1922 05 22 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 5.

M AY 22, 1922

No. 30.



Peden and George Qualify for Finals i at Cincinnati Meet-Athletes Place I 0. C.'s Total at 17½ Points.

Vice-President Calvin S. Coolidge visits Otterbein and Makes Address in College Church,






Distinguis'::ied Citizens Accompany Vice-President-Diamond J ubilee Campaign Stressed.

Mignery, Along With Others, Is Vic­ tim of Inefficiency-Newell Runs Sensationally But Loses Out.

Calvin S. Coolidge, Vice-Pre ident Otterbein athletes came thro ugh the of t he U nited States; Col. Carmi Intersectional Meet a~ Cincinnati last T homp son who a chairman of the Friday and Saturday in commendable Committee on Poisonous Gases at the shape, qualifying two men for The Big Vice-President Coolidge Visits O~terbein. Arms Limitation Conference secured Six, and placing .fifth in tota l scores L eft to right : Col. Edward Orton , Dr. W . G. Clippinger, Vice-President ag reement among the · nation s against with 17½ points. Coolidge, Carmi Thompson, Dr. W. F. Pi erce, Herman Lehman, A. I, the use of poisonous gases in war; Col. Peden was Otterbein's high scorer Edward Orton, P resident Columbu s Vorys. with 7½ points, ,._gathered from a tie Chamber of Commerce; Dr. William for first place in the pole vault and~==============~================= F . Pierce, President Kenyon College; QUIZ AND QUILL CONTEST third place . in the discus . "Johnny" "THE SPIRIT OF OTTERBEIN" Dr. John Huffman, · President 011io George and Mignery each contributed Wesleya n ; Adjutant General_.Flor~n"ce four tallie while "Ed" Newell ' scored Jubilee Pageant Is Explai11ed to Freshmen Carry Away All Honors In and Staff and many other distingui'sh­ "Little Literary Classic" Stag­ _Student Body-Guests From Long two: ed citizen$' were guest of Harding's From the ·stanclpofo of marlag-emen ed By Writer's Club. Own lub o_f Otte.rbein College Mo n­ ~go , Make Speeches. N 'the , meet -wit$ , a. raak• failure . · oday, May 15. A ll join d '.ii:.i paying ,tri­ . body ~eemed to assume any responThe chapel period Tuesday mornLast Friday morning in chapel the bute to th e value of. the clllb; , .the sibility and judges and starters alike ing , May ~6, wa given entirely to tiie f winners of the Quiz and Quill conte t worth •of Otterbein and tlu: •beauty,· of were guilty of inexcusable· errors. coming_ Jubilee Pageant. P resident were announced. Many good produc­ W esterville. . ;,, , _ l • . ~errill Mignery was -the meet's sen-· ~ppinger presided. Th~_ spea~ers tions were submitted and the judge The di stingui hed g ue ts''Wer ,,m e satton. Although h-e was robbed -?f, were Mr . J, W. Jone , M1 s Mar;ora were well plea ed with the high quali­ a t the corporation: line by th 'local t~e oppo_rtunity of going to the Blg Whistl er, Mr. Roy Peden a~d Mr. E : ty of the entire list. ambulanc~·unit of the N tional Guard Sue, which ·was due in part to tpe fa.ct The first prize of ten dollars was Harding' ' 0 wh- ·CJub,''visiting delega-• . w·11c ox · that "M:i,n" failed to take· advantage ,of M rs. Jone ' ga ve a n outline of "The won by' Milton Triss'ler, whose story tion of collegl! · tucle nis ,foo'm 1 hi o · a bung.ling, -'official's {ndifference, , he pirit of Otterbein", the pageant was entitled, '.'The Fqtir of 'Us". Mr. W esleyan, Ker1ybt11, Dertis·o n'· and l \, itran in sen ati~nal form. · , h wi·11 be "nr ented upon the w h 1c · cam- Wendell Camp· won the· second pr1'ze •tenberg,.l\m erican L egion; B(iy Scouts Peden had an off day in the pole yus 'L'ue day . evening, Ju_n~ 14. 1:he of fi'v e do llar witli'. hi entry, "The ta ff and Emplo yee O ••AlH ti > aloo~ ·· vault, He apparently was unable to c h 1.e £ c h arac t er an· d pres1dmg geruus Barefoot Boy". Mfss Pauline Wentz League, and o th er"o rgallizat ion . •T he : "jack knife" properly at his swing's o f t he pagea n t Wl' ll be the Spirit of Ot- <vit h h r e a y, "The ·Country Road," G-. A. :R. and · ( R!;,-C: , w'erc ,gue ts of crest. A little correction on this one of one1:- dollar, •" d'111 g' s 0 wn a1\'d · rotl , • .t1ar irt , machines terbe in. Among the epoch making won •the third prizes point shoulct bring the bacon (a new ur s of the seventy-five years of hi co nte t 1s open o .:,ophomores • ti d T ., . . 111 1e para e. fe a.,t Ohio record) home for Roy n t Sat- oNe rbeiii -~ i tory, .vhlch will be po r- and Freshmen only and 1t 1s mtere tTh , . • . , .. . h buying of the site, th e ing to note that all the prize ·were won· · e Vi ce-Pre idei~t)a1 party with its .,, urday, trayed are: t e • . e co rt proceeded d1rectl j to th e col George's leap of S ft., 7 in" jn the fir. t grad'u ation, the ante-be_llum per_- by Freshmen ~h1le last year the . l,e,ge churcl~ where a tl1rd1i g waited to " 1 N 11 h d .ff h d : high jump ~arned him a second place iod the writing of Dar mg e 1e , op om o re ca(n o t e awa r ' , ., W · d th ,R ee a_nd h a r tl_1, eco n'd ''citi ze n' and :, and th e right to enter the big sho~ Gray", th e Civil ar peno , e e. , . - . f of the L itDramatic Clubs Fmal Meeting. the riends wh o accompani ed · him. , th founding ·- thi week-end . • H F construction, e . I '' "Ed" e welj de erves real ympathy erar y ocietie , and a t la t, O tterbf!m erman • · L ehman , enior a t Cap and Dagger Club held a meetfor hi "hard Jines". After taking the triump'bant; · J ing Wedne day afternoon at which O tter bein and' President of H ard ing's wn, pre ided. Dr. , k d" il liam F. P ier cePole in the first lap of the mile run Following th e speech of M.rs. J ones, p 1ans for next year s , wor were 1s. : and keeQing, it up to the last thirty t f.rom th e di tant past were cu eel and th e followmg officers were offer ed €he in vocati o n. P r e id ent L hman then introduced Col. Carmi Yard he was overcome, boxed, and two gue d and Miss Whistler and elected. · M d M Pre ident, Mar;'ora Whi ti er·, V1'ce- Thomp on, Ohio gube rnatorial candino ed out at the finish . The eve nt announce Mr. Peden, represen_tmg r. ~n rs. Went off in 4:37 which 1s I :4 seconds Green of long ago-hoop hirt . plug President, Cecil Conley; Secretary, date, who paid a tribute to th e e rd th Kathle en Whi te: Trea urer, Bonni be l vice of Mas ac hu sette whi ch gave faster than the Otterbein record bat powdered hair an ever y mgte Vice-President to the 'nation·, and which has stood since 1907. ent~red and spoke from the platform . Yanney; Bu iness Manager, P, J . Harv· nt ris ; Publicity Manager, Lester Mitch- to ice-Pre ident · oolidge. Hi reh · d th "Andy", "Chic" Staats, '"Whitey", Miss Whistler emp asize e pagea marks were greeted with applau e. A and "Bob" Martin completed the Ot­ a huge, spectacutl~r demho_nl- ellAithough Cap and Dagge r is one of Mr. Coolidge stepped forwa rd on the terbein sq uad. They all fell by the as being ·1on of a pictures,q ue ype, w I e . · t' t Ott b • th ( Contmued on page two.) Wayside in the preliminaries, but pro­ Strat er em e Mr. Peden asked for the loyal an d en- t he new orgamza ions a fited by their experience. thusiastic support of the students. p lays which it recently staged have Club's Newest Member. Pageant Costumes Wanted. . Mr. E. V. ,Wil son, in his speech brought the club to, a place of worthy said that the aim of the pageant was recognition among the clubs of OtterLast Monday evening at its regular Attention I Help us resurrect old to present the growth, ~truggles _an_d bein. The membership of the club is meeting the Quiz and Quill Club fashioned clothes for the pageant. Ex. h of Otterbein 111 an artistic limited but some new members will be elected Miss Mildred Adams to mem. cellent care will be taken of them. Re- trmmp s , "The pageant will needed and tryouts for these places bership in the club. The Club loses Port to Mary Elizabeth Brewbaker at and dramat_ic way. three) will be held next fall. three members by grad tion. Cochran Hall. (Contmucd on page . Jttlj ; ~









.l:'age Two



PEDEN'S RECORD all Otterb in folks know, Roy Peden is her greatest all -time a th lete. While his reputation is widely esta b­ li hed it i int'ere ting to note in a con­ crete way just what he has done for 0. C. ath leticall y. A fair ly comp lete re cord follow : Track S<,ason '1 4 (2 meet ) J.0 points ea son ·1 5 (3 meets ) 20 points Season '16 (2 meets) 15 points Sea o n '20 (3 meet ) 54 points eason '21 (5 mee t ) 71 ½ points Season '22 (:3 m eets) 33;/2 poin ts Total score ····-·--········-·-· 204 points Peden par ticip ated in his first track meet. wit h O hi o U ni ve rsity, o n May 23, 1!1 14. He wo n th e pole vau lt a t 9 ft. 3 in. in ce that time he has ·neve r b'ee n defe at ed in th e pole vault eve nt w hile rep rese ntin g O tt er bein. He cap tained th e track team during th e '20 and '21 ea ons. Peden' s total score 0,£ 204 points ( to date ) i enough to win four dual meets single handed. Previous to his _ret u rn to 0. C. after th e war, with one exception, he tooli: part in the pole vault even t only, ' W ,hile in F rance Peden took part in ·the ! nter-' llied Games at Paris. He attracted ;,., g reat dea l of attention there by ' hi s athletic ability as well as ~>y hi unus ual t,Ype of maqho0$1. .While abroad, agents froin seve ral of _the Jarge Eastern colleges offered )lim jnnumer-able flattering propositions if he wou ld only come to •'their" school. ( Many of the e offers ·would pot neces ari)y have professionalized )lim) . B ut Roy remained loy~I to

<ickoff. He refused to be taken out of lege and to t he very high type of EATS ioration and Rockefeller Foundation yo ung men and women being se n t These days foring th e last minutes of the final from it. When folks are so 1uarter. A lthough suffe r ing keen ly, A tribute was read to the Colum bus Careful about their diet, Peden did not lo e a second of playhamber of Co mmerce by F. M. ing tim e the rest of the sea on. He Pott.enger. Col. Edward Orton in a It becomes necessary ~•as Otterbein's outstanding perfor- princely manner ex pressed his appre- I That dispensers of food 11er in every conte t. and stood th e ciation, and commend~d the college for ' Make a study of >runt of everything without a w him- its ente r p rise in this event, th e town 1 The situation >er. for so spl~ndidly up ho ldin~ Ot_terh <'in I And to place a menu Peden capta ~11ed the teams. of '19, I and Hard mg Own _ Club for 1t a us- ' 20, a nd '21. He wa picked as an A ll - I picious . beginni1~g .. Before their custo mers )h io ma n several times. P residen t Clt pp mger made a n eloThat will not During hi war service Roy di tin - j q uent clo, ing ad dre_ , af ter w hi ch t he O nly ,uished him elf as a gridi ron s tar. He , a ft ern oo n ce remo mes wer e clo ed by B e attr active , (Co ntinu ed 011 page s even. ) a n impre sive se r vice on th e coll ege But healthful. _________ ca m pu where M r. Coolidge laid a 'i ONOR COLLEGE w reath on th e monument com memo r The Blendon Restaurant AND COMMUNITY a ting th e Otterb ein stud ents w ho Makes an honest ( Continued from page one.) fou g ht in th e civil war. Effort in this respect. Harding' O w n club and its organ- 1, ilatform th e audi ence ro e to if feet izer, Mr . Mar y E . L ee cannot b e l GEORGE CAVANAUGH , Prop. n '.- >ec t to th e m an wh ~ t:inds pr ~-1 given too much credit for the import,_m.111 en t as a clea n, con c,entJous poh- ant ervice th ey ha:e rendered Otter- , 1c1an. bein and W e terv1lle by making it I In a brief peech Mr. Coolidge po ible for Mr. Coolidge and his dis- I 1ketched th e many problem President tinguish ed party to co171e, and for the Ha rdin g and hi s a sociates have met arrangements for g reeting and epter­ 111d s-olved o far in the administration. taining th e distingui bed guests. ~ o president sin ce Lincoln ever came ~p~lls flilppiness. nto offi ce with greater difficulties to ·ace o r with a greater vote be hind him ihan Pre ident Ha rdin g , said Mr. Coolidge. Acute economic conditions, Vanishing Cream, Cold Cream, Soap, ..,,ith •itlflated prices, r e-organization of idmipist rative d epartments at Wash­ Talcum and Powder. Use them. At






Nyal Toilet Goods

Johnny ·Mayne

ington , ad equate ·relief for soldiers ; ufferjpg from r,e.s~lt Qf the ~reat .var, help for th e un employed; mea­ mres aiding the American £armer, in1ugl\ration of a budge t system , and lllllllllllllflHIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllll.llllllllllllflljlllJIJJDHJIIIWJIIIIIIIIJmlllJJJ~•IIIJ•f! inally , t he administration' mas.ter ;troke, th e µccessfol co nference pn C


I versh.arp p , I · • nc• · s· I




Otterbein . How many men wou ld :he, L imi tati on of A rmament, a ll these -"c~ .=-. have done it? were presented by Vice-President lt is interesting to note how r egular - :::oolidge as exampks of the Republi- , ly Peden broke hi own record . · :an Admi ni tration' rei;ord to date. , M;.y 2:.1, 1915, Denison meet- broke Mr. Coo idge made no impassion ed ~ O tt e, bein record at 10 ft. 2 in. appeal but presented his facts with : In '16 Peden vaulted '10 h. 5 y, in. alm de libe rat ion preferri ng to rest On May 21, 1920 a t th e Denison his case upon its merits. _ meet t'ed,::n et a new O tt er bein reFollow·ng th e Vice-President' adcord at 11 ft. l in. dress, Mr, R,a lph l\faSQJl, speakiJJg in At th e Big Six Meet last year Pe- be half of H ardinfr's Own Club, ex- ~ d en again broke hi own re cord, going pressep appreciation ,for t!Je visit of !_l1 ft. !l in. Mr. Coolidge and e)(p1ained b ri fly : Since his return to Otterbein Roy the pµrpose .of Harding's Own. Alter ha bee n spoken of as " the track team". an appreciative response the Vice- : H is highest sco re for a si ng le me •~( Presiden t retired tp the ba emept of.









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·1 · ~i ~ = f i


was made against Kenyon a ytar ago. Peden·s total fo r the mee t was 23 point s. The foregoing fig ures do not take into account the hu11dnd or ,nor" points Ped-en scored in _sj x inter-class,.

the chu rch wJie re he sat in fellowship !i-_ with membe rs of the Phi Gamma Delta fril~rniiy from D tnj gp, D hio Wes leyan Kenyon a nd Wittenberg. ; Mr. Coolidge I a Q1ember of tliis -f ra_- :::_· ternity.

.Foµntain Pens, Co,ll~ue Jewelrv, • ~ Statioqery, Kodak Albums, Poeket-baoks, Loose Leaf Notebooks, Popular C""pvrigb+s .and »el+ "" ~ .-, .D ► Good f . b ,,1 r . hJ S Urnt,; . a gOO-,. l~t SUlt,a.., e for presents -:, r

meet. Anybo<i\y but a super-ma() would have •'giveu 11P th{! ghost" follewi11g an ope ration of as eri.ous a natu re a Ped_en underwent last winter_. He rallied. and now appears to be as good a ever. Football. '15 -·····-···--·························· 9 foll game

An appreciation of ol. armi Thompson with specia l m en tion of hi s part in th e Disarm;iment Conference in sec uripg ag.reerneQt 4 gainst 4 e of poisonous gases in war w;i read 1)y Robe r! Mar tin, seco n<j ed by La Va g)ln Leatherman . J n hi s response, r o I. Thom oson paid a tribute t, o Otter bein Coll.e.ge and spoke of the


We are ag~nt$ for Sp~ding'$



Tennis Bans, Rftckets arid Baseball $uppl1'es- the oldest here.









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9 full game 7 full games fu11 games '2J. ....................... ................. full games

pJace t hat one of its distinguished son , Ben HaQby auth,or of '·Darling Ne ll ie Gra_y" .hold in th affection of th e .peopl . Mr Thomp on aid that

Total •·-·············--··---------- 41 full games ' In all 9£ tho e 41 games Pede n los t oo.Jy ?• iew:i!.nin u(J! of playing time. In th e ovening game at We leyan in '20 Roy haa1 two rib broken at th

the very fact that the Carn egie orthe g ame, but wa forcibly eje,ct d 1 • wer williQg to con tri b ut sub t~ntia! ~-• _· , '• · ' ' ' · ~sum wa an elpqµent trib ut e to the ex cell ent work Min g. done at thi c I- 1~lllllllll lllllllllllllllll,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllll.lr111Ti








Page Thr ee


• ( " Quiz and Q uill"' Deserves Support. I press and will be rea~y for distrib u tio n New Enterprise Promoted. b . . about May 25. . In th e recent su cn pt:on cam' _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , 0 ne more progressive step has been ,,, pa1g11 th e students gave hearty 1922 Sibyl Appears. made at Otter bei n wi thout flourish of r s\:>onse to the Quiz and Quill' s ca ll , , trumpet. T he class in Dramatic I n1 for subsc rib ers. Ther e are now two I This year s Sibyl~ were placed on i terpretation has gone into th e play hun dred and sixty subsc ri bers to th e ! sale Mo nd a y mornmg after Chapel. · prod uction bu iness. It has set u magazine but that is not sufficient. At T he. annual is o ne o,f ~h e beS t . ever j 1abor ato ry in the basement of th ~ pci~ leas t three hundred and fifty sub- published by any class 111 th e hi st0 ry ence building, in which to make seen­ scriber are needed before the fi.ancia l of th e school a nd ranks as one of th e ery for the plays which are to b _ St pub li hed anywhere in th e st ate sented this sp ring. Miniature '71. Word has just been received in success of th e paper will be assured. be_ th1 s year . for the dramas are first constructed Westerville of the death of Dr. Out of the five hundred students in Otterbein on ly two hund red and sixty People who sub scribed for the an-. before the saw, hammer, paint , a nd Laura Gardner Shrom, which occur­ r ed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. respond ed, surely more than half of nual earli er in th e year should pay tacks are wielded. Principles of stage George .W . Provost, 5 0 Bea con the studen ts in Otterbein want this their sub scription and receive thei r managements and direction, as well as lighting are incorporated in the class Street, Squirrel Hill , Pitt b urgh, magazine. The Quiz a nd Quill de- Sibyl as quickly as possible. Extra copies have been printed in work. It is the de ire of the class to Pennsy lvania, on th e 16th of May. pends entire ly up on th e support of the Mr . Shrom graduated in 1 99 from stud ents becaus e it has no other way anticipation of a large demand from a ist not only in prod ucing the plays In former al~mni and ex -studen ts. Those wh o l of th e Junior and Senior classes, but th e Women 's M edi cal Co llege in for secu ri ng finances. Phi lade lphi a and since that time ha d years th e students gave the Quiz and wish to secur e a copy should send I also to aid in promoting the success j of the pageant. been a practicing physician in Pitt - Quill th eir undiv ided suppo rt so let word to J . P. Schutz. burgh. At th e time of her death she this' year be a repetition of the pa t. This magazine is of untold value to was. president of the Women's Medical ever y student in Otterbein w hether ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill llllllllllll Ill Ill Ill IIll Ill llll Ill lllllllll Ill Ill Ill llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Association of Allegheny Coun ty, a nd chairman of the publ ic health com­ intere ted in English or not. T his § _ mittee of the Co ngr ess of Clubs. She magazine is a representative produc"The kind that please" is sur vived by four daughters, two ti on olf Otterbein and is one of our sons, twe lve g randchildren and a sis- best. It is the duty of eve r y tud en t ara ome, omeian, onteel, Three Flower in Otterbein to subscribe for and read ter . Her husband, D r. William P . th e Quiz and Quill.. ~nd many others. Shrom, also a graduate of Otterbein in the clas of 1 6 , died a li t tle over · The Quiz and Quill wi ll ooil go to a year ago. 1 '











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The Reve rend and Mrs. Fr d­ ri ck Riebel returned recently from alem, Oreg on, wh er e they mad e a year's visit with their daughter, Mr • Clayton Judy (rva Riebel). -They will make th eir hotr) e in ircleville with th.ei r o n and daughter, Wallin E . Riebe l, ' O:l, and Mi s Lutie R i.ebe~ ' 94,. Mr . R ie el i.s a u invalid, but tood th e long trip a well as could be expected. 0


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Mr . P hin ea B , L ee (F lora E. Moore.) Jeft he r _home in• Co tt onwood Falls, Ka nsas, in pril, v isited in Empo ria, ;Kao as for a time, and is 119w in '.I;'opeka, Kan a . Early next month she will tart for W ester vi.li e to be here to help celebrate the Dia­ mond Jubi lee q f the co llege and th e fiftieth anniversary of her graduation.



harle A . Keller o_f New York ' ty i taking an ext nd ed trip a ro ad. He pent ome tim e in the Holy Land, and will travel exten ively in Europe before his return to th i country.


= -

Ea rly V . Wilcox of Was hington, D. . stopped in Westerville last week on his return Eas t from a trip 't hrough som e of the Western states. Mr. vVilcox ha been a valuable m em­ ber of the pageant committee and spent m uch of his time while he w as here looking after the interes ts of the Pageant.

M rs. Gladden F. Evans ( E ther Van Buskirk) of Col umb u p resided a to a tma ter ove r the banquet of the Westerville Hig h School alumni , which was held in the F irst P re by­ ter ian ch urc h la t T hur sday even ing fo llowi ng the commencement exe rcises. '14.

"THE SPIRIT OF OTTERBEIN" (Continued from page one.) enable you to grasp the ideals and traditions of Otterbein", said Mr. Wilcox, "we get a large perspective as we look back. If each student co­ operates the pageant itself will be a triumph for Otterbein." ~




e need you _






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'I he :]\(!,w








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flexible collar with front lines that just snuggle the knot. It's one of


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Visit our new store w hen in t~e city.

the best of the Arrow's.

Norris & Elliott ;5=-_ More Goods fer Same Money. Same Goods for Less Money·


RAY M. JOHNSON Is our agent at Westerville.

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it 1111111111 Ill II II Ill~11111 IIII IllIllIIllIllIllIIllIll lllfl IllIll lIll II IIII IllIllIllIll l Ill llllllllllllf ·

Page Four



/ th e st ude nt body a a whole; th er e is not a c'.ass in sc h oo l that can mape cens ur e fo r its co ndu ct. Srn io r, lj j" h d W 1· · · st Ci Junior, Sophomo r e, F r es hm an, TrianPu · is e Ot~:;.t;ii; \ , g le. a ll are guilty, al l must work toOTTERBEIN PUBLISHIN G o-et her to effect a cure. The F:eshB0-".\ RDOh' ;en are admittedly the wors t in :nakw es tcrv1 11 e, 10 . . _ Member of the Ohio College Press 111g noise and st ra nge ly enough th ey Association are alway the fi rst to applai:d a p leasing number. There must be ;omc.: STAFF way out of this u npleasant situationEdito r ...... .................... J. W. SenefI, '23 that way must be pointed o ut bJ th e Assistant Editor ........ H . R. Mi lls, '24 h f do Contributi ng E ditorsstudent body-t e acu 1ty can nu Bonnibel Y anney, '23 more than reques t and pro test. · Th e fi nal question is-Does the stu., D el no Adams, ;23 Busmess Manager .... T. _E. Newell, 23 d ent bod wan t an oro-an preludt? If As sistant .8usmess ManagersY ". Cliffo rd Foor '24 so. will it t ak e upon itself the r eF . M. Pottenger: '25 1 sponsibi lit y fo r respectful. apprecia­ Ci r. Mana~er.. _Marjorie Copeland, '23 · live attention from t h e aud ience? It i Ass istant Circ ulati o n l\~aoagers- , not in any way fai r to ask a mu,ician Kath enn e Pollock, 24 t t d agai·nst the pre-chapel Edith Oyler, '25 co n en . . . · Athletic Editor .......... H. V. Mille r, '23 rabbl e; music a nd noise do- not mix. Asst. A th. Editor........W. H. Camp, '25 It is up to US to ei ther reforrn th e Local Editor:................A. W . E )liott, :23 chap el assemb ly or to r elea se th ~ orAlumnal Ed itor ...... Alma Gu,tner, 97 . f d · I d Exchange Editor .... Ruth Roberts, •z4 gams.t rom ren enn g a pre u ~Cochran Hall Editor It 1s OUR problem. What will WE Marjora Whi stler, '23 do w i,th it? Literary Editor ........ Paul Garver, '25 Our Part. Address all communications to The W e r eceived last week a letter from Otterbein Ta n and Cardinal, 103 W. College Ave., W es tervill e, Ohio. an alum nus en closin g a chec k for S ubscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, three year's sub cription to the f. & payable in advance. C. A lmost every day a letter c,) me ' to us sh owing th a t th e al umni a·re inEntered as second class ma tter S ep temb er 25, 1917, at the postoffice te re ted in u . that they are watch ing at Westervi lle, 0 ., under act of throu g h the chool paper the prosress March 3, 1879. of th e sc hoo l. We kn ow that the Acceptance for mailing at special alumni ar e back of th e Jubile e pro­ rate of postage provided for in S ec. . o-ram that th ev wi ll be her e foi the 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 191 7 authorized "'· . · k April 7, 1919. ' b ig cel~brat1on com m encement wee . 1 A re we, here at Otterbein , r ead, for EDITORIA.1.; our part? Roles in th e Pageant are being a signed Have you been asked to Read This and T hink. help? A r e yo u going to jump in a nd Fre i.dent Clippinger and D ean p u your bes t efto rt in(o th e worki ni ornetet have pleaded for a mo r e out of that part howeve r huml:le it decorou chapel as embly. Profe or may be? Wh en th e call for rehearsal Grabill and hi s tudents have prote t­ come will you be there wh en yoi are c;d again t th e unappreciative ess of wante9? the tud ent body . Edifo r of the J'. Do you ealize hat it is a privile ge a.nd . and va rious student in "Club to ha-ve a hand in this Hi toricaJ T~lks" have r egi tered an appeal for Pageant which will be a high light in decent pre-chapel comportment. Our t he history of Otterbein? If you have contemporary college paper s how u · been iven no part, will yo u do your th at the prob lem is known to other bit by s aying fo r commencement? 1 schools and now after th e deplorab le i your ri vilege to be an onlooker at fina le to th e o r gan prelude of la t F ri ­ hi tory making event . W ill you day 01.o rning we add our voice to th.e pa s it up ? I i your duty t o th e p r ote t. school to lend your presence to the D oes thi onditio n exi t becau e success of th e W eek . Will you play th e present student gen erati on does up to it? or th e next three weeks j}Ot car e for mu sic? ls it that w e h ave every effort must be given to th e su c­ R O mann ers at all? Is it that our elf• ce ful promotion of th e pageanl. It ,con tro l cann ot rule our clacking ton­ is our duty and privilege to help gu es? Is it pure thou ghtle ne or actively and by being pre ent. W e o utright vi cio u nes ?' ls it that we mu t come through. would prefer the en tire chap el pe riod The Picturesque Passes. for ocial exchange?

existe nce by th e m o tor and modern• Are you going travelling ized marketing, by lu crativ e employment a t machine ry , by th e growing this summer? spell of th e city . Gone fo r good in more ways th a n Do you hesitate on account of the o ne, had th ey meri ted longer life we worry of obtaining hotel accommo­ wo ul d sti ll have them with us in their picturesque ineffic iency, b ut the world dations and railroad tickets? must move ahead. The American E xpress Company has



~----~~~~ -.-.·- -·~ _ '~he '"''"""



just what you want.

T hat when Greek (student) m eets Greek (exam) and comes through un- , ruffied with 100 points to her favor it must be a case of brains,

Our tours cover the world

T hat the new Sibyl is a gooder. We never knew that our Seniors were so good looking until we saw them smiling at us from the pages of the J unio r masterpiece.


crtainly the di case whatever its 1,'he picturesque is fast giving way cause deman,d either a remedy or cul­ to the practical in modern life. As an ture. If we are to continue chapel a epitome of the change, we ci te the chapel, the confu ion of tongue mu t complete umbrella repair shop we stop, if we wo1,1ld rath er have a fifteen aw m ounted o n a Ford chassis driv­ drenched minute ocial e ion each day let's ing thro ugh Westerville' trcets last Thursday. see that it i a r eal affair unbother ed Gone are the German bands, organ ' by pipe organ mu i or exer i e of grinders, peddler , ice crea,m wagon , any kind. sci or grinders, pie bald ponies of The college admini tration can not gypsy bands, tame bears and foreign by force attain the goal of an orderly troubadours of our own early :youth. chapel assembly. That must lie with Gone for good they are. Driven from

Call Citizen 224 for information.

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

That the Dayton girls who were· our visitors over the week-end were like all the other Daytonites-mighty nice folks. That we' d better be sending our seal skins and golashes home so we'll have room for the " Sunday clothes" of ail the alumnae who will soon be blow­ ing in. That we wouldn't feel insulted if the faculty would ask us not to take any exams.

Westerville, Ohio

G. W. Henderson; M. D. Hours By Appointment.

That we're proud of every Otter­ bein athlete whether he cracke·d a record or not.

109 S. State St.

That it's tuff luck that Otterbein. co'uidn' t go to Oberlin instead q_f Cin­ cinnati.

G. .H . Mayhugh, M. D. East College Avenue

T h at there are several pairs and peaches t oo who'd appreciate a new Citizen 26 campus swing these moon-less nights. That it's heaps of fun to watch Doc­ tor Snavely mo-w his lawn with all his " bee harness" on.


Bell 84-R

W. M. Gantz, D. D. S. DENTIST

That those new cement walks will look strange to our old grads.

15 West- College Ave. B ell Phone 9

Say it, Do it, Tell it with flowers.

Citizen Phone 167

For all that is good to eat see

Fifth Ave. Floral Co.

WILSON, The Grocer ' No. 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio

Columbus, 0.

€. W. S ougHton, M. D.



. John C. Mayne, ... . Rep.

Bell Phone 190


W. College Ave.

Citizen Phone 110 f



15c 25c

Tailor Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS H



' The College Avenue Buckeye Printing Co.





Page five

Yo u hu stl e fer ho me A n' res tore th e gard en T ' no rma lcy."

The li b rarian. Mi ss Barn es, an• Root- Profit of the Many. noun ces the additi on of the following Ferror--Immortality and J'heism. new books to the library:­ Bryon-In His Image. F arewell-Greek H ero Cults and I James-Our Hellenic Heritage. Carp enter-Esthetic Basis of Greek O tterbein Is Represented By T hre, Idea s of Imm ortality. K elm or e-Found ati ons of Faith . A rt. Musicians at Denison Meeti:. B lack-P lain A n wer s to R eligious Moffatt-A pp roac h to th e Ne w : On W edn esday, May 17, und er -e Q ues ti o ns. T es tam ent. auspices o f th e F ed erated W o mes Club s of Ohio and t he O hio St~ M usic T eacher s' A ssociation, a cc­ I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I II I Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 / tes t was held fo r all young p rofess ic, al mu sicia ns o f the ta te betwee n t! I ag e s o f s ixtee n and t hi r ty. C . . Broa dhead 'wa one of the co n tes tars and, a lthough not wi nnin g, rece ivl 111any highl y fav orab1 e com m en t s fr § hi s pe r fo rm ance. On T hursday eve­ in g, Mis Wri g ht .an d M iss R obins1 _ app eared o n th e pr ogr an1 of th e O b E,·c ry g ir l in bo th hal ls wore a per pc tt·a! s:11i·e on Sunday-th e cau se Stat e Mu sic T eachers' A ssociation. Fo r the woman who admires ; was tl· e beaut iful wea th er. W e do Graduating Recitals W ill Begin. ha te rain y days, for w et wea th er is no the slender , graceful lines of Th e g ra duate recitals of th e Schd res i cc tcr o f curl s. of Music will be held thi s w eek. Ci \:he prevailing fa hion , and _ Co chr a n I la ll wa s ho tess o ver th e Tue day, May 23, a re cital will ! wee k- end to seve n indu strial g irl s appreciate C O m f O rt and gi ve n by Cath erine Minton, pia ni , fro m Day ton. B rea k fas ts, hikes, a nd L orain e Rhin ehart, contralto, atl freed om w ith the utmost in pus'1es. etc.. were am ong th e occasions o n W edn es day evening, May 24, V offered for ent ertai nm ent. \ Ve enj oy­ Hazel Denhoff, pianist, and Margart : tyle, there i no corset more ed ha 1·ing th e g irl s with us. Meyer, m ezzo-contralto. The tud et : sa tisfying than a Thomson. Friday a nd Sa turd ay th e D o rm was bo dy a nd general public ar e cordial, _ en li ,·e ned by twelve senior hi g h chool invited to attend . The programs wl W .e carry everal models, deg irl s fro m Can a l Win che ter. Marvel begin at eight o'clock. igned fo r slender, medium : Seibert , ' 2 l. b roug ht th e girl s. Y. W . C. A. Enjoys O pen Air Mee : H e len Mille r had as her gues ts o n and tout figures and we are _ Snnday. her mo th er . her ister , O ne o f th e mos t ins piring m eetins § cheerfully at your service _ bro th er-in-'aw. and ne ph ew. Miss of th e year wa s enj oyed by a ll wh _ Re la nd Schrea l. o f D elawa r e, wa s a l o m et wi th J osep hine Crid land . Ia § for better cor et comfort. T uesday eveni ng. to dis cus the to p in th e pa r ty. Lost : Two m ilk bott les a nd a hu ge "Lone li ness" . The mee ti ng wa s hel s tack o f mont h-o ld ne ws paper . A lso at sun se t on the girl' at hl eti c fie !, on e perfec t ly good se renade we n t Virg il Dra yer an d Ge neva B ral ey sa n _ o . 3 N . tate St. . We terville, Ohio o los an d Ru th Luca s a nd Than< as t ra y. r icl I a 11 cl a n g a cl u et. Aft er a sh O1 7i II Ill I Ill Ill IllIll 111111111111111111 Ill Ill I Ill Ill Ill Ill II Ill IIIllIll Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill IIIllIIIll I Eth el l.' lri ch ent ertain ed her fa th er ' talk by the lead er, the topi c was o pe a nd mo th er on Sunday. for di sc us io n. It wa s vo ted by a ~11111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIIIII II Ill lllll Ill I Ill Ill llllllll I IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU T he Owls sta ged a birthday part y at th e Blendo n H o tel. Th e reporter th a t this was o ne of th e enj oyab l was unable to ge t th e nam es o f th e mee tin g o f th e seaso n. celebra tin g gue t . We gue s th ey fear ed th eir ec ret as to th eir age And Suits For Come m and let u hel1 mi gh t leak o ut.


= =


THOMPSONS Glove Fitting

-= -=



= = =




= =



= = =



_Best New Spring Styles

= = =

peakin g of birthd ays. Ruth Streich ntertain ed the Greenwich Club to cru hed trawb rries on ice cream and angel food cake. nd ~vhat's more, we counted the cand le ! Anyo ne de­ .siring to know how pld Ruth is, end a self-add ressed envelope to the editor of thi colum n. W e t~ke lhi oppo rtunity of greet­ ing the new Executive Board of ochran Hall As ociation. May we all be s uch good gi rls in the co m­ ing year that your ta lcs wi ll be few. Observations



T'othe,i;- evening I go t into an argument With old Larry Mees An' Ol ey Hendrickson About th' J?olitical situation An' I had 'em nigh about cornered When I looked up An' there stood Heloise (That's my wife). An' she sez, sez she, "Well Ab" sez she "You: elo~uence is amazin'I Now, soon as you git The tariff qu es tion settled

plan yo ur decoration feed.




3 3

A special purchase of the Sp ring supplus :_= . sto ~k of Dreyfus & Larg, of Philadelphia en­ able us to offer a wonderful selection of brand new spo rt models and dependable con ervative suits at only-

We have the best anc'. = what you need.




- $17.95, $2i.50 -


= =


On that



Bring her to the





Our Extraordinary Offer and Guarantee. We guarantee every suit sold b y us to be strictly high-grade, to have expert tailoring and to be m ade from the b es t woolens. We agree to keep every suit purchased from us pre ed and repaired, free of charge, for one year. The life of good, choice clothes is


JOLLY : ·:i:::;~:;t;;~;i.es



= = o

• ,,



High and ~Pring Columbu,, 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111,1111

Page Six






Wesleyan Presents Strong Crew and Inter-Class Baseball and Track ScheOtterbein Net Men Drop First ' dules Make AppearanceHome Meet in Three Years Conflicts are Avoided. Tuesday afternoon, May 16, the Ohio Wes leyan tenni s team defeated Otter bein on the local court in a hard-fought battle. Crabbs, who was playing his fi rst interco llegiate match, seemed nervous and was unable to place his de fensive strokes against his opponent. Although "Bob" Martin won his match from Savage, the snappy Metho­ dist player gave him a fast game. The doubles were heart breakers, for, after the tart the match was anybody's. To the sorrow of th e Tan and Cardinal the ''W" men took the finisher. Sumfnary: Sin gle , · Cole, (W) vs. Crabbs, (0) 6-2, 6-0. Martin, (0) vs. Savage, . (W) . 6-3, 3-6, 6-2. Doubles, Cole and Savage vs. Martin and Corn etet, 6-1, 4-6, 6-4.

May May May May bus

22, Tennis-Denison, th ere 23, Baseball-Denison. there 26, Tennis-Denison, here 26-27, Track-Big Six at Colum­

May 29, Inter-class baseball-Juni­ ors vs. Seniors. May 29 , Tennis-Wesleyan, there June 1, Inter-class baseball-Trian­ gles vs. Frosh. Jun e 1, 2, 3, Tennis-0. I. meet at Co­ lumb us. Jun e 1, Baseball-Antioch, there June 3, Baseball-Wesleyan, here June 5, Inter-class track, 3 o'clock. June 5, Inter-class baseball-Semi finals. June 6, Inter-class baseball-Cham­ pionship game. Herman F . Lehman. June 6, Tennis-Kenyon, here "Skin ney" Lehman's record fur­ Jun e 10, Baseball-Ohio niv., there. nish es an example of a man who got a vision in college, then carried on ac­ cordingly. ·'Skinney" didn't take him­ self at all serio usly during his fresh­ man and sophomore years here and took an attitude toward athletics which was in accord with h is view . He tri ed out for th e baseball teams "just for the fun of it." He managed to break into one or two varsity games in the spring of '19. · He went ·out for football during mid-season in the fall of '19 because men were needed. It is doubtful whether L ehman even held hopes of possessing an Otterbein "O", much less four of them . As was the ca e with several other men, Coach , Ditme r' magnetic per­ sonality furn ished the impetus for effort. "Skinney" heeded the first call for football candidates in the fall of '20 and · 0011 ho wed that he had the stuff.

Physical Director Martin and Coach Ditmer release th e inter-cla s track meet and baseball tournament a s fol­ lows: Monday, May 29, Baseball-Jun iors vs. Seniors. Thursday, J une 1, Baseball-Trian­ gles vs. Freshmen . Monday, June 5, (at 3 o'clock) Track-Inter-class. Monday, June 5, (after track meet) Baseball-Winners of Prep-Frosh. game vs. Sophomores. Tuesday, J u1{e 6, Baseball-Cham­ pionship game. (Played after Kenyon tennis match.) The schedule has been arranged ad­ mirably. The only time tha t a con­ flict with varsity schedule occurs is on May 29 when the tennis men are at Delaware. It is 'for this very reason Rain Halts. Base Ball and Tennis. that the schedule has been withheld Rain spelled idleness for 0. . athl e- this long. Martin a11d Ditmer wi h ed tes last Thur day. The Kenyon ba e- to avoid var ity conflicts as far a ball game, which had been moved for- possible. They succeeded we ll. ard from Friday, was called off in­ MORE BIG DOINGS ON TAP definitely whi!~ · the ten~is men, stranded in Gambier, managed to play off only one et. Hopes are being held Varsity Teams to Meet Big Red Three Times While Saturday ls that arrangement can be made where­ Lehman' first app arance in a var­ by the Kenyo,n ites will visit 0 . C. later Given Over to Big Six ity confl ict came in the Mu kinguQ.1 on for the ball game; while the tennis game. $le subbed at center. The meet is off for good. O nce again the nd men will start n ext week he wa tarted at left Howard rep r esented Otterbein in athletic hostilities for tl{e week; this tackle at Denison. It was at Beaver the one set of single that was play­ time by touring ov-er to Granville on Field, over at Granville, that he how­ ed in spite of a slippery court and a wash day where the Big Red racquet edl a wea lth of real football "gut ." He heavy driz zle. He beat Kenyon's best wielders will be met. wa injured ·quite seriou ly. in toe first man 6 to 4. The follo\vi ng day, Tuesday, the quarter, but hung on throughout the baseball men will swell the Otterbein confli t, topping the Big Red back contingent at th e hilly town. They time and time again. He held hi How They'll Score It. , predict "sweet revenge" for Denison' tackle position until the Ohio game at In th e Big Six Meet this year earlier triumph. 1 olumbu . In that b loody melee Ohio State will oppose a ·com­ On the 26th. comes the week's only ) " Skinney" g-ave hi all. He wa re­ po i.te team of the Ohio Con­ home conte t, Denison here in tenni . moved irom the game in a critical ference college . The three en­ On Saturday the O . c. athletes who condition, and spent ome days in the trants who qualified in ach survived the Cin cinnati J) relimina ri e hospital. The sea on was over for event at Cincinnati and three w ill ·hop over to olumb us for t he Lehman. ent ran ts in each event from the Big Six. Otterbein's pos ibilities in Last fall "Skinney" was hifted north ern ec tion's meet at this classic are di cus ed el ewhere. about a bit but played _at one line ,po i­ Cleveland (making a total of Th,e Big Six will have its usual galaxy tiou or anot h r iv every game of the six) will compete again t six of satellites circling that well known season. State men in each field and cinder oval just off . High St. The "Skin ney's other major is baseball. track event. To win State spectacle is always inspiring. He ha er ved at fir t ack for the past mu t run up a score greate r than two seasons. He is part of an infield the combined score of a ll th e e Twilight Football "For which i held in ·gh repute: confer ence athletes. Five place Everybody" Now on Deck • Although not a star, Lehman has put will be counted as usual. in some good lick as a basketball During the next couple of weeks pla,yer. He subbed fai thfully du ring Coach Ditmer will condu t spring the season of '21. He did not show u p :May Stage Varsity-Alumni Game. twilight football. Every man who ex­ for early practice la t w inter, but Efforts are being made to line up pects to report for gridiron duty next simply could not keep off the court, and enough old grads who admit that they fall should apply for a uniform. The joined th e squad in time to take part can play a little baseball to arrange an practices will be short but intensive. in a couple of varsity gam.es. While it does not come in the form alumni-varsity game for commencet week. Such a game would be of an official announcement, Dame Ditmer's idea of a good time-To h . d me n quite an event as no ot er varsity ates Rumor has it that a. popular football have the football field equipped with tournament will be held. are scheduled for the week. arc lights.



Your Graduation Suit

Can be measured and Tailored the ROYAL WAY in Westerville.


Serge Suits Graduation-


They are recommended to every man who appreciates a smart and ever popular suit, yet one that may be utilized for summer outing as well. W ith the simple addition of a pair of white flannel trousers-the Blue Serge Suif may be converted into a holiday garment that is socially correct for all occasions. .

$27 .00, $30.00, $32.00, $35.00 and up. A Real Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed

McLeod & Sanders Westerville, Ohio


Page Seven


PEDEN' S RECORD live hours a day at a given sport. hav e dupl icated his ho1rs of athletic [ ho u r Peden co uld have earne d $2160. d f t OJ I Peden's record, and. a conser vative service alr eady g iv en on Kovember 6, Put half of that on interes t from . (Contmue rom page w • I · · · • h h.1s re gim · e n t' s c ham pion - . one,.. wou1d be ometbin.g . like this: phi.ye d " ·1t 192·!. t\t a ve ry low wage of -10 c per ! 191 6 to 1922 and s~e ~her e you land. . team on t h e I)o r d er. H e wa,_ se l - 'j hve h ou rs a day or thirty s hip . hours a h 1f I k f th e week for tw e lve \\"eeks 111 football cctcd• as :'1.ll-Army a - ,ac or would amount to 360 hours for on e J 1t1IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIILIIIIIIIIIIII IIJIIII El f' a.so Dist ri ct. . . 1 Basketball Re co rd. season or 2160 ho ur s for six sea so n s. _ ( Roy served during th e se ason of ·1-1 !'eden is no t as well kno\\'n as a as a sc rub. ) basketball man as a tra ck -a n d foot P eden put in the same numb e r of




ba ll perfo rm e r. This is due la rgely to th e fact that he ha s fin ish ed the pas : , two footba ll sea so n s so badly 'bunged up'" that Coa c h Ditm er w o uld not ri sk him a t the cour t game. He was f a s t ar \\'h t n he pla.yed, how e ver. l h f ,o u don't be li eve it look up files o t e ) , 16 'rn-·20 Tan a.n d Ca rd inal a nd 'lSand ' l i-' 18 Otterbein Review . Sea so n of ·16 ................. ........... 6 games

y ears at tra ck. J:.. twelv e week season _ is lo\,. for t r a c k .as an athlete n1ust start hi s work ear ly in F ebruary. Peden always did. But figuring at that rate we would have another 2160 hours for track, bringing Peden's total up to -1 320 hours. Th e n Roy p layed baske t ball. He

· .




= =

It' s a pleasure to have flowers that please.





wa s on the sq uad for three season. When you want flowers call or see us at Blendon Hotel. Figuring th e same way as in footba ll S ea so n of ' 17 ·······-··········•········· lO games and track we find that h e spent ap - Season of '20 .............. .............. 1 :1 games proximate ly 1080 hour.s at th e court Citizen 160 ; Bell 95-R. Westerville, <D. Tot al ........... - ............... .......... 29 games game. Roy was a lso o n th e baseba ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIULllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll As in foo tba ll , Peden was n eve r squad for t wo or thr ee seasons, but as ejec t ed fro m a baske tball game. W e hi baseball and track practices would could d evo te thi s e ntire paper to Roy overlap we will ign o r e hi s entir e base­ F. Pe d en and then no t eulogize him ball r eco rd . ad eq uat e ly. 'Bis se~vices to Otter-_ C h ec king up. we fi nd that P e den .44. 'North State Street bein cannot be estimated . Be has spent 4320 hour s at track and foot-! furni sh ed a moral a-nd physica l in- bal l. W e add 1080 hours for basket Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all ,~hpice ~a,nd,s ,qf ,Pg~s. ~ine .P.ip_es, s pirati o n for sco r es of. admiring wor- b.all an.d leave . baseball ~ut of co n- kinds. <Films Developed and P.mnted. _CiJar l;lolci~Ji, Tob.,ccos .and ~ok~' 1 shipers. Roy P e den 1s a wonderful s1der at1on. Th is should give u s a very p , .. . Supplies. athlete, a thorough ge ntleman , a-nd as low ,estima t e. ,wei:;:; Fountain 'Pens, Ev.en 'Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT m o de s t as a doe. Hec.e js tb e way i.t totals : link iBencils, .Sheaffer'11 E,v;er ,Shar;p Eye Glanes 'llrtd Spectacles, Eye Sin ce we have s tart ed to give s t a- ' Total h o urs ( ba-seball exclude d ) 540() 'Sha'des ·and -Goggles. 'Examimition Pencils antl 'Leacis. 'Fine 'Papeteriea, ,.__ ..... ..._ .,.., tisti cs Je t us ~ u re P,eJ!en's ,recor-d N umbe r .oJ e~hJ hour days ..._. _______ 675 .-n::e. ffil wo.:-.. ·guaranteed. 'Uive ,aa from another jlngi!;,, houi;;; of service. . That .,mean s that if Roy Peden .E,ts:. ·a call. Cons ervative iu<ijl'es sta,te tha'1: colould t.11rt wo11k ing ~r O tt er bein on Jege athletes spend o n an a verage of the fi r st o f nex t January he would






fflTTEB a W'J.gY


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--for the 'Grad'



who cares



Hart Schaffmer & Mar-¥ ~nd Fashion Park

. .

$3~.0Q -. , . T$3~00~I I~•JP!~,~~-~i :

Here a,,r: sujt h,at c;1 re equal to th j g reat occa J. ,n--. ail-ored by ithe be t maker of co11ege men s clot he w hich as ur~s you the very

_ . =

latest in tyle mad,e froµi fj.ne blue erge and .ttij.fi.ni hed wor ted . . 1e "p,IJ.µ "rt .-.d ou.bl e-brea. . . ted . m d e l m b o th mg port and conse,rva t ive coat . , ,, ,,... .


jj II IJ IIIJ 111111 IJ 11111111111111111111_111 IU.l l 1111~11:,l l,Y ._II l},')JU IJ IJ II.I.I~.•





'(. '

This i the straw .that is ,d ifferent-come m and ee for yo utself.,

u'• •

■~ ~ - •~•J5 - ~ ilu •

= = -

High at Long <Columbus O f. ' . _.., . . ' . IJJ 11"J 11 l~lf l 1111 I II I I III I I I I III I I I II I I I I I I I1111111111111111 IM I~ •~1111111111111111111111111111111 IIJJI 1111 IU 111111111111 ji




Page Eight

'Ne her eby ·submit a list of folks who we think will have a hard time getting in to heaven: Tho e w ho walk across ten nis courts when they are muddy. Those who ride bicycles across the tennis courts w hen they are muddy. Those w ho wear ar my shoes w hile playing tennis. Those w ho play tennis ,continuously for two hours while some other person is sitting on the sidelines waiti ng for a n oppo rtunity to play.


Fire destroyed the Columbus Y. W. C. A . ca P.,' " Camp Wildwood", last Tuesday morning. Arthur Roo se has been privileged to have his mother visiting with him this last week. Mr. A. L. Hughes, a teacher in th e Crooks"ville higl:i schdol, v'site·d ·with the "Crooksvill e boys" over the weekend. . · • The .presence of B. F. Shiv.ely o{ th e class of '05 q n .the campus has ca:used ' many of us to ,~eµiark ., that;; a missionary can be a really good sport. We were almost tempted to call him "Ben" and tak e this" opportunity to remind him that we think he is a real






Th. ere_ · IS AbSQi}Ute}Y. NOth•mg In olumbus, .At This Price,'

ma.pie ' 'ttee whrch '- was the roostmg place . 9f six.•, hundred and fi fty.-four blackbirds and have had to lis te~ to those blackbirds sending out their fint ·fifty-.ni ne thousand chirps about four a. m.~well you don't know whaL


Tp Enual T , hem For Quality. ""1 C Q M . .P, A R. [ .f

•.r ;'



- ,--~-~

Hite--( After waiting ·several minuFreshman Members to Senate. r:d · tes,, for an ? er _of eggs) .._ As members of the student senate · Hey Pmk! Feed thai°hen .some corn • • the Freshmen have selected, Florence .. and she will lay those...~ggs qui cker." Vance, Edith Oyler, R. P . Ward and . Pink-"You gotta be careful how · · around here." R. H. Anderson. . · you treat t h e .chickens


For Your Money--- ·

Essay by Olaf. D ear F ri end :You might think. yo u are o ne of humanity's nob le suffere r . You might be th e pro ud father of a six month's old youngster and have had th e pleasant experi ence of getting up in th e ni g ht to walk the floor when said youngster had the colic. You ma y have had to listen to an agoniz ing serenade wh en you wanted to sleep. Yo u might think it is to rture to sit up in the wee small hours to catch up with your th emes. You might think you have been a victim o.f a hundred thi1~gs that have kept you from ge ttin g that blessed thing known as sleel:!.· but . if .you have never slept or tried to ; te'~p· ~ithin t ~ enty ~feet of a • la~ge

agony is, that!s- alL _,,.01,aL ·-- --


The Utmost Value


Dr. F . M. Pottenger, '92, of Mon­ rovia, CaUforni a, one o.f O tterbeip's most generous a nd loyal fri ends, visit­ ed his son over the week-end.



~ ~ ~ ~poil~ni~els;atnile



breasted'' style&--ln long-wearing


Pure Wool Worsted Fabn·,.. L1"ght -• d dark ahad All size.. an es.


New Accounting System. A l- "S ay. ··•:,.,. .r~ie· ,, quit gassing th e 1a d'1es." ·,.• (• ..: '· f • , . ,. ·, • H . J . Thorkelson, of the staff ·of th e Piggy-''Oh, they' ve .got their masks General Education Board of ew on." .' ~;. York City, spent a few days last week in th e Treasurer's office assisti ng P rett; ·, gi~ t,•, ~ · '.~. ,·,:, .Professor.· West in ., reorganrzing th'e_ A ~(OW~d ,car ' . along colle~e accounting · sys~em Plea' e ta~e ,~eat lines approved by the Board and th e Ohio Association of College Trea­ So the'i;te ' yo~ a·; e su rers. The Treasurer hopes to in­ A crow<fed car 1 t!,~ stall the new system with the opening wo~:m ·»1;/h· t~,- . of the fi nan cial year, Jun e l . , :, , She s tands . !'





So there

DAR _'_f~e. g.th~r . ~i~~t .

· Bill was wo kin· At Al's Palace Arr ·

i And thot he'd ;,l\:,;li<,\cer •• On .Bill He last Bill Is this a sho,e store And Bill Rolled his Beech-nut (Gum) Around in his jaw A:nd winked at me And says Yep mister We shue flies. Darn Bitll

-"most for your money''


·w. ~ SPRl.NG


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