1925 05 26 The Tan and Cardinal

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WESTE R VILLE, O HIO , May 26 , 1925.

VOL. ·s


I; ©--- - - - - - - - - -

SCORE 3- 2





Otte b . ;~n Obtains Three Run Tally 1rst Inning. T ight Fielding


Saves Game.

· b Obt . . ai· nuioan ear ly lead the Otter-

dei u Vars ity Baseballers se nt Kenyon own to defeat las t Friday 3-2. The ga111e wa c 1aimed • b by many a the




Sibyl Notice The 1925 iby l i being distrib1 uted at Lambe rt Hall on Tue day from 7 :30 to 12:00 and from I :00 to 4 :00. A ll a se sments due the Sihyl must eith e r be paid o r arrangement for the paynient made before the hook will be given out. Care hould be exe r c ised in opening the book as it is just o ut of the bindery and the g lu e has not become thor-

o ughly dry:

t hall game ever p layed on the enyon lot.

fir terbein started the sco rin g in the . inning when the game was put w ice b Y a t h ree run tally. Kenyon ti~, a_lways threatening and seYeral it eemed to be a certainty that . .h h \\·ou Id overcome that lead. :\irl •g l l · for M I all, howf"v r. ;i,v th. da · Ot erbein th Jn th e fi r ~ inning Kearn walked. gren tole econd. Renner hit a hot .ou nd er to Kenyon' second ba ema n \\ ho fumbl ed it and a llowed Re_nncr t~[ on fi r t, Renner tole seco nd on sine fir t ba II <pitched. Mc ar ro 11 and I;d to right and a llowed Ke:irn ed enner to core. Garver a rouhdO out hut ~ic Ca rroll went to ~,econd. 1r 11 th e next plav Carroll hit to the ,, nyo . . 11 •n fie ld a nd Mc a r ro ll . cored 011 an error. / the Ii rs t 11111111g . . 11i After ch t h e K eny o',. and er. Pfleger seemed to tighten up "\ya effective t he re t of the game. .out 111 · the fou r th, ixth and eight h (Contin ued 011 page ix.)




President Clippinger Speaks at Ban­ quet Wednesday Evening. Glee Club R ecords Make Hit. Otterbein co ll ege probab ly as well rep re ented at the 29th quadren­ th nial conference of the nited Br~ th ren church as any of e denomina­ tional institutions. with _a repre enta­ tion aggregating about n 111 e percent of the •enti r e con f erenc e • th The fo ll owing c li ppin~. fr?m e '"Buffalo Eve nin g Time g ives an account of the Otterbein co l_l ege ~nh Id edne dav evemng. · ay quet e , newl y elected the 20t h. '"Dr. A. B. tatton. t di trict of b1· hop of the south we iin C hri st th the Cn~ted Bre ren peech a a o llege banhurch. made hi fir t b . tter em two.) bi hop at th e (Continued on page

Saum lia11 of



Otterbein Co ll ge \t\ omen' o \11I •I plan · f b h Id to Tue e deay a[t11 th. e lawn n111 of g aaumeteHall • ruoon f Tl lick_ t w1,· rom three to ix. ,e h £ 1c are b ing o ld r ii 0 c \\ill . cak 111 Clucle a lun ch of ice cream, Will ' lea. and andwiche . There Atr. a~1 o be a bake ale in charge _o f D e. h 111 r, aiJd. "M•~- Hur h, Mr s. Daisy itt °l'h Pro r . Helen Ensor Smith . h011•arct th ceed of the affair will go dy ll1 c el Ipledge made to the coll ege d Ollar pl ucl J. Of the five th o u a n Cl~b 111e b eel to Otter be in by the ha al m er , over half the amount ' ready hee n pa id .



Monkeyin E,{)

h.uk about the future Do you ever t ; cientific report man of thi ea r l h · to cratch I from J.011don cau e one h1·. head a11d then on a_ pec u of a. If go the off experiment t ve Journey. 1 . fI t with beet 1 b · are Lo nd on cien e,ng licable to human proved afppo ur wo rld prob lem are many o • olved. d "At a cie ntific b ti The repo r t r ea • o nvent1on . lield here recen tl y d eeth er O cve r e ex h ibited . • which had ha th m" e b' t e head t:ran planted onto d e : 1 ee six orne of t h e beetle had live . and A I t k afte r the tran planting, we . d and fed normall y. h cle Jive ft a d a • f th ha been oun · the fo untam o you

93-34 SCORE


Scholarship-Athletic Awa rds Will be

Inter-class Track Meet



in Afternoon.

Otterbein Tracksters T ake 12 of 15 First Places. Northern Takes Plans for Honor Day, which will Firsts in Field Events. be held Sat urday. June 6, ha,·e taken definite form. and a program ex tend­ O tt e r hc in's undefeated track team ing over the entire day has been li ni s hed its regular track sea on la.st worked ou t wit h painstaking care hy Saturday. defea tin g Ohio :'\orthern the tudent Coun cil whi,:h is spon­ hy the ove r-whelming core of 93-:H. sor in g the occa ion. and has made Ohio :'\ orthe rn wa hopeles ly e,·ery effort to place June 6 among swamped \\·h en Ruff"s tracksters took the red-letter days of the chool year. 12 out of 1.; firsts. The events in The celeb rati o n will begin at 6 :00 which :'\ orthern made their Jir. t a. 111. with. a student breakfast. .'\t were the broad jump. high jump. a nd 9:45 a specia l chapel se rvi ce will hot put. Otterbein "s jumper. w ere be held. pecial mu ic. tudent tri­ considcrahly off color . aturdav a butes to Otterbein. a citizen hip ad­ their marks did not come near -iheir drt> · :; illl a~rnouncem ' nt of the in. h event.. cholar hip-ath letic award will com­ day wa tin f r trac_k ut prise the exerci es. there wa s a high wind that mad the t 12 :15. dinner will be given hy jumping a nd ,·aulting events v ry the four cla se . hard to run and held the time for The afternoon will be devoted to the da, he down to comparatively an inter-cla s track meet and pecialty low marks. one of the colleo-e ree,·ent . beginning at 1 :30. cords were approached on thi ..\ t 6: 15. the en tire schoo l will a - acco unt. . em hie at the l'nited Brethren church ··Doc·· toughton was the individual for an Otter! -in b anquet. Foll ow­ star of the day . . coring fifteen point ing. the menu. a program will be for his team. l n the century da h given during wh,ich athletic letters he won a two yard lead in pite of and debate certilicates will be awa rd­ the fact that he was handicapped :i ed. and annou ncement made of the yard at the . tart. This makes the winner of Greek prize : other prize ( ·ontinued on Page ix) and recognition will also be awarded. ---0 C--The evening will be brought to a Cap and Dagger To Repeat Play Before Citizenship Club. clo e hy a hort pep e sio n.

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0 C MEN•s CLUB TO ,;:GIVE LAWN FETE ~ Lawn t o be Scene Lawn Fete Tuesday Afternoon.




w•1th Man

.._ The re i al way a r egret along with every great di covery. Ju t think what joy thi di covery would have brought to the di heartened p once de Leon. Cleopatria and her A lexander co uld be u ing the "Palm Olive" till: And in a pirit of adventure wou ldn"t it have heen great to have had apo!eon and ae ar mixed up in the recent world trife. If Eve had o nly had p re nee of mind enough to decapitate dam and tra n plant hi head to the yo ung body of hel when Cain Jew him , cience wou ld not be worry. wou Id ing about Adam. and D arwm have met hi w ater Joo Iong ago. (Continued on page even. )


uppre ed De ir " ha uch a modern app a l and make. uch a deep impre ion that member of th We terville itizen. hip lub haver quested that the Cap and Dagg~r cast. made up of or e Rech t It. Elizah th axour and Mida t e le. "ive a reneat p rformance h fore the itiz n hip ltrh thi e,·ening. ---- 0 C---' Phronea To Gran t K eys. Key will b awa rd d to twelve Philophronean. who have met al l the

requirement at the 0111111 ncement e ion June 12. The k y po e th form of the old Phi lophr n an mblem. evcral a lu mni al o have p re ed their de ire for obtaining key and many other w ill probably want them. Thi i one of the t p taken by Philophronea to re-in tate literary ociety honor to their form r plac on the campu .



Pag e Two

s Tu





""as th e hearing o f the records made by the Glee C lu b oi Otterbein. This Intense Complication of college is one of the first to make its Several Changes of G reat Importance Funny Situation s W ould Tax Otterbein music love r s were af- ow n rec o rds of its 0\\"n composition." Have Been Made During Philadelphia Lawyer's Wits. forded a real treat last Wednesday The Otterbein g raduat es who arc T he L ast Year. - - -eve ni ng wh en Prof. G lenn Grant Gra- 1 dele,,.ates are J. D. Hood. L;. B. IJrew"The Impo rtan ce o f Bein g Ear- bill, director of Music in the S ch ool bai.-er, Guy Hartman, Mil o Ha rt man. \\"it h th e d ist ributi o n of th e Stu- nes t,'" the senior play which wi. l be of Music, ga,·e an Organ H.ecital in E . E. H arris , J. H. Harri s, lra \Var­ den t ( ;uve rnm ent Co nst itu tion by th e I given in the chape l on Jun e 16. ought the college chapel. ner. E. E. Ba iley. G. D. Gossard, Student Co uncil t his week it beco m es to be ca ll ed ''The Impo rtance of Tn e prog ram g 1,·en before a capa- Clark 13<:nder. \\". P . H ollar. C. 0. necessary to call a tt enti o n to th e Being Ernest.'' beca use th e comedy is cit y audience wa s composed of mu sic Ca ll endci·. J. P. \\" est. Earl E. \,\"ea­ severa l changes whi ch ha ve been a ligh t from begi nnin g t o e nd a s to fr o m Richard \\' agner' s thr ee best ,·e r, J. P. Landis. C. V. Hoop, L. \V. mad e in the last ye ar. f wh ether George Bech to lt o r \\'il bur operas, "Tan nh auser•·, "Die Meister- Lutz. l{. D . Funkh o user. Alumn i Meetings arc no w held semi-mont h- I \\' ood shall he th e mu ch des ired Er- si nger s.' · a nd ··Lo hengrin." These attending the conference are \,\" . Good , Jy at a place con,·enient to members I nes t. Th e R ev. Ca no n Cha sub le in num bers were playeJ with the high- T. C. H arper. E. H. Dail y, A. T. ~f the Co un cil. .\ny memb er absent th e person of Floyd Bee lm an alm ost I est degre e of art and interpreted very J l oward, J . Gordon Howard. Arth ur from three co ns ec utiv e reg ul a_r or 'ba ptize s th e two yo un g men. bo th o f picture squely. The s_y nop sis of each Peden, Vern o n Phillips. E. E. Flick­ of the operas was written on th e pro- inger. ;\,[ary E. Brewbaker. J oh n Toy, ca lled meet ing s without a leg tt ,m ate them under the nam e of Ernes t. exc use is subject to dismi ssal. Th e t\\"o young lacl ie - who in sist g ram a nd aided those not familiar P. M. Camp. \ V. E. \Varel, E. B. A co mplete new set of rules a nd that th eir suitor"s Chri stian name be with th e opera s in their appreciation. Leari sh. J. H. H atton, ;(orman Bevis, reg ulati o ns has been dra\\"n up to Ernest are Pauline \ Ventz and Norma Prof. Grabi ll played the recital from L. B. Harm o n. R. E. P enick Ex­ cover th e ne w soc ial group ru shin g Ri cha rd so n who wil play the parts of a book of se lection s he purchased students atte ndin g the conference are period s. The rulings are ela'bo rate d l-!on . Gwendolen. Fairfax and Cec_i ly while a student in Germany and ar- L. v. Funk. Harlev \,Vhitcraft , Ross r es pecti ve ly . upon 111 th e booklet and are accom- Carclew. But A li ce ranged all the sco res for the o rgan. Lohr. \V. R. Funk." H. F. Shupe. \ V. panied by a severe gro up of penalti es. George. cast a, Lady 13racknell. the Hi s effec ts wer e made as close ly a s T. Frank. E. J. Good. L. O. Miller, R. A. Powell. Ray Upson, C. W. Th e fre shman regulation s . both for m o th e r o f Gw endolen Fairfax, refu es possible to orchest r al color. In the r ecita l Prof Grabill explain- Brewbaker. a group of collectors and collected to all o \\· Paulin e \ Ventz to marry fore not a part of the by-laws, were George Bechtolt becau e he was fou nd ed the different parts as he played in se rt ed in the booklet. wrapped up in s ide of a market-b a sket them and before eac h num ber he playA chance for th e student to becom e when he was a li ttle baby. Such in- ed the motifs for each of t he charac­ acquainted with the rul es and re g ula- tense complication of screami n g ly ters as t hey wo uld appear. tions of Otterbein is the aim of the funny situations deve lops in the sec___ _ o C - -- tudent Council in pub li shing this o ncl act that it would take a PhiladelOTTERBEIN ON MAP bookl et. phi a lawye r to keep things straight. ---- O C - - Ernestine Mozer will take a large (Continued from page one .) THIS WEEK'S MUSIC piece of cake in her part as Miss quet held la st nigh,t. Alumni and Pri 111, governess to Cecily Cardew, friends of the college among th e Two piano quartets will feature because, if it hadn 't been for her, de legates to the 29th q uadrennial l _ ice th e recital to be given by st udents in Geo r cre Bechtolt would nev er have conference of the United Brethren se t V the Con ervator y of M usic in Lambert been left in a market-basket. Emmett a tt en ded the affair. Hall tomorrow eve ning at eight Mc Car roll wi ll draw more than o ne "Walter G. Clippinger, president o f o'clock. laugh as a bu tler a nd m anser vant. he colle ge, reported a ets of about A number or piano and vocal solos - - - 0 C--­ $2,000,000. He told that during the and duets wi ll also be on this most IN,T'L. RELATIONS ELECTS 16 year of hi s presidency, more interesting and varied program of the Dry stud ent s graduated from the in st ituyear. There will be one organ olo th an d unng · · · e . lnternational . Relations Club he ld , 11011 a II th e previous tim and two violin olo . Professor Spes- It la t meetmg of th e year at th e of Otterbein 's existence. Phone 86-J, ard 's ight inging Clas will present home of Dr. Snavely last Wedne day 12 W College "T he unique feature of the banquet · (a) and (b) numb er under the title, evening. Dr. Snavely spoke o n the " Part Song ". recent election in Germany and disunday afternoon . 3 o'clock, in the cus ed some of the possibiliti e of the College Chapel. Edith Oyler wi ll coming administration. give a ve per organ recital. This pro­ X ext year's officers were elected .and gram hould attract a large audience. th e results were the fo ll owing: P r es­ - - - - 0 C---­ ident. Adda Lyon: Vice P r es. Eme r­ QUIZZ AND QUILL son Bragg and Secretary-Treasurer, Marian Snavely . After the regular :\ t a meeting of Quizz and Quill meeting, Mrs. Snavely served refreshheld la t at urday morning. Robert ment . Cavi ns wa elected President fo r next - - - - 0 C---year. Alice Sander , Vice-President, Pi Kappa Delta Elects. and Charlotte Owen s. Secretary-Trea­ At a meeting of Pi Kappa D elta • ur er. Laura Whet tone was elected Friday morning. E. R. Hoover was to members hip in the club . elected presiden t, and R. D. Miller, The election of the editor-in-chief Secretary-Treasurer, for the coming for next year's Quizz and Qui ll will year. take place at Prof. Altman's home on Retiring president, F. E. McGu ire, Plum treet thi s evening at 7 :30. appo inted the installation committee, The followi ng progr am w ill be given : D . A . Arnold, D. E. Har rold, and Poem , Jean Turner; Criticism, Hi lda Esther Williamson, w ho will arrange Gibson ; A group of limericks , Robert the pr ogram for the induction session. Cavin : Descriptive ketch , Alice - - - - 0 C---anders; pecial Feature a rticle. Paul Botany Class Trip. Gan·er, and a group of .Darn Bills The Botany classes under the direc­ by Don Howard. tio n of Prof. chear made a trip to - - - - 0 C---B uckeye La ke on Saturday to make a Work Started on 1926 Sibyl. tudy of the plant life in th e region Preli minary work on the 1926 ~i•byl of the lake. was tarted last Thur day afternoon - - - - 0 C---when a large pa r t of the ce ni c sec­ Bu$ine$$ Manager'$ $ong. tion and the ba eball and t rack team s How dear to my heart i. the ca$h were photogr aphed by the Baker Art on $uh. cription when $ome kind Gallerv. Plan for next year' book . ub. cr iber pre$ent it to view. Of [ are r;pidly nearing completion. In­ one who won't pay, I r efrain from, tense activity wi ll begin immediately de. cription fo r fear, kind $ub. criber , after the openi n g of school next fall. that one may he you.










B ut Not Expen ive . That's what makes our unbe~table. A trial w ill convince you.


Acme Laundry and Cleaning.

GARDEN COURT Two for One Sale

Buy one article at Regular Price and get one 50c article entirely free.

Sale Lasts all week

Bailey's Pharmacy "Where Everybody Goes"



CA RD I NA L Page Three ======= ===========~==



Professor A lbert S. .Keister of North Carolina College for \Vomen at Greensbo ro, North Caro lin a, is th e ~~h_or of an a r ticl e en titled. "Bui lding eir Future Incomes" wh ich was Published in the issue of May 9 of the Magazine of \,Vall Srteet one of the leadi ng fi nanc1a · I pu IJhcat . '.1o ns o f t h.1 country. '23




W · B · W 00 d o f K a nsas c·rty, h oun, wa ca lled to her former Otne in Mt. P leasant, Pennsy lvan ia, 11 ; account of her fathe r's se rious ill ess, which resulted in bis death. ~ S, ' 98. D r. and Mrs. W illiam B. M~nt~ (Ma ud e Barnes) of Detroit, • rchi gan. a re vi iting Westerville r~Iative a nd friends and at the same h111e atten d.1ng th e P resbyte rian Gen~al A ·se mbly in Columbus. Dr. preached in the P resbyterian c urch in Westerville last Sunday. '88 M · · rs. ]. W. Jones ( Olive Morri;n) returned la t week to her home in . eS t erville after a s hort visit in An der on, Indiana , wi th her brother, (G Mull,·11) Mi enevieve .


' of refusing to sit with a girl in a cafe . ___ or lunch room. This is unique to say It was extemporanenous session in the least. · P hilom a thea Friday evenin g . ExtemA new method o f adv ertising colporaneous speeches were as follo\\·s: Jege activities ha s been devi sed by O ration . ·'Good Heavens;'. D. A. Saint Xavier. They advertised their Arn old: Conversation. ··Our Greek May Fete by issuing pencils contain·C lass ... \\:. E. Byers, and C. H. Biel- ing upon them an announcement of stein; Co ntinu ed Story,. "A Pri nce the event. A business organization There Was.. , H . R. Pifer, K. "?'1· with wh ich St. Xavier was co-oper­ Kumler, and W . F. Martt11; Satire, a ting furnished the pencil . ''Today's Barber Shop'', J. B. Henry; I Autobiography, R. M. \,V eitkamp. rr-============== L. E. Johnson, '24, was a visitor at thi s session.


-OC - - -



I , ·



37 N. State St.



--- O C Y. M. C. A.



E. J.

.-\ t the extempo ra neous sess ion of · Phi loJJh ronca last Friday eve111ng. t I1e progam was rath er sho rt because o f i the small attendance. A numb er of ! members went to Kenyon for the baseball game. Perry Laukhuff gave a soliloq uy on "Girls''; G. H. Eastman uph eld th e affirmative an~ R. Brown the .negative of a debate, Re­ solved : th at Otterbein sh ou ld be a co- '. educationa l school": and M. C. House- 1 man spoke on ·'Salesman 1,·1P·" D ·. E · 1 E~verard was taken i1_1 as an associate _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ member. ..\n interesting program has been arranged for next week and a ll 1 men , especia lly Freshmen, are urged to atte nd ·


l b r. G. D. Go ard. pre ident of p e anon Valley College at Annville, 1

\\" QlllC n .

Levi Stump


a~uel F. Morri on, who has been , old Jed Y. M. C. · enou Jy ill Dwigh t ,.._rn . '07 . Thursday eve ning ? n t~e subJect, · Mr. and Mr . Floyd Smith and ·'Prayer.. In his d1 cuss1on of th e t WO d ' . th t Ylv ~ughter of _Gree!lsburg, Penn- f topic he brought- o u th a t a 11d the an,a, were guest a week ago in Jes us lived t he life of P:ayer _a th G bh_oine of Profes or and Mrs. G. G. that pray er i a very practical 'ng . 1 ra 111. di cus ion ti at followed. J 11 t 1,e open d1 Ott b · · ·ation took part an . t'111 g facts th er e1n graduates who completed I the e ntire assoc, e .c our e i·n Bonebrake Theological a number of very mteresd_ • · er were reve ale . I-I:en11na ry t 111s month are Lloyd B. abo ut pray . d b Ralph 1e The devotions were U Garmon , '2 1,· J . Gor d on H owar d , '22·, angy a solo , eorge R. Jacoby, ' 16; E. H. Nichol , Tinsley and Dean .~son s ' 1S; Kenneth J . Scott '20· and Earl D . "He loves even me. , • ---0 C tock lager '22

'92. D


Queen Quality Sh oes io r Bosto nia n Shoes fo r men. N orri s & So n.- Ach·.



•• •

GROCER Cor. College Ave. and State


Try u for your on.-Adv.


E. J.


Graduation Suggestions Gents' and Ladies'

PARKER DUOFOLD PENS AND PENCILS, EASTMAN At Hood College all Senior tud~nt KODAKS AND CAME RAS, PURSES AND POCKET BOOKS • I enn yl van1a, delivered the bacca. . grades of A an d B are g,v,.."11 . · FINE PAPETRIES AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, PER~ araureate a dd res for th1. vea r . gra d u- receiving b the remainder o f th err 111 ~ cla s of Bonebrak~ Theological a banquet y FUMES, MANICURE AND TOILET SETS. d f C or ern,nar D member receivi ng gra e o Genui.ne "Kaywoodie", Milano and Bakelite Pipes. la Y, ayton. Ohio. The bacca- below. Special attention given to D eveloping, Printing and Enlarging F ilms, h e field hou e· similar to th_e in~re;;e ·Mervice wa held on the evenQuick Ser vice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ll ay 10 in the First United ug M. h' Um rethren Church ' Yo t Field House at rc idga~ Wi : '75 L · . 1· oing to be erecte a Pr~ by~t~er M. Kumler, pa tor of th e I ver ,_ty ~!iversity. It i e 5 lima~ed DRUGS AND OPTICAL GOODS 111 G enan Church m Columbus con b e will have a eatmg 44 N. State St. Westerville, O . 0 th 500 It i thought that j 0 thvee, Ohio, i attending the ses ion I at :he f Gen era I A embly m . C o 1um b u capacity ' year . (h·1 . . ko t vo to comp 1e t e tl,e ' Weck. , 1t wil 1 ta e ' •12. Mis tnicture. 11111111111111111II111I11III111111II11I1111111111I11111111111I11II11,lllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll!! At Obr'o niversity a woman i Oh 1.0 i thGrace Myers of Louisville, · t she h ' e guest of Mr and Mrs. ' k wn IJy the numb'er of pom . 4'lertin A n· · no actrv\V · 1tmer at theic home on h earned. For every ca.mpu . a~ . h. h he participate he 1 e t Broad, ay . ity 111 W IC • t a : • . n a certain number of pom s C---D give h de ignated. Iv ry Cleaning-We gu arantee it, if the Woman' League a . t as a e do it. E . J. Norris & on.-Adv. n irl receiving 20 pom s . . A. Y_ ~m i eligible to member hip m--- 0 C--m1111m Gi l' Honorary OrPaul J t Cre et the r Ia · Harris. '23 entertained a O • . : r gamzat1on. : hu, . ayto n aud ience recentl y a a her , College : T 11or1 t . Be Tb n at tate eac ' \i•a e , _Poe t a nd imper onator. have organized a I: e me to Pec1ally good as an imper ona- Greeley, Colorado d M' u t All r and h. d f t ity name rsog1 . tho .e Present I va ried much. program plea e new ra ernwear t h ey. will bave no very member n- : _ "d te " and limit their campu co I= - a . l'en C---·r1 to bu ine conver a- : 't 111 upp lie . E J Norr i & tact w 1th g, th extreme on·-Adv. . . tion . They even go to e Tirlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii












.- o

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Get your Pocahontas orders = = = 10 early. This is th_e cheap- ; = est season of the year to buy ; = = = = = Pocahontas. = =

= = = =


Glen-Lee Coal Co.




Page F our

nition Day are outstanding in their , not made for lawn adornment, nor for Thursday, J une 4significance. The Council ha a lso frolicing adventures with the wind Ra,ehall. Antioch at Yellow Springs. 1 made some regulations effecting their over the campus green , nor for filling own act1v1t1es t h at w1·11 ma k e f uture crammecI corners t h at soon eno ug h Saturday, June 6Published Weekly in the interes t o f counci ls more alert to their duties. become unattractive, but when once -Honor Da)' · Otterbein by t he · Tennis. Deni so n at Granville. Freshman regulations are now a part ha ving served its major purpose and OTTERBEIN LITERARY SOCIETIES of the by-laws. The pub li cation of sub s idiary uses is fit only for the Tuesday, June 9 _ the Student Government Constitution waste basket and there is where it Mr s. Florence Thompson \\'i !J:am·, We st erville, O hio is the climax of the ac tivities of the shou ld be fo und . graduat in g recital in piano. Member of the Ohio College Press 1924-1925 Student Cou ncil. ---- 0 C Association. - --Wednesday, June IO-We praise you, we appreciate your Noise In Halls. Graduating recital in piano of Kath­ si_ncerity, we thank you fo r your se r­ Just the other day we sat in class STAFF vice. and wonde red what the professo r was leen Steele. Editor-in-Chief ........ J. B. Henry, '26 - -- - 0 C - - -talk ing abou t . We wondered, not beAssistant Editor .... D. E. Harroid, '27 Criticisms. cause what he was saying was far Contributing EditorsO ne of the favorite pastimes around above our heads. b ut for the si ngle Robert Cavins, '26 Otterb ein seems to be the practise of reason that we could not hear. Wayne Harsha, '27 personal criticisms. If a perso n does In th e hall was a gathering of fo lks Flo rence Howard, '28 not think as we do. if his viewpoint enjoying a talk fe st. Their liberty Fred White, '28 is different from our s. if hi s for m er ' was the bondage of so me o ne else. W. Landis, '28 environm ent and experience have Freedom of speech is greatly to be Business Manager W. C. Myers, '26 given him an outl ook different from _desi red, acce leration is occasionally A sistant Business Managers­ ours. if his ideals differ and are along favo rab le, but chronic rattling of th e Marcus Schear, '27 another line . he is sure to be th e vi e- organ of speech is to be frowned up­ Ross Miller, '28 tim of a cri tica l ons laught that is on. The trouble genera ll y is that we Circulation Managerofte n not any too kind. lose a ll our g li bness when a good reciMargaret Widdoes, '26 Personal criticism, unl ess it be of- , tation 'would be a boon. .Ta lk in the Assistant Circ ulation Managers­ fered kindly and to the individual hall s d ur ing class hours, that is from Ruth Hursh, '27 himself. is a petty practise. 1othing five ~in ut es after th e ringing of the M. Wi lson, '28 so mu ch reveals the narrow-minded- bell. 1s an an noya nce we must disap­ Athletic Editor .... E . H . Hammon, '27 ness of a person as to hea r him offer prove. Assista nt Ath letic Editor---0 C --an uncharitable jud gem ent upon one J. R. Gordon, ' 27 of his fellow . It i a ure s ign that Alumna! Editor ...... Al ma Guitner, '97 th e critic does not possess a sympaCochran H all Editortheti c nature and und ertand the heart W ednesday, May 27Florence Rauch, ' 26 life of the one criticized. L et us all Base ba ll , Wittenberg vs. Otterbein. Local Editor ........ J ohn Lehman, '27 remem1b er t h at none o f us are per f ect. Student R ecital , Lambert Hall, Exchange Editor ···· Lenore Smith, ' 26 The re is not one of us but who is in 8:00 p . m. ' some way at least a bit distorted in F rid ay, May 29Address all communications to The hi s way of thinking. Let us not reTenni s, Muskingum vs. Otterbein. Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. veal it by being dogmatic in our per­ College Ave., W este'rv:ille, Ohio. B ig S ix Track Meet at Delaware. , onal critici m . Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, When Major Swan was on the Saturday, May 30payable in advance. Big Six Track Meet at D elaware. campus last wi n ter he left with us a Sunday, May 31principle of social life that wi ll a lways Entered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at the postoffice be an effective g uide for our thinking Ve per Orga n Recital. by Edith at Westerville, 0., under act of March if kept on the s urface of our minds Oyler, at College Chapel, 3 o'clock. 3, 1879. as we mingle with our fellows. These Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. .a re the words of Major Swan, "If you 1103 Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized d@ not like a man, it is because you do ~•• 111111111 111111111111111 t1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,!_ 1 April 7. 191 9. not understand him." THE OTTERBEIN


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Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at

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Ice Cream

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----0 C---E D ITORIALS _____ The Student Council. The men and women of the Student Council have performed a real service to Otterbein College and to every member of the student body. With poi e a nd integrity they have acted in matters of misdemeanor. With keen iu ight they have effected new legi Jation. With grace they have m.et criticisms of their work. Elected by their fellow classmen they have endeavored to be true representatives of them. Re pon ibility has given the memhers of the Student Council a new appreciation of the fact that there are some things in life which we must take eriously. A brow that is knit in the intere t of ttident government is due to have advantages in the complexitie of ever yday life. The Student Council of 1924-1925 has done it work well. T_o them we are indebted for leader hip in arranging for Home Coming Day, for a large part of the succe s of the first annual Paren ts' Day, and for inaugurating Honor Day. Some important new matters of legislation have come from them. The six-weeks rus hing rules, and better regulation of Senior Recog-

Paper. The origm and early history of paper is obscure. It is commonly understood that the Chinese made and used a fo rm of paper at an early period. The use of Chinese paper has been traced to the second cen tury B. C. Paper was not made availab le to the rest of th e world until the middle of the eighth centu ry. In 75 1 A . D. the Chinese made an attack upon Arabia but were defeated. It happened that in the Chinese forces were a number of skilled paper makers whom the Arab captured and forced to reveal their ecret. The Chinese imparted their skill to their new masters and the use of paper has grown beyond comparison with the territorial in­ crea e of civilization. In the United tate alone the present paper ind ustry in it varied field u e mate ria l valued at one and one-third billion dollars that grow into a product va lue of more than three billion dollars. . To u paper is one of the thing we take for gr anted. We do not top to think of the labor and skill expended in its production. Oftentime we a re not discrete in our use of th is conven­ ience. Too little care do we exert in our discarding of used paper. It was


! Picnic Packages



-= Containing everything yo u need for yo ur --= outing= .... = PL TE CUPS, SPOO LAD = DI HE, PKI TABLE CLOTH --35 pieces for 25c 2 -We al o carry jut the right kind of GR D TIO GIFT A D C RD --= -THE OLD RELIABLE ---= = University Book Store --



: :

18 N. State St. ii1111111 11 111111111111111111111111 11



=1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11


AN APPRECIATI ON :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~=ll I I .-\n oth er volume ha bee n added to th e ever growing number o f ibyls. SATURDAY CLASSES l t is a book of \\'hich th e s taff is I II justly proud. Lt ·is a boo k wliich

~ 11

A Sa tire

f'ai'e Fi,,.,

task. Carl E schbach, as Treasurer, \\'i elded th e pen that paid o ff our db· li ga tions wh~l e F lorence Rauch , as Ste nograph er wa s always ready to get o ut th Staff's co rr espondence. T o th e e peopl e a nd others who ha ,·e in a ny \\'ay help ed, we are in­ deb ted fo r th e fi nanci a l succe s of the Sibyl.

represents the combined \\' Ork of each members o f the staff, ome of \\'hose RALPH W. TINSLEY, '26, Philomathea work is clearly evid ent in the ibyl itself. oth ers \\'h ose \\'Ork is non­ George R. Gohn, ~vident except in the ~act tha t there . Last June the faculty and tru tees afternoons and two or three morn-, 1s a Sibyl. The latter 1s the work of Busine s Manager. ome clas es even recite at thos e behind th e scenes. th o e who ot Otterb ein College condescended to ings. !t v~ us the long hoped for and much 6: 30 a. m., to give students the chance have raised the fi nance for publis hes1red Saturday classes. The ava- of getting classe over early. All ing the book. See Samples from Too much cred it can not be given lanche of reque ts and petitions was the professors are co-operating moSI tinally heeded and our wi -h granted. nobly and will dismiss a st udent from to Dwight ..\mold. the ..\ssociate 1111 tnediatel y every student on the any class entirely or di smis him to Business Manager. fo r taking active camp us poured forth his appreciative leave before the hour is half gone if charge of the busines staff and to Before ordering Class and Social verbal prai e and gratit ud e. Schedules he is working. What more can be ask- his excellent a ll -around wo rk. Rus­ Group Pins. for this year were arranged to give ed of them? What can they do? Every kin Hoover. th e Adverti sing Mana111a11 and woman on the faculty i ir.. r. actual!_,· made th e ad ,·erti ing the mos t poss1l>le · S classes on atur~" "There's a Reason" ?ay. Th e "'h ole atmosphere was watching continually for a job for ection himself and did it in such a th Jubilant. some o llege student. Many of em manner that the merchants felt they Naturally a small minority opposed even go far out of their own way to \\'er e getting a real return for the 11th and High Colwnbus, 0 th1 nob! e a n d constructive act o f our liel1) you and me. Never before m pri·ce of the ad,·erti ement. Ruth 0 authoritie . But was there ever any the hi tory of O tterbein have many Davis capably assisted him in the Worthy tep taken which 'l.va ac- people taken active inerest in th e st u- collection of copy. Through the ceaseles and untiring effort of MarcCeopted_ by the whole p~pulace? The dent ' financial welfare. n tttutt on of our Nation wa not While a five day school week was garet Widdoes, the irculation Man:atified by every tate at the time of in vogue, the classes came so close ager, the Sibyls were sold. Her ab le 1ht, adoption. The Vol~tead Act sti ll together that be~aus~. of .th e lack 0 assistants were E li zabeth .Marsh _and a . it adversaries, and even certain time for preparation cuttmg classes Marian Snavely. Carl Stair organized actio ns o f our ow n tudent Counc1·1 was a fixed phrase in every one's vo- a group of collector anJ collected cal> ulary. Within the next few year the various a se ment s-no mean are n 0 t b o eyed strictly. wi ll l>e complete Jy o b_so. Th e d eplorable condition of it all the Phrase lies in th f · lute. W i th uch vaS t spaces of time . e act that this sma JI minort 1·eti'es are doomed ha lo t all 1'ts Jty i . between recitations in any course o-1 1 agitating a repeal of the legi s· day, many of our professors 1ave pre t1ge. lat . ton. Very 1biased views with no cea eel taking the roll. Every memTime does not permit further examound argume11t, are ta.ken, and · th e marve Iou 1mprove· r of the class attends each an d pie s h owmg t ch a scl1ool yste111 l1as n1ade f Prayed upon the who le student body. be ry meeting. The amount. o men s.u · I1 . is the duty of u who are fair- eve · b cts Yet need we look furth r? Have you tn1nd d . ground covered in certam su J_e . e enough to· see the democratic f ou not already in your own elves retdeal 0 f 1 • ha nearly doubled that o prev 1., d . the main to uch fa1.h- olved to defend to the very limit, t 11 act, to refute all propayears. ue m ' this ndble God-send? ga nd a Pertaining to it repeal. ft1 l attendence. Then the va t army Pe h r aps a few in lance cited in h f or Wh ' h f us who used to greet t e pro e ic Saturday cla ses have elevated 0 nd conditio 1. . ·11 'th "I'm unprepared" now re po n to a 11gher plam, w1 se rve WI .ly at every opportum·1 y. _ Class . · to reinforce you men in your zeal for readl f room hours have become . a time o their retention F . . refre hing and power getting. ormerly, a s 0011 as ociety wa h J t ng over ('f b . ) o more do after-c ape mee i 1 th ' e belonged to Society , to . f 'th cla se ince our chapel e horrid lub Room he went. There mte~ ere_winow double its length of Wearable Gift are ppreciated arnono· service 1 . "' none too uplifting an environThe se rvice are a 1way tnent the . f O b ·n other years. h C0 11 represetattve o tter et concluded in time 1~ have all t e FA N CY BELTS AND BUCKLES JEW ELRY ege pent Friday evening, and in called meetmgs taken care SILK TIES BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS tnany ca es. a large part of early Sat- necessary . , · ver are TIE AND KERCH IEF SETS FANCY HOSE Urday . 'd I of before 111ne o clock. e . mornmg. It i elf ev1 en glers 1nterCUFF LINKS F ANCY 'SWEATERS tha t . prof disturbed by strag Fr mdulging in Rook, Checkers, pting the recitation long after cla SPORT BLOUSES ATHLETIC TOGGERY Pe~7~~• and the li~e, for such_ long ~~s begun. Nor do cha~el . peaker th was exceed111gly degrading to d the time hmit. Much e man' h a now excee c aracter. Then came . are taken to have every man · serenade at the Dorm . Those t'1red, pain th• . t'101 e and thu alev1ate ·' Unprote c t e d ' fimsh on .. · 1 p 'd ong de pismg g1r s which attacked re I en t ,bvere a wakened from their restful nervousness e exceeded el1o, . Clippinger when ~me on ,.,. ving ruffians below. Today a d h im. nc day -.,an go the time allowe to h' es to Society and then return With fewer classes on any o I t room and prepares an adorable tudent now ha a much great~r . e on in Math, French, or Chemistry. th e for attending extra-curnO more are the motly hordes found opportum 1Y_ ,i: C A. ha cl u te d I cular meetmgs. Y. . .. o ged an attendance th1 yea r : at a re. in the restauraunt and hote al! _mid-night hour. o more the ::rer:xceed any for year b~ck. ;; th night brawl Try 'and picture t the fellows take an active pa of\1:ontra t. Fellow tudent thin~ ~ac 11 worth-while activitie on the I f uperb type of man to go ou m a C E . 1· rounding ou t a 1 ron1 ti1e halls of our College under camp u year· L'1terary ocietie have Such ~ standard. The former gra<lu- banner · 1 "ru hing'' for Paper Di he , up , apkin and 1 f ate w111 b h h h <l mall reason to co ,. e a ignificient a an eig, t a ber thi' year. The men tur~ <>tade b . ·1 , m F g . oy a long side a Un1vers1 ) m .,. ma s'' for . ociety when nraduate out in . Oiily last week lJ · ening arrives. th e old Y tem a few men day ev . I of the older alld nder • . one Society severa . l{ gir 1s too, worked on Saturdays. ~n forced to it on the wm0 · chair to more · day"-'_ever that wa generally the only men were • order to give couJ 111 the whole week on which th:Y dows m b The fear that ocd work. row they have six recent rnem ers.


l ~;;================================~ 1 I




Where Price and Quality



We cat er t o student t rade.


Meat Market

Graduation Gifts Io t.

J. C. Freeman & Co.

Picnic Supplies L em onade, Punch


Sandwiches, Etc.

th r

thing .


an<l Clevenger, ~ .. tied fo r second. Peter s. of Keny on. sco red on a n er ror Height. 10 ft. 6 in. a nd a single. Shot Put- L ong. :\ .. fir st: Buell. In the eig hth innin g th e bases \\'e re seco nd: Kir sche ncr. :\ .. third. D is- loaded and onl y o ne out when Kearns 1 tance. :is (t. :-i _in . . . . _ I caught a lo ng fo ul tly a nd V,il burg _:Mil e ~un:::: l· alst1ck . . J\ e~v ell , !•red- I k no cked down a hot grou nd er to en ck s. :-,: . I 1111 e, 4 111111..,8.3 sec. , thro \\" the K enyon batter o ut at fi rst. HO Yard Da ~h- Stoughton , l{u ffi ni . This wa s the fir st time the game was Matheny, N. 11111e, 51. 3 seco nd s. saved. I 20 -yard hi g h hurdles-Drury, fi rst; W "lb I t I t I for OTTERB E IN TRACK ME N GO [ VA RSIT Y N ET ME N DEFEA TED Widdoes a nd Eighmey di squalifi ed. 11 ·1 ur ~ sct·le mec_ lo h osfe co n ro tl1 e T O BIG S I X U NDEFEATED ---- -_ or agam a w 11 e 111 1c c1g 1t Otterbein's net men met defeat once 1 ime. 1 '· 3 seco u d sbases were fi lled with o ne man down 220 Otter hc in"s undefeat ed track team mo re in a four man tournament with Y ..rd ~ash-:::-S t oughton, Ruffni, and th e next m an walk ed and fo r ced • • B" s· O hi o L' ni,·c rsity at Athens last Friday [ Obermeyer, :--:. lnne, 24 sec. Kenyon' s second a nd last run. The will be rbeprehselndted ton th e W igl x Otterl>ei n lost eve ry o11 e o f the s1·x· I Hi g h Jump-Clark. N .. fi rst; Garmeet to e e at 1, 10 es eya n , , . d S . d f nex t ma n hit a hot g rounder to the matches in this meet. ' er a n na ve 1Y t,e or seco nd · ri ght o f \,Vilburg who stabbe d it at H · I t - ft 6 11 next f riday a nd Saturday by abo ut · tw elve of it sta r perform e rs of th e Capt. Patrick. Bechto ldt, N. Careig, · a · '. · . full a rm s leng th. threw to Garve r who season. A ll of the se have been co n- penter and W . Carpenter each played Di sc ~s_-Poros ky~ Boyer,:-.:.. Ben- mad e a pretty throw to first and re1st anc e, ll a ft. tant fir st a nd seco nd place rs in their a match of singles. Patrick was the nett. tir ed K en yo n for the inning. only one to win a set. His sco re s Jav elin-Poros ky. Widdoes. Leh2 respec tiv e events all seaso n. Th ose who will be take n to Dela- we re 6- 1, 5-7, 6-4. Bechto lt lost 6- 1 ma n. :--.:. Di stanc e. 145 ft. 3 in . a nd 10-8, vV . Ca rpenter 's ets went 8 0 Yard Run-Broadh ead. \lewc ll, ware for thi s a nnual meet a re: Cap­ 6-1 a nd 6-2, and J\. Ca rpent er sco red I Sharp. N. T im e. 2 min . 9.~ sec. tain Ruffini. Stought o n. \\' id docs, lig htly higher at 6-1 and 6-4. · 22 0 Yard Low Hurdle s-Beelman . Poros ky. Broadh ead. Sm ith. Buell , On the dou b les, Pa tri ck and Bech- Eighmey. :\ .. Bertels. '.'\. Time. 2 . t Stair, Garver and Beelman, and per­ tolt won the fi rst set, 6-2, but lost second s. hap s o ne or two others. the next two, 7-5 and 6-2. The Car- , 2 Mile Run-Martin. Blauser, Fredtoughto n ha proved to be a d? . h penter brother lost 6-4, 6-4. erick. N . Time, 11 min. 32.1 ec. m a n of rar e abi lit y in the O hi o Co n­ ----0 C---Broad Jump-Bertel. Stair, fer ence, ha v ing ta ke n fi rs t place in RECR E ATION BA LL Smith . Distan ce, 20 ft. 5.7 in . all thr ee eve nt s in eve r y m eet. H e Mile Relay-Otte rb ein. Ehler s. Tinhas broken the college record in the Boys sley. Fergu on. Hatton . Time. ;I min. 440-yard da h twice during the sea­ T he Rec rea tion Ball League is sti ll 1 55.4 seconds . .s on . Ruffini was always close hehin<l in full swing. La t week four _games ---0 C--in the same event , as he has a lways were played . O n Monday eve ning the 1 BASE BALL GAM E tak en econd place. Annex Club defeated the Sphinx in a Widdoes ha s never had to go hi ­ pirited conte t, 16-11, and the Inde- I (Contin ued from page one.) limit to tak e fi r st place in the pol e pendents beat the Alp~ 15-3. I innings Otterbein came into some vault, and h e has a re erve of at least Cor. Main and State Sts . On Tuesday evenmg the Cook I erious tight places. In the fourth , twel ve inche which he can use to House ent the Lakotas down to de- I ad vantage next Saturday. He has feat by the core of 12-6. Th~ Coun- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -al o been placing con i tently in the try I uh ddea te d the j on cl as on W ed- · !!II II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !}. hurdl e a nd t he javelin th ro w. Poror ky has nev er had much nesday evening l~is trouble in claiming first place in both The gi rl s' rec reational ball games ~ of hi s eve nt . th e di sc us and th e have rivalled tho e of the boys group : javelin. H e holds the college record league in their pirit and enthusiasm in these two eve nts. with which the contests have been Broadh ead ha shown much ability held. On Monday evening the Sen- I § olumbus to get a a half-mil er. taking fir t place tw ice iors defeated the ophomores by a :: and seco nd place twice. He with 21-8 core. The game between the :: toughton, Ruffini and Beelman m ake Fres hmen and Junior on Wednesday § up the relay tea m that was ne ver evening wa thrilling from tart to § :! defeated. fini h. Th e Juniors came o"ut on top mith. ent ring but one e.ver:t. with a one-point lead, 10-9. a ily made hi I tter in it. He took ---0 C--fir t place in th broad jump in ever y TR ACK MEET 1§ except la t atu rday. tair h a been a clo e econd in thi event. ( ontin ued from page one.) ea on that he ha :c: Buell' event wa the hot put. By third tim thi ecthrowing the iron ball around thirt y­ been high corer. Poro ky wa five feet in every m eet. he proved o nd hi g he t with fi r t in the discu § and jave lin throw. himelf uperior to all come r . One of the feature of the meet wa § Garver and navely are the two high jumper who will jump for O t­ th e gritty two mile run won by Mar- , : terbein ne xt a tur . ay. Both of the e tin who beat hi clo e t competitor : to th e tape by a di lance of two bun- § m n may plac in this event. :!: B e lman i a hurdler and relay man dred ya rd . SummaryI§ who wi ll make it plenty tough fo r hi, tOO Yard Da h- toughton. first; opponents. B elman it a fa t runne"r, and he ha done !both f th e en•nt Kir chener, N., econd: Ruffini, th ird . Time, 10.2 econd . in the be t of form all ea on. P le Vault-Widdoe . fir t: Durry Much of the credit for Otterb in' victoriou ea on go to men wh '> , tair, Don Felton, while they hav not b en eligibl for ganization: Carl th Big ix. hav n verthe lc,. been Paul p on. "Ted" eaman, Don lip- good point winner and hard work- pinger, "Bob" navely, Ralph Royer, , § rs. Many of th m have taken first, "Toad" Collier, and " Johnnie" Carroll. :: The regular initiation wa fo llowed ·c ond and third place in the variou by a feed. peeche were given by met . Pr fes or Troop and Emmett Mc­ ---0 C--­ arro ll. The initiation wa very sucVARSITY "0 " INITIATION On la t Tuesday night the regular ce fut and a ll new member are to § Ohio State Campus Entrance COLUMBUS, OHIO § initiation of the Var ity "O" wa held. be congratulated upon their achieve, t i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111II1111111111111111II11111111111111111 ;111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I 11IIIII1111 I 11111 ff Th folio, ing were taken into the or- ment.





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Ire ne Bennet of Vanda lia is visit in g with Elizabeth Trost.


Page S cvcll


Lucille Ewry P eden was in \ \/eslcrville over the week end.

(Continued from pa2"e one.) These th ough ts of wha t might have been a r c interesting, but now sin ce - - - 0 C ---''--­ we know it can be do ne, what a re we CLEI O RHETEA going to do? _ . \ pproximate ly one hundred tw e ntyThe future holds great prospec ts of hve al umna e, friends a nd m e mb e r s f , pcrpetuat111g the ge niu s of th e prese nt. Cle io rh etea were p r ese nt a t the a nnu~ l T hcre·s ,;l.J ncl e J ?e"' Cannon, the Spring Spread Sessio n of the society gra1_1d o ld man ot Congress. Let's last Thu r sday evening. g r aft that wise o ld head onto n ew The program cons is ted of thr ee j s ho ul de r s a n_d prese r ve th e co ng res­ groups of piano so los by I rs. H ula h I s ,ona l expe ri e nce of th e las t forty Black Jr \\'in, ' 17, oi Ne\\'ark; a read - yea r s. l t has_ a lways been a s ha m e ing, '"The L ittl e R ebe l' ', a o ne-ac t J the expe ri e n ce ha s go ►i e to wa s te, p lay, "Gretn a G r ee n" , a nd a voca l , h ut . Un cle J oe ca n li ve. o n a nd he so lo by Mi ss J\I a ud c A lice Han awa lt, \1'011 t hav.c to was t e a ny t1111e go111g to '06, of Co lumbus. co ll ege. Forty yea r · hence all the ~labe l Bordner had as h er g ue s t o th e r bright young c hap s wil l sit up over th e week e nd Mrs . H . L o hr of Extempo r a n eo u s speec h es we r e giva nd noti ce w hen ··u nc le J oe" sou nds Canton. e n b y Mrs. Grace Fowler vV ein la nd th e gave l a nd te ll s th e "boys", " W e .. . ,. . " ,, '94. of o lu mb us, Mrs . \ \'. G. Clip~ 1 B111gham. Dot Burdett a nd pinger a nd M . L· . t Ad a m s had be tte r o rd er th a n thi s in 1881" . • eil vi itcd wi th "Babe'' Bingham ' r ~. . a ui c ta And there· s ·· H enry·· . He's a lways Lamb e rt of W es terville this week end. A f t e r t I1e progr a m a· p1· c111c · lun c h mad e 'e m of tin, but maybe if we k ee p him o n for a ce ntury more he Helen K ern enterta ined th e A r eady , was se r ved o n t a bl eclo th s la id o n th e wi ll ti g he n u p a ll th e " bolt s'' and put lub with a lumb e r ( Jes ) party on 1 fl oor, th e g ue ts seating th e mse lves o n a baked e name l fini s h. Perhaps aturcla y even in g. The de li ciou s aro und th e m. Fo ll ow in g th e lunch, " Henry" wou ld see fit to make a s tudy country "eat ., were e nj oyed by a ll at ca ndl es were lig ht ed, a nd a n o ld of po litics and thu s be fitted for th e breakfast und ay mornin g, fa s hion e d si ng was hea rt il y e nte red fi r st office of the la nd. That is the into by a ll. o nly h ope w e have fo r him to reach Mabel Eubank's s is ter, Mrs. Me rl e ----0 C---the c ha ir . E. Anth ony pent the week e nd with PHILALETHEA B ut , ca n we live wi th ou t humor ? her . \ t the r egu lar sess io n o f the Phil - N O ! vVe mu s t have it. So we' ll On a turday eve nin g th e Arbutus a le th ea n Lit e r a r y Soc itt y T hur sday : have to " use di sc retio n", and keep Bud lub entertained w ith a n out-d oo r eve nin g th e foll o win g program wa s (Co n t inued 0 11 Page E ig ht ) pu h in hono r of J ane Go sse tt a nd p r ese nt ed : - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Delpha L uca . V oca l so lo- Vi o la !'ed e n. l;a rcc. "Just C locks""-l~uth Mary Hum mel s pent th e week e nd se lm a n. at her home in Findlay. Pia no so lo-G la dy s S n y de r. Ethel Kep le r spent th e week en d Biogra ph y of Fra nce Vv'i ll ia-rdwith Ma ry hiteford a t her h o me in F lo1·e n ce Rau c h . Canto n. Voca l solo-E li za b et h 1vl a r s h. Geneva Bu hey was at her hom e 111 E ni d Ki ze r. Sy lvi a Peden, and E ls ie orth Baltimore over th e week e n d . ' ra n e s po k e ex t e mp o ra neo us ly dur ­ in g the sess io n . Joe Albert had as h e r g ues t ove r - - - - 0 C - - -the week e nd Mi s Torrie fr o m Day­ Music Night at Y . W . ton. A very inte r es tin g and e nt e rta inin g Prof. a nd Mr . kCarty were din­ m eet in g was d eve loped at Y. \ \/. C. A. ner gue t of the Owl C lub on S un ­ last Tue sday eve nin g by devoti n g the day. e ntir e prog r a m to th e s ubj ect of mu sic Mr. and Mrs. E. L. W einl a nd , Mrs. a n d to mu s ica l num bers. Ruth Lucas I

I. C. Robinson Groceries and Meats.



Phone 277 or 65

For That Party Order Your Buns and Rolls one day ahead


Westerville Bakery PHONE 45-W.

We· wish to announce to the public that we have installed a Frigidaire Ice Cream Sy tern and are prepared to offer three flavors of Ice Cream at all times. 40c and 60c Bricks. Williams Ice Cream Used Ex~lusively.

Cottage Restaurant


J. C. ROACH, Proprietor

]. A. W ein land , B ob W einlan d a nd h a d c ha r ge of the elev ~i o n s. S he \: ;;;;;==============================;;;;:.; ~fr . Nell ie K. Mi ll e r were M a r ga r et presented the thou g ht th a t th e un_iWein land' gu ests at dinn e r on Su n ­ ve r se is a great sy m Pho n y wi th C hri s t !! 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[ as t h e Director. Eac h of u s is a part : : day. t th th is sy mp a Y · v\l e lllU S b e in : On Friday afternoon th e Tali sman of tun e "\·ith hum anity a nd keep o ur eyes Club entertain ed with a tea in th e o n th e Directo r in o rd er t hat th e home of [r . Crooks. 111u s Ic o f thi s sy n1ph o n y n1 ay be ~ har m o ni o u s . Ethel Shreimer of Akron is ·s pend­ The r em a inder o f the program was ing a few days wi th Leah St. J ohn divid ed bet\\'ee n pecia l mu sical num- : _ and Mary McKenzie.. 'bers an d th e s in g in g of fami lia r 1: ~ Florence Howar d s pent th e week so ng s. Betty Mars h and Pau lin e : {2)" , . . . end at her hom e in Dayton . K n epp sa n g a voca l du e t , Marj o ri e § Prof. a nd Mr . R osse lo t and La- I and E rn estin e ' ic hol s p laye d a piano § r Veile were dinner g ues t s of th e Lotu s du e t , a nd Vio la Ped e n sa n g a voca l : COLUMBUS,O.

= =


Club on Sunday. Veda Bear vi ited unclay.

solo. 111

Colum bu s o n



C ____

Two little Junior g irl s Hurrying to class,

Baltimore. The Mes. r . Pa ul R ic ha rd a nd Raymond Hursh were th e g uests of Ruth Hur h at dinner Sunday.

"W ha t is your hurr y g irl s? P lease m ay I as k? " "0-o h! Ca n' t yo u divin e? It' s - - Va le ntin e."

= -

Visit the rrew home of ,./<./~

Rich and High St.


Loi Bickel pent the week e nd with Adela L yo n at her home in Nor th

The Mi Luca of Florence lhi week


Gwhere you have always been pleased


= ~ = ~

The Leader of P hotography . The largest, fine t , and best equipped gallery in A n1erica for producing the be t known t o the art.

= = = =

= -

es J ane Gosset a nd D e lpha I As the o ld clarkey said, "A c hi c k e n Canton we r e th e gues t s of /' am d e mo s use ful a nim a l dere a m . Rauch a nd Verda Evans Y o' can ea t him befoa h h e am bohn I § § end. an' after he am dead." ii11t11lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii


Special rate s to all Otterbein Students.


Page Eight

Keen e





Marcus \ Dinty and he

wo uld

rath er


journeyed to Woo_ster °'·.er the coal for their co rn beef and cabbage ISchear week end for a tour of mspect1on of , than to have th at woman around. I


the _VVooster Agricultural Experiment Station . From there th ey went to th eir respec tiv e homes in Strasburg and New Philadelphia. I " Mac" McConaughy and " Ed'' Hammond vi ited their homes in Day1 , to n Saturclay and Sunday. ---0 C--MONKEYI NG WITH MAN ( Co ntinued fr om Page Seven) j Fisher go in g becau se "Mutt and Jeff" , are as indispensable as the family hair brush with eight "youn g- un s" to be John Leichliter. '22, student of spanked . It' too bad we don ' t have medicine at the University of Cincin- I a be tt er member of the horse family oati spe ~t Saturday and Sunday with to keep forever than old " Spark Plug". Jonda fnends. , ''Sparky" has see n his best days and "Cy" William's parents motored to without his "night gown" he looks Wes terville from Glen Robbin. Ohio like Ichabod Crane in the shower for a week end vi it. room. But when the final race is won we'll be th ere to root for " Sparky" Roy Peden, '22, was a guest of even though he wins by on ly a Country Clu b fri ends o ver the week whisker. end. Speaking of humor, there are also Jerry Schwartzkopf spent Sunday in th e dub s of the rhyming verse. That Akron. Morley fe ll ow must keep Archie "Ex" Albright, '22, was back o n the punchink th e keys. And L a rdner, if campu with the A lp fo r a few days' he keeps on practicing a few cen turies will develop a real line of humor. visit. Th ere's only one danger, and that is " Kotsy" ·Durr went to his home m that this humor stuff will get so funny Marion last Sunday. we' ll all croak before t hey can bring "Bob" Knight' father stopped • in o n the hammer and aw. The evening paper could never Weste rv ille fo r a few hours Sunday. He was passing through on hi way more be a Guest without Eddie. There's a danger here to. we mustn 't home from the General Conference. leave him get o old he'll forget hi Vaughn Jame pent th e week e nd boyhood day , for hereafter there at hi home at Magnolia. won't be many of us over twenty-one 1·

The more I think about it the whole thing see m s · to be a problem. It would mean the derangement of our whole economic and social system. John D. would keep his wad continually in hand and go down through the ages chasing a golf ball. The good o ld college days would become o nly faded memories, professors would be needed no more. The only need would be for gymnasiums (then Ot­ terbein would be su re to get one ) to develop trong bodies for the old head s. It sound s like a solution for a whole lot of our problems, but till it gets us into some worse ones. Of course it would be good for th e Budweiser · wor ks , they co uld all turn to hair ton­ ic, with maybe more than three per ce nt. The idea may gain favor from some because of this, But as fo r me, Give me the makin' of a life, Of boyhood's play and trife, 0£ manhood's toss and battles, And whatever the troubles, Let me face 'em like a man, Doing e'er the be t I can. So when shall come the end, And heavenly choirs attend, May His voice say "I n work and play, Well done, my man You met my plan." That's all for me.


in ~=:t:~l ~il~a:1eet::~ t:i~~~ home ~?try~o:1~~:1::~:!P::;:;;;:,~:,:~t,;: I=~_ Glenn tbindler vi ited hi home ■ at Liberty Center Saturday and Sun- ories of .youth. day. We can ee the boys on the corner lot playing ba eball in 1983. Each one ■ '=-;;;;=Wilbur Foh l, a tudent at Ohio ha an ambition , not as did the boy tate Univer ity was back with his of long ago, but a different ambition, Cook Hou e fr ie nd for thei r banquet aturday night. ~a\~: ~~;;l:el~f ;at~d~;~:t\~~ ; The hom e of Mr . R. . Cook wa ay won't it be great to see the old ■ th cene la t aturday eve11 111g of a boys stepping around the field as they ;;;:, pretentiou C o k House banquet. did of yore, and just think of the Mr . Cook and Mr . Ilo Dellinger storie they'll be able to tell. Can't were th.e ho te and that they were you imagine "Jawn" McGraw coachadmirably fitted to their re pective ing the ew York Giants about three I ■ po ition attes ted by the fact that o r four centu ries hence? With all the j every one of the forty-eight people tric~ and . tartegy he' s been storing who were pre ent agreed that the pro­ up m that ivory dome all the e years, g


f !


gram wa one of the livelie t of the year. The table , which were decor­ ated with a rainbow effect, were amon g the prettie t of any that ha ·e been u ed at uch an affair. ' ae ar·• John on, '24. i back again after having completed a ucce ful year a a Profe or at Mc lure, Ohio.


he hould be bringing another pennant to old ew York. But right there i a problem. What are we going to do with all the e ■ hiny bald head ? Well. I don't j think we need worry nbout that. ;;;, When we get all the e marble dome ' together, with Edi on' in the center, we' ll get a hair 'rai er'' omehow, even if it ha to be a graft off the



Clifford Bay, '23, returned home unday from ullivan, hio, where he back of old farmer Moon'. pet ow. Girl don t you think it wou ld be terriha been mpl oy d a P rin crpa l of the h l durin the pa t year. ble to live with a man for cent urie a~d to think all the while that that "l:tappy" Royer ·\\'ent to hi h me poor old bead would nev r aaain be rn \ Madi on .f r th \\'e k end. graced by a curly Jock.

s·-A 'VE .....,•4-1, s· AF ETY ~

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Personal and


Letterheads and

Envelopes The Buckeye Printing Co. 28-30 West Main St.


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High at Long


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Get under a


Stad1·um'' Straw


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When O U put on a ( tadium tra O U fe el in tinctively that yo u're wearing- a hat that i rio-ht · · · f r the brim i tyli hly wide· the crown di tinctively fa hioned . Of fl at foot ennit braid fitted 'th l B W l t 1e on Ton cu hioned weat band.


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Harold Boda went to orth ManWell, J' ll declare. Here e e. i ch ter la t Friday a nd remained over againS t ano th er problem. Are the week end for commencem nt ex- gay old bi rd going to go courtin' again? • ot if Grandma in it on a i i erct e . transplantation al o. But I reckon "Conny" Moore, '2 1, pent 11. few Jigg wiU be ready to give up the hip day with the Alp re ently. if Maggie want to keep goin' too. s ~11■nff■!l-l l■ll-'l~■Ji1lml■lUl■U ■llll■I, ■ 11 1■ir.•nn■llll■Ull■llil■llll■illll■ I •1111■11 1■m111111•l!l■lfill




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