1925 09 29 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 9.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1925.


' MATHEA-' LETHEA PUSH Over Three Hundred Guests Hike " Four Mile" to Shrock's Woods !?or Camp Fire Gathering.

For Best Designs of New Special Colwnn "Cuts".

Future Athletic Editor Surveys Teams and Asks Support of Otterbein The Tan and Cardinal is badly in Student Body. need of ·ome new •·cuts•· to head its pecial col umns. We need not call OPPONENTS LOST GAME your aHentio n .to this fact, a look is eno ugh Bowling Green Normal Lost First 1n o rder to have the very best that Game of Season With Westhe school can afford we are ope ntern Normal, 20-0. ing a contest in which every registered student may participate. Fou r Once again we are at that annual new •·c ut s" will be needed. A year's stage in the footba ll season when s ubscription to the Tan and Cardinal every wou ld be a uthority on football will be given to the one who submits is picking the team fo r Otterbein and the bt::st design for eac h of th e four also the team that is to win the Con "'cut ." ference championship. Here are the specificatio ns and Who i going to make th e team? rules: That seem to be the question every I. "Local''-one column, about fan is a king. The an wer i a mysize a now used. tery to even oach Ditmer him elf. 2. "Cochran Hall."-one This year there i more material witho ut qu ., li o, th.an. there_ has be.en. £or same size a now used. 'f'q.,"t!" 'l at lea~t the la t fiv , -ea on . H QW

- - - 0 C---­ long ha it be n ince we have een DEBATES SCHEDULED 1-wo full , we ll balan ed teams, with an extra team on the id lin ing thr ugh ignal drill imultaneou ly? ~riangular Debates With Akron, Bluffton, Muskingum, W ittenlt i !,oped that we hall have two berg in March. team that can be u ed, almo t inter­ changea·bly. For we fi nd that. that Prof. Leon McCarty ha recently very thing i the ~ec ret of the ucce completed the 1925-26 Var ity debate of contemporary teams, they can make h d h. h · d f . . sc e u I e w ,c 1s now rea y or anub t1tut1on from a wealth of g-ood 11 , , 11 ncl m cn! . Pri,at debates will be re erve when the fi r t team becomes , , Id • h· tat U · ·t · tired. ,. wit 11 10 . e 111ver 1 y 111 A ' \ nvc mh cr. Defi111te date have not entiment which ha s been ,·ct bee n ~c lectecL Two t ri a 11 iJe de,·oir cj by m o re than o ne observer hates. o ne with Akron and Bluffton. seem , to fi t the ca ~e pe rf cth· ·' th e~' ;111d th e o ther with Mu kingum and ·· ( ontinued on page ix) · Wittenberg will be held on March 5 ---- 0 C---and March 12. re pectively. One OTTERBEIN STUDENTS ot her debate will be . ecured to comEFFORTS REWARDED plete the ea on.

The Philalethean and Philomathean Literary Societies ente rtain ed over three-hundred guest la t Monday night. Sept. 21, at a push which was

---0 C--­ Mrs. Guitner's B irthday. Mrs. J. E. Guitn r. mother of Mi. ~ Alma Guitner. Profe . or of German language and literature. happi ly cele­ brated her eigh ty seco nrl 'birthday at her home, 75 W . College Aven ue, last Thursday. eptember 24.

Music Lockers Installed For Lambert Hall Musicians. One ection of thirty mu ic loc ker , wa installed in Lambert· Hall la ·t " ' ek for the u. c of mu. ic student s in filing their mu ic sheets. Each IQcl< r ha, an iwlividual comb ina•i o n lock. Thi . ec tion of locker wa largely with the proceed J ie Peter' co ncert given sp ring.

Student Council Sponsors Inter Group Gathering at "Peep Inn·• Last Thursday Evening. COOPERATION IS THEME

an outstanding even t among the series Representatives of Men's Groups of parties that have marked the open Sound Note of Unity for the Wel­ ing of tbe new college year. Starting fare of Otterbein in Speeches. from the Association Bu:lding at 6 :30, the party hiked aro und the •'four-mile'· A fellowship dinner was enjoyed last road to Shrock's farm. Thursday eve ning at th e ·'Peep Inn" On reaching their de tination the by men members of the tudent Coun­ guests were divided into five group cil, the pre idents of men's groups, which gathered a.bout eparate camp with the ponsor and another represen­ fires. Games were con ducted in these tative of each group, the head sponsor, group a fter which a camp supper \\'as the dean. and the president of the erved. Joseph Hen ry, a president college. of Philomathea, welcomed the guest Thi motley gathering of group men, and called upon Prof Hanawalt and and faculty members, ~ njoyed the Prof. McCarty to peak. Alice Sanfin t type f fellow hip around the r .ro i Phi ' 111 o ex fl ~tal ta bie. d ~now cl 1n th • irit ten d ed a w · I come to the new st ud.ents. of the after di nn er talks that the1'e i The committee in char ge of the a common intere. t bind in g all the affa ir was composd of the followir,g person : Mary Mc abe. Ruth Mussel- group into a unified college om­ munity. ~ man. Erne tine ichols, Glady SnyN. A. Wilburg, pre ident of the tu ­ der. Dwight Arnold, Ralph Tin ley, dent Council, was unabe to be present and Erner on Bragg. due to illne . and Perry Laukhuff pre­ - - - - 0 C-- -sided in his place. President Clio­ FACULTY ATTENDS pinger _poke. exh o rting to " unity in "THE FRESHMAN'. ou r college ommunity life." D ean Cornet et tress d •· hri stian fel lowDue tr: a.:t io n talcen by th e manager hip.'' and Prof. L. . . Weinl a nd, head of the Garden Theatre. lo a l movie spon o r of men. urged m o re ent hu­ house. a ll m ember of the Otterbein iastic co-ope ration among sponsors. faculty who pre ented them elves at The pres ident f the variou group th e ticket window o f the thea ter !?s· spoke fo r their rganizati o n. and th ·r Thursday evening ver e given compli­ ( o ntinued o n Page Two ) mentarv ticket to the fi r t howing C--­ of "The Fre hman ." a late colleg'ate FRESHMEN ELECT film tarring Harold Lloyd. large TEMPORARY O FFICERS number of the faculty took advantal!'':' of the o ffer . The fre hmen el cted their tem­ ---0 porary fficer la t w ek. Harold Mole Secured for Museum. Thomp ·o n wa elected pre ident, El i­ One o f the largest moles in exi - zabeth Dick. vice pre. ident: Doro: hy tcnce ha been . ec ured by Prof. E. Bi hop. secretary: Lorie uface. trea­ W. E . chear for the Otterbein Mu- surer; and Theodore Riegle, argeant­ at-arm ; Gerald , o elot and 1 ab I enm . ccording to the taxidermi t Ruehrmund were elected to repr ent who mount ed the animal. the mole i the freshmen in the men'. and woone o f t he finest pecimen f the rn n· enae . mammoth pecie ever captured.


OTTERBEIN'$ FOOTBALL SCHEDULE-1925 Oct. ct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. :-lov. N ov.



- --0 Litera ry e ffort in Otterbein have not gone unn o ticed a i well in e,·idence in the late t po m a nd hort tory anthology recently pub li h cl hy the tratford Compa ny in Bo ton. Of th e official honor the g reate t goe. to Jean Turner. who will have her poem enti tled " Lin es ." publi hed . .'\ lice and r . \ en dell Camp a nd Ruth Robert ach received hon o rabl e mention fo r po c1 • ubmitt ed. .\fi Robert al o rec eived h norable men tion for her hort tory. "The Dream Live. On," which wa. pttbli hed in la t year'. issue o f the Quiz a n<l Quill.

NO. 2.

3-Bowlin g Green rmal ............................ .........- ........... We terville I 0-Ca e ...... ............ ............ .................................... .................... Cleveland 16-Ci ncinnat i (We tervi ll e Day) .................................... Westerville 24-Muskingum .................. .. ..... _...... .. .. ............ ................ New oncord 31-Hiram (Homecoming) ............................. ·-····-· ···· ·· .... We terville 7- Baldwin-Wallace ........................................ ...................... W e terville 14-Hei<lelberg ...................................... ................... .......... ............ Tiffin 21-Dayton ..................................................... ......... ............. ....... . Da yt on

C- - ­

Dr. Russell Leads Chapel. Dr. Howard H. Ru s ell . founder of the nti aloon Leagu , clo e fri end of Otter bein oll ege and e tablisher of the Ru ell Declamation and Oratori­ cal Prize Foundations, greeted the tu­ dent body in chapel with hi own uniqu e hand hake. and then poke and recited. upholding the va lue of thorough traning in th e fine art of pub lic speaking.


Page Two





(Conti nu ed from. .Page One) ~ . ..A1111eucs· - two colum n, simiThe citizenship Cl uh of. Wester- l (Co ntinued fro m l'.age One ) Ja r 1·0 size to prese nt ··cu t." th 4. . . Alumna! .l:'age·•-four column, · l ville wil hold its iirs t m cet mg of e j ,,·ords expr•·- ed the real ,cntime.n of vea r ;" the hamber of Commerce this i to be a o ne-me 1 streamer Th the groups. across top of page, . , · rooms th1 Tues_oay evening. _ e 1, Harolcl McM ,'chael, Alp-. ''This is · · d P rogram will con. ist of shor t talks on I h - .. t eed ed... Cliffo rd Wenz "· . 11 designs to be sulD1111t te1 on O . .• Won1t•n as. M em'b er f tAnnex, e spin·· t t nwa:• iriendly , white pape r, using o nly ua,a the s_ubJect, rivalr y that• I .heavy k



Soph Officers. The o ph omore class electio n held last wec,k gave the folowing· r esu lt : P r esiden t-Robert Kni g ht. Men·; Senate-Louis );orris and J o hn }l udock. \ Vomen·s Senate-Joan Fox a nd




I'" . I



. t h~- ury.... . .• . b . Mrs. brought u, together.. ; Rdbert Suaveti. All designs to be drawn lo I he~t be g:ven ) h· speaking i,, the ab ence of the l . t times r eg ular 1 Stalks I w,I. howard E ll iott • . sea e a t wo M 1eas Cha r ~s nave Y, r · ' ·phinx president, "lntcr-club sp: n t . I ' M . r p \ Vest Mrs. Frank Book- I . . , . > s ize. .. " rs. •Mr · · L W •. Warson. an d M \ year·s subscription to the l an man , r s. I w!I .make . a netter~1Otterbem, b . h. kobe 'd rt 7. . Cu· • 111 isd m a , ·ren 1 and lardi ual will be given to the de· · · a 11 o f w h om h ave had I Cav m. , Lou ntry Charle, Sowers O • som e experience on th e Ju . . · ' serv111g · · r Y· speech at tte~ 1Jem, urge eve Y I signer of eac h "cut ' " iou r su b scnp1 1 1 member Mrs. . c. L. p·1k· 111gton w1·11 Iea d the group .. . . . D . h to te eId we J come d· "Wt o j tions in all. One person . . may wm d,.scuss·.on on current even ts. The ,·1s1t u : wig t• · rno d · on a,f · de I more than one subsc ription. . less nen hostes ·e for thi. meeting are M rs. need .. " Cantagon:sm . L h anL· kmore t "G . A ll des igns, mu s t be in the hand s D E C artwng Ot oi the Editor not later than 6 p. m. . h t an d M r s • •A· V · lrness : . l111ton. as ' a o a , roup · · co-operat1 on w ill mean a g r eater - Oc tob er 1.5, 1 925. Harsha. _ _ __ O C - - - te r bein"' and F r an klin Yo un g, Cook See t he E ditor for furthe r in forma LITERARY PROGRAMS House. expressed t he un animous ap- tio n. proval of all pr esent _when ~e ~a id, ---0 C--­ October 1, 1925 .. I lik e the idea of this meetmg. REGISTRATION FIGURES Those pr ese nt were. Pre ide nt W . Philalethea. SEPTEMBER. 25, 1925 G. Clippi nger, D ea n N. E . Co rn etet, LiteraryH/ead ponsor L. A. Weinland ; group Mythological to.-y-J ea nette M agi ll. 1924 1925 Essay-Florence Campbell. sponsors, Profs. A . P . Rosselot, G. G. Senio rs ................................ ., 77 Gra1 bill , E . W . E . Schear, H. W . Curren t ' ews- Helen Webster. 103 Juniors ····+········•·-··--·····•-·· 5 M us icalTroop, F . A. Hanawalt, A. R. Spes- Sophomores ···---········•- ..... 12-1 10 Piano Solo-Celia Johns o n. sard , and B . W . Valentine; g ro up re- F reshmen ......................... _ l 33 193 . presentatives and Student Council Vocal Duet-in charge of V ,ola memb er , Harold McMichael, Don cademy ·····-·-················· 16 6 Sec Samples from pecial Student s .............. 48 Pede n. Phillips, F ranklin Young, Carl Stair, 61 Orchest ra-in charge of Mar y Mc- \ J o hn Carroll. Ca rl Eshbach, Clinto n abe. Lash , Marcus ch ear, Cliffo rd Wertz. ~~t~:e ·~~~. b~~ · ~·f--·F;e!~~en li~~:d Cleiorhetea Electio n Session. Dwight Arnold, Perry Laukh_uff, above for thi s year, 171 have com e to Before ordering Class and Soc.i al Robert Knig ht, Robert Cavm s, O tterbein for the fi r t time. October 2, 1925 Gwynne Mc Conaughy, Joseph Henry, Of the total number listed abov ~ Philomathca Rober SnavelY, and A. . Barne • k>r c-thi ea:r:, 1.-G-e.rc-n:gi-:,tc-rc<l--inc-tbc •- ~ - - dventure-K umler, . W. Thi · et t gellier wa aav cated Mu ic Department a nd 40 in the Art Invective-Pifer, H. R. 1 and arranged by the Student Council. Department. Makers of Philophroncan Keys. Character Sketch-Martin, W . F. - - - 0 C-- F. J, Van ce, Re g i trar. Philophronca The Lyceum Course 11th and High Columbus, 0 . Hum o rou Paper-1H'. D . William • The best concert and plendid en- - - - 0 C----








I ===============~ th - ---aThesea on course tick t will w i cosret but ervation · --lf ■ -l--U:!■-l---■l 1!1■ l l --■l l l■l l ---ll ■-l l-■1--■1 1'l --■ l'l -lll■l-l-l'. ■-l l-■1-ll-l■-:l '-l■-l:- l l■=■= l l = lm:-■1==11 ■=11=1■=1=1■r===== n1■m1=■:l: !=■l==■ 1 1 =1=1■:: I:jJ: . M. C C. A. entire , Y .O " Are We Footnoteing Our Refi~s Viola Prie t w ill ell the eason ■ Ii ion ?'' wa the ubj ect under di - ticket am ong t he college tudent . ; m·vers1·ty 00 store II ~u io1\ at t he fi r t Y. M . . A. meet- \ The fi r num ber wit lb e given_ on. F ri - i arative-F. C. Gantz. ew paper-J . H . Lehman.

I tertainment


be given



!-et us measur~ you for your next u1t. E. J . Norris & Son. -Adv.

~ cour e at a nomin al co t by obtaining


2 .00. g


m g ~f t ~ year h eld. I~ t T~e ~ay day nigh t, October 9. Thi I a ■· evenm g 111 t he ociation buildmg. unique concert by The Cello En emble .;;; Ea r l H_o ver _w as th~ leader for the o mpany. The other number in th e evenw , Thi meeting r epr en~edh , cour e are The McDowell onc~rt th m n part of the events wh1c om pan y, nited tate Comm1 - ! w ere held on the fi rst combined A - ioner of Education , John J. Tige r t,




B k

Every stu dent


N eeds a



ociation nig_ht. The girl, met _in the Helen Waggoner, entertain,er, humor- ; regul ar meetmg hall up ta.ir while the i I H rber t Leon Cofe and The =' men convened in the large room Roc ky M o untain Quarte t.


~;n~ta\;vePr;!·nt:;b~te~r ,a Eiar~~ . amoun t of furniture for the down tair room. ew lighting fixture , new drvpe rie a nrl evera l lam p add to th e att ractivenes of the room. large number of fr e hmen were pre ent at th meeting which · fact i. e ·ccllent indicator of the manner in w hich th e new ing th Y. M. to ca mpu life.

---- 0 C----


I I ! !


iI .






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!! i


:~· ::,,:·:,;u-:rh:;;:• ':'~ ~;a·M;,~ ':::~··:.~: H~,;';.~':,: I University Bookstore gather on the temporary "roo t " con- tb; re are many more who have not tructed at the north ide of t he yet vi ited our ball and to all uch ■ ciene building for the annual col- we extend a mo t cordial invitation to leg picture. come a nd look us over next week.

i i

tudent are accept- ! W . Ro hrer a,nd a "Book Review" by . a nd it r lation H. R. B r own. Extemporaneou peecbe were made by C. H . Keller g

on "The Benefits Derived from PhilPicture Taken. opbronea," and 'by I. Deaterly on hap I exerci e were di pen ed h y I came to Otterbein." ociety w ith. la t Tue day morning in order was also favored with remark from


I ic ii

Founta1·n Pen


PHILOPHRONEA c;a j . ---. . t Philophronea la t F nday mght, § a n unu ·uall y good program wa preented. It con i ted of an "Oration" by Carl E . tair. a cientific Paper o n the " nee try of the Hor e" by Geo. i

- - - 0 C - --

; :;






i! =

Phone 493-J. 1


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THE TAN AN D~C~A~R~D~l~N~A~L~=========== = = = = = =P~ a~g~e~ T~h~ree



~llllllll I I 11111111111111111111111111-11111111g

'25. A s umm er wedd ing whi ch was State Fair Grounds is Scene of Gala not kn ow n to t he edi to r of t h is col­ • Time. Plans Laid for Coming umn in tim e fo r last wee k' iss ue wa s t ha t of M erl W . K illin ge r a nd Miss Year. Ou tlook Bright. Ra cin a Stave r wh ic h occ urred in Akron . Oh io, A ug ust 10. Mr. a nd T he lirst me et ing · for t his seaso n of Mrs. Killin ger ar e now liv ing in H am ­ t he Oterbe in \,Vom en's Cl ub of Colu m­ ilto n , O hio. wh er e Mr. Kill inger is bu s a nd V icini ty was a picni c he ld on Bo ys' Sec reta r y o f the Y o un g M en's t he S ta te F ai r Groun ds in Colum b us, Chri ti a n Assoc ia ti o n . 1 las t atu rd ay a fte rn oon an d evening, '22. Miss B la nche M . Willia m so n of I



to wh ich t he husba nd s an d fa m ilies o f the m em be rs we r e a lso in vited. The a nno un cem en t had ind icated t hr ee o'cloc k as t he ho ur ·fo r ass embli ng a nd a few were th er e promptly, but mos t of th e compa ny of m or e than eig ht y ca m e ab o ut an ho ur later. Ga mes w er e in charg e of R alph W . Smith and from t he amount_ of interes t s ho wn and noise made were hugely enjoyed by the old and the young. Horse hoes a nd volley ball seemed to be th e m ost po pular games. The clulb hou se was o pen for the picnic and those who did not wish to en­ gage in the games sat on the broad veranda and visited with friend . About half past five tables were car­ ri ed to th e verand a and the contents of the baskets were set in array. A line was fonnt::d a-lo ng the ta bles and supper was secured in cafeteria style. Paper napkin and hot coffee were fur­ nished free ,by the Kar-A-Van Coffee Company, and added much to the sumpto us meal. Individual bricks of ice cream were al·so provided for th e entire company. A ft er supper tr. e J) resident, Mrs. E. L. Porter, called the membe rs to ­ gether for a sho rt b,u ine s meeting. when the plan weFe presented for the coming year's work. The club has a lready paid in full three installment s of its five thousand dollar pledge to the J u-bilee Endowment fund and has half of th e fou rth and last installment in bank. This year will, co n equently, be a much ea ier year financially than t he three ju t past. It i the hope of th e officers that the ocial ide of the club' work may receive more em­ pha. is thi year than ha been po ibl e recently.

D ayton , Ohio, is teac hing En g lish and histo ry this year in th e high sch ool at H arris o n, Ohio, near Cincinnati .


'06. Dr. Willi am A. W e ber, w ho fo r several yea rs has been profe sor of r eli g io us edu~a ti o n in B o nebrak e Theological Seminary at D ayton, 0 hio, ha bee n granted a leave of ab sence from that institution and will take this fall a similiar position in Rutger's College, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

'23. Mis Virg inia nave ly . wh o taught last year near West Liberty, Ohio, is teaching thi s year in the high school at Massillon, Ohio. During the summer she was taking graduate work in Ohio State University.

= § § : : = § : § : §

In Memoriam '23. Mrs. Go ldie M o r ga n: .-\rm stro ng d:ed in White Cr os s : Hospi tal. Columb us , Thursday § ni g h1. foll o wi ng an o per atio n: for a rupt u red appe ndix . Dur- § in g her year s in Otterbein Mrs : Arn1 , tro ng dist in g uis hed her -: self as a stud ent of exc epti o nal§ a bil ity. Sh e was well li ked ·b y : he r cla smate s. Since her g rad- § ua tio n s he ha s bee n a teac her : in th e schoo ls o f S ha uck . O hio.§

Y o rk Cit y wa call ed to W es terville laS t week beca us e of th e se riou s illnes of Mrs. Nelso n's father , Mr. C. L. B ru nd age. Mrs. Nelson and their yo ung son have bee n at the ho me of her pa re nt durin g the summer. Ca lvin R. Breden , wh o was a s­ sis tan t in chemi try in Otterbein last year has gone to Ames, Iowa, where he ha s a position in the department of ch emi tr y in th e Iowa State College.


'23. Goldie Morg.an Armstro ng ( Mrs. Byron S, Armstrong) , whose home wa s on Aberdeen Avenue, Linden, Co­ lumbu . Ohio, died in White Cross H os pita l in Columbus last Thursday, Se ptember 24. H er b ody w as taken to Shauck, Ohio, for burial. Besides her husband she i sur vived by her pa-r ent , Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Groveport, Ohio, and four sisters.

WHERE ARE 1925 GRADS ? Teaching Profession Claims Majority of Last Year's Class. Graduate Work Claims Some. Grad ua tes in t he cl · ss o f nin eteen twe nt y five a re over the country wo rk­ ing in ;; grea t v ari ety of pos itio ns. A g reat n um ber are tea ching a nd a num­ be r are go in g to g rar! ua te sc hools. ea rl y a ll of t he g irl of t he class are teac hing . Tt wa s a di ffic ul t task a nd o nl y a part of th e g ra duat es could b e loca ted. Those t hat we r e located we re as fol­ lows: F loyd M cG uire. Merl Kilin ge r, and D ean Upso n ar e in Y. M. C. A. work a t Canto n , Hamilton and T o ledo. Nels on Carpenter, D o nald Clippin­ ger, W end ell Camp, F ranklin Melkus a nd K a rl Ritter are entering, graduate sch ools at Ohio State University. Emme t t M cCarroll is entc!ring the law s~ hool a t th e U ni versity of Michi­ gan . D o nald Howard i in the B o ne­ bra ke Semin a ry a t Dayton. Frances P o tt enger is a tud ent in the College o f M edi cin e at th e University o f Cin­ cinnati. A numb er of men · have gone into the bu siness wo rld . Louis Haskin i wo rkin g with the Wheeling Corpor­ ati o n at Port mouth, David Reck i empl oyed as a chemi t in the Middle­ to w n Stec! Mi lls. Wilbur W ood i wo rk ing in r ook ville, P aul Garver has assumed hi place a a partner in the Garver Bros. Store at Strasburg, Howard Ca rpenter is employed in the We tervill e Po t Office , Mary oel teaching Cant o n. 0 ., Jo e phine lbert teaching Dayton, 0., Lucille Lam'bert teaching Sullivan, 0 ., nnabelle Wil ey teaching Gambier, 0 ., Katherine Mc.­ Kinney tea ching H ubbard. 0 ., Hilda G il son a nd I abP.] 1olan libra r y Co­ lu mbus. 0 .. Mary Meyer office wor k o lumbu , 0.. Viro-inia Dent Wit on teachin umberland, Md.. Florence B enjamin, teachin g ewport. . Y ., Ruth a llaha o teaching Clearfield , Pa ., Pau line Wentz teaching Prairie Depot, Daisy Griffith teaching Phillips'burg, Pa., Lucil e Judy teaching Ri iog un, ., Beatrice Dorn ld o n teachit1g Ea_t Pal tiJl . bri tine Wahl, Centerburg, Eliza­ ( ontin ued on Page Eight)

'22. William 0. tauffer has accepted a position in the research department of the Du Pont P o.wder Company in Wilm ington , Delaware, a qd is now engaged in work there. ~01. E lmer L. Porter, who was at the head of the Tourist School in Daytona , Florida, last year, is now teaching in the Barrett Junior High ' 13. Carl V . Roop, former field repre­ School in Columbus, Ohio. sentative of the College heads the '98. Mrs. William B. Gantz ( Maude Ro op- Reep Evangelistic Party. This Barnes) of Detroit, Michigan, has new organization promises to be very been spending th e months of August effective in th e evangelistic field. and September with her daughter and son-i n-la w, Mr. and Mr . George B. ' 11. Don C. Shumaker ha just been appointed religious work secreary of Hammond of Mexico City, Mexico. the new Englewood department of the (21 , '21. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schutz Y . M. C. A. in Chicago. Thi de­ and little daughter arrived in America partment will 0011 be hou ed in a thi ummer after a term of service new $725.000 building. The general und-er the United Brethren Mission o fficer of th e Y . M. C. A. con idered Board in Rotifunk, West Africa. They thi po ition o important and Mr. are now at the home of Mr. Schutz' humaker o de irable that he wa parent in Pa ndora, Ohio. The engaged before th e buildin g wa com­ chutz family held a reunion in Aug­ pleted. Mr. Shumaker formerly erv­ ust when all the members of the fam­ ed the ociation in India and upon ily were together to welcome the ones nis return completed two year of - ---0 who had returned from Africa. · graduate work in olumbia Un iver­ - - - 0 C - -­ Dr Keister First. . '12. Dr. A. D. Cook, who had to sity. SPLENDID RESPONSE The fir t check to arrive covering leave hi work in the u. B. Mi ion TO NEW PROGRAM '05. Il. F. hively, mi ionary to d_ues to the association and. sub scrip- hospital in Siu Lam, China, early in Japan ha recently been appointed The • d" • 1 It u to the Tan a nd Cardmal "."ere Jul y , ha been appointed superinteo ­ 10 chairman of the Federation of Chri d"da ummt atrbe re pon 111 ta tbo e of Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Keister r dent of t. Luke' Ho pita1 in MaoiJa, . p 1en I way o e new program ou . . . the large t co-operative th • t" b ·p . d b t1an M1ss1on , 1 ~ud Dean . E . Cornetet. Ac~ord- Philippine I land , for four month . . . . me y e a oc1a 10n. u sen 1111 s 1on body 10 Japan. At the es- 1 ...: t th T d C di 1 mg to the information we rece.i ved, ..on . . o e an an ar na are • • "di M • h 100 of the Federation on Aug. 2 the Dr. -roei ter had placed hi return in ?95. Dr. ~nd Mr~. W~ndell _Jone hairman delivered the annual ermon. commg 111 rapi y . any a 1umm ave th.e po toffice in less than half an hour of Riverside, Cahforn1a, were 111 an ent in th e old sub cription price of after having received the letter ex- automobile accident recent!~ which Mr. hively will repre ent th e Japan- the paper and have been reque ted to Federation at the meeting in plaintng the new order of thing . -might have proved more__enou than re mit the remainder of the $3.50 nece Dean Cornetet' cu tomary prompt- it did. A they w~re dnv1_ng al~ng a Korea . of a imilar organization and sary to cover the due in the as ocia­ been invited to give the annual nes explains the fact of his return mountain road, their machme kidded tion. Thi i not to be under tood a being in the office at the time Dr. and went down a deep abyss and wa nece ary in order to receive the Keister's arrived. completely wrecked. They, fortuo paper, as the paper will be ent in any Prof. M c Carty Gets M. A. • • ately escaped with a number o f cut Th e enth us1astic re pooses, such as ' . . event, but rather it i a reque t for th ese, that have come to the office a nd bruise · a nd were not enously mP rof. L eo n M cCarty received bi your upport in a new movement guaran tees the future of the alumni jured. M a ter· degr ee from the U niversity which we believe to be to the be t in movement. te re t o f the college. '13. Thoma H awley el o n of ew of M icJtigan t his la t rnmm er.



Page Four

THROUGH THE SPY-GLASS to build a triumphant school spirit. sence of security is felt by all in his Somehow, it seems, in recent years presence. The man who is sincere is & we have had an artifical pep, the re- the man whose friendship wears well. A Resume of Odd Happenings in Ohio Colleges. suit of rallies and constant proddings. .Peculiar to some is the hab it of Published W ecldy in the interest of When the cheer leader wasn't t ramp- gushing over a new acquain.tance and Otterbein by the News has just reached this office ing on the starter button we were of making rash promises t hat gener­ OTTERBEIN LITERARY that •Heidelberg has rec ently installed cushioned on th e bleachers letting the ally go unfu lfilled. In lust to make SOCIETIES team fig ht the whole game. Such a a good impression and to say some- a men 's lavatory in the main univer­ Westerville, O hio Member of the Ohio College Press spirit doesn 't benefit the rich heritage \ thing pleasing, toungues often run in sity building. Have H . U . men had Association. we have as students of Otterbein Col- j rampant 'babbles of meaningless words. soiled faces all this time? we admire is tactful, hut lege. 1 The one Mt. Union College at Alliance, Ohio. STAFF Believing that a better unde rstand- · above that, truthful and sincere. has 178 freshmen enrolled this year. Editor-in-Chief ············ J. B. Henry, '26 f h . d f O I h l'f f J A ssistant Editor .... D. E. Harrold, '27 ing o our entage as stu ent o t- \ n t e I e o esus one of the qual- In this class there are 7 5 girls and Contributing Editors, terbein and that a k nowledge of the ities oi character we admire in Him 103 boys. WayneHHarshda, ,27 .-fact that each of us is representative greatly was hi frankness and sin· H Florence owar , 28 . · · f I · · The Student Council at Oberlin re­ e n:ver d'.d an~thing . to Business Manager .. W . C. Myers, '26 o_f a 1"'.mg, growdmg, podwer _t1 1~st1tu- cenkty. 11 A ssistant Business Managerst1011 with a goo recor , w1 g ive us ma ·e a good 11np·ress1on, His motive fused to let any of the college's co-eds Marcus Sc~ear :27 a permanent foundation for our school was love. Hi teaching, "Let your attend t he ann ual F rosh-Soph Scrap. Ros Miller, 28 pirit, we begin this seri e of articles · communication be ,yea, yea ; nay, D ue to th e nat ur e of the day's events Circulation Man:::garet Widdoes, ,26 "About Our _Colleg·e ." I ~ay,'' was ju t H is way of saying such a n action was · deemed a wise proceeding. Co nsequently the women Assi tant Circulation Managers---- 0 C---Be since re." · Ruth Hursh, '27 Support The T~am. ---- 0 C---had a half holiday to spend as they M. Wilson, ' 28 On Saturday, eleven men will step , pleased. Neither wer e any outsiders Down to Business. Alumna! Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 Cochran Hall Editoronto the football field as your repre- , There has !been a marked di ffer- invited . Florence Rauch, '26 sentatives in a conte t of kill and ence this yea r in t he alacr ity with Oberlin's campus is evidently the Local Editor ............ John Lehman, '27 tirawn. Every man on that team has which we have s-:-ttled down to the Exchange Editor ••·· Lenore Smi th , ' 26 made a sacrifice for the good name real business of school life. The scene of many hilariou event . The of you r school. Their sacrifice can program of registration and getting sophomores set off the great pile of boxe which the freshmen had col­ Address all communication to The be measured in terms of time, physical acquainted ha functioned with great for the college sing before the lected Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. pain, and, in most cases, quality of smoothnes . The e are now the College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. event was scheduled to occur. How­ class room work. The tenacity of the weeks to make good beginnings. F or­ Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, fight which that telnn puts forth on tunately onl y a minimum of ext ra- ever the dauntless frosh immediately payable in advance. et to work and gat hered an even the fiel d o f battle is going to depend curricular activitie~ have gotten into larger pile than the fi r st. upon the si ze of the organization they motion, making a concentration o n Entered as second class matter - - --0 C---September 25, 191/, at the postoffice represent. Re pon ib ility in any line, the major purpose po sible. at Westerville, 0., under act of March increases with the size of the organizaIn the e day when energy is fresh 1 TRIM BOWLING GREEN 3, 1879. . tion behind you. · and the reserve i high we should Acceptance for mailing at pec1al How large a tudent body is he- 'dig in" and lay a good foundation rate of po tage provided for in ?ec. - -- 0 C - - - for the re t o f the year. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized hind the football team? Ladies' Gym Shoes, ........ .... $1.50, $1.9'5 A pril 7, 1919. - - --0 C----- - - 0 C---Men's Gym S hoes .............. $1.90. $2.65 TRIM OWLIN"G GREEN "Good Books" E. J. orris & Son.-Adv. T he jailer at Pueblo, Colorado, EDITORIALS who established a library in his jail sometime ago. reports : "The morale Group Relations. of the Pueblo Co unty jail has been The fellow hip dinner of men Stu- rai ed 50 per ce nt. Pri oners now d nt Council members, group presi- believe we have an interest in them 1 d nt and repre entative , together and that their detenti on i for their , , ith the group pon ors, give prom- ' 'benefit. Good look s make prisoner \ ise of better group relations. stop ar.d think. and thinking even- , Here at Otterbein we have long tually unveils to them their present \ faced .\ problem f inter-group a nta- statu a regards ociety. Think ' n~ goni m . The e ho,wever, have ex- doc. 11 0 harm. and in th majority oi i ted mo tly in th ab tract. They cases make better men and women have been our own creation , the pro- of th em when they are relea d." duct of our own attitude , and not We call your ;ittention to the li ~t the re ult of the y tern. How phan- of new hook now available at th e tom many of th ese difference are. library, believing that some of them evident in the di cu ion of the if u ed will make u " . top and think, and thinking ve,~tually unveil" to us the out tanding our .. pre ent tatu a regard o­ of every peaker. with the ciety."' doing "no harm." but " in the ingl purpo e of a greater Otterbein. majority of case " making "better When a group of men repre enting ~:~eaa::..~omen " of u when we are th ocial grouping of the colleg can gath r around the council table a nd --"'--0 C - - agree that thi inter-group co-opera,. Sincerity t iv pirit. thi hri tian fellow hip, A habit we easily fall into i a thi uni ty in community life will mean gu hing attitud e of friendline s. It I a greater Otterbein. there ts every take u ,b,y torm and leaves our rea on to have faith in the realization friend. after the calm ha ettled, in f that major purpo e. an atmo phere of nothingne . It i It eems to u that a good inter­ ea y to expre our good pleasure roup motto would be that of the but do we mea n it? homise ar~ ational Grange. "In e ential , unity: ea :Jy n,acle. hut do we really expect in non-e ential , liberty ; in all thing , to fulfill th em? . fter all. it oom<' to harity." this. a re we incere? 0 C---There i no quality so admi rab le as School Spirit. si ncerity exceptin g perhap truthfu l':- la ting chool pirit ca~not he ne . which i clo e in kin hip. I bu1lded upon a haky foundation. In not a incere man truthful? 1'1 . . · · ah enes · o f artic · I ~- who i truthful i indeed incere. 1c .man t h"h1. th· ue_ we b egm · ot 1c . w1 11 how t at .at 0 tt l'r'he111 having much to ""Y b t · . • ·= • u mea.mng th ere I a ound fo undation on wh •ch every word that pa s c~ h.1s 11ps. . a THE OTTERBEIN





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VISUAL SONGS FROM THE CHAPEL ORGAN Marcella H en-ry, '28, Phi lalethea


(Edi to r's N ote:-The Co nstitution 'way,-and there 1 saw a man kn eel­ governing the publication of the Tan ling at th e side c,f a bed. U po n the and Cardinal r eq uires that twenty lit­ bed lav a woman in terri ble anquish­ era ry productions be p ublished during ed suffering . ·'Water! Water!" moan­ the year. The ce nsor of each of the ed the gasping voice. But alas! The fo ur societies selects the pr oduction t o m an co uld o nly loo k o n in despai r. Th er e wa s no water. Only the heat be printed.) became every moment m o r e inten~ e. The First Morning:It seemd to r oll about them in wave~. As th e mellow ed notes o f the orga n so g r.:a t was th e volume th ereof. pealed fo rth a scene of strange and Hou rs passed . The ho ur of daw n mystic bea uty appea r ed before my arr ived. Into the new bo rn day eyes. A large a nd s ilent circl e of ec hoed th e plaintive wail of a new many youthful fac~s watc hed the sput ­ born child. on ly to be drowned in a tering of the bonfi r e t ha t flamed with ­ sudde n melodious o utbur st fro m the in the ring. T h e r ays of the moon a nge l vo ices. Th e light of hea ven soft ened tenderly upon th e scene, the see med to radiate about the barren breezes of the night wind wh ispe red room a nd a ll s had ows ti ed away. l gently pa t the scene, b ut the tru e saw peace from a bo ve, as only H1e white flame reflected g lo ri o u ly up on can give. de sce nd upo n the t o rtur ed the faces in the sce ne-the spirit of 'body of the mother and innocent chil d. Otter!bein. On each face 1 saw purity And thu two soul s passed o ut into and radiance a nd in each eye t he em ­ eternity.-wh il e th e man-looked o n. bodiment o f a hi g h ideal. And as I The Third Morning:watch ed I saw that their lips wtere A lonely little cloud, re m o te and moving and th a t they stood in a s pirit­ blown, fl oated softl y through the ed way. Softly, sweetly a nd clearly clearness of an azure sky. l t looked the words of the song ec hoed back, down up o n the fie lds below and gently and as the breaking of light upon the blessed th e dainty flo wers, all cloaked new born day there whispered the in golden radia nce that lifted child- like words of the love song. faces of purity and sweetness to the The Second Morning :heav ens above. The clo ud looked T oday in melody t he oul of the down uµun the river flpwing steadorgan revealed itself to m e and p er ­ fastly along; on the bank where little mitted me to go with it into the land chi ldren played. lt wa spring ; a ll of mystery and beauty and lo ve and wa bea utiful. The clo ud looked life, where tho se who understand may down upo n the streets o f a res tl ess go. cit y and there it saw the race of men The journe y wa composed of a going ceaselessly to and fro. And series of kaleid oscopi c sce nes that finally the lone clo ud rested its gaze fla hed acros my mind. I fo und my­ upo n the towers of a g r eat cat hedral, self fi r t in a fairy like spot of imple and while looking upo n it, obtained beau ty where weeping willows droop­ peace a nd a have n at last. ed wea r~- arms to the cooling depths The Fourth Morning:bel o w a nd s un sha ft ed flowers gay ly In a vagar y of dreams the organ Huttercd in t he breeze. On th e wa ter took m e to be ho ld a n o·bsc ur e and was a bark ca noe, a nd in it. a mat, my tic ight. The dark g loomy wa ll s a nd a maid. of a military prison a r ose befor e my This q ui ckly va ni hed a way, a nd I eye . Within . in a nar row, g r eyfo und my self in a great a nd bea u tiful wa lled cell at a man bowed in fateful church. a ho ly anctuary. There in s tillne s. H i dejec ted a t :it ude ex th e chancel tood a man in white of spi rit and a pr es ed bitternes surpli ce. a nd before him a man a nd wearines of body depressio n. He a woman. And a. T wa tched, lowly was to be shot at dawn! the e wor ds reverb erated through the R e remained in t hi s sa me de pairroom . ..\,Vha t ther e for e God hath . tft d h uddenl y-t he door mg a I u e, w en • join ed togeter. let no man put a un- of t he ce ll low ly opened, a nd with! der. " Ah then , I under tood-a wedding. No ooner had I pe r ceived thi than the s train of t he wed ing march seemed to lull m e a lo ng and bo r e me ·, t la t to far away mercile s India. In t he dis tance o un clecl the mournful doling beat o f the native tom-tom. The heat of the flami ng . un wa terrible in it inten it y. Th e corched vegetation e ,·e rywhere bo r e ev iden ce to the lack of cooling howe r . : l was a land ba rren a nd de o late. T hen o'e r my en es came the ewee t sooth in g m elody a of ange l' voice, now near, now far-a nd through it a ll echoed the m oa ns as of ome cr eature in distre . At Ia t the mist that seemed

to s hroud

Page Five

th en he would m ee t th e Sav iour face t o face. The Fifth Morning:.--\ II night thr o ug h tll'; little fi r eti y flutters lightly o'er the q uiet world, o'er nodding _flow ~rs, o·e r s_ilent ncl ds , o'er slumb erm g ,,~asts. o er a.I the dark wo rld it s preads its eva nesc ·n : Eg ht. Gay ly it fli es <lipping grace­ full y th rou g h th e air. On and o n it goes Hashing its go ld en g leam, until at last it seeks the coolness of the woodland. where the fairies are gi ving a ba ll, and her e it end a glori01.:s flight after a night of fr olic an<l joy. The Sixth Morning:Today t he o r ga n tra nspor ted m e to a sce ne of such ineffabl e bea uty that 1 feel it a sacrilege to try to trans­ cr ib c it by ti nite hum a n touch. Yet- -­ .--\s th e notes u f the o r ga n rol!ec fo r t h J be held an a we-ins piring sigbt, -a pa!lorama of dignity and rev ere11 ce a nd bea uty. I aw a level plain, a desert of old Judea m a ny years ago. As the moon shed its softening glo w creatin g beautiful shadows of the •'n_y bushes alo ng the way, three wise m t> n and their camels T saw to loom in the eth er eal light. Their came ls an~ beating a r ythmi c thud whi le th t> riders g ra cefull y sway to a nd fro . They do not stop. They do not rest. They are intent on the task befor ~ them, so ever th ey swing a lo ng on their way to th e king to the rythmi c thud of t he cam els' tramp. Behold! there a re signs of great j oy, . for a star has appeared in t~t: ea t. On a nd o n a nd on! A nd still co11ti nuall y on. The riders and the ic · camel till hasten n to the beat of the camels' hoof . But now, the ga les o f the city por ­ tal s are o pening. Mu ic sounds afar. The wise m en present thems elves be­ fore Herod' umptuous court and in ­ quire for th e King of the Jews. A nd as harps a nd psalterie li g htly sound, a nd birds g ive forth their melody, H erod. th e king, g reet s the m en, a nd g reat ly tro ubler!. a tten d them. Exchange of \·o ices ensues a nd th en-a ll is sil e:ice. Again the moo n se nd forth it., s :J ve r y rays uoon the l, oly ~cene and wit h j oy ful accord t he camel g r ace­ fu ll y . wi ng a lo ng the desert t racks. rvPr draw in<r nearer to th e ta r. .\ babe is fo un d lying in a manger ! The wo rsh ippers p re ent gifts-gol,1, frankincen e a nd m y rhh. J oy! Peace! L ife! Love! _The King of Love. A nd now wi th glad ome hearts th e 'd h t th · n er a en away to etr own

country by ano ther way, while eve r and anon resounds th e joyful rythmi c thud o f camel's hoofs as th ey beat the mo onlit de e r t's broken paths . The Seventh Morning :A Briton lis hing town in eady morning. Th e fi she rmen gai ly set fo rth i, , th eir boats with jovia l shou t whil e the wo m e n, childre n and old men o n shor e watch th e men depart in th eir strong a nd clumsy boats. T heir weather-beaten faces look for wa rd to a day o f catch es with great h o pe. Fa rth er o ut they go and far ­ th er. until onl y the ech o o f their oa r ­ ing song ca n >be h eard . The women a nd children go back to the ho uses; and the old men sittin g on th e w harf, s m o ke their ancient pipes an d ex­ change sto r ies of old sea exp ed ition s. A mist appears in the heavens. A gen tl e sh ower lightly touches the flower s. refres hing them w ith drops like unto pearls, ar..d the gentle breez­ es blow. sending into the air the r ain(Continued on page eight.)

' A'Clean Notebook -a Good Grad A neat, cleanly written notebook makes a bet­ ter impression-a better grade-write it with a Parker Pen.

Fountct\ih Bailey's Pharmacy

Where Eve rybody Goe it o pe ning ca m e th e entran ce of sun- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ­ hine a nd hope. beau tiful gi r l 1!,!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! stood in th e door way with such ca lm . § peacefu l rad iance hining upo n h er § cou ntenance that uncon cio u ly th~ : l'ft d t h · f h t e man we r e 1 e O er m



A nd th en s he spoke! H er voice ng o ut in tone of clarion ~weetra d d h ·11 cl h ' ne s that cap ture an t n e t ou l-for her word wer e · t,c ve rY wo rd of God. A 11 d a th e m a t1 11. tet1ed th e hungry de pai rin g, bitter look passed frv111 his face a nd was r ep laced w ith a mien o f quiet as. urance. hope a nd love God had spoken. J oyfull y he wou ld th th th e . cene brok e meet e dawn. for he knew ,.t


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t io ns th ey h rco m c ac quainted with th e ca mpu ~. th e facu lty a nd th e m emb e r ~ o f th e; r o \\'n class. Thi seems a sp le ndiu way in which the Fr es hm en m ay heco nw a dju s ted t ri college lifl' a nd ca mpu s a cti,·iti cs be ­ fore the o pe n ing of co ll ege a nd th e r eturn o f th e o ld s tudent s.

GRIDIRON SEASON OPENS SATURDAY (Continued from Page One ) look m o r e lik e a real foo tball tea m thi s year tha n th Py ha ve si nc e I ca n remember." T he disagreeabl e part o f th e easo n is now over. Some real stiff scrim ­ mages ha ve bee n s ubstituted for drudge ry of routin e requir ed o n fun ­ damentals . The fight a nd drive dis­ played o n the practice fie ld bespea ks of a team that ha th e strength and enduran ce to rank with the best com­ pet itio n in the conference. The play­ ers exec ute the plays with snap and prec1 10 11 because they know they kn o w t hey must give everything they hav e to a position on th e tea m this yea r. A long with the abundance in mater­ ial ha s come a splendid pirit of co­ o peration for team play and not f~r the individual player. This is anoth er plea ing feature about this year·s squad. Thu far little information ha been received from the Bowling Green t rai'ning cam)?, except that their team i fairly heavy as evidenced by their two 200-pound guards. But with that old slogan "the bigger they are the harder they fall." Coac h Di tmer is n't letting that bother him . In the ope ning game of th season Bowling Green Normal was defeat ed by Western Normal 20-0. s nearly as can be ascertain ed, most of th e No rmal lads have had consid erable experience. Their season was a littl e better than average last year, sine they won a fair percentag'! of their game . The Ta n an d Ca rdinal team wi ll be a t a disadva ntage du e to the fact t hat Bo w lin g Gre en ha been practis­ ing since Sept. 1. Not being a me r.1 ber of the Ohio Co nferen ce he i• permitted to do this, but since Otter­ bein is governed hy the rules o f th e Conference she could not begin to practice until Sept. 15. For this rea on Ditmer has been driving his m en to th limit the ras t week. Let's a ro use ourselve5 and o ur as ­ sociates to a realization of the fact that here at last is an opportunity for Otterbein to come into her own . and th a t we as fan can do a gre:n deal by boosting the team not only on the field. but off the field, o n the cam ­ pus. Let's talk 'em up and then next Saturday let's get out on the field and watch them bring home the bacon. A fight ing. determined student body is as important as a fighting t ea m. Get behind the team. Then as Dit tell s his men to "come up runnin g" after every play we're going to come up running at the close of the season.



W . H . S. Wins Fir5t Game.


And Compare Values Before


You Buy Fall


Clothes .. . . .


ve. t.

Convinced That Your Money

We are headquarters for the Best Candies that are made--

Buys " Most" 1n


Fall Suits


- -- - 0 Hiking " O.'' Girl s' hikin g has been started fo r the first se m es ter and it is believed that a large number of girl w ill ea rn their hiking "O" this year.




- - - 0 C - -­ LIST'NIN' IN


$20 and $22.50

And every box is guaranteed FRESH Better get a box for that date





Williams ").

I. C. Robinson

o ll o·e


You Will Be

- ---0

At the triennial meeting o f the Phi Beta Kappa, ational Honor ociety. on Sept. 8. the college of Woos.ter was g rant ed a chart er of admi ssion into the Soci ety. P hi Be ta Kappa is th e lea ding Nati o nal H o n or Society of an elected group of libera l art s coll eges. M emb ers hip in the soc iet.,· is determined hy schol a rship o nl y. Th e thre e day s before the o pe n ­ ing of college are known a " Fresh­ man Week" at ,ft, Union Coll ege. Durin g thi s time th e Fres hm en a re a lone on th e campus . By means of tests. lec tur es. parties, and recep-

Wilson THe

Shop Around

The \\·e, tervill e Hi gi, School foot­ ball team deft-atcd Gah« nn a High in a s low con tes t on t h<' loca l tic ld. last Friday . Th e loac l la ds s howed su ­ perio ri '.y ove r th e visit ors in all s tages of th e ga m e. as is ev idenced by the Ht to O sc 'J re. Both tea m s wl're u11 su cess­ ful in th e pas in g g,mc. a lt hou !~ h sev­ era l passes wer e int er ce pted by th e W es ten·ille tea m . which r es ult ed in to uchd o \\'n S. Th e Ga ha nna hoy s were especia ll y wea k in th e line of int er ­ feren c~. w hich w,is th e ch ief ca use o f th eir hort ya rda g e gain . The local hi g h sc hool team b ids fair to have a s uccess ful sea on thi s year.

Intra- Mural:s Coming. T he co ll ege intra-mural ac t1v1tt es wil l get under headway thi s week, aco rdin g to th e sc hedul e o f Prof. Mar­ tin . head of• th e department of Ph ys i­ cal Education . Eith er occer or peed-ball will be played , th e selec tion being m ade by Prof. Martin . The exact date for th e fi r t int er-class gam e cannot be definitely et until th e gym classe have been organized. The ~chedu le will _b e placed on the bu ll etin !board in a fe w clays.



E "


The College Shop


Rugby Sweaters V - Neck Slip-overs, Heavy Knit Coats or Fancy Cricket Sweaters for Men and Women.


Specia l Sweaters, made to order. No extra cost.

Phone 65

Men's Collegiate Corduroy Pantl and Knickers. Sport Blouses.

Groceries and Meats



Page Seven =~~~=========~~~~ DUMB DORA SAYS As th e wiv es o f our renowned P ro­ SOME NEW BOOKS IN / THE COLLEGE LIBRARY I fess ors ti led past the pu nch and waf­ T he wt:c k's optimi st ce rt a inly is th e er sta nd a t Co chra n Hall party F r i­

o has bee n recomme nded van Igisirlhingwhcrea m for th e removal of her co rn s.

M ore likely she is pa id by th e fo r a dv c- rti s ing th eir vanis hin g crea m. T ht Dum bt:st Uo ra was the little i Fres hma n g ir l w ho . on bein g told by th e_ edi to r of our T . and C. that h e was ra th er tired beca use he ha d bee n wo r k in g on the T a n a nd Ca rdina l all <lay . i,rnoce ntly as ked ''Did you h a ve to ta ke it to th e ga rage?.. The eve r-o n-duty tr ee t Committee ce rta inly should feel fla ttered wh en th ey lea rn that one in noce nt little F res hman g irl co mm en te d on the O th ell o Ri ce spent th e wee k end a t pec uli a ri ty o f hav ing D o r mi tor y g irls her home in J ac kson , Ohio. clean th e streets. Wh ~n Prexy nt cde th e a nn ounc e­ Fra ncis George vi sited w ith her sis ter. M ir iam. in Bu cyru thi s week th a t in coming to chapel we sho uld not b lock t he ais les we not iced on e end. Professor s tandi ng in the ais le, who On F riday eve ni ng R ut h Mus el­ a lm os t ca ught h is fo ot in t he vest of m a n del ig htfull y en ter tai ned t he O wl t he person occuping the end seat 111 Cl ub with a "pu sh" honorin g her ( ?) th e back ro w of t he Ju nior ectio n 111 birthday. hi s haste to ecure a sea t. Th e Dum b D or,1 who has los t he r W e are a ll g lad to we lcom e Mae chedul e card a nd has to sp end th e Mi ckey bac k to t he "Cochra n H a ll fo re pa r t o f t he evening reading her fa m ily" again. cata logue to fi nd out what her classes Flore nce Ma r tin spen t th e wee k end a re fo r t he next day surely doe take vis iting in U tica, O hio . t he ca ke.

I co t11 p,u1 y



- ---0 C--- ­

W anda Ga llag her, Lucille Robert PHILOMATHEA a nd Ge rtrud e Wilcox had as dinner g ue t on Sunday the Messrs. Harold, " Science and the Cancer Menace" Cav ins a nd Beelma n. wa t he ubj ect o f a cienti fi c paper econd Mr . Ha ney a nd little Mar y visited read d urin g P hil omath ea' with Margaret and Ruth on Sunday. m eeting of the yea r by R. A. S hipely. R . r. hapman read a production en­ Thelma Gu tan has been called to titled " Meditation." An original story New York on account of the death of by W . C. Myers completed the literher uncle. a ry program. A. C. Ma y, L. E . Hick Get busy on your designs for the and J. 0. Rasor spoke extemporannew T . and C. "cuts" at once. eo usly. C. S. V ern on and Prof. J . Engle. a lumni o f Philo ma thea, each Ruth Clema ns H a milton, 'ex '24, spo ke a fe w word s o f greeting to the wa th e gues t of th e Arbutu. Club at society. lun ch on unday.

- - - 0 C - --

·D orothy W ad wo rth of Columbu v isited with O nyx friend s on Sunday. H elen W eb ter and Lorene Smith pent Friday night at Lorene' home in Chillicoth e. M r . M cK enzie and Mr. and Mrs. Cri te v i ited wi th Mary McKenzie on unday. Birthday are quite the fashion in Cochra n Hall th e e days. On Sunday evening the Mi e ichols and Le nore mith entertained the Arbu­ tu Club and friend in honor of M a rjorie ichol ' birthday. The love­ ly birthday cake wa enjoyed by all.

- - -

0 C- - ­

CLEIORHETEA T he folowing program , a mu h enj oyed by Cleiorhetea and her gue ts la t T hur day evenin g : P ia no Duet-D orot hy o wers and Marg ueri te Banner. Biograp h y-Elizabeth Tro t Voca l olo-Vi ola P rie t. Original Story--Charlotte O we n. Pia no olo-Mildred Wil on . M i cellaneou L etter - M a ry L ong. Violin olo-Vera Wr ight. Magazine-D oris W etherill.

Y . W . C. A.

D o ugla s-vV ages of th e Fa mil y. day eve ning, o me · bi g sister•· was Korzy bs ki- Manh ood o f Huma nity. ask ed by her inn oce nt ''littl e sis ter'' Foll ett-Creativ ,: Exper ien ce. if t he y wer e th e cooks. C ra nda ll- Curr i•:u lum of vV ors lti p ---0 C--for J un ior Ch urch School. E ng li h Cut Tro users-!Oc a b ut­ Filene-Way Out. to n, 1.00 a rip. E . J . N orris & Son. Kidd- Science of P o wer. Ri chm ond & H a ll-C hil d Marr iage · Va n W a ters-Yo uth in Confli ct. .Pelsma- E ssc nt ial of Speech. Cody-Poe. M an , Poet and Creative Think er. o· ~ cill , Laycock & Sca les-A rg u­ m e nta ti on a n d D ebate. Mo ffatt- Ev ery man's L ife of J es u~. Streeter- F our Gosp els. S m ith-P ro phets a nd Their Times. Good. peed- Makin g of t he E nglish '.\ew T es ta m en t. M orl ey-M odern E s says. Harring ton- Feature Writing. Baugh, Kitch en & Bl a ck- Writin g by Type . Clark-Sho r t tory Ar t. W e operate a n u p-to-da te S hoe W eld-Ma r k etin g of Fa rm Pro­ R epair Sho p with a positive ducts. gua ra-nt eed o f a ll wo rk done ec ri st-Statis tical Methods. by us. Mur ra- Governm ent of th e U . S. Copela nd-Proble1ns in M a rk etin g. Mi ll s- ta tisti cal M eth ods. 27 W. Main St. Westerville, Ohio T revtlya n- Am eri can Revoluti on. Wakem an- History of t he Chu rch o f E ng la nd. Georg e-R ela tion of Geog rap hy a nd Histor y. · D a venport-Heredity in Rel a ti on to Eugenics. H'unti ngto n-Civili za tion & Climate. H unt ingt o n a nd Vi sher-Clim a ti c Charges . unning,.ham-Hormone and Her­ edity. Dix on-Racia l History o f Ma n. East-Mankind at the Crossroads. Pearl- Medical Biometry & Stat istics. · We Ca ll Fo r and Deliver. Ra vis-Human .Pa rasitology. Miln-I n a ha ntung Gard en. J ames-Apoc r yp ha l ew Te ta m en t.




Dan Croce, Prop.


Special Rates

to Students

Phone 465- J.

- ---0 C- - - -

Get your 'Tan and Cardinal for one tt cnd a nce a t the Y W . C. A . year free by designing a new "cut." me ting Tuesday ni g ht was a lmost on e hundred per cent. Both old a nd new girl h elped to mak e th i fi r t mee ting a ucce by a ttending in lar ge numb er . P a ulin e Kn epp had charg e of th e olo by devotio ns. After a vocal Loui s Sto ner, th e pre ident of Y . W .. R uth Bra ley, took charge of t he m eeti ng. h e presented ome o f t he thing which had been di cu ed at the L a ke Geneva conference and whi ch would b e o f particular bene fi t Jto th e Fre hmen a t th e beg inning of t he chool year. Lazine one of our wor t fault but may he over­ come by per onal co ntact with oth er peopl e. Tn order t ha t t he pur po e of the Y . \ V. . A. mi g ht be bette r u ndertood, Mi Braley in tr oduc ed each mem be r of th e cab inet. who made a short peec h x plaining ju t what pa rt o f Y . W . work he wa m t . cha rge of. The m eeting wa clo ed by ing­ ing the Y . Vv. rnng, " Follow the Gleam."


Don't Delay

H ve yo ur Photo for the

ibyl ma e at once and avoid the ru h. Th Old Reliab le

Rich and Hi ·h

olumbu s, 0.


Page Eight


\ ABOUT OUR COLLEGE "B us" McMichael, "Buck" Philips and Raymond Pilkington went to Gr anvill e la t aturday to see the Int eresting History Revealed in Stories Deni on v . Hill dale game. About College Buildings. All - - - - 0 C---­ t he Result of Struggle. WHERE ARE 1925 GRADS ?

financial, physical and mental con­ cerning question of college i ue. , ew -building in the future will in­ vo lve the same hazardous problems a they have in the past.

- - - 0 C - -­

When the so uth end of the campus TRIM BOWLING GREEN (Continued from page three) was a briar patch and West Main beth Saxour Pottenger graduate work a hopeles wamp can in Univer ity of Cincinnati , Martha s treet wa Schlem m er teaching North Robinson, scarcely 'be found in the memories of Ruth Lucas seriously ill at home in tho e who still live but there are yet i Al toona, Pa., Irene Hall teaching a few who can remember the struggles COME TO Weston, W. Va., No rma Richardson, connected with the erecting of Otter­ bein' buildings. teaching Mattoon, Ill., Loi Bickle First Building. teaching Parkersburg, W . Va., Helen The very fi rst building on the cam­ "Tim" ~ ewell has been visiting Miller teaching, Greenville, 0., F lo r ence Vance teaching N . Manchester, pus wa a two-stor y from e house and friend s o n t I1e campu tl1 Pa t few Ind., Geneva Bu hey teaching Lake was situa ted at the sout h end of the days. Twp., 0., Ruth Streich at home, campu · where the Association build­ FOR YOUR PARTY "Jack" Hµffer , "Ernie" Reigle a nd Portsmouth, 0. ing now stands lt was used as the ''Ted" Reigle spent the week end in Merrill Patrick teaching anal Win­ main building for a number of yea rs. UPPLIE their respective hom es at nion City, chester, F loyd 8-!elman teachi ng Ot­ J ust a few years later a three-story Dawn a nd r canum. ter bein Home, Frank Durr teaching brick building wa b uilt for use as a & This structure "Charlie" Fox , '20, visited with A lp Philipi. W . Va., Harold Mayberry ladies' dormitory. friend s over the week end and visited teaching apoleon , Abel Ruffini teach ­ stood until 1 70 when it •wa torn ing Lisbon, Fenton Bennett teaching down and the material used in the Pbilophronea Friday evening. Maryland, Henry Davi dso n teaching new main building. The Annex Club held a tag banquet Plain City. A mammoth brick building, o th e .tt the Century Tnn la t "Thursday 0 C---1ze wa termed in those day s, was evening. ereceted on the northeast corner of the VISUAL SONGS T ry Marion Drury and 'Lefty" Drexel campu acros the street from the pre­ went to Canal Winche ter over the sent U. B. Church. It took years and (Continued from page five.) week end to visit Merril Patrick drenched fre hne s of living things. year of laborious effort to put up this "Pat" is teaching in the chool th er e. The hour of sunse t arrive s. The main building. Very suddenly and Perry Laukuff spent Saturday last rays of the flaming sun shin e like from causes unknown, the new and night and unday in Mt. Vernon. vermillion upon the waters. The fish­ unfinished structure took fire and was ing boat return , but t he catch ha completely destroyed on the morning Henry Olson, '23 , visited Philoph­ not been large, and the men ar e very of Jan. 26, 1 70. Immediately a new ronea again last Friday even ing. tired. Wearily and lowly they an- •building, which now erves a the lber Mayor' parent vi ited in chor the crafts and a.fter caring for the main admini tration building, was We tervi11 over unday. fi h, uffle h avily down £he narr w nd .,_ e nstruction. ft "' a complered treets to th eir humble little cots two year later at a cost of . 40,000. "Fro ty'' Lowry, '25, who is teach­ where loving homefolks an d the even­ Oldest Building. ' ing in West Carrolton was home over ing meal awai t them. the week end. aum Hall a l.o has the di tinct ion \The Eighth Morning :of 'being the oldest building on the "Fat" May went to his home in Thi day the organ r evealed to m e campu . It wa rect d in 1 55, ori­ o hocton fo r a week end vi. it. the heart of a dear. dear friend , and ginally as a men· dormito r y . later sarlde t of ec r ets it howed to a .mton L a I1 ,· paren t were here thi u ed as a girl ' dormitory. a nd in me that it is b rol<en. but till. till from Tiro la t unday. 1 9 wa remodel d in to a sci nee :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~-love to the end. hall . Th hall wa 11 ed fo r scienti fic \ "Beany'' Beelman. '25, who i teach­ The Ninth Morning:purpose until 191 9 when the n w Mc­ i-n g at the Ott rbein H me and coach­ ..\ face apeare<I in the hadows,­ . .Fadden cie nce Hall wa erec ted . The \ ing at Lebano n. wa a g ue t of Cook haunting. elu ive. t r angely familiar , building again became a dormitory for _H u fr iend over the week end. yet unknown: a race of great - uffer­ ;,..,g and . hame. but with nothing of women after it had been r em odeled. \ Em r n iddal. ,. o McFadden Hall hold the honor ilbur Landi. and "H nus'' la wita 'h auty. And thrn the bell chimed ~ of beinoth e you n ge t o n t he campu ·· 1 attended th apitol and Ohio We - for th. "He hath no form nor com Lambert H all. 29th Sept. ~l yan am at Delaware la t aturday. line : and when we hall ee him. The Davi n ervatory of Mu ic ·~: there i no beauty that we hould de' Jiff" We rt z and George R bert to be hou ed in a re iire him ." nd then. I knew, for and went to t he W ertz h m at Ba. c m thi wa the avior' face. clence wtiich tood ~ here the arnegie over the week end. Library now i . Mr. George, A. Lam­ ---0 C--­ bert of nder on. Indiana, wa the Charle ernon. '22, wa here from PHILAL ETHEA O"f-4.;.,,C>.M,(i_ li be r al benefactor who gave . 25,0 O Dayton. la t Friday ev ning. for a n ·w con er vatory and art buildRandall Weber vi ited the nnex Philale thea and ber gue t enjoy d ing. h1_b la t Friday and aturday. an unu ually intere ting program Th ociation building and gym''Tim '' ~ewell been vi iting I Thur day evening a t t h e regular e - na ium building was erected in l 92-9~ I friend on th campu the la t fe w , ion. The literary number on th e at a co t of about 16,500. The <lay . Tim i not in chool thi year program included a hort tory en- pre ident' home u ed to tand o n the but i located at Chari ton, 'vV . Va., titled. Red or Whit e." hy Judith Whit- corner now occupi d by ochran Hall. wh r b ha a po ition a branch ney: a familiar es·ay. " ~'fud ." by Be - But when Mr. arah B. 1ochran gav manager fo r th ~1.aytag \1 a hing ie Lincoln : · a r \·iew of the book, · 3 l.000 for the er ection of a n \ d r Machin o. "Th Brimming up." by Flor ence mitory for ,~omen, it wa found nee- I Louise . an"' the e ary to mo ve t it hou to the lot Kent- rook ha · ntered hio 1 For a Ga rden." just north of aum Hall. thi fall . He · i in the reading. ", on . o f ain.' ' wa< given Carnegie L ibr ary. ~aM<.Vva. oil g . by M:ir-y Hummel. quartette comarnegie librar y wa erected by "B b" Morri on, '22, wa po. ed of Lorene mith. Ethel Kepler, Andrew arnegie on condition that on the campu aturday a Florence t he college meet half of the expense, E ther William on. :rnrl f Ip· friend . Rauch . ang "Ou• of the Duc;k To of the con truction. The heating plant You." Ext mporaneous . peak;ng wa which heat the entire college by a I Fr d yler i a tudent at Ohio done by fary M cCa1be. T',u line hot wat r ystem was built in 1907 at , tate thi fall. He wa here M on d ay K nepo. an<I Mr . R 11th D. ander , an a co. t of . 20,000. \ ...,i iting with friend 1 f · · a umna o s veral years ago. There will alway be truggles,

Rhod e

ea t Mar ket



Corne and


D y





l'fl. E'S"• . .


\ --. I

1~~ RJ~·







~~ ~ a:t






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