1922 10 30 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

nu att VOL. 6




No. 7.


FOR OHIO TEAMS , Special ,


nds In the Conference Foreground


Train Assured--Will Leave Students Forecast Their Futures Westerville Over the PennsylNovel Masquerade Party of vania Railroad. Entire Student Body.


in '. PLANS COMPLETE I Committees are Busy on Perfection of

The OTTERBE I N SI ECIAL will Sp aking of glimpses into the I leave the VVe tervi-lle sta tion o n the futu r e, g uess folks sur ely had a rcgumorning o f Novembe r 11th, at J0:00 Ja r panoramic vi ew at that party at a. m., for pringfie ld . All th e necc - th e gym la st aturday eve ning.

As Five Schools Reach MidSeason Undefeated. ---CHANCE FOR "UNDER DOGS"

Arrangements for Entertaining Alumni. HEIDELBERG TO BE FOE

- - -ar rangements with the railrnad a Cho rus ~rls th at ~vould have ~1~dc lI Program Starts With Literary Society Special Sessions-Ends With l>eruson Has Eliminated Wittenber~, and the vVittenberg officials have F lorenz himself env ious we re fhttmg While Wesleyan and Wooster been completed so that th e round t rip abo ut eve r ywhere. Old gcn tleme.n · Football Supper. Fear the "Big Red". and entrance to · the game will cos t an d ladies who had borne the expen___ _ A glance at the Ohio Conferen ce st,1nding show s tha t fi ve teams rem11i n und efeated. A sixth, St. Xavier , Plays h ·r fi r st co nference game next Saturday wh en Ohio i m et . Of th e & , We leyan, \1/oostcr, , and Ober)fn, dai1n the be t , rating. Tone of them will m eet. Mt. U nion, altho ugh she ha thr e victories on the ri g ht ide of the ledger, ha not defeated a n P cially {ast•going co1~1bination. It i highly probab le that Oil ; per• h ap two or mo re college , will I.Wl the gauntl et without defeat. It i rum rd, mor.eove;· th at oach Bole of Woo ·t..:r ha. i ·ued a tan din g chall n >-e to any team cl an" to meet hi B lack and Gold squad on a n lttral field on Thank · ~ri ving Day. That will apply o nly Und r th c 1\dition that Woo t r win all of h r am s.) Since We Icyan d Ob 1· I 11 d I d an er 111 1a~·c not c e u 'fam for Turkey Day, a tie for th champion hip cottld be averted if Bol • all ged off r w ere accepted. (Woo t r r fu d a simila r propo -i• tion, made ach Godfrey of W itt nb rg, ar ago.) Mt. U nion meet on Nov. 1 , so that one of team will be eliminat d. Even t hough hio niver ity comes throug h without defea t she could hardly



cham pion. hip a . feren e ame










good clair1; to th e he playincc onlyOberlin 4 conBut


Play only 5, it would be difficult to draw a liti . Du to a game with liarietta on Nov. 30, hio could no t ace pt oo ter' off r. Deni n ' may be the tumblin g blo k to champion hip a pirants. Only la t aturday th e Baptist pu t ( Continued on page six.)

R-ecital Wednesday Nov. 1.

ences o f years were capering here This week-e nd marks th e annual Thi s w ill be the las t cha nce fo r the and the re. ome were living exam- H ome•coming of Otterbein's alumni mos t of u to see th e Otterbein team pies o f th e merits of the magic fouu- and friends. From a ll reports the in action thi s yea r. It is up to us to tain, while other s evidenced the disap- numb er of old grads wh o are comin help th e tea m. You helped th e team po intments of year s and the pcssi- bai:k thi . year {viii , cxcl'ed that of ' defeat Mu kingum , now do the ,sam e, 1uism of tlnyarted aspiratio n1s. : Even other years. 'fo r \1\/ittenberg. A ba nd will be ,th cr shadowy form from realm s un known , to do its part. Do you r duty and we hovered over the sce ne and pronoun• ,1 will win. \V e held Ohio W e leyan to eccl it thrillin g. . HOME-COMING PROGRAM .Futuri sti c art los •. it my tery, and 13 points. The same team b at Wit• Thursday Evening­ ten berg 27•6. o ld aud young alik e beh eld th em elv• I Philal t hca L ite i-ar ociety. Mak you r iittention o f going e in spiri t picture . A witch' cavern , leiorhc.tea L itc ·rary ocicty. known at th e earliest po ible mom en t not unlike the cav~rns of "oldc tym~"· I Friday Eveningo that we can make th e necc sat Y claimed th e attention of many, whil e Phi lophronca. guarantee of 250 fare to the railroad. othe ere h Id peUbpwi by- th. P hil omath a . Temporary tick t will n al t h ta~ ·of " back in ~'2Z" a r co unt d . by Saturday-fir t of th e week. T~ e will be ex- th o ld war hors · s• of that time. 9:00 a. m.-efoint ·o i ty Re­ changed befo.re the tram leav ~or th c .But layin al b .joking- a id , it was c ·ption at Cochran Rall. 1 permanent ticket . Le ter M1,tch ~; a ni ·e party. It was funny enough f 11 :00 a. m.- Fo<_?tball Rally. Ceci l Conl ey, Hal. Goodman, ·Doc · for th e funn ie t. and pooky nough 2 :30 p. m.-Football, Heidel­ toughton, F ran ci Potteng r an~ fo r the pookiest, and entirely in keep• hcrg vs. Otte rb ein . others will have th em for al · Don t ing with the sea on. · j 6:00 p . m.-Home•comi tlg upput it off. Let knowTha. k ~ton II the doughnut nc co uld eat, and per. ·bl T lk it up. m • 1. • pos I e. a BER all th e cider one could drmk we re 8:00 p .m. - ocial Groups enO r TO WITT · rv d by tha t social commi tte , arrd ; tertain. c rtainy if there really were any an- - - - - - - -Farm Baseball Diamond. h ,vl,e n it orry J'he ba eball diamond on th e ath le- ge l pre e nt, t y wcr Plan for the rece ption and enter­ tic fi eld i being fa rm d and everal was tim e to go home. ta,i111i1cn t f the e g uests have been loads of clay have b en hau led from 1 unde r way for o:ne \ eek and e:very New Gym. Leaders. the adjoining fie ld to th a t. Better effort is being mad t ma this, the Th following men have be n lcct­ drainage i th e aim of t he work. Jubil Home-coming, a memorabl The much-needed board for the ed to m ember hi p 111 the Men ' event. A . Well , H. R. in ner edge of t he track wo~ld put the L aders Corp : · The Literary . oci ti will hold Mill , . B . Broderick, and E. Kearns. a thletic field in pretty good hape. invited se ion at the regul ar hour on Thur day and Friday night . The ociety reception wi-11 be held in ,, Cochran Hall at nine o'clock Saturday morning. The r eccpti n will be put NEEDS OF OTTERBEIN on by the four so ietie collectively Fifteen Reasons Why the Jubilee Campaign Must Succeed. and a joint committe will provid a • Approximate Cost 5 hort p rogr am a nd light refre hment • Girls' D o;mitory :.........·-··········-··-··-··-··········- ···-·-···-········ $ }~•~ The foo tball rally ome a t eleven o'clock. beer lead r onley will have charge of th rally, which a ide(Continued on page seven.) · $3.05.



Mu ic pupil wi ll " how their Wares" for the fir t time thi year in I a recital to be given in Lambert Hall thi W dn day night at :00. In ad­ dition to th u ual 1program of vocal and 'in trumental , olos, one olo on the pipe orga n i promi ed. The pu b1~ is invited to the e recitals. No ad­ mi ion j cliargf!d.

(ifflt E~~;~~i~f{~~=~~t~~~~-~ 'ii cw Department or Chairs m • Bible ········-················-···········..··········· . ... - ................... ·-··-····· Religious Edu.Cl!tion .····························-······-······ ..···················· Bu inc .Admm1 tratton ··················---··-- ..--.-········

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U kc! of New Plant ································..···········-···········-··········· p DP eve 1opmen . . t •:·········..···············-······.......................................... New



0 000 550 000 50'000


50 000 250 500 '000 .•



d .......................- - - - - - · · · · - ····-·-·· - $2,0l0;OOO

Radio Football Fans. During t he la t t\V Saturday after­ noon a "small but enthusiasticle: crowd ha Ii ten d in on reports of the Ohio State-Michigan and Ohio State-Mi nn ota football games as ent qv r the iadio from the scene of the conflicts. Saturday's con test in Minnesota w~ relay d by the Erner­ Hopkins Co., in kimbus. ,

Cap and Dagger Plans Plays. ed11e day afternoon the ap and Dagger lub met and decided upon a definite plan for the near future. A number of one-act plays will be given by the lub omctime between Thank giving a nd Chri tma . The one-act play gilfcn la t year attest the popularity of such play , and with The enrollmc11t to Ohio ni_v r ity Profe or Fritz a coach the public at then cts a new record for that may he a urcd J a good erie of school. The number of stud nt _production s. well above 1500.


The enro ll ment at \Vittenbcr ollcge is al o a r cord. Of the niore Wednesday, Nov. 1than 00 tudent at the Lutheran Recital, Music pupils, 8:00 p. m., school. 3 , :\ are fre h men. Ein-ht new Lambert Hall. member have bec.n added to the facSaturday, Nov. 4fa ny of the building ulty. Home-coming Day. F ·otball, Heid­ been extend d. lberg. \V~th approximately 9 o Friday, Nov. 24. . nroll d. Deni . 011 niver ity Freshman- ophom re Debate. new stud ent body mark thi year. unday, Nov. 19 to Sunday, Nov. 26TTERB I WEEK. The Rev. Mr. Hall, oi the T hursday, Dec. 7Dry Fed 1·ali n p kc to th tud ut Tol. toy L ctur - Au pice luL Re- body Friday morning at hapcl. Jat i n lub.



G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

he :Map! Tr · T a Room was the East College Avenue ltap_pily chosen . p t for a Hallowe'cn _party . aturday cv nin . l'be Poly­ PHONES ., gon . and fourteen ''le · r halve " Citizen 26 ted and played mid t th golden limmer of pumQkin , black cat , witch·. and oth r artiel ' of weird­ F or all that is good to eat sec :ne . too nmucrou. lo rnc nti n until he appalling h ur o f !even. fr . and Mr. 1 ollin Dura nt of . Co­ 1 l um bus were the all efficient a nd ef­ fec ti ve chaperon . . ther out of tow n gue t we re Mr. P;iul prout, hilli­ cothe, and Mr. DQnald Durant of o­ lumb u . 0

Group Picture Taken. 'Ten were · · ed rid ay le t h b ody a nt of th hall at t- of th for the pictur e -of t he p ict1J re will be on a le 11ext k by rcpre 11tativc o f th e .fo­ e and lfoch ure c~111p a9y, t l,11~ ~le~ ch 1ook ·t bc ·ct re.

WILSON, The Grocer No So. State St. Westerville, Ohio·

B. W. WELLS Tailor Dry Cle~ning, Pressing RHOD~S & SONS Tire Cellege Avenue MEAT MARKET

.,..'.New Goods Are Coming In every day-Laundry Bags,


Fountain Pens, $1.00; Th~me Tab­ lets, 25c, Memo Books

p·u 1



ows and College Jewelry;

Reduced Prices on Crane StationerY, Popular Copyrights and Athletic Goods.

at the

University Bookstore


Pa~f Three

Davison , Harold J., teacher in high economic in high chool, McKees- I Stubb , Pauline1 ·teache r of home sc hool. Engl e woo d. Ohio. port, Penn ylvania. economics i\1 hi~h school, Milton Dehnh off, Hazel, student in Otter­ cyfried, Faith, teach e r in high I Cente r , Ohio . ' · , bein Col lege. \\' cstc rYill e. Ohio. Swinger, Ve lma, teacher of home schoo l. \\' es tfield. Jllinois. Dellin ge r, Edna C. . teac her in high Sprout, Paul, teacher and coach in economics in high school, Conover. sc hoo l, .'\ tti ca, Ohio. high school. Chillicothe, Ohio. I Van Maso n, Charles Emmett, stuDellinger. ll o S .. teac her in -hi g h Stauffer, V\Tilliam 0., teacher of sci- dent in Cincinnati · Medical School. , choo l. \Vill ar d. O hi o. e:n ce in high . chool, Rittman, Ohio. (Co ntinued on · page tour.) Ehy. Edythe. te ac h<:r in J effe rson to \\'n sh ip high sc hoo l. '02, '02. Dr. an d :\lr s. H erbert E. F o rd. Earl D .. ;;iuck nt , Columbia I 111111111111111111 IIII II I I I II I I I II 111111 IIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I llllllt Hall (B essie D ct\\·ilcr J o f L ni o nto \\'n. L' niversity. Penn ylvania. \\' <e re in Cincinnati . Gt.· orge , John \\.... direct o r of athOhio, th e middl e of thi 111011th \\' hik lcti cs a nd D ean of men. Indiana Cen­ Dr. Hall wa s attending th e meetin g tral Co ll ege. Indianapo li s. Indiana. of e Ce ntral Sta te s P ediatri c ,\ ssoci­ Hall. Rosali e V .. principal of subur­ ati~n. \.Yhil e they w e re in Ohio th ey ban school, Vles ton . v\' est Virginia. visited Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Kilbourne Hall. Ruth (M r . Paul V. Clark). at : (Ethel Crouse) in Dayton, Ohio. and hon1c. 6 17 Packard avenue, Ann ArD~. Hall' s mother near Pioneer, Ohio. bor, Michigan . ~o NoRrn H1GH '06. Miss Mary ::-.Jeikirk Baker, who Hays, Har r iet L., teacher of home is at th e head o f the traveling library eco nomic s in high school. \\ cs terv ill . dep-artmcnt of the Ohio State Library, Ohio. Heeter. Bernice E .. teacher in high was in Van Wert, Ohio las t \\'eek at­ m,,,,,,,11111111111,111111111111111111111111111,111111111111,11,,,,,,,,1,11 111 111111111111111111,1,111111 tending the annual meeting of tht: school. Covington, Ohio. Howard. J. Gordon. student in Ohio Library .Association. She gave Theological Seminary, an addre ss at one of the essions on Bonebrake "T he Home of Quality" the ubject, "V\' hat the Library Can Dayton. Ohio. Howe. Merrill L .. teacher in high Do_ for the School ." sc hool, McKee port, Penn ylvania. '18. \,Viiliam J.. Co mfort, a senio r Hunter, Alice, student in Hartford thi year in Bonebrake Theo logical School of Mission , Hartford , Connec­ Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. has recently been chosen assistant to the pastor ticut. Johnson, Ray M., student in Bone­ and executive ecretary of th e Men' brake Theological cminary. Dayton, unday chool class of the Fir t Ohio. nited Brethren church of Dayton. Leatherman . La Vaughn. teacher in This churc h i undertaking a large high . chool, . ·ew Paris, Ohio. work in community service and Mr. Lehman , Herman. teac her of Chem­ omfort will ha,·e general ·charge of. istry and coach in hi g h school. L oga n. thi ne w work which i ponsorcd Ohio. e pecially by th e m e n' s dass. L eichlitcr . John \\'es ley. student in '22. Mi ss Huth R . Campbell, who is \ • e tern Re. erv .i f di al chool. t aching in the departm nt -of h use­ I ' veJan<l, hjo. hold conomics in the hio-h c hoo l at Lincoln. lice L. , t ac her of mathe~Orth Robin so n, hio. attended the matic 111 high chool. Ro cwood, m, eting of th e Central Ohio T eaclH'r s' Ohio. :\1artin. F e rn e! at home, \ ,Vesterville, A ociation in olumbus last Friday and aturday and vi itcd her parents Ohio. Martin, Robe.rt ., tudent jn law, in V,.r e tcrville before returnino- to her 11iver ity of Mi higan , nn Arbor, work on unday. Michigan. '12. Roy L. Harki1i , who fo r Mey r. Margaret E., t achcr in high Y ar wa the su cc . ful sup rinte.n­ . chool, Englewood, Ohio. dent of cho I at Kenmore. hio, ha. Mig11er y, . (errill W., principal of given up hi work there t ace •pt a high sc hool, Aowry town, Ohio. 1)0 ition in the Madisonville High Mi)l e r Paul, ~eacher of scie nce m chool at ~in cinnati, Ohio. high school. '\ e tcrville, hio. .u ' 85, ' 92. fr. and Mr . F. A. Z. Kum­ l\{inton, athe rin teacher of rnu ic ler (Mattie Bender) of Dayton. hio, in high c hool, Pennington Gap, irsp nt a part of la t week in olumbu ginia. j• ,~.._ I ~· v:i iting their marri ed daugh r and Murray, J. Hal ted, t eacher in high h r hu band . chool near Knoxville, Illinois. ol, Manson E., tudent in 1n bu y r '07. E. lark \Vorman, national rc-­ n, Re crv:e 1\1 dical chool, ligiou , o.rk r tary oL the Young Ohio. M n' bri tfan • ociation of India, , Muri 1 l\~ trray, tudent, Burmah, and • yloo., ba just com~ orma l lllinoi . pleted a trip in orth Ind~a in tbe in­ -o , Paul K., tat an itarium, tere t of hi work. 'He v.i ited he l\Iount Vernon Ohio. 1 hief citi s of the Eunjab aud ,ven Owen, J. ::'-.Iilton, in manufacturing far north ·a a hmere. V bu ine Cincinnati, Ohio. teacher of art, With the Class of 1922-. er


= =










Style Hea~quarters for Col1ege Men Featuring F a s h i o n

Park, Hart Schaffner

& Marx and H ickey Freeman



Offering Grea~ $,tocks of Suits ands ats -.. a u can tyl d ·f t 1 the oung men- ;h and tail red to mak the tyl ta elected v 1 n tha t o-i e t he mo t erv1ce · od cl p n dab le quality lothe .

Albright, E tel J., teachei: and coach ed n Roy E', teacher and coach in in high chool, Mia-mi urg, Ohio. high chool, Gr enville Ohio. ampbell, Ruth I ., teacher of home Prud n Marie (Mr . John . Fraconomic in high chool, orth Robzi r), at horn , 1439 Ea t 114th treet1 in on, bio. lev land, hio, arl , tud nt in Lorain t acher of voice tern cal cJiool, piano, Callahan enior chool, land, Ohio. ole, Obla Cav , at home, Wester­ 1an • or.ida. -ville, Ohio. le.rs Loi A

ui t and thin E t le and ~~


f r o1n the tyI- oenter uld po ibly w ant-be t


Stetsou and Berg Hats

- .. ,



J o~ston &: Murphy ' Shoes.



Page Four


We are hosts to the alumni. _It \~ "k.i'.1ds of unsettling and up~ctting doc- \ patch last Friday, which we reproduce our dutf to "show"t:hcm a good tn11c. trmc to the un. uspechng youths . here: ~ - - - \ T hey will, no doubt. enjoy the spc(·ial placed. under their influenc e .. ,:'t best. I 'The o ,·crw helming maj~rity of tbe . t of affairs which are planned for the according to some of these critics, t hey \ J)re cnt-day students at Oh10 tate a.re 1'11blished Weekly in the mtcres Otterbein by the week-end, they will surely enj oy t he arc incompct nts who could not make her e with a distinct and definite aun OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING football game and ~he foo~hall han- 1 a living in any other way, and have I and .de ire for adequate trai nin g fo r BOARD quet. Jn between tunes will be our I been p laced on the col\cgc payroll the ltfc work wha:h they have plan ned, · I \Ve tcrville, Ohio Press individual opportunity to add to the through th e favor of omc friend on a nd they prove hy their abi lity while Member of the Ohio College I j Association success of the home-coming cclcbra- the board. or at th e hche t of some in the unive rsity and their success tion. We arc to be one big family- wealthy donor. I after they graduate that in the large Editor ................ w . Seneff, •23 I we must he friendly'. co~rte.ous_, ea!<(er And yd. in ,pitc oi thes ~ unattrac- majority of cases the uni,·cr ity ha. Assistant Editor ........ H. R. Mills, '24 to explain nc\\· family 111stitut1ons or , tivc J)icture~ that ha,·c been so fre- \ served them well. and that they hav~ Contributing Edi tors-. , member . qucntl~· drawn and so wickly exhibit- utilized its facilities to good purpose. Bonmbcl Yanncy, 23 D 1 Adams '23 I 11 hort. it is up to us, here on the e d , 1Jot h Y ung men an cl young women i ".\' o. the money and energy w · ·b Business Manager .... ~ Newel( ' 23 campu~. to make the graduated mem- are crowd ing al\ the coll~ges i:1 num- Ohio puts into her colleges is 1, t ssistant Business Man_agers, bcrs of our big family feel that they bers con tantly and rapidly rncreas- i " ·astc:d on a body of young people who d · J ·di lcasure Cltfford Foor, 24 arc trul)· coming home. Get the ing v\·h y do thev go? One sa)·s I F. M. Pottenger, '25 1 . . . . I . . . I l arc pre omm.a nt y t er -.. p . . Cir. M anager....Marjorie Copeland, ' 23 . Otterbein family spirit and the 1 \122 t 1a~ 1t 1.s s1mp y to enJoy t 1c p ea~ant I seeker~ or a . pi rant s for social dt t1ncssistant ·irculation Managers- , Home-coming will be an event to he socia l ltfc of the college, to have a , tion." Katherine Pollock, 24 remembered. good time. Another secs the rca~on 1 . I1 O ¥1er, '25 E <1tt _________ for their atte.ndancc merely in th e fa.:t W ith the Class of ' 22. thletic Editor .......... H. V. Miller, ' 23 Reg ister Your D isapproval h · · .. d f " h 11 egc ' ·t A W Elliott '23 · t at 1t I goo orm to ave a co .(C . uc·d f r 0 111 pa g e three.) • . , , . . on 1111 L oca I Ed I or ............ . Alumna\ Editor .. .... Alma Gu1tner, 97 Ordinarily. political comment on the d1ploma. They want only the higher , •incinnati Ohio. Exchange Editor .... Ruth Roberts, '24 editorial page of a college paper is standing which the college-educated \ ' . h·gb 111 1 Cochran Hall EdMitor-;- Wh. tl , out of place. Before the coming elcc- person cem to have in the social Vernon, Charles \ V ... teacher arJora 1s er, 23 I . . . . . . . school. Greenfield Oh10. . Ed.tor Patti Garver '25 lton 1n Oh10 on the ltght \\·1nc and commumty. till other rca ons, eq ual• 1 ........ • B L 1terary . . been amendment to the slate const1tu- ly unflattering. arc ,uggcsted from the ' \\'hitc, E. Brooks. pastor of urAddr ess. a\TI commd,unCtcadti.ons t TWhe tion, howe,·cr. it m.ight be well to idc of the oppo ition . gess Avenue L: nited Brethren church, 103 Otterbem an an ar ma 1, . . . College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. once more call attention to the 1111v\'c prefer however, to accept the Columbu , Ohio. Subscription Pric.e, $2.00 Per Year, 1portancc of a heavy \'Otc on that view of Profc sor George \V. Knight, \\' hitncy. Eleanor, principal of cenpayab le 10 advance. question from all people of the state expres eel in the co lumn of The Dis- tralizcd high chool, Five Points, O. Entered as second class matter \\'ho have any re. pect for the federal September 25, 191 7, at the postoffice constitution. at Westerville, 0 ., under act of 111 chapel Friday mornin g . :.lr. Hall, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! arch 3, 1879. f I Ol · D 1· d · ·I h : :: Acceptance for mailing at special I o t 1c uo ry · e crat1011, sa1c t at rate of po tage provided for in ?ec. his task was not to get dry votes 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized 1 but rather to get drv to vot e. There :, §:::::::::_ April 7, 1919 · I i, no qu e,tion abou"t th e iss ue. That _ TUESDAY NIGHT IN THE EDITORIAL · amendment i. a dire ct challenge o[ the national power, it i clearly un- The Reliable Man. constitutional. l f pa~sed. it " ·oltld _ Herc'. to the steadfast reliable man, bl' a wc:dgt· fur th e return of the S THE OTTE RB EI


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= =

Amer1can • Leg1on • Ha II


The won't man with the tongue true, tialoo n. it \\'Ork wouldthsimplify bootlcKging, ~A~fi:~neerOSoypt:p;oerr\ turu ·:....t:y:·.:.:t:o:::::g::e::t::::a::::g:::: : ::d:::::s::u::p::p::·e.::r::::a::n::d:::::a:: :::..t:h::·a::t::::g:: ::e::s::::w ::::i:th!!it:. §::::_ Who promise to do that' any s more it would e same old haYoc in than he can, moral and physical well-being that the : 0 11 0 0 But who'll do what he says he'll do. old-time saloon wrought. That amend- _ Upstairs above K eifer's Drug Store. § He may .not be clever, he's often quite ment must be defeated . ,.. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll blUJ1t, \ The Yotmg student · of Ott.-rhein, With t ither p Ii h or air; residents of Ohio. should feel a perBut, though it's not in him to "put up a onal responsibility for their part in tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll.!J front," the election thi fall. By all mean, · §_ '\Vh II you need him, he' always go to the poll this fall and r egister th r e. your support of the on tilutio11 of : :::::: So hc rl''. to the man Oil whom one the nitecl tates Ill a practical manner. Take your vote eriou ly, it :: lu la ting ucce may 11 t b needed to defeat the meas- : §:::::::::: continue to 1nuttiply, ure, but it i needed to how· the re t § w never grow le st of the country that Ohio is not a law- : at anton Christian. 1, commonwealth eeking to de --------troy the on fitution, and the health .0 r lumni Come Home. S 1and morals of her citizen by adopting UC more th red letter day f the uch an amendment a the light f o ball ca n r 11 aroun .wine and beer propo al. : ::: mor tbe alumni and fri end tt rii1111tllllllllll II II II III Ill Ill llllllllll Ill II lllll Ill lllllllllllll Ill lllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll l bein c m back to vi it for a few Why Young Folks Go to College. day· or a fe w hour the cene that v\ e may be criticized for u ing other ll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ,. o ne tim er o familiar to them m u' work, we may be accu ed of : S and whi ch now, have gro vn more 11 dear to th em wi th the increase in time ~ ri~::~ ~~1~\o11o~~i:;\~it~!iataf:~r: or di tance th at separate th m from the Col umbu Di patch, but it.plea ed • Otterbein. u o much and eem uch a ane an::: It i impo ibl fof' u , livin wer to a di turbing qm: lion that we t Otterbein all the time. will pa it a \of1g and run th ri k of Breakfa st-7 :30 to 9 :3o. :: being thought lazy. :::. th " old-grad," vi :wpoint. \ , Dinners and Lunches at noon from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m . :::. :::. ' inc th m uck -raking mania fir t realiz that our alumni c me Tea Room Service from 3:00 o' clock on through the evenings. ~==:::. ... :::. ,Otterb in eager for a clip into the pa t, got it h Id upon a certain cla s of

--As Ever-Good Things to Eat



For Pushes and Picnics

= =




Staple and Fancy Groceries



that they w ul d like lo be tudents­ for-a-day, that hey w uld like to { el .and act a the un d r - niduate durin ;their holiday froµ, work-day life. The ~de t alumnus w· nt to renew hi J th on thi on day, th e newc t .r.mt to be back in the scbool life.

writ r , nothing ha


b en raked over


frequ ently or ,vitb more ho tile :




: Sundays W c Will B e Open From :30 Till g :30, pirit than the American college. The ::; Special Reservation s for Hallowe'en D inners. fa culti e. ar eith r old fogi es, pas ing on the worn-o ut theorie of an other wi e forgotten pa t, or they are com- : • S 72 W es t M am po ed of r evolutionari t h.I t. Westerville, · :;:. 1I ' eac n g a ' 1 1111111111111111111111 MIll Ill Ill II Ill Ill l Ill I Ill Ill l Ill Ill I Ill Ill II Ill lll II.It Ill Ill IIll II II II Ill llll 1111

== =




o :::.

THE TAN AND CARDI N All took the pledge to be faithful m ember of Y. W. C. A. . _________ OTTERBEIN WEEK



Page Five

I,uing conforence . That week is to he Iand know n as OTTERBEI \vEEK. it wilt end the Diamond Jub ilee I

T he fo llow ing dates and their ~ignificancc should he kl-pt in min<i by cYc r y . tucknt. ah1111nu, ancl friend of Otterbein College. On Sunday. J\OY. 12, scn·icc, will be held which will ann o1111<:C' a public appeal for wo rkers for the ~olicitation of fu {ids for the Ju bilee Fund. _ . . On l·nday, Nov. 17, th ere will be a

Try the NYAL line of Toilet Articles

l ·a111paig11 for increa ed endo wment.

- - - - - - -- -

Plan for H ome-coming!


:\!rs. Cressie Hudson Johnson. Cot- ' Face Creams, Powders, Soaps and umbu . Ohio, and Mrs. Estella .\11- Perfumes and the Nyal Remedies, all kcny Long, Somerset, Pa.. fo rmer good, at ~tudents in t(1~ school of :.-lusic were 1 1111l'rc,ted Vt~ttor s on the . campu :.\fonday of this week. 1 I




Ill II I I II II I I I II I I I I II I II Ill I II I I II I I I IIIIIIIIIII Ill II IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111




It' S JUSt One StrJ•ke After A00ther --

luncheon and Set-up Conference. Begin ni ng unday, Nov. l !l, and § continuin g a week to Sunday, XoY. 1:: 2ti, the appeal for funds will be made :: And now the seamen are on a strike up on the lakes and thousands of .§ in an intense campaign which will coal cars are waiting to be unloaded. We are doing our best to get § : The Teac hers' In . ti tute 111 Colum­ reach every individual in the co-opcr- § good coal. Place your orders with us. bus thi s week gave us a chance to see a lot of our o ld grad~ who nave taken up the ·'school marm" professio n. We were mighty g lad to see them and Westerville, Ohio Coal yard-East College Avenue. Office No. 22 North State St. hope there' ll be some more co nven­ : Bell : 101-R Residence, 29-R Office, 80-R Coal Yard Citz. t4Q... 3R § tions, if that helps us get a glim pse Use Government Stamped envel11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iil of the girls. opes. Your government provides this Mary Noel and H elen Drury, Fri­ day night entertain ed the Tali man method to provide economy and accurClub and three g uests Virginia Brew­ acy for you. Have your name printed. baker, Mrs. Snyder and Mi s vVright Fastman Kodaks and Supplies of all of Dayton, with a ·'Stag Party". In Cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. kinds. Films Developed and Printed. the course of the party the engage­ No lost stamps. Stamped envelopes Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow Ink ment of :Mary !\ocl to "'fr. Arthur can be redeemed at postage value at Pencils, Shaeffer's Ever Sharp Pencils Roose was announced. and Leads. Fine Papeteries, Etc. Veda and E ther B ar pent the point of issue. Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' week-end with friend in Columbu . Supplies. Courteous officials at windows ready The Greenwich Oub gave a push OPTICAL DEPARTMENT to answer any questions. Co-operate aturday evening in honor of their Eye Glasses and Spectacle , Eye Shades with the government. g uest , Mary [c abc <111d Katheri ne and Goggles. Examination free. All work teinmctz, of Gr n villc. guaranteed. Give us a call. MARY E. LEE, Acting P. M. . Alice a nd er, and ylvia Peden.



United States Post Office




================================= UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY

had a " r a l for sur ·• Hallowe'c n party ou t in a country home Saturday even­ ing. Their gue ts all declared they had the be teats· and game · ever. "Marj" and Harriet hi tier pent he week-end a their h me in Dayton. Mable Walter, Flor nee tephe n ·, and ergil D rayer ga c a join {) U h fo r their gu ts aturday eve11i11g.


RITTER & UTLEY, 44 North State Street



See us before that -next push.

Great Values!

Candle Lighting Service Y. W. C. A.

AT$ Box and Bulk.



These Ail Wool


MOSES & STOCK, Grocers

Cochran Hall wa a lone ome _place aturday when it · inmates went to Columbus to make their contrib utio n t the 1923 ibyl. r . R. W. mith H leu En or) ha, becn elected by th e admioi ·tratio n a a i taut jubi lee app al d(to t' to help Mr. J. o ·, 'U, in publicity work for the Diamond Jubilee Campaign and ha tak n up her wc>rk in the college offi e.




Extra Trowers To Match Them

Always fresh.

JUSt sweet tooth at

H0 ffman Drug•Co.

Th member hip meeting with it beautiful symboli cal entice of cand lelighting wa held la t Tuesday even - ·• ing. Virginia Taylor, the leade r, gave ketch of the hi tory of Y. W. C. A. nd i development of service in the • • · ' • • lives of American girls. The threeDENTIST fold meaning of the blue triangle in ) 15¼ N. State St. Phys!cal, 111 nta l and piritual gro~vth Bell Phone 9

================ W M GANTZ D D S

-values that are easily the b e s t shown in town, made possible by our large buying and small profit, c:asb sell­ ing policy. ewest ha.I! belted sp rt models with ph.>a.ted backs and roomy patch pockets. Care[ully talloreH trom popular (weeds in tan nd gray hades. Nothing to com.pare with them elsewh re t th price.


was m terpr ted by Jo phine ridll'nd, E ther McDonald and Rhea Mc on- ;;; aughy. The candle lighting service itelf a very impres i_ve. large number of new girl lit their white Westerville, 0 . candles at the triangle of blue caudle 31 W . College Ave. Citizen Phone 110 f rm d by the cabin t members, and Bell Phone 190


! 2










Will be No Snap for Tan Gridders- 1 The accompanying editorial. !akl' ll Heid Iberg Means To Beat 0 . irom H • A. ~[iller' '' port ~Lirror'' C . at All Costs. in the Columbu Dispatch oi Oct. 2 , ____ trike at the root of a problem that Next aturady come th e climax of every institution which Otterbein 's 1922 football season, th e competitive athl tics must time when Otterbein will impress f tterbcin i no excep tion. alumni favorably, or otherwi e. J • ext There are no cas ualities in footba ll aturday, the Diamond Jubilee will o exasperati ng from eve ry angle a r ceive eithe r a powerful impetu or a the ·a uality Ii t that follo, in the tback. Text aturday Otterbein wake of cacele student who a re explays her home-coming football ga1ne pectecl to houlder omething of an. with .Heidclb rg niver ity. for the glory of rcpretterb in hould be di uaded univer ity on the athfrom any impre ion that team will have a nap next ver a a on pas e -.. ithout Even though tterbein has won one ca ualitie which wouy a gam ; and Heidelberg none, the odd coach, make an athlete a hamed of are not in Otterb m favor. If him elf and di appoint th tudent H idelbcrge co uld mu up Otterbein' body which had counted on hi. added horn -c ming game a Otterbein trength for the eleven. mu d up the Lutheran' "Tiffin ~o one in parti.c.ular 1s to bla 1e Day" a year ago. h ·would be well for thi condition . Thi tro uhl alsati lied with tJ,e . ea n' record. ha exi lecl and alwa . oach Eggbrecht kept Heidelb ·rg\ exi t. n can attribut · i to th tar quarter-back, Harding, of fid encc of youth in it ability. The the Ohio •orth rn am la t whim f the moment hint .. I'll cut day ,o ihat he would b cla toda:y, or put off tudying until hav · him for Otterbein. That old watch d g m •an an ·thing? loud ly at -tir t For we ks pa · t th bay grow fain~ lege ',\·eekly, ·'The Kilikilik," f thl' . turepettt1on talked ab \It the ·onung tterb in day com • and in game. lt i the n ame. that th xaminatinn,. th Tri- !or t am fe I · that it mu t win . he athl tc' _ head. Heid lb rg' r cord: 11 team ha b , 11 Y Heidelberg, 6; Mu kingttm, 7. d 11 them ntaJ tc:p · 1B delbcrg. O: Mt. 'nion, 15. h)r actual ph y ical .hurt on. th ' Heidelhcrg, O; bland, 13. i cl a vi it to a cir ing room Heicklherg, U· hio "O rlhern r Ji c -tim ho that the Y ·r ha · a pl '11 of blui h Must Make it Four. to remind him o[ he £ l· ay. 190 tlerbcin, l !l0~Ottcrhein. l !101- tlerbe in , HIO:,- ttt·rbein, to 900 J 910- tt r!Jein, :li: Heidelberg, 0. nc n1or ·ection of bL a h r, will l!IU- Otterbein. i: lkidelbcrg. 13. b ready ~ r th home- oming ga,uc 1 !JI n-Otterhein. J.I; 11 id Iberg, 7. ne; ·t . .aturday. The work i h~ing J 917-Ott ·rbein , o: ll ·idelberg, .. done by frc hmen, und r th . uper­ 191 ttt•rbein. 6: IT cidelberg. 1:1. vi ion of F. 'f. Potting r. 1919- ll rbein, 0: Heidelberg. lH. Th n w eat. will accomodat e 1:;o 192 Ottcr)Jein 2· H ei delberg, 21. per o~ and will bring the sc:at uig 1921-Ottcrbcin. J · : Heidel hero-. 2. capacity at the fo0fbaJ I fie ld up to Jc W . H . S. Swamps CanaJ Winchester. tw en .;o a nd 9oo. The three . ch of . . b~ca her, made la t year account for Th We tcrvill II igh chool gnd- 4 0 of th e total •··h 1·1 h . :•on l1u . k,· I I 1 ,,.. " e t e eating u wampec t 1 ana Illcapacity of the grand . land i beche t r boy under an avalanch o( w en 200 and 2.;o. touchclown at th tnrl1e1·,1 atl1I t,· c Tl • .' 1 material !ha ha on into the Field la t Friday afternoon. Th bleacher. . hoth th· 1 1. year anc 1 a t was fi nal c re wa o 6, Taylor, R . j paid for hy th nione 1· d · · · lrom P 1·1k·mgton, an d 11,n-c Iy made \\. II. , andw:ich pop " d · Yd rea 1z · ' ~n . can Y al at the ' biggc t gain . . , game . The practice of elling knick\ mch . ter Ion touchdown am knack am! of 1 ·1c1· bl quart by virture of an • >u_, mg acher · out in th ot the proceed w,11 go on indefinitely


1 P. \\ . L ct. leya n ····-··--·· 4 4 o J .000 tc.r ··--·····- 4 4 0 LO 0 3 3 0 1.000 2 2 0 1.000 niv . .......... 2 2 O J.000 Wittenberg , .,....... 4 3 .750 Miami .................. 3 z I .667 K nyon ............-... 4 z z .500 2 I I .-oo -···---···------ 5 2 3 .400 3 l 2 .333 ·-···-··-- ···· 3 2 .333 3 rb ein ·····-·--·· 4 .250 . ·············· 4 3 .250 Muskingum ........ 4 3 .250 Hiram .................. 4 1 3 .250 lb rg -·····- 3 0 3 .000 vc ···-··--·-···· 4 0 4 .000 vier ............ O O 0 .000

th e ~ame time. only elev en men are al \ •cl on the field. \\"oo ter { els that Dcni~on I her ' only formidable fo e. Sh hould reek· . On \ 1th th e elope bucket ( so often ,pill cl ) \\"hu1 she ta kc on l t. Unwll, Mu kingu m. and Kenyo n, t,owever. • · 11 meeti •\ , already no ted. Mt. 1110 0 ter, \\"ith },[iami and Ca~c in a_d· clition. Ob rlin Sl' ems to have a dw tinct edge on all o f V{ittcnbe'.S; Miami and Casc. Ohio niversil) cannot hop e to ride rou~ I1 h ocI overd t. avier and tte rb ein a a har gam.e with Bethany Collcae \ · \ \\ ill • cperate the dates. Thi inventory i · taken for j nfornial~ . nou, rather than prop h ecy. Footba · f un· ha grown to be ttie uncertai n d certain ports, and a foreca t . ba ei upon a comparative sco re ratuig fooli h.



Mid-Season Inventory Reveals Some Cripples on Tan The welcome break in Otterb in' 1922 football campaign fi nd s temporary cripple in the quad' u~. • <> . ther mem b er ar c m111 through in fa. h f . ir ap a ter bard knock"' 111 early game . Franklin.

" Such headlines as 'Game won; last period,' 'Fourth quarter r. g · , may furnish sensauona · 1 readillre wms, . wants no mo matte'., but Otterbein theY of this 'we won one half, a nd won the other' stuff. 1 Next Saturday Otterbein plays football game that MUST b e wo~ . ds. O tterbein must win all four pen~ That means that O tterbei n muS t tter· them all week. And when I saY O t}le hein, I do not confine myself to eleven men who will play the ga,J1'1e· • . . . ornent, Thts 1s the psychological m J!llll the time when every football ·rri · must get into the best poss1"ble tnnts.'

oach Dit.in r u ed th ( ff or . part of th week in wardin ing " , tal n , " L' g o any 1111.pcndwere beld M d . . ig:ht practic on ay and Tue d . while \\" d . ay evenm I e ncsc1ay wa fre e Thur cay th e bu ine. of ''g ltin ,.:,' berg _wa taken up 6 Heidelpractice re ulting. "' earn a fi ne A FINISH "FIGHT

. FOR OHIO TEAMS ( ont111u cl from i>a :Miami ou ge one.) R d t of the running. The n· meet both \\ oo ler d I an. Th \\'e 1 . an e leypl~yecl at G;a:v~;ll c ga me will be point hi whole ca ' an_d "Livvy" \ ' on at It. \; e !cyan ha the I d of all "hopeful " H ,ar e t chedule cult Miami and C ctw en the diffi- ' a c game . G au U1 1cr take hi ' oach t0 E ml•n on a big . a t Lan ing 'M· ·h· Jaunt I , --:--:---. alma mater the' ;[,cl '.gan wh re hi . Herbein i not back number ·11 ' . ' 11gan ,.., . among_ w1 be met. It looks . ·""gg, ,. Coach Ditmer an d " h1"c" taat mo d em f o t b all chool ince th . . . £ e ac hardy ri k but G h. . hk c a fo Iaw th H idelb r th e.rn i raca qm tion o a real, hon _t-to-go d •. ' aut 1er ha , com for Ill the k I Saturday. " ho t ball' , ne fi r t rate re erv now edge hat e. are exp ndable.


the time when all O tterbein stude st 11 as groups, and as individuals, _Ill t}lt bend every effort to help thefll• rrie time when all "extras" for the ga must be put into readiness. t,al1 Hov.r to do it. Don't tempt foot •es men with parties and m idnight or'1.... ' !f1CW this week above all others. As and be.rs of the student body, tbinlt ll'qe act constructively this week, you tt,st many li.ttle duties to perform so If home-coming will be a succes~•1oe1' you put them off unti l 10 c ei· Saturday morning, how can yo:esent pect the football men, who rep ¢:,· YOU, to win the game in the fir 5 t. ond, third and fourth periods?"


Beware of Overconfidence!

=========~ The Var1e . ty Store di'eS.



or a good line of Fresh aonS. Marshmellows Chocolates, Bon Etc. ' ef A . pap full line of stationery Crepe dt· . ' d t trll tn all colors fo r the stu en d)eS, Jewelry, Cut Glass Birthday c an ' Etc.

?he Westerville Variety Store

THE T AN AND CARD[NAL I I I I I I I I 11111111 11111 1111111 111 11 11111111111 IllIII III IIIllII II 1111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I II llll 111 retary-treasurer. ~ ln the · Cluh this year the re are First Year Students Off In Class thirte en senior:;. eig ht juniors, six Pushes W ith Enjoyable Massophomores, one freshman and four Triangles. The Club will meet Tues­ querade Party. 2 Pants Suits and Overcoats dav and 1'hursday evening at 6:30 The Fresh m an class enjoyed its : and at 7 :00, r espec tively, from now on · § :: first social function o f the year Friday ; until the end of th e season. Walk Upstairs and Pay Less. evening in the gymnas ium . and ''Y" 1 - -- - - - : parlors. . I PLANS COMPLET E Father Tim e " ·as hanish"d from f FOR HOMECOMING powe r as prim ··Martha \Va sh ingtons" (Continued from page one.) purs ued unsophisticated '·Go ld Dust I trom rooting practice will cons ist of Upstairs at Spring and High COLUMBUS, OHIO Twins." The ··O!d Fashion..:d Girl" "Stunts" a nd Speeches by "old TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITI seeme d to tind herself quite at home grads." The Freshman class has with "Abie Kahbihk.'' Home darkies some th ing-undoubtedly good-up its "Virginia -reeled" wi th satin sl ippered s leen and John Mayne will demon- ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!,!1 ~arnscls. white farmcrettcs, Hawa iian st rate the •·wonde rs of th e wireless." so ng sters, a nd Japan ese m aids too, It is rumored a lso that P. J . Harri seemed to ca t c h the idea complete ly. will appear on the program. Ron~eo ca ll e~l th..: class of '26 to ,~it- 1 The football game Heidelberg vs. ness his passionate love for Juliet. Otterbein is sc heduled for 2:30 p. m. "Doc" Stoug-hton demonstrated th e latest methods of ex tracting the heart, The Hom e-comi ng Supper ,~hich all lung·s and ye ll ow st r ea ks from a hu- alumni and fr iend are urged to attend, Secured only through our Special Agent in b d and at which th e football game of the : an y. · ·11 d b di b I : A. W . ELLIOTT · "B ad Bill Miles'' reared ri gh t into atternoo n wi un _ou te ! e rep a!-


= =

' '

STUDENT'S SPECIAL:! $20.00, $25.00, $30.00

Millards Clothes Shop


= =

= =


= =


Glen-Lee Coal Co. =-

I getting coal right along. Place your orders w ith u fo r Pocahontas, ment of th e even ing t he 140 Frosh ·Glen-Lee Special or Ohio present a re indebted to E l ie Mae l _ Conger, her co ttee. and th e coa s. op,hs. p rompt erv1ce. · B ot h 'Change In By-Laws. telephone at offices and The following interpretation has Bell at yard. bcel1 given A r ticle II, Section V of the by-laws for st udent gove rnm ent. Article I I. ection V of the Bylaws shall be interpreted to mean­ ther e shall be no verbal or unwritte n pledging of member to any gro u p prio r to th is time. · In view of thi addition to Arfrcle Ir. Section V of the By-laws, it is hereb y declared that any per on ha v- . iug been p ledge d under a mi s interp r e­ tation of said ec ti o n is reli eved from any lega l o r moral o bligations to keep hi pledge to the group.

Sibyl Pictures Ta.ken. It wa Otterbein day at Baker' rt Gallery in Columbu la t aturda y. We te rville went back to its ummer q ie t for a few ho ur s while almo t the e ntir e tud e nt body went dqwn to I be phptogr ap hed in var1ou groups for: the 1923 Sibyl. A ccond exod us wiU occur ometime in Feb ruar y after the various organization on th e campus ar recruited to their full s trength .

Men's Glee Club Elects Officers and Starts Year's Work






= =

= = = = = =


= = In w- de ert you'll find real food entertaii;i­


Also Groceries at

W estervili~, Ohio




y r.

when delivered. Or, one dozen $10.00 Carlton or Burlap or a choice of many other fold,ers by paying 50 cents to our representative, $3.50 at time of sitting and $3.50 when delivered. You can have your choice o f Sepia or Black and White finish. : All orders will be finished in the usual Baker way, "THE BEST. With our superior facilities your order will be given pompt and careful attention.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I IllI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IllIIII IIIII I I I I I lllllllll~I IJIIIIIII IJ.

Printers of Tan and C.ardiiial

Meats of All Kinds


One dozen $10.00 University Qr Student folders by paying 50 cents to representati.ve, $2.50 at time of sitting and $2.50 when delivered. Or, one dozen $10.00 Kermit or Forsev or 6x9 Gravure folders by paying 50 cents, to our representative, $3.00 at time of sitting and $3.00


The BUCkeye PrintingCo. =

Thi rty m ember of th e M en' Glee Club met in Lambert all la t Tu e day evening for t he fi r t rehea r a l o{ th.e year, and to e lect offi c r for th e

J. C. B radric k, '23, wa el ected president ' ; nd T . E. e,;.;ell, ' 23, sec-

= =


· ht cmn · g cc.I. one or 111or e times, \Vtll be at six : the "Y" on S par k· Pl ug, f ng the ladies a11d arous in g th e m en to O clock. fi.11,d for thcn1selv cs places ,vhcrc they Following th e Supp er, Club and c·ould sec better. Social Groups wi ll ente r tain. : Behind locked doors tw o hun dred and eigh ty lip smacked, as the ice

cream a n d pun c h we r e served. A n ele ment of nov elty was introduced into the manner of serving th e r ef r es hments when the gas lights were used in a 1110 t appropriate way in stead of the m ore eon1monp lac e elec tri c lights. For th e un urpa. able en ter tain-

Special To Otterbein College = -= Students=


ment. Plea ino· food in a wid variety- ·= bound to plea e all ta te .. Our manner f erving you will aid in your ati faction. Pure -


Get acquainted with 9ur " Bill O' Fare"

·Blendori' Resta~ant ,.



Page Ejght


A N D C J\ .R D J N A L

That foul mind run m th e ame nine to ten. R est s until ten-thirty. in silk y "Phoenix" and SP~ gutter. Bed. "Onyx" await ing the big applause .: 1 T hat th e oth er day he hea rd a bouquets of .. A rhutus" on t}1e !11 DUMB DORA SAYS : flapp ling say: ·Thi s is one place \ of debut. DARN BILL! where I don't want to shine," a she T d 1·e daint ily powered her little probo cis. hat h ' quite put o ut 'cau e the Hear th e te nth beatitud e? Blesse The othe r day paper la t week said he mi s ed her th e cloc k wa tc her fo r he shall never That he heard a club woman oratin' "man" in stead of her .. maw" but he ;nherit g reater re ponsibilities. Bill wn loafin about girls the other day and he 'poses every one registered on the Up at Wi llie · ateful asked a pointed question: " \ :Vhy is it mistake cau e m en hain't got nothin And one o f th em Wond er if Eve were du 1Y gr that girls arc running about the trc cts t~ ,?o with: " A s ye cw, so shall ye because: F un ny boys these day s ?" H e aid that he had a np . Some men a re .. rippers" but vVhatever troubl e A dam made Started kidd in him . A bout somethin notion to tell her th ey were possibly there's pre hu s few of th em that' good , Hi.s )Vife,co uJd, nc,-er say . . ' f or t h e1r . mot h er . . anything but wild oat . . g with And Hill got ki nda huntm at sewn~• That he was always fl"1rt111 ore Th e sk oi t ac ross the way. Tl1at· _she 'don't need to hurry tn Observation. And the funn y boy h I ,., d mistress. c ape mce she w ear~ a frat pin cause Envy that hi g hl y favor e four Told Bill Heloise it don' t do her any good to be ther e of th e meadows that pos_sesses That he took li fe h h · We under(That's my wife) s tomach s all her own. ladies w en t e hymns are given out. Too serio us Wu a tellin' me That I e p f s tand that most o f our young d'. ner 1 aw ro . pes ard stop a And Bill says t 10 T'other day F h felt like real estate agents a that Oh I don't know How Elder Berry . re man on th e treet t'other day Sunday-they had lot .and lots · I co uld take yours. a nd ay: ''Can you carry tenor?" Made a pastorial call With postive glee ~he gre~n cap came off and the year- they couldn't di spose of. f long On some new folk s 0 Darn Bill! scratched his lardy-locks as he Thin~ that in these days Jose lmg Jest mov d :nto th' Center. 1 gazed at the books under the Prof.'s skirt s, m en' eyes will gradua~Ycease An' she sez, Essay by Olaf. arm. · T hen he sez: "Sure I kin carry their resemblance to birds an. b 10 ''Bro. Berry lows ~enor a dozen but what's shackled their constant jumping from }Jin . I! 1 That them fo lks The other day in one of the classes you? limb. ·· Aint much given •e · were studying about how children And then chagrined 1 to make learn. to do things. It was pointed T' spi ritual exercise Hear Dr. Sanders tell how , eel ause when he got out by the author of the text that a That some of the Senior s ~ ust have pants last ? W e did'nt but we sP rst" cau e child i never- happier than when he Down t',p ray afore he left been down to tha t there frog-r aiser at he'd say: "Make the coat fi Two of th' kids allow d to do something which a Colu~b.u accor di u' to the amount of that's logic. !um onto his back grown-up doe . Vvhich reminded u croakm th ey've be n cloin' the la t An' hollered, of the little boy who came rushing in week. 'Gidd;ip, dang ye' !" the hall e to his adoring parents and T hat. , he has to ~iggle every time when being questioned by hi dea r mother wh re he had be n, thi fam- BILL'S "WEAKLY" CALENDAR she thmks of Bill goin' down Hi St:eet with his porcupin y ma cot. She ily hope replied th at he had been playing po tman. ai d that he had Monday 2~- tudent co un cil meet thmk that he wouldn' t attract q uite harle a . mu:h attention if he'd adopt a cer­ left a letter in eY ry mail box on their l at 12 :40 in th e faculty room. •treet and real I tler too. "And Larew di covered in library looking up tam kmd of black and white pet cau e th re w~uldn't be o wa ny point to wh r v r did my darling t th e rea l word in reek dictionary, 1919. letters from?" Inquired th e mi ling Clerk at Keifer' drug sto re failed . ee an~ it would · be qui.te a s e ff ctive mam a. Then little Wi llie told her to cro tennis co ur t at exactly u :22 , m keep1ug traffi c away. with much gu to that he had ecul'.ed 1937. · a whole bunch of them from one ot T ue day 24,-Dcan ornet t read .'.JEVER ? her wardrobe drawer . all done up in amendment to con titution cone rning top t 0 th·111 k . that th re ain ' t no Mama promptly verba l or written. agreement with uch animal a Silence around och- 1 a pink ribb n. fainted . new tudents b y social group . ran Hall? \i hen "Poly( ) ,. h eve rat- guilty conscience "O I ,, gon t e can take up th e choru and w BILL SAYS high blood pre ure. creech "Torno D:!' hi" . h La t year's Sibyl deb t announ ced. · a eart-renclt ,mg a any "Greenwich" Villager clad ~ Th t h had a I tter from hi Dad Dear Dad :- I owe themdown in Hoop-pole o., and he was dne day 25,- ixty-five more •tellin' him that he had r ad in the clay till hri tmas 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 E 11111111111111111111111 11111111 rm 1111111111111111111 11111111111 II ~ weekly w_h re Michigan had beat the tudent g et chill from eating iced '

Home Talent

Inqi~i;~ about t~e Remington .' ~ort~i,te M. HITE~-

Student Agen ~~~~~~==========~===~~~~~~~~~



U. S. A.

McLeod & Sanders

:;u:~::~t at Willie' . hill cau cd That h read a h a dline over a girl' Thur day 26.-Prc id nt lippinger E pictur : "Her · voice )lid inventor" and h wa wonclerin if they ,..,, r e re­ invite all who do not have ong book : to hold hand . Doctor! Doctor! ferrin' to th inv ntion of gas. 1915. in Inventor That if me follow aren't careful still kulele at large.invented Boys gather front of

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DQ yOU Read·,. :

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th y will wear the top part of their girl ' ociety halls and wait for vetebrae out uoddin' in certain clas e . "point". 1879. Friday 27.-Picture of college roup That he thot that Doctor Clippin­ taken. Hold that Jubil e . mil ! ger would bave been th la t man on " ub-Ro a" fraternity organiz d, 1904. the ro t r to uggcst that tud nt Three charter member till living a nd bold hand in chapel. doing well. " ext car" fi nally arrive , 1943. That he aw in the paper where a Saturday "28.-Every tudent 111 !Mr. Kretchum down at Bo well, Pa, High School had given an "intelligent chool get " hot" at Baker's. B. M. te t'' and he wa wonderin' if ome of of . Sibyl found guilty. M an per ua des girl that two can our prof' hadn't better write him for live a cheaply as one. 1492 B. C. some pointer . Sunday 29- o game. Day of re t. Wh n in doubt; Read both chap­ S tu d ent gets up at eight thirty. Goe ters. to unday School at nine. Church at That h heard a coup! of co-edi­ ten. Dinner at twelve. R ik lr m arguin g at a football game thu ly: one tQ four-thirty. Supper at fiv . ''W hy, i~ ·ha ket b:\ll wh ~ there are E. at ix. Church in vening two m n on, it a foul. ' V n to nine. ril l ttef




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