VOL. 9.
Large Number of Students and Townspeople Attend Funeral Last Tuesday Morning.
The fun eral se rvice for R ay Co l lier were held in th e U nited Br eth eren church Tuesday m orning. Over eig-ht hundred tud en ts and tow ns TAYLOR STARS people were pre ent to pay the ir tri b ut e of devotion. Otterbein's Offense Weakened By .\ her th e church se r vices the bur Injuties and Wet Field. 0. C. ia l was made in the Otterbein ceme Makes Most First Downs. tery. The se r~ices were cond ucted very beautifull y and impressi vely by Otterb ein varsity was mudded and Dr. S . Edwi n Rupp. There was a plashed under in last a tu rc1'1y's de g reat number of beautiful tlora l cision at New Co ncord by Musking pieces as evi dence of the sym pat hy um l::! to 0. Play in g in a co ntinu a l from the tudents a nd fr iends. dow nfall of rain the game was low - --0 C-- an d furnished but few thrills. SCIENCE CLUB HOLDS Muskingum obtained an earl y lead FIRST MEET OF YEAR in the first q uarter when, her b ig end ran 30 vard around Otterb in's right Large Group of Interested Students end pla · i1{ the hall on th e ten ya rd Attends Uniquely Arranged li ne 111 position to srore by way of Science Program. th aerial route. Play from th r~t . \b ut sixty uest enjoyed the tir ' fav red Mu Kingum. who wa . (lrivino ub l-' cid ay thr ough h rb ein li.11 rep atedl_v. m eeting of the ci nee cie n~e Hall. Th e big 1 1an of Mus k;ngum, Ta ylor, nig ht at 8: 15 in the outp unt ed field es a nd gave the Mus- The mee tin g was unique i11 that it com bined a busines and socia l pro kingum nt'tit decided edge. In the s c cl half Otterb ei n came g ram a nd wa. a progres ive a ffair. W hen the g ue ts a · em bled in P ro back strong nd marched d0wn the field to M u ·kino-um ' ten yar d line fes or \ ein la ncl's recitati n room the fo ll ow in o- pro ram w_a pre where they were ha lted o n down with two ya rd to go. tterbein lo t sented: •·The Manufacture of Paper her he. I op p rtunity to co re a nd io from Wo d '·Pul p.'' Kenneth MilLire o f Ga lil e .'' Jen n w in in thi ca e by the la k of the lett: "Th '' ome Experi ence in fina l pu11ch in offense. n xcha nge 13 tdo rf : of punt gave Mu kin_o·um the advan Tea bi ng cie uce," Profes or H a na tagl.' and carried th_ • ball into , afety wa lt. , fter lh i pr gram the ue t hea rd a radio prog ra m in Prof. Mc fo r th Mu ki ngurn utfit. ·1oy', room. The nex.--t move wa . ( ontinu d o n page ix.) 1de the third A r ha ll which C---. tran for m cl into a ha uqu t room. NOLAN R. BEST SPEAKS hot plate s upper which bad bee.n FROM CHAPEL PLATFORM ientific pa red iu th bacte · y lab wa . rved. yer , t of the lub ac toa; tn nd called upon t· I ·igg a . ear to p ak. . . a Th affa ir f' in chap 1 • f o n day morn ing. s -~ . . ) kc in his characteri stic way o f or1 i11 a l th ught a nd cl a r T he mcding i the ha. bee n in \Ne ter- will be held Jn th last M nday ,·i ifin 1,i. fathe r. Mr. Jam ea h m n th. .-\II ~t udent. t, w h eel h rat d hi. ei h ty-fift h in tere ted in. cicnc will b birthday th . e regul a r me tin gs.
Mr. U . S. Martin, ' 92, Will Act as Toastmaster at Annual Alumni Banquet at 6 o'clock.
Muskingum Downs /Tan Gridders In Their New Stadium By 13 to O Score.
Ruth Davis Doing Nicely. Rurh Da, ·is wh op rat cl for a.1 p ncliciti~ in Da ,ton, n r day. i. r co,·erin very ni ly. Though it tak tim t r gain trength afte r p ra ion of th is kind. ct to return ~o school we k . tud ents wil l con'tinue her peedy anrl co mplete recovery.
GAM E IS HEADLINER_ Rally at 10 :30 in the Morning. Ban<l W ill Appear in New Uniforms In Pre-Game Parade. This week will mark ithe happy reu ni on of ma ny o ld grads when the Home-coming day is celeb rated. A very ver ·itied program is in :J ore for the grad ua tes an d forme r st udent \\·ho return. HARO LD R. PIFE R Harol d I{ . Pifer . 2 L, died in Grant H ospita l la. t Monday night at il ::3U o'clock B1·om periton,itis whic h had , e: 111 aiter :bree ()J>er tiuiT. the · rsi of which w as for apJle ndi •;tis. H wa s a eni or i11 tterb ein and a member of the Lakota Iu.b. Th e first o p ra tio n wa pedo rm d a month ago. " par k-y," a he wa.. k1, wn on the camp us. ra lli ed well fr om th op ra tio n a nd it wa th ought th.at he would r cove r rapid ly. ot her 0 1 eratio n was necc a ry a week ·tfter , the lirst one du to th ' H'SS of the ope ratio n. ( ontiJ1u ed on Pao-e T wo) .
C--MRS. A. L . BILLHEIMER DIES Mr · . A. L. Flil lheime r. da u hter of 13i hop \ ,V ill iam Hanby and s i ter Benjamin R. Ba nhy, aut hor of " ay... died at the hom ing . · her r .in .Birmingba)n.
t tit
The head liner of the day will be a footba ll ga me played with H iram. The a nn,ual home-coming ba nquet wi ll a lso be a feature of the day. At thi time t he pre ent tude nts and old o ne ~ will have an op11or1unity 10 om pa re Fonner metl1 o d,- of pep with he . re ent . Th a lumni co un ii ha ·ecured Mr. U . . Mar ti n, of the cla s of '92 . as th e toa tma. te1· at th e ba nqu et and he will introduce 1 romin ent a lumni a nd fac ulty member · a well as a repre · entati ,·e o f th e s mde nt body f r hort p ec h~ that are for e asteci to b picy. n added a ttrncti 11 to the football game will be the pa.rad that w ill be fo rmed before t he foot\)a ll game and wi ll make a tour f the main ,s t reet £ th vi lla e. T hi· paracl wii l be d by the baii cl , hi"cl, wiJI app ar in it ne, uni fo rm for the fir. l ime. cl r p1 it ri a nd f> lanni ng t participate in ( on ti.nued n Pa o-e
er ill
y w ill buri al mt of fwe nty-fi ,·e r wa a tu -52 a nd V cJ to u ban I y , tarted o Africa im her • in
Mother o{ Frances Slade Taken, By Sudden Death.
France lad e wa ca ll d home M onday b~· th very _ucld n and un exp ct cl death of h r moth r \ alter Lacie. Mr . lade' the troke. Frances unab l to reach ho rn h [ r m th r di cl. F un ra l s r vi ·es were h1>ld the home in ree;ivi ll c.=================================i\laft uri a l wa rbeiu ~ud ympathy
To th l11mni tt rb in o il g , w , t b t ud nt of the ame b · 1ov d in . titution. ad d res ur cordial invitatio n a nd incer e welcome t he pr . e nt here n the clay_th at i di ti_ncti v~ ly _Yo ur own. th e nnu_al Ho meco min g- Day. tterbem Coll e~e I enJ oy m g a record yea r 111 man y asp t . and we . ' hall _be happy to_ ha re with you a ll th e right a nd privil ~e~ f mak 111~ th1 · Ho rn c m111 g Day th e g reate. t and bes t of a ll the yea1--.
--- 0 DRAPED COLUMNS The columns of the Tan and Car dinal are draped in · black this week in mem ory of our fe ll ow student, Harold R Pifer.
T REAT IN STORE PRESIDENT PREACHED FOR HOME-COMERS IN COLUMBUS SUNDAY (Continued from Page 0Pe ) a a body. ..\ number of Hoats will al o be in e\·idence. The stude nt council ha been hard at work trving for the best r e ults and up to the present time they are ucccecLing. Plans have been mad e for the Y. M. and Y. W. to have bur eaus for the incoming a lumni in ord er to furni sh them with accommodatio n for th e day and e\·ening. These bur eaus will be located in the associati on building. All plans and indications point to th e success of thi · year· Homecoming and the affair hould be the bes t in the history of the college, bo th {rom th e tand po int of a ttend ance and enthusia rn. The program fo r the day : 10 :30 a. m.-Rally. 2:30 p. m.-Footba ll game. 6: 00 p. m.-Annual A lumni Banquet.
Prof. McCloy on Ballot. . on th e. ballot . - - -Prof. J. J-J. McCloy 1s We wish to acknowledge with ! as a candidate for member bip 011. . . . expression I the 'vVe -ten·ille School B oar d· . All ott Last Sw1day m o rnin g President smc.ere gratitude the kind Clippinger preached al the F ir t on-l of your sympathy." j us recognize Prof. M c Cloy ' s interes viii "
gregational h urch, \I've t B road Mr. and Mrs. J. E . Collier street, Co lum~u . Thi i the c;hurc'.1 a nd Farn1.1y . made famous bv Dr. \ Va hington The above i the m e age of a card Gladden, an d of ' which Dr. M . H. addres ed to the " Otter bein Colleg e Lichli ter, who delivered th e comtudent Body." mencement addre s here last pring, - - -- 0 C---is now the pa tor. It will also be LETTER TO FIFERS remembered that Prof. G. G. G rabi ll , head of the ' on ervatory of Mu ic, ctober 19, 1925. i the organist for this congregation.1 Dear Mr:. and Mr . . . A. P ifer 0 and Family: PRE SIDENT SPE AKS lt wa a di · tinct s h k to us, th e AT DISTRICT R,• L LIES st uclent of tterbein allege, when we re ceived th e new of the death of Th Southeast hio oi,[e r nee o ur f II w - ch olrnate, Haro ld Pifer. ha been holding a erie of di tr ic t \V were all I oking forward to hi rallie thr oughou t it are;t. Tbe e "- Peecly r eco very when h e w a · o un rallie cover unday cho..,l an <l_ 'Xpec edly tak n away. hristian Endeavor w rk. Tru . to tru e, h ha gon , a11 Pre ident Clip pin g r ha hce n tte rb ein ha lo t an u t. tan cling able to attend al l of the rallie , bul tud nt an d a true frien I, but th e wherev r i ha bee n p_o ible fo r him memory f him w ill ever live to call to be pr ent he ha been the prin us on to better achievement and to cipal p aker, del ivering two adc!re - high r aim. es, o ne of ,d1i h dea ls w ith the ub To you who feel hi lo a . on and ject, '·Our Pr parati n [ r Kin gdo m br h r m t keen ly we extt! ncl ur Building." mpath y, a nci pray that in Prof und th i hour f be reavem ent you may H AR O LD PI.FER DIES fi nd r e t [ r your deep arrow in the • avior vVho ha a ur ed u that He , ( o nti nuecl from Page ne) the Re urr ction and th e Life. La t Monday morning phy iciair In Hi name. aga· 1 op rated and d. ·cov reel tha The tuclent of tterbein Coll ege. p rit niti, had , et in. ·•.park~• · never \: . .\. Wil bu r,;, res. tucl ent O t1 11 fu.lly recov ed i:r 111 he e ff cts. of th e ·1. anaesthetic and ing. Widdoes, Sec. of Student Pifer wa a m ember of the \! e ---0 C--unit f the hio rational uarcl, having joined th at rganiza~ w hi pm ent of Topcoat. , . 16.50 dv. n la t prin o-. He would have been to . 2 ..30. , . J. X orri & on .-
Otte rbein has the distinction of fu rni hirl the pre ident of the tat Confer nee of Young People o f the Ohio Council in the person of Feron Troxell, who has b en occupying that po ition in the last year. Mr. Troxell ha ju t returned from the a nnual conference that was held la t week at \shland, h io. , · •arly seven hµnclrcd yo,:1~g peole from the various hurche , che1ol and college we re in atten dance a t the conferenc e. Troxell report the c nf r nc a hein ucc ful . ---- 0 C---W orld Court Conference t o Be Held Here Novem ber 611 ege w1' LI h a e the the . manag r of th ba I all team next , - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - · b tl r c1• honor of t the confe - p nng. · ence 011 urts and Wor e ' ~ th of Mr. an d Mr ~ 1 • Ielbourne R a • ·e1 ip o ov mber 6, 7 a r, 0 B • I dr h.i par nt , t e I , re tiv rvive him . Th b dy wa . ,, le . si a11 ';> e family home in leveland he program ot ~ )'. \ t will in lude po ibly u Funeral ervice were held in the Oct. •~; 26th l{cv. Jo I Hayden, o n Trinity nit d Brelbr n church in Fo dick, Mervin leveland Thur day afternoon at t,,·o • o tlo k. The ix en ior m mb r of onrad '
-p.fl , JJ\.J ht ~---=,._
J .Y
Pay Your Band Pledge. com from the ouncil that only about 75 of pay for band u n paid. When , consider t pl clgin.g wa · and at ticall y th nun aid I larg . 1~ t a 11 \\ ho pos~ihly ca n
K tic
in th e younger generaf1~ 11 and tions 1for for b1.m properly estimate his ·qualdica 00 the position by voting Xovembe r :3.
Ah; .J ().,1../ . ~:, d
Lak ta lub acted a pall-bearers. rof. R. F. Martin, Prof. E. W. ch ar and 'D ke" Edl r a lso a tt n (l~ d th funeraJ with four oth r mem-
.,J _
I r
of the club. . P ifer wa
J.Q,., 1.,, P.
v_ •
----0 C--RA M HI- R AM !!
The Best "Buy" ()f The
KIBLER Collegz"ate Fall Suits :tu·
. -act -<1es1gnccl af long the • lines now avor ec1 _>} 1 ·_ _ dents in all th e leacl 1ng c 01 I eges. {rc1t1I -s kill ful ly tailored -ear· spec ia lly hosc n lo ng-.1 ing fabrics.
Value.~ At 01tr Low j>1•ict·' ' Un qualted HlBe'II Ii J't: I n The City
tudeut b pa . a wav 11 thirty~ i ay F. j_ 0 havin di d nt Ho pits1 l morning at 4- o'cl ◊k. e
--- 0 Dr Gl ove.. ron:.i, &
Xew hip on.- dv.
KIBLEF 22 We t ----e
- 't.
Page T hree
J. S. W ilhelm.
'90, Editor of Canton Newspaper Writes a Letter Full
of Real Spirit. That is a very high soundin g title to gi,·e to what is a most delightful affliction. J. S. \\"ilhelm. '90. editor of the l{e pository. Canton, Ohio newspape r. has it. His letter reads. "The Tan an d Cardinal tells me that a new band ha s been organized. I noti ce that an appeal f~r funds was made. I assume that a small part in the payme nt will he g ranted me. so 1 am enc losi ng a littl e remittance." '"On e more item : 1 am tickling my vanity hy r espo nding to an appea l for more ra lly yells. The enclosed called forth little effort. h ence it wi ll be easily thrown into the waste basket. ~fay be it might be catch enough to he used or to s uggest some thing that cou ld be adapted to th e purpose desi r~d by cheer leaders." How's that for the proper pirit. Notice another point-he aid 'The Tan and Ca rdi na l tel ls me-." If you ·want to be up a nd coming on thi.ngs that are happening aro;nd th e in ti tution you o ught to be re ceiv ing th e official publication of the Alumni Assoc iation . fr. Wi lhelm was chairman of th e comm ittee oi the Boa rd of Tru tee which brought in a repo rt endorsing t he n w program uggested by the
OH I O 1I' E AC HE RS ' MEETING Meeting of Central O hio Teachers' Association Gives Place on Pro gram to 0 . C. Grads. The 'e ntral Ohio Teacher ~ Assoc iation meets at Dayton, Ohio, on \"ovcmber 6 and 7. Otterbein gradu a te · wi ll take an active part in the program to' be pre ented ther e. · Miss l\ettie Lee Roth. '1:i. assi s ta nt principal of Roosevelt High chool. Dayto n. is the secretary of the " City Superintendents' and Princi pals' ec tion." The Mathematics ection, in special sess ion, will have the privilege of lis tening to Mi Chloe Z. Ni wonger, teacher in Stivers High School, Day 1swon ton. The subject of Mis ger' address is, "From Soup to uts," which doesn't sound very much like mathematics to u . Maybe it means the same as "know your oats."
This week we are introducing Miss as a rema rkable teacher and a sympa Otis Flook to t hose wh shoµld kno" the tic friend. The election o[ Mi s Flook by the the members of th e Alumni Counci l. al umni group indi cates the esteem in Miss Flook belongs to th e class of \\" hi ch she is held by those who kno w 1900 and s in ce her grad uation s he has her. Sh e is making a definite con · er ved as a teacher in the VVestcn·ille tribution to th e new organization by High School. The st ud ents of the offering loya l. e nthu siastic s up port to M~. L. K. Rep logle. '19 , teac-her of sc hool in wh ich she teach.cs know her th e ne\\" program. chem istry at Roosevelt. Dayton, is pre ident of the hemi try Sec tion of th e• association. He will pre ide at ALUMNALS L braries, and Miss Mary Baker, the specia l e sion of the ectiou at co unty li•bra ry organizer for the state \\'hicl1 time Prof. L. A. Weinland, '07. Walter D . K ring, di rector of rc- of Ohio. ate nded a tri- tate conven '05, professor of chemist ry at Otter ligio us ed ucation of the Bro;id S tre et tion of librarians in Fort Wayne, Ind.. bein . will talk on the ubj ect. "The Representatives from P resby terian Chu rch , Colum!.J u~, 0., b , t \\"e~k. Co nservation of Educational ValUPS M ichi an. l1i o and lndia.na were iu wa the pecial peaker at the ctoi1.1 the Tea bing f Ch 111.i try." --'ttenclance. ber meeting of the Woman ' As oc tterbein grad uate are ma.k ing iation of th e elson Memorial P re s ' 18. Dr. and Mr . Virgil Pa rent c6nt ri bution to li fe everywhere and byterian chu rch last Wednesday a ft er ( .-\lice Ha ll ) of Lima, Ohio, were we call you r attentfon to this group noon. we ek end gue t of Mrs. Pare nt's sis that will lend much to the meeting alumni and also recommended the ap- '19. Mrs. William R. Evan ( Frieda ter. Mrs. Cla rence R. Folkerth ( Mary they attend. propriation to sub si diz e the work. - - - 0 C-- Frazier) of Scranton, Pa., left la t Ha ll ) and family in Columbus, la t o far the yo unger generation has F ROM THE PACIFIC COAST week for Bo ton, Ma s., whe re she week. been a bit ou tdistanced in its how of will remain for three months, ta ki ng '08. Mis Lul u Bookwalter, who is loya lty to the new program. Mr. nother old'time g rad responded to special work in the Leland Powe rs in m ision work in Jaffna, Cey lon, un the new pr ogram wi th a splendid con \Vilhelm and others like him will help School of Expression. der th e American Board, pent some tribution to t he library. to make the new program a real func ti onin g fo rce in the life o f Otte rbein. '99. Walter E. Baker, of P ittsburgh, ti 111e in E urope during the latter part V\'. \V . Ferrier, 7 . of Berkeley, ---- 0 C ---Pa., wa in Westerville ea rly last of t he summer a nd took a hort vaca Cal.. se nt hi book. " Religious Pro " AR E YER COMIN' BACK week vi iting his father , W . 0. Baker. tio n for rest and recupe ratio n in Ko gre s on the Pacific Coa t,'' ;, nd two ubjects, to FER OUR HOMECOMING ?" a nd family, an d his daughter. Mar- daika nal, l ndia. before returning to pamph let on religiou her work a head of the Girl's chool the office thi week as a gift to the garet. in Uduvil , Ceylon. library. M r. Ferrier i a mini ter in · That's what Che ter G. Wi e, '04, '88 Frederi ck H. Rike, pre ident of the ongregational ch urch a nd in re Ak ron attorney, want to know. · '00. Mrs. W. F. oover (Effie Rich What's the an wer? of the R ike-Kumler Company, of cen t year ha given hi life to th e er) of me , Iowa, i first vice pre i writing of the hi tory of th-.: church ur e! E b d , comic' ba.ck . Dayton , Ohio, wa elected trea urer dent of the Facu lty omen' Ch1b of on the coast. He ha a l o written very O Y s f h Oh · tate Council of Re'ta il 10 Ain' t thi goin' to be the be t and O t e two hundred a nd fifty members, and other books on t he hi to r y of Cali Merchants at the annual meeting of bi ggest ever? the organization held la t Monday in 1 aJ o chai r man of the social com fornia , devoting hi whole time to Li ten! The stu dent lined up the levela nd. Mr. Rike was cho. en al o mittee, havino- in cha.11ge five large t he e pur uit ince 1919, at which live t toa. Ima ter p ible. Who? a ne of the trustee . of the coun cil. ocial affairs during t he year. time he re ig,ned a editor of th Why. Judge U. S. Martin, 'O'? . Bo~ , a t o ngregational h urc.1 1 lrew T Jmberrnan, of 'O<l. · B. B rubak er. who wa en- Pacific oh hoy hut he ha a lin e. He was '87. Dr. Pap r. . 1s • one o f t h e d e1e- g.iged in work la t ·vear for Bonejudge of th e ommon plea court in co Ium b u , h 10, Mr. ferrier is now in \,Va hington, . rontgomery ounty for o long that gate to the 111ternat1onal . . . I brake Theological eminary ha been convenll 11 . • • • ' D. .. where he. with Mr . F rrier, the people in the county thought he of the Young Men ' hri stian oc- a, s1. 1mg Ill the department of un attendin the l\ ational ounci l o f owned the Republican I arty. \Vith iation which convened in Wa h ing- da _ chool li terature in the nit eJ hurc.he . H e expects o ngregational the background of year of ervice on ton, D. C., la t aturday. For manv 1'.rethren Publi bing Hou e, Dayton, to top in \Ve terville on hi road the bench and many a hard fought year · Dr. Timberman ha been rom - Ohio, for the la t fi ve month , dur home and . ee Dr. and r and 1r . c- ampai g n he'll put the banquet aero, in cnt in the Y. M. . of olumbu - ing the lon•g illnes of Dr. W . 0. Fries, Keis ter, who ar both former etas hig. a nd in the state of Ohio, and he is ditor o f the unday chool litera mate . The ban quet's only one f at ure, no w a member of the Natio nal oun - tn re. which re ulted in hi . death, Fi ne . V,.r ' II be lad to see you t hou h. \Ve're beatin' Hiram too, cil of Y . M. C. . with heada uarter October 15. Dr. Owen, the as i tant a nd hope that you ju t happen to drop a nd that' enough for one afte rn oon in . ew York Ci'ty. editor, ha taken charge of th e work in at the Home-coming time. \, c o f anybody' time. and Mr. Brubaker ha been helping are plea ed to know what our gradu Mabel Moore. who is : him 111 editing the various publi ca - ates ar doing e pecially when the Bring the old•time enthusi~ m '04, '06. Mi 1:ead of the Ohio tate Travelin g tion a long and we'll make it a real day. evidence i nt wi th the letter.
Page Four
But unless you do, you are going to in be classified among the ''chro nic been covered, and the re is no need Oberlin. The points are given£ . . . and Each or fo r furthe r recitation . But there a re connection with the tie-up Jomers. For you t he side-sh ows wi ll some of us who become a bit too ex- ens ic and athletic con teSt S. •n have swalowed up the circus. Published Weekly in. the interest of uberant when a class of ou rs is dis- ten points won by t h e freshmen burnWJ ing A good principle to follow in choos Otterbein by the and thoughtlessly t ramp the -bring the date of the cap in g which specialized organization missed OTTERBEIN LITERARY h 1 0 d stai· rs wit · h heavy heels, one we ek ea r11·e,. If the freshJOd~ _ SOCIETIES you will consider would seem to be, a Is an 5 1 Westerville, Ohio sometimes, nay always, letting the win no points , the1·r caps will 'be · "Line up with your line." Member of the Ohio College Press tongue run full speed ahead. ca rd ed at the spring. recess. 0 C--- Association. Under such circumstances we shoul d _ _ __ 0 C - - Have Alumni Register. RAM HI-RAM!! \V e stil l ha ,·e vivid rccoller.tions of hear in mind that o ther classes have h · · · 1 not been as fortunate a s we, a nd that STAFF , • Chief J B Henry 26 a regr et t at arose 111 connection wit 1 Edito;··::::··:5_ £. i-Iarrold: '27 the fi rst annual Parents' Day that was as a matter of cou rtesy we shoul d try to be quiet while in the halls. Contributing Edi tors, held last sp ring. Our parent came 1 26 - - - 0 C--Wanda Gallagler, Lenore Smith, '26 and were soon gone, and then we For the purpose of increasing in Pauline Knepp, '26 realized that we did not have a reco rd Wayne Harsha, '27 of who had been here. The value of terest and encouraging freshmen to be fai thful in wearing their caps, a F loren ce Howard, '28 such a record is self evident. Business Manager •· W . C. Myers, ' 26 Let us not permit Homecoming to point system has been established a t Assi tant Business Managers, h . Marcus Schear, 27 pass without avmg a permane n! Ross Miller, '28 record s tarted of the visiting alumni. Athleti c Editor ..... ... Louie Norris, ' 28 We suggest a registration booth a t , 1 ""hich ever y alumnus would have the Assistant Athletic EditorW .dd Harry 1 oes, 27 . . . . _ · ulatton · Ma nageropoortu111ty of stg Cu-c . , · . nmg l11s name 111 a Margaret Widdoes, 26 large ledger which would serve for Groceries and Meats seve ral years. We are anxiou also A ssi tant Circulation Managers- , Ruth Hursh, 27 -I h f II pular M. \Nilson, '28 to pub 11s 1 t e names o a visiting We carry t he moSI po The lumna! Ed1 tors al umni. . A A style , quality, and fiti;iesWear Pride of Young Men s, H. W. Troop, '23 Let's do it! Alma Guitner, '97 The Educator. Shoes ---0 C--Cochran Hall EditorDress Oxfords and Be A Citizen Florence Rauch, '26 Black and Tan. Local Editor ............ John Leh map, '27 $3 .98 to $8.00 As college students we have super E xchange EditorDAN CROCE ior advantages in citizen hip. We are Ernestine ichols, '27. particularly obligated to good citi zen -• Phone 65 Westerville, O. ~ s hip . If a man coming to Weste r Address all communicat~ons to The ville to work for thirty-one day has Otterbein Tan and C~rdmal,. 103 W. the right to vote, certainly we who College Ave., W_esterv1lle, Ohio. Subscription pnce, $2.00 Per Year, lhiave our residence here nine months Manhattan Shirts . . John ston & M_urp hy Shoes of the year have the sa m e right. payable in advance. However, it i, more than a right , it Entered a secon d class matter i an obligation, which w owe 10 September 25, 1917, at the postoffice t he community and stat e as de ri ving at Westerville, 0., under act of March the protections of citizenship. It is 3, 1879. .. · t ou r obligation to he good citizens of Acceptance for ma1lmg at spec1a rate of postage provided fo r in ?ec. this community. " The Home of Quality" A good citizen wi ll vote >Zo,·. :~. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919. --- 0 C ---Hallowe'en. EDITORIALS The sea o n of hlack cats and hob . gob lin s is here. To mention th e coin cidental eve nts \\'Ou ld he t rite. OftenHarold R. Pifer. ti me th ey become ex tremely boyis h, When , in the co urse of three day , and on occasions de truct ive. 'vVe Union-Stadium death remove · from a college com- need to a lways rememb er that there suhstantial munity two yo ung men of great prom- are certain in\·io lah le property rights, i e, the cx pres io n of sorrow ca n even at this ti me. Whatever we do as well as o nl y be felt. .-\ t t he failur <> of wor d. bespeaks or besmirches the good we turn t reflection . nam e of Otterbein College. good-looking In hi way of quie t virtue, Harold ----0 C---Pifer int1ucnce<! eve ry person he met. Profit by Panko Hi. broad smi le \\'as character ist icall y Some weeks ago we were rP.a din g in contagious. He wa stcadfa,t in al l the papers about Panko l\1[ativi okof his habits of life. The . incerity lo wski, of Xewark. N. J . Panko had f his approach to eve ry ta . k radi ated startled the world hy purcl-fa ing .,_ his pirit of earne. tncss. It was th i; $ 100,000 apart ment hou se with what he r s lu te nc and constancy t'iat spell- had aYed fr om h i sala ry a a wind ucces fo r his life. <low cleaner. a fter upporting his famBut now life is gone. the hody is ily, of wife an d fo ur children. PanKo removed, yet his radiant pirit lives based hi . uccess o n a Ii t of ten on. \ can never fo rget H a rol <l rule . but he aid all o f them in the Pifer, cla smate a nd friend . \Ve s hall fir st one. "Even if you make little alway remember him a a good citi- . pend les. " zen of t he college community,-a true urpri e you r elf. " If you make hri . tian ge ntleman . little, pend le ."
I. C. Robinson
THE UNION - --- ----------------
Let us show you this Union-Stadium in bracken brown
---- 0 C---Chronic Joiners. t thi time of year seme fo lk 111 to pring into urpri ing ly ud d n popularity. Witlh alma t eve r y turn th y are be eeched to "join us." " nd they'll get yo u if you don't watch out." uch a time call. for an e judgement aJ1Ct .calm de iberatio1{ lt i hard to learn to say the worn "no."
Tf "Dad'" pocketbook i footing he bill . " Tf your allowance i little, spend le s ." and give him the urpri e of hi life. - - -- 0 Quiet in- Halls. A ca e of ab ent-mindedne s is again brought to our attention . We all like to get out of clas es before ! he close of the period. In fact we see no u e in holding a cla if the work has
A celebrated value at $5. In grey, tan ao<l bracken. brown. Select yours today.
Union-Stadium caps
, 1
K nox hats exclusively here for ColumJl!s, featured $8.
THE T A N AN D C ARD IN A L Heca use of th e return t o the old CLEIORHETEA tie -up as the even t for the fro sh- I soph scraµ at Oberlin College. the even g ir ls a nswered th e call to womc11 st udc 11 ts were not allowed t o . · c·1,t ·,o rl,et ca . acuve mem I)ers h.1p Ill witness the scrap. r\ half holiday . . . . for the a11 nua l cla~ h was granted to T hur~day evening, a,:? s ix io·netl _as the enti r e school, but. th ro ugh act io n ;•ssoc1ate members. l he 11e\\ aC tl\· e ;:1cmbers are Frances George, D oroof th e facu lty. th e wo men were pr o tin- Shaeffer. Lillian Shiv ely, Eliza hibited fr om witn ess ing the struggle. he.th_ Lesher, Irene B_ennert, Margaret E dgmgt o n and Mildred Marsha ll. The_ assoc iat e m embers _a r ~ _Dor ~thy Ertzmger. fna Weber. Virginia Miles, Thelma Gustin, Thelma Pletcher an<t G A I race PP e. The program for the eve nin g was Here is a real opportunity for a as fo llows: Pia no solo, Mildred W ilclub of fellow s or a number of son: Reveri e and Rea lity , Rosali e friends to room and eat t o opeland : Qua r t e t t e, harlolt(' gether in the same house. Very Owen. Frances Hi nds, Margaret Norri No velette, Jean Turner : rea sonable rate s. We will be Piano solo, Katherine Minnick; Child glad to talk over the proposition hood Reco ll ections, Bernice Nor ri ; w ith you . Vocal solo. Ethel Wilburg; L egen d . '"Anacoma . the daughter of Loga n."' 77 W . MAIN ST. l n1 Thornton. (Near t he College) - -- - 0 C - - -• RAM HI-RAM !!
IT STRIKES U S MY T ha t we wonder, since our domestic science profs teach that a " boiled egg" should no longer be boiled, what I is the difference between a fresh and ' r aw egg. I That we do apprec:ate the current world life bulletins in the hallway. That the crusade against library dates will send some folks back to reading "epitaphs." . . f That when a movie wins pre erence t o back;ng the team at a rally, t he living spirit of O tterbein has not yet punctured the " membranous external inveS t ments.''
!!I lll1111111111111 I 11111111111111 III IIIIIIII 111111111111111 IllI IIIIIIIllII 1111111111111111111111111111 I g
Home-Coming Day
And At All Times. We Extend a Hearty Welcome to Old Grads § _ and their friends. =
iii l I III III lI II III II l III II IIIII II II IIIIII IllIIIIIIIllI IIllI II 111111111111111 UIHI l IIIII I 111111111111111 jj
University Bookstore Halloween Supplies Decorate Your Rooms with the Best
Hats, Tally Cards, Place Cards , Invita tions, Napkins, Streamers, Jack O ' Lan terns, and Masks.
University Bookstore 18
ta te
Phone 493-J.
That she enj oy a rainy day fo r a footba ll game as the profe sors on picket d ut y look like she fee ls after a snap q ui zz. That the -g ir l wh o ·its next to her in Hi story is so badly hit by C upid 's dart that ·he si ts and cancel s names, draw~ pictur('s of a footbalJ man and DRE:-\ MS.
That with t he newly organized alTha t s he hatl a test in H oc key ru les umni asociation hitting on all s ix, w e the other day and a ll he knew wa s should experience the best Homecom- j that the ball wa n' t as bi g as a foot ing ever. ba ll , th at ~-ou didn't hold the club by That we wonder how it happened the _hoo k, a nd that it_ wasn't polite in the same twenty-four hours- to hi t you r opponent with your club.
Homecoming, Hal!owe'en and a full That th e inciden t of a m o n k travelmoon. ing hatless, ragged and on foot from That it all ought t o mean the ad- Fr ance to Rome must hav e establisheel th e precedent for coll ege ~tudents vent of a new gym. to ·'bum ·• the ir w ay to footba ll ga mes.
- - - - 0 C- - --
That the ot her day in Pubic Speak ing o ne of the fe ll ows. when making a s peech on stag,efright, said he was Vii e ..,,i,,h to quote here to you, por ti lled with hi subject and that she tio ns of a peecl, by Dr. Raymo nd belie ved it before he finished. Phelan. made r ecen tly at th e phiux That L"ac ~er 's Gho:t still \\"alks a nd Clu b rooms. l n it. we believe, there ha unt s her day and night as he strug much so und thinking. gles through his Gallic Wars.
That :; he think :s;ovember l t th, .-\rmisti ce Day, is a very ap!>ropriate date fo r rushjng sea on to cl ·e.
in a community a rc u uall y b11 _y peo
ple. But it is also tru e that busy people ar c c;q)ab le because they a re ,·cry bu y. Busy people a re keyed up. Thei r c-apacities are not in cold sto rage. hut a re r eady. available fo r act ion. "Ju st so is it with athlete •. The loafing ath lete canno t hegin to he the man that he is when a full schedul e faithfully adhered to preclu cic. loafing. ·'ff. of course. a man use all of hi. energy in phy ical ffort, he cannot st udy succe fully. a rul e a man ca nn ot work hard for eight hou r in a foundry and exp cl to he a ucdivi ion of energy cc sfal tudent. between athle tic. and tudy i good fo r both athletics ·an d scholar hip. 1 " Brain in active worki ng orde r are a great as et on the gridiron. A tucicnt in a thletic, ha_ obvio u ly le s time for s'.udy than ha _ a man who I does noth1111r hut tudy.. But the a hlcte. where athletic activity cl e not demand too much ener _'. . hould . in a gi,-en number of hours. stud,· to a greater advanla e than the nona hlctc of the · ame mental calibe r. ·' \Vhere ath let ics an d scholasti ci m are p rope rly co-ordinat ed, as T be lieve tJ,at they a r e at Otterbe in, the moment um of the footba ll fi Id sho ul <l tell in study. and the momentum of st udy hould te ll on the football fi eld ." C - - -RAM HI-RAM !!
get tbjngs clone in the civ ic, ocia l. r po liti al wor ld, 11 must depe nd very largely upon men and women who are alrea d y very hu ·y. Thi s is . o partly becau e the ca pable people
Warden & Hickle
·• 1t is a commo n exp erien ce t hat t o
Cottage Res_taurant
: -
P age Five
There a re ce rt ain per o nal belo ng111g which our Fre hman could not leave behi nd when they kis. eel their mother. good-bye a nd bid fare-well to "the old home town . Po ses ·ions whi ch had became parts of th e ir live and unit
their ,·ery
could not
be taken from the m by well-meaning parents. They cou ld leave their sweet-heart wi t h a kis,,, the ir ho m es with a mile and their town with a ·igh oi relief. but to leave behind cer tain worldly po e ion would have meant to tea r a under the t r ing f the ir hear t ·, the cord of their · o ul a nd the twine of th ir kit-bags. One dear F r e hman brought to Westerville a eat. I forget whether it was a tom-ca t or a pu y-cat. A nyhow kitty had purred it way into hi heart in uch a manner that when the time fo r parting came they just couldn't leave each o ther and Fre hie b roug ht pu y along. Now, besides problem in math, Latin and phy · ics, thi inclustriou, Fre hman is confron: d w ith another omewhat more cc n founding pr oblem, whether to buy milk at \ illie' or to put the cat in oc hra n Hall to fee d o n rat . night ou r F r e hman doe not put out the c lock and wind up the cat a his pro verbia l g ran dfather did . Kitty ne _ 1le right by hi ide and purr him to sleep. \\"e hope he w n't catch ca t-a rrh.
Page Six
THE T AN AND C ARDINAL .......... R. G. W. Moor e se r ies of lectu r es on "Acousties" 10 IPorosky as l<.ichte r R . T. ···· ···- ······· Shane music students and a ll ot h ers Reigel .............. R. E. ·······-··· ·· Taylor were interested. Added intere t wof Snavely .............• Q................... Todd ! giv e n to th e lectu re by thl' u~e oi IWiddoes ............ L. H ................. Weed , sli des il lustfafing the photograp. f I
M M . • t,rst · d·sc•1 d on ·a' CJ 1chael ...... R. H . ....... ... R . Clark I· sound waves. This 1 · ss1 Ca rro ll .............. F. B. .... .............. Selby t h e science of musical so un. 5 / t~ I Sco r ing. T o uchdown s . Todd, 1 ; 1 interesting a~ well as benehCI~ pri· Beavon l. those people "·ho intend to dea da· Point-after- touchdown I{ Clark 1 maril)· with music because 3 fu n f HOME-COMING OUTLOOK I SPEED BALL Substitutions-Otterh e,in, ·M il;er •fo; mental kn ol\· lecl ge . of acoust i:s is 0 CALLS F OR CL OSE GAME : Carroll. M innich for Snavely. Carroll vital importan ce to all mus ,rians. '1 The Sen,iors defea:ted the Fre h- for Mi ller. navely for Minn ich, MilCo forence Scores Equal B y F a ct men .{ to O last Monday and t he ler for Pinney. Pilk ington for Mc n Th · a t Ne1•th er T earn Has Sophomores heat the Junior s 16 t o o Michael. Minnich for Snaveh· Barnes ' , ~ee Sa mples from for Reigel. ·' Won a Game. on [hursday at speedba ll. . The en,ors had the game \nth th e Substitutions- Mu sk ingum . Bain I The Tan a,~d Card.inal gridders will first year men th eir own way most for Bal lantyne. Wilson for Tor.cl. stack up against Hiram next Sat.ur- of the time. The yearlings only T o dd for W ilson, F. Clark for Selb y. Social day. in the annual Home· commg: threatened to score two or three times. G. Clark for Tayl o r, French for Bain, B e fore o rder ing Class and me lee. These two schools have formThe Sophomore · st retch ed thei r eain for Beavon. Llewellyn fo,· Min ed a habit. so it seems. of playing ! winning streak to three in a row at tier. \ \ ' il so n for Todd, C r awford for G roup Pins. each othe r for the home-coming game., th e expense .of th e Juniors in ~ater Moore. Rennick for Clark. In 1!)22 Otterbe111 was beaten at and mud. The Juni ors showed a l{eferee . Rupp. Deniso n; Umpire, Makers of P hilophronean Keys. Hiram in the home -c.oming g 2 me. by J slight improvement of inter e, t from Purdue: Head Linesman a blocked punt , th e final score bemg I the week before, having five men on Long. Kathermine. Ohio '.'\orthern Cnive/ i::i to 6. the fie ld instead of four. The third sity . Columbus, 0. 11th and High 1n l u2:1 Hiram was beaten by a year men threatened to score fou r 0 C 0 n to O score. Th is game was one . f or five times but ·the Sophomore kept ENROLLMEN')T REA C HES 567 tl-c bright spot s of th e 19 2:l season . , the ball in Juni o r ter ritorv most of Hiram · had an . excep.tionally good j the gam:. . · . ' s reco r d break inn e nr o ll- I 0 lier 11em te a m that fall ,also Batis. who played Th e T· r es hmen \\'ill have a chance ment figures are now com plete a n d at tackle. being placed 0 11 th e All- j' to stop the undefeated Sophomore, show that there are 567 s tud ent s i Ohio Tj:eam. T.J-{is ,game he lped to , when the two team, meet for the There are twenty different stat es and mak e the home-coming \o f 1923 a second tim e thi, year. According to S pec ia l fo r t he nat io ns repr esented. The lar ge t n um success. • I th e way the games have been going. be r of student are from Oh io and And then last year the Tan team I th e second yea r men shou ld not have Pennsylva n ia. Below is the cl ass ifi trimmed Hiram to the tune of 18 to O. much trouble with the Fre hmen. cation of tates a n d classes. This game marked the fi rst wi n for Standing. Registration by States. G. W . .L. p o. c. la t fall. • A these results show, 'Team O hi o I a very keen rivalry exists between t he ophomores :: 1.0~~ Pen ns;i~;~·;;·-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~.·.·.................. ........ 45 , I 3
1 •
1 ·
two sc hool . h Seniors Thus far this season H ir a_Rm as 1 1•• res 11m cn not won a game. Western esen-e I Juniors
2 2
~\.de~t Virginia ····················· ... ·········· .3:l3 .Nn 1a na ·· ···· ································ ·········· .OOO ew Yo r k ........ ... ..... .500
d efeated her by one touchdown, Kent Normal tied O to O. a nd Musk ingum took her into camp by a 45 to
~0 .rrgto.n ·Ra ico··································.·········:····· ········ :
1 1 1 California ................ ...... 1
forWhat home-coming. up the then ball a nd rtahre, agcaro se~ 1C,[ha,.rnyala·n···d········-··.·.·····................... . .... ::::: wa . at the beginning of the ; lor the scooped line. From 0 11 111 sea on. one of the largest squa ds in I wa s evenly conte ted. neither team Mi nn esota .... ... ································· ···· the history o f the school. ha s dwindnd led. through illnes • injur.ies a d atu. Some who are work mg have been forced to quit in order to maintain 'their positions a lso. H e nce Ot-
having an opportunity fo r scoring. J apa n .............. ...::::·:·························'··· Th e game was played in Muskin g - Kans as ····················· ········ 1 , um·s new stadium that i being used Flor ida ........ ... ······-······· it~ ti r st year and a medium crowd \ i\/ isconsin .. ...... ..................... ····································· ' was in attendance. The fie ld was in
terbein will •be handicapped by a lack of reserves. . Some of the men w.h.o a.re avai lab le are suffering from lllJunes. R en.n er and Bi hop have bad ankle , Re,g~e I k d S h c ear has a twi tecl · nee. an suffering with a broken nose. 1n si>ite of these drawbacks. C~ach Dit is optimi s tic about Satu rdays game. ---- 0 C ----
weather. II however
very good cond ition considering th e The sod wa very lippery and way laid Otterbein' aerial attack as well as her end run . The Otterbein team entered tht game with a great disadvantage due to the fact that everal regular are on 'the . ick list. Re/n rfor's passing and running were missed and slowed the team down con iderably. Otterbein made even fir t WORK to Muskingum's four.
About a dozen gentlemen members of the facu lty banded together and io rmed a faculty gym class. They g~t \ogether every Wednesday and Fri day evenings for a little exe rcise. The work at present con i main ly of volley ball, with a litt le medicine ball work thrown in for good measure. Part of the time a nappy calesthenic drill precede the volley and medi cine' ball.
Otterbein completed five for a tota l of 71 yard s in fou r teen tri es. One Otterbein pa s w~. inter cepted. Mu kingum completed two passe in even tries for a gain of twenty -three yard . Lineup and umma.ry:
Muskingu m 13 mney ·············· L. E. ·············· Mintie,· Cavanaugh ...... L. T . ............ J. Moore Felton ·············· L. G . ········ Ballantyne Crawford ·······-··· C B eavon · ················
Otterbein O
ll . 1
:{ 3
co:~~::: i:i:;~e i:t r~:::\~a:ow~'.'. I ( Cont inued from Page One) ;{1k1\~almoh.i!maa,,··.·.·:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.·.·. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.- .. ·....·.·.··.·. doubt they will be on. their toes when M us k ingum's seco nd touchdown 0 _ . they hit the 0. C. gridde r s. At a ll : came in the last quarter when an New Jersey odds a hot contest will be on tap Otterbein punt was blocked and Tay- A.frica ······· ····
!. 2, 2 J I ]
1 1I 1 1 Tota l ············ ·•··························--·····--;; I _ 0 C ____ I Prof. . I Mc Cloy Lectures O n A coustic Science. PrThursday f M aft e rnon at 4 o ' c Ioc k . O essor cC!oy gave the firs t of a •
Toilet Needs Fo r 1 n. The n ewe t in
L oti on have .
an cl
kin aft er
on e.
WITCH D es ig n
AND BROOM in Ce nter
11 th be t in Raz or , B 1ad e h aving Acee
lee C r eam Roll
P umpkin Face 1 1 ::\'I Pumpkin Ch oco late CaL J ac k St r aws, _ 1 ja,C ' O r ano-e a n d B
5 w1LL1A¥, /n/ ·' (/ , , / /'h,1,11/<
P a ge Seven
Fi ,·e associate a nd o ne active members were admitted to Philomathea in th e r egul ar sessio n las t Frida~· eve n in g. Literary exe r ci ·es were di s pensed with for thi s m eetin g to provide tim e to discuss t he new con~ titution and its revisions. :-:ext Friday eve nin g ,,·ill be election sess ion. l{e main ing portions of the constitution \\'ill bl' considered at this t im e.
T rev o rrow ··ts a pledge to their numhcr. 1 Aclela ide Pottenger visited in Cincinnati this week encl as the g ue t of ).fr. and Mrs. F. M. Potte nger, Jr.
The .\r b utus Club immen ·ely en joyed the fried chicken whi ch Am y ~forris r ceived from home o n aturday. )
and )..frs. Grabill we r e guests of tl:e T. D. Club at lunch on un clay I 'roi.
queradc Party at the home of Agnes Buchert. The Talisman Club ann o un ces Ruth
1-Iem stitching and
- - - - 0 C--- PHILALETHEA
(0 \'er Rohin,on's Grocery)
The members a nd guests of P hilalethea enjoyed the litera ry pr og ram
eve nm g .
Betty ~[(Cabe. of Greenvi ll e, spent of th e fnsta llat io n se io n T hur sday the week end with her sister , M ary. ni gh t. The four productions g ive n
(ln Friday night the Bennett Cot tage 1tirl,; entertained a number of thl'ir fril"tHb with a taffy pull.
\\' e are glad to n:-port that Ruth Davis is recovering rap idly from the operation she un derwent last Monday.
··Shorty" \\'icldoes spent the week Thursday e,·ening the T. D. an d en, at l'iketon. Ohio. where she Owl Clu bs jointly en Joyed a deliciou ,·i,itecl ,,ith .\ lie.: George and Vera waffle "push ." John,,011.
- --
The l'olygon Club an no un ce Gladys \\' est a, a pledge to th eir group. Friday even in g th e Onyx Club en tertained a number o f friends ·w ith a dinn er party at the home of Dorma Hidenour 111 Columb u s. ,\ th eatre party clo,cd the e,·e nin g ·s entertain ment. Edna H elkr spent the week end at her home 111 ·a nal \ Vinchester. Lucille. ).farian, and 1[ary Fa rb er, oi Beach Cit y. stopped in \ lvester Yille a fe,,· hours on und;,y, up o n t heir ret urn ir m Wittenb rg, to vi s it R u~h Weimer. Ruth Hayes pe n t the week end a~ the guest f Kat herin Eve r ett at her home in Dayton. ~l ary ).1cKcnzie was a t hPr home in Delaware, Ohio. thi .' week end. Last "M o nd ay eve ning th e Lo t us l'luh entertained a number of girls \\'ith an o utdoor "push '' in Coc hran Hall. The unfavorable weather con ditions did not in th e leas t detract from th e good time enjoyed by al l. Flore nce Martin pent the week en d ,·i~iting in Ut ica. Ohio. Thelma Gustin spent the week end ~ ith Clarabelle Steele at her home in Ci rcl c,·i lle. The Greenwich Clu b and friends \\'ere g-ucst · of A lice Propst fo r lun ch 011 unday even in g.
0 C--
Bi ll ez that at th at muddy foot ball game last S at urda y some guy up and yelled fo r \\'at er As · if they \\'er en't enuf on that muddy fie ld ! Darn Bil l.
- - --0 C- -- P H ILOPHRONEA nusualh· intere ting extemporaneous speaki~, g by A1un1ni and act ive members made last Friday even ing's program at Philophronea ve ry en joya h ie. George Gla un er, '19, P rofesso rs a n ce a nd Va le 11 t in e. s poke inspi rin gly and the active socie ty was re presen ted by Basler and Lehman. The regu lar prog ram consi . ted of a n Autobiography, B. E. haffer; a tire. E. l-1. H ammon: Adventure, R. F. H . Lohr. T wo new men \\'ere taken into ac tive membership and six voted into assoc iate membership.
Chap lain 's Addre , "Is Education Happiness ." by Ruth Haye . Critic' s Critiq ue; "As T Like It," by Adda Lyon. President's Va led ictor y, "What o ev er Things Are Lovely," by Alice Sanders. President's Inaugural, "Footprints ," by Lenore Smith . Durin g the program V iola Peden sang a voca l so lo. and Ernes tin e a nd Marjorie Nicho ls played a piano du et.
---0 C---
Special Rates to Students \\' e
all For and Deliver.
Phone 465- J.
R. N . CHAPMAN, Mgr.
.!_I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
= = EXPERT CARE OF YOUR HAIR = = = = Is of Utmost Importance to Your Appearance. = Appointments May Be Made For
Marcel Waving Shampooing, Tinting Water Waving Facial Treatments Hair Treatments Manicuring Hair Bobbing = :
= = =
Irene De Beque's Beauty Shoppe COLLEGE AVE.
= = = = -= = = = = =
TI Ill I I IIII I I II I I I I II I II I I I I II I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111 I II I I I I I II II I I II 111111111111111111111111111111"1
Don't Delay Have yo ur P ho to fo r the
ibyl made
a t once and avo id th ru h.
Th 011 Reli able 1
Franc('h . lade has been ca11e<' home her talk on ·•c;rls of the Philippine :· · 011 account of the death of her mo- She presented many interesting _in cidents concerning th e gi rl ' chools ther. \\ ' c extend our deepe t sym·11 the I slan ds. he a lso brought out pa thy to Franci in her be r e 1 ve m ent. 1 the s imilarity be twee n the Phillipin o The Misse E ther and Edith M oo r e gi rl s and Amer ica n g irls fo r . a lthough enkrtaincd g ue sts fr om Chi llicothe' their custo m s are so differe nt, at hea rt • and Ca nal \,Vinche ster at dinner on they ar c the ame. Sunday. _ _ __ O C - - - Friday c,·cning the Owl Club and 4-buckle Ladie's Golo he~ . $2.6.i to a number of friends enjoyed a :-.l as- :-::.f>O. E . J. :\'orris & ~on.-. dv.
- -- 0 C - -
Y . W. C. A. 11 a r ga ret Duerr. Ruth 1fosselman. ;.nd Fr eda S nyder spc·n t the week en d ~I rs. \Vidd oes was the speaker of at their rc~pecti,c hnmes in Da.v to n. the evening a t the \V o rld Fellowship La,t 11onday e,·ening th e Talisman meeting of Y. W . Tuesday n igh t. The devotion were in charge of Club llllcrtained a number of frie nds a a •· l'uzzle Party'' 111 the hf'•11e of Katharinl' Da rst. .\fter a vocal solo by Mary Mill , Mrs. Widdoes ga ve .lr,. I{ ..\ . '.\oel.
,,·e re:
~ Rich and High
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Co lumbu , 0.
Page Eight
a ny o th r o rganization than the Glee old fighting ~pirit. Club. ---- 0 C--Mrs. Dai y Shumaker of Love Song W ritten at Side of Sick PittsMen ·, -I-buckle Golo,hes. \\ e !'rice Bed in Wee H our s of N ight. burgh, wrote th e leiorhetean song O ther Inter esting Stories. ' Son. and Mr . L. K. Miller wrote Phila Them Lower. E. J. >lorri _ _\111', lethea, the music of which was taken ln a quiet peacefu l village by th-e frot?- an old German so ng. Later name of Westerville the lad and Samuel Richard Gaines, a noted Boslass ies in Otterbein College u eel to I ton com po er, wrote new music. have ye lls that exhibited just a little _"Philophronea" was written by actual ho rse ense as they do today. Bishop A. T . Howard. The music If you don't believe it ju t listen to I wa taken from " My Little Old thi one. Ciga r." "Maryland, My Maryland" Wah hee! wah hoo! "".as th e tune from which Prof. GravVe are not you . bill arranged the mu ic as it now is Wah, who are we? played for the Philomathean song. P r of. "Buck'' Altman. Floyd Rasor. We' re nineteen three! ~Jtangiaret Brooks, a stude n t in Louis Keck. and ·' Pickle'_· Phalor enHere's one they us ed before the Otterbein four yea rs ago, wrote th e joyed a day's duck shoot111g at Buck \,Vorld War : music to "We've got a Team that' s eye Lake last Saturday . vVhen we Bier, Bier Die Wac·ht am Rheine, Hard to Beat," a ong that is still say " du ck hooting" we mean wooden Wir Sind, Wir Sin Verein Deuts- popular. ducks, because nary a r eal d11ck wa. Co r. Col lege ve. chen Verein, Prof. Grabill sugge t t hat wh at brought hom e while it is rumored that Von Otterbein, . J AH! Otterbein now needs i a stirring band omc of th e decoys were well perfor and State t. Professor Guitner will have to march something aft.er the nature of ated. vouch for this German. Ohio State' march, but not like it. 1 But when it co mes to the ong , I . A peculiar _fact about the new song Fred Kull wa initiated by the Alp. how many Otterbein student · know 1 1 th at the rbyl ha sponso red every la;,t week. under what circumstances the Otter- \ .one of th em. Lester Cox , "B uck" Philli p , and bein Love ong was written? Dur---- 0 C---COME TO Paul pson were among the rooters ing the ye.ar 191 , when it seemed CALENDAR who followed the team. that the Endowment campaiign migh t Raymond Axline, '2a, "Len" . ewell prove a failure, Prof. and Mr s. G. G. Tuesday, Oct. 27Rhodes 6 :30 P . M.-Y. M. and Y. W. '24 and Ted Seaman were back with Grabill felt down in their hearts that Lakota friend over the week end. Otterbein ad ly needed a Love ong. Thursday, Oct. 29Meat 1arket 6: 15 P . M.- leiorhetea. '' L n" and "Ted" are teaching in For day and days no suitable ideas · 6:30 P. M. -Philalethea. presented themsielve . Reynold burg, and Raymond i em FOR YOUR .PA RTY 6:30 P. M.-Philalethca. Then suddenly one night one of the ployed there. children became eriou ly ill with Friday, Oct. 30"Beany" Beelman, '25, wa in town SUPPLIES 6: 15 P. M .-Philophronea. pneumonia and Mr . Gr abill wa for again o ,· r the week end. 6:30 P. M. -Philomathea. ced to it up all ni ght to give medi .H nr · L,,on , '23, came back la. t cin . Through the long hours of the Saturday, Oct. 3110 :30 . M . -Rally. aturday night for the J onda tag. night as . he sat hy her sick child, 1 :00 P. M .-Parade. Mrs. Grabill composed the words to Th J onda Club held a -tag party 2:30 P. M.-Footbal! Hiram vs. Otthe Otterbein Love Song. The next in their ro m la t aturday ni ght. terbein. ' day Pro fe sor Grabill wrote the music 6 :00 P . M.-A lumni banq uet. Mr. . Lee wa the ho te ' of the and the so ng wa complete. nnex · ub la t aturday v ning. Mrs. Gr abill is a· grad uate of the Sunday, Nov. 1unday chool. .. rid),., n d er on ,,:...., , an d a f nen • d , I College o f Woost er in the clas of I 9 :00 A. M.1 I0 :15 · M. and 7:00 P. M.-\Vor · f U • 1907. and P rof. Grabill i. an alumnus . ome and T r y ur 01 "Bill" Ru h b y name. o ,11 0 m. . · o f Otterbern. havrng grad uat ed wrth ,. sh ip ervice . Of the Cook ver ity, were gue t h gla of 1900. 6:00 P. M.- . E. H u e boy aturday night. I \' The oldest football ong Otterbein - - - - 0 C---~ •· Bill'' My er and '' Bob" Knigh ha. is a collection of peppy football RALLY pit ed Bill's ca r. filled with ladies, w rd. which were . ung to the t une p , t tb Mu ki11guni game aturday I of " Marching Through eorgia,'' way f . p. W II. l gues ye . and plenty 0 a11d fr m th re they drove Bob'· 1 back in 1899. rt. full ho use. two real cheer · I Tn order to make ome money for lead r ' 1~o~e t -to-goodne s pep and a h m 111 Parker rnrg. . . Bu 11 • f Bar,berton, vi ited the rbyl the Jumor Cla. . a keel crowd. w11lrng to ma k e 1ot of 1101. e, . . a ll th1 wa man·r f G I e. t at t11e rally la t Pro . rabrll to write a ne\\' football Tl m e of hi 11 ong. J. Warren yer, a holder of a co:~r day !ght. And w ha more Thd be d tr d? . half-mi l record , wrote the word for nd a numb r of people out to the De~L tt· B ~ - " tterbein for Ay ." and Prof Gragame • aturday with hill com1 o eel the mu. ic. which h r~lly Thur day evening n arty equallth e crowd pr . nt at the F r eshthink ha one of th be t melodie F ron Troxel pent th e wee k 11d f any he ha eve r written. ruan B nfire. Th enth u ia m hown thcrh p rove t I1at in .\ hland. wher he attend d a tale t the same tim olan R. Best rif tterbein , :n pit<' unday ·ho I 011v ntion. r lo.· es. ha n t lo t any of her , c mpo ed the words fo r '•Ra.zzl Dazzi Zazzel Zo .'' Within a half,, . m ember · f Lak ta wh I h ur aft r th word. had b< t I v la1Jd Thur d~y _10 act I le11 Pr f. Grabill had omp ed the a i>a ll -bcarer ~ at Harold rfer fun- mu i . The ong ti ll live in the hnton La h. art Es h- popu lar college ong b k· .
l= = = ====~
Rhodes & Baughman
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The 1farching ng. whi h. by i ·, , . . ra l,alph Tm J ,~ and r c ri ht title 1· 11 d " ca e rown Our • Im. th r member of Lakota wh I Lov d Otterb · " . . . ern, \\ a . wntt n 111 attend cl the tuneral w re ayne 1!l I l for a can 1 a· • th • • 1 • , • P rgn 11 e 111ter t of )-far ha. Lawrence :.\f rller. Ka rl Kum - the new athl r fi 11 Th • c. I I e • ng wa J>riut d in ac re 1 r and Johnny H udoc k • v ry e a> rate fold r R. •. Martin, r f. E . W. E. \~hich ontain d many football action ru1d "D ke" Edi r atte nd d pictur and college cene . th fun ral f Harold Pifer in lev When the Gle lub f It the need la.nd Thur. day. of an introduction ong Prcif. pe. _ . ard wr te the word and mu · 1 I n th mith vi ited hi. h me 111 "Here e Come Fr m Otter~:in .~ 1 Bloomdale aturday and unday. The .on ha never been ttng by
Slickers and Collegiate Coats OF ALL KINDS.
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Sec Our New Fall Stock that arc Arriving Daily.
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