1923 02 26 The Tan and Cardinal

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~-;;;::::=========~P :;;U ~B ~L~I~S~ H~E:::D =:=:f=:=:=:=: 77::==7:=::=;:=:=~~~=:::===:=::~================ VOL. 6 _ No. 19 _

=--;;;:::===============W=E=S=T=E=R=V=I=L=L=E= ,= O=H= IO = , FEBR U AR Y 26, 1923.



=C=O=M=M= U=N=IT= Y=C=E=L=E =BR=A=T=IO=N ~



Movie I s- N-ow - Real P icture College Aids In Celebration of W ashShow-Schedule of Com ing ington's Birthday-American isitors p / Pictures Announced. Bond P resented. · resent Clever Aggregation Student Body and Townpeople Given of Bask Unusual O pportunity In Series I eteers Showing Both Size and Speed. The Y. M. C. . photo play course On \tVedn esday afternoon at th e / of Addresses. improve wit h age. "_The Little Min- First United Brethren chur ch a co mFIN..(L SCORE~ i te r·· la t Thur day mght wa the be t munity celebration of Wa hington's ' A MAG NETIC SPE A KE R 33 T O 16 , / attended and most appreciated fi lm birthday wa held in the interest 'li,rb" Davis -EI xhi"bi"ts yet hown here. Abo ut two hu ndred of obedience to la w. nder th e Noted L ecturer on World Conditions "' Well-Known st udent. aw the pict · ure ,,-·th· · · , alent-M 1 . 111 the uperv1s1on o f D r. H owar d H . R usse II . Spea ks Here Under Auspices cCarroll Appears co urse of the eve nin g. of the Anti- aloon League. an organof Y. M. C. A. Well for Locals. Next week the how will be held on ization, "The merican Bond'' i enhade f farch 2. after men ·s ociety. Due to deavoring to reac h young chi ldren enacted . 0 the Denison game were / the -ociety sessio n . there wi ll be on ly with the motto. "O bedience to Law i J. titt Wil on, op ned his eri s of ~ay nig~~ th e loca l gym last Sat ur- one showi ng of the fi lm, ·'1:he _Cha~m Liberty". Th e objective i to stimu- lectures to Otterbein students with ){avier Ii when the fa t-going t. Schoor · wherein Wa llie Reid 111hent late obedience to all law, not only the two addrcs e at the United Brethren &core vc more than doub led the a girl , chool and trie to run it "a la eighteenth amendment. Meeting in hurch on unday, Feb. 25. With the O11 quint t T th e Otterbein ba ketba ll me n· ideas·· but find -we ll co me and th e interest of th e American Bond opening sen tence of hi morning ad16. · he final count stood 33 to cc what he finds. originated in ew England and D e- dre Mr. Wilso n caught the attention The t Thc'"Gol m" i schedu led for March tro1t. and arou ed the intere t of hi hearer . · natt· coll cam rep re ent111g · In the mee ting h re the college play- H e h e Id tita t attention the Cincin- 9 and promi e to hold thri·11 ga Iore. and increa ed , 1 ege wa per h ap the mooth- Prof. chear is endeav ring · · t cres t every mom nt of hi 111ach· to secu re ed a co-operative part. The decor- th e m thj ea ine th at has exhibited here an Ohio tate niver ity Agricu ltural ation committ was no le s than P. speaking time. e11. \Yohn. A rangier et is seldom film for March J but if he fail , an- G. Harri who succ edcd in tran Mr. Wilson is one of tho e speak r . wa hard to dribble other highly educational Mack enett formin t}1e church into a sma ll Mt. w I10 is . a ble to leach , preach, ente rtain .th rough th en it nd 1t0r p e~ tterb ein defen e, the vi - comedy .i jn order. \ rnon. finally l a hi a udience wi hing any ball ov r it. II in all rh ' " pfwto play cour e ' Dr. Cha . nav ly of the coll ge ad- that h wou ld continue. He is 'difRlill)pse /l?,rBbein fan had their fir t i getting better and better a th drcs ed th sc hool chi ldren. their par- ferent". He teache n:ligion wi hout th th "'ere not 0d" erb" Davis,-and they opera tors and machine get on more ents. and citizens at la rge in behalf of u e o{ e traditional expre ions at dribb lin I appointed. H e is a " bea r" familiar term with each other. E~ch the city counci l. and tock phrases with w hich it is an g and h · of mec hani cal commonly taught. There i a fre hcan_ pivot out of most week ees t e 1e emng After the rai ing of the ftag De. E. 11/thing_ th Ith 6 <>oaJ e led hi team in the field troubles. A. Jone led in reciting the merican' ne. .' an ab nee of e trite, a imYo " a d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P11c1ty. about his teaching that make ,/2th by th~ ~1 with a blond-headed Butler Holds Meetings. recd while th e chool chi ldren fol - it a pleasure to lis ten to him. He is 7 of the vi. a_ me of Cu h1"n.g count. Butler, Dean of the C lev_c- Iowe d e nth 11 1·a t1·cally · neither fooli hly optimi tic nor di _ by 1 he \Va itor ' point . Cu hing, Dr. · . pecial T he ollegc GI e lub al o added I Uai t,, Y, though not of th . d . .d land Bible In htute, conducted ma ly 1>e simi tic. H e talk fact . ,. JPC ap e 111 1v1 h E lical church their talent in th e inging of "Re t Y Mr Wil 00 1 t - d h"1 11 1th the ' f Peared to be ah:110 t even meeting at t e vangde S d C in Flander Fields" which was thor· c iarac enze adlltan. an,ed Davi a a11 al l-around / la t Friday, Saturday an ·orunCla ay.s, i.. ougl1 ly appropriate and hea rtil_y we l- dr of the veJJing a . ah " nap hot". H e drew a ot t b . 11 . F'or L. ohagen, Of the enl oo rig t picture of I t h t corned by the four hundred auditors. world condition to-day and then ugOtterbei ·r . 1 "oni·o be 11:laden, M individual C mention :t ~e~ p~a~s~o~r~•===========~======~~~~~~====- ge tc d a r mccly for tho e condition . Co 111ati 011 L ' c arroll rates the ny abbr viat d r view of th~ I cture he" idc ri u~ th:boring under_big od_d can uot but b inadequate, it can only th dea lt ''11: talwart with which ! touch th "high" poiut and tho e bal( ~&ainac" gain~d po e ion of! ketchily. nd aga10 when it mh" ·•y h, I r member you were comThe coming of John the Bapt1· t 1 a tho h a Core. ug the v1 itor were bound ampu chatter ha run somet mg . . " wa little" '1 r 1· lik this cluriug the pa t week. mg right backthe them of th criptur I on "I vv h" d ?" "l\ ~- It wa n t that, but you see I I think, probably, we arc living a 8a ite, coming into the "You goin' to Columbu to ay went to the Jame , th y had a swell Joh11 th Bapti t period no•v" "d 11•aIJJeh fre h when th . , , a1 tilJJ a(f &on e econd period "YeJ, you been?" film, th•re rea lly, . " 11 the Brother Mr. Wi l on. "The literature th 1 Pepped • ' tomorrow, it · ' a bore, ain't b u t th e t h oug h t' t be condition of the p' o I • g0odc, ca &1·11g- e,o11e fi Id thiug up for. a "Goin' ere a 1·ia n t' ' you "'now, · Iinc oIt both ff e r a n d ma k 111g it?" va udev1·11e wa n_'t muc h" • at t h e pr cnt time point toward P a !>~acr e ort from the foul "I'll ay, an' I'm really too bu y to "Huh I bet 1t wasn't a gre~tdchfang in th , orld. Thi i a 11-er. 1ca11y all • , d about your two "Jazzmania'. P no o preparation". go _whatcha gom 0 , f O court take11 frorn th tte:dbein' hot o'clock cla ." "Yeh got them five le on for to- _ "~re en~ day nationa li m, which will lo11,•' and th e rn1 die of the I 11 h to kip day?" . 111ev1tably be a c.ompani d by war a cl 1 Cllg up ey were hurried. Fol'Ob, dunno, 'p~ e ' ,. ave " ow don't joke, I'm m bad humor unchri tian, unbroth rly, social and i~iPt ~ hing \Va Well nigh irnpos ib le. it I really oughtn t to go. thi morning." -du trial r lation of man to man" Ir. . the following day. . . r ' •ftetty "••clde tart D d . th e coring with a ' 11d t'·e11 w Of cour c t h ere w re vanahon to uvv:il on aid, "Embody force which f,c: Bechto~dt av1 new in the game " b ay, did you freeze ye terd ay?" the above, ome of 'em lik ed the can only I ad to tragedy". "'itJi of a ''fab"w~nt out from the ef- " rot 011 yo ur li fe, a n' Ii _te,~•-t;ou olonial; some the Grand and (Hor- Th qu tion upp rmo tin the miud 111 t he eye, fo llowed w~nt to go an' sec "Jazzma111a I s a ror !) one bold bad boy even dared to of the Ii tener at thi poiut of the fjt t •noth er I cQnd for Ott coun ter. ra bb cored wa , "What will prev nt thi 01 cntion Leh r at the Broadway. That tuc 1 , hav~ is, h a1·d omething· abou t a choir trag d Y•?" That evidently wa as the ..r or the coun terb in with a fou I goa,J cream. 'I it? I'd like to but I wont 0 1 ,.,, . ra 1 it to t °bd 4 f to 1. The vi itcl tomorrow or something-. . peaker wi hed it to be for he took ~. 1 . f 11 e ore O . C. count time, I've got five a ses hair 11 · 'l'he The reasou for all this comment o i up what eemed for the mom t t nd the fo llowing day,I thing more or le_ theatrical was the b an unrelated line of thoug/t.n Hoe . core tood 15 to 6 a t the SCo . "Well did you see the show wa f th 1923 r(11\Cg tart d ci_al Gr~up pict ures or rccomm nd_ d a cour e in A tronomy 0tttinued lowly in the econd tellng you about,:" ybil, dou t you know.-D. L . A. (Co ntmu d on pag veo.) on page six.) " o you ee-









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late t


The Qualitat1ve Chemistry • 1s on hand Greetings, Cards and St. Patrick's Novelties. Materi_a ls, Fountain Pens, Correspondence Cards, St~tionery.


P age Three


Marie Comfo rt P ia no-Spring Song Mendelssoh n Beethoven Overture ''Egmont" SongMyron Dickensheets Virgin ia Taylo r. Ferne. Buckin~ham, Myself When Young , So ng-Where Blooms the Rose Virginia \N'o lfe. Da111el Harns ( From " In a Pe rsia n Garden") Cl t J h P i,p10. ay on ° ns Liza Lehman . ..( Cello Ob hgato by Prof. Spessard) . Mozart Fantasia in C Mi nor - . Harold Darlmg E lla Wells · Ferne Buckingham So uthern Fantasy A Orgall Piano-Witches Dan ce . MacDowell Moszkows ki P iano-- cherzino Ernest F . Hawke Kathleen Steele Ruth Foltz Ferne Buckingham Piano-'99. Mrs R . · ongP iano/ Concert Etudc. Op. 36 . MacDowe ll 0e sie ?bert D. Funkhouse r Heart Wi ll Yo u Go With Me Arabesques, Op. 40, N o. 1 Ve rgyl Drayer spen t ll aacl i ) of D ayto n, Ohio, · Berwald art of th . . C Meyer-Reimund Organ-Festival Hymn Bartlett e winter 111 ub a as the &ue t of C Adda P ri ntner Edna Yaus T helm a Bonnell Dayto oloncl a nd Mrs. Deeds of Spencer n. Piano-Fireflie Froli c To the audience as a whole the pro­ Piano'06. Dr w· Glendora Barnes Kamennoi-Owstrow, Op. IO, No. 22 gram wa s very enjoyable and com­ Lack of · illiam A. M iller, profe sor . reti giou P ia no-A rab e qu e Rubinstein prehensive. To those more pa rticular­ fh education in Bonebrake Frances Harris ly concerned it was by far the best eotogica t 1.S one of th eininary, Dayton, Ohio, received and most interesting of the Songbe usect 111 . au :hor of a new book to Whelp ley year c hiefly becau e many of the par­ Springtime of Love the s teacher training course in _ ticipants had appeared before in recital, Ruth Foltz lribut ui,iday School. Dr. Weber con- .. Liebling and thi s one gave a very clear idea of "The cc~J to. th e I>ook ten lesson on Piano-Spring Song l Continued on page ·five) . I D We have pur.chased 122,000 pair Ruth Patterson Brewb•t up,r• k ' anc r . Batdorf and Dr. ,.,,., a r eac h . U. S. Army Munson last shoes, sizes~============================== give ten Ics on on lhe B'b i . PCctiv cIiy, c'· an d ' 'Th •, School" re- 5½ to 12 which was the entire surplus 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 , tock of one of the largest U. S. Gov'1 2, '10 l an1beq. Mr L · _a nd Mrs. Homer P. ernment shoe contractors. noun en~ ( uci le Morrisoi1) have anTheir shoe is guaranteed one bun- ,.. "" the b'trth of a daughter o n "ebru dred percent solid leather, color dark ~ arv 2 T 0arnect he baby ha been How many letters do you suppose go to the dead lett er office daily be­ tan bellows tongue, dirt and water- '02 art ha Jane. cause people, and mighty intelligent ones too,. forget to put -thCir adpr;of. The actual value of this shoe ~. 11r. aac1 M ( iaye J3 dresses on envelope in upper left corner and have not completed the ~ r • John W . Wi lliams is $6.00. Owing to this tremendous address or have improperly ad.d ressed their communication? See that : Pendin g ~~uum) of vVestcrv ille are Florid e mouth of February in buy we can offer same to the public at your mail is properly addressed. Peters~· They vi ited friend in t. 95 111 011th urg the fir t two w·eeks of the $Z. · P tman on and ar . Send correct size. ay pos '13._ Cart now m Sara ota. delivery or send money order. If shoes er non Roop of Findlay Oh, 0 e nted we will cheer- ITllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii · van I' . , are not as represe t~11 Churci ~ t m_ the United Breth- fully refund your money promptly tee sfut ' . a Ju t olo ed a very "T he Home of Quality" ~ar,_ Wes t Vi:ie__of meeting at Dun- upon request. 1





pUbl•1c·sa Ie =================


if ·


Proper Addressing :=

M,t\RY E. LEE, P. M.

~h·'" 10.

th e sa n1~111a, and j now engag- NATIONAL BAY STATE SHOE work at West Hope, COMPANY



296 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

Dr. John H . bees, Ca r1r . · Francis of Los Anereft of h• ornia, has recently' been turrect t IS l11other who e death ocon J a her h0 . au 11 ar 111e in Los Angeles tove ring Y l 9, 1923, after an illne s 'Ii seve ral Yeai;s. Of . ~r ho Wesie;vill~y B~gley (Velma Cole) nte of 1 · vi 1ted la t we k at th e and ier niotl1 . G . d attend d er 111 alena, Oh10, Party eh a Wa hington 1s Bidh­ Oo11. ~ ere on Thur day after'O?. ~1 !late) 0~ ·c Guy F. B.'artman (Ora 111 \,\r anto . he estervill 11 O h10, wa a visito r r Parent ~ la t \\'eek, the guest of 0 n We t ~ ! r. and Mr . w . C. Bale 'os Oh· tfarry ainM. treet · g

Go to Dr. Kee fer ' s for the best things for Colds, Influenza, Hea dache ' Constipa tion or a run down condition. Try t h e " Nyal

t.f 113,

--ic Stude - - nts Appear 011 \,\r In Unusually Fine Recital a~ai ed ne d . had the a~ ~venmg, Feb. 21, we tit le tud Pnvtlege of hearing the at en t 111 · 1' · an unu ually fine re-

riiu/ 'd:


,,. 1an




-~ M-eats of All Kinds

w6 L f ' s Also Groceries at






Fam u clothe fr m famou maker . The uit have m or e tyle and nap than befor ~ principally in the new orfolk , new port model - mart effect. that claim the atten­ ti n of yo un CY m en. . The topcoat are of imported Engli h tv\ eed rn.ixture and plain effect . ew tyle every­ one, feat urin CY the loo e 1nodel that are enj in - a _popular ogue for pring. ~

:,The Union Store for Men-Second Floor


Westerville, Ohio

==~~=========== G. H. Mayhugh, M • D • East College Avenue

~- Long ,nd High St,,


g J:lrogram was pre ent:-

o Quartet-

New Spring Suits and Topcoats from Hart Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park , .



ter~~· Pent la. William of Dayton, ~h 1IIe With h' t Wedne day in We 0 , i in q . is father, J. R. William , 07. ~ uite frail hea lth. hert) r . E ?vf ta· of '\,\r · 1 · Eur h (Mary Lamy~neq her estervilJc de lightfuUy enternd \"Ullg fllar . u ay School Class of ''e t Broad r1ed Ia d'te at her home on 110 011 • way la t Tue day after-

The Union Announces The Arrival of The

Bell 84-R Citizen 26



~ I•~a~e~F~o~u~r= = = = = = = = = =, = ===~~=~T~H~ E~T~ A~N~;,A~F_:>~=:-~C_;,,;~A~R~ - ~!:_~~l; - _ '..-::.:~:-------c--~-AL = ~ ~~ ~ : : : : : : : = fCoch· THE OTTERBEI to the top of the pole. the sacrilege , That stran 6 e as it ma~· seem ~I rs . That mo~t of the inmat es ~ . She & n~a ny nPP \\'Ould hareII y b e any greater t h an t h at ' D.1tmcr I1a · IJecn I1eareI to say t I,at one ra 11 1-la"Ir arc takin' to as knitt1n ·. · ' 111 committed. of th e main \\'atchwords of a ll hou se- hopes th ey all have l'ubl ished \,\/eekly_ in the interest of wives should be: ··Feed him we ll! " times as she 's had. Otterbem by the CALENDAR OTTERBE L . PUBLISHING Wednesday, Feb. 28BOARD Westerville, Ohio I Cap & Dagger P lays. Member of the O_hi? College Press I Friday, March 2I - - - - - ~A~ss~o~c:_::.ia~tt::.o;::.n;::__ _ _~ - l .. Y" movie. "The Charm School". STAFF I Editor ............................ H . R. Mills, :2~ I Monday, March 5A~~istant Editor ..... .... Paul Garver, 2 J French P lays, College Chapel. Contributing Editors, Bonnibel Yanney. 23 ' Tuesday, March &D e1no Ad am , ,'21 ' Lecture Course, Phi ldelah Rice.· Business Man.a ger ........ C. G. Foor, 24 I . 1 -\s istant Business ManagersFnday, March 9· F . M. Pottenger, ;25 ' Address by Dr. Hugh Magil l. Cir . Manager.. .. M~rjorie Copela nd , 23 'i Coll ege Chape l. 1 -\soistant Circul at ion Managersi 24 · · Katherine Pollock, : 1 Saturday, Mar. 10Edith Oy ler. 25 . . • Basket Ball, Mu kmgum, here. 4- 1hlet1c Editor •····· ···· H · v · Miller • ' '23 '23 L o cal Editor ............ A. W. E\ltott, , _ Friday, March 16Alumnai !:. ;i;or .. .... Alma Gubitner, .~~ \ ' arsity Debate, \,\' ittcnberg here. E xcha.nge Edito r:··· Ruth 1{o ens. j - 11ran H a II EduorMarch 17Coc . · '23 Saturday, , Mar;ora \Vh 1stler, K. K. Komedy.





Yukon Delights


Tuesday, March 20-A<ldres all communicati_ons to Th e Varsity Deb-ate, Heidelberg here. Otterb ein Tan and C?-rdmal.. 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Wednesday, March 28Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, 12 :00 ~--Easter recess begins. payable in advan ce.

Ice Cream Bar

E ntered as second class matter 'JEVER? eptember 25, 1917, at the postofficf at Westerville, 0., under act o Wonder what to call th e tub born March 3, 1879. .. . Acceptance for m~1ltng at _special chi ld who refuse to perform when ra te of po tage provided for 111 ?ec. company i pre ent? Friday night an 1103. ct of Oct.~. 1917, authonzed appropriate name wa di covered--call April 7, 1919. him Radio. 11

oatcd With Milk Chocolate


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Look for a ynonym of pringtime? ·'Pin-time" i th e word you want but § Lo,·e thyself a nd many \\·ill hate the an.nual pidemic ha has al- -= the . ready begun tterbein to· rage and pring not yet com. . __ _ ___ MIS PLACED POSTERS ee Otterbein put up a better figh ~

Citizen 7012 •,.:


,_;•~,~::~k,:":~::: ;:: h::~~• ,:: ~::,:;::::;;:::::•• rai ing and lowering th

flag each d~y,

:etdurdga~irlsnigrahvte~. ~-

but thi week we regret that attention about one maCn? Then you hould must be called to adverti ing activitie have been at ochran Hall after the · w h'ic h th e flag unday morning addre had been deof upper- la me.n Ill hcred by Mr. Wil on. l i cou- picuou ly placed on B SO b'II ? It' p The le i Po utilized. th nd urn up a I ea ier to th campu , directly at e e oI one burn ' m than to pay 'em. of the main trect of e terville and practically everyone goi ng to th e colMake a cruller man? Dumb Dora 1 gc, a well as a ll pa ing by the said that the one h made was just notices it. Therefore that like all oth r fe llow ""-the nice t thing


my elf on ly p l a e nd mother a soni1i-law 0011"? ______ DUMB DORA SAYS ·. ____ That he giv a heart- haped cake to th fellow who tudie b ide her in chap I ao' he ast h r if it'd break her heart if b djdn't eat it. be told him he'd break a heart if he did eat it an' he ~n ,~~red real 1;11art-like that he', afr:ud 1t cl break h1 heart if he att mpted it o he aid orta flapped h : " w., have ah art I" Thal th club gam the folk who ch w- th


That in th mid t of the jazziest jazz tbal ever cam flo atin' down he.r hall she heard a voice ay: " Oh I jumped from "The Little Red ch~olhou e'.' to "Tomorrow"! om jump!

" Say it with Flowers"



s::: S S





35 W . Broad St., ColUJTI ::: . W terville. jj s ur gent m es · 11111111 1111111 11 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm..w~ 11111~ 1111111 .,. 11 glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 = ''f: S ~ ' • •. . ~ :: all thJS :::

James Theatre Building J H FURBA y I

· ·






f money each year there by allowing board to be erected and po billter to b di played. Why do they not do .. o? J it becau e the - billboard -w ou ld mar lhe beauty of the campu , which i one of t h be t kept in th . tat ? Thi i po ibly on r a on but not tb.e most important one. becau e that flag pole mean far rpore than ju t omething to upport a po ter, eve n if. it wa a po ter of "The Little Mim ter". hy not u e th oldier monument a well? Th Y. M. C. . moving picture project i one that is to be heartily commended but more careful me th ods of adverti ing hould be used. There are enough means afforded for adver­ ti ing upon the campus witho ut using the fl ag pole. That is there for an en­ tirely different purpose. As well fa ten the po ter and rai e it


Main 909 5 S :::

• •~

= = ii1111

excellent for adverti in g pur- about him wa the dough-but he. •= 11 of which i granted. wa ju t poofin'. § H ear a more un Iii h prayer than But con 1'd er ,L me f ac t th a t college authoritie could receive a good um thi : ':Dear Lord, I a k nothing fo r




~ells good coal and you want some of it but beyond an~ a~o-~eual len-Lee Coal Company wishes Otterbein and every mdiv1 nected with I·t ·in w h at-soever degree, the greatest poss1·ble good·



S .,.

,on· ~

S ::: S '

St. ..~::

C al h State ::; Bo yard- East College Avenue. Office No. 22 Nort _ 140-3"' O ::: ell: 101-R R CSI' d ence, 29-R Office 80- R Coal Yard C1tz• 111111 11111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111;11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII 11

:: :




of supplie5 ","->#A, Fastman Kodaks a nd and ftll'~ kinds. Films DevelopedEven f'I01'~ Parkers' Fountain Pens, hart> p Pencils, Shaeff_er' s !v:[eri~S, ~~,. ~ and Lead 3, Fine Pe ars. f'il' dloPChoice Brands of igos and 5 Cigar Holders, Tobacc Supplies. TJ4Ji:rl'f d,t OPTICAL DEPAR gye 5 tacleS, ~ Eye Glasses and S~ec ·on free. and Goggles. Exanuna 0 caJL



44N:rthvS;a;e Street



Pase Fin A sociation of Daily Vocation Bible School s, the pres ident of w hich is Mr. Colgate, pre ident of Colgate & Co., perfumers. ~res ident W. O. Thomp on, of O hio State University, i president of Intern atio na l Sunday School th e Co un cil. On March 8 and 9, mee ting wi ll be held in Columbu s at which Dr. Ma­ gill wil~ be present. He. will speak here F~1day, March 9, in Chapel. President Clippinger will attend the meeting of th e ational Educational As ociation a t Cleveland Tue day and vVedne da y of this week.

Mac Dowell number

were very brill- al Committee of the Council of the Board of Tru tees, held at Chicago. The e meetings mark the beginning of a new m erger between the old In­ ternational A ociation a nd th e Sun­ day chool ouncil. A feature of the m eeting was th e banq uet and recep­ tion for Dr. and Mr . Hugh S. Ma­ gi ll. Dr. Magill i th e newly elected P resident Clippinger ec reta ry of the Inte rnati o nal CounAttends Religious Meetings cil. The meet ings were we ll attend ed and the enth u iasm shown wa fine, Last wee k President Clippinger was says President Clippinger. in attenda nce at the meeting of th e Another merger is in proce of for­ Executiv ommittee of the Interna­ mat ion, be t ween the International Sun­ tional Counci l of Religion Education day School Council and the Natio nal and ·a l o at meetings of the Educationiantly don e. Mi Bonnell's organ number is note-worthy not only becau e it was we ll given with a certain majestic quality but becau e it wa memor­ ized-a thing rare ly don e in organ selection .

DCIJt Perhaps 1 \\lea ther <u to the unpl easa n t Pleted over th ·1 week-end or to deco 11 d.1 1· ' not h· t on of pocketbooks 111g of n h . • ed ii iuc 111tcrest has bappen1 th e re . f auin H g io n o Cochran an d all .


th e


, .R.- O.BERT






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h,b 't ·td CS l of the Toma-Dac hi 1 red D · F: , her · " R· I eitch, Edith Bingham, the Wee k ar ey_ and A lice Abbott, spent eon and .-end 111 w es terville. A luncbadc1ec1 t a how in Colu mbus Saturday · C o th e enJoym ent of the visit. ertru d M a1 ho . • eye r pent everal day 111 e in Fo t . , . . ona. »fary E . 'Ruth hz_abeth Brewbaker and 11 Yd er l) ayton over were a~ their homes in \\' a turd ay and unday. -,... e arc I d "l 'gaJ ga to we lcome Alice I>ack ,, b l~rp·• · e had one prolonged and i . · no\,· fee ling fine. ergy J D 0c hranit ~ayer ha left the rank of the Satii .. and has a llied her elf with

.!Iii p;j;;



The ''PR.dCTIC.AL" Alchemist and "THEORE_TICAL" Robert Boyle HE alchemists wrote vaguely of "fluids"_and "principles." Copper was potentiaUy silver. Rid it of its red color and the "principle" of silver would ass~rt itself, so that silver would re~am. With a certain amount of p~los­ opher's stone (itself a mysterious "principle") a base met~l could he converted into a quantity of gold a million times as great. • al" This all soun ded so ccpract1c that Kings listened credulously, but the only tangible result was that they were enriched with much bogus gold. Scientific theorists like Robert Boyle (i62.7-1691), proved mo_re "practical" by test~~ matter, dis­ covering its co!71pas1t1on ~nd then drawing scientific conclus10ns that thereafter be usefully and cou ld l h . honestly applied. Ac em~sts conjectured and died; ho experimented and lived. Boyle unUsl·ng the air pump · l" but sci. dertook a "theoretica

111 ti

1-laroJd D·· . Profc av, on , Horace Troop, 0 and thci~ flanawalt, Mr . Hanawalt Ochra on We re dinn er gu e t in 11 H a ll unday Pot , · Pri ,e p ) gon Club wa given a ur1.r u 11 bv ..- 1· Cath .' m .J J ane Barton and .i\lJ ,,, erine Loar in 202 un hine · , · a t d 11 011a 1 u~ ay evening. An addi,1a di Urpri co • wa " p.rung" when it Onn h cl v ' red that {i s Mildred te rnity a . b n adon1ed w ith a fraP111 B st . Prof · W1 be , Connie! all . and ¥ L Y enter( . " r · · . \.VeinJand roy~J de iiciou auie~ th e following girl at lldi'• J s dinner Friday evening: Po Ud,· ••n ' . \Vel[ .. , ' ,:;eg ' Graff, "Lome" hn. ··n'0tti nak ., e -" •M ll JrIll "Gen ' 'cLll ILoar and Ruth D av i .


( P.iu.sic S t u d en ts A ppea.r. ll1 Ontin uc I f eir de c ro111 page thre .) In thvc lop111 n t. lhov n e Overture "Egn1ont" Beeto 11 -the • ' ' tra t antiphonal effect and aIJy Plea •of tone -co 1ormg • . were e pec1~f lliind ing a nd indicative of a unity IIJg_ -rno t d"1fficult in quartet play-

entific experimental study of the atmosphere and disco'vered that it had a " spring" in it, or in other words that. it could expand. He also established the connection between the !foiling point of water and atmospheric pressure, a very "theoretical" discovery in his day but one which every steam engi­ neer now applies. He wa~ the first to use the term "analysis" in the modern chem­ ical sense, the first to define an element as a body which cannot be subdivided and from which compounds can be reconstituted. Boyle's work has not ended. Today in the Research Labora­ tories of the General Electric Company it is being continued. Much light has there been shed on the chemical reactions that occur in a vessel in which a nearly perfectvacuum has been produced. One practical result of this work is the vacuum tube which plays an essential part in radio work and roen tgenology.


to111 • Buckingh , 1li ndat· am work de erve tlid 1· Re • ou ne ion · ho\\·ed poi , 1 a1Jo nurnb and arti tic ability in hi th 01.!thern / r and certainly- in the aracteriz danta Y". The latter was <illence by urpri ing chord and char ming · · . ' (1 reg1· trat1on. ~lib en t •F'ran....ce Harri ave the th 0 llghtfu e, Jn . numb r with unu ua l interpretation. The two

t;e -~ er al fj Elecl- ric


qener,l o/fice


(2_!?-ffi pany Sch,nect11Jy,N.Y.

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THE TAN AND CARDI NAL Otterbein Crabbs, r . f. .................... Ander on, I. f . ................ L. L . White, e . .............. McCarroll, r. g ............. Schreck, I. g . .................. H eitz, I. g . ...................... R. J . White, r. f. ............ Total



G. 1 1

F. 2 0 2 0 O 0 1 0 O 0 I 2

......................... 6


Ft. T . 9 3 0 0 0

4 2 4 0 2

0 2

0 4





St. Xav ier G. F . Ft. T. I Cus hing r. r' , 5 8 15 f P W h G A s Bishops Reach Last Week o roves ort as loom Dispeller as Bechtoldt, I. · f::···~···· ········ ., 2 0 Schedule Undefeated-Comedy Opening Games are Played0 w· Weiskettle, C. ··· · · ··• •··•· •·· I 0 0 2 Marks Week's Play. F h S . ros - eruors m. Hart, r. g. ······················ O 0 o o With but one more week to go th e lf some of those phlegmatic so uls Bartlet . ' I. g · ···················· o 0 0 0 Davi s I. f Bishop Club rema in s und efea ted in th e " ·ho decla im volley ball as an "old ' · ········ ·········· ···· 6 0 0 12 . 1·1 t Iess ness, Marn e!. I. g · ···················· 0 0 0 0 Prune L eag ue. McRi ll s, Town and ma n .s spo rt " , an d d ec ry its Reed teams are in a race that will de- co uld have seen the opening games of To tal s ··············-·········· l4 5 8 33 te rmine what clubs wi ll meet the three th e inter-class vo lley ball league urehighe t of the O rgan ization League in ly th ey wou ld have revised their opin- ' Referee-M r. Prugh, Ohio W esley­ the inter-league conte t March 10. ions. Those who witnes eel the Sopho- an. Co medy. rather than excellent play­ more-F res hman game last Wednesing, marked the past week's perform­ day even ing vied with a ny varsity basances. The . Blendon-Priest set-to of ketball crowd fo r enthusiastic rooting. ~ No. 4 aturday morning, which went three R. L. Schreck The open ing games, though not periods overtime before a decision was especia ll y well-played. were hotl y co nVersa tili ty and sacrifice featu.re reached, marks th e highest point m tes ted, and with the exception of the ars1ty " Bob' " a thl eti c reco rd a t Otterbein. the Pru ne L eague's con tribution to second we re "anybody's" to t he finish. A lthough wor kin g right a long, he has basketball burlesque. cores-Fros h., 12 ; Soph., 15 ; 15-2, bee n a member of th e foot and bas15- 13. After c hroniclin g th e deeds of O A ketba ll s quad s for th e pas t four years. Last Week's Results. The Senior-Junior et was too one- Bailey of th e cla 5 of 'o 7 some we~k. Starting with th e season of I9Z0-­ Thursdayided for much ent husiasm, but pro:ed ago we were gent ly informed tha• an 1921, ·'Bob" has been a fix ture of he e Town, 31 ; P riest, 12. i nte re ting. cores-Seniors, 15 ; Jun- error had been made-that Ce nter team . Dunn, 9; Cook, 8. Bailey of th e team of '06 ~ a O ior ' 4; 15- 11 , 15-4. brother Walter. . A.'s Bishop, 40; Kelly, 6. L eague game wi ll be co ntinued International Relations Mc Rill, 35; Bachelors, 20. next Wed nesday evening at 8 o' clock The name Bailey appeared in man y Has Interesting Session Blendon, 8; Reed, 4. I ter· w hen the Triangles and Ju niors, Otterbein lineup , footba ll, baseball The year·s best meeting of the 11 Saturda~ b a k ct b a II and trac k, from the fall, 012homores and Seniors meet. d · the Bishop, 15 ; Reed, 9. of 1904 to the pri ng of I. In national Relations Clu b " ·as hel . Ill A 191 Town Team, 19 ; Kelly, 6. New Playing Quarters for each ca e th e owner of that nam {' fac~ lty room la t T uesday eve~1~g. d Bachelors, 22 ; Cook Club, 8. Varsity Likely in 1923-24 one of thr ee brothers, Otterbein ;~vie; o~ t.~~e topiMc-".M~sso~~i Ble ndon, 23 · P ri e t, 21 (ove rtime) . A ., W alter R.. or loyd L. c . asc1 t1 by arJoria h.l J ;.. A tentative under tanding has beerr W wa mtenscly intere sti ng, w I e ·. . Standing . R. Bai ley wa center of the n . . ,, 1vera s discussion of " Th e PhthP· reached whe reby Otterbein' varsity Team P. W . L. Pct. pine before 1898" wa of high of delrd. team .of 'OG. !though a prep, young ba ketball team will u e the gymna­ hght, he gave a good acco unt of Th e c I ub' next meetin g w1·11 be he Bi hop ·············-·········· 8 8 0 1.000 ium of the new We terville high an.d h I *McRill .......................... 6 4 2 .667 chool building, now under con truc­ .unse f at all time · He played var - March 6. T own T eam ................ 8 5 3 .625 tion at the corne r of State and Park ity ba eball the followin g pring. eth· Fo rced out of th e game for a time .625 tree t , for court games and practice Co lored R ector-And now. b r . Reed ·······---··-····-······ 8 5 3 . - 10 on account of a bad heart B ·1 4 4 .500 I Blendon ··········-·······-· 8 e sio ns next winter. ' a, Y r n. let u pray for dem dat ,ve came back and e rved at *Prie t ............................ 7 3 4 .444 Although the floor of this gym is not th ,.. center de unin habit ed pa rts of th e world.­ .444 a great deal larger than the one now Dunn ............................ 7 3 4 r oue;,l tho e illu triou & g ridir on Lampoon. Bachelor ...................... 8 3 5 .375 in use, 600 spectators can be seated in ea on , 1909 and 1910. .250 the auditorium fa cing it w hi ch wi ll af­ • In the meantime c· L • was earn Cook Club .................... 8 2 6 Ke ll y .............................. 8 1 7 .125 ford a welcome improvement over :~g .~espect on the gridiron for gut.s . H e wa too light to make *McRi ll-P ries t game ched uled for pre ent faci li tie . var but wa conceded to b . F eb. 17 was not played. Hope are till held that work on and ity, h d H. e w1rey a y. I major port was b Otterbein's propo ed gymna ium can This Week's Games. ketball , where he crve-'• a be tarted time that games of 1924- h "' a a regular Thu r day evening­ t rough two sea on .d . 1925 ea on can be played in it. CL . . a , e 1tn e Blendon vs. Cook. . . went m for track as a two miler. Dunn v . Kelly SAINTS TRIUMPH The t:vo later Bailey graduated toBi hop v . McRill. ON HOME COURT ~ether m. 1911. Each took up teach ­ Saturday morning­ mg a a life work, coached high choo l Recd v . McRill. (Con tinued from page one.) • team , and each wa f ~ Town v . Du n n. haJ.f. Abo ut the time th aints eem- L. m t the P. eak of hi :~:hi ugl. U C•· r W'l ~ 11 cd to be u nder way, Wei kettl e was t L ~ ••., "Bach Jors vs. Priest. jected on personal , Marne! was sub - ce a an mg, 1'Iich., where in thr e year he brought a mediocre h1" A",I;, More Hiking "O's" tituted for Bartlet, R. White for chool football team a n u di gh ACES Girl recently winning the hiking rab b a nd Heitz for chreck. The tate champion hip raf n puted LOOK IN THE DARK PL . be 11 "0" in addition to those previously new men introduced a little mo,e pep, erv a principle of t~ngh. ~e now In every home there usually ~ozell m entioned include: the Misses Sylvia and the stage wa se t for a genuine at Greenville, Ohio. e ig chool fo~d from one pair to half a Loolc Peden, Mida L. Steele, Olive Given rally w hen the core tood 22 to 14. w . R'. wa a big fa t . pairs of shoes only partly worn. hoes and A lice Sanders. But the comeback wa hort lived. Piqua "Hi" on the c 0~ m. putting in your closets today, select the s to Davi started rol ling the ball in, Bech- Under hi tute lage P ~ letic map. 1 that need repairing and send :11eJllliJce R adio Nights May Be Held. toldt 1:1ad . two fielder ' and Cu bing were h Id in hi h e tee~ . . t~m us. We will return thern looking aJth, Professor McCloy announce th couldn t m1 s a free throw. nd so i now teach f h . · Mr. Bailey new. " Shoe Repairing Insures }le t­ probabili ty of establi hing Thursday t he game ended, with the St. Xavier \Of Columbus r aondp Y ic .dat Ea t High Economy Comfort." .... We use fir~d · ' a re I ent of W 1 ' tee go ni g ht h reafter a 'radio-night". At machl·ne 1·11 h1·gh · terv11le. His intere t e - c ass materials and guaran the e open meetings radio concert , The pson. brothers entertained ath letics · t· m Otterbein workman h. h.b. . 1 ac !Ve s 1p. speeche , etc., can be heard by the wit h a wre t 1mg ex I it.ton between · -ro"Rf - - - - - -STAR SHOE REPAIR ;;AC ille Q. halves. students. K. K. KomedyJ 27 W . Main St. Westerv ' .-... DAN CROCE, Prop.









Following The V .

"0 ".








DARK PL ~rr5


Page Seven



· d" · · ate way ICross he comforts. his brother and felsed m a iscnmm . ' II bebothexeinrci·admitting and in grad uatmg low sufferer, a thi ef,_ and asks the forI

The answer to these questions was left to th e intelligence of his a udience. Monday morning at Chapel Mr. Wil on delivered another address to th e students and faculty and empha­ sized the conditions in Europe at the prese nt time. gave the rea ons for such existing conditions from a scie ntific tandpoint, and pointed out the only remedy for them, that man live more for others.

Concert Will Be Given Soon-Ar- students. giveness of his crucifiers. t d f S • s Fourth, more care shoul d be exerA contrast with the probable conrangements Co mp Ie e or erv1ce f h. h chool offi- 1 ci ·et! on the part O of Th A f ig d t duct of man under like conditions rec r 1sts. cials, church authorities, aru ~aren leaves a la ting impression of the 1 on1ewhcre sometime in the;: m:ar in directi"ng yo ung peop l~ tdo t e cod- beauty of Christ' teaching. Imagine b ' I A p "ou att1tu e towar . . ye and bye the Otterbein Girls· Glee lege. • mere 1 . - Juliu Caesar wash111g the feet of h1 Cl b . . J"I ar mark of gemus in h u w11l give their home concert hfc. or a pecu t' fo llowers. In how far does t e averTh .' . "fi th er lines or excep wna 1 S d d e program wi ll consist of o-ypsy sc1,:nt1 c or O . . ' . h s age man measure up to the tan ar s I in 1. "' I I . k 1"II or ab ili ty 111 t emse ve h . M u c to which will be added a tou ch a th ct1c s . ' th t e t by Christ? What t e n 1s r. of r ca 1·I m by th e gypsy cost umin g of I are , no t sufficient a s ura. nces a ora I Wilson · ,s reme d y f or presen t d ay wor Id Marion Hite, business manager of 11 the Glee lub . studen t will make good 111 co ege W hat is preventative of the Sibyl, reports that 470 orders for I cond ition s? Arraugen1 h b d in the world. f ationa l Industrial, and Social Strife? the Sibyl have been placed. 1 ents ave cen compete -W. G. Clippinger. , ' 10 .td e ec ure the erv ices of three out· Ci artt ts to appear with th e Glee Miss Halsey Speaks. !!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,!! . u~ here. Of the se soloists, one is a Mis Katherine Halsey, district ~ta~ ist • one a baritone and th e other a Celli $(· Th e two former are from Co- sup ervi so r of the ational Y. W. C. 1 trn b_u while th e cell ist hai l from the wa with n on Thursday and ~rt, he was here to meet the girls 111 cl a)· nnat i ymphony Orchestra. · h th of the college a nd to discus_s wit em The time of th e concert will be de­ of vocational guidance. h h : Now is the Time for all Good Students to come to the Aid of their terln'.incd by the dates on which th ese pro blem Mi s Halsey spoke during t e c ape 1 so 01st . Organization or Social Group and t o Secure Evidence so as to be Able d arc ava ilable and th e exact . d on Friday. he congratulated ate will be announced later. peno • . O helpful and to Prove to Their Children and T heir Children's Children that O tter- . . Otterbein on ec unng . s J Stitt W ,1- : bein was Somewhat of an Institution in the good old days when they und er tanchng a man a · . _ Glee CJ ub G"1ves Concert at Sunbw:;y. on with whom he worked_ 111 severa 1 were students here by securing a group picture, Social, Glee Club or t Friday evening the Men's Glee O hi o colleges last year. Mi s Halsey else, having it framed or store it away for that rainy day when time : C]La ub ga ve Its • best concert of the pres- assured us that Mr. \ iJ on was very ent ea . . drags heavy and you are in Hong Kong or Quincy, Ill. ANYHOW. I . hi di cu iou of our eve ry ' on when 1t gave its program at pract1ca 111 . You can leave your order with Al or Mack. hun bury t o audience of some f our day needs . un rjred people. Thanks for past favors. Th lu b showed great improve­ WILSON GIVE;ITAL MESSAGES ment .over previous concerts a nd re· ,teved . (Continued from page one.). · Ce ll much comm endation for its exStudent He illus- en t Program. for every College . th Three concerts have now been given · trat ed th e in ignificance of !be efathr and th I o e tri , e. ub tarts on its real road as compare d w1·th the. enormity . h' h th1s 'w eek when it wi ll sing at The infimte mmd w ,c • _ Pu111ver c. of Rittina A l 7 n, kron; and Canton on March -co ntrol the untbinka15l c expanse " . . "What Me n Call God . ancl 3. A number of students the umverse 1s . . mind has AL ELLIOTT, Student Representative OIJl lh · · A fragm ent of th e mfi111te te d. e cities are planning on at11 tng th k to man That £rage concert . been made nown d through study ii111 t11lllllllllllllllllllll Ill Ill llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll Ill lllllllllll lllll lllllii 0 1 Pc n Iarch 8, 9 and 10, the Club apar, at u . beings gra of pe J e us Cbr. t th = of themay teach . is.' and ~n .1.v.1.an field, Utica, and Tiro ment ' e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill Ill I I I I I I I I Ill ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111,!! Ce 'March 15, 16 and 17 at Dayton, few g rimp cs of the e teachmg J es us washes lltcc ·11 2J vi e and Ro ewood. On March b rnd are made to ee, b 1 c1 · · le upon t e -, 23 a 11 d 24, it ing at Logan, We ll- the feet of hi isc1p ' : 10 ; a nd hi llicothe. No hseve n days' tour will be made in ce rt ern Oh·10 during the Ea ter reMOSES & STOCK ledo. a 11d concerts will be given in To­ lori·a' tdn ey, Bowling Green, Fo • Grocers up 0 an <I other town not yet agreed




= f-:· = =

Students Attention

-= = = =







= = =

f; ·



= = =

= = =



l'he hoi11e con ert will be give n in the




hape! T ue clay evening, April 10.


= = = = =


For all that is good to eat see

(Co ntinued from page two.) Again th Ille ' ere are a great many young 11 and o[ a young women , ·who becau e I di c ack o( proper environme nt, never over th e unportance · to . to them an d

WILSON, The Grocer = = No 1 So. State ~t. The horn of plenty pours its full cornacopia of Westerville, Ohw

= -


colic Ciety of a college trai,ning. ~he · · · to Uch gc. ha a d'I tmct contnbufton inter/ ~~ng Peop le, in awa ken ing their In b . 111 a. college training. llly n ef, iollowiri j a tatem nt of 0 . Prop 0 \\'n . . conel u 1011 on th ... 1t1on• rir t h . People ' t . er are not too rnany yo ung hou]d going to college. More inter st fitted rbe awak ned Ul tho e who ar be in Or leader bip, and who should College, l dc 11 tecond . , th er ar a number of tu ne,,.er I~ all our college who l1ould after t ave been admitted, o.r, who, Ces ~ tin,g, by some rea enable pro'I'hi~~outd be eliminated. ' the elective proces should


= pure foods right into our kitchen where an

Resolve Now!



t1 CC .

able chef directs the preparation of the finest

yea r a rnake te D n't wa e tl11'








meals you have ever partaken of.

Buy a = b 1e _

Remington p r t a T p n. ter · It' nk ater M d quicker. an .t Ea y HITE about l • t •



Pie with the Taste that Tarries.






= = = = = = = =


11111111 111,11,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111,1111111111111111111111ii

,,;P;,;a~g;;e ;,,,;::E,;;ig;h;,;t===c==== ==~====='---"==T:::H=E=T=A=N=A=N:::D=:::C:::A=R::::>=I==,,;L====================s:;::!!.' the ~-..-ar was over a their motto Le Cercle F rancais. P atronize Our Advertisers ! eem s to be: "They hall not pas ·" . Le Cercle Francai held its regular · Old Solomon wou ld have a hec of meeting Monday nig ht in the Faculty a time arraying himself in very much room. Mildred Cleman read a very DARN B ILL! glory with present prices. interesting French hort story and the Club enjoyed playing "Pigeon Th e other nite Twenty more days till another vaole". Bag of candy which were Bill was away from cation. numbered were then distributed. PartHis room all La t week he went down to sec ners were found and a conversation Evenin "The Rear Car" and came hom e 011 in French was carried on for some And when he kum th e la t car and the entertainment on time. French stude nts are invited to Prowlin in about !even the la t car, while it wa ·hardly as well attend these helpful and interesting Thirty arranged, wa about a unfathomable meeting . Hi room mate wanted a the play. To know Juniors R ings and P ins. Where in the High Hat There are books in running .brooks, The J uaior Cla i experiencing all He had been ermon in stones and good in every­ ~f tl~e pleasure and troub les of securAn Bill tried to explain thing, as our old friend, a fe llow suf­ mg 1t class ring and pin . Because That he had Been out at another feller fer, Will Shake pea.re, once npon a o_f the taodard design of the class . •nat Room and had time aid, but whe n a feller gets so dis­ ring and pin of the college, that Pnnters of Tan and Cardi Stayed fer intere ted in class that he advocates to J?_ha e of the problem i not being conA hand of poker try a hand at writing poetry one just 1dered but where the pins are to be DR. PAUL G. MAYNE, Dentist Well for Pete sake naturally wonders if old Bill allus purcha ed i causing much comment Razzberried his mate knowed hi tuff. betweeu members of the Cla s. Office Hour : 9 to 11 a. m., l to S p. di, You been gon five hours Well says Bill 379 Both Pho11es-Bell 31-R, Citi:i:en It took me that long To get a ha11d. Westen-ill• 17 W. College Ave. Darn Bill!

Home Talent


=============~ We want a part time

Linotype student from Otterbein College. Apply

p . . Co.

The Buckeye rioting





We got into A di cu ion about Thi here Dr. Cooie And auto sugge tion An' ich like Down to th' Pustoffice At th' Center An' Zeb Twitchell an Charley Perew an' A few other lea.din' scienti ts Got all het -up about it. The11 in come wede Ole on. "Auto suggestion?" sez he That bane my Id woman ban try On me for long tam But by gar, I aint to got nu ff Money lor buy 110 auto By Yiminy!" He ez.

Tailor Dry Cleaning, Press~

-========~ Smith typew riter?


have new, Factory :Re­ . d built and second-hall Casb machines in stock. or Terms. Special rental

BILL SAYS Ye edito of the ibyl got a letter tothec day with that hi torical name spelled " iBuY' and now a feller just natcherually wonder if the "si" was meant to be French or Spanish.


·1 nt Have you seen the S1 e

rates to students.



He i in favor of havin' the feller who raise "cookie dusters" and the girl who powder their no e in public


w S-pning .

87 N . Third St.

ColUJ11bUS, O

======~~~ : c- - ~

The prettiest and best line ever- that's all we have to say of our



The College Avenue

His simi le for the week is; As use­ less a Russian cast-off clothes.


Every once in a whi le he gets into a meeting of omc kind where he feels about as helpful a a cat-putter-out. Some of the things that the prof' try to explain are about as clear to him as the inside of a cow. A London Dr. ay Bo! chevi m i due to bad teeth. We allus thot that good teeth and long whiskers were prerequisites for a Bolschevist. When he looked at his and some of the other fe ller' grades it seemed that some of the prof' didn't know that

W. M. GANTZ, D, p. S See _the new spring styles. Easter Is Near- Get your S 1 . e ect1on Now at ~





Bell Phone g

DENTIST St. 15¾ N, Siate


C. W. STOUGHTON, rtf. •


31 W . College Ave.

Bell Phone 198


.., ,10

Citisell pbO

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