1924 06 02 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1



VOL. 7




N o. 31.

YEAR TO CLOSE Ir - : = = . = = = = = = = = = = = ==.., HIRAM IS VICTIM OTTERBEIN COLLEGE WITH BIG WEEK I OF VARSITY NINE 1ilany Social Ill


Activities Fill Commenceent Week Which Promises To Be Big Success.

EIGHTY-SEVEN TO GRADUATE Dr. E. A Jon- w · cighth. A es 111 Deliver SixtynnUal Commencement Address, June ll.

W ith all l~ nati 011 co ege work and examithe 1923_czo4111 pleted, th e fina l week of t of social fun!;'.11 wi; I be a ga la week clas, th e ret io1~s or the graduating t d urning al · d h umn i, an t e u ent large a nd friends of Otterbein. num ber O f en1, are o ld grads and pa rCXJ,>ect d ation h e , and ela borate prepave bee Stay on the ca nn made to make their Th . lpus a pleasa nt one. e socia l w k . evening J or begms Th ursday p , un e • · hilaleth :i, With open session s of /' Societie e;nl a nd leiohetean Literary of Phil o lowed by open es · io n· L·iterary0111 athca11 · d Ph ilophronean · . . an Excellent o,~1ebe on Friday eveni ng . Jlt iterary . e ented ar each fprhog rams will be O At ei t e four se ions. l>resid ght o'clock aturday e veninO' ent and ~... hOst and h tvu · Clip1J1'nger ,v1·11 be lion to the o te_ at th e a nnual recepe111or Cla , held at Coch - , tan ua ll.. •~ (Coiuinu d e on Page Eight )



Northern O hio Aggregation Proves to Be E asy for Otte rbein Slugger s.

THURSDAY, JUNE 5 7 :00 P. M.-Open ses ions of Philalethean and Cleiorh etea n Literary ocieties. FRIDAY, JUNE 6 7 :00 P . M.-Open sessions of P hiloph ronean and Philomathean Literary Societies. SATURD Ay , JUNE 7 8:00 P. M.-Reception by P re ident and Mrs. Clippinger to Senior Class an d Gue t , Cochran Hall. SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10 :15 A. M. -Baccalaureate ervice, _F ir.st Uni ted Brethren Chu rch. Serm on by President W. G. _Cl_1p pmger, J?. _D., LL._ D . . 7 :30 p M -A nniversa ry of Chri stian A soc1at1ons, Fir t Umted B·rethren Church. Addre by Rev ... Jes e S. ~ogle, B. D., A. .'., ' JJewly ' appoi nted profe sor of Bible, Otterbem College. m AY MONDAY, JUNE 9.-LITERARY SOCIETY D A J ,. _p 1· K appa De'lta Initiation a nd Breakfast. 7 :30 cn . d Ph I I ti L"t 1a e 1ean 1 erary 12 _.00 ,,vi' .-A nnual Banquets <;Jeiorhetea n an ocieties. I ·30 P . M.-Meeting Board of i:-r~t tees. Home Economics 2:00 I . M.-R·eception a nd Exhibit of A rt a nd D t ts epa r men · B p J1iJ ophro nean and Phi lomathean 6:00 P. }.f.-Annua 1 anqttet Literary ocietie . . :30 P . ~i.-. nn ual Concert by Mu ic Department. TUESDAY, JUNE 10.-A LUMNI DAY 7:30 A. M.-Var ity O B re_akf · a t• 8 :30 A. M. - Quiz a nd Qmll Brea kfast. 9:00 A. 1-I.-Meeting ~oard of Trustee . 12:00 M.-A lumni An111ver~a ry and Banqu et. l2:30 P . M.-Athletic Contests a1~_d Rally. ,, 4 ·00 p M -Seni or la s J> lay, Ic~bound . 6:00 P.· ·~,, .·_ la s Reunion a nd Dmi~er · m. 8 :oo p M eco nd Perform ence, emo r Cla P lay . . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11-COMMENCEMENT DA y I 1e t Add re by D r 10 00 A M - ixty-eigh! h Ann ua ommenc~~ 11 • • : E.dm~nd A. J one , A. M., Ph. D ., ret!rmg Profe sor of Bible, Otterb eio Co!Jeo-e.


STAATS IS STAR . p a rs1ty ounds W ay to an 8-2 Vict L ory on oca l Lot-Hancock P itches W ell. - - -Otte_rbei1_1 gave Hiram a th orough t~ouncmg m ba eba ll on Friday, May 2-. on th e home diamond by an g to 2 sco re. The erstwhile con querorers of Wesleyan were kept well in leash th roughout the contest and at 110 time d"d 1 th ey how eriou igns of winning. Th h h roug out t e conte t Hancoc-k continued hi wfr111ing way , keepingtbe enemy blows well cattered . I n th_e econd e ion he loo ened up a bit and g rant ed a run. a al o in the ninth. hut in genera l he was very fru af with hi olferin . No the Iea - t o f h.1s accompli hment was that he kept the generally hard-hitting Bate f h' C t ron~ evten reac _rng fir t. ap · ,aa wa m hi elemen tarring in every department of th; • gam and s cori 11 g rh r h"I team' ree O t II" ' . b~ t~ . ~1be rt a nd Leffel a l q had a ig ay with th e tick, coring a brace of hit apiece. McC h H" , f u II oug ' iram catcher was I


~£CITAL -O C - -the on ly one of their much touted .outWELL \: fi t _to show u_!! to special advantage. RECEI V E D WILL GIVE OPERETTA Tht Otterbem win leave eve ra t wvray t:>, Varsity and Alumni to --(C . d ~chards . Cr oss Bats Tuesday, June 10 ontmue on page ix.) grov . on and Hazel Ba rnCleiorheteans Will Present "The ____ 0 C _ _ __ er Give Joint Graduatin oThe " ha ,been "of Otterbein' ba American Girl" for Commence1924 Cat;uogue Reveals ment Open Session. M " · ti vo rd s OtterR ecital. ball team, or Ill o ier ' . ___ any Interesting Facts -,, • ·11 bat with the j the · • bein' a lumni wi cro Th operetta ''The merican Girl" Jn t he tt rbein ol leg Bu" le in by 11 , Joint r d . . d ft moon o[ Com. . f •v ray R· a uating recital a1H•n v-a r 1ty Tue ay a e tt 1-.-·n / by Charles Vine nt will be pr ented or 1924-25 whi h wa rec n 1,, rJi _ it 0 icJ d "' k t ~·30 er =t . "b J ver in Liar on and Hazel Barn- mence1nen t wee a ~- d. b yer by member of the leior hetean Lit- tri uted many intere tin g fact w re 11 1 01 ' "en.in., ambert Hall Wedn e clay I ha turn ed out so e goo a Pa .t I ecary ociety at ommencement Open learned concerning tter,b in. The in" Wa a · . h give the var 1 Y . Mi ,,... . Pronounced ucce . in her time w o ca n . _ e ion. June 5, in the college chapel. crea e 111 attendance. ha exceeded all 1t 1chard a 1· / d aJne It oug ht to be a mu . . . pre ·o ea d II d led b J on, mezzo- oprano a goo g · £ th '·old timer ·• The prJ11CJpal part wiJI be taken vi u Y rs an a eparlment of an~ 1'heJ y o ephine Crid la nd violi1; 1' in a to ee ome o . •~ d !umbao-o by ifa ri e Beelman, V iola P ri t' Vera the c liege how a Jar in rea e in Seh Illa Bo ' f th · '"rhemnatt z an "' enro'h,ent The t 0 • I u ·•led a Pl . nn eJJ at th~ piano, pr _ orget cir nak e it intere tin o- John on, Lorraine Rhinehart, Wray · a co ege enrollea in o- Progra m. long enough_ to t Ri chard o n, Jea n Turner D ori ment i 5.30 of which 45'5 make up the . Ati I led b l:la rn ro ve r . r . fo r the var ity. - -----: ~ .Ham ps hire. Ma bel \,\!a lter . li ve four regular cla e and 11. are pecia l 1111 in Y M b ' vio t, was a ---- 0 C hu.11 a11d Mabel Eubank . The oper- tu_dent · l{; lulu M a el Dunn Hopkins vio~ ~ t "'telen Va.ncay Bak r, at the pian ~, a nd Hilda Gibson Heads S aff H db 0 k f etta i' being directed by Prof. pe~- i Tbe enro llm nt i 79; Jun~ a0i e. at th for Next Year's an ard wit h E llen J one a acco111 pa.n- ior, 5 · opbomore, 121; Fr hm an, 11 9 e organ . Her: proy M J d · \Va v . H 1"ld G "b on will edit the . . . · 1ist. . : anc . ca emy, 34. I 140 _'l'hi i aried and well given. CrtaJ the _ y aw.' . A. handbook which ,~111 •'The American Girl" was pre ented enr~ lled 111 the cho I of a·J d One o_£ Mi ~ ~o nd g raduating re. £ d' stri bution at the begm- here evera l year ago a11d the ucc 39 m th ch ol of rt. ar Pia' !siven rgrover. The fir f b~ rea fy I o\o~+ fall term . J oy D ill- , of that performance and the per o,1n I 17 tate rep r nted and hio nd te no recitat hort time ago, wa a '.1111 g ~ th,e ~. ta nt editor and Don- of clie pre eJJt cat foretell an ne.11:11"' +23: Penn ylvania, it ; an d Tn cliau a, fuJ. and Proved eq ually uc- mger is t e as I • J6 - p111 · ger i- the hus·ne man-1· f delightfu l entertaJ11ment. • 11p ald 0 C _ ___ L . ''•v'eJJ teve 111 erited ---a t year P 1111 ylvan ia Pr. Oient o( approval of th e ach- ao-er. k the Preps Elect Representatives. and thi year ju t three times a both ·t u d ent wa exd R u t11 R"ice 1 Th er are 36 mor women nr olJed a ' ed b T h -ta ff 1· bu Y. at wo dbr kon. in' T awrence Mar ' h an Dd th y th e ap . . . d plend1d han oo I • ,,_ •. fI O . acle . eve . Preetati ve aud1enc.e hoo - an a s . b .. to/ w re chosen at a recent meet111g o at tterb 111 than m n. th re J ing n1 . r, tic oflltng' Pro.gram wa the mak,ing. co py wil_l e ~" end_ the Prep to repre ent them on the 293 Wome11 an d .257 l11 Cn in the cola1n1 1. t1ie h" h d pon r g1 tra t1on ay 1 ge. a 11ect by th tg type of wor k each tu en t u 1924-25 . ena te . e mu ic department. next fal l. ,.,





Page Two



FRENCH PLAYS PRESENTED All Plays Well Presented and Annual " Soiree Francais" Reflects Much Credit on D irectors.

GREEK WINNE RS Senior Farewell Meeting accompanied ,by Mary Elizabeth Held Thursday at "Y" Brewbaker, and a banjo-mandolin trio Winners of Lawrence Keister Greek accompanied by Mr. Broadhead. In For it last meeting of the -year Foundation Prizes Announced Y. M. C. A. gave a farewe ll to it Sen­ place of the Sophomore carnival quar­ in Chapel. ior la t Thursday evening s it tet, John Hudock and Carl 'Eschbach had been advertised that "eat " would ang two duet . The Faculty Trio, Cridland on the violin, Mi s The Greek prizes in the department .be served a good crowd came out. Mis of Greek for the past school year were Speeches were made by two Seniors, Vance, piano, and Professo r Spessard, awarded Wednesday morning in chap­ yh-ester Broderick and Howard cello, closed the program with several el. The prizes were mad e po ible by Menke and by Herbert Seaman, state nmnber . the Keister Foundation, Dr. Law­ secretary of the Y. M. C. A., who rence Keister, ' 2, being the donor. was on the campus all day Thursday The competition in the h rst year to hold individual conferences with Greek clas was keen. Wendell Blaus­ each member of the cabinet. After er and Roy E. Miller tied for fi r t the refreshments were served, to com­ place, with grades of 100. Each re­ plete the good ofellows hip of the even­ ceived a prize of five dollars. The ing the group a se mbled around the following people received grades be­ piano and sang several college and tween one hundred rninu and ninety­ se renad e songs. tive . and r eceived a r ecogn ition prize L ast Thursday evening a large of two dollar each : H. E. Menk e, crowd attended a much enjoyed mus­ Freda Kirtz . Ma.be! Eubank , G:ace ical program which was in charge of Cornetet, Perry Laukhuff, David C. J. Broadhead. everal violin solosj Hartzell, Gwynne McConaughy, Char­ were played by Jo ep hine Cridland. lotte Owen, F rance Fanning, Waldo Byers and L. H. Morton. ,l lllll l llllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII_!! The second year prizes were awardTOWNSEND-GRACE ed a follow : J. B. Henry, with a : ..STRAW HATS grade of ninety-two, received the fi r t : prize of ten dollar , D on Ho,vard the seco nd prize of five dollars, and § Ca rl Eschbach the th:rd prize of three : dollar . The Greek then1e ,vhich ,von the firs t prize of five dollar was written by . A. Wilburg. H. E. Menke took : the econd rpize of three dollars and Roy E. Miller wa a\varded t\i\·o dotJars as third prize.


Every seat in the college chapel wa fi lled Saturday evening, May 2-1, when the French Clwb and member of the third year French class pre­ sented the annual program of French plays. · Three dramatic offerings in French, "La Malade lmaginaire," "La Barbe Bleue," and "L.Initiat ion," were pre­ sented on the evening's program. The first play, "L'l nitiation," a one act comedy, was played by members of th e third year cl:i~ . Thi play was memb er .n o a th e initiation r F rench club. The feature of me evening· pro­ gram was the three act comedy "La Malade Imaginaire," by Moliere, which was pre ented by the French Club. In this play the leading parts were taken by Joe Mayne. Edna Yaus and Wray Richard on. Following the production of th e French Cllllb, member of the third year clas presented a one act play, "La Barbe Bleue." · The popularity of th e French pro­ duction was hown by the packed hou e, and Profe or Ro elot and Mill with Mr . Ro elot who directed the play , are 'to be congratulated upon the incred ing merit of tl'lese arti tic productions. OC--Paul Garver Elected President New Testan1ent Greek prizes were of 1924 A thletic Association awarded Ina Gamert fe lder. Lora Addi , and Paul Brake, who received At the recent election of officer prize of fifteen , ten and fi ve dollars and member of the thletic A ore pectively. ciation for next year Paul Garver, '25, - ---0 C ---­ wa elected Pre ident O'f the thletic Examination Schedule. Board. Time of Exam ........ :00 10 :00 1 :00 the'r officer anl member are· Monday .................. 7:45 2:00 Vice-pre ident Emmet Mc ar­ 7 :00 Tue day ······-·········· 9 :00 ro!J, '25. V edne day ........_:. 10:00 ecretary-Marian navely, '26. 3:00 Thur day -····-··-···· 11 :00 T rea urer-George Robert, '26. Lay member -Eddie ~ibert, Arth­ Friday ······-··-·········· l :00 0

Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

WOLF'S Westerville, Ohio


"Clarion" :=


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Straw Hat


Comfortable for everybody

$2, 3, $4· Norris & Elliott

J'~CLARI ON /mertca:fPopu/arStralljkJt- .

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Westerville, 0.


ur Renner, Margaret Widdoes and In ca e where two cla es meet at 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,ii Helen Palmer. the am_e ho ur, but. on different day , ---0 C--­ the Monday and \ Vedne day ections, Broadhead to Give Graduating a l o Wednesday and Friday ection Recital T uesday Evening hall use the 8:00 o·clock hour, the larence J. Broadhead will give his Tue day and Thur day ection l:he graduating recital in piano Tue day ten o' clock period. If however a 01'le evening, June 3. promptly at :10 p. hour class alternate with a four h_our m. Mr. Broadhead' program will be cla the latter hall t1 e the eight o'­ clock. period. If further conflict de,·el­ number uch a Paderew ki' Minu t op the Wedne day and Friday and difficult compo itio11 suc h a noon period are to be t1 ed. Li zt' Rhap odie and Be thovi,n' - - -- 0 C---­ Sonate. For hi la t number Mr. Professor Rosselot and Family Broadh_ead will play Beethoven· on­ Making Tour of Far certo in B flat Major with orche tral Profes or lfo elot and family le1t accompaniment by Profe. or Grabill \-Ve terville la t \,Vednesday for an on the organ. Mr. Broadhead' playing ha p1ea - extended tour through the w tern ed hundred of peopJe o,· r the coun­ and central tate . They are going try, having played piano olo on the to tour Oregon and Wa hington vi Glee Club trip for three year , and iting relative in that part. of the hi olos over the radio were enthu - country on their way out. and make a ide tr ip into Mexico on thei.r way ia tically received. back. Profe or Ro elot expect - - - - 0 C - -- ­ however to be back in time for chool Jonda's Entertain The Map le Tree Tea Room was next fall. the cene of a farewell party W edne Profes or Ro elot and family are ~ COLUMBUS,O. day evening May 21, when the Jonda making thi trip a real touri t do, Club entertained their enior member motoring all the way and camping out at a splendid luncheon. at night.

located at State and High Streets for 33 years

. We now have removed to our new home with temporary entrance at

15 EAST RICH ST. The Old Reliable




C~::~~ ~! I:~te

C tFirst Oh" . the Uni ted Brethren church of [3~~Jeon;tudietincot1~!u;~rd ta , arker burg , West v·1rg111ia, · · a b out a 111011 th ago. P 1, '


the Varsit "O" day.. In th e mornmg . ~l~~ze :;d n~o~~ll tl~:eAaklfast~ Awill :: / !nh1:h:s~:i:::ss : ~da~i"~~:i nsetddhim111 1 eu spent 1· sc in an sch 0· 1 pirmg . ' umm ents h e d uledn-; as example of a rf niversary 'and banquet 1· · thehl afternoon will be given over to ttan . a_r Y pursuits and great Ch ns• . serv1c J


I 08.

Lynne E. Garwood, who ha s at et'.c contests and a pep rally; at e. spe nt several years a graduate stud- six O clock, class reun ions and din- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -

'1', ,



ci n.,_




' "' Zcut ) ntn rn, d a shot! I l<g<, <:,du Rapid , Iowa, lot th< ; um- b, pnscnt<d

Ohio ago f to th e1r an d will · h ome in Colum b us 1 mer ses 1011 • · re um e regular The Commencement Week progr am wh, >tpon 'oscs day morning, Jun< 11 rom Thad '' •I' 'wotk th<t<. n <xl ym.. l t<n-thitly ""< l d '"o'clock, b ", th,w bc,nSpti•ss . ' Flotida ,, with th, Sixt/

I 22. Maunce M. Collin s ha recently ,cc,pt<d a positio• to tc,ch as wdl on grnduat, wotk in <'< I "U .to mt.Y .

o er. Dr. Zu ck fi ll d since J~~t. OctTat,on P . < th < pu1p,t of th< : dncing th e nn gs Pmbyt«ian chnteh ' wmter month '04 D s.

111vers1ty of San Juan , Porto Ri co.

ngel, . of Los 1 · sr.atC Alfred H · W e>tkamp · - -0 C --th A addre ' ahfornia, gave the princi·pa l , YEAR TO CLOSE "" not es' t e _grndnatio• c<«dses of . WITH FULL WEEK tific Ho . ta,m•g school of th< Pa(Co ntinued from pag< on<.) mg of May _ ' <> Y on th< ,,,nOn Sunday morning, Jun< 8, at th < . ''1. v· pita! . 111 th t ·1 U.nt<d B«thtcn Chuteh, Pmid<nl 12 t, l I ng,l Willit, w hn has ,pent th< Clipping« will d<h<t th< bacealaut<-


Ohio wo years in g raduate study in Pointed t:te. University, has been ap Prine t s 111 _tructor in economics at 'lS eon University for next year. R. · Mr . H R B . _e __ Ier) of Bost· rentlmger (Alice vi llng her on, Mas achusetts, is 1 John syJ . I: L · Reparents, sler in TMr.ff and d Mrs · fo vania, on her w /a \,~ ' Pe~nr the comm ence ayt O e ter ville • , '15. A r men season · ·

ate ermon to the graduating cla . At 7:3_0 ~unday_ evening, th~ _Christia? As oc1at1011s wi ll hold a 30111t ann1v~rsary meeting; the addre will be gwen by the Reverend J. S. Engle. who comes to Otterbein next fall, a professor of Bible. Monday, June 9, at 8:30 a. m. Pi• Kappa Delta wi ll hold initiation and enj oy their first annual breakfa t. At noon, Cle1orhetean . and P b1lalethean .

16 been, nam ed ~t!e daught er . who has a Weck a lizabeth , arrived about Mr. . Jo !;hat the home of Mr. and ton ) in B humaker ( Ina Ful'2l. G rookly • ew York. 11 v'JI eorge W W 111 d W es terwho . pursuin · hite of . 1 e.Oh' 1tate U • g g:a uate work M 10 last wee~i~erSity, went to n:r~and T ·. '-ohert W 111 compan y wi th / e1 r trip is be~b of th e ni versity.

Li terary ocieties will _give their an­ nual banquet . The afternoon is tak en with a r ecep~io n and ex hibit by th e depa rtment of Art and Home Eco no ni1cs. At ix o'clock the au . nual banquets of hilophrouean an d Philomathean Litera ry ocietie will take place. The Department of Mus ic " ·i U clo e the evening with it annual concert a t eight-thfrty o'c.Jock. Tue day, June 10, i anoth er full

•on with th . emg taken in connecgraph Y of Eeir work on the phys10• senibte th t aS t ern Ohio, which reAs a a of Maryland he h result of th . th a. clone . e excellent work 1 th a e na, t Yea r ~ e State U niversity

All Kinds of Annual

cholar h" · r . White has received Con 1·11ue h· 1P for next year and will I work th • ere. Dunng the auni. 111 er he w-ill le/ tant to Dr go_ to Montana a an e who · . · Hill of Vassar Colof in ch on a ar i ti•d arge of a company Work th ent that are to car r y '93 er · At a Pecia · n,tnr kh ol ,l rr f l meeting of t"'e " an 's l ,. 0 the Columbu \,VolVJrs· Ta111 u,, Mheld .1a st.. Wedo e. dav. \\la °l'h elected · _Davis ( Laura m.it11) f eodor Bore 1d.e nt. to ucceed Mr . ron1 hr c· ttrn ett, w h o ha m oved 1 1 Pt b on,·111 Cnt · v · M ·r · Davi h:> heen Us S in club . 1e in Columand. he was o c1rc b.· th e fi. r t ne of the organizer 1 · pre \lici11 .\V on1an' C i"d ent of the Otter' llify. · lu b, of Colum bu and ! A ];,~

~ill adrr o'f th <>n he l{rieve e Tan an c;I Card inal ei1.th~ay 23 learn of the deat h and 111011 h' ittle Martha Louise, '-'er) ~rs. E. .E old daughter of Mr. fr of Canton · C~oper (Lydia Gar­ an0111 the ne ' 0 hio. Death r e ulted sca ~cc·1rlent •tvou sh ock cau ed by in wh·IC h the baby was • 1dect •

J ;?




,nt and instrndot in th< Unie«sity nm wi ll b, held, and i• th< ,.,ning William J. . ol Chkago, will «tun• to Co, Col- th< s,nie< class play, "Icebound", will


E rne t J. Pace, pa tor oi

Flower Plants from BURBEE Seed . Lupines, astors, zin­ nias, snapdragons, p e t u n i a s, phlox D r u m m o n d i and many other kinds. Also a few tomotato pimento, pepper, and caulicabbage flower.

Glenn-Lee Place T elephone 140

Residence 56 West Home


st .

Life, Fire, Tornado and

e1_ghth Annual Commencen1ent exe r· '""• held lot class of will <ighty-sc,cn graduates Thea address be delivered _by Dr. E. A. J oil es. The close

of _th.s school ym m>tk Dt. J ones' : etirem ent .ron:i a ixty-four year perf md of " " "' m th < educational field. whet< he has attained grea t disti·nclion. Th< last fift«n y,m of this long p, nod ha,c b«n pent at Ott«- 1 bein, whet< h< has , ndcmd himsd!


J. 0. RANCK 8 ½ E. Home St.


Sports Oxfords .v•~c:-'h for every-day wear . . --"!

$5 and $6

N t nly for port but f r all-day, ear ab ut th campu the e xf r l a re n1akin then1pular ith lle f r - tfu1

to a ith tan den red fibe r up ber le . th



trap, · enuin ajah kiclpr f.

1HE :UNIoN 1

High and Long Streets


Columbus, 0.






will silently interest in Otterbein.

ho w your

- - --0 C - - -

CLUB TALK Published Weekly in the interest of· Otterbein by the A Girls' Glee Club . OTTERBEIN PU BLISHING BOA.RD Why should Otterbein not have a W esterville, Obio Member of the Ohio College P ress Girls' Glee Club? Every year that he has had one it has been a suc­ Association ce . This eason epecially Girls' Glee Clubs have been a popular sueSTAFF

cess at other colleges. What i the rea on that Otterbein doe not have this organization? It cannot be that we are devoid of ta!ent. I it that the girls are not intere ted ? If the organization were made a real wide awake one girl would be intere ted . But th ere must be some manife t results o f the work. . o girl will pend a vast am ount of time practicing to give only one con-

cert. If concerts were scheduled the girls would be in spired to do their best and the quality of the club would be one af which Otterbein could be proud. We all realize that the musical director has a much as he can do with the director hip of the Men's Glee lu b and the Church Choir bes ide his regular work. Since this I (Continued on Page Seven )

Editor-in-Chief ........ Paul Garver, '25 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - Assistant Editor .... D. S. Howard, '26 Contributing EditorsD. R. Clippinger, ':t5 Pauline Wentz, '23 Edith Oyler, '25 Robert Cavin , '26 Wayne Harsha, '27 G. M . McConaughy, '27 Business Manager .... W . S. W ood, '25 Ass't. Bus. Mgr. .... Wm. Myers, '2 1.i Bu . Mgr. AssociatesWaldo Keck, ' 2 7 Cloyd Marshall, '27 Circulation Mgr. .... Ladybird Sipe, ' 25 Asst. Circulation Mgrs.Margaret Widdoes, '2 6 Ruth Hursh, ' 27 Atli etic Editor ...... J. Q . Mayne, '25 Asst. Athletic Ed. E . H . Hammon. '27 Local Editor ···-- F . E. McGuire, '9-5 Alumna! Editor .... Alma Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor .... Lenoi-e Smi(h, '2 6 Cochran Hall Editor Elizabeth axour, ' 25 ddress all communications to The Otterbe.in Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. College Ave., W esterville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Y ea r, paya ble in advan ce. Entered a s second class matte r Septemeer 25. 1917, a t the postoffice a t W este r vi lle, 0 ., und er a ct of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing a t special rate o f postage p rovided fo r in Sec. 11 03, Act o f Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Ap ril 7, 19 19.

EDITORIALS Stay for Commencement ommencement week is fa t ap­ proaching and the biggest and hap­ pie t week oi the year will be with u again. That week i the gala time of the year. Work is over, care are to ed to the wind and it i a week of happi ne for the undergrad uate. Whi le it i a week of joy for the r.najority it i neverthe le s a week of sadne for many. l:low trange it is that the ame week can be one of happi ne s and adne for the ame group of student . However happy they may eem, adne holds the Senior a they leave behind their col­ lege year . ne ee adne mani­ fe t wherever friend a.IJd choolmate are bidding each other goodbye. Each undergraduate hould plan to tay for thi . Comencement. Com­ mencement i really a part of the chool year and tho e who mi the festivitie fa ll hort of thei r oppor­ t unitie . Many vi itors and alumni are coming to vi it the chool and naturally to get a g li mp e of the tu­ dent body. H we are not he re a poor impre ion of Otterbein i made, a mi fort u ne that not one of u would wi h.

e initials of a friend You will find these letters on many tools by which electricity works. They are on great generators used by electric light and power companies; ·and on lamps that light millions of homes.


What a .fine thing it would be if all tho e who could, would remain for the memorable week, to the bet­ terment of ou r elve , the plea ure of the alumni and the advantage of O t­ t erbein! Your attendance at thi com-


They are on big motors that pull railway trains; and on tiny motors that make hard housework easy. By such tools electricity dispels the dark and lifts heavy burdens from human shoulders. Hence the letters G-E are more than a trade­ mark. They are an emblem of service-the initials of a friend. f!l. ,HD








Important Changes in Event for .Scrap Boyd P . Doty Delivers Memorial Ad­ dress-Wreathes Presented in Day Made by S tudent Memory of Fallen Heroes. Council. At a recent meeting of the Student Coun cil the date for the annual Scrap Day was se t for Saturday September 20 ' · The Council also adopted the re oultion to adopt the "Sack Race" which wi·11 ta k e the place of the "T1e. up" T he rul es governing th e "Sack R · ace" are a follows:

Page Five

ies conducted by Dr. E~ A . Jones were See Samples from held at the Soldiers' Monument on th e campus. Dr. J ones placed a beau­ tiful · w reath on the monument. As a conclusion to the services a Before ordering Class and Social new flag, pu rchased by a subscription Group Pins. amo ng th e students, was rai sed and then lowered to half ma t in memor y "There's a Reason" of tho e who are gone. 11th and High Columbus, O.


Impressive ceremonie which were held last F riday morning in the chapel marked the ob,se rvance of Memorial Day. As the opening numb er th e en­ ti re audience joined in the singing of _- -.,--:l:;ll;;ll;;l::11~11;;1::11~11;;1;;11::11;;11;;1::ll~ll;;l;;ll:;ll;;ll;;l:;ll~ll;:l::11~11;:I::11::11::-11;:l::ll::ll::-1:: ll:: 11::-ll::-1::ll-:ll-:-1-l l-ll-11- l-11-ll-l-l l-11-ll- l-ll-11-1-11-ll-l-ll-ll America. This wa fo llowed by a hymn by the choir which was com- :



posed of Professor Spe sard. H. K. The e are day when men want : . The Sack Race shall be a contest Darling, Wray Richard son, Lorraine 111 "to look their be t." which twenty sacks shall be scatter- Rhinehart. Miss Robinson, Ernestine ed alo h . Schmitt, John Hudock and Dean UpNew Straws f ng t e fif ty yard Ime of the 00tball field. The freshmen and son. Professor G. G. Grabill at the § The Latest in Summer Shirts •ophomore shall line up at opposite OJ·gan and Henry Davidson . Charles Keller and Ralph Curk . cornetists, : Stylish T ies and Hosiery. ' goal lines. Always Something New at accompanied . hAt the referee's signal the two sides Boyd P. Doty, attorney for tr:e all come together \\"ith the object of A nti - aloon League of America, de- : ren1ovi11 22 N. S tate St. t g as many sacks as possible li,·ered the memo rial address in a soul- Phone 132 0 th e goal from which th e team came. ·•111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ sti rr ing tyle. He gave a short review The st ruggle shall be over the sack of the six important wars in \\"hich g1111II1111111111II111111I11I1111111111111II11I111I11111 1111111111II1I I1II11I111111I11 1111111111111 1111~ and h unnecessary personal contact America has been engaged s ince her s ~II be eliminated. Anv contestant birth. Mr. Doty made the startling gluilt_y of choking, strangling, or dis- statement that one out of every three : p ay1ng O ti1 . d er un port manlike con- Americans are either foreign~born or U~t hall be eliminated immediately. \Yere born of foreign parents. He also b livery ack carried to the goal line said that we a re a conglomeration of ; It a hcount a one point for that side. a multitude of races who have gath­ the fi:tlyl -be dim_mediately returned to ered together in o ne va t country the : yar 1111e by " referee. There idea of thou and of year . h 1 a I always be twenty sacks in the Mis Jeanette Mag.ill defivered Lin- truggle. coin's Getty b urg Speech in a p leas- _ u/hi contest shall last twenty min- ing manner. Following Mr. Doty's · nants, Pillows, Pins, Rings, Foun:z:: nue band th e I·d e having the large t speech C. M. Bowman, after a hort be~ er of Points to their · credit shall addre s placed a wreath on the sol­ Theclared the winne r. dier's service flag. tain Pens, Stationery, Eversharp gr . e e acks •ha ll be heavy ca nva Afte r chap el adJo urn ment ceremond ain ack · fi ll ed with and and sa wu t to th · Pencils, Graduation Greetings and Th e we ig ht of 100 pound . sec e fre hmen ha ll be compelled to Quality Meats and Pri Ure and tuff the sacks. though the tb ce hall be divided eq ua ll y be tween e _two cla se . The winners hall receive th Groceries. Th e ack . di . e freshm en shalt put on some ; 111gui hing mark. Delivery Service. U.Ober hoe hall be worn by all Conte tant An equ i" tb a number of men wi ll enter e Conte t d dete . an thi s numb er shall be nrunect b h . . and C Y t e P hy 1cal Director oach. A uffi . cient number of referee hall 0e appointed. 18 N. State St. A uffi. be . cient number of judge hall Provided t O • and t h uperv1 e the conte n11111,111,1,,1,11,11,11,111111111,111,,11,11,111,111111,,11,1111111111111111111,,1,1,,,11,1,,111111,11ff Theo _andle t he eliminated men . elirn·1 Judge hall have power to and ~ate any and all injured . men, 0 Slitu:• th e over-exhau ted. N o subA ion. hall be made. or r de ignated pace will .be wi red but oped off fo r the conte t and on one all Conte tant and officials will be owed within that space. $3 00 ote-Th 100 Engraved Cards with plate, . tween e e conte t s hall be be0 on1y_ Phomore and Freshmen Printed ca rd s at exceptionally low

= = = =



= = = =


J. C. Freeman & Co.


-= =

Ideal Presents

Fancy Books, Memo Books, Pen-



-= =



Phone 65







Cla e not f urn i hing the r equired price where fi ve or more orders are nunib . e.r of W1fh th men mu t enter the conte t at handicap. placed at one time. ll:ngl;--T O C . . with the kind of t:> o Address Associations. We can s uppy you "-ev J · newty' a e ~ . Engle, B. D ., A. M., paper you _may Reed. Who PPointed Profes or of Bible, Preach ucceed Dr. E. A. Jone , w ill th e annual sermon to the \>oun Chr· ~ Men' and Young Women' • i ban A. tng_ ociation unday even-

Buckeye Printing




Fresh Fruit Orangeade

See it made at our Fountain.



Page Six

Track Team to Meet Denison at Granville and Baseballers Journey t o Delaware. \ Vi th th e track meet with Denison and th e base ba ll game with \Ve leyai1 Saturday both varsity teams will b ring the 192-1 season to a close. T he mee t with D eni son is of inter­ est and promi es to be one of the be t of the year. eith er team eem s to have the edge on the other and the winner will not be determined until the la st event is run. The game with Wesleyan at D ela­ ware Saturday will be a hot affair. \Vesleya n' s tea m got off to a poor tart but with the experience of playing several games she no w has a te am of strength. Who will win will not be known until the last man is out in the ninth.

--- 0 C --New Material For Next Year. ·word comes from McKee port of a couple of new tuden.t for Otterbein. Harry Kalbaugh, left-handed pitcher, already rank far above the average college pitcher and " Honu " fa,vita i the cla ie t hortstop ever put out by the High chool there. B oth were members of Levi Howe's champ ion hip team th i spring. There are a dozen other prospective tudent there, mo t of whom are footba ll and ba eball players. McKee poet promj e to be developed into one of the mo t vauable of Otterbein' recruiting grou nd . - - 0 C - -----'-­ HIRAM IS VICTIM OF VARSITY NINE


I Co

Hiram AB . H.. McCullough , c . ........ 5 0 Baldwin, If. -------···--·-· 4 0 Thomas, 2b. ---·--·------· 5 0 Bates, 1b. ------------------- 4 0 Raus, rf. -------- ------ ----· 4 0 Ga nyard , 3b. ----· ···--···• 2 1 Hoskins, ss. --------·· ---- 3 0 Miller, cf. ----··-----------· 2 1 Morr is, p. ------·----------· 3 0 Glass, p. ---- .. ....--........ 1 0

H.PO.A .E. 2 5 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 I 3 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 I The Ohio We leyan Transcript 0 5 0 0 states that the Senior as a Clas I O 2 0 memorial are contributing a sum of 0 0 I 0 . 1000 to the department of oratory - - - - - - to be u ed in the construction of a T otals .................. .... 33 2 6 24 6 3 new Oratory Building.

Stolen bases : P ierce, Staa ts, 2, Lef­ fel. Three base hit s: Seib ert 2, Leffel. Dou ble play: Han cock to Seibert to M c Ca rroll; eibert to McCarroll. Struck out: by H a ncock-5, by M orri s-I , by Gass-3. Bases on ball s : off: Hancock-4, off Morri s-2. Hit Batsman: Hancock-2. U mpire-Durfee. --- O C Science Club Elects. Last Tue day evening May 27, the Science Club elected as their new office r : Joy Dillinger, president ; Wendell Camp, vice-president; Mary Noel, ecretary; and Helen Cherry, trea urer. A great deal of credit for the sue-

(Continued from page one.) earn in an anomolou po ition as to their ratin in view of week-end reults. Jt' like thi : Hh:am ha defeated We leyan, e leyan ha won from Ohio Univer ity, Ohio ha t aken Otterbein\ calp, and Otterbein likewise Hiram' . Will somebody plea e tep in and olve t he riddle? It i to be regre.t ted that rain prevent­ ed the playing of the We leyan game on Wedne day, in order that the matter Jnight be.. ett-led once and for a ll. _Lineup and un1-mary. Ot er bein AB. R H.PO.A.E. R enner, b. --·---·---·-- 4 0 1 1 3 0 eibert, .· -----~ - 5 2 2 4 4 1 taa , 2b........- ........ 4 3 2 -:3 2 0 Ander on, cf. -------·· 4 0 1 1 1 0 Pierce c. ·------·-·--·-· 4 1 l 6 1 0 McCarroll, · 1b --·-- 3 0 0 11 0 1 Jacoby, rf. --------- 4 0 0 0 0 0 L ffel, If. _____.........., 4 1 2 0 0 0 Hancock, p. ___; ......-- 3 1 1 1 4 0 Total ------....----·--- 35

cess of thj year's club goes to the out-going officers. Esther Bearss is the retiring president. ---- 0 C - - LIST'IN' IN. ---Carnegie Tech reserves a week in the spring to be known a Campus vVeek. During thi week the Campus i decorated in a novel fashion, plays are given and May Day festivitie s are observed. A pedal feature of the week's activities i the entertainment of the al umni who are urgently requested to return to the campu during this week.

10 27 15 '2

The faculty at Bluffton Coll ege has made a ruling that all Seniors who make a grade of B or above will be excused from examinations in that


= = =



= Breakfasts served during Commencement : = __ Week. = P '.1.one 423 J.

66 S. State St.



ii,11111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111

SP-ENCE'S Talking Machine:Specialists _any Make Repaired · Between Hartman and Grand Theaters Columtus, 0. 67 E. State St. ,!!II II II IIIIIIIIIIIIMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!i



= = = = = = = = = =




Priced Way Below Actual Worth





Have Your Party for Commencement at


All Wool 'l .1

T he College A venue


,Extra-Fine .. :··.


_!! I l 11 [ 111111111111111 I II II IIII III I II III II II II II II II II II I111111111111111 111 111 11 1111 1111 1111 ! 111111 1111 I!!_

_ :

Bi 0- pecial Ca h P urcha e d: a k e T h e e Wonderful V 1 p ·b1 I a ue O 1 e·

cour e. Thi was grant ed in response to a petition made by the Senior Cla s. At We tern Reserve a prize of 75 is divided equally among three students who represent the univer ity in the annual debate of th e Intercol­ legiate Debating League. The pur­ pose of the award is to encourage debating at Reserve.



ATTENTION STUDENTS § THE UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY 44 N. State St. GRADUATION GIFT SUGGESTIONS Eastman Kodaks, Purses and Pocketbooks Parker Pens and Pencils. Schaeffer' s Fine Pencils, "Repel, Propel and ExpeP' ; Safety Razors, all kins. Don't fail to see the Ever -Ready Safety Shaving Cabinets, something new. O ptical Department Attached. Glasses and Spect;,cles. HAVE YOUR EYES E XAMINElJ FREE

RITTER & UTLEY, Props. Your P atronage Solicited.



· -

Satisfaction Guaranteed.


ii II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III I III I I I IIIIllII II 111111111 I II II







Page Seven

Mabel Eubanks spent the week-end at her home in Jackson.

A High Grade Bath Soap

Mrs. Lowry was the lovely hoste s Ruth Musselman, Ernestine Nichols, Marjorie :\ ichols, Ruth Hursh, Beu­ to the Arbutus Club for Sunday even­ 1n a Hard Cake that lah Tish and Margar~t Matthews ing luncheon. spen t the week-end at their homes. Helen Dru ry's mother has been A not her farewe ll party! The Ar­ here for evera l days, having come soft. butus gi rl gave a never-to-be-forgot­ from Porto Rico. - - - 0 C--'-ten'" farewell party for their Senior Carl Stair visited with hi parent at members at the Tea Room Thursday 15c evening. Despite the sad ness of the Barberton last week. occasion everybody had a real good Harold Boda was at home with his 2 FOR 25c time. The Club announced th e names parents at Brookville, Ohio, Sunday. of Virginia Taylor a nd Rhea McCon­ --- O C--I aughy of Dayton as honorary memP atronize our Advertisers. bers. I Mildred Schwab was a gueS t of 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -------~;..;_;_;.;;;..;,,. . / Professor and Mrs. Fritz for Sunday : T The Owls had a lunch eo n at th e evening dinner. I= thea Room. Wednesday in honor of The Phoenix Club entertained their eir Prese 11 t engage d members. · I' , member · Iola Marcum ,nth a : Ar ne~ . . tee Sheldon entertained her Onyx party Thursday evenmg. : f I= St tcrs with I . bu a -t 1eatre party m ColumMiss Ruby omers ,,·as a gue t o ' aturday. 1 Helen Kiehbiel during th e -last week. §

makes any hard water




. 1J\TID N

I§ =


1\1 s Wi llard Morris entertained : r. r. a rence Lyon and Mr. a~d Mrs. Hursh. Mrs. Mendenhall, Mrs. \V · Jackson of Be llefon tain e, Ohio. I D as H ele n Doulsas Olive Shull. d erek guest s o f l'~ut h L yon over t h e H on Is y-iehbiel ' ' wee I -end e en ..,._ · Esther Bearss . an . Lottie Faye Mendenhall at a deltghtThe Phoenix Club gave a farewell fut lun cheon at the home. ~arty to their Senior m embers, Saturevening at the home of Mrs. '1-\lr h F p . rom numerou report the arty wa a most excellent one. Mr. and Irs. Ly on. Iviiss E sth er : L Yon M Cl

How often in the days to come will you sit be­

Mr '

side the glowing heart h and dream of days



Autumn Memories

go ne by!

Mo re precious to yo u then, than

untold wealth will be a collection of photo-

graphs of yourself and your dear ones. friends If you want your = to be satisfied Com- --



h uertte Wetherill . appy becau e her ister ing to d pen a few days M:i Florence teven al umnae ' ter wa a guest of over the week-end.

seems very Doris is gowith her. an Otterbein Mabel Wal-

Cl Mr · B0 tk·in of Columbu visited ara a hort time unday afternoon . C Ano th er wood party! Mary Mc­ abe K th lfu 1 ' a Yrn teinmetz and Mary nmet ga . . Gr . ve a p1cn1c lunch for the · I • Ice cream 'n everythineenw1ch gir


mencement Week eat at --~


Ye Portrait Shoppe Kellberg


J. c. ROACH, Mgr.

141 SOUTH THIRD ST. Citizen 9569

Bell-Main 165

, 1111 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


DUNLAP'S _Special Sale of·

repogt ~ood wa erved. Everybody r e a real good time. Eiizab th axour had a lovely time 0 Ver ti e Ci • . ie week-end at her home in i11I1cothe. Mary B enga ummel ha .announced her &ement to "Al''. Congratu lation . li'rof d M day d_- an r . Va lentine were un&irl tnner gue t of the Greenwich

• "-U.S. .


Al! th Mr ~ e way from Tampa Florida! bo~I fendenhall, her daughter, Mrs. Cattte : · ~~d granddaughter, Elene, 0 1 . " tt Lottie Faye and are go-

~-BUY Picnic Eats of

oses & Stock Corcers

I ...




Columbus, 0.


Page Eight

PROFESSOR F RITZ TO I,;EAVE Brown .Bull;" "Watchamacallit," "Kiss

Many . lumni enjoyed Picnic Day with theic, re pective Social Cl ubs. The Cook House had a gue t , "Chuck" Bennet, '•Bill" S tauffer, Dan Harris, and '' arg" Willet "Corni" :Moore, Howard Morrison, and Harold Freeman pent the day with their brother Alp . Raymond Axline and George White enjoyed the splendid fellow hip of th e Lakota's. Country Club enjoyed th e prese nce of George Heit z, Hom er Mi ller, Vaughn Bancroft, Alfred Elliott, Ho r­ ace Troop and Howard Ell iott an d family.

Phone 408-1 and KllW, "The Spectator", "Fro h Has Accepted a Position in Iowa Eroth:' ·and "Heeby Jeeby". - - - 0 C --­ State College-Will Specialize The Clean-up CLUB TALK In Dramatics. ( Contin ued from Page Four) Agent for Acme Laundry Co. Announcement has been made that is the <;ase perhaps the assistant in the Profes or Charle C. Fritz !fas accept­ vocal department would con ent, to General Laundry Work for Ladies aDII ed a position in Iowa tate College direct the club. At any rate it is located at Ames, lowa. Profe or generally desiriable !.'hat we have a Gentlemen. Fritz will become a member of the we ll organized Girl ' Glee Club. Public Speaking Department and wi ll Come on gir:ls, lets drive for a Club specia)ize in Dramatics. at Otferbein.- ong ter. On June 7, Professor F ritz will OC--J. H . MAYNE leave for Columbia, Missouri, where Edwa rd Hammon, '27, vi ited arbis he ha acceptid an ap_Pointment for home in Dayton Sunday. Westerville, 0 . 12 W . College Ave. the ummer term. He wifl give a cour e in Dramatic and Play P roduc- tion at that university. Otterb ei n will fee l the lo · of P ro­ fes or F r itz very much. Much of the succe s of the clas plays a nd college entertainment is due to him. The Cap a nd Dagger lu b owe much of ' it uccess to the ever- helpfu l g uid­ a nce of Professor E ritz. A ll Otter­ bei n sincer ely hopes that hi s ~arce r in t he wild and woo ly west will be I p rosperou a1\d uccessful. At the- pre ent date the succe or to Pro(e or Fritz ha_ not been appoint­ ed.

Features the Vogue of Flannel





f#: ~- -



phinx Club had a guests, Wilbu r Freshman Magazines Make Appearance In Library Franklin and Everett Ulrey. J. C. and T. H. Bradrick and J. L. About six Freshman Magazines Gib on of Middletown vi ited here have a lready made their appea rance in la t week. th e east room of the librar y. These Cloyce Ch ri stopher of Kenyon Col­ ma gazi ne are edited by the E ngl i h in Proie or Guitner' , lege spent the week-end wi th the An­ st udents nex Club, of which he was a member Lyon ' and A ltma n·s classe . ]: his year thest magazine repre ent the when in Otterbein in 1921-22. thought and opinion among the M . L. Howe, ·22, is enjoyi n o- a few day ' vacation a a guest of th e Coo k F res hm en concerning the school a nd Hou e Cl ub. H e i wear in g his old it activitie . Some of th e magazines j time mile. Mr. H owe spe nt the which are a lready out are, " The


pa t year teaching in the McKees­ port, Pa. high school. Marion Hite i pending a few day wit h hi parent at E lkhart. Ind. F ranci s Pottenger, . Jr., pent a very plea ant wee k-end at the home of Mis Elizabeth Saxour at Chillicothe, O hio. Harvey Leffel wa Day ton aturday and

The Three-Quarter Coat Combines Flannel With Fur


hi home in unday.

H owa rd of P resident and Mr Bonebrake eminary were vi itor in Wester vil le, aturday a nd unday. Richard Goodrich, '23, and family pent a happy week-end in We ter­ vi lle. Mr. Goodrich just completed a very ucce ful year o f teaching at the Otterbein H ome, where he em­ ployed fo r next yea r. He i a mem­ ber o f th e Lakota Club. E. H. Barnhart, ' 17, and fami ly were W e terville vi sitors la t week. The phi nx Club wa royally entertained aturday even ing at t he home of Wilbur toughton on Orth State treet. the T he Annex Club announce name of Harold Mayberry a a memb r of the Club.


Drug Store and Soda Fountain I Service

Soft French flannel with white collar of fur makes a smart three-quarter unlined coat, an essential part of summer. $29.50. The short coat bound with braid in tailored fashion, jauntily completes the sports costume. In black, white, monterey, gray, tan, mignon­ ette. $19.50.

Coal. Shop

Third Floor


Our Chocolate Sodas are u nexcelled.


Bailey's Pharmacy

0. W. Briner of Canton, Ohio, Y. M. C. A ., v i ited Otterbein la t week with several pro pective tudenf from McKin ley and Central High chool TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST of Canton .


The Steel Coach Double Track Line

$3 •90


Coach Excursion Train IHve■ Columbua 11 :00 p. m., Eastern Time, May 24th, arrlvu Ch ica go 6:30 a. m.. Central Time. R.turning, ..__ Chloago 10:30 p. m., ContNI Time, May 25th.

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