1924 01 21 The Tan and Cardinal

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B • . s nlhant Comeback Early Part of Second Period


Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Pi K appa Delta Installed Friday N ight.

Proves in Vain.



Scnsatio al n Shooting and Perfect Passing -of Baptists too Much for Varsity.




Thirteen Students and Professors Initiated As Charter Members of H onorary Fraternity.

1' .. ,;c


T H I•: T






Examination Schedule

th e O tter b em · camp us and the co llege j The entertainmen • · charge oi. t wa 111 Below is the sc hedule fo r examina- building . by saying that it was as the J 'ublic Speaking Counci l all<l \\'a, P resident Clippinger A ddresses M em - tions as arranged by the faculty T he high as live administratio n buildi,ws I o-iv cn for th e benefit of a new curtaudi h ers of Ott erbein Club in · 1 d :" "' D B owar exam inations scheduled for the m orn- Pace one upo_n the other, and its j for the c hapel stage. . on ent nuin· Capital City. · -11 b . . , ba e wou ld require more than the area . ,·c ry ably presented th e differ i1h1g w1_ el_gm fat eight o'_clock ~hile of t he entire campus. I bers of th e program. The Otter bein Club of \V as hingt on. one 11111111n t oseo'clock 111 t 1e a ternoo n will begin at , 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 111 111 D. C. , held its annual meeting in the · § 1 Red Room of th l! ::--; ew Ebbitt Hotel 8 :00 T uesday i :00 classes. : on Monday evening. Januar y 14th. 1:00 Tuesday 3 :00 classes. Presiden t Cli ppinger, Dr. Russell. and 8:00 Wednesday 7:45 classes. A fter Beating Cincinnati § Dr. Keister were present and convey8 :00 Thursday 9 :00 clas es. § ~ ed to the assembled al umni and friends 1 :00 Th ursday 2:00 classe . of the college interesting mes,ages of 8 :00 F r_iday 10 :00 classe . )§ th e presen t day life and activity about 1: 00 F ri day 10:00 clas cs. lTucsdav, : Go t o the th e campus, as well as sketching the and T hu rsday section .) · \: splendid story of th e continued growth 8:00 Mon day 11 :00 cla se and deve lopment of the coll ege. a :1d 1 8 :00 T uesday 1 :00 classes. :

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th e plans a nd hopes for the future.

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The fact that a nationa l confere nce I Card of T hanks of the An ti Saloo n League was in se · [ We wi h to expre · · h' d t h c g rowing · 111 \i\Tas mgton, a n app reciati on to o fs · our d gf ra teful s1on . . . . . ur n en s or the mterest 111 na ti o na l an d 111ter na t1 o nal many acts o f ki.nd t cl d . . ness ex en c duraffairs, per haps more evide nt th an ing th e il ~ness cl d th f . . an ca o our wife . h I . h a nyw ere e se 111 t e cap!la 1 cit y, ga ,·e cl·• uo-l1ter a11 d · ·t L I B • ' • • a "' S IS er. u u off . e mtth an added s1g m• lica nc_e to th e occas ion. Also for the beautiful Aoral . · and was reAec ted 111 evera l of the nn gs. G. E . Smi th speeches. Mr. Elwood P. Morey . Mrs. Anna Clym er a nd fa mil y. p re idcnt of th e orga ni za ti on. gave a - - - 0 C - -tirr ing addr ess on th e g rowing in te r­ Adrian N ewens to Appear as est in relig io n as th e solution o f our T hird Number of Lecture Course national probl em s, parti cul arl y inter­ e ting in that it cam e fr om one of th e . The. Citizens' L ectur e Co ur se for prominent attorn eys of W as hington . its th ird ent~rtainm ent J a nua ry 24 . a nd what he term ed a ''hard-head ed offer one of its best program in th e bu ines man." Mr. Morey was re- person of Adrian M. Newen . famou s cently swept into na tion a l prom in ence ~on_o logist. Mr. ewe n is a master when he a cted as Chairm an o f th e E n- '.n hi profession, and at th e same time terta inmcn t Co mm ittee fo r the great is abl e to supplement his tec hni cal hrin e Convention whi ch as embl ed kn owledge with hi honest sincerity Mr. a nd good humor whi ch make hi pro­ in Was hington la t summ er. T heodore Shuey who wa a memb er gr~ ':1 e Pecia lly intere ting. Hi o f the cla s of 1 66, and the oldest a?ihty a an ente~_tainer i proven by O tte r beinite prese nt, g ave ome inter- , hi s uccess wi t h past audi ence . In esting a necdo tes of tho e a nte- heliu m one ca_se when he wa permitted to days, and then told o f some intere t- entertain four audience in two days ing exp eri ence in th e U nited ta tes a ~ Moline, 111 .. his hea rers follow ed enate, wher e he ha been Chi ef Sten- him fron:i, place to place making hi ographer for fi fty- ix yea r , and as four audience number approximately uch ha g ain ed a n en viab le acq uai n- 3100 people. tance wit hmen of national promMr. ewen ' programs ar e varied P erhap he _i ~e t kno wn on the Ly~ inence for the pa t ha lf centur y. Mes age .from M a rs " 'O th ers pre ent were Mr . B. E. ceum for ht Ewing, Miss H elen Gru ve r , the Mi - bu t_ he give ot her program ea ch ~f da and U rilla Guitner, Mr. and w hich _afford s a plendid evening of e Mr . Rob ert E . Kline, Mr. Robe rt E. en~ertammen t. H is program ha ve Kli ne, Jr., ecretary o f th e cl ub, Dr . built up for him a r eputation a an :and Mrs. Walter L . Klin e, Miss D ai y ent ertain er of th e high est ra nk. O C ---Magruder, and M rs. M orey. A buffet supper was ser ved later in the even- PRESID E NT BACK FROM EAST ing, a nd afte r about an hour of in­ (Continued from page one.) forma lly getting better acquain ted, the meeting adjourn ed, everyone feel­ . ell , the Pre ident atte nded the \ \Ta hing a new sen e of loyalty to the col­ 10gton Alumni Reunion held at H t 0 1 : lege, an d an added enth usia m in it Eb bitt. E . B. Morey , 7 1· · , pre 1great program. dent and Robert Klein , 'l , 1· s ee re---0 C--­ tar~ ~f the Washin gton Alumni A _ Snavely I s Freshman President. soc1ation. At a cla s meeting last Wednesday, Robert Snave_ly was elected pre i­ dent of the Freshman cla s to fill th e vacancy caused by the resignation of J ohn McEowen. G. McConnaughy was elected vice-president of the class to fill the po ition formerly held by Snavely.




For L ight Lunches.


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111111 llllllllllu,.•·_:_, 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 11111111111111111111 ~


You Get Real Quality a n d Fine Style in this Sale of

Hart Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Overcoats $50, $55 andl $60 O vercoats, redu­ ced to


$65 and $75 O vercoats. reduced to


Here' ale . a matter to think over. Here' a . 111 in which ome of t he fine t overcoat rnade me rica a re offered at unexcellecl avings-


(Continued from page one.) er de cribed the Nile Valley a . s very 1eve 1 and po sessmg . the most 1 h uxun­ adnt. groh~t of any place he had visite . m . 1s travels. The desc np • t·ton of hts v1st to the pyramids ---0 C--­ . . was very tnte'.e tmg and instructive. Very efN o P aper Next Week f ect1vely he corrected any • I . m1sconcepFollowing what has been the cus­ . t1on the auchence might have h d . h . a retom for the past few years the taff gar d mg t e size of these w d on ers of will not edit a Tan and Cardinal '!X­ the world. The speaker compared the amination week. size of the large t pyramid to that of

The e are overcoat of which you can be ab-0' lutely ure of the quality, the tyle au<l th ~ o·eneral hio-h calib er of the o·arment ou b ll ) becau e it bear the label of Hart chaffrier & ' ' . t arx or Fa hion P ark. For nug corn.for , fine tailor· . 1 the e mg, rea 1 erv1ce and bo-oo d loo<: coat have no uperior.

THE UNION High and ~ong Sts.

CoiurnbUS, 0,

=~=~= ~==~= J



Page Three


Church. She al o narrated th e experiences of a nati,·e J apanc. e mission , ary, Mr. Ya uda. A story b_v Mr . J . Hat Smith, telling how a J a pane e boy found Christ wa related by Paul -

was played by Miss Gladys Brown. . field. Mis . I:orame Rhin ehart, graduate 111 th Miss Louise Robin on ang "A na· of e cla of 1922, wi ll ret 1 11muSic t0 O Hear Ye, Israel," taken from Men- , ~~ th tterbein . next seme ter to <leis ohn's Oratorio " Elijah." ta e fur er work 111 music.



"Marche Funebre et Chant eraphi­ , ine Knepp and a simi lar story con : cerning a Japanese girl was recounted que" by the great French composer by Mabel Ca el. Margaret Graff I Guilmant. wa played by Mi · s Hazel 'os. .\ r . gave a comprehensive review of th e Dehnhoff. The Overture to '•William Dailv ,.,. ecen t issue of the Davton January number of the ·'Evangel." · Tell" by Ros ini was very well • . \,c\\' Dr co ntain . • Concerning a feature artic:e ' Y. -~- C. .. i gratef~il f~_r Josep h- played by Mis Thelm_a Bonnell. All tor of th ·. Erne t J . Pace, pas- inc l nrl ands vio lin . o o. The Old tho e who took part 111 the program church of ~n~1r t ~nited B:e thren ' Refrain" I hould be commended on their ex- 1 actually "d on, Ohio, ,,·ho. 1t says. ---- 0 C ---r ce llent \York. . 1 · b ra\\·s" · vahon · many souls to sa lMemonal to Dr. Burtner - - -O - 0 C - - -Y mean of 111· re 1·igiou · s si: r -, As a m emorial to the late Dr. BurtSh e u ed t sit · upon m y Iap rn 1ette , ·h· ,,.-ic01 · circul ' t·1ch . ha,·e ,.ueen hav111g A s h appy as cou Id b c. a ncr the Wagoner M emorial Cla s of 1 a 10 11 111 rel'1g1ou. · B u t now I·t ma k·e h er seas1c. . k .ha,. been put paper a nd I th e Cnited Brethren Sunday chool 111 serq1011 don lantern !ides for u. c is pon oring the publication of a 61 I have ·water on the kn ee. l , · an lectures , · E E ---======================== 89. , , . ·· page memorial booklet for Dr. . ' I for Miss Sar- Burtner. The Memorial. cdite ah ~L Ku services - uemonal · · · cl .b Y IJlllllllllllll!llll' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" 1 death wa mler o! Columbus , whos e I Dr. Howard H. Rus ell has been d_ v- : :: We k, . noted Ill thi column last I ided into three parts, the fir t ect1on '.\orth ~Vere held yesterday in th e com po ed of funeral tribute : the lll1nster p re. Ily ten.an Churc h of ' econd ectton . . - . o f re olut1on . te:oUColun1b '•llrlt1tt.u 'r when Xorth High School J monials and letter : and the ~hird § '"ith other ac_~ lty and alumni united section of numerou exc rpt tro n 10c a Button, $1.00 if they Rip. to one fi 1ends to pay this tribut e Dr. Burtner' ermon and add re es. ; )',;Orth B~vho had bee n a teach er in The book will al o include in ert ter of a 1;eh chool for almost a quar- photograph of Dr. Burtner. !and, '06 tury. larence R. Vi'ein - r ---- 0 C Father of W. 0. S tauffer Dies. 111 ~Orth~- the department of cience I unclay morning, January 13 ?..fr. : 0n this oc ig~ , rep re ented the facult,· I ton al o ca ion . Dr. William Hou ·_ I Stauffer, father of W. . tauffer '11 gave a memorial addre ' pa d away at hi h me in Barberton. Foraker H s. I Mr. tauffer fir t uffered an attack _iga i makin at~on of D~troit. of acute iodige tion and hi condition F giou life of hg him self felt m th e wa not con idered eriou . aturday t at cit Y an d t a t e. '1 he ulfered a troke of apoplexy an d toor th ree Year M th~ of the nit ;· Hatton wa pa - I dierl early unday morning. ire, durj Brethren chur h f ____ O secret ng which f ime h e erved as r, arY-trea Myers Resigns as Editor tor' · 11ion.urerLa of the D e t roi·t · V. E. Myer , Editor of the Tan and ina ch t Pro arge of the , d ummer he _w~s Cardinal ince last May, tender cl hi "' grain f the out oor evangehst1c · Board t-111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '-nurch Detroit C . f re ignation to th e .p u bli cauon O Po it• e . He ha ounc1 1 o la t Monday morn111g. au! ar r 1111 En dcavor ion offofield ecretary now accepted the . wa I cted to fill the unexpired term • of Chri tian e M . D Howard wa , llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 'is r the. tate of M. h. of Mr. yer. an< on :fo. . \Villia.111 I ic igan . elected ~\ i tant Editor. : : t·~it'o,,ne month Comfort, who wa O -() er nr ti pa tor of the Fir t Prof. Grabill to Give Recital. ~ rrRon. ha 1;en hurch of Portland, Profe or Grabill will gi e an or- iu ll1ti·,r1 th eturn d to Ohio and ha gau r cital at the nited Brethren 11 .,. '" · t re,-n ,, 11 ll v Pa torat of a hurcb in n d er on, 1 d1·ana , Jan - %th. ()hio'. organiz d m uary 2'1, whe11 tbe ne"". organ of \>. \I/. ; - - - 0 C - - - th ,a i1urch \\'ill b dedicated. • u- . A. Studies the cl •rso n i th home of th Lambert Jtl· family \\'ho arc aJumni of Ott rb ein After th ission Field in Japan and wbo ga,· . the coo ervatory to Ctation e opening lead , Atar . ong of con e- the college.

Meats of All Kinds


Also Groceries at

w O LF ' s


Westerville, Ohio


Dutchess Trousers Clearance

I= I= I= =

= Dozens of pairs reduced _ = 50c to $1.50 per pair. =

= = =

= = Men's Sheep Pelt Coats = in a Big Reduction Sale. =


!/ /·

= Men's Reefers Reduced to Cost. = =




Norris & Elliott




Text B00ks •


Dictionaries, Note-books, Fillers,



C. er of la Elizabeth Brewbaker. --- 0 A.. g ek' e i f y ' Student Recital Announced. '9;hat ave a h oo o . . is Illa th_e Bible .;t.rt. explanation of There will be a general mu ic tune,,_, nn1ng t 1 ion Comroitt dent ' r cital January 30 ~t La01the Plan of o ddo . . It i promoting a hull g_1r1_ w evotional ervice and i:c 1totifi rt.dietin board r ed to watch the loIlg. or the daily Bible ti ra Add ons. t> i k had ch a,ge 1£ . the devohe <1er 'd read c . eynote wa "Abiding.'· 0 ut th ripture J 'lld . at "A.b. . on ' hich point1tiiitthich rel t idmg" i God' plan ijtls Ulnes . ;bed the result of unlllis · Pray e reque ted that the e Pecia11,, f 10na · l'h ries in J " or our nine \\>ere\ leader toldapan. tliildr rought t how many people ~tenen of the o Chri t through the CQntro11 of Japantw~ hund red kinderCd bY the , e1ght U . of whi c h are mted Brethren




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Carbon Paper, Art Materials and Other Supplies for Students now


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bert Hall and Prof or Grabill tate that thi program wi!J b_e unu ually cl and ,,·ell worth I1eann g · O Organ Recital Well Received Jar e audience wa · pre ent at t_h : excellent organ recital given by pupil II e hapel on in Orga11 at the o eg Sunday afternoon. The opening number " onata :: M" " by Guilrnant, wa played .by mor, . · orona 1011 Feme Buckingham. : 'March' from feyerbeer' . gr'.'-11~ era "The Prophet", " Med1tat1on ' Sturge and "Toccato" from ck rd : th· d Organ Sonata were pre eote : Francis . Harri : byir M.i ong. by'·Chanson Becker. =111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m11111111111111111 1111111111111111111 -iidu oir" , an evenmg ' 11111 I

on hand; at the


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~age .Four

T HE . TAN A.N . D C ;;.A~R;;;D~l;_.:N ~ A;.,L;:·= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == ____,·~··

fairness an<l abi lity to refer ee a good CALENDAR Saturday, February ~a;...:~k · ~, ; · game of basket ball. Even if he err­ Basket Bal l. Ohio ;s;ort ber.i1- ·hf rc. ed at tim es that should not makt' him an obj ect of criticism by the students. Wednesday, January 23·' )." ' J\10\·ie. ·'Ha il the Woma n.'' Published Weekly in the interest of Basket lfa!I. Cinc·inna ti lterc. Otterbein by the Lf he needed correcting fo r hi s officThursday, January 24-========~====-­ OTTE RBEI PUBLI SHING iating it. is not for the fans to do so L ec ture Course. Adria n M. :-.:c\\'ens. as that is t he d uty of the coaches a nd BOARD Call Citizen 21 or Bell g..W.i' Westerville, Ohio 111a11agers. If th<: rden:<: is \\TOn g Reader. Member Of the Ohio College Press let the proper authoriti.es put in the Saturday, January 26Association "Y"Mov ie... T he Pilgrim .'' comp la int. Tuesday, January 29No points a re scored by " razzin g·• STAFF Agent for Acme Laund ry Co, First Sem es ter end s. th e referee. ·' Razzin g.. m erel y de­ 25 moralizes bo th team s, slows ap th e Wednesday, January 30E:iitor-in-Chief •····· P aul Garver, ' Ladies and General Laundry Work £or A . istant Editor .... D. S. Howa rd , ' 26 ga me and ruin s the eve nin g fo r peo Second Sem es ter O pen s. Cont rib uting Editors· p le who desire to see fair play man iBasket Ball, De nison at Gr atl\·ille. Gentlemen. H . K. Darling, '24 Lucille Gerber, '24 fester by th e spectators as well as by Saturday, February 2Marguerite Wetherill. '24 the teams. "Razzing" a n official i, Basket Ball, Ohio \ Vesleyan a t J. H . MAYNE E. F. McCarroll, '25 1 unbecoming to an O tterb ein stud ent Dayton. rville o. Carrie Shreffler '26 1 ·11 · · Saturday, February 912 W . College Ave. W-:S te ' Bus Mana er ..... ......... R . H . Ward'. '25 and no true spo rtm an wt 1?ract1ce it. ~ : ,., g[anager A ssoc1a · tes We want O tter bem to he. regarded Basket Ball, Heidel berg here. n,11s1nes, G. E. Bechtolt. '25 by th e col leges of th e Ohio Co nfer- Thursday, February 14Wm. Myer s, '26 ence as a sc hool standing for true Lecture Course, Elwood T. Bailey. W a ldo Keck, '27 spor tsma nship, hut that goa l ca n nev­ Popular Lecturer. Cloy<;I Marshall, ;27 er he realized ii th e conduct display ed Saturday, February 16-Cir Manager Katharine Pollock, 24 . . . FloWers, /.s~istant Ci rc~-ia tion Managersla st \\ e<lnesday n1 ~ht cont 111ues to he Basket Ball , Hiram here. Has Choice Gift s, Ca rd s, Ladybird Sipe, '25 sho\\'n by O tter b<:tn students. . • See tbelll Cards of all descriptions. Margaret Widdoes, '26 Ath letic Editor ...... Josep h Mayne, '25 t eveninP. A Request. at No. 56 W est Home Stree Local Edi tor .... D . R . Clippinger, '25 A member o f th e varsi ty basket ball Alum na! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 Telephones-Office 480 Exchange Editor .. Kathleen White,'24 tea m recen tly sta ted th a t he .believed 40 Residence I mu sic by 1. : ith t0r a band or an orch es tra Coc hran Hall EditorS tore 429 1 Harriet Whistler, '24 at the vars ity con tes ts would in still Avenue Coal Yard : East College more figh t and spirit in the team. He Add ress all communications to The \\·t:nt fur th er and ask ed th at music he By R. R. tracks, ~ 0tterbein Tan and Ca rdinal, lOJ W . pro vided fo r the next game. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Tn our mind nothing in still more Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, payable in advance. real pep and enthu ia m in an a th­ au<l leti c con te st th an does music. Un­ Ente red as second class matter questionab ly mu sic speed up the September 25, 1917, at the postoffice a t Westerville, 0., under act of ga me. puts a fight in g pirit in th e fray and creates an atm osp here of excite­ March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special ment among the fan . It i true that rate of postage provided for in Sec. music may not be desirab le d uring I 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized th e progress of t he game but music Apri l 7, 1919. in its p lace; before th e tart of the co ntest a nd between th e ha lves in no way affects th e work of team . Spirit­ EDITORIALS ed music u ed at th e proper time wou ld do more to bring th e team out of a · lump than an hour of cheering. We had a band during th e football V. E. MYERS ea on. It could be reorganized, but if Retiring Editor th a t i impossible enough loyal Otterbein mu ician hould volunteer their ince last May, Mr. M yers ervice to fo rmt h·a band or an orche _ ha erved efficiently as editor­ Lt z;;=-~ 1111-1••1111~ t ra. e ome mg b e cl one to get ;lllllllllllllllll in-c hief of the Tan and Cardinal. music for th e next var ity game. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllll 11111111 ::: : Mr. Myers as umed the mani­ ---- 0 C ---::: fo ld duties connected with th e IT STRIKES US : ' ~ publication of the paper at a cri tical time and carried his reTha_t i.t is time for the Varsity "0 " 1,,. Association to get busy and initiate ~ pon ibility a ti factorily. the football letter men. ~ editor he ha di p layed a good know ledge of journalism and That the Board of Control acted : has been con cientious in th e wisely in its arrangement of the seat- § ~ policy which he formed for the ing of the college students at the : ~ :::: paper. basket ball game. The plan is O. THE OTTERBEIN




The Clean-up Man

\~ --~ =~=== Floral Glen-Lee Coal, and Gift Shop

===-==~~~ Quality Meats. Groceries.

Delivery Service. Phone 65




'~~~=============~========~~ ~


·x. :-

Sportsmanship The conduct of any group of stud­ ents at a ba ket ball game should never be uch that th e college offic­ ial must call them to order. Yet this actually happened at the b1ske ball game last Wednesday. It i humiliating to a member of the faculty to feel called upon to ask tudenh to refrain fro m too rabid cen oring of a referee. The official who wa sub­ ject to the attack was cho en to ref­ eree that game because he is comoe­ tent and becau e the officials of tl~.­ Ohio Conference have faith in hi

Pbot_ograpbs· for ·Your Home FOlk s

That the segregation of the sexes _ at the basket ball game is conducive to better cheering.





§ - _

some tough battles. That the coming examinations will _ be a big bug bear for quite a few -


Trat you should patronize our advertisers as they make possible th ~ Tan and Cardinal : That the football game scheduled with Wooster gives Otterbein a much better schedule.

omething that no one


ca. t1 ::::



fl1 : :

give your fam ily-and that will please th e

That the winner of the Group : League championship will go through



mo t en~ them your photograph made




ye Portr!I ~t Shopp·e . :

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~ ::::


§- 14.I S. 3rd St.





Q. ~ ~

IIII 1111 II ~

lllllllllllllllllllllllllll'ltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ·

· Pagt Five




Present Unique Feature in Year's First Basket Ball Rally.

Hi ·tory Iovers o f O tt erbe111 . wer e very much grati· fie · d when they be hel d th · e fir t basketball rally of the sea ·on in . p the Ch ape I la t •fuesday night. odcahontas. J ohn Smi th Po\\'hatan. and othe r I·11 ustn.o11s personages ' step~ed fo r th from th e pages of hi sto ry n held forth for the benefi t of the tterb ei n fan s. th fter Cheer Ieader L. pson had led e crowd in a few cheers th e •·Rom ­ ance of p ocahontas" was enacted by . talent o f th e frome of th e. cIramat1c c e Iirnan cl ed ti a · c.d Hammond playth ie Part of Powhatan b ett er than a_t do ubt O Id I . . . have Y c 11efta111 himself co nld acted. Grace Cornetet was a Worthy ~oh ucc e or to th e original l'owa anta while Capta in John mith • . not dig Per ·n racec1 111 the leas t by 111 ~ic;o~ er. '.'-iathan lfobert s. " Bi ll" 11 a ~ght a a n oak. Waldo Keck a d R Qu1rrel habhii ' an o hcrt navc ly as " cla ng brook broug h t credit to t hrir ob' · Of cour e the fact that eac h a Ject or per onage \\'as id enti fi d by card held . h tator d'd in t e hand of each imi1 of th not detract from the ucce e Perfo r man ce The M h ' . arc ing ong and t he Pep ong co ntr I'b of th uted to the enthu ia m . - t evening· T• wo prospective . . t10 add111 th Lanc e cheerleader· · crew. " Red" a ter and . appeared athan Roberts, next for a "Y 011 th e platform and ca lled

W. 1'ro ea, Otterbei n" in turn.

H. 0 humo _P Put the crowd in a good the r w.1th a few remarks concerning . corning Joke D game an d cve ral good athle;e r. ook, a forme r Ott rbein gra 111 ' ~0n cluded th e evening proh Wtth e hrougl a hor t ta lk, in wh ich •thleti ~t out Otterbciu's advance in circle • . wit 11111 the pa t decade. Preshrn- C - -- an Class Present Program at Y • M• C • A • nct


l<eck, e;h/h e leader hip of Waldo Progra Fre hmen furnished th 1'bUrsday m for the y M . . • . C. A . meeting ~e letters ~ght, The significance o f / Harn 1110 n · M. ~- A . were di cu ed ~far hall re ' -Mc_ onaughy, Bauer and \ltn Opin_i D ctively, w ho gave their st ood fo 00 of what the coll ege "Y" 1 r. llJ n clo in ade a , g the di cus ion Keck ona1 er1ew ' . re mark concerning peral:IJ vice a d . . Ong th T\ inchvidual r Jation e tnen on the campu



o c ___


had eretofore


an tterbein has alway oni . orche tr . P etime a,- ometun es good, yart of th very ood, and a good car·It '"a ti hme , in· d'1fferent. Thi ila. co,; 1011 rnig~ought that othe r organ­ r,a?e orche \r take the place of a and ~es tha t t h a b_ut everyone now ~ need for ere I a definite p lace a any i an orche tra kin ntete t d · ''lid g for a e P ople ha ve be n en ll orch th tcs of e tra and th ere a re e freshnia much musical ability in n clas · Therefore there


w ill be a college orche tra the eco nd semester. One is especially needed for plays, a concert, and commence,~. . 1 11 e orche tra mus t be composed of those primarily interested in orchestra work and good mus ic. and who are willing to _wo r ~ dou b le-q ui ck since the organiza tion I being made so late in the season. _ Jose phine Crid land O C ---Leaderless C. E. Meeting The Christian End eavo r m ee ting of last Sunday eve ning took on an unu ual trend wh en a leaderle s meet. tt pted Don Howa rd mg wa a em • ·ng and th en wrote pIanne d th e me etl th e program fo r the evening on th e board. Each person whose name apd h aro e and rend111 ht tp:rro,7-~:hout fu r ther announcement. The di cus ion centert:d around the question ' ·'How can we extend the cause of C hri st on the campus ?" and " How do we betray hrist today?" Those di -cuss in g the C I uest ion " ·ere tho se who happenec . to q I be sitting in certain de igna ted c 1~ir. · The intere t of th e meeti ng wa unti usua ll y hi g h. T he husines O f l C in cha rge of the new evening was vV. Killinger. presi dent. M. C __




Profes Bree in the concluding fraterni ty in the · nited . State . Pi ?f th e e vening ~ongratulated_ Ot­ Kappa D e lta ha the large t e nroll­ tc r be111 on her choice of a na ti ona l ment o f any nationa l forensic frater­ frat ernity in th e interes ts of forensics nity in Ame rica. The chapter here i and on he r future in foren ·ics. Prof­ expected to stimu late intere t in local c or Brees wears three keys fr om for en ics a perm1 s1on to wear a Pi fo_rensic organizatio ns a nd dec lares Kappa Delta key is a di tinctiou tha·t P1 Kappa Delta th e be. t 111ted to th e mark one as havn g outs tanding ab il­ ity and th e key is recognized all over need of Ottebe in. M embe r ship in Pi Kappa Delta is the country. The O tt erb ein chapter open to anyone who has represen ted is t he fifth to be g ranted fo an O hio th e coll ege in intercol legiate debate school, Heidelberg, Hi ram, Baldwin­ or o ra tory. provided he be elec ted to Wallace and the University of Akron memb ership ~Y the m embers of th e already hav e chapte r s. The k ey for chapter. yanous d egree . arc award - the local members failed to arrive in ed accordm g to the caliber of the time for presentation at tb e in itiation h work done and t e num ber of con- ceremony but wi ll oo n be een about . h· h I · · S t ests . m D w' 1~ ~ me_m )c r ph~rth1c1patcs. the ca mpu . 1 pec1a 1 1st111 ct1on I t 1e 1g es t _r1c- 1 g ree tha t any mem ber ca n receive. , and it_ is sayi ng m uch fo r O tt~r~ein Special Chicken Dinner fo rensic that three of . th e ongmal member of the Epsilon hapter of Every Sunday, Pi Kappa Delta arc awa rd ed th e deg ree of pecial di tinction. The three 1 SOC. who a re permitted to wear the hi g hes t in signa of th e fraternity are Profe - 1 nr~ Fritz. H. \V. T roop and V irgil

I talk





For Yo ur se Iec t·IOD

Willit. Both m en and women are en titl ed to wear Pi Kappa D elta keys and Miss L yon is among those ma king up We have Oranges, Grape Fruit, Emthe original member of th e local o r- peror Grapes, Bananas, Pickles, Olives. ganization. 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries to make Denison Has Unusual Way . The Otterbein Chapter in sta lled · up your Luncheon Menu. O f Electing Court Captam Friday night i th e 8 th chapte r if the Deni on ha the omewhat unu ual custom of havin g . no regular ba ket ba ll captain. Instead the team_ mem­ ber get togeth er and elect their cap­ ta in ju t befor e going on the floor for th e game. Thi j . perh~p radvan ­ tao-eo u parti ulary Ill D Ill on ~a ' when the t aro i compo ed ntirely or al mo t entirely of new men. ---0 OTTERBEIN PILLOWS Banjo-Mandolin Orches_tra Given TABLE COVERS Mention in Musical Magazine that P ro f o r Spe ard repo rt receiving the · college g Iee Club PENNANTS for concert thi year more Offer . . . MEMORY BOOKS than any previou year an d mqmri e PELTS . ·n from other glee club ARM BANDS are commg 1 • th t COLLARS in other tate a king for mu_ic a th e _glee club u es. . T he Otterbein banjo-mandolin or. to be unu ually c he tra a l o prorruse h. h . T h or he tra w ic good _th 1 y a r . f the Gib on Comu e u1 trumeot o .• ·vely r eceived recog111tion pany exc Iu l · ·t ·t b this company Ill t s . of their m_en dyrecently in elaborate catalogue issue . f gan. picture o or style and carrywg . in their izations of variou kmd u . ~ f A ery large· pie ure in trurnent . . v nded aero s the top otir orch tra e te .. • ·t­ d b · recogn 1t1on JO 1 propels and repels lead­ of one page an t ids I since thi cat­ it works both wa:yal If mean a great ea • . t all over the world. alogue 1 en







The Grocer


c ---

South State St.



· Hoffman Drug Co.



37 N. State St.


Ible Worm· Drive





(Continued from page one.) ,,. D Ila and th •ir g ue t adKappa e 1 le Tr e Tea Room journed to the 1\1 ap , d The b nquet w a en e . whe~e a fa the local chapter pre i~ed f_ pre 1dent o speakm g xtemporane u over t h e t w hi ch time W Repair Sl:oes W hile You Wait. [ eLadies' and Ge"ts' Shoe Shine. I after the banquet a mber ~£ the Guaranteed or Money Refunded. most of t he older me · th eir I d on to give DAN CROCE chapter were cal ~ _u:Cance of th o • Westerville, 0. opi~ions of the ig111 ~ 27 w. Main St. ca 10n.




Park~r Lead Ejector-!ollowa· lead like a r am rod-makes It lmpcaslble for lea d to jam or c lou;. Ma de with Jewele r '• precl loo and fioi h,S40 up.

BAILEY'S PHARMACY " Where Everybody Goes".

Westerville, 0 .





5' k'Ret·.. in the score. Porosky played his b est Fouls-Denison: D oug 1a 2 Has tn> • so far this ea on in thi g ame. Faust, ,1 tig 2, Hla 2, teadman ' 9 M cCarroll, ~iddo~s, ho11e too during Otterbein: Porosk Y ~, 9 \Viddoes -·



t~o e too brief minutes at the begin- Hancock. mng of the eco nd ha lf. T'f the team ~========~=====-----~~ ­ can only reach and maintain that standard of play in the en uing game, I there i going to be a different tory '. & to tell. Durr and Hancock as sub s put up a hard game although it turn INTRA-MURAL SPORT N E WS ball squad. Numerals wer e g rante ri ed out to be a lo ing fight. j to the men who played in the Fre. hLakotas Spring Surprise When They man- sophomore football game and to The line-up: . a few who served faithfully a m en,- Denison SO Pos. 33 O tterbein I Defeat Cook House by a hers of the quad during the ea on . Dougla R. F ........... Widdoes 11- ! 0 Count. The men who were voted the t \127 Rettig ···-····-··- L . F . .. ( ) Anderson : • • b k I II t numeral ar e Felton, Curk. oi lier Hla --·-·•-·..·····-··· L. F ........... Hancock __..int~rf:i;1 :~,t:~~ l~es~g~:tu radsa;t~;ornfi~g Sn~vely . . McEowen . chcar, Mc- Steadman .............. C ............... Porosky \============~~=with ten different team competing. 1 Knight ' Cal·rol l· La111l>e1·t ' P1"lk"in q- Ha kins ............ R G.......... _.._ Fau t 1 f om Because of this fact, games were ton, Hayes, Cro s, Mc onnaughy. Steven on --·-··-· L. G. ........ McCarroll See Samp es r shorten ed to a-bout thirty minutes. Hammon, John on and Robert. Ro~er .................. L.. G................. Durr ! ociJl · th e O C . Class and S H Field . goals-Dem on: . Douglass t '- \ B e f ore ord enng ] nterest shown by t h e tu d ent Ill conte ts O far ha been good. Wooster Added to Football asktn 5, Hla 2, Rettig: Ottcrbei 11 : Group Pins. Playing tarted off at 8:30 a. m. Schedule for 1924 Season Anderson 6, Poro ky 4, \Vidd ocs :1. I "There's a Reason" O Sometime ago a contract was ign- McCarroll. ColwnbUS, · ... 1·th the phinx vs. Jonda tilt. In a 11th and High ~ " loosely played game the phinx won ed with Wooster College cheduling out, 20-10, although the Jonda ac- a football . game with that chool for (IJIIIIIIIIIY 1 quitted themselve we ll considering next fall. The game will be played ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ::



The College Avenue






that thi wa their fir t attempt. The big up set of the morning wa furni hed when the Lakotas beat th t'. highly touted Cook House quintet by a 14-10 core. Bechtolt's floor work caused him to hin e mo t brilliantly for the victor . while Killinger was the only one of the Cook Hou er to how much ambition . In the final group league conte t the Alp met the Annex for some hotly conte ted minute . Frie t lookth • tie l '\. cd perhap e bet m 11- . ' nnex ou tfit which triumphed

October 4, 011 everance F ield. Last December at the meeting of the Ohio Co nference official . our sched ule for 1924 wa: arranged but the chedule did ·not call for any game ea rly in the season. Thi game coming when it doe grcatl v- improves our schedule a it providesJ a sea oning game which is very e sential to the conditioning of the team. - - -- 0 C Cincinnati Next 0. C.' next oppo 1t1011 i to he

The Bailey and McRill clubs started things off in the boarding club league with an encounter which the Bailey team won 13-lZ. This was a tory of good material poorly organized . Allison won the game for his team mates by scoring ten point of the thirteen, eight of which were on free throws. Although there wa a game cheduled between the Prie t and Eschbach club the latter team put in no appear;nce and so the affair wa canccled. .

furni ed by the niver ity of Cinciunati five, W d who are booked to appear here e nesday evening, January 2:;. The Queen City team looms up ouite formidably a nd it wi ll require super human efforts on th e part of the Tan team to tame the "Bear at .' It will be remembered that Cincy held Deni on to a 19-2 core in the fir t half of th eir late encounter. That means th at Otterbein will be forced to give th e la t ounce of energy, both of rooter and of player, to how up the Queen hCity aggregation, T he T


The morni ng wa wound up with a an mthustc,. owebverk come back and fray between the Cusic and chrock mop e mcy as ·eteer and it ,..,;11 team . In thi conte t Harry Wid- take some w hole ouled e ffort. doe wa high corer although he - --- O C ---played for the chrock team which Coach " Dit'' Makes Address wa vanq ui bed by the count of. 21-1 . Sunday afternoon oach Ditmer Mo t of the morning' refereeing gave an addre s at kron before 300 wa done by 'Killinger and Prie t. Hi-Y boy of ummit ounty. Coach Intra-mural ha ketball activitie will Ditmer' ubject wa "Playin g the




Special Clearance Prsic1.elks §:: d on Men's Wool an s M ffi ::


= -


U erS. 88 up . ............ $1. Men' s Wool, sale pnce $ .2s up Men's Silk on sale .......... ----·· 2. .A)l ' of p a tterns in A Fine Selection Grades. LADIES' SPRING SHdO;!ents, New Cut-outs in Suedes an The . h h S anish Heels. ds wit t ine Black new P . latest Satms an d oxfor


-S :: S ::

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:: S _

arrived. f :_ J C FREEM.Ahave N a COMPAN 1111111 :


= :


• IIIIIIIIIIII • ,1111111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111





67 E. State St. Between Hartman & Grand Theatres.


ij "

Everyth ing

in the Line.''





M hines ReP 31


~ T a lMake. king [


~ ~ ~

continue on next Tu day evening Game," and hi talk wa enth u ia _ ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ : : : : : ~ = = = = = = = ~ t U I with a cries of game . tica 11111111 11111111:.~ • 11 Y rece1v • d by U,e u mmit coun ty 1111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 Group League Standing. Hi-Y boys. 1.1 ~



L. O

phin.x ·······-·-·-··--··- 2 Country lub .............. 1 0 Annex -···---·--··-·-· 1 1 Lakota --·····-·--·····-···-·· 1 1 ook Hou e ................ 1 l Jo nda ·---·--·---·-····-··· 0 l Alp ------·--·-·---- 0 2 Prune league standing will be

olLf AC J § ~HE -...~ UP-to- DATE PHA.LU..... ~

- -- 0 C 1.000 DENISON BES:rs 1.000 OTTERBEIN FIVE Pct.

.500 : .500 (Continued from page one.) .500 any further flasbe from the Taii : .000 quintet. : .000 Dougla of Deni on wa t,·gh : 1



i h er. o t e gam

cormaking a total of 7 ban half their core. 1 ague have engaged in games. Ha kin and Illa, who were put into ---OC th It I d game a , P ay well. Award Freshmen Numerals Ander on wa high corer again t a r cent meeting of the Athletic for Otterbein. Andy was hot and if Board numerals were awarded to ix­ teen member of the fre hman foot- he had fini heel in the game there ould have been a decided differen

li bed as soon as all memb rs of the pomt .' more


= :


§ : :



k Supplie~/f p11 ~ ~et your Films and ~oda pevelopcuW'3 r1' :; 0 kinds. Have your Films d Fine ~ irinted. Quick Service an ~ uaranteed. :; S cialt1· ~ Enlargements, a pe El'l'f :; OUR OPT ICAL DEPART:rdd proPerl>' · dan " t '~ H ave your eyes examme are rig•• · fitted with Glasses that onable. ~ Our Prices are Reas ~



= = RITTER & UTLEY 44 North state Stree


illllllfllllllfllllflll 1111111111


~ ~

44 N. State St.



' 1111111111 11 11111111 1111 111111 1111111 111111 1111111111111 1111 1



i time

that the need of the pre ·c nt · forced to retire from the ga me be- cause of personal fou ls.

===============~=========-====== ,::================================::'\

student body be met or a damage hard to repair, soon will have been accomplished. II ·· .Sacnltcing athletic coaches may in time become discouraged and the I ,vhole scheme of physical education at Otterbein collapse. If there is a lagging spirit the alumni of proud Otterbein should emerge from their coma and do thing ." --OC Game with Ohio Wesleyan to , Be Played at Gem City Otterbein's fo~rth conference ba s-



Seniors should come in at once for their class Photos for the Sibyl.

As Christ­



D[HftJ\H L 5 SD.CI llTIDN ketball contest will be played at Day______;. ;;.;.;"::.;:.~;_l;.::~:_:J iton with Wesleyan. This game whic h

m as approaches we are m or~ busy and w e wish t o g ive you t he best of service.

Don't delay.



was originally to have been played T th ho e who are not frozen stiff by here has been changed to the down · · tent appea I exe zero. weather are stiffened from state city due to the 111s1 . 't utions. . th am fnght so t hat we have v ery few of alumni from b onI mst1 ;ght of enjoyin g ourselves. The fr acas w ill take place on at­ 111 p. · d a11d a Gallagher spent the week- urday ni ght, February 2, at en at her home. It will not occur Ill Memorial cl Ruth Snycle H all as one might suppose, but d t the new city recreato Dayt r_ an Jo Cridland drove . 'b on with McK· . for a W1 11 e p Iaye a week-end visit. rnn ey s tion hall at th e Montgome ry county fair grounds. The ti lt i under the "Jerry" Sh and a guest ~w, _of <?hio Wesleyan management of a joint committee of tained . h 0 Emel K1 er, was enter- Otterbein and We \eyan alumni. night an:it a dorm push Saturday F rancis Pottenger i arrangin g for unda . car to run over the interur- a 1~ncheon at the Tea Room y evemng. a specia 1 . t ban lines provided twenty-five roo. er ,; . Fiarriet H chear, Mr ay , Mrs. Hays, Mrs. express their intention s of go111g. Routzohn \\; Frank ande: , and Mr . This will be necessary du~ to . the fa_ct of the O ere Sunday dmn er g uests that no r egular car service 1s availPr f wl Club · a.ble at the time when the game wi·u nd gue : · ; Mrs. Grabill were dinner be over. Coach Diu:ner' lads can. b~ Tryon 0 Hazel Barngrover and Ma ry I counted on to furmsh some excit~ ~,[ ' unday . ment in their attempt to recoup their f the defeat ad· r. a11cl M · Bobb rs. McLean Bruce and loss in prestige rom Sund{ of ~!um treet als~ shared our mini tered th em by We leyan earl y gue t Yoi t;nner. They were the in the sea on. \\>old. ma Evan and Mary Green- -SWISHERS'' 0 C "NET

The Old Reliable

~ State a nd H igh Sts.

Columbus, 0.

~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! --=~=~==========================~,

liver ·1 M.For 'E: W P1 1 and corn remover ee f I R d Left forward Dougla s o t 1e_ ~ liau . therill, agent for Cochran \V. ample ju t arrived. outfit and the bright spot of Dem ~n s R e extend offen e. scored the first three pomt Uth Luc ~ur deepest sympathy to for his team wi th a foul and a ba ket. death of ha 111 her orrow over the In the cour e of the game he annexed er mother. - - 0 C --ten more field goals. Captain Anders on scored :11e fir ~t Pr . President In South. for ;e~dnent Clippinger left Saturday oin ts for Otterbein and ra1sed his e. e ee ' h tpotal t o ~:..- buckets before h e w as ries of fi N ere he is to make a ""' l<noxvil! ve add re e in and a round forced from the contest. era\ and_e on hi g her education . . 111 genMany have suggeste d th at . the Fr b · • . d th audience 0 n Ott rn 1' er em 111 particular. players be introduce to e 0 to enne h th floor ll go to Fl . ee t e President p lans as th ey take their places on e · le intere t orida, making addre e in suggest that the referee al so be \\rJ;: ~ the college. introduced to the fans. STILL W ~ NCT It is doubtful if our team _will enTHAT GYM that will make The f counter another team . d'd from th oUowng item long shots as Denison i · 1 unted time and u e ' a clipped' as manY lllbu Po rtin g page of Co Their long shots co . Out . Unday n· the 1• and i t is doubtful if the sh~oong d . 1der' . . 1 pat h and i an again d h will be consistent r'.~Je. OPtn1011 concerning our gym they displaye ere throughout the s eason. t h terbein a oclolrne to our ear that Ot.P kY brought do,,·n the hou e orne ege l . . oro f the center of a ""hat · a umm are laggmg "th two ba kets rom &ti new gy::: t~e project of financing ;1e floor. Andy's shooting al of ,tas ~Ution in nas1um for the little in- a sensation and a plea ure to the an . W nearby w • d half terb e can r esterv1lle. Otterbein's spurt in the secon h Col! ein wa e.cal! that 25 years ago Otf r a burst of ent us. _a le_ader in up to date g_ave occass1on eege act1·v.it from the ospectators. That enonta of the. "- Y 111 Ohio and it had iasm_ uld be welcome during the le th ••rst coll ege gym 111 . thus1asm. wo Ill an at wa an the entire conte t. en and qui Y way modern in its I . a stroug' bid h·, 0ugh_ Pment. But that isn't O tterbein was making •h'1latt0 coll ti h O pe was a11n1 ry of a ege can not live in the for victory but a d ,Viddoes were Proud pa t, so it is high ed when Anderson an





A Great Sale of

OVERCOATS The fine coat of the a n lo d u tor to ell at en to Lazaru lar · unu uall that brin pnc a 1ng



Coats we could have

Coats we could have

sold for $50 to $65.

sold for $75 to $125.


E ery


d tyle and color in a large range of 1ze .



Page Eigh t





The exodus of music lovers to the I The famou s athlete that proved the the hairnet in que tion. concert of the Women' Mu ic Club I thorn in the Otterbein flesh in the I Will be too weak, frantic and i:e~11; occurred F rid ay. A noted pianist and football ga_ me. down_ there a year ago tally fati·gued after exams to b g w_a~ married_ 111 ~ 1ddletown Thank \ the second semester. . cellist gave the eve nings· entertain- g1v111g mornmg and 111 the afternoon . th and a ht· · · · ment. played with St. Xavier agamst the I Heard of a certam you ho alway cat Haskell 1ndians. tie bobbed hair gtr 1 w ther Then The oriental effect given to the co ugh d rops w hen out toge · ough of the Public Speaking Western Re erve has tarted a cam-\ •ght the youth had no c . _ P rogram . for more ong ' ye 1ls an d " pep " one 111 d d decided to u e pe bble int Co un cil ore T hur day cau ed great pa1gn . f . . d rops an . \ excitement. Sol Harn. wa e pee- su ta mers. A te r securmg an ad - t d T he little gi. rl had al!ll0' I r ' ially in pired. eaII · . d the pebble b efore ie't He ha declared h1· ed num b er o f ongs an d ye II s t h ey . h bl" . . swa o,, e \ \ e can intentions of v1 itm g Egypt very oon. \ ope to e ta t h a cheering ectton friend came to the re cue. . ne' I ____ 0 c ____ compo ed of tudent and regular fan . decide whether thi. i t_he bh nd 1 . L ucas ' M o th er D 1es. " M1ss \ \ Profes or .\ .' R. Spessard reports of love or the love o f bltndne. s. e \V ord was received here aturday of the banjo-mandolin orchestra to be w· h t be excu ed fron'. th e _ d · fi • • . 1s es o en the death of Ruth Lucas' moth er in omg ne 111 it practice an d he states ma rk becau e 11e 1 111. g I One of our male student~ has bel·n ltoona. Pa. Miss Lucas wa called ' that it ha promi e of being unusual- selnl eel s~ ~e t due to fhe approachtO 11 . ta y c e11c1en "' tl e- home ea rly in the week becau e of , 1Y goo d t h"I year. •fhc or chestra 1s repor t ed engag ed · I. fact. the 'rrcn doesn't deny 11 );ow we are \ . . \ bl dd. . ~ man · . . the cond1t1on of her mothe r who was a va 1tta e a thon to the g lee ch11, exams. ~ keptical a-b.Qut thi s affair be. d . _ _ __ = - very s --. k uffering from pleural pneumoma. I an one whic h ha won g-reat popcause we saw no mud on l\is nees ___ O C - - I ularity. the evening of the ceremony. LIST N'I N I N ---- O



. ..

. .





Our st reet car se rvice between here ---THE DORM I M P and Columbus is becoming highly Hiram's football team ha been specialized. The latest safety devices I equipped with heep- kin coat to reHas a roommate who doe n't c,·cn are being in tailed. Of late all oi~e place the blanket used in previou know the name of the famou . 1110\'ie has to do is to hold up a clothes P1~ years. The coats make a neater ap- stars-or the number of divorces each and the motorman wi ll know there 15 pearance and al o give the men bet- has had. We are urpri ed at such a wash-out on the line. ter protection. c iguorance from a college enior. Prof. Martin talking about the nec­ aw a hin g lcd flapperish ophopuni hmcnt for an explo ion of e sity of the segregation of th e exe undergradua.te spirit which brought more wipe an extra salad Thu rsday remind s u of th e vcr e we learned down upon them the wrath of the in­ night at dinner and both she and thr in Shapespeare's or Longfellow' salad sat on the .arne chair duri ng wo rk s which goes a .follows. titution's authorities, Yale' Sopho- dinner. mores are pro hibited from entering rd th "A nd eve ry night at Dodo Bi into any extra-curri cult\m activitie Read where a certain bu ine s ex­ descend into the depths of the ocean, a athletics, glee club, etc. , for one ecutive neve r hires brilliant rnen . o w There to segregate it pecie ' crying she feel much more confident of a acka benzal !' " year. l'n a shrill voice, 'I position. Cheer up, dumb-b II ! Which when tran lated freely into plutoratic friend of Woo ler Colthe vernacular ignifies, "We can e ha donated the in titution 200 , Can't thi nk of anything but exam . m ake more noi el" 000 fo r a r r ationa l c nter where T hink that peo)?le who applaud J. B. Crab bs, '23, a in \ Veter - couple may have "date·' vigorously in the hairnet of th e perville F riday and Saturday Crabbs son in front of them at a ba ket ball brought his Centerburg team against "Herb" Davi s of t. Xavier ol- game should wear boxing gloves. It \ terville High Friday evening. The Iege h a ta k·en un t 1,·tm elf a w1"fe. wou1d not be nearly o harmful on



98 W it h Coupon fr ot11



Buckeye Pnn

fng Co, l gpECJ,\L



making a core equal fi=p========~========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~====~======i;i~::;~=~~~~:::~~~==~~~~==~~~~~~==~~======~=====================$;3; ·· ~ hi. team. jinx on thefrom ba ket howe:ver prevented .o; o:=::=::r Pe::::::::~:::oo . to their floor work. · Theodore Brindle, a forme r tudent: who i now attending . vi ited friend here over the week end. nny Brown. '25 . undenvent an operation Friday for the removal of na a l polypu He i getting a long

nicely. A n umber of the male

tudent shuddered at a sight which they aw Monday morning. Pr £. Durant wa een to remove hi l1at out id in the icy bla t . 11 th lud nt will be aft r ome of L vi' hair tonic. ee "Len" w 11. Len will continue em ter prior to grad­

We are glad to

'24. back with u .

hi tudies thi uatio n in J une.

Profe o, Val utin wa o ag r to ioflic tortur and ver puni bmeut on hi P ychology cla that he left chapel on the run .

DUNLAP'S Greatest Sale ·0£ Men's Shoes I

Men of Central Ohio are cer­ tainly patronizing this sale of Men's Winter Shoes. Not odds and ends, nor discon­ tinued old styles. But bright snappy new styles all at sale prices. All Nettleton Shoes and Oxfords up to $16.50

$11.45 All Bostonian W inter Shoes up to $10.00

Don Howard certainly ha a cruel way of tr ating the Prof . The tu­ e Prof. Grabill d nt would hate to in several pieces on the organ. Everyone sticks clo e at the e day . We're glad eme ter are eighteen weeks in length at lea t. We have had unu ually fine organ pr •lude thi week. The tudent h uld appreciate them.


Gay and Broad

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.