au att
ar ina
No. 19.
Third Concert of 1925 Season Wins
Approval of Audicnc~ at Centerburg.
Otterbein's next basketball foe is Muskingum, which wi ll m ee t the var si ty next Saturday II ight o n the high school Aoor at :00 o'clock. This is another team in Otterbe in' class as indicated by it s tanding in the con ference . Muskingum has been losing consistently a ll seaso n and has on ly one or two win s to her credit. The Un ited Pres byterians have not forgotten th e defea t administered to them in football by the Big Tan team on the Otterbein fi eld last fall. The impu lse of rev enge will urge them on to their greatest efforts. H oweve r. the Tan and Ca rdinal player with the confidence in th emselve and each ot her which the victory ove r Re serve ha given them, wi ll al o be on their toe fighting until the la st whist le blow.
Wittenberg Wins Listless Game in Ncgat· Memorial Hall Saturday N ight tve Team Wins at Capital 2-1 A very responsive audie nce greeted By 39-21 Score. W,hilc Affi . rmattve Team Loses the Otterbein Coll ege Glee Club at Ce nt e rburg las t Saturday night, in its Decision Herc 2-1. ARMSTRONG SCORES HIGH third co nce rt of the eason . Although BALDWIN-WALLACE NEXT the voiocs " ·ere a little hu sky from the W iddoes Is High Point Man for O t radio performance, the night before, a terbein-Coach Tr ies Many Men t.fuch Abili G ty on Part of Debaters and few app lau se made the ong ters fo~ in Effort to S_top W ittenberg. get eve rything but pleasing the auchOod Clash of Argument Marks ence. Otterbein to 0 k· a not I1er drubbing Initial Contest. The banjo-mandol in orchest ra was at the hand s o f th e \Vitt en bero- tribe Del;atin probab ly at its best in t_his _co'.1cert. at Springfield las t Friday night by a 1'hat th g t~c que s tion. ··Resolved: The fast march with whi ch it intro score of :l!J to 2 L. The Lutheran ·, a l Shou ld \ United States a nd Canada duced it numbers brought a very ways hard to beat on their own Hoor law re oi ntly Cons tru ct the t. hea rty applause from t he ~ud!ence. the c nee Deep ca v\Taterway."' a had a good deal of luck, but they did The Spanish er enade gave chgmty to llr t COnt st not look like the team that held Deni bei 11 cl b e of th e season. Otter- it numbers and howcd that the ,. e ate tea • son on. eve n term , forcing the game '--apital D _ ms sp 11t honors with Banjo-mando lin Orc hestr a i cap~ble to go into an ove rtime period. In 1'1, ursda ' nive~ ity's debaters last of doing wo rk of a trict cla s1cal ---0 C- deed , if the Tan and Cardinal Aoormen tea1n Y _eve 111no-, both DEBATE TEAM TO HEAR "' s coring nature. had hown mu c h s tuff they could have ;i, 11 rniar a victory. ---0 C-CAPITAL-GETTYSB URG FRAY won. for Miami s ucceeded in doing \V 00 d ive te_a m, composed of Wi lbur Dr. Sherrick Appointed Chairman AliUe/ acadptam, Floyd McGuire, Roy The member of the affirmative de- that on Saturday ni g ht, not hav ing of Local Jeffersonian Committee n D . h hate tea m " ·ill journey to olumhu won a ganJJ prcviou ly all ea on. lllet th C _wig t rn.old, alternate, team . a?1ta Jcfi- tonight where they will hear the de eaman tarte I off the coring with 111\- r ·it,,y 11 111 comJJicmox:afion of Thoma 0ne cl: t. _ap1tal and received a two to er on·s birthday and the Four th of bate between Capita l U niversity and a fielder. The team - battled even ly 111 lei ion over their host s. Jul y. .1926, wh ich by a rcmarkad ble Gettysburg Coll ege of Getty burg. Pa. for the first eleven minut es, the score tanding 5 all. Widdo and ne,» t·t ie college chapel . "d ce occur on the same ate, The debate will be o n the same ques then .,.q iv te Otterbein' co111c 1 e n • tee! ti o n that Otterbein will u e in the _pson were then in erted into the liarro1c1 am. composed of Duane Mayor Cha - oavely ha appoin lme -up. The Godfrey brigade then lio11"arc1' Robert K ni ght, Donald th e fo llowing committee _for Wcster- conference debates. went into the lea d that wa never ---0 C-- l'orte ,• captain, and Clarence La- ville' pa rt in the celebration: . . · D ita. · a ternat arah M hernck. (Continued on Page Two) Library Will Continue to I a"' _ e, wa defeated by CapChairma1n- r. · - - - 0 C - - . dec1s .. onn1rmativc I· b Mr E G Lloyd and Close at 7:00 p. m . for Week f , a o y a two to one ·0111m1ttee· · · 1 CONTEST CLOSES SOON Th e O the judge _ Frank Bookman. For the remainder of thi week the This committee. one of many apno . que tion . b n11c Por wa a ed upon ecoh nited tates will coll eg e libra ry will continue to close Participants in Barnes' Short Story as Pr icy ; th e main con ideration point cl over t e f at 7 :00 p. m. Thi change wa made Contest Must Submit Story tr nted we h . I . ra1 mg funds neccs ary to rec Before March 15. an Dortat· re w ether the prese nt a ic 111 M .: ll o the home of in order that there would be no con or · 1011 facirt· o n uce , 1 1es are adequate I from debt J ff not, and h and pre erve it for Aict with the evang Ii tic services stru . w ethe th f Thoma e er son, The cl adline date for the Barne • ct10 11 i r e co t o con. to come as a national now being held at the Un ited Breth need l' com111en uratc with the the ge neratLoJJ . ren Church. hort tory contest i almo t a t hand. lech n.. he argume11t memorial and Patriotic Shrine. All tudent who have producti n to icaJ were extremely ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -enter in thi conte t mu. t ubmit Otterb . . e![ e1n' a . them before :\[arch LJ, which i· the a hanct· ffir111at1ve team ufferfinal date ·e t for ntrie in thj con of b •cap b h . f \Vi ht b" Y t c untimely illne e,,. I qar h . d te s t. --~ •, Professionals " Clean" Chemistry Lab_ cay 1 [ · secon peaker a 1atin · OHIO STATE TEAM HEARS , oratory of Platinum-Loss Is This co nt e t wa s made po · ih lc b L g th le ore th e conte t. nece 111or Prepar t 1' VARSITY DEBATE FRIDA.Y I <;>ver $1-00. _ J. .-\. L. Barne s o f \ •Vell es ley. M ;i . t 11 01 a 011 o f a speec h on IC b Fl who gave a fund of 2000 to th e coll) Y • oyd McGuire. 111 mong the interested Ii te.ncr That a robbery wa x cuted 111 the lege in memory of hi s brot her \Valte.r r. S. E--;0 C- - •ar· ity debate ciencc Ha ll , in which betwe e n .·100 Barn es. the inter t from whi h wa ~PP Prepares Special the audience at t h e ' . ti thr e me mb er and . ·200 worth of platinum wa taken to be give n out an nually a prize for \e~t crviccs for College Students Friday niaht were ic cl 1· I the thr c b st · of the hio tale l'nive.r 1ty e rnte from the chemi try c cpartment tore t ne written by an erj. Undav k b ' of r : mar ·s the clo c of the Ohio tate debate the ame r om . wa made public la t week after tterb in Junior or enior. ba eel 011 een in P viva! meeting that have team. t a here to g t it wa de fi nitely determi ned that it ome hi torical incident. The prize the rogre s h question and her e_am w f I Pr tlit d B l c pa t week at wa a job performed by ·'profc · io nal or t 1c b t tory i . 40. fo r the 11 xt informat1 n. 1 v· ra111 tl11- rethren Chu r ch . The point of ____ 0 c---talent." The fact that seve ral of the Je t · 20. and for third he t. 10. •ce Week 1· 1 e01 that 11c ude two ser- EDLER WILL BE BACK crucible were in the po e ion of O C--lege tuct a r of , pecia l intere t to ON CAMPUS THURSDAY tudcnt alone kept the departm e nt Grabill to Dedicate Organ ent from u tairung a lo of at lea t • 500. F o r the seco nd time within the pa t Co110111ght h "Deke" Elder who undcrbeen d e 1gnatc · d a The theft occured hortly afte r the two m o nth Profe or rabill ha reoac I1 - · · at Pre ege irJ ,a i11 ?area a ti •ght and Dr. Rupp ha went an operation for app 11d1c1t1 k Chri tmas vacation and was one of a cei,·ed a call to pre ent an org-an pro g meJy ch . Crvi . Crmon for the evcn- the Univer ity Ho pita! two_ wc\e eries of robberie occuring at Ohio gra m at the dedication of a 11 w or"'a n. · fully recovered and will lea c 01c ., entitled "O W ' State, Akron Unive ity and at Ca e. The mo s t rec ent invitation co7iies c.! Je - l'hur d , '.1 e oman s :~: ~o pita I today. He will be dback t o. . U. about . 1 00 worth of fro m the Arlington treet chu rc h. 0 11 g :Soy , ~Y even111g will be • ek an no . plat inu m wa taken. wh ile kron s uf- Ak r o n. which r eques t. him to <l cdi);i lvl\i h I) Night and the s ubject o n the job late t I11 we Odecn I< ~- R.upp w ill peak is "A doubt wi ll direct the tcan1 ~vhen it fe red a lo of about • 400. cate th e organ in th e new c hurc h. night." skin«um at urday ni ght. mee ts Mll •
r .
Page Two
a while in the econd period, for a Beam , L. F . .................... hort time having a fair how at J . Barr. R. F . .................... ornwell, R. F . ................ Returned M issionary From Ch ina walloping th e Lutheran , the count · Gave Inspirational T alk In being once 26-l!l. The. \ nb er o Beuleke, C. ······--·····- ·--······ Ba!dw in-Wallace Tea m to Appear te,vard, C. ........................ Cha pel Monday. dcfense then tighten d up, and they Here-Negative Team Goes had thin s their own \Yay to the end ompton. R. G. ···- ·--·--·.. to Heidelberg. 1-Iouller, R. G. ................ Rev. arre n Hayes. a mi ionary of the gam . vVhile \, iddoe wa a t utely cover :v[iller, L. G . ...................... . Th fir t of a serie of debate in lately returned from hina and Japan, th hio lutercollegiate Debating poke ye terday morning in Chapel. · ed by the \Vittenber er . rm trong, Gladtka, L. G................... onf rencc in the form of a triangu- Mr. Haye wa in Japan at the time of the Lutheran ace, wa allowed to run lar debate with Baldwin-Wallace, the earthquake la t y ar but wa ev- wild by the Tan team, pilitlg up 20 Heidelberg and tterbein will b held. cral miles from the immediate danger point. ingle handed. I thi. Friday night in th chapel at :15 zone. . ummary: , 1 k The negative team of all In returnmg home Rev. Haye and O tterbein G. F. C C . . ·1 b h -f E T{ 1 thr e·e c Ile e will travel Heidelberg IH11. w1 e camel Y t e wa~ o d ' urop~. navely, L. ' ..............- .... 0 0 ~ going to Baldwin-V allace, Baldwin1 voyage ,orne c~mp et~ a tnp lli on, R. F ..................... o 0 alla e comiuo- here and Otterbein around the world, 1t having been Widdoes, R. :F ................. 3 0 6 oing to Heidelber . The que tion started when ~e fir t went to Japan . ........................ a 2 0 4 0 u cl will be th · ame one a u ed in aero the Pacific. . . . ·--····•······••y••····· ··· 2 th apital debate, namely, Resolved: Rev. Haye and ht wife graduated . ................. •- ········ 2 0 That th nit d tate and anada from ~tterbein in. 191~. They have r G . .................... 1 0 b uld JoioUy 00 truct a D ep ea pent eight year m mt ionary work ol . ···················- 0 0 0 \Vat rway. in the Orient. a L. G. . ..... 1 2 0 tlerbein' affirmative team com- --0 C--Durr. L. G. ........... ..... o 0 0 o.ed f ·wood, McGuire and Miller ENROLLMENT FIGUR E S 1 will meet the "Baldwin- allace negaPROVE INTERESTING W ittenberg G. F. tive team which i compo ed of WalFigure obtain cl from th college Arm trong, L. 20 ter tiefel, captain, Joseph Hender- office reveal intere ting fact regarding on Elwo d haefer, and Harold the enrollment in the variou depart1 \Vl;ite, on the home platform. Mc- m nt of the college. uire and \ ood have had t, 0 ·eaPerhap the most popu lar departon - of debafing wh ile thi is Mill r' meat in the chool is the Bible defir t Confere nc work. partm nt~ ther are 191 . tudent takThe negative team will travel to ing thi course. Phy ical Education Heidelberg where the ame gue tion claim 1 5, the Hi tory c ur e, 172 ; will he debated. Thi team i com- Prof. alentine· 155, and 110,ed of H 'Ward. Harr Id, Knight Prof. Ro elot' . , 15 . The and LaPorte. Thi. is the fir t . ea on small t; 111 of \ 'ar~i ty work for the entire team Taylor' and Prof. \'ance·s except Ho, ard. an<! 24. re p ctively. HA YES SPEAKS IN CHAPEL
0 -! 0
0 0
0 ~
0 9 0 0 0
I. C. Robinson
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Groceries and Meats.
Phone 277 or 65
'fry a pound today
Bobby Chocolates Hand Dipped
Assorted or Strai ht Flavors
---0 C---
---0 C---
During- th chapel period la st Thur day morning. the Quiz and (Contmued fr_om P~ge One) ·11 · tt ll ,· 11 · annual I headed. gomg up muned1a tely to l.'i-,> er Qu1 111agaz111c. = ~ = S~ ~ ~= ~ ~=::;;;;;;:;;~ -;;;;;;;~ literary publication. edited and pub- a1td th e h~lf ended 1 ·!l. . !uh, Otterbem got d '" 11 t bu. rne, for lisherl h,· the Quiz and Quill ~ -..,·a, pre;ented to the tudent body. ------:--c-:--::--....,..,..-..,.,=---Till' hook "a outlined in a hort ,pecch by Donald Howard . and as a re ult of the censu. taken. approxi mately two hundr cl sub5criptions were received, in,uring student sup port for thi, year's book. r rsonal olicitations will he made in the nea r Tell what? Parker Duofold future to incr a e the ota l of suh -the big black-tipped, lac criptions to a ~till larger number. quer-red pen,Over-size,with The hook contain all of the out the s1:1per-smooth Point that tanding litera ry work done by the erv1ce combined with ~ given a new nation-wide t11Cle11t · during the school year. in impetus to l}andwriting and ·l uding the \\'inning tory of the cw~pt all pen-using America Barne.' short story conlest. the win- quality and quantity of ofi it~ feet from coast to coast ning oration· in the Rus ell oratorical and bard r to border. contest, the be t literary production choicest from each of the fou r literary ocie Today, step up to the pen tie , and other original work done by Cor. Main and State Sts. counter-try Duofold, and 4 tudent . or 5 others. You don't even ••---
Eat, Drink and Be Merry at the
With Your Eyes Shut You Can Tell It!
---0 C--
~;,yes to tell which is which. One stroke and you'll ~
CITIZENSHIP CLUB H. W. Tro , profe .or of Political cience and Economic poke before the We terville itizen hip Club upon the . ubject "Government and Employ ment Prob lem ". Profe r Troop explained the ' merit y tem' and the ' poi! y tern'. He ga,·e a. a remedy to matters a they now tan cl: A more general intere t of the rank and file of voter . He aid. "Know your party machin ery. Take an active part in the Pri marie ."
The Tailor We solicit your inspection of Spring Samples. Will Do Your
uofold as the cuper-pen it is, without Jookin& I
Parker Duofold $7 . DuofolJ Jr. and Lady Duo/old $5
Price includes neat gold pocket-clip or gold nng-eod And-new Gold Girdle, was $1 extra-now Free TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST
Bailey's PharmacY
Q Westerville, ·
E. Main St.
THE TA N A N D =C~ A~R = D= l =N=A = L~ = = = = = = == = = = = = = = =~Page Three Y . M. and Y . W . J oint Meeting 111g stories of great men and women The Men's and \V omen's Christian 11·ho had made use o f their talents. ---I Fo r 1925 Russell O ratorical Contest Associations attended church in a -Will Be Held Late in A pril body Tuesday eve nin g in place o f - M any Contestants Enter. holding their individual meetings this week. :\ large number was present . .\nnouncem ent comes from Prof. to hear Dr. Rupp speak o n the sub iVIcCarty that the Russell Oratorical ject, '·Sti r Up the Gifts \,\'ithin You.'' Contest customari ly held in th e fall , The sermon >A'as very helpful in ex w ill be co ndu cted th is sp ring about horting the yo un g people to stir up the 26th or 27 th of April. _Al_ready those gifts which God has placed in seve n men have expre sed th e1r mten - I each person to be used in His service. tion s of entering th e con teS t - They D r. Rupp illu st rated his talk by te ll are: Roy Miller, Dwight Arnold. Robert Knight, Duane Harrold, vVayne Cl,e e k • .Earl Hoover and Joe . Hl enry. lf Eal'l Hoover shou ld wm t , e conte . t. the man who takes secon_d plac_e. See Samples from · he has a peace oration, will • l prov1·c1 u1g be sent to th e tate Peace Oratonca
•~6- Ru ell J.
of ity, and Miss n_ol c~ of Iva. Oklahoma. were married in th e eve111ng · of J anua r y :3 at the home f h . .s sister . L . o t e bride . ?11[ rs. ew, ~ilson in Alva The Revl:'rend T A T .' . · · npp of the United Breth ren chu re I1 read the marriage ceremony S · ·ince J anuary 10 Mr. and Mr . eno-er ha ve I)een at home to their · f. " ne1ttls at 100 East Sixteenth Stree '. 111 Okla! i ffi 10111 a City. \\'here Mr. Senger O th B ce manager and chief clerk of , e rad treet Compa ny. 87 . \ ni rn ci · 10 unce111ent has recentlv been a e of the appointment of Dr. . n drew ea l!Uberman as head of the eye. r, no e cl f the \V . an throat department o . bite Cro s H ospital , Columbus, Oh IQ Th· 1 clepartment has just bee n estab·r app . ished and Dr. Timberman will . o,nt ucl1 of th assistants and members e staff a the \\"O rk wil l r eq uire . '17 Mis. Geor,oe . "' . A • S ec h rt. t of S t. L ou1. . a oun, has been appointed head of ta;egio tlal dist rict of the United <itta~:r: eteran ' Bureau, with head Sechri ; 111 \, a hington, D . C. Mr. Vete has been at the head of the rans' B . . everal ur au m · St. Lou1 for lllent Year · and thi s new appointco111es a o! excel! Y _ ~ promotion because , ent erv,ce there. 06 · Prof of th c or Raymond D . Bennetf Ohio e department of education of tate · . 'week in . . .11lvers1 ty, spent last 111 1 the rue . c unati, Ohio. attending of th N . . A. oci et111g t· e •at,onal Education a ton '23_ \•• . "ll . teachi . ~r 1111a Snavely, who is ng Ill near W a c~ntralized high choc; \Va hi e t LJberty. Ohio. spent I· her ngton' . )lrthday a t the home of llarent p harJe , rofe or and Mrs. , navely i11 We terville. 01 . }.fr E ( E:llln a ugei)e Clark V 1 Eugene u,tner) and her two son , India Pa nd ~obert, of Kodaikanal, • ent i; alcutta I '. e 111011th of January in 1lla11 ,,.,•. , nd1 a, to be with Mr Wor11 lt h . . r. \y .e ,va at headquarter . tn &' in 0Ir111a11' . work i largely traveldu.1 nct,a B r ng th .· _unnah, and Ceylon. era1 t1111 h t h . . C . ecretar a 1 actrng ge u t ?r 1 tian A Y . E th Young Men' s r,e · ociation for tho e coun'l ., '7. 11· of 1.. i Ruth, D' k the tro, Ohio ic • and two friend l\ hon1e ' were recent gue t at t Ookn1 311 . of\.Mr. and Mr . F ra nk 111 1 o hear a ~ C' terville.. They came lerh Pr · , deb acttc cl bat of the tl?, '19 ate. quad. cable · Worcl r·1 &'ra 111 came unday by ~ed tha " at th iddall, Ill, ar = '-· ·1 e hon1 s·'dd dda11 . of Dr. and Mr I Ill . h a I (A an ton. hina. Mr . er 0 f nnett B , the Cl e rane) was a mem18. a of .L917. hara unday M: " 1> Jean ' arch 1. a girl Bare.. c. • Wa J • to 11 · o0 )Orn to Mr and Mrs. ' Ohio.Per ( Lydia Garve.r ) at an-
Personal and _Group
Letterheads and
Con te t. one hour co urse for the trai n ing f the college orato r will be offered Before ordering Class and Social Group Pins. ~ext year by Pr.of. Mc Ca rty. Those people who try out fo r the· _Rus ell "T here's a Reason" Ora• ton.caI Co11test next · year will hav e rse which will be a part 28-30 West Main St. to ta ke a Cou • , . Columbus, 0 , of the regular Public Speaking co u: e 11th and H igh th e eco nd semester. For the Vars1'.y Prof Mc Carty will Debate . q ua d , · · also offer a two hour cour e the fi rst and a four hour course the econd 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The try-outs eme ter in debatin g. Varsity Debate team for next year' wi ll be held about the middle of
The Buckeye Printing Co.
"Where do we Eat"
Picture of Dr. E. A. Jones Is Presented to Massillon School I ~
North State Street
. As a token of respect and appr~- § . . f h' work in the public c1at1on or is • J !t':,f.; •.: .... l f Mas illon a large picture : C h 00 0 fes -6r r o£ Dr. Edmund . Jone ' pro : ·t of Bibi 111 the college, wa emen us l bool ·r : )resented recently to t c : ~uilding on Pearl Street which bear : . m e The picture. wa purchased :_ h 1 na . by high chool al umn '· . . I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII II II II II II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHii D . the presentation services a . unnEg eg ret at hi j nability to . be t letter o r J , as ;: ad from Dr. ones. presen t
J. C. ROACH, Prop.
= =
= = = = =
can't persist
A Lot of 'ISatisfaction Goes With a Roya) .Tailored Suit.
Rexall Cold Tablets- Rex~ll label and Rexall greatest guarantee. The · • little cold smas her t hat ever w ent into the sy~tem. Always come our victor. in combat with any !OUS 25C old cold. -Try t hem, .
The REXALL Store
It 1 mad t mea ure and must fit. It i made d urab lJ by xper t tail r and must keep its hape. It 1 a ll \I ol a n l must wear.
Meats-of All Kinds
College Men's Clothes Made As You Want Them.
Also Groceries at
' w;,:O-Ii·_ '
•. -:, Ohio Westerville,
;'J.C. Freeman & C~. 1
Q-;;:;========~ ===========:::;,·
campus act1v1ty.
That i
the reason
make the column newsy and of inter- you mu st help provide that news.
for so many failures a nd few of them es t to you, hut it is impossible for her & are the source of any genuine regr et. to get news unle ·s you se nd it to her. ---- 0 C---Published Weekly in th.e intere t of Probably yo u he itate to write in Otterbein by the To You Alumni thing telling of your succe ss on acOTTERBEI PUBLISHING There is little que tion in our mind count of a little modesty. yet for the BOARD Westerville, Ohio. but that the Alumna! Column i one ake of o thers forget yom elf. Kot Member of the Ohio College Press of the most regularly read columns in only do we want to hear from you Association. th e Tan a nd Ca rdinal. It hold in but we would be plea eel to know terest for the student and graduate as about the doings of your friend s. ',Ne STAFF well. Our Alumna! Editor wants to will be glad to publish more new but Editor-in-Chief ........ Paul Garver, '25 Assistant Editor .... D. S. Howard, '26 Cont ributing EditorsD. R. Clippinger, '25 Pauline Wentz, '25 Edith Oyler,' '25 Robert Cavins, '26 Wayne Harsha, '2~ G. H . MeConaughy, '27 Business Manager .... W . S. Wood, ' 25 Ass't. Bus. Mgrs..... Wm. Myers, '26 Marcus Schear, '27 Paul Newell, '27 Circulation Mgr. .... Ladybird Sipe, ' 25 Asst Circulation Mgrs.. Margaret Widdoes, '26 Ruth Hursh, '27 Athletic Editor ·····- J. Q. Mayne, '25 A.sst A.thletic Ed. E. H . Hammon, '27 Loe;\· Editor .............. D. Harrold, '27 Alumna! Editor .... Alma Guit~er, ;9~ Exchange Editor .... Lenore Smith, 2t; \ Cochran Hall EditorElizabeth Saxour, '25
Anv item s of intere t sho uld be . c1·t he sent direct to the alumna! e 1 or. will appreciate uch help. ____ C-0 expell ed Ten upper cla smen were · . . • i for from l!niversity of M, ,ssipp . . . . I • tt o- of which part1c1i-;at1ng 111 iair-cu n,, . the Freshmen were the victims. Thi_s was a direct violation of th e anti hazing ban.
Address all communicati_ons to The Otterbein Tan and Cardmal, 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. \ Subscription price, $2.00 Per Y car, payable in advance. El1tered a second class matter September 25, 1917, at the postofnce at We terville, Q ., under act of March 3, 1 79. . l Acceptance for mailing at spec1a rate of postage provided fo r in ?ec. ll03. Act of Oct. 3. 1917. authorized . pril 7. 1919.
Stage directions for this scene from William Vaughn Moody's play "The Great D ivide," call for a woman's muffled scream, a pistol shot and the cr~sh of break ing furniture. The microphone on the right sends them all to your home,
EDITORIALS Why They Flunk 01 The t r grad were announc- 1 cd two week ag an I in looking ver th o-radc we find that nly a very •mall p rcc.nt oE th tad nt ar ra.led iil th ', , las . Like th poor, w will alway~ ha,·, ttu11"kers with ~ . yet ll'r i~ on con,olino- el ment 111 the wh le affair and that i that the number of tlunk · · h r at tterb in i I compara ively 1 v. \"hy tud nt fail i a prob! m tha ha puzzled univ r ity and coll~ge authoritie durin« many centun • \Vhy do they Aunk? I it for lack of ability, financial w rry, illne , or what? .M t tud ot fail becau • they g t too littl Jeep, to much play. Jtot nough tudy and too much lei urc . The d liuqu nt are made up largely f tudent of avera e intell! gc nc . whi h i mi applied. Their ability j • applied not in tudy but in the numerou o ut ide activitie wbi b in the mind of an ever increasing number of und rgraduate on titute the real campu Ii fe. \ ben on read the daily colle e calendar we can't help bu wond r when the tudent do their tudyiog. 1 The an wer to thi que tioo em to b : They don't. They can't find t~ time. It i to be regretted that Ill v ry college there j no mal~ ~ulllb er of tudent who would w1lhngly d't· flunk a cour e or two a ~ con I ton to b oming the headliner m any one
An Exciting Evening
Here are four of the WGY Players (the world's first radio dramatic company) at a thrilling climax that almost turns sound into sight.
WGY, a t S chenectady, KOAi at D enver, and KGO , at OakJand, are the broadcasting stations of the General Electric Company . Each, at times, is a concert hall, a lecture room, a news bur eau, or a place of worship.
Tune in, some evening, on one of their productiops. You will be surprised to find how readily your imagination will supply stage and setting.
If you are interested to learn m~re abou_t what electricity is domg, wnte for R eprint No. AR 391 containin g a complete act of these adver tiseme nts.
CLEEMEN SCORE HIT WITH RADIO CONCERT Program B C roadcasted by Men's Glee lub Meets with Nation Wide Approval. tterbein College Men's Glee Club and Banjo O I1 nar . re e tra performed to a ,1. ion wide au d"1ence over the ether ave la t F . I b nc ay night when they roadca ted f th E rom Station WBAV, of e rner & H k . Thi op 111 Co., Columbus. ha bwa the econ d year that the club . statio roadca ted a program f rom this
the one who thinks an encyclopedia is some or t of a bicycle.
That four weeks from tomorrow the spring recess begins.
Writer Tells of Untimely Death of Here i anot her in tance illu trating That we're ready for the weatlier Mascot-Loses Bout with the unequal payment for se rvice man to usher in spring anytime now. Powerful Opponent. rendered to ociety. How' come That the debate teams bid fair to He i dead I There ain't any li fe when a professor of philosophy dai ly w in many debates this year. put a wh ole student body to leep, he in 'im! We mo urn th e lo of another fighter. ~ever daunted by the buffets receive only about 3000 a year, and and blows of other warr ior he fell when D empsey put one man to Jeep a v ictim of the ga olinc age. But in the Carpe nti er bout he was paid what can be expected when hi ring . 300,000 ?
---0 C--
s ide weight, thirty-four pound . was pitted agai n t one and one half ton s of iron strength? The odd were un doubtedly aga in t him. A one-two, bing-bang. in and out, r ight-l eft to the heart de livered with all the force th e victor co uld mu st er, Aoored him. y et with one uµr eme effort, he aro~e and dragged him self th e len? th of the arena, taggering and reeling until he fell. \Vhen his eco~d reached him hi s pulse wa fluttermg but feebly. they turned to ~reak vengea nc upon the cowardly victor, they found that he ha~ ~eel. no one even having ob erved h1 hcen e num-
Levi Stump
That "after chapel meetings" of or unct n. All the concerts were given ganizations are getting to be alto er the ·1 Eve . au P ces of the Columb u gether too popular. niug Di patch That you should patronize our ad .-\ few ctct·1 . . &"ra a tton to the regular provertisers as they make possible the 111 wer d . . eraJ e ma e which 111cludccl sevTan and Cardinal. Pe odng and reading by Profes or ar and I . That singing of the Love Song tor h a can net . o lo by Direcaw f h more often in the chapel services is from h O t e college band. Apart the wish of the entire student body. \Va tht e e alterations the program .reguJa e same as the Club gives in a That every student should arrange ,_ r concert. and plan his work so he will be able 1 bat th . did e radio concert was a plento attend the revival services. Ucce I· 111e a proved by the telephone ber. The body of the victim w~ = =============== fr 0111 &"e received during the concert carefully carried by witne e to his ·tn g enthus1a t"1c ra d.10 fans requesthome where he spent the la t few ome of th . f . a repef . eir avonte ongs and mom;nt of his earthly life. He had Plea in ttion of everal of the most no near relatives, o upon the sugges &iveu g Bones which had already been tion of friend his body wa donated cornpj ~t the Glee Club co uld not to further the cau e of science.. . "Zip," phinx mascot,_ wa killed tn it. Proy With th e many requests, for Ute of /am wa long and every min a tu sle with a large Buick at the cor Plete 1'ttme had to be utilized to com ner of Main and tate treet la t tio11.. repertoire of ver a tile selec- Thur day a fternoon .
37 N. State St.
Quality Counts Where Price That's what makes our and Quality laundry service real ser vice-not an imitation. Meat Give Us a Trial
Acme Lau~dry & Dry Cleaning Co.
We cater to student trade.
...~.:;J.j.f',,ii!;; ~, ~a Four more iss ues and the eaitor of D11i ht H debat l ar h, '26. member of the this colum will sing his swan song. befor th:m • wa taken ill a few days What a great day that will be! ahle 10 apital debate and wa unIf you' re blue and th!nk ~hat '1· . 1th • Particip fl a t e. h is suffenng going to cla i hard 1t might h·1 111 am s cond· . matory rheumati m and cheer you to know that there are 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,ire I ttton i critical. ~ o vi itor ..: numerous tudent here at Ottera low d a few to ee ~1 r. Har h, except . who 1iave to go to a cla s hern er . 11·hop hr onal friends and hi mothon aturday afternoon . J rec1·t a t·on a 11·eek_ a been with him for about ow if you' re not in that cla s begin to count your lucky tar . ; Otterb e111 -o - - 0 C-- , f und that hand holding __ W eve o F raters Prepare or National Oratorical Contest doesn't go with O tterbei? women un- . 1s . holding the whip, hand. everaJ less 1t llre11ar·111 of Otterbein' orator are Why, ure, they pl~ye~ poker th. erti elv orafion competing among in Biblical times. D1dn t Noah tiv • for e to determine a rep re enta have a full hou e and olomon held the ~ tate oratorical meet to b ? hold at lea t four queens. ''"i11ner :tter Part of thi month. Th th e tate meet will go to re taurant, a mu hicag 0 I n a l 'ew York . . "th a aw · \ Ve l a v10hn w1 . :eet of t~vh re th inter- ectiona l p ay f tne vtOeld. \Ji e entral di trict will b wi h ome of our tudent o 11··1 • th · 11 e inter- ectiona l winner Jin would try thi . Pr·1 0nipet 111 · L o nge le w her e A certain coed is so dum~ that she \\ 1· rang· ' · 11 he ing from 500 to 2 000 thinks grapenuts grow on vines. rd awa ed for the be t orati~n . irl who ,. ppie" ay he know a g k mode t that he refu e to wor o 1' CALRNDAR improper fractions. Uesday M . 011 ' arch 3_ man's fancy j ing ege irt ' . I n the spring a young • have been night at revival meet- turns to what the g1r1s : 'l'hu~Sda thinking about all year. . Coll ;,, March 5' 1ng g Bey• •· Famous Last Words 1 •• ght at re,·iva l meetwire and ee if it' _ li'r· 'I'll touch thi tday M charged.' l)rb ' arch 6S ate Ba ld · f 11 s1 in writing love atllrday \Vin-Wallace. Reme_m ~er di;c: but advisable to : 18 &a k ' March 7_ letters it 1~ h will . strike : "· · etban l.r :" nund how t ey , k ~P- . . : :rv,dlltsd ' "'.l U kingum. th l{ecitaJay, March 11e jury. F hman i Tilllll 11111111 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII Ill lllllllllllllllllllll Ill lllllllllll llll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllir Thi ,,.-eek' dumbe t r -.. cbool of Mu ic.
Phone 86-J
Meat Market
= = = = = =
We Are Headquarters For supplies for all social events as well as gift cards for all occasions.
University Bookstore
N. State St.
Westerville, 0.
= = = =
= = -== =
- - o c ___
= = = = = = = = -= = = = = = =
= =
l'lqe Six
These Men Sing Basketball Swan Song Saturday
Fifteen Men, Mostly F reshmen and Soph omores, Respond to CallF undamentals Stressed.
R evised SchedlJlle Adds Games with i W ittenb erg and Antioch-Three Home Games on L ist
Ni ne football unifor ms were iss ued \ The Ath letic Departmen t has uclast Tuesday eve n ing to th o e men ceeded in add ing two more date to Captain Mccarroll Frank Durr r comin g out fo r th e sp ri ng t ra ining . th e 1925 ba eball ched ul e, alt hough "Kotsy" t he oth er Senior lette " Mac" ca pta in ed t he tea m thi s year S ince that time ix more men have We leyan has cancelled her game man of ~he squad who will be ~eeo appl ied for suits making a total of becau e of a conflict w it h an other a nd he did it well. For three year d 'ght t0 a b eo fifte en men k icking up the turf. At date. The newly scheduled g ame h e ha been th e backbone of the Ot fo r the last t ime Satur ay n i eason found Tan a nd Cardinal uniform, ha eA t the first practice crimmage was be- are with \Vittenberg on the Otterbei n ter bein defen e an d t hi g un. and. according to Coach D itmer. fie ld. May 24. and ntioch at Yellow him playi ng t he am e brand of hig h a fa it h ful mem ber o f the squad. w ill be kept up for the entire eason. on June 4. T h is m akes a gr ad e ball. \: hen the curtain ring t he tar t of th e ea on he p~t : e:. This crimmage p ract ice wi ll aid the Io eve n game , providing rain down on him aturday eve n ing a n fine brand of ball and t he Oluo coach in te ting t he men out and find- doesn't interfere, three of which are ot her great Otterbei n player w ill have leyan game saw him a t hi be t. . tterbe1n pa ed into hi tory. Fa n will ee t he pa .mg of " Kot Y., • ing out thei r pos ibilitie . Strict at- home contests. Jayillg -tention wi ll be paid to each ma n a The suppo rt gi,·en t he tea m by the " M ac" in actio n o n th e diamond t h i lo e. a crappy and ha rd P to what he can do on offense and hi student body at the home game la t year. g uard . a bility on defense. year show tha t ba eball i ti ll th e For everal week classes in foo t- pop ular . merican game. Baseball i -H-- l- - - - - --_----.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -·chedule ball theory h ave bee n held indoor . o ne spo r t in which t h e Tan a nd Care , a be n a co n I tent h igh corer to r Martin will have the ne" " r t Pu nting, passing, blocking and all the dinal athletes excel in the Ohio Co n- a nd hi floor wo r k i peerle . O ur arranged. Of the men fro m laS yea!~ · . . fun damental of footba ll have been ference. Thi year' team u nd er the " ace " de erve t h e careful co ns1deraonly Captam Patrick an d BcchtO I f f • . evera s tud ied at the e meet ing . It is the directio n of Coach D it mer and the ion por t scribe wh en they pick remain. The e two men wit 11 . I e 1 idea of the coach to prepare the m en leader hip of Captain Garver will t h e "my th ical five." ophomores of whom na,·ely :~e fo r next fall' work a far as po sible oon tart trai ning for another ucmo t promi ing, wi ll com~Iet_e doOr 111 in these pring practices o that ooly ce sful sea on. The te nni . ~hed ul e i not yet com-1 team. The net men wi ll begin a minimum a mou nt of time w ill be T he 925 ched ule : pl ete b ut with m e.veral week Direc- work soo n.
lo t when th e 192;; easo n open s. - - -- 0 C H E CTIC BATTLES P ROMIS E D W HE N CHAMPS MEET What promi e to be the best and m o t fie rcely conte ted ame of the ea on come thi aturday afternoon v hen the two league cla h for the -in tra-mural champi n hip of th e chool. The fir t thr e team in each gue m t in tbi to urnament. T · ame wi ll I e betw n he 1111 an d the r ie t lub, hi eagues th y pr lub i favor-
• pril 24-D ni on. May ,-Kenyon . May 5-Denison at G ranville. May 15-0hio at then . M ay 22-Kenyon at Gambier. May 27- ittenberg. June 4-. ntiocb at Yellow
---0 C--W esterville High Girl s' T eam W ins County Tournament
The We terville High chool girl ' team clo ed a high ly ucce fu l seao n at urday by winning the Frank lin county tournamen t. Westerv ille won all h r gam in the tournament by overwh !min core and wa by 11d and far the be t team entered. hen the ·'A ll ounty'' team wa t at forward and Mow elec-
Tl th ircl pla d etermined and the team f will II t I kn wn until w e k.
Muskingum Game Seats Go on Sale Friday A fter noon
By vi r t ue
f: h vi ng won la t w ek, nte r h urg High chool" ba ket ball t am . whic h L coached by J. B. rahb , ' 2:}. cinched the Tri- u n Y c hampi n · hip. e ntcrburg had a hi gh ly ucce ful ea on and hid fair cti nal tournahi h in tb
nn ···-· ... 11 hinx ·-· ... 9 ook Hou e ... L akota --------·---- - 6 ounty lub --·-···-···-
1 ;3
Jonda -··--··-----··-· 1
3 5 7 11 11
rv d ngu g th
Frid n • t the am tir ll re rved ea ctiort will go o
ket t ball h i
CAMPUS TALK the anno un emen t of the hio' ba ketball I ction probably lbi w ek r next, , e wi li .O 3 be di appointed if \Viddo ' name .0 31 doe n't appear amon th el ct Ii t.
Just Right for College Men These Splendid "Year Round"
Knit Weave Topcoats $25 rn etin
demand u 11 li k th r 1 they r ju ri ht a h a d re u can depend n t he!ll f r hape al a ma r t. It eein a th u h t h n v r r inkl n l in lor th _ prin <Ylik li ht a nd lark · o-ray , and in and ee the111· Y u r o· in r mu h "pl a eel!
Other Sprin Top coat
3;, to $65
High at Long
Columbus, Q.
Page Sevra
THE TAN AND CARDIN AL Prof, and Mrs . Grabi ll· and Mr. and breaking the low record for the sam e Mrs. llo Dellinger were dinner gue t week which wa made back in 1 97 . of the Tomo Dachi Club on Sunday. lt may be , of intere t to note th at the "Gob" Robert from Bonebrake number of peo ple coming to the lib Seminary visited his sis ter, Ruth, on rary for elate is a n odd number. Thi Friday and aturday. may be explained by th e fact th at a certain oph om ore ha d dat es with - - - - 0 C---two di fferent girl that week. In ma kin g up these statisti cs we were at a lo a to the manner in which Well, the Mar h lion made a roar uch a ma tter hould be ha nd led. in g good entrance, didn't he? H owev r, after de lib era ti on we decid \ Ve have a wi e new roommate. he ed that as he i but one person, he w e nt to the denti st to make ur e her cou ld be counted but once, th erefore teeth were in good and strong before th e odd num ber. vVe hope yo u will she moved in . unde rs ta nd. lady in incinn.ati uggests we
. I I
• - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . "Peg" Baker was th e rec1p1ent of a box of eat s from home a nd entertain ed the Lot u. lub w ith a de_lightful "pu h" \V cdne day evening. Lorene mith pe nt a few days at her home in hillicoth e thi week. /
cal l a place for an a ut omob il e a n a u tor ia, in tead of a ga rage. 'l n th at ca e, the p lace for th e Ford would be the fordoria, w ouldn' t it ?
Bakery 10 East Main St.
" Did yo u read about th at a uth or, Mr. Ches te r. wh o di ed inso lvent ?" remarked th e girl at the tabl e. "I'd mu c h rather di e in bed."
Drugs and Optical Goods.
France lade had as her guest over the week-end Irene Snyder from W e hope the ca e of rin g iti the Bethel Ohi . coll ege be ll seems to have contracted will last a w hile. ' Alice Linc lu pent the week-e nd ____ o c ___
Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, E tc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.
wi th Arcady friend s. . Mis Taylor is ter, E un ice, from Ohio tate p nt Sunday wit h her in Y OUR EYES EXAMINED FRJ: E Tt wo uldn ' t have bee n so bad to We tervi lle. have ju st a co upl e of lamb in Feb He len Mill r, Ruth treich and ru ary, but to have a who le flock'Mabel Bordner s pent the week-end at that was to o much. Everybody wa - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - fa ll ing in love with th e weather and !!_I II II II Ill II Ill Ill I Ill Ill Ill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!! th eir r~pcctive hom es.
Ladybird ip spe nt th e \'\·ee k-eii cl , out o fh love wi t h fbooks to s u h a n ex- __ at her hom e in Logan, Ohio. tent t at the pro e sor fea red a ge n-/ : era ! ep idemic of " unprepa red ne s." D a n ~l cF a dde n attended the a- The ;11a lady ha d adva nced so fa r th a t § tional Educatio n socia tion onven- Nii · Ba rn es r ported that for the tion in in inn a ti thi s week. he a lso third week of Feb ruary there w ere pent some time vi iting w ith friend II nly 465 regular cus tomers at the Ii- : in Dayton. brary a nd of th ese, 237 came for th e mith Lucille Jud y an d so le purpose of find in g a date . This Lenore Martha chi mm er had th e privi lege leave a tota l of 228 that came for of hear ing Ethel L eginska, renow ned ' s tudy a nd meditati 11. th ereby a lm os t piani t, at Me n1oriat Ha ll on Friday ' - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -eve ning.
= =
A numb r of the och ran Ha ll girl s li st ned in n th e radio Friday ev ni ng at variot; ho m es in We ter vill and enj oyed th e de lig htful con cert given by the Men's Glee Club.
The Onyx lub had , P ro f. a nd Mrs. pessa rcl and on Junior, and evcra l of their town member as guests for dinner in Co hran Hall unda y. j
Mary Greell\ a id ha been quite il l the past week an 1 w e a re a ll wis hin g for her a speedy recover y.
funeral'' at th
h m
li ce Abbott
max of all their initiation activities was reach ed , he n th e m em bers of Torno Dac hi entertain ed their new membe r with a three course dinn er at the hom e of Mr . S. F . K enn edy on N. Vine treet. The color of Tomo Dachi w re u ed in the tabl e decoration in artis tic fas hion. The after dinner peeehes inters persed with musical election and th e "spicy" remark of the toa tmis tress added much to the enjoyment of the gue ts.
Hitt Bros. \::;;;============';;/
H ave no superior •
Call at ya rd or residence
= = = = = =
Glen-Le.e Coal Co.
M11111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 11111111111111111u_
Car. College Ave. and State
iii 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 11111111111111111n1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111
= Duri ng th eir , ee k of initiation the = pledge of Tomo Dac hi en te rtai ned I th e member. with a cleter " mock r,::.===============~ =
Dellinger. ln J) it of th e sole mnity oi the oc ·asion ever y bod y e njo yed them elves imm 11 ely. But the cli
GIen Lee CoaIs
= = = = = = =
Go where you have always been pleased
Visit the new home of
= = = = =
= = = = = Rich and High St. = = = The Lead r of Photography. The larg = e t, fine t , and be t equipped gallery in = = m nca fo r produciq the be t known t o = the art. = = = pecial rate to all Otterbein tudents . 0·
ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111ii
Page Eight
THE TAN AN D Emerson
B ragg went to Dayton line, '23, were Lakota visitors ove r the and relatives w eek- e1d.
I unday to visit friend there.
Leo nard Newell, '24, and R . F. Ax-
m onth or not. If it is, the spring weather has prung omet hing new.
Thi column wo uld like to be in formed whe th er· 11arch is a spring
- - --0 C-- Beat Muskingum!
Spring Showing Nel son Ca rpenter. \,\/a lter Carpen teer, Marion Drury, Har ry Widdoes and Ca rrol \,\/iddoes witne sec! the Ohio State-Chicago ba ketba ll game in Columbus Saturday night.
New Styles
Franklin Young went to hi he me in Canton over th e week end. He \,·as called hom e on account of the illness of hi father. Irvin
·1 I
a nd
Hall , ' 12 were in attendance at the Otterbein -Wittenberg game at Spring field, Friday evening.
C1othes Shoes
Edward Seibert went to his home in Dayton afte r the game where he remained o ver the week- end. The Glee Club Concert in Center burg wa a ttended by ol Harris, Paul Garver, Don Clippinger and the Mi es L yon, Bick.le, Vance who motored to that city for the concert. F loyd Roberts wa in We terville at urday. He i attendi ng Bonebrake eminary in Dayton. Wilbur Landi vi ited hi unday.
in Columbu
Merl Killinger wa here over the week end. He i doing Y. M. . A. wo rk in Hamilton. orman Tri !er wa called home on account of the ill ne cf hi father. John Lehman i confined room with the grippe.
I j
Edward Hammon and Perry Lauk huff went to Dayton to pend the ,,. k nd. "Kot sy" Durr w ent to hi home in Marion wh ere he ,·i ited with hi av1n
vi. it cl in und ay.
hilli o th
Floyd :\Ic uire w ·n t to a n ton aturday. \\' hile th ere he· aw the milin g face f ''Boz' Richter n xt year·. fo ba ll captain. th
Harvey Hankin on ha grippe.
Dwight Harsh' condition i ·lightly improved.
Friday and Saturday, Mar. 6 and 7
an attack of aid to
Ke llar, ba "fiddle" player in the G lee lub . eemed to think the other evening when the club broadca ted. that you don·t u e a bow t play over the radio o a a con e quence he forgot to carry that part of , hi eq uipm en t to the co ncert. He very nearly los t hi "fiddle" o n the return trip.
Loui Ha kin v1 ited hi parent in · hilli co th e thi week. ''Deke" Edler received a vi it from a number f hi men la t aturday aI-
11 .
Columbus, Ohio
~=============================================================================================================:: =!:!I