an au
VOL. 7
No. 9.
Russian Cat hedral Quartet to Appea r Glee Club Selec ted after L ong in Chapel as Second Number tempt to Fill Places Left 1 by Graduation. Hard-fought Game Is Won By of Lyceum Course. E thical P ha ses of Social Problems Wittenberg by 24-13 Score BeDiscussed by the Rev. James . I Ru,s ian m usic w ill be th e feat ure oi Af ter a m o nth of endea,·o r to h i! for~ Many Local Followers. Melville Coleman. t h e seco nd num ber o f O tte r bein ',; th e p la ces made ,·aca nt by g ra du a ti o n , P rofe sor Spessa rd repo rt s th e 1 9 2 :3 - , S L yce um Cou rse wh en the Ru, sian I TAATS MAKES 75 YARD RUN SPEAKS IN CHAPEL 1 192-} gee cl ub as se lec ted a od ready 1 Ca th ed ral Qua rtet appea r ~ in th e Co '.- f · T · --Speaker Works Among College StudCh . • . o r prac tic e. hirt_y-on e. m en w_ill Tan Eleven Fails To Work Toget he r 1ege a pe 1 \ \ edn esday e,·e111 ng 0 1 compose the club. 111clud1ng th e dir - 1 . ents Constantly-Third Visit A -Long Passes_ Gam Ground I ec tor. accom pa ni s t and mana ge r. Six- , I this wee k. mong Students of O tterbein . J Unde r the intere t of th e la te Czar ! ee n of t~ e e men will fo rm th e ba nFor V ictors. ·i chola s o f Ru sia th is o rg an iza t ion Jo-ma ndolm orchestra. ---. ' T hose who were selec ted fo r th e At t he chapel se r vice M o nd ay m o rn - b f th 1ea d" th d Otter be rn s string o f vi cto ri e w.a s • D ecame o ne o e mg ca e ra I b g lee club a r e · ing r . Ja m es Me lvill e Col eman wit h I . . f R . ' f h roug ht to an end last a tu rday · , orga11 1za t1 0 11 s o uss1a. ·""' ter t ey · f . a mast erfu l lec t ure on t he s ubj ect oi I h d d A . h . 1 Fi rst T enor U p so n B rak e Hudo ck a tern oo n w hen W it tenbe rg handed ">lationa l Team \\' ork." closed a se r - a cr ossed _to hn~ en ca tk ey_ ahga,in >e- Detamo re R ~nner. a n·d M ill ~t · I! the Tan and Cardin a l team a 24- 13 came note m t e1r wor wit t 1e 5 t. · · . . . 1. ~s of fo ur lec tu r es that wer e of m ost Kic hol a s R ussian Ca thedral choir in Second Te nor , Mattoon. John so n . def~at o n th e W ittenberg grid iron a t
v ita l in'.e r est to th e student body o f New York City and also as th e s in g- Ze pp. Nash, Harrold , Buckin g ham . 1 Springfield before a cro wd o f 7000 Ot te r be111 . D r. Coleman. a m emb er . . . h . d and Boda among wh o m were 500 o r m o re O tt er. m g g y ps1e m t e spectacu 1ar p ro uc· b · d · 0 f t h e Ed ucati.o na l Society of the R e- · . , "R d . ., I Fir t Ba s Cornetet Broa d head em tu ent and a lumni . T he game . T 1 fo rm ed P r es byteria n C hu rch. was ti o;u::ian° ic e:.t:~n.a 1110 t J D avidso n, H .· L., Reigie. E schbach: was not devoid of th ri lls however, both teams fu rn is hi ng th e peetator sent out by t ~a t _o rganization ~o r th e con picuo u p lace o n the prog ram s May a nd R oberts. N . M . merica n o r che tra . " ·hile I Second Ba , D av id on., Warde11. wi t h ma ny fe atures. S taat · 75-yard pur pose of b rm g rn ~ ab o ut a different o f la r g e state of na ti o na l 111 111 d • · h t. C ur k • K e II er, run . a Wi t te nb erg pass in th e eco nd Ru ian ope ra a re being ent h usia s- I D a r rmg. M c K mg L ast T hursday after noon at fo ur . q uart er and Rohl eder· place-ki ck fr om . . . S tud'e baker ai1 d R i" chter , , . . t1 cally ac cla imed 111 th e g reat A m en· o clock in Dr. Sa nder s r ec1tat1o n can m usic centers. Director, Prof. A . R. pessar d. t he 5 1-yard lin e in the third q uarter T he wear i.n of choir vc tm nt a nd A ccompani t, Prof. . G. r a bill. we re the m a in fea t ure . r oom D r. Coleman gave the fi r t of M anager. M anon · H"1te. T h · am e tar ted with o ut the u ual pea ant co tume a.dd much "hi s . erie of Iec t ure o n th the m e a t1onal R egene r at ion ." I n t hi beauty of th e prog ram T heir I The Banjo-Manc;lolin Orchestr a wi ll kick-off because of a mi unde rsta11dfi rst lec tur e he outlined th e t hought program con i ts of Ru ia n . chant s be composed of, ing r egarding th e tim e. Mo t s pecta he expec ted to bri ng o ut in th e lee- fol k ong . and o pe ra t ic electio n~ Co rn et . C urk a nd H udock. to rs did no t kn ow w hat had happened w hen sudd enl y sc rimmag e was ta rted. tur~ to fo llow and to bring befor e . th e u ng in Ru s ian. w hile fa vori te Am erPiano, Broadhead. audience th f th on O tt erb ein' 35-ya rd lin e a fte r a 25S h M . . e p urpose O e orgamza- ica n and E ng li h numbers are r e nderaxap one, ay. tion which he r epre ented. ed in Engli h. Trom bone, Harrold. ya rd penalty o n th e Tan team . Thi The theme of th e lecture _________ Bass Viol, K eller . gave the Luth ra n eleven a fin e chance oleman a th ey wer e g iven we r e a Drum and Bell . Joh11 to co r e. but Ditmer' team . a ngered With President Clippinger on . b h d · · fo Ilows : Y t e eCJ 1011, he ld th e W it te nberg C larin et. Grabill. 1. " ational R egen eration." F ollowin g t he Witte nbe rg g am e Manj o-ma ndolin Corne tet Mat- team to a mall gain. 1 .,, • 2. "Changing th e ational Min d." las t Saturday . P r e ident W a lte r G. toon . Brake Boda 'Studebaker ' R eigle. F irst Quarter Scoreless. C lippinger we nt t o O x fo rd w here he . Davidson a~ d Sp~s ard . T he first quarter ended w ithou t 3. " N ational Mind." ' 4. "National Team Work." _______ either team scorin . play being in s poke befor e th e B utl er o unty S un - , T he lecture:. were g ive n at four day School Association in Mi ami t.: ni mid-field mo t of the t im e. Otterbein Dr. Sherrick in Sanitari um o' clock 011 Thu rsday and F riday af- ver ity C hap e l o n Sunday a ft ernoon Dr. Sarah Sherrick. head of the re orted to line bucking. u ing Capt. ternoon in Dr. antle r , recitation F rom t her e he we nt into Tndian a Engli h Literature de partm ent in Ot-i· toltz in plunging the line. Eddie pe ndi ng two o r thr ee ter bein. and who ha bee n compelled made re pea ted gain room and before the entire tud ent w her e he i thro ugh the body in the chapel ervice F riday day with th e O tterbe in alumni in o r - to drop her work for a emester be- heavy Lutheran line. and ~onday morning . He also lee- / g~nization work and in, conference c~use of ~e~lth, h_a .gon e to Hill- 1 Luther ans Resort to Passes. tured 111 Profe or Hur h' c;la room with Homer P . Lambert. 1 2 . at nd- view amtanum, Wa hmg ton. Penn .. Wittenberg opened up w ith an ~t ten o'clock Monday morning and er son. J ndiana. where he will r emain indefinitely. aeria l attack in th econd quarter
:~o: h:
l I
the afternoon gave a s hort talk b efore the tudent of Westerville High School. (Continued on page two.}
Townspeople Cooperate The people of W e tervil1e demon strated during the pa t week that th ey are really behind Otterbein and h er a~h!eti c . A number of loya l Wes ter vtllian coope rated by buy ing one or two tickets to end to W it te nb erg 0 me sudent who fi na ncially would not have been able to make the trip. O ther left t hei r work and followed the team to the Lutheran chool to ee the game a nd to boo t the team. W ester ville never fails when called Upon to upport tterbein and th st udent appreciate the spirit.
&-========== = = =====================~ _which
wa ucce ful in coring the lfir t touchdown of the game. Witten,. ,be rg wa on Ott rbein" 40-yard line when Beichley' pas to Cris wa ' •good for 25 yard , and then eluding (Continued on page even .)
OBERLIN COLLEGE Is Raising $4,500,000.00 for Endowment and New ·Buildings. 16.000 a lumni in the U nited tate o pen campaign with 200 dinner the ame hour. Each Oberlinite' quota, the world over i $2 5.
814 tudent have already pledged 170,000 of 250,000.00 quota. Faculty to pledge 12½ per cent of their a la ry.
OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Wants $200,000.00 for a New Gymnasium.
Alumni Lend Efforts Word come from Irwin R. Libe cap, '09, and " kinny" Weinland '11 telling of their wo rk a roun d Da~ton: Every day for the pa t three w ek these two alumni have left thei r of ~ces and gone out to every alumnu m the Miami alley, enli ting the m in the Ath letic ociaton and wo r king up a better enth u ia m for th e Witten berg game. uch a pirit on th e part of the e alumni i greatly appceciat cJ I by the tudent of O tterbein.
Page Tw ~ >==~=======-==========·= r=H =E = .- ==·r=A = .\=·=:\=N =i=D ~=C:~A =R =D=l=r'=\·=A~L======================~~ OTT ER BEIN CLUB IN YALE Otterbe ·n Alumni and Ex-students in Yale Organize Otterbein Club -V. L . Phillips President.
Many Students Hear Cleveland Symphony O rcheSt ra Concert A second great mu sical treat was in I store for Otterbein students last Friday eve ning when the C!e,·ela nd Sym phony Orchestra appeared in Memor ial Hall. Columbus. as the second numb er oi th e Columbu, \\"oma n's Federation of Club s. This concert with those giHn by :\Im c. Schumann Heink, Myra Hes.. Sousa's Band. and the :\Iarin e Hand form, a \\"eek 01 unu sually fine talent.
Otterbein in the last ten years, and each succes ive vi it shows more in-
Our idea of a cheaps ka te is th e fellow wh o goes to p raye r meeting ter eS t in hi s lec tures and a greater instead of chur ch. to avoid th e colappreciation for Dr. Coleman . lection basket.
.\ lett er from \\·arrcn Cogan. Ex.reports the organizati o n o i sixteen Ottcrhcinites a t Yal e U ni,·er ,ity into an Otterbei n Club. The group m et ."i ttin ' In the C?rn()~ch Saturday eve ning. No,·ember 3. at the \\"h itman s ''). 'I · 1 "Yes Ma'a m hom e oi :\lr. an d ~1r -. l' elect., agg1e. Manhattan ing ~Ir. Ph illips presid ent. a nd !\fr. Merrymaker Cogan. · ecreta ry. .\" oboe! ,· But You O 11 · Brooke · J91lll • I re • The "Loya l Sixtee n" pledger] their Prof. Glover Leads Y . M . 1 Lo,·e :\ly Heart ,upp11rt and interest to Otterb ei n a nd I l'roie"or (;\on·r conducted lie\ Ca ll ing You . Orch, dn·!rl'"d · rJ ha\'<: rcgu_'ar me_e'.ing,. to y. ~I . C. .\. ~I ecting oi last wee k \ Vh1t111an s I rc,·1,·c the Otterbein _sp trit. 1 he I speaking on the to pi c of l "nity in the Goods, Complete line of Sma11 gr,·at ,urpri,e of th e e, cn in g wa, th c Church. fl e brought out the dis,cn Victor-Specialists-Cheney exc1: ' kw mannl"r in ,d,i ch J. !{. f!o\\<: t'o11s in e\'t·ry clay life and many in led the ,inging. Re frcshnwnt, \\"ere $107.50 the Bible illu,trating th e di,·ided co n sern,d 1,y :\!r s. Phillips aikr " ·hicl, $1~ down. ~2 a week, $8 a month. dition oi the ,. oriel. I II spea king of the ne\\"ly o rganized club adjourned. With 20 p ieces of music and 200 on<· of the martial Chri,tian hymns 67 E . State St. needes. Proics or Glo ,·er ,ai<l, "It seems to Students Welcome. Leave Dr. Maurer Accepts Between Theater packages here. your me th at \\"C ha ,·e di,torted the per onHartman and Grand COLUMBUS, O. lJr. Jn·in !\,laurer, pastor of the a lity ni Christ a lm os t beyond recog Fir,t Congrega tional Ch urch o~ C~l- nitio_n''. The leader concluded his dis 1 umbus, has accep ted t~e P~ ~s td en:y I Cl.!ss1on \\"tth th e statem en t, "I believe :11111111111111111111111111 Ill II II II I11111111111111111 Ill II II Ill Ill II 111 11 1111111111111111 Ill II 11111111llll :: of Bdoit College, Belo1t. \\ 1scons 111 • th at J es u, Christ i, the great unifying providing the Church Board agre<:s. po\\"cr."· Dr. M aurer \\·as offer~d th e position ' F o ll o win g the talk by l'rofes or several weeks ago, being unamm o us: Glover, :\[ r. Coleman, delivering a Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. ly elected by the Board of_Tru 5 lc cs ot 1 scrie, oi lectures on "International" Films D eveloped and Printed. ::::Beloit Beloit was orga111ZL d a year q11 e,t io11- on the campu .. adde d to the OPTICAL GOODS II before th<' iound in g of Otterbein. al- I general thought that the leader had C omplete line of Parker an d p Shae er r{uroes, though more than twice a many stu- followed. Fountain Pens and Pencils. e having § dent, han· gone from h<:r hall, . The _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Toilet W aters, Powders and Etc., Spocket ::_ g ood wi,hes of Otterbein goc, \\"ith Art Instructors Attend § Soaps, Creams, Safety R azors, ::::: Books and Purses. Dr. :\Iaurer as he enters upon his Reception in Columbus _ s and 11e,v dutie~. :: I Special price on Rubber Gove S Mrs. Delphine Dunn, head of the Laboratory Aprons. Student :: Have your eyes examined free. G. Campbell Morgan Heard . Fi ne Arts department and her assi ·tant, Miss Vi vian Patterson attended 011 Among other noted persona~es ap- F riday evening. . Tovember 2 th f · · C 1 b d ·ng th1, week · e orpearmg m o um u .un . b ma[ reception given from eight to ten II ' 11111111111 and the past week •s G; Camp ~ at the Columbus Gallery of Fine .\rt . 1111111111111111111111111 I Ill Ill! II I111III111111111111111III111111111111111111111111111 IIIII ~ ~organ. one of the worl d outS t an - in hono r of Charle Rosen and Jam e _ mg preachers and teachers. Dr. Mor- Hopkins. !!1111111111111 n1111111 I1111111111~ gan was for a time pa tor at West II IIII III III 111II111111111111 II I II II I III I II I1111111111111111111 Il lIII S Mr. Hopkin is head of the Fine : mini ter Congregatio nal hapel. Lon .don. The theme of Dr . Mor ga n's lec Arts department at Ohio tate l;ni ture deals with the life of Jesu s versity and Mr. Ro en i a painter in hri t, and the greate t Book in th e the Columbus Art chool. Both ar e -world. Ma ny student heard Dr. artists of distinction. :Morgan la t week at th e First Con Mrs . Du nn and Mi Patter on are gregational Church and report unu_ - members of the Colu mbu Art L ague ual interest in the me ages. He wil l the organization which gave the re~ ::: al O be there this week. ception. A number of gue t in addi tion to th e league member were pr e Schumann-Heink in Columbus sent at th e reception. A number of Otterbein tudent availed them elve of the opportunity COLEMAN GIVES
Genuine Victrola
= =
4tN:;;;;• ;;:t:S~reel ! -
~ Stationery Worth While j ~
And C orrespondence Cards bY Eaton, Crane & P ike Co.
of hearing Mme. Erne tine Schumann LECTURE SERIES Heink in Memorial H all, Col~mbu , (Con t inued from page one.) la t \Vednesday eve ning. The con cert was given under the au spices of Sunday morning Dr. Coleman oc the Franklin County America n Le cupied the pulpit of the First nited J3rethren Chur ch and delivered a _ gion. mon in k eeping with the spirit of ~ Internatonal Relations Armistice. He aid that peace would Club to Be Reorganized only com~ w hen J e_ us Ch r ist r eigned The Internatio nal Relations Club, s~preme_ 111 the national and ioterua a pecialized club of the department bona\ mmd as well as in the individ 1 : . d " I . ua of political science, -will meet Tues.lay mm . o nternational Council" h ·ct " ' night of thi week in Dr. navely' a'. , or any world cou r woulde room for reorganization. Officers for brmg about peace u nl ess J e us Chri f the year will be elected and_ the theme was seated as a member of the court." of di cu ion for the year will be cho Dr. Coleman has been engaged . en. Tho e student , who are major this w ork for the past ten year a d ~n . h n 10 ing in political science and who are t hat time as lectured in ~ore than really interested and de ire to follow one hundred and fifty colleges d h an the work faithfull y, are eligible for u111. ver 1tie t roughout the . d • , 11Lte m embership. States. This was his third vi it at
-= --
We are headquarters for the be5t :::;
Books, College Jewelry, Pen nants p·n 1 ows and Memo Books.
~ ::
! :::
i ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::
I ~ '· BOOKSTORE I 111111
11111111111111 111 11111111111 11111111 111111 11111111111 111111
T H E T A i\" A N D C A R D 1 i\" A L
P age Th r ee
==================== Trip t o St. Xavier. were on thei_r way to ta ke the trait'. I . . Caldwe'.l Le_a ds ~ - E . According to F. M . Pottinger Jr. a for Steubennlle to atte nd a teachc·c, Section A. Christian Endea,·or wa,
1 com·ention.
led Sunday evening by Ed\\·ard l·ald well. who took for hi, subject, .. Object Y . W . Led by Freda Kurtz. [ Le,son, of Life.·· \ "ariou, les,0,1::\ll who a ttended Y. \\·. L. A. la,t were chosen and di,cus,ed hy m ~m Trn.:,day evennig. enjoyed one of the I her, of the society after_ which the most interesting and most inspiring rest_ of the e,·en111g was gl\·en over to meetings of the season. Th_e devo - 1 rai-1ng the annual budget.
J • B . B orry. pastor oi the High · S treet L"nitecl Brethren lhurd1 oi L" 1111a. Ohio. i, in th e mid,t oi a church huil<ling ca mpaign. The corner-stone of t he new church \\·a, laid ~este rday with appropr iate ccremonies in which Dr. \',. 0. Fries of Dayton, editor of Sunday S chool lit era t ure, took a prominent part . '92
w•Illter 0 vercoats as Iow as
AX T me ssage of econo m y, nappy fab ri c and a urpn ing degree of ta il orm g . Ove rc oat - fine overcoat - at the pnce of a common place g arment. And a t a :M EN'S STORE noted for the high tandard of quality it maintain too!
'11 ·
I 1
Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at
wO LF' s
' 13
d · Cha rl es E. Hetzle r. of Huntin gt~;• Pe ~n . ylva nia, sta te sec r etar y o f p Christia n Endeavo r societi es of enn ylvani a, spent m uch o f his ~onth's vacatio n t his fa ll t r ave lin g ab out in hi s auto mob il e. becoming etter a cquam • ted wi. th t h e you ng peo1 ~ whom h e has been er vi n g so a 1th full y fo r t he last two y ear .
Westerville, Ohio
B ig, r oomy, over coat , wa rm w ith out undue weight t y li h w ithou t extravagan t pnce. Man y plaid back . Mot of the e m o cl e I are b e I t e cl all around. You' ll g o a long way to equal the e value ! hy not c n erve your e. n e r g y and c o m e h e r e fir t. Thoe \Yho know find that it pay !
'02 • Wh Ol. st0
Mr. an d Mrs. A rnot W t et ne ( Irene As to n ) r eturned o th eir ho me ·111 W es ter v1ll . e las t wee k aft th :r spending almost t wo w eek s o n e1r far . . , m near Chil licoth e. lo. r . Dr · W alter A . Kn ap p of W es t1 uvi le h a rece ntl y condu cted a ,·er y cce ful . vic . en es of evangelis t ic er 111 th Br \ h e Weekl y M emo r ial U nited
The College A venue MEAT MARKET
i: .
r~n Church of Charl esto n, We t gtn1a.
'7 , ~fr •
W K . ) · e1_ter ( M a r! lease , · F. E. Mill er (Ne llie Kn ox) ~ rs. L. A . Wein la nd , (A lic~
t:e'i an's M' ' . o4 , re prese nted t he W om er vi lle ~ 1?11 ar y Societ y of th e W est all d nited B r et hren ch ur ch a t t h e • g held •m th e Wa ay mi sio nary m eetm gner M . bus emo ri a l churc h in Colum I '2 . a t T ue day. 3.
Fralick)s.. D o nald C. B ay ( Bea t r ice teache . is now acting as sub titute to Ohr. in the high school at Toron, IQ h teach ' w ere her husband is a er Sh 1. One of ~h e s taking the place o f \Vho w e two young women teach ers before ere so tragically killed week aS t in Toronto while they
A N1 ~l PO H. T
Miss V irgi nia S nave ly , " ·ho 1s ordering Class and Social teachi ng at Ta ll madge O hio atten ded Before Group Pins. t he di strict teac hers'' con,:e nti o n at "There's a Reason" Cleveland. O h io . O\·er the last weekColumbus, 0. end. . 11th and High '23.
Harper ha s been servi ng as pastor a nd a beauti ful new parso nage was boug ht ab~ut a year ago which wi ll soo n he Paid for.
tions \\·e re led by Lecia Cumm111gs and I . . 1 . . . E -the Su ll i,·an plavPay Your T. & C. Subscnptlon . tor spec1a 1 music , r , I ed a piano solo. The leader, Freda ,1;;===============================:'\ Kurtz. then a very helpful talk. fo llowed by a general discussion oi the topic. .. The Better-a Stepping-stone to the Best."' Among the hindrances mentioned to\\·a rd making better, best. I were impatie_nc_e. and self-satisfaction.
'15, ' 17. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Gif\ \'hen you_ki ll time remember it has fo rd (Ethel :vfeyers ) of :vfiddletown. no resurrect ion. · Ohio, have announced t he birth of a little son October 3 t. The,· · ha,·e See Samples from named the baby Gordon Ea r l.
Thomas C. Harper, who fo r the 1as t two years has been paso r of th e Mi lls Memorial Cni ted Bre t hren chur ch of L ancaster Ohio is having excellent success in ' h i ,~·o r k t he r e On the las t Su nday in Octobe r hee_· and hi cong r ega t io n celebra ted th ~Wenty-sixth a nni ver a ry of th e fo und ing of th e chur ch . The chur ch deb t has been ent irely wipe d ou t s ince M r.
special train " ·ill run to Cincinnati ior the St. Xa,·ier game, i\"ovember 24, if .?00 ticket, can he guaranteed by noon, \\" cdne,day . '\o,·ember 21. The co,t oi the trip "ill run from $5.00 up. ($5.00 include, cost of tickets and transportation). Th<.' train would be made up of a baggage cur. pullman. ; diner and four coaches.
For your Next Push or Lunch Buy Your Supplies of
THE UNION High and Long
Columbus O.
W,hen a s:tudent pend Saturday, November 17& 'j four and five hour a day in reci taFootball, Otterbein vs. Mus king-) tion in addition to several hours in um, at · ew Concord. ~ Published \'Veekly in the interest of study and preparation, he ha done Thursday, November 22enough. There is no room then for Otterbein by the 4 :00 p. m.-Freshman - ophomore OTTERl3 EI1· PUB LI HING specialized clubs in which to co ntinue soccer ~ game. BOARD study unless one is to take away from \Vesterville. Ohio Saturday, N ovember 24Me mber of the O hio College Press another department of development. Football, Otterbein v . t. Xavier at Ass ociation Why not drop from our chedule ~ Cincinnati. some of these eemingl:r unn eces a ry STAFF Tuesday, November 27parts of our extra-cu-rricular work? Editor-in-Chief ........ V . E . Myers, '24 F re hman-Sopohomore Equal in importance with our men 65 football\ Assi tant Editor ........ Paul Garver, '25 tal growth is our physical develop game. Contributing EditorsH . K. Darling, '24 ment. And yet a great number of Lucille Gerber, '24 students have no time for thi phase STUDENT OPINION Marguerite Wetherill, '24 I of their life. They cannot enter ath E. F. McCarroll, '25 Otterbein's Best ? D. . Howa rd, '26 leti cs or take other proper exercise Carrie Shreffier, '26 since they are givi ng too much to Will Otterbein' best singers have B us. Manager . F . M . Pottenger, '25 some oth er work. i\o man or woman a place in the Glee lub which will I Bu, ine ,, :\[anager AssociatesR. M. Ward, '25 can expect to accompli h great things :; ent ~er i.n the field this year? \\'m. Myers, '26 in life unle he or she ha in ome h1 que hon I now alive with the Waldo Keck, '27 way taken care of the body. J t must stude~ts, who believe that it would Cloyd Marshall, '27 Cir. Manager .... Katharine Pollock, '24 be done, but something. somewhere be uniu st and unfair to launch a Glee and somehow mu t be dropped, if it Club from this in titution which wi ll Assistant Circulatio n Managers Ladybird Sipe, '25 is done. not repre ent the fine t \·ocal talent Margaret \Viddoes, '26 Each and every man ha a religious from our ranks. At'ilctic Editor .... M. \V. Hancock, '24 It seems that it would be possible Local Editor .... D. R. Clippinger, '25 instinct and nature. It i the duty of Alumna! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 that person to cultivate that nature so for ~tterbein's Glee Club tandard to Exchange Editor .. Kathleen White,'24 that it will grow just like he ha be h1ghe: were it not for an impedi Cochran Hall Editorgrown physically. Otterbein give ment which does not concern a typi Harriet \Vhistler, '24 ample opportunity for that culti\'ation. cal glee club. In fact i"t d . oes not Addres all communication to The And yet we fail to take advantage of eem rational that one's ability to play it. The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. \\·. Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. an instrument would bestow on that College A \·e., We terville. Ohio. C. A ., the Chri tian Endea\'or ocic per on a uperior degree of vocality Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, tic,. JJr. Sanders· and Mrs. Cook' If our best singer do t · payable in advance . no repr esent Sunday School classes and the church uls, why should we b e represented at Entered a second cla s matter ervices afford places for this devel a 1. September 25. 1917, at the postoffice opment. But the e organization are at \Ve terville, 0., under act of attended by only a mall percentage -Interested March 3, 1879. of the whole number who hould at 5 Acceptance for mailing at special tend. rate of po stage provided for in Sec. And then we have the ocial life 1103. A ct of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized which needs development the ame as April 7, 1919. any other ide of our character. Some of us give this entirely tc,o much em- H as Choice Gifts Cards Fl E DITORI A L phasis to the neglect of the rest. Ot- Car ds of all d '. . ' owers, hers, being almo t forced to do other escnptions. See them .Following the paths of least re ist work, cannot and do not give enough at N o. 56 West Home St . reet everungs. ance is the thing that makes rivers time to social life and association with Tel h ep ones-Office 480 and men crooked. others. • s t0 429 Along with these organization for re Residence 140 l First T hings First. the cultivation of one or the other of Coal Y ard: East College Several weeks ago an editorial was the e essentials we have other that Avenue l _1 written emphasizing the need of coop- help in the development of two or By R. R. tracks. 0 4 eration on Otterbein's campus. The more. Organizations on every hand. -~ writer struck directly at the heart of While one or two die. two or three !!llllllll llllllllllllllllllllll ~ 111111~ the situation. Over-organizaion ha others come to fill in the breach. We : lllllllt1111111111111111111111111mm mimm111111111lflllll 1 ~ become the out tanding evil of the are organized to the extent that tu- : ~ campus. Every day we hear tud- dents are beginning to give up and ~ cots say that they can't go to this desire to drop everything. While ~ meeting becau e 0£ that meeting an d some are overburdened, others do not § a re ult both organizations are have enough for efficient developfloundering around trying to live, but ment. While each organization h.. a ~ accomplishi ng little. \ Ve are in that few faithfuls, none are at the place ~ place where we houId not on Iy ee where t h ey s h ouId be. The student :: the evil but make an attempt to rind in an .effort to do everything fails to _ ~ a remedy. put first things first and as a re ult -. ~ A student can only do so much. fai ls to get the t raining that he hould 11 ,~ . Twenty-four hours a day are given to have received. each of us to do tho e thing that Otterbein needs to draw the line. ~ 1 ~ need to be done. There are four side She needs to take an inventory of her to each student's life that should be stock, eliminate the lifeless and the ::: developed in equal propor tions. T hat useless organizations, combine tho e i the place where we are falling down. that can be combined, and upport ~ Time is given to those things in which those that need to be upported. We ~ we are already over-developed and a need to be well developed men and ::: a re ult we become one-sided. women, if we hope to properly repre~ The training of one's mind i the sent Otterbein off the campu . we ~ primary purpose of the organization need to put FlR T TH1 GS FIRST. : 1.,. of the college. And yet there is dan~ ger that one may give too much time COLLEGE CALENDAR to thi phase of life to the neglect of Wednesday, November 14-• Q. ~ an equally important side of one' Russian Cathedral Quartette. ~
Quality Meats and
----- ---------~-.
Delivery Service.
__, =============~~-WILSON
The Grocer
South State St.
- -·-- =====~ --;;;;=========;:;~:; :;~...
Glen-Lee Coal, Floral Attractive Progrart1 and Gift Shop I To Your Order.
Name Cards Engrav~d or Printed,
f ng Buckeye Pnn Company W. Mai·n St,
Pbotograpb f y s or our
= Home 'F lk 0
If you want
omething that n o one el e ca
o-ive your family-and that w1·11 plea e the!l mo t end the m your phot ogra ph made by-
ye port
"', ~
3rd t.
11 II III 111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11111 II
Page Five
• / solicitation for Otte rb ein ' new gym- I ganized into a League of i\'ation s nasium. H e will vi it within the next ~vith some ~f their '.1um~er r e presen t fe"· days A lt oo na. Pittsbu rgh , Greens- m g the vanou nat ion IR order that burg and J o hnstown . they may gain a better knowled ge of Ed ito r· , Note _ The "Tips an d " Hard Work" is th e slogan that has the work ings of the League .. Clews'' co lumn w il l be run by Section been c hos e n by the gymnasium so Permanent Wire Assured . B of P rof. L yo n's Engli s h Class. licito rs. The m o ney rea lized through the sale racks" by Section A of " Ta cks and Letters are constantly g oing o ut to I of th e ticke ts for the Wittenberg th e ,am e cla,s. dis tri c t organizations an d to alumni game. wi ll cover the cost of telegraph The so-ca ll ed broad man is some- , and e x-s tu~ ent s: keeping th eir e nthu si- wires for the tw o remaining footba ll times ·imply fl at. asm at a hi gh pitch . games. Every ticket for the WittenIf L(>t' ·1• I I · d ·t berg game sold here in Westerville , \\·1 e 1ac car ne a van 1 y, - - - - -- - - - - - - - - <•: . . eve r •a p1·11 ar o 1· sa I t wou 11 contributed . fifty cent . to Otterbem c s h e IJe, . a nd no w this money will . be used 111 Its mirror wou ld have s hown LIST'NIN' IN Vile Sodom's flame s, a way that the student wi ll m o t apA io\.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - preciate. s today o ur pert yo un g dam es _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ S lip s open th e mirror's disk to ee A n Ohio University prof. lf Jim turn ed to loo k. bo ught himself a n airp la ne for plea · ure A mistake is evidence that somebody H e did-Oh Gee. fl ying. at least tried to do so met hi ng.
Pay Your T . & C. Subscription!
Yes! We have Christmas
Candy at Reasonable Prices.
Fad, have many devoted fo ll owers, Mo t of the sc hool s having frat e r- ================================~ but th e fad of r ead ing newspapers in nities publis h yearly a list of t he sc holNO EXTRA CHARGE FOR NEAT GOLD POCKET-CLIP OR R I NG-END Cha1Jc l wa, 111ppec · I 111 · t 1,e b u d . a tic tandings of the variou . Greek le tter groups in an effort to s timulat e _A . rec. ent_ headline-Man T_houg ~t interest in scholarship. Varn1 ·h \\ as H o m ebrew-dnnk s it At p • to the honor sy tem is and c1·1es. \\'h a t .s t h e d'ff ? 'l' I rmceked n out tha t tud nt a re I ernce. ,e 11 . _ resu lt . 11 h· so we wor · wou c a ve 1Jeen Just t 1,e ,ame. a llow ed to tak e their papers to th ei r W ritten with a Mr. hopen ha m er s tate s th at real own room and w rite out th eir a nParker by Princeton's star thinkers are ra re. Some o f them are. swers.-The A ntiochi a n. football kicker At a recent c hapel se r vice a t Mu s k Our own :'\oa h \V ehs ter says t hat (a) A test book is a negative on ingum a number of the upper class men exp la ined the Mus kingum honor which to expo,e o ur ignorance . (b) J usticc is omething some y tern to t he Frc hm en for th eir People want and other a re afraid adoption. t hey' ll get. G rinn el Coll ege ha s in tituted a (c) di\'orce court is a tele cope cla s in how to watch foo tb all. It that Ji.;.::over'!d a lot of movie tar takes up th e fundamentals of the game in s uch a way that its members may I ne ver vi ·iblc to the naked eye. (d) :\ po liti ca l ring i a circle which become more intelligent spectator,. can't be ,qua red. Muskingum 's Debate teams have or-
Duolold inspires fluent Thinking and lightens your college work unruly pens distract and discourage
Coach Zuppke of Tlli nois says Har o ld Grange is a great iootball star be cause he has big feet. \ Ve do not , Wonder now th at our team 1s ucces ful thi, year.
hamper your education-don't en D ON'T cumber your mind-by using an unruly
A new di,ease has made its inroads on the young men who sit on the lower flo or in Chapel. It has affected th e ,enior in the front row especially. After a careful s tudy, an emirient Ph~ ician has prono unced it " Gawk up- ite .. _ It is cau cd by :he .au ;,en l of co-ed greene ry.
fountain pen. Such pens are the reason the classic Duofold was created.
M.y,re . uggest that item two of the W e Repair Shoes While You _Wait. Ladies' a nd Gents' Shoe Shme. in. trel Program hould have been Gua ra nteed or Money R efunded. amend ed to read, "Cu r tain at eig ht DAN CROCE a nd at interval and ections there after " Westerville, 0 . 27 W. Main St. th Wh en we are upposed to be at f ree different places at the sa me tim e t~r different meetings. we feel like e mul e who tarved to death whi le stand· b in g etween two hay stacks hecau e h e d"d I not know which to go to. th 1'~is week' s prize "po t criot" to h e olk back hom e is awarded to a Noy who ca me to chool from the I n ' t ta k e .mto account the chorth and d"d an1>e of c 1·1mate. He w rote: p p Q _Mother- "S. 0 . S.. B. V . D's.
35 Days Until
Look at economy through the Future's eye - see that years after college days are over you'll be using the handsome Duofold that you buy today. For its balanced swing and super smooth point embody youth eternal. This Chinese lacquer-red pen with smart black tips is the countersign all the regular fellows recognize. So don't be induced to ac cept an inferior pen when Duofold will grade up your taste as w ell as your work. While you're at it, get the real thing. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY JAN E SVILLE, WISCONSIN
Xmas Vacation 5 Weeks
5 Specials
This Week
Daolold .Jr. H
Same except for size
Lady Daofold H W it h r in~ for chatelaine
· Th e clew w hich the campus leuth PUrs . clo uing at present promises to dispf e at a n early date how some peoe Pet1cl three hours at a lesson.
Hot Coco, Sc
. ~asi;;:; Ne;slets. Field S now . cretary C. V. R oop, '13. is 111 Pennsylvania m a king personal
Blendon Restaurant
University Book Store Bailey's Pharmacy Hoffman's Drug Store Ritter & Utley
Page Six
Reserve vs. Oberlin. Case vs. Cincinnati .
panare :\ early half t he peopJe O f Ja . . . • erVlce. reached by elect nc lighting
!! IIIII Ill llll I II I I II Ill I 1111111111111111111 I I II I I II 1111111111111111111111111111 I I I II I I I I lllllllllllllllg.
No Cross-Country Run
Athens team und er a 40-0 score. St. Xavier lost an inter-sectional game with th e '.\avy 61-0. St. Xavier and v\'cslcyan will clash at Delaware on Saturday in a game whic h will pu t one of the teams out of the conference running. Mt. l·nion pul led a conference surp ri se in winning from Miami 7-6, while Kenyon also upset the dope in defeating Western Reserve 6-0. Hiram had an easy time defeating Ott erbein-Muskingum Record Heidelberg 38-0 whi le Bald win-WalScore lace won a decision over Case 10-0. Otterbein Muskingum Ohio Xorthern did well to ho ld Year Cinci nnati to a 15-7 ,;core. Otter1905 ························ 15 O bein's defeat at the hands oi Witten30 0 1906 burg sets us back several places in 2 5 1907 the conference standing.
Otterbein has withdrawn this fall from th e Big Six Cross-Coun try Run which " ·ill be he ld i\ovember 17, at Cinci nnati University. A run with O hio Wesleyan was also pending, but this too has been aba.ndoned. 1t was thought that more could be accomplished by delaying all track work unti! the regular track season in th e spring.
1 908
1909 1911 1912 1914 1916 1917
·······-···········.. ·· ........................ ........................ ........................
17 30 20 20
21 0 0
:. 918 1 919 1920 1922
0 0 0 6
19 24 7
··········· ........ _...
0 0 2
Otterbein won .............................. 9 Muskingum wo n ·················-······· 5
Muskingwn's 1923 Record Muskingum, O; Western Reserve, 6. Muskingum, H; Ke nyon, 0. Mu kingum, 21; Heidelberg, 13. Muskingum, 3; Wilmington, 0. Muski ngum, 6; Hiram, 21. Akron Uni. Insures Players Twenty members of the Akron Uni versity footba ll squad have been in sured by the Ath letic Association of the University. against injuries result ing from practice. This insurance will be collected by the Athletic As sociation and not by the players. La t ·year over $500 was paid out for med ical services and no return wa receiv ed. In case of injury to any player $50 per month will now be paid for the loss of his services. This does not, however, cover inj ur ies received in a regular game.
Conference Dope !though the leader hip situation 111 the Ohio Confere ncee football race with Wooster, We leyan and St Xavier sharing honors a s unbeaten contenders, was unchanged after Sat urday' games. At least one of the three team is almost certain to be deposed within another week when S t Xaxier m eets Ohio Wesleyan. Wooster after winning Saturday, 8 to l, from Akrou. one of the st rongest teams it bas faced, is idle over the week-end. We leyan had little trouble disposing of Ohio burying the
" Bones"
College Wear for College Students Who Care. Shoes, Funnishings, Clothing. =
!============: :.
J. C. Freeman & Co. ~-
22 N . State S t. Westerville, O. [ 11111111111 11111111 111Hllli 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 111111111111111111 11111 ~
POST MASTER GENERAL NEW Rende re d l h e postal service a distinct benefit in ascertamm • · g cast . of postal bus· w esterville, . one of the fortunate cost ace0 unt)l)g mess. . offices, fou nd th at she sent out weekly close to 2 tons of parcel poSt l, 1400 piec f h. d . enera . es O t tr class mail· and that there has b een a very g b mcrease in all classes of maii which will make the revenues of t _e office close to th e $90 ,000 .00 mark this year When the entire report is made the Po t G . · C ogress . s master eneral will have data to present to 0 showmg the t f . . · ns !llaY b . c~s O each item of business, so that a ppropnatto e made with mtelligence.
Wooster, Hiram, Ohio )J°o rth ern and Heidelberg will be id le next Saturday. Denison should have an easy time winning from Ohio. Akro n MARY E. LEE, Postmaster ~ shou ld win easi ly from M iami. Wit tenberg ha s the edge on Mt. U ni on in the week-end contest at Spring 11111111111 fie ld. Oberlin ought to come through 11111111111111111111111 1111111 :: 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 11111 1111 ~ a winner over Rese r ve and Cinci nn ati should win from Case, whi le Otter bein ought to have an easy victory ., over Muskingum. ~
Conference Standing. Teams W. L Wooster ............ ............ 6 0 Oh io W esleya n .......... 3 O St. Xav ier ·---··············- l O Mt. Union .................... 3 1 Hiram ·········•··••-·-·······- 4 2 Wittenberg ·····-···-···- 2 *Denison ······-······-·- 2 1 OTTERBEIN ............ 3 2 Cincinna ti ·········-·-······ 3 2 *Oberlin -····~········-·····- 3 2 Akron ·········-···-·-··-··- 2 2 Mu~kingu m ··········--·- 2 2 Baldwin-Wallace - · - 1 1 Ohio Northern · - - - 2 3 Wes tern Reserve ___ 2 4 Ohio Uni versity ···-··- 2 4 Miami ·-······-····---······ 1 J Kenyon ····-·--··--·-····· 1 H eidelberg ···· -- -·-······ 0 3 Case ·---···- ··--·--···-····· 0 *Played tie game.
s s
Pct. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .750 .667 .667 .667 .600 .600
During the w· t . in er months by Reservation Only. Satu rd ay Evening, November 17 Double Order W affies Butter Syrup Sausage Coffee, Tea or M ilk 40c
-- ------===--------~:____________ _
5 to 9 p . m.
.500 .500 .400 .333 .333
.250 .167
.000 .000
Ohio Conference Games. Wittenberg, 24; Otterbein, 13. O hio We leyan , 40 ; Ohio U ., 0. Wooster, 8; Akron, 0. Baldwin-Wallace, 10 ; Case, O. Cincinnati, 13 ; 0 hi o orthern, 7. Kenyon, 7 ; Reserve, 0. D enison, 6; Oberlin, 6. Hiram, 36 ; Heidelberg, O. Mt. Union, 7 ; Miami, 6. This Week's Schedule. Otterbein vs. Muski ngum. St. Xavier vs. Wesleyan. Ohio v s. Denison. Akron vs. Miami. Mt. U ni on vs. Wittenberg.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~~ ~ a nd wiches Salads Desserts Or SPeet.a · 1 Supper ' by' R eservation. pl' 11111 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIII~ S
~ - 2 2 W. ~pJzim-q, ~t· ,
Page Seve n
I terbein, IRuffini,
LUTHERANS WIN fourth period, Bo rman for ~ ess, Borst neye.d to ~pringfi eld by m ea ns o f th e ~y auto m~bile whil e others go t t~ FROM TAN TEAM ior Kishman. Grim for G lat tk e; Ot special tnm . A large number went a la b um style. (Contin ued from page one.) two Otterbein backs. c .riss crossed the .goal lin e. Rohl e der place-kicked for .t he point. The rest oi th<.: half passed without scori ng. Staats M akes 75 Yard Run . Th e real thrill of the game came ea rl y in the third quarter. when Staats standing on his o,vn ZS-ya r <l line ht a \ \'ittenberg punt and raced cau g . the \ V1ttenberg team 75 Ya rd '· through . . _ Otterbein . ·s . first . tou chdown. fo r . h. ''Chic'' ha~ pcrtect 1nte rt erence 111 t 1~ long run tor th e touchdown. Ruffini fai led in an attempt to drop-kick for point. Rohleder. the b ig \ Vittenberg tackle, also furni, hed a thrill in the third qu arter \\"hen he place-kicked from the SI -yard line. the ba ll sailing straight bet ween the goal posts.
third period, Robert s fo r Ruffini for Beelman. O fficials: Referee, Lane, l ' nive r s ity of Cin c inn at i ; umpire, Lattick , Ohio 'vVes 1 leya n. Head linesman . Kruck, l:n inrsi ty o f Cincinnati. Time of pe r iods-15 mi n utes each.
As Christ-
One of th e c hi ef r~on s for Rohled. . . . . e r s success 111 p lace-k1ck1ng during the . . game was the use of an art1fic1a l tee \,·h1ch C oach D.1tme r a II owe d the uvvr·1ttenberg t eam t o use.
we wish to give you the best of
Porosky showed up well as a de fens ive guard. "Swede'' spoiled a number of \\' itt enberg plays. . Andy pi c ked up a fumble in the sec one! quarter wit h a cl ear field ahead o f him but he stumbled and was o vertaken from be hind .
Don't delay.
The Old Reliable State and High Sts.
Columbus, 0.
Lazarus Men's Store
Where College Men Find the Things That That Well Dressed Fellows Wear.
agai1; place- kicked fo r the poi~t. Many alumni. mostly from Dayton. A fter thi s costly blunder Otterbem Wt' re a t t h e game. About 200 stud cam e back stro ng and by .means of -an ' rnts anrl members o f the fa culty jour aerial attack placed the ball on Wittenb erg's one-foot li ne from wher e Mc Carroll bucked it o ver. McCarroll wa s uccessfu l in p lace-ki cking for the , extra poin t. Otterbein ca me near sco ring again in thi s quarter, the game endi ng witb Ot terbein in possession of the ball deep in 'v\' ittenberg's territory.
13 Otterbein
class Photos for the Sibyl.
mas approaches we are more busy and
L ast Q uarter Scoring. The curb a round the edge of th e In th e fourth qu art e r \ Vittenbe rg fie ld proved costly for Reck. In mak smashed the line fo r another touch- 1 ing a tackl e " Dave" went o ut of do wn,. Eato_n doi ng mo s t o f th e lme bounds and s lid over the curb . "Dave" plunging. hna lly gomg over . for a p layed und er the handi cap of a touchdo\\"n. K o hleder p,lace-kick for bruised side and sho ulder the remainth e extra po in t. der of the game. After an excha nge of punts, Staats, \\' ittenberg got away with two long Otte rbein's quarterback, resorted to a pa ses ea rly in the game wh ich proved passin g game w h ic h proved costly _fo r cos tly t o Otterbein . the Tan and Card inal tea m . Standmg T he numb er of first d owns was .his ow n 20-yard li ne, he hurled a 011 lateral pass w hi ch was intercepted by abo ut even . The p unting of both Churchman . who c rossed th e goa l lin e tea ms was also abo ut eq ua l, each team for Wittenberg's fina l score. Rohl ed er averaging about 40 yards.
Lin eup and s ummary. Witt enberg 24 Pos.
Seniors should come in at once for their
I .
Incense Burners Incense Vanity Cases Perfume Air Fragrance Toilet Water Powder Cream Come In and Look the Line Over.
Cri ss...... ·-·····--····· L. E . .... .... Poro ky Thompkins ........... :L. T. ............ Seib ert G. Lattke .............. L. G. ...... M cCa rroll Smith .......................... C. ................ R eck Borst...-··-···············R. G. ···-··· Gi ll man Roh leder. ................. R. T. Faus t Immel...........- ·-····-·R. E. ···-··· Ruffini BatdorL... ·-···········Q · B........... Staat Borman ................ L. H . ........ Beelman es (c) .,.--•········R. H . .,.._ Anderson Churchman... - ....... F. B . ....•... ( C) S to ltz Sfo re by per io ds Wittenberg ······-···o 7 3 14-24 : Otterbein ···-····-·····0 0 6 7 -13 Call Citizen 21 or Bell 8-W. ~ Touchdowns - \ Vittenberg, Cr iss, Eaton, Churchman. Otterbei n, Staats, Ki ck from placement, M cCarroll, Wittenbe r g, Rohlede r . Point after touchdown, Rohleder (3 ), McCarroll. Agent for Acme Laundry Co. Substitutions: Wittenberg, fir t per i.o d,B eichly for Batdorf, Lang for Borst; eco n d period, Eaton for General Laundry Work for Ladies and Churchma n, Ch urchman for ess, Cornwell for Immel, Kishman fo r Gentlemen . . ,. Lang , G rim for Bor man, Howard for Tompkins, Tucci nardi for Church ..,(. J. H. MAYNE man, Churchman for Eato n ; third period, Ness for T uccina r di, Eaton for Churchman, Churchman for Grim ; 12 W. College Ave. Westerville, 0 .
Hoffman Drug Co. The Clean-up Man
All-Wool Sweaters In th e Men's Store there's ev ery sort of weater with two or fo u r poc ket , li p-on or coat s tyl e, p la in co lors
$5 to $12.50
New Silk and Wool Hose at $1 Comfort and beau ty in thes e P ho enix ho e. Brown, gray and heather mix in all size . Ideal for wea r right now --··-············ $1
Page Eight T H E TA N A D CA RD I AL =~=:==================================================~ frosh-" \ Vhy do you put glycerine on your lips." 5 Co-eds- "That"s to keep the cbaP away . - 1-ll:idclberg Kilikilik-
I Bailey's
Harriet \\"histler and Helen Gib so n \ en tertain _d members of_ the Greenwich Club, while they were 111 Dayton. with a House Party.
i?.::,-· .THE t> 6 RM Would ha Yc en joyed aturday. if the per on hadn' t persisted in slouch hat in her face ,terbein gained a yard.
= = = =
IMit the game more in front of her throwing hi every time Ot
10 Steps from State St.. Westerville,
Wonder how many Pathe ew amera took picture of the Otter bein parade in pringfield. ay the week' wor t day wa the day when she took a Bible exam in the mornin.g. then ru hed from the rla r om and trolleyed to the den ti t. After he had bored everal holes through a to th and her on ly happy thought wa . that he would never have to take any more Bible exam and then the denti t a ured her b; ying, "I'll quit just before you die."
Dunlap's{~ mar te t C o l 1 e g e LoW , hoe in all the sea on t effect M ail of' arefully attended tO·
Think that the Fre hmen girls re mind one of everything [rom rag doll with green ro ette between the eye brow . to the mump tied up in green ribbon for the winter. oticed the po tmi tre s going down town with a brown kitty cling ing to the back of her n ck and it looked o cute.
French Club Meets Profe or Gilbert E. Mill gave a very entertaining and in tructive lec ture on "The College of France," la t Monday evening at the meeting o£ Le Circle Francai . There wa a gratifying attendance but it i hoped that more tudents having had two\ Y ars of French will avail them e\ve of membership in the club. The club elected i Zura Bradfield as secretary and Charle Cu ick as treasurer. Mis
ettie Goodman
On This Model in Patent, Satin and Three Shades of Suede.
Between GaJ
ad Brou
46 N. High St.
LAP' s