1922 04 03 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.

No. 24.

OTTERBEIN MEN'S GLEE CLUB Bottom Row, left to right- Zepp. Camp. Darling . Davi . on. Grabill , pe sard, prout, Harri. P . J., J ohn son , R M 1 O Second Row, left to right- Bradrick, D ellinger. Chri sto ph er, Claxton, Mo nn, Coon. Mayn e, a h, Co rn etet. · " we n. T hird row. left to right- Bu ckingha m. H owar d. Newe ll , Morriso n, Ma ttoo n, ene.ff, Pace, Roo e. T op Ro w, I ft to right-Broadh ead, x li ne, J o hn ·o n, L., John o n, B. L .. Hancock, Bar ri. D. A. _,..,







~H~o~m~e~C~o~nc~er~ts~ To~B~e==A~pr~il~6~.

PLEASES DAYTON ij have For seven mont~s G_lee Club notices ! The home concert this week will be been appearing m ,the :· & C. the lat appearence £or seven memI telling



of concert · staged 111 other b~ of th e club who are to graduate , ~ ~ • , . Crowd of Over One Thousand People I tow ns .. o'. trium~hs sc,?red, of "large, t~, June. , \ Songsters Travel to Gibsonburg and Applauds Melody-Makers Heavt app rec1au ve a udiences aurl all that, R: M . John on ha een thr ee year Tiro Ending Successful Season ily In Victory Theater. but now th e home folk arc to ha ve a ervi ce, J. G. Howard and J. M. on the Road. , chance to judge for them ·e1ve wheth- O weu are two yea r men, while L. E. ALUMNI DESERVE PRAISE I er or not the highly touted program Pace, I. E . Dellinger, J . H . Mor ri on _P ROGRAM IS WELL .RECEIVED 1 de ervcs so much flattering praise. and H. J . Davison have each a year Townspeople Enjoy Concerts and Club Visits Local High Schools and r Thi Thursd~y night at ~:15 the Men: o th eir credit. Warblers Are Entertained Business Houses-Makes lee Club will present its program 111 The e even men. will be mi ed Very Hospitably. ~ Hit at N. C. R. the college chapel. Admis ion will ~e next year, their place will be hard to ·• F I 50c all eats re erved, and seat will fi ll, but we v nture to ay that they - - ( rnv m "D ayt on ew ") go ' sale at the Blendon Hotel , Mon- will mi s th e gle cl ub life fully as th 011 miday afternoon · - --clay at 12 :30. much as their pre ence will be mis ed. ' Men' lee T b our_]ng for the fir t · time, with a ;;;;;================================;!Club returned to We terville aEter a two day jaunt in the northern part of banio-mandolin orch_e tra of 1 mem- 11; ;r • the Otterbe_in College Glee Club, t~c state. The club left Friday at 1:oo 3 trong, made 1t annual appearance p. m., and arrived in ' Gib onburg by a~ the Victory tb ater lat night and 1 way of the Hocking alley R . R. and Payed and ang it elf into tbe favor o[ a trip overland in time for upper. ;~1 audience whi h comfo rtably fi lled Packed in a train that rolls and dip abruptly, yes very abruptly, by th Th concert given that night wa uche auditorium. The club di played all along 'a la rolly-coa ter," crammed in- roof of the vehicle, Such performan e ce ful in ev ry way and from the re­ t e enthusiasm alld da h that one ex- to a coach fre coed with coal du t in the cours e of time, have the t n- mark heard aft rwards' it i ertai n · d ency t o crus h h a t s t o ti, e propor t·i on s th a t next years ' club will be in vited to Peet on th\! part of glee club per fo~m- j enough to keep the State H ou e 111 crs and met with a generou r e pon e fuel all year, and with oot enough to of very thin pancake , though th that city. Early next morning the on the part of its hearers, who de- dye the most discriminating Arrow crushing process is counteracted bunch, minu five or six men who tnanded a number of encores. Collar boy to an inky hue that wou.ld somewhat by raising, elaborate y. - seemed to need sleep badly, moved on _The collegians opened their program put to shame the duskiest Ethiopian, terns of welts on "skullar" portion . to Tiro where- Bert Jaynes of last 'lvtth a welcome from Otterbein, words uch i Glee Club life en route. But every cloud has it tin-foil Jin- year's cla. s is pa tor and .. by ten and d b · · d ing, hence consider the meal . ne o'clock was s f I b'll t d · m_usic of which were compo e Y Then pe_ rhaps_ the program 1s va_ ne a e Y l· ehtc mf ne w Saturday g lance at a little ·' nack" et before a home the d1rector, Prof . A. R . pessar d . with a quiet drive across country 111 an · Uec d. • d · t n1gd ,· · a ter a Glee Cl ubbe r i enough to immediate- pleasant da of S ee 111g numbers included crooning antique hack propelled m hit an mis Y res , an v1s1t to one Ullah • h · h ly and straighway reconcile one to th of the largest chi k h t h · · 1 a c enes 1n nutn YS and rollicking college air wit fashion by a sputtery eng111e t I atd crudest methods of tran portation th tate 1·n .. h· hc en 60 • erous songs of praise referring to evidently saw service when men c a • . ' '• ic over 0,000 eggs "'shna Mater, set to music by Professor themselves in tiger skins and fig known. The Greeks spoke of am- were mcubating, the last abroad cousia for the gods, but the inhabi- cert of the seas on was presented to a .pessard and Prof. G. G. Grabill, leaves. Every chuckhole sen d s t h e hro 1r, t • tan ts of Mt. Olympus never dined on large aud1·ence 1· 11 th 1· d d c or of the Otterbein Conservatory, voyageurs upward simultaneou ly and e centra 1ze I Glee Club meals or ambrosia would house aud·to · 111 Th I school h0 tours with the club as accom- Yrovidence alone know what height num . e peop e of Tiro (Continued on page two.) they migpt attain unless stopped (Continued on page eight.) (Contil)ued on page eight.)





· l'ag'e Two





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• ...

uSe o tt erbe1n• st at 1onery • T advert1se ' ·• the c 11 ege

. \ :m1111 111111 111m 1111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ PLEASES DAYTON :: :

I Lorado Taft Gives Interesting and ' (Co ntinu ed fr o m page on e.) Instructive Lecture O n Art p ani st. In College Chapel Lor ad o .i.att, fa m o us sculp tor, ap peareo uefu , c a .a ,gc a,10 1e11 ..:e at th e l.,o1<ege Chaµ1: t vvt:ulit:Su.iy .,,,ening in the lHth m ,.11Ut:r 01 tile \,., <Cl Z..: ns' L eeture 1...-ours ~. u ea n 1...-o, 11etet introduced Mr. Taft as a world t an w us s~'-' 'l·"'-'r a.i d a rtist. M r. T_af t s howea h1msc, 1 to ue _an acco mph s bea ..,ca Ker anu a uebgh tfu l ent ertain er. rt 1s Jectu re was m ade douo1y fa ,,c111aung oy t11 s clever 11,00t:,lllg

lg I§

T h e o r ganiza ti o n has con cc n t r::.t ect o n th e pe rf ec t in g of its h armonics, an § especia lly bea uti fu l derno n s.1atio.1 o its ski11 in thi s regard bein g £,i\·cn i11 =t h e las t num be r o f th e seco nd g.o·... _. ~ A n in fo rm a l rece ptio n wa s h eld i . :::: h o no r of th e co ll egi an s in th e lobby fo .lowing th e co nce r t. T hi s fea tur e was I§ ar r an ge d by Mr s. F. A Z. K um le ,, I~ M r s. Roscoe H. B r an e, Mrs. L. E . Cus ter, Mr s. Irvin Li beca p. an d .1rs. Cha rl es R. Hall. O tter bein alu mni,



th G 0 ld en R e d Sea 1•1n 1

• 7


= = § § § :: ~



three s1· zes. § § EatOn' Crane an d p•I ke St at- ==§ = :: 1·onery from 35c up. § = Eas ter Gree • t•Ill gs, Car ds an d ~

l I

ru11 view of u nd er who se at spices th e c lub wa: brought to Day to n . en te rtain ed th e visease and sk ill aunosc eq u,u to tha t itors in t heir ho m es Mo nday and yes with wbicl1 ne hanClJed the clay. T he t er day, and arrang ed to have them ·ap - audi ence s,,uwed Its a ,-, vr eCJ..Ltion o f pea r at vari o u Day ton in stituti ons the speake s ta len t and humo r by fre- y ester day m o rn ing and give b ri ef pr o- : U[

we c ,ay





qu: ~: . ap~:~~Se. lectur e \ ..s h ighly educationa1 as welt as e u .l!:tainmg. A mong o,u~, t nmg s w e s,..~.. ker ex­ p,,u.ueo L. , ~ " w11:1 · o , 1a~1al ex­ pressions and demonstrated tu .: use o f l-,dc:lS Ler ur 1.Jd.&. ,s 111 l llC:. u ..&.d.h.•Uo, of casts and death masks. H e snowed that because o f t h e use of casts the wo r k O! t n e 1110u..:111 SCu11Jtur I S V,c, y uilfere nt fro m l hat oi tne ancie nt GreeKJ. Mr. Taft closed w ith an ap peal fo r the A rt and especiall y lo r a gr eater consideration of the for eigners who have come to this co untry from Latin Europe, man y oi wnom have a rti1;tic gift which ar e un developed.

gr~~e- Ii t o f places vi ited include( Steele, S tiver and P a r ker h igh choo :~. nd th R ike--Kuml er' a e .. C.R.. wh.:re : th ey we r e entertain ed a t lu ncheo n in _ t he Office r s' club Ar ran gen1 en ts du r- § ing t heir s tay were in ch ar ge of Ros- -_ coe H . B ra ne .

Ladi es' P a tent L eathe r Oxfords and O ne Strap Pumps for Easter wear, $4 $5.00 and $6.00, at .M cL eod & Sanders.-Adv. ,


I ~


New Watch Fobs and Paper Knives.

! University


Philalet hean Seniors Sing Their Last Song in Special Session It wa s with mingled feelings of r egret a nd joy that the S eniors of hila let hea presented their las t pro­ gram Th ur sday, Mar ch 3 1. Reg ret, becau e they r ealized mo r e th an ever befor e j ust what a large p lace ·Phila­ lethea hol ds in thei r hearts and w hat ;i. void fe eli ng th er e w ill be when they are no longer p ermitted to attend. all th e es ions' of the literary society. Joy, beca u e they w er e aware of the great privileg e which has bee11 th eir's ' in being o clo ely a so ciated with an organization fr o m which inestimable ya lue is derived and in which ~a ting fr iend hip are fo rm ed. 'Phe program w a especiall y in ter­ e ti ng, con sisting of vocal i nstru­ m ental music and papers oi hj gh mer­ it. A playlet, " ing a o ng o,£ en­ ior ", was m uch enj oyed. Helen Ke ll er, '20, dir ec ed tl)e p lay and Ve l­ ma w inger, Pauli ne St ubb s, Laaughn L eath erm an, E leanor W h itn ey , Marie ruden, ut h H_a ll _ an d iviau Patter o n, were the pnn c1pa l . During ex,tempen.neo us peaking Mary Tint man, '20; fr . Edna 1-Iiller P hillip , ' J.71 and Mrs. Ban croft, a n hono r ary m m b er of t he. society, ex­ pre e.d their appreciation of tq.e e;c­ cellent progr am and th eir delight at seeing the )?resent gener a tiop o f PhilaJ 1hean 'upholding t)le high ideal which h.ave always been sy n­ onymou s with the nam e- P h~la leiliea.

Novelties, Rackets, Tennis Balls,· Bats, Gloves, from the .Spalding Co. ~.,



Book Store§


jj 11 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii



.filnderwear. === ·0rder your PhOtos at ;>

For the man Who wishes To be correct In his unseen apparelUnderwear That fits correctly "1 And comfortably- •'>/1·1' }Ql . F 1ne, goo d ..,ij. Beautifully made U nderwear



cannot buy.

= = = =

And not expensive-Wilson Bros. __ _____ _ $1.00 Genuine B. V. D 's __ 1.35 = = Dr. Hygienes ----.- ---· .85 -


Have the best.


Norris &: Elliott More Go;,ds for Same Money, Same Goods for Less Money.,

Patronize Our Advertisers I

Patronize Our Advertisers!

Page T h ree





F irst W eek of Evangelistic Services :Thursday, '!-pril 6-At te nded by P leasing and Glee Clubs !fom e con ce rt. I ' Saturday, Apnl 8Sure R esults.

8 :00 p. m . -French P lays.

April 9ISunday, Eas ter Cantata. 1

Monday, April 10R usse ll D eclam a ti on Contest.


======== ===============

T he evangelistic se r vices the pas: !· wee k have been ve r y p ro fi tab le to th e llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!_!] college, th e church and th e co mmunity. Wes ter ville is ind eed fo rtun ate to have uch men as D r. B rewb ak er an d Mr. Upson leadi ng in a reviva l. D r Br wbaker is no t a reg ul ar eva nge li st. H e is the Gene ral Sec'y. o f th e Sun day Schoo l fo r ou r chur ch b ut he is ali ve for J es us Chr i t. H is gos. pe l m essage thi s las t week has co me T hi s is yo ur colu mn a nd we des ire with powe r fr om on hi g h a nd it ha to make it interes ti ng . O f cour se o ne hit s traig ht home. Th e att enda nce pe rson can' t get a ll th e news item s ~f I has bee n good. Th e chur ch has bee n loca l in te res t. so why not tell us if nea rl y fi ll ed eac h eve nin g but m ost yo ur neighho r· s cat has a lo t of new w ho atte nd ed 3.re professed Christkittens o r if you r room-mate has 111 - ians. Unde r th e powe r o f th e H o ly ven ted a means of ex tr acting sun - Spiri t and the tru th of D r . Brewbaker' beams fr o m cuc umbe rs. \l'./e shall ap- . m essage th ose who have attend ed ha ve preciate it. consec rated themselves_ anew to_ th e \Iv I d to sec Ma r y T in tsrnan Lo r d an d have bee n li fted to hi g her e were g a h. k · I g round D r. Brewbake r has no t tri flon the camp us t 1s wee • · .. . . , ,, ed wi th the t rut h but has been fea r less . , Many. \v ho clt d n t see L 1g h tnl n at 1 in his attack upo n sin. the H t co uple of wee k ago, . M u 3. r man a . is no less 111 ear nes t than saw it T hur sday mo r ning m Westerr. pso 11 it fe ll Dr. Brewbake r. 1~he gospe l n:essage v ille. O ne pe r so n asse r ts that · h d h th . in so ng goes hand 111 an wit e ri ght in her la p. · preac hi ng a nd car rt·e a tr ong appea I. Seve ral seniors ·wer e de ni ed t h e 'f hi s week e nds t he special service , pleas ur e of parti cipa tin g in T hurs- the fi nal mee tin gs being held next day' "festivities" o n acco un t of hav - Sunday mo rni ng. aftern oon an d nigh t. ing "mis laid" their caps and gow ns. . f Walter Jo nes and Albe r t B ur n o Canton, Ohio, vis ited fr iend at Ot­ terbein Wed nesday and T hur day.



Athletic Supplies

Mrs. Chas. Cusic was ta ken to Gra nt Ho pita! T hursday where she unde r­ we nt an operation . H er co nditio n is seriou .


Voice hear d at Philal ethean oj:>en se sion : " ay ! T h ree of yo u fellows come out, ·'Fat" Monn wants in.


- As Ever­ Good Things to Eat For Pushes and Picnics at FREEMAN & SMITH'S Staple and Fancy Groceries


_ _

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I111111111111111Ill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111


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illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltii ~ 1111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111 11111111 111111111111111111111 11111 11111 1111111111111111111111 11


Come and try them out.= Baseball a nd Tennis. i

The '"Shifter' Club" continues -to grow in member ship. A Columbus Paper gave an inter esting h istory of this unique club the other evening.


Call Citizen 21 or B ell 147-R , residence ; or Bell 8-W office, fo r

J . E. H ANSON , • The Clean-Up Man Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and


Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers : Headquarters-12 W . College Ave.. W esterville, 0 .

= = =

Subscriptions taken fo r The Country Gentleman, L adies'


Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service- Best Service.


111111 11111 11111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111jj


W al ter Schutz and "Sarge" \ Vil­ let of O . S . U. spent the week-e nd in town v isiting fri ends. Fenton Stea rns was a vi itor over the week-end.



Y. W . C. A. Conference E ntertained. The Association Building o n Satur­ ~ay evening was th e scene o f great Jollification. The p-u r po e of the par!y w_a to better acquain t th.e O tter bem girls with the Y . w. C. . Conference gue t . The gam e and tuots were nove l and the musical number were of uch e pecially hi gh cali ber that not 0 ne dull momen lipp ed !into the Whole evening . A ll was comp!ete \vhe n each gi rl r eceived a huge piece of apple pie a la mode. R emar~ heard a fte rw ard indicated tha t this \Va- one o f O tterb ein mo t ucce s­ ful Parties.

Easter Cantata Will Be Given. unday afternoon at 2 :.15 in th e U. B. church the ch urch choir w ill sing, Dan iel Prothero' bea utiful ca ntata "Ea ter-tide".

,!_I 11111111 11 II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ml 1111111111111111111111111M 11 llJ






Is what you most desire - Our ne store 35 W. Broad St., al o 22 . High St., Columb u~, 0 . 1n FLOWERS -Corsages a n d F ancy Ro"e :i A Specialty. -We have it -JOH.NY .MAYNE - V isit our new tore w hen in the city. Representing The Fifth -I s our agent at Westerville. -Ave. Floral Co. of C





Columbus, 0 :




Page Fou r


even though it is direct contradiction ':"c had. do ne anything wort~ dese_r~- 1 Are of th e ed icts of law, common sens e I mg notice and at the same tim e m1111and good judgment. mized his own worth. ] n order that good will prevail w e \V ith all due credit to th e sta ff as a ! Published Weekly in the interest of will a ll join heartily in ..The Otter- whol e we can sa y quite easily that Do you hesitate on account of the Otterbein by the O TTERBEIN PUBLISHING bein Love Song." We have defied your Mr. H o ward made th e paper what it , worry of obtaining h otel accommo­ BOARD rules showed disrespect to your Presi- \\ as. With hi s very mark ed literary Westerville, Ohio dent.' scoffed at th e garb of lea rning abi lit y he combin ed rema rkable power s dations and railroad tickets? M ember of the Ohio College Press that you recognize, but we can all of orga nizati on , a n un limited capacit y Th A . E C ny has Association e mencan xpress ompa . . with . . - fo r wo rk. chee rful tact w ith . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10111 ren ewed love and adm1ra h1. asTHE OTTERBEIN

you going travelling this summer?




STAFF Editor ·················-······· J. W . Se~eff, Assistant Editor ····-·· H . R . ::M11ls, 24 Contributing EditorsBonnibel Yanney, '23 Delno Adams, '23 Business Manager .... T . E . Newell, '23 A ssistant B-usiness Managers­ Clifford Foor, '24 . F . M . Pottenger, '25 Circulation Manager .. Lucile Ewry, ' 23 A ssis tant Circulation Managers­ Kath erin e Po' lock, '24 Edith Oyler, '25 Athletic Editor .......... H . V. Miller, '23 . A t. Ath. Editor ...... W . P . Camp, ;25 · Local Edi to r ............ C. C. Co nley, 23 Alumna! Editor ····- Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor ·-·· Ruth Robert s, '24 Cochran Hall EditorMajora Whistler, '23 Literary Editor ·-··-- Paul Garver, '25


tion in the singing of th e song that has so many times s tirred our hearts. T he term " we'' has been use d through o ut only becau e it 1s a general term, but Thank God, there are sti ll ome among us tha t ar e stil sane thinking men. And more th a n that, Thank God, that there are still more among us that fee l a dee p sense of r egret th at a se r vice wh ich has been filled with exhibit ions of lawlessnes , poor por tsman hi p. and disre pect should be clo ed with the song that h as in pired men and women to do and dare. and th at has o many tim es touc h ed our hearts and inspired in u a deeper love for Old Otterbein. H. W. T. '23.

sistant . readine s of wit . a quickn e of mental expedi en t which carried him ove r all ob~ ta clcs. a11d a co mplete mastery of th e tec hniqu e of news - ' paper work. He was co n istent. he did not put out a rema rkably good paper one week and a lamentably poor one th e nex t. He wa forcefu l, hi atti tud e wa n eve.r half-hearted . H e was sq uare, never allowing hi per . o nal in clinatio ns to shadow his judgment. He had an ex­ ccll ent en e of news values and an uncanny ability to hunt o ut new . H e guarded th e literary value of th e paper, ne-..rer descended to any attempt at sen ationali m, h e main tain ed its literary standa rds . H e en joyed hi work, was - alway s enthusiastic and original and whe n he turned over his "dope

just what you want.

Our tours cover the wor Call Citizen



for information.

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

WOLF'S Westerville, Oh io

Address all communications to The We Make Our Bow. O tterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. ·. College Ave., W es terville, Ohio. s has so often been said and box ' ' to u . \ye felt a keen regret at G. Henderson, M. D. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, written by young preach er , orator the thought of breaking up the year's payable in advance. a nd editors, it is with mixed emo­ combination. We need ay no mor e, the thirty- . OUrS Y ppoln Entered as second class matter that we face our audience fo r the fi r t tw o numbers of last year's paper are tim e and mak e o ur bow. September 25, 1917, at the postoffice t. at Westerville, 0 ., under act of 'vVe feel a fitting sen e of re pon i­ a monument to J. Gord on Howard March 3, 1879. bility on a uming the direction of and hi ability which makes th e best Acceptance for mailing at special th e de tin ie of the "T. a nd C' for th e of eu logi es. rate of po tage provided for in Sec. pardonably An Appreciation. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, authorized n ext year. \ e feel proud becau . ~f ~ confidence which u ine Mana r of college pubApril 7, 1919. East College Avenue th e student body has expressed in u lications are never given the praise EDITORIAL by our election and properly humble that i their due. Their work is often PHONES ib_ our own attainment a nd . capabi li- unnoticed even though on it the life of Bell 84-:R " ' t f I £ tl o ppor- the paper depends. This la t year the Citizen 26 O h " Recogru'tion Day'' tic : vv e are ~ra e u or 11 11ior , We ree ou ! fter four tl".rut)' for -erv, e to our chool, ana finance of the T. & C. have b ee n in I yea r of trenu u labor we « reet yo u are appr ciative of th e. op~ort u~iity most capable hands. Under Mr. 11 15 ·with egg and rattle , the working for self-development wl;uch giv rhutz' admini tration a trouble­ tool of babie and bol heviks. e at th e a.me time. We feel ra th<:J" om debt has been lifted the current DENTIST hav placed in th hand of babi and pra rful at th e pro pect, dotibting e. pense paid and a ur~lu in paper





. tment.

109 S. State

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.



W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.

ucklings the implement with which our own ability, but a.re deterrnin d. to stock left to he lp out on next year's 15 w~st College Ave. to di turb this erv:ice de ig,ted to keep the paper 0 ~ . its pre en hi.gh paJ?er. rifr. chutz has pent a great Bell Phone 9 Citizen Phone 167 honor you on your fir t appearance level a nd to ~a~c it oetter. We give lot of time on that work, he ha given j n th• gad) ,of your ra.nk. :'i', g reet you J r no pn:>1m e fo~ \h futur · 0th ~r his best in energy and interest, the a~ r J)rcsentativ of the b t lemeu_t t~an th al we plcdg our utmo t IJl re ult of his work are his only reFor al1 that is good to eat see in th cla that will a sume time an~ en.ergy. The ~ap r can not wa rd. H e did not wi h u to mennext year. and till, It mu t go eitber forwar tion his part at all he i as mod t a I ~- P ace d Ii · f d · ·11 ' We wish, howeve r, lhat you com- O'r backwar . ,t goes orwar 1t \~I he is capable but he de erves the high..,, re are learn1 thr ugh the work of he e1illre e t prai · e for his efficient admini trapktely Llll d •r tan d u . vv, ff d th ti f th W estervt·11e, Qh"10 ing our I so n in repce entative ta an \ c~opera on o e tu- tion and thi little notice does not rd th dent body. f it goe backwa e at all adequate! exp ress our own ad- 1-================== go vern m nt. '\Ve rea li ze that some fa 1' ult w ill be th e editor' , [or nev r wa day college men a nd women ar e to be ditor blessed with better taff. th e leader in government and we deire to be thorou Wy acquainted witb There i very little to be aid co n31 W. College Ave. govern m ental proces es. \Ve have c rning editorial poli cy. We hope an d lea r ned that r e(? re entative gove rn- intend to keep the paper a it is now, \ WESTERVILLE, OHIO m ent bould alway m e.an 111. b recog- a genuine n ew mirror of Otterbein Citizen Phone UO nition. We have learned that laws College. There is no ro om in it for per­ are mad e only to be broken. \Ve have oualitie of any ort. lf o ur judg­ learned that democracy mean rule i)y ment how it elf in any degree bia ed an un uited minority rather t han com- or impartial we feel that we have no pliance to the laws made by accr edit- right to longer set for th our view ed representative . We have I arned ,\;th authority . The T. and . i the that it i right to defy rule and regu- voice of the Otterbein tudent body~ lations whenever we are not suited, w are only an agent. openly if we cho e, either our elvc ~r It is a good paper now. Let' keep our hirelings. We can of cour e wait it that way and make it better year u n til election time and . change. the by y ar. tn ac--------a dmini tration, b ut . thatf 1s not We Render Honor. cord with the spint o goo d c1·1·1zenship. Therefore Seniors, un~erstahnd Last week the retiring edjtor in his our motives and tr)_' to rea1ize t at fa rewell editorials paid us high com­ tr a d 1•t'1011 should guide our conduct pliment, patted us on the back before


WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St.


C. W. Stoughton, M. D,

And· our Q uality Meal B.W.WELLS have ma le the Blendon Tailor Re taurant I An Institution. Dry Cleaning, Pressing our patronage ha made it a Success. RHODES & SONS Thank.

The College Avenue MEAT MARKET


Page Five

ioya bl e. and the parts we r e well taken. I, International Club Relations Starts New Study. Miss D ellinger, as '·Tony", a small in­

DCIJ\TIDN It ha. been the plea sur e of the girl s of Coch ra11 Hall to entertain as th eir guest, o ver thi s week-end, Y. W. C. A. fr o m Wittenb erg, repr ese ntations Mariet ta. D enison. Cedarville and Musking- um. W e've enjo ye d mee ting all these college women and hope th ey wi ll revisit us some time. Othe r guests in th e dormitory thi s wee k hav e been Mr . Schwab of Al . toona, Pa., visiting her daught er, Mildred, J ane t Gi lbert, '18, of Day­ ton, Ohio. Ethel E ubank s, '20, and her friend Bernice Dennis, guests of F lora Felton and Ve ra J o hnson ; A li ce Hun­ ter's mothe r and Mrs. Shrieve, both of Lancaster Ohio and Mrs. Frances Sage tev'ens a~d Alice Abbott, '21, of olumbu s, 'visiting Edna D ellin ger.

Th e Intern ational R elations Club concl ud ed its study of the F ar East ques ti on and started a s tu dy of th e Europea n economic prob lem s at its regular session last Mo nday evening. L. E . Peart read a paper, "The In­ flu ence of th e U nited States in Chin­ ese Affairs", while Miss Margaret Graff r eported upo n a magazine arti­ cle which proposed a solution of E urop e's economic distress. On next Monday night th e main paper, " Can the United States Afford to Receive Paym ent on th e Inter­ A lli ed Debt," will be read by L. L. Wh ite.

Mrs. Frank L ee and Miss Alice Ab­ bott, Cleiorhetea n alumnae, favored va lid boy, is to be especially commend­ society with a few wo rd s. ed on her delightful actin g. French Plays Saturday. Because of · th e sudden illness of Saturday ni g ht, Apri l 8, a t 7 :30 in Catheri ne Minton, Vera Johnson sub­ .stituted for her in the play and did the college chape l. stud en ts of F ren ch Drama will present a fairy s tory­ it in a very creditable manner. Extem pora neo us speakin g conclud­ " L es Amies de Petite Chaperon ed the program. Mr. John George Rouge," and a five- act comedy " Le Eve ryone spoke on behalf of Ph ilomathea, Mr. Bo urgeois Genti lhomme." J ohn Schutz for ·Philophronea and invited to a ttend. Admission frt e.

If he mu sses he r hair, he thinks it a net gain . She thinks it a net loss .

Cleio.rhetean Seniors Present Fine Program In Open Session. Cleior hetea n friends we re wel l pleas­ ed with her Senior Open Session given Th ur day ni ght in P hilophron­ ea Hall. The orati ons des erv e much prai e fo r their worth-while thought and true literary styl e. The musical numb er s we re much a ppreciated. The play was uniq ue. Although not light in character, it was thoroughly en-

Ma1} ~ Made Lightning

''Selling Yourself''

RANKLIN removed some of the mystery. F But only recently has science really explained the electrical phenomena of the thunderstorm.

:.\fr. J. J. Mun ell, who was chair­ The wrath of Saum Hall hath man of the Stadium Committee that de cended upon th e~ fair beads of raised over 500.000.00 in Columbus orma R ichar d o n and her cuhJrit alo ne for that magnifice nt structure now being bui lt at the Ohio State friend . Some thirty hu ngry Freshies P niv er ity, was fo r several years flocked into 1\'o rma's room to help her mana~er of the departmen t at the a­ devour the rumored ''box from home." tional Cash Register Company, D ay­ The "box" proved to be a plate of all- ' ton . Ohio, k now n at t~at time as t~e d A - F l' Day Employment, Promot1011, and D1 s· cha rge Department. ay uckers. It was pn 1 0 s

Dr. C. P. Steinmetz expounds this theory. Raindrops retain on their surfaces electrical charges, given off by the sun and other incan­ descent bodies. In falling, raindrops combine, but their surfaces do not increase in proportion. H ence, the electrical pressure grows rapidly. Finally it reaches the limit the air can stand and the lightning flash results.


peaking of Saum Hall-All the Cochranite enjoyed the Frosh's recent attempt at serenading. Keep on tryf ing, wee ones-practice makes_ per ect. unol , . Blanch e Meyers left for her h?me rn Johnstown, Pa., to undergo a sltght

operation. . . · Here 1s a rare bit of new -Edna Dellinger has turned cook for the Water's club. We can, some of u , te tify to the uality of Edna's toast, q •• but we won't wear by her ab ility to fry teak. Do you suppose she erved the meat on a palette and ea oned the ppt t 'th oil paint and water 1 a oes Wl co ors?

:\fr. Mun ell was personally responsible for the promotion of M r. J . H . Barringer, Vice-president and General Manager of the ational Cash Register Company. from a humhie clerical position to the position in the executive offices that proved a stepping stone to his present high po­ it1on. The numerous reque t M r. Munsell receives for advice and sugge tions about the proper way to sell you r elf. or to make appli cation for a job and what to do whe n once yo~ get it, !ed him to. put the fund of mfonnatton he ha mto booklet form. ny young man or woman expecting to, at ome time, enter the bu ines wo r_ld ~ho~ld read thi booklet. The _ea:he_r 111 hfe you read it the better, it 1 mformation of value to anyone regardle of age.

And now we have artificial lightning. One million volts of electricity-approximately one fiftiet~. of the voltage in a lightning flash-have been sent successfully over a transmission line in the G eneral Engineering Laboratory of the General Electric Company. This is nearly five times the voltage ever before placed on a trans­ mission line.


\J e are g lad to r eport that Lottie The follo.wing i an extract fr om a Faye Mendenhall i out a gain after letter writte n by P r esident W. 0. her illne and that Catherin e Minton Thomp on of- the Ohio State mver­ ity: is on the road to recovery. "One reads th e pages with the All of us girl will testify that D ea_n feeling that here is a man in sympathy with young men, N[cFadden i a regular D ean. She 1 peaki ng plainly and truthfu l)y always O willing to cooperate with to them about matter vital to Worthy movement about chool, e.ve~ their succe s and happine in to the extent of allowing us out until making their careers. The tone of the book i whole ome through­ ten on a Saturdaf night. out. (Cut thi . out as a reminde r to or­ Tennis Players-Let us restring and hape up that old racket. It takes der "Selling Yourself.") only a few days to make it like new Enclose either a $1.00 bill or money again. A full line of rackets and ten­ order with your mailing address, and ni equipment on band. McLeod & end ame to J. J. Munsell, 11 East Rich Street, Columbus, Ohio. Sanders.-Adv.

Much valuable knowledge of high voltage phenomena-essential for extending long dis­ tance transmission-was acquired from these tests. Engineers now see the potential power in remote mountain streams serving in industries hundreds of miles away. I '}


Man-made lightning was the result of un­ grudging and patient experimentation by the same engineers who first sent 15,000 volts over a long distance thirty years ago. "Keeping everlastingly at it brings success." It is difficult to forecast what the results of the next thirty years may be. -4,;~




Gener General Otllce


Elec r· flV

Schenectlldy, N. Y.




Page Six


Ipi rants ar e : Ru ebu h. Howard, Crabbs.

I If iii



Yearlings Will Meet Varsity For First Successful Seasons Looked for in Baseball and Tennis While Track Time in a Regularly Scheduled Is Still Doubtful. Football Game.

and J. R . White. Manson Nichols loo ks mighty good but he discovered that he is not e ligibl e for inter coll egi­ a te competiti o n. ome wi ld rumors were afloat to the effect that Martin had pulled a tendon and that he would be out for th e sea­ sc,n. Inves tigation proved, however, that he had on ly trained some mus­ cies. H e hopes to be back in the game in a wee k. - - -·- - - - - -


Y. M. C. A . Holds Election . -

T ucsd3.y night of last wee k Y . M. C .A. elected th e fo llo wing officer~: ( Pre idcnt. R . F . .-\xline; vice presi­ dent. L. ;\ewell; Cor. Sec( J. R. Goodrich ; Rec. Sec.. H. L. 1'.I eyers~ and Treas .. C. C. Conley.

Professor Martin Is Honored. Prof. R . F. Mar tin has bee n re­ cen tl y elec ted to a position of ho nor which rat es mor e than passi ng notice. H e is now President of the Ce ntral O hi o Sec tion of the American Physical E ducati o n Association . The organiza­ tion is composed of Y. M. C. A. and coll ege physical in stru ctors.

Before thi s week has passed OtterJupiter P lu vius has been the on ly bein fans will have an opportunity to I obstacle between Otter bein athl etes see another new sport "stunt". On \ and an inte nsified driv e upon spring Friday the erstwhil e varsity and th e I ports du ri ng th e past week. Whe n fre s hman aggregation will mix in a I th e golden sunbeams knock "old J up." out of the box they will find seventy football game. No, we haven't torn seven sheets off ath letes ready to tear up the turf in the calendar, nor is this an April foo l preparing for three sports. joke. The frosh. have been out for Baseball. spring practice r egularly. They have "The bes t in years" is the way worked hard and according to Coach to characteri ze the baseball outlook. Ditmer have "assimilated" hi s "stuff" Mo re than thirty ca ndidates, including with astonishing rapidity. They feel last year' s va r sity intact, have wo rk­ ju t good enough to lick last fall' s ed out when th e weather ha s permittvarsity. ed. The yea rlings will line up as they New men show fair promise, and did last fall plus the add ed strength fo rtunat ely th ey play the position of Ruffini and R. G. Anderson. "Big where they are most needed. It may Andy," who along with his weight, has sound like "old. stuff'', but some var­ had considerable experience and a sity outfi elders must hustl e if they thorough .knowledge of the game, ex pec t to r etain their berths. should prove a tower of st rength in From all indications the brunt of this game as we ll as futur.e varsity pitching wi ll not r es t entirely upon contests . With the exception of Peden Ulrey's shoulders. Perry, v.arsity varsity will line up mu ch th e same as man of two years ago, Anderson, last fall. They realize that th e fresh - 1'.1illard Hancock, and Sheidler ar e the men have an advantage in recent prac- most likely candidates the way things tiees but concede nothing. look right now. "Wes." Seneff is back in uniform an d it will be a .merry The New Baseball EquipI race be tween the "Ma rin e" and " L evi" ment Is Ready Fer Use. Howe for the regular backstop berth. While it is too early to make any They are here, loyal students of Ot­ predictions other new men who seem terbein- tu dents who · showed th at to rat e a trial are: Gillman, Cogan, they mea nt it when th ey said that th ey Bradrick, Staats, D. Hancock, Bow­ wanted ba eball. In the deepest r e­ man, White, and Ruebush. Mer rill ce e of that well known spo t in the Mig~e ry will captain th e squad. Association Building lJOpularly known Track. as the " Holy of H91ie " repose a set Track prospects r est largely upon of the be t baseball uniforms money can buy. Equipment, a complete set the condition of "Ace" Peden. While including the best make of new shoes, Roy bas r ecovered from hi operation bat , ball , bases, glove , protecto rs, nobody wishes him to risk his futur e pad , verything in fact that i needed health fo r all the track victories on by an A 1 b3.ll team has been inclu<l­ ·the calendar. Ditrner ha at his di po al a wealth ed in the pu rcha e which wa mad po ibl · by the generous tudent · ub- of potential middle di tance material, but f.ew tried men. As soon as try­ cription of la t winter. outs are possible he will find his mater­ The unifo rms them elve do not have the traditional Tan and Cardinal ial. With the exception of "Big" White color. The managers taking ad­ vantage of an unusual buy found them­ on the javelin and " Bob" Martin in selves abl e to procure th e very best the broad jump th e Coach has practi­ at a r ea onable figure in a grey suit, cally no vete ran material fo r either the trimmed in blue. A prompt delivery field or hurdle events. "Ed" ewell leads the cinder path was a ured and made. It may be a men and big thing are expected of departure from th.e set rule locally, but many of the best colleges do not him. Tennis. have baseball uniforms of school A number of likely candidates are colors. The management exerci ed much thought and care before making itching to get into the tournament a purchase. It ha in no way broken which will decide who will be "Bob" faith with the plendid spi rit of co- Martin's tennis teammate. When ation manifested by th.e student pos ible "Bob'' ha demonstrated the oper . fi . . . body when it backed up its con-I ne pomts m various sei:ves, etc. !=le tentions that it WA TED bas~ball, report that some men are . showrng with th e necessary "coin" last wmter. real class. The most promment as-


W e were forced to omit our usuaf "Senior At hl eti es Soon to Leave Ot­ ter bein" thi s week due to a lack of

Let's Boost Those Teams.!!!!

Patronize Our Adverti::ersl

Gainsborough Hair Nets, Strong and Neat, 10c and 15c, at DR. KEEFER'S

Ladies You Need Not Wait

for Dad's Check Patent Leathers and Brogues Make your selection now while sizes and styles are plentiful. The quality is good and prices ·,ery low.

$4.00, $5.00, $6.00 Just what you have been waiting to see. We have on hand now a splendid stock of patent oxfords and one straps, also black and tan kid numbers for Easter wear.

Brighten up that trip home with a pair of our new patent oxfords. We can save you money and time on your Easter buying.

McLEOD-SANDERS Westerville, 0.

Page Seven .


. The Y. M. meri ts your. hearty co- by dist urbance from the J unior I the school sang t he 1 ( operation. Help to give the new cabi- .~fter the addre ' net a good start next Thursday night. Otte r bein Love ~ong and, (o,lowing f di smiss:il. cheers from the Juniors for ! Senior Recognition Day th em elvc and the · Fre hmen, and Service Marred By J uniors. from th e ophomore for the Senior 1 The new custom uf an annual Seni­ and them elve, broi·ght the fir t oh- I or Recognition Day in Chap!'! was $ervance of Senior Recognition Day to , a close I 0. 22 Or ate t. ti rs t observed la 3t Thur day morning. . I It would be more ·correct to state that ' 72. M. H . :\mbrose of Pittsburg, the event was observed with var ia­ Pennsylvania. who has b ee n s )ending tions. to put it mi ldly. Fo ll owing the ~1111111111111111 11111111 1111111111 111 111111111i11111111 11 11111111111111111111111111 111111n111111,1 11111 th e{ winter in Porto Rico. left early annot·.ncement of the new plan of oblas week for Santo Domingo a nd se rvance , class feeling ran h igh as to ·cuba. where he expects to visit about whether to fo,low the new plan or to t wo weeks before r eturning to the ob erv e the day in the more tradition.­ Uni t d tates. He will pend a short al manner. ti me in Florida on his way to hi P r omp tl y a t eight forty-five the home in Pittsbu r g. Senior , in caps and gowns, an d led ' 18. L. H. Higelmire, pastor of the by President Clippfoge r, began their ;; Lnit e<l Hrct'1ren church at As'1land, process ion into the Chapel. At t heir Ohio. has ju ~t closed a very - uc cess- appea rance a ll lower cla;smen stood fut c,·a nge li st ic campaign. T he meet- unti l t he Seniors h o ul d ha ve taken in gs resu lt ed in seventy-live con- their seat . When they we re half-way _ versions and sixty accessions to the down t he aisle, a whis tl e blew and church. Mr. Higelmire was his own everal volley of eggs, th rown from evangelist and is certainly to be co n- th~ balcony. b roke and spattered over _ gratulated on t he ucce of hi s work . t he enior section of eats . "'Tickers." ., \ He is serving his fir t year in the cat-calls and whist les from the Juniors church at Ashland. i added to the disturbance. The pro- ' 11 , J • F.111 ey f D yton 111 ,amson, o a , ce sion was . halted and the .Seniors -_ 1 Ohio, i leader of the choir o1 sixty- 1were se_ated 111 th e rear of their regufour voices of t he Westm in ter Pres- lar sec tion. : byterian church of th~t city, said to be President Clippinger continued to :! one oi the best ch urch choirs in this th e platform and, after prayer l~y Dean country. rrangemen ts ar e being Cornete t, . deh_vered an appropriate_ ad- : made for a concer t tour ior this choir dress, bemg mterrupted several times

A card for every oeca-

l sion · h rom t e cradle to I t e grave. GLEN-LEE PLACE N N th St. S




---~ -




un der the a u pice of the Presbyterian church at large. '17. \V. P. Ho ll ar, pastor of the Unit­ ed 13r th r ei1 church · a t 1orth Balti­ more, Ohio, and the peop le of his cl1urch· r ecently celebrated the re­ opening of t he church after extensive repair had been made to it. The ex­ pen e , amounting to more than thir­ teen hundred dollars, had all been met ·before the day of 'reopening, an un­ 'usual and significant fact.


Ro\.v land P. Downing of We ter­ •vill wa a guest at a banquet given .la t Monday evening at the Miami ,Hotel in Dayton, Ohio.


= =============== = =

Special Price for Thursday and Friday of : Each Week. The fallowing Special Price -

Smart,-~Well-Tailored Suits and Overcoats

High-Grade Clothes Made to sefl at $35 and $40.

$24 Here' a wo nderful chance to save 0n wa.r!TI, tyli h Overcoats for the remainder of this season and other ea on t o come. And many of the uits are in styles and weights uitab le for spring wear; that'~ mo r e economy. Both Suits and Overcoats are in this eason's best model · hand tailored of good all- · ol fabric . Size for men of ery build.

~i :



~ ------~

20. Mi s Mary Tint man , who is teaching in the high school a t Tal­ madge, Ohio, spent la t week at th e Will be charged for all work coming :home o, her parents in We {erville. in ,and taken out on Thur day and Fr· day of each week her eafter. •· Coach Dinner Leads Y . M . C. A. Men' Half ole ewed, I : By dint of mu h persuasi n Coach ..Ditmer, wa at la t prevailed upon to I.SO for .--······-·········-·····- ··- ····· $1.25 : .lead Y . .M. C. ., and the ssociation 1.en' Half ole nailed, •11111111111111..liillil■ Profited muc thee by. Hi ubject, a $1.25 for .... =--·····---·-······-··· $1.00 Goodyear Wingfoot. 7Sc for ·-·- $ .65 ~ High and Long Streets Columbus, O. for uch a .U)liqul! ''Thing e t u~ of thleti " 60c Rubber H eel for ··--·--·· $ ·50 I Tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll: 11 wa full of good thoughts. The ji t of 50c Rubb r Heel for -····-··-······ $ .40 omen' Half Sole , ewed, his speech follow : - We come lo college primarily to 1.25 for -·-·-······ - - - - - -·- $1.00 llld our Ive . 'o ingl c ::1:ctivity pro­ LOO for ...... $ .75 44 North State Street vide ucl.1 an ample hone t te. t of a • 'ailed Half ole character as doe athletic . Rubber Heels, SOc for .................. $ .40 E a stm an Kodaks and Supplies of all C~oice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes hine for Ladie and G nt . l-Ier , n who really ucceeds devel­ Shoe Cigar Holders, Toba ccos and Smoker s: o'f) all the traits of truly great ,men. Re!Jlember we are never too bu y to kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Supplies. do your work and do it righ . \Ve };'er everance, c urage, un elfi hne , Par kers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT loyalty, re pect, hone ty, dep·en_da­ appreciate your patronage. A trial Eye Glasses and Soectacles, Eye . Ink Pencils, Sheaffer'-. Ever Sharp l>ility1 agg,re sivenes ,, self-control, all wHl co nvince you. S hades and Goggles. Examination Pencils and Leads. F ine Papeteries, of the e ele~eots of success every one free. All work guaranteed. Give us THE 'STAR SHOE SHOP of them for the man who succ ed ·in a call. , 27 W. Main St. ' • Westerville, 0 . Etc. ·J .making the" mo t of himself in order ._ r .. .. ha h may be of 'hel to others, are developed b tHe atllletic ~fi.eld.



50 and 55 Hart Tailored uit an

affner & arx Handercoat r educed to $33.







Page Eigh t


'• BANJO-MAND0L 'J ' • STRA lN ORCH-i1Top Row. left to right-Grabill, Roo -p Jo 11u so n. B. L.. Broadhead. John son. L., Bradrick, Mayne. Bottom Row. left to right-Cornetet, Sprout, Morrison. Davison , Dellinger. Spe sar d, Hancock, Pace, Axline , SPROU T DESERVES PRAIS.E

·ewell, Mattoon.

\ student picture of the cl ub and a record of its work.

A r. Pilot of G!ee Club P . V . Sprout 1 The Viscissitudes O f An (., .-e~comes 1:f andicaps of Otterbein Glee Clubber I Ea-;.d Se~son I (Co ntinued from page one.) ! Tn Paul V. Sp rou t, the Men's Glee

I Clt•.b



durin g the past season has _had a ha~e been straightway relegated to ' nanr gc. r w.io. fr om very pomt of swme. I !view has hown him_self ab Y qualified ?\ o matter how tired one i of th e I \ to c~re for the van_ety _of duti ~s de- mildewed jok es of th e Clu b's nearI volvmg upon a man m his capacity. I comedian , no matter how weary one g lee club maJrnger must have an j i of listening to the var ious almo taffable p rsona lity coupled with ound ~grand-opera star tell of th tih1.e I bu in s sense r. Sprout pos e sing I they pell-bound. audience with their \ the e two essential attr ibutes. has I olo (indeed it' a mystery that a­ proved both a succe sful and popular j fo.resaid audiences topped at S')e ll manager. binding and weren' t killed outright), 1 ;.. Prof. A. R. Spessard Prof. G. G. Grabill. ln the face of wide pread financial no matter how much of thj torture a I1 Glee lubber has endured 011 glance · h h h If you look for an exp lanation of depres ion t roug out t e country Profe or Grabill alway has con..: the ucce of tterbein' Glee Club and becau e of tqe increased per onnel toward _th~ t~bl prepared b_y the lo- tributed a great part to the work of you mu t look for a man. Whatever of the club thi year arranging for c~l Ladie id or young ladi e of the the Glee Club. Hi work as accom­ succe the club ha met ha been the concert ha been no cluld's play, and high chool a the ca e may be, and panist stand out a one of the moat r ~ult of the work of :i?rofe or A. R. in booking th e. number o-f appearance trouble eerfl as carce as frie nd of plea ing features of the entire prop a rd . ig hool with many t h at h d 1.d , M r. prou t d e erve t h e the Uerbein tudent ouncil. gram . He i a ch eduJ and a hard times more men to choo e from , with highe t commendation of the heartie t O ne glance at the table laden with wo rker, always wilting to do mo.re r al arti t in their lub_ have not thank th club can be tow. dain tie ga th ered everywhere from than hi hare of the work. Besides Per ia to Hodunk County and not a b een able to put out o rgan izatio n as --------hi work at the piano, hi clarinet.adds Our Glee Club Number. trace of a memory remains of morning great1Y, to the effectiveness of ~he popular a our own . P ro ,~e or peshave in water cold enough to rai e a rd take an ordinary bunch of men, Thi year more than ever be.fore, the banjo-mandolin orche tra. goo e .fie h on a, polar bear, or leeping l • t 1s always hard to di ociate P rono one of them an xceptional inger, importance of placing the name of Otf · and p rofe sor pessar d , th e cold while your bed-mate and out o( that ,1:rowd he produce a terbein before· the p ublic i being e or G rab1ll noozed ozily with all th e sund r y I h t1e.y are together in all thei r work. Glee lub that . ings toget er 111ost tr ed. We have our various publiclankets, comfort and qui lts ro lled I G n lee Cl ub it i the ame. Profespleasantly, with an under tanding of ity organizati_on which are all doing nugly about him. -' · tone color, shadi11g and harmony, and good work. one of them, howeverJ sor pe a.rd i the dynamic director, 0 an xpre sion of the feel ing of its has done mor e than th e Men's Glee we might rave on madl y, telling Profes or Grabill the counsellor, wise in many year' experi ence. Mr. Spes­ songs. We do not he itate to give Mr. Ciub which has taken a message from eS t ..thanks th 7 club .can beS t Ow. Spe ard the big share of the credit, Otterbein direct to thou ands of in- La.ting auto nd e _w 1th fellow pa en- ard · lead fr~m in front, but he gets he works hard at rehearsal and on the tere te.d people. ger bent _on' ar g umg b)'. th e hQur t~a t hi cue from Mr. Grabill. They · th k . .we are gomg north though the ettin g d stage, he directs an anunates e The Glee Club is a popular organ- un beams on the right or that we ma e an admirable team. The GI~ whole program, which itself is another ifzation,_ it mem?ers adre hof.ten envied headed straight , :;outh though ~ : Ciub would be los t without either oi th em. proof of his good taste and knowledge. or their long trips an t eir reported ortfi Star stares us in the f · . d . L. I . .d ace. ghoo htimef . h itt e ~s ever s~1 or B ut to speak thus i in vain, for all GLEE CLUB MAKES Plan Now for Next Year. YEAR'S LAST TRIP t oug t O t e long tiresome gri nd of highest commendation and the heartiDo you want to belon g to next rehear al that mus! be undergone be- we never .made an effort to break from (Contin ued from page one.) year Banjo-Mandolin Orchestra, and fohre the)_ presenftath10n lofha prog:arnd, th e ranks of tlie · Glee Clubbers, and enjoyed the Club immensely, the boys , as for prai e ·the co b' d b _ to travel with the Glee Club? Pro­ t e Ico t ·mess• o t h e c ot es reqmre b . , m me voca u enjoyed the visit and a return e ngage­ fessor Spe sard i Janning right now t h e 0 s 111 time t at ~1ee c 1u trip laries of Webster's and the Standard ment for next year has 6een requested. or the hardship of making up fall far shor of ad q t · fo r next yea.r' work and he announ ces e tail, · tahons · h>It! h fo II ows a trip. • e ua e expression . Since the Ea ter trip has been Cjilled w reCJ that men w ho have any bope of mak­ off, the home concerts which comes this This is ue of the paper might well ing the club throug h ,the orchestra Another Trip Rumored. . . . Thursday night will wind up the. be called a Glee Club number. It has would best see. him now o that they Since this week'~ paper has been .tu b's work for th e year. get the proper idea of the necessary been planned partly for the club, and set up it has been learned that Jack­ work and training. He al o anno~n ces thus indirectly for the school, partly son, Wellston, and Portsmouth, want Arthur Roose was unable to accom­ that he is still able to get the Gib on for an appreeiation of the club's ex­ the Club after Easter. No action has pany the Glee Club on its last trip os cellent record, but more to give each yet oeen taken on the offer.· · mandolins at the discount price . account of a very bad cold.


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