1922 06 12 The Tan and Cardinal

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ar tua



WESTERVILLE, OHIO, June 12, 1922.

VOL . 5.

No. 32.

================== I OTTERBEIN NINE


Mrs. Daisy Custer Shoemaker and Mrs. Olive Morrison Jones Share Honors of ·Authorship


PROGRAM Week a nd Seve nty.fifth A nniversary Founding of Otterbein C0Ue1 e

Comme nce ment



Jubilee Sess ions of Philalethean and Cleiorhetean Societics-7 :00 p. m. , Thursday, June 8.


SUNDAY, JUNE 11 Baccalaureate Day ermon by B ishop Arthur R. Clippinger, D. D .-



Baccalaureate 10:15 a. m. Joint Jubilee Anniversary of the Christian Assoc iations, Address by Rev . Howard Russell, D. D.-7:30 p. m.

MONDAY, JUNE 12 Student and Ex•Student Day Banquets of Philalethean and Cleiorhetean Literary Societies12:00 m. Ueceptions and Exhibits of A:rt and H ome Economics D epartments 2:00 p. m. Organ hecital by Professor Grabill in U B. Church---4:00 p . m. ·e nior Class Play-8:00 p. m. TUESDAY, JUNE 13 AlutnJli Day Class Reunions-9 100 a. m.. ,\lumui Bauquet-12:00 m. Oemoustra tion Qf Departmen t of Physical Ed ucation-2:00 p. m. JJailquets of Philomatbean and Phil ophro nean L ite rary Socie ties -5:00 p, m. Hi toricaJ Pageant "The Spirit of Otterbein"-8 :00 p . m. WEDNESDAY, JUN& 1 ◄ Anniversary Day A1hl Cic Breal<,fast-6 :30 a. m. ratory O B reakfasr-8:00 a . m. Quiz and Qui ll B reakfast-8:00 a . m. Academic Procession-8:45 a. m. P uulic .l:'rogram "Otterbein and its R el ation to the Luncheon to Jubilee Guests-12:00 m. Public P rogram " tterbein and its Relation to the World ''-2:00 J.>· m. Reception to V is,tinl!' Guests-5 :00 p. m. Historical Pag ant, "The Spirit of Otterbein" - :00 p. THURSDAY, JUNE 15 Commencement Day Academic Proce siqn-9 :45 a. m. 'i ty • i.xtl,- A nnual Commencement Excrci e s, 'o lan R. Best, A . B ., '92-10 :00 a. m.

r r


2 as Season Closes With

0 . C.


Pitching Good Ball, Given Fine IUlrey, Support, Both in Field and at Plate-Averages Boosted. Whil e a good portion o[ th e " tay­ at-home " were laboring for th glory of Otterb ein by working on th e pag • ant la t aturday the var ity nin v a ! likewise boo ting- Otterbein toc k by handing the highly tout ed Ohio ni ­ ver ity ba eball team a handsome 10-· drubbing at tb n . T h e day' wo r k brought t h e eason' record up to fiv -hun d r ed per cent, gav the team the sati faction of beating the hio aggregation at it own _g ame, fat ne.p everal individual batting av r ages, and boo te d th e team' battin g abo ve the three hundred m.i rk. ar ity p lay d th ' b t of ball. T he iufi Id wa air•ti ht it m arked up th r e ligh t nin g do uqle play , a nd uppo r tcd U lrey, w ho hu rl d a • ady ame, in fl aw! fa h ion. "Johnny" Georg l d io run g ttj ng with thr e talli e to hi er dit. 'Mi n", gave him a and t two wi th ht all_d A nd y ti ed him in ti r . ta,rt d th e i l ad ing o ft w th e ve ry fi r t fr ame when t a. do ul I B e wa o rla I e's hi t. w ho in tu.rn went





nutd o n page live.)





J ub il ee essious of Philomathean and Philophronean Literary Societies-7 :00 p. m., Frid a y, June 9. Reception to Senior Class and Jubil ee Guests by, Presiden t and .ltrs. W. G. Clippinger-8:00 p. m., Sa turday, June 10.

" Spirit of Otterbein" Will Portray Im­ 1 portant Events in O tterbein's History in Vivid~anner.


1 V a:-sity S wamps Down-Staters 10 to


tud ents and alumn i have long known what the Otterbein pirit i o u , never before th e co ming of th e Dia­ mond Jubile e Pageant to be staged on th e campus Tuesday and Wedne day eve ning , June 14 and 15, h ave th ey heard the pirit of. Otterbei n speak or een it move. lfavi ng ce n and hea rd th ey will then more than eve r be able to appreciate Otterbein and the ·acri ­ lices which hav e made Ott rbein what she is. Opening with a pr ologue which hows the v1s1011 t ha t came to W illiam tterbein and Martin Bo bm which led to the founding of th e college, th followi11g en will p r tray th arrival of th fi r t tudent in th o ld tage coach and the r eption given th m by Presiden t Davis and th e town people; the first ommencement; the day im ­ m edi a tely preceding the Civil \ ar when Pre ident Davi ' ho u was u ed as an under g r ound rai lroad sta tion thro ugh which r unaway lave made t heir way to Canada; the call to arm and the first days of tb e war; Ben Hanby composing '' Darling • ellie Gray"; th e cri i whe n the college buildin s we r bu rn d; Otterb in' ( Continued on page two.)




Dr. H. H. Russell Addresses Y. M . Graduates of Fifty and Twenty-five Y. W . Associations at Anniver­ Years Ago Make Speeches at Im­ sary Service Sunday Night. pressive Session of Philalethea. r. Howard H . .Ru ell, foun.d r f P hilal ethea .m h r cbaracte ri sti th e • n ti- a loo n Leagu e of Am erica, preac hed the e rmon , und ay ni g ht, a t mann er pr se nted a D iamo nd J ubilce program f r h r enior o-f whi h he the a nnual Y. M . .- Y . \V . C. could ri g htl y be pro ud. T h e lack 0 1 Anniversary service. Dr. elec tri c light ne ce itated the u e of rm n, " L awy er' recd," wa a di cu io n of th authenticity and ca t1dl e , whi ch wa b eautiful in it elf, the creditability of the Bible from a throwing a oft mellow gl ow ove r th e lawyer's -viewpoint. In a mu ch a room . The candle light in a ve r y Dr. Ru ell i a trained lawyer, b eing ignificant way brought forth the a m em ber of the Ohio Bar and the Philalethea of yesterday and th e Bar of the United itate upreme Philalethea of today . The lar g e t ourt, hi remark on the ubj ct audi en c P hiJaleth ea eve r entertained were exceptionally interes ting and thoroughly nj oyed th e follo.wfo g ex­ cellent program. carri d unu ual force. Orche tra- omething Evidence from both sides of th When a Maid ome Knockin g wa pr ented by the peaker. Director-]osephine rid land view of eminent infidels and athei t Girl Who Would'nt were pre ented along with the tory-The (Continued on page two.) (Continued on page five)

CLEIO. PRESENTS PLAY Cleiorhetean Girls With Help of Philophronea Stage Shakespeare's " Midsummer Night's Dreani." 'T h chape l wa fil led to capacity o rt Thu r day ev nin g Ju ne , w hen th leio rh tean Literary ociety a i. ted hak by P hil ophro nea pre ent ed peare' fanta ti cal co medy of lo ve, '" Mid umm e.r-1\ ig ht' Oream. Mr . Gra ce L ee rr, wh o i an honorary m em ber of t he ociety and ha for a numb er o f ye ar dir ected th co m• mertcem nt play o f Cleiorh etea, v ery ably di charged that office again. Th ca t of characters wa a fol­ low : The eu .......................... Ray M. John o n egeu ..,............- ..... Maurice M . Collin Lysander.................. Le ter M. Mitchell Demetriu ....... _ .............. C. Ceci l onley Quince....- .............. Edmund P. arl 011 (Continued on page seven .)

Bishop A. R. Clippinger Preaches Baccalaureate Sermon to Senior Class and Large Audience. L a t unclay m o rnin g . Jun e J.\ , th e nit ed B r ethren hurch wa ti ll ed to ca pacity by fri end and relati ve. o[ th e memb er of the enior ·1a . tog th er wit h m em be r of th e W e ter vill e chur chc . for t.h e Baccalaureat e e r ­ v ice. Pre id cnt lippinger pre id d a nd wa as i ted by pa tor of th e local chur he , the Reverend W . J. Holme of th e Pre byterian hurch, readin; the cripture I son and the Reverend . M. Courtenay, of th e M ethodi t hurch offering pray r. The ervice wa greatly enhanced by the music render d by Profe r Grabill at the organ , the anthem given by the choir and a trio compo ed of F ern Martin '22: Loraine Rinehart (Continued on page seven.) •

t' age Two





1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. JUBILEE OPEN SESSION (Cont inued from page one.) Bonnibel Yanney. Subscribe for the Tan and Cardinal. Vocal Solo-O, D r y Tho e Tear vision of service; the response to the Del Riego _ It's Your Paper. Boost it! call of the World War; a football Geneva Braley rally: an old-t im e promenade; and Reading-At the Theat r e ........... ..... F isk We want 1000 subscriptions. fina ll y Otterbein triumphant. Vergyl Drayer A few of the more conspic uous per- Quartet-At Close of Day $2.00 a year-3 months for 75c. sons of the cast follow: Ve rda Adams The Spirit of Otterbein .... Mrs. Mary I Director-Loma Powe ll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iii Wine land Crumrine i Remeniscences William Otterbein ........Howard Elliott \ Esther McDonald I!! 111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I IIIIII II I I I I I I II 111111111111111111111111111 ll I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II II II I I llJ: Martin Boehm ...... Dr. C harles Snavely Piano Solo-Sonata in G. Minor Schuman Scher tyzo Rone lo Dr. Davis........... -••············-···Dr. Bu rtn er ' W . h '19 . M M 1 .,gnes ng t , . C itizen 193 _ Mrs. Davis..·-··-··················· rs. ar .ey 1 Prophecy Prophecy._.· -·················Mrs. Wm. Smit.h Lucil e Gerber Opportumty................ Mr s Laura Davis Presentation of Diplomas Darkness.............................. Prof. Martin Ch Pl ·1 I I A u to Repai ri ng and u pplies. o rus- 11 a et 1ea. Debt.......... ................... _. Prof. Hanawalt ' Th .d M . w ·h · ti e presi e nt. arJora i er, preFaith ····················•······M ···········H ·· Rol Y PSed.erli I sented the dip :om ;;s with some fittin:;: Light. ...................... rs. e en nut 1 1 d I f I I d ~ · : P r ompt and Sati facto r y Serv ice Guaranteed. Truth::: .... -••·························Mary A lkire wS or_ s to eac 1 o t 1e e even epart1n ,.,. . . I e111o r s. : The pageant was wn~ten by Daisy Philalethea w 2s ho nored by the p re- § Custer Shoemaker of Pittsburgh, '.a., I ence of many alumnae isters. Mrs. : and Mrs. J. W . .Jones of Wes~erville. B. Harford, '72, spo ks on "The Girls WESTERVILLE AUTO SALES J. Clarence Sulli:an , of th: City_ De- of Yes terday, the Gir ls of Today and th e : partment of Public Recreatio n, direct- Girls of the Future." dwelling princiM ain t. ed and st~ged th e pageant. Co st umes \ pally o n the girls of the past. Mrs were designed by Mrs. Sullivan a nd I F A Z Kumler '92 told what Phila- ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!!1111111 made under the direction of Miss Lois 1e.the~ !~ad done' for' her. The entir-~ Sellers. No t th.e least plendi? part \ se sion was impressive to the mo s t I I I I II I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111 i I I 111111111111111111111111111111 I of the pageant is th e cooperation of minute detail and one long t o be re­ 1111 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I II Ill 11111111 111 111111111111 1111 111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111 the hundreds of persons who ha:e membered. helped to make it a success. The music under the direction of Professor GraThis summer Professor Spe ard A 33-S tore Buying P ower bill and Spessard will contribute to the . and Mis Lorraine Rinehart will coneffectiveness of th e pageant. j duct a conce rt tour through the east.

PAGEANT IS TO BE BIG FEATURE (Co ntinued from page one.)

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Happy Vacation We want to take this oppor tunity of thanking each and every student of 0. C. for their liberal patronage during the past year.

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"Kiblet Tropical Worsteds " At $23 Cool and comfortable ; silk trimmed.


Hand tailored from good, sheer weight, all wool fabrics.

= = -= -=

To every member of this year's graduating class we can only say " Success to You". l > To ·those who will return next year our message is just to remember that we are planning on a larger and better stock of men's Furnish­ ings, Shoes, Hosiery, Etc. from which to make your selections.

They hold their shape- give long wear- fit perfectly and have the good style of finest woolen suits. And at our '"'rock bottom" low price of $23, every man can afford them.


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More Goods for Same Money. Same Goods for Less Money.

Great Hot-Weather Suits F or Business Wear---

. -=== =


- " most for your money''

7 West Broad Street Store

: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii1111111111111 1111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 111 11111 11 111 1111 11 1111111 1111111if 111 11 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1


Page Three

Bookwalter, '08, of U d wi l, Ceylon, and I~1111 (II IIll I II Ill Ill II II Ill Ill II Ill lllll Ill lllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :: I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Worman ( Emma I:: ' 95. Mr s. Daisy Cust er Shoem a ke r I Guitn e r ), '07. '01 . o f Madras. lndia , = = was las t week r e-ele c ted for th e fou rth I were th e o nes wl, o recalled th eir co l- § :



term as a m em be r of th e Hoard of D 1- le ge day s at th e m eeting in th a t di,- :: r ec t o r s of th e \,\ 'om a n's P r ess Club of tant la nd. : _=~ P ittsb ur g h . Mrs. Sh oe maker was r e1 ren tl y sent as State- D elega t e to the Ray M . Johnson and M iss Ethel \'ational conven ti o n of Pen Women at Eubanks Married a t Bride' s Home -




Otterbein Students and All Washington D. C The ho me of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. y O U are leaving for the summer or till some '17, ' 17, Dr. Homer D. Cassel o f Day- ! Eubank s, Jack so n, Ohio, wa th e future hon1ecoming. We thank yo u for your to n Ohio and Mi s Opal Gilbert o f I sce ne of a very pre tty wedding at o n-~ , : Ge:mant o~ n. O hi o, will be marri ed ! o'clock last Sunday afternoon whe n I§ patro nage and extend hearty wishe and conat th e home of th e brid e on J'riday I th ei r daugh_t e r ~the! o_f th e class o f § g ratulations.

eve nin g, Jun e 17. Dr. Casse l has r ecently been appointed as is tant juni o r s urgeon at the National Military Home in Dayton and th e· young coupie will make their home th e r e.

11920 was u111ted 111 marnage to_Ray M . J o hnson who g raduat es thi s yea r. Fo ll owin g th e ceremony a d eli cio us thr ee co ur se lun c heo n was se rved and imm ediat e ly afte rwards Mr. and Mrs. John so n came to vVest e rvill e wher e '21. Mi ss Beu lah Benedict of Weste r ­ th ey arc spendin g Co mm c nc~m e nt ville was mar r ied to Mr . F loyd Hart­ \ i\Teek. pence of ir clev ille, Ohio, la t Mon­ day at th e ho me of r elati ves in A h­ President Entertains. ley, Ohio. Mr. Hartpence is a gra du ­ Ove r a hundr ed and fifty g ue s t atate of Ohio State University and is tended the Re ce ptio n g iven to the principal of th e high school in Circle­ ville where he and hi s bride will be at Se ni o r Class by President and Mrs. Clippin ge r last Saturday e venin g from hom e after th eir w edding journ ey. six to eight o'cloc k in th e Coc hran '12. Miss E dith L. Bennett of Wes­ Hall parlors. te r vi ll e has bee n a ward ed a fe llowship This r eception i an annual comfor 1922-23 by th e R esearch B9reau of m e nce ment even t and is g iven a s a R e tail Training at Carnegie Institute far ewell to en iors and so that par­ of Technology, Pitt burgh, P enn s yl ­ ents and friend of enior ma y meet vania. Th e Bureau, a part of th e th e President and hi wife. Di vision o f Coo pe rative R esea r ch, is Musi c for the occasion was furnish e nga ged in the development of per- ed by B. L. J ohns on's four piece or. sonnel training and other research work in th e fie ld of re tailin g. Tt is ches tra, while refre hm e nts were se rved in th e r ece ption room by a dozen operated on a coope-rative basi s with Juni o r g irl . seven of th e largest stores in Pitt burgh, that co ntribute to it s upport Class of '72 Holds Reunion. with yearly appropriation . elebrating the fiftieth annive r a r y ' 17. George ec hrist of Dayton, Ohio. of th eir graduation , eleven member of has recently been appointed dir ec tor th e class of 1 72, w hich contained o f vocational work for oldier of the on ly fourte e n at graduation, will be late war and is engaged in that wo rk present at a r eunion of the cla to be in Kansas City, Missouri. He sec ured held this Tue day morning. J . L. his position through a civil servce examination. '94. Professor . C. Flick of the department of European hi tory in Syracu e University, Syracuse, ew York, will conduct a party to Europe thi umm r. His son Alex will act as as istant condu ctor of the party. Otterbein graduate in India and ey lon held a reunion and Otterbein dinner May 4 at th hill station of Kodaikaual, South India, where they were spending a vacation to e cape th intense heat of the plain . Mi Lulu

Shauck of Spokane, Wah., will not be able to attend. S. J. Flickingert Hamilton, Ohio; M. H . Ambro e, Pitt burg h, Pa., D. R. Seneff We tfield, Ill. ; T . H . Kohr, We terville; F rank Kumler, DeGraff, Ohio; . B . Henderson, Mt. Vernon. Ohio; Hanby Stahl, B loomington, II\. ; Mr . L.

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Here's H

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When you need·Coal we need you

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Our new store, 35 W. Broad St., also at 22 . High St., Columbu~. 0. Corsages and Fancy Ro'--es A Specialty. Visit our new store when in tl-te city.




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Corsages, Roses, Sweet Peas, Bouquets and :



Patronize Our Advertisers!


.~' "~'{. ' r:

Scofield's Old Reliable Store


R. Harford, Omaha, Collier, Ravenna, Ohio; Mrs. F. M. Lee, Topeka, Kan .; and Mi s arah Winter, We terville, will be pre ent for the reunion .




!!II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill lllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU) : : 1 eb.; Mrs. L . H . §==




: -

J •




l.RJ\¥: M: 90HNS0N ;= Is our agent at Westerville.

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii r.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111



P age Four

A revival in scholars hip. In its class history wi ll be w ritten even ts and ac hi evemen ts of prime im­ T he limitation of in dividua l pa r t1c1po r tance to th e sc hoo l, m en a nd wo­ patio n in ext ra-cu rr icula ac ti vities. Pub lis hed W eek ly i\1 ,h;; :;;;t'c,esl o·f me n o f out lan di ng meri t, and disti nThe proper observan ce o f Sen ior Otterb ein b y t h e g uis h ed ta len t in every ac tiv it y of t h e Recogni ti on Day. OTTE R BE I N PU BLI S HING school calendar and the sto r y of the inT he wise promo tion of our Fres hBO ARDOhio W este rville, ception of .the D iamond Ju b ilee Camman r ~gu lat ive sys tem. M em ber of the Ohio College Press I paign. l<.ev1val of in terest 111 Li tera r y I A ssociation Otterbein wi ll miss you next year. ocieties. Seniors. your talent has been con• \;\/hole-heartecj support for S t udent STAFF siderable, but Otterbein wi ll go ahead Governmen t. ~~!~~[a,~t-- °:E.dit~~--::·.::::. as sh e_ has d~ring yo ur stay h ere and Fifteen minu te chapel pe riods. Contributing Editorsyou wil l contmue to have a part in that

Are you going travelling this ~um.mer?



-~~--~~---~~--~~\ \ i:~R.S1fi!~'. '.~!

Do you hesitate on account of the


, worry of obtaining hotel accommodations and railroad tickets ?

The American Express Company has


Bonnibel Yanney, ;23 progress . We who are left behind wil l We've Been Thinkin'. . Delno Adams, ,23 ca rry on the work here but we will Business Man<;1ger .... T. E. Newell, 23 1 k t f f . · 00 0 you or support or P• OJect of Assistant Busmes Man agersThat we never_ knew O tterbein was Clifford Foor, '24 th e future. W e wave our hand s to you such a wonderful place until we heard . F .. ~- Pottenger, '.25 1: in farewell with best wishes for your the old grads talk ab out it... We hope Cir. . ~anager.. Copeland, 23 success in the world and we h ea r yo ur we are even more enth us1asba · · when . ..MarJone . Assistant Circulat10n Manage rs- '24 partino· come b ac k f or th e centennial. · Kath erin e Pollock . "' ,alutation-"Goodbye . ' Otter- we Edith Oyler'. '25 bem. we will be as loyal as Alumni as , · Athletic Editor .......... H. V. Miller, '23 we have been as stud en ts." T h<!t our g rad s will miss t he old tile Asst. Ath. Editor........ 'vV. H. Camp, '25 --------mill. They'll fi nd the same site b ut not Local Editor................ A. W. Elliott, '23 Boost Otterbein T his Summer. the old fa milar sight. Alnmnal Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 . . Exchange Editor .... Ruth Roberts, '24 Otterbem College has been more That our latest bride is very sweet Cochtan Hall Editor:. , effectively advertised during th e past tempered or she'd never have allowed ·t Ed't MarJopra WlGh1stler, ,2235 1 school year than ever before in her f riend h usband to m eet with that " car1 or ........ au arver I· t All H M·11 , h L 1 erary 11s ory. year omer 1 er s at p et committee." Address all communications to The letic ne~ bureau ha been scatterin g Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 w. Otterbe111 news over the country. That a g ood many people had t he College Ave., Westervill e, Ohio. Since the start of Diamond Ju hib; w rong hunch when P rof. Schear com­ Subscription Pric.e, $2.00 Per Year, activities th e Press Club under l'ro- menced his chapel talk last M onday. payab le 111 advance. fessor 1\ltman has been doing valuable Oh, well, exams are over now so we work. The Men's Glee Clu b attract- should worry. Entered as second class ma t ter d f · T ha t som e ex t ra h ouse c l earung September 25 , 1917 , at the posto ffi ce II eh very avo rable .a ttent10n throughout . has . at Westerville, O. , under act of \ t e state and earned Otterbem direct- \ b een done 1a teI y. Sh'. don,t te 11 our ly to th e many people before whom it th 1 M arc h 3, 1879. •i· . d , . . mo ers. A ccep t ance for mat mg at special I appeare . _,., publicity manager has r ate of postage provided for in ?ec. 1 been hired by the admini tration fo r That w e weren 't the only ones wh o 1103_, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized th e com m · g J u b'I · · Apnl 7, 1919. 1 ee C ampa1gn. ' Iumm· p ull ed out h andkerchieves when Prexy organizations ar doing a big work in mad e h is last chapel address. 1 th e many cities in which they have E DITORIAL be en organized . i\ow comes the tim.: T h at we're tickled skinny t o s ee every when every student in Otterbein ca,~ body who " has com e b a ck."


~-~---~~--~~--~•~ -


just what you want.

Our tours cover the world Call Citizen 224 for information.

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

WOLF'S We terville, O hio

G. W. Henderson, M. D . Hours By Appointment. 109 . St a te S t.


G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Avenue PHONES

Citizen 26 Bell 84- R \ That this has_ really been a grand "Be noble! and th noblen ss that lies add his shar e to thi s publicity. All ummer long, people, your own and glo rious year. In other men, sle ping but never dead Will ri e in maj e ty to meet thin~ h ome ci rcle. will be watching you: co n ciol'.sly or un co n ciously you will O b servations of Abner. Own." Lowell. DENTIST re fle ct your chool. Undoubtedly you will talk to young people wh o are ity feller moved onto Goodbye, Seniors ! 15 West College Ave. ready for college and there is where Th' ole Higgin place enior , we greet you! nc beBell Phone 9 Citizen Phone 167 your work can cou1.1t for most. fen 'N undertook t' raise chicken fore tho e wo rd m t your ey s on them about tterbein . of her past, pre- One day harley Perew tbi page but a different occasion sent and future. Tell th em of t,e Was goin' by pr mpt their u e now. The time ha For all that is good to eat see thing that make Otterbein · th sc ho ol '>! feller hails him corn f r you to bid tterbein fare­ that be i . Interest them in the many- 'N sez, ez he, w 11 and th tirn,e ha come for the ided chool life that Otterbein offer . "Can you exp lain why udent body of Otterbein, throug h th e 1 Explain the Diamond Jubilee Cam- My chicklcts are dying so rapidly?" Tan a11d ardina l, to bid you godpaign and what it will mean for the 'N Charley ei., peed. Otterbein that i to be. Talk Otter- "Whatcha feeclin ' em?" sez he. On both ide thi event i marked bein who le heartedly without being "Feeding?" ez th' fe ller, by ·diffe rent emotion . There are boa tfu l. Make it yo ur objective to "I have refrained from m embers of U1e la of 1922 who are co;JVioce yo ur auditor that Otterbein P roviding them with nou ri hme.nt ,eagerly happy to be go n , o th ers w ho i th he t ch ool ~n Ohi . A I infe r ed tha t t he h ens 31 W . College Ave. bate to go, oth rs who can tak e thi s If t he five hundr cl tudent of Wou ld have a ufficien tly ab undant <i epartu re in a matter of fact w.ay. T he WESTERVILLE, OHIO Otter bein boost for t he sch ool this upply of mi lk for them." s ame hold good for tho e you leave ummer re ults wi ll be sure to come if ez h ! Citizen Phone 110 beh ind. ome of u are happy to ee B ell Phone 190 you go fo r we are thereby eleYat d to n ot in an increased attendance at least in m ore general knowledge and interyour position, others of u regret es t in O t terbein College. k enly the eve.ri ng of friend hip , and t he los to the schoql in your depart­ Food For Summer Thought. ing talent, and ti ll other look o n you r ?,4 T • I 1 T his i sue of the T. and C. is the exit as evolution and no more. J3 u t we la t unti l eotember and the new all unite in pride for your four year re­ cord and in good wi hes for your fu­ chool year, it end the record of a year of progress. Next y ear's adva nce hue. The class of 1922 has been th e pec­ can be greater an d i t is with that hope tator of big event at tte rb in and in in view that we offer for consideration 100 th world. It came into b eing in t hose during th e umm r a Ji t of ome of ex.citing war day of 1 1 . I t h a ~he U1ing that will h elp attain that een the chool advance in every de­ end. Pre-ch apel decorum that will per­ partment. It will a lway be remem­ . bercd as the Diamond Jubilee Clas . mi t an enjoyable organ prelude.


W. M. Gantz, D . D.S.

WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio

C. W. Stoughton, M. D.

================ DEBATE CARDS

B.W.WELLS Tailor

SO for ___________:___ '___ _______ 15c

Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS

for --·--------------------- 25c

~T, ~.:J'

The College Avenue

Buckeye Printing Co.



Page Five-



"A LAWYER'S CREED" (Co ntinu ed from page one.)

\ Continued from page one.) op inions of even greater men who r ehome on .\ndy's du u ble. Otte rbein gard th e Holy Script ur es as au t horiscored again ill th e third wi1ell H owe's tative. double sen t M art in across th e plate ln di sc ussing th e l\ ew Testament, and he went home 011 Seneff's single. Dr. Ru sse ll presen ted his p roof in t wo George and Ulrey sco red in the di s tin ct divisions; firs t , Is there uffi­ fourt h. v.·hilc th e Tall and Ca rdinal cien t evid ence that the books of the mell ba tt ed around :n the six th , Mi ~n- New Testament were written by th e er y, Geo r ge, Martin and U lr ey playmg men whose names they bear; seco nd , the part of run ge tt ers. O hi o's a re th e boo k s themselves creditab le? counters came in th e fi r st a nd n in th 1 Having satisfactorily proved th e inn ing s. ~ e w Tes tament as hav ing been Otterbein AB . R. H . PO . A. written by the men commonly con Mign e ry. 2b. S 2 2 l 2 sidered its authors and having pro,·ed George. 3b . .......... .... S 3 2 0 4 th e books believable in detail. Dr . *And er so n. l.f., lb ... 4 0 2 9 1 Russell hastily summarized e vid en ce Martin. ss.... ............. S 2 2 3 4 prov in g the Old T es tament as reliable . *H o we. r. f.. c .f. .... 4 l I O O Hi s chief auth o rity for provin g th e 0 1 5 0 O ld Tc s ta_mcnt as a book that can be Sc ne ff. c . ............ .... .. S *Albright , c. f. , I. f. S 0 2 0 0 s a fely ac ce pt ed a s true wa s th e :\' ew 1 T es tam ent. wh e re C hrist him s elf r e1 7 0 L e hman . l b. ············ 3 1 O O gards th e Old Testamen t as authority. Han co ck. r. f. ········ 2 0 1._·1rcy. p ................... 2 2 1 2 5 Mi ss R hea M cCo nau g hy and Mr. T o tal s ................... .40 10 15 27 17 L eo nard N e w ell, r epresenting th e Y . AB. R. H . PO. A . W. c;:. A. and th e Y. M. C. :\ .. co n­ O hio Univ. 0 0 0 du c ted th e pr eliminary ex e rcises of Eari c h. r . f. .............. S 0 2 7 2 th e servi ce and the full church choir Ru sh. c ..................... 3 0 M c inl ey. c . ................ 0 0 0 1 0 r end e re d George ).° ev in's anth em " The 2 3 4 Vi sion of Thoma s." Herron. s. s ........... .. 4 0 1 0 0 Knox, 3b . ................ 3 Lo s t -Between o chran Hall and 2 8 0 I Tinker. l b ................. 4 0 I 0 th e old tile mill, a platin um bar pin 0 Barr. 1b ..................... 0 1 4 5 with a diamond in the ce nter . Finder 0 Wolfe, 2b ......... ........ 4 1 1 0 please notify T. and C. offi ce and r e· 0 Odoffer . c. f. ............ 4 0 0 0 ce iv e reward. Ste wart. l. f. ............ 4 I 1 I 0 Sn y d er. p . ................ 3 2 10 27 12 T o tal s ............ ........ 34 For that Commencement *In th e fifth L e hman w ent out of the g am e wit h a bad hand . Andy went Get a Parker " Duofold" Fountain Pen. from left field to first, A lb right we nt to left. H o we to ce nter, and Hank to The best yet at right. , I

W esleyan- Otterbein. O n Saturd ay . Jun e :3, th e fa t- go ing W es le ya n bas eball c rowd to ure d o ver to vV l's t e r vill e a nd m e t th e va r 5ity o n its hom e lo t. A s ixt ee n to one defeat is a sad s to r y. but :'e mu st t ell it. Coffie ld. VJ es lc ya n pit c her . wa s the Methodist's big a ce. He s tru c k o ut 12 men and kept his six hit s scatte red . ) Coffield was supported by the clas ie t diamond agg r egation that has sh O\\·n

livered well until worn o u t, bu t was supported erratically . 0. W. U ... 2 o o o 5 2 o 4 3-16 11 :i 0. C. ...... I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 6 6 Batteries-Coffield and Sack tet te r . Hancock and Seneff.



g ath e red



0 . C. ··•· 4 0 3 3 1 1 0 1 1 -14 20 4

A Gateway to Progress There it stands­ a simple forty-foot gateway but unlike any other in the en­ tire world. Through it have come many of the engineering ideas that have made this an electrical America.


Thi Jun et1 n1 e ee l1 . . pa r t w ith many fn end n til fa ll-other 0 rn e U until son1e future horne­


Antiocp .. o 0 2 .o 0 2 0 0 0- 4 5 5 Batte ri es-Ul rey and Seneff. Wil­ kenson and Kitchen .

Westerville, Ohio All Work G uaranteed.


corn ing game. To each individual we expre our mcere apOtterbein -Antioch. On June 1 t, the var ity nine treked preciation of the gooddown to Yellow prin gs w here it won • 11 d d h h th e sea on's m os t decisi ve victory ove r IWl accor e u t rou <Y Antioch Co ll ege, ta~ing th e _fray by a the man y opportunities14-4 count. Each Otterbein player collected at least two hits w hile Mar- yo u gave U to erve yo u. tio and Seneff garnered thr ee api ece. U lrey dished up the ball for Otterbein. incerely, Five hits offerings.

Otterbein Pins

To Eds and

I O•

on th e _io ca l grounds for :i:ears. Hancock pitc hed for Otte rb ein . He de-

C. D . MANN Watchmaker and Jeweler.


2 o 2 2 o 4 o o 0-10 15 1 /, 0 . C ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 1 10 6

o. c. ........

Take Your Watch, Cl ock and Jewelry to

THE UNION Columbu , Ohio

The story of electrical development begins in the Research Laboratories. Here the ruling spirit is one of knowledge-truth- rather than immediate practical results. In this manner are established new theories­ tools for future use- which sooner or later find ready application. The great industries that cluster around Niagara Falls, the electrically driven battleships, the trolley cars and electrified railways that carry millions, the household conveniences that have relieved women of drudgery, the labor-saving electrical tools of factories all owe their existence, partly at least, to the co-ordi­ nated efforts of the thousands who daily stream through this gateway.


P age Six



IZuDrury. ra Brad fie ld, Blanche Mye rs. Helen Rh eba Kna p;). Fres hm a n

Four Athletes From Class of '22 g irl s de co rat ~d ,,·it h the basket-hall Amass Total Ten Points Greater "O" were : Chris tina Wahl. H en ri etta Leig h ly. Edith Oyler. Luci le L a mbert, Than Combined Efforts of '23 . and Lucile Judy . Th e prese ntati on was The class of '22 again won the 111- under the auspi ces of the Gi rl ' L ead ­ ter-class track meet last Monday with ers Co rp s a nd was mad e by its pres i­ a score of 70 1-3 ao-ainst the Juniors' dent. Aline Mayne. 60, the Freshmens' 34 1-3, and the Sophomores' 22 1-3. The Seniors preNET SEASON IS HISTORY FRESHMEN ANNEX TITLE scnted pretty much of a two man SENIOR ATHLETES SOON Year's Court Record Disappoints Yearlings Show Seniors the Way in team as Peden scored 30 of their TO LEA VE OTTERBEIN W Ii Pl L t d G J . d points and "Johnny" George 22 1-3. . 1 D I Wh en F ma ua s are os · ame- uruors an Mignery and "Bob" Martin were re- !!•~ - - - - - - -- - - - - ----< e - aye Martin is Handicapped. Sophomores Drop First Try. sponsib le for the r emaining 1 tallies.


The curtain has dropped on 'an un The Freshmen annexed the class " ~d" Newell was h!gh scorer for th e success ful tennis sea on for the fir . t ba eball title last Wednesday eve ning Jumors wi th 17 ½ pornt to hi s cre dit, · •b y b ea t'111g th e £a t -going · S emor · t eam whi ch represented tim e in yea r s. The reason-0 tterbe111 . 16 trips around the had one tar whose time was divided 3 to 1. The game was th e best track as ~e ran_ m th e r elay a~ w ell a s · among th ree sport to sue h an exten t o f th e series, an d one o f th e b es t c 1ass the, d 2 mile, mile and h half-mile runs that he could not approach a high games of recent yea rs. Each team an t I1 e ~4o ya rd da_s · Ruffim scored hi g h for th e F r eshpoint of efficiency in any one of th em. collected six hit , but the Fros h hit "Bob" Martin is recogniz ed as one of whe n hits meant run , while the men. 100 Yd. Das h-Mi g nery '22, Ander­ Ohio's very best college racqueteers, eniors' errors were costly. son '24, R uffini '25 , P eden '22 . Time, but even "Bob" must practice if he is seventh inning rally brought the bacon to win. He was unable to do that home for th e F rosh. l0.4. • Pole Vault-Peden '22, White '2il, little thing when his time was mono- Seniors ............ 1 o o o o o o o 0-1 6 McCarrol '25 . Geo r ge ' 22, A nderson poiized by ·baseball and track. In the Fros h ............ o o o o o o 3 o x.:.._3 6 '24, and Up on '25 tied fo r fourth . Batteries-Martin, George, and He'ght 10 ft face of th ese facts, "Bob" was defeat1 • ed in the singles only once during th e Howe. R. Anderson and Pier ce. Mile Run-E. Newe ll '23 and L. s eason. That was in the state chamNewel l '23 ti ed for fi rst, Evans '24, Semi-Final. pionship tou rnament. The ten nis outBurb ick '25. Time 5:24. look for the immed iate future is none The Fre hm en earned th e ri g ht to Shot Put-Peden '22, Richter '2 5, too bright as Cornete t, an ordinary battle the Senio rs for th e class performer, is the only varsity man left champion hip when they administered R. Ande r son '25, Troop '23. D is tan ce for next year. , a 4-; defeat to the Sophomores on 35 ft. 3 in. 440 Yd. Dash-Ruffini '25 , George Ohio Intercollegiate Tourney. Jun e 5· '22, E. Newe ll '2S, Upson '25. Time Soph ···•······-·· .. ··--··· o o o 1 o o 0-1 5 1 11 the fi r t singles round Martin, 54. after being up mo t of th e night be­ Frosh - ·········-··-··-· 1 2 0 0 1 0 x-4 6 120 Yd. Hi g h Hurdles-Peden '22, Batteries-H. A nd er on and t fore on the Antioch ba eball trip, beat S a ats. Miller '23 . nderson '24, Garver '25 . avag of W e 1 yan 6-1, 6-1. Corne­ R. Anderson and Pierce. Time 1. Frosh-Triangles. tet d ~op ped hi sets to Judd of State High J ump-George '22, Ulrey '23, The second g ame of the series, be- Peden '22, Garver '25. Heigh t 5 ft . 6 by score of 6-0,6-3. O n the second th e Freshmen and round Marvin of Oberlin beat Martin tween the in. 6-2, 6- , 9-7 in hard-fo ught set , as th e Triangles, proved to be. easy meat for ewell '23, 880 y d. R un-E. scores indicate. Martin is ordina ril y th e fo rm er. The yearlings ran a score Klepinger '23 , Alb ri g ht '22, White '24. out of Marvin' class, bu t under the of 16 in four innings while th e prep . Time 2 :20. circumstan ces th e contest settled to went scoreless. "Doc" Cherrington . Discus-Pede n '22, Troop '23, one of endurance. "B ob" had spent pitched a fair gam e for the Triangle , Wnite '23, Reck '25. D i ta nce 109 ft. but wa given no sup port a t all. Slick 8 in . · his s tr ength in other ports. In the double tter bein' team, ca ug ht " berry" while Rowe Anderl20 yd. Low Hurdles-Peden '22, Howard and ornetet, was p romptly son and Renner pitched to Pierce. A nd e-rson •24,. Geor ge '22, Mill er ' 23. e liminated by avage and Cole of Senior-Junior. Time 14.2 seconds. We leyan, score 6-0, 6-3. The opening game was a real swat220 Yd. D ash-Migner y '22, Ruffini fe t: !though ou thit 13 to 8 the ,25 , George '22, U pson '25. Time 23.3 Otterbein-Kenyon. Semo rs made better use of walk a nd seconds. Kenyon men took two out of three er r~rs than did th e third yea r men. Broad J ump-M\artin in th e ea on' la t m eet, w hi ch was '22, A nder on played on the home court . In th e Jun'.ors ···-······-· 4 0 0 2 0 3 1-10 13 ,24, George ,22, Crabb s ' 23 · Di St ance singles Small licked " Gord" Howard Semors ·--··-··-· 4 2 5 0 0 0 x-11 8 21 ft. 2 in . Batteries-Ranck and Seneff. George Javelin-White '23, George '22, 6-1, 6-1 while Martin, a fter dropping an d Howe. Heitz '23, P eden · '22. Distance 147 ft. th e fi rst game 4-6, came through with 6 in. 6-2 and 6-4 wins. The doubl e were Ditrner Will Study and Direct. T wo Mile Run-E. ewell '23, L. hard fought1 but Kenyon's men, Small Coach Ditmer wi ll spend the great­ Newell '23, Evans ' 24, Burbick '25. and Sturgi , won over Martin and Cornetet by scores of 6-4, 2-6, and er part of the coming summer in Tim e 12 :24. fu rthe~ s tudy in four major sports. Relay-Won by the Freshmen. 6-1. Starting Jun e 23 he w ill be enrolled at Time 4:56. Wesleyan-Otterbein. On May 29 var ity dropp ed th e re ­ Ann A rb or where he will study in Girl Athletes Are Recognized. turn meet with Wesleyan at D elawar e. "Hurry Up" Yost's coaching school. Singles-Cowen beat Howard 6-3. 6-4. The und er directors wi ll be such men On w e d ne sd ay eve nin · g, May 31 , Martin beat Savage 7-5, 6-4. Doubles­ as Fitzpatd ck, " Steve" Far rel and the girls who played on th e Sopho­ Savage and Cole beat Martin and F isher. niore volleiy ball team and on the Fre hCornetet 4-6, 7-5, 6-3. For two weeks starting August 23 man basket-ball team were awarded Ditmer w ill b e at Camp D odd, the the girl's volley bali and basket-ball Martin To Direct Rec~ation. state "Hi Y" camp near Brinkhaven, . "O's" in the Association Building Par­ Physical Director Martin will be lo­ wh ere he will serve in the capacity of , !ors. A great deal of interes t wa athletic director. · shown in th e affair as it is a big step cated at ashua, N. H ., durin g the to ward a fuller recognition of gi rls' coming summer where he will be "Len" To Be Captain. athletics. M'unicipal Playg round Director. Leonard Newell has been selected Girls receiving the volley ball "O" as varsi ty track captain for 1923. Remember September SOI were: Faye M endenhall, Lucile Wahl,






Paul J . Miller. Whil e known to m os t Otter bein folks only a a man wh o goes abo ut the camp us in a q uite mann e r and wears a ba ket-ball or a track '' O" Miller wa a prominent Otterbein ath­ lete a few years ago. A lthough the du tie of m a rri ed life hav e kept .. P. J." from athletic a an actua l parti cipant ince his matrimonia l episode, a more intere ted man i no t to be found. Miller served on the basket-ball team of 1918 at a g ua rd position and ran th e mile and half mile in track the ame year. He admit s that he can play a littl e baseball, but 0 . C. boasted no nine at that time. After Cupid's dart had compl eted its mission Miller gave up the idea of highe r educa tion for a couple of ye~rs, but return ed to his A lma Mater .in the fall of 1920 to comp lete requirem ents fo r a B. S. degree. ew Co nfer ence footba ll coac hes maki n g initial bows next fall are : King at Kenyon, McLaren at Cincinnati, and tallings at Oberlin.

Rah, Rah, Otterbein College! Pins, Pennants, Pillows, Memory Books. at Hoffman's Re~all Store

Last Call Good things for Luncheons and Feeds.

MOSES & STOCK, Grocera



Page Seven


Wray R ichardson made a very sp ri g htly, ag il e, and e lfi h cha r acter., 44 North Snug.. ............... ... Forest Val e ntine as Puck. Bottom ........ ... .. .. .............. ..... Paul Harris Kathleen \ ,Vhite and Dan .Harri s Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all F!ute .................................... Ca lvin Breden were very g r aceful a nd well ·smted to S tarveling.............................. Edy th e Eby their parts as the king and quee n of kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Philos t rate .............................. E li as Slick fairy lan d. Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow Hippolyta............. ................... Ruth Hopp Ruth Hopp and Ray Johnson as well Ink Pencils, Sheaffer', Ever Sharp H er'.mia ............................ Lillian Carlson as th e other memb e rs of the caste deH e lena ................................Vera J o hn son serve mu c h commendation for their I Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, Oberon .................................... Dan Harri s exce ll en t work. II Etc. J



State Street Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eye Glasses and Si:>ectacles, Eye Shades and Goggles. Examination free. All work guaranteed. Give us a call


Titania............................ Kathlee.n White J 11 addition to the play, diplomas C. Pu ck ............................-W ray Richardson w e re presented to the twelve se111ors U Peas-B lossom ..............Vir g ini a Ta y lor• j who are o r ad u a ting thi s year . Cobweb ........................Cath erine Minton "' =============================== Moth ..............................Virginia Wolfe I BACCALAUREATE SERVICE \ ~IIIIIIIIII Ill llll llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111_!! Mu s tard Seed ............ Margar e t Frazier 1 (Continued from page one.) -


Dancing- Fai ri es-Edith Oyl e r , Mar- I ' ' jorie Cope land, Dorothy Bright . Pau • 1 22, .and Margaret Me!er, 22. li11<: Lambert. Ellen Jone s, Lois Coy, Bishop A. R. C hpp111ger, D. D., of Hazel Mil es . Ruth Robert s. t h e Ce ntral Di s tri ct of the United G ene ral Manager...- ........... Ed y th e E b y I Brethref.1 c hurc h , pre~ched ..the bacca\\·ardrob e Mi st r ess ...... Vir g inia Tayl o r laureate sermon, entitled Th e PurSt,iue Mana ge r s-Edna Dellinge r, ' c ha se of Opportun ity." B ishop I C lippin ge r' s sermon commanded the 11 "D ·H o ff Virginia W o lfe. ~fh: natu~e of the p lay re nd l' r ed ,t ; c lose st at t e ntion. o f the large audi e nce one of excep ti o nal beauty. Tita'lia an d and wa~ fi ll ed with well chos~n words her t rain o f fairies making an exquis• of advice for the graduat111g class ite picture in th e moonlight aga inst a I w hi ch \\"ere made more forceful by backo-rouncl of fo liage when they ap· means of a great variety of similes .a n d pear:d in the ir ro nd e l. illust rations from Na ture and the lives The four lovers. Lilli an Carl so n. of th e great m en of past and present Lester Mitchell, Vera John so n and time. Cecil Co nl ey, ca rri e d o ut th eir par t s - -very e ffectiv ely. Paul Harri s, ~., Newell Elected President. ..



VaIues worth wh·tI e --_ _

_ : -

= _ _




Crepe Paper, all colors ................................................................................ Dennison Crepe .............................................................................................. White Paper Napkins, 4-0 per package .................................................... Fancy Napkins, per do-z en .......................................................................... Shelf P aper, colored, 8 yards .........................·-·······--................................... Towling .........................................................- ..:................................ 10c, 15c, Cloth Flowers for hats .................................................................- ....... l0c, . Oil Cloth in colors, per yard ............................._....................................... Candies, per pound ...................................................... 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c,

10c 15c 10c




Sc 20c 25c 35c 4-0c


Westerville Variety Store


= =

Bottom. in hi s usual and characterisL eo nard Newell, '23, was elected D . ALLLER ti c mann er evoked much laugh ter and pr es ident of th e Publicati on B.oard at 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-II applaus e from the audience. a meeting of th e Board last Friday.


; If IIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 llil 1111111111111111111111111111111111 III 111111 ~

= = = = = = =


-= = -= =





See our new stock of Pillows and Pennants.


Hearty Welcome!

Yea Otterbein ~ Let's Eat



To "Old Grads"


-- 1= = -- ---

We desire to thank you and wish you success.



~ 111111111111111 IIIIIll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll IIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIll I11111111111 IIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111


tudent ,


lumni and i iti ng yo u are welcome at the

= Friend ,


College Restaurant:

- --



tudent management employing 11 Otterbein tudent .


The bu 1e t place in town. --=1---= ---- -Open from 4:30 a . m . to 1:00 a. m. -= =- Famou for Deliciou Pie , and Home = =­

= = == - = - =



ffi 111I1111111111111111IIII111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111111111111111 I1111111111111111111 t II1~


Blendon Restaurant

tyle -



George Cavanagh, Prop. ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

. Page Eight p

Philophro nea Graduates Seventeen Senior,, In Final Session of Year Phil op hro nea n Hall wa s fi ll ed past th e standing room poi nt las t Fridav nig ht for it s Jubi lee O pe n Session. The ora tion s of th e in stallation pro gram wer<.: of very hi gh qual ity a nd a c redit to both the ta lent of their speakers and t o th e s tandards of t he society. A piano so lo by Mayne. J. c.. a ce ll o

T 1-1 E T A N A K D ::: /\ R [, I ~ A L


CLASS PLAYS GIVEN for D o ra' s ha nd in marriage and t lH'n Th e u n nsL,a l talent di splayed was ____ to r ead old Tibb's spccc h of appr cc ia- ' made nHn- c l'ffcc ti vc h y t! 1.e sce ner_y · Senior Present Three Plays, "The ti on to the pe op le who l'kctl'C I 111111. \\ ' I· 11c I1 \\·as pa 11. 1tcd . b y •l'v11,, • · . -1\l a n e I D ora , ha,·ing ddeatl'cl h er father l'nid c i1. The heaut,fu l d1-apcrics an d Rector," "Waterloo," and " Enter I . I I l I l soothed bim wit h the k110,,·kdgc that eolor schemes w 11;_ 1 .1a c JCl'n u~ et Dora Exit-Dad" in Chapel. th e office wou ld he held hv a llll'inhn hy thl' .I 1111 iors in M1 s. lh 1111 p<;tea d• " . . f I• f . , L eig h '' \\ t·rc ;iga in seen. 1 M u nd a y 111 g ht, Ju ne 12th . the co lkge O 11 s am,). c hape l_ was fille d to ov.crAow1ng with a lumni, s t ucl en t s a n cl fnc nd s.o f Otter· llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll llllll lllllllll llllllll !.!_I he111 wh o wer e eage r t o witness the 1 : :


solo by Rue b us h. J. L. a nd a hum oro u,; drnm at 1c p1:esc ntat1on s o f t he Sen,~r r eading by Har ri . r. J ..adcl cd pl eas ill g i l lass. .·\ s ,s o ft e n t he case th e r eah. varie ty to th e pro g ra m . za t10'.1 was eve n g r ea ter than the a nti • Seventee n sc niors-E . J. :\!bri g ht , I c,pat, o n. M. M . Co llin s, H . J. Daviso n. B. Car l. I Th e lirst pl ay. ''T he l{ ccto r," by son. E . D. Ford, J. G. How a rd , R. M. lfachc_l Crot hers, was prese nt ed by th e J ohnson. J. 'vV. Lc ic hl eiter. M. \ I\/. fo ll owin g ca st. 11'.fi gncrcy, J. I-1. Morri so n. 1\1 . ~icho ls. J ohn fl~rr cs fo rd .. ... ........... R ay J o hnson P. K. :'\oe l, J . M. Owe n. L. E. P eart , Mar ga re t Norto n ............ l" ait h Seyfr ied R F. Peden, P. V. Sp ro ut an d D. J . Victoria Kn ox .................... Marie l'rncl c n Mayn e r ece ive d dipl omas in r.ecog ni • Mrs . Le 111m i11gwort h .. E lea 11 or \•V hitn cy ti o n of t heir wor k in Phil o phron ea. M:s. Mun sey .................... Ahcc Lin co ln The exte mporane o us s peakin g was I M, s~ Tnmball. ......... ............ Edy th c . Eby espec ial ly inte r es ting. D. R. Scneff, J a n, e................................ V clm a Sw111ger '7 2, of \ i\Tcstfie lcl. Ill .. J. S. Gruver , '98,

of Was hin g ton, D . ... J. J. L. R es ler, '76, of John stown, Pa .. a nd Paniel R eame r, '78, of M o nesse n, Pa ., gave per so na l rem c ni se nces of th eir ow n



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The " Ca rpet Committee· m et at th e ho me of the rect~r to de cid e up on th~ n ew Aoor cove nn g. fo ,· :he c hur c h. : Th ey s uc ceeded 111 d1 sc uss111 g th e ca r· pet th e a mount of ca rpet a nd eve ry




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sch ool day s a t Ott e rbein a nd paid tri • thin g b ut the ca.rpet. h ad ~11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11. butes to Phil o phron ea a nd it s work. Mrs. L emmrn gwor th who chosen Miss T r im ball as the m ost lit t· in g brid e for th e r ec tor did not a ttain IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111,!! Eleven Granted D iplomas By Philomathea In Jubilee Session. I he r c h er is h ed de ire but wa s so m e. w hat pac ified by bein g se lec ted as a _ Philomat hea ga ve h e r Ju bi lee Ses• co n1n1itt ee of one to sec ure th e ne w § sion las t Friday eve nin g to a lar ge ca rpet. numb er of fri e nd s a nd al umn i. Th e Mar gare t No r ton to ,¥ho n1 everypro g ram was especially goo d and o ne w e nt fo r a dv ice and co mfor t fou nd wa s we ll r e nd ered, as all of the one that renun cia ti o n is greater than love : hundr ed and se ve nty -three m e mb e r s, an d gaye her b le sin g to th e rec t o r and _ alumni and fri ends prese nt t estified. Vi ctoria Knox , th e g irl of hi s c hoi ce. The followin g pro g ram was given:­ Mrs. Mun sey, a yo un g widow who : Chapl ain's Addresshad design s up on the r ec to r wa s sa ti s• The M as ter's To uc h . fic d " ·i th t he o ut com e o f affairs sin ce V . E. M eyers her d ear ene1ny, Mrs. L e n1n1ing"v o rth Preside nt' s Va led ictoryiimmllllllllll I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II llllll llllllllll iil The Ideals of O tt e rbein was va nqui h eel. The re c tor wa s we ll abl e to car e for E . Stockslagcr him se lf but h; d he not been h e would M us ic-P hilomathean Orches tra ' hav e foun d a r eady cha mpi o n in the ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 M In stall ation of Office r s s unny littl e h ouse m a id who fr owned Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147 - R , residence ; or Bell s.w office, for Pres ide nt' s Inau gura l,Yit h open di spleasure upon th ose The College Ma n's Creed whom s he s us pe cted of attempt s to H . W. Troop entang le him. Announcemen t of Co mm itte es It was a hi g hl y interestin g co m edy _ Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Music-Philomathean Orches t ra 1: : a nd th e ro les \\'Cr c all w ell ta k e n. Presentation of Diplomas ,.f h e secon d play , Sir Cona n D oyle's § Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Extemporaneo us Speaking tra ge dy, " Waterloo," offered a s plen • § Headquarters-12 W. College Ave.. Westerville, 0. Phi loma th ea did opportunity for so me rare a ct in g 1 ElcvC' n S eniors-I. S. Dellin ge r, J . in whi ch Gordan Howard as th e o ld : Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentletnan, Ladies' Home • W . Geo rg e, M. L . Howe, H . F. Leh • Corporal of th e Scots Guard s mad e :: Journal, Saturday Evening Post. • man , R. U. Martin, P . J. Mill er , H . F . th e mos t of th e op po rtunity. He was Prompt Service-Best Service. : Murray, L . E. Pace, W. 0. Stauffe r, E. S t oc ksla ge r and C. W. Vernon wer e ab ly sup po rted by: 111111111111111 I I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIIIII I I I I Ill 111111111111111 ll llll llll II I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I lllllllff Maurice Co llins as Sergeant Arc h ie presented dip lomas by President McDonald, Edna Dellinger as Korab Troop on behalf of the society. Brewster. hi s g ra ndni ece a nd H aro lcl l!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII Ill Illllllllllllllll lllllll lllllllll 111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111] V,/. A. Zearing, '98, Professor of M a them atics in Purdue U ni ve r sity, ~:v!~o;~,/;o~~io;:!t/~:~~:dsMidwin • I~ Professor F. A. Hanawalt, '1 3, and D. The program was co mpl e ted by a : : M . Phi lippi , '21, spoke cxte mpora ne• one•act com ed y of Freeman Tilden e n• ously. titl ed "Enter Dora-Exi t Dad." The following peop le starred in th eir r e· _ Class of '24 Elects Officers. s pec ti ve roles. T he class of 192 4 ele c ted officers for Wilbur D. Coo n, '23 ................Joe l Tibb _ th e coming school year, Jun e 1. The Ruth Hopp..............................Dora Tibb following were elected. I]o D ellin ger...... ·-········-···Walt e r Barnes President-W. H. A nd e rson. Loys Pea rt.. ............. - ............... Salesman § Vice-presid ent-I-I. K. Darling. J ohn George.............. ·-·····-·. ···········-···-J oey Secretary-Mary Elizabeth Brew• Old man Tibb who had been the baker. first selectman of the town for fifteen COLUMBUS,O. Treasurer-J . A. Eschbaugh. years found himself suddenly displa c• Social Chairman- Josephine Crid• eel by Walter Barnes. his young e m• land. ployee, who had the audacity to a sk llllllltllllll 1111111 IINIIIIII I IllI IIHllllll II mun 11111IHI1111111111111111111111111111111111111111


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The Clean-Up Man



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