1922 02 13 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5. 1 1


Pay Up !

There ar e about fift y sub­ cripti o ns to th e Tan an d Car­ dina l that are not paid yet. These people will please · see Mi s Harriet Hay or J. P. chutz in the near future. Th e present staff goes out of offi ce in about six weeks and th e busin ess management desires to close all account be­ fo re that ti me. A Ii t of deliquent sub crib­ ers_will be publi shed soon. Of co urse, you wi ll not want that ort of publi city.

Students P resent Professor W ith a Silver Loving Cup In Honor of H is Birthday.

I S P R O MI NENT EDUCATOR Has Been Affi,liat ed With Numer ous State and National Educa­ tional O r ganizations. f riday m o rn ing, Feb ruary 10, mo t o f th e chape l er vice was devo ted to a hri cf se n,; ce at whi ch Dr. £. Jone was pres ented with a silver lo v­ ing ct• p in honor of his eightieth birthday, February 11. M. L. Howe, presid,:.nt of the tu­ d'ent Council, repre ented the tudent 1;>ody and made the pre entation of the cup. Mr. Howe to ld of the years of faithf-ul ervice Dr. Jones had gi:ven to the cause of education throu g ho ut Ohio a nd especiall y here at O tte rbein. D r. J ones came to O tte rbein in 1909 and has sin ce that tim e l;>ee n p rofc or of Bible and Mj io ns. He cam here from Columbu where from l 04 he had servedl a tate chool om­ mi ion e r, in which office he followed L. D. Bonebrake, cla of '82. Dr. Jon es wa born at Rockville, a ., in 1842. He graduated from m.herst in 1 65 and received hi M. . from that school in 1868. Bi Ph. D . was ecured from Ohio ni,·cr ity in 1903. He served in the Civil War a 3rd. rgeant in the 42nd. Massachusetts olunteer . He was wound d in th e shoulder ,at Bayou La Fou rche, La. in 1 63.

From .1. 65 to 1 69 Dr. Jone was connected wi.th Lake Fore t cadem_y in Illinqi . Later he served for two Year a Sup dntendent of School at Ma rietta and then was uperin tend nt of chool at Ma ilon for 33 year . up U.l).til the tim he ente.red the office of tate hool 0111J1U ioner. A ide ,f rom hi regul a r duti es D r. Jone wa consta nt ly call ed upon to erve in va riou capac1t1es a nd wa frpm time to time h.o nored by special recognition from di fferent or a11iza­ (Co ntinued o n page two. ) Troop to Represent Otterbein. T hi Friday evenin g, F eb ru a ry 17, l:f. W . Troop, '23, goes to W oo ter wh r he will r pres ent Ot ter bein in the Oh io Oratorical Associati on con­ te t to be held there. Troop's orati o n "A ·Ma ~'s A Man", won first place in a recent conte t held &ere, which gave him th e right to represent Otterbein in the · State contest.

No. 18.

jOTTERBEI BOWS TO UP-STATERS In Fir st Contest fo r Years, Oberlin Quint et Wins By 39-27 Score.



IO tterbein

Lads F inally Get Started But Fail to Overcome Lead.

O n Tue day evening, January 7, the O tte; bei n ho or q, a - tr ve,eu to Oberlin to renew athl etic relat ion with the up- tate meu after a lap e of years. While they failed to annex a Dr. E. A . Jones, Professor of Bible vi ctory they made a creditable ho, and Missions, who celebrated his 80th ing. The game was a fairly fa t affa ir birthday last Saturday. and the Tan and Cardinal men played a better game than the fi nal $cor of OTTERBE IN DEFEATED 3 to 27 would indicate . PRESIDEN'r IS HERE AGAIN The O tterbein men play d und er th Nortl:ern Takes Fast Game by 36-29 President Clippinger Returns From ame handicap which characterize al\ a way-from-home games. The ber­ Six W eeks' Trip Through Score. Crabbs I s lin floor is about twice the size of the Star. West-Reports Success. local court,. au normou clisadvanta c


011 atu rday the ha ket ball team travelc lo Ada where it m t tl1e fas t Ohio Orth rn bunch. The Jorthcru boys had come out of a renuous game the prcvjou night with Ohio niversity in which they had been no ed out in the la t few minutes of play. Thi did not seem to di courage them in the game with the local team and they came ba k w_ith a ve ngeance in their attemp to make good before th eir home folks . The game was one of 1 the fa te t and b st played of the ea 0 11 an Northern was able to forge ahead on ly in the la t five m.111(Contu1Ued on page


L as t F riday afte rn oo n P residen t li ppino-er returned to Vve terv ille from hi ext , nded tour 01 the country, made u1 the intere t of the college, and m,ore particularly in the promotion of the ' Diamon,!f Jubilee pirit. Dr. lippinger expre ed hearty sati faction in the re ult of his trip. Everywhere he went he found the Alumni and friends of the college deeply intere ted in the coming campaign, nthu ia ti oYer the program of th school, and eager to have a share in it. Everywhere old gradv.ates, to whom o ur on,g and ye ll arc entir ly ne,,-, joined heartil y


ontinued on page two.)

Iin itself.Oberlin Starts

Slowly. Th~ e-ame t~rted out r ather I wly a nd Jt wa lam that the 0. . l,oy W r,e completely lo t on the large floor. In pite of their inability to 0 cate the ba ket anq the clo e g-uard ­ mg of th e O e.rlin 'back cou~t men the local ncorke l so me pa ing whi ch wa_ up rior to the floo.r: wo rk of tii Th half · nm o n and G ld quad nd ed rn- 9 in favor of the home t am. Albr ight wa r pon ible for fol!r o f .' point wit h two goal . \Vhit added ano t b r ring r, whi le rabhs made the r maining th r from the foul line.


0. C. Comes Back.



( By Pink.) [ uppo ed t.o know what th ey mea n Jow t here are club a nd club and ome ime even we mi g ht fo rget, 1'h r alway ha,•e b n cl ub and there but a ny way they do n' t mea n wha t always will be club , at lea t picture an y one or t he F ac ulty think th ey do. of clubs, whi ch goe to how that M r. Bak ' A.rt Ga ll ery thinks our there ha been o r 1 e will b or may club ar e nice becau e he aid so. H e be bo th . Our ance. to r, Mr. Cave think eve ry ne is th e ni ce t on.e ye t Man, had a club an<l h boo ted hi and o do we. U yo u ha v a pil e of cl ub , too. T he rea o n he had a club club you call it a woo d pil e. Mr. wa beca u e he was a ocial bein g a nd Baker' A r t Gallery wa a wood-pile fou nd it nicer to ha ve a club than ever a wee k a go Saturday, then . be with out one. Our club cos t m oney a nd I don't A nd nowadays, we ·feel ju t about kn ow a bo ut M r . Cave Man' Club . the a me way. It i a ni ce comfo rt- Once they call ed hi club 1 a cudgel, a ble feeling to ha ve a club becau e but he didn't care, He said a ro e by we ar e ocial beings, too. any oth er name was just a sweet. There i one difference, at least, be- They u ed to call our club , social tween our clubs and Mr. Cave Man' g roup s, bu r we don't care either, 6e­ Club. We call our by nice wild cau se no matter what ·you call them, so unding name , and no one el se is onions make_your eyes smart.



In the ec?nd _half, with s~hstitufes 111 the Oberlin lmcup, th e O t te rbei n me n ta rted to loca te th e o ld bas ket, ve rcam th trange ne o[ their ur round in g and tage d a ge n uine comeback . With th e core s tanding 2,t-:H and th e visi tor dropping the ba ll in th e net fr om all an g le , th e Oberlin regul a rs again took th e floo r an d cin ched th,e conte t in th e la t fo ur m in ute o f play. D uring t h half a ha rd knoc k tempo raril y da zed " ndy." (Continued on page two.)

Freshmen Enjoy Frolic. Saturday evening the Fre hmen had th eir econd push of the year in the fo rm of a Val entin e Party in the Asociatio n Building parlor . Seventy were present, and r po rl' a very enjoy­ able tim e. Mu ·ic "Au 'Dicken Ht?et " and games not to mentloh the 'te­ fr eshments, were features of the even­ ing.


Page Two



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M en's and Wcmen' s Social Clubs Add . (Co11ti:1ucd from page one.) To TJ:-.eir Number D urmg \ I Past Week. ti ns. He was a member of the _. rd of Examine s for eight years T11 orJer to bring up-to-date the and for 22 year was a member of the membership of the socia·l group pub- Board of Control of Ohi-0 Teacher's 1 li shed earli er in the yea r, th e T. and r-eadi ng Circle. C. publ i hes this list of new member He was elec ted Vice-n_resident of the in the various groups. . m::rican H istorical Club and a lso ·1 Men's Clubs. · resident of th e Ohio Teacher' . . Association in 1893. In 1909, he was d · t b h. · , In the M ens Club the followmg new h I men arc re o rted. .onore . 1)Y c 1 ttton_ o mem er_ 1p 111 I _ P the );' ~t10:1al . o~nc1l of Education, an 1 , Al s Cluh-G. • Lancaster. J. S. 'o~gamzat.Jon hnutcd to l::!O of the kad\ Shank, M. A. Hite, D. R. Up on, R. in:r educalors of the l,;uited States. A. Mason.



Cook House-E. McCarrolL, • ·. H Richter, A . .Ruffini, A. Renner, T. E . ;\·ewcll, and D . H. Harris.

Club to Sing at Memorial Hall. Instead of the M 1 ' lee lub ap-

-,earin1 in th different olumbus Country O ·b-J. A. Toy, C. B. th· .-ch es. a s ha hitherto been t h e Prof. C. o . Altman, who is in Monn, J. C. Roach, A. ' an tta. custo m, this year lhe club will sing at charg-e -0f the local publicity [or the a nd J . W. eueff. Memorial Hall in olnmhus. March Diamond Jubil e ampaign. Sphinx lub-L. M. oilier, G. R. ha s hcen agreed upon a he date. _____ Pierce. F. M. Pottenger, D. L. Reck , ALTMAN DIRECT_S PUBLICITY F. tephen , and R. H. W-ard . Lakota Jul -J. L . 'B en on, E-. E. Publicity for College To Be Under Beard, M. Borlacher, F. Lowei:y, H. Direction of Professor Myer and L. P art. C. O. Altman. Women's Clubs. . •ew girl tak en in by the lub arc To meet a need for wider publicity a follow : o: th College, pecially in connec• ance, G- eenwich Club-Florence tion vi th th e Diamond Jubil ee Cam- Helen Gib on, • orma Richardson, paign, a new organization called, The Geneva Bu hey, R u th treich, an d Otterbein Pres Club, ha bee n cre- Lucile Gerbe r. ated. Profes or C. 0 . Altman, of the 1 Onyx Club-Luci le Lambert. 1 I Engli h dep~ rtm ent, i at th e head of Tomo Daehi Club- Edith Oyl er the cl ub which 1s composed at pre - and Anna E h rhart. Po:ygon Club-Mary Jone , Ruth c nt of six members, A. A. Luther, J . G. Boward, H . V. Miller, B . R. Callahan , 1Largar t John. Grace Mill , D. A. Adams, and J. \I\ • en- J ohn, Bet h Mason, Ruth F oltz, Lucile


Good Things To Eat at MOSES & STOCK, Grocers Incense Burners and Incense Westane Sandalund

Rice Violet at Store

Kites Fly Against The Wind­ Not With It.

I 1

BEN L. MILES, Chiropractor.

eff. J ucly. Jan e Barton . and Oma 1Iumma. :;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The club ha secur ed th e nam e of Owl Club-Ladybi rd Sipe, Mar- a ll th e hom e-town new spapers of all garct Brook and Mary Booher. !!,.1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ll the tudents of Ottcrbem, and a r ~The . rbutu Club ha not made the S port of th e activities o f stud ents I per onne l of its initiate known at : thi time. _ new pape rs. I Tt i hoped that by this method the OTTERBEIN BOWS name of Otterbein. can be made more TO UP-ST ATERS _ w=dd:y l:nown all o_vcr the cou1_1try. and 1 (Continued from page on .) that Otte bein' D1a ·nond J ubil ce cam­ p::ign wiII be more widely adverti ed. He was rep laced by R. J. \\'hi t> , b..i t , man aged to go back in a iew minut s PRESIDENT IS HERE AGAIN and continued hi depe ndable Aoor (Con ti11l' ed from page o ne.) work. in inging the ongs and giving t he 1 For O t te r bein L L. \\"hite and 1s yel •h wing th eir attitud e un- ·'Ex" tied for coring honor wit h fou r mi takably. ~o~I each . ·'Andy"' added two more ,\ [ter lea •i ng Lo· .\ng•les. D-. while · rahh made good in seven out Clppinger vi itcd an F ran ci co. o f nine free throw . Po rtland , catt le and Spokane, meet- Lineup: Oberlin ing with th e alumni in each city a nd Otterbein I. f. Wheeler effecting an organization in each place. Ander on r. £. Stallings On the way hom e he topped at Den- Cra;bbs C. Wood ver and Kan a City for a short visit Albright I. g . Winters with friends of the school in those White. L. L. Young r. g. citie . Shreck Monday morning in chapel P resiGoals : Anderson. 2: Alb ri ght, 4; dent Clippinger spoke to the student White. 4; Wheeler, 7; Stallings, 7; Crab bs, 7; body giving a brief, concise summary Wood. Foul goal s: of his entire tour and relating personal Wheeler, 9. experiences and impressions which Substitutions: R. J . White for An• made the trip so highly enjoyable. derson, Anderson for R. J. White. ~ The strain and hard work of his long George for Shreck; Oberlin, Landis journey were brought out in the state- for Wheeler, Mye for Stallings, Dick :- __________ SPECIAL RATES TO OTl'ERBEIN STUDENTS :: ..;,;,....;;..;.....;;;.;..;.;;;:;:;===-=~::::::::::.::....-s ment that in the entire tour over I [or Wood, Bower for Young. l0,000 miles had been covered, . and Referee: Peckinpaugh. that nine out of the last ten mghts Watch for the "Otterbein Rewe." : were spent on board trains. IllIll lllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIII

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Your Photo

the only thing your friends cannot buy.

One dozen Photos makes twelve appreciated


Have the best.



= 5 §

: I

Baker's Old Reliable Art Gallery


State and High Sts.


I ---~~~~~----------------------== : AL ELLIOTT,

Student Representative §

Page Three

THE T-\:--1 AND C .'\ RDINAL

a short ses ion of game was held . The Junior Meeting at C. E . Ch ristian Endea vor was g iven ove r French Club i growing rapidly and . to the Juniors, Sunday night. Rhea eac h m ee ting sees a h eighteni ng of in­ . ute o f play. The score at th e en d o f the firs t half stood 15 to 14 in favor of McCo naughy _wa s th e leader _and wit h te rest and enjoyment in th e work. t he coope ration of th e J un1ors who Otterbein. spo ke from th e fl oo r. a mo t interes tThe outstanding feature of fh e ing meeting r es ulted. game from our st andpoi nt was th e It being " D ecision Day," th e th eme playing of Crabb · Thi you ng st er of all remark s was "one's life work". seemed to hit a stride th at wo uld Geneva Braley sang " M y Ta k" and ha Ye been goo d fo r Otter bein M i ses V irginia Taylor and Virginia enth usia ts to witness. Hi floor work Wolfe gave a vocal du et, "Abid e wit h and basket shoo ting were the best that Me." have been demonstrated by an Otte rFrench Club Elects Officers. bein player thi s season . He came through with six baskets a nd _m ad e At a meeting of the French Club good on seve n fr ee _th rows mak_mg _a last Monday nig ht, Gordon Lincoln tota l of nin etC'en pomts. Th is is hi s wa elec ted President Bernice Heete r li rst year as a ·:a rsity ma n a nd he is V ice President ; Hel~n Drury, T rea s~ _ " _ the r eal find_ of th e sea o n. ~ nd er ~on I urer ; V irg inia Blagg, Secretary, and Th e man who invented th e Eskimo wa~ n ext high co rer. m.akm g hvc D orothy Bright, R eporter, after which Pie' " machin e is one of A li ce F legal' s bas kets. Albright was_ g~a rded . o ================ clo ely that it w a Cl 1te 11nt)oss1b le . . . " to ge t a d ecen ·t s 110 t , th er e b ~- - Use the Nyal !me of Toilet Articles, acquainta nces " bac k hom e , therefor e for h 1m he is co nfid e nt that she can purchase in g five different m en dogging him Face Cream, P owder, Soap, Laxacold at ~- con iderab le redu ction as many , during the game. The orthern and Figsen. T h ey are best of the machines as her fri ends can use. 1 coa ch must have _h a d ome a d r e· . , Mt m emhrances of th e baske ts th at ·· Ex" Mi_ E th el Eubanks, 20, . of . caged in a recent game on th e ho me DR. KEEFER 111 Sterlmg, spen t the w eek-end W e fl Captain L. L. White played a =============================== oo r. t ·11 fine flo o r gam e but was unabl e to hit .!JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY/ ervt e. Mary E lizabeth Brewbaker, Gertrude t h e rim . This is unusual for " Whitie" _ Seaman and Josephine Cridland were but he was k ept bu sy for the most part ::: St nt to Marion, Sunday, in the inter - working on the North ern forwards . . , tere ts of the college. Schreck was replaced by Prie t in the _ , . latter part of the gam e. " Boh ' play d a r esult of the tabl e-tal k t h 1s • d a hard game b ut did not seem to hit Week, so me one had a "vision' , an soon a tabl e was equipped ,vlth his trid . Prie t i ne,v at th e gua rd- : n_ owy white napkin~ in dainty clothe ing end o f th e game, but he has th e : ,veight a nd s,e ems to b e 1naking goo d. Ptn h o ld er. Q Ur . . : While Coach Ditm e r a nd th e tea m lle~ry Corette, of the Umver s ity j f 11 ex.pec ted to win, there a r no f_ Michi ga n, is pending a few days · d~ :Oura g d fa ces amon the I un ch and they really did a fi ne bit of playWtth Helene Clark. If Mr. Sn oo kums wou ld onl tell ing. The team is d-oing p lendidly the ladie how h e makes that perfect and merits the support of every loyal ; url . dozens of curling _irons and hu n- tudent. The boys go to the Un iver ity of dred of electri c curler could be crapped. Cincinnati Thur day night, and a Friday eve ning, "Peg" Weth erill, wo rd of cheer to any or all of the _ 1 Ma rie Comfort and Lucille Wahl en­ member wi ll be in keeping \vith t h e tertained th Arb utus and Torno· good spirit that i bein g manife te~, 1t Dachi lu bs with an a o. 1 Valentine and it might work wonders when . l Party. Th re were Cupid , red hearts come to pili ng up cores t 1at wm . O TTERBEIN DEFEATED (Continued from 13age one.)


J. P. ROGERS 46½ N . State St. Taxi Service and Dray, N ight or Day.









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and eve rything "valentinish". g ests declar d t h at the eats imply d licious.


''Bon' " Jack , the man who the ca ndy, came thi week-end . u to formally introduce him, Mr. \V. L eonard of Lo ui ville, Ky.



new sto re, 35 W. Broad t., also at 22 N. High St., Columbus, 0. Cor age and Fancy R o e A Specialty.


it our new tore when in the city.

RXY~M.~D0HNS0N ~ -

The lineup : TJ\ . tii'tf, .. FJt. Ohio Northern (36) : l'-.lf-UW • Otterbein (29) L. F . nocke : Ande r on R. F • pell man I II I II Ill Ill Ill I II Ill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill II 111111111111111111 I 1111111 IIIIIIIIIT Crabbs C. Mon ey A lbrig ht M iller chreck, P rie t R. G. L . G. Fi her W hi te n~r­ Goal from field- rabb 6. Cum'• no cke 2 Spellman 3'. 011 min 6. Money 1, Mill er 2, Ft her I, PRINTED OR ENGRAVED . milh 1. Foul goal -Crabb 7, 1-Iiller 4. Referee-Thi ele, D eni on. Editor's Note: This ummary i not accur ate nor comp le e owing to the ,!_! 11 UI III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I III I I I I III III II I I I I Ill Ill I 1111111111111111111111111111 fact that the score was not cor rectly kept.


our agent at Westerville.

.,;,-.., =



Ima winger p ot the week-end at her hom in ew Madi on , wh er h ioi 1, d Evelyn Darling '2 Mr . Mae llman Jayn s, ' 20. a few days ta t week at Cochran \\·ith •h r i ter' Kay.

Take Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing to C. D. MANN Watchmaker and Jeweler Westerville, 0. All Work Guaranteed.




The Buckeye Printing Company

liad R ev. Burtner only known of th e bountiful and "scru01differou " llleal Mr . oble and Mrs. Parfitt had Waiting w he n we returned ·from Social Group Recogni church unday be surely would have The F aculty o f Otterbein ha recog- _ Preached on "Temperance in All nized at a recent meeting the Lakota Things". Jub , under the provi io n of the Bookworm-"If ten thou's and plan­ ocial Grouping Plan. The ponsor of et , the ize of the earth were p laced the Club i Prof. E.W. E . Schear. The of Columbus, O. edge to dge th ey would not reach the member of the Club as r ecogn ized are: L . J . ewell, R. F . Axl(ne, J . R. ITT 111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I III I I I I I I IllI III III I I I II 11111 iI I I I 111111111111111Ill111ft 11111111 nearest star."· A-nother Worm-"You don't ay! Goodrich, E. C. Loomi , G. A . Cav­ Patronize Our Advertisers! Patronize Our Advertisers! anagh, J. C. Mayne and E . . chultz. l'her ' no u · 1t · trymg · · th en ." 1t




Johnny Mayne

Representing The 5th Avenue Floral Co.



T 1--T E T A


TAN AND CARDINAL Pubtished Weekly in th e interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHIN G BOARD Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF Editor .............. J. Gordon Howard, A ssi stant Editor ........ J. W . Seneff, Contributing EditorsGrace H . Hill, Horace W . Troop, Business Manager ... : J . P . Schutz, A ssistant Business ManagersT. E. Newell , Clifford Foor, Cir. Manager ...... Harriet L. Hays, A ssistant Circulation Manager s­ Lucile Ewr y, Kath erin e P o llock, Athletic Edito r ........ A. W . Elliott, Assis tant Athletic EditorH . V. Mill er. Loca l Ed itor ............ M . M . Coll ins; A lum na! Editor ...... Alma Gui tner , Exchan ge Editor , V irg inia Sna vely, Co chra n H a ll E di to rAl ice Daviso n, Litera ry Editor ............ H . R. Mills,

'22 '23 '23 '23 '23 '23 '24 '22

'23 '24 '23 '23 '2•' '97 '23 '23 '24

Add ress all co m munication s to The Otterbein T an and Cardinal, 103 W. Co ll .:ge Ave . \ ,\Tes tervill e, Ohio. Sub scription Price, $2.00 P er Year, paya ble in advance. En te red as second class matter Septemb er 25, 19 17, at the postoffice at W es terville, 0 ., under act of Marc h 3, 1879. Acceptan ce fo r m ailing at special rat e ot postage pro vid ed for in Sec. 11 03, Ac t of Oct. 3, 19 17, authorized April 7, 1919. EDITORIAL l t i be tt er to put your should e r to the whe e l th an yo ur l,ack to th e wall.

Regarding Scholarship·. W hen you reaid th ese lines, grad e cards for th e eme ter eith er w ill hav e b en cJii s tr ih uted a lre a dy , o r w ill oo n be r eady. T he e ca rd s, if gifted wi th ~eech, co uld tell strange thing ; · o n th e o ne hand tal e of day and' ni g hts w a ted, tim e fritt ered away, ge nera l in co mpe tence; on th e oth er ha nd, hour o f faithful appli cati on, long of · tri ct concentration, period o ca ion of elf a crifi ce. The one thing deserve censure, th e other is worth y of comm endation , but under th e pre ent system no gublic di tinc­ tion is made. The". " student i in no way de ig oated from the failure an d thi i not a s it should be. Otter,bei n has nevert been at fault in pu blic ly recognizing her athletes wi'th b'a nq_uet ; Varsity "O's" and oth er re­ wards ft;r faithful ser~ice, but Otter­ bei n has been and is at fault in he r failure to give: scholarship public re­ cognitio , iii neglecting to reward th e t'n,a,n who excels in the classroom. Every student cannot be an a hl e te. and many a student, l>eing handicapp­ ed by nattfre herself, is hindered from pa'.rticipa ing in varsity ath letics and' is therefore un ab le to ser:ve his school 1ri this way. But if this studen tllnl iji', , anenti~I); to scholarshi ~ and • hy diligent effo•rt makes a record of which the sclioot car{ b'e proud , certainly h e


is wo rth y of pub li c honor. Yo u say, no man sho uld stu dy merely for hon o r. True enough, b ut thoug h few me n try fo r th e Va rsity m er ely fo r fo e p raise in it. ye t th ey a ll are recogni zed publicly. O tt erbein. bein g a non- frat e rnity sc hool, has no Phi Beta Kappa ( a nati o nal frat ernity ) toward whi c h th os e asp irin g fo r sc ho las ti c hon or s can stri ve. But Otte r bein co uld and should ha ve so m e fi ttin g su bs titut e for P hi Beta Kaip pa, so m ethin g th a t would se rve as an honor to be bes to.wed on desr n ·in g indi vi duals. A Life of Service. La st Sa tu r day. Dr. Edmu nd A. J ones was eig h ty year of a g e. To he still in ac ti ve se ni cr at tha t a ge after sDcndin g al mos t th ree score yea rs in fu rt he ri ng a g rea t ca use is a n envia bl e rec <1rd. To stand a t one's eig ht ie th mi le ton e and loo k back upo n years fi ll ed wit h acc omp lishm ent , wi th du ties we ll do ne. w'i th a constant amb ition to best serve o ne' s ge nerati on is a privi lege a cco rd ed on ly a favor ed few. Throughout hi life D r. J ones ha s been in ed ucatio na l wo rk in one cap ac it y o r ano th er. Who ca n m ea ur e th e goo d he has done? Th e inAuence fo r . ri g ht that he has had in hi s co n­ stant to uch wi th youn g life · is a thin ~ \ ,v hi ch. th ough r eal eno ugh , is in cal­ cul a bl e. · O tterbein is fortunate 1n ha ving 5•1ch men as Dr. J one on it fa culty. tl'.dent -like, young m en a nd wom en in chool seldo m co unt th e ble sin o­ th cy enjoy in as sociating wi th cultur ed, broadl y ed ucated professo rs of Ch ris­ tia n char ac ter . But if the wo rd o f a lum ni ca n be conside red auth o rity, th e day w ill come wh en th ey will co n­ sider a pri ce less the yea r pent here under ch me n a Dr. Jon es. The Tan and Ca rdinal takes thi s opportun ity to exten d its th anks to Dr. J one fo r th e im m eas urable se r ­ vi ce he ha rendered to O tterb ein an d '. o wi s h him co nt inued yea r o f heal t h and happin es . CAMPUS CHIT CHAT

r> (


A I~


I ts: I\ I .


WE' VE BEEN THINKIN' \ Bro wn- H o w th e F r en ch Boy L earn s to \,\T rit e. ---T~.at our campus has presented Brown - Write r's A rt . somewhat tl:e appearance of a circus Tucker- Am eri can E ng li sh. Grabo-A rt o f th e S ho rt S to ry. ground these la st few days. I T hat Dr. Jones is our idea of a reg!\ea.I-E dit o ri a ls a nd Ed itorial ular guy. Congratulations, Dr. v\lriting. J ones! Fo w ,er-Gr r at · lea der s o f H eb rew Hi sto ry. That we are glad to see our Prexy Tracy- Psyc ho lo ~y o f Ad o lesc 11~ back again. Ger steinburg- Prin cipl cs of Bu iThat football practice makes us ness . thin!: our dates are mixed. Patronize Our Advertisers! One Valentine Day isn't enough to acconmodate the great number of Valentine parties.




Meats of All Kinds

T he W eek's Worst Joke. W illi e-Moth er, m y Sunday School teacher neve r tak e a bath . Moth er- Wh y, Willi e, wh o to ld yo u tha t i \ Villi e-H c did. He said he ne ver did anyt hin g in p ri va te he would n' t ao in p ublic.

Also Groceries at

WOLF'S We terville, Ohio

The Poet Laureate Speaks. Boy Cram . T ak~s Exam s. Sem ts ter S tar ts. But Boy Depa rts.

); <:

G. W. Henderson, M. D. Hours By Appointment. 109 S. State St.

Our "W eakly" Proverb. m atter how fas t a clo ck

r un s it a lv ays winds up at th e sam e place.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.


East College Avenue

( )3y D oub lay) Bill iin't hand som e :\' er , tyl i h ); er ;pecia ll y knowin.' Bu t 5os h. T li ke Bill! Bill neve r gets w rou o-ht u p K ee ps ju st a s ca' m ! An ' v h en 1 gi t ril ed, A n "bili n' m ad J es t 1bout thr ee min ute •ith ol' Bill n' ; ge ntl e ri g h t down. [ f T e,·er g et to Hea ve n alo ng o· o l' B ill. th' pea rl y ga tes A n' g-o ld pave m ent s. ll I want i t' et down o' B ill.

PHONES Bell 84-R

Citizen 26

W. M. Gantz, D. D. S. DENTIST 15 West College Ave.

Bell Phone 9

Citizen Phone 167

For all that is good to eat see

WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Westerville, Oliio

A ft er a ll , we ar e told, mo t o f th e thin gs we think we know, are on ly New Books Received At The thin g told u by som e one who w a College Library A ciimced C. W. Stoughton, M. D; told it by omebody el e who heard it. Lloycl.--Sovereio-n People. 31 W. C~llege Ave. lippery weath er certai nly Thi Bren t-Adv enture fo'r God. tries men's soles. M ns ic Teachers' ational WESTERVII.:L E; OHIO s ocia~ V ' If you expect fo g raduate in June, ti b n-Paper a nd proceeding . 1 Vol. itizen Phone UO Bell Phone 190 L ee-Making of a Man. better tell the Commencement Com­ Sroryth-How God In pired the mittee about it, or it may be planning to hold , in teacf. a corn roast for all 'Bible. Guerl er-1..egend of the Virgin cla s cheer leaders since 1 47. It's im­ a d CHri . portan t, you f y- h · st our t redi l6r. 1 ' W er e you at Y . M. C. A.? No? Brown-Social Message of the Mo- ' Too busy? Yea, busy hunting excuse . de rn Pulpif. If, by any chance, you go to heaven Bh.ck-Progress in Culmerely for TRY! G to do th e right ture. thing, some folks around here had WllKer-Ten New Eno-land Lead:better order that asbestos suit right ers.• away. J efferson- ew ru ade. puk' -Men w ho in.a:de the ation. Four score years, active and respect­ Wilson- ew .Englan c1l in Letters. ed, is something we could all strive B utler, B . F .-Pri ate and Official after. , Cotre spond'en,te, 4 volumes. M2thews-Sodal Gosp'el. Pa orilie 0~ Advertflir'ff Watch' for th'e "0 erbeib R~ e."





Cleaning, Pressing


TH Coliege Avenue MEAT NiA:RKET


Page Five



"THE CONFESSIONS OF A KID very proper littl e boys in formed me SISTER" that 1 was a fr ai d t o run u p w h e re D ad was. I never knew h ow to tak e a (By Grace H. Hill.) d aire so whe n my moth e r •see m ed pro­ (Tak en from Professo r Altm a n' s pcr,y e ngros sed in th e ser mon I q uie tl y sl ip p e d und e r seve ral p ews, pecial Feat ur e A r t ic le C lass.) r aced clown th ro u g h th e c hoi r lof t, Some a re b o rn gre at. so m e ach ie ve a nd se iz ing m,y father about th e greatn ~ , and some ha ve gr eat n ess knee s, I h oo- h ooecl lu s til y fo r til e thru st upo n them , and s in ce being a be n el1 t of th e intereste d broth er s. kid si ter at time s closely ap proa c h es ha ve bee n told th a t my father fl o und ­ greatnes , I fee l sure th at th e sa m e ere d h o p e less ly a nd that t h e g ri e ved rule ·would app ly th e r e. Th erefo r e I look which o ve r s pread m y moth e r' s make bold to s tat e th at T am a kid face would h ave to uch ed a h eart of sist er for thr ee parti c ul a r r easo n s . sto n e. nam ely, b ir t h , a c hi e ve m e nt , a,nd n eces­ M a n y o th e r s imil a r ex p e ri e n ces sity . ma r kc(I m y mil esto n es a n d w h en I Four quite hus k y and a ltoget h er n:achecl the Fres hm a n · yea r o f Hi g h original brothe r s had e ith e r fortu nate- Sc hoo l J was a co nfirmed tom b oy w h o ly or unfortun a te ly p r ece d ed m e in tri ed eve r yt hing my brot he r s did a nd their initi al app ear a n ces in soc ie ty an d maintained a h aughty di s d a in to r the so quit ear ly I form e d th e h ab it o f n1a icle al y arts in w hi c h m y m ot h er taking thin gs as I fou n d t h em and tri e d to int e r est m e . S h e s hoo k he r grinnin g, if at all p oss ib le. hca <l in di ·may a nd gave up tryin g to About my fir s t ex p e ri ence as a kid ma k e a li ttk 1ady of h e r only daugh ­ sister J quot e n ot fro m t h e aut h ori t y t e r wh ile my br o th ers prou dl y of my own m e m o ry so mu c h as on th e b o as t ed th a t th er e we r e no s iss ies in uppos i tion th a t h avi n g h ca rd it aga i 11 t h e ir fa 111 ily · and again fron1 var io u s r e li ab le A n d Lh en quit e s udd e nly a ll thi s sOurc es, I 1nust ce rt a inl y h ave bee n blissfu l sta te of affairs di sa pp ea re d there. Th e s umm er following my a nd the k id s iste r b ega n to s u ffe r advent, my family s p e nt a t a lake re - throu g h compa ri so n . lf t he id ea l of sort wh ere ea ch of th e seve r a l m e m - a bo y is h d1· eam h ap p e n ed to b e a ber of th e afor e mention e d fam i1 y bloml w it h a p eac h bl ow comp lex io n were at lib e rty to li ve large ly in th e l was all w1·ong a nd \.vhy didn ' t n1oth er open and I wa s n o t excep t ed. Dai1y n1ak c 111 c wea r a h a t so I wo uldn ' t get !'was place d in a n a ntiquat e d peram- so h orr ibly tann ed ? My h ai r wa s bulator and m y fond br o th e r s, o n e o r fr izzed, c u r le d, and finally bobb ed to all of th em, w ere expecte d to w h ee l m ee t th e eve r changing tastes of t he me about in th e s un s hin e fo r a space mal e popu lation while my dre sses of two o·r thr ee h ou r s. T hi s they were p in k, b,ue, reel , or ye ll ow m heroica ll y did , a s a rul e, but 0 11 o n e qui ck s u ccess io n . occa ion J aln1ost 111et d ea th at th e ir Th en I ve ntur e d forth 111y sc lf. I hands. They h a d w h eeled me down a tt ac h ed to m y train a r ea l b ea u a nd on the I? ac h a nd had tak e n turn s began to du s t the p a rl o r with puncwatchingm e until th eir particu la r for m tili o u s ca r e. I fe lt quite grow n up in ­ of play becam e too ent r ancin g for d ee d when m y youthful a dmir er th em to be both e r e d longer. Th e n b r o ug ht me hi s fir t co nfect ion a r y ome· one eonc e i vecl th e bri g h t idea o f offe r in g. H ow m y p o mp osi ty intying .tny carriage to a t ree. T ,.vas creased as I opened it. But ho rro r s ! fast a leep and r eally do n ot r em em -• "1 he boys had b ee n th er e first an d th at ber th e parti c ul a r s hut it is r e ported box w a s fill e d with hard coa l, eac h to me th a t s01ne two h o ur s later I was li ttle pi ece caref ully se t in th e cusrescued from an almo s t s ub me r ge d to mary pap e r tray . My nex t venture was a yo ung eccarri age by a frantic fath e r w hil e fo ·,1r very happy boys built a m arve lous cles iast who for some rea so n o r ot h e r tr ee ho J e, e ntir e ly ob li vious of th e see m ed p ossessed to ca ll a t our h o m e . fa ct that their baby s is te r h a d s li ppe d On a cer t a in afte rn oo n 1 had go n e t o her moo rin gs. v1~1t a lricnd w h e n thi . poor un fo r I got alon g fa irly we ll for some · tun ate came fo call. H e was told to tim e after that but one d ay w h e n J s it d own and w ait , th a t I would b e was about four y e ars of age, my down a t o n ce. T h e n these mode ls of moth er took u s to visi t our grand- polite n ess exc u sed th e m se lv es a nd mother. She lived on a farrri and went about th e ir own fun. How lo ng since U(> to this tim e our far;n ex- our frie n d sa t there I n e ve r kn ew fo r perien ces had been minu5 , w e had o n e he n v e r came ba c k. wi ld seri es of exp lorations. A chi c k e n Atid so a ll my life, I have kn ow n house was di Scd e red who se roOf can,e the joys of b eing a kid s ister. Only nearly to th e g r o und and what co uld las t s u m m er when I had invi te d a be more fun than ridin g down that very s peciai friend to dinner I wa lk ed roof in a ~ a gd · ? Since iny bro th e r s into th e dinin g r oom o nl y t o find h'ad l~a rn ed by h eart th e doctrine of pla cards ;. Bu tt er, 70c per pound" an d "girls fi r s t" . of course I :Nas e lected ·' Go easy o n th e m ea t", posted to take th e first r id e . I did , ai1d it wa s aroun d , the s ilver sewed to the ·able some time befote niy mc5th e r dare d cloth, a nd th e vinegar r ep lace d by lose sight of m e for fear of not r e- so me v il e h ome-brew. But in sp ite cognizin g me again. of these things i wouldn't b e My m,o th er, was ve r y. rigid in h e r anything in the world but a kid sis" ' ., 1 J> ' t ! td t"'« h t'1011 ter and with no one db l sympathi ze t ra,> mg W eu 1 came U<. .,ue q" i.ii te a..s si nc er e ly as a g· ii- I who has of Ge~avlo r ih churcli arid ~ e were J.. little ex!ainples of, ~ rop riQt y o n most no bro th ers. occas·ions . One day, ho wever, while Watch for the "Otterbein Revue." my father was preac hin g, o n e of the se

Ca ndid a tes fo r Freshman class offices at Mu skin g um are announ ce d in a nominating co n ve nti on pr es ide d over by th e Juni or President. All eanclicl dt es mu st he pre sent ed in nomi ­ na tin g spe ec h es whi c h a re limited to two minut es. Dark-ho-rse candidat es and a ll o th er s not reg ularl y n om inated nrn s t pres nt a pe tition signed b y fo rt y Fres hm e n befo ne th e \iV ecln es day eve ning pr ecedin g the e lect io n. Presi­ de nti a l Ca ndidat es mu s t publis h th eir platfo rm s in th e B lac k and Magn eta.­ B lack a nd Magn eta.

AMONG TlfE COLLEGES Faculty m e mbe r s a nd s tud ents at t h e U ni ve r s ity of Ci n cinnati bel ieve that fr a te rn iti es, if right ly co ndu c ted , ar e a const ru c tive So r ce in co ll ege life. O nl y wh e n th ey attempt to co ntro l co ll eg_e acti vities, become s n ob bi s h a nd see k to ex e r cise th eir pow e r in wrong dir ec tion s do th ey b ecom e h a rm ful. Th e motto of eve ry fra t erni­ ty ma.n or woman s hould be: My co ll ege fi r s t, m y fra t e rnity secondl-. U ni ve r s it y Ne ws . Th e

D e ni so n


A stud e nt co mmittee

M. C.

.A.. has rece n tty opened a co-op erati ve Book S to r e which will handl e seco nd - ha nd boo k s a lm os t e ntire ly. Th e Y. M. C A. d oes no t int e nd to mak e a prolit f1°o m the exc ha n ge, but to furn is h a m edium tra n sac ti o n s so n,an.

throu g h ca n take

h as b ee n ap­

po int ed by th e s tud e n t body of Mu s­ kingum co ll ege to work o ut a detail ed p lan Fo r a stud en t co un c il.-B la ck and Mag n eta . Va le ntin e Pos t cards a nd Gr ee ting s

wh ich suc h at Hoffma n's. pla ce-D e ni Watch for the " Otterb ein Revue ." 1

!..! II Ill I Ill Ill IIll II Ill Ill Ill Ill IIll IIll IIll II Ill II Ill Ill lllll Ill IIIIIII Ill IIll Ill IIll IIll IIll II Ill llllll.,!.





11 1




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: ;;

= ;;

= = = = = = : : _ :



Smart, Well-Tailored Suits and Overcoats High-Grade Clothes Made to sell at $35 and $40.


Here's a wo nderful chance to save on warm , styli sh Overcoats for the remainder of this season and other seaso n s to come. Arid many of the Suits are in styles and weights suitable fbr spring wear; that' s tno e economy. ;Both Suits and Overcoats are in this season's best model s; hahd tailored of good all­ woo1 :tabrics. Sizes for men df every build. $5t:J and $55 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Harid­ Tailored Suits anti Q v:r.~_oats reduced fa $33. =


= -




an.Ii hont Stteets




= -S -

ifI 11111111111111111 III I I I I fl I I I I I I I I I 111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mt~


Page Six



article s ""i~h

i:; ict ur es


Otterbein /

athletes. II O th er publicatio ns which ha\"~ cheerful:y printed Otter bein stones a nd ricturcs arc: The John St own (Pa). r-apers. The .·\thl et ic World. Th e Clc,·elancl :\ cws. each of th e Dayton newspapers. and the Akro;1 pa:-iers. This list does not account for th e I many smaller newspapers that hav e printed sto ri es on "native son" INTERCOLLE GIAT E INTRAMURAL athlet_es _and dispatches from the pres~ (Edited by A. W. Elliott) 2ssoc1at10ns, notably The Asso c,a t •· I Press. The r\. P. has been e~pecially OTTERBEIN GIVEN PUBLICITY friendly toward college athletic news. CLUB GAMES INTERESTING and has favored Otterbein to no small


If i~iJ I



DARN BILL! Last week O ne of th e fellows That "subs'' 0 11 The basket ball team Got a "' Co mp" from t he man age r .\nd he says; "Gosh I got a ti cket now . f suppose I'll ha,·e to dig lip a girl."" Bill says , " \V int are you Goin' to do Get a dead one?" Darn Bill!

Spring Football Is Begun. . h "tt t W 'th One Week Yet Sphinx and Mc- ; Columbus Dispatch and Other Papers I exte nt. A few weeks ago when Coach Dit­ 1 ' , . • The e 1mes ave 1)ee n wn en par Rill Clubs Lead Two Have Been Li_beral In USmg 1y to ac co rd recognitio n where it is mc r called the Fres hman football squ.acl together for the purpos e of be­ Leagues. Otterbein Dope. due. and partly to introduce a subject ginn ing pring football, a full squad that will he followed up in th e next On Monday night the Sphinx de- 1 (Sportorial.) number of the T . & ., th e subject of turn ed out and was very ent hu siastic. feated the Alp 28-11 and the Cook I All through this sc hool year Otter- \ organizing a n ews bureau to proper­ The sq uad m ee t s twice a week and the men seem eager to lear n. Meetings House forfeited to the Country Club. be in' teams have been given space in ly handle athletic news. are devote d to blackboard work a.nd A team picked from the fr eshm :tn the daily newspapers as n eve r before, when th e weather pennits they will go squad played the Countr y Club. The and there are good reasons why this INTRA-MURAL CHATTER on the field for actual practice. game ended in a 22-14 victory for the condition prevails. In the first place, Th e coach, assisted by a few mem­ former. The Sphinx co ntinue to hold O tt erbe in being a member of th e Ohio Physical Direc tor Martin has given their 1.000 pct. r ecord by virtue of ! Co nference rat es as much as other out an inter-class volley ball sc h edul e bers of the Varsity, instruct ,i,e squad their 20-9 victory over the Cou ntry conference teams of imi lar standing. which calls for an elimination tourna­ on th e field. There they run through Club Saturday morning. Moreover, elert edJitors hav e noticed ment. All four classes and the plays, learn th e fundamen ta! form a­ Standing of Group League. the changes which have been made Triangl es have entered teams , and tion s and fie ld strategy. Every fall much tim e is lost in Team W . L. Pct. under the Ditmer reg ime. While the ~om e spirited contests are looked for­ tea chin g the fundam entals so by tea ch­ Sphinx ........................ 7 0 1.000 , Ditmer coached teams, thus, far , have war'.d to. ing th ese now mu ch time can be sav­ Country Club ............ 4 2 .667 not been consistent winners, neve rth eThe sched ul e: ed in the fall. 3 .500 less wi e editors see a bigger day ahead *Alps ............................ 3 Saturday evening. Feb ruary 1 , start­ *Annex .......................... 1 4 .200 for Otterbein and have acted according at 7 :30 p. m.-J uniors vs. Seniors. Cook House .............. 0 6 .000 ingly. The time is not far off when Freshmen vs. Sophomores. *The Annex's claim of forfeiture sporting writers will solicit Otter'bein W ednesday afternoon, February 22, 1 over the Alps of Feb. 4 was disallow- stories in the ame way that they soli­ at 4 :00 p. m.-Winner of the Frosh­ ed and the game will be played off cit stories from larger colleges. And Soph gam es vs. Triangles. Saturday morning at 8 o'clock . wlien this tim e comes the men who Saturday eve ning, February 2~. at Games This Week. have given th e college the best show tl :45 (preliminary to th e Bluffton Monday evening: 7:20--Ann ex vs . durin g " the lean years" will be on the game, champio n ship game. Cook House; 8 :00--Alps vs. Country ground floor for information at fir t All contes t .wi ll consist of a series Club. hand. oif three 15 point game . The team Saturday moning: 8:00--Alps vs. H . A. Miller, porting Editor of the winnin g two of the three games will Annex. olumbu Dispatch, has led all oth ers •be declared winners of each series. in giving Otterbein a fair showing in Group and "Prune" Leagues Mix "Prune" League Games. the athletic line. ''Di patch" reader Further intra-mural basket-ball The dope bucket of the Prune will recall" that throughout the foot­ League wa up et Saturday morning ball ea on Mr. Miller l'an individual games have been arranged for. On when the Mattoon Club nosed out picture of Otterbein players, welcom­ Saturday morning. February 25, at a 13-12 victory from tht McR.ill Club ed° and printed Otter'bein " dope" and 8 :30, the third place team of the and the Cook Club defeated the Pries t gave good space to Otterbein games. "Prune" League will play the third Club 21 -10. The Blendons had little Likewi e in his " port Mirror" he place team of the Group League. At trouble in defeatin g the Reed Club by made numerous comments on things 9:30, the two second place team will the score of 24-8. The Holdren were concer ning Otterbein, and hunted up play, and at 10 :30 the winner o-f each forced to forfeit their game to the seve ral illuminating record from the league will play. Inter-leag ue game Bi hop Club. have been arranged for thi fa.r·. If it· g loriou past. Standing. If you have a Minute i the de ire of the six competing The ame pirit of cooperation ha Tam W . L. team the eries may be length ened To Spare Pct. marked Miller' handling ~f the ba ket 1 833 into an elimination tournam nt which McRill ··-·-·······-·········-·· 5 · b.all ituation. He cheerfully printeJ Step into the Store, 1 Blendon 5 will decid the intra-mural basket ball ·~~; eve rythino- which wa ent to him 2 Mattoon ..... , 4 upremacy of Otterbein. Each con­ And Study the New Styles ·667 · al ng with individual pictur of most 2 Cook ...... --- 4 te tin team will be limited to the us e of the squad. In "Made to Measure" 3, Prie t .... ....: 3 o•f the ame men that played w:ith it .333 Whi le the Ohio State Journ a l' s R eed ...... ..... 2 4 Suitscfuri.ng the regula champion hip _16(> policy doe not allow the morning schedule . Bishop ... ..,... 1 5 you'll be interested .000 papen to devote a mucn attention to 6 Holdren ·······-······-········ 0 Clubs To Have Spring Sports. In the Values a doe the Dispatch, Saturday's Games. The management further announce nevertheless its porting editor, M r. 8:4Q--,McRill v . Holdren. As Well as the Styles. Clyde Tuttle, has given the college a that boarding club and group a well 9:20--Blendon vs. Bishop . ba e ball and tenni lea­ .as inter-cla The new prices are low good show. 10 :00--Reed vs. Priest. gue will be forn:ied when the season For the Quality You Get. mo,ng other ~ecial friend are, J . arrives. 10:40--Cook vs. Mattoon. . Wilhelm, an Otterbein graduate, And we are sure Pay That SubscriP.tion r ' and editor of the "Canton R posiThe R . 0 . T. C. at Cornell Univer- • We'll be able to Satisfy you. Prof. J. P. We. t repo rt tha~ whil · tory'' · Richard Guy, Sporting Editor ity ha r ceived nineteen ponie from _practi cally all pled_ges 0;1 __the Spring of 1;he Pitt burgh Leader, (Mr. Guy the War D epartment to be u sed in Sport' u1)scription are patd th e e ar e wa in school here in '01.) and H. P. playing polo. Cornell expects to take still -a <few remaining ttnpaid, _and he Edward's of the Cleveland P lain part in an intercollegiate tournament e ts that delinquent subscnbers at Dealer. Each of these men h ave, at 'with Yal e., Harvard, and Pennsyl­ r qu ' ' .,._. h 1· • More Goods for Same Mbney. some time or 6ther, printed feature vania. • ~once wipe thet,- names Orr t at t t. Same Goods · for Less Money.





Norri$ & Elliott




Page Seven



I(Taken from th e files of the O tter bein

44 North State Street Eas:man Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pii.,es, kines. Films D eveloped and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies. Parkers' Fountain P ens, Even Flow OPTICAL D EPARTMENT Ink Pencils, S l:eaffer', Ever Sharp E ye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye Shades and Goggles. Examination Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, fr ee. All work guaranteed. Give us E tc. a call.

.Aegis and O tt erb ei n Review.) February 1892. Peop le were warned to expect Commencement exercises to be longer than usua l as there were to be 26 graduates and eac h was to make a graduating speech. Al o five or six music students were to perform .

'65. Jame s M. Strasburg, " ·ho has lived for some years in D etroit, Mic h­ igan. di ed recently in that city. Fo r n,any years 1lr. Strasburg was a tc,chcr in th e high sc hools of Indiana The Student Volunteer Band has inand Chicago, Illinoi s. but he had re11111 1111 111 11 111111111 111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111 . creaser! its numbers to 11 members. t1rcc1 se vera1 years ago.




February 1902. l\Irs. H. D. Berea\\" (A nn e Ber- 1 raw) of Canton. Ohio, ha s been ' G. L. Stoughton, '92. ~\·as appointed cf,oscn a member of the Board of I rostmaster for vVesterv1lle. ... Directors of the Young \Vomen's The Y. VI'. C. .\. was raising mon ey _ for its ?cncYa F~,nd by publi_shing a Christian Associ3.tion of that city. '18. Fay M. Bowman of Bucyrus, '·Quota1t1on Book. A quotat10n was Ohio. assisted during January in a sol icited from eve ~y student and three wee k s' series of evangelistic faculty member and it cost 10 cents to me etings at the U nit ed Brethren g:t a quotation in the book.(~dit~r•s church in Tyro, Ohio, of wh ich 0. A. :S: ote :-The gentle art of prof1t_eenng evidently comes to us by heredity.) J ayne is pastor.


, 16.



Edwin M. Hursh of Anderson, Indiana was one of th e delegates rtprese~ting the United Brethr en Church in attendance at th e t we ntynint h 3. nnua l session of th e Foreign Mission s Conference of North America held at A tlantic City, New J ersey in January.


Valentin Napkins = I§ = Greetings = Drinking Cups ·P ost Cards Card Board Drawing Paper Art Supplies -= Crane Stationery Otterbein Stationery Athletic Goods Note Books = Fillers ~nd Popular = Copyrights =

February 1912. Juniors gave th e cla s play, "Th e _ Young Mr. Wii1throp," in which Miss _ Lydia Ne lson a nd Roscoe B ran e took _ the leadJng ro les. Fred Fansher, '10, was made acting sec retary of th e Dayton Chamber of Comm erce.

: = =

; : :

'72. M. H. Amb ro e of Pittsburgh, Oh io U ni vers ity hea t Otterb ei n, 24- ·• P enn sylvania, i spe nding a few wee k s H. ~ in Po r to Rico. Dr. ]. G. Hui er, ' 8, had co mpl eted '90. Dr. . M. Eamp Secretary of Jew hi worlk at Union Seminary, the Home Mission Board of the York. an d wa ready to re um e hi l: nited Breth ren Church, pent the work at Boneb rak e Sem inary a s Pro­ last Sunday in Januar y in T err e fes or of Homi leti cs. Baute India na preaching both morn­ ing a,;d eve ni~g in th e Barbour Av Ivan ec hri twas recove ring from a enue Clmrch_, w hrch was celebra'.ing j prained a nkle received in the Capital _ th e fourth anniver ary of the dedi ca- baske tball ga111e. tion of t he new ch urch . I Men A t Work On Bleachers. '21 , '20. Mr. and Mrs . 0 . A. J aynes We take great p leasure in reporting _ (May Sellman) of Tyro, Ohio, we re in We ter vi Ue la t Th ur sday and that th e n ew portable b leac h e11s a re _ Friday. They had bee n vi iting a t sawed an d ready for u e .LS soon a Mr: Jaynes' h6me n ear D elaware and some good brother who can oaint _ came on over to Westerville before \"Olu nteers his se rvice. Track Manager Goodm an ha wo rd s of hi g h comreturn ing to their hom e in Tyro . mendation for' th e fel lows w ho volun- :_ ' 06. Mr . W . M. Gantz (Mamie t,cered their services in gf:'tting t_he 11111 111111111111111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111111111 Groves) , organi t a t th e -Pre by te rian lum b r awed, and fitted. chu rch in We terv ille, h3.cl a p.romi­ Thi sort oi pirit i another evi­ I nent part in th e four o'clock ve per ' You' re my fr i nd for life," aid tfi e Canvas, Water Color Paper, Oil and dence of what mak es Otterbein w orth tru ty to his cell-mate w ho had been ervi ce of sa cr ed mu ic held in that en up fo r murder. Water- Color Paints, China Paints, church yesterday. The organi t and v.,hil. Ruffin Richter , Ward, P p ttinger, choi r are expecting to hold a eries Oil, Water Color and China Brushes, R eck, Hancock, Ulrey, and Goodman, of uch services. are the men who have done most in /;' at DR. KEEFER'S 1, '19. Benjamin C. Peter , pa tor of th i cause. . I the United Brethren ch urch ,i n N ewark, Ohio, was mingling w ith fri ends Mus~c Department Is Booming. We have a splendid line .of greeting in W e terville and Otterbein last Fri- . Complete figures of our registration , day. from the music d epartment are not at ~ards for every occasion. Brighten

= i

Let Us Develop Your Pictures

= = =


U·n1·vers1·ty, Book Store:

IG • d reet1ng,;.J. ~ar s ~ = = = = =

Star Shoe Repair:ing .


'05, '05. p ro fessor A . p . R osse Jot and Professor L. A. Weinland accom• d h · G era Id an d Pante t e1r young sons, Louis Albert, to the father and son scou t banquet at the State University Armory last Tuesday evening.


available but hthe enrollment . h fI this s emester 1s. 1arger t an' t at o ast. Professor Grabill reports that he could . use two pipe organ~ to good advantage since every period f?r the chapel organ is filled and pupils have had to be turned away. Every teacher in Lambert Hall is working full time Don't Mention It. and it would b e jmpossible to accom­ "I say, porter did you find fifty dol- modate more students. lars on the floor this morning?" "Yes, suh. Thank ·you, suh." Watch for the "Otterbein Revue."

the sick room by frequent cards with Expert work done and guaranteed to their· messages of cheer. Console the bereaved; remember the birthday; in­ be. satisfactory or your money back. vite to spreads and affairs of all sorts. Then there arc place cards at very low .. prices. Just as of yore.


"Come' in and browse around" at Star Shoe &hop the same old place. ~




,GLEN-LEE PLACE No. 22 North State St.

24 W. Main St..

Patronize Our Advertisers!

P age Eig ht


I Misses ,


Seama n, Cridland and 1 Br ew baker R epresent College.


Three Otterbein girls, G~rtrude Sea-I mans, Josephiflc Cr idland and Mary I Eliz abet h Brewbaker carried a message from Otterb ein to the peop le. 11 :1,orc partic ul arly to the g irls, of t h e l'. B. Church a t ~Iarion O hio over th e we ek-end . On Saturday night the y , presented a program to a bou t twenty ' fiye gir ls of the church in the l : . B. Commenity House. and on Sunda y at the ch urch services, Miss Seam a ns mad e an ad d ress on Education and 1 Miss Crid land , accompani ed by 'M iss . Spencer Shank, '21, who is teachi ng I Brewbaker. JJ!ayed several vio li n solos. 111 t he Xenia High Sch oo l, spent t he I The girls repo rt a very h osp itabl-~ lat ter part of the week wi th fri ends at recep tion . an e1ithusiastic respo ns e and 1a thorough ly enjoyab le Yisit . 0 . C.





Dr. J . C. Che rr in g ton of Logan, 1 Oh io, visited his son at Ottc rbei'n, T h ursday o f last wee k.

Q uiz and Q uill M eets. T he regular meeting of t he Quiz . last . Monday D r. T . J . San d ers ma de an acId ress I and .Quill Club was held even ing a nd a very 111teres t1ng pro.f h ., " B Ch h S at t hc F I t n venue u . . . urc un. day night. I t was given as a pa r t o f gra .m ·was given. Current news w as · th a t Ch urc h' s Education W eek Cam- re~ i~wed by Go rd0 n Howar d an d_ an original story was r ead by Mariora paig n .• Whistler . Edna D ellinger read an Rev. 0. A. J aynes, '21 , who is pas tor e~say o n "Modern Advertising" a nd o f th e U . B. Chu rc h at Ty ro, spen t A . A. Luther read an o ri ginal poem , s everal da ys at his A lma Ma te r last "A Summ er N igh t" . The meeti ng w eek. Mr. Jay nes was accomp a ni ed / was one of th e mos t profit ab le of the -by hi s wi,fe, Mrs. M ay Sellman J ay nes, I year and was g r ea tl y enj oyed by the ' 20. cl ub . 1


B . C. Pete rs, Pasto r o i th e C. E . 1 1 Y . W . H as F ilipino g. Mem o ri a l U . B. Chur ch at Newark, I . .Meetin . Ohio w as in town Friday of la t w eek I T he Y. W. C. A. g irls enJoyed a r eal to se~ure a co ntract with th e m ana ge r t reat la st T uesday evening in t he of the :M:en's Glee Club for a con cert fo r m of an ill ustra ted lec ture . The to b e gi ve n in the Newa11k Hi gh P!ctures dealt w ith life in_ the P hilip­ S chool a udi to rium th e ni g ht o f F ri day, 1 p rn es, Ve ra J ? hnson _readm g t he lecM h 24 tur e. Some mt er es tm g le tters from arc · g ir ls in th e P hili ppin es we re read, and M essrs. " S h rimp" l\ a sh a nd "Red" th e s criptur e lesson was rea d by Lil­ Lancaster sp ent the w eek-e nd ait th e lia n Carl son. form er's h om e in D ayton. The sub ject o f the m ee ti ng , next "Bill" Ham pshire has every thiµ g in week is, " If Y our Heart K eeps Right" his fa vo r th at go s to make u p a and Mary E. Brew baker will b e t he competent "Cowb oy." The exhib itio n leader. MT. H a m pshire g ave on Pa r k Street Class E nter tains D r. J ones. Saturda y was enjoyed b y the en­ thusiast ic on-look er s ! It takes a real Saturday ni g ht th e Sunday School man to swin g onto a pon y wh en h e Cla ss taug ht by Dr. E . A. Jon es he ld buck -jurnps, kicks. sides teps, and a b ir thd ay party, celebrating th e some rsaults all a t th e ame time. eightieth birthday of th e Doc tor. Th e party was g;i ve n at Dr. Snavel y's hom e Menke Leads Y . M . C. A. M eeting ; o n Grove street a nd was an occasion 1 T ells of H istory of Col~ege. o-f g r eat enj oym ent and good fello w­ Y . M . C. A . enj oyed a ver y p r ofit­ ship to all pre sent. abl e m eeting la st Tuesday nigh t . The Ida Tarbell To Speak. lead er, H . E. M enke, had his ubj ect wel\ in hand ,a nd ver y ably co nducted Otterbei n s tudents will be in ter ested th e meeting. H e broug ht ou t th e to know th at o n Feb ruary 21 , Miss t oJ?ic, " Change" in a v ery effectiv e Ida M . T arbelL noted a uthority on manner. I n his account of the life of socia l and in du st rial prob lem s, w ill Dr. Lewis D av i , he con tras ted the speak in Columbus. She wi ll appear life of th early Otterb ein stud ent und er t he auspi c~s ,of th e L ect ure Cl ub with th at of t he present day student. and will sp eak on "The War on Un ­ Mr. M enk~ stated that ,studen ts of Dr. em 2 loyment". Davis' day had a far · g r eater zeal for President Visits Miss Garst. edu cation than th e p r ese n t day stu­ dent. The personnel of our co\lege While' in D enve r· on li is way ho me is chang ing constantly, M enke said. from th e coas t P.re ident Clippinge r The leader, also, contrasted the o ld visited Miss Minme Ga rst, '10, a t m ethod of securing money with 1Oak.es H om e Sanato rium wh ere she th ose of th e pre ent, w hi ch was th e .has . b~e n confi ned for some, ):ime 1 occa sion . for con iderab) e h umor a s u ffe rmg fr om t upe rculo i . Miss som e o f th e earl y church fa t her s evi- Gars t w a s hi ghly pfeased at 'lbe d entl y th o ug ht Otter bein College a · l) lendid repo rt ef t he pros{?edty of t he rither s ul?er fl uou s in stitLLtio n, and l school, an d said th at she Vl(Ould m ade no p retense of hidin g their a ppreciat<: lett~rs _an !}ew s from h er tboug~ls. O t terb ein and W estervillf friends.

Spring's Newest In Suits Now

Ready For You The com ing seaso n's lates t " ideas" in suits a re here fo r you. Included a re hand some· new sport m odels­ new fea tures in young men's t wo and thr ee butto n single and double breasted models; t weeds, serges, fine unfin ished wo rsteds in attrac­ tive stripes, checks, and m any o th e r u n co m m o n pa tterns . T hey' re . the fine st, from every standpo int, that w e've ever show n at any price.

~uits and Topcoats of splendid character m which tailoring of the higest standatd fi~e ~aterials and the best of style com~ bm~ m making them all that could be desired.




7 :W~st .Broad Street,· C.olumbus " A 3 3 -.&T o" R. E . B U Y I N G PO WE R


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