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ar ina
VO L. 5.
No. 29.
Festivities fo r Big Birth day Celebra- I tion D uri ng Commencem ent W eek Are Arranged.
O tterbein Athletes Score Total of 81 P oints While Kenyon Aided By Train Makes 36.
NO TED SPEAKERS TO APPEAR I I Historical Pageant and Special Com- 1 memorative Day Services Will Be Extra Features.
, Kenyon Offers Little Opposition In Distance Runs and Pole Vault-
I n Field.
Plans are rapidly neari ng comp letion On Friday afternoon Otterbein for the celebration of Otterbein·, Diaswamped Kenyon in track at Gam1 mond ,\11ni,·ersary. Invitations have bier with a score of 81 to 3G . Only been sent out to over fifteen hundred I1 , "THE 0!-E TILE_ MILL" . . that no:orious 4:U train pre,·cnted alumni and friends of th<.: college. The To very few s_tudents now 111 Otterbein. does th1 ramshackl e old build- th e 0. C. athletes from whipping the following program with the names of , ing hold any mean_mg,_ but to that sma ll army of Alumni w hich has gone out Purple men hy the same margin as a speakers, is the latest ohtainahle hut 1 irom Otterbem this picture can not but call forth a host of pleasant memor- year ago (88-29). The meet was run is still subject to change. In addition ic._ of p!cni<:s ,skating or cano:ing parties_ or days of hard labor. We re- off very s owly, and in co11 sequence to th e speaker named. a repres enta- pnnt thts picture, both to conJure memones and to preserve to memory an was not finished when the a£oremcntive from the student body will h· old landmark. tioned ''-!:1S" came due. For that reacho sen and placed on the program. , son the mile relay was forieited to On Thursday. Jun e H. a _-t,,·rn Kenyon and "Big" \Vhite was robbe d o clock the Philalethean and Cle10rhe- I TRIANGLES BANQUET OTTERBEIN ATHLETIC CLUB of a tinal heave on the javelin and ' 1 t""n · t·1es wi·11 Jiold their Formal Social E vent o f y ear f or Coach Wike of Ohio State Speaks at "gave" the event to Mac El=au· , . 1 ,v"' o ~" I~t·t erary .s ocu' J uh'J s · hurled the spear 137 ft., 6 in. That is i ee · cssion 9 • Music Art and Academy Students ,. RaHy l{eld U~r Auspices of f. Friday, June !l. ,a t even ·clock. t 11~ ' • • a.c. l>elo.w \Vhi e:s bf.st. Ihe ct.lay wou ld .µa Philophrouean and J:'hi1omath ;m Lit• I Is Very Pleas~g Affair. Atliletic Club. b , an almo t .. urc c: • · ·11 l br te with -,..i;. .thing'' for 0. C., as lhe Kenyon 111 1 era 1 ?' · hc_iet es "'. ce e a The Triangles, Musi'c, Art, and Acavr. \Vilce, football coach at Ohio were pretty well tired out. special Jubilee Scs ions . demy stll(lent~. held their second an- Stale l'niverslly, gave an illu trat"Len" and Dwight Earn "O's."' The President's Reception for Sem- nual banquet la~t Mond~y evening. ed lecture as a part of the Athle The day was a hap py 6\ie for Leon ors and J uhilee g uests will he he!~ at This banquc was. very di_fferent from let!c ~lub's new propaganda cam ard Newell and Dwight l3 !auser, Each C'ochran Hall on Saturday e ning-. that of last year rn that 1t was more j paign, u, the College Chapel Monday of these men earned h:is .first "0". June 10 from ei'ght until ten o'clock. formal and more nearly approad1 -~d l evening, May 8. Kewell has plugged away for three uncl. ay, J unc 1l; will be known as tho ·c oi the college classc_s.. The The . thletic Club is a~, organization years now, and it was fod ed gnitify-, Ba_ccalaureate Da1. Bishop_ ~\. banquet room was very a.rtr hca!iy of alumni and ex-students who e pur ing to ee him amas 1i t. ta! .of tliir ChJ')pinger, Bishop of l e Cei1tral Dis· decorated with the class colors of pose is to ad\'ancc athlet~cs at Ott r- tc n p01nt by ,',.finning the high jump tr!ct of the United Brethren Church, orange and black, and the tables too, bei,n. l\4r. Ralpli Smith act · He. 'ng secohd in the man, i-ntroducing nator ill deliver the baccalaurrate sermon carried ou.t the ~lor scheme, 'Y'<?llo ile. at 10:15 a. m. in the · First l'nited pansies in black bowls. Every!hin_, who poke bi-i if f 1th s~r ..Brethren church. · e,·en the people, appeared attractive 1!,I athletic:, to educatipn. Mo1tda ·, Jun.e 12, i Student anp K·- the candle light. . cl o th~ da. student Day. t 110011 th rhe'learl The guest~ frotl'i outside the" c b tLer fuo and Philalethean Literar 'e will were Prof. and Mrs. C. R. Brady, ;in hold their annual ban uet:;;. Peden and Lucile '.F;"'-;Y• erbcin. The De ,1rt 10n had filei:I -into the e to nomics · the couples ha o~~c,e,d. until the { n ~gqr t eigh was b h s will r :llld then all d .: atcrioo, • b ton:t · of the Ott e (Continued on p he next and e lil-ened · athe ''eats". An yram.id. T ri is Lates n Pageant. Sunday School Class Party y'onc had don of the "llltiasiu.m cf as e · en im"0rtant nart of "Tl1 . " h t · · · I ~t or For.... mal s. t••d n s o£ Ott ein crry s or ca rtic1pan lll nt:ratnural con- i Otte Ju IH·1 e a . ·c1 t · t I will "" " mi sed an evening of fine e tertainr2s1 ;n u'l. r ~,; ~edak (s htbc inter-collegiate r e t hh;h i , to b ted iuent and a f d of Johnny • ayne's ' • . q111 u1l ng t, and remember by .rabill a 11 d rd d" this office very. well. 'T to win i not the vital thing," "id Tlie Unit·ed Brethreii ch h h . a · · l1t farnous delicaci last Tu d ay m p oi G R B d w· ,, " re c 01r ack r was r . . . . b. r \ ' e ~r1o"': by defeats. Do companied l>y a large orche tra will when they failed to attend the.. social ession t>f Dr. Sander's Sunday chool ke o11. a ~er,; ~1q_ueps~ Jec ' ab~1uce p~t11ci¥ ed'.id1 order to win. fqmi h. a ort of musical bac ground' la s wh1"ch wa he d 1·,n tli . 'B. Otterbein. ,,.,.,oy c en ga Jg g,uest1011 ' I you play the for the pageant pro ( h h" t £ th "F I ? 'JYa · gram o the hurch. parlor: and wh~ch was· attendttle of t $!d IS ~rythlot. ~. " o bamt?~' A'q_ua:e- y.f l l youliddo yo r P ant will be anno un ced soon. y of ca ~my e tcs. mong . es . senes o an t ern s es showo rk wi ll be started on the pa an t ed by only for ty wher:e ei~hty h Triangles was M' presented of the last t w ek · fr · J • . u 11 1vao . been e. p c t e d . s hort aiJd inter . Ed by y L. mg . v~wus famou play . , n·treeH ampshir ' and . IS "na aus]1 bye< year addc~ a bit of novelty_ an,d tor of the Pageant, ha anno unced tha t ing R.Togram w a enjoyed before rts and a great deal of mtere t t'o r. W 1fc.e s he- wil l d vote full nt11e to the. ~agea nt double-por tion of " eat ,, fini hed the gave a sho:t talk on the even· g' f . ·t· (Contrnued on pag two.) address. . work from now on 111 s e tiv1 1es. ·• J
ii~; \ .
. v~ ~"r.:t~ ~
Page Two
GAIN S BOROUGH H AIR NETS loca l organization. Vern o n L. PhilL';::,mme ncc m ent cxe ~cis es will be I lip s, Fi eld Secretary, r epresented th e held Thur sday, Jun e l5, Single M esh ................ ........................ 10c followin g th Acad emic Pro~essio n D o uble Mesh, 2 fo r ............................ 25c W ork of Music H ead W in s R ecogni- college and mad e the prin cipal address. tion in Columbus W h ere H e En- I --------a.t 9:-!5. th e Six ty- sixth Annual Comat P rofessor W est Honored. mcncement exerc ises \\·ill lJe h eld ..., '·ojoys Enviable Rep utation At th e r ece nt m eeting of th e Ohio I 1<111 R. Best. A. B., '92, Editor of '·Th e 1 :-\t a banq uet of th e Scottish Hite Coll ege Treasur er s' A ssocia t io n held Co ntinent. \\'ill del i\·er th e ad dre ss. Choir of Co lumbu s, re ce ntly, a at Obe rl in, Treas ur er W es t was re- I S co ttish Rite stick pin se t with pearls elected S ec r etary -T ea sur er of that or was give n to Professo r G. G. G rabill gan izatio n. in recognitio n of hi s services . T he ba n ouet was a hu ge affair of eighteen DIAMOND JUBILEE cour~cs and the hon o r bestowed up o n I · PLANS CO MPLETE Professo r G rab i_ll is wo rth y of not~- \ ( Continued from page one.) The work of. th is member of our fa,- 1,, cc t or ,, IJy C r o th er s an d ''E n t er ., , - ora, T'ld ul tv takes 111111 all over the state and E ·t D d" b F 1 out of th e state at times. and he has \ xi Y 'reeman . en. . a Tuesday, Jun e 1:l, will be A lumm 1 r a I d . . 1 h ccome one o f th e mos t po P u a I Day. C lass reu n10n s and a meetmg . . • C most soug h t-a fte r mus1c1ans 111 en. · \ of the Board o f Trustee.s wil l be he,u tr a I Oh10 · . ' I k A h .\I . Last Thursday night he played at a at mne O C oc ·. . t n oon, t e • umnl I Banquet wil l be held 111 the U 111t eu _ 1Janquet o f t he 01 en t angy C lu IJ . o f Co- I Brethren hur ch. from two unt1, . . Ium b us. heId a t th e So u thcrn H o t e I. · h h I d t o w h a t mus t I fo ur o clock 111 th e afternoon, a D em. . . L a st 111g t e p aye . f h. onst r atio n will be given by th e D eh ave b een t h e Iarge s t aucl1ence o 1s . . of Physical Ed uca.t1 o n.. . The e e Ce ream a Itat ome O ay· e cl ti1c c O un- partment career w I1en h. c ente r tam . , 1 Hi to n cal Pagea nt. 'The Spmt of 'd h h th d' f th try s1 e t roug e m e ium o e . ,, . . . will be gi ve n at eight · r a d 1.0-p I1011c a.t ti1c fi rs t IJr oa d cas t·mg O, tterb e111, . sa Ie stage d 111 . C o Ium b us b y o clock._ on a big . . the E rn er-Hop kin s Co. On ThursAnmversa ry ceremomes will be h eld day, May 25, he wi ll give a who le I on Wednesday, Jun e H, nniv ersary evening's recital at the First U. B. Day. chur ch at Ind ianapolis, Ind .. and w ill The At hl e tic. Breakfast will he held sta y over th er e to play at thr ee ser- at 6 :30 and the Oratory O breakfast vi ce on th e following Sunday. and Quiz and Quill b reak fa st at 8 :00. Wherever Pro'fessor Grabill goes the Folto,~·ing th e Academi c Processio n name of Otterbein is made known to at 8 :-!o, th e An 111 versary program w111 m1ny more people and we do not at- 1 be given. Vernon Reigle, Superinten• tempt to mea ure the good that hi s dent of th e State D epa rtment of Ed1 masterful skill does Otterbein, but we ucation of Ohio, will deliver an ad - j are all proud to ba k a. bit in the r e- dr ess 011 "Otter bein and It Relation i .!,III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI,!!
--=====-:=========== = ======:
v& C Peam !Jc .Pe!:,/ect"t.'olJ Just Right for Parties, P icn ics, Etc.
"G t th
H b'
T d
and E very Day."
fl cted(: ;;;~~;{~::p~g;;~o)il
Jfi~1ifPi~;:~:]~~I1; i Cr'ane Stat1·onery ;
ent other Ohio colleges. Both will speak upon th subject given above. A luncheon will be held ·for Jubil ee guest at noon. t 2 :00 p. m. another public program "O tterb ein and its Relation to the Educational World" will be given. Pr id ent . T. Howard. '!>-!, will give a hi torical ketch of Otterbein ollege and another addre will be given by a representative of one of th e larger univer iti e of merica.. A r eception for i iting Gue t. will be held at 5 :00 p. m . t 7 :30 another public program, "Otterbein in Its Relation to the United Brethren Ch ur ch," will be given. Dr. v . E. ch ell will repre ent th W esterville Alumni Elect. Board of Education , Bi hop W . B. t the meeting of the We ter vi lle Bell, the Board of dmini tration, and tterb ein lumni sociation in the Dr. S. . Hough will r pre ent other hri tian ociation Building last department of church life. Thur day evening, Profe or E. vV. E. Schear, '07, wa Te-elected p.re ident, Mi H !en Keller, ' 20 ecretary, and Mi s Dell La'fever, '92, trea u r er. The local alumni are busy making prepara tion for the nter tainment of vi ito rs durin g the Diamon.d Jubilee celebra tion Commencement time.
u ic. Of cour e this program was i;complete without it musical numb~ rs, which al o displayed ome of the taleut of the nm ical side of the Triangle. Mi Elma Rhinehart, accompained by M:i Helen chutt, played a violin solo, and a very plea ing piano number wa furni hed by Byron Wil01 . After the iuging of the' Otterb in Love ong, the whole affair was ended by a big "Yea. tterbein !" 11 were prepared to leave when in popped ' Jin1mi e" M cIntyre cryjng, "Ju t one minute folk ! it Teal still and watch the birdie."
= =
A1umni and ex-students of Colum b us and vicin ity to the n umber of cighty-foor assembled in the par lor of th U. B. church here in Westerville Saturday, May 6, for the last meeting of the year. The Columbus O tter bein Woman's Club was the guest of the
_ =
= -
= =
And Correspondence Cards are always suit-
= able for presents ; also Books, Memo Books·,
: -
= Pennants, P illows and College Jewelry, Type-
= writ er Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Tennis Balls -
= = 5 -
and Rackets, Gloves, Bats, Balls, Kodak Albums, •F ilms, Pocketbooks, Crepe Paper, Nap-
= kins and Magazines. = = =
Alumnal Meeting Held.
Always Happily.
iii II II III III I11111111111111111111 III II III II III IHI I II II II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ti
Page Three
·h , to th e chool at . the pre ent time .e n- 1ready to meet their obligation on re• t o b e k nown as th e J on da Cl u b , wit dcavor to ge t thei r accounts settled 1m- ceipt of the book, and announces that mediate ly as all accounts will be closed extra copies will be on sale. : Profes or Hanawalt as sponsor. Memo n May 31. Graduation fees for Sen- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I bers are E . D . Ford J. W. Lichleiter, iors mu t be paid befo re that time. N ew Social G roup. R . M. Johnson, E. B. Studebaker, M. I The Faculty has sanctio ned the or- B. Klepinger, S. A. Wells, and H . K. ganization of one more social group, Darling. Relations Club Elects. 0
, The International R e lations Club Iofficers fo r t he ens uing year will be:
M. GI d S • t f B President, L. L. White; vice-pre ident 1ss a ys w1ger o ar• Oh· h b t k" E. A. Schultz ; sec reta ry Margaret 1 10 10 ":' crton, as een a i~ g Graff;. Tan and ardin;l r ,., h· epo rter, g r aduat e work m ho u eho ld economics J M . . ariora v, 1s t 1er. at Simmon Coll ege, Boston the past . . Th b' 1 I year, has been appointed assistant . c c u s e ection and oc,al ses. · · f R d .ff C II C s1on at Dr. Snavely's hon1 e la.st Mono a c 1I e o ege, am. d 1eht1an ·d M h H d t· day evening was hortenect on accoun t n ge, r assac u se tt . er u 1e . , . b ·11 · l d I h f th o'f Dr. Wike s talk 111 the chapel but wi mc u e comp ete c ar ge. 0 e all members who were r t h d co llege lun ch room. Th e appomtment . bl . P e en a an speaks well for the work Mi ss Swigert enJoya e evemng a nd rega rd th e h d s· th• Doctor and Mr . Snave ly .a s ideal host as one at 1111mons 1s year. and ho tes . , 19 . b
Virgil B. Mayn e of Pescadero. California, received the degree of Ma ter of Arts at th e ommencement ex erci es o f t he Pacific School of R e ligio n in Berkeley. California, th e end of Apri l. The ubject of the th esis he presented was: "The Place of the L ocal Church in th e Building of th e Rural Commun ity."
A recent i sue of the Stivers News, published by the Stivers High School of Dayton, Ohio, carries an appreciatio n of Coach Elmo Lingrel of that school. It reviews the athleti c work of the year and gives high prai e to Mr. Lingrel for the staJ1d he takes for clean athletics. '17.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. H. Mertz ( eva Ander on) moum the loss of th eir five-month old baby boy. Mr. and Mr . Mertz were living in Texa , when the ·baby died, and came to their old home in Wabash, Indiana, for it burial. Th y will now live in Indiana. '18.
= = = : : :
TOILET GOODS " The kind that please" Cara Nome, Pomeian, Jonteel, Three Flower _ = and many others. HOFFMAN REXALL STORE
: 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 1!11 1 ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff
!! 111111111 uu~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 11
Y . M. C. A. '"Johnn y" George was the capabl e leader at Y . M . C. "'. Thursday evening. The subject of hi talk was " Mother. " J t was an impres ive service anJ ve ry fi tting beca use Mothers' Day was so nea r. Hi s n1ain poin t was courtesy to moth er. H ow many fellows, h e sa id wouid how th e utmo t courte y and re pec t w hen with their best g irl s but wh en they are around Mother they fa.i i to ee the place wher e they might help her and make her work lighter. A ft er "J ohrrny" poke the meeting was opened for di cu ion. Many of th e fellows gave their expe ri ences with Mother and told ho\.v they appreciated her. The ex- ervice m en told how ome mother had takei, th em in while in the ervice and treated them as their own boys. All th e men promi ~d to write ho me before Mother's Day and to tell her how much th ey appreciated her.
Edwin L. Shuey of Dayton, Ohio, pre ident of the board of tru tees of Otterbein. honored by the That 1922 Sibyl. Ohio Society of ons of he American From the business office of the 1922 Revolution by being elected president of that organization at its -recent meet Sibyl comes the welcome news that that eagerly awai ted annual i due to ing in Columbus, Ohio. put in it appearance yet this week. '11. The congregation 9£ Mill Mem The 1922 Sibyl will be a larger book orial nited Brethren Church in Lan than is u ual and will contain distinc ca ter, Ohio ha recently purchas tive special features. It has cost well orth over twenty-five hundred doUai:s and ed a fine new pa rso nage on Colunibu treet for its pastor, its business management has had to Thoma . Harper, and hi family. figure very close on expenses. The 'business manager of the publication re Treasurer's Notice. que ts that those subscribers who have otice comes from Trea su rer W es t not paid their ubscription in full be that anyone owing money on pledges '77.
= = == = == == = = = == =~ = == = = = == = = = = = = = ,!_llllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Two Pair of Trousers with each Suit 4
= = _
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ordered. It's a Saving of 33 1-3 o/£ . Ask us about it.
: :
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More Goods far Same Money. Same Goods for Less Money.
:~.1i.. .'.-.'-.~.~-~., ;--=i
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Norris& Elliott =
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-= -
0 ur new 22
°"· ,or~
t ore 35 W. Broad St., also at . High St., Columbus., O.
Cor ages and Fancy Roses A Specialty. Visit our new store when in the city.
= ;
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ill! RAY M. 90HNSON I ~
41 • 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111 11111 111111 111111111111 111111111111 1
Is our agent at West erville.
iii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
= ff
) proach.
We've Been Thinkin'
Are you going travelling this summ.er?
Strength That some of our trees arc rough \ \ ' c read of the feats of strength on rats and hair nets too. Rhea says Published Weekly in the interest of Otterbein by the performed by insane people and we one pulls at her every Sunday night. Do you hesitate on account of the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHI NG wonder at them. vVe can recall in Vve hate to think its a ma-1~ull but worry of obtaining hotel accommoBOARD 1 • our own experiences times when un perhaps a dog wood. Westerville, Ohio . k I dations and railroad tickets? That Whitey must hav e been t 11111 ·Member of the Ohio College Press I dcr the spell o f anger or excitement A ssociation ! we have don e some task that to our in· of the wrong girl when he threw \ The American Express Company has ordinary muscles would ha\·e been en- the javelin last Saturday. just what you want. STAFF tirely impossible. History tells us oi That Edna Dellinger was right Editor .......................... J. W. SM e11:eff, :2 impossible marches, unimaginable Assistant Editor ........ H. R. ills, 2 when she said that nothing was Our tours cover the world Contributing Editorshardships and privations and of heroic broken Friday night except our rest. Bonnibel Y anney, '23 deeds carried through by ordinary men Call Citizen 224 for information. Delno Adams, '23 who in ci \·il life would not have even That its luff luck to be six feet two Business Manager .... T. E. Newell, '23 d 1 bl f h when you're in a "One Cow Shay" A sistant Business Man agersdreame t 1emse 1ves capa e o t e Clifford Foor, '24 action which th ey accompli h under episode. l t orta gives you away . F .. 1~. Pottenger, :25 1 the urge of necessity, fear, hate or don'tcha know? Cir. Manager....MarJone Copela nd , 23 pat riotism. What is the source of that That \\"e'rc sorry we slandered the Assi 5t ant Circul~~~~e~f:;iaf~fl~ck, ,24 ability? McFadden ~lo ck. \\·e s till think that Edith Oyler, '25 Muscular trengt h and power of ac- it is "off'' rnme way th ough for instead Athletic Editor .......... H. V. Miller, '23 c01,1plishment are largely matters oi of strik ing as all good workers do, it Asst. Ath. E ditor ...... W. P. Cam p, ' 25 seH-conlidcncc. \,\' cak ness is mostly now ref uses to strike. Local Editor................ A. W. Elliott, '23 . l Alumna! Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 fear-imagination. nsanity banishes That there are other moth ers beExchange Editor ··- Ruth Roberts, '24 fea r. the stronger emotions make us sides Henry's who wou ld "just have a Cochran Hall Editorforget it; then supe r-self-confidence fi t'' if they could see their sons as Marjora Whi st ler, ' 23 reigns and incredible accompli hments they appeared on the Kenyon field last Literary Edito r ......_. Paul Garver, '25 f We terville, Ohio result. I we cou ld by the power Saturday. Most passengers of flat car of our wills make ourselves forget our Address all communications to The pullmans bea r distinguishing marks Otterbei n Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. inh creut fears and doubts we would be though. College Ave., W es terville, Ohio. giants, which is to say that a strong That ther e were a good m any "re Sub scription Price, $2.00 Per Year, will has more to do with accomplish payable in advance. ment than has a strong back, that the pairs" mad e in chapel Monday morning. Entered as seco nd class matter man who knows that he is going to hit that ball is the one w ho knocks the Septemb er 25, 1,917, at the postoffice tate St. at Westerville, 0 ., under act of home runs, it is not the muscleMarch 3, 1879. bound, mental-coward. Acceptan ce for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. " Sheepskin or Mutton?" 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919. ·'He w ho goe thrugh college g et,; East College Avenue a heep kin-'-he whom college goes EDITORIAL . through gets some mutton." PH O NES Have you thought that over? Ha Citizen 26 Bell 84-R "The people who make money go it b rough t to you a comfortable fee l the farthest are u ually those who wl ll in g that at the end of your four year hardly let it go at all." term when your diploma will be hand ed to you that t;hat sheepskin carrie Every Day Mother's Day. with it a g en.e rous helping of the DENTIST Last week we intentionally omitted mutton of uccessful achievement? 15 West College Ave. a special eulogy to Mother feeling A re you getting all that college of'fer that our powers could not do justice or are you merely getting a beepBell Phone 9 Citizen Phone 167 to that sub]ect, but now that other's kin? Has your mind been exercised Day is past there is a thought which ha your heart been given a chance to For all that is good to cat see we can expre . grow-has your self-confidence been Mother' Day i gone for another increa ed-ha ambition crystallized year. ill we wait until next year to ha you r outlook widened? Have you again think with se rious affection of hirked- have yo u crammed-have you ·Home Grown Radishes, Onions, Red 1 the one per on who deserves every day loafed-have you cut cla ses-have you Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Aspara in the year our utmost in considera bluffed through everything? Are you gus, Leaf and Head Lettuce, Excellent tion and tendernes ? Will we allow g etting a heep kin or will you be Summer Oranges, Grape Fruit, our etves to drift back into carele s paid in mutton? Think it over. thoughtle sne , so uless indifference Bananas, Golden Yellow Apples, Observations of Abner. or hurried briefoes in either our daily 31 W . College Ave. Pickles, Olives ·and other Condiments. relation with Mother or in the letters La t Wednesday night that we end home? an we say and I nickered right out WESTERVILLE, OHIO U,.. MOSES & STOCK, Grocers ~10t blush at the thought-" Mother's In prayer meetin' Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 Day is gone for another year?" n' when we got home, Heloi e To make every day Mother's Day i (Th at' my w ife) an ideal that ach of u hould triv e to he ive me Hail o lumby make a part of us. While mother i B ut I ez, "Reily," ez I, livin g-in our let ters and cluring our "Wh n Hortense Higgin vacations let us all reniem))er the Git up and ays t11oughts that Mother' Day alway brings and from that remembrance so ' he knows he' goin' to Heaven live that next Mother's 'Day find in B cause she loves tbe Brethren' our minds no regr et at neg lec~, An' ol' Charley Perew thoughtlessness or selfishnes toward Start to iqgin' Mother during this next year and 'That mean me' that in the years to come, when white How in tunket fiow~rs decorate our lapels on Mother's I a fe ller goin to keep Day we may pa.y tribute to Mother' m mory with no tinge of self re·" i'1 h f hJJl>fWr•r
Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at
G. W. Henderson, M. D.
Hours By Appointment.
Say it, Do it, Tell it with flowers.
109 S.
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.
Fifth Ave. Floral Co. Columbus, 0.
W. M. Gantz, D. D.S.
John C. Mayne, Rep.
Include 1n Your N e.x t Luncheon.
WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
B. W. WELLS Tailor
Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS
The College Avenue
Buckeye Printing Co.
Page Five'
DCHRJ\H SSD·CIJ\TIDN \\'es tervillc was host to a large number of g uests over the week-e nd, Fortunate indeed were those girls who,e mothers could be here with th n1 ior ~[ other's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Cass 1 drove up from Dayton. bringing with them Mrs. Brc\\'bakcr. Mrs. Faust. and Mr . Mc Conaughey.. Friday night ochran and Saum H alls were seething masses of fright e nded damsels who insisted on a king foolish que tions and setti ng for th all sort of impo sible th eories a to w hat was happening. Al l tha t really ac curred was that M ister Cow had come to make a littl e call. However, Miss Saum and Mr . Coch ran ar e not at home to uch visit0 rs at th ree o'clock in the mo rn ing. Vergyl D rayer entertained her cou ins, Mr . Marting of Ironton, a nd Mi ss A nn a Marting of D elaw~re, O hi o. R ut h rmentrout and Lucille Ge rbe r paid g ne Wright a v i it at her home in Ca na l in chester. Quite a fe w g irls attend ed th e ba e ball game at Delaware, Loma Powell and Bernice Heeter staying over un til unday night. Helen nder on, Mildred Conn, Oma Moomaw and Marguerite Mat t ern were dinn r gue ts of tl).e Carpen ters at Sunbury, Sunday.
at Indianola, and the aft ernoon a t Cre tview. Every courte y wa shown tn the vi iti ng group and eve ry class room was open for observatio n. Tues day morni ng was give n over to th e new Theodor e Roosevelt J unior H ig h School, and student guides wer e sup plied to conduct the visitors to a ny dc: partment in which they were inter e ted. Lunch w,. erved to the group a: noon , In the afternoon some inter e~ti ng and valuable observations were made at the South and West High Schools. After the school day was over the group was permitted to visit the State Asylum for th e Insane. This was a practical phase in the study of Educational Psychology. A t least one more day should be used to study Columbus chools and State Institutions. Otterbein College is but twelve miles fr om the state capital, yet many stud ents leave Otterbein without claiming fo r themselves informatio n to be obtained in that city. P r ofessor s showed their appr eciatio n of the value of this field work, by excusing from classe , s tudents taki ng part in that work. Prof. Brady is to be complimented for introducing this ide of Educational work.
Professo r Spessard a nno unces that all men w ho intend to try out fo r th e Glee Club next fa ll shoul d see him immedi a tely in regar d to securing in strumen ts fo~ the Banjo-Mandoli n Orche tra, whic h will again be used with the Glee Club next year. Men who play instruments will stand a much better chance of makin g the Twilight and Evening Confection Club and information secured now Service. will enable those who do not play ve ry proficiently to greatly increase their "A right good place to go-and jolly skill throughout the summer. too."
= = §
: -
= _ = _ -
- -- ·- - - Y. M. Bulletin.
Th ursday even'ing, " Bob" Martin will lead Y. M. C. A. His subject will be, "A Man's Code as Related to a College Woman' Life." A good leader, an intere ting s ubject, so come to "Y" Thursday eveni ng at 6 :00. Debate Confere nce Meet.s
Visit the
Gl~e Club Aspirants.
: _ _
= =
MAY THE FIFTEENTH Opens the Straw Hat Season _.., Don't fail to see our Line
a Elliot
_ More Goods for Sa me Money. t a m eeting of the hio Debating _ Same Goods for Less Money. o nfe rence on aturday at which Heidelberg, Baldwin-Wallace, Hiram, I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111 I I I 111111111111111111111 I I I I II 111111111111111 I I I I I 111 jj O hio orthern, Mu kingum, anu Otterbein were represented the general subj ect of Parliamentary ~:~IIIHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_:11
Government wa cho en. The exact wording was left to a committee. In the triangles formed, Otterbein was plac d with Ohio orthern and H idelberg, the negative team to travel. On account of the absence of Wittenberg a tentative triangle was formed coni ting of Mu kingum, Otter.bein and , ittenberg, µbject to later confimation.
Bonnie and Jude will henceforth be able to furni h the Hall with all the Freshman English Classes are go ip and ne w . They wa hed th ir at Work on Class Periodicals aturday. window Th e fre shman Engli h cla e are Mr. and Mr . Bell of olumbu editing ma gazine a a part of th eir were unday gu t of Maude required Engli h wo rk. 'fhi work zel. wa started about four year ago and One Cochranite has sugge ted thi the fre hman Engli sh cla se have logan : " iter the Theater go to the ever since continued it. Jolly a rden." The editor have been bu y electnne '.f ack on entertained gue t jng their taff and a signing \ VOrk to each member. The taff selects ome fro m D elaware on unday. ubject for it magazine and develops th e magazine with that end in view. Departm ent of Education Docs Field Work I n Observation Th e e magazines, arc of. many different ty pe . Many of them are literary The D epartment of Education, under while a few are of a cienti fic natu re P rofe or Brady, devoted two days and some of a general type. The di last week to field work. Twenty to r arc expending a great amount of one member of this department took tim e on their magazines and ome adva·ntage of thi oppo rtun ity to ob. rve in Columbus schools and by fol good ones ar e expecte_d. Th e e magazine will be fi 111 h d the lowing Profes or Brady's carefully ar latter part of May and will be placed r anged chedule were enabled to visit in the library where e,·ery one will and ob erve fo five of the leading have an opportunity to read them. chool . Monday morning was spent
1n. 0 •
= : _
_ _
= : _
I es
And Suits For
aua •
pecial purcha e of the Spring supplus tock of Dreyfu •& Larg of Philadelphia en able us to offer a wonderful selection of brand new port models and dependable con ervative uit at only-
--$17.95, $21.50 $23.95 --
Our Extraordinary O ffe r and Guarantee. \; e guarantee every uit sold by us to be trictly high-grade, to have expert tailoring and to be made from the bes t woolens. We agr~e to keep every uit purchased from u pre ed and repaired, free of charge, for one year. The life of good, choice clothes is greatly increa ed by proper care.
Economy Clothes Shop High and Spring Sts.
Columbus, 0.
iii111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii
THE TAN AND CAl~Dl:--1.'\I.
Page Six
Icompc!tition vault the home team furnished so little that the Otterbein a hie
Net Men and Diamond Crew to Ap- te were not forced to extend themelves to beat Kenyon's be t. pear at Ho.me While T rac k Men 120 yd. hurdl es-Maxwel l. K; P eVisit Cincinnati. den. 0. Time, 16.2. The Otterbein ne_t . 1~1en start the Hig~ jump--L_. ;s; ewe!!. 0; George, week's athletic act1v1t1es when the 0. ~eight, 5ft. 5111: O Wesleyan racqu etee rs visit W esterMile run-E. ?\ewe!!, : Blauser, ville on Tue day, th e 16th. On Thurs- 0. Time, 4 :52.1. . day th ey trave l up Gambier way to LOO. yd . dash.-M1gnery. 0; Pace, WESLEYAN SCALPS VARSITY MUSKINGUM WINS IN TENNIS look th e K enyon netters over. 0. Tune , 10.:3. Pole vault-Peden , 0 ; Glrcy. 0. F n·d ay W1·11 1nark Otterbein's third • . Otterbein Nine Plays Excellent Ball Down Staters Take Match When twilight ba eball game with the Ken- Height, 10ft. 2111. But Fails to Score on the Doubles are Won-Doudna . hot put- t~gman , K; Peden, 0. yon nine furnishing th e oppo ition. " Conference's Best". and Martin are Stars. On the following day, Saturday, Dt tance, 34ft. 3111. . 440 athletes will di play yd. da h-Mac Elwam, K; MaxC O I ra . _ seve • • (From The Columbu Dispatch.) The Otterbein racqueteers journey• DELAWARE, 0 ., MAY 13- ed to New Concord Thur day wheH their ware at the Cincinnati Inter- well, K. Time. :,4 :1-5. . · I M e e t • The three be t men r-;ewell. O; E. _ 00 yd. run-L. . Coffield allowed only three hits Mu kingum was met. They ran intc sect10na against Otterbein, here, today, on more opposition than anticipated anc in each event will qualify for Big ix i\c~ell, 0. Tune, 2:09 1-5. ·t·on a week later · While D1 .cus throw-Troop. 0; Peden, _ . Edwards field and Ohio Wesleyan fell when the down staters took tht compet1 1 Coach Ditm er ha made no official an- 0. Di s tance, J 0:,ft 2111. easily won her sixth conference vic doubles. nel 220 yd. hurdles-Anderson. 0; . . Summary; Singles-Marti11 (0) vs nouncemen t Col1 cerning the person tory by a seven-to-nothing score. of the Otterbein quad it i a $afe Goodell. K. Time, 29.1. . Otterbein was helple s before Cof Gorden (M) 6-0 6-1. Doudna (M) v 220 yd . das h-Pace. 0: M1gn cry, 0. Doubles forecast that Peden, White, Ed Neleld's pitching. He allowed but three Cornetet (0) 6-1, 6-2. scattered hits. Martin, at shortstop Doudna and Brown vs. Martin and well, George, and Mignery will make Time, 24 2-5. the trip while one or more of Pace, Two mile run-Blau e r, 0; L. 'ewas Otterbein's be t bet. He gath- Howard 6-2,6-3. Blau er , taat , nd erso n and Leon- well, 0. Time. 11 :11 2--5. ered five assists and one putout and Broad jump--Mac Elwain. K; made two of the three hits gleaned ATHLETIC CLUB FUNCTIONS ard Newell eem to have a chance to participate in the trek. G-eorge. 0. Distance. 19ft. 9in. by the down-state school. Last year Javelin-Mac Elwain , K: White , 0. Ul r ey pitching for Otterbein, de- That Well-Known Organization is Distance, H7ft. 6in. HOW ABOUT THIS? feated Wesleyan here and aside frcm Doing Work of Real Value for Mile relay-forfeited to Keny on. the first and seventh innings, he The Cause of Athletics Since Otterbein has rejuvenated pitched good ball today. Hi team j ---track as on intercollegiate sport the A CO MPOSITE SCHEDULE gave him wonderful support. Otter"Jack" Wilce's football lecture at Tan and a.rdinal athletes have taken bdn has one of the best infields that the chapel la t Monday •night wa; part in eight dual meets. Four of May 16, Tennis-Wesleyan, here. any oppo ing team has hewn here only an incident demon trating what them have been won and four have May 1 , T nni -Kenyon, there thi year. the Otterbein Athletic Club is doing. been lost. In these meets Otterbein May 19, Baseball-Kenyon, here Ohio We leyan AB. R. H. PO. A. The club, composed entirely of Otter- men co red 51 point to opponents May 20, Track Intcrsectional m et Boyer, lb . ·-············· 4 I 1 9 O bein alumni ha been recently re- 457 points, a good record. at incinnati. Staten, 2b. ····---···- 5 1 0 2 4 organized. ln the past, remarks have A good record, yes-but consider May 22, Tennis-Denison, there Freigau, . ········-···· 4 1 2 O 2 been "fl un g 'round" to the effect that this: OTTERBEI HAS OT WO~ May 23, Baseball-Denison. there acksteder, c. -········ 0 1 2 10 2 the club did little but "wind-jam.' A SI GLE REL Y RACE SI CE May 26, Tennis-Denison, here Muth, 1£. ···-·-···-······ 4 1 1 3 o However well put those remarks were, BEFORE THE WAR. A year ago May 26-27, Track-Big ix at Colum Smith, cf................... 4 0 1 O o they do not apply now. The Otter. Denison beat Otterbein College by a bus Coffield, p ................. 4 0 0 1 2 bein Athletic Club is doing things. _ to 56 1-6 score. Otterbein led May 2!), Tennis-We leyan, there 60 5 6 Winter , 3b. -··--···· 3 0 0 0 o The club has put on a membership the Big Red in totals until the relay. June 1, 2, 3, Tenni -0. I. meet at Co Wright rf. ··········-·· 3 2 2 I O campaign recently, and one of the de• Denison niver ity walked awaJ with l um bu . Total ················-·33 7 9 27 10 vices used to get men, money, and it and won the meet. June 1, Ba eball-Antioch, there Otterbein AB. R. H. PO. A. pre tige is a little folder (an attrac• Otterbein does not have a goo<l June 3, · Baseball-Wesleyan, here Mignery, 2b. ··-·····-- 4 o o o 4 tive eight page affair about the size of quart r mqer who is eligible. June 6, Tennis-Kenyon, here George, 3b. ······--··- 4 0 0 4 2 a Tan and ardinal) in which the pur• George ha the makings of a fine June 10, Ba eball-Obio niv., there. Anderson, If. -······· 3 0 0 1 o po e and a piration of the club are ouarfer-miler, but his major is baseHowe, rf. ········-····-·· 4 0 0 0 0 set forth in no un certain term . The ball-track is secondary.) But OtterMartin, ss. -·---- 4 O 2 1 5 bulletin's motto i "SEND US MEN!" bein has potential 440 men a pleanty. Leffel, cf................... 3 0 0 2 0 It might not go amis to explain Why are they not developed? One of Seneff, c. ······-········- 3 o o 1 0 right here that while th e club is be~d· tell salient ,reason is-Athlete ell Lehman, lb. ··········- 3 0 1 15 0 ing all e~orts to get. . ~ a~hle~e in• j themselves; they demand a price. U lrey, p. ·-·······-:····· 3 O o• o 4 teres-ted m Otterbem 1t I m no Otterbein's buying price is the varsity For a good line of Fresh Candies, *Staats ...................... 1 o o o O way violating either the letter or the "O." Under the pre ent ystem a Marshmallows, Chocolates and Bon Totals -·--·······-····32 o 3 24 15 spi~it of the law a laid down by the man who confines him elf to the 440 *Batted fo r L effel in the ninth . Ohio Conference. . . and relay ha only a fighting chance Bons, Etc. 0. C. ·····-···- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 1 The officer and chief supporter o1 to earn a track "O". Otterbein cannot 0. W. U ..... 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 x-7 9 2 the club are: President, Homer P. get a relay team for nothing. Two-base hits-Freigau, 2; Muth, Lambert, A nd erson Ind.; ecretary• But what i the solution? Let the A fine line of Stationery, Crepe Paper Sack teder, Martin. Double plays- treasurer, Ralph W. Smith , "\Ve ter• Athle~ic Board offer a relay letter. in all colors for the student trade. Mignery to George to Lehman. Er- ville, O ; Vice-President ' W. H. n• Make the requirement stiff enough rors - Bohyer, Freigau, Lehman. der on, kron. O.; Pre · A. T. How• that the relay "O" i as hard to earn J ewclry, Cut Glass and China for Struck-out by Ulrey, 1; by Coffield, ard, Da!ton, 0., Dr. W. M .. Gantz. a any other letter. Then, and not presents. 10. Ba e•on-balls-Off Ulrey, 1; Off W s~erv1lle. The Board of Directors until then, will quarter mile aspirant «at 1st Coffield, l. Hit bat man-Howe by con s of: C. Altman, L. W. War- have a objective; then, and not until Coffield. Sacrifice hits-B ohyer, Stat- son, H. W. Elliot, F. E. a nd ers, a n <l th ill Otterbein have a chance to Birthday Candles and Holder9. _en,rewlay race . Are , ..~ e r·ight?. en, 2. Stolen Bases-Staten, Freigau, Ralph W. dSmith. The. la , t namec. win Paper Cups and D inner Sets for 1 Muth, Wright. Umpire, Schuler. g ntleman e erves a 11011 s s1are o· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ er dit for "pepping things up." VARSITY SWAMPS picnics The Franklin County Chri tian En Before you raise another wail, Mr, KENYON IN MEET deavor Societies will hold a track and Critic, see if you have done one ha!: (Continued from page one.) field meet at the Otterbein Field on as much for the "cause of at4Jetics" a 1 The Westerville next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. the gentleman of the Otterbein thle• Records Fair. Fourteen societies have already enter tic Club! o Otterbein records were broken ed the meet which will be a twenty in the meet; the time and distances one event affair for both boys and D enison licked Wesleyan 73 to 4l were only fair. In the ca e 'of tl1e girls. distance run , high jump, and pole in track Saturday. D.ALLER
The Variety ~tore
P age Seven
4 4 North L ocal Athl etes Sm other O pponen ts U nder a Score of 141 Points E astman Kodaks and Supplies of all in County T rack Meet. kinds. Filrns Developed and Print ed. (By W. Camp.) Last Saturday the second annual Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow Franklin County Track and Field Ink Pencils, Sheaffer'-; Ever Sharp Meet was held at Otterbein F ield, four p enc·il s and Leads. Fine Papeteries, schools: Westerville, Bexley, vV orthington, and Groveport participating. Etc. \ Vesterville was easily accounted winner, having almost twice as many points a her nearest rival. ·• atfish" Sene/I of Westerville sur-
State Street Choice Bra~ds cf Cigars, Fine P ipes, Cigar Holders, T obaccos and Smokers' Supplies. OPTI CAL D E PARTME NT Eye Glasses and Spectacles , Eye Shades and Goggles. E x amination free. All work guar anteed. Give us a call.
;f::~:;~~r:;::::::::.~:;;::c:~:f:: ~ "'"TIiiI. IIEI = 8 111
cord. "Bob" navely was Westerville's high scorer with 19 ¾ points Snavely took part in numerou track and fie ld even ts. He was easily Wes- terville's "ace." The urpri e of _the meet was fur- ;
M. L. Howe.
lllollllllL IIIIIID III Ill llllllR IIIIIIIE IIIIIIL IIIIIIIIII 1111111 111 .. ..Lii 1111E1111111~Al
ft. So far as records show, Seneff holds the Franklin County discus re-
nished by romped into HO dashes. seconds and
Ill II Ill
Has a. fine line of Spring and Summer Goods suitable for all occa- : sions. W e are always ready to show our stock of Goods.
'"Doc" Stoughton who fi rst place in the 220 and _ He ran the 440 in 55 4-5 finis hed the last lap of the llllllllllllllllllll IIll lllllllll Ill Ill Ill llll Ill Ill IIIIIII IIIIIII Ill Ill llllllrl lllll 1111111111111111111 iii
.\ couple of weeks ago we ch ronicl ed the deeds of an Otterbein football relay in 54 3-5. Such times are ex ~1 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111111 1111111 11111111111 1111111111111111 man who took first place for consis cellent for a. high school lad. "Doc" tency in gridiron service. '·Levi" is a comer. Westerville placed one high scorer. Howe, best known for his character Louise Bennett took the girl's honors istic '' Yea, Otterbein-let's drive!" and for a type of playing that backs such with 14 ¾ points. Other Westerville a slogan up, is a clo e second to How athletes who did noble work were: ard for non-intermittent athletic ser B. Pilkington, R. Pilkington, Harsha, Holdren. oble, Myers, Weinland, : vice. When "Levi" quit the environs of Pinney, Jay cox, Fi her, the Misses Custar, 0., where he was serving a Snavely, Dew, Palmer, Holdren, Mo s, entence a "ye rural pedagogue," and 1 l orri and Priest. olburi:i of - orthington was the _ came to Otterbein to don the S. A. T. C. drab he also a sumed the respon meet's high corer with 2'7 points. Score. sibility of helping to uphold the honor 141 of Otterbein on the gridiron. He was Westerville, ···········-··············-··-······· ( Bexley. ···-··-······-··········-····--····-··· 7 soon recognized, as he has been ever since, as one of the strong men of the Worthington, ·-····-··············-··-······· 49 : Groveport, -·-······-·--··-······-···-·· 19 l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff Tan and Cardinal line. "Levi" started at a tackle position President Clippinger Kept Bus.y. where he has se rv ed through many a On la t Thursday, Friday a.nd Sat bloody conflict without the least hint at removal from that spot of hard urday, President Clippinger was in Indianapolis, Lafayette Greenville, knocks an d little glory. Howe maintained an "every second" and Chicago on bu iness -for the col unday record up to the la t conflict of the lege and the International '19 eason when Marietta was met. School A ociation. He poke Sun- ;; During the initial kickoff of that day morning at Bremen in the First truggle he was "gomped", so com United Brethren Church, and in the § pletely "gomped" that be listened t evening he preached the baccalaureate _ Full tennis equipm en t always a canary opera throughout th_ ixty' er mon at Pickerington. Tuesday at noon, he will address the Columbus minutes. on hand. trangely enough, "Tinker" Ditmer Chamber of Commerce at the Chitten part of their fiftieth anniWhite Duck or left "Levi" and one tackle po ition den Hotel Cream unmole ted when he wa dubb d versary celebration. He will s_peak on § ousers. T r "Coach of Otterbein." So oT<1 ''Levi" the theme ''Better Citizen-ship in BusiT ennis R acket s and Balls. ha rared to hi heart' content, ha ne ". Thursday nigbt he will deliver § "spilled and been pilled," ha learned the high chool commencement adGut Preserver. the joys and sorrow o.f a pig kin dre at Wilmington. L adies' Middies and Bloomers veteran, and has earned the right to Student Council Members Elected. Converse T ennis Shoes. be called one of Otterbein's most de t the election held Monday morn- pendable football servants. W e restring your racket with "Levi" has an athletic avocation, ing after Chapel, the J uniors electe d a guaranteed gut. baseball. He first tried out for the the following r pre en tative to the '!Ir' diamond sport in the spring of '20. He Student Council-] . A. T oy, L. L . dam , played the part of a be,nch warmer White, . C. Conley, D. L. during the greater part of the sea on Grace Hill, Ellen Jone , Virginia Tay : Athletic Outfitter s. -,..,..._...,...,,.o,,.., § but made the regular catcher po itiou lor, and Marjorie Copeland. The Sophomores elected: H. R. 1 11 11 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 last year. Thi season "Levi" is Mill L . L :Mitchell, H. K. Darling galloping about in the right garden. He is a natural lugger, and led the Harriet W,hisder, Josephine Cridland, Patronize O ur Advertisers! Meet M rs. Bumpstead-Leigh! and Katherine Pollock. . C. men in hitting a year ago.
You'll Need Flowers
= From now on till Cqmmencement . = 0-et good one and be sure t h ey w ill be fre sh and
ati factory .
MU-NK- FLOR~L CO. ED. NEWELL, Westerville
Tennis Is the Rage Now.
= =
= 1= = = -=
Page Eight
character has so app ea led to his stu• ard s, idea ls, past and fu tur e so well de nts th at th ey r ecently petitioned, tha t he wants to come back to O tter his r eturn for next yea r's work. It is bei n. gratifying to be abl e to say also th a t M r. B rady likes Otterbei n, her standWatch for Mrs. Bumpstead-Leigh!
The other m orning The J ani tor at " Al's Palace" Wa mopi ng up th e joint When Bill rushed in .!,!I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II I II I I I I I I I I II Ill II II I I I I II I I I I I I I I Ill I I I II I 1111111111111111 !! With hi s usual gusto T he J ani tor was fi lling The m op bucket An d Bill Says \ Vhat are yo u doin' Al M aking so me m ore Root Beer? Rober t F ox, who was a student Darn Billi here during the S. A. T. C. per iod an d - - -: E ssay By Olaf. iu 1919 has been visiting with various \§ members of the Sphinx Club during We had hardly become acclimated to : the past week. t he grandorious feeling w hich had Professor Schear, sponsor fo r the been affected by the sudden appear- 1= ever has a style innova ance of The Jolly Garden with all of = L akota Club, conducted a party of members and fri ends to Sugar Grove, its springy effect and with the coterie J § tion m et w ith such hearty · f of vines, lattice work, fountain, green =Saturday. Sugar Grove 1s one o lights and beautiful maidens 1 when we : Ohio's beauty spots. were suddenly awakened Monday :_ response as is. shown t h is The Count~y Club held an "inform- morning with the announcement from § al" in its club room Saturday night. the Gas Co. that the gas would be off : .season in sport m odel suits. Bert Thrush, '16, and a number of from 1 to 6. Then Harding's Own : high school boys were guests. came to the rescue and assured us that § There were quite a few students at- ther e would be no inconvenience ex- § For Style with dash in it-and for clothes that tending the game at Ohio Wesleyan I perienc ed since Bro. Calvin Coolidge : Saturday. No one had to a k them would be in town for an hour or so. give the utmost in comfort-these suits offer ·ho won; their countenance gave evi- And we dropped back into normalcy _ dence of that.' and chewed our old beechnut (gum) you everything desirable. with the usual vim and vigor. Olaf. § When that seat in the Junior sec tion at Chapel broke down last week Wanderlust w e thought the "Reds" nad started war By "Rouget" in educatfon. .. i:, ' Hark! D'ye hear th.at far-off cry ? Er·win Nash went to his home in 0 how it burns my soul! _ Dayton for a visit over the week-end. It bids me com e to t h e d'1stant p Iams, · When the fire siren sounded last To my camp by the water hole; This is a collar-at1§ ' The cap of Tweed Tuesday morning at 11 :50 we kno pen west,
Tweed Suits
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-.. =-- . Pembroke Oxfords
·Stadium Caps
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of at leas 1 disrupt".
11 :00 class that wa
"Mulliken en" from Ott rnow outnber thirty-two. dic-t a bjg 'ncrease in the n
p u ocr ts when th e t ac1c next £
1= tached shirt that has struck the popular I§ accord of the college
eat and dust; ntried trails, : t rluS .
· -..........,.,._,,,.....,
me ht.
1 1 ege § ,nan' ward robe is : co plete it hout ~ -Sever a I oft hes e shirts. ~ ntan-no
Mixtures that tops all well-dressed col lege men-offered in a ran o-e of Tweeds an ixtures to meet everyo·ne' p r e f e r ence.
'Tis the call of
down in a o A nd Hate everything An' Everybody 1ncludin' yerself An d t hen w hen You got a ll settled And was just Getting s tar ted on your Ratio' Some poor nut Co me in A nd set dow n At the same table And tarted to gab? H uh, dj ya ever?
But here I stick in Tho my mind is £ Trying to learn f books. (I'll leave t 1em al I'll leave behind all these \ Vith their garish and sor For I'd rather be out on t flung hills. Hark! 'Tis the Wanderlus
: ~ llllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll lllll lllllff, •
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To Lecture In West. \\'o rd r eaches us that Prof. C. H. Brady, popular head of the AcadeI_Ily, and Professor of Education, has received a call to the Univer sity of ebraska where he will be under contr act for a six weeks' lecture course on educational p ychology and high. s choo l administration this summer. Profes o r Brady has become v er y well liked here at Otterbein, his m arked ability has been recognized and his
: :
ontemplating Photos emember OLD RELIABLE
: :
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Student Representative -