
w o o le n ~ direct, v,e
co n t ro l e\ ery ope ratio n f t h e makin g, " ·c sa \· big: ~urn : t h at t h e manufa ct ur er ha~ tc pend .
We're Making Them Ourselves to Save You the Maker's Profit
\11 1o m r o th e r~ wh o att,' n ,kcl th e ( l hi n \\"t• ,lc y a n - l k ni •o n R il111l· ~a tu r day. wrn· te r.. . au ~s er, r-latt 0 0 11 . \\'h ite. l ·arp n te r . D ean Jlan rock. and "Jii:11111i c· • Rnch u h.
Or. Ri d1 anl S wain . D . D ., of Br idge p r t . 0 1111 . made 3 splendi d addrc5 . at th e l'. fl. c hu rc h S unday mo rning. \' re5 iclcnt Clippinger who is a mem ber of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Committee on Edu• cation of th e State Federation of Churches, will be in Co lumb us Wednesday and Thursday at a mee ting of th e Federation .
F o unded 1851
High Street, at Town
Columbus, Ohio