1922 03 06 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.

No. 21.

' FIFTH NU_ M _ B_E_R COMING ! COUNCIL TAKES ACTION ILUTHERANS WIN DEBATERS LOSE Company To Appear Resolutions Affecting Initiations and , F ROM OTTERBEIN BOTH CQ TESTS I Irene OnStolofsky Lecture Course, Friday School P in Are Passed by Capital Is Too Fast For Otterbein S tudent Council. Night. Heidelberg and Ohio Nor thern Win Quintet at Colwnbus Both Decisions In First - The fifth number of the Cit izen,' 1 \V edncsday even ing the Student Game. Forensic Clash. Lecture Co uf'ic will he gi\'en in th e I Cn un cil too k important action in re­ Co llege Chapel next friday c, ening gc1rcl to Social Clubs living up to the CRAB~S STARS FOR 0. C . CLOSED SHOP DEBATED March 10. .'t11cl ent Constit ution. whi ch stipulates The Iren e Stolofsky Company i, that every membe r of a . ocial club I Final Score Stands 34-17-Special Otterbein Teams Seriously Handicap­ the ol'tstancling musical_ numl!er 011 mu ~t be a n activ_e member of a literary J Cars Carry Students to ped By Lack Of Sufficient th is year·s schedule. Mi ss Stolofsky . soc1_ety befo re. h1s or her fourth semes- j Game. a violinist, has studied und er Hugh ter 111 Otterbem. In as much as there Preparation. Diamond. of Chicago and she attrib- i, laxness in obse rving this law, the I La t ,•·eek " we a keel a young cha1J For the fir t time since the ,·ar an utcs much of her success to thi form- , Counc1-1 d ec1c • 1e d that all social club to write up the 13luffton cont es t, ai1d · d b t team was de fea ted tt er b em c a c er conce rtmaster of the Chicago ym- mu _t comply to this law by the 20th he started off by co ntr a ting th ~ g ame at home when Heidelberg's ,·cteran phony Orchestra. he is well kn own 01 :\larch or be subj ec t to the c!isciaffirmative team earned a decision with an l ngersoll movement. someto loca l people. having appeared here pline of th e Council. ql1acl in time . fast a1icl ometimcs slow. If a Over th e Ott c rb eu· 1 11egat1·ve . . . las t summer, and all are united in Standard Pin Adopted. . . . . . h . • r -t f Tl St d C . d similar charactcnzat1on should be the college chapel last F nday cvc11111g. .. I ay m"' t _a_t s 11e 1s a v10 1111s o excep1e u e~t ounc1 1 a 1so reso 1ve made thi s week we should have t 0 ay . , In Alfred Buehler (capt.), Wilh I tional ab1hty and power. that Otterbem readopt the stan dard .h O . d Ed. B . s Heidel . . - h · • . . t at tter 1)em s part looked more like M at h 1as, an 1son O\\ er • As I tmg Miss Stolofsky I Gracc sc ool pm which was 111 n e up until h . . berg presented a trio of men which John so n K onold. soprano, who has 1916, and that thi s pin be u ed by the an eig t clay clock wil h its natural · 0 C, · ex . . · 1 -ses from year to year, . tru'gg lef to keep .up . the regular time was sup~no r to . . s more 111 - tudied under de Reszke 111 Pans and various ca · · t Fo Otter. . h Just 1)e o re a rew111d111g. penenced negative earn. r Saenger 111 N"ew York. The thir d merely c angmg the numerals each · . quality . orga111zat1on • • • year . Th'1s pm · 1s • s1m1 • -1ar to the one The b m, not one o f th e n egative team.' m ember of this 1s . game . wa n't . slow nece . arity o n eil h er ide. Capi~al's pa smg w~s composed of Virgil E. Myers, John (. an accomplished piano soloi t and c1dop ted by the ' class of '23. Mayne, and Leonard 0 . Perry, h_ad accompani t . Initiations Regulated. about as c_lever a p1~ce of work ~s ever previou ly participated in at fo Jo,· r f th coll , and tb r of ial club in.iti- we have sed ~hi eason. This ter-coll gial d bate. town are assur d au v niog of tin ation was d cid d whc,n tb Council c1odd hoc ea ily attn~ut~. to t~ fact • • t1at t -:y were playing m their own · ·d · • • d R Th e que. t1on under con 1 erat1on, entertamment. passc a eso 1ution which read a folh Resolved : That the a!}plication oi th e --------lows: where most_ of them have played principle of the closed union shop Attendance At 0 . C. Growing"Whereas-: Initiation may be of in- romf t :ee tofeight y_ears, a nd were · f h \ cl f • per orm111g be ore their home crowd wou ld best serve the mtere• t o t e Will Double In Five Years · terest an to the. mem- w h'1c h a 1ways lend ze t to a home b f ho importance • . e_r. o _ t _a_t . oc1al Club which the team American peopl , was log1cally pretile ented by the vi itors . The OtterLate~t figures from college 1r:1tiate 1s Jo111111g, but are of no special · bein men put up a determined office place the total en rollment of the in.tere t or importa,1 ce to the chool at k ra b bs 1:1.ade a de perate effort lo re istance and until the last of the student body at 503. Of that num- large. and indeed, may often become . eep up with the ~uth_e rans, by_ co,' b 391 are members of the four col bl . · mg over the charity line h ean11g 1·11 rebuttal specche they eemed to have er, . - a pu 1c nm ance. . . ' an even hance with the up- tate men. Iege cla e ' 146 bemg Fre hmen. ResolYed : That no public initiation ten pom~ out of thirteen efforts. but (Continued on page two.) At the rate of growth of the past shall be allowed'. The word "public the ap'.tlll boys were hardly rough _ _ _.... . ____ two years, the enrollment of the four initiation s" hall not mean out ide in- enough lo. afford the young ter TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING college classes would reach 825, and itiations. but rather any initiation (Colltrnued on page two.) the to ta l enrollment would be well , hich i de igned to attract unusual INTEREST IS GROWING over 1000 within five years or by Feb- attention from unin1ere ted ner on . . • All S tudents Urged To A tten d C 1t1.zen., ruary, 1927. To accommodate that Out ide initiations hall be allowed. · Id b , Alumna! Orgaru·zations Are Increasship Meeting-Professors to number of stu d ent it wou e nece - (Thi re 9Iution hall not effect the ing and Greater D esire to Co­ Speak. ary to increase the number of build- t ditional initiation of the arsity operate is· )Manifested ing to fifteen and o double the num- "0").





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Under the au pice of the Depart­ ment 0£ Chri tian Citizen hip of the \, e terville W. . T. U. cooperating with the Brotherhoods and the en' Bible Cla es of tbe town cburche and the local unit of Boy cou\s, a meeting will be held T1,1esday night-, March 7, at 7:SO in the ethodist Church. Dr. E. A. Jone will make an ad-· dre s on the subject "The onstitution of th.e United . tates," after which Dr. arles navcly will conduct an open di cu ion, an wering- aU question relative to that ubject. Tb aim of the promoter of this meeting i t foster th growth . 0£ b tter citizen hip. Every colle e stu.de.nt bould take an interest in that program, c rtainly, a many tterb in students as can s hould attend 'thi meeting.

ber oi the pre e.nt faculty. Librarians Rearrange Books. For the la t month Miss Barnes and Mi Lafever college librarian , with Mr. avidson, library janitor, helping, have b en at work rearranging ai:id cleanin the tack rooms of the library. Every book in the stack ha. been du ted and moved. It ha b en a long tire ome grind for the library force, but as a re ult the s ack room better arrang d than ever b fore. Th Philomathean and Philophroncan Jibrarie have been mov d up stair , and the college library start up­ tairs. All he lower floor is taken up by th colleg library arranged in pr per order. Miss Barne state that th librarian 'will willingly and cheer­ fully explain the n w arra ngement to anyone who de ire the information.


It wa · plained regarding thi re olution .that it is not designed to cut out daytim in'tiation , but rather to minimize humiliating and annoying public practices, which includes, of course, the app arance of. initiates at chapel and cla while grotesquely clothed. Far East Problem Intere ting. of th I nterna:tional Re­ lation Clup were treated to an un­ u ua't producti n last Monday night in the for of a paper "Japan's In ter­ e ts on the Continen~ cu A ia", by R G. Ander on. The dub' tudy of the Far Ea t que tion grows more inter­ e ting \vith each ucceeding meetin~. The main pape.r :(or n xt !londay nights m e ting will be "England's In­ terest in the Far Ea t" by Warren Cogan.

f mber

The college office i makin a cial effort Lhi year to kc p in e touch with all Otterbein ah1mna l ociations that are already in . i _ cc and at the ame time i en­ ragin in ever)I way ~e formation 1e, alumna! or ani.zatio even a handful f grad tud n are · · vithin make g to ibility. Much of the succe o tb Di mond Juhil e ampaign rest oo the alum nal as ociation throughout th cow1try, and with this in mind Pr · ~ dent Clipping r, tdg tber ·with Field Repre cntativ Phillips and f:h r t, _ pre e.ntative , h e. in their appearance before alumnaJ r aui?:atio mpha iz d th ne d of CQ-0p rati : . (Continu d on page five.)

P ag e Two




L UTHERANS WIN D E BATORS LOSE 'union , a nc\ this th ey we re unable FROM OTTE RBE IN , B O T H CONTESTS I to th e satisfac tion o f the ju dge .




A d ual deba te with Ca pita l is now pe ndi ng. whi ch co nte st wi ll co mple te


( Co ntin ue d from page one.) (Con.tinued from page o ne. ) . / I n. bot h d.ebate . the tea ms were the deba ting easo n. ample op portunity to w in the game , T he Heide lberg team was esp:!c1a ly I handicapped by lack of n~teran de- j by this met hod of sco ring. His basket 1 well ba lanced, and each speake r timed hator~ and by lack o f p rope r preparaP rof. Brom ley m1th wa . a j udge at hoo ting wa$ not up to his usua l I hi argument nicely. T he Ottcrhe' n ion. in as much a-· only Oil<' regubr ;,. ckbate between O hio \ \ 'es leya n U ni­ stan~:ir~ owing to the fact that most / men brought forth an abundance of man from la.51 year's team wa~ o.it n :r~ity and George \Vashingto n U ni ­ of his t11ne was sp<"n t t1·y111 g to keeµ 1 ev idence to back up their contentions, fo r d eba te this year and practice was versi ty, of Washington. D. C., a t Delath e agile Bcrnlohr away from shoot- 1 but lacked materia l in the rebut tal I begun only about a month ago. / ,~are Ja,t Friday night. ing di,tance. I speeches when they were unable to Ca pital appeared minus their big answer the many que tions which th e center. Ridenour, but his understudy affirmative put at them. The crowd 1111 11 1111111 111111111 111111 111 11 1111 1111 11111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111 111 11 111 1111111111 111 1111111 1 proved to he a ve ry worthy assista11t which listened to the debate was and succeeded in tossing in fo ur of rather small, but thoroughly apprecia- ' : their haskets. Young B rnlohr ,~as tive. I~ high ma n for the home team havm g Th e jud o-es, who rendered a unlive .goals and fo ur free t hrow to h i~ 1 a ni mou d:cis ion for the affirmat11·c . crecht. were Profe sor \ Viley and Held of :: . \ bout 125 students, in two special Oh io State a nd Prof. Roup of Ohio :: cars. accon?pan icd the tean1. , Wesleyan L·niversity. Dean Cornctct ~ lf we m ig ht he a llo wed to offe r an p resid ed ove r the occasion. : adver e criti ci m it wo uld be tha t the : Affirmative Team L oses. : who le a ffair looked about a in tere t- I ing as a "Pru ne L eagu e" contes t. I Whil e t h e negati ve tea m was losing W e hav e not withheld prai e through on the hom e platfo rm . th e a ffi rmati ve th ese columns when prai e i du e. but d ropped thr ee mo re votes at A da, iillllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll llllllllllllllllllllllllll llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l it is th e fi rm belief of the ca u. ual wh ere th ey m et O hio i\'o r thern' s t ri o. F loyd M cG uire. J. G. H oward and obse n ·er that no team can win co nsi tan tl y and hope to ha ve th e up- H . W . Troop, peaking in th e or de r por t of th e s tuden t body. un less th e nam ed, repr esented O tter bein at O hio o ld idea of, "How m any points di d l 1o rthern, A. W . Ellio tt a ctin g a. a lm ake ?" i ca st into th e ba ck g roun d T he Otter bein men . had th eir an~ th e prop er attitude of, " H ow man y po mt~ ~id WE make" ? is subs tituted. material well in hand a nd pres <"nt ed it I nd1v.1dua l stars ~re usua ll y fo und in I fo rcefu ll y. but were una ble to pre en t profe 10nal athl eti cs and there it i uffici ent argum ent to p ro i·e that th e expected a nd usua ll y pai d fo r, bu t on Cl d h f 1 t th a co ll e e t'e it i no t v - . o e op wa ~s en ia o e ~x . d g T am e en ap pre I tance of th e um o n. Th e neg at11·e c1ate . earn wo rk i w hat count admitted the rio-ht of men to or-1 and a ll tha t does couht. r either tu- g • , d ·t d t th t · dent bod o.r the ublic care if an . amze an a .11 e .. oo. a u mon. 111 succeeded 111 ra1 s111g th e s tandard di V1•d ua 1 Yb e longs pto t h e "M oo kow had f . · · Th . . o 11v111g fo r th e workm g man . c M oo" f ra t ern1·ty, o r I•f h e 1s s upported ffi • h f f d ,. ., . a rmahve, t er e ore wa orce t o BEN L . MILES, Chiropractor. by the hTeteI a tete sorority ' just so h ow cone Iu 1·ve 1y th a t th e Clo e d I ong as e p ays basket ball with the Sho li'fe of the o ther £out m en o n the co urt. Team P was nece sa r y to pi rit a nd colleg e spirit are synooym­ 11 11 I 11111111111111 1I I I ti 111111 111 11I 1111111111111 I 111 111111 111 1I I I I I I 1111111111111111111I111111111111111.!! o u an d w her e you fi nd a winning team you fi nd thi spirit of coopera­ tio n at all t ime . L t' da h thi element to th g round in one count, and go u p to K enyon next Thursday and make unday Eve ning t.hem orry for th at edi torial th ey w rote about u la t fall after the foot ­ Supper b a ll ~ame her e. How would you like to fo rm a habit : ummary :apital, 3·l. Po tterb ia, 17 like this? Rid enour.......... - .... R. F..............._ rabbs B rnlob r ..._.__······.I.,· F.......-.... nd cr 011 Chicken a la Ki ng Lu nch a n I ff--····-····... . ··-·····-··-·Albright Ma b ed Potatoes M ei zn r-···•--... R. G. ............ ch r eck Toa t ch man - - -··-·L. G ........ ·-···--Whi te Orange Peco Tea or Coffee ub tituti 11 : h lly for Ridenour or ie for ern lohr, \i ilhel m Meizner, W agl y for choma n, k. Lun c.b a la Waldorf Wh ite fo r Al b right, L ehman for chr ck, George for Cra bb . F ield Cold H am or H ot Roas t Beef goal : id nour s, B ernlohr 5, Gan g­ P otato alad Hot Roll :: loff 4, 1 'i , M izncr, cho man, n,­ d er o n, Albri gh t, \Vhite. F oul goal : {lot Chocolate a la Crem e Bernlohr 4 out of : Crabb 10 out of This wa last unday eveni ng's pecial. § 3; A lbrigh t 1 out o f 1. Refer Dunlap. Time of ha lves: 20 mi nut Remem ber next Sunday evening,




= I§

- As E ver­ Good T hings to E at For Pushes and P icnics at FREEMAN. & SMITH'S Staple and Fancy Groceries

= =

= = = = =

Kites F ly Against The Wind­ Not With It.




= = = = = =


EXC~~~ENT ;- Order your Photos at ~ Once Your Photo 1s the only thing your friends cannot buy.


One dozen Photos makes twelve appreciated presents.

Have the best.

= = =

Y. W . Conference Here. F rom Mar . 31 to p r. 2, the student


w. c. A . Confe rence for


Ohio will he held at Otterbein. In vitatio ns ha ve been issued to the Y. W. C. A. ca binets of Mu k.ing um, Wittenb erg, Denison, Mar ietta and


5:00 p. m. on.

B1e··nd::\ rRestaurant ' V

George Cavanagh


= = = =

Baker's Old Reliable Art Gallery

= -

= = = = =




Student Repre entative E -

John Mayne 111111111111111111 IIIIIUI 11111111111111111111111I!11111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii

Page Three



audience. . The [oll~wing gentlenten tinued reduct!on of armamen ts will be For had part 111 the even111g's program: A. assured President Hard111g at a con­ L. Mattoon. vio lin so lo: C. B. i\[onn, , c ren ce at th e \,Vhit e House, Monday, vocal so lo: C. J. Broadhead, pi, ,1v Feb ruary 20th, by the regional chair­ solo: \,\' ii bur ~onn and J C. Hra.1 11an of the ;,; ational Student Com­ rick. vocal duct; J. H. Ruebush. c1 le 111ittce for th e Limitatio n of Arma­ solo: Gle n Botdorf, A . . \. Luther. H . me nts. D. Davison, John Furhay , \·oca l quarChar le D enby, Jr., of P rin ceton, nephew of Secretary Denby, as chair­ tet. man, will head th e deputation to th e Dr. C. W . Brewbaker Consents White Hou ~<.:. Three hundred thouTo Serve As Evangelist sand young m en and women in two l. Blendon Home-bake Pie. hnndred and twenty -fi\·e colleges will z. Buckwheat Cakes and Syrup. Beginning March 26, Dr. Chatl cs be repre ented. 3. Ham Sandwich with Lettuce. W . Brewba ker, Ph. D., will co nduct evangeli stic se rvi ces for two week at 4. Hot Ch ocolate a la creme. t he United B rethren chur ch. Wester­ 5. Orange Peco Tea ( Individual) . The Best Kind vi lle. These se rvi ce . which will be m ­ 6. Cereals and Milk. der the auspices of bo th th e local of 7: Buttered Toast. church and th e co llege stu dent , are to co ntinue from March 26 to Palm Toothbrush. Sun day, April 9. Dr. Brewbaker, who has fi lled m ;; ny The nite d impo rtant pastora tes in the Why you will like it-and will come B1·ethren ch urch. is now General Rolling. again. Secretary of Su nd 3¥ School work in .the U nited Breth re n de~omination Come 1n and look them with headquarters a t Dayton Ohio. over. He is a powerful speaker, who alwiys . REST A URA NT has a gripping message, and the !peal church and students are for tun ate in Hoffman Drug Co. Watch' for the " Otterbein Revue.'' being able J o secure such a man to , , lead the eva ngelistic effo rt. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIUl Freshmen Girls Lead• Y. W . : ..... :



Dean McFadd en actually ha a litter of maltese kitt ens in her room! The pussies, which we r e sent to her from W es t Vi rg inia, have been nam ed "Willow ".

7 Reasons )

Mrs. Gibso n, of Dayton, spent th e week-end with her daughter, Helen. Several members of th e Cook l;louse Club were gue ts at dinner, Sunday, at Cochra n Hall . -rhe Toroo-Dachi Club declared ~

Mary Chamberlain. '2 1, an al um na dear to their hearts when she sent



them a huge cake and twelve eskimo pies, Friday evening.

. W . C. A. thi!. week was under the : leadership of th e fre shman gi:ls. th Harriet Whistler went wi Loma They certainly proved t'heir ability ;;nd


P For•·wdaeyll. to her home in Bowling Green , originality in presenting a play ! 11titled, "Fo llow the Gleam", based on orma Richardson wou ld mak e a th e theme of our world-wide educa-


~:~tt'afro::th~:~ebo;n~ ~::e~a~tt:;;;" ~~°:~~es!!:i,P~~ ~tne~~ce~~~; • • pcodu.ction but-it gained in interest.As much as we di slike to admit 1t fourfold in the aat.i,ng. E;~ch partideacL ,~ of the snow men wa clai,med pant see med to feeL the s(!irit of the


:= __ Our .



===============I: 27 West Main Street 1~=



'cK (. E'J Lr. !





A 'H ,. . -



n;w store, 35 A W. Broad St., also at 22 . H.tg li S, t. , C 0'Jum b us, Q .

Visit our new store when in the city.



R:ft ('A:~y


= =

Corsages a_nd F ·a•n' ~y Roses


A Specialty.

Students to Visit Harding, The in Auence of A merican tudents :: f . -

Both Ether Bear and Gertrude innit::po;:a:e s:;:~::~:~;r;:ro[c:!~ eaman pent the week-end with friend in Columbus.


M '


~;::s1e:h!/::ctr~s~1/;a:;m::;:ob~ ~~~~i e-~:~rt~~:Y ~!:~e~e;: a~:;:.llys~;e~ §= r• r ~d on fo Weste rville and on our = .. ~ ly the fre shman girl have .c aught a very, ':3-mpus. , . vi ion of the true worth of y r w . C. g_ M ab el Ca s el W<!, at her home 111 A. and are prepared to "carry on" the Dayton this week-end. light of service. ~ I t has taken a lot of will I?OWer t •c4" L"'S"' la t two unday to i ten to the crmon in tead of admiring new hats.

Q uA L I T y · F L •0 ' W· E R S S:


M• ,Jgff NC-AN .:J\;J ~

Is our agent at Westerville.





During that awful Iipp cry, slickery time 1a t week one of our number lo t _ ab olute control of her equilibrium Ladies and Gentlemen : lllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii even time in £our hour . Let us b The fo~owing special price will be ====================.==~======== thankful at lea t that we were not all effective on Thursday and F riday of each w~ek if shoes are received on o graceful. Edith Eby spent a few days at he~ Thursday and Friday. home in Trotwood. Men's Half Sole, sewed,

A. A. Luther Arranges Fine Musical ,P rogram For Y. M. Thur day night, Y. M . C. A. held a mu ical meeting, the entii:e e ion being dev'oted to -various mu ical selec­ tion by members o the ssociatio11-. A. Cuther, chairman of the mu ic committee of Y. M. C. A., was re ponsible for arranging the P ogra.m and the er dit for i:omoting the affair i h is. Every: J?erformer al o for the c,reditab l de rves prais ma 1111 r i1~ which he performed, there being not a in°le numb r that wa not entbu ia tically received by th

$I.SO for ···-·--..-......................._._. $J.25 Men's Half So e, nailed,






Tlfe ·Bu"c k~ye Printing Co mpany .

$1.25 for .......~ ..........-............. _ .. $1.00 Goodyear Rubber Heels; 75c for .. SSc ,!_!I IIII Ill 11111111111111111111111111111.I I IIII III IIII I IIII! II IIIII I III III III II II III III I1111111111111111 II Men's Rubber Heels, 60c for ..... -.. 50c Men's Rubber lle,els, S0c for ........ J0c § Women's Half Sole, 'sewed, -. ,. ,., b c£ $1.25 for ·-···--•· .. ······• ..... _.... _....._... $1.00 Women's J;Ialf Sole, nailed, $1.00 for .............-................., ......._.. 75c Rubber Heels, S0c for .,......-...~ ...... We _ Laces, Shoe Shines for ladies and gents.


Jt With ,s-


·3ohnny Mayne ·



I ::


Representing The 5th Avenue Floral Co. of Columbus, O.

1ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III II111111111111111~


TAN AND CARDINAL Published W eekly in t he in te res t of Otte rbein b y t h e OTTERBEI PUB LISHING BOARD Wester vi lle, O hio Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF Editor .............. J. Gordon Howard, '22 Assistant Editor ........ J. W. Seneli, '23 Contributi ng Editor · Grace H . Hill , '23 Horace W. Troop, '23 B usin ess Manager .... J. P . Schutz, '23 As istant Business ManagersT. E. Newell, '23 Clifford Foor, '24 Cir. M anager ...... Harriet L. Hays, '22 A ssistan t Circ ulation Managers­ Lucile Ewr y, '23 Kathe rine Pollock, '24 Athletic E ditor ·····-· A . W . Elliott, '23 As i tant A thl eti c Edi tor H . V. M ill er. '23 Local Edi tor ·······-··· }'[. M. Collins, ' 22 A lumna! E dito r ____, Alma Guitner, '97 E x change Editor, Virginia Snavely, '23 Cochran Hall Ed'itorAlice Davison, '2J Literary Editor ··--····· H. R. Mills, '24

THE T A N AND CARDIN A L deserving our eternal g ratitud e. R ece nt ly an editorial appeared in t he '·Carnegie Tech Tartan" advoca t­ in g that tud en ts there stop th e habit of designating their school as "Tech" and begin th e practice of calling it "Carnegie." The principle involved at Carnegie Tech can be applied at Otterbein. In othe r wor ds, the im­ portance of th e school today hould not eclip se the memory of the great m n who have made the school pos i­ ble.

over. Frequently, th ese placa rds are th e res ult of seve ra l ho urs of hard work on th e part of some kind i.;1di\'idual , and to na ve them di sappea r a few hour after th ey have been Do you hesitate on account of the posted is discoura.ging busine s. worry of obtaining hotel accommoTh1s practi ce of pilfering poster£ is an old o ne, but forme rly it was only dat1ons and railroad tickets ?

Are you going travelling this summer?

I. I


those placed outside that suffered. late- Th e A men·can E xpress Company has Iy h oweve r, tho se hung on th e bulletin just what you want. board have all met a similar fa te and it's time that the thing ended. Our tours cover the world. Right ly, unless ot her arrangements ar e made, a poste r shou ld be return ­ Call Citizen 224 for information. ed to the artist drawing it, how eve r , it is ea y to see how thi rule might be ha rd to ob erv e. Surely, however, we ough t to co ntr ol ou r desire to "sal­ vage" bri c-a-brac until the function adverti eel is ove r and th e thing is of no m ore use.

" Back to Commencement." Just now Commencement seem far off, but Jun e 15 is not o remo te. and it will be he re before we rea lize it. Co nsequ ently it is time for various cam pus organiza ti on to begin to urge the a lumni to come back for th e big days of Otterb ein 's sixty-fi fth commence ment. Our "Weakly" Proverb. It ha been customary for th e VarThe pickpocket ays "it's all in how ity " O", t he literary societi es and so you take it.'' on, to ex tend a pccia l welco me to W eek' s Worst J oke. th ei r own a lumni o th is year an un ­ uTaxi, ir ?" usua l effo rt shou ld be made and pre­ " Go to h- - !" pa rations for uch an effo r t hou ld not " orry. sir, can' t leave the city lim­ , be delayed too long. A ddress all communications to Tb.e Every impo rtan1 organ iza tion its.'! Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . hould have ome fea tur e th at will b e College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. T h e Poet Laureate Speaks. of in tere t to al u.m ni . O f cour e the Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, h seems to m e, 'po n looki ng 'ro und, li terar y society ban quets, with th eir · payable in advance. cha nce to unit e old fri end s in a ve r y That peo ple mo tly a re right sou nd.. T he sole exce ptio ns that I see Entered as second class m atter close way and to ren ew in g radu ates S eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice a little of t ha t fee ling w hi ch al ways 'Ar e th o e th at don ' t agree w ith me. at Westerville, Q ., under act of ha made college pi rit th e be t on March 3, 1879. OBSERVATIONS OF ABNER earth, wi ll have a prom inen t pa rt in Acceptance for mailing at special th e commence m ent program. rate of postage provided for in Sec. East College Avenue (By A. A. Luther.) It will b ha rd , to be ure, to fin d a 1103. Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized pl.ace for all fun i;tion s duri 1g the bu y 1 was n ailin' up April 7, 19 lj, PHONES commencement clay , a nd it will be A liftl e wa go n Citizen 26 Bell 84-R chiefl y a ques ti on of selecti ng th e be t F er m y nep h ew, EDITORIAL from the good. Howeve r , we fee l that Ab Junior, O wing to th e fact that th ere ar e to a_ny thi ng uc h a cla reun ion , and A n'. I hit th e wr ? ng nail , be only eleven more i sues of The Tan literary ociety b an quets, w h ere good An I g otta admi t, and Cardinal durlng the remainder of fell ow hip pre vail a nd where m mo- I kinda back s1id DENTIST th e chool year the Staff has deemed it ries o f th e past ca n be r call ed houlcl F er a minute or two , 15 West College Ave. advi able not to publi h the paper next have an im portant place duri; · com - An H eloi e, week. B ell Phone 9 men cm ent day . .' \ft e r all it is not (That' m y wife) Citizen Phone 167 long peech and prominent speakers he called little Ab, Holding to the Past. th at draw alumni to cotnm n cement. An' he ez, ez he, For all that is good to eat see It i aid that Modern me rica is but rather the chance of meeting old " \i hat wa y er ncl e b, and r counting old ex- Yellin' about?" too bu y with th e present to bother fri nd An' the little feller z, with the pa t. Howeve r thi s may be peri en ce . 1 with merican a a whole, it is cer­ Camp us organizations that are in " Gosh I Aunt Helly, tainly true of students. In our dai ly touch with alumni, should communi- if I aid what ncle b m nti o ning o[ Otterbein, for in- cate, therefor e, with the old "grads" \/Va y ellin' about tan c •. we think only o( tterbein and begin a nation wide "B ack to A n' Ma found it o ut, ommencem ent" campaig n. he'd lam what Uncl e Ab said today, and litt le of the past. We for­ P lum outen m e l" get William Otterbein and Martin "Help Yourself !" .Boehm , found er of th e denomination , 31 W . College Ave. Try These on the Student. I t i a m os t convenient po li cy to and th e later church fathers who 1. What two countries were engaged h II,) y ourself wh enever you ee any­ WESTERVILLE, OHIO tabli heel this school. These days prior to the formal thing tha t ta k es your fan cy. If you in th e pani h-American war? B ell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 2. Who hot w hat off who e bead? ppening of th e Diamond Jubilee see an a ttractive bit of m erchandi e 3. From what noted city in Fran ce Campai gn, and later when the or a hand ome pos ter th at would look i. pla ter of Paris nam ed? campaign is well unde i:way, it will well adornin g your room, but you lack 4. Wh a t wa th e fir t nation to i neve r be out of place to pau e a th e wh er ewithal to buy it or th e de­ nited ta te liberty bond ? ue cen cy to a k fo r it, why just h elp m ome nt in th e hurry o f pre ent 5. Previ ous to the pre ent adminis­ duti e to th ink g rate fully of t he past y our elf, that is t h e easie t w ay out o f trati o n wh a t noted Am erican states­ c rvi ce of th e early churchmen. The th e dil emma. It often occur about school, that man never told a li e? God-given vis io n a nd pe rseve ran ce of 6. Who was the author of Milton's t he m en are responsib le fo r th e w h en ome p ecia l function i to be p(i ilcges enj oy ed in mod ern Otter­ tage d, thi s affair is announ ced poem ? everal days b efore by i;, lacing posters 7. What city in Illinois is the site of b ein. So let Otterbein and Martin Boehm on th e bulletin board or •on campus th e Chicago Art Institute? 8. Wh en wa the war 0£ 1812? mean not o nly a coll g an d a cad em y, trees o , unfortunate as it may. seem, 9. From what province in France but a l o repre ent in o ur minds, real flesh and blood men. Let the other men th ese pos ters are put up to advertise, did Joan of Arc come? 10. Where was Lincoln's Gettys­ who are r e pon ibl c for fo undin g th e not to tempt the kleptomaniac, they sc hool an d k eeping it in existence, b e are suppo ed to remain unmol es ted burg address delivered? - Chicago more than empty names, as true men until after the affair they advertise is T ribune. Patronize Our Advertisers !

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

WOLF'S Wester ville, O hi o

G. W. Henderson, M. D. Hours By Appointment. 109 S. State St.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.


W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.

WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio -

C. W. Stoughton, M. D.

============ ===~ B. W.WELLS Tailor

I Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS

The College Avenue MEAT MARKET

Page Fi.v e

THE TAN AN D CA RDINAL THIRTY , TWENTY AND TEN !\oyes was the fact that he was a very Y EARS AGO AT OTTERBEIN. fi ne ath lete and won many prize while he wa a st udent in Oxford. Mi s Doroth y Bright gave an in­ March, 1892. te re ti ng dis cussion of the first It wa announced that H. J . Cus­ ta r, '90, had graduated from th e Ohio vo lume of Mr . Noyes' poetry. M iss ollege of D ental Surgery "cum Lu cill e Gerber read selections from laude" . H e won th e gold medal off­ the last volume o f his works and told the to ry o f som e of his poetry. e red for best scholars hip in th e Senior Miss Lyon , teac he r of English in Clas . and also a ll° five silver medals offered for the high es t ta nding in th e college, was made an honorary different departments. . There we re m ember of the club, in view of the decided interest which he has shO\\-n ninety-seven member in his cla . in literary work about school. Otterbein U ni ve rsity now ( 1892) has "W hen Winter Comes", a rather more representatives in newspaper recent novel of note, will be discuss­ work in Colu mbu than any other col­ ed at th e nex t meeting. lege. ~!i s,, Rike. of D ayton, pent a co uple I nteresting Facts Come to -.. •<•ek- in Col umbu. as th e guc t of Light In Questionaire. ~!r .. Ju dge Shauk. Some interesting facts concerning · Hon. H enry Watterson lectured in tudent life and opinions are revealed the college chape l on "Money and in th e following new item. Moral" . "Princeton, ].- F reshmen at ' The faculty placed four dozen new Prince ton con ide r a va rsity letter ong books in the chapel w hi ch g reat­ mo re desirab le th an a P hi Beta Kap­ ly improved the singi ng at p rayer s. pa key, acco rding to a recen t ques­ tio nnaire that was fi lled out. N inety­ March, 1902. n ine me n favo red the va rsi ty lette r The Aegis fo r thi mon th wa de­ whil e 64 exp ressed a preference fo r vo ted entirely to th e ora tions deliver­ the key. eel in fhe State O ratorica l Co ntest held O th er fa ct brou o-h t o ut hew ed i n th e college chap el Friday, March 14, 17 men had stopped sm oking that Co nsequ entl y th er e wa no 1s;o2. ince en terfog college whil e only two new publi hed. had acquired the habit; 146 had kissed g irls, 2 hadn ' t ; 99 approved of March, 1912. Mr. J. L . Mord on, propri etor of th e modern g irl, 47 didn' t ; 98 ha d tak­ t he Univer ity B ook tore, offered en a drink befor e coming to colleg e $5.00 fo r th e be t magaz ine cover <l e­ agai nst 6 w ho hadn' t. The avera ge number of g irl wr itte n to by ea ch i n done in th e A r t D enartwent. in ma n was 3.. Otterb in defeat d Cincinnati The mo st de sirable xtra curricu­ ba ketba ll 40-25. lum office wa s editor-in-chief of the New offi cers elected fo r the Chri t­ P ri ncetonian; chairman o_f the enio r ian A ocia tion w ere, Y . M . C. A ., E. co uncil wa seco nd, and capta in of th e . Funkhou ser, pre ident ; other offi­ f o tball team, third." ce r , R. E. Peni ck R. H. Brane, A. B. N ewman, J . L. nav ely. Y . W . C. A ., H o rten c P ott , pre ident ; other officer , Grace Bra n , Be ie Max we ll, E thel hupe, ida V a n Si ckl e. New Spring Oxfords?

=============== Have


Seen Our

P re ident Schurm an of Cornell Uni­ ver ity, mad e th e bo ld statement that no liquor adv erti ement could appear i11 th co ll ege pap r of that chool.

I n pit , o f th e icy wea th er a good ly num be r of pil g rim s attended the Chaucer Club on Wedne day evening. A modern po et o f parti cular pe rfec­ tion in art and charm made th e eve n­ ing a de lightful o ne. Mr. Ray J o hnon gav ' a great many int r e tin g fac ts oncern ing th e li fe of Mr. Noye . A lth oug h a na ti onal bo rn Englis hman this poet ha pent a num be r of yea rs in meri ca. [,'or a time he was th e profe sor [ pot: tr y

Brogues, Broad Toes, Pointed and Medium Lasts. Tan, Black, Cordovan and Russian Calf. Styles and good looks a plenty, and t he prices are right, at .......... $6.00, $7 .00, $7.50 and $8.00 You pick your style-we guarantee the wear.

= =========================-:-=-=- -=-..-c_

What Is Water Japan? JAPAN-not the country but a metal--coating varnish -and your morning bottle of milk. Totally unlike, yet associated! Ordinary japan consists of a tough, rubbery, tar--like "base" and a highly inflammable "solvent." The solvent dilutes the base so th:\.t the metal may be coated with it easily. The ~esence of the solvent involves considerable fire risk, especially in th~ baking oven. Milk is a. ~atery fluid containing suspended particles of butter fat, so small that one needs the ultra..-microscope to detect them. An insoluble substance held permanently in suspension in a. liquid in this manner is in "colloidal . ,, suspension.

So the analysis of milk has pointed the way to a safe japan. Again Nature serves industry. Connected with the common things around us are many principles which may be applied to the uses of industry with revolutionary results. As Hamlet said, "There are more things i:1 Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Take a good look at our windows­

in P rin ceto n Univer ity. Mr. John- you will find some good looking shirts on wa unab le to fi nd wh eth er he as well as smart styled shoes. till ho lds that position or not at prequite ent. ne thin g w hi ch wa no tewo rthy in the life of A lfred

A complete Ii t of a ll a lumna! or­ ganizations now in existence or to be organi:.ed has recen tly been released by the college office and i -given · here­ with: New York, Washington, D . C., Chicago Denver, A lbuquerque, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattl e, Spokane, Pittsburg, Ports-

mouth, Da yto n, Cincin nati, A ltoona, J o hn tow n, Pa., Gr een sbu rg , Colum­ bus Wo m en's Club, Colum b us M en's Club, Wes terville, L im a, T oledo, M t. Gi lead, Bucyrus, Cleveland, Canton , Akron, Logan. Suggest ed places fo r organization are as fo ll~ws, Boston, Indianapoli , Anderson, South Bend, E lkhart, Fort Wayne, S iu Lam. China, Kyoto, J apan, Manila, P. I., Freetown, W es t Africa.

The principle of colloidal suspension as demonstrated in milk was applied by the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company to develop Water Japan. In this compound the panicles of japan base are colloidally suspended in water. The fire risk vanishes.

Many you ng men of the coll ege were for ced to ' pend · unday after ­ noon in bed because the gas was turn­ ed o ff a nd the weather wa unu sually chill y.

Chaucer Club Elects Miss Lyons As Honorary Member.

INTEREST IS GROWING (Contin ue d from page one.)

McLeod-Sanders Westerville, 0.

Ge1meir~n CQ Geoer:il O ffice

~ Electric panv V' Scheoectady,N. Y.



Page Six

Blendo n. 27 : Sp hinx. 15. and runs th e H O a nd half mile ill :-l c Rill, 1.3: Co untry Club , 12. track a well a taking an occasio11al fling a t the ru nn ing broad a nd relay. : Cook Club . 19: :\nn cx, 17. l £ our fig ur e a re cor rect Albrigh t ha ea rn ed t we lve lette r at the time I Science Club Meets. thi s is bein g written. Sprin g sports I Th e Science ·1uh met in Mc Fadden sho uld boo t_ th e num be r th a t he will I H a ll on Monday ni g ht. Feb ru a ry 27, carry awa y 111 J une to ei th er th irtee 11 for its reg ular mont hl y meeting. or _ fo urt ee n. The bes t thing O tter- Three except ionally intere ti ng anti be111 fan s ca n do wh en he lea,·e us i. in stru ctive num he r we re given . The to wi h him God- peed, a nd th en p\-a y \ firs t wa s a disc ussio n o f th e chemi -trY INTRAMURAL I NTERCOLLEGIATE fo r m ore Alb ri g hts. \ of ru bber. in c ludi ng th e his tory an d ( Edited by A. W . E llio tt ) d1.:v elopme11t o f th e in du stry, by Ilo TW O LEAGUES M I X D ellinger. Th e · seco 11d numbe r was a bio­ On last Mo nday afternoon and eve n­ NEW COMMITTEE F ORME D ing th e fir st, eco nd a nd t hird place g raphy of ir O li ver Lodge, prepared SENIOR ATH LET E S SOON team of the Boarding Clu b and Group by J ua n Rive ra and r ea d by Dwigbt Group of Men Representing Student TO LEA VE OTTE RB E IN basket-ball league mix ed in inter­ Warrick. The account of th e life of Body To Cooperate with t ! C:-:· -- - - - - - -- - -- - -f-1 • leag ue games. To t he surp ri e of al­ thi exceptio nal man was most intereS • Ditmer. mo t eve rybody th e series r e ul ted in in g. The la t numbe r o n the prograJT\ a clean weep fo r th e "Prun e" teams. wa a paper o n Arti fic ial P arthenogen­ A stud ent committee is now in th e All three games wer e unusuall y fas t , esi , by J uan Riv era . Thi number process of orga ni za tion which, it is an d the fir t two were closel y con- s howed extensive r eading and tudY hoped, will meet the need of a more on the part of th e perfo rm er. tested. tho roug h und erstanding between Coach Ditme r and th e studen t body as a whole. W hile the r ela tion s b etween R E MEMBER T HE OTTERBEIN REV U E! Ditmer and the students, bo th collectively and ind.ivid uall y, ha ve been ad m i rab 1e ye t the coae h has always ];!I IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIll Ill Ill Ill Ill IllII II II Ill lllllllllllllllllllllllll IllIll llllll IllI Ill Ill Ill lllllllll~


I It i ·JI


wa nted a method of ge tting an exp ression of the stu de nt body o n va rious it uation as they a ri e from time to .time. ' Ditmer's plan, as being carri ed o ut, is that a committee of st udents, a re-


- 'I> ~ e m e m b e r'



E . J. (Ex) Albright. " Ex" Albrig ht is one of th e most ve rs atile athletes that ever roamed over th e O tterbein campus. Coming _ her in the fa ll of ' I.S, he immediately tried o ut fo r th e foo tball team. A n eady eason injury was all th at kept - · him from m aking his fi rst " 0" then . E : ' Ex" made. up for his hard luck by earning a berth on the basket-ball :


T hat's why they sh ould g ive y ou perfect ea e - olid comfort - m art appeara nce genuine value. Tl t ' } h' h la , W 1 Y t ey S ou ld be Made To Order. 1

w~ Re~'re ~.nt-




@ ! ,;


§ i




THE AMERICAN MT CUSTOM TAILORS Cincinnati. KAHN BROS.; l ndianapolis. ' :: NATIONAL, T-AILO~ING' CO., Chicago. l: Our ~loth es F it YOUR POCKETBOOK as Well as Your Figute• ,! w1· th q ,_ .

Club, E. J . Albright ; Annex Club, R. and base pall teams that year . S phinx Club, w . R Alb right' sopnomore year was proevery suit sold before E a ter we F ranklin ; Cook House, J. P. Schutz ; bab ly his best. That ye ar h e ma de ff S 0 er yo u yo u r choice of the fa llowing Lakota lub, L . J. ewe!\. :fhe Stu- I letter s- in fo ur sports; football, bas- dent Council and t he Country Clu b ket-ball, base ball an d track ; playi ng have not yet designated their repre- on the two best teams th a t have reentative . pr esented Otterbein during his college cour e thus far, the basket-ball One Year's Subs cription T an & Cardinal ~and ba e ball teams of 1.920. _ On.e year's Subscription Public Opinion r-, DARN BILLI Last year "Ex" captained th e basOne 1922! Sybil ket-ba ll team, and earn d his usual : T he other da y " O" in fo otball and ba e ball. H e ran _ § B ill and me, in .one track meet in addition . ~ Wa talkin', " Ex" is k eeping his r eco rd up thi And year. He ha already earn ed t wo More Goods for Same Money-Same Goods for Less Money. ::: I a ked Bill lette rs, an d ha good show of ea rnin g : :: H ow ma ny brother s a nd si ters o n or two m ore. ii11111111111111111111111111 II 11·1IIII111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 IllIIllII11111111111111111ii'1 H e had. ~ !bright i an all aro und man, not Bill say ? nly _from th e ta ndpoin t of participat- g 11 11111lllllllllllllllllllllllll lll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll ll llllllll lll ll'.!, "Got two and don' t Want any more." 0 "How kum ?" ;~v~ai:;0 ~ 1~: Says I. ed at an end his fi rst two years, but ::: "'Cause", Bill says, when Ditmer came upon the scene he : To get the Juicy, Ap petizing H ome Bake Pie any where except the ~ "I r ead in th e shifted "Ex0 to the backfield where Blendon Restaurant. S Watchword \I he ha served a t four different posi- -§ y ou m ust not b e without this Great American D elicacy any longer, != tions. That ev ry fourth child " So dr op into the ::: .. Is a Chinaman I n b as ket- b all Ex" is naturally a An we don't want fo r ward, but fo r the wa nt of a better §:::_ A ny chink in our family." man, the coach has used him at th e D arn Bill i pivo t posi tio n for two season . "Ex" "ASK A CUST O MER" § graces the outer garden in ba e ball, ::: Patronize Our Advertisers! I II II II I I 111111111 I I I IIIllI I I II II II I II II I IllI I II I I IIIIIII I II I I I I I I I I II 11111111111111111111 II II llllllllllll

J. White;

= =

= =





Y ou 11· ve 1· n Clothe most of the time.

prese ntative as possible, IT' him a t re;gular intervals ,at w ich time plans wilt be discussed and popular student will expre sed. (1 I t is the coach's wish that every ty pe of tudent be repr e en ted in the pro o ed body. To this ~nd representation will come: fi rst throug h one represen ta ti ve fr om each of the so.ciaj groups whi le the unorganized men will be r,epr:ese ntep b:,; two non-group men from the Varsity "O" and two appoi nted by the Student Council. The llersonnel o th.e bp,d:Y thus fa r pecified is as fo llows : V arsity "0", S. A. Wells a ud P. J. Miller ; 1 lps


:i~i :~:ii !if ~

Free of Charge




will ~ ~ ::: ~-





Ble·n~ 'J/il ~on Restauran't

THE TAN AND CARDINAL Mrs. George L. Stoughton (May Andrus ), ' 92, of vVestervill e, Miss Nettie L ee Roth , 'JS, Miss Bonita Jamison, H, and Mrs. Paul Postle­ waite (Jessica Iles ) o f -Columbus, were h os tesses at the March luncheon m eeting of the Vlomen's Otterbein Clu b of Columb us and vicinity held at · the Chitt e nden Hotel las t Saturday. \

Fag;e SClleo

A card for every occa­ sion from the cradle t o the grave. GLEN-LEE PLACE N o. 22 North State St.

Special attention this week to Woodbury's





Powder, Face Creams and Perfume at DR. KEEFER'S


Frit.:ncls of Otterbein w ill learn with •07, '01. \,Vord was received in vV esr egret of the death of J oseph J. Smith I ten·ille last week of the safe arrirnl of Col u1nbus, \vhich occurr ed ear ly in Bo111 bay, India, of Mr. a nd Mrs. E. last Mon day n1on1ing. Besides tvvo C. \ Vorn1an and their t,vo sons. d~ught e rs an? a son Mr. S~ith is_ su r- 1 Eug-ene Clark, jr., and Rob er t, on the \' 1ved by his wife, Harriet Hiv e ly 23rd. of January. They s pent a fe,v S1nith, \.vho was graduated fro1n O t- 1days in Matheran, a hill sta ti on near t erbein in th e class of 1860 and who j Bombay, and attended th e India is one of th e warmes t friends anrl '\'a ti onal Conven tion of Yo ung Men's most loyal supporters that the co lle g-e Christian Assoc iations at Lanauli, ha s. ~r. S n1ith h a d been 1n failing near Poona, before going on to their health for some m o nths and his death home in Madras . wa s not unexpected . He was a pros- ,05 E W d f 11 . ar o . Dayton ' perous farmer, who had r eti. red f rom Oh. h1 1am . b. . . 10, as Just ce n made director of active work during these last years, bl" . f h Ch . but continu ed to take a keen interest pu . tcity or t e ~rch Erection · II agricu · 1tura 1 a ff airs. · F or a num - Society •of the Umted Brethre n 111 a . b er o f years I1e was t h e o Id es t person church. He .will . have c harge of a ll 111 th e ch urc h paf,ers . F· armers , W ee k a t th e St·a t e ma ttcr_ appearing atten d mg . . · · Th e T an an d C ar d 111a . 1 ex - ,, and. will v1s1t . c hurch es th e U 111vers1ty. . . throughout . M S •ti • h e ntire denommation 111 the mt erest of ten d s sy mpat I1y to rs . 1111 1 111 er his work. bereavement. '72. Samuel J. Flickinger of Hamil­ '98. Mrs. William B. Gantz (Maude ton , O hio, who is conn ected with the Barnes) of D etroit, Michi~n • h~s Central Inland Wat erw ays Associa­ been visiting relatives and frie nd s 111 ! tion was in Cincinnati Oh'o 0 . . n Hamilton , Ohio, the past wee k · Sh e business last week. will spend a few days in Westerville with her sister, Miss Tirza Barnes, be- 1 ' 1_7 · Ed~~rd L. Baxter _has r es igned fore returning to her home. hi s position as superintendent of schools at Kewton, New J ersey, and '07. Mrs. Elmer E. B ur tner ( Maude is now travelling as a salesman f.ID" Truxal) returned to her home in Wes- Ginn and Company, text book pu6terville last Thursday from Grant lishers. Mr. Baxter expects to have Hospital, where she underwent a hi s home somewhere in this s tate. serious operation. She is recovering The fami ly is now visiting relatives in nicely from the operation. Spencerville, Ohio.

I . w-

I ,

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 •r -


= = = -

= :: _: -

' ,,


= = =


·S.mart, Well-Tailored Suits -and Overcoats _H igh-:- Gr,de Clothes Made to sell at . .. . .. $35 and $40. ·

~ :



Here' a wonderful chance to save :c on warm, styli h Overcoats for the = remainder of this season and other sea son to come. And m.any of ~1111 11111 1111 11 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ ~ the Suits are in styles·and weights uitable for spring wear; that's = more econom y. Both Suits and --= vercoat are in this eason's best = models; hand tailored of good all­ -= wool fabric Sizes for men of Glove Fifing -= every build. =-= = -= 50 and $55 Hart, chaffner & Marx Hand­ Tailored uit and Overc·oats reduced to $33. ! -




For the woman who admires the slender, graceful lines of the prevailing fashions and appreciates comfort and freedom with the utmost ,style, there is no corset more satis­


In our Corset Department you will find a


line of these popular corsets, and we will be


glad to show them to you, and will do our


best to help you solve your corset problem.



== ==


fying than a Thomson.



- -= : ~ == =


Westerville, O hio


= = :



High and Long Streets

! Columbus, O .


if, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 ij

UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY 44 North State Street Eastman Kodaks and Supplies ·of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pi es, Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' kinds. Films Develope~ and Printed. Supplies. Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eye Glasses • and Spectacles, Eye Ink Pencils, Sheaffer':; Ever Sharp Shades and Goggles. Examination Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us a call. Etc.



Page Eight LOCALS

chapel next Tuesday evening at 6 :30.

Heuv er-Teachings of J esus Con- I Thwing-Collegc Gateway. Mr. Juan Rivera represented th e cern ing Wealth. Drinkwater-Linco ln the 1 tudent- Volunteers at Ohio Mr. " kinny" Weinland, '10, of local Ferguson-Religion of Democracy. Emancipator. Dayton., visited Otterbein one day State, Saturday and Sunday, at the I State Co nvention of Student Volunlast week. Dr. A. T. Howard spent F r iday a t tee rs. Weste rvi lle. P r esiden t Clippinger and Professors The "Sambo Twins", as was given Sanders. Snavely, chear, and West by th e Capita l ~tuden ts between attended the Cen tra l Ohio School Mas­ ha lves at the game Saturday, was en­ ters' Club lu ncheon at the Chittenden Butel last Saturday. j oyed by the 0 . C. students.

"T own

Spri ng was abo ut to be he re Friday, Artist Is Recognized. but it wasn't! All those spring suits Recently Henry Olsen, class of '2~, and hats wi ll have to be hidden for who is staff arti t for th is year's a whi le longer l ibyl, sent to Pre ident Harding a pen P r esident Clippinger attended a sketch that he had drawn of t he Presi­ meeting of the nominating committee dent. of th e new I nternationa l Association Mr. Harding's private secretary, for Christian Education at Chicago Mr. Champion , acknowledged the last week. receipt of the drawing with a card of Wilbur Swanson who left school at thanks, and a few days ago Mr. Olsen the end of the first semester bas re­ received from the Pre ident an auto­ graphed photo of M r . H ar ding. t urned to complete the year's work. Dr. J. C. Cherrington visited his nephew, Homer, last Wednesday. Mrs. J . M. McCloy who was opera ted on at Grant Hospital last week stood the operation splendidly and is gaining her normal lrength rapidly, as is also Mrs. S. F. Daugher­ ty who wa operated on at nearly the same time. The missiona ry committee of Y. W. C. A. announces that it will pre ent

ao. interesting p laylet in t he college


Country "

an d

Sport M ode~ Suits


Are featur ed by K ibler

with "knickers" or extra long trousers to m2tch

1i l



Recent Additions to Library. Martyn-Life of Gen. A r tem as Ward. Palmer-Folly of Nations. Creel- I reland' F ig ht fo r F reedom. Slattery-Master of the W orld. Kawakami-What J apan Thinks. Irwin-Next W ar. Dearborn Independent-J ewish In­ fluences in Ameri can Life. pahr-Kmerica's W orking People. K ing-Why W e Believe the Bible.





$ I O a pr.

Pleate·l and belted-in rough tw,,cds l:j and herringbones; tan and gray color- tl iog ; needlework unsurpassed. Ex­ pertly designed to serve a double pur­ pose-comfort for sports and appro­ priateness for street and business use.


11 11





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