1925 10 06 The Tan and Cardinal

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V OL. 9.

BIG CROWD OUT I ' CLEIO-' PHRON~AN PUSH TO FIRST RALLY 1" Perfect Moon" Adds to the Enjoy­ Coach D itrner and Captain Richter Expect Good Season. N cw Cheer Leaders Tried. BAND AROUSES PEP

Freshmen Stage Unique Stunt On College Platform and Snake Dance Around Huge Fire. Silhou'ctted against a raging inferno of red and yellow flam e th e freshmen executed a snake dance around a mon­ strou · bonfire as a befitting close to one of the largest and peppiest pep rallie in years la t Thursday evening in the chapel. The evenjog's hi larity began at ight o'clock with a number of yells led by Johnny Hudock and Lawrence Mar h. The newly organized O tter­ b in Ba nd .played a march that brou!;rht everybody up ready to yell half the night. HJntroduced by the "How-Do-You­ Do" o ng, un g by a number of local high school students, Coach Ditmer and Captain Richter poke optimistic­ .illy on the outcome of the cla h with Bowling Green. a tirizin g Bowling r ee n the freshmen pre ented a tunt w hich attempted to show the gree n­ ne · · of the Bowling Gree n eleven. The Field Song. the Mar ching ong and the Love ong comple ted the in­ door program. Out idc the fre hm en light d a igantic bonfire with Bowl­ ing recn in effigy 1tt111 on a chair at th e top f the pile. Wi ld maneuv­ er and snak da111ies were exec uted , with the band 1>laying marche in ac­ companiment, around the b lazi ng fire. N t for se veral y ar ha large and enthusiastic a pep rally been held. l n the chapel the lower floor and the balcony were jammed to capacity and all avai lable sta nding room was taken..

--- 0 New Laboratory Inaugurated Prof. E. '\V. chear ha in,a ugurated a n w laboratory in netic which wil l b ituated in the laborator y of the Geology department. new in­ cubator ha been in tailed and a large 11umb r of germ culture hav e b, n ol,rnin cl. Th 1·e a rc n w 2. in l'n!'tic · clas . The new lab reafly increa · th ,·alu e: ,,f cour e. C---Western College For Women rr . id nt \V. G. lippinger visitf'.<I We, tern o il ge for Women at Oxf rci. hi , prea hing in their unday m,,rni ng worship service.



OCTOBER 6, 192S.

No. 3.


ment of Literary Society Party Held at Devil's Half Acre.

Important Rules In the " Little Gr~y Book'' Discussed. New O fficers Introduced. Under a perfect moo n and ky t hat - --was a blanket of tar the CleioThe Cochran Hall As oc.:iation hi:U Phronea Literary Society member it fi rst meeting Tue day nig ht in the e-ntertain cd a large gro up of Frt:sb- Coc hran Hall parlor . The A soci-1mcn a nd r ues ts Monday evening, tion includes as its members all the ept. 28. ln addition to the bounties gi rls li,·ing in t he dormitorie · a nd the that nature had bestowed on the party cottag-es. This meeting was call ed fnr a cheerfu l bonfire made au effec t that th e purpose o f informing new girls will be lon g rem em be r ed. ahout lhe rules of the Association . Some three hundered guests a nd The president. Sylvia Peden, di, memb ers gathered at the assoc iarion cussed so m e of the more import:1111 huilding near six thirty a nd after a rules in the "litt le grey hook.'" The few moments started on their moon- following officer · were introdu ced and lig ht journey to '•Dev il' Half Acre··. were asked to give :hort speec he,. On the way to the playground o f the vVan/::la Ga llagher. vice-president : e ening, many changes of partn<:rs Gertrude Wilcox. secr eta r y: . lice wer e made and some one remarked Blume, trea urer ; Ruth Davis. enior that th e moon wa · not the on ly one representative: Mary Mc Cabe. junior that wa · miling. representative; Loi Armentrout. (Continued on Page Two) sophomore representative: Alice an - - - - O C----,-<ler , h.ou. e proctor: harlotte Owen, VARSITY DEBATERS IN treet comm itt ee chall'man; ar • NEW HEADQUARTERS Hummel, fire chi £. Margar et Duerr was e lected as th e Active Work is Begun on This Year's Fre hman repr esentative, and Miss Question by Chosen Squad of Eleven ! Gu itner wa ch ose n as faculty counseMen. Five are Veterans. !or for Dean McFadd 11 .

SEASON OPENER A HARD FOUGHT SCORELESS TIE W iddoes Picks Pass From Air and Runs 50 Yards for (rouchdown. Counted Illegal

LINE BUCKS HEAVY GU ARDS Punting Proves Mainstay of Both Teams. Each Team Scores Three First Downs. ( )tt erbein 's varsity eleve n swu n:s into action last Saturday afternoon by playing the Bowling G r een l\ormal team to a co rle s ti e. The game •Nas a close conte, t an d co n i ted m ostly of punting. In the thi r d quarter the crowd w:is thrilled when Widdoe picked a p;iss fr om th e air and ran thirty yard ior a touchdown, on ly to he ca lled back b In o I a~ ount of. n ill I. pa . "The reason was that tb pa;;ser 'wa s not five yard b hind the line of • crimmage. A lthough o utweighed both on the line and in the backfield Otterbein excelled in ev ry department of th e game but punti ng. At no time in the game was the Otterbein goal threat­ ened although th e Bowling Green li:ic was threatened twict> in the ecc n1 half. In the fi r 't half o f the game neither goa l wa in danger at a ny tim' a nd neither ide could gain an advant.ige the <Tame hei ng entirely a pun t ing game with Bowling Green hold in~ a (Continued on page ix.) ----0 C---COLLEGE BAND


---- o


ar ity debater have ta rted the PROF. VALEN/rINE IS machinery to work in preparation for HIGHL y HONORED th ir b ig ch dule of debate . The s 1uad of eleven men have e tab li shed I rof. B. W. Valentine. head of th e themselves in a new room on the Educa tional Depart ment. sp nt the "round tloor of Lamb rt hall a nd may _sum mer in grad uate work in ornell he seen freque ntly at work there. l j nive rs ity. lthaca. Y. Wh ile This year the debater make u1 a there Prof. alenti ne \\'as elected to cla~s known as debate se minar and member hip in Phi Delta Kappa, ( Co ntinued on Page Two) knc,wn a the olde t and large t erlL- - - 0 C--cational fraternity and a l o to Pi Harold Pifer Undergoes Mu. an hon o rary ocial Serious Operation Tuesday fraternity. Tn June Pr of. Harold R. rifer, of th cla re eived hi B. D. fr m \l'a~ operated upon for a evere ca.se niver ity. hi a lma mater. of appencl i iti la t Tue day afterno• P ----0 C---at ,rant Ho pita!. . ccordi n to the Alumni Director Opens late t report he i convale cing 1Jiccl . Office In Lambert Hall ~fr. a nd Mr . ifcr cam from l'!ve­ Th large north down tair room in land to be pre. ent <luring tb Lamb rt Hall ha been redecorated tio1: and , uitably furni hed for u e by - - - - 0 C~--. lumni Dire tor Tro p a hi official "Ad" Building Repaired. headquarter . c-ircity of office During the pa t week ome of the pace , a felt when Mr. Troop bechimney n the dmini tration build- gan to look for an office and thi lo. reb uilt a the brick we re j caiion i . th be t availa t. le at the com in g lo e and there \\'a dan er present t 1m . of th em f<\lling to the walk . - - - - 0 C - -- ---- 0 - - -Dr. Jones On Chapel List. Prexy Going South Dr. E . . . Jone . Prof so r Emerin ctob r 9. 19 and 11, Pre ident J tu of Bible in tterbein College had lippinger will attend the Tenne :ee charge of he d votion in chapel last c,nference of the U. B. church Wedne day morning. Dr. Jone' Knoxville. He will al o attend t!ie mornings in chapel ar a lways look r d . en i-ce nt ennial celebration of Vande r - for\\'a rd to in plea ant a nt icipation an,! bilt niver ity at :0-:a hvH!e on nc 10- " . are g lad he L to appear every thr!' P bcr 1 and 19. weeks o n \Vcdnesday mornings.



Thur day night, twenty-fiv and red th roated tone hatter d the ileni;e in th chapel nd cau d hiver to cr eep up the back of the 600 people th re a embled. The ca u of thi di turbance wa Otterbein s newly organized bra . band. C mm e ncing work . 0011 aft r chool h gan ur '' horn blowe rs'' have whipped them elve into hape in time o be on deck when ne ded. t the game aturday. the band wa again in evide nce and aided materially in producing ;.P 1>'' and ev n a c rtain pomp in o th cca ion . Th men who are hard at work to make a bette r band ar Weitcamp, Morton. Myer . Wheel r, Gib on, Eckhart. Guyton. Thomas. . Harrold . D. Harrold, Van uren, Buech!er, Euverard. Riegle, K Iler. Mumm~, H en der. 011. Engle, Ro elot, an:l Ba !er.





Will Be Given For B est Designs Sub­ mitted For Special Column Head Contest Closes October 15.

y . M. C. A. kboard . g aroun d the blac . ,he Gath e rm . I d parlor 111 in t h e new ly furms 1 e i 1he A soc iatio n But·1d·mg th e. men •·oche1t· 1 .. y •· discussed th e que stl_on ~ Dwig,1 in g" und er the leadersh ip 0 da Id Frank L . Basler p\aye 1•t· , \ rn o . olo acco · much app r ec iated flute s · panied by William J. Ritchey,

(Co ntinued from Page One) fte r arri,·ing o n the scene fo r ac tio n a great ma ny games we r~ played by the groups that were named The Tan and Cardinal is offe ring a af. er th e fam o u breakfast foods. l t As th e first number o n the 1\12:,-2,; yea r 's s ub cripti on free t o th e <le- is noted however that ther e was no R edpath Lyceum Course The Cell o signer of the bes t new colum n head gr o up with th e mo t common of a ll Ens e mbl e and Littl e Symphony. a .. cut. _.. l t js time that you get bu y breakfast food , name, "Eggs" but we quin tet of no ted art i., ts , will present as the contest clo es at 6 p. m . Oc- a rc certa in that the o mmisio n was not th e evening's ent er ta inment in the tober 15 . \ e print again the rule felt. college c hapel next F riday even in g, an d specification . T he n came th e r eal fun , namely t h e id er , weiner a nd a ll the r est Oc tobe r 9. Mr~. Frank Bookman has .1. ·'Local "-one coiu mn , size no,, ea t s. used. were oon con um ed and food for charge of the ticket ale. The stu ­ dent represe ntativ e is Viola P ri e5t. 2.. .. Cochran Hall-one column, si ze . thought wa in order. Philophronea' s now u ed. pr sident, Muri Houseman , welco m ed Ticket s may a lso be secu red fr om :i. ·'Athlt:t ics·•-two colum n, im ,br the gue t a did Margaret \Viddoes, Mrs. ;\. E. Cornetet. 1 The feature o f thi ti ve-artist com­ in size to pre ent ·'cut: ' pre id ent of leiorhetea. Pro f. Hursh, pany i a cello quartet. uch a quar­ -!. '·Alumna\ Page..-four column , thi Prof. a nd Mr chear were also introtet i rarely pre ented either in this is to be a o ne in ch tr eamer acro ~s duced by the toa tma t er , " D e c• · cou ntry or in Europe because of th e top of page. to ughton. The party cam e t o- a ,;li fficu lty of ccuring fo ur cell o arti '.S :;. All des ign to be ubmitt ed on clo e by inging leiorh etean and in one group. The cell o while equisi­ heavy white paper, u in g o nl y India Philophronean love songs. tely beautiful in its tonal effects, is ink. - - - - 0 C -- - mo st difficu lt o f mastery, and thos e 6. A ll de ign s to be drawn to cale, VARSITY DEBATERS IN genuinely pro fi cient in. its art are al­ at lea t tw o times reg ulars ize. NEW HEADQUARTERS 7. A year' s ub criptio n to the T a n way eagerl y ought for. For the purpo e of o rga nizin g this a nd Cardinal will be gi ven to the (Continued from Page One) designer of each '·cut." four u b· com.pany, the Redpath Bureau ecure'1 ' meet twice weekly to compare note th e er vices of Franz Wagner, a cell • \ sc _ripti on in all. One per .on. m ay• and to pracfice 111 · t h e pre entmg • o i t known to mu icians the country wm more than one s ub cnphon. material. T 11 1· 5 1· h t e fi r t year that over through hi concert and orche tra 8. All de ign mu t be in the hand thi method ,. . I ,,as b een ·in use and 1t appearance . He i al o a famou . o f the Editor not later th a n Oc- hou ld aid ub tantia lly in the re ul t tober 15 1925. ,builder of cello . Mr. Wagner not 1 of the foren ic chedule. only sdected the artis ts who compo ·e \ F urther in formation will be a ladly Tl I "' 1e men w 10 made th e squad la,;t furnished. the company, but he cho e the cello pri ng are Hoover , rnold, Mill e r , election which they pre ent. ----0 C---Knight , Harrold , Laukhuff, F letcher, The e cello elections, q ua r tets, Public Speaking Dept. Martin, iddall, Berger, and LaPorte. trio , duet and olo , with and with­ Makes Big Increase ~f thi number five a rc me n w ith prcout piano accompaniment are all of a Evidenc of growing inter t in the\ v, ou Ohio confer ence debating excla ical or emi-cla ical charact_er. art of public speaking due to the un- ' r,erience. Jn one part of it program the com­ tiring effort of Prof. Leon McCarty At a meeting last Wednesday mater­ pany become a Little ymphony Or­ i hown by the fact that in the ad- ial for work were given the men and che tra, employing two violin , two vanced public peaking clas e the en- work was begun . The new debate cello and a piano. Entertainment of enroll ment i fifty more than la t year. room being fitted out for the sq ua<I. the highe t quality only will be g iven The e advanced cla e provide work by the e g ift d arti in dram atic , oratory, and debate.

Cello Ensemble and Li'a:le Symphony Will Be First Number In Chapel Friday Eve

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Y Parlors Open. O OTCOS BE Through the genero ity of Prof. and l 1926 SIBYL PH M H · l tair TH IS WEEK Mr I . E. . h . A ur .h . th eB down ING TAKEN ·1d· - h -1 1 be \ par o r m t e oc1at1on u1 mg ha Actual wor k on t e 1 926 1) gan . . . • h t k. f · been comfortab ly eq uipped with home y . t rda , mormng wtt a ·mg o in- t"k f . d . ·· l 1·cture by the Baker rt 1• urmture. tu Y _table d tvt0ua P . . th c'a t·o.1 \ v1d d a nd the parlor 1 alway all ·ry up s ta tr 111 e o L 1 . . . building. Th work will continue llll : \ a_ble for co~imittee meetmg ~nd the . tak like. A umque featu re provided i t1l al1 p 11 t are en. . . ".1t11 t h goa 1 a a " B 1·gger ·rnd \ ·• , 1 that of "aturday ,, eve mng e ntertaina gue t of the vari-1 l' th e t a ff 1· bu 1·tv . rn - 1 ment for date B te r 1)y for th e ou facult y member . ki ti . gage d m ma ng na 1 P1an , earb ok. Th plannin began la 1 ---- 0 C---prin im.m diately a[t r t he taff' E ngli h orduroy , priced pe -;al. election. E. J. Norri & on- dv. The ceni ection thi yea r will be -a complct departure from anyt1'iJ1g previ u, ly u d in tterbein annuals. f atur of tbi department i a See Samples from !um Creel;:. . cene on effect will be u- ed th e printing. • ~ w e tion will b b k. larger ath letic ection wilh many mor pi ture than la t y e,. r Before ordering Class and Social wi ll app ar in next year annual. Group Pins. :More plan will be re ealed late: ac; the y pr gi:es . Ho"·ever .two iclc:1 • wi.lL rema in a e.cret un tit he bo k Makers of Pbilophroncan Keys. J a tuall . i1t th hand of th d nts. 11th and High Columbus, O. ---- 0 tudent pecial. 1.00. Gym uit, . J. o rri . - dv.


University Bookstore PLACE CARDS


FAVORS CANDLES Also a Complete Stock of




University Bookstore 1

tate t .

Phone 493~J.


Page Three





: Ill I Ill II IllIll Ill Ill 11111 111111111 11111111 :

In Memoriam. : W e a re sor ry to learn o f the: § dea th of P rof. B. E. Moore, pro-§ : fesso r of phys ics at the Uni ver-: : sit y of Nebra ka, o f th e class of: § 1888 . . P ro f. Moo re di ed Jul y the§ : 15th fr om . th e res ults of a n oper-= § a ti on fo r appen dicitis. It is to§ : be reg retted that o useful a: § life sho ul d be brought to a close. § : We ex tend ou r sy m pa th y to: : Mrs. Moore.

'21 , '22. Mr. and Mrs . A lbe rt S. President of the Board of Trustees N ichols. (M urie Muray) who return ­ Sets Forth in a. F ew Words an ed las t June on th eir furl oug h fr om Outline for Coming Year. miss ion work in F reetow n, Sierra Leone, West A frica , a re no w stud y­ T he A lumni A ssociation is fortun­ ing in U r,ba na, Illin oi . Mr. N ichob ate in havin g th e support of the i expecting to receive a master' s de­ P resident of the Board of Trustees in gree fr om th e State University o f its new program thi year. Of the I llin ois nex t year a nd M r . N ichol i ma ny advocates of bette r thing · for pu rsuing work wh ic h will a pply on a the A lumni not o ne has been so ac­ deg ree . T he y will be in thi s country t ive as M r. Frank Clements. He has until next June, wh en th ey will rL' ­ :1 Ill I I II I II I I I I I I I I Ill II I l I 11111111111111111: g iven the prog ram his unqualified turn to th eir wo rk in Albert Academy suppo rt fr om th e very start, fostering in F ree town . the m eas ure in th e meetings o f the wl,ere th ey a re m a king a n extend ed '72. Fra ncis M . Kuml er, of De vis it with their da ug hter, Mr . C. C. Board of T ru s tees. Hi s fin e o utlook furni she ins piratio n for us to move Gra ff, O h io, preached in th e St. Cbi r V a n Deusen, a nd her family . A ve nu e P res by teri a n church a wee k ' 2 1. Miss Ma rtha Stofer, of Ma n fo r ward in th e g reat undertaking. Two pa rag raph s fr om a recent letter ago Sunday m ornin g a nd had a pa rt fie ld . Ohio. wa a gue t of Mrs. T. ind icate th a t he i loyal and enthusi­ in the exercises of la ying tb e corner H . Ne lson at th e Brundage home on ton e o f th e new church building i 11 W est Coll eg e Av enue earl y last week. astic. " l am atis fi ed th a t if our alumni the afternon. Mr. Kumler was the I ,12 Jay B. Sn yder, of Centerburg, • · w ere 100% loyal and enthusiastic, we fi rs t pas tor of this church and wa s O h'10 · was in Westerville last F nday could do mos t anything that we set welcomed most cordially on this oc- a ftern' oo n, coming to witness the footo ur hearts to accompli h. One of my cas ion . H e has now retired and is ba ll gam e be tween th e Westervill e m a in de ires thi particular year is to living with a daughter in De Gra ff . and Ce nt erburg High School s. try to bring to pa greater loyalty During the ummer he vi ited the va r­ '69. Dr. J . P . Landis of Bo nebrake and enthusiasm among alumni and ious churches he had erved in former Theological eminar y at Dayton , year and preached from the pulpi ts fo rmer students." Ohio. has ju t reach ed hom e a little "To my notion our big objective is that he had occupied regu larly long late for the opening of the eminary ago. to renew enthusia m I to bring to a ft er a delightful ummer trip in '05. Dr. Erne t J . Pace of Orla n­ pa s increa ed loyalty among alumni Europe with hi on-in-law and do. Florida , is conducting a ten-days and ex-students of Otter bein." daughte r, Professor and Mr . R. P . '' J ass ure you th at I am with you Bible Co nference in the F ifth A ve nu e D a ugherty. of Ba ltimor e, Maryland . United Brethren church jn Coumbu;;, 'They vi itecl th important place in oul and body in this 'Venture." It would be difficul t to express in O hio. T wo se rvices a re held each. E urope -fro m Engla nd to Sou thern a few word a11 outline for th e com­ day, on in the after noo n devoted to Ttaly and ·the i land of Capri. P ro­ ing year. of the activitie of the asso­ the study of the Gospel o f St. John, fe sor and Mr . Daugherty went on J:iation, that would be o comprehen­ and the other in th e evening. to Jerusalem for the winter when Dr. sive and clear a th e one uggested by '01. Mr . E . C. Worman (Em ma L a ndi returned home Mr. Clements. We give it to you for Guitner, ) of Kodaikaual, India, that rea on and al o becau e of the vice pre ident of the Parent-Teacher Breden Goes To Iowa State. in piration it furni hes. Association of tbe High lerc ch ool alvin R. Breden, who wa a sist­ - -- 0 C - - - ­ in that place and pre ideut at a pu b­ a nt in chemi try in Otterbein College N ews Notes. lic meeting o f the a ociation helc1 las t year ha gone to Ame , Iowa, E . "Pat" Y o t, of Lebanon, Ohio, recently. wh ere he ha a po ition in the depart­ a n ex- tudent, wa on the campu thi. '17. Guy heek, who has ment of chemi try in the Iowa State week. " Pat" brought his nephew here for e.veral yea r as pastor llege. Mr. Breden _g rad uated from to matriculate. U nited Brethren church in Hill boro, Otterbein in... 1924 and ha taken gradu­ Re_v. J . G. Spear , now pa tor of Ohio, ha re igned that work and ha hemi try at Ohio tate the Fifth v e. U. B. church in Co - entered the work of the Busine Men' _ hio, ha entered college this lu mbu ouncil of the Pocket Te lamen t - -- - 0 C- -- fa ll in order to complete his work. League. R e will have charge of the Side Lines. Rev. pear left college at the time Dayton council. Prof- A. P. Ro elot, who e ide line df th war and bas been unable to '80. Mr. and Mr . Edmund upplying egg to the return to complete hi work until this Lor nz of Dayton , hio, who Exten ion Divi ion of fall. la t pcin g for a trip around. hi.o niver ity for' u e in t heir world, are now in W eih ien , China, effor:t to tandardiz e. egg .


---o ·c---

Class of '24 Leads In Number of Member s W hich Has Grown To 118 In First Week. T he res po nse to th e circul a r letter th a t we nt o ut a bo ut a week ago indi­ ca tes grow in g enthusias m s o n th e part of the a lumni . Within th e week 118 have pa id their du es a nd are receiving th e Ta n a nd Cardin a l. The respon e fr om th e o lder classes has been fine_ T he class of '72 is th e o ldest to respo nd w ith two member of the class payi ng th e mem bership fee, Mrs. Lillian Resler Harford, Omaha, eb ra ka , a nd Mr. S. J . Flickinger, Hamil­ ton, Ohi o. Mr. Flickinger may be­ long to th e clas of ' 72 but his spirit is young. Bi letter reads, as an old ba ch I can't tak e advantage of the combination offer, but I'll enclose ,a check for six dollars 1·ust the same." 'T he respon e from the younger g eneration ha been fine also. The 'class of '24 ha the highe t number of member to reply, ten having paid t heir fee . Our a lumni number approximately 1200. The goal we have set for this year is 600 active supporting alumni. - - - - O C _ _ __ THE CLASS O F 1947 The head line pos ition t h is ticH' goes to Mr. a nd Mr . W . L. Ma tti, ( Bes ie Daugherty) both of the class of '11. They are entering two for the cla of ' 47. Twin girls arrived at the Matti home, June 26, J can Virginia and Mary Ann. If the e two goungster po se the same loyalty to Otterbein a their parent the clas of '47 ought to be a dandy. 12, 10. Mr. and Mr . Homer P , Lambert, ( Edith Morri on) a~rnou r:ce the, arrival of Mary u-anne on cp t. l '/ . Congratulation Mr. and )i[ r.s. ··Cupe."

The girl eem to have th edg-1:: · ·1 the cla thi week. Dr. and Mr. . Pa,tl Fi hbaugh (Ermal oel) '16 are ending Mariannice th e fall of '-!3. Mariannice ar rived e t. -~, at the au Wert ity :Fro pilal. Ju t to balance this propo ition ... ltttl we are going to enroll Richard Myron Beard, graud on of Myron , . rll II II I I I lI I I lIllI I I I lIII I I I I I I I I I 111111111 I I I I III II II II II I I I IIIII II IIIIII l I I I I I I I I I I IIIIII I I I I I lI l II~ Bea rd of the cla of ' 2. ''Grandpa" Be~ rd i uperintendent o ( ma il at Ga lve ton, T xa , bu t w,_ hop h.e will take time enough to tell little Myron about Otterbein and ee tha he get here to counteract thi prep ond ra nee of girl .

-~= ~


W e operate a n up- to-date Shoe Repair hop with a positive g uaran.te.e.d of all work done by u . .


Cottage· Restauran~ = A Good P lace to Eat.

Dan Croce, Prop. 27 W. Main St. W esterville, Ohio

-~ =

_ _ -


'11. We are a little late announc­ ing Jame Guthrie Ba11de n, o n o f Mr. and Mr . Orren I . 'Band e n. "Jimmie" may be a little too old fer the cla of '47 .but come right a ah ad ol d hoy th cla £ ' 46 will ta ke care o f y ou.

- - -- 0 C---SMEAR CASE




TAN & CARDINAL Published Weekly in. the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN LITERARY SOCIETIES Westerville, Ohio · Member of the Ohio College Press Association.


Editor-in-Chief ............ J. B. Henry, A ssis tant Editor .... D . E. Harrold, Contributing EditorsWayne Harsha, F lorence Howard, Business Manager .. W . C. Myers, A s istant Business Manager Ma rcus Schear Ross Miller, Circulation Manager. Margaret Widdoes, A ssistant irculation ManagersRuth Hursh, M. Wilson, Alumn al Editor ...... Alma G uitner, Cochra n Hall EditorFlorenct Rauch, Loca l Editor ............ John Lehman, Exchange Editor .... Leno re Smith,

'26 '27

'27 '28 '26

'27 '28


'27 '28· '97

'26 '27 '26

Address all comm unicatio ns to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscription price, $2.00 Per Y ear, payable in adva nce.

goiug to have a part in makin g this up from the leade rs in home com­ a 1riumphant eason. A re you beh iPcl munities. Only a few can reach the th e band? ch eri shed positio n s. If you have the Uniformity add to effectiveness . "stuff," y o u wi ll be si fted out. Y o u T he band wou ld be more e1'i ective if will be m eas ured by your a bility. uni form.ed . Some have s ugges ted tan J ames Gordon Gilkey, wr iti ng on and cardinal capes. A nother sugges - ·'Stud y in g The New Ge n eration ,'' tion is for tan or white trousers, car- says : d inal weaters, and ca p to matc h. "Th e re is littl e ' news va lu e' in t he Whatever th e garb•, expen e m us t boy who doe s his work quietly an d li,·es his li fe de cently day after day ." govern t he selection. Fund s might be sec ured through a In our particular wo r k thi s s tat em e nt collection a t c hapel or a rally. But s trik e hom e with added force. In a the big q ue ti on is, a rc yo u behind rece nt y ear there g raduated from th e ba nd ? Otterbein co ll ege a man who was a Let's dress 'em up I goo d s tudent, who engaged in se v---- O C---, era! extra-curricu lar fie lds, but a lway Co-operation. in a way that did n o t at tra ct th e pub\;y'hen "Bozo" R ichter in his humb le- lie eye. There is a bright future way a nd with home ly illu s trations a head of thi s man. But in a ll of his ounded the keynote of co-operation .fou r years o f coll eg e life he did n ot as the ba is of a ucc ess fu l sea. on in I get m or e than on e inch o f publi city. football , he poke th e word that in So. d o n't beco m e di sco ura ged if y our p ract!ce _will mean s uprema ~y for O t- 1 nam e d oes n·t ge t int o the Tan a nd tcrbe111 m all he1· undertakmgs. Ca rdinal. Jn fo ur years of college life ne vt>r .'\fte r a ll it is the m a n who do s hi s has thi s. pirit of co-o per~ti ?n Ileen J work q uiet ly, and lives his life de cent •• so ma111fe t. Every ac t1 v1ty and ly day after day w hose citizen s hip is age ncy of . the ·om_m_unit y seem p er - t he backbone of civiliza ti o n. mea led with a w1 llm gn ess to work Remember Lin coln ? " I w ill st ud y togP. th er with eve ry other in the best j a nd get r eady , a nd so m e day my interest of Otterb ein colleg. c ha n ce may come." Let's make ou r co-opera tion com- - - - O C _ _ __ IT STRIKES .US plete and make Otterbein supreme.


speech that we have had from a t ­ captain in recent years. That during the bon fire would ha•.•, been a good time to paint the watt, tower. There would have been plenty of light to work by. That we are going to have IO!lle real cheer leaders. That we need to pep up our singing. That the band is a real asset to college spirit. • ,.,, That the guy is dead whose skin is so tough that he is not punctured to the core by the singing of the Love Song. That we are glad that it was our grandparents who lived under (not necesarily by) the rules of 1880.




En tered as second class matter September · 25, 191 /, at the postoffice - - - 0 C - -_____ _ at W es terville, 0., under act of March Lyceum Course. That besides being a " bull dog" 3, 1879. To th ose who are n ot acq uain terl captain a nd having proficiency at yel­ Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. with th e practi ces and ·cu toms of t he 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, a uthorized vVes terville community we wa nt ;o ling out of the well on the Glee Clnh, Apri l 7, 1919. commend the Lyceum our e s ponsor- 1 " Bozo" Richter gave us the bes t ed by th e citizen of W e te rvil e. Th e numb er offered in previo us yea r s hav e EDITORIA L S always be n of a hi g h standard. rrhe Small College. T he variety o f thi year's co ur se . 'We are glad that tterbein is a has great promi se. The W e terville small college. T he importa nce of t he it izc n's Lyceum o urse i not a ec­ smaller in titution s of higher learn- on d rate a ffair . l t is st rictl y fir t ing is coming to be more fu ll y reali - class. Through t he stat egic efforts o f zed. There i a co nt ac t of perso nali - D ean ornetet, excellent programs a r e 1 tie in the sm all chool that the "com- offered a t rea onab le cost. j mon herd" of the univ er itie are misThe Citizen's Lyce um Co urse is sin g. lt is thi s co nta t that is awa k - worthy o f yo ur support. ening the vis ion of a wo rld n red. ---- 0 C ---The fe llow hip of the mall chools Are You Discouraged ? is more cosmopoli ta n t han t he caste T hen brace u p and rea d on. fri ends hi p fo rm ed in large r in stit uDid you think the whole fac ulty a nd a ll th e stu dents would ru h down t o tions. An Otterbein profes or is known to the car to met you? I have ai d t hat "The wo rld , if it is to Are you di sap pointed t hat your I be aved, is go in g to be ave d by cla ss did not elect yo u as one of its the fruit of t he mall ' hri tian col - office r ? Did yo u expect that the profs would Jeges of the Middle West." Wei1<h t his s tatement of fact from an eminent not a sig n lesons o ea rl y ;n t he year? lX ociologist, "The majority of profesDo you think that you s hould be .. ional leader s in social and civic work g iven a place of lea der hip immed­ havc come from the small colleg es iately, •because you were a leade r back of the Midd le We t." And then h ea r home. the challenge of Dr. W. O. ThompIf yo u are discou raged , it's a ure son, P resident of Ohio tate Univer- t hin g you have been disappointed fr j ity. ·'The church college, properl y so me way, more wa:vs than we can Tan grain calfskin equipped and endowed, has the u- mention. popular wide toe las t. preme call a nd the supreme opporBut li ten. Buck up ! Lift up your tunity of t he hour." droop in g jaw! Look the world in the Otterbein is a small church college. face through open eye . Face th Are we meeting t he challenge? thing quar ely. ----0 C---We have in mi nd now a ma n who Dress Up The Band. came to Oterbein and la ted only one There i nothing that wi ll quite take sem ester. He came here from hi the place of band music in rai ing and home commun ity a lauded leader. H e I holdi ng t h~ morale and hi g h spirit of thought his pa t would carry him any group. This year Otter,bein Col-· throug h college. t the close of t h e tege has a band of wh ich he may fi rst semester he went home because be pro ud. The football team and the he wa n't pu hed into the front ranks

Homemaid Wrapped Cream Caramels 49c Pound Box They Melt in Y ur

fo uth.


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THE UNION The Home of Quality

College Men 0. K. these New Shoes There 's A B ig Variety Here Now! A real value Selz fall oxford


b and are co-operating.

The band



"Union Jack" Collegian fall oxford

$8 Decided ly mart . o\ed Engli h type w it h h avy ole.


ollege communities are built [ ~============================~ ====-J


THE TAN AND C ~A~R ~D~I~ N~A ~ L~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ P~a~ g e~F~iv ~e T H ROUG H THE SPY-GLASS


A Resume of Odd H appenings Ir. Other Colleges.

:pecial diet tables for girl

with a

,-ic' t:cl in the dormitories at Or gon

L' n iv rsity. The idea has a g reat dea.1 of weight beh ind it. T h e gir l students at ardiff College Women have been bar red from the r eg ul ar cheerin g ec ti on at o ri:e'. I haw: ju~t re ce ntly held th eir lirJ t moke r. Only th ose who h ad atta111 Nl Univer ·ity . The reaso n given for th i~ movcm nt are that femine vo ic s the height of five feet four inche were do not contribute to the volume de- aliowed to enter. . tudent at M uskingum a llege wi ll ired an d they detract no t a llow freshmen to tread upon the culinity de ired from chee ring seal of the college whi ch i inlaid in tio ns.

the floor at the entran ce of Montgornery Hall. C lumhia tud ents read more than t wice as many cheap fiction magazines as any other type of publication . , ,;.c­ cordi ng to a survey of news tands. Muskingum upp erclas men give thi , advice to freshmen. " itting O il 3. tovc is not the only way to become warm. Any frosh not understanding thi s wi ll pl.ease leave hi name ar-.d addre s at the office and a commit tP.e will be appointed for hi instruction."

Wh":n rural s e rvice lines bring electricity t o fb e f armer'a doo:-. many ofhis labor troubles are at an end. Motors. /a r Ae and small1 will ,Jo th e many chores or~farm an d farm house for a f ew cents per day.

The Farm Electrical Of the six and a half million farm homes in this country, only halfa million have elect ricity.

A new series of G -E adver­ tisem ents showing what electricity is doing in many fields will be sent on request . Ask for Booklet GEK-1. ·

ur digni fi ed enior g irl have felt complimented a th little inno ent "green " ru h up and la p their hand. warmly. aying with a d Ii ht­ ful chuckle, "l 'm o glad you are a Fre hman." T he Mi ·er a ppear to have a p cu­ liar igni fi cance for tho. c Fre hme n who inquired if it wa a up . fi ·er. The gi rl who aid he oaw two cart on of iodin alt in ochra n Ha ll an Engli, h major

Slowly but surely the electrification of Amer­ ican farms is taking place. As farmers learn how to use electricity , rural service lines reach out farther and far ther into open country.

C. E.

Six million farms to be electrified! Here is a vast and virgin field for the application of electricity, w ith countless opportunities for college-trained men in the technical and com­ mercial phases of this undertaking. And for the agricul tural college studen t and oth~rs planning a future life in rural sections, 1t means a better, bigger, happier hie-tune n ow 1n the

making. 9:H.561>H


(i .E. N E R A L


C O M· P A N Y •

S (C H B N E C T A D IY ,



T . . . C. And m e v\luz walkin' D o ,, n l he stret One day last week Past that s tore .'\ s you 've ·een before The lady with the 'lectric heart Does h r part To rub-a-dub-dub The clothe in the tub And to nod " How-de-doo·• To you, \ Vhe n al of a sudden A quick thuddin' , A slap on the shoulder L ik e the cras h of a boulder Knocked the pep O ut our step. Thinkin" w wuz copped We topped. II J could ee Wuz T . X . C. A nd al he could ee Wuz me. But a vo ice poke up Like the bark of a pup, "'::-- ews fer ye r pa p er A bout a colege profe ser: Last nit e while the la dy w uz washing The dea r prof went walking In hurr ied tep by And out o' the corner o· hi, eye Saw the lady bow. (He bowed u how) . nd qu ick a a bat The prof lift d hi hat with fac e beaming " od evening." wa. h lad :· l:e, t t ry i true. But the part fer you l -gue s who ! - .N.T. DU MB D ORA

Still, the advantages of electricity are wi ,ely known. But t h ere is more to farm electrifi.ca­ tion than the i::istallation of motors, lights a nd heaters. Current must be brought to the farm an d t hat means many miles of transm is ion line, supporting poles, t ransformers, and ad­ equate generating equipment.

S ince i ts inception the Gen­ eral Electric C omp any has pioneered in the various :fields of a pplied electricity. Today G-E engineers are co-operating with various S tate agricultural commit­ t ees in the study o f farm and rural electrification. These committees include members of the agricultural college facult ies.



n wa held in unday und r he leadip of h w n. alt and light in their and meaning were th th m d d by John Lehman, M a r t ha I pach, Loi Bin ham, Lawrence far h, an d B t y Mar h. The relation of C. E. to variou chool act1v1t:l wa the ba i for talk by ylvia Pede n, . ; Dwi ht Arnold, Y. M . ; Ruth Bra ley, Y. W.; Robert Knight, Lit rar y oci ti , and Hale Ri chter, Football. Le nor mitb ang a o lo, accompanied by Helen Irwin. Palmer F letcher r ad the cripture Le on. More than 200 wer pre ent and the goa l i 300 next unday.

- - - 0 C--You r Gym uit at . 1.00. Wh y p"ly m0re ? E. J. orri & on-Adv.



Sport Editor Sees Stiff Conte st to Seventeen Veterans W ill Sell Minia­ Break T ie Bet ween Schools Each ture Footballs B efore Games Have T aken Gam e. For Sweater Fund. Next at urday th e upr ema cy of Oterbein a nd Case will be decided. Seventeen men 7 the Varsity .. 0" \ Thu s far the two school s ar e on an A sociation are back in school :b ·s eve11 break , eac h ha ving wo n one ga m e year and are already laying the·r pla ns N. Hale Richter irum the oth er. for a. succe fut yea r. The lener m en In th e fall of 192:1 Otter,bein played w ill sell minature football for both '• Buz .. cap ta in s this year' football Case fo r th e ti r t tim e in twenty­ the Cincinnati and H o m e-coming team a nd is playi ng a ..leak proof" three yea r.. Otte rb ein before a lar g..: ga me s. :\ 5 ha been th e . cu tom i:1 <>a m e at tackle. Exp rience, ability, g roup o f her ow n alu mni and fr iend s r ecent year ·, the pr oceed from the e at~d the re pect o f th quad won for defeated Case 19-7. La t year Ca e -a le will go int o th e Var ity " 0 '' R 1cl: ter .th e positi n of leader hip. ca m e clo e to duplicating the sco re of weater fund. The m ember of the Be ides I otball honor ' Richter ha th e pr eceding year, o nly vice versa, organizati o n wh o ar e back thi year throw n the 16-~ound hot 39 ft ., 9 ½ she being the victor, 19-6. ar e: Seniors, Andrew R . 'Poro ky, Car­ in. f r th e tterb ein ath leti 4: reco rd in 1n th e fi r t half Otterbein outplayed rol Widdoes, H erbert , to ugh ton that event. I ·as e. scoring her touchdown in the F ranklin Xoung, ·arl ta ir, Ma rio 1~ --- 0 fi rst hal f. But due lo the wealth o f Drury . !\ . Hale Richter, 1\el Wilburg. PLAY BY PLAY material avai lable at Case, s ubstitu­ Arthur Renner and Wa lter Reigle ti o ns were constantly bei ng made a n<I Otter bein k icked o ff to the · B . G. Juni or : Paul up on , Donald Felton a fr e h team was in the game at all J o hn Carroll. Robert navely, Ra; 2(1 yard line. Two B. . plunge n t ­ time . while Otterbein wa forced ·o Collier, Dalton Buell and Moneth tec! no a ain . B. G. pu11ted to nav e!y allow mo t of her men to play the w.ho wa do wn in hi track , navl!l w hole g ame. ht~ the lin e a t gua rd. no gain, Mc­ Thi year with the wealth of ma­ Michael 2 yard through t1ck lc W. H . S. Plays Scoreless Game. Sn;i velv punted to B G 20 . d . · t rial availabl e to the Tan and Cardi­ • . · . yar 1m • Vvesterville Hi g h chool played p, nal team . Otte rbein will ,be better able enter burg in a c rele foo t bal l '· r d· rt ht half tw o yards th r ou " h ince thi to ope itb he- ie nti t . ex t play th e right half circl~ d ga me, la t F riday afternoon. on the g ua . game break the tie, a battle royal i ena fo r 6 yard a nd li rst do wn . Rich­ local field . either team wa a ble to in tore for the fo llower of the Tan . ter thr ew left half for a four van! m a'ke many long gain , due to the los3, Ca va nau g h threw full back. for ---- 0 muddy condition of the fi eld . . Mo~t 1 rd SEASON OPENER of the yardage wa made through .Ya lo • B. G. kic ked to Otterbein's yar d line. navely punted t o B. G. ( ontinued from Page One) line buck . The Centerbµrg line li ght adva ntage by virtue of an a c­ pro ved it a bility to hold it gro~cl on ~O ya rd line. B. G. ha1£ back w~nt cur te punter. In thi period Bow­ when in immediate danger of bein: 10 fo r fi r t down. Ri chter th r ew full ling reen re orted to a pa ing game cored upon , ho weve r fumbl e prover! back. f r I yard lo • T ry f or a pa t d but cou ld make no ground . A brig! ·t cc, t ly to both team . T he local team to n ght end in complete B G to Otterb in' · . · · pun e 3 yard lme, 1 t in th i half wa an end run by made the greater yardage and threat­ na ve lv Widdoe that gained 25 yard and ened to core upon the vi itor everal punted to Otterbein' 30 yard I' . h o lin pl . me looked for a moment a i[ it wou!,1 time . un ge no gai n pa t · h end I ' ' o ng t erbein co re. ete and fi r t down. B. G com p - - - 0 C - -oud half of the ga m e w:i r; ~ull back went for th r ee on out Edler's First Year Squad mu h ame. a th e fi r t but :tw ound play, two play nett ed • no Boasts Thirty-five M en . gain, B. ttcrbein more o n the offen ive. The . t~1ed a pa to right half, A large quad of thirty-five m en i iddoe receive d B . G. attempted fi Pld ombination pa from Renner to out for Fre hman football. \i idd e eemed to work well. orogoal and brought ball to O yard lin . · • i2 ky picked a pa from the air :1 nd ID\!nt can b made ju t now of the fi r t ear men a C b made a nice gain. The tterbcin ability Second Quarter. "D k " Edi oac. e e er ha been gi ving th.em line e med to take new life and How­ navely kick ed to B G J; . · • oO ,·ard only the fundamental of the gam lin Gr en found it impo ib le to .ne, no gain on fi r t two play B. r. thu far. tiffer work out e fun 1 bl d · • ·I •· make more than one fir t down. ace on . on en -cro p lay R· for thi week , howeve., . ~ cover th bal l for O. , 1c 1ter Oter bein' line wa ffective at fme the program . . d nav ely and held like a wall a ain t the 1;eav­ an. 1t 1. believed that ome good maier opp ition. · everal time Rir.h • ten a will make it appearanc in thi quad. ter, avanau h and Collier through and thr w Bowlin bac for a lo . Th r ee tim ub t itution . tterbein-Bi hop wer b locked. tin for Cavanau h. Cavanaugh for Bi h Otterbein-0 Po . B. Gr een - 0 Lam bert fo r Pin ney Carroll f p op, ' or oroPin ne - ·····----·- J ~ raw fore ky , orri for McMichael R f Ca , azor or allier --··--·-,·- L. T . ---·······- Ca tner vanaugh. Bowling reen-.,.,a I ·o c 1F !ton ··-·--- L. G. ------- Knetch mfan f or R·t 1 ey, 0 trand r for Craw chear -·-···-····-·-· . ·------·-·····-·- Old orcl.' 0 borne fo r Knecht. avanaugh ---·-· R. G. -··--········ Swartz Fir t down -Otterbei n 3 B . icht r ····-·---· R. T..... ··-····· Evan Green 3. ompleted pa e' oOw mg • · tter Poro ky .....::__ __ __ R. E . -·············· Riley betn 2. Bowling Green 2 I lete · · nco111Renner ·---·----··-· Q ·-·-·-····-·· F rie P pa e tterbein 3 B t· ' ow mg iddoe ···-··-··· L. R. --·-··-·· Berq• Green 3. navely · - - - - R. H. -·····-··-··· Gohn Referee-Adi on. U mp· . R H d ire-- aye McMichaels ···--- F.


The Grocer Co r. Co llege




rme man-Keifer

(0 .

. U .)



and State

I. C. Groceries and Meats








The College ShoP JC#

Rugby Sweaters Slip-overs, Jieav;"'eatel1 Coats or Fancy Cricket for Men and Women.

V-N eek


Special Sweaters, ma e No extra co st.



falltf Collegiate Co rd ur;~IJSes­ and Knickers. Spart


J. C.


Page Seven

T H E T AN AN D CARD I NA L Mr. a nd '1rs. Ev erett and fri ends I fr om Dayto n visi ted Kat herine Eve ret t thi s wee k e ncl. Kat heri ne ha s bee n co n fi ned t o her r oom w it h a b rui sed foo t t he past we ek and we hope sh e w ill soo n be ab le to g et out again. ML a nd Mrs. Bradsha w a nd He len vi sited Lo uise on Sunday.


Ma ry Tintsm a n Ba rnum vi sited th e O wl Clu b thi s wee k end. The Arb utu s Club ha s been enj oy­ in g a 5eri es of "pu shes'' th e past week fro m boxes which th e girls have re­ ceived from home.


E lizabeth Frost' s moth er and sister o f V a nda lia visited wi t h her o n Sun ­ day.

E liza beth L es her a nd L ill ian S hi veIre ne Bennett' pa r ent s fr om Vanly we r e g ues ts a t t he 0. S. U . Y . W . clalia s pen t S un day w ith her. ba nque t o n Sa t urday evenin g. M r. and M rs. App le of Brookvi lle O n Sa tu r da y e ve n ing th e Onyx visited w it h Grace o n un day. _ _ __ o C _ __ _ Club ent ertain ed new gi rl s and fr ie nds w ith a slu m ber ( les s) pa rt y in th e Y. w. c. A. The m et in g at Y. W. C. A. Tuesho m e of Viray Ric ha r ds on . Lu cille L a m be r t. A nn abe l W iley and H ilda da y ni g ht was a uni que o ne, enti rely Gibso n, '25, wer e a mong th e alu mn a! diffe. n:nt fr om th e usua l ty pe o f m e~ tg uests. ing. The to pic of th e m eetin g wa Mrs. R upp a nd M rs. Burtn er we r e '' M i~sio n s·• and Louise Sto ner was t he gue ts of th e Talism a n Club at lunch le:.cl er. After th e devo tion s. w hic h we re led by Ma r y Mc K enzie th ·~ re­ S un day e ve ning. ma inder of th e pro gram was m u ica l. Rev. a nd M r . C. W . Sny der and G irl s d r essed in app rop r ia te cost umes M r . Go r do n vis ited Gladys Sny der re pr esentin g people fr om th e North . t his week encl. South, East an d West, gave th eir me s­ Ma rga r et M at hews spent the week­ age by singing famili a r m issionary hym ns. Those from th e W es t repr e­ end at her ho m e in Day to n. e nt ed th e lan d fr o m w hich th e m i.;­ T h e Polygons a nn o unce Grace Cor­ sio na ri es we r e se nt t o th e la nd s of th ,:, netet as a pledge to th eir O ub. •orth, South and Eas t. l n t he enrl R uth L yon , ' ex '24, visited the L o­ a ll were united togeth er by th e bond tu s Clu b o n S und ay. of Chr i t iani ty.

- -- - 0 C---­ On F r iday even ing t he Phee nix PHILOMATHEA Cl ub ente r ta ined some new girl w ith a clever pa r ty in P r of. Hurs h's barn. O n t he liter ar y prog r am a t Philo­ The lovely fu rn itu re and artistic m a th ea las t F riday eve nin g we re VJ . touc hes cha nge d the sce ne to a veri­ H. Morri . who r ead a biogra ph y of tab le fa iry la nd. H t nry W ard Beecher, K a rl Kurn k r Ka t he ri ne H a m ilto n of Oh io Wes ­ with a e ul og y o n Wi ll iam J ennin g leya n was the wee k-e nd gue t o f Flor- Brya n. a nd vVa lte r Ma rt in wh o gave ence P r inz. a cha ract er sketch as h is p rodu ct ion. Mi ldred o nn , '24, a nd G lad y Dwig ht A rn o ld, w it h a sa tir e o n ''To­ W es t wer e g ues t o f the P ol ygo n Club da y's Bar be r ho ps,'' Clyd e Bie lstein, on ·' To m or r o w' Ga m e." a nd L . E. a dinne r o n S unday. Dr. a nd M rs. A . T . H owa r d a nd H amp s hir e, wi th th e s uhj ect of •· i\ lhy on T P r efe r a Fo r d'' mad e up th e e,·e n'·Do n" vi ited w it h F lo r ence peaki ng program. ing's improm ptu T hur clay. n um ber o f fr es hmen were pr e ·e nt Ma ry M c abe and Kath er ine S tein- a t thi se s io n. J . eely a nd K en­ m etz wer e a t their home s in Green­ neth Ecka rd wer e received into active v ille thi week end. m em ber hip. iola Peden L ucille Ro bert a nd spe nt the week end visiti ng in Ch illi­ co th e. dd a L yon had a he r g ue t t his wee k end Mi s Glady B r imm of Bo w lin g Gr een. Ru t h W eimer' par ents, relatives an d fri ends moto red from Bea ch City to W e te r ville o n S u nday to cele brate Ruth ·s bir thday. H er g ue ts numbereel twe nty- three. T he w l Club enterta ined their new fr ie nd with a di nner in t he home o f P rof. na vely o n aturday evenin g. Mi ld red M a r hall pent th e week end at her hem e in Co rning, Ohio. Margar et Duerr' parents of Dayton visi ted with her th is week end.

- --0 PHILOPHRONEA La t F r iday evenin g , P h ilo phron ea took a big j ump fo r wa rd , when she elected fi fteen me n to a ociate m em b er hip and received o ne ne w acti ve m ember, Wayne heek. A ver y g ood progra m wa pr e ented. including a Paper" by H enry \\T il­ " Humo ro u lia m . a pia no solo by ha . H . K eller a nd a "New s pape r '' by J o hn L ehma n. rnte re t111 · g ex t emp o n " Wh y t he F re hm a n Regul a ti on ," " The P p Ra ll y L ast light," a n d ·' Otterbein'. fo r a Su cce fut Foot ba·1 P r o pect L oh r. ea o n,'' "·er e m ade by R o Duane H a rrold , and Ra lph Ga ntz.

- --

0 C---





Philalethea and her g u es ts enj o> eel t he fol o wing prog ram Thu rsday even ­ ing at th e r egular sesio n : Pia no solo-"Hau nting Dreams:· ...................... _Celi a J ohn so n Current l\ ews .............. H elen \ Veb ster 1 1 Vocal Duet-"U ntil " M a ry Mill s and Viola P eden E s ay- ''I s Your :\' am e On e of 0 tt"!r- 1 bein 's Price less ln g r edi ent ?" F lorenc e Ca mp bell Orchest ra- Marga r et H an_ey, Ruth H a ney . Betty Ma rs h. Paulme Knepp a nd Mary Mill s. \l yth ologica l to ry- 0 r pheus a nd E ur idic e"-J ea n ett e Magil l. Extem po ra neous speec hes wer e made by Emily M ull in, Ma r y M c­ Kens ie. a nd Esther W iliam son. D ur­ ing t he bu siness ession Lenor e S mi th was elected to se rve as Phil­ a let hea 's new pr esident.

s~oworth lors7


- - --0 C---­ LITERARY PROGRAMS October 8, 1925 Philalethea E lection Sessio n. Cleiorhetea ln sta lla ti o n O pen Ses io n . P ia no Duet- D or oth y S owers, Mar ­ g uerit e Bann er. Cha pl a in's A ddress-C harl o tt e Owen . Music- in cha rge o f Ma ry L o ng. Critic's Critique-A g1;es Bucher t. Mus ic. P r es ident 's V a ledi ct ory-M a r ga ret Widd oes. P iano olo-Grace Cor netet. P r es iden t' I naugu ral-Viola P riest.· October 9, 1925 Philomathea. R egu lar Session . Co nversation-Bragg, E. D . D r eam-Biels tein, C. H . Sa tire-H a rs ha, W . V. P arl imentary Drill- in charge of Myers. 'v.l . V . Philophronea D e criptio n- ch wa r zkopf, R. W . O ri g ina l Story-Laukhu ff, T . P . M agazi ne A r ticle-La m ber t, C. 0 .

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Rules That Today Seem Strange and Tuesday, Oct. ~ Humorous Were Riapdly Enforced 6:30 p. m. -Y. M. and Y. W . C ME TO In Other Days. Thursday, Oct. 8-6: t 5 p. m.-Cleiorhetea. An intersting aftern oon was spen t 6:30 p. m.-Philaleth ea. \ in the li.J:i,rary o f Mi lma Guitner, Friday, Oct. 9\ooki.ng through the early catalogs and Meat M arket 6 : l S p. m.-Philophronea. poring through the " Laws o[ Otter­ 6:30 p. m.- Philomathea. bein College," publi ed in t 60. Out FOR YOUR PARTY 8: 15 pu. m. - oncert, Cello Ensem­ of this lengthy et of rule we have ble o.. ollege Chapel. \ selected some of SUPPLIES pecial interest, Saturday, Oct. 1 ~ !\ and do so re101cmg that our grand­ Football, ase vs. Otterbein at parent submited to th em in our tead. Cleveland. Blue Laws. - - - 0 C--­ The sanctification of the Lon\'5 CLEIORHETEA "Ken" Priest, '24. who coache at day is indispen able; n tudent, N orth Baltimore was back home over th er fore , shall indulge, on that day , in E lection a nd subsequent tunts con­ the week end. He visited ;unong An­ th e ordinary purs ui t o[ tudy, unnec­ titu ted a highly entertaining program nex friends also. es ary busines , diversion , visiting or at Cleiorhetea la t Thur day evening. ''Lime" Hert. ·21, was here for a receivi ng vi its, or walking abroad in Officers elected were : Pre ident-V iola Prie t. groups; and ariy reading, conversa­ Try short while Saturday afternoon. Vice Pre ·identelle Glover. tio n, or employ ment inconsi tent with The Alps had a stag feed in their ritic- Helen Palmer. reoms last . a turday night. Coach the religion obser va nce of the Sab­ bath is to be carefully avoided. Rec. ecr etary- Wanda Gallagher. Edler, Prof. Phelan and P rof. T roop No Dates. Chaplain-Thelma nyder. wer amo ng the gue t • I nstallation open e sion will be You ng Ge ntlemen and Ladies will H rman Michael, '19. who i now not ,be permited to take walks or rides held next week. takin g Ed ucationa l work at Ohio together under any circum lances, - - - 0 C - -­ State niversity visited the Country except by special permi ion. PLAY BY PLAY lub last Friday afternoon. Special intimacies with tho e of t he ( ontinued from page ix.) Harry \I iddoes who ha been oppo ite ex, or matrimonial engage ­ through spe nding the summer . in California m ents will not be permited; tho~e ball, McMichael 5 yard iddoe no gain, McMichael , • with hi - parent is back m chool now. who offend in thi re pect may be guard, Th y arri ved in We terville last \111- dealt with at the di cretion of the no gain, R enner kicked over T-\. G . Faculty. ny who enter into the goal line, B. G. ball on 20 yard line, day morning. back to his marriage relation will be eparated punt blocRed, B. G. recovered, 13. G. "Ar' Mattoon, ·24, wa kick ed 50 ya rd , Renner to Widdoe from the Institution. b me and among Annex friends over P_a good, Widdoe went over g oal Got Up Early. aturday and unday. He i teach­ iddoes no The hour for ri ing hall be 5 a. m. lin e, pas declared illegal, ing a t ardington. gain R nn r .ran 6 yard , gave B. ,. _ tudent engaged in a ny manual " ti ff" Bay, '23, another of the labor, \ ill arrange, a far as po sible, ball on downs, 2 B. G. play . no gain, old timer who came back to 0 . C. that their working hours shall l>e regu­ ~a s incomplete, punted to 0. C. on fr m ulli van to wat h hi team play ularly after 2 p. m. 20 yard line, Renner pu nted to 50 vard th ir initial game. Rule for the Ladic' Hall-The lin ·, 2 play no rrain , kicked to O. C. J. B. rabb , '23, i the ceach 0£ the young ladie who board in the H all 39 ya rd line. Fourth Quarter. nterbur g team which held the are expected to \}serv e the [o \low­ :Vlc Micha 1 no "ain. idclo~ no . R. . team to a to O ore Fri- ing rule , viz: gai11. navely 1rnnted t o 13. G. 40 ,·d. J. To do their room , o~k befor day aft rnoon. an An- breakfa t. 2. T keep their room tin ~. 2 pla y 1 st :1 ya rd . for B " huck." am.pbell , ' I 5, ' a neat a nd rder\y. :i. To bP pu nctt:al t,.;ck cl fo r R enn r who made z yar~·• u x g u t la t week end. at their m a l . 4. ot to vi it the lbrou _h guard. pa . Renner to W irl- , Delno Adam , '23 oach at John - kitchen r pantry. ~- Not to th row do • me mplete, R enner kick ed lo B. t wn, hio. wa a ue t of the phinx water or di rt from the window . 6. G. 20 yard Jin ' fu ll back 3 yard lub v r Friday and aturday. :-lot to \ av th e Hall grou nd with­ th ~ ugh tack le. pa~. incomplete. n· ' gam, Lambert in fo r Pinney. kicke,\ out pern11 1011. . No loud talkin L wr nc 'olli r , ·23, al to . .t 2 ya rd J'me, ·3 P\ay no g.i.:n, · ompany laughing, or inging i allowed in th; th Kilg re Manufacturing rr01l ! Hall during ' tudy hour ' , a nd he R 1111 r k, ·k cl to 40 yard lin e, a an th r I hinx i it r. . ~e l cen youn lad i are xp _cted, at all time~, for P r kv, · N ' rn· f or M cM tc', B k. ·~ ' .. Bill .. Mc.Kt t' ha • • t ked ov r goal line, arr01t \ a qui t and lady- li' ·e d •­ vi itin here t p w day . lO yard throu h center Ra or f0r are allowed to back in,, "Andy " nt:I 0 1 , ' va .. idd ain. ava nau o-h, 110 m wh n a pupil r the t am . nd practt m . 11 ar r qui red to thi yea r. at attend fami ly wo r hip in th even ing . i 1; or k eping th head ..Murn'· Kleping r , ·23, came ba 10. Youn ladi b ardi ng in the Ha ll ring auy r ci tat ion or I e th game la t a wi ll be r qu ired to have th ir- mai! carried to and fr m th po t flic by enerathe te, ard. '-4, vi it d V iolation of Dicoram h rt while SMEAR CASE ollectin in T0u p around th e do r o f th ll r '!ding ; or called ''Lelty loitering i ntrie . Friday beh m in 2. houtin y winraudfather. cau dow or r making a and :). Th r P i K appa Delta News. anyt or k Pi D lta rev i w d that a r be:n~ th nati nal Pi ta q . t 1 ngth two _ 4 ·ere ed upon and we:·e 46½ ORTH TATE T. t in to national h adqu~rThe Best of Good 5 ( ver Robin on' G roce ry) t r a recommendati n, of the · Otterbein chapter.


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