nn au
VOL. 8
No. 20.
Services For Day.
MUSKINGUM-WIDDOES STARS. b For the second time in three weeks the college bell rang ou t a song of as~etball victory Saturday but it never before pealed out the tale of such a \r1ctory! At the close of ~ spectacular basketball game that would make ~ Frank Merriwell story look slow O tterbein left Muskingum with the eancr end of a d • . • the Tan team's last contest of the 1925 36 - 35 ec1sion m seaso . . . of n. 'I'he O tt erbein fiv e's sensational comebac11: m the last few mmutes • · Play was a fitting close of a season in which the team came through a 1th two victories after being left in the zero column of Conference averires du ring · the early part of the 1924-25 basket b a ll season. T he llight _crownin g victory Saturday to ti pi oved an appropriate tribute SHORT STORY WRJ,TERS le ''( and C arry 11 ' 1 ~pir it of fh am ARE GIVEN FIVE Otte oach becau-se in the la t half DAYS' GRACE r Iieu1 ~l-J-1 . came back with the score tionaJ :~am t her and in two en abyte . allie forced the U nited PresThe dead line date for conte tant to submit sto ries f or Thr1an t o accept defeat. Saturd:n at _rally and comeback staged th e Barne 'Short Story Contest Utes of Y. l night in the last few minha been extended from March to th pay wa. a prope r complement I 5 to Friday. March 20. Thi Black football o-ame won from the) nev, date i fina l and no further 1!u k" and Magenta last fall after change will be made. three 111 ~Ul11 took the t·e ad in the first Th i conte t i one of the 11.\ 1\iute o f play but later y1el · d. ed o an mo t p pular of the campus an d t eu t 1nd0 mitablc spirit and uccumbea h year competition i very Co~ ~ rally in the la t half. keen for the prize of $40, ·20 <la lling back into the game aturY n1gh_t . and . 10. ~Uskii eco nd half with 1n the took aigum leading 21-14, Otterbein Point . Purr and soon put her elf one RADIO FANS PLEASED 1'hc Hie lead with the core 24-23. WIT H GLEE CLUB CONCERT tered t; 1:ed Pre byterians then musa nine <' 1: forces until they rolled up M any Fans Join in Praise of Glee niounta~~n t lead-a eemingly insurClub Concert-Program Was llt1nut actvantan-e wi·th but four e t Well Received. five g( 0 ""O! But it wa then that 11 tJleased the Ta lJ. and determined wearers of h· n anct , d" T hat many radio fans were <1ck that a.r mat taged a come. Glee Club . con.cert broadth th e dran1 wou k J· II ld m.ake fiction' mo t wi I f· o iu""bu . at1•c ra tinge y J k tame . \-Vieh a ca tee I om ,, . s la t- bl,~ee, mr by • 1 I ,, th ma11y favora e co JI to th attention Iaught th P 911. beg-an th fi nal on- atte tee at th . ien that ( . r e a;1d a half mmute . ,a t ,·e come f the club rofe~ r 0 nt1nued of th d1rcc or do Radio ·enthusia c lit on p age E"ia ht ) cc:A..R~ O C - - - · R. le~ cd a:vith the va,riety ( the SE GIVEN BUFFET were p d t he kill with wbioh th T BY JUNI OR CLASS progi:am all l d -\ ·s a r '" d - . umb er werebpre en . . . . ll mane . who " ·a at f r th eir unt..inng e ( One. · Go · fOrt in. war . 1d"um tu . of th choru and t ce s. th 0 1aki11g "T . 1rec or G .,.. . weedle " a big uc- oi1e lllJ Field , iliJtk f 11.r , . ~ Junior · p re ente d p ro f . an d e"" o.nble wor or. .1 a· po ition to ~ 1,o J in Cop . arty . . h h d strel and d" Per b ff wit a ammere ·ct tb· t the chorus work of 1h ll t et comp I f f ·t know, ai a ,h b d a11c1 a o cc o a cui ti GI e lub wa the be t e 31 nut di h 1.e d b t th t'hi C evenin p · heard Another fan ai t a e ,,{rty are g rof. and Mrs. Mc- ever · the be t of- iL kind ever We d[,, ,, entertai11ing the cast of program wa bu ta at 1 d tcd from any o Ium tate t ~ t 1eir hom e 0 11 South broa ca rect ,vi"th an mformal . party. tion.
U P-STATE TEAMS WIN Negative Team Loses to Baldwin Wallace Here by 2-1 Decision -Heidelberg W ins 1-0.
Otterbein ·s debate team . contesting laS t Friday night with Heidelbe rg and Baldwin- \\ a llace in a triangular de bate. s uffered defea t in both contest . The negative team composed of \ Vood. McGuire. Mi ll er a nd Arnold wa bested by a two-to-one decision ~ th e judges iu th 111 ct with the affirmative team f,ron Baldwin-\Vallace. ta:ged in th colle e cba:12 I. The affirmative team, Harrold, The affirmative team. Harrold, How---- o c ____ arc!, !<;night, and Ho ver, m eting F OURTH CONCERT WINS ! Heidelberg at Tiffin. al o lo t tb.e deAPPROVAL O F AUDIENCE cisio n in one of the faste t, and brai.n ie t debate in which Otterbein ha participated for a number of year . .\ppearing for its fourth time this Although the Otterbein debaters season the Otter bein Meo' Glee Club have dropped three deci ions out of performed before a full hou e at Gafour to thei r opponent in the initial · · I ay evenmg. · hanna Iast 1'nc The conte ts of the . ea oo. the weak poi nt bras quartet. a new feature of this in the argument and trategy of both years club, was een at its be t in thi team have been brought to light and performance. '"\,\' here :\,fy Love Li with the e er rors corrected, the r ~ Dreaming" by tephen Foster played maining conte t hould afford victor by the quartet \\"a enthu sia tically ies for Otterbein' d bater . received by the audience which cai"led ---0 C-- the horn player back to play " Believe EVANGELIST IC MEETINGS Me If ti Tho e Endearing Young CLOSED LAS'f SUND AY Charm " for a n encore. The brass Sunday night' ervice m;p:k cl the quartet i comp o ed of Robert Weitclo e of a very ucce fut two week ' camp. fir t cornet: Charle Keller, econd cornet: Franci Bechtolt. se rie of evangeli tic meetioo- b Id at th nited Brethren hurc h und er U1e trombone· and Henry David on, ba s direction ~f Dr. . Edwin Rupp. horn. From the fir t meeting until h Ia - - - - 0 C---. ther was a far atidi nte ot interMuseum p resente d WJ.th Collection . f M " al f K e t cl Ii t ner~- Th co tl eg' tud 11 o mer s ram entucky Caves 11 their tim . and effort a. Jn trange coincidence with he re. tio1 wh en F_l oyd Collin wa eale cl ---0 C-- in the cave that later became hi CONDITION OF PROFESSOR tomb, -D an NOBLE IS UNIMPROVED th e college mu eull\ a collection of . l\fr .leJtie Lowe . oble. dir tor tone and rock which he him elf · , d m · t h e cave . 111 · and about of the home economic deparunen . collec.ce lhe ' am region of Kentucky where ha . been confined to h r hom be.ca11 r.1 oyd Co IIm · ince_ the beginnin of th the trage d y o f ,, wa en- of illnes d econd emester. It i hop d that a acte . The collect1·00 include pec1·111ens peedy recovery will p rmit h r t of· onyx, quartz, piece of · talactite be in her cla room in th very near and talagmite . mineral which are future . Mr . aoc i ubstituting during very common in the cave region of the ab cnce of Mr . oble. Kentucky.
Defi nit e plans have been form ulated and act ual work has begun by a com mittee composed of se ni or class mem bers 011 a proposed program for Sen ior Class Day which will come Satur day, June 13. commencement week. The se rvice will be held at the U nited Brethren Church at 2:00 p. 111. Th e proposed program will include reading of th e cla ss history, prophecy, wi ll and poem: the singing of the class song: election of class officers to the alumna! associati on ; class roll call and spec ia l music by members of the cla Before tbe Proce iooal on ~ ommencem.ent Day the cla will pfant aJ1 ivy at the cieuce H:al l To the commen ement program has been added a alutatory and valedictory.
Both Negative and Affirmative Teams Lose Argument in First Con ference Tilt.
Page Two
MEMORIAL OF CLASS OF :• 24 PLACED IN GYM Beautiful Trophy Case Presented by • d L Class of 1924 Ar.rive ast -Friday.
CAR DINAL Pullman Bus W ill Haul Gleemen On All Journeys This Year
Annex, Baileys and Hanawalts Win •The Glee Club will make all trip; Debaters Clash with Hiram in Third . . . · p llman bu • In Championship Games this year 111 a fine 1)lg u · d Forensic Contest of Year I n "revious · years · t he club travele Saturday. " h' eaF Friday N ight. ____ . part of the time by bus but t is Y. ---every trip. ipclu ding tbe Pennsylvia· Otterbein's second forensic eta h in The Annex team, champions of the ia tour will be made via ·bus. . the Ohio J nter-Collegiate Debating Clu b League, defated the Priest Club The' bus chartered is large and is Conference comes this Friday evening champions of the Prune League. by the latest word in bus construcuon when she meets the affirmative team th e o~erwhclri,ii;g score of 20--1, there- J I is real ly a Pull man of the highwaY, from Hiram in the college cha pel at j ly w in ning the championship of the affordino- practica ll y all of t he conlr 1 8:15. The question for debate is: who le chool. The gam e was feat ured forts a;d conveniences of the Pu Resolved: That the n ited States and hy a great deal of roug h p laying. in man car. Ca nada Should Joint ly Cons truct the the . first half, but both teams played St. Lawrence Deep Sea Waterway. a litt le better brand of ba ketball 111 The same quest ion was used last Fri- th e secon d half. WELLSday night at the Bald win -Wallace vs. The Sphinx Clu b, second P. lacers in Heidelberg vs. Otterbein triangle. the Club League, had the sc~re dou Prof. Sandford of Ohio State Univer- , bled on them by th e Baileys, second · of sity will be the only judge for the placer in the Prune League. The We solicit your inspection home debate. Baileys led throughout the game and Spring Samples. Fo r thi s conte t the affirmative fina ll y won 20-10. teams of Hiram , Ohio North ern and ' T 1'1 e ga me for th ird p lace bttween W ill Do Your Otterbein wi ll i rave l·, the home team t he Cook House and the Hanawalts DRY CLEANING go in g to O hi o ·orthern, Hiram com- was th e closest of th e three. Keither
The trophy case presented to the college by the ·c1a s of 192-1. call)e last Friday a n.cl was placed i11 the A ociation Bui lding. [t ; 6 :of lar,ge size, built of mahogany on a marble base, electrically li ghted and designed especially fo display athletic trophies. Already there are many trophies to he placed in the case. . t the O hi o Relays held at the Ohio State U11iversity last spring the track team won two large loving cups and three plaques. Footba lls. basketballs and baseballs, ·trophies . of hard fought and glorious victori es will a l o find a place in the memoria l. 1 O C ____ · J. R WILL! AMS DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS ing he·re and O hi o . o rthern going to team was ab le to maintain the lead PRESSING AND Hiram. In the t riangle debate last fo r very long at a time, and the game REPAIRING J . R. Wi lliams died · Monday after- week th e nega 1·1ve t eams t oo k tl,e roa d . we n t into an o_v ertime_ period at l3noon, Marc h 2, after a n illn ess that Wo 0 d • M c G mre · an d M'·1ll er ma k e up 13. A singl e fie ld goal from past th e has exte ndeq ove r many year a np O t terb ein's affirmative team which middle o f the floor <;!aimed th e vie which had made,-Mr. W miams an aJJ. will meet O hi o Northern o-rr -:-its torv for the Han . It nro t helple i~vario a.ulini -tbe• la t ·-w~1 pfatform. The negative-~tealn is . av.a s. l:w~ year -. of _hi :_ ·1tf{ -~il:r. wr11t;ms· co~po' ~d of Howard , H~ove r and I H b ; - J - - O C - - - ~£ one of the olde r 111erchants of the Knight. ' an_ y · · · ones Undergoes Opera1 ;-· · home platform are n on for Append 1c1 ' ·t is · L as t T ues d ay town having started a bake s h op 111 the /oom now nc,ccupied by the Wi l---- 0 C---Hanby R. J ones was stricken sudliam ' Co n fectio1'iery, Jg years ~go. In Joint Meeti~g of Councils- of denly with acute appendicitis I:u es1.!llll the baker)' wa converted ·into a Administration Being Held t day w hil at orR in. hi office ~t Coconfectionery and ice cream facto ,< _. . · . lull1 b u . He wa ru hed to Grant Mr. 'Williams ·wa keenly intere tt'd A Joi mt. ett g ~ the ,ouncil of hospital where an 0 1 erati'o · · ' f u ,vas per-,vorking t heir way thro gh Ad m1mstrafLOn o the coolere nces ove r formed immediately • H e 1s - conva1)• 11 boy .. . . h m· Otterbein and througli -h is i kind con~ w h 1c L .!:':'tsho~ -- A. R. ~ hp p111ger has escing rapidly. . ideration a large number of boy charge I bemg held at t he U nited Mr. Jones graduated from Otter_made their expen e . Brethren •. ch urch on Monqay"and Tues- bein in 1 98 . f at_ . . H c I· a prommen Funeral en·ice were held at the day of th is v.·eek. · Tbe QUrpo e of the torney. and father of I abe t Jone , a nit d Brethrea church, Wedne day a emb l • i not executive. -Prob lem Sophomore. afteruo I~. folio, ·ed -a . b'urial 'in the which confro nt the •chu rch are being Memo~ia-1 M~u ol ·um in ·tbe Otterbein di c us ed and diffe rent _ olutions · ug: emete~Yguested. ____ 0 C - - - Over fifty per o n are in attendance Federation oJ Women's Clubs to at th e meeting · The co uncil opened Hear Banjo O rchestra '' l'hursday Monday afternoon and wi ll continue with a trong program through until The Bani -'Mandolin Oreb tra and Tuesda~ aft~rnoon. A banquet was the B uartet will ive a program h td , ~onday evening in the basement Federation of V omen' o f th.e ch urch . Thur day afternoon. at the Tell what? Parker Duofold - - - - 0 C--- 1 c 1 E Town treet in -the big black-tipped, lac Th p ram will con i t RITTER CONTRIBUTES quer-red pen, Over-size,with TO COLLEGE MUSEUM irr •tru ta I e..tion a: · the s1;1per-smooth point that ub , ill t g· it part of ~as g1.v en a new nation-wide Mr. Ritter. enior member of the ram. -T .Bv . Quartef, impetus to bandwriting and of Fi:an 1:fechtolt, Henry Ritter and Ut ley Drug Co. who has ow ~pt all pen-using America pent mm:h time collecting p cimen . Rober.teitcamP, a!).f\ ofi its-feet from coast to coast nakes and reptiles re eller. will be the .feature 0-f of tropical and border t o border. cently pre ented to the college oon entertaLr)lnent. • Today, _step up to the pen t li ppinger · will deliver"' a1 lJl\l um eve.ral pecimen of tropical nake and an alligator. The largest counter-try Duofold, and 4 -=;iiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ . the Federation o nake i of the con trictor family and or S others. you don't even whi b will feature th ea ure about nine feet in ·length. · n~ eyes to tell which is which. One stroke and you'll recog• ogram. 'Mr . Laur Thi i the econd contribution Mr:. ruze Duofold as the ouper-pen it is, without looking! of the Cla . of .'93, Ritter ha made to the mu eum. Pre ide.nt of the Federation.
The Tailor
I. C. Robins
Groceries and Meats.
Phone 277 or 65
With Your Eyes Shut .You Can Tell It!
- -- -0 C--- President Speaks at Columbus. Pre ident• lipping n wa • gue. t , or bon.or and peaksr of the veaiqg, at a plea ant baJ\quet given by tbe Fifth venue rtited Brethr n Church, -Columbu , to the Ohio tafe ' niver ity udents who attend tbat church. quarte compo ed o.f Otterbein gradu ate -Profe or Schear, Mr. L. M. Barnes Mr. W. A. K li ne, and Mr. Russell Ehrhart, gave pecial music.
---0 C---
GRABILL TO DEDICATE ORGAN NEXT FRIDAY Profes o; G. G. Grabill, director ef th cbool of Mu ic and profes or of orga1 anfi ]?iano, wi ll give a dedica tory organ recital in the rlington treet U. B . Churcb, kron Obio next Friday evening, March {3_ Thi' churcb i a new one eating about :l500 people and wi ll be uder the pa _ torate of Rev. M. A. Wagner.
Parker Duofold $7 _ Duofol Jr. and Lady Duofold $5
Price includes ne3:.t gold pocket-clip or gold ring-eo d And-new Gold Girdle ., was $1 Free ' - extra-now . ·. ' TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST
E. Ma~n St.
Westerville, ·
Page Three
F re hm en a t Allegh eny Colle e in food , a matron for th e di ni11g r oom, Pe n n y h·ania claim to have contri ved and rein tateme nt of half th e tudent J P rofessor Glen n Grant Grabill, '00, a new game o f "sp udb all" whi ch i a body wh o wa lked out a w eek before. com hi n.ation of footbal l, soccer and Enjoys W idespread Reputation ha sl:etba ll. A s Or ga nist. South Dakota tate Col;cge cele That Pro fc sor Grabill's fame as an :, rat es a Hobo D ay. Both men a nd wide p r ead women re embled hobo · thi year, the '88. B. i atte ted by the fact that he ha men " by apping their life blood to at the in:law, Mr . Alice B. Dickey met r ponded to quite a few reo.ue t for g row bea rd s," and the women by giv"' 1th a eriou automo bile accident d cli£atiog organ recital during the I ing the bobbing I-rea rer a we k' ab~~t two wee k ago wh en they were ta t three or four years. Be ide lay-off. dnvmg in to an Die Califor ni1. r nderi ng an organ recital at kron tudents at Wyoming U have ap f~om th Ca ell ho me a few m ile thi we k, Profe sor Grabi ll ha given . prop riat ely cho en th owboy a the G d_i tant. Their aut on1 hile was en re ital ahon, in Port mouth a nd type of. manh ood w hi ch they con icier r v1 mbined lir ly cl cmoli hed wh en it., was struck O h'1 a nd in Peru. In dianapo li . A nd . ith representative of the tate a a whole 0, . . by a heavy tru ck. Mr . Dickey wa erson and E lkha rt. Iiid1ana. He is d h 1· . h" I . . R' a n t e qua 1t1e w 1c , the uni ersity ~Uriecl in th dehri . b ut mirac ulous a l O organi t for th cotti h 1te and q uantity of . T hold pa ra moun t. )' e caped with ut a ny broke n bone . bodie and for the ladd111 emple . h wa ever ly cut a nd bru sed and hrine of olumb u . h1ne e stud en t at o lu mbia re~ food . 1 t•ffer :ng co n id erahly fr om the • The cl g ree in orga n wh ich Pro- cently acted a interpreter in the 1 · iock. or Grabill now hold i given only trial of fifty pa rti cipant in a Tong Cor. ain a nd Sta e s. 'll. John A. tr inger, who to u ce fu l canclidate who have War in • · ew York' h~na town. Proniin nt banke r of t. Peter burg, b ble to pa a trenuou two day . . . . een a . 59 of 60 oronties at the mver 1ty Fi ·d mencan of M ichigan . . . ti on a, i, o ne of th treasurer of exami·na tio n given by the vot d agam allowmg 1 • e Fir t Pr bytcria n hurch in that G ·1c1 O f Organi t w ho e cen tra l f. . 0 l!.l ' • . f girl to make 111 ronty hou e . ~tty. Hi wif the con tralto olo- fice are in. 1ew York City. Pr e - I 1 t in th same church. or Grabi ll i a membc:r of the Ex-ecut ud ents at Clem on o llege, . C., Jl;lD'littee of the ntral_ hio rece ntl y s truck for more and better ~- · t th e a n nua l m eefa1g 0£ the tivc at POPULAR ORGANIST
----------- - ---
Eat, Drink and Be Merry BLENDO
================ '
hap ter £ thi guild, located 111 oen Echo hild ·w eljare Leag u l:l.olum bus, Ohio. h Id at the •ort lumbu . The lette rs A . · G. 0. in ociate in th American l aye Hotel la t Mo nday, M r . E. J. e le h r (Henrietta Dupre) was, c et- Guild of Organr t . Only a compa r· ma ll number of orga ni t of pr idcnt of the . c .firs vice are able to pa thi e ._ iation.
'83, '05 •
. ' 06. Dr. Franc1 . \ · a11d Mr. Ba R1tchi , Tirmo1. rry 1l William ( lane and th . cir two on of Dayt b t all cl, t '\V t rvill la st ,,·eek th 1,:1ll e d a th f Mr. John •~. .E:rn
ande r " • e11· J high er Y, will r um~ e . t. ~h 1 at Jcrsey 1ty, • ew J rlou hhi mon h after an enfor~ed for0 keptg h· n ac ount of illne which ha. room h . 1111 from th cla r1 tma ~ . . tu ' O. ~ r . L ona Demore t re,•. rn d to her home in \ terville la t in~k, a f tcr I endin,., vera1 mont h• O 1·lo . I ~ ric a with an.cl hi W1·re, and Mr . , 1 rrick . Demorest id clen Keller) of J a k nville, Flor-
Quarty C t I . oun Th ,
Also Grocerie
w' . . •
at S W at ma es OUr /
· laundry service real ser c---vice- not an im itation. SN AVELYS ENTERTAIN Give Us a T rial B ASKETBALL TEAM
o l rado -ni ver it r d -. nd 30.2 of r at ~lj1u1 la b Ion ~anuly .
Personal and Group
Acme Launary & Dry Cleaning Co. 12 W. College
- - - O C--EX CHANGE S 61 per cent of auto
Westerv·ne Ohio
;vf on day ev ning, Doctor and r .. ly entertained at their horn n ro v tre f the var i!y ba k tba ll q uad and coache at a pl ndid din11 a v
Phone 86-J
a re n 63 H n-
See Samples from lub abol-
.A.11 Kinds
ordering Class Group Pin
"There's a Reason" 11th and High
The Buckeye Printing Co.
Colwnbus, 0.
28'-30 West Main St.
lJlllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll lll lllllfll lllllll l llll ll llllllllllllllll ll ll ll llllllll l llllllll
·o-cds at umh rl a nd in T n_n ~c ~ 1~ict aside tl1t·ir ro uge and hp tick -· ·1 th eir foot ha ll team won a g ame. I that as a re ult e\'lral unt_1 It i . rcportc< . • I ck classes · co-cd. got to th eir . :: almo~t 0:1 time.
There are 6 1 and proi •s. ional ·r , which .are in ' cw • . tate,. h 1Y n ~ York. 4 in rcnn y Jva111a and 40 Ill
hio. Tardi a cla her ' ai r fr n 0 111 r · a re
= = =· =
room d
= = AT THE
RES h State Street J. C. ROACH, Prop.
= = = = = = = = =
ii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111111nif
Page four
That it is about time the Freshman flag committee sees that the flag is ;mt up. There has been much laxness in this m atter of late. You w ho are responsible should get busy. Tl:at the Glee Club presents a pro gram that is peerless.
Goat Grabbers .. act a\\·ay I The gt·y \\'ho e:1te:ivo1s to" ·hen he with a li ne of hu ll a nd t h en w .h • w1t is caught tr ies to back 1l up more bull. . F ishbaugh sa ,·s that l1c ·s n. ot lazY '. l11s . s t·a tenient bY and he stdistanllates cl rk get say ing furl her that he an wo . 111 aloncr so well th a t he can by n" clown beside it and sleep.
That it would be well for several Freshmen to re-read the regulation pertaining to the wearing of F resh n:an caps. T b.is little matter should be attendtd to before it is too late. - - - 0 C - - --
NEARLY ORIGINAL WIT By Tee and Cee Tang o colored suspenders are now tr.e vogue for college men. .. W ho'll be the first brave man to sport them here in Otterbein? We would ha,·e le ob jection to eig ht ho ur s of Jeep i{ it didn't keep \ us at hom e.
ed's face \\'as It doesn't take long t o classify a If every one of our co would bt man according to his religious beliefs her fortune, many of them arrested for counterfeiting, e if he will eat p o rk on Friday. . e is ti1 Late to bed and early to rtthat }la:i way to so lve the probleni . f 1iein!; O puzzled fraternity men. th at whell own clothe
Page Fivit
,• <
European Student Has Latest Out in Dwight H arsh, fre hman i very Cribbing-Method Is Sct edule for Season's Concerts Anslow1¥ convalescing from a siege of N~vel. nounced-Home Concert Comes infla mmatory rh eumati m. Mr. Har h April Tenth. The '.\'ew Student reports that crib has bee n confined to his bed ince he bing can be kept up to date as we ll fir t became ick four wee k ago and F riday of this week the G lee lub a other things. A m edica l tudent to date only personal 'f riend have been ,viii invade D ay ton. where it will give a llowed to see him. His mother ha th e annual conce rt in the Gem ity. in Stra sb urg Unive rs ity, Ge rmany, wa an wering exa m question w ith been at his bedside here for t hree Thi will be the fo urth concert o f the ease when it wa reported that he wa wee ks. chea tin g. earc h revea led copper hair wire und er the linol eu m below his chai'r. pa . ing through the floor, a lon g th e corridor an d to the stu dent'. room . There a lady wa fou nd . rad io et with mi crop hon e in the examinati on room tran mitted the questions• to the young lady a nd he dictated the a n wer by telephone. The tudent had a microphone con cealed unde r a bandage over a pre tended cut. on bi finger. omplete paraphernalia for a five tube wireles set and the nece ary batterie ~ ere part of th e equ ipment. .-\ f II' toa ts to the Otterbein bas ---UC--k etbail t k • eam were made · at the C oo' COLLEGE GIRLS HA VE 1 M~b ~fter dinner la t Sunday. F . E. ORA.'TORICAL CONTEST d Guire, teward of the club, int ro . uced D. . Howard a toa tma ter, Women tud ent o f eight Ohio col and b . ca ll ed on th fo llow in g m em- leges will compet in the fir t tate Iicrs f p · th tea m : Captain Me arroll, oratorical cont t for women to be ,c,Jien . d F navely arr 11 V id-doe an h Id a t Tiffin Ma)' J . The conte t i ' loyd Beel,nan po k e t rank D urr. -F being pon or cl by Hcidelb r ni to reprc.ent the tuden£ body and ve, ity Tiffiin , The state college 0 ~&ratul at d !:he team o11 having th e peace orat rical conte t wiU be held Pirit tO come back and wiu a f ter t I1 def there the ame day. ea 5 earlier in the ea on. The college entered for the two \ e tern R • rve, BaldSTtJ - o DENT MUSIC RECITAL Blu ffton. tt rl>ein 1 .COMES TOMORROW NIGHT hio . ·orthern. hio \Ve leyan . \ itTom . k t nber o- and H idelb rg. there ~rro"· even mg at :00 C1oc · " ____ 0 C - - - o[ th 111 ll I e th Lhird recita l thi ~ ar , TO BROADCAST SECOND ic. ; stud ent i.1,1 tbe hoo l of ~Ju GLEE CLUB CONCERT SOON esti he Proara m Lnu. ually in cr 11 '1ar g 111 that it call. fo r many popu,'will. elect·1011 f a van· ed nature. ·1· t1ere be Piano yio lin and instrumental qu art ' niu . et number that are ure to pl a e tterbein. The . tud · ic lover · a e111 r ec1ta l th i year hav e b en o f 11 UJ iu ual[y high . tandard and lo01 Orr0\\' . . b ev night' recital promise to e better than tho, e giv n in th I'' · M. Pottenger.
manager of the c1ub, announces the following ea100-March 13 . Lewisburg; March -1 , bayton; March 19 Canton· March 20 n• ·, · .in · ,ittm. an: March 2 1, Akron. Startf g - Pnl 1. the Glee lu b will leave or a ten day · tour of :,,;iorthern Ohio anc1 · h W e t ern p ennsy lvan1a. pn·1 l O a been e lec te d as the date for the 110 nie concert. ---0 C--TEAM IS RECOGNIZ E D BY TOASTS AT BOARDING CLUB
Levi Stump
- - - - 0 C---
Varsity " 0 " M instrel Postponed Until After Spring Vacation
37 N. State St.
The Varsity '·O" Minstrel which wa to be given in the We te rvi ll e high school audito rium tonight has been postponed indefin it ely. Because f confl icting date with the Glee Club it i probable that it will not be 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • • ., l, given until a ft er spring vacation.
- - - - 0 C---Q uiz and Quill Contestan ts Must Submit Productions Soon ..\II F re hmen and ophomore who are planning to en ter torie in the Quiz and Quill litera ry conte t mu t su bmit their prod uctions to Profe sor ltman before March 20 . Thi con test is spon ored by the Quill Cl ub and i open to and ophomore . The priz are 10 for the be t production; . 5 fo r econd best and . 1 for third b t. 11 thr e winnh1g productio11 will be published in the 1925 Quiz and Quill magazine.
Where Price and Quality Meat We cater to student trade. r I
~@hodes Meat -M arket
--o c--
,\ .-\ t a rec nt meeting of the '\ ' • r· •· . l1 llli ' ing . natin g committee, t h f IJ o w,, . officer, were no111i na ed fo r next JCar: ~residcnt-Carl E chhach. E111er 01 8 ,. ragg_ 1 · ber\ Ct J' rl•,1drnt-Earl Hoo ver. .1\.1 1 Mav Secret· · }._!<• , ary-Merl H oLl'iC111a n. G. H. Wednesday. March 11- . . , onaughy, Recital- chool o f Mus ic. I rea lin y urer-Robert Cavin,-, Frankoun g. Friday, March 13Debate. 11 ira nL Studen ~ 0 C - --·ts Given Opportunity to Saturday, March 14Interview Returned Missionary lnter-clas ba kethall game . 1[r A . tni . · r ·h1bald amphell, f r111er Tuesday, March 17,. , Debate, tterb ei n " ·. \\ ittenherg-. lou , hlOnar,.- t o K rea. and 11011· on f ur 1'1/ · wi ll be on ttcrhein" • campu Wednesday, March 1813 Ur day and Friday March 12 and enior R cognition Day. co· ( All ludcnt wi' bing per onal Saturday, March 2111 ercn • plea e make arrangeni -~e will Int r-clas bask tball 111 \Hth Ralph Tin ley.
Shoesand urnishing
~P~a~g~ e~S~ix~= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =T=H==E=::..:T::::A:::::.....:=N _ AND CARD IN AL
ANNEX CLUB WINS CAGE CHAMPIONSHIP Goes T hrou gh Season with Eleven Wins ,and One Defeat-Sphinx
Places Second. Th Annex lu b won the intranural champion hip and pe rmanent o es ion of a silver lov ing cup when they d feated the Prie t Club . champ of the Prune League, in a rough ame, 20-4, Saturday. The champion ' 1al landing wa eleven game won and ne lo t. The pbinx a nd ook House fini hed the race in second and third place respectively. The rac thi year for th e cham j n hip was fa t an d hot. The first .a:ou11d w 11t to the noex Club, which did not lo e a game, and it seemed at they were destined to win in a all<. Th econd round did not go long until the race tight ned a little h n th phiox boy abruptly topped th march of the champ by handing them a 25-7 beating. After this defeat the came back and won three gam by
Sport Editor Lists Point Getters in L eagu:e-G. Buell Leads L ist With Big Score.
CLASS BASKETEERS WILL TANGLE NEXT SATURDAY Jun iors to Meet Freshmen and Sophomores Clash w ith Seniors in First Tilts. Next Satu rday afternoon the fir t se rie of the in ter-cla s ba ket ball tournament wi ll be played in the col lege gym when the Fre hmen wi ll be pitted again t the Ju nior , and the Sophomore will take on the eniors. The winner iu the e tw o game will later play each other for the cla champion hip.
ucc thi he attendance at d at ti apacity f the le mi h ot er ly di ban one. tim the dgm nt d bad, th l)ett r ment o 11a hown that fa ,-ight in the ir de i ·
In the fir t game, the Ju nior wi ll have to wa tch Buell and Barnes, who are fir t and econd h igh scorer in the lub League. To do thi the Junior have eibert and their choice of several other good guard . T hey al o have Stair and Widdoe , of the Var ity. The enior ' arsity men, McCarro ll and Durr, ar both guards , but tb ~e ar:e a numb r of good pill to r i1L their rank . The have Snavely, aman and Allison, an.cl p~ t ( o h r d rn n to make ~ good line-up . - --,--
uren, nnex ··· ············- ··········· 35 ng, ook House ········-·············· 31 rri , phinx ···-··-······-··················· 2 Prune League P r i t ·······················-······-·-·, Bailey ····-···· •. ..,,-•. ...,,,... .... chael , Prie t ···, Maroon ................... ·._. ........
63 55 53 52
---- 0 GIRLS' INTER:CLASS ame ha ,~e be n arranged between girl ' ba ket ball t am repre enting the four colleg la . Drawin have be n made but the date. h n the gp.m - wi I be played have not ·yet d fini ely. been . t. Ho ever, tl)e game,5 wi ll probably begin thi \ ed ~e day aft rno n t 4 :00 p'clock. J'wo gam ar eh du! d fo each after no n.
- - - 0 C---
R.\ ' K er th lead - I er hip of 1 u~11i are taking da ut ind and o n li ght wo k 011 the fiel(l h gin. Tn the da h cv nt Ru pson, and to ughton will · tar. w Biaµ r and Fat tick will cl the I .of th work in the di tanc "P ro ky and B 1111 tt will no • he di cu and weight eve
Saturday's game was a rtl.p and tuc~ affair and was anyone's game. up until t he final whistle·. .. One game a sea s on like the Muskingu;m Ilene te st er Below we list the h:g:, ~'-orer of is all one can stand. the lea ue with the number of pofnt It i intere ting to note that botli and the tea m. Fo ur forwards , three ~ent . centers, fo ur guard . and three utility of th e forwa rd for Mu k mgum ' , co rele for the game. They didn t men are list d. The utilit y men are cor e eithe r a fie ld goal or a fo u~ Ii ted th i way becau e they played either forward, center or guard posi The one forward sub titute manage tio n and it woul d be unfair to them to score a fou l. to cla them as forward · and un fair Widdoes was again high point man to the g uard to cla them as guards. for Otterbein, scoring eight baskets The e th r e men , anCuren , Young from · action. a nd orris, were valuab le a et to • d It app a r that Otterbein has 1Mus their team . k ingum ' aoat at least we have it ti~ Forwards ' win down pretty close thi yea r. . Buell, A nn ex .................................... 135 in both football and ba ketball givle Barne , phinx ···-························-··· u th e edge ove r the Black an d ·~ a Patrick, o untry tub ················ g enta for 1924-25. G. Bechtolt, Lakota ·······-···-·········· this Centers The team loses only two men ,rith nd the Ri egel, Sphinx ····················-·············· 6 year, McCarroll and Durr, a Leuchauer, J onda ···- ························· 46 the new material coming in from be Bennett, A n nex ···-·····················-···· 32 Freshman Class, great things can Guards expected next year. Garver, Annex .................................... 15 ----0 C--Bi hop, phinx ................................... 13 Hatton, L akota ·························-······· G oilier, pbinx ·························-······· 6 U tility Men
Edler Returns from Hospital And Resumes Work as Basketball oach '' ek " Edl r re turn d to the campu Thur day after n oon after pending everal eek in the oiver ity ho. pita! Columbu , convale ciog from an operation for app ndiciti . When hi work with the ba ketball team wa inte rrupted by his illn s oach Ditmer took charge of the team.
" Eddie' ' Seibert \Vith only :io nd left to pfay an.d with Mu kiJ1gu111 on point in the lead, eib rt the man wl;to ca ed tb ball from two- bird th length of th floor a nd gave Lterb in the two point ne es ar to win th game.
!.; cl to
rder. thC
nd call b week. a m la · t year _w ho f m r to build a rro i[c
· r uffin l . w ram to and Drury, la t year' high· There are Junior and op vh r al po ibi liti ill enter thi ev nt again mor jumper , , ill r peat comp ition for po ition on th i year, while \i idd year' am will be k en. ju tit pole vault. 111n
a x ult of the drawin following of ombination f fir t roun.cl arc: enior v . men, op iore ,. . J u11ior ; round hmen v. opho Junior enio r ; third roun ior v s. phomor , Jun:.o Fre hmen. Captain for the team e a follow : ni or, B Junior, TT n e Ien p almei;; opho · Ru th l:Iayc Freshmen, Tr varrov.
Floyd Beelman otter· Reelm n i· an athl te that oWll• ,,v 1n · 'a11 n . 11tly c la1m . a . her ath· He cam • he.re unh raid cl a an ,,•ill lete and when h, raclua tes 11 e·trrier I u . a 0i eave a o cl r cor . .o. 1 f tbaJI, pr duct both in track and 0 ?, his '8 elman earq •d hi fir t I lter 11f the ·opho11to r )' r as a p1ember O his In c d brea k ing r ay team. ••O"· 1 Junior 'yea r he .\'O il a footbal per~1 n th gridiron he wa a fleet,. ear 1 and hard hittin halfback. Tl;; Jetter he a.n n x d ht eco nd fpotba . d tet· and h lated to earn hi lbir
11 t1,a t i r 1u tudent r feree ,er· I I a~J;-et!Ja ll ,,,e her a succe •tio115 wing ~uggc. e· Fir t. ·yroblemact h t alll to m a ti111e 3l)JC nd t.hJ n, at th be r feree ,c 1 u i made I t a efereC The r ted for each, game. . d aod wo uld then be definit ly d cid aot·
much of th trouble and unPl~d b' 0 n of present tern "' avoid d.
T H E T A N - AN D 1 grand
debut and was hence the great person of the two. He had cauti1ously unmoored a gay canoe (which 1 activity, you know, is quite taboo). Long say hasty youth his reckless action rue, wish in vain he could the luckl ess deed undo! For behold, as o'er the waters he withdrew, there re sounded on the bore a wild "halloo" ! 1 In the air a hefty rock the stranger I threw; for its mark it 11:1ade a pathway traight and true. Quick the barque capsized as if it were bamboo, ~nd
I er
I l[HMH . L I~i:~p:;n
and maiden g~t a quick
There is absolutely nothmg I could
Pa~e Sev"a
who are to r~port all per on they see cheating to -the ·Honor C~urt composed ·of th.e four: ~nio r ' Senator~ and one other _ITI(lmber electtd ·by the Senate. ; Students who mean to sup port the Honor Sy tem are asked -to sign a .pledg e promi~ing - to .disclo ~ the name ~. of pe rson een cheating. For first offe11 s.e the guilty' person 's· examination is nullified. The second offense causes the Honor Court to re com.end to . the faculty hi s separation from the institution. Thi certainly will obli terate a g reat amount of cheating during ex aminations.
.. ":1r
~ -Ba·k ery .,
10 East Main St.
Drugs and . Optical Goods. Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies: Films Developed and Printed. . .... - . YOUR EYES EXAMINED FR~E
Have no superior
W estervi1le \·
do that would please me quite so much as tell you who all these people areand as I would be thr.o ugh-but there's Helen Webster had as her guest not another thing that rhymes with over the week en d I1er sis · t er M arJ·o n·e , "oo". "Robin." f _rom Canton. With the "home good---0 C--1e" h"1 . w ch Marjorie brought the Lotus girl enjoyed a feed in Helen·s room alurday evening.· J n Botany class _~Iary Hummel spent the week encl The Prof. Wnh Ern e t·me and M arJone · · 1, , _ ..1c I10 Is \,Vuz talkin ·• 111 . Ca rdm . gton. at tbe1 r h on1e About the Arice David son Troop, '23, and her Nit rogen Cycle an ' gCue t Mi Katherine Luby, from an ton , st Bill Cl were guest of the Arbutu What plants ub at lunch Sunday eve nin g. Used Ammonia, . Mi Blanche Canier of. · Dayt-on But Bill, a v1s1tect J . k o epli~ne lbert over the U ual didn't 11 ee end. Know nothin' • rn The F re h man girl of the Ta 1·tsAbout the le on be~ii ~lu p entertainel:I the old mern ~ So he sez 11ghtlu1Jy at lunch unda-y "Ice plants." . e eve 11 iu ab g, ..ug_el od Darn Bill! UJJfta,~e, thanks:::to~fri --"--- O C - - -r "Pe ·, :F,.oner _ ll'eek g Baker had a Woo ter, in giving the 1 end Alice ,.1 ett Sy tem a fina l,, trial ha , in titut- _ iuArg, Pa: - .._, • ; .,_ - ...., ed new regulation for their_ ~xdelaid n • · · A committee con I ting gue t e .c ottenger had as dmner am1nat1ons. l1 Sunday her father, Dr. F. M. of so per on appointed by the Presb Otteng er from California and her I ident o f t I1e enate and the Men' : rother, Franci . ' j and \Vomen· elf governing bodies I
CA R ]) I ·N A L
= =
-~ Call at yard or res_ idence
= = =
lai Uise Stoner and Mary Long enter- - - - - - -- - - ; - - - - - - -- :z: atencct Ia t "Nedne day with an elabo rI dav Unch on in hon r of the birth01· , " of ell ie Wallac and harlotte 1c11 Th e gue t we.re: Ruth Mussc1 . · 11,,111,,,,11 1111,, 1111111,111111,,11,.. ,,..,,,,,,11,,1111,1,11,,,,....,.., 111 .. (.•J. ........ t . ,tn. 1'Iary M abe, Katheriue e1nn1et E I Paci B z, l i Crane, Martha !,! I I I I I I I II IUIUIII II IU 11 IJII 1111111 IJ IIH I I 11111111111111llI11111111111U1111111111111111111111111111!,! a11 u\ e~ iah \,\l'ingate. Freda nyder •• t r.t l,:~ ·• ..,, etty Plummer. I 1 lC J"1 'Ur 1 . c ma,x of the eveuillg wa a 1r, t O a 11 . Hidden · birthct be.neath t I1e ,,. nou ~Y cake were mall card anny~~111 the engagement of Freda Cor. College Ave. and State ia 11- t and John Lehman. ongratu011 • . are 1tow 111 order! l'he hi liaJt t rd flo r girl of ochran ivho e1. d h . . ,. C" 1 ~\lZ'> • ~ \\lhich .R Joye t e delic.1ou a _ her f Uth Lucas bro ught bad< with ~ that the cit , aturday are hoping : the C utb will make another trip to § ~ oluinbu 111.arket oon.
Gfeh~ Lee Coal Co.
,j,, i,, ,i•~
Oft breez and rogui lily the balmy to b·l~s blew; all the little dove b gan 1 011e11 ecl a~cl coo; urreptitiou ly maid u,1d A billet-doux thi of cour e you u~~. . fact , t entr nou . Ther , 111 and ' tha You can ee, wa much ad o, \1•0 d e lllore I watched the more my 11 fou 0 r grew. o I formed a plan to · f011 0 WOut a clue and if no o ne •obJect, • \VO ' J ct I ut a clue and if no one obh~ 11 tell the same to you. ' th e night before, had made a
Hitt Bros.
: Go where you have always been pleased = = = = = =
· Visit the new home of
-~==-~-=__:_.:..__________ - ,.~· ~ ·.Jl ,. I :::===============) :=
~~i-Ev _ E_R_
~•1i1i..,'" -4
= =
= = = = = = = =
Rich and High St.
o-raph Th L ader of h Th e fin t and be t quip·p ·d · ·allery in America f r pr ducino- th be t kno, n. to the art. pecial rate
to all Ott rbein
= = = = = =
= = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = =
tudent .
TEAM CLOSES SEAS ON WITH ious fr ate rnities and ha ,·e agreed WIN OVER MUSKING U M upon m onthl y meet in gs . A specia l fea t ure of the organ izat ion is the ad ( Conti nued from Page One) op ti o n of plans for inter -fraternity later ended in Ottcrbein's second vic activ ities, the mos t important of tory of the year. which is the estab lishm ent of a schol \\'ith the good " ·ork begun. \ Vid a rship prize whic h will be awarded to does ca me through with three long the frate rnit y with the best sta nd ''s\\'ishers" in q uick succession, reduc a rd s o f scholarsh ip as dec ided by the ing Muskin g um 's lead to one point at regu lations made by the Co uncil. :l4-:{J. \,Vi th thirty seconds to go a P rof. Lawso n of th e U niver sity of t imely fie ld goal by ·'Eddie'' Seibert clinch ed a victory w hi ch tw enty sec Ca li forn ia in a di scussio n co nce rning ond s later was sealed by the timer's the adv isabi lity of exam inations . says that con tant wor ry ove r fr equ ent g un! exams hinders a student from ge tting \,Vith th e excitement and tension Dr. I"· M. Po tt e nge r was in W es ter- ; Prof. over. th e howling mob o f s pectators the mos t out o f hi s studies. vill e this \\'e ek vis iting hi s so n a nd broke loose and to th e wo rld the Lawson th inks that th e English sys daughter. H e is an Otterb ei n graclu- sto ry o f an O tterbe in victory ove r tem of giving examination s, wh ich a re ate and is very we ll known at th e pres- Mu kin g um was told by th e co ll ege few er in number and more compre th e medical bell and reto ld and proclaimed by the ent time as a leader in hensive, is more efficie nt than our s. · H e ,as a g uest at the f pro ession . " huge :15-::16 on the water tower. Cook Club for breakfast Saturday , morning. D W Bl a use r, '24 : J. B. Crabb s, I . .· ·tecl the '23 · and · Geo rge R o b erts ,-1s1 ' ex Club over t h e wee k encI. Mrs • , Ann · d of An Routzahn ente rtame a gro up . • nd nex in their hon or F ay evemng. Harvey Hankin son was at home thi week end. Leonard N ewe II wa a gue t in W e terville thi week. Abel Ruffini went home over t I, e week end.
KENYON DEFEATS TAN . Monday mght, March 2, saw Otterbein go clown to defeat before the Keny on basketeers o n the home fl oor b f 53 t '>2 It th y a score o o ~ . was e Tan and Cardinal's seco nd defeat this ea on at the hand of Kenyon, this tim e even more di sastro us than the fi rst. Seaman again sta rted the co rin g via the free throw route and from the first the game went fa t and furiously. The Epi copa lia n wasted but little Prof. and Mrs. Troop entertained a time ro ll ing up a lead, ho wi ng Otgroup of friend in hon or of th~ gue t I terbein the du t before the contest o f Mrs. Troop Satur day evenmg at was well under way. Working in d inner. I n the afternoon, P rof. a nd numerable ti p-off play and go ing r . '.Troop, D on Howard, Lenore straight into the 0. C. offense and mith, Wilbur Wood, Ma rth a Sch lem- taking th e ball from th em in the ir er, -Floyd McGuire and Mrs. Troop's 0\\'n territory. the Kenyon combina guest attended the theat re at Colum- tion remained a ridd le thro ug hout t!-ie bus. game. Bent on toppi ng Van Epps, lanky Milla rd Hancock. '24, and Russell Cornetet were wee k end vi itors in K e1~yon cente r who co red aro und 30 W esterville. Hancock was the referee points in th e previous conte t, . the at the intra-mural game 111 the gym Tan q uint et managed to do o to their o rrow. F or while they werP atu rday afternoo n. "ganging" Van Epps, an obsc ure D . H arro Id \Y en t to hi home in Kenyon fo rward or guard would F to ri a fo llowing th Heidelberg- neak in for a ucker hot. tt rbein game. The tilt proved rather rough, both D wight Harsh. who has been ill with eibert and Van Epp taking the inflammatory rheumatism had a re- hewers by reaso n of personal foul s. lap e thi week but it i reported that The who le Otterbein crew wa badly he is improved and i re ting well off in hooting. again. Line-u p a nd umma ry: Pos. 22 Otterbein George Gohn . R uth Davi , Robert Kenyon 53 R. F. ............ Widdoes Cavin and Lucile Roberts attended Peter tanfie ld ........ L. F. ............ Snavely the Hartman theate r Saturday afterCorey .................. C. .............. eaman noon. Evan ................ R. G. ···--·-·· eibert A group of the Sphi.ox fre hmen I Lewi ................ L. G......... McCarroll went to Grove City Friday w here they ub titution : Kenyon- Van Epp took charge of the high chool chapel j for Corey. Otterbein-Upson for l ;aman, Carroll for McCarroll. Goal : rvi ce. H ward and Bo! Morri on vi ited Kenyo n-Pete r 5, tanfield l, orey Ip fri end thi week end. G, a_n Epp_ 1 Evan 3, Lewi 6. Otterbe111-W1ddoe 4, Up on 1, nave Pro fe or a nd Mrs. Hur ·h. enter ly 2. Fouls : Kenyon-Peter 1, Stan tain ed th e Mi e Ruth Hur h, Emily fie ld 1, Corey 3, Van Epp 2, Lewis 2. Mullin and Freda nyder and Perry O tterbein-Widdoe 2, navely 2, Lauhkuff. John L hman and Franklin eaman 1, p o n 2. Young at lunch unday even ing.
''A I" E lliott stopped in v\·e tervill e . g to w1·tn e s the OtSat ur day e Ye n111 · .r · g um terb e111-w,us k1n gam e whe n he . \\'as 0 11 hi s waY to LancaS ter, Ohio. ' H e is doing boy- sco ut work. ·
1\.1:ost chaps are very rough on girls' lips. Take the tip, girls, and smooth down your troubles with our Chap Lotions.
Rexall Drug Store
Specials for
St. Patricks Day Brick Ice Cream with Shamrock Center Green Candies Favors Shamrock - Ju Ju Bees
Selz $Six Good Shoes ~he mart exclu ive tyle and h a rich quali ty that yo un men want in h e d e n't alwa fit yo uno- p cketb k el?: take are f both ; fine leather ty li h la t , lono· wear and 1 w co t, 6.
- -- 0 C - --
Carl ,E chbach v i ited hi home in I T y ron e, Pa., over the week end.
Kellar's bas fiddle i a four - man The inauguration of an Inter-fraterin trurnent a it too k the place of four nity Council at Ca e Te.ch promi e men in the club's bu on its Gahanna to enc-0urage democracy on the camp trip. A large ca e is being made for u and a more friendly feeling be it and will be carri ed o n top of the tween fraternitie . The members o f 1 bu in the fut ure. thi coun cil are J?r e idents of the var-
More R eal Value
High and Long Streets