1922 05 08 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.

JUNIOR-FRESHMAN Calvin S. Coolidg~ To ~peak. j Yice-Pn:siden t Coolidge will addre s BANQUET ENJ OYED the student body next Monday night

Mother's Day Service at Y. M.

No. 28.


Mother's Day will be the sub ject -for discussion at Y. M . C. A., Thursday under the· au pices of th e "Harding's night. John Geo rge is th e leader. Thursday's Joyous Tennis Win Is Class of '25, Plays Host to '23 W i th , Own Club,'' Otterb ein's on ly political Every one who holds a warm place in Overshadowed by Friday's Well-appointed Banquet In Classic club. The general pub li c i invited to his heart for his mother be there. Baseball Bereavement. • soc1·al Events • hear Mr. Coolidge. bu t all students will of Y ears . . Music Lecture to be Given. oi co urse be particularly interested m W O LF BEATS O TTERBEIN hi me age. BANQUET HALL PACKED On Thursday afternoon, May 11 , at 4 ·00 p. m., as a part of the regular Hancock Performs Well on Mound F. E. McGuire Presiding as Toast­ Otterbein Men Help. work of the Mu ic D epartment, ProBut the Jinx of O ld is too M uch master Keeps Program Moving , Otte rb ein was rep rc ented at three fes or McCloy will give the third of a ' for Game's W elfare. ___ high choo l oratorical con te t s in the series of lectures on the phenomena Fast-Decorations are Beautiful tale la t Friday night. Professor of sound in his lecture room in McOtterbein came within an ac of th . And, behold, the day ca°:1e and , e Smith, Professor Spes ard and H . V. Fadden Hall. The students in music keepi ng the week' port late clean 23 tun e now wa that the trib e of · Troop acted a judges at tlanta, a re required to attend this lecture, the during the week-end. The ace wa prond hould go fort h in fes tal array a ·ewark, and Delaware re pecti ely. public invited . duced last Friday by a well known banquet with its brothers of the f Miami athleto, Wolf by name, who i O tribe of '25. For, behold, hera ld ~ in the habit of "gumming the detail" '25 had pread about through all the ·d· f ~ for 0. C. team . land and had proclaimed the ti mgs O The tenni men tarted things off the festivitie . right on Thur day by humbling MusAnd the day wa Ul the ide of May lci1 gum in the net game and nothing in the year of oar Lord, one th ousan~, Rut Otterbein' u ual "hard lines" nine hundred and twenty-two. A nd it ruined the beauty of a perfect pa tirne. wa the morning and the evening of Miami 3, Otterbein 2. the econd day. Coming to bat in the ninth with the nd lo a evening ap_proached th e score two to one against him, with two maid ns oI the two tribes did array do" n, ne on, and t o trike called, the.m selve in gorgeou color., bo h that joy killer, the same man, with the silk and atin and even georgette and fitting name-Wolf, who scored two organdie and on their faces some did touchdown against Otterbein in put paint and fragra nt powder and football la t fall, met one of "Hank's" strenuously did they struggle with twisters and knocked the horse hide out cor age pins until at last safely and of the lot. That i the salient featu r e securely anchored were the immen e of a game of spill d joy. The fact that armfuls of Ophelias and American Otterbein wa enjoying a perfectly Beautie , and in more remote corners good game of ball, an usually high of the land the air did become blue and cla s college game up to that time, swains did cuss glibly in vain en­ count for naught when that deed is deavors to make those dress suits fit . con idered. But all thes e trials did pass away Same Old Jinx. and the Dean did for a long time hear Otterbein played good ball, heady a sound a of many feet and the ani­ ball. The game was all but won; a mals did come out two by two. nd score of rooters were all set for a it came to pass that they did come to mad dash to the college bell where a th e banquet hall where marvelou Court sy olumbus Dispatch. " rim cracking" wa to have taken B. 0 .HANBY thing had been done. Like a great To be able to eel brate the Dia- money f r the sup port of the in titu- place, when th?.t ever present demon garden did it appear and behold they (Continued on page six.) mon d Ju b liee of an educational in- tion when the future looked black, (Continued on page eight.) th stitution a1id to have one of _ c two di ma l and hopeless. It was he, who Baseball Rally Rouses Pep. fi r t graduatrng class . S cience Cl u b Meets· 111cm b r s o f the . h b . with two other men, served as trusPep reached uch a high ten ion at . I t partake 111 t e ce 1e ration j The regular monthly meetrng df ti c ~) re se nt 0 . of Otterb('in tee at the founding of the college in the rally Thursday night that it ex­ . . 1 . ciencc lub wa held Mondar eve•: ~ 1. th c umq~: _p;:~ g M. Han by of i 47, an_d cho e the name_ Otterbein a ploded and blew Miami to splinter allege. M · · .f •a the olde t mo t u1ta bl<; for the Umted Brethren and like the fabled Phoenix, D ean Up~ tng at 7 :30 in Profe or Wemland s . Lagum a Beach a 1• orru , d f h' l'f recitation room. . . ' 0f ·uerbein and a schoel. He devote most o 1s I e on ro e from the ruins and led the The meeting was called to or~er ltnng graduhat~ t Otterbein graduat- to the up-building of the college. Otterbein rooters in a roaring "Yea and bu ine s conducted after whi ch I membe r of t ed r .d f Beni· amin I Closely allied to the early hi tory of Otterbein." las an w1 ow o , . . . n • ' th of Darling I Otterbem came the publication of Profe sor Hanawalt wa there and t h e club enjoyed a very fi ne prograi mg . . . .fi . I II nby who was au or . . G d consisting of three sc1ent1 c paper · a h d her desire Darl rng Nellie ray compose by m tructed everyone in base ball Ian' !lie Gray as expres e . . . 11·1 en Eleanor Whitney gave a paper - 1 <' • •' f tt ding the fe ti- Beniar111n Hanby m 1 56 w I e a guage, and Profe sor Brady said he ha en •t Her son ophomore in Otterbein. Hi deep could'nt tell a story but we know titled "Chemicat Analy is in Re · pect to ancl intention . . b h. , f if her hea 1t perm1 . ' I·t roge n" vi.(ic L00d control. "Reaction o di f the "Unafraid sympathy for the slave 1s aid y I better. He wins the oyster. t Was di cus ed by A. E. Roose. ForeS B. O . Hanby, fe Mtor ~Ind 15 • widow to h'ave in oired thi ong The "Dixie Quartette" brought t · v ernon, ·• O th er down the house. Valentine gave a discussion o f " oa I R epu bl'ica n". o w h'ic h 1·ives on Wt'th our Caruso never sang . . ti pecttng to be pn:sent. T ar Colors" After the program 1 e a I O ex famous f h . P William songs of that period of history. like it did. It was a good rally but His grand at er, 8 is 110 0 b . h ' . . . . f I eetI cub adiourned from its orma m f th pillars of the If we students at tter em can see ere s one sugge lion. If you come 0 ing and enjoyed a short ocial tim e. Hanby, was on:. e It was he who the privilege that is ours in being per- to the rally ·come into the chapel. Sandwiches and coffee were ~rvcd olleg_ s ea;ty fi. •~~ory.th e first financi- mitted to see the widow of Ren Hanby, Don't stay out in the hall and rai e a d llected none of us will mi s Commencement. di turbance. in a true scient'ific way and were n• went into t e . e ba . . . I agent of 0 tter em an co Joyed immensely. a 1



w1·dow of Ben Hanby .and Onl y Son Desire to Attend Big Jubilee b=================~============;;:;;;,

' I






Page T wo

New Members Elected To Chaucer Club at Meetin g D L Adams W ins First Prize, A. A. . ··· I t th e regular meetm g of the Luther Second, a nd Alice Hunter Cha uce r Club on Wednesday eve ning T hird, in Literary Contest. three new members, Vera J ohn so n, L es ter Mitchell and Mary E lizabe th Tue day morning in chapel th e . Brewbaker were elected. winners in th e Barnes' Short st0 ry An Iri h dramatist, Synge, was th e conte t were announced. . Dr. E. A. sub ject fo r discussion. Lucile Ge rber Jones mad e th e pr esenta ti on_ speech , gave a brief acco un t o f his life wh ich telling briefly df _th e comp h m enta?' \ brought ou t · his personal charac teris rema rk s from the Judges on the quah- . . . tics. . ty of this year's pr?ductions, st ress'.ng ' Miss Lyons gave a ver y fine review e pecially th e qua~ity of fo r ceful sii:u-1 of his chi ef plays as well a s som e of plicity df style w~ich was _charactens- 'j the ci rcums tances of hi s life whi ch ti c of all the stones submitted: affected hi s writings. Perhaps his The wi nl).er of t~ e fi r st pnze was best known play is a one-act dram a D elno L. Adams, 23 _ , whose st ory, entitled ''Rideri to the Sea." "The Drifter," earned away forty Pauline Lambert gave a. di scussion dollars in prize money. A. · · Lu th er, of current events in the literary '23, won second place and a twenty world. dollar priz,e with his story . "Our Post­ master." Third . place with its ten dollar prize was won by Mi s Hun- 1 ter's "The Loyalty of Long Feather" Ul The Barnes' Shor Story Contest wa· estab li shed ix years ago wi th an endowed fund donated by Mr . J ames • Alli 011 Barnes, '92, in memory of his brother. Walter Lowrie Barnes, '9 . It provide~ seventy doll a rs a yea r in prizes a nd fifty doll ar s a yea r f_o r reading materi al in the fie ld of his­ tory ; for the pt ovisions of th e conte~ t are that th e stories shall have as th eir ba e ome authenti c fact of Ameri can hi tory. From the start the winners of th e fir t p rize in order have been J. B : Migne,ry, '16 Helen Bovee, ' 18, Lois dam s, ';L-9, Edith Bingham, '20, Esth,er ·H'arl :y. '21, and D. . A dams, '23. Each year there are more con­ testants ente,ed and each year interes t in the conte t grows. Th judges this year were: Mr . Fcank Lee, W alter E. J ones on of D i:. Jone , and D r. B ishop. Mrs. Lee ha s been a judge of every co nte t im;e t he beginning, Mr. J one has en red t~ree years and Dr. Bi hop has been on the board twice. 'The Drrfter," winner of first prize, wiU be publi hed in this year edition cf the "Quiz and Quill" magazine. BARNES' CONTEST WINNERS


T he nex t meeting wi ll be th e ann ual o ri gi nal pu rpose of the clu b this meet­ pilg rimage wh ich is in the fo rm o f an · ing will be give n ove r to the study o uti ng. In a cco rdance with the of Chau ce r .


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Your Graduahon • S











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Can be measured and Tailored the ROYAL WAY in Westerville.

INCENSE BURNERS- Air Fragrance Oriental Odors-Sandalwood, Wistaria, Violet, Pine.



= =

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PERF UM E S and TOILET SPECIALTIES-Including the popular :



Face Powder, compact or loose;

P ow der , Vanishing Cream and Toilet Water.



FUME S, in Dubarry, White Rose, W ,o od Violet and Lily of t he Valley. TOI LET WATERS, in following odors: Plaza, Rose of Omar, Lily of the Valley, Violet Sec, White Lilac, Gardenia, Colossal Emery Boards.

= = = = §

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Westerville, 0.

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' 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~


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Some Prices Which Look Goad


25c 75c =

Page Three


Mrs. \\'. :'11. Gantz ~:'vlamie ~-ou,;! and useful ., ystem which enables Dr. \\·. G.' Clippinger, I "ro,·es I prc,cnted her piano pupils in people of all classes to expect to see P r esident Otterbein College, ..l n :c llal at tile l'resbyterian church all of Japan. Everyone pays a cer- \V cstervil le, Ohio. ,n \\ cstervill c 1ast Thursday e,·ening. tain small sum every year to a c-er- Dear Sir: s\-fo,c than a "core of young pcoµ,e tain company and after a lapse of a \\'e take pleasure in ad,·ising that tool, part 111 the pro g ram. number of years. that person is entitl- 1 we will stop our trains, 604, 624. and cd to a trip. There arc about 2.; or 605 at \\' estcrville on signal during Interesting Letter Received From :io in each group of sightseer~ to- the commencement period to accom­ Floyd L . Roberts, '21, of Kyoto, Japan gcthcr with a competent guide. .\II modate visitors. expenses are met by the company and (Signed) L. B. Freeman, Dear Friends at Otterbein: the ightseer has nothing to worry Division Passenger Agent. I can't write to c1·ery one so 1'11 about . Japan is full of the e parties ,1-r1tc to e\'eryone. li J had written at this time of year. tnrce months ago .I could have told So much ha been written about you ail all o ut Japan. l could ha,·e Japan that it is difficult to pick out the rnterprcted her thought for you and most interesting things but I wonder could have made a ,·cry interesting if you have ever read about the bar- , letter. You know, the best and most 1 hers of Japan. The most striking readable book. about Japan are those thing about them is that they do not I written by men who have \'isitcd J a­ (Continued on page five.) pan for about three month . Every- I 06.

I II the Chicago Tribune of last \\ 'cd11l'sday appeared the rnnounce­ mcnt of the engagement of Charles R lknnett of \\'estcrville and Miss Louise I lamilton Harsha of Chicago. Miss I larsha is a graduate of the l'ni­ vcrsity of Ch icago and is at pre ent as,istant general secrcta rs of the Young \ \ ' oman's Chri stian :\ssocia­ tion of the u11i,·er ity. The date of the wedding ha. not been announced. '15.

Thomas H. Kohr of tbc Statt> l{oad South, \\'esten·i llc, will deliver the charge to the people at the instal­ lation tomorrow even ing of th e Rev ­ erend \ \I. J. Holmes as pastor of the Presbyterian church in Westerville.


Profc sor Glenn G rant Grabill presided at the organ during the sp ring ccrc m.onial of th e Shriners which ,,·as held in Co lumbus la t F ri ­ day and aturday and was attended by seve ral thousand people from all parts of Ohio. ' 00.

Mr . Theodore M. Beal (Pauline \Vatts ) and children retu rn ed to their home in Brookvill e, Indiana, last week a'fter spendin g two weeks .vith Mrs. Beal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Watts in vVesterville.

'1 3.

'09, ' 16. At the annual meeting of Eas t Ohio Branch of the W o m a n's Mis ionary Association, held recen tly in Denniso n, Ohio. Mrs. A. H . Syler ( Mabel Putt) of Sugar Cee k, wa s elected fi r st vice-p residen t and Mrs. E lm er E. Cooper (Lydia Garver) of Canton wa elected treasurer of the organization for the coming y ea r.

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ki ng ( Zella Bates) of the Otterb!in Home Lebanon, Ohio, attended t te centen­ nial celebration of Genenl U . S. Grant at his birth place on Apri l 27, having received a special invitation from Judge Hugh L. ichols, chair­ man of th e celebration committee. '94.


one knows more about J apan after three month than they ever will again.

Mth O er



So 1'11 ju t start out by sayi ng that i,f you have any preconcie,·ed ideas I about J apan, l believe that if you will just_ comple tely reverse them, you will , be Just as near the truth as you wer~ before. Some people ay that the Japanese are just t he same as other people, o th ers say they are d ifferent. 130th ideas arc both co rre ct and false. But th e r e are some things of which ,,·c can be ouite sure. In the first IS place, Japan is one of th e most beauti­ fu l, most fascinating po t s on ea rth. Of co ur e, "home" is always the most attra c ti ve but l think J apan comes second. Bein g so mewhat of a ''bum" I'v e seen quite a bit of Japan alr eady and l'vc never seen more beautiful mountains, more impressive water­ falls, more pict ur esque temples, more g lo ri ous sunsets or more e nchanting moonlight n ights than I have in J a ­ pan. Add to all that the cha rmin g manners of the people, th e brillian cy of color in nature and costume, the tinklini and boom in g of templ e bells and all the smells and sounds of th e More Goods for Same Money. o ri ent, and you have a picture which Same Goods for Less Money. is irres is table. One can neve r forget Japan! Especially at thi time of year, Japan i in her glory. We are in the mid t of the cherry b lossom season .!,! I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111 I I II I I I I I III I I I III I I I I I I Ill 11 Ill 111111111111111111 I I I I I I IIII I !J.1 % which is one of the most well known beauties of Japan. There are two widely advertised things in Japan. They are Mount Fiji and the cherry -

What will you do for 1'1 ayl4 That Mother's Day. Why n ot "Say It with Flowers" - Carnations

The hape will be narrow this eason and solid colors will be in vogue. ' Drop in and look over Roses, Tulip s--anything, our comp lete line of ent anyw_b,~re at ~ny neckwear, priced from pnce. 50c to $1.50 'll be well repaid Pl ace Your Order Early. You ·

Johnny .Mayn e I


~m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111g


Norris& Elliott



'87. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Timber­ man of Col umbu s were called to Mc­ Co nnelsville. Ohio, last week by the blossoms. The spring seaso n is also a fe tival and sight-seeing time. The death at hi home there o'f },frs. Tim­ Japanese people have developed a very berman's father, Elia M. Slanbery.

's Hop1·· n g Here

Spring Neckties

= -=-==

= Our i=_



= i


new store, 35 W. Broad St., also at :: 22 . High St., ColumbuF-, 0. Corsages and Fancy Ro'-es A Specialty.




= = =

When you need Coal we need you : -


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. Visit our new store when in the city.

RAY M. JOHNSON Is our agent at Westerville.


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Page Four

WE'VE BEEN THINKIN' should live. Could it be be tt er ex- 1 pressed than in living, growing trees? Memorial Day will soon be here. · " Piggy" and t he his fellow grunters K ow is th e time for action on that gave us just about the bestest serenade Published Weekly in the interest of subj ect. It is for the student council ever. If the organ grinder or one of Do you hesitate on account of the Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHIN G to draw up the plans and then it is for the shadowy forms which danced worry of obtaining hotel accommo­ BOARD each student in Otterbein to pledge about the organ had held out a cup Westerville, Ohio we would gladly have tossed in our dations and railroad tickets? M ember of the Ohio College Press his support to those plans. tl:ank offering. Association The American Express Company has WANTED : TRACK MEN T hat we wish the " Organistes" who just what you want. STAFF In th e track meet with Denison, last tickled our shell pink ears (they were Editor ·-·- ··-··-·········· J. W . Seneff, '23 i;;tant Editor ........ H. R. Mills, '24 Saturday, Captain Newell ran the half out for the night) with melodious Our tours cover the world mil e, th e mile and the two mile. In melodies Sunday night would acquire Corttributi-ng EditorsBonnibel Yanney, '23 each event he competed with fresh that ivory soap quality and "always Call Citizen 224 for information. DeLno Adams, '23 Business Manager .... T. E. Newell, '23 men. He won the admiration of the keep up". Assi tant Business Managers­ spectators by a rare exhibition of the T hat a few time pieces around here Clifford Foor, '24 old never-say-die spirit. It is not our ne:d adjusting. We suggest that you F. M. Pottenger, '25 Cir. Manager....Marjorie Copeland, '23 purpose to eulogize the track captain. take 'em to Dean McFadden. That is not necessary. His worth is A i tant Circulation Managers­ That there are s ome real cooks in Katherine Pollock, '24 known. our school. Bewai:e young · men I Edith Oyler, '25 v hen a man is called upon to bear They know that they have the key to Athletic Editor .......... H. V. Miller, '23 ~ As t. Ath. Eilitor ...... \: . P. Camp, '25 th e train of fourteen laps of racing; your hearts and that another such Local Editor~----- --- - , W. Elliott, '23 when he is forced to run after he h.a breakfast would put Leap Year out Iumnal Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 nothing left to run on except hi of business. Exchange Editor .... Ruth Roberts, '24 nerve· then m thin"" is wrong ome­ That " Hank" must feel like a newly­ Coch~an H all EditorMarj ora Whistler, '23 where. wed since he has received so many Li terary Edftor ........ Baul Garver, '25 Otterbein could not compete with congratulations. Again we pat you on Westerville, Ohio Deni on on equal terms becau e she the back Hank-you're some pitcher. Addres all communications to The could not run fre h men again t fresh Otterb ein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. That we're proud of our tennis men. There are too few men out for Colls!ge Ave.. Westerv ill e, Ohio. players. May they continue to serve Subscription Price, 2.00 Per Year, track. Otterbein ha a good track those balls and their school well. team. Recruits are needed to make payable in advance. her finish the season a winner. Help That if worry drives the pounds away Entered as second class matter place Otterbein on an equal footing some of us will be walking skeletons Septem bei: 25, 1917, at the postoffice with other chooJ in t.rack. ou are soon. Why the deuce don't some one 109 S. State St. at 'vVes tervi lle, 0 ., under act of a truly respon ible for the ucce s or stage that fire drill in Cochran Hall March 3, 1879. Accepta nce for mailing at special failure of the track ea on as i any and get it over with? r ate oj po tage provided for in Sec. man on th e team. Get into a track That our flag pole does look good 1103, Act of O ct . 3, 1917, authorized uit and do your duty. Don't drive a now. Apr il 7. 1919. willing horse to death! East College Avenue

Are you going travelling this summer?



Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at


WOLF'S G. W. Henderson, M. D . Hours By Appointment.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

EDITORIAL Memorial Day Observance.


PHONES This Hits Us.

Bell 84-R

Citizen 26

' a le you ca n how omehow, in­ In coll ge all over the country at dication of persistent growth, we'll this time of year plans are being made for th e ob ervance of Memorial Day. r eca ll your licen ~ to teach ." That i t he basis upon which the Custom at Otterbein has et Memo rial DENTIST Day a picnic day and it is not to be Hon. 0. T . Corson would p lace teach­ er s who hold life certificates. 15 West College Ave. expected that that tradition will be Corson explains, "I have absolute­ Bell Phone 9 Citizen Phone f 67 di carded. However, with seven gold star de ­ ly no patience with the teacher who corating our service flag of the recent look upon a life license as an inFor all that is good to eat see World vVar, and one hundred and urance policy pro tecting that teacher All good thing for luncheons and seventy-five sons of Otterbein on the fr om ever reading another book or pushe . Let us upply you. roster of civil war veterans, not for ­ ever taking another educational book or journal. I wi h there were ome getting tho e veterans df the pani hmerican war and the World War way of te ting teachers to find out men who came back, it i at least very whether they a re growing or are hav­ deplorable that we pa s Memorial Day ing lucid interval ." with no other recognition than that There i omething that hould we enjoy a holiday; and that when it sound a warning to each of u . If is po sible to hold memorial ervice after college we ettle down into a 31 W . College Ave. early enough in the morning so a not ni ce, mooth-beaten path which grows to inte rfere with picnic and holiday deeper but not wider and con ider thi WESTERVILLE, OHIO time pent in Otterbein a having plans. Citizen Phone 110 Bell Phone 190 In many colleges a special memorial given us all we can hope to get in f ature has been inaugurated, that of mental growth we will neve r go far. planting trees as monument to tho e That .per on who feels sure of having men who gave their lives in ser­ attained hi greatest growth merely by vice. It bas been sugge ted to us by having finished college i a dupe. an Alumnus that such a plan be fol­ Growth hould cease when life cease lowed at Otterbein as a part of thi there i omething to be learned eve~ 1Sc 1 year's memorial service. That plan day that we live, in school or out of SO j feas ible, seven trees properly placed school, and cob-webs of content in would add much to the appearence of growth should have no place in our the campus, and the plantin g of even mind. trees and the provision of suitable "Who reads and Teads and doe not name plates would not demand too much in labor, time, or money. It is what be knows, I like a man who plows and plows most fitting that we follow some such plan, the memory of those seven men and never sows."

W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.


WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Moses & Stock, Grocers Westerville, Ohio

SPECIAL C. W. Stoughton, M. D. Fine Box Candies at cost this week, at DR. KEEFER'S DEBATE CARDS

B. W. WELLS Tailor

for -------·-·----------------

100 for .. ·--·-·---------------- 25c

Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS

The College Avenue

Buckeye Printing Co.


Page Five


rant people rattl e it off like an ordi­ I am Sincer ely. nary per on would speak English. Its Floyd L. Roberts. tru ly marvelous! 21G Muro Machi . I mad egawa Agaru, I have been reading a g reat deal Kyoto, Ja pan. about plans for the Diamond· Jubilee which I'm certainly sorry to miss. Bu t I shall celebrate in one way or another. , ZE GRAND BANQUET ' Perhaps Rev. Yabe and I can celebrate together. By "Doublay" Hoping to meet some of you in Ja­ My friend and me go on ze banqt pan some day and many of you in th e hall Fnited States, And one. two t'ree friend more. \Ve got no date-we are too scare, Our wife. he make a roar. Togezzcr we come on ze banquet bl F ix up so nice as you wi h. If you want to know how to walk, But zc guys wiz date get all ze pl.;:, always remember your shoes and \\'e get put out-extinguish! shoe repairing. Give a thought to What's all this talk about Zey Jix us a table dans la cuisine your feet then b e able to forget them. For us who are extingui h We are doing work while you wait. .\n'ze pretty girls so tri: jolies A trial will convince you. Zcy bring to us ze dish. Remember your failins'', I sez. An' Ed cz, "Ab", scz he "Th' fust thing I think of \Vh en I strike town Is them gol-dum failins" Sez he.



Dan Croce says


Tht May Morning breakfast Sat­ urday morning seemingly brought a host -of friends, relatives and alumnae to the dormito r y for the week-end. Con. equently Cochran Hall was a Our cal,,c is fix up, oh so nice scc·nc ,_. one push after another for Zcy prcad it wiz a heet. several days. Zey bring us ze kuiie, ze fork, tv


SHOE SHOP entertained her spoon 27 W. Main St. Alice Hunter "'1i·ss Lyda ,1,. 11 • \\ (.' gu to work-toute de uite ! Westerville, 0 . mother and a friend, " Moy<:r. o ,·er the week-end. \\ e have ze ta~le you know-tout se n d we ack like ze blame darn rool Th<.: .\fo,ses, Charlotte Owen and \1 e spill zc water a tell ze Joke Gladys Tinnerman, bo th of Dayton. Au' !all ourself off ze stool. vi it~d Florence Stephens, Faith Seyk . . ma ·e for ze ladies bea ucoup fried , and Thanet Cridland over the \ \ c work ' week-end. A p ush wa given Friday Dut zcy laugh and make ze mile. night in th ei r honor. Zey bnng us all that we desire Fontelle Be ll and Ru th D ailey h ave An' we hnish up a fter wlule. been vi iting Geneva Braley the pa t week. They were all g ue ts at dinner Zen we go in to ze banque t hall at the Dormitory, Sunday, as wer e An' si t where we desire. Lois and Fern Coy, and Alice Abbott, L.e toastma!>ter, she is lrishman who wa- vi iting Edna D ellinger ove r ::,he' name is .!:'at McGuire. An' all ze peoples make much laug t he week-end. 1\t ome s tbri es he are told. Opinion always varies as to the per- But we don ' t laugh. We keep tot onnel of a g ro up of sere naders, o , still you can imagi ne the confu ion Satur- l\'o us avons resp ec t for ze old! -cJav morning after h aving three serenOne time ze toa stma!)ter speak of m ade, the night before. Of ze gues t so--extinguish. D oris handl ey and Carolin e W eis- But h e n ot know our na1ne so ¼ loge! of Chilli co the were Sunday don' t g et g uest of Elizabeth Saxour. To make ze speec h we wish. Mrs. Frank and ers had as her gue t A la Jin M'sieur Prexy make se ri oi; speech Mi s Golf of Ft. Wayne in who e n' exp1ain hi!> heartfe lt view. honor he ente rtained in Room 204 Zen we wake up ze fres hman and tak Friday night. him home. Harriet and Mar,iora Whi ti er had t\n a bo n temps is have par tous ! as th eir guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. D . B. Whistl er, Howard Whist ler and Interesting Letter Received. pencer hank. ( t...ontinued fr o m pag.: three.) Miss Net ti e Lee Roth '15 and Mis Boneta Jamison '14 pent• the week­ end with friends in Cochran Hall. The Owl lub gave a s lum ber party Saturday night in their honor.

J. G.

? •

Note-Watch the bulletin board.


IIII IIIIII IIIIIII II Ill llllllllll II Ill lllllllll Ill llllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill Ill lllllllllllJI

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Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and

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bore you to death by asking if yo u d, not want a hair singe or a shampo, -

Flowers That Please It's not so much what you say as what you do and the way you do it. Do It With Flo


MUNK FLORAL CO. See ED NEWELL, W estervt'11e, Q ,


etc. They just go ahead and g ive yo· Tillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~I every thing and charge the same pric for e very one, which is about 20 o Oth er guests in the Dormi~o'.y 25 cents. They add many things too i ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll w e re Mrs. D . J. Wetherill who v1s1t­ you ca re for it. They will shave you ~ e d her daughter Marguerite, the eyebrows or give you eight kinds o Mi sse Evelyn and Margaret Pifer ma age etc, all for the same price. 0 T O CO LLEGE MEN AND WOMEN and Marv el Seibert, g uests of Edythe An:y hustling Co_llege Mao or ~Voman ca.u make $60.00 or $80.00 a week. Eby, Mi s Florence Perfect, wh o visit­ ~~u;~: t:::t\~e:.a~u~o:hb~: i~~l~e~~e: ellmg the Mo01tor elf-Heating Iron. Enable housewife to iron in ed Helen Kreihbel. tainly be intere ted to know that th, coole t ro om or out on haded porch-a hot weather seller unsurpassed. women patronize barber shops jus : Observations of Abner. $60 to $80 a week the same as the m en and have pra.c § \ Vo rk all or spa.re time. A few weeks work ti cally the same work done. during vacation will pay your expenses in :: The other day For the benefi t of Prof. Rosselot an( _ 1 seen Ed Higgins college next year. Ask for BIG Illustrated for th e encour agement of thos e takinr Circular and pamphlet "How I Paid My H eaded fer town French, I mu t say that this Japa.n es, An' I knowed darned well Expe nse Through College," written by a § language is the bigge t riddle ever in, ~ college man. Act now and cli nch your claim He'd gi t fuller 'n a goat vented. Bu t the strangest part o f it is on choice territory. So I sez, " Ed" sez I, th at even th e little children, seem t~ THE MONITOR SAD IRON CO 507 " \,Vhen you git to town und er tand it and comparatively igno, . Fay St., Big Prairie, Ohio __ 111111 111111111111 1111 1111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii1




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Fine ,Business Offer for Vacation



Page Six

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MIAMI TRIUMPHS \ ''Bob" Martin. a lt ho ug h hamp ered TENNIS MEN WIN by injurie , displayed some of his old . d f rom p;ige one. ) fo rm a nd in,. the doubles was ab ly sup,, (Cont111ue po r ted by 'Gord Howard, who p layw ith the two horns and a harpooned I ed a co nsistent game. tail came fo r t h. snee.red orders into Summary: Singles. Martin vs. Gor­ Wolf's ear, an d he deliver ed. . . I den, 6- 1, 6- 4. Doudna vs . Cornetet Some happy day Otterbe111 will , 6·3. 6-4. "$hake" that ji nx . In th e m eantime I . • • 1 Doubles-Martrn and H o \\'ard vs. 1 B. . d u C she will pl ug, curse, pray a nd plug. 1 6 3 "H an k" p e rf orms W eII . I O \\ n an , me o.,n ey - , 6-3. VARSITY TEAMS TAKE R O AD VARSITY BLANKETS USEFUL Millard Hancock made hi s initial Judges- ·Bones Sa nd er s, "Al" Matbow to home fans and pitched with too n. B aseball Team Goes to Delaw are That W ell-ordered Gift of the Class of H. h S credit th roughout the game. Two of F nkl' C Tracksters to Gambier While N et '21, Greatly Appreciated-Class three clean hi ts we r e mad e off o f him ra m ounty ig chools Men Jaunt Two Times. of '22 Is Challenged. i!1 the fatal ninth. The other bingle to H old T rack M eet Here Saturday Otterbei n teams will be road teams Since warmer weather is now with co unted for not hing. Miami's other Next Sa turday th e athleti c fi eld wi ll during this week-end. O n W edn es­ us one's memo ry turns to the time tally was made in the eighth when be the sce ne of th e second annual day th e 10th , th e tennis men ½'.ill only a short distance away when it L oe man was hit, stole seco nd and F ra nklin Co unty track and fie ld meet. ttavel to Granville where D eni so n's was " kinda chilly" . Then it was that third, and went hom e on a wild throw The meet will be h eld und e r the aus­ net men will be met. On Friday, the th e great utility of tho se varsity to th e hot corner. pi ces o f th e Westerville and Bexley 12th, the track men go "up the line" blankets was em phasized. If you do " Wes" Seneff ato ned in advan ce for hi gh schools, and every high school to meet K enyon. This dual should not know it yo u should-those blan- hi one misplay by getting half of of F ranklin Co unty not in Columbus k ets were a gift of the class of '21. 0. C.'s hits and driving in h er two has bee n invited to take part. They arrived a trifle late, but oh how t;.llies. The me et will con sist of twenty-two H eads Up At KenyoIL handy th ey were. They were used Milders st ru ck out eight batter s. different track and field ' e;e1~ts for during the greater part of the football while "Hank" brought five scalps both boys and girls, ranging from the Kenyon College has secured season to a good advantage. Thei r h e me. 50 yard dash for girls to the mile run the service of Stark, Olympic use did not end there, eit her. Coach O tterbein R. H . PO . A. for boys. · Such novel events as a Ath lete, to groom the Purple Ditmer is a stickler for fresh air dur- Mignery, 2b ............... 0 0 3 3 three-legged race and putting th e five athletes for Friday's meet with ing b-asket ball practices. When h e George, 3b ................. 0 0 0 3 pound shot, both for g irls, are on the Otterbein. jerked a man out of practice for a Anderson, 1. f............. l 1 2 1 program. While a track team cannot be few minutes nothing saved colds and Howe, r. f . ................ 0 A committee from th e Leaders' 0 0 0 made in a week this m eans that ,'stiff muscles like a nice warm blanket. Martin, s. s................. 1 1 0 4 Co rp s is active in making arran_i;:-eOtterbein must HUMP. They were used to a good advantage Leffel, c. f ................... 0 0 1 0 m ent for judges etc. Otterbein wi ll on th e player's bench duirng games Seneff, c. ··-················· 0 2 7 0 have a splendid opportunity to show · Lehman, lb ............. 0 0 14 0 these " nea r home'~ high school folks be "ea sy picking" for Otterbein . The too. Those blankets were a Godsend Hancock, p............... 0 0 0 5 a good time and to impress them with same day will find O tterbejn and trac Totals .................... 2 4 27 16 the college. A number of students will Muskingum at it in tennis at New during early baseball and practices and games. T hey will be Miami R. H. PO. A. be asked to officiate in one capacity or Concord. another, while eve ry other OtterbeinThe varsity baseball team will tan­ used again and again. They're at1 8 O ite can do a good piece of woTk by gle with Wesleyan at Delaware on the tractive too. It was some gift to Munn • lb. ········--···· O 1 1 O O " showing up" and h elping mak e these luc)ty (?) thirteenth. (Saturday) . Otterbein; one that is useful as well Loeman, s. s . ············ 5 as ornamental. Class of '21, you are Nippert, I. f. ............ O O O young ters feel at home. It will be a othing could please Otterbeinites 2 big boost for the college. O O more than to see that haughty Metho­ to be congratulated and thanked pub- Hopkin • Zb. ·············· O 1 2 3 Davis, 3b. -·················· 1 The tennis championship meet will dist crew trimmed again by that licly. 2 0 0 be held on May 20. ow what of the class o-f '22? Of Jones, c. f . ·-·········--····· O "little school from nowhere." 1 1 9 The next home contest will be a course it is going to leave something Wolf, c. ········-············ J " Dell" Stalling , three year Oberlin behind! Perhaps its members have Wright, r. f. ·············· O 0 0 0 baseball "love feast" with Kenyon on nd er, r. f. -············ O come to a partial decision on the kind Re O O 0 ll-O hio football man, will coach the Friday, May 19. 2 · Crimson and Gold next fall. Lawof gift. Seniors, you have the chal- Milders, p. ·····-·········· O 0 O 3 27 8 rence McPhee, also an All-Ohio footlenge. Your predecessors have set Totals - ·········--····-·· 3 Cinder Ticklers I dle as "Jupe" Upsets Rain Can the .mark in combining usefullness and Miami .......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-3 3 2 ball men will coach the track team. beauty. W look to you to reach or Otterbein .... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 4 5 ===============~ s the T. & C. went to press last pass that maTk. Errors : Munns, Wolf, Mignery, Mollday Prof. Martin was sending out . George, Seneff, Lehman 2. the "S. O . S." 'for a track meet. The Cham p1~ns May Visit O tterbein. Stolen bases: Loeman 2, Anderson, only place h e could find an open date If tentative arrangements are sue-! Martin, L effel. Sacrifices: Munns, was down at thens. But that same ces ful Otterbein tennis fans may see Loeman e, Howe. Earned: ~uns: old fellow that was forever up etting a pair of net champions in. action Miami, 2; Otterbein, 2. Home run, things earlier in the spring, Jupiter fore long. The gentlemen tn questtoJ1 Wolf. Ba es on balls: Off Milders Pluviu by name, got on the job are ''Pete" Schaffer, former Tri-State 2; off Hancock, 2. Struck out, Mild~ again. He "busted'' the nozzle off hi to get the famou Champion, and Wm . A. Larned, seven er , 8; Hancock, 5. Left on bases: sp rinkling can and made tl)e Atheni­ times the World's Champion. Miami 5· Otterbein 5. Double plays : an's athletic field fit for nothing short "Bob" Martin i a per onal friend of Marti~ t~ Migner/ to Lehman. Hit of an aquatic contest. Blendon Fruit Salad Mr. Schaffer, and if the match is by pitcher: Loeman. Umpi,e-Mr. Mr. Martin might have brought the brought about it will .be due to Mar- Ma on. Ohio U. men to the shores of Alum tin's effort . They will.meet the Wes0 . C. 2, Muskingum 1. Creek, but he felt that a frack meet a leyan racqueteers at Delaware on the (By W. Camp.) With Ice Cream week for two weeks would cause "un­ 15th and are willing to come to Otter­ Thursd ~y afternoon Otterbein netted due financial strain" on Otterbein's bein on the 16th or 17th. The way already emaciated athletic purse, so matters look right now all that could a victory ·in her first court tourney activities ceased and the cinder · agita­ prevent a meeting would b e schedule oi the season. The visiting Mus­ any place except at the kingum team furnished some snappy tors were idle. complications. playing for the spectators. 1n the singles, Doudna of Mus­ More Changes in Net List. Coach Ditmer saw Miami laughter Graduate Manager Martin announ­ We leyan in track aturday, Ditmer kingum beat Cornetet, but "Bob" ce changes in the tennis chedule as says that the Miami men won on Martin r taliated by defeating Gorden. n ll"' L l ~ 1 J. 1n the doubles, Brown and McCon­ fellow: Wesleyan here .May 16 in­ "pure guts." ley of Muskingum were defeated by stead of Jupe 9. We~leyan at D ela­ The gymnasium floor of Ohio Uni­ Martin and Howard. Although ware on May 29. versity's proposed 200,000 men's "Rus " did lose hi set he. can be con­ J' [.l y gro u r;t Q. b all is all the Tage over gymnasium will accomodate three gratulated, for at all times, he pushed basketball games at a time. Doudna. at Ohio Wesleyan now. "A k a Customer"








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Page Seven


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Y . W . C. A. Girls Feed Hungry Stu- : dents and Townspeople at Annual May Morning Fete.

~ AnnounceRlent

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And it came to pass that the daugh­ ters of the great o·rga niz jltio n, Y. W. C. A. gathered together all the food § which th ey had begged for in the city of Weste rvill e and did hoard it away _ in the Cochran Hall Store House. And on the appointed day they fell upon that food and did prepare it for the mouths of men with great skill. And when the multitudes arrived they were commanded to sit down at the tables. And the people perceived that great miracles had been wrought during the wee small hours. On the board which was labeHed "Senior" ,~ as a splendid array of young um- brellas and dolls; and it was good. And behold! two daughters of the tribe of Juni ors had builded a bridge _ w hi ch would hav e made Cae ar turn a greenish blue hue if he had been present. And the bridge was placed over the "Cooky Pan Waters" and the " Junior" canoe floated under it toMerrill W . Mignery. ward "Senior Isle": and it was good. Did you know that "Min'' is one of And lo! into that chamber where : 0tterb;in 's baseball veterans? Did oft men fear to tread an host of blue. you kno\\' that he is one of the bird had flown and hovered over the classiest college eco nd basemen in table of the Sophomores: and it was _ Ohio? Did you know that as captain of good. And the children of the class this year's varsity team he is the lead­ of Freshman had created two green in g hitter and base tealer? D id you clad kewpi es in their own likeness and : 'know that "Min" has been a member urrounded them with herb of the Yo~ are cordially invited to see them of the track team for two years; is the same color: and it was good. during the day, at any time that suits fastest dash man in school? If you did your conve ni ence. And the tribes of Prep, Music, Art § no kno\\' these facts you cannot say and Alumnae contended with each l I that you are up - on Otterbein athle­ other for th e mo t beautiful decorr tic . ations: and they were good. Merrill Mignery is primarily a ba e­ And when the multitude had per- ball man. !though he is playing for ceived all these things that had come : hi fourth consecutive. year at second to pass they did all eat, and were fill­ base his quiet manner and unassu(Tling ed: and it was all good. air have kept him out of the pub lic And they that ate were about two eye to a large extent. hundred men, besides wives and "best ~ III III I 11111 nm 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii1 Mignery i fast. It takes speed gi rl s" fox they un d,e,stood that it is to teal bases by the dozen and to beat not good that man should eat alone. out one bUJ1 t after another, to · say nd the treasury of the Y . W. C. A. nothing of lightning plays in the wa filled and there was great rejoic- ,:!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 field. Before our goo d friend M. A. ing among the cooks of Cochran Hall : : Ditmer had coached "Min" in ha eball very long he saw his track possibili­ ties . and it wasn't long before he was trying ome steps the cinder path. From the first, "Min" wa a ucce s this week cam, homef«h•g qoite fo- _ as a track man. In his first meet formed and in tru.cted . Ma.r Eliza1 l'l J against Heidelberg last year he earned beth Brewbaker led the meeting and _ 1>111! 11-. '• a track "O", winning the 220 and fi n­ the topic was "Current Events in Y. ome time ven oil ge i hing a .clo e second to Peden in the vV. C. . ~o. NORTH H1GH 100. A couple of weeks later Kenyon people get narrow minded and then i vi ited Otterbein for a clual meet. · fo they n ed a m etiog uch a thi to the meantime "Min" had picked up a wake th m up an<l get them_ iotere tec:1 1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111nI111111111111111 1111 1IT he meetini few more track fundamentals. H;e won­ in world-wid affairs. Tu day evening certainly was a both the 100 and 220 in a walk. little later he competed again t fa ter pleasure. company and contributed to Ott r­ French Club Writes S tories. '; ·b rt ~ bein's score in the Quadrangular 44 North State Street • Last Monday evening at eight­ Meet at Wesleyan. thirty Le Cercl Francais met and Last winter "Min" tried out for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars Fine Pipes enjoyed a pleasant evening. The basketball. He was by no means a Cigar Holders, Tobaccos ;nd Smokers: president called the meeting to order kinds. Films D eveloped and Printed. Supplies. "slouch" on the court, but as he had and the bus.ine s of the club wa Parkers' Fountain Eens, Even Flow never been coached in the gam before OPTICAL DEPARTMENT tran acted. The remainder of the he was put into only one varsity fray. Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye e, ning wa pent in playing french Ink Pencils, Sheaffer', Ever Sharp As previously hinted "Min" is now Shades and Goggles. Examination games. Di.µ-ing the meetin~ original Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us enjoying his best year in ha eball and a call. track. If you had not read these short stories were written and read Etc. aloud to the club. These brought out things you might not have kt,Jown ,rt • them for Mignery would never tell the fact that there is an abundance of rr literary talent in the club. YOU.

Mr. Apel, of The F. & R. Lazarus & Co.


will be at the Hotel Blendon Thursday, May 11 with a showing Qf the latest styles in Women's Shoes and Hosiery.


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BR 0THERS :h;~,:~::ty": : GQ_OD ·--- - ~MAN ~~~~~~ . . ; . : ; ; _ ; . ; ; . ; ; , . J E"'UELER,c









'Page Eight


DARN BILL! The other night Bill was out with a Vampette Bill being mode t t times Was vamped. She asked him what he would do If h e kissed him Bill told her that he'd

R ev. and Mr . Wright attended the commencement exercises at Bonebrake Seminary· over the week-end. The smiling faces of "Duke'' Halder­ man and Wal-ter Roberts were seen on the campus over the week-end. Both gentlemen are graduates of last year's class and are now students in Bone­ brake. Members of the Lakota Club had a midnight "prowl" last Friday night. Outside of waking up the neighbor­ hood when they came in, we guess they had a goo_d time. According to a report in a Colum­ bus paper there are at least two Ot­ terbein girls w ho have an ambition to marry or at least to look over a Texas rancher. We know sever al Westerville ladies of considerable avoirdupois who are glad that the Freshman-Junior ban­ quet onl y happens o nce a year. How kum? Well it was like this, those tables were so close to gether that they were alrno t adjacent.

H•e reof. nd the mo t honorable king call ed Prexy did talk most impressive­ ly. Then for one minute each did "Pink" and "Al" and "Piggy" of the \ tribe of '23 voice their feeli;gs and eve n al o did Mary oel, "Coke", and

She wa n't to be che cked So -easily Told him that he c.ould Hold hi hands Bill was stumped For a second But rallied bravely nd said Yes, that's so. Darn Bill! Girls' Leaders Corps Elects.. At a meeting of the Girls' Leaders Corps Monday evening the ifolfo,ving officers were elected for the coming yea r, pre ident, Aline Mayne; viceyresident, Lucile Wahl; ecretarytreasurer, Fay Mendenhall. Thi orga nization is a comparatively new one. having been in existence but two years. On account of lack of adequate fac ilities the organization ha not been able to accomplish all it desired. However, its aims are high and with sooperation from the college we hope that these in part will be reali zed in the future when the new gymnasium ar ri ves.

"Red" Camp of the trib e of '25. And amid s train s of th e Otterbein Love Song did they depart and there was a confusion of tongu a each vied with the other iu doing ju tice to thi un­ precedented uccess.

~lllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll llllllll~


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: This i a collar-atThe May Morning breakfast was a JUNIOR-FRESHMAN The cap of Tweed success in more ways than one. It BANQUET ENJOYED _ tached shirt that has Mixtures that tops succeeded in getting some fellows out ( Continued from page one.) struck the popular of bed on Saturday morning before all w ell-dressed col­ were completely surrounded by white f 11 ten o'clock. 12.ttice on which grew beautiful cling- _ accord O the co eg e lege men- offered in " Chic" Staats paid his respects to the ing vines and wee, modest, crimson- _ man-no CO 11 e g e movie land of Columbus Saturday. tipped flowers and above their heads man's ward robe is a r ange of T w eeds did wave the blue, the sliver, the pink. La t Sunday a nd Mixtures t o meet and the green. : complete With O U t Gord and Rhea everyo·ne's p re ferAnd thrugh dim-lit aisles white 1 of t h e s e s e v e r a Went out to Devil's Half Acre robed figures did bear wondrous eats shirts. ence. To read a novel until the tabl es did groan and the ·, ~ ¢ For Dr. Sherrick's class mer ry make r s did eat until they did And Gord groan, then one of the tribe of '25 iW ·l Left his glasses named Strayer did arise and present llt. Lie on the ground the toastmaster who was a son of And he never missed them Erin named McGuire. A nd great was HIGH ST. AT LONG l!ll!:: jllll•••lliil''-1■\II• COLUMBUS, OHIO = Until he got back the gift of gab of McGuire and bis _ And then he said : fame spread abroad throughout all the : 'okes 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 By Gum vas t company an d many were the J So he went back he did crack. Then another Irishman And sure enuf who was called McCarroll did pro- ,!!lllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!.!,l They were just where he had left them claim a welcome to '23, and Toy of the : So he put them in his vest tribe of '23 did respond in character- = 5= P ocket E, istic style. And when he got back he found Sweet voiced maidens to the num- § That he bad lost them ber of four did burst forth in song and Out of his vest pocket one named Mason did expound most And then he said nobl y. Then Broadhead did produce § Consarn And went back to see sweet andwith it was saidwhen of him ~========that hemusic did play his toes he :~ Jf he could find them again was an infant. Then a maiden called : ~ But he couldn't Saxour did rel ate a story and one : (2) And then he said named Ewry did toast most teasing ~ By gum and consarn brown toast. : And sal bet and Judas Priest The guest honorable who was called : ~ C:OLUMBUS,O. §==And Razzberries Glover did expound and tears did come ~ , • A nd he was sore to the eyes of all the '23's as they did : And li st en ,for beautiful was th e sentiment TilllllllllllllllllltllUIIIIHIIIIIIHlllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff He hasn't found them yet.


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n~.-1-~llt11111 ~1•1 ~~


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Wh en contemplatinn Photos : = Rememher = = ~= =




Student Representative

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