Utt .att PUBLISHED lN THE 1::'l:TERE~T OF O TTER!lEI~ Crl l. lY <; ,
= = = == = = = = = = = = = = =
VO L. 6
CHA~1P o RATO RS I PLAN ~ FOR GYM DRIV~ . WILL CQ MP ETE I Being Rapidly Formulated-Phillips
No. 25.
With T ,1ird Inaugural Session of Year-Well Given Program Reports Much Enthusiasm 1 inn ts of Sectional Contest Held Shown. Untried T ennis Team Opens Local Draws Commendation. Here to Represent Eastern ) --Season With Clean Sweep f'hrlomat hca he ld its third -Inaugural Section Friday. ! P laus of tl-tc coining campaign for Over Muskingum. / fwtds Lo be used in the erection of a Ses ·ion of the yea r last Friday even- I TROOP LEAVES THURSDAY new gymna ium are rounding into ing a nd pleased about forty guests LOSE TO W E SLEYAN hape nicely, Fi Id 'ecretary 1:'billip with a n excellen t program. The In For Contest To Be Held at North asserts. a ugural ·cssion had been twice po t- in B~eball Enco nter at Delaware Duri1)g the past week M r. Phi ll ip , ponccl because o[ conflicting with the , western-Professor Fritz to T eam's Defects Revealed who is directing organization for th e date set for the Oratorical Conte t. Accompany Him. In Opener. campa ign. \\'U S working in cun y l . 8. Broderick de li vered th e Chap van.ia ancl report enc uragiug pro 1-I: \\ · Troop, loca l winner iu the lain's ~?~ress. "What Is My Com- I Qttcrbcin:s pring ath letic eason gre s there in ecurin the cooper tion nus ion m a commendatory manner. op~ n · d with lln evetl break. the un CclJona l ratorica l Contest, w ill com Pct • in th e ational Con tes t ,,•hich of peop le who ate \\'illin to back th He cxprc'~ cd the thought th at some tried tenni • team making a clca11 effo rt not only with their names but ~copk to rea lize w hat our real sweep over M uski ngu m on the local ''. ill be held at :'\ orthwestern niver I " life work 15• a n cl to grasp th e ovpor· 1 court Frida«. while the baseh JI t ity, E,·a n ton . fll., Friqay, April 27. ·Ith their time and effort. · · f • h' h , a cam . o actual solicitation of fonds ha ruu1tte or erv1ce w 1c arc presen t- journi:,y cl to Jawa.r • turd<1Y and Raymond M. Gallagher. of •'otre Dalll taken place and altho ugh the fina l time eel to u · He ca U_cd _upon a il t tak I lo ·t to Ohio V.'csleyan by the core of · 1 le , mo11 Heemstra, of Ho_pe C~lgc, and the local repre e11tahv wi ll for the campa ign has not yet been de: iuventoric of tbC1r lives and accom- 1 I..J. cid d upon by the entral ommittce, plishmcnt .mHI to make an earne t at:<Uphold the ta11dard of the astern Racqueteers Wln. head d by I•. l 1~1 1t. yet it i tcinpt to g11ard their comrui ions, or Part of the co untry again t the r preB catt e of the fat th t the m •t thought that th e actual an b life work. t i1tativ of the we t \\'ho a yet , ·a the fir t of th sea on for either made ra rly in the umrucr. hav O ' Th , I rl.' rident's \ 'aledictory, "Ou r T been auuouu t.ed. .\Iu •kingum or Otterbein th - brand of A lum ni arc being orgatuzcd into Bane''. deliver d by H. V. liller, took . roo,), h cau~e of the in.divid1,1ality tCHni wa of only fair calil;r . The 01 I· clear ,Yay our own school 'J 11 · orati n. ''The Mau or tile sectional groups which, combined into match thr ughou 1 111,trk d b th an .. 1· will carry on the da)' 1UJd d' cu · d th m <lo:,;g(•d pc ,·si ncl' of the h Y, thought to ~ta nd a good a large committ ·. play actual work. The ·wilJin ,,,e wj th £ra11klr He d •cla,:,'.d. that we were ·r. who fo ugh t for . ance in the contest of the cbam PI 011 • whi ch be a lw uni aud fo.rmer tudent bcconuug over orgamz d and held bat time a.it, time took . . ~ . d I Profe sor C. A. Fritz of the D e ar cooperating with the Central Com our It~ rary .·oc 1 he " were 10 au er their' opponent. \ •ben Partin nt of Publi c Sp aking, wi ll mittee, tog th cr with many favorab le of restriction because of the demoral- it won. A bad wind w:i a hahdica'.p to both Troop to Chicago and cxprcs. io11s received from variou · izing effect prnduc d by clisintcre tcq \a~clompany 11 Ir • . at the convention . a lu mni. bid fair to make the campaign member • Present 0 h10 teams although 6then1·i c the day wa •· a f th I . The J.~hilomathean Quartet, compo - 1 ideal. t' nterstate Oratorical Assoc1a- a complete uccess. 1011 \\·h. h . 1 aJ>tain 'ornet t won th fir ·t . et , eel of \\'. D. Coon. :O. \~illiam , J. C. all c. _will be held at Ev~nsto_n Bra Irick and H. . . Darh11g. ~~<led to from Captain Brown of ~Iuskin um i'l, h day rtday. Thi convention 1s Josephine Cridland to Give I . program w1tft its rend1bOJ1 oi easy fashion, 6-1; Brown turned, the' G.r-aduating Recital Tn Violin th thCd e t>V r Y ar under t h au pie • of \\· epartment of pe ch, rorth\Vednc day e;v<!.lii11g at eight o'clock ti.I) Ice" au<l all ncor · tables and h.owccl his b t orm, winc,i in the auditorium of Lambert Hal D. L . _ darn~ in the Inaugur;-~I -: cl- ning the e ond t • . e ail d to, p. rn niv rsity . \\-h. riz e. for the National on test. :\!is Jo cphine Cridland will give her cl.re .showed how Truth -an<I F1cbon, repeat in th third . t an9 b ich will I llow the convention, will graduati ng recital in vi'olin . This is/ in pite of the comn,1011 usage arc ~·n- again wa l <L away with il 6-1 ~ -{;old, i~ver. and bronze medal , th fir t of a numhc of graduating ouyrnou . He a _scrted that fiction to his r dit 1 • ~h \ iH be awarded by the A · o- recitals to be given thi pring tha I mu t b truthful " \ order to endure , J. \ bite w 1ation. th tudcnt • ¼·ill liav tbe privilege of and gave ' clear d1 ·cu n of tha~t.~....- ~...._..;, ___ f . fu. k-ingum 11 a 11i and ex- tudents in Chicago attending. fact. Hutton won hi n Ytcinity are being notified by Field Thi r citaL promi e to be e:i ceed-' Jn the tern ou, speaking, 'L. d good form. ·pectcd in go cl aocl to m.aiittain the high W. Warson, '05; bavidson, of icat , White £qr · 1t rcta.ry Phillip - and it i b ,a t a large Otterbein d le ation will tandaril of recital· gfr n in the pa t. Philaleth ·a; Katb rin cKiuney, of limit and gam a.I Prt• · 1t . ince there are over fifty .\1i inucd on ag ix.) n - " 'right i the a• ompa?rhet a. a n . d e-x-stuucnt . ·' . l ity.UllJni ult Jll t 1at Pr fe. or G. G. Grabill wi ll ritz Entertains ·ontin ued on page-two.) Oratory "0' A soc
T 11 E T .·\ :-S .-\ :-S I) C .'\ I{ I) I :-..; .-\ L
I krcnce
\\·hi.:h will be again he ld in 'v\'csten-illc this umm er from July 1 9 to 19 _
N oted Lecturer Is Deliverin g a Series of Addresses to Local Men
and Women. .111 h . • t :-; 1,.,a k g service - • I B t he morning h t da I th e l mtcc _ ret ren c ~re 1 yes er a_y , Dr. J. sp111all Mc ua1g used a his subjcc t "God's Need of Men". A f ter . 111
picturing vividly the story of D avid and Goliath th e speaker showed the human element of which God has need He need s men who are sen i- ' I tivc .to the great challenges that are hurled to u · men who have a real conYiction or' passion for God and his ' kin gdom and men "vho. like David,
Professor Grabill at Organ. I i GI G . I ro es_sor enn rant Grab ill alternated ,nth Bert Wi ll iams, of Jersey C't t I I Y: a tic organ during th e cere'.non1e of. th~ cioto Con istory dur111g the em1-Annual Reunion of the • . cottish Rite held at Columbus April p
18. 19 and 20 of last week.
-----:S chutz Awarded Pm. . ~I . , GI . Club in apprec1e . en cc , { r ation of th e sple ndid work of 11 anage J . P. Schutz during the past ea o~, prest·ntecI h.1111 "1·'th a Glee Club P111 after Chapel ~londay morning. Th
A strong faculty has been ecured and thc program for the Conference ha been arranged . Treasurer vVe t, \\'ho will again act as Registrar of the . . Conference, ant 1.c1patcs a larger attcndancC'. ________ 111111 -=11 Ill II I I I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111 I I II I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I ==== K atharin e Pollock Directs
May Morning Breakfast.
Strawberries-tho e big red delicious : berries heaped in the di h and partly 1 : cove rel by real rich Jersey cream, a ~ slicc of Swift's Premium bacon and- : ah. shucks, what doc it all mean? It 1~ "Ound like the fan1ou and trad itional : 1
I :a, P o:a'iontas Lump from No. 3 vein on road.
There will be very It is safer to ~l~ce ~ orders early. Glen-Lee Special now in market in moderate quantities. : Fancy Ohio Coals are lower in price. We will appreciate your orders. : -
1 '. ~!~ !"o: :1)1ontas for Ohio delivery after M a y 1.
rca ' on f~orn ,vhat God ha s done to i ,Lay Niorning Breakfast \vhich the : what God wi ll do. T~er are ti~es : gi:ls of C?chran and aum_ ~alls gi~e. ~ • = \\'hen God's hand are tied because He .1 W ell thats exactly what 1t 1s. With : Coal yard-Eas• C ll A N h State St. : Iiannc · 1~ol Ioc k· c1·1rcct111g · ' 0 ege Rvenue. Office No · 22 ort does not have the men in hi s dea I- ]',..at the wo rk IBell · 101-R R 'd C' tz 140-3R .mg with • · f • = · esi ence, 29- O ffice • 80-R Coal Yard 1 • men. The peaker then I the girl · o the two ha ll are makmg IIIIII: 1111111 llllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ made the app lication to pre ent day hig preparations to feed the school. 1
I~==~~==================-=======~=~ "I§ f
problems. Dr. McCuaig is -yet to This annua l breakfast ha · become give a seric of lectures in the church \ o ne of Otterbein' tradition . The ' M11111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11~ on the general t~eme of •:Home Reg- I fe ll?ws pat~onize . it . the "eat § ulation ". He will speak m the a fter- w hile the girl give it 111 order that = noon s to women and gir l and at eight they may end as many girl a po - I§ . • § o'clock each evening until Wedne day sible to Eaglesmere-the Y. W. C. A. ' : :: 2 Pants Suits and Overcoats to a mixed audience. 'j Camp. § §
the .menu attractioo are § : : thel\'ext decortoation Eachin cla compete 1 : with the others in an attempt to cre- §
By ::eere c~;~;::s;:~_ ' :: Business W ith Pleasure.
$20.0Q, $2 S.00, $J0.00 Walk Upstairs and Pay Less.
Millards Clothes Shop
::§ §
n- 1: :~ t /!~~:~ri~~et:eb~~e a;fd o;~: ion as to which i the mo t beautiful. : : The boarding cl ub teward w ill r e- · = Upstairs t S • HIO := a pnng and High COLUMBUS • O :: hile the majority of Otterbein tu- I1 mcm I>er t h at t h c c Iu b u ually do not :""' jj dent v, r 1 anin forward on th ir n-c break.fa t on that mornin g in lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~
·at inof the all intpell-binders, nt o n th.e 1!)rd r that the fe11o\\- breakfa may have ,vord tho chap e youthful opportunity of ~aking t at th the II I the state orator . or ·quirming rest- j dorm. And the time-:--between the le ly. all ca rne s to be away from ho urs of ·even and m ne atur day, the "sp Ir . or lumb rhig peacefully, May 5.
n~ad drow y by th h at and the hot I Josephine Cridland To Give air, thr c youthf~I ~dvcnture~ • Fre hGraduating Recital In Violin men all, w~re lntt~ng th hi gh po t (Continued from page o ne.) uthward m an open Ford runabout t a t the organ. with pril hower wa hing t heir a Program. fac and p r iJ z phyr pain ting their Niel W. Grade the k . Max Bruch of the trio, Ti111 ew H. Wieniaw ki bu ine , d •!iv rin Dance old during vacation \ illiam E. Hae che wi ld Logan county. W ·Rondino. o n a theme by Beethoven) Hi companions, arl S Fritz Krei 1 r and Ru kin Hoover w re Polonai e d Concert forgetfu loe of Henri Vieuxtemp oou after 1 aving hio t h bccatn lo poor for v ·n a Ford and For all tha t is good to eat see th car wa par ked at a garage. Th n the boy "bit the bumper " for the remainder of the trip through the mou ntaiD., fin.i h d th ir b u i11e , vi it d with Ed we ll and cam bac k to th ·ir j umping off p lace on a coal train. T hey ha d hard work e tabli hing th ir 1• identi ty ·wi t h the garage owner for t11cy were a dirty and ragged a "bum ' in eptember b ut they got the flivv r o ut of hock and reached We - a tervme by :30 Monday morning after an a ll night ride in th op n a ir and we wW ay tha from their appearance that th y had vari ty and pice enough to la t until Jun e.
WILSON' The Grocer No 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio
Athletic Supplies Mitt
Glove , Ball.. ,
Bat , 'f ennis Racket at Lowe t Price
Every day In Every way
Remington Portable
will be your best f dend.
Treasurer West at Meeting. Trea urer J. P. We t recently_ at t nded a conference in Dayton called by Bi hop . R. Clippinge r to formulate p lans for the S ummer Bible Con-
365 days to pay. M. HITE, Agent.
"Fhe University BOokstore
Cook House Club Entertains. j :\ll'm_be rs of _the Coo~_ House _Cl ub en tl'rta,nccl their lady friends w ith a . de lightfu l hou se pa r ty aturday even- ' ing at the home of R. G. Anderson. The program consisted of games of
Page Three
asserted, is esse ntial to the bccau,c ··Rudolph'" Clippinger. the ex harm o ny between the two temp pianist. had11·1 been g iven a chance to gl't acquaintl'd " ·ith ·· .:\Lot her countries. \\.C"ndell Camp sang a solo in a :--Jacrc-c·· ! unique manner in as much as he had Patronize Our Advertisers! to accompany himsl'lf on the piano. I Rivera
I co n tinued
different typc.:s and impromptu music., 11any valuable prizes were given to those mos l adept. :\,l iss Emily Mull in ~Ill IIll I II I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '12. Mr. and :\Ir~- Edmund S. K,rn of Germant01,·11. Ohio. cxpcct to men· to Columbus early i11 :'-1av. ~lr. Kern 'Yill be comnwrcial artis; on the staff of the Columbus Evening Dispatch.
proved to be th e largest winner and :: is the proud possessor of several hand _! § ,ome prizes emblematic of her ability. I::
Domest1c • sc1ence • stu dents --
= = =
This was fo ll owed by ·delightful refreshmcnts served by the freshmen :: : '95. Miss E liza I ntin of \ \ . cstc r villc members of the group. Dr. and Mrs. Stou ghton were th e : died at her home o n . outh talc str~c t on Friday evening, April 13. Fo r a guests of the club . number of years :Miss Irwin had been II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I II IIll I I I I I I II I I II I I I II I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii a uccessful teacher in the Eighth Juan Rivera Discusses Philippines at Y. M. C. A . A,venu e sc.hoo l in Col umbu s. S he is urvived by her mother. t wo sisters. Juan Ri,·cra led the Y . J\-l. C. A. _111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 Mi May Irwin. '93. and Mrs. Ka:h discussion Th ur sday night, using as 1 :: erine O'Ryan. ·01. and three brothers. hi, subject, ··The Re lat ions between i § nll/ § (lpprl/~~J'!==::::::;==1 '21. Anno un cem ent of the cngage t he u nited States a nd Philippines". / n1ent of Miss Anna B<:atrice Fralick, a ln his characteristic thoug htfu l a nd : lllember of thi s ycar·s senior cla ss. and earnest manner Mr. Rivera showed : Dona ld C. Bay of Middlebourne, V-'2s t wh at America had done for th e Phi li p Vir:ginia. ha s just been made by 1iir. pines a nd what hi s co untry had done and Mrs. C. R. Fra lick. the parc1ts for us. One of th e m o r e ou tstanding gifts : of th e bride-elect. The wedding will of Amer ica to the Philippines was the 1 : occur la tc in J unc. necessi ty o f un ity amo ng th e trib es '12. · Miss Mary Bolenba ugh of Ca ,al whic h the Spaniards had done so much § Winchester, Ohio, who is doing to se parate. graduate wo rk in Latin a nd Englis h On the o th er ha nd , the Phi lippi nes in Ohio State U niversity thi s year, was stood behind Ame rica wit h troop s, a gue t of Miss Ethel Beery, ' 13, in loyal to th e ideas of Am erica. A We tervillc last Thursday and Friday. Chri s tian und ersta ndin g of the ri g hts '17. Guy Chec k, pastor of the Uni:ed and privileges of _e ach nation , Mr. § Brethre n church at Hillsboro, Otio, wa called to Westerville last week on acco unt of t he death of his father, Jasper Check. which occurred at his Call Citizen 21 or Bell 8-W. hom e on Sunday mo rning, Apri l 15.
= =
At the Blendon
Yo u w ill find the food you want properly = = = erved. ; = P ies we ll baked are healthful. We ser v them = = here w ith the ta te that tarrie . = = =
'07. Mrs. Edwin M. Hursh (Mary Lambert) of W cs tervillc a ttend ed the meeting of the board of managers at the meeting of the board of ma nag!rs Agent for Acme Laundry Co. of th.e Woman·s Missionary Associa tion ·of th e United Brethren Ch ur ch General Laundry Work for Ladies and held at Annville, Penn y lvania, week he ore las t. ii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 Gentlemen. '94. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pyle, v.ho IVei.:e called to Westerville by th e ill "The Home of Quality" J. H . MAYNE ness and death of Mrs. Pyle's mother, ).[r . B. T. D avi , have returned to Westerville, 0. 12 W. College Ave. their home in Watertown, ew York.
The Clean-up Man
:=- Bendon Restaurant ~= ==========--,
H ar vey S. Gr uver, w ho for sev eral year has been superintendent of School a t Worcester, Massachuseits, ha recently accepted a similar p osi tion in the chools of Lynn, Massa chu ett , and will begin his w ork in the latter city May I. This comes as a di tinct p romotion for Mr. Gru-rer and puts him among the highest paid uperintendents in t he East.
OBSERVATION OF ABNER Samaothy Twitchclls la t boy by her F'irst man up and died l" other day l\n' Ze b wa nted Swede Olson 1''be on.e of th' Pall Bearers. Go h I 1ike t'scart Swede t' death ! Yumpin Yiminy Zeb, sez he l know I bane come from
l\wful cote country llut I aint to know how 't'o be Polar Bear!
I-re ezl
The Variety Store For a good line of Fresh Candies, Marshmellows, Chocolates, Bon Bons, Etc. A full line of stationery, Crepe Paper
in all colors for the student trade. Jewelry, Cut Glass, Birthday Candles, Etc.
l The Westerville Variety Store
The Second Week of THE UNION'S Anniversary Sale
Offer till more a toni hing value than e er . ew hipment of brand new prin - mer chandi e, add a n immea urable_intere t to the amazing aving that appear from day t day in Columbu paper Watch for them.
We have on display the Spring Suit ing~ and Fashions of The GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY of Cincin nati, makers of "Needle-Molded" clothes-and "Needle Molded" means hand tailored, NOT pressed into shape. B. W. WELLS
Long and High Sts.
i' age Four
classroom where detailed work i thought it is true that it cannot be I necessary to produce a thorough upon. a. larger sca le. Deadwood will ', H understanding of the fundamenta l be el11111nated and. a we said before, I ave l' ub lished Weekly in the interest of principles of the course. There i no I membership in . ociety wi ll mean Otterbein by the doubt that th ese added organization something. ffilt ,, TTERBEIN PUBLI Hl G a rc worthy of existence but where \ Lest we hi.' accused of sudd e nl y 1 \Ve s!~::'ife~Ohio the line regarding membership and I taking up a new idea. we wi ll stat e 1 Member of the Ohio College Press the extent of a studem's participation also that after exchanging opinion I Association in t.h e organization. ca n be drawn i with a large number o[ the tud ent II built ~ ~ ~ - ~....,::,.::.:;.;S:...T_A_F~F~~- ~ ~~ - an important que tion of our tudent I body we feel that we expre s the THE OTTERBEIN
s .
Editor ·········· ·················· H . R. Mills, '24 A , i,tant Editor ........ Paul Garver, '25 Co ntributing Editors- · Lucille V. E. Gerber, Myer , '24 24 ~largueritc W et herill, '24 E. F. McCarroll, '25 Business M anager ........ C. G. Foor, '24 As•i tan t Business ManagersF. M. Pottenger. '25 R. M. Ward, '25 Cir. Manag er.. .. Katharine Pollock,'24 A, si tant Circulation Managers- , Edith Oyler, 25 Margaret Widdoes, '26 .\thletic Editor....:M . W. Han cock,':!-! ssi,ta nt Athletic Editor.· • D ean Up on, '25 Loca l Editor ...... D. R. Clippinger, '25 \lumnal Editor........ Ima Guitner,'97 .Exchange Editor .. Kath leen White,'24 Coch ran Hall EditorHarriet Whi tier, '24 Literary Editor .... D . . Howard, '26
seen the Silent you I h t riter ;> We ypeW . R _ Ihave new' Factory e
li fe today. thought of the majority of the stuTime after time the program of dents. both men·s societie have been seriousThere may be other solution but if . year because other there are such they hould be adly hampered this nece sary featu res of our college life vanced. The danger of extinction intcrferred. Con eq uently the tand- through indifference faces the societies 'arc! of work ha s been lowered, no mat- as never before. ter what opinio11 to the contrary. There can be no question that the CALENDAR sta ndard is lowered because of indif W ednesd .:.y, April 25ferent members hip, which in turn e \'iolin graduating r ecital of Mi s curcs productions which do not call Josephine Cridland. forth one' b st efforts. The mere fact that each night long rolls of ab Saturday, April 28-Ba eball, Otterbein vs. Ohio orthsentees are called is detrimental to the ern. morale of the ociety . Tuesday, M ay 1On the other hand, there is no doubt ophomore-Senior Banquet. that the society is beneficial to the Thursday, May 3_ tudcnt eve n though he is pre ent Ru sell Declamation Contest, Col against his own de ire. Participation lege Chapel. on the program cannot help but be Friday, May 4Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. he lpful. But when · a st udent appears Ba eball, Otterbein W'tt b 1 once or po ibly twice upon th e regu Saturday, M ay 5College Ave., Wes terville, Ohio. " · en erg. ub cription Price, $2.00 Per Year, lar program he cannot hope to get the Annual May 'Morning breakfast, payable in advance. benefit derived by member in former Cochran Hall.· years. Con eq uently alumni and ex Entered a econd class matter Tuesday, M ay 8-eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice student over empha ize the value Girls" G lee Club oncert. at We terville, 0 ., under act of of the ociety work a it i carried farch 3, 1879. on at present. cceptance for mailing at special The literar y oc1etie . tradition o( r te of po tage provid d for in Sec. ct o-f t. , 1917, authorized 1103, tterb in. . hould al o he con id red. April 7, 1919. E DITORI A L He who ha truth at hi · heart ne d n ,·er fear the want of persua ion of hi, t o ngue.-Ru kin. The Society P r oblem.
and second-ban
m ch1·nes in stock Cash a · 1 Or T ermS. spe c1·a1 renta rates to students.
L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. . Columbus, ohio
87 N . Third St.
Frank Prorpara . of a ge11eral Announces the opening . Store, with IadY and up -to- d ate F ru1t and gen~ attendants. W e retail our Fruit at wholesale pr
17· W. Main Street
P age Fi vt-
that tim e had been considered absoYou are probably asking the rea1 lutely taboo. No doubt the good peo- son for all this discour se . It it a very pie who \\"ere so shocked then wou ld simple one, and a question in which
D t nt . L ij; ;====I;;;t=e=;;;r=a=r=~====e=;;;p=a=;;;r==m==e===i;;;;;;=~ THE JAZZ AGE
Ii integ ral part of the new poetry . Free verse ha s probably come
turn over their in their or are we should all heon interested whether wringing ha nd graves, in desperation (Continued page seven.) over the laxn ess and degeneracy of these times.. . BANQUET LUNCHEON Part of this ,s probab ly necessary to ' AND the f~rther development of our liter - i PICNI C SUPPLIES. ature. Cri tics say that the great American novel has not yet been writAll Seasona ble Fruits. . 1 th th ten ; at ese_ "Ma1t1 treet " are Let MOSES & STOCK, Grocers merely p_re~ar~t,on for the great story , Supply You. of American life. I
t_o Yes, we have been living in the I stay. \i\ e mu t adjust ?urselv_e to _it Jazz Age. ::,; 0 do ubt it is a n improve- I a nd prepare to judge it on d,t s ~\\ n m · · · t etain the good an reJect ent in mam· re · pects over those I merits: 0 r Year when o;r greatest great grand- the bad. fa er amused him elf by st riking two The fiction of today shows the same tone togeth er or by beating one tendencies. a breaking away from the o f twen t Y and twenty-five = aga·in t th e head of hi s particular . 1 sta ndard n I Th ew craze for psycho- I t may be much more am us- years ago. e nd . •nto the 1111111111111111111111 11 111111111 1111 11111111111 11111111 111111111111111111111 11111111111111 111111111111111 . 01 y. in than the day s in which his des- ana lysis ha fo un tt way '. : :: st ;~ da nt st rumm ed the progenitor of novel. w_e are con an~~:ee~n~v:~e~ ukelele. banjo violin a nd other sc ntcd " ·1th men a nd . . . :
I sma llest action
m~ ical instrumcn;s, a to rtois e shell With a few strings of gut trctched aero 5 · • It . It is an age which very Probab ly \\"Ould shock our great . gran d . mother: perhaps it pa111s eve n our mother . though th ey no doubt heard th h l . c ame things said about t e ernblc degene rat ion of the young Peopl . e which so frequently come to our ars. . N . ~ve nh cless it is the Jazz Age: Jazz 111u, 1c • . • · Jazz dances, jazz dresses, Jazz th eatre · · , Jazz poetry. jazz nove ls, Jazz 1y · Pa · Jazz cvert hing. \,Vherever we turn , 1• . . e see and feel life mov111g m a !ncopated rhythn1 · 1novement, exCtt lllent . ' .
are ana lyz~d _criticism of the prese nt day fiction m it treatf · hasi upon sex attracment o its emp . f t tion. eemingly the nov_eltsts O ho. ca e picked out t e day have 111 many '. h · sordid detail of life to ill uS t ratc td_eir Th American novel-rea mg themes. e · h tudies public has been de luged wit . . the larger c1 ty m of the sma 11 town. . f arh . r reflection in the ltfe o one p t c1 11 group of perticu lar person or sma too of the se nove Is , sons. In many f k treatfi 1 hat very very ran we nc t ' . 1 ears f b · ts which severa Y ment o su Jec "d d highId e been cons1 ere ago wou I,av Iv i1nproper. . . . 1 f ome fifteen years
On all er;;•~! f~~,~:~~t~:g ;~:;~ ag: ~e~~:t;;1\h: i~modest! of by?untg way fo I . . g certain u Jee s, h . h P to r omc years. perhaps, on Y women in d1 cus 111 P r hap ·t . . • d 1"th men w 1c u 1 · Pl a C ' 1.11 t 1 on the wane. g 1vmg in pub lic, an " " lt . urn to something different. tn Wi ll not go all at once omc of it <I\Y· never go, dottbtlcss a'11 of it will I a h h" omc trace in the life it leave e 1nd - Perhaps there may ome good East College Avenu e Corne . 0f . it. who can tell? j PHONES co~long with jazz mu ic there ha Pai . a 11 \\· pirit in literature and Bell 84-R lllt~g. There were stirring of the Citizen 26 11 n1\ . Ill th e e fields before the Jazz . lt IC b k bur We ro e out_ in it fierce t fo_r11k1, , a b may con tder them a ll, I thin , elong 1· t ng to the same movcmen · 1 111 tak po try thi . new movement has O '·r n th e form of what i. known a 1
G. H. Mayhugh,
-: =======-============ RHODES & SONS
C 11
Bell 99-R.
if.1111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii ~ 111 J111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~
By renting a lock box. Seventy-five cents for three months for ordinary size. The post; office Department is trying out a scheme of economy that is bound to result in good to the service and the tax-payers. From April 1 to July 1 every post office in the land wlil be under observation and scrutiny to find where economies can be effected and the service strengthened. Do your share in reducing your own expenditures by mailing early, addressing correctly and plainly _and wrapping packages. This is a place where you can help reduce public expenditures, the goal of every good citizen.
MARY E• LEE' p • M•
= = =
= =
e Avenue
111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
:Banquet Flowers~;;;:
;;;=====;;;;.====;:::;==== -
Bell 99-R =
f. 111111 111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii
1111111111111111111111 111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.!!,
===============~ == W.M.GANTZ, D.D.S~ =
nict crse ; verse without rhyme or r ' often without beauty and in , 111 any i ing. T n tancc without clear meanind he follower of the new cult == It 1g d . ain,i . . 1n a wild orgy of eemi ngly b c e '• meaningles effu ion . They 0111 DENTIST di . alarming ly, ometimes almo t . u tingly . . h . 01 , b" concrete m their c 01ce lS¾ N. State St. 11 11·1 th hJc t matter and wording. 1 e Bel 1 Ph o ne 9 ca1 andeory all that all ubjects are po ti. by Word uitable to poetry is
· : Substantial Reductions in Price fo r This Season, Prompt Delivery and Satisfaction. -
M D : • • :111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIllIII I I I III I IllI I IIIllIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I 11111111111111111111 11111111:
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it inn:~ an a new one, they app ti~d ic[IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIII Ill lllllll lllll Ill Ill Ill llllll Ill Ill II I 111111111111111 toriun ath er startli ng d gr e. ha, lady wou ld have b lu hed w ith o Tl to .1 A Westerville, · ion read many of th ir compo - 31 w. College ve. 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 m111111111111111111111 nm 1111111111111111111111111111111111 '' "!! of , · You all know the di ciples Citizen Phone 110 § Citizen 7012 " Say it with Flowers" Main 9095 § of i11~:rm libbre" have been the butt Bell Phone 190 doubt era le joke and parodie no da,, of it de erved . Yet to, \\' Otne fi Pre[ nd that free ver e is till the \Vrit rred fo rm o f many contemporary CORSAGES A SPECIALTY difl" t · But there i a difference, a rcnc 111 · t r I treatme nt of su bJ' ect mat. n th re tr . e later poem t h ere i mor aint· 1' t. James Theat re Building 35 W . Broad St., Columbus, O . ary , 1 no longer deemed nece la11 ' lo Peak in di g u tingly p lain J. H . FURB A Y Is Our Agent in Westerville. occ/~g to call a pade a pade on all ton d . the an yet at the same time § Citizen 294 98 Plum St. : Whi hconcretne of expres ion for =r,1111111111111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111 th e Poet were eeking, among 0lh er th ing. • ha been retained as an
Meats of All Kinds
Also Groceries at
WOLF'S We ter_ville, Qhio
P age Six
I .
B oard E lects Carlson B asket Ball Manager .\t a mee ting of the Athletic Board held April 16, E. 1'. Carlson wa elect el basketball manager for next year.. At the same meeting, C. H. Breden was elec ted Junior assi · tant.
1 ••T••••·O••·-··L••o•c•a•;-•··· in the third inning. when U lr y and o pen · d S S t d y Killinger were both free tickete to 11 Baseba eason a ur a . I first and scored on Staat , triple to The first hom e base ball game of \ left. lvfcCarrol, in the eventh, rang the s<'ason will be this Saturday, wit~ up a three bagger to deep right but Ohio Xorthcrn furni hing the oppo 1- was left stranded. In the ninth, Han tion . o rth crn come here wi th a cock singled to left but the side wa3 strong team, and. with victories ov_~r retired in one, two, three order. bcrlin and Denison last week, \\ ill "Mac" Goes Well. force !he local aggregation to the limit. McCarroll starred, getting a triple In order to tamp out the defeat of a nd a ingle out of 3 time up besides last week, Coach Ditmer will spa_re playing a sensational game at first. no mean in correcting the fau lts dis- Staats also bagged two hits but was cover d in that game, and if Northern rather erratic in the field. The 0. C. wins he wi ll be forced to play her infield looked like a winning combina be t brand of. ball. tion but the outfield erred when error meant runs. Prune League Baseball Morrisey for \V e !cyan tarred, playNow Has Six Entries ing a ensational game in the fie ld a nd ix boarding clubs have ignified getting 3 hits. Mason pitched air their intention of bei n·g represented tig ht ball after relieving Loomis in by a baseball team in the proposed the third. Boarding Cl ub League, th u in uring ummary : the league's existence. Ohio Wes leyao • B. R. H. E. The lubs entered at the pre ent Morri ey, 2b ................... 5 3 3 0 time are the Cook, T ow·n, Blendon, Le ourd, cf . .................... 4 1 1 0 Bi hop, McRill and !'rie t ~ l~b. Sacksteder, c . .................. 4 l 2 1 1 2 0 These clubs arc capable of providing Hubbard, lb. ··········--···· 3 intere ting baseball a well a giving a D aniel , 3b. .................... 3 3 1 0 large number of student a n o~por- \ Vagner, . - ·· ····: ..."":._ .... 3 1 0 0 t unity to indulge in. tl1e nat~on al Morgan, rf. ····--·····-·- ·..· 4 0 1 0 pa time. ~ "Ted row, If........................ 4 0 1 0 II other clubs which de i e to en ter Loomi , p . ..... :.~.:.:.·-···-· 1 0 0 0 the League should see Profc sor Mar- M.? on, p. ··········-···:··-···· 2 0 0 tin and make the nece ary a rrangem nt with him. 1 Totals .............·--········33 11 11
N ort h er n
S. A . W ells
DR. PAUL G. MAYNE, Denti 5t
v\l ells earned a baseball letter for 0 ffice Hours: 9 to 11 a._m., l to 5 P· m. his work on the team of ' 19 but wo;k and other matters have not permitted Both Phones- Bell 31-R, Citi zen 370 him to try for a position on the team this year. Westerville 17 W. College Ave.
Otterbein B. R. H. E. EVEN BREAK IN 1 0 2 Killinger, If. ·······-·-······- 2 OPENING GAMES 0 0 Ruffini, cf. ·····-···-··--···· 3 0 (Continued fr om pag e one.) . R. Ander on, cf. - -····-··· 1 0 0 0 d uced everal times before being taat , 2b......................... 4 1 2 2 finally decided. In the second and 1 1 H. nder on, . ··-········ 4 0 bird t hite bowed hi be t form 1 0 Hancock, 3b., p. -·······- 3 0 and won 7-5 and 6-l. Ruebu h, rf. ·- ·-···········- 1 0 0 0 In the doubt , Mattoon and Crabb eneff, c. ···················--·· 4 0 0 0 p layed Brown and Hutton, who after McCarroll, lb. ··--········· 3 0 2 0 their hard play in the ingles were 1 0 0 Ulry, p., rf. ··················- · 2 wor ted 5-7, 6-3, 0-6. 0 0 0 toltz, 3b. ·····-··-········-· l rett1rn mate!} wm be p layed with 0 0 0 Beelman, If. ··-··-··-·····-: • Lu kingum a urday at w on· 0 l 0 *Garver ······················-···· I cord. Nine Loses. 3 Totals --..·········-·-······29 7 5 Th diamond aggregation journeyed *Batted for Ruffini in 7th. lo Dela-v arc aturday and dropped the Two ba c hits- acksteder, 2. Three fir t game to the fothodi t in a more ba e hit - taat , nder on, · McCarven co,ote t than th core wou ld in roll, Morgan. D ouble plays-Daniel dicat . The 0. C. team had high to Morissey to Hubbard; nder on to hop f r gi tering a win a We - taat to McCarroll. acr ifice Hi tsI yan ha practically a new team, and Daniel 2, Le ourd. Ba es on Ball try, who ha gai n d our only ba e Off Loomi , 3; Ulry, 2; Hancock, 2; ba ll victory Qver We leyan in rece n t truck-out-By Loomi, l ; Mason, 5· y ar , wa slated to pitch. Hancock, 3. mpire-Ma on. Tim tterbein tarted the scoring in the l :~ fu t frame. Killi nger wa retired on a =============== hit to Daniel ; Ruffini, grounded to taat i ng led to I ft a nd Let us help you with your lunch cor d on n.d r on' tr ipl ov r Ted supplies. There' s spice in variety and row' head. Hancocl' fanned, clo in we can give you some &'OOd suggest h frame. tions. \ I yan came back with fo ur talli . Thr ee clean hi t , a walk and two rror mad the co unter po ible. gath red
of a better oxford, in a fine, tailor-like way. The collar is the work of the expert Arrow Collar makers. The cuffs have buttons 0 or are the French link model ~ADE
_I_I I II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1
= :
upp r -4 :30 p. rn . t 9 :30 p. m.
= _
= g
_ -
mak u
b x lunch
f r hiking par
s s
McElwee & Kinsel = ....
No. 10
72 West Main St.
Westerville, 0 ,
·11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIIIIII I
P age Seven
ha nd in hand . return to th e sta nda rds of 1890 ; th at i ""e m us t a lso formul a te ta nd ard s of T ha t a bird' -eye view of th e en- 1 neither po ible dn?r _de irable. But I jud ingd whh at i bthc ?est. hWe m uh t · neces ar y dcma n t a t we e given t e wort 1oo k ,or very · on the o th er han 1t I not . . on F• n•d ay mormng k b d 1· j1 I that we te ep our elve 111 th e sensa- while. no t the cheaply en attonal. 11 tion al cla p t rap whi ch i fill ing the \:[o t of a ll w mu t learn to apprec ec ·er oa r • T hat ou e of our com ical pro fe ors ! book hops today. W e m ust know , cia te the good a nd fi nall y, we must re ma rked th a t the illne s in our mid t " ·hat i g oing on in the literary wo rld, ' teach othe rs to de ire a nd app reciate la t w eek wa du e to ea ting too much 1 we mu t keep ou rsel ves iufo rme d of w hat is fi ne in the fi eld of arL of her own cooking. - Virgin ia navely, P hilalethea. 1 prog re s, of new ex periments. But That " ·hen speaking of phenom ena l · one mu t not forget to m ention the 1'llllllllllhflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll pro fes or who went to sl eep while a ' :: : hi tori cal r eport ,va being 1nade. -
Tha t th e Deni on vi itor w ho :: g rowled a way th e winter here w ere :: grea tly ubdued upon their r eturn and :: think '·There' no place like hom e''.
= = = =
Radio Concert To Be Given. P rofc or Jame McCloy announces § that a radio concert will be given in hi s laboratory this Tuesday e ening § from even until eight o' clock. Pro- :: fe or :Yic loy wa o di couraged -§ with the attendance la t Tue day :: night that he thought it be t to dis- : continue the concert but he has con- § :: e nt ed " to try it once more".
T .- 11 111.5 . 11
eve rythi ng ! Our y \V . I Granvi lle · .· · g,r return ed from Pocketbo k111th _lea_n . fac es and thin O F · V 1rg1111a Taylor, Flora . h, f.'lelton. ~larie Co1n fOrt , L enore mtt or nee Vance D . l:.. Brewbak · at y Griffith, Mary Blanch e Mer, Than et Cridland , and hom e a e:er were glad to g e t ncI cried " Otte rb ein for ever". Oli ve Givin 11 City for th a bee n in N ew York e la t se veral day . Kathe rine I e11 c1 w 1'tl1 E O 11 ock pent th e weekhome. th er Moore at th e latter's
The Jazz Age.. ontinued fron1 page fiv e.)
Lore ne 111 • 11 d h tt a nd Be rry Matthi e nye ome food in Chillicothe. Grace Hill L . Oyler a cl v ' o,s Bingham, Edith to a 's nd era John on w ere invited un ay 1· 1 -. · < inner a t the home of ·• 1tee :\bbot. Mr. and M I,.or were Mr •. Hurd a nd Mr· Tris&-ue d an e Beelman' dinner ~ un ay. tcvc'' n1 d . • . a e many friend on ht n 1t to ti1 " h e dorm" . Mr . Noe l, er daughter M Willard vi it, l r~. Willard, a nd Mi s ~ k d ed Mary N ocl over the ee -en . " t vc•• th their body-gua d ' e dog, r . Florence H au h C . ansel, Rhea McCon ~ g Y, hn ten a Wahl, and Gertrude "Caman Pent •t th · 1 aturday and unday e1r tonic .
tionery for the price at
DR. KEEFER'S~ Try the Nyal line
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I 11111111111 lllll 111111111111_1
_ : = _
t•cu 1ar.
That he . lih' h t h he had a t ent in 1 t~e'~ at ~h:t ay tenni . he uppo e I b 'II' ' ome of the boys would e wt mg to pay admi ion.
- Let Us Restring Your Rackets-
T h e Dental t ud nt at Geneva Bu he aturday and y I wa 111 Pitt burg e tern Re erve 1 an :uncay. -----act ive part of t h e uni er- = The D ~ Says: ity li fe, partaking in all · . work Che rew in te II ec t Ua 1, a tl 11e t'IC an d • That peak •ng of life nnounce to ti b . ' ing to be a ?II ie pu ltc th at he i go- I c1·a1 activitie . °rmon. herew for par- . I§ .
he noticed a notable couple
f O
Remedies. ) = ================!=
'I,, ~:at
= = = = = = = = = =
•11ad e; ; er eampu hand in hand l/ d ·r t upon the cloud . She on er I You are uppo ed to walk
Headquarters for ·all = = kinds of Athletic Goods -
Baseball and Track Shoes. Tennis Supplies. _ Duck Trousers. Sweat Shirts. Base_ ball Gloves, Spikes.
Some especially fine sta
:Mary ha111b I • ,~a for a " er atn had a party. It ".,. ., gue t ' '. In tead of the I •"'ouc l a lc legran1 came whi h aid. ue to gr at d'1 24th • H'll . b covery, after .June , w,11 one''. A lu,i e taacke, two will be wa then served to 1r . H I.11 ' ,l\'1~hcon I ' E h ~i Laf t el Hill, Mrs. Coy, ·1 ·ever. Mi , France Hus ey, ,,,. ~, ..--. ICC Abb bachi Club. ott and th Tomo-
§ :: :: § :: :: _ :: : : § :
fir t
our primary iutere t be in literature, hom e economic or politic . I heard it said. rrcently, that we mu t get a,,·ay from the cla ic and tudy and tea ch our young people to tudy and read intelligently contemporary litera ture. A s long as the publi c demand or i ati fied with books of low, ometimes ob cene character th re will be writer who will cater to the wi h. It i by no mean nece sary that we
McLeod&Sanders -
The School of Dentistry
Western Reserve University
Otterbein Students If you want your group picture framed we have an offer which cannot be duplicated for the money.
-== = = -
A $4.75 frame special to 0 . C. Students
for $2 .85. Ask t REMEMBER we can save you money on a dozen cabinet folders by securing a coupon
-= §
from our representative.
AL ELLIOTT, Student R epresentative
ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111t1ii
P age E:ght
names and qualifications of all likely :' candidates for membership. There is a cha.rtcr membership of 13 and the number is expected to increase rapidly. Each and enry one of you is urged to send in your contributions. Don't hesitate! \\' e have on e candiclatc this week the 27th person \\'ho comes galloping in and cattishly inquires. ''\,Veil, why - havcn't you a date tonight?" (The otlw,· 26 narro\\'ly escaped.) 1
~Ir. F. 0. Cleme nt s, head engineer of the General }.lotors Corporation of Dayton. was in .town ,·isiting and ar ranging husincss matters Saturday. :\. \\T. :\eally and E lmo Lingrcl motored to \,\Te~tcrvi llc from Dayton on Saturday. Mr. eally is pr esident of the Geyer-Dayton Advertising ComE lmo Lingrel is coaching pany. tivcrs High of . Dayton and is es tablishing a record for himself.
Animals I Have Known. \ \' e used to have A cunnin· little purp \"amcd WillieAn admirab le animal \\'ith such unu ual qualities As loyalty. honesty, Inte lli gence, thotfulncss, And so on, and so on. And one day we forgot to Give him hi usual Portion· of food, so Willie Hurried over to a florist's On the corner, grabbed a bunch Of posies, and hustled back To lay at ou r feet this Pi lfered bouquet of Forget-me- nots!
.i I I
Overheard at Muskigum during the tudcnt Vo lun teer Band Convention . 1st Delegate-" How' , you r band this year?" 2nd Delegate, thoughtle ly - "I To-day's brightest thot was that we don't kno\\'. l haven't heard it p lay are glad we were never moved '· by \ , yet." such a horrible desire to sec our name Hal Goodman was in town over the in print that we had to take up thi \ week-end. Hal is worki ng for an marathonic dancing! engineeri.n g company at Cuyahoga Falls. W he n you look for the best in Coach Ditmcr pent th w ek-e.i1-d with hi mother in Pot dam . ceries, Fruits, Picnic and Banquet
WE are ready for you with these delicious choco:ates - the most acceptable and convenient gift in all the realm of pleasant remembrances.
Introducing Anastasia D ingleberry. Supplies, go to · Vun afternune Cynthia und me w us di cu in th e profs 9ow·n here to c~l MOSES & STOCK, Grocers. lcg ~ yuthia (that' my girru1) aid prof. Rossclot razed chickens fer eggs und prof. pe ard goat for goat's melk. That ere kinda got r;ne to t..'½iukun ' ~· ! und I sez, ez I, I ,_ when I get to be a prof dO\\ n her _;Jo [e 1'11 s::aze alligators fer travelin :!:~-~~-
• I
I ' fl .f!
·~,,,,,; l .
• ,,:1
Home Tal~nt A Touch of the Formal.
Th writ ..,:,. of the following lines regr ts very deeply that the ucccssor to 1 ,...,Jever" ~-- was, at the la t mom n.t, . l unable to make the ~~ade and cou eque.nUy, will make hi or her (we hav n t d cid ~ which yet) · in.itial appearance in the next i ue. We trust that this explanatiOJl , ill m et with the approval o (he reading public, and b g of you to tr.eat u kind ly. The S. P. W . D . B . To 'J ever' ucce or has come the annou11cem nt of the .organiza~on of the S. P . W ~D- B .-namely, octety of rize Winning Dumb-bells, with the reque t to print in this column the
f r thi
0% aberdine T pcoat ny c 1 r u want. - I. • egular Pri Range
Nn frIs~ • . V
$21~s·· .
tmt•htmU1tUf11.i, • t•~, " um«tr:..
Cop nill'ht 1922 He.rt Schaffner &. Mars