1921 12 12 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.


No. 11.

'. STUDENTS CLASH Visit j Football Men Royally Banquetted and I OVER BASEBALL





O ho State Sociology Club Pays to O tterbein Literary Entertained at Home of Bitter F ight Waged to Prevent Miss Wright and Miss Robinson ApSocieties. J . W . Jones. Dropping of Baseball This pear In Season's First Faculty W ed ne day night at th e home of Friday night, the l'hilomathean and Spring. Recital. ; Philophronean Literary Societies were Mr. and Mrs. J. vV. J o nes on South

Igreat ly

hono red by a visit frnm the Vine St,eet, th e football squad enjoyState ·niversity Sociology Club. ed its second post-season banquet of Both Performers Render D_ifficult Twenty-three member of this Club. the yea r, when the Jone ' threw open their hou e and entertained at dinner Numbers With Unusual Skill , 111clL1 d111g everal Profe sor , came uµ twenty-four men of the quad, Coach and Nicety. · from Co lum.bu by automobi le, and Ditmer and At hleti c Director Martin. dividing into two gr9ups, visited th e Seate.cl at thcee tables which were (By Dan Harri s.) two mens· ocietie . appropriately decorated, and erved n Thur day evening, Dec. 8th, in It appears that at Ohio State there ' th f d .. I " th · b -the rst fa culty recital of th e year. . . . . wi oo ga ore , e veriest c.ru . P' . d M" 1 1 no orga111zat1011 where strict par- counted it hi lucky day when he atMis, Agi1es Wnght, ia111st. an is I ham entary order and discipline is tached himself to th e squad and bravLouise h.obinson . oprano, presented a i, prac t.ice d as 1·t 1s · 111 · th e 1·1terary soc1e· ed the rigor of the season · As might be expected at an ocell cho en program to a large and I ties at Otterbein. Conseque ntly, wishaupr_eciative _audience in Lambert Hall. ing to know som.ething of how a meet- l ca ion where a score ?r more young _Mi Rob~n ,?n began t_he,, program ing · i conducted under strict par- chap held sway, merriment and good with Ronald Cy~ o_f Life , _a group Jiamentary rules, the Club made the cheer held the upper hand. Hilacity of five ong vaned ~ emotion . a_nd visit to Otterbei11. and food mingled freely, and at th.: tll1ou~h . he sang Hth1 groupff w_1th .\teach of th e societies. members of clo e of the meal. Mr. Joue introducp ea mg contrasts. er next o enng 1 ed Ex-capta,.in Peden who in turn m. .. . "H y I I" f t 11c nsitmg party were called upon to · was an an~ " "e, srae r~m l peak a few 'ord . In Pili! phronea, roduc.cd aptaiu- l t Fran . in a the Oratorio EhJah . The effective . toastma tcr of the e,·ening . ' n o £ t I11· power f uI ana · taxe Dr. . F. E . Lum ley, Professor of · ren d th Captai n F ran klin deviating so m eoc1ology. and Mr. P. P. Dcnune, · th f r t M' . power o any voca t . .t s i e-Presidcnt of the· lub pok their what from the usual custom, passed by Robmson wa equal to the occa 1011, . . . . th. I tter men, and allowed the o' udmng from the applau e which thi appreciation of th work done rn high d ,. b ,, t h h . J ,,. d 1-t · • B h f 1 ca 11 e scru o ave t e1r ay number brought forth. gra c I erary oc1eties. ot o t 1e e Co K . h Gib · 1 ·t . n equ(lnt y mg t, son tudcThe group of ultra modern " Chinese men h a d 11a d l I erar y society expe- b k B h t d • a er · R' C 11 I Ph'l arn ar an 1 oe 1 each Mother Goose Rhymes" di played nence at tram o ege. n I ok' . b' . fl h . .h • I D c C h p f f ne y t e1 r t a nks po e. te 11 mg Mi s Robinson's interpretati ve ability mat 1 a, r. . . 1 ort . ro e sor o f h J , h . r Her diction such an important ele~ Sociology, and Mis Ruth Davis, t~r- t e on~ . o rt~ tty ~n~ also meut in song' of this type is certainly Pre ident of th Club, poke in behalf ~1rda~prfeciabttolnl oC t c tr~m1ng re, f h . . D N th h . oach DJ tmer and, cc1ve 1n oot a . worthy of favorable comment. ~ t e vi Ltor r_. r or '. avrng Jethl tic Director Martin then poke, In the la t group Miss Robinson's 011 ed to _a e_batmg. oCJety at e- dwelling on the ucce e of the ea~ upper range appear ed to pecial advan- b ra ~a. niver ity, ~i~ed heai:ty a~- 00 and xpr (ContinL1ed on page two.) preciatton for t~e t~arnmg received m for th future. such an orgaJ]tzatJ0Jl and regretted fter the coffee a ll adjourned to the STO~Y CONTEST ANNOUNCED that that type of organization i dying· adJ'oining room wh r on en embl out of modern college life. · • and game in group wer in, order, Barnes Short Story Contest To Be Phi lomath ea, for th benefit of her aud where everything appeared from gue t , sta ged a ,fifteen minute, rapid ''rollin' bone '' to good o ld rook. Closed This Year on fi re, parliamentary drill. whi h brought March 15. hea rty applau e from th member of Chaucer Club Discusses Dante. Eil h year one of the mo t intere th' lub. Philophronea ga ve an in­ Dante' " Divi ne Comedy' wa the i11g vents among the a piring r ception, with lig ht refre h­ ubject for di cus ion a t the haucer "literati" of Otterbein , i th :8acnes to the lub after the regular Club last Wedne day' even ing. hort tory Conte t . Thi event beof th ocietie . The program which was excell ent­ gan. ome year ago when a hort ly handled in an informal way, C0ll­ tory cholar hip wa fou nd ed by Mr. Alumni Hold Banquet ; Mi~s si ted 0£ a epa ra te discussion on each \Valter Lowrie Barne, each year three Edna Streich, '08 , Is Hostess. of the three divi ions of th e ep ic poem. Prize of 40.00 $20.00 aud 10.00 being t Port mouth Oh io, la t Satur­ Inferno, Pu rga torio Paradise. award d to the three be t tori ubThe program wa concluded with day night, all Otterbei1t alumni and n1itt discu ion on Da·ute's influence. friend of that city held an Otterb II) It i required that a tory sub mitted An analy is of the "B rimming Cup" have a it ba i ome incident of ome Banquet. e tabli hed fact in mericao hi tory. The event wa held at the home of by .Poroth y Can fie ld will be th e ub­ Th tory mu t b original, and of Mis dna treich, 'O , i ter of Ru th ject for co ns ideration at the fi r t meet­ uch a character that it will empba ize treich, now in choo l, who ho pit 4 bly ing after vacation which wi ll be Wed­ the vir ues of good ci tizen hip. The qpened her home £or the occasion. nes-day, January 3. The remainder of the meetings for tory mu t be not le than 6,000 uor Mi s treich is one o f Otterbein' the year will be spe11t in di cu ion of mo r than 15,000 word long, and th loyal boo ter and her kindne wa contemporary dramati ts and poet- . hi toricaJ element m u t not be pervert­ app reciated. ed o a to de' tor its pure hi toricity. P re ident Clippinger wa a guest at The increased i11terest w hich the mem­ ber of the cl ub are showing in this T he competition hall be open to th banquet and remained und ay to work be peak a succe ful year. (Co ntinu ed from page two.) peak at the local church.




I Ohio





63 Men and $502.00 Pledged By Stu­

dents Make Retention of Base­ ball Possible. Wedne day morning at chapel, the student body, called to order as the Otterbein A thletic Association, voted by a afe majority to recomm end to th e Ottt;rbein Boa rd of Contro l, the fina l voice in ath.letic matter , that varsity baseball be ctispen ed with thi coming pring. Tue day night preceediug th elec­ tion, the Athletic Board the ex cutive body of the thletic Association, de­ bated at considerable length a to the adYi 'ab ility uf the measure, and con­ idering all ide of th que tion. it was fina lly agre ed that to u pend baseba ll this year would be a wise . t the meetmg Wedne day morn. R F p . mg . . eden, President of the th l . . . etic Associat1on, announced the . . recommendation of the th let1c Board that baseball be u pended and the n gave th reason for this recommeoda tioo. the fi rst place the thfetic In ad ly in need of fund . w equipmeJ1t £or footb all and (Co11tinued on page seve n.)




Otterbein Students to Have Oppor­ tunity to Hear Renowned Fun-maker. 'v\' ed 11 e day. D ccmber 14, a t , :U o'c lock u1 th co ll ege chape l. will appe'ai: Ralph Biogham, who i holder of the enviable title of bei ng "Ameri­ ca's g re;tte t fun-maker." Mr. Bing­ ham i co iog a the second number on th e Citizen' Lecture Co ur e and acco rding to all reports thi w ill be one of th e best things pre en ted thi s season. Two fellow-townsmen, who have heard Mr. Bingham, ay he is without doubt the funniest man th ey e\'er heard. · In ad dition to thi come re­ port and pre notice from all over th e coun_try proclaiming thi humori t a w ithout peer. Ra lp h. 'B ingham in 1:w nty year bas filled even thou and engagements and d uring thi time he has mi ed but two engagements. He ha twice be n pre ident of th e International (Conti nu ed on page. two.)






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Second Recital of year Is Evidence of I " Q uiz and Q uill" Will Conduct Con- I Conservatory's Excellent test Among Sophomores and Work. Freshmen. Llst Wedn esday even ing, in Lanibert Hall Auditorium, occurr ed th e second tud ent r ecital of th e year. Each number was received mo st cordiall y by the audience and th e program ·was furthe r evidence of the high grade of work don e in the Conserva tory. th Piano-Salut de Pe Kowalsgi Helen Schutt Piano-Valse in E minor (Post humou ) Chopi n Ver gy l D rayer Son g-Ta ke Joy Home Karolyn W ell s Bas ett Go lda Windom Piano-Etude, Op. 22, o. 1

ChrIs . tmas Ca n d es 1

ti ~

gift a trul y expre e the real spirit of _ Chri tn1a a Candy. We are d isplay ing the :

Each year th e Quiz a nd Quill Cl ub offers prizes of ten, five and one do!- : tars to th e beS t sophomore a nd fresh- : man productions best suited fo r pub Ii- : § ca tion in the Quiz and Quill Magazine. '\ ~ Production this yea r mu st be in th e hand s of Professor A ltma n or Miss §


Lyon on o r befo re Mar ch 15 • 1922 · A I § production of a ny kind may be ub- : mitted, though p r ose sho uld be about 700 wo rd s in leng th and v er e about 50 lines. It is necessar y that the pro- § duct io n sho w unmi stakab ly th e qua!ity of originality and constructive thinkin g. The manu script should be carefully -



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t complete line of Xmas candies we have } l d ever 1a ( · evv and attractively designe boxes, all filled with the best candies that can be made; Apo llo, Reymer' s F r ances Willard, L ow ney' and J ohn t o n' and priced at the pre-war leve l. You have our entir e stock f 1· l 1 } · · r om w 11c 1 to ma <e your c 1oice. A dep os it w ill ho ld yo ur election till wanted, or we will deliver at Chri tmas morning. Out-of-town deliveries made via parcel post.



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Woll enh aupt wr itte n or typew ritten (doub le Kathryn Steele spaced) . The narr\e of the writer Piano-Se r enad e Emil Li eb ling should not appear on the manu sc ript V irginia Tayor but upo n a eparate sheet accompany- ; Ong-Yesterday and Today . Spross ing th e manu sc r ipt. Other particulars V iola P ri e st in con necti o n w ith thi s conte t can be Pianoobta in ed from either P r ofessor AltG ive Dad a box of Cigar . 11 popular Cap rice Celebre d'apres Paganni man o r M iss Lyons. It is to be 1-ioped R. Schumann that th e interes t manifes ted la t year brands in five , ten , 25 and 50s. Byron Wilson ·in thi s contes t will be continued thi _ Piano-Elfentanz . Bernard John so n year. Lois Hughes iolin-Roman ce, Op. 50, o. 2 VARI E D PROGRAM Beethoven IS PRESENTED _ Elma Rheinhart _ (Co nti nuc d from page o ne.) II IIIll Ill Ill Ill II III III II III Ill II III I111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIII I II I1111111111111111 Ill Harri s Piano-I rid e cence Virginia Wolfe tange in certain pa ages of " La ·P iano- a lse-Mazurka . L esli e Loth i Girometta"- ibell a. and ." The wal­ J!.IIII II IIII III II II IIII II III II III III IIII III II III III III 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 j 11111111 11 arol May Grieg l low ' -D ef'acqu a. Profe sor H . Dana ongtrother' na me appea r d on the p ro­ (a) Thou art o like a _F lower g ram a playing t he violin obligato to ~ ~ ,t1-1. § Perley Dun11 Aldrich Miss Robin on's final number, "Far e­ b) My ollie Boy wel l to Summer". but. unfortunately, Thu rlow Lieurance he· was unable to be pr ese nt. An effi- _ § Vera Wright cient ubstitute wa found in Mi iano Qua rt tJo ephin ridland. Mi Cridland : Ov rtur ' 1Euryanth " W eb!;!r played the obligato well, and the en­ § Belen c,butt, Elle11 J one , H azel em bl final wa certainly a fittin g ; Barngrover an? Catherine (inton clima · to the program. f § ln all t hese numb r Mi Wright FAMOUS HUMORIST COMING ·d moo trat d her ability a a capable _ (Continued from page one.) accompani t.

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The other day Bill said, "When you see Two fellows Nodding wisely at each other And then Looking piteously on the rest the crowd You can guess That they Have just read Thomas Edison's statement That only two men In a hundred · , Are intelligent." ·r Darn Bill! ·Ii, Baker's science of photography Dashes Brother Tom's statement To the ground in one count.




§ ~


§ §

ii Wright' heavy numb r wa to o'' r vea l al- undo ub tedly the hum.inn sonata. el­ hat 51 year old dom heard because of it technical 1 difficultie . Her r ndition wa b auti- § and \va ond, § ful i11 very particular, from t he con- : He wa publi temi:,lative " ndantino" to the agitated and by b in " che.rzo". he pau ed a mom nt _ an ho11 rary A. B.. by Villa fir t movem n and p layed lcge. .l;la. in 1906. R beg j= th la t thr e ,vithou pause. pla fo nl'.l work a a child and t ured t h Uoi ted tate and a W e ar ind ed for:tuna.t 111 h ariJ1g : under the mana gem nt of bi fa uch a ire h, unalloy d inter1;>retation He i an Epi cqpalean a memb of anz' "Fil u ensiv ''. rhap it th e Lamb' lub, ~- w York ily, i not know n to Orne of U tl1at Mi al ongs to th Rotarian . Wright tudi d with Ganz in Chi ago § · horn i in hiladelphia. during the past umm er . T he Li zt • in le admi ion witJ1out r' erv d waltz with its b autiful rh y thm i a •§ .: eat will be 25 ce nt . eat llin at tran cription by Ganz. Tbe "G MiQor Prelud " by Rach­ thi p rice ar tripl e and dpuble SPECIAL RATES TO OTTERBEIN STUDENTS al so chairs in outhea t corner. I n the man in off, although not as well known a the " C Minor Prelude" demands b a lcony F. i open. . There ar till abo ut 50 r e erved ,much greater techni cal resources. seat for a le. In r ga rd to th e e ee Mi Wright p layed the Rachm aninoff 111I1111111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111T or teleph one Mr . Frank Bookman, or prelud in rapid tempo with an irr e­ sistible rhythm. It wa a decided sue- STORY CONTEST . ANNOUNCED tory mu t be filed with P rofe or Altbuy a t th door W ed ne day night. (Continued irom page one.) man On or before M arch 15 1922. ces . aod Fu rth er par t·1cu 1ar r ega rding ' deta1·1 s Straight English. icety of di tinction in choice of r g ular memb er of the J·un;,or ~ have of the con t e t can be ecured from P rof.-"What is a monologue?" tone , excellent technic and artistic enior clas es of the college "'ho .. Piggy-"A conve rsation between rhythm characterized Miss Wright's been i'° attendance in the college at Profe sor Altman. lea t one year previous to the year of playing. hu ba nd and wife." their conte ting. Thre~ copies of the Patronize our Advertisers !

Lye un th e f

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Baker's Old Reliable Art Galiery ;.

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Student Repre entative ~

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Page Three


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Editor's Note :-In printing t he I T h e edi tor said. in par t , that :ite rar y following article, we do not mean to j soc ieti es were entire ly un ne_:essa r y be "calamity howlers." We do not I and that o th er stud ent organ1za.t1ons mean, necessarily, that the day of the co ver ed eve rything that th e literary § literary soci ety is past, indeed, we are ocieti es co uld co ve r and that th e student under existing co n,i ition s, fi rmly convinced that it is n ot . ~o-. NoRrn HIGH Howe ver, here at Otterbein, we are could be left to hi s own choosing if he faced with the danger of being over- sho uld join a debat in g socie ty o r o ne o rgani zed, which means having our o r more of th e o th er organizaticns and interests, formerly concentrated in the th us ce ntralize on th e th ing in w hi ch F.111111t11llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii literary society, now scattered here he was. most interes ted . T hi s a r guand there. This, in time, w ill wea ken ment sounded reaso nab le and a t th e not one, but every organization on the sam e ;:ime it sounded the deat"1 kn ell 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~1


campus. This article should set us for th e lite rary aspirants. thinking, fo r no one wants to see Just what is t he situati on here. 1 -Otterbeir.'s literary societies lose their am 11 9 1 trying to sta rt a n " anti"' m ovcpre6tige. ment wh en I say that th e interest in the local societies is below what th e ac tiv e m em be rs co uld ho>e fo r, By .\. W . Elliott. and that the disintere st seems to be From th e tim e of their organization o n th e in crea e. Th e wise htads of O tterb ein stud ents hav e had an almost the organizati o ns h ave bee n tr:,ing to unconquerable bride in their literary eliminate the evil and to get the pro­ soc1ct1es. Old "grads" co m e back g ram s and the members back on the wheneve r opportunity affords to vis it old time plan but their effo·ts for the societ y of their affec tion, and get most part have been in vain . up in th e ex temporaneous speaki ng Other Interests Take Attention. and laud th e good o ld days when th ey were h er e, and how th e society helped Within the last few years we ha ve th em to gain poise and all other re- had the Q uizz and Quill , the Sci~nce quirem ents that . a id in appea ri ng be- club, t he International relat ions club, fore an audien ce. the Chau cer club, the Frenc'i cl u b As literary societies go, Otterbein and the Ca p and Dagge r Club organiz­ has four of which any college could ed. Each of these clubs int<rest a be jus tly proud . They are well rcgu- numb er of st ud ents and they a n really lated and the methods of keeping up worth while. To these might be the m o ral e and interest are \·cry added a secondary organizatims in unique. Many graduates who have reg ard to litera ry work, the Mmdolin go 1~e o ut from tbe chool h ave p ro ud- an d G uitar club the ollege 0 r ches! jy mad the tat ment that if they tra, t l~e Glee lub , the dtbating were to give up the experience r e- teams, Student Vo lunteer Bar,d and ceived h ere in literary work or their Gospe l team. class room t raining they wou ld willWe wonder, with the a ccel: ratio11 ingly gi ve up the latter. which the organizing of the~ new During the war period the societies clubs is taking, juS t how lo ng it will were handicapp ed and could not have be here in our school until somt brave leader will rise up and announ ce that their regular programs. The interest • literary societies have had their day lagged. ] 11 most cases the active and that it will be to the good of the memb ersh ip was sad ly thinned. 0 t h er student body that we disband md al­ schoo l and . A. T . C. interests curlow every tudent to line up with one tailed those of the societies to the exo r more of these pecial organiiation tent that i~ wa quite impossible to and centralize bis interests the1e ? T ti t d t h h hav e the high typ e of program that . d h d to the former standards. I . 0 . l e ~ u en w O as size up t e n~asure I 1tuation 1t seem ve ry r easomble to After th e war was over and some of • d h t th ill b cone 1u e t a . ere w not t room the old students came back and with for t h e two s1•d es o f our orga111zat1on • • the added enrollment of th e student · t Wh t ill h b 0 d · wa eas to get back to the old program to ex_is · a w . >e t e Y it Y outcome? It 1s to the bes t mlerests plane. of the present student generation and Other Colleges Drop Societies. to tho e that follow that we do not Makin g a hasty summary of the make our program o complex that it condition s in other college of the will become impossible for a ~tudent tate, we find that tho e who have ha d to belong to a literary society and literary societies in the pa t have, for these other organizations of his choice the most part, done away with them. and not be ab le to do justice to his The r eason have been numerou , but college work. the general consensus of opinion ha " . been that there no longer remained a Did you really call t hi gen:leman place for them in the vari~us activit!es a n old fool la t nig ht?" a ktd the of their schools. Otterbein bas pnd- julge. ed herself in the £act that t hro ugh The pri o ner tried hard to collect this process of elimination she has his thoughts. tood steadfast and true. " Well, the more I look at hi111, t he Not lon g since there appeared a n editorial in one of th e Oberlin col ­ more likely it seem that I did," he relege papers attacking some students of plied.-Ex. a literary turn for attempting to re­ establish the old literary ocietie . Merry Christmas 'n Everythitgl

.I I







verGood Things to Eat For Pushes and Picnics at FREEMAN & SMITH'S Staple and Fancy Groceries

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ii II IIII III IIII II III III IIIII IIII II 11111111111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111 III III II II III IIII II lliil.


II III III I III IIIIIII II III II IIII IIII I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HIIIUIIII

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Johnny Mayne

!! §


Representing The 5th Avenue Floral Co. of Coluinbus, O.

i11111111111111 IllIIIII III III III III III IIIII IIIllI IIIIII IIIIII II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111110






pace. and thus students are not receiv- 1 at the state co ntest. the winner of the being accor ded

the individua l attention that is · local event_ always Iing_ their due. This mav not be sound ar- 1that d1st111cll o n.

of gument. but ce rt ain_ly. facu lti es :are \'\~e urge that e\'ery Junior and After Decemb er sixteenth I shall Published Weekly in the interest bc11lg ta xed to the l'.m1t. and .we feel Se11101· who has any apt itude at all in I no . _ Otterbein by the that this stateme nt 1s not without a \ the hne of public speaking make a t sell any more paper m the Ad OTTERBEIN PUBLISHIN G morsel of truth. - special effort to compete this year. 'I ministration Building by the bulletin BOARD 1 Westerville, Ohio P ress I Again there is no question that stu- The Russell_ Oratorical Con test will be board, test books excepted. I wish to M emb er of the O hio College 1 dents are comrng to co ll ege at a far 1 held ear ly rn J anu~ry, and with the thank all of my fellow students who A ssociation ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ yo unger age than forme r ly. \V hereas Chrts tmas vacat ion 'in which to 1Jrehave patronized me at any time for the ST A F F tw en_ty years ago. twenty-five was not pare. the standard of this year's proEditor .............. J. Gordon Howard, '22 considered too old for a man gradu- ductions should equal that of th e past. suppor t they have given to me. Assistant Editor ......:. J . W. Seneff, '23 ati ng from college, now any number of I Contributi ng Editorsstudents are ready for the cap a nd 1 C AMPU S (HIT ( H A T Grace H. Hill, '23 H orace W. Troop, '23 gow n at twenty or twenty-on e. Say i Business Manager .... ] . P . Schutz, '23 what you may, this will inevitably I Assistant Business Managerslower tandards of scholarship and In th e ·'\Vooster Voice·• appear the GOD B LESS O T T E RB EI N ! T. E. Newell, '23 thoroughness of work done. startl111g headltne, "Men Entel'tainecl Clifford Foor, '24 D · Tl Cir. Manager ...... Harriet L . Hays, '22 And so we might go on indefinite ly urrng ,anksgivi ng Recess by Hol- For her splendid history and her As i tant Circulation Managersstating thi s reason or that wh; den Girls.'' "Hol den Gid s" seems to be glorious future. Lucile Ewry, '23 cholar hip is not on the level it once a un iversal college pastime. G LE N-LEE C O AL COMPANY Katherine Pollock, '24 M Athletic Edi tor ........ A. W. Elliott, '23 was, and we might co nsume time ec c w' Meeo\\'! Cats. Cat . prowlA s i tant Athletic Editorpointin g out remedie s. but leavin g al l in g arol'nd look in g fo r troubl e. Two H. V. Miller, '23 that to men wi t h educational expe ri- clay s later, anot her perso n ca m pu sed.

Albert Zepp, '24



G. w . Henderson, M. D. Hours By Appointment.

ence. we wis h only to point o ut t he We are asked by a contempora ry ~f\~~~n!l~ilit~;--::=:: ~l·m~-cf~~l~~:: Exchange Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 dange r of eac h of Uli fa llin g in line "If P lato· could shimm y, co uld Ar i ~ Cochra n Hall Editorwith thi tend ency to " let down". We totlc.'' Alice Davison, '23 hear so mu ch abo ut stude nts her e and Ye musicians! Hark Ye! The o th er Literary Editor ............ H . R. Mills, '24 there ·' Hunking out" that we begin to day in physics cla s, Profe or Mc­ think that so long as we are able to Address all communications to T h e stay in school we are doing enough . Cloy is q uoted as saying. "We11 I guess one of yo u musicians will have · Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . Rather than trying to give our bes t, College Ave., Wester ville, Ohio. to explain this. Mr. Heitz ca n you ART I STS' SUPPLIES we are apt to give ju t enough to get Subscriptio n P ri ce, $2.00 Per Year , he lp us out." Boy! Page Home-Brew th ro ugh . payable in advance. Canvas, W . C. P ap er , Oil, Chin a and Heitz, the musician. Scholarship mea ns as much to day as Come on boys. fix up a ni ce. cozy W . C. Paints, Gold, 'Brushes, E tc. at Entered as second class ma tt er it eve r did. It is tru e that we hav e a corne r on the corn er of St~te an d Col­ Septemb er 25, 1917, at the posto ffice at We terville, 0., under act of wider scope of col legiate ac tivity, and lege. where th e arc light won't cas t DR. K EEFER '.S that in creased enrollme nt adds com­ March 3, 1879. any shadows. for yo u aren't a11owe,i Acceptance for mailing at special pc:tition. so that perhaps high grade to be seen taking your ladi es' arm un­ rate of postage provided for in Sec. a re harder to get. but thi s very com­ pro-perly chap eroned and in t be 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized petition h:)lilcf make them ,more cov­ i full g lare of noon day. Thus peaketh April 7, 1919. eted a nd of gr eater va lu e. We wou ld aut hority. Beware t East College A venue a ll rese nt it if we we re told that th e W e kn ow that "A nd y" a nd "Ex '' EDIT ORIAL o nly reaso n we a re in college is be, PHON E S ca u e our parents make us come and wear good clothe . Cheap ve t but­ Citizen 26 Bell 84-R •·. !way tell th e truth, but don't be make u tay. Yet the only way we tons could neve r have stood the train after that footba ll banquet at J o nes'. always telling it." can prove that we are here with pur­ W e are g lad to repo rt that Coach lJO e of ou r ow n, and are stay ing Are W e "Letting D own". her e due to o ur own desires, is to Ditmer dined mode rately co nsuming On every side thi year, the cry, make use of ou r tim e and oppo rtun­ on ly half a turk ey and leaving nearly D E NTIST " cholar hip is below tandard''. i iue and to ha ve somet hi ng, at least, a whole half spoon ful of potatoes un­ West College Ave. 15 dinned into our ears. One tollege by way of good gra des to show fo r our touched o n his plate. work. In other word , maintain our Bell Phone 9 Citizen'. P hone 167 aper aft r anothe r make comment T he W eek's W orst Jo ke. that fo r variou rea o n cho lar hip in sta ndard of sc holar hip at the point Drug Clerk-What kind of a tooth­ th co11 e and univ er itie through­ they sho uld be. For all that is good t o eat see If every stud en t in every coJl ege bru h do yo u w ant ? out the ouutry i eriou ly threatened. and univ ersity 111 America, would Customer-Gib me a big one, bo Thi lamentable fact may be attributed to any on , or all, of a numb er of rea- make thi matter of cholarship a per­ Dere's ten in my family. onal affair, then all thi s cry about n. whys and w herefor e wo uld die down T he P oet L aureate Speaks. In the fir t place, there i an unpre­ of itself. If ever y stud ent here in Ot­ The re wa a danseu e of h boo eden ted increa e in enroll ment in the coll e of th c untry ind d, almo t terbei n wou ld con cientiou ly try to Who con idered all garment taboo Ti11 quit chill ed, one ni g ht, ' oo gr at an increa e to be h ealthy. make the r est of thi s eme ter a little he cr ied out in a fright art of thi growth i perfectly natur­ better than t h e pa t and continue to improve eac h comi ng me t r then 31 W . College Ave. , al, of cour , but a larg part of it, this prob lem of cholar hip wo~ld be Quick, bring me my arrings I choo ! we feel, i artificial. That is to ettled once and for all and never be WESTERVI L LE, O HIO T HIS AND THAT that whi t t he ge neral h ard of again. throughout the country made it im­ ur idea of h ard !in would be to Bell Phon e 190 Citizen Phone 110 po 'bl for om to return to school1 have an experience tha t a f llow tuOratory. at th ame time, with wage low and d nt related. 1tt111 up and tudyiog tt rbei n h as tabli bed, in prework car ce, Jar number , who until three o'clock, then Jeep through would not have otherwi e thought of viou y ar , an enviable reputation in two cla es th e n xt morning. ratorical coming to college, u eel a little pare oratory. Each year the . olumbia Univer ity tud ei)t are money to acquir a year or o of edu- conte t ha been th e occa ion for pregoing on location" and will film a en ting production of real m eri t. cation. ndeniably among that cla Oratory i one of the be t methods r 1 or two of . nowy- tuff" thi winwho came to chool for want of ome­ ter ~s part of a new cour e in the thing b tter, th er will be a great of accu tof\ling an individual to appear movi e , the fi r t of the kjnd giv n 111 before an audience, and con eq uent­ many to whom cholar hip m ean th nited tate . nothing, and who wi11 not take study ly, an-y one participating in an oratori­ cal conte t i t h e gainer, no matter a a eriou occupation. Of t he ,000 tudent enrol led at Then it may be that with the sud­ what his rating in the fina l tally. the University of Illinoi t h,· year Furthermore, a student has th e op­ 100 answer to the nam of mith.-' den increase in tuden t , teachi ng f,o rces ha ve not been able to keep portunity of repre enting his college :i"he Daily Illini.

109 S. State St.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

W . M. Gant z, D. D.S.

WILSO N, T he Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio


C. W . Stoughton, M. D.

~=============~~~ B.W.WELLS



Dry Cleaning, Pressing

.RHODES & SONS· The College Avenue MEA,T MARKET

Page F ive



,, I It :!ii \







sign up any eligible men at any t ime provided they present names at P rof. i Martin's office 24 hours in advance of the time for their first appearance. A full se t of rul es will be posted on the A9'sociation Building bulletin board soo n. The leagues will get under way Sat­ urday morning, Jan . 7. The sc hedu le ' for that day is: Gro up League. 7 :20-Alps lub vs. Sphin x Club. 8:00---Cook House vs. Country Club. Boarding Club League. 8:40---Bishop vs. McRill. 9 :20---Cook vs. Holdren. 10:00---Reed vs. :Mattoon. 10 :40---Pri e t vs. B erry-John so n. The Berry and Jo h nson clubs will probab ly be combined as neither club is able to support a team a lone. If any Weste r ville me n wish to or­ ganize a Town Team they sho uld make the ir wishes k nown immed iate ly.

Local Basketeers Get Started When E ighteen Members of Freshman FootIntra-mural Players Have ball Squad Re ceive Recognition Hot F ight.. from Board. The Questio n of " W hat Do Ei g hteen men were granted class Two interesting games marked the Men W ant?" . opening of the class basket ball series nume ra ls by th e Athl etic Board · 1a1, t I s One That is Often Heard. last Thursday night. In the first Tuesday night for their work on th e I n a Neigh boring City­ football squad . Among game the Freshmen truck a harder fn:sh man They're O ff ering $25.00 Reward, snag than th ey had antic ipa ted whe n that number a r e some men who have For the Best Answer SPORTO RIAL after besting the Sop hs. JO to 1 in the unusual high schoo l records. On the To This Q uestion. fir st half the second year men came ot her hand th ere are those who play­ Whi le we are hand in g ou t bouquets, We Have a List W e'd Like To ba ck strong a nd th rew a scare into the ed their ti rst fu ll season at the gr id Varsity O's, numeral and w hat not, Submity arlings. The contest fina ll y ended port. allow us through th ese hu mb le col­ "Tom W ye" Sweater, Coach Ditmer will be forced to de- um ns to give some r ecog niti o n to one 16 to 11 in the Freshmen·s favor. " D aniel Green Comfy" Slipper s, P end ve r y extensive ly u pon t h is yea r's of ou r at h letes, a var sity foo tball a nd Summary: Sheep L ined Coat, Soph. ( 11 ) F rosh. ( 16) fr es h man class fo r vars it y ma1te rial track ma n, w hose effo r ts have been Box of Arr ow Collars, White, J. R. F. Ja coby next fa ll. practicall y " unho nored a nd un sung". Umbr ella, Cogan, A nder on F . Patric k T he frosh ·we re a lways ready an d Yet th i m an has done more thi s year Gloves , Anderson, anxio us to "batt le" varsity, fu rnish ing to ge t Otterb ein a th leti c stock be­ Shoes, Claxton C. B urbi ck th em with the stiffes t kin d of scrimm- fo re the in teres ted publi c tha n has Hosiery, Noel G. Va n Atta a ge. ever bee n done befor e in a ny sys te­ Collar Bag, Barnhar d G. McCar rol T hose w ho we re g iven th e ri g h t to ma ti c way. We refer to none o th er Sh irt, Goals: Jacoby 2. Pa trick, B urbick 3. wea r the ··'25" were: than H o mer V. Miller , w ho. witho ut Tie, an Atta, White 2, Anderson 2. McCarrol, Canton, 0. ·'Mac'' came any com pen a tio n o r recogn ition in B elt Buckle, F oul Goal s-A nderson 3, Jacoby 2. to u wi th quite a reco rd as · an a ny way has worked efficiently a nd Handkerchiefs, Ref r ee-Park s, W oo ter. ath let . H is playin g a full -back and uncea ing ly thro ug h thi s s me ter to Hat, captain has fu lfi ll ed a ll expectations. g et wr ite- up s i n very new pap er of. I s There a Man Senior-Junior Game. lfe g raduated from McKinley Hig h in W ho Would Not Be Pleased, The second game betwee n the en­ '20, havi ng m ad e letters in foo t ball, a11y note in O hi o a nd urrouodin g With Any of the Articles, iors and jun iors wa a figh t from start base ball , and track at that sc hool. tales. Mi ller was u nabl e to par ticipate in Mentioned Above? to fin ish. The seniors led 7-6 at the ''Mac" a lso play a '·mean" ga1ne of footb all thi s fa ll owi ng to phy ical di Settle T his Question end of the tirs t half, and finished 3 basket ba ll. ab ility. That of cour se wa s a ma tte r O nce And For All points to the good. Roughnes s was Van Atta, Crooksville. 0 . "Van·• is of g r ea t disappoint m ent to him, b ut a s By Purc hasing For Him th e ou ts tandin g feature . anoth er of the freshman backs who a subs titute fo r t he wor k he migh t A Practical GiftSummary: lived rig ht up to a high schoo l re­ have done on the g ridiron he o ffe r ed W e Have ' Em. Juniors (14) p utation. H e repre ented Crooksville Seniors (1 7) his ser vices as a special pres a gent. Prie t, ~lartin F High on the basket ball court for W hil e thi work wa s a plea ant avo­ Bra drick ( ontinued on page eigh t.) cation a nd a valuab le expe rie nce to Col lier George F. him, it took hours of g rind a nd com­ More Goods fo r Same Money. Albright White, L. L. GRO U P L E AGUE F ORMED C. piling of stati tic a nd in ves ti gation to Same Goods for L ess Money. L ehman Crabb G. ma ke t he w ork a success. His wo rk Peden Ran ck Teams of O ld " P run e League" to be i not fini hed , but on ly ta r ted a nd G. Supplemented by New Goals: P rie. t. Collier 2, White, will be kep t up during the yea r. Quintets. "Bradrick 2, Martin 2, George 2, Al­ Thi i only anothe r case of real loy­ Arrangement calling for two intra­ bright 2, Lehman 2. al ty to the cau e of a nd love for Alma mural basket ball league are almo t Foul goals-Frie t 2, A lbr ight. Mater, an d we t hi nk the wor k ,do ne completed. The Boar ding Club or Refe ree-Park , Wooster . merit the appreciatio n of O tter bein "Pr~ne" League will function a us­ Freshmen D efeat Triangles. tudent , alum ni and fr iends. The Fre hmen ran away from the ual. Seven clubs are already enroll ed, Triangle in a slow game a t urday whi le an eighth combination is expect­ Board Elects Managers. ed to report oo n. night. The core wa 27 to 2. The Ath letic Boar d has cho en the T he newJy co nceived Group League i as ur d, as four gro ups are already fo llowin,g me n to n;ia nage the tenn i DARN BILL! and track teams fo r next sp rin g: entered. T he ot her day T rack-Hal Goodman, manager . A ll ca ptain will be obliged to sign Zepp wan ted to sell J unio r a i i tan ts-Collin , Coon. up at least 8 pro pective men before Bi ll a note book Sophomo re a i tants-Ha llec k, Gilladmittance is granted. In the case of nd the boarding clubs th e players must ma n, M a ttoo n. A a elling poin t Not only Ch ristmas but every day Te nn is- I. E llio tt, ma nager. be regular members of th e cl ub which ai d, Junior a i taut - Roo e, T oy. they intend to r epr eot at the time th e "Why, boy, it will league open . Meo intending to play D o half good "eats" at Frosh Girls W in Championship. wi th th e Group league must be active O f your thinki ng." T he F reshmen girl took th e girl ' members of the group. B ill said : A player may repre ent o nJy o ne ba ,]<et ball cham pion hip w hen th ey "Tha nks, MOSES & STOCK, . Grocers team in either l eague. Having played beat the Juniors by a score of 47 to 4 I'll take two." wi th one team no man can hift hi las t F riday n ight. The Mi ses Lam­ D a rn Billi representatio n to any other team o f be rt and Oyler again played tellar Merry Christmas ' n Everything ! either league. Captains will be free to role . P atronize our Advertisers !

Norris & Elliott

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

WOLF'S We t erville Ohio


Page Six


'l' I1e 'f an1a · ts c_·1 u 1l was mo s t cl' I 11g - Ill - Ir _llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll : fully ent erta in ed at the hom e of Miss Jan e Barto n on Friday evening. Halffin is h ed pongee handk erc hi efs were in general d isp la y until refreshm e nt, we re se r l'ed. At 10 :30 th e merry gi rl s wi th th eir sew in g tuck ed under th eir arms, s tarted dorm\\"ard. Sa nta Claus vi sited th e Ar butu s C lu b in Room :.1 08 Saturday e,·en in g and found a C hri s tma s tr ee ' n' every­ thin g r eady for him. "Ood les'' of popcorn and candy disappeared durin g the eve nin g. Lord Hilarity s tay eel until it was time to do homa gl' to Ki n g Qu iet Hour.

DCIATICN R oo m 202, Suns hin e A ll ey, was th e sce ne of a " magnolious" C hristm as party give n by th e Taniats Clu b. Twenty eager participants gave exc la­ mation s of s urpri se a nd joy w h en th e door was opene d r e vealing th e love ly fi re pla ce, C hri stma sy Chr is tm as tr ee and t as t il y decorated tab les. D ea n McFa dd en , Mr s. Ra lph S mith -a nd M iss Lyon, s ponsor, we re gues.t s of honor. Beautifu l gifts wer e exc han g­ ed an d the pa rt y was dec lared a hu ge s uccess.

Veni so n


th e

Adirondack s !

That's w h a t A nna E rhart h as . P rof. and Mrs. Hanawa lt e nt er­ tain e d Es th er Bears, Mar y N oel and A li ce Da v iso n a t dinn e r Sunday.

O n e of th e many ve ry pleasant affa irs of th e Y ul e-tid e season is th e pa rty being g ive n \ ,Vc dn csclay eve n ing by th e Tri-n C lub . The d ecorations wi ll be in t h e u s u a l red and g r ee n . F ift een g irl s are anti cip a tin g fruit coc kt a il, c h cke n sa lad , an ge l food cake. ice c ream and o ld - fa s hi one d ha rd candy. Santa C la u s him self wi ll be th er e with a g ift for eve r yon e preH. C. C rid land , from Litt le Ro c k , sent.

Ar kan sas, visited hi s dau g ht er s, Jo se- i

= §

:S : : :




= = : Extra Trousers --More Value --= Young Men's All-Wool _ :



= _ _ :

"Student" Sui ts with Two Pairs of Pants

$30 $35


It is needle ss to say how much the



_ : : :

Speciall y-designed s uits for young

phin e a nd Tha n et, S unday evening and mu sic in th e parlor S und ay evening _ Mond ay. was a ppr eciate d .




! Gifts for Otterbeinites ii =

men; cut along lively, youthful styles- specia l models for yo ung chaps just d on ning their first lo n g trou se r s. They're hand-tailored, of fine a ll-wool Herringbone, B lue Serges and Scotch Tweeds; a w ide variety of models, weaves and colors.

I ! i ===:::


... New designs in Paper = : Knives) Silver Vanity Cases, ~ : = = Pearl "O" Pins, Seal Rings = = =!. : with black settings, Lingerie : -ii -= Clasps, Gold Seal Pins = - with pearl setting, Sterling = Silver Spoons, Crane's Holiday Gifts : Stationery and a thousand ~ _ Pins, Pennants, Pillows, = other useful articles suitable := : Memory Books, -= for presents. : Stationery, Ivory Goods, at the ~= Novelties and Candy. =


High and Long Streets

Columbus O

, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, 11111111111111111111111111111ft


= University Book Store~~ HOFFMAN':T

Rexall Store ·I

-0111111111111111111 III I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111- -111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111IIII11111111111111111111 H11111111111 . =


STU DENTS CLASH OVER BASEBALL (Continued from page one. ) basket ball this year has cost large sum, of money, and var sity baseball, al ways a losing proposition fi nan cially, would mean a cklic it of at leas t $600. Th is sum of money is now no where in sight and it woulci see m shee r folly to go ahead under th e ci r cum stances. .'\gain, baseball i not a strictly col­ legt> ,port. w he rea s tr ac k a nd football a r e. Xow. for o ne coach. as is nece ssar y at Otterbein, to coach t rack, spring football and baseball is im­ possi b le. so it was apparently a mat­ ter of droppin g one of the se sp ring sports. Baseball see m ed to be th e o ne 1110. t easily dropped. To do away with inter-collegia te foo t ball is of co ur se not co nsider ed, and w ith th e g rea t part that sp rin g football has in molding th e va r sit y for the · ens uing fall. it seems th a t sp rin g football is indespensable for a stron g g ridir o n season. Aga in. with our entrance into th e "Big Six," tra ck is comin g more to the front. X ow that w e a re a part of th is annual tra ck classic we must put g reater s tress on track o r el e be shamed in the showing we mak e. Th e fact tha t th e majority o f the baseball m en are t rack m en would help com­ pl icate matters if we indulged in two sprfng sports, for thou g h th e men themse lves may be willing to pl ay ba eball and par t icipate in track even t s, it s tan ds to rea on th at the greatest efficiency cou ld be secured in neither sport. Thursday night, the Board of Co ntrol, in view of the b itter opposition to suspen ding baseball, decided to p ut the mat ter before th e students again. with the understanding that if su fficient funds and men co uld be secured to maintain both tr ack and baseball that the· latter would be retained. At Chape l Monday morning. Professor -Rosselot presented th e matter finally. In response to his call for men. sixty-th r ee p ledged th emsel ves to try ­ out fo r either track o r baseball. Thi number, acco rding to Coach Ditrner i, till insufficient. In answer to the ap­ peal fo r funds 232 persons pledged $502.00. Though not certain, it ee m prob­ abl e, that thi pledging of m en and money w ill make it possible to have baseball next spring.


"Main Str eet" a nd Sinclair Lew is co n- ] The mee tin g nex t week wi ll be held eluded the program . At th e next o n Monday eve nin g and w ill be a meeting th e mo st popular nove ls of to- Chri stma s program. day will be reviewed a nd criti cised. The Kiss C. C. Conley Leads "Y ": " B ut-" .. o!" Cnder the lead ership of C. Co nley the Y. M. C. A. en joyed a most "Ju st- " profitable sessio n last Thursday night. " . To !" Mr. Co nl ey prese nted in a very fo r ce­ " Once -" ful manner a few facts which had a ''N-'' great amount of tru th in them. He said that th e g r eates t motive in our '·Henry, why do n' t you shave?" life should be to se r ve our fellow m en. -"The Wido w." He also poke of the Y. M . C. A. triangle and what it should m ean to Very Stout O ld Gentleman-"Here, eve ry member of th e Y . M. C. A. my lad, is a nickel fo r you. ow tell J . W. Geo rge closed th e meeting by m e if my shoes need poli shing."­ making an u rgent appea l for all mem­ Exchange. be rs to attend th e m ee ting nex t Thurs­ day night. __________

Edgar E . Spatz, formerly of Pari s, Illinois, is the new pasto r of the Otterb ein Memorial United Brethr en church of Baltimore, Mary land. This church ce lebrated its fiftiet h anniver­ sa r y during th e Tha nk giving season. Mr. Spatz preached the sermon a t a uni o n Tha nk sgiving se rvice at the St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal ch urch a nd deliver ed one of th e addresses at a Thanksgivi ng se rvi ce of the frat ernal o rd ers of Hampden and vicin ity on th e last Sunday in November.



'17. Mr. a nd Mrs. Lloyd B. M ignery s ailed from New York City last Saturday fo r th eir new fie ld of labor in the nit ed Brethr en mission at Rotifunk, W es t Africa. T hey spen t the last S unday in November in Westervill e and spoke at th e eve ning church se r vice.

Y. W. Has Interesting Meeting. At th e regul a r meeting of the Y. W. C. A. on last Tuesday eve nin g Harri et Whi stler was the leader, u sing as h er subj ect, "The Secr et of Attractive­ nes " . Diffe r ent memb er s of the o r­ ganization di sc ussed p hys ical and spir itua l att ra ctive ness, bowing the close r elationship between th ese two ' 12, ' 11. Word has r eached this com­ p hases of life. The dis cussio n proved try of th e birth in Siu Lam, Chi na, of a little daughter to Dr. and Mrs. A. .1. help to all the girls who wer e th er e. D ea n Cook (Wilda Dick). The little g irl, who was born Gctobe r 9, has been named Elizabeth M ae.

PUBLIC OPINION as a Christmas Gift.

44 North State Street

Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Supplies. Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye Ink Pencils, Sheaffer's Ever Sharp Shades and Goggles: Examination Pencils a nd Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us Etc. a call.


RITTER ti UTLEY 1I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111 II II I IIIIII I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IllI I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111111111111111!!

-== = =

" Cap and Dagger Club" M eets. t t h la t m eetin g olr the " a.p and _ Dagger C lu b" it wa decided that th e § regular mee ti ngs of th e clu b will be held the second and fourth Wedne - day in each month. Bonnibel Yanney wa appointed Repo rter and Virginia : Blagg ward-robe mi stress of the cl ub.

20%_Reduction:.Salel -L


= = = = = _

tinue until J an. 31st on all Outing Flannels, Outing Gowns, Children's : Sleeping Garments, Knit Skirts, Sateen Skirts, Hosiery, Felt Slippers,

I§ I§

Sweaters, Gloves Silks, Satins and Crepe de Chines in all the best colors. AU-wool Serges, in N avy1 Brown Wine and Green. The McCall P atterns will go in thi s sale also, a nd many other items that

real Bargains for you.


ders taken by phone.

Just come in and see if there are not some : This is a genuine 20% Reduction Sale. : • ! • .,,


, ..1,_







;~t .


:u:tio~: ;~;~:'w:":":.:::t~~\ ~:ii i:11E~ ·S€0FIELD ·


;of I ,·r ., '

• ',•- • •

,,, '"

;.ll ,1


Blankets and Comforts, Knit Ca ps, Wool Caps, Corsets, Underwear

we cannot mention here.


written. Then followed a biography : of inclair Lewis, given by Grace frill, and a review of "Main Street" by Gor­ don · Howard. · General di cu ion on

~ 1-. ..

It may interest you to kn~w tha our 20 % Reduction Sale will con-


ing di po ed of, the Club spent ome ti m e in di cu sing variou current event of literary and drama tic inter-



The "Play Committee" i bu y mak- : ing prepara tion for the fi r t per- : " The Message of the Star." formance and the club w ill start a ctive work immediately after v acation. § foch praise ha b ee n given the church choir thi year for its plendid "Main Street" Discussed. Work. o prai e i too extravagant; La t Monday night the Quizz and i § the choir t hi yea r i better than ever b fore and it promises even more for Quill met for its regul ar fortnightly : th_e futu r e. Tue day night, Dec. 13, it meeting. Mi cellaneou bu iness be- § Present its Christmas Cantata in th, U. B . church. "The Message of th e tar," by Huntington Woodward, an entirely new and mod ern mu ical Sett' h ing for th e ever wonderful tory of \ e nativity w ill b e presented by a c 0 ru of ixty-five voices. The char­ ~ter of the service and the quality of 1 mu ical offering bespeak for the cantata a large audience.

Send The


'05. Dr. Ernest J. Pace of t he Moody Bible Instit ute gave hi s illust rated lec­ tur e, " The Snow Cr ysta l" n ot long ago before th e s tu de nts of Wheaton Col lege, Wheaton, Illinois, under the au pices of the Ministerial Association and the Thur day evening Bible t ud y o-f the college. ' 21. Mt. Carmel United Brethren c hurch at Tiro, Ohio, of w hich O . A. Jaynes is pa tor, celeb rated the free­ ing of the church from debt by a cere­ mony of burning th e can celed notes on ovember 27. The church is pros­ pering under the pastorate of Mr. J aynes.

Choir to Present Cantata,


Page Seven



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Page Eight T H E T AN A ND ==~~=============== LOCALS



\\·e th ought the dead past had b ur -I ~================================;, ied its dead . hut th e fre shm en seem I Rev. A . T. H o_wa rd. of Bon ebrake to ha ,·e ex hum ed it. In oth er word s I Th eolog ical Seminar y. sp ent Satur- 1 snip e hu11ting is \\'ith us again. - , day a nd Sunday in W es terville. Dr . Obe rlin Re,·iew. H o ward addr essed Dr. Sanders' Sun- 1 day School class on Sunday morning. An d now comes a co-ed wh o a sks Dr. Nolan R . Best. LL. D .. of Mont- that we start pr?,paganda for a " Call clair, N. J.. Editor of "The Co ntin ent", Early for Da tes . society am o ng th e spoke 10 a large co ngregation at t he m en. :\II th o~e 111tercsted will ml'et U. B. Ch ur ch Sunday morning. Dr. o n _the roof o f th e chapel. Oh erl111 I Best is_ a forcefu l sp~aker. ._ R evi ew.




L. V. Replogle. 19, _ w h~ _1~ no~ 1 \ Ves t Virgin ia U ni ve rsity has a s tu- 1 teaching at Lima Ohio v1s1ted his I . . dent body wh ic h 1s abo ,·e the a,·erag e fri ends at Otterbem over the wee k- h . h d • ht f e1g t an we1g o common m en. The mountaineers are of an unusua ll y e nd. Walter Sc hutz. ' 21. a nd Virgil Wi_l- 1!arge physiqu e accord in g to tests let, '21, of O hi o State spen t Sunday 111 made.-The :-,.:o rthern Review. Westerville. Claire Bishop, of Ohio Sta te, visited Me rry Christmas 'n Everything! 6tterbc in Sunday. I FROS H GRANTED NUMERALS (Continued fr om page live.)



I i







four years. on the gridiron for tw o. 1

,..__ _c_o_c_H_R_A_N _ H _ A_L _ L_ G_r_R_L _ _ • ~;~:~,~:nr~:~:~:::.so.i~~e1~1~::.:::ec::I~

Sunday. Of a ll ·th e gorgeous days ty is football and he is a clas y little ever saw this has bee n about th e mos t quart er-bac k. At McKinl ey High go rgeousest one. Ground was a ll he made two footba ll letters. Renner, covered with snow so some of us kids a track man, run th e relay and half donn ed our "golosh e " and did th e mil e. fo ur mile sq uare. I missed Sunday Hald erm a n, Lancas ter, 0. " Chief" Schoo l again so in my letter to Dad I was shifted from hi s hi g h sc hoo l posi­ I quoted som ething about th e se r- tion of fullba ck to tack le where he mans of Dr. Green Field. made thin gs un comfortab le for varsity backs. "Chief" is a basket and Monday. Roommate sick all day. II base ba ma n. o fun . Hopper. Cos hoc ton. 0. Hopper Tuesday. Haven' t had one single has foo t ball and basket ball letters lesson all day. Didn' t know any­ fr om Cos hocton Hi gh. He held up his thing else to do to ease my co nscie.n ce end of th e line we ll in varsity-fros h so I paid my board. "B roke aga in" scrimmages. is going to tbe name of our room Reck, Greenville, 0. " Dave" show­ after Christmas. ed up best as the sea son grew o ld . He Wednesday. Classes all day tod ay. i a guar d, and has an enviable foot­ Had a date tonight. Saw the real ball record at his hom e high school. Pierce, Youngsvi lle, Pa. Pierce Theda Bara. A rt thinks she's insipid. I'm g lad he dose n't admire th e vam ­ came to us after four years· at football, basket ball, and base ball in his home pire type. high school. Base ball is Pierce' Thursday. Had a business date with major. the dentis t a t 5 :30 tonight so didn 't g o Garver, Strasburg, 0 ., Garver al­ to society. ow it's so rt of nice ome­ times not to have to go to society but ways put up a steady game on th e I'd ne:ve r exactly choose a trip to the line. He . came to us w ith so me foot­ dentis t's in place of it. Have paced ball ex1>erience. H e was also a four the floor for two hour-s. I certainly year base ball and a three year basket fee l ouy for a per on w hose face ball man in his home high sc hool. Durr, Marion, 0., " Durrey" wa al­ aches. ways to be depended upon at guard . Friday. Oh. Goody ! One week from H e ha had bo th football and basket­ today and we go home for Xmas. ball expe ri ence at Harding High. Wonder if thi week will ever end. Richter, Canton, 0 . "Rick" was Had th e mo t wonderful lady talk to one of the trong men of the frosh. u tonight about th e ~rnrsin g profes- line. H e has a varied athletic hi tory, io. If it wasn't for Art, I think I ' d be and much is expected from him later. a nur e and go to Servia. Richter is another McKinley man. Davi d on, Westerville, 0 . "Davey" Saturday. pent the whole day tudying an,d have both my lessons played bis first r egular football la t for Monday. A rt and I tudied time fall, but his future looks bright. He tables all evening. He i going home ha great possibiliti es in base ball and with, me Xma and I ju t love to talk track. Bordner, Canton 0 . Another Mcabout it. Ki,nley man, Bordner stepped into the c nter po ition like a vetera n. We'll THIS AND THAT need him soon again. At Denison, control of all tudent Tacku , Canton, 0 . "Tack" showed publication , th e "Flamingo," the great improvement as a back as the ~'Adytum" and "Denisonian" is in the sea on progre sed. He plays a teady hands of a new Board of Control o-f game. tudent Publications. Leuchour, Cleveland, 0 . Leucho ur





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~.~~~====~==~======================::!J was alway ready to plug up a hole when called u_pon. More ea on,ing time. He p lay ba ket ball in addi-. tio n. hould make him a valuable man. Ma on, Mt. Plea ant, Pa. Injuries Lanca ter, P arker burg W . Va. reduced Mason's work la t fall. "Red" hawed ome rare s~uff at half, Nevertheless he was always willing ~ pecially_ in the oph.-Frosb. game. a nd helpful. ~e ha a good high e had high school experience in foot­ ball. chool record ii) three po~t . McLeod, Westerville 0 . "Mac" i U pson, Dayton, 0 . D ean is an all Re graduated from another Westerville boy who should ' round m an. make good on the O . C. varsity in teele, and ought to make an Otter­ bein " O" befo r e long.

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