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B • . s nlhant Comeback Early Part of Second Period
Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Pi K appa Delta Installed Friday N ight.
Proves in Vain.
Scnsatio al n Shooting and Perfect Passing -of Baptists too Much for Varsity.
Thirteen Students and Professors Initiated As Charter Members of H onorary Fraternity.
1' .. ,;c
T H I•: T
Examination Schedule
th e O tter b em · camp us and the co llege j The entertainmen • · charge oi. t wa 111 Below is the sc hedule fo r examina- building . by saying that it was as the J 'ublic Speaking Counci l all<l \\'a, P resident Clippinger A ddresses M em - tions as arranged by the faculty T he high as live administratio n buildi,ws I o-iv cn for th e benefit of a new curtaudi h ers of Ott erbein Club in · 1 d :" "' D B owar exam inations scheduled for the m orn- Pace one upo_n the other, and its j for the c hapel stage. . on ent nuin· Capital City. · -11 b . . , ba e wou ld require more than the area . ,·c ry ably presented th e differ i1h1g w1_ el_gm fat eight o'_clock ~hile of t he entire campus. I bers of th e program. The Otter bein Club of \V as hingt on. one 11111111n t oseo'clock 111 t 1e a ternoo n will begin at , 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 111 111 D. C. , held its annual meeting in the · § 1 Red Room of th l! ::--; ew Ebbitt Hotel 8 :00 T uesday i :00 classes. : on Monday evening. Januar y 14th. 1:00 Tuesday 3 :00 classes. Presiden t Cli ppinger, Dr. Russell. and 8:00 Wednesday 7:45 classes. A fter Beating Cincinnati § Dr. Keister were present and convey8 :00 Thursday 9 :00 clas es. § ~ ed to the assembled al umni and friends 1 :00 Th ursday 2:00 classe . of the college interesting mes,ages of 8 :00 F r_iday 10 :00 classe . )§ th e presen t day life and activity about 1: 00 F ri day 10:00 clas cs. lTucsdav, : Go t o the th e campus, as well as sketching the and T hu rsday section .) · \: splendid story of th e continued growth 8:00 Mon day 11 :00 cla se and deve lopment of the coll ege. a :1d 1 8 :00 T uesday 1 :00 classes. :
~================~~~~~~~====~=~~ =
= ::
th e plans a nd hopes for the future.
1 ----
= = : =
C - -- -
The fact that a nationa l confere nce I Card of T hanks of the An ti Saloo n League was in se · [ We wi h to expre · · h' d t h c g rowing · 111 \i\Tas mgton, a n app reciati on to o fs · our d gf ra teful s1on . . . . . ur n en s or the mterest 111 na ti o na l an d 111ter na t1 o nal many acts o f ki.nd t cl d . . ness ex en c duraffairs, per haps more evide nt th an ing th e il ~ness cl d th f . . an ca o our wife . h I . h a nyw ere e se 111 t e cap!la 1 cit y, ga ,·e cl·• uo-l1ter a11 d · ·t L I B • ' • • a "' S IS er. u u off . e mtth an added s1g m• lica nc_e to th e occas ion. Also for the beautiful Aoral . · and was reAec ted 111 evera l of the nn gs. G. E . Smi th speeches. Mr. Elwood P. Morey . Mrs. Anna Clym er a nd fa mil y. p re idcnt of th e orga ni za ti on. gave a - - - 0 C - -tirr ing addr ess on th e g rowing in te r Adrian N ewens to Appear as est in relig io n as th e solution o f our T hird Number of Lecture Course national probl em s, parti cul arl y inter e ting in that it cam e fr om one of th e . The. Citizens' L ectur e Co ur se for prominent attorn eys of W as hington . its th ird ent~rtainm ent J a nua ry 24 . a nd what he term ed a ''hard-head ed offer one of its best program in th e bu ines man." Mr. Morey was re- person of Adrian M. Newen . famou s cently swept into na tion a l prom in ence ~on_o logist. Mr. ewe n is a master when he a cted as Chairm an o f th e E n- '.n hi profession, and at th e same time terta inmcn t Co mm ittee fo r the great is abl e to supplement his tec hni cal hrin e Convention whi ch as embl ed kn owledge with hi honest sincerity Mr. a nd good humor whi ch make hi pro in Was hington la t summ er. T heodore Shuey who wa a memb er gr~ ':1 e Pecia lly intere ting. Hi o f the cla s of 1 66, and the oldest a?ihty a an ente~_tainer i proven by O tte r beinite prese nt, g ave ome inter- , hi s uccess wi t h past audi ence . In esting a necdo tes of tho e a nte- heliu m one ca_se when he wa permitted to days, and then told o f some intere t- entertain four audience in two days ing exp eri ence in th e U nited ta tes a ~ Moline, 111 .. his hea rers follow ed enate, wher e he ha been Chi ef Sten- him fron:i, place to place making hi ographer for fi fty- ix yea r , and as four audience number approximately uch ha g ain ed a n en viab le acq uai n- 3100 people. tance wit hmen of national promMr. ewen ' programs ar e varied P erhap he _i ~e t kno wn on the Ly~ inence for the pa t ha lf centur y. Mes age .from M a rs " 'O th ers pre ent were Mr . B. E. ceum for ht Ewing, Miss H elen Gru ve r , the Mi - bu t_ he give ot her program ea ch ~f da and U rilla Guitner, Mr. and w hich _afford s a plendid evening of e Mr . Rob ert E . Kline, Mr. Robe rt E. en~ertammen t. H is program ha ve Kli ne, Jr., ecretary o f th e cl ub, Dr . built up for him a r eputation a an :and Mrs. Walter L . Klin e, Miss D ai y ent ertain er of th e high est ra nk. O C ---Magruder, and M rs. M orey. A buffet supper was ser ved later in the even- PRESID E NT BACK FROM EAST ing, a nd afte r about an hour of in (Continued from page one.) forma lly getting better acquain ted, the meeting adjourn ed, everyone feel . ell , the Pre ident atte nded the \ \Ta hing a new sen e of loyalty to the col 10gton Alumni Reunion held at H t 0 1 : lege, an d an added enth usia m in it Eb bitt. E . B. Morey , 7 1· · , pre 1great program. dent and Robert Klein , 'l , 1· s ee re---0 C-- tar~ ~f the Washin gton Alumni A _ Snavely I s Freshman President. soc1ation. At a cla s meeting last Wednesday, Robert Snave_ly was elected pre i dent of the Freshman cla s to fill th e vacancy caused by the resignation of J ohn McEowen. G. McConnaughy was elected vice-president of the class to fill the po ition formerly held by Snavely.
For L ight Lunches.
=lll11111111111111111111111 ==: '~
111111 llllllllllu,.•·_:_, 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 11111111111111111111 ~
You Get Real Quality a n d Fine Style in this Sale of
Hart Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Overcoats $50, $55 andl $60 O vercoats, redu ced to
$65 and $75 O vercoats. reduced to
Here' ale . a matter to think over. Here' a . 111 in which ome of t he fine t overcoat rnade me rica a re offered at unexcellecl avings-
(Continued from page one.) er de cribed the Nile Valley a . s very 1eve 1 and po sessmg . the most 1 h uxun adnt. groh~t of any place he had visite . m . 1s travels. The desc np • t·ton of hts v1st to the pyramids ---0 C-- . . was very tnte'.e tmg and instructive. Very efN o P aper Next Week f ect1vely he corrected any • I . m1sconcepFollowing what has been the cus . t1on the auchence might have h d . h . a retom for the past few years the taff gar d mg t e size of these w d on ers of will not edit a Tan and Cardinal '!X the world. The speaker compared the amination week. size of the large t pyramid to that of
The e are overcoat of which you can be ab-0' lutely ure of the quality, the tyle au<l th ~ o·eneral hio-h calib er of the o·arment ou b ll ) becau e it bear the label of Hart chaffrier & ' ' . t arx or Fa hion P ark. For nug corn.for , fine tailor· . 1 the e mg, rea 1 erv1ce and bo-oo d loo<: coat have no uperior.
THE UNION High and ~ong Sts.
CoiurnbUS, 0,
=~=~= ~==~= J
Page Three
Church. She al o narrated th e experiences of a nati,·e J apanc. e mission , ary, Mr. Ya uda. A story b_v Mr . J . Hat Smith, telling how a J a pane e boy found Christ wa related by Paul -
was played by Miss Gladys Brown. . field. Mis . I:orame Rhin ehart, graduate 111 th Miss Louise Robin on ang "A na· of e cla of 1922, wi ll ret 1 11muSic t0 O Hear Ye, Israel," taken from Men- , ~~ th tterbein . next seme ter to <leis ohn's Oratorio " Elijah." ta e fur er work 111 music.
"Marche Funebre et Chant eraphi , ine Knepp and a simi lar story con : cerning a Japanese girl was recounted que" by the great French composer by Mabel Ca el. Margaret Graff I Guilmant. wa played by Mi · s Hazel 'os. .\ r . gave a comprehensive review of th e Dehnhoff. The Overture to '•William Dailv ,.,. ecen t issue of the Davton January number of the ·'Evangel." · Tell" by Ros ini was very well • . \,c\\' Dr co ntain . • Concerning a feature artic:e ' Y. -~- C. .. i gratef~il f~_r Josep h- played by Mis Thelm_a Bonnell. All tor of th ·. Erne t J . Pace, pas- inc l nrl ands vio lin . o o. The Old tho e who took part 111 the program church of ~n~1r t ~nited B:e thren ' Refrain" I hould be commended on their ex- 1 actually "d on, Ohio, ,,·ho. 1t says. ---- 0 C ---r ce llent \York. . 1 · b ra\\·s" · vahon · many souls to sa lMemonal to Dr. Burtner - - -O - 0 C - - -Y mean of 111· re 1·igiou · s si: r -, As a m emorial to the late Dr. BurtSh e u ed t sit · upon m y Iap rn 1ette , ·h· ,,.-ic01 · circul ' t·1ch . ha,·e ,.ueen hav111g A s h appy as cou Id b c. a ncr the Wagoner M emorial Cla s of 1 a 10 11 111 rel'1g1ou. · B u t now I·t ma k·e h er seas1c. . k .ha,. been put paper a nd I th e Cnited Brethren Sunday chool 111 serq1011 don lantern !ides for u. c is pon oring the publication of a 61 I have ·water on the kn ee. l , · an lectures , · E E ---======================== 89. , , . ·· page memorial booklet for Dr. . ' I for Miss Sar- Burtner. The Memorial. cdite ah ~L Ku services - uemonal · · · cl .b Y IJlllllllllllll!llll' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" 1 death wa mler o! Columbus , whos e I Dr. Howard H. Rus ell has been d_ v- : :: We k, . noted Ill thi column last I ided into three parts, the fir t ect1on '.\orth ~Vere held yesterday in th e com po ed of funeral tribute : the lll1nster p re. Ily Churc h of ' econd ectton . . - . o f re olut1on . te:oUColun1b '•llrlt1tt.u 'r when Xorth High School J monials and letter : and the ~hird § '"ith other ac_~ lty and alumni united section of numerou exc rpt tro n 10c a Button, $1.00 if they Rip. to one fi 1ends to pay this tribut e Dr. Burtner' ermon and add re es. ; )',;Orth B~vho had bee n a teach er in The book will al o include in ert ter of a 1;eh chool for almost a quar- photograph of Dr. Burtner. !and, '06 tury. larence R. Vi'ein - r ---- 0 C Father of W. 0. S tauffer Dies. 111 ~Orth~- the department of cience I unclay morning, January 13 ? : 0n this oc ig~ , rep re ented the facult,· I ton al o ca ion . Dr. William Hou ·_ I Stauffer, father of W. . tauffer '11 gave a memorial addre ' pa d away at hi h me in Barberton. Foraker H s. I Mr. tauffer fir t uffered an attack _iga i makin at~on of D~troit. of acute iodige tion and hi condition F giou life of hg him self felt m th e wa not con idered eriou . aturday t at cit Y an d t a t e. '1 he ulfered a troke of apoplexy an d toor th ree Year M th~ of the nit ;· Hatton wa pa - I dierl early unday morning. ire, durj Brethren chur h f ____ O secret ng which f ime h e erved as r, arY-trea Myers Resigns as Editor tor' · 11ion.urerLa of the D e t roi·t · V. E. Myer , Editor of the Tan and ina ch t Pro arge of the , d ummer he _w~s Cardinal ince last May, tender cl hi "' grain f the out oor evangehst1c · Board t-111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '-nurch Detroit C . f re ignation to th e .p u bli cauon O Po it• e . He ha ounc1 1 o la t Monday morn111g. au! ar r 1111 En dcavor ion offofield ecretary now accepted the . wa I cted to fill the unexpired term • of Chri tian e M . D Howard wa , llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 'is r the. tate of M. h. of Mr. yer. an< on :fo. . \Villia.111 I ic igan . elected ~\ i tant Editor. : : t·~it'o,,ne month Comfort, who wa O -() er nr ti pa tor of the Fir t Prof. Grabill to Give Recital. ~ rrRon. ha 1;en hurch of Portland, Profe or Grabill will gi e an or- iu ll1ti·,r1 th eturn d to Ohio and ha gau r cital at the nited Brethren 11 .,. '" · t re,-n ,, 11 ll v Pa torat of a hurcb in n d er on, 1 d1·ana , Jan - %th. ()hio'. organiz d m uary 2'1, whe11 tbe ne"". organ of \>. \I/. ; - - - 0 C - - - th ,a i1urch \\'ill b dedicated. • u- . A. Studies the cl •rso n i th home of th Lambert Jtl· family \\'ho arc aJumni of Ott rb ein After th ission Field in Japan and wbo ga,· . the coo ervatory to Ctation e opening lead , Atar . ong of con e- the college.
Meats of All Kinds
Also Groceries at
w O LF ' s
Westerville, Ohio
Dutchess Trousers Clearance
I= I= I= =
= Dozens of pairs reduced _ = 50c to $1.50 per pair. =
= = =
= = Men's Sheep Pelt Coats = in a Big Reduction Sale. =
!/ /·
= Men's Reefers Reduced to Cost. = =
Norris & Elliott
Text B00ks •
Dictionaries, Note-books, Fillers,
C. er of la Elizabeth Brewbaker. --- 0 A.. g ek' e i f y ' Student Recital Announced. '9;hat ave a h oo o . . is Illa th_e Bible .;t.rt. explanation of There will be a general mu ic tune,,_, nn1ng t 1 ion Comroitt dent ' r cital January 30 ~t La01the Plan of o ddo . . It i promoting a hull g_1r1_ w evotional ervice and i:c 1totifi rt.dietin board r ed to watch the loIlg. or the daily Bible ti ra Add ons. t> i k had ch a,ge 1£ . the devohe <1er 'd read c . eynote wa "Abiding.'· 0 ut th ripture J 'lld . at "A.b. . on ' hich point1tiiitthich rel t idmg" i God' plan ijtls Ulnes . ;bed the result of unlllis · Pray e reque ted that the e Pecia11,, f 10na · l'h ries in J " or our nine \\>ere\ leader toldapan. tliildr rought t how many people ~tenen of the o Chri t through the CQntro11 of Japantw~ hund red kinderCd bY the , e1ght U . of whi c h are mted Brethren
= = = =
Carbon Paper, Art Materials and Other Supplies for Students now
= = = = = = = =
= = = = = = =
bert Hall and Prof or Grabill tate that thi program wi!J b_e unu ually cl and ,,·ell worth I1eann g · O Organ Recital Well Received Jar e audience wa · pre ent at t_h : excellent organ recital given by pupil II e hapel on in Orga11 at the o eg Sunday afternoon. The opening number " onata :: M" " by Guilrnant, wa played .by mor, . · orona 1011 Feme Buckingham. : 'March' from feyerbeer' . gr'.'-11~ era "The Prophet", " Med1tat1on ' Sturge and "Toccato" from ck rd : th· d Organ Sonata were pre eote : Francis . Harri : byir M.i ong. by'·Chanson Becker. =111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m11111111111111111 1111111111111111111 -iidu oir" , an evenmg ' 11111 I
on hand; at the
o:- :
~age .Four
T HE . TAN A.N . D C ;;.A~R;;;D~l;_.:N ~ A;.,L;:·= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == ____,·~··
fairness an<l abi lity to refer ee a good CALENDAR Saturday, February ~a;...:~k · ~, ; · game of basket ball. Even if he err Basket Bal l. Ohio ;s;ort ber.i1- ·hf rc. ed at tim es that should not makt' him an obj ect of criticism by the students. Wednesday, January 23·' )." ' J\10\·ie. ·'Ha il the Woma n.'' Published Weekly in the interest of Basket lfa!I. Cinc·inna ti lterc. Otterbein by the Lf he needed correcting fo r hi s officThursday, January 24-========~====- OTTE RBEI PUBLI SHING iating it. is not for the fans to do so L ec ture Course. Adria n M. :-.:c\\'ens. as that is t he d uty of the coaches a nd BOARD Call Citizen 21 or Bell g..W.i' Westerville, Ohio 111a11agers. If th<: rden:<: is \\TOn g Reader. Member Of the Ohio College Press let the proper put in the Saturday, January 26Association "Y"Mov ie... T he Pilgrim .'' comp la int. Tuesday, January 29No points a re scored by " razzin g·• STAFF Agent for Acme Laund ry Co, First Sem es ter end s. th e referee. ·' Razzin g.. m erel y de 25 moralizes bo th team s, slows ap th e Wednesday, January 30E:iitor-in-Chief •····· P aul Garver, ' Ladies and General Laundry Work £or A . istant Editor .... D. S. Howa rd , ' 26 ga me and ruin s the eve nin g fo r peo Second Sem es ter O pen s. Cont rib uting Editors· p le who desire to see fair play man iBasket Ball, De nison at Gr atl\·ille. Gentlemen. H . K. Darling, '24 Lucille Gerber, '24 fester by th e spectators as well as by Saturday, February 2Marguerite Wetherill. '24 the teams. "Razzing" a n official i, Basket Ball, Ohio \ Vesleyan a t J. H . MAYNE E. F. McCarroll, '25 1 unbecoming to an O tterb ein stud ent Dayton. rville o. Carrie Shreffler '26 1 ·11 · · Saturday, February 912 W . College Ave. W-:S te ' Bus Mana er ..... ......... R . H . Ward'. '25 and no true spo rtm an wt 1?ract1ce it. ~ : ,., g[anager A ssoc1a · tes We want O tter bem to he. regarded Basket Ball, Heidel berg here. n,11s1nes, G. E. Bechtolt. '25 by th e col leges of th e Ohio Co nfer- Thursday, February 14Wm. Myer s, '26 ence as a sc hool standing for true Lecture Course, Elwood T. Bailey. W a ldo Keck, '27 spor tsma nship, hut that goa l ca n nev Popular Lecturer. Cloy<;I Marshall, ;27 er he realized ii th e conduct display ed Saturday, February 16-Cir Manager Katharine Pollock, 24 . . . FloWers, /.s~istant Ci rc~-ia tion Managersla st \\ e<lnesday n1 ~ht cont 111ues to he Basket Ball , Hiram here. Has Choice Gift s, Ca rd s, Ladybird Sipe, '25 sho\\'n by O tter b<:tn students. . • See tbelll Cards of all descriptions. Margaret Widdoes, '26 Ath letic Editor ...... Josep h Mayne, '25 t eveninP. A Request. at No. 56 W est Home Stree Local Edi tor .... D . R . Clippinger, '25 A member o f th e varsi ty basket ball Alum na! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 Telephones-Office 480 Exchange Editor .. Kathleen White,'24 tea m recen tly sta ted th a t he .believed 40 Residence I mu sic by 1. : ith t0r a band or an orch es tra Coc hran Hall EditorS tore 429 1 Harriet Whistler, '24 at the vars ity con tes ts would in still Avenue Coal Yard : East College more figh t and spirit in the team. He Add ress all communications to The \\·t:nt fur th er and ask ed th at music he By R. R. tracks, ~ 0tterbein Tan and Ca rdinal, lOJ W . pro vided fo r the next game. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Tn our mind nothing in still more Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, payable in advance. real pep and enthu ia m in an a th au<l leti c con te st th an does music. Un Ente red as second class matter questionab ly mu sic speed up the September 25, 1917, at the postoffice a t Westerville, 0., under act of ga me. puts a fight in g pirit in th e fray and creates an atm osp here of excite March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special ment among the fan . It i true that rate of postage provided for in Sec. music may not be desirab le d uring I 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized th e progress of t he game but music Apri l 7, 1919. in its p lace; before th e tart of the co ntest a nd between th e ha lves in no way affects th e work of team . Spirit EDITORIALS ed music u ed at th e proper time wou ld do more to bring th e team out of a · lump than an hour of cheering. We had a band during th e football V. E. MYERS ea on. It could be reorganized, but if Retiring Editor th a t i impossible enough loyal Otterbein mu ician hould volunteer their ince last May, Mr. M yers ervice to fo rmt h·a band or an orche _ ha erved efficiently as editor Lt z;;=-~ 1111-1••1111~ t ra. e ome mg b e cl one to get ;lllllllllllllllll in-c hief of the Tan and Cardinal. music for th e next var ity game. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllll 11111111 ::: : Mr. Myers as umed the mani ---- 0 C ---::: fo ld duties connected with th e IT STRIKES US : ' ~ publication of the paper at a cri tical time and carried his reTha_t i.t is time for the Varsity "0 " 1,,. Association to get busy and initiate ~ pon ibility a ti factorily. the football letter men. ~ editor he ha di p layed a good know ledge of journalism and That the Board of Control acted : has been con cientious in th e wisely in its arrangement of the seat- § ~ policy which he formed for the ing of the college students at the : ~ :::: paper. basket ball game. The plan is O. THE OTTERBEIN
The Clean-up Man
\~ --~ =~=== Floral Glen-Lee Coal, and Gift Shop
===-==~~~ Quality Meats. Groceries.
Delivery Service. Phone 65
'~~~=============~========~~ ~
·x. :-
Sportsmanship The conduct of any group of stud ents at a ba ket ball game should never be uch that th e college offic ial must call them to order. Yet this actually happened at the b1ske ball game last Wednesday. It i humiliating to a member of the faculty to feel called upon to ask tudenh to refrain fro m too rabid cen oring of a referee. The official who wa sub ject to the attack was cho en to ref eree that game because he is comoe tent and becau e the officials of tl~. Ohio Conference have faith in hi
Pbot_ograpbs· for ·Your Home FOlk s
That the segregation of the sexes _ at the basket ball game is conducive to better cheering.
§ - _
some tough battles. That the coming examinations will _ be a big bug bear for quite a few -
Trat you should patronize our advertisers as they make possible th ~ Tan and Cardinal : That the football game scheduled with Wooster gives Otterbein a much better schedule.
omething that no one
ca. t1 ::::
fl1 : :
give your fam ily-and that will please th e
That the winner of the Group : League championship will go through
mo t en~ them your photograph made
ye Portr!I ~t Shopp·e . :
:::: ::::
111111111111111111111 111111111
~ ::::
§- 14.I S. 3rd St.
Q. ~ ~
IIII 1111 II ~
lllllllllllllllllllllllllll'ltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ·
· Pagt Five
Present Unique Feature in Year's First Basket Ball Rally.
Hi ·tory Iovers o f O tt erbe111 . wer e very much grati· fie · d when they be hel d th · e fir t basketball rally of the sea ·on in . p the Ch ape I la t •fuesday night. odcahontas. J ohn Smi th Po\\'hatan. and othe r I·11 ustn.o11s personages ' step~ed fo r th from th e pages of hi sto ry n held forth for the benefi t of the tterb ei n fan s. th fter Cheer Ieader L. pson had led e crowd in a few cheers th e •·Rom ance of p ocahontas" was enacted by . talent o f th e frome of th e. cIramat1c c e Iirnan cl ed ti a · c.d Hammond playth ie Part of Powhatan b ett er than a_t do ubt O Id I . . . have Y c 11efta111 himself co nld acted. Grace Cornetet was a Worthy ~oh ucc e or to th e original l'owa anta while Capta in John mith • . not dig Per ·n racec1 111 the leas t by 111 ~ic;o~ er. '.'-iathan lfobert s. " Bi ll" 11 a ~ght a a n oak. Waldo Keck a d R Qu1rrel habhii ' an o hcrt navc ly as " cla ng brook broug h t credit to t hrir ob' · Of cour e the fact that eac h a Ject or per onage \\'as id enti fi d by card held . h tator d'd in t e hand of each imi1 of th not detract from the ucce e Perfo r man ce The M h ' . arc ing ong and t he Pep ong co ntr I'b of th uted to the enthu ia m . - t evening· T• wo prospective . . t10 add111 th Lanc e cheerleader· · crew. " Red" a ter and . appeared athan Roberts, next for a "Y 011 th e platform and ca lled
W. 1'ro ea, Otterbei n" in turn.
H. 0 humo _P Put the crowd in a good the r w.1th a few remarks concerning . corning Joke D game an d cve ral good athle;e r. ook, a forme r Ott rbein gra 111 ' ~0n cluded th e evening proh Wtth e hrougl a hor t ta lk, in wh ich •thleti ~t out Otterbciu's advance in circle • . wit 11111 the pa t decade. Preshrn- C - -- an Class Present Program at Y • M• C • A • nct
l<eck, e;h/h e leader hip of Waldo Progra Fre hmen furnished th 1'bUrsday m for the y M . . • . C. A . meeting ~e letters ~ght, The significance o f / Harn 1110 n · M. ~- A . were di cu ed ~far hall re ' -Mc_ onaughy, Bauer and \ltn Opin_i D ctively, w ho gave their st ood fo 00 of what the coll ege "Y" 1 r. llJ n clo in ade a , g the di cus ion Keck ona1 er1ew ' . re mark concerning peral:IJ vice a d . . Ong th T\ inchvidual r Jation e tnen on the campu
o c ___
had eretofore
an tterbein has alway oni . orche tr . P etime a,- ometun es good, yart of th very ood, and a good car·It '"a ti hme , in· d'1fferent. Thi ila. co,; 1011 rnig~ought that othe r organ r,a?e orche \r take the place of a and ~es tha t t h a b_ut everyone now ~ need for ere I a definite p lace a any i an orche tra kin ntete t d · ''lid g for a e P ople ha ve be n en ll orch th tcs of e tra and th ere a re e freshnia much musical ability in n clas · Therefore there
w ill be a college orche tra the eco nd semester. One is especially needed for plays, a concert, and commence,~. . 1 11 e orche tra mus t be composed of those primarily interested in orchestra work and good mus ic. and who are willing to _wo r ~ dou b le-q ui ck since the organiza tion I being made so late in the season. _ Jose phine Crid land O C ---Leaderless C. E. Meeting The Christian End eavo r m ee ting of last Sunday eve ning took on an unu ual trend wh en a leaderle s meet. tt pted Don Howa rd mg wa a em • ·ng and th en wrote pIanne d th e me etl th e program fo r the evening on th e board. Each person whose name apd h aro e and rend111 ht tp:rro,7-~:hout fu r ther announcement. The di cus ion centert:d around the question ' ·'How can we extend the cause of C hri st on the campus ?" and " How do we betray hrist today?" Those di -cuss in g the C I uest ion " ·ere tho se who happenec . to q I be sitting in certain de igna ted c 1~ir. · The intere t of th e meeti ng wa unti usua ll y hi g h. T he husines O f l C in cha rge of the new evening was vV. Killinger. presi dent. M. C __
Profes Bree in the concluding fraterni ty in the · nited . State . Pi ?f th e e vening ~ongratulated_ Ot Kappa D e lta ha the large t e nroll tc r be111 on her choice of a na ti ona l ment o f any nationa l forensic frater frat ernity in th e interes ts of forensics nity in Ame rica. The chapter here i and on he r future in foren ·ics. Prof expected to stimu late intere t in local c or Brees wears three keys fr om for en ics a perm1 s1on to wear a Pi fo_rensic organizatio ns a nd dec lares Kappa Delta key is a di tinctiou tha·t P1 Kappa Delta th e be. t 111ted to th e mark one as havn g outs tanding ab il ity and th e key is recognized all over need of Ottebe in. M embe r ship in Pi Kappa Delta is the country. The O tt erb ein chapter open to anyone who has represen ted is t he fifth to be g ranted fo an O hio th e coll ege in intercol legiate debate school, Heidelberg, Hi ram, Baldwin or o ra tory. provided he be elec ted to Wallace and the University of Akron memb ership ~Y the m embers of th e already hav e chapte r s. The k ey for chapter. yanous d egree . arc award - the local members failed to arrive in ed accordm g to the caliber of the time for presentation at tb e in itiation h work done and t e num ber of con- ceremony but wi ll oo n be een about . h· h I · · S t ests . m D w' 1~ ~ me_m )c r ph~rth1c1patcs. the ca mpu . 1 pec1a 1 1st111 ct1on I t 1e 1g es t _r1c- 1 g ree tha t any mem ber ca n receive. , and it_ is sayi ng m uch fo r O tt~r~ein Special Chicken Dinner fo rensic that three of . th e ongmal member of the Epsilon hapter of Every Sunday, Pi Kappa Delta arc awa rd ed th e deg ree of pecial di tinction. The three 1 SOC. who a re permitted to wear the hi g hes t in signa of th e fraternity are Profe - 1 nr~ Fritz. H. \V. T roop and V irgil
I talk
For Yo ur se Iec t·IOD
Willit. Both m en and women are en titl ed to wear Pi Kappa D elta keys and Miss L yon is among those ma king up We have Oranges, Grape Fruit, Emthe original member of th e local o r- peror Grapes, Bananas, Pickles, Olives. ganization. 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries to make Denison Has Unusual Way . The Otterbein Chapter in sta lled · up your Luncheon Menu. O f Electing Court Captam Friday night i th e 8 th chapte r if the Deni on ha the omewhat unu ual custom of havin g . no regular ba ket ba ll captain. Instead the team_ mem ber get togeth er and elect their cap ta in ju t befor e going on the floor for th e game. Thi j . perh~p radvan tao-eo u parti ulary Ill D Ill on ~a ' when the t aro i compo ed ntirely or al mo t entirely of new men. ---0 OTTERBEIN PILLOWS Banjo-Mandolin Orches_tra Given TABLE COVERS Mention in Musical Magazine that P ro f o r Spe ard repo rt receiving the · college g Iee Club PENNANTS for concert thi year more Offer . . . MEMORY BOOKS than any previou year an d mqmri e PELTS . ·n from other glee club ARM BANDS are commg 1 • th t COLLARS in other tate a king for mu_ic a th e _glee club u es. . T he Otterbein banjo-mandolin or. to be unu ually c he tra a l o prorruse h. h . T h or he tra w ic good _th 1 y a r . f the Gib on Comu e u1 trumeot o .• ·vely r eceived recog111tion pany exc Iu l · ·t ·t b this company Ill t s . of their m_en dyrecently in elaborate catalogue issue . f gan. picture o or style and carrywg . in their izations of variou kmd u . ~ f A ery large· pie ure in trurnent . . v nded aero s the top otir orch tra e te .. • ·t d b · recogn 1t1on JO 1 propels and repels lead of one page an t ids I since thi cat it works both wa:yal If mean a great ea • . t all over the world. alogue 1 en
The Grocer
c ---
South State St.
· Hoffman Drug Co.
37 N. State St.
Ible Worm· Drive
(Continued from page one.) ,,. D Ila and th •ir g ue t adKappa e 1 le Tr e Tea Room journed to the 1\1 ap , d The b nquet w a en e . whe~e a fa the local chapter pre i~ed f_ pre 1dent o speakm g xtemporane u over t h e t w hi ch time W Repair Sl:oes W hile You Wait. [ eLadies' and Ge"ts' Shoe Shine. I after the banquet a mber ~£ the Guaranteed or Money Refunded. most of t he older me · th eir I d on to give DAN CROCE chapter were cal ~ _u:Cance of th o • Westerville, 0. opi~ions of the ig111 ~ 27 w. Main St. ca 10n.
Park~r Lead Ejector-!ollowa· lead like a r am rod-makes It lmpcaslble for lea d to jam or c lou;. Ma de with Jewele r '• precl loo and fioi h,S40 up.
BAILEY'S PHARMACY " Where Everybody Goes".
Westerville, 0 .
5' k'Ret·.. in the score. Porosky played his b est Fouls-Denison: D oug 1a 2 Has tn> • so far this ea on in thi g ame. Faust, ,1 tig 2, Hla 2, teadman ' 9 M cCarroll, ~iddo~s, ho11e too during Otterbein: Porosk Y ~, 9 \Viddoes -·
t~o e too brief minutes at the begin- Hancock. mng of the eco nd ha lf. T'f the team ~========~=====-----~~ can only reach and maintain that standard of play in the en uing game, I there i going to be a different tory '. & to tell. Durr and Hancock as sub s put up a hard game although it turn INTRA-MURAL SPORT N E WS ball squad. Numerals wer e g rante ri ed out to be a lo ing fight. j to the men who played in the Fre. hLakotas Spring Surprise When They man- sophomore football game and to The line-up: . a few who served faithfully a m en,- Denison SO Pos. 33 O tterbein I Defeat Cook House by a hers of the quad during the ea on . Dougla R. F ........... Widdoes 11- ! 0 Count. The men who were voted the t \127 Rettig ···-····-··- L . F . .. ( ) Anderson : • • b k I II t numeral ar e Felton, Curk. oi lier Hla --·-·•-·..·····-··· L. F ........... Hancock;1 :~,t:~~ l~es~g~:tu radsa;t~;ornfi~g Sn~vely . . McEowen . chcar, Mc- Steadman .............. C ............... Porosky \============~~=with ten different team competing. 1 Knight ' Cal·rol l· La111l>e1·t ' P1"lk"in q- Ha kins ............ R G.......... _.._ Fau t 1 f om Because of this fact, games were ton, Hayes, Cro s, Mc onnaughy. Steven on --·-··-· L. G. ........ McCarroll See Samp es r shorten ed to a-bout thirty minutes. Hammon, John on and Robert. Ro~er .................. L.. G................. Durr ! ociJl · th e O C . Class and S H Field . goals-Dem on: . Douglass t '- \ B e f ore ord enng ] nterest shown by t h e tu d ent Ill conte ts O far ha been good. Wooster Added to Football asktn 5, Hla 2, Rettig: Ottcrbei 11 : Group Pins. Playing tarted off at 8:30 a. m. Schedule for 1924 Season Anderson 6, Poro ky 4, \Vidd ocs :1. I "There's a Reason" O Sometime ago a contract was ign- McCarroll. ColwnbUS, · ... 1·th the phinx vs. Jonda tilt. In a 11th and High ~ " loosely played game the phinx won ed with Wooster College cheduling out, 20-10, although the Jonda ac- a football . game with that chool for (IJIIIIIIIIIY 1 quitted themselve we ll considering next fall. The game will be played ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ::
The College Avenue
that thi wa their fir t attempt. The big up set of the morning wa furni hed when the Lakotas beat th t'. highly touted Cook House quintet by a 14-10 core. Bechtolt's floor work caused him to hin e mo t brilliantly for the victor . while Killinger was the only one of the Cook Hou er to how much ambition . In the final group league conte t the Alp met the Annex for some hotly conte ted minute . Frie t lookth • tie l '\. cd perhap e bet m 11- . ' nnex ou tfit which triumphed
October 4, 011 everance F ield. Last December at the meeting of the Ohio Co nference official . our sched ule for 1924 wa: arranged but the chedule did ·not call for any game ea rly in the season. Thi game coming when it doe grcatl v- improves our schedule a it providesJ a sea oning game which is very e sential to the conditioning of the team. - - -- 0 C Cincinnati Next 0. C.' next oppo 1t1011 i to he
The Bailey and McRill clubs started things off in the boarding club league with an encounter which the Bailey team won 13-lZ. This was a tory of good material poorly organized . Allison won the game for his team mates by scoring ten point of the thirteen, eight of which were on free throws. Although there wa a game cheduled between the Prie t and Eschbach club the latter team put in no appear;nce and so the affair wa canccled. .
furni ed by the niver ity of Cinciunati five, W d who are booked to appear here e nesday evening, January 2:;. The Queen City team looms up ouite formidably a nd it wi ll require super human efforts on th e part of the Tan team to tame the "Bear at .' It will be remembered that Cincy held Deni on to a 19-2 core in the fir t half of th eir late encounter. That means th at Otterbein will be forced to give th e la t ounce of energy, both of rooter and of player, to how up the Queen hCity aggregation, T he T
The morni ng wa wound up with a an mthustc,. owebverk come back and fray between the Cusic and chrock mop e mcy as ·eteer and it ,..,;11 team . In thi conte t Harry Wid- take some w hole ouled e ffort. doe wa high corer although he - --- O C ---played for the chrock team which Coach " Dit'' Makes Address wa vanq ui bed by the count of. 21-1 . Sunday afternoon oach Ditmer Mo t of the morning' refereeing gave an addre s at kron before 300 wa done by 'Killinger and Prie t. Hi-Y boy of ummit ounty. Coach Intra-mural ha ketball activitie will Ditmer' ubject wa "Playin g the
Special Clearance Prsic1.elks §:: d on Men's Wool an s M ffi ::
= -
U erS. 88 up . ............ $1. Men' s Wool, sale pnce $ .2s up Men's Silk on sale .......... ----·· 2. .A)l ' of p a tterns in A Fine Selection Grades. LADIES' SPRING SHdO;!ents, New Cut-outs in Suedes an The . h h S anish Heels. ds wit t ine Black new P . latest Satms an d oxfor
-S :: S ::
-S S ~ S
:: S _
arrived. f :_ J C FREEM.Ahave N a COMPAN 1111111 :
= :
• IIIIIIIIIIII • ,1111111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
67 E. State St. Between Hartman & Grand Theatres.
ij "
Everyth ing
in the Line.''
M hines ReP 31
~ T a lMake. king [
~ ~ ~
continue on next Tu day evening Game," and hi talk wa enth u ia _ ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ : : : : : ~ = = = = = = = ~ t U I with a cries of game . tica 11111111 11111111:.~ • 11 Y rece1v • d by U,e u mmit coun ty 1111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 Group League Standing. Hi-Y boys. 1.1 ~
L. O
phin.x ·······-·-·-··--··- 2 Country lub .............. 1 0 Annex -···---·--··-·-· 1 1 Lakota --·····-·--·····-···-·· 1 1 ook Hou e ................ 1 l Jo nda ·---·--·---·-····-··· 0 l Alp ------·--·-·---- 0 2 Prune league standing will be
olLf AC J § ~HE -...~ UP-to- DATE PHA.LU..... ~
- -- 0 C 1.000 DENISON BES:rs 1.000 OTTERBEIN FIVE Pct.
.500 : .500 (Continued from page one.) .500 any further flasbe from the Taii : .000 quintet. : .000 Dougla of Deni on wa t,·gh : 1
i h er. o t e gam
cormaking a total of 7 ban half their core. 1 ague have engaged in games. Ha kin and Illa, who were put into ---OC th It I d game a , P ay well. Award Freshmen Numerals Ander on wa high corer again t a r cent meeting of the Athletic for Otterbein. Andy was hot and if Board numerals were awarded to ix teen member of the fre hman foot- he had fini heel in the game there ould have been a decided differen
li bed as soon as all memb rs of the pomt .' more
= :
§ : :
k Supplie~/f p11 ~ ~et your Films and ~oda pevelopcuW'3 r1' :; 0 kinds. Have your Films d Fine ~ irinted. Quick Service an ~ uaranteed. :; S cialt1· ~ Enlargements, a pe El'l'f :; OUR OPT ICAL DEPART:rdd proPerl>' · dan " t '~ H ave your eyes examme are rig•• · fitted with Glasses that onable. ~ Our Prices are Reas ~
= = RITTER & UTLEY 44 North state Stree
illllllfllllllfllllflll 1111111111
~ ~
44 N. State St.
' 1111111111 11 11111111 1111 111111 1111111 111111 1111111111111 1111 1
i time
that the need of the pre ·c nt · forced to retire from the ga me be- cause of personal fou ls.
===============~=========-====== ,::================================::'\
student body be met or a damage hard to repair, soon will have been accomplished. II ·· .Sacnltcing athletic coaches may in time become discouraged and the I ,vhole scheme of physical education at Otterbein collapse. If there is a lagging spirit the alumni of proud Otterbein should emerge from their coma and do thing ." --OC Game with Ohio Wesleyan to , Be Played at Gem City Otterbein's fo~rth conference ba s-
Seniors should come in at once for their class Photos for the Sibyl.
As Christ
D[HftJ\H L 5 SD.CI llTIDN ketball contest will be played at Day______;. ;;.;.;"::.;:.~;_l;.::~:_:J iton with Wesleyan. This game whic h
m as approaches we are m or~ busy and w e wish t o g ive you t he best of service.
Don't delay.
was originally to have been played T th ho e who are not frozen stiff by here has been changed to the down · · tent appea I exe zero. weather are stiffened from state city due to the 111s1 . 't utions. . th am fnght so t hat we have v ery few of alumni from b onI mst1 ;ght of enjoyin g ourselves. The fr acas w ill take place on at 111 p. · d a11d a Gallagher spent the week- urday ni ght, February 2, at en at her home. It will not occur Ill Memorial cl Ruth Snycle H all as one might suppose, but d t the new city recreato Dayt r_ an Jo Cridland drove . 'b on with McK· . for a W1 11 e p Iaye a week-end visit. rnn ey s tion hall at th e Montgome ry county fair grounds. The ti lt i under the "Jerry" Sh and a guest ~w, _of <?hio Wesleyan management of a joint committee of tained . h 0 Emel K1 er, was enter- Otterbein and We \eyan alumni. night an:it a dorm push Saturday F rancis Pottenger i arrangin g for unda . car to run over the interur- a 1~ncheon at the Tea Room y evemng. a specia 1 . t ban lines provided twenty-five roo. er ,; . Fiarriet H chear, Mr ay , Mrs. Hays, Mrs. express their intention s of go111g. Routzohn \\; Frank ande: , and Mr . This will be necessary du~ to . the fa_ct of the O ere Sunday dmn er g uests that no r egular car service 1s availPr f wl Club · a.ble at the time when the game wi·u nd gue : · ; Mrs. Grabill were dinner be over. Coach Diu:ner' lads can. b~ Tryon 0 Hazel Barngrover and Ma ry I counted on to furmsh some excit~ ~,[ ' unday . ment in their attempt to recoup their f the defeat ad· r. a11cl M · Bobb rs. McLean Bruce and loss in prestige rom Sund{ of ~!um treet als~ shared our mini tered th em by We leyan earl y gue t Yoi t;nner. They were the in the sea on. \\>old. ma Evan and Mary Green- -SWISHERS'' 0 C "NET
The Old Reliable
~ State a nd H igh Sts.
Columbus, 0.
~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! --=~=~==========================~,
liver ·1 M.For 'E: W P1 1 and corn remover ee f I R d Left forward Dougla s o t 1e_ ~ liau . therill, agent for Cochran \V. ample ju t arrived. outfit and the bright spot of Dem ~n s R e extend offen e. scored the first three pomt Uth Luc ~ur deepest sympathy to for his team wi th a foul and a ba ket. death of ha 111 her orrow over the In the cour e of the game he annexed er mother. - - 0 C --ten more field goals. Captain Anders on scored :11e fir ~t Pr . President In South. for ;e~dnent Clippinger left Saturday oin ts for Otterbein and ra1sed his e. e ee ' h tpotal t o ~:..- buckets before h e w as ries of fi N ere he is to make a ""' l<noxvil! ve add re e in and a round forced from the contest. era\ and_e on hi g her education . . 111 genMany have suggeste d th at . the Fr b · • . d th audience 0 n Ott rn 1' er em 111 particular. players be introduce to e 0 to enne h th floor ll go to Fl . ee t e President p lans as th ey take their places on e · le intere t orida, making addre e in suggest that the referee al so be \\rJ;: ~ the college. introduced to the fans. STILL W ~ NCT It is doubtful if our team _will enTHAT GYM that will make The f counter another team . d'd from th oUowng item long shots as Denison i · 1 unted time and u e ' a clipped' as manY lllbu Po rtin g page of Co Their long shots co . Out . Unday n· the 1• and i t is doubtful if the sh~oong d . 1der' . . 1 pat h and i an again d h will be consistent r'.~Je. OPtn1011 concerning our gym they displaye ere throughout the s eason. t h terbein a oclolrne to our ear that Ot.P kY brought do,,·n the hou e orne ege l . . oro f the center of a ""hat · a umm are laggmg "th two ba kets rom &ti new gy::: t~e project of financing ;1e floor. Andy's shooting al of ,tas ~Ution in nas1um for the little in- a sensation and a plea ure to the an . W nearby w • d half terb e can r esterv1lle. Otterbein's spurt in the secon h Col! ein wa! that 25 years ago Otf r a burst of ent us. _a le_ader in up to date g_ave occass1on eege act1· from the ospectators. That enonta of the. "- Y 111 Ohio and it had iasm_ uld be welcome during the le th ••rst coll ege gym 111 . thus1asm. wo Ill an at wa an the entire conte t. en and qui Y way modern in its I . a stroug' bid h·, 0ugh_ Pment. But that isn't O tterbein was making •h'1latt0 coll ti h O pe was a11n1 ry of a ege can not live in the for victory but a d ,Viddoes were Proud pa t, so it is high ed when Anderson an
A Great Sale of
OVERCOATS The fine coat of the a n lo d u tor to ell at en to Lazaru lar · unu uall that brin pnc a 1ng
Coats we could have
Coats we could have
sold for $50 to $65.
sold for $75 to $125.
E ery
d tyle and color in a large range of 1ze .
Page Eigh t
The exodus of music lovers to the I The famou s athlete that proved the the hairnet in que tion. concert of the Women' Mu ic Club I thorn in the Otterbein flesh in the I Will be too weak, frantic and i:e~11; occurred F rid ay. A noted pianist and football ga_ me. down_ there a year ago tally fati·gued after exams to b g w_a~ married_ 111 ~ 1ddletown Thank \ the second semester. . cellist gave the eve nings· entertain- g1v111g mornmg and 111 the afternoon . th and a ht· · · · ment. played with St. Xavier agamst the I Heard of a certam you ho alway cat Haskell 1ndians. tie bobbed hair gtr 1 w ther Then The oriental effect given to the co ugh d rops w hen out toge · ough of the Public Speaking Western Re erve has tarted a cam-\ •ght the youth had no c . _ P rogram . for more ong ' ye 1ls an d " pep " one 111 d d decided to u e pe bble int Co un cil ore T hur day cau ed great pa1gn . f . . d rops an . \ excitement. Sol Harn. wa e pee- su ta mers. A te r securmg an ad - t d T he little gi. rl had al!ll0' I r ' ially in pired. eaII · . d the pebble b efore ie't He ha declared h1· ed num b er o f ongs an d ye II s t h ey . h bl" . . swa o,, e \ \ e can intentions of v1 itm g Egypt very oon. \ ope to e ta t h a cheering ectton friend came to the re cue. . ne' I ____ 0 c ____ compo ed of tudent and regular fan . decide whether thi. i t_he bh nd 1 . L ucas ' M o th er D 1es. " M1ss \ \ Profes or .\ .' R. Spessard reports of love or the love o f bltndne. s. e \V ord was received here aturday of the banjo-mandolin orchestra to be w· h t be excu ed fron'. th e _ d · fi • • . 1s es o en the death of Ruth Lucas' moth er in omg ne 111 it practice an d he states ma rk becau e 11e 1 111. g I One of our male student~ has bel·n ltoona. Pa. Miss Lucas wa called ' that it ha promi e of being unusual- selnl eel s~ ~e t due to fhe approachtO 11 . ta y c e11c1en "' tl e- home ea rly in the week becau e of , 1Y goo d t h"I year. •fhc or chestra 1s repor t ed engag ed · I. fact. the 'rrcn doesn't deny 11 );ow we are \ . . \ bl dd. . ~ man · . . the cond1t1on of her mothe r who was a va 1tta e a thon to the g lee ch11, exams. ~ keptical a-b.Qut thi s affair be. d . _ _ __ = - very s --. k uffering from pleural pneumoma. I an one whic h ha won g-reat popcause we saw no mud on l\is nees ___ O C - - I ularity. the evening of the ceremony. LIST N'I N I N ---- O
. ..
. .
Our st reet car se rvice between here ---THE DORM I M P and Columbus is becoming highly Hiram's football team ha been specialized. The latest safety devices I equipped with heep- kin coat to reHas a roommate who doe n't c,·cn are being in tailed. Of late all oi~e place the blanket used in previou know the name of the famou . 1110\'ie has to do is to hold up a clothes P1~ years. The coats make a neater ap- stars-or the number of divorces each and the motorman wi ll know there 15 pearance and al o give the men bet- has had. We are urpri ed at such a wash-out on the line. ter protection. c iguorance from a college enior. Prof. Martin talking about the nec aw a hin g lcd flapperish ophopuni hmcnt for an explo ion of e sity of the segregation of th e exe undergradua.te spirit which brought more wipe an extra salad Thu rsday remind s u of th e vcr e we learned down upon them the wrath of the in night at dinner and both she and thr in Shapespeare's or Longfellow' salad sat on the .arne chair duri ng wo rk s which goes a .follows. titution's authorities, Yale' Sopho- dinner. mores are pro hibited from entering rd th "A nd eve ry night at Dodo Bi into any extra-curri cult\m activitie Read where a certain bu ine s ex descend into the depths of the ocean, a athletics, glee club, etc. , for one ecutive neve r hires brilliant rnen . o w There to segregate it pecie ' crying she feel much more confident of a acka benzal !' " year. l'n a shrill voice, 'I position. Cheer up, dumb-b II ! Which when tran lated freely into plutoratic friend of Woo ler Colthe vernacular ignifies, "We can e ha donated the in titution 200 , Can't thi nk of anything but exam . m ake more noi el" 000 fo r a r r ationa l c nter where T hink that peo)?le who applaud J. B. Crab bs, '23, a in \ Veter - couple may have "date·' vigorously in the hairnet of th e perville F riday and Saturday Crabbs son in front of them at a ba ket ball brought his Centerburg team against "Herb" Davi s of t. Xavier ol- game should wear boxing gloves. It \ terville High Friday evening. The Iege h a ta k·en un t 1,·tm elf a w1"fe. wou1d not be nearly o harmful on
98 W it h Coupon fr ot11
Buckeye Pnn
fng Co, l gpECJ,\L
making a core equal fi=p========~========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~====~======i;i~::;~=~~~~:::~~~==~~~~==~~~~~~==~~======~=====================$;3; ·· ~ hi. team. jinx on thefrom ba ket howe:ver prevented .o; o:=::=::r Pe::::::::~:::oo . to their floor work. · Theodore Brindle, a forme r tudent: who i now attending . vi ited friend here over the week end. nny Brown. '25 . undenvent an operation Friday for the removal of na a l polypu He i getting a long
nicely. A n umber of the male
tudent shuddered at a sight which they aw Monday morning. Pr £. Durant wa een to remove hi l1at out id in the icy bla t . 11 th lud nt will be aft r ome of L vi' hair tonic. ee "Len" w 11. Len will continue em ter prior to grad
We are glad to
'24. back with u .
hi tudies thi uatio n in J une.
Profe o, Val utin wa o ag r to ioflic tortur and ver puni bmeut on hi P ychology cla that he left chapel on the run .
DUNLAP'S Greatest Sale ·0£ Men's Shoes I
Men of Central Ohio are cer tainly patronizing this sale of Men's Winter Shoes. Not odds and ends, nor discon tinued old styles. But bright snappy new styles all at sale prices. All Nettleton Shoes and Oxfords up to $16.50
$11.45 All Bostonian W inter Shoes up to $10.00
Don Howard certainly ha a cruel way of tr ating the Prof . The tu e Prof. Grabill d nt would hate to in several pieces on the organ. Everyone sticks clo e at the e day . We're glad eme ter are eighteen weeks in length at lea t. We have had unu ually fine organ pr •lude thi week. The tudent h uld appreciate them.
Gay and Broad