1925 01 20 The Tan and Cardinal

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~V::O::L::.::8==============~W~E~S~T~E~R;V;;IL;;L~E~ , :;;O~H;;I;O~,==J~ANUARY 20, 1925.




I Ca n Secu_re Reserved Seat · l I Tickets Today at Gymnasium 1


1 Appeal M d Ef o p~~;;:;n~;~s:r:;dt::a; 9 1 1 · D e111·so n to111g1t · I H ·a e or L aw Observance- fc rence seaso n with istory o~ Dry Work went on sa le yesterda y aftern on at Given · · · B u1·1d three o'cloc k ·111 th e Asso c1at1on HOWARD R - U- S -SE --LL SPEAKS in o-. T here arc yet many ti ckets tci he had a nd stud ents . hould ge t th eir tic ket a s soon as pos ible. Ticket s Founder o f Anti-Saloon . Leag ue ca n be obta in ed at any time to day at Preaches Sermon in Church th e Assoc iati on Building. The price Sunday Morning. is th e sa me a s for th e f\ lumni game th Dr. H~ward H . Ru ssell. found er o f las t \\·eek. S ntt- al oo n L eague ga ,·e 0 11 _ __ _ O C-- -U11day J a 1 • tional ~nd I uar y _18, a very in sp ira"1:he E" ec1ucatrng se rm o n entitl ed . Gift to ~htee_i~th_ . m endm ent. God's D ur ., a ti o n." coll;· Ru ell poke direc tl y to the Social and Religious Welfare of College t o Receive Special ge tudent w hen he made th e 61 atement ti Attention. 'IVill b 1at, " t h e ta k yo u tak e u p ni" . e ble eel with good. Be sub t t e 11 o'clock this morning th e " Go1sI 1vc and d ed 1cate your life to what Boarcl of T ru stee of Otterb ein Coli c Would Iiave yo u do a nd succe Ure to come" ter tege wi ll co n ve ne fo r th e mid -win held Tlie · two . · r mon dealt g e nerally w ith m ee t"11 1g • Th e e ions will be aiid h f cburch and bitio 111a111 po·111 t , namely, that pr ht.- at th e · n i.lcd 'Brethre11 throu g h the edict and ontinu th rou g h t e a ternoon Will 11 1 C ha a ' G~d. and, secondly, th a t God ev nin "'. human pt~fic ta k for each a nd eve r y The m eeting wiJI be of a con trueecond point wa tiv e a nd educational character and stre d I e. Thi e t o a high d · h cl th ·1 will no t concern itse If so mu c h wit an le enpe1r-- annua l report a with educational IUontrat cI by the liveegree of no t" nag h • S · I ing to tht an Mose and Paul. Com - and fi nancia l plan s. pecia att en ion · I cl e pre ent day th e speaker will be given to the e ucattona , oc· t· tate(l every tJ iat there wa a chance for ial and religious weJfare o f t h e ms In to g t . . d the iiiaterial intere t of do Goct' e 111to the work and to tut1 on. an · t ecret f ':ork. He stated that the th e colleg will receive ome at eno cli cove r111g . . . th t1. n 1 e comm1ss1O \1 · 0 f ca h . Coiiip t t 1tidividu_at_ is only possible i,~dinn er wi ll be served in the J £ Unit hGod. ubm1 ion to the will of eel Brethren ch urch at 5 :30 or t e Foll . tru te es, faculty and other . t th e the h?W1ng omplete account of eve ning meetin g th e Glee Club thi a 1 t M will sented o_r~ of prohibition wa pre- inn- a1~d Pre ident J. Knox ont· detail a y nop i of gomery o f M us k.1ngum Co II e ge will the liv· g1v1 ng m e of th dd t b f 11 ,ed by lllake ti . e men who trove to deliver a n a re o e o O\\ 11 m , Th e Pl ac e of ticular ovement a succe . Par- an open parliament on (C tre wa placed in the fact the hri tian Coll ege in the hurch ontinued on Pag ~ T wo ) j and N ation ."


/a m

VARSITY DEBATE TEAMS J Local Men in F ine Condition and CHOSEN DURING WEEK ' Opening Game Will Be Best on Season's Menu. Th e pa t wee k. va r ~i ty deba te has I GAM E IS CHALLE NGING made s,ignal p rog res in tha t both tea ms. that will m ee t Capital in the seaso n's fi rst debat e. Fe bruary 26. ! Denison Brings Strong Aggregation ha,·e bee n elected. Th e try-out we re to Westerville Which W ill Fight he ld J a nu a ry .10 and ll. a nd W edn es- , to the Final Whistle. . day th e succes fut ca ndid a te - were I na med. , Tl1e _V ar_s ity basketba ll tea m opens The a ffirm a ti ve team w-tll ha ve it s C! h1 0 C~nfe rence sc hed ul e to ni g ht Wood. Miller and eith er H a rsh or a t eig ht o cloc k 111 the hi g-h school Ga ntz. Harrold. Kn ig ht and ei th er gym. wh e n it meet th e Big Red team May or Lapor te will deba te th e nega- fr om D eni o n in wh a t prom ise to be ti,·e side of the question. one of th e hott e t a nd fa te t games J nt en 1ve · wor k 1·s be in g don e a nd 'a o f the ea o n. T he q ua d is in th e tron g a rgument will be pre e nt ed by be t o f condit ion a nd Coach E dl er has b o t h teams. developed fr om it a fa t. we ll-balanced • tct to tar t again t th e D eniso nEa rl H oove r is slated for a place 011 qu 111 o ne of th e tea ms but he will not par- ia n w h o ar c very li kely con tenders ticipate in any var ity d bate until for th e co nference cha mpi onship. I t wa·11 be remember d (hat the .Bapafter the State ratorica l onte t. ---- O C ---tist five defeated the Tan aod CarCleiorhetea Holds Second Election dinal team in both cla he of the two Session Last Thursday Evening outfits la t year. Thi . however, i Tlie no indica tion of what will happen this econd el ection e ion o f yea r. Ra th er, it i a ll the 1n ore rea _ Cl eior · h e t ea t00 k- pace I I t Th d a ur ay on why the Ott rbein team hould evening. The variou officers re - win, for nothin g encourag e upreme ponded to their election by clever tf e o rt a much a the ra nkl-i ng m emtunt , of literary, mu ical or a dra- ory o f pre,,1·0 u defeat. matic nature. The chair officer Tl1 . e g-dm e with the for me r captains are Veda B ear s, pre iden t ; Luc ile is an indication of what the team can Lambert. recording ecretary. and d o. I n t h.1s com b at 1t . was p,itted Alice George, critic. Mr . E . E. Haragain st a lin e-up f star of the past ri of Weste rvi lle, wa. elected to honfo ur or live year . A fa ter and more orary membership in Cleiorhetea. C---con istent h oting team will probO ably not be ee n on the home floor President Addresses Class th.i ca o1~. To com e out on top PrcSident li ppinger wa in T oron- aga·111 t a fi ve o f t h',1 caliber hows to. Ohio, Friday, where he deli vered more th r b'l• an o re 111ary a 1 1ty. t · ~;[the comm encement add re to th e II h ap a111 « c arro . ,v o ab ence graduating cla of Toronto High from the line-up la t we k wa o School. (Con tinued o n Page Two)




I_ I

PLANS TO REORGANIZE ALUMNAL ASSOCIATION SUGGESTED .,, When th Ott b . B d f t ru er ea1 oar o . t ee conv ll"tnt er rne t ' ene today for the mid Prop al e ing' one o f th · · I . e pnnc1pa 0 th at will be ubmitted for co id 11 erati organi~ . ou will be the plan for reA atton of the Ott b . • . er em 1umm . .Oci atton iut . 1iat 1Ott up . a more a ctive organcc r tary Porting a f u II -ume •= pat·d oUtc · Th new movement is an 011ie f I . a uncheon attended by fOrty al Coturnb~tnn1 at the Chittend en Hotel, Whict • during tb l .d . 1 ti at live Ille the adva te 1011f ay ages o an aca . . n l'h Ociatio 11 wer d Pl an will int e revea. 1e f. ere t 1t el partic-


• t;1 welfare of Otterbein u 1ar 1y 111duati • • on and making it a bu 1up o n ta rak ep - touch with them , 1th • I 11 O ne t e , Ima Mater" intere t in 1 ahn . ac ua The plan call for a t e1r careers. full-time paid secretary who e duty . . b to ecure po i"tion for grad1t w1 11 efi d new J. ob if a change I. 11 duate. dor t doa the work of a teacher' 0 e tr ' th b saving ome . 1500 agency, ere t y uch firms by Otter.d , pa1 annua 11 y o bcin graduate ' and to act in the capa ci ty f a ervice bureau doin g many • • b f rvice of all kind . It e the ecretary would .11tt1e JO st od that 1 sugges e t vith th e college in all al bt o ·co-opera e ' . pu 1c1ty.

. t the meeting Profe or W. 0. Lambert revealed _the facts that " 0th· t1tution · · h ave pa1·d ecretarie · r 111 · b Iookwho are con t ant 1y on t h e JO ing out for the inter t of th ei r alum. . . h. h 111 . bmldmg ~ac 111e t r?ughout the state to efficiently function for the . · Ima M ater . Th ey mtere t o f- t h e1r · t o k eep m · co I e tou ch ma k·e ·it a pomt · h every a Iumnu , PIac111g · · w'lt t I1em 111 ·· H ere at Ot·terb em . po 1t1on . t he b. I d. d t I ·th a ra ua es eave w1 a ig ,an icap. T~ey mu t be at lea t 25 percent superior to the average college graduate .111 order to cope wit · h t h em on an · · I b · eq ual ba 1 , si mp y ecau e ot h er 111lh em 111 · po 1tton •• 1 • g raduate . pacing

stitution have smooth working organization that are buildin g path· way for th eir a raduate to tread upon. while Otterbei n gradua te m u t face the problem alone ingle ha nd ' ed. I actuall y know th at Otterb in graduat pe nt clo e to 3 ooo th Ia t t\ o year fo r teacher ' agency £ee . e mu t orga nize for a clo er · h.1p between alumni aiid th ir re Iat1011 Al ma Mater. Like a big manufactur. mg concern, th e college is turning out graduate and it bu in e to ell it product." The committee at work on lhe plan COQlPO ed of J. E . ewell, Ralph Smith and W . O . Lambert.


~Page Two





FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF 18TH AMENDMENT CELEBRATED Be ' ( Continued from Page One) Presented in Chapel February that men were hard to enlist in this 12 and 13. worthy cause and a l o that financia l difficulties were a constant menace The nights of February 12 and 13 toward mak;ing the organization func ­ hav e been chosen as the dates for the tion with the best success. presentation of th e play, given each In co nclusion the speaker stated year by the Junio r cla s . On these that th e work of the Anti-Saloon dates. "'Tweedles," a comedy written League wa not completed. There by Booth Tarkington, will be offered are four i:>oints t o be still achieved, in the college chapel. The play is a hrst, to further ed ucational work for satire on fami ly pride, which en ter s the ignora nt; second, keep up legis­ as a compli cation into the lo ve affairs lative work; third, missionary se r vice of a youth and a girl who are brought to be contin ued; and, fourth, s upport together at a summer colony. needed fi nanciall y. Member s of the cast who were se­ ---0 C--­ lected at the tryouts held some time T an Team E nters Ohio Cage Race ago. are Wanda Gallagher, Pauline Against Big Red Team Here Tonight Knepp, Mary Hummel, Al ice San­ (Continued fr0m page one.) ders, Carl Sta ir, Zane Wil son, D o n greatly felt wi ll be een in ac ti on to­ Ph ill ips and Wilb u r MacMichael . nii g ht. He has been practicing with A lbert May was chosen to act as bus­ th e Varsity fo r the last week, and wil I iness manager, and William Myers a be able to sta rt the game at hi s r egu stage manager. lar position of guard. Un der the direction of Professor A probable line-up : McCarty, practices are going for­ Forwards-Snavely a nd Widdoes. ward at th e rate of four a week, and Center-Upson or Stair. the presentation of a finished produc­ Guards-Seibert an d McCa rroll. tion on February 12 is a su r ed . ---0 C--­ ---- O C ---All Arrow Colla rs, this week, 2 fo r Fine New Speciman Is 25 cents. E . J . Norris & Son.-Adv. Added to College Museum

Annual Junior Class Play Will

. May G"1ve Concer t on j Noted Ce l hst Campus Sometime in Near Future.


ews ha s just been received by Pro­ fessor A. R. Spessard that Walter Heerman. a cellist of note with the Cincinnati Sy mphony Orchestra, who was scheduled to give a concert in Lambert Hall on January 20, cannot appear on that date. . Mr. Heerman, in a letter to Pro­ f e sor Spessard, writes that due to conflicting concerts it wi ll be impos­ sible for him to make hi s appearance on the twentieth. However, a list of open dates was enclosed by M r. Heer­ man from which Profes or Spe sa rd could chose another date suitable for the program. Two years ago Mr. Beerman appeared before a local audience in conjunction with a concert given by the 1.adies' Glee Club. Just recently, he was invited to give a private co ncert at the Governor·s Man sio n in Col umbu s, so that the coming of this eminent celli t is looked forward to with eagerness by many music lovers. When Mr. Heerman does give his concert it will be under t he auspices of the Department of Music. The re­ Professor Schear ha just recently ceipts will be u ed for the furnishing ind in talli.ng of lockers in Lambert purchased a Tr umpeter Swan from Detroit, to add to the collection in Hall for mu ic and art tudent . the m useum in the Science Hall. - - - - 0 C----

There are only two di tinct specie LEDA CUMMINGS LEADS INTERESTING Y. W. C. A. of the North American wans and this species is probably the rarer of Leda Cumming with her "Fresh the two. The college is very fortun­ l3eginnings" attracted a large number ate in securing a specimen of this of girl to Y . W . C. . la t Tuesday bird for it is becoming so rare that the evening. government prohibits the killing of it During the development of the for any purpose whatever. The Mu _ topic the leader reminded us that as eum now contains both specimens of college women in the " land of oppor- j the Torth American swan. tunity," we are faci_ng a new year that ---- 0 C ---, i rich in opportunities for ervice; President Clippinger Addresses , that to do our be t now we must let j Y. M. C. A. Thursday Evening ' the pa t take care of it elf a nd app ly The pract·1cal ub · t "D Ch · ·· I h k s Jee , oes n tour elv~ dihgent Y to t e tas s near ianity Apply on Otterbein's Campu ?" at han · d , d' . H wa the theme of the address delivert r th lea er I cu s100 e 1en d b p . . . e Y resident Chppmger befor e Y Gherry ave a mo t he pful talk on, M C A. Th d . · . . ur ay evenmg " ervice." p ·d er · . The solo, "Show Me the · Way," Dy ~e~i ~nt ippmger showed that Erne tine Schmitt ·was in keeping Chn~tiamty would stand the honest with the topic and was much appre- tes~ 111 ever~ phase of college life, in . t ed by th e g1r . Is. . social,II phy ical .cm · · and mental activity ____ 0 C ____ a we a pmtua1. Furthermore, he Professor Schear in A ttendance example where it had been at Convention at W ashington "Chri tianity will apply to every Otterbci11 was r pre ented at the phase of life on Otterbein's campu annual convention of the ational and if i.t doe not hold, it bas never A ociation for the dvancement of been tried " was the triking state­ cie nce at Wa hington, D. C., during ment of Pre ident Clippinger. the Chri tma holidays, by Professor pecial mu ic wa furni bed by E. W. E. Sch ar. The convention D ean pson and Carl E chbaugh. wa the large t one ever held by the ---0 C--­ a ocfation and eminent cienti ts of BANQUET IS SERVED TO every cientific field were present. MEMBERS OF CHURCH CHOIR In the convention's conferences, Profes or cbear was able to con­ Wedne day evening after practice ver e freely with ome of the promi­ th church choir met in the ba ement nent scientists and to ask them que - of the church and enjoyed the Jir t tions concerning the scientific fields ocial event of the year. After an in which he teaches. Besides Pro­ hour of games and fellowship a very fessor Schear, Professor Hanawalt delicious banquet was served. The and Wendell Camp are the only other evening was closed with talk from members of the association from Ot­ Dr. Rupp, Dr. Snavely, Director terbein. Spessard and Professor Schear.






Brother Bill Started Something---


when he accu ecl sis of being out-ofdate. He quarecl him self by telling her all the girl bouo-ht the newe 5t toilttries at th e Rexall Store.


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Letterheads and



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One Gold Plated Gillett Razor With Two Blades . ALSO ONE



$1.39 This Week Only.



WOOD ELECTED PRESIDENT hi s lfand and leave these unfor t unates O F PHILOPHRONEA FRIDAY to e ke out their miserable existan ce . Immediately, the murd ere r di scon-

ce rt ed ly yelled. "Stand asid e until the O tt erbein Me n' s Glee Club is Photo­ graphed".

Ph :lo pl ro nc a held he r third ele ctio n se s io n o f th e year last F ri day even- lllllll Ill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111 II I Ill II Ill Ill I Ill II Ill II II Ill II II 11111 ing in Ph il ophronean Ha ll. elc ct i1 g •­ \,\ ' . S. \\,' oocl. pres ident, J. Q. Mayne, c ritic. a nd G. H. Eastn1an, secreta r y. 1 T he new office r ; will take t heir c hairs 'Bl. Mrs.. R. ~,r, Mateer. M. D .. ' J an uary :10. at the regular in stallatio n ~Madge Dic kson ) . ,,·ho in ce 1S8 9 has session . een a med ica l m1 ss1onary of the I 0 C Presbyterian Board in \Viehsien. T . AND C . REP ORT E R HAS h hant ung Province. Ch ina . and w ho UNIQUE EXPERIENCE : - elped to lay the foundations of med- ! ica l work there thirty- live yea rs ago, \;\/hose go t a co ll ar button? H o ld wa elected rece ntl y to lay the co r - my coll a r. will y uh ? Buckl e my ve 5t • : t1er tone o f the Shadyside Hos pital Do I loo k a lri g ht? O h! 1 forgot tny th at i now bein g built a t that stati o n. s us pe nd ers. This is a sa mple of what : I heard coming fr o m o ne of the dress'_99 . Samuel Zechar. ,.,' ho 1·s teaching ing rooms o f a Colum b us p I,otograp I,1011 _the high school in Springfield, 1 ·t Saturday afte rn oon. . O f =h10 · 1·s f ac uity ad,.·iser o n the s ta ffer , as ,p· c urio sity was aro used a ncI ~ ~ I cour se, 1 , : . . of th S . . e pr111gtie ld High Sc hool Her- 1 I . •t I And then in a few m om . . I wa1 ec . . ·11 aid H " · e co ntri but ed a feature ar t1 c e, t I s aw so me of the mos t I a t ' COL UMBUS.O. Ou_r Cl1nstmas . Thoughts" f or the ' en. s 1 kin g persons proceed from t I,e -_ hn st . 1 ease oo .f h . as. 1 t e1r _ mas issue o f the pa per. 1 room car r y in g themselve ' lG I · I' gs a ndT lthe1r I nekd cks n 0Uf new Oille · Mis Edna Bright o f Findlay, ba cks w ere in _s m Ob · . . . n cases ,cv oo e : to, who resigned he r posi ti o n 111 111 P 1aS t er pa ·· · the high school at f7indlav in o r de r t o lik e butlers. eve r y one of th em. cond · . I ·I ere ?· T ,,·atc hed _ -, Uct he r ca mpai g n for clerk of Go m g o ut: iut '' 1 _ court in Hancock Cou nty , to w hich n1y cha nce and follov.-ed. Keep in g : Po ition he was elected in No vem- . fa r eno ugh back from that la st coat llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii b:r, ha s acce pted a position in the tail th a t I might no t be se_e n, I be- - · - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ­ high chool at Lima Ohio £or the re- I came the calli ope of th at ci rcus pa r lllainder of this y:ar Miss B right ade. On ly-I did not furnish dt_he Will enter upon her work · a s clerk of · braze n notes an d piercing melo 1e courts next A ugu st that u suall y accompany uch a de n? .. · 't Y was a ll . Ill ·11, 'l , . . onstration. The act1v1 .,... 4, 14. The R iche r Evangelistic . d "What is that bunch dolllg .i:-arty . . . . F my m111 ' . bb ,-,. , co ns1st111g of BenJam111 • h ?'' Mv theories of bank ro ers. r,1ch er an I M d M H E e re . . . . . d (Eth c r. an r .. a!'ry . tat e H ospital inmates, i111t1at1ons an . el hupe ) of Peru, Indiana, hav e I S t a ll va nished w hen I came to JU t clo d ena or . . se a very s uccessful evange Ib . . ti li ghted roo m at th e e m 1 1 tic . a n 11 1an Y . . campai g n in the Ca rrmonte f h t I'd ha ll for there were the o t e o 1 , n1ted B . ret hre n Chur ch at Dayton, specimens Oh 10. sorry · , •7 In th e end of the room , o n s_oap 2 some ea ted , o th e r s standrn g , 1 · Mr · L. R. Harford (L illie R es- boxe r) of Omaha. Nebra ka, who ha s : they , fo rm ed an un symm etrical a nd been · · · · 1 , see m ~ vi thn g her · brothe r , J. I. L. unlu c ky horse hoe. Yes! I t d'd 1 el er and family in Trafford Penn - J'k the display of a n art gallery s unsy va . ' t e f l fr• nia, and other r elatives and fini hed tatues and some O t 1 em iti:lltls near Pittsburg, i now vis- were scarcely half done. Suddenly­ Ru t at the ~ome of her i ter, Mr_s. a s a Aa h, it dawn ed upon me, th ~ l:'hi!i P. Miller ( Lydia Re !er) 111 p urpose of it all. These were co n P burg, Pennsylvania. victs lined up to be s hot. I had '17 '2a d ight for there was a man j \ V~ d · Mr. and Mrs. Stanton W . B. · gue se hr om aiming a large ma1 acres ( Ge · • t e ro . . nev1eve M ulhn ), w h o were t these i"'nom inous belllgs. Illar. o . . d rted in M c hin e gun a I van·1 . ount Plea a nt. Penn Y . ti f ry of my natu re 111c1te a, dun h . 'd Wit h a 11 ,e u cl ar ng t e Chn s tma halt ays, f fell ow beings I ru s he now at h . f . d . by love or my . th e V . ome to th eir nen s m rd the murderer that I might stay I · alenttne Apa rtmen t s Ka n as towa ity, Mi ouri. ' - -- - - - - - - - -~::;;;,:.,:.;._:-'97, '04 . . ou f · Mr. and Mrs. W. G. St1ver•.> · -:..;:: lia111 L ee burg. Ohio, and Mrs. 'vV il­ 1 1 ed O ark of We terv illc, have start-1 u a t · Soutb rip of everal months to the ton !) They went first to Wa hin g::; :P later ·, for a short stay a nd w ill 0 to F lorida , 14. . iot~d· R.. Schultz, profes or of soc­ th e aut:t Manches ter College, Ind., is ha iu tor of ' a mall booklet w hich Rice and Hutchin~ ''1'hr Tcorne from the press, entitled, cn·b· e. housand Miles Between " de1ng 1• , la t lIS recent trip to E urope. We are more expert in giving serrol?ean Utnrner .he vi ited vari ou vice than keeping books. d . tudied cou_ntries with bi fa mily and B · our new Shoes from us an uy by Id for repairs and save of th ocial and economic condition leave t e o e eountr· 1es on that contin ent. money. ew l{--o C - J. . ats, real college t y le . E. 27 W Main St. Orn & S011.-Adv. WESTERVILLE, OHIO



= Send your Photo home to the folks. = = Also Seniors should order Sibyl photos at once = Have ·the Best




The Old Reliable



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-= = = -== =








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ew ui t in the new Cheviot cl oth, now o popular w ith yo ung men ju t arrived . .the right weio-ht and rio-ht tyle fo r prino· n ot an offerino- of · bargain-· ale cloth ing at a lowoundin o- price, but uit ound in 1uali ty, at the t own' lowe t price.





= THE OLD RELIABLE = Special Rates to all Otterbein Students. =


I .




22 West Spring St.


Page Four






/ ization of the proposed plans of the IT STRIKES US\ 1-\ lumni _Association will be the most significan t mov e of that organization See Samples from T hat the team will be out to defeat 111 recent years. Published Weekly in the interest Of ____ C---D enison tonight. Every student there 0 Otterbein by th e to help win that game I OTTERBEI PUBLISHING Y . M . C. A. a Live Organization I BOARD We are glad when we notice th at . That _req~iring students to remain Before ordering Class and Social Westerville, Ohio. th e Y. M. C. A. is making rapid pro- I 111 a recitation that is 50 degrees cold Group Pins. Member of the Ohio College Press gres towards rega inin g the place o f for an hour is about the limit. Association. "There's a Reason" pre ti ge it once held among the varThat all who are fresh are not ious campus activitie . Year ago, j Freshmen. STAFF Columbus, O. Editor-in-Chief ________ Paul Garver, '25 the Y. M. C. A. held a big place in Tl-..at the V arsity " 0 " Minstrel 11th and High . · Assistant Editor ·--- D_ s_Howard, '26 the activities of the men tudents o f . . Contributing EditorsOtterbe111. Practically every man in pronuses "d . t to be the big event of the D _ R. Clippinger, '25 chool belonged to 1t . and was active . nu -wm er season. Pauline Wentz, '25 That its in order to have a basketEdith Oyler,' '25 in it work. But with the advent of Robert Cavins, '26 so many tucl ent activities it po ition I should begin work. Wayne Harsha, '27 was greatly eclip ed. ball 'rally before the Kenyon game. 1 G. H . M cConaughy, ' 27 After several year of ob curity it - - 0 C - - -Business Manager·-·· W . S. Wood, '25 Ass't. Bus. Mgrs..... Wm. Myers, '26 i once more moving to prominence MINSTREL MAKES PROGRESS­ END MEN HARD AT WORK Marcus Schear, '27 in st udent affairs and we want to recognize and foster that rejuv enation . Paul Newell, '27 Under the leaders hip of Pre ident The Varsity "0" m.in trel which is Is the best in the state. Give us bea Circulation Mgr. .... L adybird Sipe, '25 I Asst Circulation Mgrs.F loyd McGuire the a soc1at1on is cheduled to be given ometime after trial; let us show you what can . Margaret Widdoes, ' 26 growing a evidenced by the good examination . wi·11 oon 1le ready for R uth Hursh, '27 spirit at the meeting last Thur day pre entation. Th e interloc uto r, Clar­ done with our sp1en d 1.d facilities. Athletic Editor ····- · J. Q . Mayne, '25 Asst. Athletic Ed. E. H. Hammon, '27 evening. The program of each meet- ence . Broadhead. with Abe l Ruffini, . . . . . Local Editor ···- ······· P. Laukhuff, '27 111g 1. 111terest111g, enterta111111g an d Merrill Patrick , F loyd B ee 1man. D ean Alumna! Editor ___ Alma Guitner, '97 beneficial, and for one to mi s one of I P on a nd George Bechtold as end Exchange Editor .... Lenore Smith, '2ti th em is indeed a los of omethino- ' men have been Practicing regularly Cochran Hall Editor"' a nd P r omt· e ome real mm · strel wit. Elizabeth Saxour, '25 really good . The Y. M. C. . is awake, it i pro- ' O_th er specia ls, uch as featur e so ng s, gre si ng. Its forward program de- w.t ll be cleve rl y pre ented. Address all communications to The serves and need up port of the stu- I Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, YOUR dent body. Its success depends upon ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ cooperation. · payable in advance. 0




Our Dyeing Service

J. H. MAYNE Acme Laundry & Dry Cleaning

12 W. College


Entered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at the postoffice at We terville, 0., under act of March 3, 1 79. . l cceptance for mailing at specta rate of po tage provided for in ?ec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919. EDITORIALS

A Big Step Forward Wh at promises to be one of the mo t significant moves that the Ot­ terbein Alumni As ociation has ever taken was made during the holidays wh n forty a lumni of the college met at a luncheon in the Chittenden Hotel and effected plans to reorganize the Alumn i A ociation into a more ac­ tive organization. If the proposed plan ar adopted it will be a real tep forward for Otterbein, and her alumna! a ociation will take a place along ide the graduate a ociations of th Leading colleges of the state. Many other college have paid sec­ retarie who are constantly on the job looking out for the interest of their alumni. There has long been a need for a secretary of this kind here at Otterbein, and now it is almost im­ perative that such a posit!on be creat­ ed. The duties and services the sec­ retary would perform are enumerated in an article elsewhere in this i sue. There i a big field for the new work and the position mu t be filled by a big man. The job i a big one and if the plan is to work the secre­ tary must be a man with tact and a pleasing personality. The plan propo ed is looked upon with favor by both the alu ni and tudent body, a1;1d the~e t, o group pledge their cooperation o as ·ure the success of the plans. The real-

A- Wa-y to B~t-erR- allies \ We have been Ii tening to much cr iticism lately on th e part of numerou tudents who end their critici m in the direction of the cheerleader and his failur e to o rganize athletic rallie . The cnt1c1 111 may have foundation, yet we feel the thing work like a boomerang; that the


criticism directed at the cheerleader cornpletes the circle and strikes back at the censor. The cheerleader is only a repre entative of the student body and what h e doe i in a large meas­ ure prompted by the spirit and atti­ tude of the students th emselves. Your atti tude i reflected through the cheer­ leader. The rallie this year have been pro­ moted by one mari, Dean Upson. He has done his best, has had to work against tudent indifference and un­ wi llingness, and above all he ha had no cooperation what oever. He ha fought the battle alone and without I any aid he has tried to instill pep into the whole student body. Quite some job for one man. nd he deerves prai e for having carri d the whole load. and for doing all that OJ"\C man could do. It is not a one man job to plan and organize a rally and the one conclus­ ion is that it is time a rally committee be organized· here at Otterbein. Tbi committee. could be made such that it would function. It could plan and organize far enough ahead to be able to tage a real rally that woul en­ thu e and be au aid in keeping at a high ten ion the true chool pirit. Let the tudent Council appoint a committee repre enting the four col­ lege classe and inst ruct it a to what i wanted. It is apparent that a new rally system is needed and the Stu­ dent Council hould bring it into being.



The New Sp t Clothes That Coll orM F vor

- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .



en a









Phone 86-

atn Entrance to Ohio State CarnP~


"BASKET BALL S CHEDULE OF 1925 IS CHALLENGING Schedule Begun T onight Against Big Red Is One of tl:e Hardest in Recent Years. The sc hedule for the 1925 basket ball team whi ch begin this eve ning with Deniso n i challenging to say the lea t. H owev r, the chedul e .a a wh o! is not at all oft but is on e of the hardest that ha faced any quad in years. Thi s year's team need fee l no di gra ce or inferiority t o th e team of other ea ons if, upon com­ pletion, the record ·s mar~ed b y sev­ eral defea t at the h and s of some of the large r team to be met. But ou t­ side of th ese speedi er oppo nents from larger sc hool , tterbein's chances are even with the maj or it y of th e ad­ ver arie to be met. The adva nta ge, slight but s ome­ time importa nt, of play ing on the home Aoo r is wi th tterbein in most of their conte ts this year . Six more games are to b played in We s ter­ vi lle while th e team journeys to Gam­ bier, Granville, leveland and Spring­ field to play the o,t her four games of the eason. Thi boost of playing at home with g reater s upport and a knowledge of the floor may fig ur e· largely in the outcome o f s uch games games a W e leyan and Wooster. Ad­ vantage will break eve n betwee n Ot­ terbein, Deni son and Ken yo n as re11rn "tri p. are to be made. Rating of Otterbein with oth er Conference tea ms may not yet be clearly een a very few of the Big ix quads swin g into action until th i week . However, g reat a the odd may seem bet wee n the Tan and Ca rdinal an d ome of th e other oppo­ nen t , there i a lways th e chan ce of the dope bucket being upset.

---0 C--Fifth Anniversary of the 18th Amendment Is Observed Friday mornin g in chapel the fi fth anniversary of the going into effect of the 1 th Amendme»t was observed. J. H. Larimore made a brief historical addrc to the students and facu lty. The speaker elaborated on the theme of "Liberty in Law" and point­ t d ou t that th e eighteenth amendment wa rat ified by more state legislatures 1han any one of the last six amend­ ment to the constitution. "It was not pulled over nor was there anything unu ual abo ut it," declared the speak-

. Ten girls contested for membership the Cap and D agger Dramatic Club last Thursday evening. The tryout consisted of extracts from plays involving ome characterization. Those trying out were Mida Steele, Yerda Evans, Ernestin e Mozer Fran­ -cis Fanning, Betty White, Mar~ Ben­ nett, Judith Whitney, A ledaide P ot­ tenger, Lois Bingham and Esther ullivan. The contest was judged by Mrs. Frank Lee, Mr. Russell Ehrhart and Mrs. T ussey. 1 ~



Pal{e Five

~~~~~==========-=~======~ D~IBBLES



hi s bes t until th e Wesleyan game nex t week.

W eek in Campaign Opens­ The "segregation of the sexes" at N o Extra Copies to Denison will be represented by a the basketball games as inaugurated Be Ordered. last year will be continued again thls strong team here tonight. ..Last year year. N ow , everyone root until it the Big Red team was near the t op At the c lose of a week of publicity hurts. of the heap when the conference race a nd so licitation on th e part of th e closed. Haskins, Hla and Douglass Coac h Edler ha s bee n put­ bu&in css s taff of th e 1925 S ib yl und er are the men who are expected to star ting the vars ity m en throu g h th e dir ec ti o n of the cir cul at io n m a n­ for Denison in tonight's game. so m e stiff workouts th e past age r . Margaret \ N iddoes, th e ; ecords I week with an effort to s how a total of two hundr ed a nd fifty sm oo th out some weak nesses copies a lready subscribed for. One Lincovered m th e A lumni hundr ed a nd s ixty blanks w ere sjgn ed clash. d u r ing th e c ha pel pe riod at th e be­ g innin g of th e week, and th e re main Several of the varsity men were in ing on e hundr ed a nd forty ca m e as attendance at the Wesleyan-O hio th e result o f pe rso nal soli citation by game Saturday night, getting a slant m e mber s of th e s ta ff during the wee k. at the strong Methodist crew that will A large numb er o f s tud e nts have I furnish opposition here J anuary 31. not ye t bee n inte rview ed, and th e W esleyan defeated Ohio 40-30, gain­ campaign will be con~inued during ing some recompense for the gridiron th e prese nt week, to gnve those who defeat handed them last fall by O hio. hav e not yet ordered Sibyls a chance Captain McCarroll has suf­ to do so. This work will be comp let- 1 fic iently recovered from the eel by nex t Saturday. after whi ch time knee .injury that he may break no m o re orders will be taken . No int o th e lin e- up tonight. extra copies wi ll be printed. " Ma c" won't be ab le to give - - - - 0 C - - -­ QUIZ AND QUILL CONTEST


I. C. Robinson Gr oceries and Meats.



Phone 277 or 65

Open to Freshmen and Sophomores Only-Prizes Are Offered.


RITTER & UTLEY, Props. Announcement i made that th e a n­ nua l Quiz a nd Quill contes t begin s now and will close March 1 5 . A ll who a re going to enter produ ction s s ho uld sec Professo r A ltman soon. Th e litera ry co nt es t ,is ope n to F res hm e n and S ophomor es only and th ey m ay s ubmit origi nal productions o nl y. The en tri es will be judged by t he m emb ers o t t he Qu iz a nd Quill YOUR EYES EXAMINED FR:::J:E Clu b and th e fi nal test of all pubJjca­ t io ns wi ll be their adap tabilit y to pub­ lication in th e Qui z and Qujit magazin e. Three pr izes of te n d oll a r s, five do! - !!I Ill Ill Ill II II Ill II Ill ll lll lllll Ill ll lll llll II Ill Ill Ill II Ill I Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill llll II Ill Ill II Ill II llllll}H Iars, and one do llar a re awa rd ed to ; : th e thr ee best production s.

Drugs and O ptical Goods.

Cigars, T obaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.

---- 0 C ---Will D edicate Pillar of Church A s Memorial to Dr. E . E. Burtner A bronze memoria l tablet will soo n be placed on a pillar in front of th e Firs t U nited Brethren chur ch beari ng an in scr ipti on that w ill fittingly dedicate th e pillar to the memory of Dr . Ehner E . Burtner, pa stor of th e c hur ch for nine years. The bronze tab let was purchased by t he \Vago ner M em orial Bible Class, and inspired by Dean N . E. Co rnetet, teacher of the clas s.

- - - 0 C - - -'Ten Girls Try Out for Membership In Cap and Dagger Dramatic Club


Try Our

Temptation Chocolates Pled ge of Purity.



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Reduced Prices


On Tablets will be continued for a few days longer. We are doing this to reduce our stock.

= = = =

Test Books, Cardboard, Loose Leaf Nate Books, Typewriter Tablets, Carbon Paper, Drawing Paper and Valentines.

University Bookstore 18 N. State St.

W esterville, 0,

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Only two meets will he staged on \ HE WILL LEAD VARSITY H'r tl~e lac.al field. The home season be- : AGAINST DENIS ON TONIG gins with a meet with Kenyon. ?-lay \ The athletic department ha , been · unable to arrange a tennis sched ule \ as yet but the re will be probably a ! tournament with Denison, and othe rs with Kenyon . . \nti oc h. Ohio :S:orth­ ern a nd O hio \ \'e !cyan. The baseball and track schedules appear below. Baseball. ..\pril 2+-Deni on. ~fay I-Kenyo n at Gambie r. May 5-Denison at Granvi ll e. May 15-Ohio nivers ity at ..\thens. May 22-Kenyo n. c oll Captain Mc arr ·tY' Ju ne 3-O hio Wesleyan. • f the Var 51 .. Mac" is th e ca ptain° He ha. Track. I · seaso n. , . bask e t hailers t 115 betll The intra-mural ba ketball schedule .,pr tl 1i and 18-O hio State Relays. · . one of the Otter d 1 1 1 1 1 April 25-Mu kingum a t New Con - 1ccn t icf '.ac l, J st two yea rs an for the com in g week is as fo llow cord. oing bet'.er defense 01 t 1e pa Thursday, J a nuary 22this year he see ms to May 2-Kenyon. : beh g'·Mac" dis4 :00-Dunlap v . P riest. . no"' M ay 9-W ittenberg. I than en:r. .\ , a 1•·ros wh ich -I ::lO-:\nnex '" . ph in x. u tho, e qua liti es I p lavecl ,v,ay 16-Ohio U ni versity at i.\.th- 1 · • Jass auarc and ;; :00-Mountaineer vs. Bailey. O ens. · ta mp him as a hr st c I beea r ie during his Sop homo re Y M Saturday, J anuary 24\ s a Junior · ay 29 and 30-Bi1r ix a t Colum~ came a Varsity man. .. ear b us. 1 ::rn-W illiams vs. Forwards. . hut th1 Y he , hawed 11101·e c 1ass · •ence 2:00-Lak ota vs . Janda. ---- 0 C · • Hi s e)(pert 2:30-Prie st vs. Bailey. KENYON GAME HARD secs him at h is best. Tt make hilllco upl cd with na tural abi 1 ~· qualities­ 3 :00-Sphinx vs. Cook House. O tt er bein Varsity Looks for Gruel­ a truly grea t playe r a nd 1 . I cap::I :30-Hanawalt vs. Mountaineers. h. a n idea . of leadership make 1111 ling Game Against Kenyon at 4 :00-Country Clu b vs. A lps . tain for this year·s team. Gam b ier Sat urday. -l ::rn-Dunlap vs. Maroons.

2. 1 I

ANNEX AND SPHINX TEAMS SET HOT PACE NO CHANGES MADE In Intra-Mural Basketball Standing -Games Arouse Great Interest.

Week's Schedule for Intra-Mural Games.

Nine more games of intra- mural basket ball las t week left three teams in th e cl ub league with clea n slates. The Annex Club stands at the top with th ree won and none lost, with th e Cook House an d L akota next. each ha ving won the only game played. Country Club a nd th e Jondas are sharing the bottom rung, neither havin g scored a win as yet. The closest game in th e club league was the Cook House- Co untry Club game, which the Cooks won, 12-10. Although slow throughout, neither team was ab le to maintain more . than a t wo point lead very long at a time. The Sphinx Club came out far, far Monday, January 26in th e lead in both of its combats . On :l:30-Hanawalt vs. P riest. Thursday it met the J anda warrior . -l :00-Sphinx v . Alps. but soo n left them at practically th e 4:30-Du nlap v . Forwar ds. ame place. The sco re wa 32-5. On 5 :00-Country Club v . Lakota. aturday afternoon the Sphioxer had - - --0 C---­ Country Club as opponent . who suc­ SPRING SCHED ULE S ceeded in scoring seven points against th ei r twenty-seven. The Annexers proved th a t th ey are Baseball and Track Schedules Are Announced-Five Home equal to the be t by running up the highe t core in the league o far in Contests. one game. l! nd a score a lmost as high in another. On Monday they defeat­ pring port fan will look with ed the Alps, 37-4. and came back Sat­ favo r on the basebal l and track sched­ urday a fternoon getting an a lmo t ules fo r 1925 a recently announced unanimous vote against the Janda . by Athletic Director R. F. Martin. The count was 32-1. · either sc hedu le i complete and ad­ J n the P rune League, th e Maroon s ditio nal game and meets are yet won both times that their pa th was being sough t . cros ed . On Monday they whi pped The baseball schedule call s fo r six the Wi ll y's 8-5, and on Thursday they games, three of which are to be play­ d efeated the Druggist . The core in ed on the local lot. The sea on bethe Bai ley game wa 16- 12. The Bailey evened up by getting rr-===============., a four point edge on the Forwards. Basketball Schedule Thi game ended a 14-1 4 tie. but in the Jan. IO-Former Captain over-time, James of the Bailey hot Jan. 20-Denison. two field goa ls, wi nning the game, J an. 24-Kenyon, there. 18-14. On the same day, the Priests Jan. 31-Ohio We leyan. b'acked the Willys out, 8-5. Feb. 7-Woo te r. The F orward took their seco nd Feb. 14-Hiram. d efeat of the week Saturday afternoon , Feb. 19-Denison, there. at the hands of the Hanawalt Club. Feb. 21-W es te rn Reserve, T he first half ended 2-2, but although there. t here was more scoring on bo t h ides Feb. 27-Wittenberg, there. in the second half, the "Hanies" woo Mar. 2-Kenyon. 12-11. Mar. 7-Mu kingum. - --OC - Collegian Girls Team to Play Preliminary to Varsity Game T onight gin with a game with Denison here The Otterbein Collegian Girl ' team pril 24 · The four school to be met will make its debut tonight in a pre- will have trong team and real bat­ limioary to the Varsity-Deni on game ties are expected. in a contest with a Columbu team. The track sched ul e presents the Tickets for the Varsity game will be most complete array of meets sched­ good for the pr:limin~ry. The Col- , u~ed for O~terbei~ in recent years. tegian ' game wdl begm promptly at SIX meets mcludmg the Ohio State 7 :15. Relays and the Big Six are on the list.


aturda y Otter bein meet :S:ext ~enyon at Gambier for the firs t time 111 two year in t he second game ·of th e season. Kenyon has a much bet­ ter team than last year and will give the We tervil le boys a hard fi ght. She a lready ha eve ral Ohio Con fer­ ence v~ctorie to her credit an d re­ ports from Gambier are to the effect that nothing is goi ng to top th em fro.m addin g everal more to their tmng of three wins. Th i week Coach Edler wi ll mJect a few new formation into the heads of t.he boy that will k eep the Ken­ yomtes gue ing for a part of the game, while the old plays are expect­ ed to repeat with the ame good reult as formerly.

oc _ _ _

INTER-CLUB STANDING Club G. W . Annex ...................... :i :\ Cook Hou e ............ 1 1 1 2 1 Janda 3 0 Country Club ........ 3 0

~:f: :: =:::: l I

L. 0 0

0 1 2 3 3

Pct. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .750 .250


Brilliant Athletic Victories Of The Past . I' hot11e L" gre May 26. 1916, Elmo 10 . oing wotl 111 run drive in t I1e t h ·ir teenth bein over claif!I a -i to " victory for Otter · ~ · fans Deniso n in what Otterbein d eosa: . g an wa the most intere tin d 011 tbe tional fray ever witnes e local lot. f the d3 l'• Mundh en k. th e iron man sii< scat­ held the Denison Jug~~rs totruck ~ot · a ddt tlOtl t fi ve 111· tcred hits and III m en. Dur ing the Jas able 10 nme nt wa nin g o nly one oppone 1 reac h first base. 3 rtt cr, batten' P rkHa ll er hi yo ung h·on ,vo I held him' up in ste II ar fas rh' ov erh wa nea 1,· jO' ing so hard t h at ~ e e1evet1l th' come by the heat U1 th tuck to ning but t he plucky lad . job ~nd fin i hed the gal11\e of thd~: . nd ner . 1 The plucki ne s a ver· a'f It· . • I f the ne • al player I typ 1ca o Qtterbelll pirit of om e of our

.000 lete.



Yukon Delight Chocolate Covere


Williams Ice Cream Co,

Page Seven

THE TAN AND CARDINAL I with Lotus friends Saturday and Sun­ day. Mrs. A. T. Howard spent a short time Wedne day with her daughter, Florence. 'vVe are sorry to learn that Adda Printner is not ab le to return to school. Martha Jane Shawene has returned to sc hoo l after a iege of illnes . - - - 0 C -­ COED COLLUM



It seems some folks would be awful lonesome if left alone with their thoughts very often.


'vVo uld it be cheating to gaze out


colleges are more interested in· schol­ arsh ip than those of larger schools because th ere are not as many out­ T uesday, J anuary 20-Basket Ba ll , Denison, High School side interests to distract their atten­ tion. gym. he also stated that she was much Wednesday, J anuary 28m o re in favor of co-educational th~ Student Rec ital, Lambert Hall. one sex schools because students of Monday, January 2&Reg;i trati on day for second semes­ the former type schools have a broad­ er view point than those of the latter. ter. Thursday, January 29Examinations beg;in. Merry Saturday, January 31Basket Ball. Ohio Wesleyan. Tuesday, February 3at the F irst Semester Ends. Wednesday, February 4econd semester begin Saturday, February 7Basket Ball , Wooster. Wednesday, February 11Service combined w ith Betty Booth Concert Company. Thursday, February 12quality and quantity J u·nior Class Play . Friday, February 13choicest foods. J unior Class Play.

Eat, Drink and Be


Loi Bingham spent Saturday with I the window the night of the astronMr · · anc1 Mr • Charle Staake. Upon omy exam ?· her. return Sunday, she was accom- j I thought that I knew quite a lot Pan1ed bY M r. and Mrs. Staake and That cramming . · l< . was Just o muc h ro t , cith Rill. I Then took an exam Woke up with a slam_Mary Bush and Ruth Hursh enter1 a1ned at d' A nd now a young student I'm not. . "<I inner 111 Cochran Hall Sun- - -0 C--'G~Y, d Profe . or and Mr . Hur h, Co--"W ho was the date last night ?'' In in tituting a chapter of Kappa en ora, Dwight and A. 0. Barnes. Ed-"Oh, just a prune." Delta at Mt. Union, Miss Prugh, na­ •Mary Whiteford's birthday· occa- 1 Said the piou father as he read tional chapterian of this organization, 1011 wa a real treat Sunday e-v ening Jerry's letter about the approac 11·mg poke with highest regards for the for her O I f . u . w mends and a few other exams-"Humph, th e la mentat10n s o f small colleges. She states that small :g ests. , Jerem1a · h ." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


The Arcad CI / llew m Y ub announced two Ii embers, Rebecca Scanlon and a:i:el Barngrover.



Folks I tell you that it's worrying T he Arbutu Club has as it new me. Just the other day I saw a cer­ lllcmbe M .. . · r a rJon e and Ernestine tain young Sophomore, a real nice 1 ICJo!. chap too, come into cla all brui ed, D ~elen Miller pent the week-end in battered, and banged. I a ked who e aware. hit him and he told me that he had run into several trees on the way to a Vida McG . Now folk this is bad, vere . urer and Geneva Mitchell _30 1 7. at their ho h' k d ca s. . ' . b d d in makrng a brief ur\r mes t I wee en . sv1r n· very a • an . -cha : itmer and Mrs. McOoy, vey among the st ud ents of the Inst1r~ng) . lub Y entertained the Polygon tution I have found that there are Just hie nd their gue t with a delect- twenty-six (26) such ca es on record horn uncheon Saturday noon at the during the last two week . On e of Mr . McCioy. j further inve tigation I found the Before the g . h D . cause to be an insufficiency in the u d ame wit em on f th 1. ay evening th . , . t lighting arrangement o e campus. ua ket b , e g1r 1s co 11 eg1a e . 1io 11 all team will play an exhibiIn view of this £act I would recomgame · E very member of Coch- mend that all tud nt h avmg · 7 ·30 1'an Ii • Porf all Association is ardently sup- clas es be furnished with lanterns, pr ~ig our team and is planning to be aid lante rn s to be the property of the . loaned to t h e tu d ents f or 'Qrect nt at th e contest. A lu ty hun- 1 College and Percent! the nominal sum of $1.98 per year.


Cor. Main and State Sts.

Where Price and Quality

Meats of All Kinds


Also Groceries at

We cater to student trade.



Westerville, Ohio

Meat Market


~ 1~1Ur day 1..,, fet d

evening th A b t In other phrases it is as Dwight . , e r u us . 'O ca . Adelaide Pottenger on the Arnold says. 1011 f . w her eventeenth birthday. ,lThis thing of getting up, d. re rng 0 fi Pecial tables were arranged eating your breakfast, and gorng to a Pinger'1farie Bowman, Doctor Clip~ 7 :30 class in the dark is all BOSH!" da[ w ecretary, and Lucille .Stock---O C


ere gue ts da~0r0thY Wa~ worth spent a few at her h . 11reek_ · ome m Columbus this

'l'he 0 of the ew table seating the first to n •w Week h as moved everybody inof diffquarter and into the company '\\•h·1ch ereot . Is. There' • . gir nothmg gwe acquainted ~s a chance to get really a ab! With each other o much 1.f e companionship. di tr_ar1 _bth~ Schlemmer wl1en f . Uting- b , la,vish ly aeon and egg: to her ttend M ll_larked th;;day evening calmly reth e eggs didn't cost her l)c:ty·fou th ni f r cents a dozen. She brought a tom h Ly to get f ome where it is customlfary 1'h orty or fifty a day! ase, of Dayton, Ohio, was



The Student's Shop

JANUARY SALES Are now on, you will ·find m an y bar gains 1n wearing apparel at


Ba ket .Ba11 Pant, at orn & on.-Adv.




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Westerville Bakery 10 East Main St.

Westerville, 0.

22 N. State St .

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''Where do we·~ Eat'' != ...




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North State Street J. C. ROACH, Prop.



Page Eight


NEARLY ORIGINAL WIT By Tee and Cee. That if exams come can Sprin g be fa r behind? If we artists Hosiery she had

could find a girl like the paint for Holeproof ads we wouldn't care if a hole in her stocking.

Spea kin g of reading ads th ose Lister ine ads got us to th e place where we hes itate to spea k to a chi ld for fear of bein g told something. Prof. McCloy tells his astron­ omy class that when they look into the sky they ought to be able to recognize and name every star. Kalbaugh says, " I'm afraid to look because I'll find out how dumb I am."

Last week I could laugh at the Coc hran Hall Editor and her com­ plaint s about th e scarcity of new s, but 1 they say ·' turn abo ut is fair play", so I guess th e laugh' s on m e this wee k 1 for I'm at my wit's en cl t o invent , The fi rst four years of go in g to a enough interesting news to fi ll this i ::IQ class in th e dark a re the hardest column . I . "Mike" Quin lan was called to hi s W hat ever trouble Adam made I home in Cin cinnati last Wednesday, His wife co uld never say be ca use of the se rio us co nditi on of T hat he was always flirting with hi s fa th er, fo ll ow in g an operati o n. T he skirt across th e way. Last r eports indicate that hi s father This week's proverbs-When in is sli g htl y improved. doubt read both chapters. Perr y Laukhuff' s pa ren ts an d sister \ ,."e' ll a dm 'it 1·t was . icy · Iast wee k b ut drov e clow n from Mt. V ern o n Satur- ,,·e noti'cecl ever so many fair co-eds day afternoo n for a sho rt visit with 1 sl'ip wheii ce rtam · yo ung gen tlemen him. were nea r. Merl Ki llinger made a trip to his h ome in A kron over the week-end. Dr. A. T . Howard, '94 , of Dayt on, wa s in We terville Sunday, and came to C. E . in the evening.

izing th ei r lack of ot her sc h ool so ng s, o n e has mad e the star t. T o realize has decided up o n a plan by w hi ch \ as soo n in li fe as possi bl e that every­ they can secure so m e ne"· songs. thing has its price. For exampl e, y~u They ha,·e pla nn ed a contest to close pay for footba ll success by putting; January 1.5. in "·hich the person w ho in ho u rs of tedious work and receiv­ presents the best Alma Mate,· wi ll ing physica l pn ui shment." wi n $20. some oth er person $20 for a --- 0 C " Genera l Obe rlin so ng'·, yet othe rs Laclic,;' l'a ncy Sport Hose, in suap$S or $l0 for n ew so ngs to exi stin g py patterns. E. J. ~o rri s & Son.- · tun es. This see m s to be a \YOrkable .\ ch ·. plan for add itio n of new college songs w hich arc needed a lmost uni­ versa lly. Coac h Zuppk e of Illin ois U niv er­ sity stat es a .few reason s ''Why M en Should P lay Football." "To lea rn forty-nine D on'ts which develop cont r ol of self a nd to develop fi ft y-one D o's which deve lop co ntroll­ ed i'.1itiative guided by the above for­ ty-nme Don't's. To learn wh en to express one's-self with abandonment and t o get the habit of fi ni shing after

Breathes there a girl with soul so dead, Who never to her beau hath said "When do we eat?" '

Now is th e time for a ll good stu­ The Annex Club journeyed to Cen­ dents to begi n " mittin g the profs." terburg F rid ay eve ning at the invita­ ---0 C--­ tion of J. B. Crabb s, '23, and played Clippingers Entertain a practice bas ketball game with the Pre ident and Mrs. Clippinger en­ hi g h school. The An n exers won 53 - tertaine~ at a six o'clock dinner Sat­ 12 . urday eve ning at their home on Grove Sunday eve ning, r eturning from a Street Profe sor a nd Mr . McCloy, business ca ll at the do rmit ory at about Professor and Mrs. Troop , Professor 9 :30 o'clock, I had very fo r cibly im­ and Mrs. Engle and Miss L ela Tayl o r. · 0 C--pre ed upo n me the fa ct that far too LIST'NIN' IN. great a conge tion occurs about the entran ce and wa lks at that hour. I Ak r on U niver ity has re ce ntly been would ugge t that the Student Coun ­ cil immediately ge t busy and place a g ranted a chapter of Kappa D elta Pi traffi c office r a t each " dorm" to kee p a national educa ti o nal fraternity. Th~ qua li fic atio n fo r memb ership is a high thing moving. ~a nd_ard of grades. This organiza- J D on Howard. '26. wa in \,Ve ter­ t1 on I an honorary society fo r teach­ vill e fo r a few ho urs Tuesday afte r­ er ' trainin g in titutes. Its pre ence noo n. Don did not r etu rn after th e o n any camp u i a timulu s to high­ hri stm as vavca tion because of a er tan dard s of chola rship . iege of boils. He hope to be back in chool eit her Wednesday o r Thurs- . Obe~lin , after years of ·dissatisfac­ tion w ith their Alma Mater, and realday.

WELLSThe Tailor Keep on the look-out for Spring Samples.

The active memb er of the Sphinx tub were entertained by the pledges at a supper at the Cottage Restaurant Saturday evening.



Yard-E . CoHegeAve.


Telephones--480 and HO

Flannel Collar Attached Shirts Regularly $3.50 . F lannel, Sh 1rts of Gen uine Briar . the right for ea rl y sp r ing wear on . . I qualitY campus. S h1rts of exceptiona and sma rtness-in white with fiber . olored tnpe and whtte with both c . d witlt and fiber s tripe. Finely tailore · l t fuJl S tX button front, top ce nter Pea . and plain . cu ff· Size Iength of sh irt 14-17.

Dr. A. T . Howa rd , '94, president of th e Bonebrake Theological Seminary at Dayto n, w a present in chapel yes­ terday morning and gave an address. D a lton Buell, '27, wa initiated into th e Annex Club la t Friday night.

Levi Stump Our Clothing Cl


37 N. State St.

Snappy winds put ozone and pep in your system. and Glen-Lee coals make you snug and happy. I[ you want good coa' whether its genuine Po­ cahontas from No. 3 vein, or semi-Pocaho~­ tas, and excellent Ohio lump free from slat~ a~d clinkers we have it in. stock. ' Phone us yo ur needs.

Glen-Lee Coal Floral and Gift Shop

Will Do Your

H a rold Mayberry, '25, vi vited with friend in o rth Baltimore Saturday and unday. George Slawita and Harry K al­ baugh journeyed to Columbus Satur­ day afternoon and attended several mov~es.

Snappy Winds

earance Will Save you Money on Clothes o



THE UNION High and Long Sts.

Columbus, Ohio

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