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~~L~~ :::,-.____ · s==================~~~~~;=;~;==~~~~~~:;=;:=::~:::===================~==== WESTERVILLE, OHIO, MARCH 1925. 24,
N o. 22.
Observed Last \.Vednes day-Pre3i ! dent Clippinger Addresses Last V ednesday aftern oon about I l.iafor Now Can Be W orked Out tw enty- five members of the depa rtClass of 1925. ment of ociology made the fir t ob In Public Speaking On \'V ed nesday morning, March se r vat ion trip of the year when they Affi rmative Team Humbles w :ttenDepartment. r • th e la ss of 1925 donned caps and journeyed to Colum bus where they berg in Contest on Local Platform. DEPARTMENT IS EFFICIENT go wn s for th e fi rst time. a nd u hered . ~sited evera l institution of special ! by four r~presentative of th e Fre h-1 importance. The Goclman Guild wa 1 man Cla . preceded by Pre id ent , visi ted and it work wa in pected. j 0ttcrb · SEASON IS SUCCE SSFUL ein Boasts of One of Best Clipp ing er. whi le th e organ pealed T he e trip to olumbu , vi iting Org an1zed · Departments in for th it sole mn tone marched to ta tc and ocial welfare institution M ki . us ngum Tnump.h · M S · · th eir eat as the tudent !Jody tood 1a rc made each yea r by the member of s in ost pmtMiddle West. in re pec tful il enc e in the an nua l Re- th e ociology department. ed Clash of Entire cogn iti o n Day cer mony. When the - -- - 0 C - - - Season. had taken their place . !he COACH ALONZ O STAGG college joined in inging the ADDRESSES STU DENTS Otterbein again ven with o ng. Pre ident Clippinger deher op on nt in t f r 11 ic Football Expert Who Stopped ba tie of th ear, , an appropri.ate add re to th " Red" Grange V isit angular with arl ' chbach pok f r th O tterbein. u_king h Id Junior and Duane Harrold for the ar It 1 a ophomore , in ·hort peeche of tri 0 but fo th ~raduating cla . \\'ill ur · 1onzo g, director Mu an<l the r ity o m de v\' it . W od. pr sident of the la I' t.-:J gac ~pok <I' th elJi-or ·, a( 1 lb atti t ' la t esclay .-tndent body united in. . 1fc u . \ ri1~ld. for a la rg e a nd attenti\' Mar bing- ong. Dean c<l Lh c er dcl)ate 1 In hi· lectur - ach tag I d in a c heer for tt m plat cl or •cl a • the the fu nd amental of ood citizen- victor pel wa di mi ed. ' · ''tl nberg t ---0 C-- hi p, of fair p lay. a nd of honor. He far th w. C. A. ELECTS OFFI CE R S a l o urged that all tudent catch the b in FOR NEXT YEAR'S W ORK v1 ,on f their life and follow it. His fere abi lity a a coach i re 0~1izcd the te t epit
C--- ·. SENIOR CLASS NOW AT ,WORK ON ir and 11 \\ ard r in n the platform ,\ II three ha,·e car • pc ial distin tion iu Ii Kappa Delta tho c ·wh ha,· · · t r mor i11\cr o il and whi h gi,· th · o w ar a diamond 01.1
Coach McCarty
Wood, Capt.
Page Two
re ult in deba te won a nd lo t are not a g ra tifying a th ey might have O f Members of Varsity Debate Squad bee n. but whe n th e circu m ta nce are and Coach Made Final Number of Citizen's Lecture a ll co nsidered th e outco me o f th e seaHere. o n I very credi tabl e. Ov erwork in Course To Be Presented 1 o uts ide activities wa the fir t et. This Evening. ' W ilbur W ood clo ed h I coll ege I b . j ackd th adt th e debate team experiI ca ree r a a deI1a ter wit. h a wm o ver n ente rta inm ent tha t i uniqu e a nd O tte rbein 's old ri va l, Witte11berg. H e , ence an h oa c h Mc arty wa fo rced ea o n _with inexperie nced plea ing will be pre ented by Mr. a nd ha proved to be a tro ng, fo rceful and to ta:t t Mr . Glen v ell s on th e fin a l numb er J h material and th en JU t a the fir t de· d b t th · aggre 1ve _e a er I yea r. n t e bate wa about a k ff wee o , one of of the itizen ' Lecture our e in the two mos t di ffic ult :,peech e , th e fi r t Chapel to night. The ea o n ju st affirmative in con tructi on and third th o e d eba ter took s ick and another clo in g ha been one of th e 111 0 t uc- affirmative in reb uttal, he handled _ha d to be whi~ped into hape to fill 111 · The N egative team went into the nominal him elf with th e ea e of a veteran ce fu l in recent year . admi ion to thi final number will be · fir t debate with t\V0 un ea oned Floyd ~ cGuire i_n hi calm, di r ect, peaker , whi l the Affirmative began Gharged in the hope that the chapel will be crowded .:nd thereby wipe out conver ational delivery gave added with o ne inexperienced peaker and ome of la t year' defi cit. The talent treng th ~ ~~e da:r~ative team. He, one veteran that had only been o ut on thi year' Co urse ha been paid to_o, c1ose W'. e atmg work wi th a about o ne week. Thu the handicap . enti rely by ticket ale. ittenberg. A presjdent that oach Mc a rt y had to overcome win ~ver It i cu tomary for }.,fr_ and M rs. o f Pt _Kappa D ~lt~, a nd th e tate were mo t di couragi ng and . till he W 11 to offer a thirty- minute mu ical O ratorica l A ociation h ha been an kept up th e mora le of the team that prelude a an introduction to a popu- o ut tao d ing man in fore n ic activi- came out of the ea on with th ree Jar play. The prelud e con i t of tie · win o ut of eight debate . d uet , oprano and baritone olo . Donald Howard wa unable to Giving night and day to the rehear _ the debater w hen the ing of peeche , revi ing and corr ectpera tic number a re ge nerally given in co tume. ea on began becau e of illn e s but ing manu cript , encouraging and inHerbert Thoma , an eminent Eng- when he did become a member of the piring hi men a ll the dutie of a de li h playw ri ght, ha written two play , squ ad he put ne w life a nd vigor into bate coac h and the e things Prof. Mc " tone.ment" and "The Come-back" the team . Hi kee n and crafty mind Carty did to a fi ni h. He accompli h ne of vhich w ill be pre ented by in pired the negative team to do big I ed his end o well t hat the pirit and th e talented per former . thing . !though he wa no t able to morale of the team ha eldom been ---- 0 defeat Mu kin gum he led hi team in excelled in any teams that Otterb ein one of the greate t battle that ei th er ha . ever turned o ut. The pirit in CONDITIONS OF STUDENTS IN EUROPE REVEALED chool ha had for ome time. , whi ch the practice debate were Roy Miller wit h hi de ire for carr ied out only reflect the attitude {r, Baldwin of the olumbu Y. M. work, hi uncanny ability to fi nd : of the coach and hi infl uence ov_e r the . mad au appeal to the Otterbein f act , an d a p 1ea mg • d e11very •u team . w1 , tudent in chapel Thur day for co n- form a nu cle u for a powerful team r · - -- - 0 C - - - tribution to the Wo rld tudent for nex t yea r. With ne mor yea r ' Tryout for Next Year's Friend hip Fund. oi trai nin g h will be a debater O rator Comes May First Mr. Baldwin ha travel~d iu Eur pc worthy of Otterbein. I Thi year the tryout f r the college and mad e a detailed tudy of tudent t ·1 t b h Id life in entral and Ea tern Eur p . Robert Knight, the only F re hman ora or ? e e May 1. If Mr. In hi peech he vivid ly told of the to make a Peaker hip, found him elf :oove; win an? th e e~ond peaker co11diti n under which th tudeot in th e Fre hman- ophomore debate. I a a ea ce oration he will . be ent to Wi.th a g reat deal of hard ' or:k h i the_ tate Peace onte t. ix m n a re e trym out. of E urope are trugg ling for an edu- h k h' cation. Otterbein tudeot to date a ept I place on th negative hav c ntributed 134 to th cau e. team. By the time he i a eni r h ____ 0 _ __ _ hould be one of the 111 t powerful 1 Motion Pictures a Feature of debater that Ott rbein ha ever 1,>roY. M. C. A . Program Thursday duced.
Levi Stump BARBER
37 N. State St.
bed May, F ranklin cou nty Y . M. ecr tar y, how d J:u Lake en a film at the . M . . meeting held in Lamb rt Hall auditorium Thur day vening. Th fi lm were taken at the 1923 Lake eneva, Wi on in, umm r camp lor men. The ntire role of camp activitie -that Lake Geneva afford v a hown . Real r creation and piritual uplift to r for every man at ake
t o xfords W. L . Douglas Lates_
Duane Harrold wa the main tay of the opbomor team and wa uc e ful memb r of th team. H ha a keen mind and w ill be a trong man for the quad for 11 xt yea,r. larenc Laport had ar ity d bate. He fo r the negative team. er delivery he will be debater.
hi fir t year wa alternat~ ith a trong a d pendable
Dwight Har h another Fre hman ave great pr mi e of being a v ry wimming, ba el>a ll, fell w hip good d bater bu t ju t the with 111 n fr m th e wor ld ~ve r, a nd about to open he wa taken ill by world leader ar favorit and wa for d to drop out. We hope f '.Lak eneva' prog ram. that next year will find him well and ---0 trong o that h an fi ni h Columbus Man Addressed th at he o well began. Friday Sociology Club Ea rl Hoov r came to the quad [o r Mr. \I alter We t, director of the . t y, the la t two d bate · He added a oc1e olumbu Fami ly ervi c poke to the ociology lub Friday ~reat deal to the trength of the negallv team and helped to wi n over morning on, "The Trea tm ent of PovHi ram a nd to give Mu ki ngum her rly." Mr. We t talked mo tly of hard fig ht. H ~ ha one more year. the principle of ocial aid revealed Coach Leon McCarty. through actual ca e work, and the re lating of variou ocial e ffort . Mr. In hi fir t year in directing Otter W t t wa brought to Otterbein by bein' foren ic activitie , oach Leon Pr f or Hur h through hi con McCar ty ha ucceeded in pla in de nee ion with the Columbu ouncil bate and oratory on a higher plan e than they had be n for y ar . The of ocial Worker .
The Best in the City. Twice a Week Service. Try The Drug Store First.
Bailey's Pha:rmacY Where Everybody Goes.
E. Main St.
Westerville, 0 ·
~~ii~ii~iiii;~oo;;;;;~;;i;:~;========~T~li:==E~Ti:=A:=:::::=~=:::====~==A = L========--==-==-~-: =-=~--=-=======-=P~age~ t;i McCARTYS ENTERTAIN Good advice for this time of the m ura l ba ketball team. Tho e ten 1 VARSITY DEBATE TEAMS , year: ..Stumble but don't fall. men were th e one ·wh o macle the I to a; 1 l:as e !:all pb.yers ther's no •·firS t team ."' Members of Affirmative a nd Nega tive /I To u~11 base ball players there's n o I y ·ou may no t b e a bl e to hve · on love Teams Enjoy Dinner at . base li ke home. but did you ever hear of anyone dyMcCartys. Who Ever Heard Of;ng from it?
See Samples from
ordering Class and Group Pins.
"Tl:ere's a Reason"
11th and High
A man is known by the company he promotes. A girl is known by the company he demote .
Colw:nbus, 0.
Westerville I
Bak ry 10 East Main St.
pecial for Easter Lowney's Frui
and Nut Eggs Covered.
POU ND E GG --~-- -~·-·-••··~- 75c TWO POUND 'am Lettered n Top f gg F r . Order now, and
Chocolate ···-~-----.!-,...
e will decorate these eggs with any name on top, at no extra charge.
1I I II I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111 11111 llllfl 111 1111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111!_!
will note a bright Sea o nable Change throughout Our Entire Store.
Page Four
To Our Debaters
TAN -& CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interest Otterbein by th e
OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD Westerville, O hio. Member of the Ohio College Association.
Tuesday, M arch 24L ectt•.re Co ur se. W ell s F irs t gram .
oncert Co.
. nn ual Fo rensic Day pro·
Friday, March 27M et ropolita n O pera leg e Cha pel.
ompa ny, Col-
I. C. Robin·so'n Groceries and Meats,
.. •\
OPERA COMPANY WILL PRESENT PROGRAM HERE Representatives of Metropolitan O pera ' Company to Be on Campus Friday Afternoon. · The Metropolitan Opera Company of New Yo rk City o ffers one of the nio t unusual a ttraction s to be had on th e camp us this year by pre enting th e opera, "Fals taff," as an ope ra l~gu next Friday afternoon at 3 :00 0 clock in the college chapel. The Performance will be given by two of · E. the company ,s emment art1· t , M r. t'.dward Hart, who wi ll play the en opera on the piano, during which ~Ille Havrah Hubbard. a distinguish e fi<>ure in music, both as a writer 0 ; the subject and as an interpreter -o the great works of the ma ters, will ;;Per onate and relate the story of e opera.
To tho e inte rested in dramatic ProbabJ th . 1 . that o( ~ k~ most. interedstmg. p an 1s c . 1a 111g J umor an emor p 1ay red1t , . b cour e . These course wi ll e 0 Pen on! of r to tho e who are mem b er the re · · p 1ay i f Pecf1ve clas e . Jumor Pia or the purpo e of putting on the more efficiently and to give a greyater number of student t he benefits d'.amatic training. There were the IX Junior who tried out for rec ? ay "Tweedle 1' and only eight . w ill b e · eived any training. This emest o t:he Junior
Paire ==============-==~=~ IT STRIKES US-
T hat if Otterbein has the open door W ill Be Required t o T ake Course in policy she ough t to hire a bouncer. Rhetoric of Oratory after This Year. That Coach Stagg's address was one of the b st, from every stand Beginning with the econd emester point, ever given in the college chap of next yea r anyone. who care t~ try el. He isi every inch a man. out for coll ege orator mu t take the That Senior Recognition D ay was course Rhetoric of Oratory. In the past th e literary ocieti h.,tVe up recognized in the same old way. plied the conte tant fo.r the local or That if any gr oup is looking for atorical tontc . But since their in ward to the spring recess it is the ter.e t ha lagged it l1f!S been nece - Freshmen boys, for after . Apnl 8 ary to devi e another plan. 'Jhe old Freshman caps will be history. cou r e, Form s of Public . ddres , ha That the Senior members are· r e been changed o that it will upply joicing because· they have only one the need . The work will con ist of more issue to edit. a study of the theory of the oration That we are very grateful to Prof and the writing and delivering of the essor Grabill for the fine chapel mu oration. The college orator i to be cho en sic we have been enjoying. about t n month before he delivers That it is about time many of the hj o ration in the tate conte t. In students are finding themselves. other words he i cho en t he pring ____ 0 C _ ___ before he peak . \ i\Tith this arrai)geTen ni Racquet , Ball , hoes and ment it i we.II for the tudent to take Paiit . e \>rice them lower. E. J . thi in the econd eme ter of h_i Norri on.dv. Junior year in order that as a enior he • can rep.re ent hi college. - - - - --~-----'---'---'--'--
- - - O C-- Seniors Can Take Course in Dramatic Technique and Production
SPRING TOP COATS of Quaiily and
The course for the enior m u t have a two-fold purpo e. It mu t con tinue the wo rk of the J unior play and it must train the student to teach dramatics in high chool . Both of the dramatic cour e will give a wide range of knowledge of pre ent day play and. apprec~atio n of them. Thi cour will be given tbe econd semester of the enior year.
THE GROCER Cor. College Ave. and State
_ . _A_p_p~c~ti--o n --
It eem almost trite to ay that ~•a prophet i not wi.thout honor ave in carr· ll the state conte t Earl Hoover hi"s own country," yet day a~er day iect aWay econd honors. I 11. d omg . s0 h do ·we find tho I eople who do Ott e Upheld tbe fine reputation that tlJings that are not en rally' known h as alway had 111 · t I11~ · fi ~ Id · but yet are of ine timable value. PerIn erbein the RITTE R & UTLE Y, P rops. ''"o Pa t ix vears Otterbe111 ,a hap all of u are of inestimable value. n on · h. d -one sec e sixth, two fifths, one t rr , Perhaps all of u do not know how av onct and one fir t. For an much Mrs. McCarty i )lelpfr1g to erage h d third e ha been able to tan make the PubJic peaking J)eparting f~r ~ooster and Muskingum lead- ment a ucce . he a is in coar,hterb . 1X -Years. The year that Ot- . pla)· and debate team , t ache e1n 1 111g . !e t he Paced first in the state c~n- classe ""hen Profes or Mc art~ 1 terstate Placed fourth in the final 111- 1 away and does innumerable little · ____ thing that count o much. Indeed! 0 tterbe · - 0 C we take great plea ure in the oyp_ort •ty of expre ing our apprec1at10n in Second in WittenbergYOUR E Y E S E XAMINE D FR..!.E Mus kingum Debate Tnang · Ie ofumher and for all that he ha d one. Althou I1 . • . -P. K. both g Otterbem did not wm deb of the debate in the la t triangle ___________ _ __ ___ ----------------------=---------- - u ate b I1 e tood very we 11. N,,r us k.·rng[llllll Ill Ill llllll Ill Ill II Ill II IIIIIIII Ill llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill II lllllllll 1111111111111111111 111 tenb' erg Y defeating Otterbein and Wit• _ RECORD IN ORATORY
THE UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY Dr ugs and Optical Goods.
Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed.
nin tood fir t: Otterbein, by wmanl\~?rn Wittenberg. tands econd. terb . ittenberg by lo ing to both Ot· ein and Mu kingum tands lat. 0tterb . -o C ein Has Percentage of .375 for 1925 Debate Season By w·1 . hat nn111g three of the eight de a Pe Otterbein wa able to stand with bat ercent age of .375. If one more d eel had been won the percentage cen~ cI have been .500. •W ith the per-
age ?e of .664 fo r lat year the aver9 \' or ~ b e a t_ i_ .s_i_ · low our track er. E. J.
uit ? We price them ori & Son.-Adv.
Hitt Bros.
GIen-Lee CoaIs
Have no superior
Call at yard or residence
Glen-Lee Coal Co.
= = =
h· dtttie . The results spea_k fo r tli e1'it elve . a. he was placed on the thir,d. A 11:0hio aggrega tion. · As b igh_ jumper p n the track teal~ he was able to annex a number 0 points fo~ his team._· · - - - 0 C - -- ; H ONOR DEBAl'I'ERS T OD.AY
I College
SOPH PILL TOSSERS SPIRIT MARKS OPENING ARE CLA SS CHAMPS O F GIR LS' CLUB L EAGUE T alisman, Polygons Second Yea r Men Easily Trim Jun" Onyx, iors in ChamJ?ionship Game Greenwich Clubs Are at · M onda y. Top of List.
arroll. all of
the pa t eason. Jame , VanCuren and Buell played an important part in the victory. The Junior had Widdo s, tair, p 0 1 Bctu1 tt, eib rt of the Varsity, and McMichaels, who proved to be a star performer. - - ~ - 0 C---1925 CAGE SCHEDULE Eleven Games Listed on Next Year's Basketball Menu-Schedule r Is Challenging.
"Win by defeating the RKD'
Exercises. Otterb ein ·· · fir st
ensic Day with Appropriate ·
1 to 12 tell · th e sto(y of the sound Much intere t and enthusia m has threshing th Sophompres gave t h e 1Jeen s I,own a t th e G 1.; 1 ' Club League . Junior in the· championship game I ba ketball games, which began m the Tuesday afternoon in th e college gym. college gym la t :Monday when three I yed • · d again · t games we re Pa These two tean1 were p1tte each other by . vir tue of having won The Tomo Dachi and Arbutu " rhe preliminary game . t h e op h s cIe- clubs crossed swor d s for t 11e ti. r t feating the Freshmen and the Juni ors gan;e o n Monday. The T. D.'s won taking . the mea ure of the enior • thi game. 13-6. The Talisman C1ub ophomor s are now supreme as cla s and .-\ready Clu b were the next to apchampion for 192:;. pear o n the floor. The game proved The ec011d year 111 n got the jump to be- a free2e-out, the- Talisman winon their opponents at the offset bu t ning 1 8-0. The li ght muS t have been ,~ere un able to maintain the lead for too ,bright fo r the Owls in th e Onyxlong. The core zig-zagged back and Owl game. as th e Owls fai led to core forth all through the first half, but in while th eir opponent ran up 13 fue econd _period the oph,omore points. • howed ffieir'· superior strehgth and On Friday afternoon the Greenqon went ah ead for the six point wich met th e Phoenix Club and the lead which they had at the end of the P,olygons played the ready .. In the game. first melee the Greenwich trampled Th i>h; u ed four ar ity m n over their oppon nt for a 21-2 ,·icalt gethcr. Snavely, eaman, Allison tory. The Polygoni; co red their tir t
\11- interc JI giat
O serves First Annual For
Thre -more game wer~ played Saturday afternoon. Thi time the Tali man won again . Although at the end of the fi r t half the core tood -3 in favor of the \rbutu Cl ub the Tali man came back trong at the fi ni h and no eel ahead 13-12. The Owl showed mu h mor than they did in their fir time winnin from th Lotu , 24-2. In their eco_nd game of th week th T. D .' fell b fore the 11 la\lght oi the nyx fivi. Th core ~n- thi game wa 14- . Standing Club w. L.
-- F oren ic
was put on the wing today by a pe~. da,· ial chapel ervice. The entire • J II Paul Garver No. 3 et ·'aside fo1' the recognitio_n of 3 _ co1 One of t~e most versatile men on men w h O have ta ken l)art 111 interr. · . the camp us is ·'Bot'' Garve r who be- legiate debate - and oratory this yeag· sides being a power in the ath letic field , Tn chapel thi s mornu1g special. r~c eJJ. • al O editor . . · • I e d a II foren 1c rn is of the Tan and Cardi111 t 1011 :'.as accorc eech na l preside nt of the thletic Board Proiessor McCarty gave a _P c· . · · o- -t 11e p 1ace o f forens ic a and' member of the tudent council. concern111,, On the athletic field ''Bot" ha play- , tivity in the school. veo· ed on the ha eball, footba ll and track Last Friday and atu rday e en· team . He has earned his letter ) ings Profes or and ),,[ rs. McCartY tive twice in baseba ll and thi pre ent ea- / tertained the affirmative and ~egtQJl)e son captain the outfit. He i guard- l debate teams at dinner at th e.ir 1 ian of the "hot corner'' holding it on South State street. li.r t ot _i s down in fine tyle. At the bat he a ·'Foren ic Day" is the beJJl• dangerou man and i no encl of , type ever instituted 111 O~te; 1iad troub le for oi:ipo ing pitcher . H eretofore not much recogn•tl~• jient In football he wa a "bang up'' been g iven to the men who h~ t5 Qt· t~ckle but he was too ~u y to devote month of study and _effor_t t;:rensic h1 time to the port his eni or year. terbein might rank high I 11 ess f 0 However when injuries reduced the realm . P lans now in the ~ro~aY aJl man power to the minimum "Bot" re- deve lopment will . make th , . caleo· ponded to th~ c;all of the coach and annual event ,in th e Otterbe1J1 \:arried football with all of the re t of dar.
I ·
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T ·H E H O ]\II E O F .Q
j ;:.:..
.(. . . ,. I
Otterbein' ba ketball cheduL for l!l2 includ twelve game , counting the gam wjth the former captain 0 Onyx •· ·~•·-········ ·····-····· 2 the date for w hich i a yet undecid Tali n~an -~~----··-~---···· 2 0 ed. Th other lev 1 ar all 0 Poly n ···-······-·····-······ 1 1.000 hio onference conte t . Hiram. 0 1.000 hio W !cyan and Deni on have. 1 .500 be n dropped from the chedule and mo-Daebi ··-·-··--· 1 J. .500 game with Ca e, Ohio 1 orthern, t. avi r, and Bald,--.-in- Wallace have ~lj:'.,_,,,_,....._.____ been add d. · Tb cbeduJ : butu - ·······-···-·····-- o 2 .000 i J veland. C---, Jan . 9- a e a prjogfield. PI KAPPA D ELTA WILL ■ Jan. 11-1\i tteub r a INITIATE THIS EVE NING hap Jan. 16-\Ne tern Re erve. . = Jan. l!l-- u kingum at New Con The Foren i Re ognition Day i cord. 1uali t b I eel with the foitiation of U1. I F b. orth rn at da. m n who have repr oted tterbein wi for the fir t tim on the d bate plat- i Feb. 3- t. Xavier. tlfr form. ' ::= Feb. 1 -Woo ter a \Voo ter. Feb. 20-Mu kin um. Thi i a ignal honoi: that i b Feb. 24-Kenyon at ambier. towed upon the m n for their rvi e Feb. 27-Baldwin-Wall ac at to the chool. It place th m ju con farch 6-Kenyon. tud nt in olh r chool --~OC--imilar , ·ork and wl10 pring To become . 7. 5. E. J. hich but few 1
- -.;,
·c, ('
i i i
, j
~ '. ,~ '
Stadium and Mallory
r~;r,_-::;:_ t :::= 1 ( !!! i
f i
td !
I ·,
• ■ -
·:~~~-.:::~=:=:~~: ~
.-~fats in Spring Shapes
ar a bi -'full r v ith .m re p and br ~~tra fine h at in all th p pular had h pl ndid makin and mat rial u h Ut .
i ! j
. ~ ii Iii
'• j
'] ;HE U NION '• T he Union-Second Floor
High at Long
..·Columbus, O.
= . •• R!l■lffl■llll■ll l ■Jl'l■Rll■ll l ■ll lf■llU■II ■ll l ■ ll■llll■ll l■ll l ■ll l■ll l ■ll l lH■ll l■UU■ll l ■IUl■ Ull■IIU.l
Pa~e Seve11
on Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Shanks of I INDIANA ALUMNI Indiana Harbor, relative of Mr. and ~ -~OLD ANNUAL REUNION
16 1
Mrs. Crogl1an, and M r . Jame 0 . Ch d A t' . Work Several of the Otterbein graduate , Squad t o Be osen an c _iv~ including the evangelistic party, the on F undam~ntals to Begin member of whi<;h are Otter bein grad- I - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ at O nce. uate , and several friend s wer enter--tained recentl y by Mr. and Mr . ' The fir .tryo u t for the ar ity de- J ame 0. Cox at their home, 302 quad i to be h.eid on Apri l 16. Madison St. The party of fourteen tudetit is el igible to compete in I were taken to the Koffee Kup for t,ryou ' The ucce ful candi- dinner .after which t hey ret urn ed to We solicit your inspection of date wi ll b,, org-anized into a quad the Cox home and spen t the rest of Spring Samples. which will begin work on the funda- th e time in inging the old college "lfll..l...i'I I mental of intercollegiate debate. The ongs and renewing and. c·alJi ng forth W ill Do Your 1 member hip of . thi quad w ill be , the plea ant remembrances of th ei r DRY CLEANING limited to ten O that each member college day . Tho e pre ent who are PRESSING AND .. f l I . w ill be given the greate t amount of Otterbei n graduates w ere: · Prof. and 111 spec ial individua l attention po ible. Mr. D. Frank Adam -Prof. Ada m REPAIRING -✓ 'I'he Gree nwich Club . enjoyed their Three hour c redit has bee n given is now teachi ng in Valpara i o niver~nal initiation party at the Ma ra m or the debate men in the second eme sity,; Leroy C. Hen el, ialparaiso; In Columb us Satutday evening. ter' work. But O ing to . fhe fact Mr. and Mr . Henry M . roghan of that mo t of the work i to be do ne Indiana Harbo_ r; Ben Richer_, Harry Ruth Rob erts and Ruth Lucas end £ h el d tertained Mi s Hilliard at dinner S up-- in the first eme ter it,- ha been Rieber a n w1 e, t e evaog 1 t~; a n d · thought wise to give two lrour credit James 0 . Cox. The other m the ay in Cochran Ra ll. for that semester' work and one or party-were M r . L eroy C. H en e l an d . _S unday nigh.t th e T orno Dach'es two for t he second seme ter. lo thi J~oine,d, in celebrating Alice Blume' s way a regular two l1o ur clas can be j · ? birthday and reducing her ,t all de conducted for the men and they can of All liciou birthday cake presented , by enter the debate eason adequately 11:rs. McLean. train ed for the work.
The Tailor
,n-~,·... ,a~N
~at, Drink and Be Merry at the
Also Groceries at
Service combined with
W O.L.-E':S
quality and quantity of
W es rville, 0 to
Co . Main and State Sts
choice t foods.
Page Eigh
· SENIORS ENJO Y FIRSU' w ith their nose in th same box when PARTY O F THE Y EAR the light w nt out, and when they •1 were turned on again 371/, minute Writer Sees Many Amusing Incidents later th two culprit were till no eThat Happened at to-no e ! 111. How the time was spen : . Party. we do n·t rn an to in inuate, bu t we leave th at to yo u, dear reader. Those weeping, obbing, niffiing, p on went home from the party blubbering enior took on a very dif- ore. Hi girl in ulted him, he a id. ferent air on the eveni ng of the morn- i When omcone a k cl her how she ing before! I Having wept together, II liked it wh n the light , ent out he they r -a emb l d Wed n day even- aid, " h, I ju t loved it", and ing in the Philophronean parlors to " ppie" tho u ht that b could at play and laug~ tog th r, and ill the lea t have hown him con ide r ation words of the. immortal E chbach, we eno ugh not t have r ferred to hiw f ar there was a ood deal of loving a "it". p wa O e ampu F ri- ( er h er, too, wh 11 by p cial r Jt\ t bef re th ventful match-box hi cla after he bad qu t, th e lights went out. r elay Elizabetq axo ur wa een vjgday to 111 for om The panting Profe q'. wa _ h ard orou ly wiping the po, der off her b n confi n cl to hi da hing hither a nd yon_ 11~ a vau1, f- no e and when a ked wbat tbe id a time with he g r ippe. fort to keep th e frolickin . wa he reto r ted that he wa n't going Mark ~hea r and '"Kot y" Du rr from taking advantage of th mky to take any chance that the box w nt to the latte r' home to vi it over black ne and the co-eel pre nt. wou ldn't lip 11 th e we k- nd. n the Ii ht had gone o ut the first ..,_,. G • . . .11 . me UJ re wa ea i!y tbe cl1ampion J . B. rabb , '23, wa in \ e ter- tim tb Y ea rn on a ain JU '. tH~e liar and made the r t of the tale 1 .,. lu , ·11c d cl vi lle unday visiting hi i te r and n- to ave the pr f . or and 111<..e I oun "R . ,. un ay ch o l tori . £r m utte exhau. t10n. o 1e wa Tb d b t • u x friend . found c.ollarl at le and breathe um e pc 11 er 1 difficult to pie!, . . . a o i:nany comp t c1 for th honor , Prof. ltman. wa all cl to whit on a chair wa h1 coat a_nd and out o( an ea Y Ii t f word one hi moth r' home thi week on ac I in a o rn er wa s an er twhile, •d ll d 1 1 e o n Iy pe e tw ri g h t wh ile [h co u nt of her illne s. H r port that w il t d oll ar. other co r cl five. her condition i m uch improved. \ hi l Jupite1· l luviu r ign d w ithTh
had won th coveted prize the en adjourned takin with them all punch, ake an~ ice cream th ey uld arr_ within!! . B. ··1 t y" Durr announces that the girl who caught her hain1et on hi coat button , when th lif!'l,ts went o ut fir t ·an have ame, by identifying it a;, d giving him ~nother dat .
Personal and • Group
Letterheads and
I Envelopes I
The Buckeye Printing Co.
ut merriment rci ned within. The mu. ica l part f th program 111 Lou ie Ha kin wc 1 t home to o, . h a com • for t- charge of "Br adi ," a i ted by reen were Iea 1·m wit shoc.ton la t week. He i ufferi ng able margin and Ruffini wa xhort- ~{i e_ , Barn<>ro er and Dent and by ~·it h the hicken Pox. . . . . d ing 1u Pink friend on to gr ater efppie wa a decided ucc and 28-30 West Main St. \ q'he nnex e!eb rated 1111t1atio11 an cl . t d 1 £ wa about the only eriou event of __, · . 1 fort to ann t11e cove e )O. o . . ~1 the winnm~ of the ~a k~t ba! ch~m- 1cand . Ju t then the match box re- j th e entire evemng. ft r Ruff' Pink pion hip with a feed Friday evenmg. Y 11111 A number of . lumni were h re for lay w~ announc_ d. The two ca~- g111111tll lll lll llllll llllllll lllllllll llllllllllllllllll 11111111 ll11111111111111111111111111111111 ~ · h t Bl a user, •7_.,◄ ,• tam !med up their teams .. all wa h. m th e occa. ion. D wig .24 " D . ,, D t readine and the t a rtrn g w I t 1e : ll I uran . 1 MattO()ll . . ~23 and' Jak~ White, '23 we r e hi w. II was excitement a1,; the :_ S ex: Pinks to k th lead aud the11-a!! ·wa .• §
\.\ ;===========;;;;;_.
gueS! · cha a. tl1e tj ht went o ut the sec- _ Arthur Roose, '23. wa. a w ek e n c! nd lime. again by reque t. Antici- _ vi itor in V\"esterville. paling the match h x relay ab ut thi
s;:~d Co:~~~:~. ,,a
at home
"Bozo"' Richter was wi th th dub on il trip thi la;,t w ek.
''Where dO
at- ~i~;;,io;_o~:'~e=~eh;~le c~;~tr~~! ;~ithd!~~ becau e the great 'alifornian was ure g lee that he and his hillicothe guest : \ • u!d be n he , am idc . Th re-
1 7 '
:: ,, Eat :-
.,,~ 't. t t
§ ::
North State Street
P rofe. or and frs. E. - L Hur h ult cone ming Potty ar ti ll tillntertained a group of ophomore known. However, other very definite boy. and gi rl at th eir home on \\'ed- result. ARE known . n is that nesday eve ning. \\'o d has- enroll ed in lwo of Li nel -
Lena ook ey, Mi s \ Vanda dlro ngPfolrt's_ col urs el· and ' h[;, ~b sc ribd- iiHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Mi p I G a i1 d D Har e to 1y ·1·a u l\ire ., a azme an 11 allagher, a u arver · - ordered three book. on how to become , 11111111111 111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111 ; rold a t t nded Ro. e-~l arie at the Hart_ ·ng. a real ho ·e r. .\ nother result i that : Venl man theatre V,. dnesday Don lippinger wa see n for th e lat 1 0 W Herb rt Hur h and Jack Pohlab!e time at the railroad talion ea rl y § S were here aturday eveni ng vi iting Thur · day morning. The reason for :
G here you have a/ways been p/eased ;; = I§
friend . number of alumni attended the club concert in Akron . Th r Harold nder on, · etty Good -
thi co-incidence i~ this. In the fata l match-box relay t\far ha chlcmmer and Don Clippinger were last een _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
man, Ha l Goodman, B lanche Myer, \ i!!iam tauffer, irginia LeMa ter ,
with A glee were
\: aldo Keck, and loyd Mar hal. Lawrence Mar hand Jerry chwartzkoph were al o in attendance.
Where Price : d Q 1•t =
The ount ry lub cnt rtaincd a group of co-ed in their club room unday evening.
"Ban" Bancroft, '21 and " pigot" H itz, '23 ,, ere here over th w kend. They are both teaching at tica, hio. Le ·ter Drexel went to hi incinnati thi week. He i -.. ith an infected foot.
home in uffering
Merril! Patrick vi it d in Franklin, I Ohio thi week.
an Meat ua I y
Vis'1't the new home of
Jl~ · ~-
Rich and High St. : :
We cater to student trade.
Rhodes Meat Market =
Th t meri a ·the art.
p cial rat
Taph Th and b quipp d ·aller in r produ m · the be t known to
tterb in
tudent •
IIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I IIIIII I I 1111111111111 IIIIII I III I I I I 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III I IIIIIIII'