1925 03 24 The Tan and Cardinal

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~~L~~ :::,-.____ · s==================~~~~~;=;~;==~~~~~~:;=;:=::~:::===================~==== WESTERVILLE, OHIO, MARCH 1925. 24,



N o. 22.




Observed Last \.Vednes day-Pre3i­ ! dent Clippinger Addresses Last V ednesday aftern oon about I l.iafor Now Can Be W orked Out tw enty- five members of the depa rtClass of 1925. ment of ociology made the fir t ob In Public Speaking On \'V ed nesday morning, March se r vat ion trip of the year when they Affi rmative Team Humbles w :ttenDepartment. r • th e la ss of 1925 donned caps and journeyed to Colum bus where they berg in Contest on Local Platform. DEPARTMENT IS EFFICIENT go wn s for th e fi rst time. a nd u hered . ~sited evera l institution of special ! by four r~presentative of th e Fre h-1 importance. The Goclman Guild wa 1 man Cla . preceded by Pre id ent , visi ted and it work wa in pected. j 0ttcrb · SEASON IS SUCCE SSFUL ein Boasts of One of Best Clipp ing er. whi le th e organ pealed T he e trip to olumbu , vi iting Org an1zed · Departments in for th it sole mn tone marched to ta tc and ocial welfare institution M ki . us ngum Tnump.h · M S · · th eir eat as the tudent !Jody tood 1a rc made each yea r by the member of s in ost pmtMiddle West. in re pec tful il enc e in the an nua l Re- th e ociology department. ed Clash of Entire cogn iti o n Day cer mony. When the - -- - 0 C - - - Season. had taken their place . !he COACH ALONZ O STAGG college joined in inging the ADDRESSES STU DENTS Otterbein again ven with o ng. Pre ident Clippinger deher op on nt in t f r 11 ic Football Expert Who Stopped ba tie of th ear, , an appropri.ate add re to th " Red" Grange V isit angular with arl ' chbach pok f r th O tterbein. u_king h Id Junior and Duane Harrold for the ar It 1 a ophomore , in ·hort peeche of tri­ 0 but fo th ~raduating cla . \\'ill ur · 1onzo g, director Mu an<l the r ity o m de v\' it . W od. pr sident of the la I' t.-:J gac ~pok <I' th elJi-or ·, a( 1 lb atti t ' la t esclay .-tndent body united in. . 1fc u . \ ri1~ld. for a la rg e a nd attenti\' Mar bing- ong. Dean c<l Lh c er dcl)ate 1 In hi· lectur - ach tag I d in a c heer for tt m plat cl or •cl a • the the fu nd amental of ood citizen- victor pel wa di mi ed. ' · ''tl nberg t ---0 C--­ hi p, of fair p lay. a nd of honor. He far th w. C. A. ELECTS OFFI CE R S a l o urged that all tudent catch the b in FOR NEXT YEAR'S W ORK v1 ,on f their life and follow it. His fere abi lity a a coach i re 0~1izcd the te t epit


C--- ·. SENIOR CLASS NOW AT ,WORK ON ir and 11 \\ ard r in n the platform ,\ II three ha,·e car • pc ial distin tion iu Ii Kappa Delta tho c ·wh ha,· · · t r mor i11\cr o il and whi h gi,· th · o w ar a diamond 01.1



Coach McCarty

Wood, Capt.

Page Two






re ult in deba te won a nd lo t are not a g ra tifying a th ey might have O f Members of Varsity Debate Squad bee n. but whe n th e circu m ta nce are and Coach Made Final Number of Citizen's Lecture a ll co nsidered th e outco me o f th e seaHere. o n I very credi tabl e. Ov erwork in Course To Be Presented 1 o uts ide activities wa the fir t et. This Evening. ' W ilbur W ood clo ed h I coll ege I b . j ackd th adt th e debate team experiI ca ree r a a deI1a ter wit. h a wm o ver n ente rta inm ent tha t i uniqu e a nd O tte rbein 's old ri va l, Witte11berg. H e , ence an h oa c h Mc arty wa fo rced ea o n _with inexperie nced plea ing will be pre ented by Mr. a nd ha proved to be a tro ng, fo rceful and to ta:t t Mr . Glen v ell s on th e fin a l numb er J h material and th en JU t a the fir t de· d b t th · aggre 1ve _e a er I yea r. n t e bate wa about a k ff wee o , one of of the itizen ' Lecture our e in the two mos t di ffic ult :,peech e , th e fi r t Chapel to night. The ea o n ju st affirmative in con tructi on and third th o e d eba ter took s ick and another clo in g ha been one of th e 111 0 t uc- affirmative in reb uttal, he handled _ha d to be whi~ped into hape to fill 111 · The N egative team went into the nominal him elf with th e ea e of a veteran ce fu l in recent year . admi ion to thi final number will be · fir t debate with t\V0 un ea oned Floyd ~ cGuire i_n hi calm, di r ect, peaker , whi l the Affirmative began Gharged in the hope that the chapel will be crowded .:nd thereby wipe out conver ational delivery gave added with o ne inexperienced peaker and ome of la t year' defi cit. The talent treng th ~ ~~e da:r~ative team. He, one veteran that had only been o ut on thi year' Co urse ha been paid to_o, c1ose W'. e atmg work wi th a about o ne week. Thu the handicap . enti rely by ticket ale. ittenberg. A presjdent that oach Mc a rt y had to overcome win ~ver It i cu tomary for }.,fr_ and M rs. o f Pt _Kappa D ~lt~, a nd th e tate were mo t di couragi ng and . till he W 11 to offer a thirty- minute mu ical O ratorica l A ociation h ha been an kept up th e mora le of the team that prelude a an introduction to a popu- o ut tao d ing man in fore n ic activi- came out of the ea on with th ree Jar play. The prelud e con i t of tie · win o ut of eight debate . d uet , oprano and baritone olo . Donald Howard wa unable to Giving night and day to the rehear _ the debater w hen the ing of peeche , revi ing and corr ectpera tic number a re ge nerally given in co tume. ea on began becau e of illn e s but ing manu cript , encouraging and inHerbert Thoma , an eminent Eng- when he did become a member of the piring hi men a ll the dutie of a de­ li h playw ri ght, ha written two play , squ ad he put ne w life a nd vigor into bate coac h and the e things Prof. Mc­ " tone.ment" and "The Come-back" the team . Hi kee n and crafty mind Carty did to a fi ni h. He accompli h­ ne of vhich w ill be pre ented by in pired the negative team to do big I ed his end o well t hat the pirit and th e talented per former . thing . !though he wa no t able to morale of the team ha eldom been ---- 0 defeat Mu kin gum he led hi team in excelled in any teams that Otterb ein one of the greate t battle that ei th er ha . ever turned o ut. The pirit in CONDITIONS OF STUDENTS IN EUROPE REVEALED chool ha had for ome time. , whi ch the practice debate were Roy Miller wit h hi de ire for carr ied out only reflect the attitude {r, Baldwin of the olumbu Y. M. work, hi uncanny ability to fi nd : of the coach and hi infl uence ov_e r the . mad au appeal to the Otterbein f act , an d a p 1ea mg • d e11very •u team . w1 , tudent in chapel Thur day for co n- form a nu cle u for a powerful team r · - -- - 0 C - - - tribution to the Wo rld tudent for nex t yea r. With ne mor yea r ' Tryout for Next Year's Friend hip Fund. oi trai nin g h will be a debater O rator Comes May First Mr. Baldwin ha travel~d iu Eur pc worthy of Otterbein. I Thi year the tryout f r the college and mad e a detailed tudy of tudent t ·1 t b h Id life in entral and Ea tern Eur p . Robert Knight, the only F re hman ora or ? e e May 1. If Mr. In hi peech he vivid ly told of the to make a Peaker hip, found him elf :oove; win an? th e e~ond peaker co11diti n under which th tudeot in th e Fre hman- ophomore debate. I a a ea ce oration he will . be ent to Wi.th a g reat deal of hard ' or:k h i the_ tate Peace onte t. ix m n a re e trym out. of E urope are trugg ling for an edu- h k h' cation. Otterbein tudeot to date a ept I place on th negative hav c ntributed 134 to th cau e. team. By the time he i a eni r h ____ 0 _ __ _ hould be one of the 111 t powerful 1 Motion Pictures a Feature of debater that Ott rbein ha ever 1,>roY. M. C. A . Program Thursday duced.



Levi Stump BARBER

37 N. State St.




bed May, F ranklin cou nty Y . M. ecr tar y, how d J:u Lake en a film at the . M . . meeting held in Lamb rt Hall auditorium Thur day vening. Th fi lm were taken at the 1923 Lake eneva, Wi on in, umm r camp lor men. The ntire role of camp activitie -that Lake Geneva afford v a hown . Real r creation and piritual uplift to r for every man at ake

t o xfords W. L . Douglas Lates_






Duane Harrold wa the main tay of the opbomor team and wa uc e ful memb r of th team. H ha a keen mind and w ill be a trong man for the quad for 11 xt yea,r. larenc Laport had ar ity d bate. He fo r the negative team. er delivery he will be debater.

hi fir t year wa alternat~ ith a trong­ a d pendable

Dwight Har h another Fre hman ave great pr mi e of being a v ry wimming, ba el>a ll, fell w hip good d bater bu t ju t the with 111 n fr m th e wor ld ~ve r, a nd about to open he wa taken ill by world leader ar favorit and wa for d to drop out. We hope f '.Lak eneva' prog ram. that next year will find him well and ---0 trong o that h an fi ni h Columbus Man Addressed th at he o well began. Friday Sociology Club Ea rl Hoov r came to the quad [o r Mr. \I alter We t, director of the . t y, the la t two d bate · He added a oc1e olumbu Fami ly ervi c poke to the ociology lub Friday ~reat deal to the trength of the negallv team and helped to wi n over morning on, "The Trea tm ent of PovHi ram a nd to give Mu ki ngum her rly." Mr. We t talked mo tly of hard fig ht. H ~ ha one more year. the principle of ocial aid revealed Coach Leon McCarty. through actual ca e work, and the re­ lating of variou ocial e ffort . Mr. In hi fir t year in directing Otter­ W t t wa brought to Otterbein by bein' foren ic activitie , oach Leon Pr f or Hur h through hi con­ McCar ty ha ucceeded in pla in de­ nee ion with the Columbu ouncil bate and oratory on a higher plan e than they had be n for y ar . The of ocial Worker .



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~~ii~ii~iiii;~oo;;;;;~;;i;:~;========~T~li:==E~Ti:=A:=:::::=~=:::====~==A = L========--==-==-~-: =-=~--=-=======-=P~age~ t;i McCARTYS ENTERTAIN Good advice for this time of the m ura l ba ketball team. Tho e ten 1 VARSITY DEBATE TEAMS , year: ..Stumble but don't fall. men were th e one ·wh o macle the I to a; 1 l:as e !:all pb.yers ther's no •·firS t team ."' Members of Affirmative a nd Nega tive /I To u~11 base ball players there's n o I y ·ou may no t b e a bl e to hve · on love Teams Enjoy Dinner at . base li ke home. but did you ever hear of anyone dyMcCartys. Who Ever Heard Of;ng from it?


See Samples from


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will note a bright Sea o nable Change throughout Our Entire Store.





Page Four


To Our Debaters


TAN -& CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interest Otterbein by th e

OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, O hio. Member of the Ohio College Association.

Tuesday, M arch 24L ectt•.re Co ur se. W ell s F irs t gram .

oncert Co.

. nn ual Fo rensic Day pro·

Friday, March 27M et ropolita n O pera leg e Cha pel.

ompa ny, Col-


I. C. Robin·so'n Groceries and Meats,




.. •\



OPERA COMPANY WILL PRESENT PROGRAM HERE Representatives of Metropolitan O pera ' Company to Be on Campus Friday Afternoon. · The Metropolitan Opera Company of New Yo rk City o ffers one of the nio t unusual a ttraction s to be had on th e camp us this year by pre enting th e opera, "Fals taff," as an ope ra­ l~gu next Friday afternoon at 3 :00 0 clock in the college chapel. The Performance will be given by two of · E. the company ,s emment art1· t , M r. t'.dward Hart, who wi ll play the en­ opera on the piano, during which ~Ille Havrah Hubbard. a distinguish­ e fi<>ure in music, both as a writer 0 ; the subject and as an interpreter -o the great works of the ma ters, will ;;Per onate and relate the story of e opera.





To tho e inte rested in dramatic ProbabJ th . 1 . that o( ~ k~ most. interedstmg. p an 1s c . 1a 111g J umor an emor p 1ay red1t , . b cour e . These course wi ll e 0 Pen on! of r to tho e who are mem b er the re · · p 1ay i f Pecf1ve clas e . Jumor Pia or the purpo e of putting on the more efficiently and to give a greyater number of student t he benefits d'.amatic training. There were the IX Junior who tried out for rec ? ay "Tweedle 1' and only eight . w ill b e · eived any training. This emest o t:he Junior





Paire ==============-==~=~ IT STRIKES US-

T hat if Otterbein has the open door W ill Be Required t o T ake Course in policy she ough t to hire a bouncer. Rhetoric of Oratory after This Year. That Coach Stagg's address was one of the b st, from every stand­ Beginning with the econd emester point, ever given in the college chap­ of next yea r anyone. who care t~ try el. He isi every inch a man. out for coll ege orator mu t take the That Senior Recognition D ay was course Rhetoric of Oratory. In the past th e literary ocieti h.,tVe up­ recognized in the same old way. plied the conte tant fo.r the local or­ That if any gr oup is looking for­ atorical tontc . But since their in­ ward to the spring recess it is the ter.e t ha lagged it l1f!S been nece - Freshmen boys, for after . Apnl 8 ary to devi e another plan. 'Jhe old Freshman caps will be history. cou r e, Form s of Public . ddres , ha That the Senior members are· r e­ been changed o that it will upply joicing because· they have only one the need . The work will con ist of more issue to edit. a study of the theory of the oration That we are very grateful to Prof­ and the writing and delivering of the essor Grabill for the fine chapel mu­ oration. The college orator i to be cho en sic we have been enjoying. about t n month before he delivers That it is about time many of the hj o ration in the tate conte t. In students are finding themselves. other words he i cho en t he pring ____ 0 C _ ___ before he peak . \ i\Tith this arrai)geTen ni Racquet , Ball , hoes and ment it i we.II for the tudent to take Paiit . e \>rice them lower. E. J . thi in the econd eme ter of h_i Norri on.dv. Junior year in order that as a enior he • can rep.re ent hi college. - - - - --~-----'---'---'--'--

- - - O C--­ Seniors Can Take Course in Dramatic Technique and Production

SPRING TOP COATS of Quaiily and



The course for the enior m u t have a two-fold purpo e. It mu t con­ tinue the wo rk of the J unior play and it must train the student to teach dramatics in high chool . Both of the dramatic cour e will give a wide range of knowledge of pre ent day play and. apprec~atio n of them. Thi cour will be given tbe econd semester of the enior year.

THE GROCER Cor. College Ave. and State

_ . _A_p_p~c~ti--o n --

It eem almost trite to ay that ~•a prophet i not wi.thout honor ave in carr· ll the state conte t Earl Hoover hi"s own country," yet day a~er day iect aWay econd honors. I 11. d omg . s0 h do ·we find tho I eople who do Ott e Upheld tbe fine reputation that tlJings that are not en rally' known h as alway had 111 · t I11~ · fi ~ Id · but yet are of ine timable value. PerIn erbein the RITTE R & UTLE Y, P rops. ''"o Pa t ix vears Otterbe111 ,a hap all of u are of inestimable value. n on · h. d -one sec e sixth, two fifths, one t rr , Perhaps all of u do not know how av onct and one fir t. For an much Mrs. McCarty i )lelpfr1g to erage h d third e ha been able to tan make the PubJic peaking J)eparting f~r ~ooster and Muskingum lead- ment a ucce . he a is in coar,hterb . 1X -Years. The year that Ot- . pla)· and debate team , t ache e1n 1 111g . !e t he Paced first in the state c~n- classe ""hen Profes or Mc art~ 1 terstate Placed fourth in the final 111- 1 away and does innumerable little · ____ thing that count o much. Indeed! 0 tterbe · - 0 C we take great plea ure in the oyp_ort •ty of expre ing our apprec1at10n in Second in WittenbergYOUR E Y E S E XAMINE D FR..!.E Mus kingum Debate Tnang · Ie ofumher and for all that he ha d one. Althou I1 . • . -P. K. both g Otterbem did not wm deb of the debate in the la t triangle ___________ _ __ ___ ----------------------=---------- - u ate b I1 e tood very we 11. N,,r us k.·rng[llllll Ill Ill llllll Ill Ill II Ill II IIIIIIII Ill llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill II lllllllll 1111111111111111111 111 tenb' erg Y defeating Otterbein and Wit• _ RECORD IN ORATORY



THE UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY Dr ugs and Optical Goods.

Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.

nin tood fir t: Otterbein, by wmanl\~?rn Wittenberg. tands econd. terb . ittenberg by lo ing to both Ot· ein and Mu kingum tands lat. 0tterb . -o C ein Has Percentage of .375 for 1925 Debate Season By w·1 . hat nn111g three of the eight de a Pe Otterbein wa able to stand with bat ercent age of .375. If one more d eel had been won the percentage cen~ cI have been .500. •W ith the per-


age ?e of .664 fo r lat year the aver9 \' or ~ b e a t_ i_ .s_i_ · low our track er. E. J.

uit ? We price them ori & Son.-Adv.



Hitt Bros.



GIen-Lee CoaIs


Have no superior




Call at yard or residence

Glen-Lee Coal Co.


= = =



h· dtttie . The results spea_k fo r tli e1'it elve . a. he was placed on the thir,d. A 11:0hio aggrega tion. · As b igh_ jumper p n the track teal~ he was able to annex a number 0 points fo~ his team._· · - - - 0 C - -- ­ ; H ONOR DEBAl'I'ERS T OD.AY




I College

SOPH PILL TOSSERS SPIRIT MARKS OPENING ARE CLA SS CHAMPS O F GIR LS' CLUB L EAGUE T alisman, Polygons Second Yea r Men Easily Trim Jun" Onyx, iors in ChamJ?ionship Game Greenwich Clubs Are at · M onda y. Top of List.

arroll. all of

the pa t eason. Jame , VanCuren and Buell played an important part in the victory. The Junior had Widdo s, tair, p 0 1 Bctu1 tt, eib rt of the Varsity, and McMichaels, who proved to be a star performer. - - ~ - 0 C---1925 CAGE SCHEDULE Eleven Games Listed on Next Year's Basketball Menu-Schedule r Is Challenging.

"Win by defeating the RKD'

Exercises. Otterb ein ·· · fir st



ensic Day with Appropriate ·


1 to 12 tell · th e sto(y of the sound Much intere t and enthusia m has threshing th Sophompres gave t h e 1Jeen s I,own a t th e G 1.; 1 ' Club League . Junior in the· championship game I ba ketball games, which began m the Tuesday afternoon in th e college gym. college gym la t :Monday when three I yed • · d again · t games we re Pa These two tean1 were p1tte each other by . vir tue of having won The Tomo Dachi and Arbutu " rhe preliminary game . t h e op h s cIe- clubs crossed swor d s for t 11e ti. r t feating the Freshmen and the Juni ors gan;e o n Monday. The T. D.'s won taking . the mea ure of the enior • thi game. 13-6. The Talisman C1ub ophomor s are now supreme as cla s and .-\ready Clu b were the next to apchampion for 192:;. pear o n the floor. The game proved The ec011d year 111 n got the jump to be- a free2e-out, the- Talisman winon their opponents at the offset bu t ning 1 8-0. The li ght muS t have been ,~ere un able to maintain the lead for too ,bright fo r the Owls in th e Onyxlong. The core zig-zagged back and Owl game. as th e Owls fai led to core forth all through the first half, but in while th eir opponent ran up 13 fue econd _period the oph,omore points. • howed ffieir'· superior strehgth and On Friday afternoon the Greenqon went ah ead for the six point wich met th e Phoenix Club and the lead which they had at the end of the P,olygons played the ready .. In the game. first melee the Greenwich trampled Th i>h; u ed four ar ity m n over their oppon nt for a 21-2 ,·icalt gethcr. Snavely, eaman, Allison tory. The Polygoni; co red their tir t

\11- interc JI giat

O serves First Annual For­


Thre -more game wer~ played Saturday afternoon. Thi time the Tali man won again . Although at the end of the fi r t half the core tood -3 in favor of the \rbutu Cl ub the Tali man came back trong at the fi ni h and no eel ahead 13-12. The Owl showed mu h mor than they did in their fir time winnin from th Lotu , 24-2. In their eco_nd game of th week th T. D .' fell b fore the 11 la\lght oi the nyx fivi. Th core ~n- thi game wa 14- . Standing Club w. L.

-- F oren ic


was put on the wing today by a pe~. da,· ial chapel ervice. The entire • J II Paul Garver No. 3 et ·'aside fo1' the recognitio_n of 3 _ co1 One of t~e most versatile men on men w h O have ta ken l)art 111 interr. · . the camp us is ·'Bot'' Garve r who be- legiate debate - and oratory this yeag· sides being a power in the ath letic field , Tn chapel thi s mornu1g special. r~c eJJ. • al O editor . . · • I e d a II foren 1c rn is of the Tan and Cardi111 t 1011 :'.as accorc eech na l preside nt of the thletic Board Proiessor McCarty gave a _P c· . · · o- -t 11e p 1ace o f forens ic a and' member of the tudent council. concern111,, On the athletic field ''Bot" ha play- , tivity in the school. veo· ed on the ha eball, footba ll and track Last Friday and atu rday e en· team . He has earned his letter ) ings Profes or and ),,[ rs. McCartY tive twice in baseba ll and thi pre ent ea- / tertained the affirmative and ~egtQJl)e son captain the outfit. He i guard- l debate teams at dinner at th e.ir 1 ian of the "hot corner'' holding it on South State street. li.r t ot _i s down in fine tyle. At the bat he a ·'Foren ic Day" is the beJJl• dangerou man and i no encl of , type ever instituted 111 O~te; 1iad troub le for oi:ipo ing pitcher . H eretofore not much recogn•tl~• jient In football he wa a "bang up'' been g iven to the men who h~ t5 Qt· t~ckle but he was too ~u y to devote month of study and _effor_t t;:rensic h1 time to the port his eni or year. terbein might rank high I 11 ess f 0 However when injuries reduced the realm . P lans now in the ~ro~aY aJl man power to the minimum "Bot" re- deve lopment will . make th , . caleo· ponded to th~ c;all of the coach and annual event ,in th e Otterbe1J1 \:arried football with all of the re t of dar.


I ·



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T ·H E H O ]\II E O F .Q



j ;:.:..


.(. . . ,. I


Otterbein' ba ketball cheduL for l!l2 includ twelve game , counting the gam wjth the former captain 0 Onyx •· ·~•·-········ ·····-····· 2 the date for w hich i a yet undecid­ Tali n~an -~~----··-~---···· 2 0 ed. Th other lev 1 ar all 0 Poly n ···-······-·····-······ 1 1.000 hio onference conte t . Hiram. 0 1.000 hio W !cyan and Deni on have. 1 .500 be n dropped from the chedule and mo-Daebi ··-·-··--· 1 J. .500 game with Ca e, Ohio 1 orthern, t. avi r, and Bald,--.-in- Wallace have ~lj:'.,_,,,_,....._.____ been add d. · Tb cbeduJ : butu - ·······-···-·····-- o 2 .000 i J veland. C---, Jan . 9- a e a prjogfield. PI KAPPA D ELTA WILL ■ Jan. 11-1\i tteub r a INITIATE THIS EVE NING hap Jan. 16-\Ne tern Re erve. . = Jan. l!l-- u kingum at New Con­ The Foren i Re ognition Day i cord. 1uali t b I eel with the foitiation of U1. I F b. orth rn at da. m n who have repr oted tterbein wi for the fir t tim on the d bate plat- i Feb. 3- t. Xavier. tlfr form. ' ::= Feb. 1 -Woo ter a \Voo ter. Feb. 20-Mu kin um. Thi i a ignal honoi: that i b Feb. 24-Kenyon at ambier. towed upon the m n for their rvi e Feb. 27-Baldwin-Wall ac at to the chool. It place th m ju con­ farch 6-Kenyon. tud nt in olh r chool --~OC--imilar , ·ork and wl10 pring To become . 7. 5. E. J. hich but few 1





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Stadium and Mallory

r~;r,_-::;:_ t :::= 1 ( !!! i

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·:~~~-.:::~=:=:~~: ~


.-~fats in Spring Shapes


ar a bi -'full r v ith .m re p and br ~~tra fine h at in all th p pular had h pl ndid makin and mat rial u h Ut .

i ! j

. ~ ii Iii

'• j




'] ;HE U NION '• T he Union-Second Floor

High at Long

..·Columbus, O.


= . •• R!l■lffl■llll■ll l ■Jl'l■Rll■ll l ■ll lf■llU■II ■ll l ■ ll■llll■ll l■ll l ■ll l■ll l ■ll l lH■ll l■UU■ll l ■IUl■ Ull■IIU.l

Pa~e Seve11


on Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Shanks of I INDIANA ALUMNI Indiana Harbor, relative of Mr. and ~ -~OLD ANNUAL REUNION

16 1

Mrs. Crogl1an, and M r . Jame 0 . Ch d A t' . Work Several of the Otterbein graduate , Squad t o Be osen an c _iv~ including the evangelistic party, the on F undam~ntals to Begin member of whi<;h are Otter bein grad- I - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ at O nce. uate , and several friend s wer enter--tained recentl y by Mr. and Mr . ' The fir .tryo u t for the ar ity de- J ame 0. Cox at their home, 302 quad i to be h.eid on Apri l 16. Madison St. The party of fourteen tudetit is el igible to compete in I were taken to the Koffee Kup for t,ryou ' The ucce ful candi- dinner .after which t hey ret urn ed to We solicit your inspection of date wi ll b,, org-anized into a quad the Cox home and spen t the rest of Spring Samples. which will begin work on the funda- th e time in inging the old college "lfll..l...i'I I mental of intercollegiate debate. The ongs and renewing and. c·alJi ng forth W ill Do Your 1 member hip of . thi quad w ill be , the plea ant remembrances of th ei r DRY CLEANING limited to ten O that each member college day . Tho e pre ent who are PRESSING AND .. f l I . w ill be given the greate t amount of Otterbei n graduates w ere: · Prof. and 111 spec ial individua l attention po ible. Mr. D. Frank Adam -Prof. Ada m REPAIRING -✓ 'I'he Gree nwich Club . enjoyed their Three hour c redit has bee n given is now teachi ng in Valpara i o niver~nal initiation party at the Ma ra m or the debate men in the second eme sity,; Leroy C. Hen el, ialparaiso; In Columb us Satutday evening. ter' work. But O ing to . fhe fact Mr. and Mr . Henry M . roghan of that mo t of the work i to be do ne Indiana Harbo_ r; Ben Richer_, Harry Ruth Rob erts and Ruth Lucas end £ h el d tertained Mi s Hilliard at dinner S up-- in the first eme ter it,- ha been Rieber a n w1 e, t e evaog 1 t~; a n d · thought wise to give two lrour credit James 0 . Cox. The other m the ay in Cochran Ra ll. for that semester' work and one or party-were M r . L eroy C. H en e l an d . _S unday nigh.t th e T orno Dach'es two for t he second seme ter. lo thi J~oine,d, in celebrating Alice Blume' s way a regular two l1o ur clas can be j · ? birthday and reducing her ,t all de­ conducted for the men and they can of All liciou birthday cake presented , by enter the debate eason adequately 11:rs. McLean. train ed for the work.



The Tailor

,n-~,·... ,a~N



~at, Drink and Be Merry at the





Also Groceries at

Service combined with

W O.L.-E':S

quality and quantity of

W es rville, 0 to

Co . Main and State Sts

choice t foods.


Page Eigh





· SENIORS ENJO Y FIRSU' w ith their nose in th same box when PARTY O F THE Y EAR the light w nt out, and when they •1 were turned on again 371/, minute Writer Sees Many Amusing Incidents later th two culprit were till no eThat Happened at to-no e ! 111. How the time was spen : . Party. we do n·t rn an to in inuate, bu t we leave th at to yo u, dear reader. Those weeping, obbing, niffiing, p on went home from the party blubbering enior took on a very dif- ore. Hi girl in ulted him, he a id. ferent air on the eveni ng of the morn- i When omcone a k cl her how she ing before! I Having wept together, II liked it wh n the light , ent out he they r -a emb l d Wed n day even- aid, " h, I ju t loved it", and ing in the Philophronean parlors to " ppie" tho u ht that b could at play and laug~ tog th r, and ill the lea t have hown him con ide r ation words of the. immortal E chbach, we eno ugh not t have r ferred to hiw f ar there was a ood deal of loving a "it". p wa O e ampu F ri- ( er h er, too, wh 11 by p cial r Jt\ t bef re th ventful match-box hi cla after he bad qu t, th e lights went out. r elay Elizabetq axo ur wa een vjgday to 111 for om The panting Profe q'. wa _ h ard orou ly wiping the po, der off her b n confi n cl to hi da hing hither a nd yon_ 11~ a vau1, f- no e and when a ked wbat tbe id a time with he g r ippe. fort to keep th e frolickin . wa he reto r ted that he wa n't going Mark ~hea r and '"Kot y" Du rr from taking advantage of th mky to take any chance that the box w nt to the latte r' home to vi it over black ne and the co-eel pre nt. wou ldn't lip 11 th e we k- nd. n the Ii ht had gone o ut the first ..,_,. G • . . .11 . me UJ re wa ea i!y tbe cl1ampion J . B. rabb , '23, wa in \ e ter- tim tb Y ea rn on a ain JU '. tH~e liar and made the r t of the tale 1 .,. lu , ·11c d cl vi lle unday visiting hi i te r and n- to ave the pr f . or and 111<..e I oun "R . ,. un ay ch o l tori . £r m utte exhau. t10n. o 1e wa Tb d b t • u x friend . found c.ollarl at le and breathe um e pc 11 er 1 difficult to pie!, . . . a o i:nany comp t c1 for th honor , Prof. ltman. wa all cl to whit on a chair wa h1 coat a_nd and out o( an ea Y Ii t f word one hi moth r' home thi week on ac­ I in a o rn er wa s an er twhile, •d ll d 1 1 e o n Iy pe e tw ri g h t wh ile [h co u nt of her illne s. H r port that w il t d oll ar. other co r cl five. her condition i m uch improved. \ hi l Jupite1· l luviu r ign d w ithTh

had won th coveted prize the en­ adjourned takin with them all punch, ake an~ ice cream th ey uld arr_ within!! . B. ··1 t y" Durr announces that the girl who caught her hain1et on hi coat button , when th lif!'l,ts went o ut fir t ·an have ame, by identifying it a;, d giving him ~nother dat .


Personal and • Group


Letterheads and

I Envelopes I

The Buckeye Printing Co.

ut merriment rci ned within. The mu. ica l part f th program 111 Lou ie Ha kin wc 1 t home to o, . h a com • for t- charge of "Br adi ," a i ted by reen were Iea 1·m wit shoc.ton la t week. He i ufferi ng able margin and Ruffini wa xhort- ~{i e_ , Barn<>ro er and Dent and by ~·it h the hicken Pox. . . . . d ing 1u Pink friend on to gr ater efppie wa a decided ucc and 28-30 West Main St. \ q'he nnex e!eb rated 1111t1atio11 an cl . t d 1 £ wa about the only eriou event of __, · . 1 fort to ann t11e cove e )O. o . . ~1 the winnm~ of the ~a k~t ba! ch~m- 1cand . Ju t then the match box re- j th e entire evemng. ft r Ruff' Pink pion hip with a feed Friday evenmg. Y 11111 A number of . lumni were h re for lay w~ announc_ d. The two ca~- g111111tll lll lll llllll llllllll lllllllll llllllllllllllllll 11111111 ll11111111111111111111111111111111 ~ · h t Bl a user, •7_.,◄ ,• tam !med up their teams .. all wa h. m th e occa. ion. D wig .24 " D . ,, D t readine and the t a rtrn g w I t 1e : ll I uran . 1 MattO()ll . . ~23 and' Jak~ White, '23 we r e hi w. II was excitement a1,; the :_ S ex: Pinks to k th lead aud the11-a!! ·wa .• §

\.\ ;===========;;;;;_.



gueS! · cha a. tl1e tj ht went o ut the sec- _ Arthur Roose, '23. wa. a w ek e n c! nd lime. again by reque t. Antici- _ vi itor in V\"esterville. paling the match h x relay ab ut thi



s;:~d Co:~~~:~. ,,a

at home

"Bozo"' Richter was wi th th dub on il trip thi la;,t w ek.

''Where dO


at- ~i~;;,io;_o~:'~e=~eh;~le c~;~tr~~! ;~ithd!~~ becau e the great 'alifornian was ure g lee that he and his hillicothe guest : \ • u!d be n he , am idc . Th re-

1 7 '

:: ,, Eat :-

.,,~ 't. t t






§ ::


North State Street

P rofe. or and frs. E. - L Hur h ult cone ming Potty ar ti ll tillntertained a group of ophomore known. However, other very definite boy. and gi rl at th eir home on \\'ed- result. ARE known . n is that nesday eve ning. \\'o d has- enroll ed in lwo of Li nel -







Lena ook ey, Mi s \ Vanda dlro ngPfolrt's_ col urs el· and ' h[;, ~b sc ribd- iiHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Mi p I G a i1 d D Har e to 1y ·1·a u l\ire ., a azme an 11 allagher, a u arver · - ordered three book. on how to become , 11111111111 111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111 ; rold a t t nded Ro. e-~l arie at the Hart_ ·ng. a real ho ·e r. .\ nother result i that : Venl man theatre V,. dnesday Don lippinger wa see n for th e lat 1 0 W Herb rt Hur h and Jack Pohlab!e time at the railroad talion ea rl y § S were here aturday eveni ng vi iting Thur · day morning. The reason for :


G here you have a/ways been p/eased ;; = I§

friend . number of alumni attended the club concert in Akron . Th r Harold nder on, · etty Good -

thi co-incidence i~ this. In the fata l match-box relay t\far ha chlcmmer and Don Clippinger were last een _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

man, Ha l Goodman, B lanche Myer, \ i!!iam tauffer, irginia LeMa ter ,


with A glee were


\: aldo Keck, and loyd Mar hal. Lawrence Mar hand Jerry chwartzkoph were al o in attendance.

Where Price : d Q 1•t =

The ount ry lub cnt rtaincd a group of co-ed in their club room unday evening.


"Ban" Bancroft, '21 and " pigot" H itz, '23 ,, ere here over th w kend. They are both teaching at tica, hio. Le ·ter Drexel went to hi incinnati thi week. He i -.. ith an infected foot.

home in uffering

Merril! Patrick vi it d in Franklin, I Ohio thi week.


an Meat ua I y

Vis'1't the new home of

Jl~ · ~-







Rich and High St. : :


We cater to student trade.

Rhodes Meat Market =

Th t meri a ·the art.

p cial rat

Taph Th and b quipp d ·aller in r produ m · the be t known to


tterb in

tudent •


IIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I IIIIII I I 1111111111111 IIIIII I III I I I I 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III I IIIIIIII'

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