ar tna
au an
V O L. 5.
t o Gi ve Cantata, " Land H eart's D esir e", This S eason.
of Dr. ,L . S. Joshi, W ell Known Author it y, Sp eaks on Con~tions in Modern India
No. 10.
Home Economics D epartment Honors Let ter Men With Splendid Ban Expre ions of satisfaction and dis Friday afternoo n at fo ur o'clock, in quet and Rece ption. appointed face could have been heard Dr. navely's room, abo ut fif t y inter and een, Thursday morning, among es ted pe rsons were favo r ed by a most GUESTS OF HONOR PRESENT ~ COLLEGES REPRESENTED the crowd of t udents surroun ding th e en lightening lectu re on mo dern In dia bulletin I oard, whe r e a Ii t of the sue by D r . L. : J o h i. Dr. J os hi, w ho Disarmament Resolutions Adopted ces fu l applicant for the Ladie ' Glee ha j u t received his Ph. D. from o Girls Stage Miniature Rally and Mock Football Game With lub wa po ted. and Organization for Future lu mbia niver it y came h ighl y re "Now that the club has been elected commended a a lec turer and is a r e Success. Work Effected. · wcrrk will be tarted at once on the cognized authority on t h e in ter ea ted a round tab les in t he ft . Howe, Otterbei n tudent cantata, '"The Land of Heart ' De nationa l a pect 0£ affairs in ~nd ia . (By 1f. sire," which will be pre ented early in Repre entative.) In the brief time t hat Dr. J oshi glow of cand le light, enj oying fe llowthe co nd eme ter. spoke he pre nted a mu lti t ud of hip such a exis t s 01; ly whe n good T h e idea of the ·ationa l ouvoca Tho e selected for Glee lub duty in tru ·ti ve· atJd interesti ng fa ct , a fe llow meet, t he lett e r men of t h cation of College on D isa rmamen t are a fo ll ow Varsity foo t ball squa d, tog th er wi t h few of which ar e quoted belo w. wa conceiv d by bram W . Harr is, , ir t oprano · Minto n, ellman, certain invi t ed g ues ts, enj oyed to t he cha irman of th e Execu t ive Boar d of ·•~inety percent of ,t he m en and Dreyer, Wolf, Luca , Greig, Baker. li mit the ann ual Football Banq uet the M . E. hur ch. He ecur ed t he nfo ty-nine percent of the women of Fir t Ito· M eyer, Seyfi. d, Frear, given by the Home Econo m ic De an d ap proval of P r eside n t Hardin 1 n dia are illjterate.".' · Judy, H . Whi t i r, chutt. pa rt n,1e11t. t he co-opera tion of .il l t he Prote tant ·' Kip li ng ays 'W h en a n E ng li h econd oprano; Graff, . D Hoff. he entire eve ning' progr am incl ud chu rnh es the atho lic Hierarchy, the Roberts, v alter t phen , Wright. man goe to India h t hrows t h e ten ing, of cou r e, t h e ban quet itself, wa s Jewish Rabbi and the Y. W. C. econd Ito ; Braley, Powell, Well , commandm ents in the uez Canal." a rra nged by Mr . ob le, head of the and Y . M . ' If e ery Indian would r efuse to Home Economics Department, wit h Baker . Rinehart. Taylor. His main purpo c in calling the v dn es day evening. December '1, work for the Eno- Ji h for ix day . the the a i tance o f t he girl' a • ociated o n" o a tion , a to awa ken the col- r the c nd recita l of the y<'ar , ·ill.. b l.tLClia Empir , wo 11 [all to piece :· .vith her in t h.a D epartme nt. Too lege st~d~~ts _of th e ~ow1tr~ to tneir give n by th e stude nt in mu ic. in e tern civi li za t ion, Brit ish Im mu ch pr aise cann ot be give n to the rcspon 1b1 ht y 111 q ues tion 0 1 nati o nal Lambert Ha ll audito rium. . (Continued on page two.) J)erso n in cha rge fo r th e de ligh tfu l importan ce and educa te them on 1 m a nn er in w hi ch th e w hole affair wa t h e e topi c . everal other things o fJ· co nduc ted. equal imp rtan e were accomp li hcd, T he ban q uet at seven-fifteen o'clock ho weve r. was fo r t he fo urteen m en earnin g T he fir t mee ting ~ a held unlette r in foo tball thi sea on and al day afternoon, ovember 13, at th e (By Pi nk) oach Di tm.er, A thl eti c Direc tor boi led individual who eemed to him o o lo ni a l Theat re, Chi cago, I 11. bout to be the ve ngi ng On e hi m elf. Martin . P r eside nt C lipp in ge r, Pro50 d legal were pre ent, rcpr H ow 10· 1,g l1e lay unco n c·1ou t he R H e came auntering down Coll ege h fesso r osse lo t, P r esid ent of th e coting th tudent , faculty and av nu gayl tw irl ing hi _mou ta c e F r e hi e neve r kn ew. b ut as r ea o n A th letic Board o f o nt ro l, a nd o th e r • d d h h I cl e bes i' de alumni of 200 co ll eges. convoca- and thi nk ing how clever it was for , aga111 a wne e earc o gues t s o f honor. wh o wer e, P rofe sor tion of ea tern chool imilar to thi him, a Fre hnia n, to go to eve n I h 1'111 tl1e e wore! '"What i de matter ,. . t as C 0 . A ltm an, H . W . E11iott, Dr. W. fi ftee n JU o 'clock cla a t even. . . . h mad it unnece a ry for many of cl w1d dis 111stitut1 o n except t at you M. Ga ntz, and L . W . War o n. Toward enior · do. u?~e nl y he . toppe ' need a new P re ident ?" Th e a nswe r h 1 f h b t hem to b repre eu ted at thi m et t e c ose o t e a nquet, whi c h was rubbed hi eye hk e one w ho I da ze d. ing . D r. R. L. E ll iot, former pre 1an.d lea ned weakly up agai n t U lm u came bac k in olemn to nes a nd Yid- by th e wa y , a culinary ma te r p iec: dent 0£ .Nor t hwestern U n iver ity t , "A m en, A m en, we want ,• a nd fit fo r th e mos t di cr imi na t 1' g Americana. n angel clad in him - di_ h ac_ cen 11 11 wa elected chairman of t he Con,·o . E 111 ste111 . . epicur e. thle t ic D irector Marti n inmerfog whit • flapp d zephyr w111g I d T h F h cation. re m and bt ru h gg h' eye ' . Id e h to f a sit- troduced Profes or . P. Ro elo t. a Whatev r infom1ation wa needed befo r e the a stoni h d Fro O tu_1g p_o ture an e. e . t e a m ou (Conti nue d on page t wo.) d K 1 en- E111steu1 , r e p lende nt 111 side-burn a nd to a ro u e the a sernb ly to a reali za p ick ed a few note of " My flaroing tucky Home" o n hi heaven ly harp, cravat, bold ly ha r a ng uin g th e tio n of the vjl of war and heavy th fai ry- like mob, while age, " Old M a n B lue Red Cross Campaign Brings armam en t, and whatever appeal wa an d skipped away wi $109.00 and 104 Members. daintines , hi go lden crown g litte r ing L aw" tood by an d g r avely add ed hi needed to a rou e t hem to action wa · in the morni ng light. wo r d of as ent. T he rev ivi11 , F r e h fu n u hed by the famo u herwood The ca m paig n for R ed r o me m " m l dead?", cr eamed the limp m a n t r ug g led to hi feet ju t in ti m e ber hip a nd subsc ripti o n held r ecent Eddy, who ha ju t r eturned from the one, bu t t hi uppo ition wa imme to ee that co ntwi t ed tr o ubador ly am o ng Otterbein t udents and fa c ( Cont inu ed on page seven .) dia tely di pe11 d by th e appear ance of b r ace up to hi s ( th e Fre hman' ) best ulty nett ed 104 memb er and $109.00 in a gay troubado ur in do ub let and ho e gi rl and p ipe out " Will yo u marry ub cri p ti o n . T ho ug h thi i no t up Athletic Board Grants and a fea t her ed helmet, w ho an no un Letters To Varsity Men. ced the fac t t hat "Ther e was a you ng me" a nd when s he milingly co ent to t he sta ndard th at. wa s expected, yet ed o ur poor little F re hman fri end it is consider ed by t h e committee in Las t T ue day nig ht t he A t hlet ic la dy fr om Flynn", and s ure enough up bowled o ver into the gutter and th ere charge a a very fair co ntribution . aid yo un g lady. he he lay unnoticed all da}" lo ng. Board met a nd g ran ted foo t ball let . ca mper ed H o m er V. Miller made t he app eal ter to th e fo ll o win g m en :-Schreck. hoo k her auburn curl s m os t mi The next morni ng everyth ing seem for fund s at chapel and wit h con Prout, And er on, Albright, Ge-, rg,'. chi evoo ly, took a fe gr acefu l turns ed no r mal again except that Me nke, um m ate ki ll portrayed in a vivid F ranklin , wi t h her jumping ro pe, a nd joined th e Dellinger, L effe l, Stoltz, S ta uffe r, a nd o ilier, to ltz, M enke, mann er the varied ervice per formed Rowe, Peden, L ehman, Staat , Ho w angel, gambo ling on the green. Ander on had peculia r little sig ns in by th e R ed Cros . · ard and Delli nger, m an ager. " Quack, q ua ck'' o lem nly cr oak ed a cri bed on th eir fo r eheads in iodi ne, The committee in c harge of the J. L . R uebu h was e lec t'!d Foo tb a ll poor little white du ck which wa tied the ig n of the Var sity "O". T he campa ig n wa s headed by D ean Han . fanage r for nex t yea r. The r emai11 - to one end of a strin.g . The terrified F r eshman limped painfu lly and was cock w ho was assisted by Grace Hill, 111g tudent managers will be elected Fre hman swooned, .for on th e other heard to say, " Peden has a powerful Alice Davidson , P. K. Noel, an d F. 0 . at an early date. end of the st.ring he beheld a hard- wing wi th a paddle". Ford . N ational Co nv oc ation of Colle ges on
Disarmament Held at Chicago.
~============== ====== ==============
Page Two
F O OTBALL M EN I ( Continued from page one.) St udent Counc1·1 P resents to .Student the Toastmaster of th e eve ning, a nd Body Resolutions Regardmg th e r· e mai nder o f th e banq~et111g ~as Student Conduct. interspersed, here and there, with I B I. · team.lk d that no syS t em O f Stu- toas t s from members of the ' e 1ev111g . . t J. Go rd on Howard, 22, ta e d nt Gove rnment justifies its ex1s - briefly on " vVhat O tt er bein has don~ e "f .t does not set and help to C R F . ance t t . d d f fo r O tter bein or me." ap ta ,n . . . maintainl certain defim te stan a r s has ·r and acting und er t , e Peden , w ho for th e last two years "dd college t e, . . ·le TI I piloted the Tan an~ Cardinal gn ers, autho rity granted tt by A rti e C . spoke on foo t ba ll 111 th e past, dwell. II Parts 3 and 8 111 the onf S~ct1~11 'r Student Government, ing particu larly on the last ew years. st1tut1on or . th fo l Captain Pede n's words, commg as , the S tud en t Coui:i cil subm its . e - they did from one of O hio's fo remost lowing re olutio ns. athletes, were listened to with the I Resolved: That the Studen t greatest respect and mterest. Cap Co~ncil shou ld assume the responst- tain-elect W. R. Franklin was next bility of investigating any cases_dre- introduced by th e Toastmaster. The P orted where social groups are sat to aptain-elect, as might be e~p.ected, · Otterbe111 s fub operat111g w,· th ou t a sponsor . . or remarked concernmg . f:culty re cognition, which. is m fd1Srec~ ture in the football world. Frankltn, violation of t he Constitution o tu universally resp ected a a football dent Governmen t. fio-hte r and as a fit ting captain for Resolved: That inasmuch as the n:xt season, spoke in hi frank way, . d 1•s too often needlessly promising t \1at he and hi followers II. 1 chape 1 peno d b y the reading o f rou fme would put forth· superhuman efforts ~:~::!tements, that . all organi~a- to give Otterbein footba ll th e boo t . 1. t 11. 1 eliminatmg all routme it needs. anllou t10n ass s Followi ng the banquet, a recep ncements such as Y .. M. C· A ·• H tio n Y W C. A., Christian E ndeavor, In - was held in the rooms of th e ome ·. · I · Club and so Economic a nd A rt D epartments. ternationa l Re ations Here .were invited all the members of forth Such anno uncemen ts c~n d ·1 . be posted on the bullet111 this year's squad, all stu ent ~an~beas1 dy where th ey will be seen by all gers, and a hos t of yo ung ladies 111 th1. oar h 11 t be whom the gentlemen pre sent we r e interested persons, s s a no · I more or less inte rested. · Co n trued to eliminate any s pec1a fi . ft which occasion may The r ception proved a ttJng a erannoun cement l math for th e baoquet. Professor A. ,warrant. . h Otter- p · Rosselot ' in the name . of the Otter,, IL Re o lv d ma muc as hein Ath letic As ociatiofl presented to
Glee Club Men
Outfits- Usually consider ed rather an expensive luxury and a little hard to m anage by t he studentNOT SO if you let us help manage it and save you about ¼ on the price. If you have not consu lted us do so at once.
Basket Ball Men Have you seen the new shoe? Tested out for two years and put on the mar ket this year by the U. S. Rubber Co. Coaches of many of the big schools have adopted it already. A cushion bottom- rebounding and will not slip. Very durable.
Spalding Shoes Two different shoes carried 1n stock. Get our prices.
NORRIS & ELLIOTT Mor e Goods for Same M oney Same Goods for Less Money
bein but five days_. whe:: men, certificates entitling th em to manyhas school haveschool six, and smce t ath efootball "O''. Then Mis Dorothy ve day- y tem row1 . Bright as an introd uction to -a m1111a- 1 · · · · r. ·· th the bulk 1of ============================- -
Just to Rem1n • d you ;;:
t he of sludth"' d"';"gwee ' co1>du"ed tu,e ome-eomi"g It Homegame• 'Ill IIIllIIll IllIIIIll 11111 IIIllIllIllIIIll11111IIll tit IllIll tit Ill ti Ill 11llt I ttt t ttt Ill tr ti Ill 11111111 II 6,chooI I fiveo od,y e schoo a pep c,lty.footba Th, that all -ocial event ' whether they _be coming game distingui hed itstlf as = 1 fo.r the chool at lar-g~ or for_ a~;rst:; gle grnup of tudwt m p,ct,cu • held at the end of !he week. 1 Re o l,ed• That ina much a th . l· frequenting c10-arett m o'·'ng a and decided menace toe
one of th e uniquest s tunts eve r staged ' § it> Ottecbein, at le, t. A 1§ num bee of gi d . ,th,ed m full loot- I2 ball ,egalia, ,.,d e,ch o,e cep,e entt th all = ing of thtn e VariS players d d't Wl t'n ctive theironeeccen c1t1 e y an :1 I d d a <>am g ame . poo room ar .·!be be th t,ndud coltegehav, lifo an habits,and p laye they of alce,dy the footh<U oach Ditmec Fat Monn wece al-
·;:,,edn;:;c'°••:di fa w,tinu ul.ty, that . be the etud<ot pcacuce,
· ··
O imitat<d, aod a a whole, wa cemukable. .
th th e ing I, 2 ~
tha they b held in di repute by The entire evefinlllg wa : I§ ' tudent Body. ,um from the nt m='" 0 I: Lh - - - - -- - la t and no detai l that would add th e' = ,,. Ble,ch,c Fund S<eadily. , nj;yment of the occasion wa, The B leach r Fund i grow_ing. . t -
Ge= ,
th la t thJctic oa,'d meenuhg, Mh1 s -LaT,' aughn L a therman . w o as
, h money beell o( t e va.nous k . in cbaro-e heine to rai money for ti mae 111g mu-'' 11 eded bleacher ' reporle d , , .,th.,,er, tha wa now in th e _):>ank . 224 0. Thi I hat Wli far £rom the ultu~- ~e 0 . lt .ll• be.Mn 1 edc.d, but am u1 • h it an xcellent tart. e ~ 1 . L a• erman and ean · L . H a11 coc k ' who ab Y aor,i the ted faithful her, d en• hearty nks ervice. they thahave
§ §
That there are only 18 more SHOPPING = :: DAYS be f ore CHRISTM . AS, and we cordia1- ;;-
ly invite YOU t o drop in and make a tour of in- § ;; spection before completing your list. ·;;::
A Few su.,gest1ons d •
me-I §
( Continued from pag, ooe. : peria lism, Chris tianity, th e_ th re_e ar,,e I =co nfu ed in the average Rmd u mmd. d th : "I llite racy i not ignoran ce, an e : h' native Indian is recogniz d for 1 wea lth of idea and thought . "Ghaiidi. the 1rreat leader o f th e Hindu p O,Ple, live simply and in hi ~ ba r e room )las only one picture, whicl"i is a print of Hoffma1)'s ,, bris t."
= =
. . Faculty Recital Negt Thursday. r ender ed the chool. thl tic i re tor Martm l . order11 Thur day night, D cember . t of bfeachm to be'° place Mi , ll.obin 00 ,.,d Mi WQght, with ~, ~; 'eball ,od track n xi pcing. P cof oc tcothm, will ,ppea, in a
Purses Beads
C Haplfs H a ose
Hai, O rnam,nts Boudo1·r P1·ns
Dm, Shirt, · Cuff Links T ie ' Ci ips p· tn and Link Sets G Id C o hains Soft Collar Pins
Beauty Pins L' • CI mgene asps Manicure Sets Vanity Cases I vory Dressing Combs G uest Towels Gloves
t< II
Ties, Garters and Arm Bands in holiday boxes. _§_·
The';,. V -= ar1·ety Shop §_
. ·
, •
d th< rollege ulty ,ecital, P" enting ' dim,ified ULRY & S P O HN, P,opri,to,, . w,.lervill,, Ohio ~stu Y 1of · of atndition 11 F re h - la program of vocal and in trumental --_ · required is. me n at Beloit College, and cu tom · w· selections. 1111111111111111 ~III III IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIllIIIllIIII III IIIIII I II III IIIIIIIII I II IIII II lllllllll lllllll III Ill h
Page Three
\ §11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111§
'E = = Otter- =
The other day I was showing
Twenty-two Clubs Engaged in Boo st ing Diamon d Jubilee Camprugn
Bill some pictures I had taken of myself At Baker's And Bill, After looking at 'em, Said: "That's a good looking Folder." Darn Bill!
Work towards that greater bein, for which the Diamond Jubilee is to be an official inaugaration, is tak , ing on a very widely divers ifie d range. : Perhaps as potent a force as any for : the reali za tion of the high hop es for 1 the sc hool will ari se in and come from i the ranks of the alumni. Therefore I the report which comes from the col- _ Iege office to the effect that th ere are _ at present in existence throughou t the country twenty-two li ve. agressive o r- § ganizations of alumni, all of which are deeply interested 111 the welfare and : New blou es, old blouses, yellowish advan cement of O tt erb ein is most en- ones, grayi h ones, light ones-any couraging. and sho\.vs better than any- kind. soft or stiff. that would appear thing else cou ld that, with the alumni white to the tyrannica l "birdie" went awake and interested, no dreams of : to th e city aturday to have their progress need be classed as over-ex- _ pictures taken. lhough somewhat travaga nt. wrinkled and mussed by the morning's There are growing o rganizations of ordeal many of these same blouses ~nerbein alumni in the . fo Uowing went to a picture show after lun ch. c1t1es: Buffalo, Altoona, \IVashmgton, _ . D. C., l\ ew York, Pitt burg, Greens Edna Yaus stayed 111 Coc hran Hall, burg, L os A nge les, M t. G'I =· SPECIAL RATES TO OTTERBEIN STUDENTS 1 ea d , c h 1caSaturday night. M-aude Sh u tzel . gave go, D ayton, L.1ma, J' o Ie d o, CIeve Ian d , : an oy ter tcw and fudge party 111 her Akr c·1nc111nat1 . ., ,...,an ton, p ort - · : on, ·honor. mo ut h , Co Ium b us, W e terv1·11e, L ogan, lt i difficult to determine w hether B ucyrus, and Greenville. ' _ Edith Eby is maki ng a d re for that Mauy more are in process of for- § : curly haired do ll for the plea sure she mation and within the next two lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii will get in delighting its fu tu re lit tl e month President Clippinger will girl-mother, or for the fun of dre sing travel all over th e continent, visiting IJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII a do ll baby again. tho se associations already in existence Ludie Gerber bad a "box pu h" and aiding 111 the organization of new ~? ":i~~j la ' t at u rctay even if the pa rcel po t ones, end in up his trip at L s man was dreadfu ll y over wo rked ju t . nge les, al!fo rni a, wher there is at last week bringi11g -boxe from home. present one of the most agre 1v of th This item is to let anta laus all e club ·
= = =
Baker's Old Reliable A rt== Gallery = =
: Cand
- --------
know that in ··Bon's" room there i a FRENCH CLUB GIVES PARTY fir·e -place as well a Christmas bell ___ and red and green treamer · It Knowledge of English I s Cast to the would be a great ca lan1ity if the good W inds ; French Used old gentleman would overlook uch a wonderous opportunity. Exclusively. "Le Cercle Francai ", new French Thanksgiving was a huge success b ca u e everybody ate eno ugh to be Club of advanced cla e in French, te;·ribly ick the next day but in tead met in the parlors of the As ociation only had a headac he and an in igni Building la t Friday night for the first ficaut pain or o in the centrally locat ocial meeting of the year. On entering the door each member forgot that ed region of their anotomy. the Engli h language i being u ed at Otterbein, and from that time till the L. B. Mignery Visits Here. end of th e evening had to pay for the A week ago Otterb in wa favored privilege of using th e mother tongue with a visi t by Mr. Lloyd B. Migncry, at the rate of two cent per word. clas of ' I 7, who P nt uo d ay au d Parlor games, threadbare and bor e Monday about the camp u · _i,.rr. M'.g- so mely monotonou in Engli h, took ne and hi bride, Ru th _Philip ~ig- 00 new life, and added enjoyment, n_ery, a graduate of Dem. on l nive.r- , hu enjoyment, to the practical ide 1ty, are 0011 to go to ierra Leone. {of the ev niJJg. t ten o'clock andW t f · h · the town of 1 nca w ere m . j wiche aud chocolat wer erved and th Ro~ifunk ey will be engage~ m ed_u- th 11 with h arty xpr ion of prai e for th ev ning' entc.rtainm nt and c~t1onal work und r th . For ign Mi 1 mt d Br lhren j cheery '"Bon oir" the " eanc tait 011 Board of th h u rch. fer me". 1 Mr. and Mr. Mi nei:y app ared at 1 the United Brethren hurch unday , S c1ence . Club Will Meet Monday. night where after a few remark by . hi wjie Mr. M ig nery gave a ple11did ext Mo nday nigh t, December 12, lub wi ll meet for the di cou rse, to uchi ng upo n why he felt the cience call ed i nto mi io n wo rk a nd the mag- year's fir t m etjng. The e 1ou
rutude. oi the opportuniti
earc h in cientific lines.
agazines ~
= en on o e an : :
estaurant = =
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E1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !111111111111111 _
The Capital City-Troy Laundiy, Co. _ -==
Be t erv1ce and Quality . on day' L aundry R eturn s W ednesday. edne day's Laundry Returns F riday . We Call and Deliver.
= = =
·_ BOB DEW, Agent Headquart ers B. W. Wells' T ailor Shop =_ 'P hone Citizen 360 Corner State and Main Sts. : ii11t1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111llllllii
·'= ...:-
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It w·th FLOWERS 1
Johnny Mayne
in Africa. holds m uch in to re a Profe or E. he-1 lik your cigar ette holder. W. E. chear wjll give a lecture co n He- Why I never use o ne. cer ni n_g the res ul t of hi own r e- ~ he-Don' t be o dense.-Ex.
Student Representative
. ., = ')''
Representing The 5th Avenue Floral Co. of Columbus,
= :_
= = =
ates good cheer to those with whom m cnt appear ed urgin g that the spirit
we associate in life's daily routin e. ! of friendship which has sprun g up ITan-symbolic of humblen ess, warm- i· be tw een college and high school s tu
Publis hed Weekly in the interes t of th of hea rt, what mor e fi ttin g attri - dents continue to grow. With th is b ut e co uld a college refl ect? se ntim en t we are in hearty a ccord Otterb ein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING Then there is Ca rdinal , a s trikin r; and only wish that co llege st 11 de11 ts BOARD color. As a shad e of r ed, however, do all in their pow er to augment th e Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press it is too fr equently associated only preYatling good wil l. with dan ger, anger and kin cire:l T h ere was a tim e when open a111Association passions. We for ge t that in its gent- mosity ex isted be t ween stud ent of STAFF ler offices Cardi nal may be the fitt- ' the high schoo l an d the college, but Editor .............. J . Gordon Howard, '22 in g mark of truth, love and beauty. little by little th i feeling has been Ass istant Editor --····-· J. W . Seneff, ' 23 These virtues, too , ca n and sho.i id supplan ted by a far more e ns ib le and Cont ributing Edi to rs· f d bl Grace H . Hill, '23 play an important ro le m the o rrna- co mm en a e attitude of co-operaHorace W . Troop, '23 tion of chara cter. The desire to know I tion and friends hip. We join with th e Business Manager -··· J. P . Schutz, '23 and follow the Truth-a deep Ap- .. Fo rtnightl y Reflector" 111 hoping Assistant Business Managerspreciation and Love for mankin r.-- th at ex isting co nditions may con T. E. Newell, '23 Cli ffo rd Foor, '24 . Beauty of chara cter. A ll tl;es e tinue and 11 a change is mad e, that Cir. Manager ...... Harriet L . Hays, '22 should be th e ultimate aim of any it be only for the better. A ssistant Circ ulation Managerscollege curriculum and we can justly Lucile Ewry, '23 Kath erin e Pollock, '2 4 be pro ud that our Alma M a ter has reCAMPUS (HIT ( HAT Athletic E ditor ···-···· A. W . Elliott, '23 presented in her colors th e ,·i:ry Assistant Athl etic Editorqual ities that contribute to stal wart Just after th e . Wes leya n -Denison H . V. Miller, '23 chara cter. Local Editor ············ M. M. Collins, ' 23 A hum ble pmt, a warm h eart, ~, game, ''The Denisonian" makes this Alumna! Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 facetious _r emark, '"Being Methodists, Exchange Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 desire for truth , love for our fellow s, Coch ran Hall Editorbeauty of chara cter, all th ose are it is easily seen how come Wesleyan didn't make the final "p lu nge" th at Alice Davison, '23 crys tallized in Tan and Cardinal. Literary Editor ·-·--···· H . R. Mills, ' 24 So let us, as years pass, remember would have carri ed the ball over 111 th e last quarter." Ad,dress all communications to The the co lors of the old sdiool and We wish to- add that if th er e is Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. endeavo r in the mouldin g of ou:· College Ave., W estervill e, Ohio. li,·es to a cqui re th e attributes for anything at all to " immersion" that Subscription P rice, $2.00 Per Year, wh ich ou r A lma Mater stands, that the last couple games of the season payable in advance. fi nally we may at least approa ch a made good Bapti ts out of most Ohio semblan ce of that o ne, great Ideal gri diron athletes. Entered as second class matter Septemb er 25, 1917, at the postoffice Character. j Is there any thin g you want done at at Westei:ville, 0 ., under act of --------all? Do you want to know the hair March 3, 1879. The " Scrubs" ribbon tyl es for 1950? Or do you cceptance for mai~ing at special It i unfortunate, but n verthele ju t want information regarding rate of po tage provided fo r in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized true, that during the day t hat have o ,re r hoe in Tibet? If o, a k, peti Ap ril 7, 1919. suc ceeded the closi ng of the footba ll tion or refer th e matter to the Stu scason. mu ch mentio n has been made dent ouncil. a nd consi derab le honor has been paid W h • EDITORIAL "mid . . . e,, su spec to the Va rsity. It I th e Var 1ty that . h t. t at smce the . i h rald ed and banqu ted and receives em ' wit . its correspondmg revi little thing may b perfect but the ovation . Thi is to om extent val of learn,~g, are over that there p fect ion i not a little thing. be co.n 1derable back liding for ~navo1'd a ble b ut, a we at'd a b ove, 1·t aw11L while.
O ur School Colors. Ve e our school color o frequently that there is a decided tendency oi their becoming com mon place. nd well they might if they were mere colors and nothing more. r p re entin no par ticu lar tandard hav ing no peculiar signi-ca nce. chool's colors must mean rnoi:e than ju t a decorative cheme if they _ar to in pir to ~vard th m the reve.rc.nc t hat i th eir du . Too often . here in tterbein , Ta11 and the ardjnal are ee n with out any en o f emo tion without any . ilen t ple(lge. to upho ld th virtue th ey repre ent. nd yet, w must rememb er that our color do have ignificance and incorporate in them real mean ing. "fan, a m ode t and r etiring tint in it elf, but striking in its luminosity, rec gnized in the artistic world a a ymbo l of Ligh t and Warmth. It represent a le on in it elf. ,How many of us might w ell ac quire th e ·e chara cte ri tic . ot only ouc little coll ege sphere but th e whole r ealm of ociety would be iJil finitely benefited if w would but take th e pains to a cquire thi mode ty a nd humblen e in our re lation with our fellowmen, and imultaneously deve lop that warmth of h eart that radi-
splendid history glorious future.
25 0 . C. students and faculty members use the Corona. Easy Terms. RAY M. JOHNSON Bell Phone 82-R Give your friend a fountain pen for Christmas.
The Dunn Pen with the
pump handle or the Parker Pen,. at
DR. KEEFER' S Your money buys our good things to eat.
Let's exchange.
M O SES & ST O <;K, Grocers
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Avenue PHONES Citizen 2(i
Bell 84-R
1 , neverth le unfortunate. To a ny one acquain ted with the inside of l t is aid that ome girls acqui re football, th ere i another group of airs, o th ers millionaires. DENTIST loyal men, which de se rves a lion Time do chan ge, don' t they! The 15 West College Ave. hare of a•ll th e praise and approba o ld fa hioned gi rl u ed to s tay at home Bell Phone g tion . The e men are the crub . Citizen Phone 167 when h e had noth ing to . wear and There i not a ar ity man who now look at her. ' doe not appreciate the effort of F or all that i!i good to eat see Speaki ng of invention a co1 n emth e e m en. The Var ity man know us that t h e chool that but fo r tbi faithful plodder the po rary r emin d paper i the be t invention of all. T h chance of the team' making a ces ful gridiron reco rd would chool get all the fun, if any. The 1 mall ind ed. The Var ity man , who print r g t all the mon ey, u ually i in a po itiou to know, appreciate ome. The editor g et all the b lame, never none. thi s. But th e publi c give the crub ur idea of hard luck i for a g uy can t attention. He come out night ·to b e working for hi board and then after uig ht without prai e or en loo in~. hi appetite. 31 W . College Ave. couragement, face the arsity' batWESTERVILLE, O HIO tcrin.g, then on aturday, the time for W eek's W orst Joke. laurel and ch eer , week ly takes his Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 p lac.e on the bench. He ee the t .Po t ted in. a -women' co II ege b Y inI d h ru re m a tronomy· "Any o ne gam P aye ' P r ap get bi ~han ce. w i bing to look at enu· but probably not. He has received no 11le "' B t T . plea e ee I 0 hare of th e glo r y', b ut the next week • on ran cnpt. fi nd him bac k in hi place contribu The Poet Laureate Speaks. jng hi bit. row that football' over:IL Rai l to the Scrub! Re i ''Th e D ~1mmy'" gone away. unherald d hero of every gridiron . Tiut th r ' quite a number T hat a~e here to stay. O ur High School Friends. Recently in the "Fortnightly ,Re O u r " W eakly" Prove rb. flec tor'' published by 'Ne terville Don't run your leg off after a wo Hig h S hool, and which by the way man : you'll need them to kick your an excellent paper, editorial comelf after it' all over.-Chicago Post.
W. M. Gantz, D. D. S.
WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
B. W . WELLS Tailor
Dry Cleaning, P ressing RHODES & SONS
The College A venue MEAT MARKET
THE TAN\ND CARDINAL Juniors and Frosh Victorious. The first games of the Girls' Bas ket Ball League were played Saturday night and resulted with wins for the Juniors and Freshmen. The fres hies had little trouble in running up a sco re on the seco nd yea r gir ls. Miss Lambert and Miss Oyler playing a tar role in th e sco r ing. INTRAMURAL INTERCOLLEGIATE The Ju nior-Senior con test res ulted (Edited by A. W . Elliott) in a ti e and in th e over-time play Olive Mayne succeeded in swis hing a basket for the Juniors. BASKET BALL BEGUN 0. C. MUST BE HOSPITABLE Scores: Frosh 25, ophs 6. Otterbein Duty Bound to Return All of Last Year's Varsity on HamJunior 13, Seniors 11. Cordial T reatment A ccorded First Game W ith Capital. University. DARN BILL Varsity Team. The basket ball mill started on s The treatment r eceived by the O t The ot her day t erbein football team while on t he long winter grin d ea rly last W(< I was talking to Bill road during the sea son just over was when the aspirant reported for pr: And fine. At every school whic h the team tice and were put through p1·elimimy Told him I had been i ited the b est kind of reception was practice. Writing a letter to my mother There were no losses by grad 1accorded. Miami, in special, p layed And that the role of host in a most commend tion last spring so the squad is pr: It took me two hours. a ble fas hion. At that school a tica ll y intact with the addition f · B ill says, everal of last year's freshmen WD group of fres hm en was · wai ti ng at "I imagine you get along th e station when the team a rrived, will make a st rong bid fo r a regur Writing to your mother place. A dded to thi s, B o b Martin wo carried grips and suitcases, and ac ted About as well as an a s guides generally. After the g ame i a senio r alth o ug h h e has never ~ar Old-time aloon keeper cipated !n va rsity basket b all to ay was over, and it was found that tlie Would Otterbein team had less than forty ex tent, 1s out for the team and v11 Lea ding a prayer meeting. minute in which to catch its train, make ome one travel for a forwar, Yo u can' t tell h er the thing The fi rst game will be played hce th e £re bmen again were on the job, You are doing here with Capital on January 7th. Capi.l packed Otterbein' s luggage while the And your conscience meµ took their shower arul dressed, is goi ng strong and will be hard 0 Won' t let you li e." bea t if new paper repo rts can be n and took it to the station again. It Darn Billi was en tir ely due to this fore though t ed upon . They have practically th r that the 0 . C. men ma de their train. same lineup that proved t·o be suh Sophs Down Frosh In Soccer. as the reception wltich Otterbein a hard nut to crack last year. The op homo res added another v ie~ The clas games will be played tis accorded visi tin g tea ms as co rdial and tory over the Fre hmen when they de th ughtful a ' that which th team week and thi will give the coacha feat ed the F re hman occer team on r eceived away from home? Evidence chance to " look 'em over" and will ; Monday preceeding tJ1 e Thanksgiving point to the negative. 1f Otterb ein o give th e indiv idual cla e th e ,_ vacation . of th eir· va r ity men. It i pt v(ee want to keep her good name a a !though handi capped by a muddy de irable at hl etic chool s he must d,ct ed that th e final g am will bea 6eld the game tarted fa t, and the battle royal between th e Junior a d become more ho pitab le roward vi it Fre hm en. Although there are o 1e. Soph soon realized thaf the game ing teams. would not be a walk-away. Fo r ome enior and ophomore who will nt Oi co ur e, , here th e tim e neither team cored. The F resh this tatement. given the be t welcome men then made a rush play and made vailed a y tern wherl!by th e tir t goa l which wa followed im SPORTORIAL men ar e forced to look m ediately ~ith a goal by the opho want of v i ·itiog tea m . Tli foo tball sea on ha • co me a d mor es. hame that tterbein has no uch ·ysBefo re th e half wa ove r the econd and the II-Ohio- onferene -tern yet we mu t fa ce th e ituati II a team have bee n cho en and Otterh<n year m en made their econd goal. it i . The fa ct tha t tt erb in en- h as had to be co ntent to hold a e a- The half en ded with the core 2 to 1 force n o s uch coe rcion houl d be a dary po iti oo in regard to tJ,e p lac i g in fa vor of the op ho more . ~ea r th e be inning of the econd challenge to th e pride of the fr es hm n, of fi r t team material. and hould cau e them to be all the ha! the oph made th eir third and mor co ncerned about a vi iting H · A· Miller , port editor of the last goal. The F re bmen. th en tighten team' we lfare, and magnify their lum bu Di patch, placed Roy Pedn ed up and with added team work work in a much a s it would be vol- on his co t1 d team. He wa givn held their op}?onents scorele for the o th er pla ces o f honorabl e m ention bi t remaind er of the period.. untary. ne would be tem1t no fir t rating. The footba ll ea on i over, but be ed to ay thi i to ug h ledding, bit A BAD RULE fore long ba ket-ba11 team will be after a little reAec tion, our optimim from University News, v i iting u . The freshman c las will and faith in th future comes bobb i1g (Taken Cincinnati) . ha ve an opportunity to redeem itself, up, and we sing out with one a cco rl , It i generally conceded that the ex r emove the ca use of further critici m, " It can't la t, tterbein will come .o cuse fo r a univer ity is tudy, and also e ta b li h an Otterbein cus tom, and the front in the Ohio onference a id that ince ther e are colleges, there a re ha ve grounds upon which to force we will help to put her th ere!" Everr intercollegiate sports. Hence, rules next year 's fr e hman cla s to action body that belie\·e · that ay, '·Yooororelating cholastic sta nding to eligi if t h y will but he ed th e chall enge, 00000-0000 !" bility in sports must e.xi t. organize between now and the time of That's good, it down! ~ow le's The Ohio Conference tate that if our fir t basket ball game on Janu- buckle down to busine and ee tlat a man i down in two ubjects, he i ary 7, and produce ome ervic . we are no hindrance to the basket b,11 ineligible. Thi j all right. BUT, the team and that anything we can po-- rul e goe on to ay that uch a man, i itor-"You · have two hundred onally or collectively do to h elp tie to become eligible mu t be above pas team to WI G ME let us do it ing in every ubject ; he must remove odd Fre hmen, haven't you?" wi t h a will. a ll condition t Cincinnati, as in tudent-"Yes. Every one of them many other chool , a cop dit ion r e ceived at th e end of 011e eme ter c;:.n Patronize our Advertisers! i ."-Exchange.
Page Five not b e r emoved until the end of the fo llowing semester, whe n final grades are given. This mean s, th en that a man may be ineligible for a whole semes ter-for a whole season. Such a case has recently turn ed up here, and as a res ult th e baseball team is d eprived for th e season of the services of a valuable v eteran. This is undoubted- · ly a r es triction which the spirit of the ru.le does not intend. Loo e wording, without . a thorough understandin g of sc hool conditio ns, is the fault. But th e rul e exists. T h e By-Laws of the Ohio Confer ence have long been known for their unn eccesa ry severity. An excellent example is found in the prohibition of Freshmen teams from any other but intramural competition. This .1s wrong. In fact, it's asinine. Wake up , tea ms of the Ohio Con ference. Formulate some prac ticable, workable, efficient regulation s; individ uals and schools are s.uffe ri,ng under your present ones. Martin Completes Schedule. A very cr editable basket ball sched ule has been arranged for the coming seaso n by Athletic Director Martin. Three home games have b ee n sc hed ul ed with a fo urth game p ending. ine of the twelve games are with co nference team . Jan. 7-Capital at W e tervill e. Jan. 14--Deni on at Granville. Jan. 21- Ohio orthern at W e terville. Jan. 28-Wittenberg at pringfield. Feb. +-Heidelberg at Westerville. Feb . 11- Ohio orthern at A.da. Feb. 16-Cin cinn ati at Cincinnati . F eb. 22-Miami at Oxford. F b. ZS-Bluffton pending). Marc h 4-- apital at Columbus. March 9-K.enyon at Gambier. March 11-O hi o W e leyan at Delaware.
HOW THEY FINISHED IN OHIO CONFERENCE Team W. L. Pct. Miami -··················· ···-···· 7 0 1.000 *Oberlin ........................ 6 0 1.000 * a c ·············•···· ······ ·-···· 6 I . 57 Woo ter ············-·····-····· 6 2 .7 50 Denison ··········-············· 5 2 .714 Ohio orthern ............ 4 2 .667 A kron ···-··-··-················· 4 3 .571 3 .500 *v\ ittenberg ············-··· 3 **Kenyon ............ .......... I .500 Ohio niver ity .......... 1 .500 ..We t. Re e rve ····-····· 5 .286 *Otterb ein ···········-········ /. I 3 .250 *Hiram ········ -·-············; I 4 .200 *We leyan ................ .!,. l 5 .167 incinnati .................... 0 4 .000 *Mt. nion ···········-'····· O 5 .000 H eidelberg .................... O 7 .000 *Indicates p layed o ne or more tie gam.es which wen; not co n idered 111 co mpiling percentage standing. . '· heba" make long run. Headline m CoJumbu Di patch theatre column. We wond er if he cro sed the goa l. r.t i rath er amu ing how the Editors cha nge their vocabulary the easons. In t he summer "Have a row to hoe" in th e fall '·h ave a nut to cra ck," in winter " have ice to cu t," and in pring " have another bird in a bu h."
port with they they they they
Page Six
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~• morrow. Had a p ush tonig ht. home last Saturday night, Miss other m ea ns of entertainmen t tha t the Thursday-F un? Just gobs of it all Flo r ence Clippinger, sister of Presi- hostess proYided. Each membe r of THE D IARY OF A day. Var sity "O" initiation and it was dent C lippinger, was a lso present. th e Co un cil considered it a pri,·ilege COCHRAN H A LL GI RL absolutely ra r e. If th er e is any thing The occasion was a most delight- to ha ve had a har e in the rea l c1 :oyIii-- - - - - - - - - - - - - • fun ni er than Bill tauffer as a Bolsheful o ne, ever yone enjoying to the ut m cnt that the evening furnished . think it is Menke as an angel. viki, I (By Pink) I wonder if one proposes to twenty most th e fellowship and good ch ee r Sunday-Well. this is Sunday and Patronize our Adver ti ser s! girls in one day, is he any less fu ssed that the affa ir afforded and also the the last day of this grand and glorious when he proposes to just o n e and vacation. I suppo se vacations j ust ,!_!111111111 111 1111111111 111111 II III I I I I I I I I II II I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 111111 1111111 11; can't last foreve r, and maybe it's a means it? Friday-} ust feel ter ribl e ton ight, : good thing th ey can't. I'm sure if I had an y more good things to eat. J im came back today a nd I had a1 date _ omebody would hav e to be hunting with him tonight. I told him the up flo we rs and s low music. Went to truth a bout A rt a nd how cr azy I was : c hur ch this morning and then went about him and I th in k Jim felt awful- : out to dinn er. When I see a chi cken ly bad. Ju st m a de m e wish I were two peopl e instead of just one for _ now I look th e other way. Jim is ju st a peach. I hate to hurt § Monday-Back to th e ~rind again eve n a worm . today, and I ure start ed in right. Saturday- Got up at 5 :30 this morn- _ Got up at 4:30 and studied. "Prof. Bucque" heartl essly gave us a te st in ing and went to th e city t o pose fo r drama and this was my first introduc Sibyl pictures. I'll wager some of the : tion to the text book. Oh, well, "Had fixed smiles I saw today won't come § we only sun hine", etc. Jim has been off for a week. I think it's too bad : sick all over vacation and couldn't complexions don't show in pictures. § come back today. I'm supposed to Went to Prexy's to a nice party to- : feel bad but honestly Art has been so night and had a swell time. I sure : do like parties. Had a letter from : ni ce I have hardly missed J im. home and got some money. I needed § Tue day-Slept through two classes it, too. It's a lmost morning and I've : thi morni ng and had no cuts com promised faithfully to go to Sunday § ing in either of them. I don' t know school. How can I? : who can help it if I don't hear th e bells. Wednesday-Got up at .four this P r esident an d Mrs. Clippinger E ntertain the Student Co uncil. morning and studied for three hours. P r esident and Mrs. Clippinger en- _ Gave me a wonderfu ll y conscientious fee ling so haven't studied any for to- tertained the Student Council at their -
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Page Seven
Mark A. Phinney. who has been pa sto r in th e Columbia River Con fer ence of the United Brethren chu rc h, having served the church at W e ton, Oregon, last year, ha reigne d hi pastorate and accepted the po iti on of professor of mathematic an d science in Philomath College, Philomath, Oregon.
H arl ey G. W alters and Mi s a zel B. Mo rri s of Coh;mbus, Ohio, w ere ma rri ed T h urs day a ftern oo n, _O ctob er 27, at the home of th e o ffi <:iating minister, th e Reve rend C. H. Borror. Mr. and Mr s. Walters will make their home at th e Virgi nia H o tel in olumbus.
Professor W illia m A. W eber, P r ofes or of Religious Education in Bonebrake Theological eminary at Da yton, Ohio, wa elected a mem b er of the Dayton school board at the rece nt election. '17. The Tan and Cardinal extends s ympathy to Clyde D. Knapp in his recent berea vement in the los of hi wife. Mr . Knapp died about the m·i ddle of o vember after a short illn e . A short funeral service held at larence enter _ ew wh erc Mr. Knapp i pa tor- oi nited 13relhr O ·hurch, and body wa then taken to Lak ant. ~ ew York. the former hom e of . M r . K napp , w here funera 1 er v1ce w re he ld a nd inter ment occurred . '87. D r. Andrew Timberman of Colu mb u . Ohio. wa one of the speaker a t the cer emony attending th t: breaking of ground fo r the new Young M en' Chri tian A ~sociation building at th corner of Long and 'Front streets in Columbu . Dr. Timberman is vice-pre ident of the city A ociation . '13. Mr. and Mr . Fay M. Bowman of Bucyru , Ohio have announ ced the birt h of a on, ~obert Ved Bowman, on ovc mb er 21, 1921. The Tan and ardi naJ ex tend congratulation .
l . B. ando of Indianapoli , Inoiana, ha recently organized the a nd o dvert_i ing ompany in that city and the pre ident f the c m'pa n . '13.
'13. • '15.
Mi Blanche Keck of kron, hio and Mi Bes ie Keck of M in rva, hio, pent th e Thank ivi ng vacation with their pare..nt n ar \J terville. r . •. P. Dick died at her home Bucyru . Ohio, Wednesday vert.i g, ovember 23. he wa the mot'h r of J. J. Dick, '11., Mi May i k:11, Mr . A. D. ook (Wilda Di k) ,'13, and Mi s Ruth Dick, '17, to w'hom , e expre s our ympathy in th ir bereavement.
New Dramatic Club Completes O r ganization and W ill Begin Play Soon. Much interest has been shown in the new dramatic club, "The Cap and Dagger.'· Upon announcement that try-outs would be held, twenty-four per on presented themselves be fore th e judges as candidate for member ship. . l t i to be regre tted that the very nature of the club permits only a limited number of memb er . Al thoug h all those who tri ed out w ere people of some dramatic experi ence, o nly th e following eleven of the tw ent y- four aspirants w er e chosen : Bon nib el Yanney, Virgi nia . B lagg, Vir g il Draye r, Lucil e Ew ry, Ka thleen W hit e, Gra ce H ill, L eland P ace, George Bechto lt, P latt W ard ell, Ce cil Con ley, L es ter Mitchell. T he judg es we re Mr . Tussey, Miss H elen K eller, M iss Ed na Bright, Pro fessor an d Mr . Ro sselo t, P ro fes sor Bromley Smith. The following officers were elec ted: '.Presid ent, atherine Kahler ; Sec re tal]Y-Treasurer, Marjora Whistler; Business Manager, Paul Harris. A committee is now electing a play for pre entation, work upon which will begin next week.
UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY 44 North State Street Eastman Kodaks a nd Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies·. Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTI CAL DEPARTMENT Ink Pencils, Sheaffer's Ever Sharp Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye Shades and Goggles. Examination Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us Etc. a call.
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CONVOCATION IS GREAT SUCCESS a peculiar dignity and (Continued from page one.) about a library that be violated. A loud guf- war zone, in the opening peech. Dr. harle .'\. Tindlcy, col T d pa tor aw, talking, even inordina e whjs-alvary ·hurch of Philadelphia I ering seems singu larly out of plac(". brief and nthu ia tic p ech . W c ar glad to note that tudent in followed by Dr. D. I. Boynenera ~ re -pect the unwritten law regulating the e . thing . But we are ton of ew ork, who made a _plea atha toltal lo sf to ulndehr ta,nd why for internationali m oppo ed to th e ot er c as es o peop e ou d be al- in ularity of Wa hington time. Mr. lowed to o wan tonly violate that Denby, a tudent of Princeton, in a which th e student feel duty bound fiv e-mi n ute speech gave hi opm1on to ob er e. few fa culty member on ome of th e thing that he thought and town people eem to feel it their the convocation ought to accomJ?lish p cial privilege to come in at and made a plea that they be not time and talk and laugh a ati fied with working up a g reat place were a clu b room. V e can deal of ntim nt and then going imagine how indignant they would be home happy with the £ e ling that if omeone inconsiderately and need om thing had be n accompli hed, le ly di turbed them in their tudy. but that om r a l and tangible. re ult be attained. \t\' hy s houldn' t they accord to other th e right they reserve for th emThe fir t ine ting clo ed by the ap elve ? If there are to be any n:le portioning of each of all the dele ob erv d why make any di tin ction gate on one of the two committee, rgaoization . or exception? Let' all be a lit U ·viz.: Re olutioo , and Each of the committee met unmore thoughtful of ·one anoth er' day night and brought their r port to right · th general a embly the fo llowin g tudent '22. m ming. Th rep rt of the Re olu1 tion committee, a am nd d and final Word from Prof. C. A. Fritz. ly adopted wa a follow : 1-A pe Word ha come from Profe or cial fil;C age of onnnendation to ec A. Fritz of th Department of Public retary Hughe for calling the World peaking and Oratory, who i on leave Di armament onference, then in e of ab nee thi year. Profe or Fritz ion. __ 11 appr ciation of the re and hi fami ly ar in ambridge, pon e of the other nation to the call. Ma ., w.her rofe or Fritz i tudy 3--Iiearty commendation and upport ing at Harvard. He is taking gradu of Hugh in th polici he outlined ate work jn Engli h Literature and in at the opening of the onference. 4additio n i taking active part in th A resolution favo ring reduction of Harvard Dramatic Cl ub. armament. 5- A r olution favo ring P ro f or Fritz ha been as ig ned a leading part in the fall production of op 11 covenant iu the present confer ence. (>'.,__ re olution requ ting that the Dramatic Club which will appear io Cambridge, Bo ton and other citie . the conference con ider not only the problem of di armament, but al o the There is
1 •
tate St.
Meats of All K inds Also Groceries at
WOLF'S We terville Ohio cau e of war and th e proble m of doing away with war. 7re olu tion to the coll ege that they provid courses in international relation and fo ter the formation of cl ub on th ame in a ll th o ll eg . The report of th ommittee on rganization , a am end d and accepted wa : 1committe con_ · ting of Dr. Elliot, chairman ; Abraham Harri , and thre tud nt delegate . to be c ho en a provid d later, con titute a national committ e of coll gc to upervi the conti nuation. of the work of th onvocation then in sion on di armame n and que tion aft r Jina! adjourum 2-,;The nam 0£ tbi committ e be " ommitt e on lnternation_al R la tion ", not on di armament only. 3- Th e undergraduate of the Convoca tion meet eparately later and effect an organization independent of the other, but ubj ct to recommen dations from it, for purpo e of publicity, etc. in the fut ure. The n uing meeting dealt with de tail of organizing · all und ergraduat coll ge tud nt of Am tica jnto an organization that wou ld perpetuate and contin u th work of thi onvo ca tion.
Page Eight
THE TAN AND CARDINAL CLASS DEBATERS BUSY Plea Made That Upper Classman Get Busy In Preparation for Varsity Debate.
•·Here we are from Otterbein!'' Co lumbus c1t1zen ·•sat up and took notice" of th e Otterbein student Sat urday. Every street in Columbus, it eemed, held Otterbeinite ! A dozen or more of Otterbein male tudents attended the revival services at the Evangelical Church Sunday night. They report that th e Evangelist, Rev. Cohagen, i a forceful speaker. Mr. John A. Toy has been conduct ing revival ervices at his church in olumbus during the past few weeks. A large number of people were con verted at the meetings.
The Sophomore-Freshman debate is now underway with full crews on deck. By special try-o uts the Sopho mores fina ll y selected as their re presentatives V. E. Meyers. cap tain, L. E. Mitchell. S. A. Wells, and Dana Hall eck. ..\s formerly announ ce d th e Freshmen will be championed by Wi lli Keyes. Rus ell Ward, Dewey Ewin g and Floyd McQuire. Who will captain th e Fro h i undecided. Preparation for Varsity debate is no t far distant now, and it is hop ed that th e upper classmen will show more interest than they ha ve so far this season. A remark was recently made that unl ess upperclassmen gather around the debat e table in th e library and show some pep, th e mem bers of the Soph-Fro h teams will necessal"ily cons titute th e Varsity D e bate T eams. Such a contingency can only he avoided by dili ge nt study and research on th e part of Juniors and Seniors. ·
-most for your money
Varsity Debate try-outs will be held Monday night, December 12. As most of last year's debater graduated there should be a large group of aspirants ready to fall in line and fill The local editor's mind seem blank these vacancies. thi week, as u ual Dangero us CLASS GRIDDERS MEET harles Larew hurled a heavy snow ball at the aforesaid editor's right foot, striking him on the left ear. The vic Sophs and Frosh P lay Tie Game In Excellent Display of tim has partially regained conscio us ness! This, in addition to the fact Football. that he wa painfully " truck" by the One of th e mo t intere ting foot kodak Saturday, leav es th e local edi ball game played on the local grid tor in a critical condition. iron thi ea on wa played by th e Mr. Walter chutz, 21, wa a vi itor ophomore and Fre hman team on at Otterbein Saturday and Sunday. th e Tu day preceeding th e Thanks givi ng rece . Upper Cla man-''Did you come The two team were well matched clean from Pitt burgh, today?" and both played a good brand of foot F reshie--"Huh, how could a man ophomores howed a ball. The ome clean from Pittsburgh?" little better when "Barney" made hi s line plunges, and "Andy" and "Chick" CALENDAR taat their end run for big gain . Tuesday, December 6eith r team came within dangerou 6: 15 p. m.-Y. W. C. A. coring territory. The neare t either 6:30 p. m.-Glee Club practice. t am came to scoring wa when the Wednesday, December· 7ophomore eleven had tlie ball within : O p. m.-Choir practice. nine yard of the Fr hman goal, only Thursday, December 8-to lo e it when kCarrol intercepted Faculty Recital, Lambert Hall. a forward pa and ran 90 yard be6:15 p. m.-Cleiorhetea. fore being downed. p ualty on th :20 p. m.-Phila lethea. Fre hmen at thi time brought the ball Friday, December 9back to tbe center of the field . ery '1-, 6: IS p. m.-Philophronea. littl pa ing wa done by either team. 6:30 p. m.-Philomathea. l' he ophomore , however, ucceeded Monday, December 12in completing one pa The Fro h Science Club. made four fir t down to the . op_h' . COLUMBUS three. Wednesday, December 14' 0 HI 0 econd number of Lectu r o ur e, Lineup and ummary: Q. B. Ren ner Ralph Bingham, Humori t. ophomo re Timekeep r-~- v. M_iller . toltz ub titution -Fre hme n : Ma on for f ,.. , ·• Friday, December 16L. E. Chci tma Rece Menke L. T. Hopper, HalRev. F. L . Dennis V'sits. Knight L G. Moving pictu re of variou activi Mill r. C. ophomor e : Melku for Knight, La t Th ur day night an d F riday, Bordner tie about the campu a re being Gilman R. G. <'!: D err Knight fo r Melku , M orri on for Otterbein was vi ited by Rev. F. L. p hotogra9 hed at Wooster Colleg e. Adam R. T. R ichter K night. D enni , pa tor of t he E uclid Aveuue T he pict ur a re to be u ed in the Hancock R. E. Hopper Refer ee-Van Al tine, Ohio Wes_B. Ch urch, 'Dayton, Ohio. Being a g rea t campaign for 1,100,000. An Barnh a rt F. B. 1 ttor a t Y. M . C. ., Thu rsday night. McCar roJl leya n. " operator of the P ath e Moving Picture Perry L. H . Lanca te r U mpire-R. U. fartin, O tterb ein. he wa asked to n a ke a few r emark Co rporation i ta king the pictures. taats R.H. th V an Atta Head Linesman-Altman, Otterbei n. ere, an~ then o n F ri day mo.rnin g · he had charge of devotions at chapel. These snowy nights are ideal for playing rook, as most of the students will agree. Midnight comes ea rly at a rook party.
·-· at~40
T here' . no better quali ty to be had than t he e plaid back made in cotland by J. & J. CRO BIE L td. ee Our W indow