1925 02 10 The Tan and Cardinal

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A nnual Embodies Many eatures That Mark It as . a Book of Merit.

r;===========;i The following res olution was pa ed and adopted recently by the Student Co unci l and was read before the stud en t body in C hape l Friday morning.


FEBRUARY 10, 1925. I

No. 16.

iVARSITY f AILS Th e co ege recei ved ignal ho n J rs I TO BREAK INT0 yes1e rday when a lett er came to the Pres ident' office from Dr. A. . SELECT CLASS J COLLEGE RECEIVES SIGNAL HONORS YESTERDAY I II

one , ecretary o f th e Association of 1 American Univ_er iti . who wrote Most Exciting and Thrilling Game of that the Comm ittee of Cla ification Schedule Goes to Ohio D. s. How~~ EDITOR of College placed Otterbein upon th e / Wesleyan. 1 list of Approved ollege of the AsJunior Cl sociat ion of merican U niver ities. R ass Publication Will Be TEAM PLAYS WELL Thi mean that the Association apeady for Distribution About proves of Otterbein' undergraduate May First. t work a nd credits to enter graduate WooS er Visits Westerville and Goes th The l!l25 s· . work in all the ixty univer iti es in Home wi Victory-Game Plet" ibyl ts nearino- its comh 1. 1011 alt h ociation . The coll ege ,,·as Is Slow. the a months .oug t is near ly three judged on th e trai11ing of it facu lty, The ~nt il the book wi ll be issued. We leya n· s basketeers came, aw entire I k I. salaries, and entran ce and graduation Only )oo all but complete a'.1d conquered a week ago aturday 0 111e fe · ' requirement . Illa t of I w ect ions ti ll out and night by the core of 56· to 31. Gal­ - - --0 C---­ been r tie cut for the annual have lant effort on the part of the home eturned h "I BLACKFACE COMEDIANS w I e but very few pieture team_ kept thing intere ting during remain t 0 I PLEASE WITH MINSTREL graver. )e en.t to the en- MRS. C. F. WILLIAMS the hr t half, but in the econcl period DIES AFTER OPERATION Pictur s of Porosky' s Troupe of Varsity " 0 " En­ the Otterbein defen e crumbled be­ canipu organizations on the for~ the Methodi st attack. Van 1Mr . Edna Hutchin on William , tertainers Pleases Audience with · be taken who e. picture w ill have to aged 2 . wife of larence F. tyne' men are clo e to the top. in illia.m . Songs, Jokes and Local Hits. . cou I t of t he Y M C Confere nce rating and the game tig ht ab tnet y · · · ·10 died Friday evening, January 30 taff of the l~nt r BaJHI, Editorial at Grant ho p ita l, o lumbu . . 11 op­ From th op ni ng chortt to the ~f th Ta quintet looked <>ood even T he e . tby l and the Orchestra. eration wa perfo r med in an effort to grand finale, the min trel how pre- m defeat. M uch improvement i een 1 tin, / cture wi ll be taken ome th e wor k 111 t he two previou ave her life but pe ritoniti had gain­ ented by the member of the ar ity over grapher ue day by the taff photo«O" As ociation la t Tue day night game · t t he out et of the game th foothold that neither meclied uch a lure tak· and Wt·11 complete the pic- ca l aid nor uro-ery could give relief. was all that a min trel hould be, and Otterbein crew broke through the T1i 1· tng for thi year. urviving her be ide her hu band proved conclu ively that Otterbein' tou_ted We leyan defen e for marker . t a ff .I confident that t h tr -Year' which made the ea rly moment of th are two chi ldren, Margaret Gayle and athlete have other talent a well. 1 tlyl will I Ure t h . em Jody many feat- Jame Hutchin on; her parent , and The app roval with which the aud- game thrilling. e . tou ct·at. w1 JI et tt· above any p rev-- a brother and ister. ience of over three hundrea town _ The corino- wa tarted by navely d ne .·tt10 11 · Tl ie art work ha been Fun ral ervice were held ·unc'ay people and tudent witne eel the en- who ca hed in o n a coup! of free . Wtth th . Unity of d . tdca of maintain ing F ebnrary J , and burial wa made in terta in mnt was atte ted to by their t~row · . For a while the affair c n­ book. F sign throughout the enti re the Memorial Mau o leum in Otter­ ~earty applau e an d frequent lau g hter. t'._nuecl nip and tuck. the counJ being ro111 the . . Although th e prog ram wa uniformly tie~ at ten all. hortly afterward , cove r which 1 of bein Ce metery. 0lhic d . th book e tgn to the la t d rawing in good throughout. " Bozo" Richter· who h~d been the main tay etbert, - ---0 C- - - ' th e Goth ic desi"'n ha been k pt ver ion of "Hinky-dinky Parlay Voo", 1 0 ~ th e tterbem defen e, went out Instructor on Musical Program. Predomin t "' th e fou l route and the Methodi t on th · an · The book-plate At a n infor mal tea given by M~ . the chatter and Ong of Up on and via tn id Bechtoldt, the two end m en who en~radual ly pulled away, the half end­ elllbody f cover of the ibyl will . V. Donahey at the <>'overnor' manPrt· nter a eatur e th at 1• new among ion F r iday afternoon Mr . Mabel tertained the crowd during intermi _ 111 24-l6.. in Ott rband ( ontmued on Pa e Eight) • ab ol u t e JY unprecedented Dun n Hopkins, in t ru ctor in violin in ion , and Dean U p on' rendition of ein ann ua l . the popular ong, "I W onde r What' NOT O C-- - the chool of Mu ic, a a part of the ED ORATOR LECTURES ~ O C - -­ m u ica l program gave everal violin Become of ally," proved to be £ivCITAL PLEASES orite wifh the a udience. •. IN CHAPEL WEDNESDAY n umbers. t the chap I ervi Otterbein Stude . w· nts in School of Music m min the tud n t , gee! in Applause of to hear on of the m . • I Audience. Iecture given by a cha The year. Dr. Ira Landrjth BORN IN OBSCURITY, NURTURED IN POVERTY, ~ lterbeii~co~dd regu la r rec ital of the and hautauqua Je tu r / -fu ic . u en t in the School of HOMELY, HUMBLE AND UNGAINLY, EDUCATION GLEAN­ fa cinatin and hum rou I Janua;I' ! ' Ven \, edne day eveninpED FROM BORROWED BOOKS, WOODSMAN, RAFTSMAN, ~ 11 cl ducation a making to CaJ 11 • - • wa O11 f •' CLERK, LAWYER, LEGISLATOR, PRESIDENT AND MARt tt.n1be o the be t m u 1live and fit Lo liv with. h Pr r th e colle e has pre ented. TYR. - - - - 0 C---lflelli h /ra~l of th recita l wa . ADVANCED FROM THE LOWEST DEPTHS TO THE Otterbein Represented at eat Ur IV1th o . th me un ique m u ical GREATEST HEIGHTS. GAVE ALL HE HAD FOR FREE­ World's Mis ionary Conference v 11 t fr at made it an ou t tancling DOM'S CAUSE, EXPECTING NOTHING IN RETURN. HE 11lt1 · On\ th Ott rbei1 wa repe ent cl at the 1 lov r tanclpoi n t o f loca l LOOMS A GREAT COLOSSAL MORTAL FOR ALL TIMES. World' Mi ionary Two f IN OUR GRATEFUL HEARTS THE MEMORY OF HIM IS in Wa hin g ton. D . ., la t w k. b ~t r "-'e~e ~he _1110 t enjoyab le n umCONSTANTLY FRESH AND GREEN AS THE YEARS ROLL Pre id nt W . G. lippin r and Pr le '' by Ptano Quartet. "NovelINTO ETERNITY. fe . or and Mrs. Hur h. iuartet b chumann. and a vio lin THE EXAMPLE HE SET AND WHAT HE DID REMAINS The e three dele at wer not 11 ·f re Mabel Dunn Hopkin , A SACRED HERITAGE TO OUR GREAT NATION FOREVER­ by th college but were el ct d by th ill\d t'.11 reden, Hazel Barngrover • MORE. "AND NOW HE BELONGS TO THE AGES". ~uth-e_a t Ohio nf rence to join Worth THOMAS H. AINSWORTH. lllu1 u May B Ree , accompanied by ~ wtth . 1xty nited Brethren ffi j I l n Va aker at the piano and nee t ' de! gate at the conference. a the organ. "Resolved, that we, the students of Otterbein College shall support the movement to suspend all athletic events not previously scheduled, all social events and all extraneous activities · during the period _of the evangelistic services, extending from February 22, to March 8, in order to keep that time free for meditation."






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STATE ORATORS TO COMPETE HERE SOON Orators Representing Eight Ohio Colleges to Show Wares-Hoover Talks for O tterbein As a result of Professor Horace Troop's victory in the Ohio tate Oratorical conte t two years ago, O t­ terbein i to be the scene of the con­ te t thi year. Representati,·e from Hiram, Muskingum. \\' oo ter, Bald­ win- \\' allace. \Vittenberg. Obe rl in and Heidelberg will assemble here on Fri­ day, February 20. to take part in the large ·t and best convention that the tate A ociation h~s ever held. Floyd McG uire, president of th e As­ sociation, will preside 0 \'er th e con­ vention in th e afternoon, and in the eveni ng the conte t for sta te ho nors will take place in the col lege chapel. Earl Hoo ver, winner of the tate Peace Conte t la t year, will repre ent Otterbein.

- - - - 0 C---­ Public Opinion G iven Honors B y Buckeye Press Association The W es terville Public Opinion rec eived signal honors at the annual meeting of the Buckeye Pre ss A o­ ciation la t week at Ohio State Uni­ ver ity, when it placed in all three pha e that go to make up a good live new paper. More· than one hun­ dred new paper were entered in thi conte t. The local paper took fir t place for makeup, third place for editorial , .and received honorabl mention for type, quality and tyle of new . Thi recognition speak well the Public Opinion and come a a reward for the efforts of the editor, . W. Gifford , who attended Otter­ bein the fir t two year of hi college life.





Former Student Honored Paul \\ 'ong who attended Otterbein Prominent Business Man and Pro- I for t\\'0 years and \\'ho I• no,\' a_ Ju nprietor of University Bookstore 1 Following the o ratori cal co nt est io r in -:-; o rth\\' es tern University . a Dies Following Operation, here on February 20 th e local Pi E ,·ant 0 11 , Illin ois. i taking an act,ve J ohn Wesley J o ne s. o n e of \V es t- Kappa Delta cha pter will serve a part in sc hool activi tie . H.e was '.eervill e's prominent bu ines m,m 3 110 ho st for the other chapters of the centh· ekc tcd secretary of the hin· · a tate I~i Kappa D elta get- e~e · tudent Club o f t he Can\'ton who was well known by st udent and t a t e 111 1 g raduates of Otterbein, died Monday toge th er. Four other schools ha,·e C hristian College of the Mid-\ es eve ning at Grant hospital, ol umbu s chapter of the nati o nal forensic fra - Region. folloll'ing an ope ration . Mr. Jone; ternity and th e e four chapters' r ep­ rallied from th e ope rati o n but suffered rese ntative will he welcomed t o Ot ­ a relapse which re ulted fatally. terbein for a di cu ion of problems He \\'a a graduate of Ohio and common to Pi Kappa D elta members. Ohio Northern Universitie . It wa s ---- 0 C ---while he was servin•g a the uperin- 1 W E ST ERVILLE PHYSICI AN , tendent of th e We terville chool DIES FRIDAY MORNING that he was married to Miss Olive Morrison. Leaving Westerville, he Death brought an e nd to th e life of went to Cadiz, where he headed the Dr. F rank ndru , aged 6 , at hi s sch~ols. In 1911 Mr. Jone s and hi hom e_ on outh ta te treet. F rid ay family returned t o Westerville and he mornmg, follov.-in g e ight weeks' ill­ became manager of the Morri on ness from cy titi . book store which ha ince been reDr. Andru · practi·c d h ' f · e 1s pro e s10 11 . . name d the mver tty Book tore. in Westerville f h' H · · or t 1rty-se ven year s . e I survived by his widow, Mr . H e wa a friend o f Otter bein Colleg~ · Olive Jones, a daughter Ellen , a i - and \\'a we ll kl10\\' 11 b d o-ra uates and ter 1I rs. C . O . s hackelford of Oak tuclent of Ott I · Y "' Hill, and two brother. Luther J o n~ · er)em . ~


25% oft


O n A 11 Pennants, Pillows and Table





ReXaII Drug tore

o f Oak Hill and R. V. Jone of Coal- n"j:;-,-;~~;;;-;:;:::-;:-::7::-:-:::--- -- - -- ~~~~~~~:::=:=::::~~ -------·11''11' to n. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I IIIIIIII :: Funera l service \.Vere held Thurs- : S


day afternoon at the. Edwin nitecr Rupp Brethren hurch with Dr. offic iating. Burial wa made in the Otterbein Cemetery.


Glen-Lee Coals



Have no superior



Monday and Tue day of la t week Mi Maud Gwinn, Natio nal Studen t Secretary of the Y. w. . A., wa on the campus conducting confere nce in _ the interest of hri tian A ociation


§ ======

ca11 at yard or residence

: _: ::

Glen-Lee Coal Co.



::: :::

Gwinn addre ed the Y. w. C. =. girls Tue day night in the week- ,,. Ill ly meeting and held conference 'th IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 · 1111111111111 · d'1v1'd ua1 or group of WItu- / , 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 ~ e1'th er 111 ~ ---dent the remainder of the program. · he wa well plea ed with the work 1 of the two ociation on the camp­ u_ _and gave some valuable sugge t1on for furth ring the work of co­ ordination and co~ope ration between the two A sociation . On edne day evening Mis Gwinn conducted a di cu ion compo ed of the Y. M. C. . and the • \ • C. • Cabinet and other intere ted tudent on the problem of our r the ociation work in

WO~~ -

There are two cla e b ing inaug­ urat d this week for the pecial bene­ fit o( t he Glee lu b and the Banjo­ Man dolin Orche tra. The e cla are primarjly conducted to fill the va­ cancie created by graduation each the lub and Orche tra. tarkey will conduct a ightcla for anyone who de ire of work and for anyone et a. po ition in the GI e t year. T he charge i 5.00 a m ter. Anyone wi hfog- to ign ri up for this class please see Mrs. tar key today-, between three and fou r 'clock i11 Lambe rt Hall. pe ard will conduct fol'. tl1e Banjo-Mandolin rche tra. -The,re will be ix va- 1 can cie - thi yea and it i nee ary that omet hing be done to remedy th ituation. Th expen e of the c ur e will b divided among the tu­ d nt taking the cou e. In trument may al o be ecured at a di coun through Profc or pe sa rd who urge that a many people a po ibl take advantage of thi chance. to learn an in trument and at the ame time gain a place in next year' rch tra. Th hour ill be arranged to uit th m mbers of the cla .

Whitman's and Lowney's Special



- - --0 C - - E. J.

tterbein Belt Buckel . & on.- dv.



reserve one for you todaY

37 N. State St.

II ~


. Try t he Drug Store F irst Where Everybody Goes

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;~.;~;;~;;.~~j;~;;;~;;~;=~========= T~H:=E::'=T~A==N~A ND =C ~ A~R~D==:I~N~A=L~ = = = = = = = ; = = = = = = = = = = ~P;;a~g~e=T g tigre~e Id NEARLY ORIGINAL WIT / see Thurston demonstrate the very By Tee and Cee latest in tricky tricks at the Hartman I this week, we suggest that you had better sew up your pockets. T his week's simil e-As int er­ e,. ting as " seco nd ha nd cro ss O f a ll word s of to ng ue· and pen, wo rd puzz le. The saddes t are, " It mi g ht have bee n.''


An unwritten law of the men's boarding clubs is that every man More sad are these and its no joke "I've flunk ed exams, and besides I'm must eat off his o~ plate. Edgar L. We inl a nd of Colu mbroke." Famous Rails us, O hio, has bee n elec tt"d a d irecto r - --0 C- -Fe nce B ra dl ey wea ters 20 % off this of th e Bank o f Wes ter vi ll e to s ucrid e. ceed hi fa th er, J . A . W e111la . nd. w ho wee k. E. J. No r ris & Son .-Aclv . h Gua rd - - f ad bee n on 4. he boa rd of direc tors road. or a num ber of years and wh o di ed la t summer. T hird Brass '19 M r · Cha rl es R. Busch ( Wi lma vV e would as k sp rin g poe ts to am ) painted a nd p rese nted to th e South Co k· rn · di Y JJea r 111 -o na l Chur ch o f o· mind that th e ngrega t1 1 _u111 bus. O hio. of whi ch her husba nd paper shortage is erious. 15 Pa tor I • . . . "The -:-;' a _a r~~ 01 1 pa 1nt111 g en titl ed, Big Mystery!-What has become The picture was of RoseJie's ' Covered Wagon' hat ? fo · ativ ity. n:iall y pre en ted to t he ~hur ch a t . How uncommon 1s common hon- : Chn t111 as tim e



Cor. College Ave. and State

Ig••·····················································............,................................... IJ.!




do we



'13 •12



-._, ' · r. a nd Mrs W ar re n H naye. who h • · som e years 111 1- 1.011aries afve h11eenU for . CJ, o t e n1ted Br eth re n Urch ·in J apa n I . d . I . countr , 1ave a rri ve m t 11 s the y. T hey re turn ed by wa y of Land a nd E u rope havi ng goneHoly enf J ' th ire Y arou nd the wo rld since ey left th 1· ag 0 _ Mr cou ntry ab ou t two yea r ~ of h · H ayes ar ri ved at the home Bate e; Parent , M r. a nd M rs. W. C. hi a 5t wee k ; M r. Hayes is visiting .Join mother in p enn y Ivan1.a, b ut w1·11 M sho rt _r · Hayes in Wes terv ill e in a t1111e. '9 7, '98 '21



= =

esty! J ~ · Thi s week·s dumb es t l• re hman is : h. •· . ,. the o ne th at thinks t 11ree cu 1011 f billia rds i a n aw full y so t ga me.



North State Street J. C. ROACH,

The policy of this column has bee n to refra in from all joke about pe t­ ti no- moth er-in-laws and ab ent mind­ ed ~rofcsso rs but we ju t co ul dn' t help but inclu de this one about a pro­ fessor who was so absent minded t~at one night \ hen it cam e time to ret1~e he pul led dow n hi s tro use r ~nd laid the wi ndow s hade o n th e cha ir.


How's come Leroy Hoppe r can alway ~e ll his book fo r as much a he paid for them?



" Bozo" Richter says he got bow- / amue l F Nf . "lor ri · l ornson and Mrs. on of 11 d . . legged breaking in ponies on a merryta iled t W erson, l ndiana, were by the ? e terville early last week go-round. 11 , I ne a d I To you fellows who are going to er broth . 11 c eath of the form' 10 D er-in-law ' J . W .J o ne . . . r. W 1 now · A. Knapp of 'vVe te r vill e ca111pa· engao-ed · · · "' 111 a n evangelistic ign at ti1 F · ren b e 1rst Un ited Bret hUrch of L'tma, Ohio. •9 8, M:·1 bein 011 L ulu Baker of the Otterof • Ory of Mu ic read one . the P .ervat 1ng la t rin T c1pa l papers a t the m eetganize.d -:/ day of the rece n tly o r­ ;~e terville Oma n's Mu ic Club .of riotic · Her ub ject wa "Pa\V ong 0 f h ' ar and th t e Revo lu tio n'!ry 'so. D e Wa r of 1 12." ecr r. Peter M C . eta ry of h • amp, ge neral .

Meats of All Kinds

F or " H er" V al enti ne we ug 0 ·est orne of th e delici ous ch oco late we a re featuring thi week . P u t up in a ttractive hear t boxe th~y make hio-hl y ati factory o-ift .

Also Groceries at

WOLF~SI Westerville, Ohio

p~id .B reth r~me m i io n o f the au . er on the n ~urc h, was the B 111 ver ar occa 1011 of the sixt h arbour \ of th e ue.d ication of tl· e ,·wenu un1ted · hu rch of e Breth re n elebrated th Te rre Ha ute, I ndia na, ~ t unclay in January.

oc ___

1'he Q . Whoa Mule , Zine U12 anc1 Q . . · t and r uiII 1 your ma"aU(! ep re ent . "' 11 t t hod . ative of the whole ~ 0 utribut: . 0 if You have anything 111 th e way of a tory or P 111 hand . i([rhap th it to R uth Roberts. O r i a. ' 1·r o eI Only th·mg yo u have i an n it th ' 1aud it 111 . e ba • fo r it m ig h t have I of · g big. omet h111

= = = = = =

It is rumored that all the Tan Prop. and Cardinal supporters were ' d · ht down at the game Satur ay rug · -lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf-11 O ur id ea of a oft job is bei ng a mo uthpiece for ' Kotsy' Durr.

ri, and E · J . P . ~Ve t, J. H. HarVille · E. Ham , a ll of Wes terCen tl' y are thr ee o f the delegate reOhio eIected to rep re en t ou th eas t · ferenc onfereu f ce at the General Co nto be eho th e United Brethren Ch urc h eld 1·11 the . Buffa lo New York in Pri ng. ' '




Eat, Drink and Be Merry


at the BLENDON HOTEL RESTAURANT er v1ce Comb l·n cl w it h

quality and quantity of choice t foo d . Cor. Main and State Sts.

For the Valentine Party Candy on er ation Heart , R d J lly Heart , Cream Heart and many ther van ­ etie e pecially uitable for the occa 1 n. ome dainty favo r w ith plac card at tached. R pecia l : p cia l R II with J E Cupid in center, r icl with Red Hear t, a nd In­ cli vid ua l Hear t with Cupid n t op.





TAN & CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISH[ ' G BOARD Westerville, Ohio. Member of the Ohio College Press Association.




l nterest in this conte t is keen in bids fair to rob it of its real import- \ the other schools to be repre sented ance. \V e yet have a week and a half to here at Otterbein, but here on our change our attitud e of mind and to own campus where the contest is go­ ?ut thi_s contest across in the manner ing to be held, interest is only pas­ it merits. sive. Thi s event means as much to O C - -Otterbein as any athletic conte t that IT STRIKES US she ha or will engage in this year. ____ Do not think just because it is a for­ · • Th at when it come;; to interest ensic contest it i a second rate affair d :ose club league basketball game~ or only one of minor importance . The win the yellow derby. truth i that this will be one of the biggest events on the calendar this T h at standing while the Marching year and now tudent indifference Song is being s ung has been a long

Editor-in-Chief ........ Paul Garver, '25 Assistant Editor .... D. S. Howard, '26 Contributing EditorsD . R. Clippinger, '25 Pauline Wen t z, '25 Edith Oyler,' '25 Robert Cavins, '26 Wayne Harsha, '27 G. H . McConaughy, '27 Business Manager .... W . S. Wood, '25 Ass't. Bus. Mgrs. ··- Wm. Myers, '26 \ Marcus Schear, '27 Paul Newell, '27 Circulation Mgr. .... Ladybird Sipe, '25 Asst . Circulation Mgrs.Margaret Widdoes, '26 Ruth Hursh, '27 Athletic Editor ····--· J. Q . Mayne, '25 Asst. Athletic Ed. E. H. Hammon, '27 Local Editor .............. D . Harrold, '27 ,lumnal Editor .... Alma Guitner, '97 ' ~-.. ~,. .:hange Editor .... Lenore Smith , '2d ' , ., Cochran Hall EditorElizabeth S axour, '25 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, payable in advance.

esta blished tradition here at Otterbein. We wonder if any one person or group of persons are exempt from observing this custom. That those who contemplate enter.mg t h e B arnes , Sh o rt Story ConteSt should begin work at once. und Otter• k laid T hat toe, many fol s aro bein t hink that the rules were down for the other fell ow. That the time draws near when . unpardonclass cuttmg becomes. an able sin.

'-' 1

Entered as second class m a tter September 25, 1917, at the posto ffice t Westerville, 0., under act of March I



· cceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided fo r in S ec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized

April 7. 1919.



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The Oratorical Contest On Febr uary 20. Otterbein will be the h-o t to eight orator r ep r enting as many chool who will co mpete for honor in the . annual Ohio ta e Oratorical Conte t wh ich will be held in the colleg chapel. Thi conte t will on of th out t.anding event at tterbein College this year. It is significant and nothing hould be left undone on our part to make thi cont t a ucce in every detail. The Department of Public Speak­ i11 i arranging for the conte t itelf, but thi in it elf i not nough. Th coll ge author itie and allied campu or, anizat~on mu coopera e and ttnite their effort to provide a ui ahl reception fo r the orator . An opportunity will be afforded the col­ lege t extend a welcome to the vi itorator and to the colleg th Y ooperation i the big word that will make the conle t a ucces . The Department of Public peaking and . i Kappa Delta hav both b en on · ' the job a long time and are making untiring effort to a. ure the ucc s f thi conte t in very cl tail. V hat tit e two organization contrit>ute will I) only to the me hani cal uc­ ce of the conte t and we a tud nt mu t contribute the ch ol pirit part of the program.

Winning the West


I . . ;n~atton by electrically driven pumps has made u~ reds of .thousands of acres of desert land in tbe 1n: ermountam West blossom like the rose.

The General Electric Com­ pany provides for agricul­ t ure little motors that do the far m chores and great ones that ope rat e mammoth p umi;s t o irrigate vast str<:tches. of arid valleys. If you are interested in learning more about what electricity is doiPg, write for R eprmt N o. AR391 con­ taining a complete set of these adv ertisements.

For ka few cents . . h e gt·ant . a mont h per acre electnc1ty-t ~~ ~r- brmgs the life-giving w~ter from distant lake~ f f 1:vers to rainless v alleys producing rich harveSt5 0 rmts a nd veg tables, cere;ls and forage. :Wha~ electricity is doing for the farmer is only 8 c~~ e_rpart _of what it is doing for Industry, Trans· ~ion:tt~~'-City and Country life or any of the pr?fer used a tool r_eady for your use and which, ~ise ~ 't ake the impossible of today an accomphshe faGt omorrow.


How electricit d the student in Y ~es these things is important .to do · • a techni~al school- but what electricity can ma~:e~~;:;~t _to . e~er:y college m·a n or woman, no . eir hfe s work may be.



h Third Year Class Will Present oat and Company to Present Program Feat uring "Tweedles'' Next Thursday and O peretta. Friday Nights.

When th e Be tty Booth Concert An irate papa, po ses or of a mil.0tnP~ny appears here tomorrow lion dollars and a wayward on, Ca rl 111 ""ht · a wea k, e ffem'.nate, · · I b. utwi l' . I n th e college chape l, a program Stair; oc1a 1 rJe pre ented that will have a uniterlly, Harold McM1chaels; a h1gh­ ;er. al appeal to the music lover of minded carpenter, Zane Wil 011: a tterbein. stern officer of the law, Don Phill.ps: . co ns ist of semi- I a wm · ome waitress · · . The . p rogram will 111 a tea-room, 1 cl a. real numbers, instrumental e- Wanda Gallagher; a high and 111ig11ty ect1on from th e great masters and· a lad y, Alice · san d er ; an anc1en · t w1'd group of light All-Ameri can ·sono-s. / ow lady, Pauline Knepp; a young O "' . h oc1a . I asp1rat1ons, . . widow la d y wit B ne of th e mo t popular bits of the etty Booth program is an original Mary Hummell. The e are the charoperetta d · "A Master's Bi rthda y" bas- acters an d t he J um·or w h o w1·11 ape upon an incident in the life 'of the pear in "Tweedle ," Booth Tarki11g­ pjtlar compo er. Franz Schubert. ton's parkling comedy, which .will and ugo Brandt, the Polish pianist b~ pr.e sen ted_on Thur day and Friday B co111_po er, w ho appears with Miss nights of th1 week, February 12 and 00 t1\ ha been 13 in th e college c hapel, a the anental . two year in contin• . h. d I . . mu 1c centers Paul Clark nual Jumor p 1ay, t e procee o S'b I violin· t · · ' f h ing h ~ _with the company, is devot- which go to the s upp ort o t e I y . p . 1 ixth year to the Lyceum and Two performances of the play are be­ e;e;iously made concert tours of the ing given in order that all tude nts · and town -people may have oppo rtunr Tkhi i a high cla s number and ity to atte nd what promi es to be o ne ofai, th. among the best of the concerts of t he treats o f t h e year. mi . 1 Y~ar's Lyceum Course. AdProfes or McCarty, who is coachtond will be b ut 25 cents, including ing the play I1as expressed h'I co m. re erv e eat . plete atisfaction wi th the manner m Regi C - - -whic h the rehear al have gone forstrar Reports Fifteen ward, and promises a fi ni hed producNew Students for Semester tion on the nights of the tweltth ·and The na111 f · thirteenth. are an e o fifteen new students ____ 0 C - - - by Pr:~ unced for the second semester Debate with Ohio Wesleyan the co/ or G. E . Mill , Registrar of Freshman Team Is Cancelled stucien egec. ~en of thi number a re the, fi .0 111111g to Otterbein for The Fre hman- op homo re debate ing tor t ttme while five are ret urn- with Ohio Wesleyan has been canerne t chooJ after an ab ence of one celled beca u e there we re not enough ed tu: or more. The newly enroll- men who desire to par ticipate, accord­ Bucy ru ~nt are: Edwin Gearhart ing to a tatement confirmed by Prof. lllouth• < G M~rgaret Haney, Ports- Mc arty la t Friday evening. EI­ Georg~ Ti oldie Bu ic, Westervi lle; for ts wi ll be made to secure a like 1 omp on w 1 • foreii 1·c conte t with Ohio We leyau ah , e te rvil 1e · La ura 01Umbu • M "•~e ' tervi ' h lle· '. ary eed am, nex t year • Vi lie• D ' Je 1e Rupp \,Vester- ---O C Ca rl' ch~r?dthy Rupp, We tervi lle; Miss Williamson Elected Secretary :R.oYal O e1 t Detroit; Paul treete r, of Local Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta




"· ak ' VVe tervilie·

1 Jean Turner , Pi Kappa Delta members recenty ant, Pa.; Emtly Mu ll in, Mt. P lea - elected Mi Esther Williamson to 11a ry . gne Yohn, Weste rville· erve a ecretary-Trea urer of the · . , Oel ' larn1 11 L ' anton ; Margaret ;Ben- focal chapter. Mis William on fi ll ' Oudon. the place left vacant by the d_epartu:e ~OSSF;~ O C - -of Mi Mildred wab. {1 WilIS DIRECTOR Jiam 011 won her key to the national R COMMUNITY FUND frater_nity by virtue of having debated At the ,V ittenberg on the local platform la t bu C reorganization of the Colum11 0nda o111111u u,.t Y Fund committee ea on . lot Y afterno 011 p • heact , rofe or Ro e;nce lan;f th e departmen.t of Rom0arc1 of D~age , wa elected to the he. t irector oI th e. ommunity C0 of Col unty. p umbu and Franklrn e. 111 the rofc, 0 1. l''-o elot repre1own O f 1(! e of ol the country out-


Pace FiYe



Wednesday, February 11Betty Booth Concert Company. Thursday, February 12Junior Cla s Play. Friday, February 13J unior Class Play. Saturda,y , February 14Basket ball. Hiram . F riday, February 20tate Oratorica l ante t, College Chapel.


The Tailor W e solicit your ins pection of Spring Samp les. W ill Do Your DRY CLEANING PRESSING AND


I. C. Robinson Groceries and Meats.




Hitt Bros.

Phone 277 or 65


New Spring Arrivals FOR

COLLEGE MEN Smart Hats, $5 Prefer.red hape for yo ung hlen in the new bade for Spring.

M· . icb .;

Fancy Flannel Shirts, $2.50 Light weight flannel , in blue, brown and g ray grou 11d with and without white striping.


New Neckwear, $1 and $1.50 ctripe and figure pattern in novel d~ tinctive neckwear o fou lard, mogadore and moire ilk.


d Quali


lin.,en· -,-.....__ Lng of p ·

OC - - - -

terbein C tcture of Greater Otl::citic• . ollege Features Program lerc1. ill1011 Da Ch ay in 11 . Y wa b. erv d ye Urch at ~e Fir t nited 13reth.ren Prog con ITJ. h . th ran1 pl out mth a hort e anned 111 · tu Unday connection re of G chool e ion U11v ·1 reater Ott . e1 ec1 d . e.rbein Coll ege ur1ug th e. ervice .


We cater to student trade.




uN1VERSITY sro . Opp. O hio Sta te Ca mpus Entrance




THE TAN AND JP~a~g~c~S~ix~===========~~========~~======: INTRAMURAL RESULTS


· I s Fa:rly Juniors and Seniors May Enroll in ~ How Teams Will Firush well Determined-Few Physial Education Training Upsets. Class.


GIRLS' COLLEGIANS WIN \ Pierce, Las,t Year's Varsity Catche~,,, GAME WITH BIG SCORE 1 To Go South with " A t blettcs


Reid Pierce who was the catcher on Saturday ni g ht th e Collegia n s tri- last vea r·s varsity eleve n has be~~ umph ed o ver th eir oppo ne nt s fr om sig ned up by Connie Mack a~d wil Colu mbus t o th e tune of 27- t0 . The go sou th for sp ring training with th e game was scheduled to be played b e- P hil ade lphia "A thletic ", thi m0111.11 · fo r e th e 'vVoo -ter me lee, but wa s de- P ierce was a ca tche r of no little abi~1aye d b eca use o f t h e Iate arrival . and hiss . o f ity whi le here at Otter b em the!·s·to I m111 er wa v rs. work behind th e bat 1ast su . f The first ha 'f end ed 12- 10 in fav or such th at it attracted the attention of the Tan girl . In the second half. Co nni e Mack. d with boys' rul es in force the Otter­ ·tl Pierce an Ou r best wishes go WI 1 d . the bei n g irl s ran their ta ll y up to 27. a1 we hope that he w1·11 ma ke goo in the sa m e time preventing their op­ ''big top.. of the baseball worl d. ponents from coring. Captain Widdoes. Lambert and Snavely were th e bright lights on th e Coll egia n s' line-up. \Vicldoes sta rt ed things moving by popp ing several through the rim in the fi r st few min­ ute s of p lay, and S nave ly mad e th e fina l six point s by tossing t hree b u ck­ et m the last minute or two of th e game.

The Men ·s Leader Co r ps. o rgan ized The intra mural bas ketb all games Of t he la t two weeks have brough t to two weeks ago by Profes o r Marti n of seve ral . eni o r , has the fr ont t h e pro bable Cl,arnpJOns in · a t the request . . both leagues. There is littl e doubt but bee n g r ow111g con t111ually 111 mei;nbe:­ that the Annex Club will win the shi p. At prese nt the members~,p b lue ribbon in the clu b leag ue. They co ns ists of te1~ me~ who are especial­ have played and won eight games a l- ly interested 111 this work. though ther e are st ill several games The purpose of thi s o rganization is o n it sc hedul e, it i p retty certai n that to give upper classmen special train­ the Annex will finish in fi rst place. ing in phy sical educa ti o n , e nablin g Th e Cook H o use stands in second th em t o take cha rge of classes. Much p lace at pr ese nt with five gam.es w.on of this training come thro ugh co n­ and one lost , with the Lakotas 111 third ducting th e Fres hman and Sophomore place. boys' gym classes. This wo rk is esIn the P r une league the Priest Club pec ially fo r th ose who expect to be­ holds an indisputable but not alto- co m e coache o r physical di r ectors gether sec ure place at the top . with afte r leavi ng college. The cla ss o nl y one defeat aga in st se ven victor- me ets once a week, on Wedne day af­ ies. The Maroo ns and the Hana- ternoo n at three o'clock in the Asso­ walt Cl ub a r e tied for se~ond place, ciation Building. ----0 C--each having wo n six games and lost ----0 C THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE two . OTTERBEIN-HIRAM GAME eve r al up ets featur ed the ga mes WILL BE HOT CONTEST Thursday, February 12-of last week. The unexpected show­ 4 :00-M o untaineers vs. Bai ley. ing the Jondas made against the On Saturday eve ning, February 14, 4:30-A nn ex vs. Sphinx. Sphinx Club was the most nota ble of th e Tan team will meet the Hiram 5 :00-Dun lap vs. Priest. these. The first half ended 8-4 111 quintet in th e high school gym. A l­ Saturday, February 14-favor of the Jonda s, and th e second thou g h the visitors have a fast, shifty 1 :30-Dun lap vs. Maroons. half a 12-12 ti e. In the overtime o ut fi t, the Hiramite have been hit 2:00--:Lakota vs. Janda. peri~d th e phinx made seven points hard by the ame defeat jinx th at ha Z: 30-Hanawalt vs. Mountain eer however, and won 19-12. The fo llowed the Otterbein tea m in its 3:00- Country Club vs. A lp . 3 : 30-Pr ie t vs. Bail ey. Maroon s de fea ted the Priest Cl ub co ntes ts thi s eason. In thi s res poct 13-10, and t he n too k a 12-10 beating 4:00-Sp hinx v . Cook House. from the Bailey . 4 :30-William v . Forward . Results HIRAM GAME l:>EATS GO phinx 17, Alps 8. ON SALE NEXT FRIDAY Lakota 18, Co untry Club 12. Annex 17. Cook House 12. Student reserved seat tickets phinx 19, Jonda 12. for th e Hiram basketball game, Cook House 12. Lakotas 5. w hi ch will be played in the Annex 20, J on da s 11. hi gh ~chool gymnasium thi Forfeits Saturday night, wi ll go on sale Lakota to Annex. at th e gymnasium Friday after­ Country Club to Sphinx. noon at :~ :30 o·clock. A lps to Annex. At the same time at ochran


Personal and Group

Letterheads and

Envelopes The Buckeye

Printing Co. 28-30 West Main



Hall r eserved seats for the gir l ' ectio n will go on sale.

Priest 14, Hanawalt 20. Dunlap 11, Forwards 4. Ma roon 17, Mountaineer 8. Will y 6, Bai leys 5. Hanawa lt 5. Maroon s 4. Prie t 12, For ward s I 1. Maroons 13, Priest 10. illy 8, Hanawalt 3. Forward 24, Mountaineers 7. Baileys 12, Maroons 10. Forward 6, Hana walt 10. Priest 14, Willys 10. Forfeits League Standing Won Lot 0 nn e-x .................... _...... 1 Cook House ··-······-···· 5 2 Lakota _........................ 4 3 phinx .......................... 4 6 Country Club .............. 1 6 Ip .................·-······-· 1 7 Jondas ....................·-···· 0 on Lot Prie t ··········..··-··- ···· 7 Maroo ns ·······-··- ··-····· 6 Hanawa lt .................... 6

~iii~ : : ... ...:: : : ::: : : ~

1 2 2 2


Forwards ...................... 2


Dunlaps ············- ·········· 1 1 Mountaineer



the two teams will be well matched, a . neither o ne ha made m uch pro­ gress in t he Ohio Con ference.

.833 .666

. !though Hiram and Otte r bei n did not cla h on the court la st year, com ­ parative reco rd how that the upstat­ ers played a little better br and of bas­ ket hall than the home• team. They won five a nd lo t eight of their Con­ ference game , while O tterbein failed to capture a ingle Co nfere nce calp. However, the chance thi year favor the Tan cager , an d victory i fairly certain to come to Coach Edler and hi warr ior aturclay ni g ht.


- - - - 0 C----


State Stais Attend Game





Among the intere ted spec tator


College Men Will Like

New Spring Shades ,In Qual~ty Suits E n °·li h Phea ant fawn o-ra:y a nd ' 'b cocoa tan are here in newe t wide button narrow hiphouldered t ' . ped model -tail ored bv Hart, chaffner a 1arx and Fa hion P rk- SO.


.OOO I the audience were " Johnny" Miner P ct. •875 .750 .750 .714 ~3

and "Cookie" Cunningham, the two ". ace. " o f t.h e O h·10 .tate team . Miner 1

ht h pomt man



W estern

Conference and Cunningham is All- I We tern center.

---O C

- - --

.250 You wi ll wa nt to ee our new hip- ] .166 ment o f Top Coat. Come in. E . J.


.166 ~orri

& on.-Adv.


H. h lg and Long Sts.

uNI0 N Columbus,







Page Sevt: n


N t"

al Student Secretary "is no lo,nger a process of . education II w ith joy. The ot her night I heard 10n f . . •· h f Addresses Y . W . C. A . Meeti ng but o m ast,ca t, o n. t e screa m o a k illdee r a s it pas sed alo ng t he sky. pu hing no rthwa rd in . . I S - - - 0 C--Mi ss Ma ud Gwinn . .\ a ti o na tu- ' LEM O N DROPS th e dark and r so m ehow fe lt real glad f - t to vis it in the (le nt S ec reta r)' of th e Y. V,,-_ C. A ., or t h ey are t I1e firs gave a n inter es ting lecture at th e AsAn d th en th e hum had to come spr ing. Perhaps it may not las t but sociatio n Buildin g la st Tuesday even- a lo ng a nd say t hat this nice weather ju st the sa m e I"m go ing to whi s tl e. in o- before the local Y . W . C. A . was n't going to last more t han two ---0 C--He r m essag e wa one of ins p iratio n days . \\' el l. maybe not. but j ust the Du tc hes T rouser s. 10 cen ts a butand interes t. In pa rt ~h.e sa id, ·~E,·ei; sa m e th e birds were s inging in a me r - to n. :in..oo a r ip guara ntee. E. J . 1 o r­ 110 ri e r t un e and everything just oozed ris &: Son .-Adv. as Chri st ca m e to 111111 1s t er an t o be mi nister ed unto. even so does He expec t th e sa m e of us. A life is _1111111111111 1111111 11111 11111111111111 11 11111111111111111 1111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111 111111111 fo un d bv losin g it in se r vice for ot her s. a nd thi s ca n be done by li,·ing unre er ve dly th e J es us way of li fe ." A ve ry m uch app reciated d uet was su ng by La Vo nn e and M ida S tee le. ii

= =



Mary Noe l of Ca nto n has r et urn ed s·,00-,, s 0 -f th e Tim es right no w to fi ni h I1 . The er en ,o r year. ·/ a re upid and hi s red h eart. O f V a li\ Rl~ea McCo naughy H o wa rd a nd entines there are two clas e - th e fiv e lane Con,fort of Davto n ,ve r e ,vith pounde rs and th e five cent ers.


= = =

Eight Day Sale-Feb 6-14

= =

Ladies' Silk Hose, Black and Brown, $2.00 value, at ·········-- ···--·-··-·-·····-·····-···-----· 69c = Special lot Ladies' Ox£ords and Pumps, at ------··········--···-···-·· -·-:-..-... _____ ___ _$1.98 to $3.48 Men's Dress Wool Hose, 85c value, at --·· ·· 59c


~:e Ar butu s Cl ub S at ~rd ay a nd SunIt wa just o ur luck to pend o ur Men's Silk a nd Wool Hose, $1.00 value, at 79c, 2 for ........ .............. $1.50 : Y. O n a tur day eve ning a fter th e 1 t ce nt at th e movi e Thursday Sport Blouses, $6.50 value; at ..........................................................-....... $4.98 game .h . as . th I b a d • e c u , w it its D ay t o n g ues t . ht becau se the world wa s gomg to n Mr H ·r roop , enJ.o ye d a mgd a nd the n no t hav e ,t. happen . der . · o race . iciou lun ch of whi ch a beautiful en birthday cak e I k cl , . II f The tru e "coed '' o f the modern col- iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Er • )a e spec1a Y o r I C. I la se · izabeth Saxou r t R uth lege is one who rates m , er c , Cl . was a par . th e campus. eman Hamilto n wa• with th e club and A on f Or c1 · inner Sunday. Of all sad thing s heard now a nd th en. L C k- The wor t is thi s, "It' nearly tew." W e are happ t sey b y o see ena oo . ack on the campus. The greatest worry of the , emor RITTER & UTLEY, Props. Alice G . • 1 v is how to u e that ten o clock B eorge spent th e w eek-end 1n gir no, ·bl ucyr us with h . privilege. We ug ge t any pos ' e er s , ter · 11 n town Ec1· h · date movi e . evenmg ca s o Staa:~e Oyler wa with Grace Hill friend , and. as a la st re so rt, th e curband at O betz Junctio n Saturday stones. unday. "Co llege li fe," remarked a co~d. ~ Aline M antville a~ne Cavanaugh of Plea - she teered her e co rt toward W1 lhe , noon '. Ohio, pent Sunday afterWith Tali man friend .








Drugs and Optical Goods.

Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.

Barriet Ea ing in W tman, ' 24, who is teachWith h au eon, pent th e week-e nd t e Arcady Club. Lorene . Pent Ii' . mith and Iara Bak er 1 ritlay in Chillicoth e. When they dene ~;,turned Sa turday, Mi s laravvunkJe h . . t er Ott . , w o 1s p lannmg to enthe111. erbe,n next fall , came with


Westerville Bakery

M:ildr d \\>here \ ,~ab ha gone to Canton Jun le Wi ll take a po ition until h . Wien I er cla ie will graduate with fin i h .h · The few hour needed to entia. r co ur e will be taken in ab-

10 East Main St.

F'ranc . enterta· 1-Iind and Mildred Wit on lln ive/;~d g ue t from Ohio tate Unday. 1frs. this Week,"Yder v· ited with F reda

v· . e irg,nia 11d af h 1-1_

C el ,1 R h




= = = -=


= = = -=

Valentine Napkins, Place Cards, Make sele ctions Fancy Candles.


. .,.

early. Your best girl counts on a Valentine from the

L M:

e a ter pent the weeker home in Akron.

01 un1bu

JI 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lll IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111 !111111111111111!!


au v, 1ted with £rend Unday.



= = =

"labe l E \Veith her ubank pent the week-end Cot 111 · 0I U111bu t , Maud e Ba rl o w of

University Bookstore

-= = -= = = =

-= =

-\1111a1i clay 1 . el Wit y' · Viti, 1 • father pe nt unM,i Ml r. We are more expert in giving ~erbeen · ary W·11 £ • h keeping books. vi ·t· e o Za ne ville ha V1ce t an f us and 1 111 D fe,v . new Shoes rom h day M: ean 1cF add en for a Buy your ld f repairs and save er gue ; r . tarkey and on were leave the o or 1tr . at dinner. money. <lay F-. Z K to vi it uml er came atur27 W. Main St. IO 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lll IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII Ill 1111i er dau g hter Margaret. W E STERVILLE, OH






18 N. State St.

Westerville, 0.

= = =

P a ge Eight




I NT O " W1N" CO LUMN ! pep into the boys between halves, for th e Tan team scored th ree tielders in ! Cont inued on Page Two) I rapi d s uccss io n. O tt er bein' s success The D elaware machin e got up was comi n g from working a tip-off steam at the begi nning of the econel play ~nd \ Vooste_r determin ed to ha lf a nd was nev er a ft er wa rd headed . break it up. They did , and loca ted th e At o ne time the visitors t hreatened basket four times before Otte r bein to doub le t he sco re. but Widd oes got into th e sco ring aga in . drop ped in a co upl e of fie lders and the The r emaind er of the half was game end ed. He and Snavely star- \Voo ster' , and Otterbein l l , red for Otterbein, be tw ee n them ac- 1 less again st t he attack of t~~: B:~e~: cou nting for 28 o f th e team's 32 m en. point . '·Ted" Sea man , in hi first - - -- O C - - Varsity a ppea ran ce, fought well, as did Captain Mc Carrott . whose injur'vV e a r e o rry t o announce that ies again hampered him. Turney and Mi chae l Quinlan, '"Bozo" Richter, Hill spa rkl ed brightest for Wesleya n. Wooster Wins Bento n L as h and Mer l Killinger will The Varsit y met defeat at the hands n o t be with us next se m ester. of the Wooster basket cagers last "Al" Elliott. '23 , and Gordo n H o w- Sat urda y night. The contest was ard , '22, were here Saturday m g ht for · r oug h and erratic. with none of the the W ooste r game. · Go rd on H o wa rd speed that mark ed the tilt with D en,vas at th e tim e attending a Y. M. C. . d \" . C o 1um - 1 1soTh n an •v es 1eyan. A convention being held 111 d · e game starte slo wly with little · bus. Aa hy work o n th e part of either Lester Drexel spe nt th e wee k-end ' tea m. Both quintets we re decided ly with fri end s in Columbu s. o ff color in shooting and the score Once again a gro up of Otterbein ee-sa wed with the half ending 10stud ent s too k advanta ge of the snow with Wooster leadi ng. a nd enjoyed an o ther bobsled ride. "Deke" must have in tilled ome ome thirty-tw o were on the party. it wa s a very nove l affai r as the cou- I pie were chosen blindly. number See Samples from 1 of mall coas tin g sleds were hoo ked o n to the bob. They went to Devil' s Half Acre where th e sled were used , in coa ting down the hi ll s. The party 1 w a a ucce with the exceptio n of Before ordering Class and Soc.ial Group Pins. a ca uaTty when Elizabeth axour prained her ankle. "There's a Reason" J . B. Cra bb s. J ake Whit e, loyce




Chri to pher and A l Mattoon vi itor in We ter ville unday.


I11th and High


"Cookie" unningham , J o hn Miner and '"Ollie" Klee. prominent O hi o tate athlete , accompanied Fre h- j man Coach Trautman of Ohio tate, to the Woo ter game Saturday night.

Millard Han cock a nd Russell Corn­ e tet· were here ove r la t week-end. ictor Mye r and harl e Hun-_ tu den t 1n Ohio State niver si y, w ere unday vi itor in Westervill e. Irwin >la h and hi wife ( Gertrude M yer ) wer e in We tervi lle Tue day . Word ha come that Jol:n '·Jack" H aye i rio u ly ill with diphther ia a t hi home in G r een burg, P a.

- --0 C--­


Blue and Gray I ''Corduroy'' Pants -



.d line· satisfac_s o1:1r Sl e k' . trade. t1on lS 0Ur St0C 1n Others make boasts ; we make good.

J• H• MA. YN E L d & Cffle



Dry Cl eaDIDg ° Co• 12 w. College Phone 86-J


Otterbein Hiram Muskingum Wooster Wittenberg Oberlin Baldwin-Wallace Heidelberg .



I .

§ ~


College Chapel, Feb. 20th

s. .

Admission 35c






11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 ~


I 11111111111111 1111111 11111111 11 111111 ' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 ~ :

I Bring in Your Photos i


20% off


Until Feb. 1st.

with full 19-inch bottoms and wide belt loops.



State Oratorical Contest




three day in Dayton the latte r part of 1a t week at a meeting of the com m ittee for revi ion o f the nited B r ethren hu rch D i cipline. Thi : committee wa authorized by the Genera l Co nference to revi e all of the church' precept and to make a report at General Confer ence wh ich i to be held at Buffalo, . Y ., thi year



n a ll our beau t iful line of frarne.. t le n t to be fo und el ewhere. We have them fo r all 1ze .


~ ~

KIBLER 22 W. Spring St.



- - -0 C- - Ba ket Ball hoe We price them lower. E . J. Norri & o n.-Ad v.


: _ _


President on Committee for Revision of Church Discipline P re ident W. G. Clippnger


= =

= =



. 1111 111111111111111 ~ 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ::


. Wayn e Nea ll y. '17, vi ited the 11 11 x Club Thursday evening. Wayne Cheek i uffering from an iu fected foot . It was i11fected from ,1 ma ll bli ter.

Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hosiery, $ 1.00. $1.3 5 , $l." 5 _ E. J. Norris & on.Adv.






Rich and High gt . §

; : 111111111111111111111111 111111


· 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111

11111 11 11111111111 1

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