1924 02 11 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 7









evening in Twenty-four Hour By Faculty and Students in Memorial Friday Debate with Indiana Service Held Wednesday I Otterbein Takes Lead in First Half Central. 1924 Sib I . Y W ill Feature Autographed Morning. / But Fails to Score Consistently Photograph of President in Second Period. · · the chapel On thi coming Friday evcni11~. Calvin C oo I'd Wednesday morn111g. 111 . . 1 ge. Febrnary• th. Indiana entral U111F --• period, the facu lty and st ud 11 ~ of Ot- ver ity will meet Otterbein i11 the PO ROSKY PLAYS WELL · E. McGUIRE IS EDITOR terbein join ed 1·11 a n app rop ria te er- throes of a twenty-four hour debatt- I Athlctics Al . vice to pay homage. to th e late P re - j in the chape l, at :15 o'clock. There Heidelberg Wins Game in Second T o umru and ~dministration I ident Woodrow Wi l on. . Pre '.dent j will be no admi sion charge. Half . With Their Passwork and be Clippinger opened the serv ice wi th a This event is one of the most i "lA ccurate Shooting. y Featured m This ear's Annual. few introductory tribute _ to th e ~~ 11 portant in Otterb ein'. sch~d ul e . ince I H eidelberg came .. , in whose honor the erv1ce w-as. ben g it int roduce a new ri va l 111 the fi Id d up on I To-1,o r . f . s,1,,, a11 d co11~'ehruar . . v m~rn111g. \\.edne. d;iy. held. The Preside~t t 1,en ca 11 e . of debate. Th~ twenty- our hoi::- j quered la t a tu rday 11 ight 10 a 2ti-1., 10d h Y U, during the chape l p.'r- Dr Snavely who 111 a ma5t erly way I type of debate I new and unusu·il. count The high sch I • t e Juni r I . . . .d t w·1 t:. . ' • oo gym "a 1 - The que tion wi ll not he denmtel~• lroduc h as will formally 1n- paid tribute to the late Pre I e'.1 I thronged wit h Otterbein rooter . drive t e 1924 ibyl and launch t!-ie son. Dr. na,·ely' adclres I here ' announced until twenty-four hou r~ hopeful for a cleci i-ve win. -apt. In ub cription to the annua l. printed in full . I before the debate actually take. ~lact. 1.\ nclcr on. who i' s trong for giving Sibyl, ~hgeneral make-up of the 19:H "I had hoped that th functi n th at The purpo e uch a method I ~ ' the public what it wants, led off wit-h Which . e tall ha devi ed ,Yay , I am abo ut to perform might hav<' de_velop ~b ability of the tudent to a ba ket in the. fir t coi1ds of play. irnpro will make this hook a decided been performed by a nother. no'. oi think quickly. . . . _. :he core ont111ued mountin until Year ve;ent over annual of previou the ame hou ebold of politi al fa ith. The ~ffirmat1v team. rcma1111ng_ . it reached 5-0. Heidelberg th ti aw " cenj~ h~ 'I ook will contain a La rge ak it up a a ta k. h ·t home, I compos~d of th e fo l~owi ,g defeat stalking in it f ot tep and got ect1on d I do not t . I . men : F. E . McGuire. Le ter Mitchell. its team togeth r Wh th . . · an mor page ,,·ill t ay a few ,, ore , 111~ • er upon , bAe dcvoi ed to atb l • as a pn:11ege O be. a D. S. Howard and J0 (111 Flick. Tricolor quintet managed lo · eve n the "- feature th _et1c than heretofore. appr.opnat though they 1113)'. h The ne"'ative t am -will prohably h P core to 5 all. 1 add to the a tnbu,e • . ,. t o th memory of him. w O bcauty of that bwill greatly . mpo ed"' of the followmg men: I',. b . . Color P ook will be the fourh" If un reserv dly a a . ac- co I 1: iui.. otb t am (1ghtmg hard. and d J 1cr age t . gave 1m e . f Eby w . '\Voo . . c, nry. anc .. h T d . . . sectio · 11,a \nil hea d ea h :iwin . tb altar of hurnan1ty, or .f t a11 a n ard,nal ha"111g a s h h t . d b t • · 1.'h u. nlice upon e Hoover. Thi e a c \\ I 11 a 1. 1>e edg th half end <:I 10-!l . ( f e nio t t . the peace of the world . . t : the twenty-four hour type. the homee team otable. ~n tahv : iby1 . a tra hve part of flu: I I . that T 1111~, m e nr t of "r~1_ldl be tli autogra ph ed . " o ·word of ac u at1~1~ . h· t h. Profes or anford, in tructor .,, ' half wa the fact th at Poro ky •ot • , i ent cnt1CJ might rn t a i Public Peak'mg ~ 1d D b a te. at Ohio . oo 1·1dge. T hi. p1ctur ar. ay. and no ~~rpi.og · hurl , back bis hoot ing eye. making gall honor th ~olleg-e a at is not accorded to many bitt~re t _pobti_caL en~: the lighte t State nivesity wi ll be the JU<l for three of his ba k t in th early part Ju tly nnual and th e , . . ) 1 the home debate. of the game. again t him wi ll alte 1. 92 .. i_by_I is Proud o f lhi umque (Continued five. - -. - - 0 . Mandolin -- - - di tine____ onC page ____ t th beginning of t b tion. 0K 'I'b , Make To Orgamze BanJ~- N F -~-:9c ,. Tiffinit \\'i' h cl th e Pag p·1 Kappa Delta eys Class m ear uture. fi . . h h . A "oted e of the b ook will b dearance 011 Campus rst, g1vmg t em t e lead f<;> r th (Con.tinued on page three) cofe r . R "i!J to ix ma· . . . Their ppe I l QC ard annountni . appear in th l~ d1 v1 ion s. . ~bey P i Kap pa D elta key have at a in -------. e that be will organize a cla n1 tration, cl: orm of c _01 • .• ad- made their appea.ran e on the _ca mp~: ~anjo-m.i ndolin I ·on if th r Otterbein May Soon Organize a (Co nunued . e_,p oraa111zahon _. Wh1. e k ey .have· not fyeth arrived . ., 1 who de ire to prepar Gir ) tt rbcin tU<Lenr _ · ls' Varsity Debate Team 1 f tbe member o "'l - - 00 age two. e . b r · hip in that orche tra next tterb <lo"""., O C _ ___ a11 o weanng 1 mem ~ L b '""" Baile Ch )ter (our men a re now ar I:fe.retofore th e orc,Le tra La li'ollrth N~to Appear as th a\11 i~nia of the. national .honorai:y .a. numb r f it p)ay r~ through hav 1 Kappa For 't her of Lecture Course f . i ty T he P ' d ation and ther have. been very ke part in 0 d i fou th ore11s1c . . th ei r key gra u . I I d due to th ay, Feb r entertainm ot-. Thur - Delta men alread J wea nng E R f w men1ber to take thcir Pa ce t11re o ruary H th itizen ' L cE Myers. Vo/. . \Vood, . . . ca use they were i1ot prepared. P ro­ ing brought irarn ~r e offer. on of it be t pro- aHre . ;ud Don :Howard. . ccord111? f - r pe sard b Ii ve that by takin g titution . 00 er ll · lat1on van- e so db f · 111 th d Witt nbe illley, not e per on of Elwood T . to Pi K appa Delta regu a lis hed le on in Lli i cour e an y prac icmg am and wan ~r. l!ai) ed. Popular I tttr r. . ou degree and orders are e t ~ con- through the um.111et th . tudent woulil into the th ba 1· of the number o C11ioyab1 ey I a ,·ery . t t· -·' b II fitt d lo enter the lub at th ~ 111 ere 111.g a rw on e t' ipate e we \Vitt 11 ,. k.c hi nlan to hear b cau e he te t i11 hich a man pbar ic f de~ beginnin_g of , ne..xt year. The xpen e "Ile audie ~ f b · g a mem er O b d' ·ded that the cour · e iII h'of th etn. E nee . tCel .that . he i B y virtue of ein. years. v,nyer. , k y_ ou ld e t bivi a hard fop _ • for any ne. Pec1ally I thJ true bate team or 1\\ 0 . would 110 e · 1s le Carn cture • f Proficiency. a meet c.a Pus fo h given on a college •j , of the cl gree 0 the r e 1. . If b ~h aving a college man himina at Won pr·· • oratory and 1ze 111 i. c Whit had ABRAHAM LINCOLN , . " . e he wa in 1,' 11~t. °a1 tey h c h oo I. . D' cl Anril 15 l 65 lt ce frolll h' a a wealth of e.xperBorn Feb . 12, 1809.' -1 \er .-. ·1~ ni'e y. ' hufhble and unnew plan. . . . bscurity. nurtured 111 P0, d 0 ks wood man, raft man \lbe I\>Cllt tOw F1ch tO d raw his lecture . Born J\\ <? ned fr op1 borro\\ e ' 1f uffici nt i11t r . t i I,' er, he ranee during th war ain ly. education i;i~et~r. pre ident and marty\eale, t heigh t . Gav all or wa on the. part of the girl , Profes. or 'Itel( se"erat Y wounded and ga ed. clerk. la wyerd, lf~m the lowest dept_h to t~ngg in return . He lo m a Fritz will lake dir ct charg . dvance r , au c eXpccang no 1 0tn· are 'IVor1. ear h e wa. engaged 111 gii:1 ' t am. Placing both men' he had for Jreedon;al for ail time . f hiin i coo tantly ir h and tc a. nd ind"'· tud · . Ytng ocial. econgirl ' ams in the field will rank' g reat colq al _!1)0~1 heart the ~,emory o . Worku trial condition . a. In our grate£ toll iuto termty. . mains a acred h ntage o terb in with many of the tar 'nd red of tr he poke to everal green a the y~r he et a~d " ,hat he d1d - rh belong to the age ". cbool of th tate in th mat Tb examp,e more ,, nd 110wre H AI \VORTH. ha. abroad. B 0 t'.sand both at home o ur great nation forever . TH0~1. .. 'I tbr Ill.ad, . e ide the e lecture he 0 11 1th the ev_eraL lecture tour n1ted tat .





















1:'ag~ Tw









Carrie Shreffler, Thelma Hook • Elsie Geekier, Franci Cooper. · W ' d M ' T h. Cl b D M cmb crshi u - Margue rite . p m omens an en s omo- ac I W et h en·1I, Fl_ora Fel_ton, Vera J ohnClubs in Otterbein Total 278 . · .0,, \..-Oy, E d1th Oyler, Alice ___ . George, M a n·e B celman, Loi BingLast week the Tan and Cardinal an- 1 ham, Margaret Widdoes, Ruth Bra. 1er, L uc1.le L eiter, nouncecl the per onnel of the men' Ie)'., A nna M ae T ris club.. This week we announc e the E lizab e th T ros t , M a b e t E u b anks, E lmembership of the women's clubs. It sic Hooper. O C is in tere ting to note · that in the ten I ----women' club there is a total mem- · Joint Meeting of the Councils of · · sta • Ad rmru ber hip of 145 and the mem ber ship of I t:1.on Being Held . the even men's clubs totals 133. 0£ A Joint meeting of th e -ounci .s of the six hundred student · enrolled in I Administration o[ th e co nference Otterbein 278 are members of c,ub . 1 over which _ Bish_op A. R. lippinger Arb utu Club-Lucile Wahl, Mil- 1 h a c h a rge ts bemg held at the U nited dred Clemans, Ma rie Comfort, Alice Brethren church on Monday and F legal, Helen Breden, Gladys Brown- / Tuesday of thi s week. The purpose field, Martha Schlemmer, Chri tena ' of the assembl y i not executive. Wahl, Ruth Lucas, Irene Hall, Ruth I Problems which · confront the c·hurch Cleman , E lizabeth Sa.xour, Beatrice are being di cus eel and different solDonaldson. Lenore Smith. Ruth Dav- I utions sugge ted. In thi s way tho e i , T helma Bonnell. F lorence Rauch. taking part will -be ab le to go back Ruth Haye , Margaret Stiver on, to th eir various localities bett er able





l9M SIBYL TO BE BEST EVER . (C. ontmued from paire one.) club and athletic ections. Individu al picture th is yea r w1·11 be th use~ ro ug hout a nd t his wi ll be a decided departure from the grou p mef th0 d of picture a practiced her•'' · to ore. This method will lend an a ir or distinctiven_e to the annual. The 1924 ibyl will be for ale onl)· th rough co-eel agents. Th e mailagem_en_t ha arranged that any co-er.I 1·. I e 1g1ble to take ub criptions for th "' ·· annual a n cl th e photograph s of tli e th r ee ofgirls the . largest nu rn-her subwho. take f cnp 1011 will appea r in the book.

ancial success of the Sibyl. ' The editorial work of this year_ hip; annual is under the capable teade~s . -s of Floyd McGuire an d the busine,r end ·,s managed by F . M. Pot:enge '




Sec Samples from





ordering Cla_ ss Pin Gro,up s. " Reason , ""Theres a O. C0 1urnblll. 11th and High Before


I ~=======~~ -=

Du~ to th e many added feature a nd mcrea ed size of the book th e a~e price will be · 4.00. If casl: is 1 paid th e price will ·be "3.90. T he 1 management feel that thi price mu. t be charged in order to in ure the fi n- 1


RHODES & soNS The College Avenue RKET MEAT MA

~==============~!=========~~ --========================~~~~! ]

1 Freda Snyder. , to i:1eet ~he problem whic h they Arcady Club-Pearl Lincoln. Har- ,.face tn their church work. 1 net Ea tman, Doris Drum, Hazel ,• Over seventy per on are in attend- II Dehnoff, Emma Wright, Hazel Baker. ance at the meetings. The Council Irene P owell, Ethel Bruner, Gertrude opened at 1 :30 p. m. Monday and will Knapp, Ethel Wright, Bessie Lincoln. continue with a strong, nappy, trenE ther ullivan, Ima Eva ns, Helen uou program until 2 :30 Tue day a fKern. ternoon. _ Speakers are limited to Greenwich Cluu-Harri et V,Thistler, twenty mmutes after which there i H. L uci le Ger-ber, Geneva Bushey, an open di cu sion. Five minute re­ uperintendLoi Bickel, orma Richardson. Ruth ports from conference treich, F lorence ance, Mabel Bord- ent and conference tr a ure • rener, dda Lyon, Gertrude Myer . ports were r ead at the opening 01 the. Mary H ummel , Ma ry McCabe, Kath- fi rst se sion of the meeting. rine teinmetz. J T~e b_anquet held at 6:00 fonday Lotu tub- Virgini a Dent, dda evening m the chuch ba m nt proved Pritner, Ruth Lyon, Helen Web ter. ·• ~reat ucce s. Foll owing th e ban­ Enid Kizer, Lorene mith, Elizabeth quet th e program wa continued with P lummer, Mary . Long, Mildred · a round table di cu ion. chwab, Jo ep hin e F lan nagan . Mary The . conferenc_e ~ pre entecl at the Tha e. Council are: M1am1, outh a t Ohio nyx: uh-Kathleen White, Wray East Ohio, Sandu ky, Ohio Germa~ Richard on. Hilda Gib on, Mary -and the Tenne ee. Meyer, Helen Rau, Helen Palmer . 1 --- 0 Iargaret orri . Bernie orri . Pauline Knepp Leads Y. W . 1 L11cile Lambert. Kathryn McKinney, C. A. in Helpful Discussion · nnabel Wiley, Clara Bodkin. Loui e \ large numb r of girl njoyed a toner, Evelyn F ro t. Ell n Jon e~ . very helpful meeting at the y _ W . , f-\nn J ack on. ice heldon. A. last Tue day evenin . K.atharin~ ate). Pollock led the devotion , which conwl · !uh-B lanche Mey ers. Zura sisted of scripture r a.cling and senBradfield. Margar et Graff, Katherine tence prayer . For pecial mu ic Pollock. Ladybird ipe, Emily Mui- Betty Marsh ang a olo. . lin, gne B uchert, Marian navely. The leader, Paulin Knepp, then Wanda Gallagher , Ruth Hur h, Ruth announced_ the ubjeet, "The T hree Mu elman, Ger trude Wilcox, Mary Mi e ." h explain d that these Whiteford. were not girls ·b ut that they wer , Phoenix Club-Olive chull, He! n Mi repr e.nt. Mi judg . and {i inte"."Krehbiel, Lottie Faye Mendenha ll, pret. , Bear s, Mamie Edgington, R uth Snyder ai d that to mi rep- 1 \T (f Bear . Leda umming , Iara- re e~t wa to rep re nt imp rfe tly, : belle teele, L or raine Rinehart. har - unfairly or fa! ely. Thi might b• 1 lotte O wen, Nelle Glover. B tty don e m ali ciously, ig norantly, or care: 1 vVhite. Rosa He Copeland, M artha les~ly . E_hhhe r ha pe ~ on tatement, or Al pach, :l>Jellie Wallace, M argu eri te ar t1c1e m1g t e mt represented. B lott, O lga Hough, M ae Mickey, Ruth Hazel 'Bak r, p ak in on M· Rice. judge, aid that I th and tsman P olygon Club-Florence Han el ners cause much mi jud ement. \ Ve Mildred Con n, Ruth Callahan. Mar - 6hould r emember th at others garet John, R uth Foltz, Pauli n jud ging u by the e and other me~~~ W entz, E l ie Mae Conger, I abelle od . Jone , Erne tine chmitt, Lucille Elizab eth Saxour di cu ed M'I .1ll J udy. ·terpret. She stated that Mi inte . C I H 1 rpret Talisman Club-Mabel a e , e - comes from a -ha ty conclusion W en D ru ry, Ruth nyder, Mary E li za- should not g ive other a cha~c e beth B rewbaker. J o ephine Cridla nd, misinterpret u . We often • . e to m 1s1nterMary Noel, Alice Sander , Pauline pret the kind ad vic of parent , . p 1 Knepp, Elizabeth Marsh, Sy v1a ed- friend , and even of hri t.

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and say qu ee r thing that make y~u fe<:1 a if yo u are visiti11g a fcebk minded in s titution ." ~ · Heard o[ a shocking co :1 vcrsat t 11 about prin g between E . axo ur and F. M . P .. Jr., but promi sed not to tc I it. For particular inquire· of .tbc per· son concerned a it \\'ould repay any•




Lineup..and ummary: Heidelberg 26 Buehler, (c), rf..................... ,fridges. I. f. ........ ................ O ldfa th er. c............................. S rubblcfield. r. g ................... Mann, I. g. .............................. St alter, I. g.............................

ta ir.


i.·~.:.'. . .

G. F. Pts .. ' ·r ota ls J J 2 l) 5 0 10 2 2 6 0 0 O

1 .:-.::::......::'.:::...·..

. .. ....·.,.. ........._:.:...., ....~· ' ~

.... ,..


"'1· ha b en in charge. . "izabeth s birthday axour en tertained with a --- 0 C "'~1bby" · Pu h· 'fl111rsday evening I ntra- Mura1 S tan d.mgs. , da n""ru 1ia . not }et · G roup L eague arrived at that· l Cel brate. I ,1~e . wh en one ceases to G\ub W . L. be a detriment · )claev111 g add1t1011a · • I l years to p h.mx ······························ 6 p · nnex ........................ ........ 5 2 c· ountry I u)I .................. 4 3 dor auline tubbs •2 . . . 2 v1s1ted w1t.h her Coo k Hou e ············.......- • 4 n1 buddies ov~r th. 3 hu!:a1b1cc Cooper re w.cek•end. JLakol ta ............ ............ !..... 4 a ket ece1ved such a one a .... . .............._.......... 5 ,,11e11 Were al lof cats that t he Tali ,:- . lps ..................-·-·-··..--·-· I 6 aste <I all \\'eek i to •t age a push which Prune League The F . lu b W. L. e111 erta1ned • re hn1en O p th O f the Phoenix Club Bailey ................................ 6 inariy at Pro/ tdcr ~1embers with a :\[cR ill ................................ 4 2 2 &. · lovers Sundav even- . Cu ic ..........................-•--··· 3 The L I chrock ............................ 1 5


4 26

Otterbein 15 Ande rso n (c). rf. .................. 3 2 Hancock, 1. f. .........-:.. ...- ..:._: O 0 0 L·p on. I. f. .............................. 0 Widdoes. I. f. .......................... O 0 0 Porosky. c. ............................ 3 McCarroll, r. g ..................... O ..I

Pct. /




0 6 0




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~ion at otu lu b held incloo r . . . P ri e t .............._.................. 0 S "-efre h aum Ha ll 1111t1--- 0 C --Cer. · tnent aturday eve ning. were se rv ed after the Intra Mural Results For Past Week •nioni · · l'he OIcler lllemb CiuJi Country lubi 19 ; Cook Hou e. 12. 1 Pro P Were highly ers of th e wl nnex 25; Jouda. I entertained I Ong,Cctive Owl F •ct . by the . Sphinx. 25; Ip , Th . . Lunt n ay mght, with S h' 6 Lakota, 7 e a t , speech p mx, 1 ; • o <>lie t c re e of th es ' and ea t · Annex 19 · Country Club, H. . · ' to Cook Hou e. lfa r.a o[ ho r at e evening were Ip forfeit 110 I th ea te'11 or' a t urcla a funcheon at the Ra il ey. J4: McRill, 12. r Party Y, o llowed by a C u ic 1.3: chrock. 1 lo, ~ Powell • l\•ich , . McRill, 17; Schrock, 10. 11 he 51 t r ' .23.' paid her GreenBailey, 26; Priest, 7. a v, at S a t ur day night. noi • wa nterta· ___ O C - - . ' 1es pu J 1ned wi·th a late but H E IDE L BERG WINS tarn . ta, CIi t O have 1." L It .. e~n~ed hke old COURT CONTEST 1 all. ome hvmg in CochGluciJ (Continued from page one.) eneva n Gerber .R I Th T team sothn und nu h · uth treich tim e in the tit. e an i, ay d. Y, and Add L ' re!!a in ed it. however, making e •rs \l lllner a yon were ~ h d . alentine' gue t at Prof. and core 14-13. Otterbein th n owe the ame t nde.ncy een in the incin~ 0 C --nati game, of letting down in the ec-




r •

The New Hats That


ond half. The vj_itor oon took advautage of this and their de.fen e checked Otter­ be.in o effectively a to hold the Tan and ardinal five practica JI Y core Ie to the end of t-he game. ot only that. but th Heidelberger uncorked some bewildering pa work t h at t h e 1e d n offen e local coul not o v · · d nger that kept one fo rward open ,n a. ou territory al o helped the Trt olor . men to wm. . \, iddo wa kept from play111g very Ion Qeca u e of a bad eye and that h to account for the def«;at. B ridges, of Heidelberg, wa 1_11gh f the game with 10 po111t . I corer o an Their center, Oldfat~er, wa . a o {!lore t e that . important cog in their mach111e. nd ueto tes1i_ h e ii) he is expected to Between halves Morey ath C 111 en Who a Y a nd imple acting h a nd-balancers, delighted e crow PProach you; then do w-ith exhibition of agility.

Rir1 lllPathize : ~b.i \vho c Wllb the F re hn-w n to le cutti,~t the top of her toe off g her t oe nail and had l rush to the d schs afraid octor for bandag . c OoJ w·1 ome yo .one. ar eited 11 b eeorne tung. men around ated befo ernbly vain and •1 · F re ome d . Certa· ,,our girl co-e are mn he,·k· h have already a ked a 1 . I •i • t d/ that eruor for date . lhi ll&-ero h r mind h h ne,v u and di a been left .an 6e~td of g~ading a trou tate by a~'enuy lllany whosy tern-and ha tr d expe rewarded f do not. feel ufades ct to lea or their efforts ve as . c lll 0 i SuPPo Pel them. oon a their

College Men Prefer



ft Featur db th ir fu ll ' er nan f th b rim that a n b w r n 1n an n Ii h mann r

Tan b




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0 0

Total .................................... 10

one for his effort . . ---O C~­ Dea~ McFadden Improves Dea n :\l cFad den who ha · been very ill with inAuenza for tlic past two \\·eeks is. ab le to he up again b ut ha not yet re urned her duties. During he r ickne . Mi s Alice Flegal. president of Cochran Hall Association.



and blu -th In Lazaru


.,, S

~. , #c M

, .."

Lazarus Men's


Store 'l';.:I

Page Four



TAN & CARDINAL Published Weekly in the in terest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEI PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association

On Friday evening the var ·ity de1batcrs meet Indiana Ce ntral in the college chapel to battle for victory. If we are the right kind of "sport ·" we will back the debating team ,vith the ame united support that we ,ic­ cord our athletic team . The re 1 a -much spirit and rivalry between in­ tercollegiate debating team as theH is betw een athletic teams and debate should tbe fostered and upported with an equal enthusia m. Come out and boot!

STAFF Editor-in -Chief ...... P aul Garver, '25 A i tant Editor .... D. . Howard. '26 Contribu ting EditorsH. K. Darling, '24 Lucille Gerber, '24 Marguerite Wetherill, '24 E. F. McCar roll, '25 Carrie Shreffier. '26 Bus. Manager .... .......... R. H . W ard, '25 Business fanager A socia tesG. E. Bechtolt, ·25 Wm. Myers, '26 Waldo Keck, '27 Cloyd Marshall, '27 Cir. Manager .... K atharine Pollock, '24 /. istant Circulation Managers­ Ladybird Sipe, '25 Margaret Widdoes, '26 thletic Editor ...... Jo eph Mayne, '25 Local Editor .... D. R. Clippinger, '25 Alumna! Editor ........ Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor .. Kathleen White,'24 Cochran Hall EditorHarriet Whistler, '24

Friday, March 7Basket Ball, t. Xavier a t Cincin ­ nati. Thursday, March 131 Lecture Co ur c. Lew aretl. :\ ature Poet. Saturday, March 15"Y" Movie, "Question of Honor." Saturday, March 29''Y" Movie, "Smilin' Through ."

- - - 0 C--­ IT STRIKES US


. e Means that the Genutn "Everfast" Materials are guaranteed fast color OC--against Sun, Bo1·1·mg and Acoustics to be Given. · lover of Otterbein have Perspiration. I

Lecture on The mu ic • a treat 111 t?re for them on Tuesda y afternoon when Profe s01· J. H i\fc- 1 loy will deliver a lecture at 4 o'cl~ck in hi laboratory upo u ''Acou tic · and M usical Phenomena," as connected with '.VOrk in various music ~- ursc~. . II mu ic tudents who are 111tcnd111g to graduate from the Con. crvat ry are required to be present at th i lecture which will be the fir t of a serie . Other are invited to come.

"Everfast Linens" are here in a good assort­ f That O tterbein needs a revival of ment O colors-Rose, the "old time• spirit. Orchid, Blue, Tan and That the 1924 Sibyl promises to b~ the best ever. Orange. That the semester grades were n~t d -at an to our liking. Priced $1.25 Y · d That some change should_ be made in the method of handing out the ~=====~====~ " Everfast" Suitings an ·11 be grade cards. · VISITIN Gingham Cloth wi That lessons should be had before G CARD here in all colors. spending an evening witnessing intramural athletic contests. SPECIALS d 1sc ---0 Priced at .. SOc an Addre s all communications to The 100 Engraved Cards w ith plate, $3.00 we .•,1-11 CLUB TALK 0tterbein Tan and Cardinal, !OJ W . After March 1st " College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. ''The ocial Group ." How 111an,· Printed card . at e.xceptiona ll y low also have "Everfast Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Y car. payable in advance. times do we hear that phra e around t I1e campu ?. We hear it upon every price ' where five or more ord ers are Vo1'les and Sateens. That our debaters deserve all the support we can give them.


Entered a e.cond class matter September 25. 19 17, at the postoffice at Westerville, 0., under act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mai ling at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. I 103. Act of Oct. 3, 1917, au horized ~pril 7, 1919.


hand. Profe or and student alik e placed at one time. unite in dubbing Otterbein' organ;zations "Social Groups." It i t rut' that this was the name given to tl->em \\'e can ' tippy you with the kind of when the constitution for student g0,·paper you may need. ernment was drawn up. It i likewise true that ihese various organizations are in a literal sen e group<; of students banded together for ocial purposes. But would it not be

Buckeye Print1"ng Co.

Come In and Look






Ulry & Spo 1!....,

W' ~ ~ -

~===-===================-~ =---

..,them ",c in keeoin~ Would with dignity calle ~, The Flag ''Clubs"? it notto rai It has been called to our attention the e so-called '·group " more in tlte that the Fre hmen have been negli- estimation of the students themselves gent in the execution of one of t he and the public at large to change the Frosh regulation , namely that of the name? Princeton. with a somew hat care of the flag. Only once in tit ·• imilar ocial y tern calls her or o-an­ pa t f w week ha the flag been up. 1z; :hns '\.:tubs.'' We have a ;ood It i regref:table that uch a pirit sound system at Otterbein. Now of indifference ha been hown by let us try to ennoble it by watchin~ tho e in whom this duty ha bee•\ our allu ion to it •in our daily con­ intru ted. The blame rest both on I ver ation.- enior. the flag committee v hich ha allowe:I --- 0 a lump in this matter, and on the inCALENDAR dividual who ha failed in his duty. Monday, February 11little compul ion n the part of the Girls' Inter-cla Ba ket flag committee would get results from rre hmen v . the man who i in charge of he flag. J nior. vs. nior . The regulation concerning the care Friday, February 15of the fl.ag is an important one and Varsity Debate, Otterbein v . InJ'iu t he ob erved. The Fre hman diana Central. Class should take pride in the proper Saturday, February 16execu.tion of -that regulation in tead Ba ket Ball, Hiram here. of feeling that i i a bore and one Sunday, February 24unworthy of pre er ation. It is hoped Revival Meeting begin. that the regulation will be properly Thursday,' February 28ob erved in the future. Lecture Cour e, Ir ne tolof ky Co., --- 0 C . Concert. Back the Debaters Friday, February 29The spirit manifested by the tudBa ket Ball, ittenberg at Springents toward athletics this year ha field. been good. They have boosted and Saturday, March 1backed the team every minute. ow "Y" Movie, "Ga , Oil, Water." come a chance to show whether or Thursday, March Snot we ar all-round college tudent . Basket "Ball, Cincinnati at Cincinnati.

· Bea.rt or Her Valentine, we suggest a Red order Box of Apollo Chocolates. Leave yo~r paY· F





PR-medics. to meet more fu ll y U1e re­ for pre-medic s tude nt s p,e students who are inter '°ence a better opportunity an innova tion ha bee n in­ into the science courses. T he 1D comparative anatom y is along with th e econd sem ­ aeneral zoology. the former syste m com para­ y was g iven o nl y on ce years and th e stud e nt h ad ~ght hours credit in ge nera l ltefore he could ta ke co m par­ my. Under th e p resent after the stude nt ha h ad four general zoology he ca n tak e •tailed course of genera l and compa rati ve a natomy these two subjec t in one Six hours credi t w ilt he this course. this semester eig hteen s tud but it enrolled in the ta

Las t Tu es-

Page Five

tained and soothed HY a n unfaltering trust,_ approac h thy grave, Like one who wraps th e d rapery of his couch About him and lies down to pleasant dreams. "Some have spoken of Mr. Wilson as an idea lis t, as though it were an evidence of weakness. "Not so. "Socrates was an idealist and fo r hi s idealism he drank the cu p of hem­ lock. but the so ul of Socra tes was no t des troyed. "The M an of Galilee was an ideal­ ist. the g r eatest idealist the wor ld has eve r known, but thro ug h him we have

li fe, and we have it more ab un cfant ly. " Lin coln was a n idealist. -b ut hi ( Con t inued from page o ne. ) spirit live in th e hearts of liberty lov­ d egr ee t h e p lace which \ \ 'oodrow ing people th roug hout the world. W ilson wi ll occupy in th e world's "Wi lson wa a n idea li st, crucified ha ll of fame . That will be determined by the g ibes of an un g rate ful peop le, by w h at he did and by what he wa s but t he idealism fo r which he gave " It wo u ld b e presumption in m; ·;o his life will be r eali zed in the b roth­ att empt to di sc u ss in five minutes a ny erhood of the nations." of the meas ur es e nacted into law dur ­ in g t h e fi r s t te rm of hi s presid e ncy. "The second term wa s gi,·e n ove1· to t he v\lorld vVa r and its af te rmath. Valentines for T he ac hieve m e nt for w hi c h Mr. Wil ­ so n w ill be longe s t re m embc1·c cl a 11d Mother u po n which will res t hi s title to fam e. is that of lifting humanity to that Father h ig h and e nn obl in g plain of id ea li sm upon which they stood in th e last year of the war. Brother "In a talk with our former pastor, Dr. Burtn e r , one day . he sa id to m e: Sister "President Wi lso n will suffer for hi~ idea li sm ." T looked s urpri sed . !-IC " T he B est Place t o Eat said : "You'll see.'' I had too mu c h and faith in hum a11ity, on ly parti a ll y rl' - j generate. Dr. Burtner, w ith prop he t- : Sw:eetheart. after a ll." ic vi s ion . saw th e petty polit ic ian . poi son ed " ·ith t h e bitterness of M c tt - I e rni c hi an ha te a nd rcactio11. und e r- I minin g wh a t f thou g h t was to be thc i HITT B ROS. citad e l of s tr e ng th fo r a bet ter clay. I "No mischief that cunn in g co uld REXALL STORE devise was left undone . "O11e o i 0 11 r boys i11 the: 1·ecc11t oratori ca l cun test rd l'rrecl to l 're s iclen t !! Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I Ill Ill Ill llllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllll llllllllllllll !..!! W ils on a s returnin g from Europe " d is- -




a on's s t credi creditted. ed." butNo,crucified. I would not say dis- : e believes this was a fir true in in that it m igrated from "Perh aps th e fault \\·as hi s ow n. Jlc and not one that i spend - posse ~se cl in s tron g 1lll:a, urc ,0111e of winter in the north . D 1·. the weaknesses of a n imp e rfe ct hu111 a n Lu n ch eo n s-11 :30 t o 1 :00. for a nu mber of years has nat u re. Ile lacked the quality of the date of arrival of the b lending hi s life ,Yith that of others I§ Dinners-5:00 to 7:00. in and h says this year's in a way that would enable hi111 to i:: n hrok all oth r record s of lift them and and plant their f..:.::t :: Sunday Dinners by Reservation . 'val hy five day, . upon th e high plain ui idealism to § 1 0 which h~ a,,pired._ _ /§ Florida Leads! "Seemm gly he !Ought a lo,111g bat- : Special Parties by Appointment. Pres- tie. Who know,:' The machinl',·) § _ lav i h with hi s of th e League of :\;,,tion, may not he.: 65 South State St. Westerville, 0. the devotion to and entlms- perfect, but the spi rit which he mc.:ant 1 § Otterbein that he found in I should animate it i, th<: Spirit oi th ~ llllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii I Prin ce of l'l'acc. I~==========================,====== last fo ur year . according ( .. 1 tll' ",,r,t., , 1 \Ir. \\ ib1>11 to Uucldent. th e F lorida Confer- / tor Grayson, his family phy ,,ic ia:1, nt more tudents in pro- ') were path et ic but titt ing : " Doct or, Go where you have alw ays been Pleased. to its membershi p th a n ar.v l'm a broken m achine.:, but l am ready trence in th e cooperating ' to go." , The sacrifice in coming ~o ··,/11 tnc· beautii ul balmy Sunday hiithly of th loyalty of m orn in g la~l. quietly. a lmost unperYour Photo from da students to Otterb ein. ceivccl the spirit s lipped o ut over th.: 0 C --ebbing tide to the Great Beyond. " Did he fight a losing battle? \Vho to Sing at Centerburg. diurch choir will go to Center- know s.? B ut Iie f oug l1t to th e last Sunday niglit where the y tr enc h , an d I1e ga v e 11 is· life for th e.: a concert in a union service peace of the world. . , the churches of the vi llage "As I r ead in Monday morn111g s • e will be held in th e new pap er of the quiet pa ss ing out of that I auditoriu m. great soul. I th ought co u_l ~l th ere I>.:: O C ____ a more perfect exe mphh catton of r Spessa rd who has b een those hackney ed lines fr o m Bryant's the Gib on musical in stru- Thanatop sis. some tim e in this vicinity " So li ve that" hl'll thy ,umrnon~ co mes Will be Best. notified by th e · com panv . to join ti 1 at moves bl to continue in this capac ity. The innumera e caravan Spessard uses these in s tru - To the pale r ea lm s of ,, hacle . "hne Special Rates to all Ott erbein Students. ...,.._ ..,...1,••ivt-lv in th e banjo-maneach ,ha ll takl· ,..lilil!!li..,.,. the silen t halls of · · a and is ab le to bu y th em His c h am b er m





The Old Reliable ~ ~

lower pri ce which is a de'"'llla ...... ge to the orchest ra.

0 C-- -

death, Thou go not like the ct uarry - 5 l;ll·c .Lt night Scourged to his dun geon, but ,11,-

State and High Sts.

Columbus, 0.


~~~==========~ .~I\You Don't Use Coal . .. 0

0 W ell you do .use :.Flowers, Cards and-


' Gifts.


.,. . ., Good luck and good wishes f9r thi~

Coll6gians Pct. T ri sler. r. f. .. .. .................. .. .... 19 semester. May you all get I OHIO CONF.EREN.CE SURVEY should ~ake· ca re of them pre tty ha nd- Lambe r t, l C), If. ·········-···---·- ···- ······- 2 GLEN-LEE :· ··- -~ · · · ily.. tlir;im, .it will be remembered . I Pa lmer . c. .... ...... ... ..... ... ... ... ... .. 0 Made by Athletic Editor-How the held Weslr.yan to a 5-4 score in the W iddoes, s. c. ...... · 0 · HOP' T ea ms Will F in,; h · Is Fairly ; lir~t half thei r contest_- . Bill Tur- Botkins, r. g . ........................:::::::::::::::: 0 COAL, FLORAL AND GI FTS Well Defined. ' ney -.suddenly became eligible there- Snavely, I. g. ··················•··············-······ O 1 upon, ·and won the . tilt for Wesleyan. The confer ence basket ball sca,011 Heidelbe rg ha man.aged to regist~r 21 Quality Meats a nd i, 110 \\" about one half o,·cr and prob- 1 a defeat over the Hiram lads, and if ___ 0 C ~hilities and possibilities of 1110,t of ·1 t~e Ditmer team gets back its old Clifford Bay. '23. was visiting 111 th e teams art' pretty \\"ell de ilncd. time dash a nd sp~ed it. should defeat \ Vesterville this week. Groceries. th e northern Ohio _quintet. \,Vcslcyan as usual. is ~akin~ a strong


bid for the chan1p 1onsh1p. ,,Tith a PO\\'-


erful Aoor machine worked out of an I I army of capable candidates. Deni son is the surprise team of the year. Coach Livingston is to be congratulated on , •·n lving such a high clas outfit with alm ost entir ely green material. Cincinnati also figures high in the rating with their man Hoy near Shea of Wesleyan and Douglas of Denison in the contention for high scoring honors. . The enigma of the season so far · \V has been p r esente d. by B a Id win. aIlace. This college 1s but a probationary member of the conference. ye t it bas r efused to act as a doormat fo r the regul ~r me.mbers of the. .confe_rence. This avoidance of tradition wi ll p~ohably cause some trouble, for Bald\\"in -\Va!lace is the only team to be so indi creet as not to have los t a con test. The conference itself does not recogn ize ch am pionship , so it will have to be foug ht out among the newspapers. A lready son1e of the dai lies have dropped the college fr om its per centage col um ns but the mat ter is b y no means sett Ie d . . Miami an d Wooster are havmg decidedly off year in th e sport. The latter school. ho~ev er ,. sprang to th e



fo~e the other mght w ith a defea t of Wittenberg. The Godfrey agg regation is far below stand ard thi s year . Muskingum. a fter startin g th e season with surprising das h. seems to

~~~e o~:t Nt;::~er~r~!\ot ~;:e:~e:~ large nor doe Oberlin or K enyon.


--- 0

C -








Loose Leaf

= RITTER § .

Note Book

UTLEY 44 North State stre et111111IT§


· 11111111 11~ 111111111111 : llllllllllllllllllllllllll lll llllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllltllllllllllllllllll 1111 S






11111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111t1IIII


~ri:. s:f'h:!~~~~f:~t::e~:;:oi:c,:~~ northern Ohio boys and should cause them to stri ve hard for v ictor y.



that will

the high school floor . Thi i the fi r t time in some year s that Hiram has played th e court game here and.

The Clean-up Man


price yo u.

On next Saturday night. F ebrua ry

·- -

Phone 65

i omewhat off color too. Ohio u. is the onl y team so far to have defeated Cincinnati. St. Xavie r , whom Otterbein meets late in the season . 1s

16, the Hiram team w ill appear on


Preps Lose Close Game at Grove Call Citizen 21 or Bell 8-W. City-Collegians Play Tie Game. Delivery Service. '.\ I art in Roehm Academy played its fir st game away from home last Sat­ urday night with Grove City. The Agent for Acme Laundry Co. Prep men lost out by the narro\\" mar­ gin of 22-21, to the high school boys, General Laundry Work for Ladies and in the fa ntastic Grove Ci ty gym. Gentlemen. ' :.1.arsh was the sparkler of the game scoring 13 points. ' J I The Collegia1'.s. as the girls' team is · H. MAYNE called, \\"ere slightly more for t una te 12 W. College Ave W t . · game endmg • · es erv111e ' 0 . ~ t.h e1r in a 21-21 tie. The• · ~ high school g irl s declined to play an 1 1111111~1 11111 overtime period. Carboni fo r Gr ove~: IIIII IIII III II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII 111 S City and Trisler for the college g ir ls. § § were the sta rs. § § Lineups: = ::: Martin Boehm Pets. ~ 44 N . State St. § Marsh . (C). r. f. ................................ 13 . of all S Get your Films and Kodak Sup)li~ and S _ kinds. Have your Films Dev;.0 e w ork S = G P rintedt. dQuick Service and in §.uaran ee . ::: Enlargements, a Specialty. § OUR OPTICAL DEPARTME~; perl:Y § Have your eyes examined and . p ::: right::: fitted with. Glasses that areble. S _ Our Pnces are Reasona_ :::

All the wanted

-- 0 C-Hiram Next


-- -

altho~gh th ese schools have been putting out fighti ng team . Mount Union

showing up pretty well.



1zes at §



Photograpbs.!l'for y· ou·r H.·'-' _)

§ ' !l,


:)..): . '


= .o!·_m''·e ·F·o11•ks<pleq e = E • w~

:: -

= If .ou want

§ urni h that next =

§ s S S


omet hing that no one



caJl ~


ote-Book Filler you are § g_rve. yo ur'. fam ily---· an d that wil_l plea e tbefl'l ~ needing today.




most send them .-your photograpl1 made by-- ~~


B . a_. ley'S Pharmacy i_

i •

The Hiramites are not to b e regard-1 ed as easy marks, b ut if the Tan and Cardinal t eam gets to working they "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES"



Ye·::pU'o·:~;...t;.·a:.1·t Sho·p•p'·e






141 S. 3rd... s__t ..-,_ ... _.. "'



ii1111111111111m m 11111 11111111111


' ,


-111111111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111111 11 11111

~ I,, :;.


111 1111111


:-·H £

versity preparing for his doctor's de­


JII 11111111111111111111111111111 IllIIIIIIIII 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIllIllIII 111111111111111111111 ! • 1


Dr. W. A. Knapp of We terville conducted a very successful three : weeks reviva l in the Fi rst United § Brethren ch urch of Parkersburg, W. :


'20. Mar H of Find! y · ~alp (Mary Ballinger) cours . ay, Ohio. who i taking a . , dram at·tc ar t ,m Ohio Northern ue in . n1versity at Ad Oh. . inent in th . a, 10, 1s promthere. Shee hvanou campus activities secret as recently been elected ary of th J · dent of the p .e umor class. is presiciety . hi lomathean Literary Sollevie, . oc1et Y e d'itor of the Northern and aw.• membe r O f t I1e .Dramatic Club sistant inst , Work fo h . · ru ctor in gymnasium . hart e girl s. A permanent pos1.11on 5 gylllna . been offered to her in the ~, ium cla £ •1orthern. ses or girl s at Ohio

' 23• Juan . to hi ,_ : Rivera, who return ed . nome in ·p P1ne I land · an •ernando. Philipfn~a~ed . ' early la t fall , is now Ch ristian • 10A work. · 1·.11 t he Young Men' 'tl ssociation in Manila, P. I. b . Edgar L W. us, Oh· · emland of Colum10 hy wa la t week appomted · . Mayor, Th hbrary t omas on the board of UllJbus ru tees for the city of Col­ Who is' nouccee~ing Rabbi Kornfeld. Per ia. w nited State Mini ter to


~ . Mr · John T

ewcomb) f homa , Jr. ( Martha ;ania, and ho John town, Pennsyl­ a111e Fred e.r daughte r-in-law, Mrs. il few Week enck Thoma , a b n·ct e o f • 1 ~ ster, Mr '~re vi iting the former' ;..11arriet · J eorge T . Frankenberg "enue B ewcomb ) of Parkview enb erg ' andC.'< 1ey ' Oh 1·0. Mrs. Frankente t rt. a1nect t Mr · B yron E . Thoma at Mr wo hu 11 dre d gue t at a hon 0 • -., r of h • Franken b erg , home 111 <!.rn er hou th e t Milt e guest and Mrs. th e Seneca ·on Par.re t t gave a tea at e PIeasur in f olu 111 b u la t week fo.r O '17. A.f tbe e visitor . ~ ter er . b secretary ving for twenty year llll!bu to { nd trea urer of the ol­ thash, finan~i at Exchange, Charle . Cotu111bus ; nd .market editor oi " gned th ven in g Dispatch has Ote at p • . , li alt his f o ltlon in order to dehie \vi(J fr ime to hi editorial work. ti om no . ah_d Ille to w on give much of ., CO il] T n lllarket Pi mg business news Oonday tact·report £or the D1spatch's • atid 10 se · Oth l!ash . er radi drv1ce to the fa r mers I the / in evotee of Ohio. Mr. cap~lurnhus e~n .0 f fi nancial editor teen City for ~ avmg served in that Patchof Which Wenty-tv h vo year , even'o, · ave been with the Di -



~.; :ellis I( F u Intendeen app . nk of Dayton, Ohio. ter, ent of thotntect as i tant uper­ heild8ts. l'hi e McCall Magazine in­ ere ~Uarter company i moving it I'1 h11i CtJn.,., a mato D ay t on, w h ere it i Pier, ent, "-'hi' hlllmoth printing tab' On C i 1l Sb n?w nearing com-

he Pas errnan \V . . Of , t ten · B1lsing who for ica1 :t0 1!J.otog~e~rs ha bee~ profe sor nd A.~ · •n th e Texas Meehan­ ~ St • .,ricuttu I at1on T ra College at Colas a fell ' exa. ' 1· s pending this ow 111 Ohio State Uni-



Page Severt ,


Va., during January. The pastor and people speak in high esteem· of the influence of the meetings upon the church and the city of Parkersburg. 0 C --Paul Barrett Leads Interesting Meeting at Y. M. C. A. Thursday With his usual abi lity to interest the men of Otterbein, Paul Barrett spoke for the ccond time thi year before the Y. M. C. . la t Th ur day night. His theme was th e "Dy namic in Life." and in discussing it he point­ ed out that every man who ha ach­ ieved success did so through con­ stant pur uance of a great cause.. Then he pictured the cause of hn t .as the greatest pos ible cause to which a man could devote his life. He show­ ed that pursuing this cau e did not mean giving up anything t~at was really worth while, as athletics, · t d for ut example. However, he pom e o • athletics alone would be a poor cause in itself !becau e the time will come whe n a man cannot followffthaht cautshe, and the day i not far O w en e man who followed ath letics alone will be forgotten. With illustrations from his own experience and from tories of great college athlete and from tal of reache , Paul Barr ett. exnowned Co plained the nece sity of followm~ a th great ideal and bowed that e Chn. t. ' d I was the mo worthwhile 1an I ea ~ause that a man could .pur ue: be . k' "Y" meeting w1 11 This wee h D·tmer and at the folI lead. by Coac. Dr O bornen, hea d loW1ng meetmg · Ob 1. of the department of zoology a~ ~ ·11 peak on th relation o S tate, Wl


Six New Spring Numbers



Of Ladies' Sandals just marked -into stock.

Grays and Browns.


The 'n ewer colors of Priced very low for the early buyers. :

~ = : :

: :;

~ ~ -_=_-


~ ~: =§ : =; : : :



-§ = -


-§- :· -=:

i·- ·

!$3.85, $4.85, $5.85 NORRIS & ELLIOTT



Tl 111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111 III IIII IllI IIII IIllI 1111111111111111111111111111

,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;================== Ill lllll II IIIIIIIIIIIHII IIIIIll llllllllll Ill llllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111111111 U11111111111111111 IIll


§ "J.



= = § : :

§ :

=-: : : _






=. ~:


- .

Correct Even1"ng Dress

; : =:

Let us outfit you in smart stylish formal wear for the coming concerts. Hollywood Collars ...................................................................... 20c, 3 for SOc : : Fine Dress Shirts .....................,.................................................. $2.00 to $3.50 - · Formal Dress Cravats -············..................................................... 35c and SOc Pearl Studs and Cuff Links ......................................... 50c === : : Plain and Fane>: Silk Vests. All sizes and prices. Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. - .




=: =·



llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111111111111111111111ll_n-- _

f N t B k = oose Lea oe oo .i.·

=L 1 . ~~:b~ '),\?,:~~'.:~ :: != -


cience and religion.


J . B. ' W Blauser and H. C. Centerburg. D. · . C abbs' team C t njoyed eemg r w~:enF::d:ricktown Friday evening.



= = -= 5







ERSlrru .:, ·-l ~J,17~·~ i~~ . .<",.. •



= : ' ~; ,. s ·


~ . =7 •, w, ~ i } --;- ;·· -;- ~·.--s--



-[ _§ -.

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-; ---




= 5 -;-





--§ = ~ =




r" ..


= ~ =





~~~~========~=====~T=H;_;;E==:T=A=N==A~N~D~C~;;A~R~D~l~N ~A~L~======~========---=-­

~Pagc Eight

wagon broke down, _lettin g the -ro~k \ Anderson-The Hobo \ fall as it lies today with the memorial Henri-Art Spirit. of the class of '9 face downwa rd · Aiken-Punch. the Immortal Li ar. I ---OC--F ro st-New Hampshire. New College Library Books Millay-Harp-weaver. Driver-Book of Genesis. Mackaye-Poems and P lays. Quinn - R,epresentative American Hardy-Wes ex Poems. Plays. Beer-Stephen Crane. \ Dickin sdn-Wiscon in P lays. Manly and Rickert-Contemp orary '. Sheffield-Joining in Public Discus- · =============== . 1 sion. Ringwall-Brief Drawing. Macy-Spirit of American Litera-



37 N. State St.


ture. Mark Twain-Speeches. Snow and Froloch-Theory aml = The Council of Administration Practice of Color. which is being held here this week I L emos-Applied rt. brou.ght a large delegation of ConferSantayana-Little E says. ence Superintenden ts and members of Sim -Rural Community . r/"' their cabinets to the College. Wilkin on- ew Voices. M Professor and :Mr. E. M. Hursh Holliday-Walking~ tick Papers. ~iln entertained Dr. and Mr T . J. anWallas-Great _o<:1ety. . • ..,.. . . ., ders and Pre ident and Mrs. W. G. Richardson-Religious Education of We Re_pair Shoes While You Wait. \ ts Ladies' and Gents' Shoe Shine. Ad o l escen • d pinger . Gua ranteed or Money Refunded. evening.al a dinner party, Th ur ay McBain and Roger sew Consti-

\ --==========~ I


WILSON The Grocer

South State


mobbed tution of Europe. DAN CROCE \ The new re 5t aurant wa ParSti1· sv.en-In the Organ Lofts of 2;;;7=W=. ;;;M=ai;;;n=S;;;t.===;;;W=e;;;st;;;e;;;rvill=·; ;e; ;,; ;O; ;.~========~--;:;;;;;;; after the ga me Saturday evening. The free lun ch which was served was Wood-Heroes of Earl y Israel. very much appreciated. Several of Smith-Trivia. th student. nse of appreciation was SmaUwood-Man th e nimal. o keen that they were seen to facili­ tate their entrance into the restaurant =============== a second time by walking in back­ ward o the proprietor thought they Postmaster General New

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were coming out. orders that second-class \ e liked Prof. Fritz' sense of . humor in announcing the rummage mal1 e given same prlVl-



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le. We only wi h he could an- \ leges as. first class. That nounce one ev ry morning'. , means Tan and Cardinal will Teach its Pre iden t and Mrs. Cli ppinger gave outside subscribers as quick as a a dinner in honor of Bi hop R . letter, hot from the press. Tell your lippinger aturday evening. The folks the news in T. & C. u t pre ent were Dr. a nd Mrs. E . MARY E. LEE, Postmaster · H. herri ngton, Profe or and Mr . e t. -~fr. and Mr . B. P . D oty . P. a nd Bi bop . R. Clippinger.





Talking Machine Specialists Between Hartman and Grand Theaters


67 E.

State St.


DUNLA ' :", ~ 1~:n •








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