1922 05 29 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1



ar tna COLLEGE


VOL. 5.

No. 31.

Peden Breaks Big Six Pole Vault Record .,





Seniors In Music Make Last Appear- O tterbein CQllege Will Be Host to ! ance on Local Platform In Recitals Cl:ristian Leaders In Bible S(;bool Third Year Class Presents "Mrs. I That Please Music Lovers. and School of Methods. Peden Goes Over Rod at State Meet Bumpstead-Leigh" With Marked j 1 at 12 ft., 5½ in. Breaking Record Skill to Appreciative House. I On !uesd~y even i~g,. May 2 3 , Mis The Ce ntral Di trict of the nited That Has Stood for Years. I Cathenne Minton, P 1a111 te, and Miss Brethr en Ch urch will hold a umm er VIRG INIA BLAGG IS STAR I Loraine Rinehart, Co ntralto, we re Bib:e Conference and Institute of Play I s More Finished in Technique j heard in,their g raduating recital in th e Metho :I in Wester ville from Jul y 4 A TRIUMPH FOR OTTERBEIN Than O rdinary Amateur Producmusic hall. Mi Rinehart wa ab ly to 14. . C assisted by Mi s Helen <=chutt as ac Co ur es wil l be gi·ven of peci·a1 Record Jump Marks Close of Roy's . nons and Parts Well asted. compa m t. value to pa tor , mis 10naries, life Intercollegiate Athletic Career T he frr t number was of special in- work recruits and workers in Sunday and Is Fitting Climax to it. For weeks we have been awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Bump tead-Leigh tere. t, being a Beethoven concerto chools and Christi.an Endeavor oRo)'. F. Peden brought tterbei n and and now her visit here may be tunm ed for two piano ;"'ith Profe sor Grabill c_itie , who ar _tnu offered an except10nal opportu 111ty to combine a vaca- Otterbein athletic befoce t he public up in the brief statement: She came, at the eco nd piano. nfortunatcly. because of the tion with profitable tudy thi uromer. eye in a way-which only be could. la t we saw, lie conquered. The play, a A cour e of work ha been carefully three-act comedy by Harry Jame length of th e program, two moveSmith, ha been very popular through­ ments of the Shumann uite and th e p'. anned by the Conference leaders of B'rill,,nte"- equeira, were the Centra l Di trict, the Board of Conout the country and tl1e audience "Val e trol f unday hool ,and Young which enjoyed it in the college chap I omitted. Saturday night agcrly join imilar Mi Rin hart' voic di played a F oplc' vVorK, and th Bonebrake groups which are enthusia tic ov r the urp ri ing range and su tai.1.1ed volume 1:rreological Seminary and per on production. It was without doubt the in th '' ade·hda" aria. "The ight prominent in the church life and work be t play tag d in We terville in th Wind,'' by Ro land Fart y wa we ll will serve a in tructo r . Bi bop A. R. Clii;>pinee;-, :Q. D. will actt a Dean ol un g too. las t century. The piano and vocal number alter:- t-h e chool; Rev. W . A. W eber D. D., The play told the wor ld-old tory of the "social climber", and the "snob". nated producing a v'!ry plea ing pro- as Educational Director and J. P. Minton and Mjss Rine - vVe t of V esterville, wi ll be Registrar When these two interesting person g ram. Mi meet like the proverbial Gree)cs, there hart are to be congratu lated on th eir and Trea ur er. our e will be given in Bible tudy, i bound to be tro uble. nd so iliere program. Pastoral Function , {i ion , unday wa in "M rs. B ump tead-Leigh" the Second Recital. chool Organization and Admini tracen of which wa laid in " ma.rt", The e ·ond raduating recita of . tion, Elementary P ychology, How to Long I land but which could just as the year wa given in Lamb rt Hall Teach Religion, and hri tian °Enwell have been in ew Zealand or on \ edne day e,·ening May 2-1 by deavor. We terville. Haz I Dehnhoff, -PialJi te, and MarT he e cour e wi ll be given by such As in all popular _plays, just as things gar t Meyrr. Mezzo-Contralto. recognized leader .as Bishop C. J. Were crumbling, the heroin._e, unregenMi Dehnhoff' part of the pro- Kepha rt, Prof. N. E. Cornetet, Rev. rate, won out and the family of the gram wa very repre entative· co m- G. D . .Batdorf, Rev. . T. · Howa rd aLur.day afternoon when he vaulted Patent medicin vender. like the pri ing numoer by French, GermaJi, Rev. C. W. Brewbaker, Mi Ida phoenix bird of Arabian ights tales, and m rican, composer • Her ene-'- Koontz, ev. W. A. \,Veber, Rev. O. to a height of 12 ft. 5½ in. in the aro e out of th a he of its humili.­ geti <; i11terpretation of the Godard I T. Deever, Rev. H. F. huJJe, and Mis twentieth annual ,meet of the hio In­ tercollegiat :\thletic A sociation ky l,igh to the top of Etud y,,a ccrtain,ly a fit tip o- climax to I Myrtle Lafever. ,!tion and fl · , better kn,own a the Big ix Meet' the ocial tree. her excellent program. In addition to th e., cour e offered _breaking th e old record of 11ft. ½ The unu ti.al talent dis_played by Miss Meyer' selection oi ongs 4 above, l,{ound Table discu ions will 111. which had stood ince 191.4. Ii irgi,nia Blagg in the role of lended toward trre Rus ian and or- i be dir cted by Bishop Clippinger and Peden and hi work; wa ea ily the 1:r . Bump tead-Lcigh deserves special wegian chool. he sang them very , lecture will be given each eve ning by meet' en ation, and it brought him mention. From an atmo phere of well. particularly. " ohtejg' ong"- Bi hop Kephart. and Otterbein more favorable athl etic ba e burner and rag ·carpet he co n­ (Continued on page two.) - - - - - - -- com ment than ha been enjoyed for duct d "maw" and " is" by forced Show Appreciation to Peden. 1 a numbe r of year . Ped n has hoped !llaruhe into the " ociety" who e pieOtterbein Woman's Club Elects. ture appear in Who' W ho. She At th e thapel exe rci e this morning for and worked toward the goal of tting a new Ohio pole vault record managed the aJfair with the air of a :rhe Otterb ein Woman's Club of the climax of ..Roy Peden' achieveapoleon and at the ame time uc- Col umbu and vicinity has re-elected ment of la t aturday wa fitti ngly for ome time and the occuranc wa ceeded in looking exceedingly charm- the following officers for th~ ensuin~ capped w_hen !Je was pre ented a fine a fitting climax for an unprecede nted ing. year: Mrs. James M. Davi , pres1- J liver lovmg cup by the tudents and record for faithfulne and untainted Hi record will stand for The excellent wo rk of Luci le Ewry, dent ; Mrs. Frank J. Resler, vice- faculty o'. ~tterb,ein College. 1 a the prosy mother; Ellen Jon es, as pre ident ; Mr . E . E . Law rence,. r eDr. Chppmger remark to the e_f­ ome time. Ottcrbeini tes held hope ( ome the maid. Paul Harris as the tomb - cording secretary ; Mr . Pa ul Fish- feet that the cup wa not pre ented m tone al;sman, and C~cil Conley, as baugh, corre ponding secr~tary; M r s. recog ni_tio n of ~o~'s new . record, but folks thoug ht vain hope o n account of the young profligate call s for high A. M. Hills, trea~urer; ~1ss G~neva rath er 1~ appreciation of h1 loyal~y t~ Peden's impaired physical coAdition ) commend t· Cornell Westerville, v1ce-pres1dent, Otter bem, was · well put. Capt. Ed that Roy would break the record, but a ion . , track team made twelve feet wa ge nerally thought to The other members of the ca t, and Mrs. George L . Stoughton, Wesewe II o f t h"1s years t11e pre entation peech ·11 t (Contin ued on page seven.) • (Co ntinued on page two.) terv1 e, ecre ary. -~\ • 1·








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Page Two



JUN I ORS MA KE ' of th e performance is due to hi unHIT W ITH PLA Y tirin g a nd capable effort s. Award s Totaling Ninety Dollars Are O ne of th e mo t intere ting and ( Conti n ued fro ,, 1 page one.) Made to St udents Having Highest beneficial meeting of th e year wa H enry I e n, Wilbur Coon , D ean E A TS , held at Y. M . C. A. last T hur day Hanco k, Grace HiJI. Beatrice FraMarks fo r Year's Wo r k. 1 even'it, . T he feat ur es of the evening lick, Genevieve Mullen and Ar thur In cha pel Monday morning award 1were the piano olo by Dan Harri R oo e, howed remarkably fi ne abi l- Tl:ese ·a st days in the Lawrence Keister Greek Schol- and the lecture by Mr. R. K. White ity to act. The play was almost per- Of school arship Con te t \\·ere gi_v en to th e st ~· I of the D elco Light Co., Dayton, 0. fec tly ca t and the ap and Dagger Q uite a few fol ks dents who have made hi ghe t grade 111 Mr. White gave a very in tructive Club ha had everal good hunch e Are wc nC: ering Greek thr ougho ut th e_ year. The talk which was of very great import -1 ince the play wa given . f H ew tt ei r re atives prize come from t h e income O an a nce to all men w ho are p lanning to The play wa pr esentea under th e I endowmen t o·f fifteen hundred d~llar I be ale me n. Hi ubject wa the di rec ti o n of our ab! dranill.tic tutor . A n cl frie nd s e tabli h d by Dr. Lawrence K ei ter. i "Art of a lesman hi p". H e aid that f Prof. Bromley mith . The xce ll ence Are go ing to be fed '82. of cottdale, Pa. \ O ver commen cement time. . . I th ere a re only two principle that T he prize win ner a nd th e 1 r pnze : er ve in th e act of elling and tho e We a re m aking plans are a fo llows: . . ar e. Itera ti on and Indirect ugge tion. FirSt Year. lterati o n i u ed by the ale man ~e r tJ- e o cca sic n . And you can rest la s prize, Hazel Baker, $ 10, grade directly to the cu tomer, while indirect 99. ugges tion is u ed by some uninter Assured 3 Cent Size Reco gni tion Prizes, $2.00 E a ch. es ted party o n the cu tomer. "U e T l:~ ilie BLEND O NRESTAURANT Elizabeth Saxour , g rade 97. a ll the five en e in trying to make a . 6 Vergil Myers, g rad e 95 1/,. . ale", wa o ne of Mr. White's tro ng 4 cent Size Will do all t hat nna Eh rh art, grade 95 ½. points. I s within it s power Marjora Whi ti r, grade 95. The marked attention given to the 1 lna Gamert felder, grade 96. To r elieve ;>eaker. tells how much the I ct r e Second Year. The congestion. was enjoyed. Fir t prize. 10.00 ti e betwee n Eve ry day after chapel and before an th nd Ethel ]rich, Cleveland a Ru Mr. Shively Address Life Recruits. G E O R GE CA V ANAUGH, Prop. test s by the Bulletin Board. Ro\>ert , Li bon, Iowa, grade 97. Prize divided, $5.00 each. The Volunteer Band and the Go ccond prize, Lois Coy, 5.00, grade pel Team had a joint meeting on Mon92. clay eveni ng. Over fifty tudent GET THOSE JEW E LED " O 's" T hir d prize, Lester Mitchell, $3.00, were pre ent to hear Prof. B. F. T ha t have chain attachm ent, for your club pins, etc. at your local J eweler's. grad 91. • hively of Do hi ha niver ity talk on T hird and Four th Years, Classical Japan. Hi talk wa of an unu ual C. D . MA NN Greek. nature and ve~y instructive. fter a 1 33 N . S ta te St. hiv ely · t prize, T he Residue of the f w word of greeting Mr. . 0, ).lr. Ray John on, conducted the meeting :n form of a ation, que ti n box. Big que tion c ncern­ 97½. 1 1 nd prize. . lvi,1 '\ ihlborg, 5.00, ing th e mi . iona_ry' r lation to th !.!_1 111 1111 1111111 1!l I I I I II II I I II I II I III I IIIIIII II Il l11 1111 1111 111 11 1111 111111 1111 1111111111111111 1111 11111 governm nf wer a keel. :;\fr. hivefy 96½. Third prize, Char le Lerew, 3.00, aid, ·'Japan find it hard to accept our hi h mora l tandard. al o t ac pt grade 96. a of future ])uni hR ecognition Prizes, $2.00 Each. hi al ug h an Erne ·t tud baker, grade 95 ½. g te m mb r : . \ ells. g rad e 95. u Ba ch oJ. Rob rt ehres, grade 94 ½. to CO!lr Third a nd F ourth Years, N ew Testa­ f ment Greek. Fir t priz , Alvin \Vihlb org, 15.00, O tterbein St udents Attend gr cl 6. G:ilcen Jubilee of W . M . A. econd priz.:. Ray J o hn on, 10.00, grade 95 .½ . T hir d prize, Charle L r w, 5.00. ti n of d- _ celeq r at Mrs. Cook's Class Meets. ne day in ayton. ~ ation ' § As a re ult of an attendance o ov r wer b tw en the to wn girl. and t t ry girl. of Mrs oo k' Th att ndanc th e t0 \ 11 girl were ent rtain d at int re ting d near chran Hall. Friday evenin . Tb of tb e w ntion wa I§ nee and pa r ticipation of many : annual enior recognition was obs r v­ pione r la · b r were § ed during the evening. i h r cu fr Jn th varitom , :\[r . Cook pre ented to each tu cl ·nt r c p r e ntati u mi~sion fi Id who poke, making 1 § g raduate a small book which he ha found u eful in her work . a pJ a £or th eir nati v land . The : 1 Boo k of Remewbrance wa opened GRADUATING RECITALS with hundr ed of nam and thou and § ( ontinued from page one.) of dollars. Thi money goe to n- : rieg. and the Ru ian Folk ong, ] d_ow th e era B . . Blinn. Chair of Mi § ·'Mother Dear 1.•· \ 1011 at Bonebrake emma r y. high : Mi Meyer' rendition of th e well I peak in the Jubilee \ a th pageant, : known and ever popular Berceuse ''The Challen e of th e nfini bed (from Jo ce lyn ) by odard, with a Ta k" given in Memorial Hall \,\led- § v ral hundred : violin obligate beautifully played by ne day evening. JO phine Cridland . wa , h artily ap - worn n and girl f th Dayton : : plaud d. church participated . Mi Ellen Jone upport d Mi Mary Br wbaker, Mabel a el, § M eye r a accompani t. The program H e! ri :Oruu, ylve ter 'Broderick and wa very we ll ehose11 and tende r d. Tacli ha Yabe attended from tterb ein . and h artily apprec iated by all tho e Stay fo r Commencement! vko attended. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1,F.1 Y. M. C. A .







TEST-BQQ S 6 for ·sc for 10c











= = -=

N apkins, Plates, Spoons, Table Cloths Drinking Cups, also Candles, P aper-Knives, Pins, Rings Watches, Fobs, Chains, Type­ writer RibboDf, Pencils, Ink

Paste, Glue, B~ nk-books, Card board, Debate Cards, Birthday

= = = = -= = = = =




Greetings, Films and Magazines. We Develop Pictures.





Page Three

; I '

Mrs. L. R. Harfo rd ( Lil lie Re !er) of Omaha, Neb_ra ka, wa oue of the mo t prominent wome n it:i attend­ ance at the Go lde n Ju bi lee of the Woman' Mi ionary sociation held in th e Euclid venu church in Dayton Mrs. Harf rd ha with thi mi io nary work almo t from th beginning. having been an officer ince th e organization of the general a ociation io 1 75 and in r · · nt y ar it. efficient pre ident. '72.

Mrs. A. H . Weitka mp (Mami e 11gele , alifornia. Geed in g) of Lo ex pect t pend the month of Jun e and July in Ohio vi iting relatives and fri nd chiefly at her old horn nea~ Camden. Ofrio. She will probably be ommencement i~1 W(l terville for Week.


'06. Dr. E . E. B ur tner of \Ve te rvill will be one of the peaker at a ~ i terial in titure and Bib le onfer nc for andu ky onfe r nc of •th nit d B rethren hurch to I e held in Fo toria, bio, June 20 and 21..

Har ry H. Haller, pastor of the Students Take Canoe T rip. ~1ited Brethr en Church at Gridle y. Ye it i fun to take you r be t alifornia, is having a very ucce ·­ ~ irl in. a ca noe and drift graceful a a fol year. The chu rch ha been r;;larg- wan over a quiet shady poo l where ed and improved and the attendance at the ligh t and hadows pla y and th e the ervice is constan tly increa ing long hoot of wi llow make sport '06. Mi M,wde A li ce Hanawalt 1 with the water. A ll the e lend at hom e in We terville, recovering touche of swee t harmony. But if you want to have a real trin from a throat ope.ratio n, performed at G.rant Hospital la t wecli:. he had get "Prof' mith and a couple of just recent ly return'!d from exten 1ve other - fe llow -and go to o lumbu via Alum reek. "Prof." i a veteran mu sical tudie in th e· east. when it come to canoeing. He has P -esi ent Delivers Addresses. had hi trainjng on th e untamed Pre ide nt Cli ppinger delivered the ,Joun tain tream . of Ea tern Penn y­ ommenceme nt add re s to the hi g h ' vania and !um Creek seems tame. choo l at ew Do ver la t T hur d.ay Whe n P . J. Harri ran the anoc n night and again to the g rad ua ting a log "Prof" ·just laughed a11d aid to cla at Hoytvill on Friday night. lo k at him and if he got cared then n Jun e . h d liver the . addre s w hould. Well be didn't get cared at the La-nca ter ommencemeot ,ex­ and we got off th e log w ithout getting erci es. wet. We doubtless wou ld have had more fU11 if a g reen horn had been Y . W . C. A . along but eve n o a good time was had by all. The canoe will come back "Patrioti 111" wa the topic and Roy by freight. Ped en th e oeaker ;it . V. . C .\ . thi < Le ter Mitch I and Wendell Camp week. T ho e two fa t a re a urance accompanied Professor mith on th e enoug h that the meeting wa both in­ trip. ter ting and worth-while. Everyon e who wa pre ent felt that th meeting, Ye , Eugene, the watch topl?ed p cially Mr. Ped n' fi ne traight­ when it hit the Aoor. We neve( have forward talk, wa a fitting fini h to the een one ao thro ugh yet. year' Y. W. C. . work.

'97 .

The Weather


Just Right' To Wear: White Duck Trousers White F lannel Trousers Sport Oxfords U.S. Keds White Hats We Have ' Em All.



More Goo ds for Same Money. Same Goods for Less Money.

St udent Speaker Chosen. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Friday morn ing the tudent body elected J. Gordon Howard, '22, to deliver an addre Commencement Week repre en ting the pre nt tudent body in tl, e Diamond J ubife e Ceremonies . LaVaug hn Leat h e rman, Marjora Wbi ti er and Horace Troop we(e the _ oth r nomin for the honor.



= -=

F rance M. Kumler of De Graff, hio, ha b · n i11vited to fi ll th pul 1,it of the P.r byt rian churc h a t umberland. Ohi , during th e lhre m6nth ' vacation of t li regular pa tor, and will begin his work ther th e cond week in J une. Mr. Kumler rved a pa tor for thi p ople for Pageant Will Be Given Twice. nin and a half y ar and bas b en Iii an w r to urgent reque t from : ailed back as upply a thr ee different many quarter it- ha be n decided ime ioce then . H i certainly ap­ that th Hi tori cal Pageant, "The _ pr iat d for hi work among th 111 . piri.t of ftcrbein" will b given twice during ommenccn1 nt VV k. ' 19. Mi Harri et Raymond, wh already ched ul ed, it will be pr lea hing in the Bibi Training I ool nted Tue day night, June 13. .and ~ for Girl in San F rnanqo , Ph ill ippin e 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 11 11 1T T land , p nf h r vacation in the hill th n again on W edne day night. Jun e at Bog11io durin th month f pril 14. '72.

When you need Coal we



- - -- - - - -

. ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111~

Mi , Mary Baker. librarian in th e A .Remarkable Record. univ r. ity branch of the public li br­ Thirty percent of th 1734 women ary a cattle, ',Na hin gton. will leave l udent of the niver it of finthat ci ty on June 4 for Ohio, and he wi ll altend the national meeting o' ne ota are wholly or pa rtially self- _ to tati tics th merican Libra r y oc1at1on 111 upporting, accor din cornpilecl by th dean f won,cn. ~ tr it, Michigan the last of Jun e. The wholly If- upporting women '97. Milton H. Mathew • formerly of c 0 mpri 15 per cent of the tot:! : ayton. Ohio. has gone into bu inc 5 numb er. Th g raduate choo l bas the : in in cinnati , Ohio and is now li vin g hi g hc t percentage, with 79 percent there. ot the 69 regi tered women tudent : '06. Profe ' o r \ Villiam A. Weber of elf- upporting. I§ Bonebrake Theological cm in ary. ::C · I D efia11 ce College ha an organizaay ton. O hi o, i the author of a htt e · tion called the "Clean Dozen" who c book ju t pub li hcd by the tterbe111 P re entitled "The Dail y Va cati o n member , if caught indulging in any :::.: ' W I h profanity or any othe r vu lgarism, __ Bible chool." Profe or c )er as · k mu t chew oap. The purpo e of the b e n clo ely affiliated with th, wor from it beginning and i well qua1ified group i to prornote 'cleaJJer port to write upon the ubje ct. The book and a cleaner campu atmo phere . :::.: th0 .The editor-iri-cbief of the annual _ wi ll b welcomed by all e who ar 06.





I§ Our


engaged in reli g io us work among yo ul)g peqple. '99. Wijlter E. B°4ker of Ca nton, hio, vi ited hi parent , M~. and Mr . W. . Baker of We tervill la t w ek.

publication at the University of eb­ .raska, i taking pictures of the campus from an aeroplane {or use jn the pub- lica tion .-lowa State Student.

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, ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii


· Page Four

) ed. A man and hi text book must WE' VE BEEN THINKIN' not become total stranger , a cla ·· That Saturday was a big day for at m ·~ st not degenerate into an hour ci long ic ta. Broadening influences least two people around !:ere. HowPublished Wee kl y ,,·, :a! :o:, est and th e old rigid cholastic standard ever we were somewhat surprise:! Do you hesitate on account of the OtterL~i:! t., t he must mov e ahead togeth er . They have .when we saw old. lady De Salle who , worry o f o b tammg .. OTTERBEIN PUBLISHlNG hotel accommoBOARD not don e o thi year and that is the m some mysterious way seems ·;o Westerville, Ohio Press ! only bl o t on an otherwise perfect page have inspired a certain young athlete dations and railroad tickets? Member of tl:e Ohio College of accomplishment. to have such vault:ng ambitions. Association omehow next year mu t ee an imThe American Express Company has That we're mes~ afraid to breathe I STAFF '1rovement. Tt wi ll have to come in this sagacious atmosphere. Conjust what you want. Editor ........ .................. J. W . Seneff, '23 from bo th sides of the fence. The gratulations to the Greek prize w in As i tant Editor ........ H . R. Mills, '24 faculty will have to exact more and ners. Our tours cover the world Contributing EditorsBonnibel Yanney, '23 better work, the student will have to Call Citizen 224 for information. Tl:at somebc d y m ust r.ave s7il!ed Delno Adam , '23 confin e hi own activitie to what he Business Manager .... T . E . Newell, '23 can r eally randle, he mu t not dabbl e the p erfumizer outside Cochran Ha'l. A i tant Busines Managers­ If anyon e should ask you we really Clifford Foor, '24 in many id e lines and neglect the prefer m ost anything to that stuff. F. M. Pottenger, '25 main i ue of be t development by Cir. Manager....Marjorie Copeland, '23 means of a mixture of tudy and out­ T hat commencement w ill be here istant irculation Managers­ ide work in p roper proportion. befor-e we know it... If all the old Kathecine Poll ock, '24 Our record for th e year ha b een grads sbow the pep that the enthus\as­ Ed ith Oyler, '25 Athletic Editor .......... H. V. Miller, '23 irood, it can be bettered next year . tic lad y-Genevieve's guest-has dis­ ttmmer vacation l'layed we are going to have some A t. th . Editor..... - .W. H. Camp, '25 The approaching Local Editor................ A. W. Elliott, '23 give u a chance to think it over :111d t:me aro un d !:ere soon. Alumna! Editor .. .... Alma Guitner, '97 to trengthen our individual determin­ That we're too blamed busy to do Exchange Editor .... Ruth Roberts, '24 a ion to make Otterbein more worth Cochran Hall Editormuch thinkin' a-tall. Marjora Whistler, '23 while . Literary Editor ........ Paul Garver, '25 W atch the Bulletin Board. Make That Green " Fast." Th Pageant Committee hav e re- ~=============== Address all communications to The On Thur day. June l. the green q ue ted that all tud ent who have Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. cap of th e Fre hme,n will di appear. been given part in the pageant watch College Ave, Westerville, Ohio. ub cr iption Price, $2.00 Per Year, So far no unplea antnes ha been con­ the bulletin board clo ely for the next payable in advance. nected with their wearing, nor hould two weeks as there will be announce­ any ari e .next fall when the more m e nt concerning pageant work po t­ Entered as second class matter num erou male member of th e clas ed there from now 011 . eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Westerville, 0 ., under act of of 1926 don the green. There i no need to ju ti fy th i new ow i th tirne to take back tho e March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special cu tom, it aim i lik > that advanced book that w r borrowed at odd rate of postage provided for in Sec. by the ru!ing of the hio thl eti tim thro uo-h the yea r. to clean hou e 1103, Act of Oct. ·3, 1917, authorized prohibiting n forence and traighte.n ut odd- nds before th April 7, 1919. East College Avenue from participation in inter-collegiate wqrry of exami nation . th hu rr y of' athletic , and it utility j recognized omm encement Week o r the flurry of EDITORIAL PHONES by all. That aim mu t not b fo r- packing up. Citizen 26 Bdl 84- R gotten. The Men' enate mu t e Looking Backward-and Ahead. to it that tho reen cap ome to STAR SHOE REPAIRING Thi chool year whi ch i drawing m an to the Fre hmen tha t college i 27 W. Main St. to it clo e ha been a most trenuou not a continuation of ea y-going high THE OTTERBEIN

Are you going travelling this summer?



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tate St.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

one. lt ha een an inten e activity in every depa rtm nt and organ ization in chool. w cour es have been added, new organizations formed, n ew act1v1t1e undertak en, ne w social sy tem and custom have been inaug urated, the athletic sit uati on has improved, a healthy choo l spirit ha co m e to tay. We ),ave gone ahead in many ways. We have gone ahead in many ways. - Y c , we have made progress, but in thi forward-moving current there has been a back eddy formed at t he rock, named Standard , which juts o ut into the swift motion of progre . Schola ti c standa rds ha ve not go ne ah ead to the same degree a ha s the expa n sion program. Cla · room work has not been stre sed any more than former­ ly. It ha been easier to g et by with an " I don't know" or an "I am unpre­ pared." Out ide interests have en ­ croached on tudy periods and r ecita­ tion s have shown the effect. Class­ room r equirements h ave not been made more stringent. That is a situation that next year can improve. It ha been said that college i no longer a place for study only, that it mu st develop t h e individual in all way , mu st train him for leade~ship ~r better citizenship by broadmg hi s viewpoint to the greatest ex tent. That we feel is true , but nevertheless, study and college must not be divorc -

school but rather a field for bard work. that they are expected to confine their fi r t year effort to their cla es and t h at a Fre hman i not the biggest thin~ in chool. We have tarted a cu tom that ha _ not yet been through a year' tria l. Next year wi ll fix that custom into a tradition or break it. Now i the time to plan for th e carrying o ut of the ca p project and now i th e tim to r e.lea e propaganda in that con­ nection for di scussion and thought through th e ummer vacation.

Observations of Abner. Heloise ( that's my w ife) She joined the Female wimmens U plift Sassiety Where they undertook t'learn French an' sich likes An' she got into her head That Hulda Oleson (That's Swede Ole.son's wife) Could understand French

W. M. Gantz~ D. D. S.

DENTIST Announces the special price for Thurs­ day and Friday has ceased, but we 15 West College Ave. have reduction price for every day as Citizen Phone 167 follows: Bell Phone 9 Man's Half Sole from .... $1.00 to $1.50 Rubber Heels .................... S0c, 60c, 75c Lady's Half Soles from .. $1.00 to $1.25 Rubber Heels ············ ···············-······· SOc We have Polish and Laces of all kinds. Please ask us to show you the differ­ ence in quality. I thank you in ad­ vance.

P. S.

WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St: Westerville, Ohio C. W. Stoughton, M. D.

DAN CROCE We have a special boy for

Saturday Shoe Shine.

31 W. College Ave. WESTERVILLE, OHIO Bell Phone 190


Citizen Phone 110

B. W. WELLS Tailor Dry Cleaning, Pressing

So she sez to her one day Sez sh e "Aw r eservoir". Poor Hulda couldn't understand her • o more' n a rabbit But she done her darn'dest Made a ni ce bow an' sez, "T'anks" sez shel

For all that is good to eat see

RHODES & SONS The College Avenue Buckeye Printing Co.

MEAT MARKET ,~ ,.. ,,


.Mrs. Noble Ent ertains Owl W ith Announcement Party I O n Club Friday even in g o f la t wee k,

I ·1


DCIATIIJN The gm of th e Dor mitory we r e glad to we :come ba ck to th e cam pu s Enid Kaize r , cx.-'26, a lth o ug h she cam e o n an excu rsio n trai n a nd co uld only· ,·i it u few hour .


w hil e Weste r ville wa bein g fl ooded by a steady dow npo ur , w ithin a ho use on nive r si t y S tr ee t th er e was m uch merr iment a nd hap pin ess . M r s. Nob le was e nte r t ai nin g th e Ow l Club. Ow ls a r e upposed to b e wise but th a t tim e th e Ow ls d iscover ed th a t th ey wer e not o ve ry wise. For , after t he derd r es hme nts , r oses we r e ligh tful handed to th em. Now roses usuall y have beauty a nd fr agra nce, but besides t hese q ual ities th e roses had anothe r m essage fo r th ey said that R oy F . Peden and Lu cil e Ewry wo ul d be m arri ed Ju ne th e seven teenth, in th e U nited B r eth re n Chu rc h in W es te r­ viJle. Luc il e i wearin g a beautiful di a m o nd a nd R oy looks happy. H e sure ly o ug ht to be happy, win ning so n1 a n y prizes. VVe ex t end to both o ur hearties t wi hes fo r happi ne s.

. ~r. a nd Mrs. Roscoe Han el of M-0vie to be Given in U . B . Logan. Oh io . vis ited Flon nie. Chur ch on T hursday N ight. Tl: e mo t exc 1t111g t hing that hap ;;ened in th e pas t week at Coc h­ ran Hall was th e fire d rill. At t h e un ­ earthly hour o f 12 :20 A. M ., th e o ld fire bell clanged t hrou g h the silence and great vol um es of smoke ,ro ll ed up th e stairway. One frigh t en ed dam el on second floor rus hed to th e head of th e stair and creamed, "O Dean Mc­ Fadden . i t h ere a nyt hing I can do to help you?"

A mov ing pic tur e, "The Str eam of L ife " , wi ll be how n at eig ht o't lo ck in th e Uni ted B r et hren Ch urc h . T his fi lm was r eleased by t he P ly m o u th F ilm Co rpo ratio n, of New Y o rk, and has th e e n t hu ias ti c cndo r em ent of th e leading edu cator , pa to r and edi ­ to r s thro ugh out th e country. Dr. Howar d H. Ru ell has ec ured the fi lm fo r ex hibiti o n h er e aft er practi cally a year' s endeavo r and his intcre t in the fi lm ho uld be s uffic ien t Mary El izabeth Brewbake r , Mable r eco mmendatio n fo r our a ttendan ce. Cas e l. H Jen Drury and li ce FJeg al were allow cl th priv ilege of atte nd ­ L a st Session of Y. M. i~g the Wome n' M i io nary !ubi lee ext T hur day evrnin g w ill be t h at Davto n . O hio. M a ry E li za beth las t m ee ting o f the Y . M. . A. T h e brough.t Nell ie Kuh n back with he r p res iden t ha ecur ed L. P. M c u las a g ues t. la ug h, Vi ce-pre ident and Cashi er of La augh n •Leath e r,rn an we nt to the Big ix T r ack m eet a t urday , and as Roy bro ke th e record fo r pole vaulting. she wa heard to ej_a c ulate : "How wonde r (ul ! B ut ju t thmk ho w much highe r h e co uld g o if he didn' t · k w .it h him !" have to carry that old sttc

th e B uck eye

Mo re- Re ligi o n of Pla to. B ril l-Psyc hoanal ys is. E dd y-Student of As ia. A tk ih on-A utobiograph y. all m ore-Cultur e of Chri s tian Man ­ hoo d. Calkin s-Para bles fo r O ur Tim e . M ille r-Yo ung Peop le's Problem s. D u Bose- Go pel Acco rdin g to St. Pa ul. B ur o r e tt-:-H ead of the Ho u e of

G neviev Mull e n en ter tain ed, as h er g ue t fr om Mt. P l~a ant, M r s. Ti n t man a nd M r . Morri so n. e ,vi h Da-y ton wo ul d ha ve a con· ve nti on agai n if th ey se nd u s uch a b evey of cong en ial visitors.

Coo m be. D rak e-Making of th e Ohio Va ll ey State . Ba r to n-Psalm and their tor y. -Pu r to r a m-B ook a nd th eir M ake r s Du r in g th e Middl e A ges. Ab bott-F reedom of th e F ie ld . Sco tt- N ew T estament Today. R obinso n-Gen iu o f th e Gree k Dra m a. Sco tt-U nity o f Homes.














: _





111IIII11 111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill I IIIIIII I I 1111111111111111 Ill llll 11111111111111111111111 iii

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= :

= :


= =

ta te B uildin g an d Loa n Co., to gjve a talk bowi ng the oppo r tuniti c o pen to coll ege me n in that Une of wo r k.


Professor Grabill Travels.

P rofe o r Grabi ll wa in Ind ia n- apo lis, fnd. last w ee k playin g for t he We think Roy did it easily beca u e big F ir st U. B. C hur ch o f that city in _ he' pretty mu h up in th e ai r t he e a r ecit a l T hur day ni g h t a nd fo r three day a ny way! er vice o n Sunday. -

Wan da Gall agh r of M t. ii ad i enjoying th e h o pi ta lity of Kath r in e Pollock.

Page Fiv~

= =

ual, They Offer Y ou F ine t Q ua lit


th e Tow n' Lowe t P rice .

Warrick Wins Prize.

T h e Ma t h ematics P ri ze of $10.00 -= pr ov'i ded an nu all y by P r o fesso r and Mr s. Jam e H. W eaver of Colum bu w as award ed to Dwight Warri ck on W ednesday m o rnin g. Howa rd E . M e nke wa s a very close compe tit oI B o th o f t hese m en have m a de rapid progress, have main ta in ed hi g h " A" g rad es t h roughout the y ear and a r e out tanding in t heir math e natical _ abiliti es.

want to take t his op portu nity to t hank t he co ur teous g ent lem e n who 0 gene ro u ly prinkled o ur Dorm i~e­ N cw Library Books. walk wi th p r fum e. Vl/ e are e pecia­ ll y g lad it happ ened at t hi s time for Th e Librarian , Mi ss Barnes an ­ n ow ou r r ecep tio n room a n d pa rl o r ·n o un ces th e additi o n of th e fo llowing will m ell o lo vely fo r o ur co m hle nce­ book to th e Lib rary. Bow k e r-Arts of L ife. m ent co mpa ny . ld H e rd e r o n- o nq ue t of th Recital Wednesday Night. o uth wes t. F ree m a n- D own t he Colum bia. Wed nesday night, May Jl , at S:OO bbott- Silboue tte of my ·contem- - • p. m. th e la t g e ner al recital of t h e

Genuine Palm Beaches ............ $11.50 and $14

Fine Mohair Suits ··- ----~·-···· $11.50, $15 and $20 : Gabardine Suits ......... ... ... ............. $18 and $23 All Wool Tropical Worsteds ...................... $23 E xt ra P alm Beach P an t .......... $4 and $5 pair

= =

year w ill be given in L a mbert Hall porari es. Botsford- Hell eoric History. au ditor iu m by t he pupils in m u sic.




Two Stores In Columbus

J. to r


Buying P ow er"

-: --: ------jj


,I I I I I I I III I I III I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIII I I I I IIIII I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I Ill 11111111111111111111111111111 ,,. i,,,b I, 11


Page Six

==========~,============ I no longer lose rs. Ditme r acri ficed

I;hncock to Mign ery to L ehman . Certain Red athletes failed to up. hold the hi gh ly tout ed Denison "sp irit" . lt is easy enou gh for them to be good sports when things are going their way, but wh en a " littl e sch ool fro :11 nowh ere" is knocking the ocks off o f "proud Deni so n" it is a differ­ ent matter. Otterbein AB. R. H . PO . A . Mignery, 2b ............. 4 3 3 il George, 3b............... 4 I 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 Anderson, I. £. ........ 5 I 3 2 3 VARSITY ON HOME STRETCH Netters Take Best Two Monday Martin, ss. ................ 5 H;owe, rf. .................. 5 0 2 0 0 While Baseball Men Complete Baseball and Tennis Men Have Two , eneff, c. .................. 4 I O 9 0 Inroad Tuesday. 0 I 0 AIQright, cf. 4, 0 Contests Each This Vl(e-,:k-Weslb . ............ 3 1 0 10 0 Lehman, leyan Comes Here in Baseball. La t week was the be t athletic we ek 0 0 3 Otterbei n ha enjoyed sin ce the palmy Hancock. p............. 3 9 Total ............ ........ 37 11 27 12 Var ity teams will round · the la day of 1916. Preceding th e climax at AB. R. H . PO. A . turn and tart th e home tretch thi the Big Six on Saturday th e varsity D-enison week. The track team i througb, the baseball al)d tennis teams swamped Lyne, 2b. ................ 4 2 2 2 baseball and tennis teams each have two Deni on teams at Gr anville, while Guckart, lb........... '.. 4 1 I 10 three dates remaining on their sched- rain prevented the netter from raising Owen, c ..................... 5 0 0 9 ules. (In cas e the Varsity-Alumni the count to three when the home *Rettig, ss................. 4 0 0 1 ba eball game i added the nine's list matche were called off. Otterbein Whitacre, s . .......... 0 0 0 0 w il) be swelled to four.) ha at last reach ed that longed for Herr, rf. .................. 2 1 0 A the Tai} and Cardinal goes to po.int where he again can r,neet Ohio Chand.ler, rf. ............ 1 0 0 pres the net men are ov_er at Dela- college on an equal footing. 0 Dean, If. .........•.......... 3 L 1 Depuy, 3b . ................ 4 0 0 1 · are trying their luck against WesleyOtterbein, 9; Denison, 3. 0 1 0 an. On June 1 t to 3rd they will be in The Otterbein baseball nine journey- J enkins, cf . .............. 3 Miller, p................... 4 0 .0 1 th e Ohio Intercollegiate meet at Coed over to Granville last Tuesday Jymb11 .· Fans will remember that 3 Totals ·········-·········34 6 27 *Short-stop Rettig r elieved Miller in "Bob" Martin went big in the state afternoon and showed the haughty affair Ia t year. He is expected to Big Red athlete and followers that the eighth the latter taking Dean' repeat. The same day (the 1st) will they could do it-beat Denison by a •place at 1:ft field. find th diamond crew down at Yellow deci '.v~ core in a major sport on the O. C. •·-····· 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 0-9 11 4_ . D. . ........ 0 0 o o o 2 1 o 0-3 6 3 Springs in competition with Antioch . Baptists home lot. The game was a demonstrahon of On aturday comes the week's only Two-base hits-Ly ne, George, An­ what Otterbein athlete ca n do when hom e contest, We leyan here. in base­ they tart a li t tle confidence cour ing derson , Howe. Struck o ut by Han ­ ball. (The game will be a twilight af­ through their vein . Deni on looked cock, 9; by Miller, 4; by Rettig, 2. fair a usual). There is no rea on in for a slaughter. It happened, but it Double play, Hancock to Migncry' to the world why 0. C. cannot ' mear" wa administered by the wrong team. (Continued on page seven.) the " W" outfit. hio rorthern show­ Millard Hancock again mounted the ed th e world that Wesleyan is not AN APPRECIATION invin cible on the diamond, last week rubber for the Tan and Cardinal He pitched heady ball throughout the when they knocked them off. The orthern pitcher, Berta, had those game, allowing ix hits and fanning " lugging d amons" eating out of his nine Deni on bat men. "Hank'' gave no two .h it in the am inning. Only hand the whole route. one safe, blow wa r gi e(ed in th two innings in which D eni on run s Getting W esleyan's Range. trickled aero s th e pan . That hit was W e'r e pra ticiug for th W e leyan mac) by Lyn who led off in th e evgame on eptemb r ~O." That' the n th. He went home via. acrifice hit way oach Ditmer talked to his foot ­ and an error. The nvo R d athletes hall pro p ctive a he took them out who cored in the ixth reached the for priog practices a la emi-nude. fir t ack by being hit by a pitched Joth d in gym uit and foothatl ball and on. an error. hoe next fall' football candidate nder on tarted the coring for Ot­ who are not on the baseball quad terbein in the .first inning when he hit have be n working out nightly. Dit­ clean, was advanced, and went hom e mer ha c ocentrated on exercise and on a pa ed ball. Migne'ry scored 6.r t drill fa hioned to deV1 op footwork in tb third. I{e reach d fi t on an and ge neral hiftn ss. He ha given erro r, took eco'11d aft r George' fly each a pirant adeq uate opportunity to out, and cored on Andy's double. how hi hand at pas ing and punting. Andy went home on Martin's ingle The practices will be conclud d thi while ''Bob" wa cored by Howe. mid -wee k. ''11fi n" brought in two more run I one in th fifth, and another in the sev­ M. A. Ditmer. Athletic Board Elected. e nth, while 'Tohnny" George wa re­ Ditmer coached team are coming . C.' other run in the Tue day morning the Atliletic A o­ pon ible for through. They are realizing the im­ even th frame when he was scored ciation elected officers and member pctu given to them thro ugh two years from a double. of the Athletic Board for 1922-23 a The Jim members of the Otterbein of planning and conscientiou effort. follow : P r e ident, L. L. White ; Vice It i only when we retro pect that crew, Seneff and Lehman, did the final Pre ident, J. W . Seneff; Secretary, Yfe r ea)ize where Otterbein ath­ orin g for 0. C. in the eighth. Sen­ le ticscan Lucil Wahl ; Tr easu rer, D . L. were when Ditmer took-the helm. eff 'waited 'e m o ut", went to second Adams; Lay members, Marjora By tayiug at Otterbein Ditmer ha Whistler, Mary Myers T . E . ewell when Lehman wa hit, and was forced acrificed more than one chance to go home when Miller walked "Hank" an d tu a more lucrative fi eld of endeavor . and C. C. Conley. "Min.'' Lehman scored from third oo When Ditmer came to Otterb~in he The j v lin anq 220 nrd da h G~qrge's sac ifiq:. Tqe Otter e'p in­ identified himself ' with losfng teams field executed its usual double play, for th e fir t time in his life. They are records were also broken Saturday.


for hi alma mater. yes . But another point enters into co nsid erati o n-Dit ­ mer's code preve nts him frorn quitting as a loser. He wi ll not ''qui t a lo er" . ~•>--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - { ! )



. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -~,



Leland E . Pace !though he ha participated in only port during the past year, Pace earned thr e ba eball letter and ame number of track decoration . tarted to erve tterbein a an athl ete in the spring of 1919 as a m m­ ber of the var ity nine and continued through the sea on of 1920, sharing the honor of that brilliant ea on . t it end he was elected captain for the yea r of 1921. Although handicapped by injurie during the year of hi cap­ tain cy he took part in most of the game . Pace i an e."'Ccellent out­ fielder, a fair bat man and a elev 1 man on th e path . P.ace fir t appeared a a track ma\\ during the pring of 1920 when he won hi first pointed "O". He repeated a s a letter man la t year and thi s. He won hi laurels in the da h event I an d took an occasional fling at th e low hurdle during hi fir t year. Though really too mall to have a piration a a football man, Pace di p layed hi p ure t grit on the gridiron . In th e {all of 1920 h r ponded to th call for ca,ndidate along with the veteran hu ki . H wa a faithful at practice a any regular. Pace man­ ag d to br ak into one var ity conflic t, the Ohio game. , A COMPOSITE SCHEDULE June 1, Inter-class baseball-Trian­ gles vs. Frosh. June 1, 2, 3, Tenni -0. I. meet at Co­ lumbus. Jun 1, Ba eball-.'\ntioch. th«;re June 3, Baseball-Wesleyan, here June 51 Inter-class track, 3 o'clock. June 5, Inter-class baseball-Semi finals. · June 6, Inter-class baseball-Championship game'. • · June 6, 'Fcnni~Kenyon, here June 10, Baseball-Ohio Univ., there.


Page Seven

state high school tennis cha mpionship . By wi nning over th ese Lads Rayen A RE WARD F OR 10. tol en hase, Mignery. Sacrifice T ennis T eam I s Runner-up for State High of Y ounstown annexed the cham­ S I X YEARS' WORK hits. Geo rg e. Guckart. Errors, GucHonors W hile T hree A thletes S core pion hip . Westerville High School has been ( Continued from page one.) 1 kart, 2; Herr, Martin, 3; Lehman . 13½ P oints I n T rack Meet. 1 getting o n fhe athletic map lately. The . co rer, D. L. Hancock. be a h igh mark . :\ reco r d near Iy six I . . Coach Parks have We tervill e High chool lads did un t iring effo rts inch es high er was a lm os t unbeli ev- 1 O tterbein, 2 ; D eru son, 1. figur d conspicuou ly in her successes. cr editabl e work in the track and ten­ able. T he racqueteers started th e good Despite a soft pit and tak·eoff. co n- work of humbling Denison by defeat­ ni s meets of th e Ohio High School Athletic Association which were run It wa inte r e ting to note the way ditious were id eal for re co rd setting. in g th e Baptis t wi elders o n Monday l'edcn co nserved hi s ene r gy for the at Granville. The return match off in connection with th e Big Six participant and officials alike watched tinal trials. H e made on ly one false which was ched ul ed for Friday, and Meet last Friday and Saturday. In ' Pede n when he wa preparing to vault. leap unt il his last heigh[ wh en he whi ch would have been an a lmost sure th e ·class B. division Seneff to ok sec- We tru st that the y learned so mething. made a fu tile attempt at 12 ft. 10 in. 1 th in g for · Otterbein , was called off on o nd place in th e shot put and fourth place in th e discus. "Doc" toughto n :\!thoug h Pcden's achievement was ' account of th e we t condi tion of the placed th ir d in the 220 a nd second in th e ou tstanding event for Otter bein. cour ts.. . . "Johnny" George, Otterl:>ein's othe, . Martin opened th e s111g les by tak111g th e 440 while Pin ney tied fo r third place in the running broad j ump. qt•.alified e ntry to the Big ix. did his h_1 s games from Barker by the one­ W e supply you with the b est. hit in the runnin g high jump. H e I sided sco re s of 6-0 and 6-1. Howard These p lace gave W. H. S. a total sco r e of 13 ½ points . 1 wcut into a four -co rnered tie for I did not fare so well in hi s individ ual D ill P ickles again on the list. Raym o1id Pilki ngton and " Bob" fourth and fif th places in that eve nt match. After winning his fi rst set, Snavely, composi ng the high school's emergi ng with three-quartPr of a 6 to 4, hi: o_p ponent, Cronies came MOSES & STOCK, Grocers point ro hi credit. That brought thr o ugh, w1_n111ng by scores of 8 to 6 tennis duo, went into the finals in the 111 Otterebin's sco re for the me t up to ! and 6 to -! hard played sets. 5 ¾ point . :Peden ignored hi s ri g ht ' The doubles went to the Otte r bein t o throw the dis cus in o rd er to cinch tea m. Martin and Co rn e tet, in straight the pole vault. se t of 6-4 and 7-6. The opposing 44 North State Street duo co n sisted of Caulkins and Hays. VARSITY SLAU GHTERS Th e D en ison men played almost every- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pives, DENISON MEN thin g to Co rn etet. "Russ" showed kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies. (Co ntinued from page six.) that he wa equal to th e occa ion , r eParkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTME NT th th Lchman. Passed ball-Ow en. Hit I ~~r~:;cg s:;~;_Y ing at came his way Ink Pencils, Sl:eaffer', Ever Shar p Eye Glasses and Soectacles, Eye bat man-Lynn and R etti g by HanShades and Goggles. Examination coc k; Lehman by Mill er. Earned run , Dudl ey Fisher, Col umbus Di patch Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us Otte r bei n, 6; Deni on, 0. Ba e on car tooni st and creator of "Phi lip Etc. 1 a call. balls. Off Hancock. 3: o ff Miller, 1. Bea n". paid P eden quite a tribute in unday' ectio n. tt erbein, 6 : Denison . hi Left on bases.









Picnic Eats





!!llllllllm111mmrn11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE H OME OF QUALITY

= = = = = =

--for tfie 'Grad'

= = -= = =

= = = = =


Hart Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park

I,., •

Hand Tailored Suits

-= -= -==

The Stadium Straw .,

at c a i n-tai1 red b th Her ar uit that are qual to th i hi h a u the very f c llege men' cloth b t maker and un:fini hed , or ted . lat tin t le n1ade fr 01 fine blu p rt and on er ati e m del .1n both ing le and double-brea ted

= coat . _

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i th tra that i differ n t-come m and f r your elf.

High at Long

Columbus, 0 .

"11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


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Page Eight

and but for th e co n fu sion res ulting _~1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111 11 11 11111111 1111 11 11!,!_1 from the above mention ed awkward- :: : ness the session would have been most I1 § praiseworthy. :: · . The following mu sical program wa § Good T hings to Eat prese nt ed. § For Pushes and Picnics Orchestra Piano Soloat Greig _ "Morge nstirumung" Harris, D. A. FREEMAN SMITH'S Godard I Trio-" Berceuse" . I Violin-Elliott, F. E. Staple arid Fancy·Groceries Ce llo-Ruebush, J. L. Flute-Mayne, J. C. 111111111111111 IIllI IIII I I I I I I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIIIII 111111 Ill II II II I I I I I I I I Ill I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I I 11111111111 111 11 Orchestra Vocal Solo-"O Dry Those Tears" Prof. Alma Guitner attended cerePerry, L. O. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 monies at th e Golden Jubilee of the Violin Obligato, Mattoon, A. L. Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147- R, residence; or Bell 8-W office, for W. M. A. la t week. Vio lin Solo· Rhefeld _ "Spani h Dance" Senator Johnson ays that Califor­ Elliott, F . E. nia is so pure that even the fish blush. Mr. O r vi ll e Briner, '14, of Canton, § Taking into consideration th e number Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Ohio, Miss Kay Sellman, (Cleiorh etea) : of bathing beauties that they are forc­ and Miss Velma Swinger, (P hilale- _ Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers ed to observe one would be led to be­ thea) spoke extemporaneou ly. lieve that Bernard McFadden's theory Headquar ters-12 W . College Ave.. Westerville, 0 . of modern prudery is not o convinc­ DARN Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentle1nan, Ladies' Home ing. Journal, Saturday Evening Post. The other day R. M. Mead, who was a tudent Bill went into _ Prompt Service-Best Service. § here in 191'7 and 191 has been visit­ Wolf's meat market ing ia Westerville in general and Mi s 11111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I III I Ill 1111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ii, And asked Sam Wise Edith Hah n, '20, in particular . If he had a chicken­ Th e Country Club has added to its For sale. member hip Mr. F loyd McGuire. And am say , '·Wanta Pull et?" In other word , if you wa nt to Bill told him moke-chew. No he guessed Exam ? Yes. He could Pageant? o. Carry it. Exams ? o. D arn Billi Pageant? Ye . What say? Some Interesting Figures. v 'd ay that w ather uch as we The number of motors in the have been having the past week will Cnited tates and- in Europe offers not be very conducive to good pag­ interesting compari on and reveals in e~ntry. Here' hoping that old Jupe a startling way the va t up eriority of The Cream of Perfection your examination Pluvfos will take a rest. our transportation faciliti es to tho e


- As Ever-

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= = =





J. E . HANSON , )'he Clean-Up Man





oTade depends upon your mental state of mind. Come and be refreshed before and after each exam.

the of the rest of the world. The British Isles have 497,000 mo­ and ew York state ay tor car a nd truck i alo ne ha s 812,000, almo t tw ice a many motor car s a the Briti h . Isles and on ly one-fifth th e popula tion! . W. Briner, '1.4 , and a bunch of France ha 236,000 motor car and anton high chool boy were vi itors truck di tributed among her 36,000,over the we k-end . They attended ~he 000 people. Nebra ka alone ha 238,Big ix on aturday and were the 000 motor car for 1,300,000 popula­ gue ts of the Otterbein A t hletic Club tic,.n. One-thirtieth the population and at th Juni or Play aturday evening. the ame number of cars I Germany, ur idea of a compliment. with her population e timated a t half (Miller and Johnny Noe l makin g up that of the nited tate , has only 91,000 motor ca rs-the same a-pproxi­ a chedule. " ome on Johnny let' con entrate." mate number a the tate of South Having climbed the hills to eat ol learning at both Kenyon Deni on in th e last ten days we'd that education in those school pretty much of al\ up-hill busine

· ,I · IAMS co.~



Phil Luh, '20 renewed acquain- Carolina. tan cc with the old sc hoo l and enIn all of continental Europe th ere 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 viron la t Saturday. Mr. tillman, a are only one-tenth as many motor S hi gh chool graduate ac compani ed ca r a in the United State. ~ ~


When contemplating Photos= Remem ber E :=_

him. Dr. Jones Visits In Massilon. Profe or Vance ha been suffering It wa the happy privilege of Dr. :: fr om an attack of influenza th i laS t E. A. J ones to visit with his old _ :"eek. _ _______ Philophronean Musical Session d B M" d sta din M arre Y isun er n g. Faulty cooperation between pageant rehear sal and pr ogr am committee caused a bit of awkward ness in the r ese nta tion of a pleasi ng musical proP gram at Philophronea last F riday ni g ht. Every n umber was well ren-

frie nds a t M assilon over Sunday and Mond_ay, May 21 and 22. On Sunday mo rnmg he attended Sunday school "at the school w hich he served for twe nty-five years as superi ntenden t. Monday morning he spoke to the students and facul ty of t he high school that bears his name, a monument to the faithful and fruitful service of so many year s' work as superintendent th dered, the solos being especially good ere.









=••---------.._; COLUMBUS,O.




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Student Representative 5 5'ifflnHINlltNlllllllllll•tllllHIIIIIHIIIIHlllllltllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii AL ELLIOTT,

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