1925 03 17 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 8

SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS COME OUT ON TOP Of INTERCLASS CAGE SCRAMBLE Sophomores Nose Out Flashy Fresh- / rnen Five In Overtime Game 25-24.


No. 21.

I DEBAT!~]Ti~~~~Gw;.~~IGHT


Las< Confmn,, of S•awn Be Held m College Chap el



'°' E]~~bNcb~~~•~T /

I Negative Team W ins 1-0 Decision


, R~ .turne:l

Missionary from · Japan Otterbein plans a,1other defeat in /'· Tells of Conditions in addition to the two athletic defeat, j Orient. recently handed o ut for Muskingum




from Hiram on Local Platform • Friday Evening.


T E AMS DO GOOD WORK Sen· when the last debate in the Con fertors Lose to Junior Aggregation in .. Mcss,·igc from the Orient" wa. · Si 6 26 ence easo n 1s held ton ight between A ffirmative Team Loses Hard Fought ow Contest by a 1 • , the ubJ·ect of the address given by I . Argument to Ohio Northern 'I \\'a rr' en H. Hayes, ·1:1. returned 1111· ·- I Muskmo-um C ount · "' · \\'ittenherg and Otter· 1 bein. The negative teams of all three 1 By 3-0 Score. sicnarv from Japan. before a well h I· • bothPint cl ent I1us1asm on th e par t of ed auditorium in the Cnited Bret h ren college~ take to the road this time. th tb e teams and spectators marked church unclay evening. ~tterbein goi1!g to Muskingum. ?fu sOtterbein debaters, in the second e fir t round O f the boy . inter-class I d I th l of krngum to \\ itt enb erg. and vV1tten- conference meet of the sea on. a triI >a ketball Mr. Hayes deve ope t ,e en e berg here for the home debate. I angu ar conte t again t Hiram anrl eric in wh ich the team s hi addre 5 011 the power of love and rltlorc Pre en Iting the Junior and ophoti'ng ,vay told of the The ·uhject for debate will he the Ohio l\ orthern team . again spli t honio a very intere Tl " a e were victorious. 1e condition that now exi t 011 the same ;,s in the other forensic con- ors with their oppon nt , def a ting ..ame were f a t and ptrtte · · d ancI we re mi s ion fields. l~esoh·ed: That the nited Hiram h)· a I -O d e c'1s1q11 · · ,,o ti He al O wa very te t ·. an: l lo mg le he:t ex hibition of the cage game . pan, the dei:iomtales and Canada Should Jointly Ohio Northern 3-0, la t Friday v nJ 1 ,ee 11 0 . plea cd wit 11 t 1e r L D . 11 ti ep . ea 111«. · · · I ppea.t ·011struct the t. a wrence l' a 1e co II ege gym floor tl11 ination made to th acritic1a " \ atcrway. r. ____ Profes.or \V. P. andThe affirmative team, l'hb ti'r --- 0 C hilt ' t conte t 11 the afternoon' SENIOR RECOGNITION , fore! of Ohio • tate l'niversity will he McGuire and Arnold. 1 1t1 ietwe 11 the Fr hmen and ophoDA y COMES WEDNESDA y tht: onh· ju<l"<' fc,r thf llumc debate. omµ.a nicd J,. rt'.I H ovei:. Knight, H warrl. aucl .Harore ____ • t !tan, wa. fl\• far the 1 r · • lar ·nc · , j I r , ame.·. Lt wa · fea tured b): \Vith appropriate ,en ice• th!' an• rold. alt _rnate,_ 1nak , up. the i1cga_tive neyed to No both 4 1 aml and rough playing hy • Hccognition Dav pr gram team wh1-h will cla b with ~J u,k111g- rn's aftin ho 1 • en ior d b k n ua . . . te h . I t£ \,\" d I and . am . The c re wa ac . 11 1 . b I at th chapel ptrt d th1s um on t e1r Pa rm. o , • c- latf rm , a uire, l\-Iiller leau1 torh h and at 11 time as eiLber r "': _,_1 d ni·no-The nrogram f and LaPorte, alternate, eci ion. a high d Wew1e ay mar .,. ,., 0 'fh 1din a com.111a11dino- lea · . . L f t d by at' addn:ss prohill defend the hom e platform agau, t hool te editor , Fr . . h will r,e ea ure r , • • earf. e h111 n t, tdi th e e 111 t bl hy President Clippinger. ;;pec1al \\ 1ttenberg. and a pro£ or fft n · I e. • ) ·ta!:\"e of th game but th e j a Y_ d 1I in ing of the Love - - - - 0 C- - - Th negativ mp 0Pho111orc. came back and tied the ' _mu ic, an ,e g SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECL'TAL Hoov r, Knight. rel ail um(Con,inu d 011 Page Ei«ht oug. nior · ar-, PLEASES LARGE AUDI ENCE I r, alternate, debated Hiram's affirma­ Prompt Iy a t •.3;)• the , d in th ir cap an<I gown , and led Ro Ii - o C . tive team in th .\MMON NEW HEAD raye The fifth regular rec•tal hy r pre~t:n t a t·1ve , of the Junior and . . ,of U1e were accordec _' e will begin th· chool of Music wa gn·en \\eclne • Profes or an OF PUBLICITY RUREAU . :r ca . tt, 1·t . ., ph mor . . ociati n day eve01ng IJ1 e .auc 1 onum o, act cl as ju< • f tli s 'proce • 1011 l'h 11 r m • . . . th \\•h· e ·ork of the 'Pub licity Bur au hapel .\t the arrival Lamb rt Hall. The varied e lection of pl a eel th a ich h d . Builcl111 to e c . . 11 h cl I he a. he 11 0 ab ly tonducte 11 • II under-cl men nmnh r wa w c o 1 an p r 1ap t.be Ii ft en pou 100 th pro untJl e . tbca cnior are seat- compo es the be I recital giv n thi hi d • ·i ' ion in will .etand it IPa t b Y Don Howard now h a a t of of r;eac[ a n w J a (er in the per on y ar. d hate. I ~d II L eel.



one n. a;.Ila111m ha . h r,ecn II of ti an,m le boy, ociatecln wJt on 11 1 . . ·1 J tdfl arc1 ·nth1~workaucl1.W Pl lo carry on tht• work and Jill th


o/~~r.'e;;o,~:~~'.l( by th

re ianation

r.=============;======~=============== • ~ - St. p anc t · k Sen1·or w·11 I H onor .

---0 C---


Tomorrow Night With Frolic


·or will c lebrate a and bon ,Howard arc the c.o1 J' hc . tafely enJ . . h followfog in char e o f t h <' pr Ji ---, rc la p: \\ eclne.day 111 t . . Broadh ad ha prom hi, TrOOJ>, in addition t cni r J{cc gnitio? rvice_ ~.1'. •·Tri b yncppator,·• Oftlic, _rk in the department of econ· I morn in". • bi t. Eatr1ck s I . \t the big ocial ' ~ ie party will "' · d up th e trenuous· on th dou1i ln th CQ 11 eg , I,a a ume d the D win eqior hope 1 Prod e_ ro[ of dramatic in tractor a nd j d ay (or th propectivc grad wh 11 th e I incrle (aitd marri d) m day Uc r _and · riday and atur· a\ ·e fronts will fade to th e r ar. cla on hand, b cau e hi~h evening 5 o' clock in the , au.d er 11 icl t green surro1111ding th Y of the cla will erve ' ·I t an at · 1h · t ck . h1. , Cho"! th v um v-tl pre n • lie 'til thev drop 111 eir ra · on n_y of wb c 1 t " "'1. L , 1 can 1ro . . •·la}• . ar \mencan eg1onj of th fe tiviti w ill he br II i r tn fa TJ1e ene h / ous Pla m-, h Philophronean parlor . "' here t e b ti a . ohen n an t l>ate" Y, eys Q B Id- I t e . eo-in ahout eigh bell ai1d jo nior p · ho\\' Wt 11 1) o· d ti .. · 1'h . until the punch i gone an ie Ed1toc' : 1tor beg lieca Pla merfr la )c· turn out the Ii ht . (Prof. t e be uppl · h e chapcrot · t...,.c lat • meote d · I Plot u e of m d "- Troop will , erve Jll lC. e of a an ;.vu s. I . b I and . p c· 1 cltUJax_. city· pare! and that t 1e tie e oo y an ex 1a n ter capa · . "'ill colllpl1 Oreb tra II ,. o k ' ante d coratton. Emn, tt ~{ 1, c arro , program.

:~;c__\ .

t 1

Day ,











Page Two





that wa greatly appreciated by t~ 111 club. The Bra s Quartet featured the orch es tra's program T l, Mn . Laura Smit h D avi of the Requirements in Bible Changed fro m College Songsters Have Successful e niors of last year' class nd las of '\l3 . i pre ident of the FedWeek-e ffrip Through may now have th eir cut if they will 8 to 6 Hours-Freshman Eng!'sh Changed from 2 to 3.. Miami Valley. . . end twenty-five cent in ca h to cov---er the co t of cuttin g the cut apart, c,·cral impo:tant change 111 the I The most succe sful Glee Club trip wrapping and mai ling them. ny minimum requirement for gradua- , o f the season began when the club organization wi hing the ir cut can ticn were made at a FacultJ meeting left Westerville last Friday afternoon have the ame. If there are any cut held in the Pre ident' office la t for a three day concert tour in the any person Or orga nization would M onday li!vening. .\lliami Valley , around Dayton , Ohio like to have th e amc may be procu rThe more important alteration con- \ a~d did not return until late unday-1 ed for a rea onabl charge. If inter­ sisted of reducing the number of \ night. . The first _concert of the. trip e ted write r ee F. M. Pottenger, Jr. hour - of Bible from to 6. The en - wa gn·en at Lewi burg where a filled ----0 C---tire requirement may he worked out auditorium bespoke the people' plea of Women's Clubs in the Sophomore year, the course ure at the ong ter ' performance. Pleased with . Banjo Orchestra beino- ~ hour and compo ed of a The crowni ng .event of the trip wa An addre by Pre ident lippi nger combination of the ophomore and the performance 111 the Memorial and a musica l program 1 y the Banjo erv1ce combined Junior Bible courses. Hall at Dayton, aturday nigh t, w_here n addition to the minimum re- the club presented it program to it Orche tra featured in the Otterbein and quantity quirement add Religiou Educati n largest audience of the seaso n, thu program given before the regular o the condition which formerly read far. The Glee M n reciprocated with meeting of the .Federation of Women' lub of Columbu at the Club House Hi t ry or ocial cience. Thi var- their 1200 eager li steners by putting choice t foods; i tion came about through the in- aero s by far the be t conce r t of the on Ea t Town treet.


Eat Drink and Be MerrY at the


with · of

The Banjo Orche tra pre ented a crca i11g ,·alue of Religiou Educa- ea on. Two encore at the end cf Cor. Main and State election ticn all over the country. The ub- several of the group were nece ary program of in trnmental ject i quickly becoming popular in to atisfy the pleased audience. the many educational in titutions of la yi ng over in the Gem ity until IIIIII the -~ate; hence such a change was unday afternoon, the lub gave a [llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :: deemed wi e. half hour program before about 750 § § For th Fre hmen tile Engli h Rhet ric and ompo ition course ha been ch nged back to 3 hours, the former tandarcl. The 2 hour course did not L>l nd with the Fre hman chedule as well the Faculty had hoped it ,·ould. lt wa the general opinion at

people in the National a h Register Company· chool House. Thi wa not a regular concert but a preliminary to an Inter-denominational Mi ionary Conference held there under the au p1ce of the Dayton Council of churche .



~~:c1~t,:!:~e \~aatn t~\: mhanyr f:£ l~:en CONDIT ONS ~FC ~ i N ' r S Ji h to h<'t er quip thPm for the r maind~r oi their o r



Easter Togs are Here!

= -


in rientation will be reElizabeth Br~din. ecretary of .\: cour lr d o[ Fr ·hmen next yea r durin<r orld tudent Friend hip Fund. me t r. The regular chap 1 gave a lect ure in the condition of fir t p ri d will be taken up every tudent in Europ m chapel th· day ntorning by I cture on th hi - morning. t ry, regufal:io ns and cu tom of Mi Bredin ha trav 1 d xt~n 1ve0 ly in Ru ia , her ' 11 ge by Pre ident lippinger. he made a detail cl tudy of tudent )if . creclil will b~ !!.i · 11 for tlu c ur he will ____ O L,----r ma in on the campu for th r main-


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cu-win not a bright Seasonable Change throughout Our Entire- tore, :::

J C Freeman ~ & Co• •

The Tailor

the evening and Glady a piano olo.

nyder playi,d


----0 C----

E. J.





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ltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllll ---~


Mrs. Cook's S

day School Class d r of the day. To Give St. Patrick' s Day Party In her peech Mi Bredin urged that tudent 1fr . ook'. 11day hool cla po ible to the tudent Friend hip planning a party to be held in 1, und which give financial aid to the ran Hall pa rl or on Friday evening, tudent ill Europ who are trug­ March 20. The party i to be carri d gling for an education. ut on th e theme of t. atrick' day. - - - 0 C -- Variou comm it tee hav be n ap­ Batdorf Speaks pointed and are working on the plan G. E. Batdorf, pa tor o.f the to make th party a ucce ' nited. Brethr n church, Day­ ---0 C--­ ton gave a11 addre in hapel. Tue Y. W. C. A. da on th ubje t Y. \\'. A. wa mo t delightfully favored Tue day evening by having a leader, Mr . Horace Troop, a former member. Th ubjcct of Mr . Troop' talk wa " trength''. he likened character t an archway having a the keystone. intelligence. "It i our busine . ." he aid, ' to a quire all the ducation we can ju order to ·help u to live and to appreciat th oth r fellow and to do all we can for him.' the foundation tone of lhe arch, We solicit your inspec~on of Mr . Troop u ed hone ty, fair pla , industry, di ligence, un elfishne , in­ Spring Samples. flucnc and con ideration . Will Do Your L nore mith led the devotion of



SEE OUR NEW CREATIONS In Fashionable Stationery. All the Latest Tints to Select From. Also a New Shipment

Otterbein Papers To Show You. SEE OUR EAST WINDOW.


The Drug Store First.

's. Pliarm Where Everybody Goes. E. Main St. Westerville


'04 · W. B. Brubaker. a, 6eld agent for Bonebrake Theo~~cal S em111ary · " and ,· - spe n :1·mg ~onie time in the tale of Kansa . I conducted th e devotional exercise in ~he 'Kan a tate senate on February 7 • th e invitation to serve in this wa bein . . "o- extended to h1111 by the c hap1 ain of the enate.

cthio ·1~

arl Vernon Roop of Find lay-, conducted a n evange li stic cam­ l>a,gn at Mt. Zion Church nea r Bu­ CYrt\. the last two wee.ks in February Wh·1 • ch proved to be th greate t re.\1va\ th at community ha experience · d i ~r a number of year . Mt. Zion c Urch · one of the thriving rural cono-regatio,1 of d k C fer ence. a11 u Y on -

r;onal hri ·tian Endea er onvention thi:1g that saved him wa the fact that cf Irene Hall. to be held in Portland ne t I the peas rolled o~ the knife before Tl · . whicn · they reached his mouth. Before he ' [ 1ehre is ohn 1Y one t~ing ab~ut this July. • • • " arc weat could attempt 1t again, the obnox1o u 1 . .er that. 1 certaJn,. and ' 11 ' 13. ir. and Mr . Par E . \ in e­ i:1strumcnt (, as t2ken from him. ow that is th ere is ccrtam to, be a change. lan'd Bertha Richards) of Dayton. he ay he'll eat peas by mixing them Poor old Adam had some bard luck Ohio. hav announced the birt h of a with the mashed potatoe . 1>ut he didn't have to give up his bed daughter. born February 24. The to alumni on the eve of big games. One Freshman wb.o is about fed up baby J1a been named 1'I.ary lice. on vocabulary building exercises says ---0 C--that his teacher must be awful dumb N E ARL Y ORI GINAL WIT to have him look up all those words. (By Tee and Cee.) The calling that await mo t Which j the richest cla in 0. . ? of us e nior i probably a callFir t plac , . Sophomore . fou r ichol : ing down. econd place. Fres hm en, one Pinny This week's dumbest Freshman is (penny). the o~e who thinks Cochran is a s~ster WHO PAYS ?

Personal and Group


Before the dawn of hi tory, In eo letic day . There was dusty proverb That the woman alway pays.



I met h r at the De bier, nd there we had ome tea, For which , l paid the. Dehler Four dollar sixty-three.

Envelopes ,


We had a bite of dinner K O kind of meal at all. '15 l . men. · -e\\11. 1. Hohn, who has b ee n I It on ly co t ix iron ~d. !or of the United B(ethren church , Our appetite were mall. at Che c; · · · · · in the rr~ rov . near ,nc1nnat1.' t Our ticket for the Hartman 28-30 We t Main St. Th n11d t of a building campaign. . b t then e ch h . . b d vV«re very poor, u last urc Ill thal place wa _urn . f I really had no right to kick ,.. now· tn1?1 ~ and the congregat10~ t Th y nly o t me ten. th >eg1nn1ng work on a. __n ew thirty • Ill ousa 11d (lollar church bich -w ill be . fter that a upper club 1~11 111111111 IIU II IJ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllrtllll I I I Ill 111 Ill l ll I II I lll llllllllllll odern in ever re pect. \ ith Jemonade for two '14 , ·Y The check w.u only three bu ks nan,O?M (· r. and Mr , Guy F •• H art- Quite rea onaole, too. f 1 • Ora Bale of anton, pent a . . of\da:v.• I lat, ee1- t th home, Her ),om~,'rxl - J,J- L de.J1, 1,f r ,.._ · t k here· It · lf artrnan' pa rents, Mr. and A ta. ·t 00 u }j .. \r. C. Ba\ in \\' ten·ii)e. Mr. It only cost a fi_ve or . 8 •tt111a ' . f ~ T Ja ,· the ta:x-1 fare. c,... . l) atten led the meeting o t 11 l· 0 I tr,/c;J f .:dmiui tration of the cellnd now that we ' are civilized da. area, held in, , e tcrvill on 11011t J a t w think we are, I f • , Y a,ic1 Tuesday. I think of ;)rehi toric man 87 · d envy him afar. - D R : , the L; r_. arry H. Haller. Q_a tor ot · 11 1111 Carr ed Brethren church at Gridley. •or who would not pr fer to I e I~. d re .111 a, and th peopJ of hi con- . ca,· man in tho ay · ne/at,on laid th orner looe f r a \\'h 11 truth Jay in the pr verb, t11ar church ht1ilding .11 unday. F b- ''That the w man a lway pay ·" A . "v • F • llac·r,Y 22 · Bi hop \\'a -hington of th ii1111111111 111n11111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111C111111111111111ii I IC cJ"I that trict wa the preacher n Student Nearly Commits Suicide. Iler day and had charge of the con\'rh"I1 tii1g pea at cl.inn r 11 un- , fund tone laying and the app al for ., e Bea ld t;r'ed to mmit ui - lll llllllll lllllllllllllll lllllllllllll llll llll ll lll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll da . D. arro 1 _ : : cid b cutting hi tbr at. 1 h ,only -

10 East Main St.

The Buckeye Prin ting Co.



= =


·= = = =


hi iss lna Gamert felter. who left _--,--:--=-;-::,7:---,C~;-;,;:c-::-----:---iou- country earl\· Ja~t fall for mis- <1ry tv Work in Japan u::der th g ~llgeJica[ hurch i. now in \an• e. . . . hrj chool in Tokyo. Dunn the 1 ti. it :,a vacation ;n the cbool h in e a number of point of interest and <lay• e. near Tokyo, gping on 11e I lain X:cur ion lo the Hakon Moun­ l'ise and attending hri tmas exe r­ in s.e condu led by the mi ionarie ln a~~:~ 1 Place. not far from Tok Ruage. it,on to her tudy in the fa 1~leachi chool Mi Garnert felder 1 Before purchasing your lto-J· ng three evenings a week in the . "I h . new Spcing x f or ds tn tbe. ~ 1 ~~t chool and i helpin g stock of Children~' 1011 with work. for the p~ll[ an . h_ find~ her t ime 11·ell t ""ark d I very happy in all h r O

Call at ard or re idence


G en-Lee Coal Co. ~~

_ Go where ou have alwa s been plea ed -

= = = = = =



Visit the new home of




= =


O look over our w rld's be known Oxfords Gilbert, who ha j -= $3.98 to $8.00 tatc an:ny chap=

erved an1. . 1ain in nit d 'cutiv var ancl who i now , Of Ila[° Cr tary and superintendent i,. I011aJ 111 . . ,~ 11011, h 1 ions and rortJand. r lhe. db ll a~pointed chairman of e cornin1 te f 1: the J111 1a-




'24. M·

's8 · · W·w 1 1

.Have. no superior





= = Rich and High St. = = 11 laro-­

r e t, fine t, and

d o-allery in

m~ri a for pr du th art. la

ra e


t 1 n wn to

rb in

tud nt .

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!:'age Four

- - -- --





' determination of a tudent'~ grade. That those girls' inter-class basket­ But we do not believe that a tudent·s ball games are a fight to the finish. I grade in any one ubject can bl". ac- J There ·is enough material · on the Published Weekly in the interest of curately determined by te tin g him in teams to turn out a first class varsity tw o or more subje cts on th e same outfit. O t te rb ein by the day. It seems to us th at gi vin g a OTT ERBEIN PUBLISHING .That we're all glad it is only two BOARD stud ent thr ee tes t in one day is very short wee ks until the spring vacation Westerville, Ohio. unju st and unsatisfactory from eve ry Member of the · O hio College Press point of view. That the recital given last Wedne&Association. lt i not at all difficult to realize day was one; of the best ever. that if a student ha to prepare for That mid-semester examinations STAFF Editor-in-Chief ........ Paul Garver, '25 three tests in one night and then can not be far away Th h Assistant Editor .... D. S. Howard, '26 more than likely take the e tests in three uccc ive hour . th e results . at t ~ man whc is Eatisfied with Contributing Editors. of vie"· . . D . R. Clippinger, '25 from th e po111t of either the I himself will rarely find others who Pauline Wentz, '25 st ud ent or the in tructor are very 1 are. Edith Oyler,' '25 That the inauguration of Honor Robert Cavins, '26 likely to be unsatisfactory. The evils Wayne Harsha, '2'! exi ting in the present system oi giv- 1 Day will mean much to Otterbein. G. H . McConaughy, '27 in g mid eme 5t er exami na ti on ar e ob- j That Otterbein's athletics will start Business Manager .... W . S. Wood, '25 vious. on the up-grade only when we have A s't. Bus. M g rs. -·- Wm. Myers, '26 We do believe, ho\\'ever. that it is more boys in school. .. A successful Marcus Schear, '27 Paul Newell, '27 entirely practical and not a difficult campaign for more boys in next Circulation Mgr. --· Ladybird Sipe, '25 matter for the member of the facu lt y year's class will solve the problem. to get together and a rrange a chedAsst Circulation Mgrs.That we are anxiously looking forMargaret Widdoe ; '26 ul e for te t so that they would be Ruth Hursh, '27 more evenly di tribute·d. wa rd to th e spring vacation, Athletic Editor ·····-· J. Q. Mayne, '25 ---- 0 C ---T hat the numb er of contests on the Asst. Athletic Ed. E. H. Hammon, '27 Show Your Spirit I local field in both baseball and track Local Editor .............. D. Harrold, '27 Alumna! Editor .... Alma Guitner, ' 97 Ton ight the debat team for the pleases us. Exchange Editor .... Lenore Smith, '2tS ea on of 1925 will appear for the last ---- 0 C---Cochran Hall Editorof Quality and Elizabeth Saxour, '25 time . The team is not below the tandard of pa t years and the only 1 Distinction I Address all communications to The ordinary howing of the team ca n be 1 1 Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. accounted for by the fact that mis- Tuesday, March 17College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. fortune after misfortune followed th Debate, Otterbein vs. Wittenberg. Subscription . price, 2.00 Per Y car, teams. There'£ .-;-u Better Style ickne , tirst took its to ll, Inte rcl a ha ketball champion hip 1 payable in advance. To Be Had ~t AnY Price! robbing one team of one of it game. 7 :30 p. m.. ' ollege Gym. 1 tronge t member and other inter-- Wednesday, March 18Entcred a second cla matter e t. occupied th tin1 of other avail· R en,or ecognition Day. eptem ber . 2S, l9 17 , a t 't h e pos t O ffi cc able material. at Westerville,. 0., under ac of arch . nior la party . 3, 1 79. .. _ The att ndancc at th e la st few de- Friday, March 0-2 Acc ptance for m~1hng at . special bate. wa far bclo\\' the Otterb in rate of postage prov1ded for m Sec. . Mrs. ook' unday l103 Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized tandard. A large attendance is the party. April 7, 1019. only way we can how our pirit and prove to .th_e ·team that we are back T uesday, March 24EDI ORIALS Lecture Cour e. of it. We owe it to th m no le F ir t annual For n i D ay program. than we do to h fo lball or ha ketSpring Sport ball team . L '- all o to the debate If the prin port are to be a uc- tonight and how our pirit! • 111111111!! ce s more m n mu t re pond to the --- 0 C ~IIIIIIJl1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllll 11111












cc of That the ituation of !\ othino- haWho morLoses? retard d call ofubthtan-coach. i th ·um athl tic here at tterbein. gre of the variou campu th great n cl of the zation than indiffer nee and T h one e ential factor in t of the little mind on t he

the proorganiridicule. camp u .

building up a winning team i the Ridicule ha contributed more to the avai lability of men. f downfall of organization than. any pring · port here at Otterbein are other fore . lJ indu try mu. t be further handicapped by the fact that :x. ited by hop . The ucc f any the er 011nel of he three team i campu ac ivity dep the mad up of nearly th ,amc men. Th co-op ration it r luonly way thi unfortunate co ndition d nt body. can b r medi d j the ava11ability f Her in tlcrb . " man who J • 1 ore m n for each port. . i put at th hea e pha of prin port have been on a decid- college activity t re POil ibiled ![)ward tren d in Ott rb in du ring ity only ~o crve Ima fat r, re the pa t fe year and whether or n t cciving no recomp n e ave w hat litt h y ar to continue their forward tL honor may be forthcoming after progre will depend to a great exte nt he ha ac.c.ompli h d hi ta k ucce on th manner which tnd nt r - 1 fully. H !i_v and wo rk in hope. spond to the call to var ity duty. Th that bi effort may b appreciated, succc of th ea on in heir but when h i continually at the hand . mercy of big led and iclle mit1d , all ____ o C - - -intere t i lo t and the hope of ucGiving Midsemestcrs ce are defeated by contempt and inWithin th e next few week t he mid- ult. The orga nization which he m t r examinatio ns for thi t rm leao. goe down wjtb hi ambitio n will b given. We don't look for~ ward to the exam with any great amount of pleasure, not so much be-


tterbein i h )o er. ---- 0 C :r,rr STRIKES US-

: ·

§ :





Un1·vers1·ty Book Store Th e Place to B UY


§ _ : -

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Eaton Crane _an d p·k Cor1 e Stationery, T b . . respondence Cards, Pound Papers a - ~ lets and Envelopes. .~ ,

SMART., CORRECT AND DISTINCTIVE at an unusually low price.

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§ §



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§ ~


18 N. State St.

. 0 W esterv11le, ,

~:: -

cau e ,~e fear the exam but bccau e we dread the way they are given. e That we are looking forward to suebelieve in te ts and realiz they are ccss£ul seasons in all three of the




or le

e sential to an accurate sports.


Pace Fin


' SPEAKER PRAISES WORK / engaged in a se rie s of clever contests, is capab le of seating over two thou­ TO OBSERVE FORENSIC DA y ON CAMPUS SOON OF O'fTERBEIN COLLEGE in which tl1e ''Tweedle " family were and peop le in the ound of the s peak­ pitted against th e "Ca tlebury ," the er"s voice. However, part of this 1 Recognition To Be Given Men Who .. Put" Sandie , who at tended Ot - fi nal re sult of the conte ts bein 5 a number wou ld not be ab le to see t he terb ein Coll ege in the ea rly "90's" draw betwee n them. Later in the speaker. Have Participated In Inter­ and who was formerly Sec retary _of even ing Mrs. McCa rty furth er de­ co:Iegiate Debate. gr iculture for th e State of Ohio. lighted her guests with an excellent The first .. Fo ren s ic Day" to be ob- spoke recently before the Busi ness two-co_urse luncheon cons isting of erved on Otterbein's ca mpus will be M ens Assoc iatio n of We terville. sa ndwiches. dessert and hot choconeld here 011 March 24. The day will I Mr. Sand les in his speech t ress- I late. ol--- O C lie et aside fo r th e re cognition of a ll eel the fact t hat Otterbein m · GRABILL DEDICATES ORGAN en who have participated in rnter- lege has been a big fa ctor in making Professor Grabill wa·s greeted by a collegiate debate and oratory this \ ·este rvill e th e town it is. "Thirty Year. yea r ago [ atte nd ed Otterbein Col- very large ·a nd re pon ive audience wh en he gave th e dedication recital of rwo week end fes tivitie wi ll enter lege. a nd I know th a t no ya rd st ick th e organ in A rl ington Street U . B. into the ge neral recog niti on fo r the can ever meas ure the good th at this hurch, r\.kron, Ohio. There were debat er a nd orators when Profes or institution has done for th e co mmun ­ over 1500 people crowded into the <ITicl Mr . McCartv will e nt erta in the it v as a who le."' he • aid. .: udit or ium fo r th e dedication se rvices. · Allir111ative de bat~ team at dinner on - - - () C - -The Arl in gton Street Ch urch, of Frict ay ni ght and th e Negative ou t fi· t TENNIS MEN MAKE wh ic h Rev. M . A. Wagner is pastor, on aturday ni g ht. · READY FOR SEASON


I. C. Robinson Groceries and Meats.


Phone 277 or; 65


On Mond ay morning at chapel Public recognition will be accorded Captain Pat rick who also erve as th e fore n ic representative a nd a coach in hi s particular spor t ·i bebort addre s w ill be made about th e gin ning to look around and take an Place of for nsic activity in the place inventory of th e material on hand to RITTER & UTLEY, Props. Qf the chodl b Prof. McCarty and make up his tennis cre w fo r the ap­ Perhap a hort \alk by Prof. Marsh- proach ing eason. Patrick is •th e on lv 1nan of We 1 yan may be on the menu. Jetter man thi s year. A lthough a _veter­ Ii Th fir st "Forens ic Day" wi ll be du e a n of seve ral matches last year 111 the Onor to tho e wh o have pent months perso n of George Bechtolt wi ll _be a and month of tucly and effort to running mate to start thing go mg. · 1 111 rank O lterbem · iig·h in foren 1c · realms · th e T here i m uch good matena and 1·t 1· hoped that the day may be- Sophomore cla s to fi ll the vaca ncies · co~e an ann ual affai r to pu r Otter- left by those who graduated la t year. be111• · repre entative to higher e ff ort navely i probably the mo t promi~1 :,~~hto enli t the up port of tl1e chool I ing of the new _candidate_, although _t YOUR EYES EXAMINED FIUE out which the e-ffort of the I i not y t certarn a to JU t who w 1Jl t ea 111 • would mean but littl ~. report. \:-;;= =============================lJ Co 0 C"------ 0 C ~ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ' - -- - ' - - - - - - -- - - - ACRE A~E,ND, OHI O I Walter Ca mp, Noted Football l ■lnl ■l!I 1 CONFERENCE MEET Authority, Dies Saturday ii

THE UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY Drugs and Optical Goods.


Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.




j , alter amp. vetera n. au thority on coac h terctay, M oclay. :March 16, th e ' football and athletics genera lly, wa differ: an d athletic (lirector. of th e found dead in hi bed at the Hotel ferenc;t coll~ge o f t h Qh10 h Con- Belmont, • ew York, hortl y before nuaJ " met 111 oluu11)u for t e ant rday He had apparently g b' r' noon a u • ba k tb ra ' for elate for next yea s d ' d during the night a th e re ult of ing e al! ea on. t the sam-e meet- 1 ie h t attack probably "ri!hout foo~b otnc1al wi ll be cho en for ~e a akearing fr m 1 ep. H as in hi rner a I game n xt fa ll. oach D1t~ ·th year and n· . e 1ted 1xty- IX • Otte • 1rector Martm rep re I h d been in ew York 1 rie111 in u · . ti Mr. amp a 11 mee ng. j t attend the m eting of the inter-co IGlee Ci -b O l o 1. t footbal l ruJ committee, f c u May Make Records .a e of Popular Otterbein Songs I ' hich he wa secre~ry. T-', 11 . • ---0 --age · Pottenger, Jr., bu m man- J ior Actors Enjoy Informal I if :uof t_he Gt e lu b. aunounc that un Party at McCartys MondaY !!!I G1 flicien ord ei: " ·arrant il: the Profe or and Mr . Leon M c arty ii ~ l11 b wi ll make pbonog raph r torct e nt ertained the ca t of the Junior play of th "' Love o ng'' a nd "J::lere with a delightful informal party held O 0 me from tt rbein.' at their home on outh tat treet Cer/cler are bei ng taken at all con­ la ·r Monday evening. Th Opp Or(and tudents will be given an _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,.:__ _ _ _ _ _ __ ·







con Ltity to ub crib at· the 110me rnadcert · Th e r cords will not b e 1

c1 0 e Until after th conc,c:rt ea on be e · The price of th records will one dollar each .



Pr ~resident Has Busy Week. un 1· e 1de11t lippinger poke to On · \Vin l ot all th church in . C1e · te r, 01. 1ng_ 110, la t unday


A waiting Your S election for a Tailored-to-Measure Suit .-cJu iv patter~ f r th un o- man demand individualit m h. mp rt d riti hand Deau11 np and plain w ingle or coll o-iat cl th d ubl br a ted. Custom Tailoring Without the AnnfJyance of a Try-on




Vi it Our College Shop a

Tonigl the 1t the pr id cnt wi ll addre and t~~her of th e \",' e te rville rade 1 '' S-h School on the ubject of 0 &'e t~e Profe ional and Practical u 1 F on th vVork of Teaching:' dre ay vcning h wi.11 give an ad­ an l:: on Re!igiou Education before CoJu abt End omm.uni.ty me ting in Ill u .



New Fashion Park Woolens for Spring

Cream Sold at

.Hitt Bros.



This evening in the college gym at re1>re en ting the Sophomore and Junior clas -e will meet in contention for th e inter-c lass ba ketball champion hip of the chool. T hese two teams ar very even ly matched a nd a hectic batt le is expected. Tn j the game playe<l Saturday both team bowed ability and peed but mo t enthu iast look to the Sophomore to win. However, the Junior team wi ll be tre ngthened con t<1e ~ably with Widdoes in he line-up. The two teams will probably line up as follow : Pos. Juniors S ophomores navely ................ F ....,~....... \ \ddoes lli on .................. F. -·············· Up on Jame ·····-··········· C. ·········· ···· Porosky uell .................... G. ···-··········· Seibert Carroll ·······-·- -· G. ...... McMichael s - - -- 0 C - - 1 C apt am· Elec t C arro11 W:.dd oes Receives Honorable Mention

Ba e ball uniforms were i ued to about twenty men who re pond d to Coach Ditmer' s call for base ba ll can­ didates fast week. The ea rl y IJrac­ tices were he ld in the gym nasiu m, but during the latter part of the wee k, the men were taken on the fie ld. La t week the squad did little mo re than to s and pass the ball around in orde r to loo en up stiff arms and get in to the wing of th ing . Competition between the candidate will be keen a there are everal a pirants to every po ition. The pitching staff is th bigge t prob lem but thi one is e..xpected to clear up within a few week .

7 :30, t am~




P aul Garver

Merrill Patrick

Veterans Who W ill Capt ain Varsity Teams In This Spring's Activites.

Abel Ruffi:1i When th e at hl etic team represe nt ing Otterbein in tl-: e three spriiig p~r!• take th fie ld. th ey wi ll be captained by veterans of three vears· ,·arsity ervic.e. The ba b 11 ·1 · , 10 · . e a team w , I be led by Pa ul Garve r who has earned two letter1 t th1 por t "B 0 t" h h ·1to •. · a had the to ugh a signment of holding down t e ,, i co rn er · be l Ruffini lead the track ters in th is year·s activities. "Ruff ·· a da~ h ma n . of no little abil ity a nd he excel I in the ➔ ·40-ya r d event. I--! etl:e cer t~ II~ to w in ma ny .point fo r 0. . this spring. Merril l Patrick direc:s. a dest1me of the te nm s team and he is capable of doing it \,·ell. "Pat' t ver at1lc ma n with the racq ue t an d excells in every dcpar,ment o f t he gante·

INrrER-CLASS CHAMPS In a close game that ran into the second overtime period, the Junior co-ed defeated the Fre hman o-irl Thur day ,afternoon by a single point and won he girl.' inter-cla. champiou ·wp. l' am ncle.d o-·. Th fir t overtime period was score.le s, as wa the second, but imultaneo u ly with the timekeeper' whi tie the referee called a per onal foul on a Fres hman. giving \Viddoes two ho . n on of the he looped the ball through the rim, making the


arroll \: iddoes, right forward, was the only var. ity man to re eiv hon­ orable 11cntio1t b)' the ev •la nd P la10 Dealer in it el ction of an A ll hio ·oaf renc l atn for the pa t ea on. Thi honor come in recognitio n for the con i tant good game he put up t}J.rou hout the ea on. Hi ba ket shooting wa extraordinary and he averaged better than eleven point per 7-6. game.

- - - 0 C---Star High School Athletes Visit Campus Last Week La t week two tar high chool athlete , Glen mith and J ames Mor­ Varsity " 0 " A . ssoc1ati.on Will t gan. oi ew Philad lphia were on the Present Minstrel a t J camp u and in attendance at th The ' 0" . in-Mu kin um Lia k tball · • Cl ing t it: min 1 th Morgan mith wer ·t. " ' ed a rth on the ctional t . c Black d tournam nt at u kin · their pr -entat ormer placed at forward and - king hard er at cent r. mith. exc 11 in at John t vvn. port a w II, b ·a~ an end on tball team. He ha a pole v r cord of leven feet. Mo rga n i o. l).urd ler of o little ability. Th re ALL-L EAGUE TEAMS 2 F rank Dur a po ibility that the e two a thle hail fr 111 ~larion, the h m may come to O tterb ein next fall town. Hardino-, Fl tche r, eor ~e O C Fann and '· ddi ' Knaebel. " ot y" Otterbein F.orwa rd Places Eleventh, ta rr d in atJJl tic circle at Hard_ing In O hio Conference Scoring List H igh in b tb :football -and ba ketbaU. ith the 1925 ba ketball a on H r at tterb 'n. h wa a li ttle low over and official co rin fig ure re- I in g(ltti ng tart d but -.. · wit h a total of 121 to in he et a fa t p He 1 el ve · a d two footba ll lett and nf . corin PRUNE LEAGUE b all Jette, dur in athl e a tota l lay Team car r. ' Kot y" wa a guard on ioi:i and 2 f F P layer I irst Tea m '"' S d T m gridiron of no littl abi lity a n ·n fo ave ,on Prie t ······•· ..-· F ecoEn d le~ Bann waJt h , ed up e pecia1I we ll in the v-en .P,O pe \ ale , 1:aroon ....................... · .....- ..·-·-····- ·· ' 0 ey, laP game at Cl veland tbi fa ll. who hea im Jame ' Bailey ·····•· .. ·········:········· F. - ··--- ······-····-···-· K arn ' D ullalt , played at ourt team he played a bang-up l lawita Bail ···········~·-····-········ , ·······- ··- - ··-··-·torey, Hanna,~ t at guard and wa one of the be t back i11 tanc five G......·- ········...:.......- Whitehead}! ~::11 McMichae l , uard on bi year' team. do . -···· G. - ······--··---··-···· Crook , ~1






Pa'!"e Scvea

So, s,mplu from


ordering Class and Group Pins.


" There's a Reason" 11 th and High

Columbus, 0.

Meats of All Kinds ---0 C--­

lt' pring\ hen every "B lue Eyed ally" like "Tea for Two" but hate to be "All

President Entertains Pre ident and Mrs. lippinger entertained with a t. Patrick' Day dinner party 911 aturday evening, March 14th, the gue t being Dean and Mr . ornetet, Profe or and it . Hur h. Mr . tarkey and on arl. and Profe or and Mr . ltman.

---0 C--Bring yo ur Dry lorri & on.-

leaning to u . E. dv.

J. lone". nd " harley My Boy" want to be - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ­ new Kind of Man ." The ni or gi rl doth nightly pray, , h Junior girl plea e keep away Do;1't lead my cap and gown a tray." Th dog "Zip", ju t by dying, get a half colu mn in thi paper, but wbe~ a tudent, pr ent or ha -b n, marr_1e he g t a couple of line . nd which ,,, a k you i the greater trag dy?



WOLF'S Westerville, Ohio

Dandy Candy and handy to et The finest k i n d s c I ever assortments and beautifully pack­ aged at


B lack will be worn much by enior \Ve'<l say pring wa the ca n f r . - ,,· a nd dea r t-will -you. )U:i V-\\ 111

Also Groceries at

Cor. College Ave. and State .

Rexall Drug Store Westerville Ohio

·. --- 0

Spring Fever

Special for l'he o

Levi Stump

llot-Juck nyx lub greatly enjoyed a :l'f00 t J upper at the home of Pu 0 1' hn on M nday night. t-t he el <lau th · even girl who were in ,llllll a Po I Week- nd made merry with ll\cnt 311d Pop om push in th ba eatu rday night. li:Iinor If of 1'[ owe wa the un.day gue t y., r Ii e Mc • Iwee. 0Urte rL en Pre en m mber of the b ''Utu "U h l) lub auline tubb and C:ona eem Wer gue t of Rhea ic· 1ari u hy Howard, Lucile Wahl, and ll====;:;;;;~ Olllfort in Dayton thi week- \:


37 N. State St.



.• Patricks Da)l Brick Ice Cream with Shamrock Center Green Candies Favors Shamrock Ju Ju Bees




last Thursday evening. The addre s game the Juniors defeated the enior was exceptionally appealing for the aggregation 26- 16. The fi rst half was eniors' hv a 9 to -l score l)ut \ Several Important Changes Are M ade speake r had first hand information the games arc not ~,-on in halve and th e \ in Football Playing Rules ahout hi s subject having spe nt three for 1925. years at Korea in the mission field Juniors closed the game with a ten and having been a keen student of point lead over the rivals. Becau e of an injury to hi knee The return of the kick-off to the mi sionary enterpri es. th kicker's 40-yard line: a change in tlie The th eme of the address was "that Garver \\'as forced to retire late jn e second half and th e Seniors fini t,cd rules involving b locked kicks behind he who saves his life shall lo e it but \ the lin e of scrimmage and the refu sal he \\"ho lose hi life shall aye it.'' the game \\'ith four men. McMich· 1 I of th e rules committee to consider the Mr. Campbe ll illustrated his speech ae ls was the best bet for the Juniors. return of the kickino- tee are the wi th dramatic incident drawn from Lirieup. J uniors 16 major changes made ~n the football th e live of such men a Livingstone Seniors · 16 \ rules for tll25. and Taylor. Patrick. l"P on • The rul e putting the kickoff back - - - - 0 C - - -F. Bechtolt y 0 ung \ F. McCarroll There was a very large group of to the 40-yard lin e was expected and SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS Poroskl' lu mni at the Dayton Concert of the it wa thought that the kicking tee WIN INTER-CLASS GAMES LetJeheur C. Seibert Garver G. Glee Club . Amo;tg the group there would h~ restored. but the committee }.l[cM:ichaels were. Park \-Vineland, Ceci l Con ley. members ruled differently. ( Continued from Page One) Du r r G. Charle Hall. Irvin Libecap. Gordon The change involvino- blocked kicb · core in the last few minute of the Howard, Roy Peden. provides that if the ball doe not game. T11 the overtime period .-\ llison \ Hbur Coon. •2:1, and "Perk'' Col- cross the line of crimmage, it hall -cored .by the free throw route and ·d · I 1 11 won th e game for his team mates bv I)e Iong to t h e s1 e recovering t 1e Ja . li r, '23, were in town over Sunday. _ a 25-24 core. Buell and Barne . the • \ ff. however, the kicking side recovt th mong t I1e many w I10 ma d e e np \ . fla hy Freshman forward . probably ers ,t hall count as another down. h d h t . to D ayton to t h e GI ee Cl u b cancer 111 Last ear. if a b locked kick was re- s owe up t e be t for the yearling . Dayton were four brave men from the I Y . • . • llison and navely played well for Al Cl b It c tainly a cold covered by the kicker s1de, 1t went the Sophomores. _ps u · wa er as a first down. All partly b locked tant~idfeor a t~;IJ~e boiiz~:. t~e:e :~:: kick which cro s the line of crim- F Lirhm 1eup. Sophomores 25 mage will rank just as if the ball had res en 24 who endured the hard hip were Har- not been touched. Buell F. Snavely Barne old Gib on, Eddie eibert, Paul UpF. Allison Another ruling provide that the Reigle on, and Emer on Whitehead. C. eamo n, captain of the team winning the tos Jame Russell ornetet was here ye terday may choose to receive or kick in ad- No rri s G. Buell dition to electing the goat wh ich he evening. G. arroll Bishop will defend. A great number of fellows followed The penalty a ainst c!ipping wa the Glee Club to Dayton to their Juniors Win. p • homes r t the h.o m of their increa d, providin for a 25-yard et­ In a game that wa in direct con­ frien<ls. Among the group "·ere Erner- hack from the point at' whi h the clip­ tra t with the F r hman- ophom re ping '\\·a don . on idi!all , Don H ,ward, v all Marlin. and Reginald hipley. - - - - 0 C---MEN' S GLEE CLUB WILL A number of tude11ts had the pri\·iTOUR NORTHERN O HIO 1 e of eeing Ohio tate,' Champio nhip Ba ketball tean1 beat V i con in Ja t aturda v ning. Tho e who ,vent ·were John Carrol l. Clarence. La porte. larl Lam! ert. Myron Reck Burd ti Jacoby, and T d Bennett. F OOT BALL RULES CHANGED







Where Price and Quality Meat

We cater to student trade.



Shoesand for nade . Robert . member la t year, m t the to take them lo th _




ff vi. itcd with friend at aturday and unday.

David Har zell, wbo wa at chool la t •year but wa unabL to attend thi year, enl rtained ha . llar in Dayton la t aturday afternoon.


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