VOL. 9.
NOVEMBER 3, 1925.
No: 7.
SCORE 12 TO 12 First Time 0 . C. Has Not Been Out Weighed. Day is Outstanding Hiram Player. Crowd is Average.
Before an average crowd 0i Home comi ng a lu mni the Tan and Card in al pig-s kin t ote rs battled Hiram to a 12 to 12 tie. For the firs t time : his seaon the opposition did not out-weigh the local team. At the beginning of the gam it looked like ( >tterhein would ru n awa.v with the game but by the end of the first q uarter Hiram had (Co ntinued on page six.)
- - - - 0 C-- - SCENIC SECTION OF 1926 SIBYL NOW COMPLETE Pictures of Football Team Being Taken This Afternoon-Freshmen Must Have Photos Taken Soon. lnclividual pictur s of the iootball team and a g-rouJ) picture of the fre . h rnan sq uad arc beiog taken thi after noon o n the ath letic field by th e Baker Art Gallery fo r use in the 1926 ibyl. The scen ic . ection for the yearbook i. now complete. The arran ement of the ccne is unique and ha neve r been u. eel in any c llege a nnual be for . Active wo rk in all departm ent now und r way. The special f ature and the athletic ection pr rnise to b a great deal better than those in any previous ibyl. Wayne V. Ha rsha. editor of the ibyl. urge_ that a ll fre. hmcn who did not ha,·e a ph to tak n for the annual do o at once if th y wi h their pic ture to appea( in the yea r book. It now necc sa ry to vi it the Baker Art Galler y . Rich a nd High street . in lumbu for a si tting. La. t year· photo. of tho e stu dent who did not have n ,,. on taken will be u cl in the ann ual.
NOTICE ! SE NIORS All applications for degrees must • be in the hands of Prof. F . J. Vance, Recorder, not later than Nov. 7, if you are to receive a degree at the annual commencement next June.
Alumnus of Otterbein Will Give Illustrated Address at U . B. Church This Evening. Tonight at the L' nited P.rethren Ch ur ch . Dr. E. J. Pace. class of ·os. and wo rld famed cartoonist, wi ll give his illustrated lecture, "The Law of the Octave in the 'vVorld and th e \,\lo rd of God."' showing some unusu al and highly magnified slides of sno wAake, . l.)i-. Pace ,uustrate, l~i~ me sage with s hort picture st udi e of tbe fi nd in gs of scie nce. f the harmony of 11111,ic. a nd then closes with a proof of th e nerfcct ion of the Scripture. This adrlrcss was the feature of the year at the \,Vi nona Lake Bible Co n ference. Dr. Pace is on hi s way to J71orida. where he i· solidly hoo ked for Bible conference. until ne ·t Jun e, a nrl ,..-ill he in W cstervillc one night only. The m ee ting will ope n at 7 :30 p. 111 . and admission is fre e.
- - - - 0 C- - - MACD OW ELL COMPANY WEDNESDAY EVENING Second Number of Citizen's Lyceum Course to Be Held In College Chapel Wed. at 8:15 p. m . Op ning w ith fou r of Edward Mac D well's 1110 . t popular com po ition "The Brook." "To a Wild Rose:· "Th e lu mber Song." and " The Hymn to the P il grims"-the MacDowell one rt Party w ill offer a quaiity mu ical pro11:ram on the itizen· lvceum and enterta inm ent s ri e Wednesday evenin g, Jov. 4, at ::I.Ji. And while thei r program is to f a ture Ma.cDowe ll number there w ill be election from "The tuclent I ri nce.'· " Ro Marie' and ther p pular Ii ht opera . elections from o-rancl op r a will include the . oprano aria. " D ea r e t arne" and the ten r aria. "Wo man is Fickle" fr om "Rigoletto" a nd tbe "Goodnight" quart<'t . from "Ma r tha." Tn the • MacDowell party are Lee Borough. tenor: Hilda Mc Millen. op ran o: Alva O st rom. contralto: Ca~s (Contin ued on page seven.)
N oted
Speakers on World Court and Studen t Friendship To Appear.
Speak ers Urge Complete Co-aperation As Basis For a W inning School Spirit . U . S . MARTIN PRESIDES
IJelcgates from the .:en•ral and so uthern colleges. seminaries a nd uni vers ities of Ohio will be prtcsent at th e Conference of the World Court :,ml Student Friendship which "ill b l' held o n the campus :\ overnber 6th. 7th and 8th. Friday aftcrnon will be taken up by the ar ri,·al and the reg-istration of the (k legatcs. l~ e\'C: rend J oel llayden. f ·1eveland . , ·i i ;q ,eak in th c enin al 7:30 in the chaJ,Je l. :Jevin ayre of ew York Ci ty, w ill deli,·er an address in the chapel Sat11rday morning at !) : L.3. .'\ fter thi meeting adjournment will take place 1:11til eve ning when a ban.quet will be give n in the p,Lrl o rs of the U. B. C hur ch. Earl Hoover will pr.: ide at this ha11quet: he· al o has charo-e of J the ticket sale. .\m ong the speakers on th e rrogram will he hrnl Kcy,cr. formerly o f \ Vittenhcrg. who was o n the· tudent pil«rimagc for tudent Friend hip to Europ this sum mer. Mis, l<uth Thoma . of hio \ Veslcyan, al o a memb er of the pilgTimage. will g ive a n add re • On u11day morning. Mr. ~onrad H ffman. from Ge neva, witzerland, will deliver a l'cture. Mr. Hoffman is the Eur pean Director of th e f-"riend ·hip Fund. J udg.e Florence lien. t l1 e Supr eme Co urt of hio wil l ·p ak in the aftcrno n in the chap I. ver one huncfred and fifty dele gate are e ' pected to attend thi con vention which will begin prop r o n f-riday afternoo n.
---0 C- -ENTHUSIASTIC PEP RALLY INITIATES DAY'S EVENTS .'\t 10:30 la t aturclay morninoabout 500 tudent and alumni gather ed in the chapel f r a round of chee r . tunt a nd peeche . The Fre hm en presented a tunt that re o lv cl it elf into " Ga th erin g of the Nllt ." Tho e who poke were Huold Ander on. '24. Dr. P. H. Kil bourne. ·02. Prof. R. I'. Marl in and Pre . Clippinger.
Irw in Le ibcap, '09, Mrs. E. L . P orter, '06, W . D . Kring, '07, " Coach," " Bozo," and Prexy Speak. ~l o re than 400 alum11i . gu ·st and stude nts gathered in the basement of the U. B. church Saturday eve ning in the a1tn1tal home -coming banquet. Th e spirit of ,o-opc rati o u \\·as µrcvaknt. l ' . .s. .\lar t111 · . 'H2 . o f D ay to n, in th capacity of t a · t111aster, \\'aS well chos n as he intr ducecl ca ·h spea ker in a ddibe r ate. characteri tic manner. He spo ke concerning tterbC'in alum ni and student relations. Irwin Lcibcap . '09. of Day t 11 , was called upo n and sized up the ath l tic situatio11 fr om the alumni° ~tand1 int. He pointed to the fact that tt erbei n is suffering from the la ·k of fi na 11ci2l support in her program. H re a il ed the ne ed of a new gy mnasium to Lhe gathering. showing that it is necessary to progress and th e making of a hig ger Otterbein. Mr. Leibcap is Pre ;_ dent of the Alumna! Athl tic lub and is worki ng dilio- ntly for th a lvancemcnt of tterhein in athletic ·. ntinued on Pag Tw
DEBATE SQUAD ROUNDING INTO SHAPE FOR SEASON First Debate Comes With Capital U. On Dec. 14. Final Selections Of Squad Not Made. The debate quad i ing into hape for 1!)25-26. The ca e are he inning to form in a m isfactbry mann r . Th pirit m en is very g od and a year i e ·pected_ The fir t regular d hate is b with a1J ita l niver ity on Dec. 14. Each ch o l will have two t am Th final election for po iti n on the team have not b en mad but the m n a r e working on th l\ o ide a follow . : affirmative, Miller. Laukhuff. Knight. Harrold . icldal. On the negative. Fletcher, La Po rte, A mold. Martin and Berger.
T\\'o THE TAN AN D ~!:'age=========================
F ive Day School G'. ving W ide Choice Of Courses Is Open to Students. Meet In Evening.
anct one short stor y in the curren t issue of the m agazi ne. Camp is now I1 taking graduate work in botany at In the ·:o h_i o State Ca ndle ,'' a lit- Oh io State. ,, I 11 th e next issue of ''The Ca ndle entry publication put o ut by students I at Ohio State U niversity, Otterb ein a poem \\'ill he printed which has st uden ts arc well rcp res ent.:!d . Mis been written hi)· Miss Jean Turne~, Thelma Snyder. a junior in Otterbein, a \ •v "esterv,.ll e g'irl. .-~l'i Turner ts 1 ss has. .print ed in th e magazine a des- r ei) r cse " iitecl ·111 tli e Stratford Anthocnpt,ve S ., s ketch call ed " \ Villoughhy logy of .·\n1 cr1· ca 11 College Ve:rse for trect. 192-1-2 ., . \Vendel Camp, who was graduated \ 111 la I year' class. has two poems
Facult y Charters P hilota Club With Prof. l\li.i,ls As Sponsor. H as Sixteen Charter Members.
A ne\\' men's club \\'as added to 0tThe \\' c;; tcrvillc Standard Train- ' ter bein's seve n clubs last Monday k , c,·en111g . ing School for · unday Schoo I \i\ . or·w 11en the facuit y all owed th s: ers " ·ill open 1\1 onday night, C'Jov ~- .chartering of the Philota club. The •-r1 · · , 1c mcct111g, " ''·11 I,e I1e 11c ·111 ti1e ae\\' group I1as fo r Its sµonsur p ro1[cthndist Church and \\'ill close Fri- i<;,;,;or Mills. da~· nig-ht. :\'o,·. 1:-l. 1 The l'hilota have Joe Yohn fo r their I The .school i, being co nducted in pres ident and Cusic. Keller, Hampaccord with the stancla'.·ds of th e shi r e. Hetzler, :\'ichol · , Rife. Botdorf. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Internatio nal Council ol Rel ig ious Rob y. Morton , \ Vilson, Osbo rne . .1 :;================:::\ Education. Students upon complet ion l\orrer. Greuser. Berger awl Hick s ' of the course will receive cred;t from I ar c char ter member of the orga niza th ci r respective denominational b~ard s tion. .\ group of al umni associa te I as weU as from th e lnternat,onal of tlw,c men are to h.:: initi3ted t o I Cou nr1l. Each e,·e11111g the classes memhcrsh,p as a' omnal munbers. meet. the fi rst class from 7 :00 to 7 :50, Those present at th e cluh' fir t · then a chapel assemb ly of thirty-five gct-to-gct her were Paul and Henry ! minutes. followed by a class ession Da,·id on. '24 and ' 25, Gordon Lin fr om :< :2.; until 9: 1.'\ o'rlock. co in. ·2:1. Joe Mayne. ·2 .;, Pa1;I Straus : , The faculty of the school is as fol- ·2.,. and Earl Kearns. ·2.;. lows: D ea n. Supt .. J. E. \V ay, of \V es· I The new club has taken up q uarters tcn·ilk: Registrar. Boyd P. Doty, of \ for meeting at I.JS \,\' est H ome st r eet. l. \\'cste rvill e: Teachers. f-red D. Cart- - - - 0 C ____ wright. of Columbu s, Dr. Jonathan B. \ PRO F . SCHEAR LECTURES i Hawk of Cincinna ti . Prof. E . M. TO JOINT y MEETING Hursh. of Westerville. W. D . Kring. of Columbu , Dr. Cecil D. Sm ith, oi I First of a Series of Lectures on Re Cincinnati, and Rev. J. A. Ve rburg, laf on of Science and Religion De of Columbu . I livered to Large Gathering. Classes are being cond ucted for the study of Bible . O ld Testament Jntro- 1 There was a joi nt m eet ing of Y. M. cluction. The Principle. of Teach111g, 1 C. .\. and Y. \\' . C. A. Tuesday night I 'Pageantry and Dramatic in Religious I in the "Y" parlors of the . s. ocia tio n I Edu ation. Organization and . dmini • building which wa not large enough I tration of Religious Education, and by far for the unu ually great number Yo rng 1: e pl 's Work. • of .-wdent, and fa cul y which at---- 0 C ---tended. QU IZ AND QUILL EDITS \ Profes or Schear delivered the first PRE-XMAS MAGAZINE o f his series of lect ures on the rela ·tion of r eligio n and scie nce. The Definite Plans M ade and Organization topic of thi fi rst add r e was "The Perfected For Xmas Ed ~tion. Reg Dynamic Univer e" and hi pur pose ular Number to Appear in Spring. , was t o establish a foundation for hi I fo llo\\'ing lecture . The lecture wa At a meeting of Quiz and Quill exceedingly interesting and the eries ' Cluh. which wa held la t Wedne da y will pro\'e very beneficial and help evcning. definite plan were gotten ful to the st udent Be ur e not to under way for the first numb er of mi them. Qui z and Quill magazine which will ____ O C - - - app ar hortly before Chri. tmas. lice BANQUETERS FILL anders i the editor of thi number , CHURCH PARL ORS , which w ill contain production of ' Quiz and Quill members only. ontinued from Page One) Ernestine ichols and Ro½ert CavMrs. E. L. Porter, '06, president of I in w re elected as the a istants to O tt erbein Women's lub. spoke. he I Jean Turner who is th e husine. s man- re pre ented well thi s ladie organiza ag<'r. Laura Whetstone will be the , tion \ hich has heen doing many things a_ istant editor. . I fo~ Otterb ein .. W .. D. Kring! . '07, Jo eph B. Henry and Edward H. spoke. and agam v01ced the pmt of I Hammon were elected a new mem - 1 co-operation. H andy for quick use. These wonderful tablets have proven h rs of the Club. I "Bozo" Richter, football captain, themselves wonderful to thous Two i µe of Quiz and Quill mag- spoke for th team . oach M. A. \ 1 azine wi ll be publi hed this year, the Ditmer wa the next speaker and he .ands of our valued customers. fir t to appear before Ch~i tmas and left the impre ion• of being a real ~or ~our protection the formula the second to be publi hed next man r ady to do anything fo r the is pnnted on the box. No as spring. The second number will con- college. pi.nn or acetaneled. you can tain the winn in g Barne ' short- tory, Pre ident C ippinger wa the last ta~e them safely, even for small th winning declamation in the Russt'll peaker and he replied to former \ c_h1ldren and know you are get- . D clamation contest, and the college ' peeche with the intention of bui ldting the best that money will orator'. oration . \ i_ng a pirit that woud w in. buy. Keep a box handy at - - - 0 C-----0 C--I home. Carry one in your vest pocket. CHAUCER CLUB NOTICE ! SENIORS ! The meeting of the Chaucer Oub wa po tponed until Tue day, ovem November 30 has been set as the ber 11th because of the fact that Prof. deadline for Senior photo taking by Ro clot, who had con ented to lec the Montrose Studio. Absolutely no ture on Anatole France. wa unable P_ic~es w ill be accepted for publica to appear. Prof. Ro elot will give ~1on m next year's Sibyl if the photo Where Everybody Goes the lecture at the next meeting. 1s made after November 30.
The Best "Buy" Of The Season
It's Snappy!
11 throug h th e e fall rain and now flurrie m ure yo ur elf against col l and g rippe by keeping
KIBLER Collegiate Fall Suits - designed along the exact lin es 110\\' favored hy tu dents in all th e leading col leges. -skillfull y tail o red fro111 ·pecially cho. en lo ng-wea r ing fabri c .
Values At Om· Lm, Price-~ U11 eq_11,alleil Et.,("11J /1 ere
In The Oity
PE LR Laxative Co ld Breaker
Extra Pant ,
The price is only 25c
P.agc Th.r ec
Gradua tes
First Get-together at Home of the
Todd 's
spective Class Reunions. Many Register. The weatherman ti nall y came through with a beautiful day and mack possible the prope r celebration oi th e biggest a nd best eve r Home com ing. Man y old -t im ers we re back, posibly numbering fo ur hundred. The Chris tian :\ s ociat io ns attempted t o get a r egistra ti o n of th e al umni who atte nd ed but cert ai nly it is not com plete. The r egiste r show one hu n dred and lifty s ig natures but m a ny there were many who e names do n ot appear. l t wa s a gr ea t occasion. O ld ac quaintance hip s ren ewed and many new ones mad e. Th e spi rit of Otter bein was high, carry in g thro ug h fr om t he rall y in th e m o rning to t he ban quet in th e eve ning. The fact that the bes t footba ll team co uld ge t was an eve n break with Hiram did not keep th e fighting, loyal spi r i~ of th e crowd in check. The young er ge nerations were very much in ev idence and certainly it i t o be expectel that they ente r heartil y into th e Home-coming event<. One of th e v r y nice litle affairs ~hat we not iced was the small reunion· of the 1 ca of ' 7 M r. VI/. \ •V. Ferrier, of Be k 1 · d h e · r e ey, a lifornia. was h ere a n t oge ther with Mrs. S. ,.,._, , Kei ter and Dr. T. J. and ers r eprese nted the cla s of '7 . To 1Jr. an d :r-,,] rs . Fe rrier gee th e ho no r of havin g tra veled the longest di ta nce to attend the H o m e-coming. 1'h e class of '7 did pretty well o far a number are concerned and we Were iu t abo ut to ~ay that th y were the lei o e t cla r epresented, but • \ V. Kei ter r epresented the class of '77 and Sarah Jane Winter the class of '72. The Otterbein soirit 2 live and bu rnin g in the hearts or' the e alumni furni h ed a splendid impetus to the whole Home-coming occa ion . Judge U. . Martin of the cla s of ' 92 , wa the toa tma ter at the ammal banquet. He added much to the fea t with hi ready wit and fund of to rie . Tt was splendid to ee the old and Yo un g 11 11 enthus ia ti c abo ut the fu tu re ucce ss of the college th ey love. T here were ever a l p re ent for the Rome-coming in ce their grad uat io n. A fine start made thi yea r that · hould be continued. D o n't get the habit of . taying away-b tter the h abit f comi ng.
Thirteen Members on O fficers
The Yale-Otterbein Club had its fi rs t get-toge th er o n the. eve n111g of October 27th. Mr. a nd Mrs. J. 0. Todd wer e ho st and hos te ss. Otter bein s pirit ra n high fr o m the fi r t g limpse which the cro wd h ad of the Otterbein ba nn er hangin g 0 11 th e fr ont doo r. A t the pre ent time there ?.re thirte en m embe rs o f th e club. name ly: Mr. a nd M rs. J. 0. Todd, ' 16; Mr. a nd Mrs. V ern on Phillip , ' J 7, '17; Mr. and Mr . John ch utz , '23, '23;
P R ES. !-\. T. H O V\.A RD The member of th e A lumni Co un cil we are presenting thi s week rea ll y does not need an introducti on t o the a r e ~bo win g him to yo u and telling yo u that he is a member of the governing body of the associatio n . P r es ident A. T. Howard, '94, former b ish op of the church and now pres ident o f Boneb rake Seminary i one o f th e m os t consistent boosters ainong t he followers of Otterbein Coll ege. He has been a trustee of the college fo r a numb er of years, and tr.e devotion that he has manifested a3 a tru stee, he now places behind th e new
program of th e alumni. In ad dition to the plendid service Pr es id ent Howard has re ndered Ot terbein. the servi ce he ha_s given the denominat io n ha s been o ut standing. .-\ft e,· hi s graduation, h e, with Mrs. H owa rd. went to Japan a r epresen tati ves of the chu rch th ere. Since they i',rst ent er ed the miss ionary se r vice th ey have given th emselves whole-hearted ly to the work of the ch ur ch in vario us capacit ies. each new po. ition carrying g reate r r e ponsibi lity than the one pr ecededin g it. Bes t of all Dr. H o ward is a frie nd to eve ry stude nt and a lumnu s of Ot terbein.
terville la t week to attend the funer-
a lumni
Otter bein
Ju an . . Rivera , of San Fe rnand o. a l o f her sister, Mrs. A. L. Billheimer,
Phi liJJJJin e Island., wa
recentl y elec t- of
eel a m enib er o f the Provin cial Boa rd here Mrs. Collier was the g ue t of of U ni o n P rovince in the Philippin es. Mr · France M. Flickinge r on orth The board consi t of the provincial Vine treet.
go vern o r and two other m embers and '07. Mrs. E. M . Hur h (Ma ry Lamthese th ree men will control th e busi- be rt ) of Wes terville delivered the ness o f Union P r ovince for th e next V·oman 's Day add r ess on the la t three yea rs. Sunday in Oc to ber for th e Woman's Mi sionary ociety a t Barberton, ' 13, ' 12. Mr. a nd Mr . VVarren H · Oh io, in th e m o rning and at Akron, H aye , who r eturned laS t pring from Ohio, in th e evening. mi ssion work in Japan, are now li ving in Bradd oc k. Pe nn sylvania , where Mr. ' 72. Mr . L. R. Harford (Li llie Res Hayes is pa to r of th e nited B ret h- ler), who pent the ummer at her ren Church. The congregation gave summ er home n Madeline I land, them a reception the middle of Octo- \Viscon in , left la t week f r Omaha, ber, welcoming th em to that comrnuneb ra ka , where he will pend the ity. w inter. harl e Pilkingto n '23. Ha rold M. Freeman of We ter '93. Mr . vi ll e, lieutenant in th e national g uard. (Ma ud B rad ri ck ) wa elected pre ident is rec vering at hi hom e from injur of th e We tervill e F ede ration of 'vVome n's lub s at t heir quarterly ie · r eceived a week and a ha lf ag when he wa truck by an a utom obile m eeting in October. on t he Three C Highway outh of '96. W . Ray chrock dropped in the tow n while the company was dri llin . alum ni office thi week to ca ll. He '07 . \Vatter D. Kring, director of re- left knowing a little more about th e li giou ed ucation of the Broad treet work and we apprecia ted hi v i it. , . p res b yte n·an hurch . tolu mbu . h 10, , . t . t li e 83. Mr.. J ess ie Thompson Bogle will be o ne of the iD rue ors 111 ---0 C-- ch ol for unday chool mourns the l?s · of h r husband, . L. Trai nin g . W t ' Ile Bog le who died ctobe r 29th at th eir N ote of Appreciation. Teacher to be held 111 es erV1 • . _1 _ He ill teach · a hem in Yellow prings, Ohio. , each Ditrner want to thank the 3 111 a nd admi nMr. Bogle was o ut sta ndin g in his lllbe r of the Yal e-Otterbein C lu b November cou r e on the organ izat i 11 commumty an d we exte nd ou r ·ymfo r their good wi hes r eceived by istration of the c hur ch . c I100 I. ~,a thy to Mrs. Bogle and the communtelegram just before the game. . C. Collier ( Lizzie Han- 1ty in the lo s of such a di tingui hed '72. Mr ---0 C-- by) of Ra ,·e nna , Ohio, wa m , Ves - hu. band a nd valuable citizen . Wallop Baldwin-Wallace !
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruskin Howe, '23, '24; Hui Chen o-. '23, a nd W a rren Coga n, ex '24. Th e offi cers for the coming year were elected as fo llo ws: P r e ident, Mi lton ,Czatt ; Vice Pres., J. 0 . Todd; Sec-Treas., Mary Eizabeth Howe. "One of the men in th e University sa id yesterday, 'I never heard of Ot terb ein before I came here but it cer tainly has th e m ost loyal crowd I ever aw.' c feel that i a good r ep utation to have. Everyone i happy and eem s to be enjoyin g the work." Th e above quoted letter i igned by the ecreta ry. It isn't very often that an Otterb ein crowd organizes without being asked to do iL This unu ua l crowd certainly has the en thu ia m that we would likP. every gro up to catch.
----0 Class of 1947. We are enrolli ng today in t he clas of 1947, Joh n elso n Clym er, son of Mr. and Mr . Tr vin Clymer, 09, of Chicago, Ill . John' father belonged to the cla s of '09. and he say . that i John ay . he is going to cau e a tir bigger t han ev n hi dad mad e when he ar rive o n th e campu in the fall of 43. R eport ha ve it that J o hn el on has unu uall y laro-e hand . Vl/e pre dict that he i going to b e a forward pa in o- halfbac k o n the Big T an team. Wh at el are big hand for? Congratu latien to the L ot o f luck J o hnni e (t hat' ga ng w ill call him .)
Clym ers. w hat th e
---0 Save T his D ate M • rs. E. L. P •,rter, 'OG, a nmrnnc,, · the regular meeti ng of the Otterbein W , oman !uh of Colum bu . to be held Novemb r H . at the home of [i 1argaret Hil. lh ouse, 73 Ea st L a ne Ave., Columbus, at 2:30 p. m . The a t t ntion of m ember a 11 d friend is ca ll ed to thi ann ouncement. ---- O
W allop Baldwin-W allace!
Page ·Four
their necessary rest! Let's boo t and cheer, and lift! Please pardon the expre sio n. but it tak es ··gµt ·• to play footbal l. D o you Published weekly in the interest O tterbein by the of have enough of them to fight with th e OTTERBEIN LITERARY team to t he very end, S OCIETIES \V e have one task! Westerville, Ohio M ember of the Ohio College Press Come on gang. Let's ·go ! Association.
Bargains in floor. bridge and bou doir lamp s at J o Imson F urni·t ur e Co.,
I dianaCentral College had it first !"J ome-comin g Oct. 24 - ·Amo ng th e 15 .1\. ente rtainme nts pla nn ed for the day were open house in all th e do rmitories Friday night, a nd a pancake fry Sat11rday morning for everybody.
tale St.-Aclv.
---- 0 C----
0 C---
The Y Conference. Basket ·reed at J ohn ons, 15 North The latter part oi th is week Otter- I State treet.-Adv. ;26 1 be111 college wi ll have the rare privi27 I lege of bei ng hostes to a hundred or ,26 ! more repre entatives of seve ral O hio . f ac1·1·1t1 .es o f I1ous'26 1 colleges. L.muted ;26 1 ing keep O tterbe in fro m having more • • 27 gat heri ng of such. a nat ure. ,28
son College was developed at ihe same meeti ng.
Editor-in-Chief ............ ]._ B. Henry, Assistant Editor .... D. E. Har rold, Contributing Editors-d G Ila her \,VanLenore a a Smith, g , · Paul ine Knepp, Wayne Howa Harsha, F lorence rd, B usiness Manager ·· · ,,. · . W .~ Myers ' '26 ;' ·One pu ·rpose fof th e cent ral theme of G'rocer1·es and Meats this 111eet111g o the representati ves o{ A 5515 · t t Business Manage rsan Marcus Schear, '27 the vario us colleges, and that i the 28 Ross Mi ller, ' 28 conside ration oi the entrance of the opuJar W e carry the moS t P T he Athletic 1:,ouie Norris, ', L' nitcd States into the World Cou rt. A ssistant Editor At hl eti·:······ c Editor-. style, quality, a ndMfit~esWear-27 Harry Widdoes, The student confere11ce at Otterbein Pride of Young ens Circulation Manager. , The Educator. d Shoes Margaret Widdoes, 26 i · one of app roxima tely fifty being Black and Tan. Dress Oxfords an As i tant Ci rculation Managers-h '27 held throughout the land before o$3.98 to $8.00 Ruth Hurs , DAN CROCE M. Wilson, '28 vember 15. The Co unci l of Cbri tian Alulnna l E ditor , .\ssoda<ions is sponsming ,,. camWestmill•, - ~ H. W. Troop, 23 paign, which ajm ·'to create a united 0 Alma Guitner, '97 Cochran Hall Editorh '26 and active st udent opi nion favorable - ;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::-~:-:--:---- - - - - - - -- - - - - -~=~;-; ~ Florence Rauc , S to the immediate entrance of the J!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 Local Editor ············ John L ehman, '27" Uni<ed in<o <he Wodd Cou«,• §! ~( Exchange Editorand tha t it " be only the first step to- : ~ S Ernestine Nicho ls, '27. ward the con tinuous influence of an : S inte lligen t and active t udent o pinion ~ S Ad dress all communicati_ons to The on all matters of international con- : Otterbein Tan and C~rdmal,. 103 W. College Ave., W_esterv1lle, Ohio. '"~;:; <imeliness of <hm confmnces Subscription pnce, $2.00 Per Year, i realized when we know tha t De- f S payable in advance. cember 17 ma r ks the opening of the I§ debate in the Senate on merica' · : S Entered a ecood class matter September 25, 1917, a t the postoffice entrance intp the ., orld ourL arcLe.n .k le Besides the \'isiting student~ there § at Westerville, 0., under act of March 3, 1879. .. · 1 will be everal speake r , internation - : Acceptance for mailing a t spec1a rate of postage provided for in ?ec. ll y in minded broad vi ioned, to ~=<he diand ·cussions. C 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authonzed ale,d A p ril 7, 1919. Thi . . then. will be our real oppor- I
Phone 65
1 'l
cottage TH£ Restauran't
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& lli
S ~ S
EDITORIALS We Have O ne Tas k. a college. athleticall y speaki ng. we have come to the place where we tterbein mu t get have o ne j b. ut of the cellar m Ohio Conference football tanding. cnance wa lo t It b gan at tne ral ly. aturclay. "\,\ h r were you- alumni, tudent? It continued at the ame. \Vhen about twenty-five p r cent of the bl acherite y lied on ly about ten p r cen t of the tirne. it i time that they hav on inoculation f pep vi ru into th ir y tern . I i · po r p licy to jud n by the noi e he make . but th er come . a hme when loyalty de :fie ilenc . Thi time fo r crabbing, rowli"ng, cu in"', condemn ing. or ma.king a libi ,-we have a ta k.
tunity to lea morethe of real a living, vital IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111 =ss ue. and to rnprove Ottei:bein spir it of friendlines .
----0 C--An Opportunity. Ou r de ir.c is to call your pecia l a tt ention to the \,Ye terv ill e Train ing School for unclay School \York er to be held in the Fi rst Met ho di st Epi:copal chu rch V. esterville, , Xovember -13.
THE UNION " The Home of Quality "
The chool is interdenominational. ' On the faculty are men who repreent the be t thought in their fie ld . T he co urse provide a wide choice of subject matter. Tuition at ,, LOO i more than a ou ncl inve tmcnt. One cour e unit of credit toward the tandard T rarning Diploma i worth ix evening of you r time. We recomm nd that you inv ti gate thi fu rther and enroll if at all po ible. \: e ugge t also that the college facu lty be mindful of the T hat footba ll team mu t be atura fact that many tu dent are inter t d wi h a fig-ht ing pirit that will be ed in tb i work and will aJ> precia e on top very m 111 nt f play t the ome con ideration in a ignment ,. ry end. To d
clul !
------------------------- For hosiery satisfaction we suggest ''Gotham Gold Stripe !''
----0 C----
Silk - to - top. g oo<I ·~- 011 . ' vith c h1t1 . - 1·1 1e f ou t · 111 service
that, th re mu t be c 11 en LIST'NIN• IN ta k with very11 w chemi try hui lding Let' clo e very wee k with a real to be erect cl 0 11 the D ni
av The tud nt ach Ditmer o I Let's g t dancing in th lin refu d fo r uring pra he team with m b ard of tr u tee plan for the ct at tl~e boardi1 help the fellow to get financing of the
petition to p .rmit nive r ity of D ni. on the pre ent hy the a t th eir fall m tin g. reorganization and ocial life in , hepa rd -
the popular ings : g u n m biege, gravel, fie h French ' a nd black.
color e t ~ I, grain .
Page Five
==================~~~ GLEE CLUB M E N CHOS E N
Numb er o f In te resting Ev ents Promistd for Junior En :erta inment.
\\ "ere ·,·bu cn· r al a 1\-Cddi n g wher e
East Clevela nd, O hio. October 29. 1925. 1 The Stud e nts of Otterbein College, \,\T es ten·ille. Ohio. I) ca r 1-- ncn< • Is: \\"e wi~h to exp ress our apprecia 1 tio n ior your kind 11-ords of sympathy in th is t im e of o ur g reat sor r ow. incerelv vours, Mr. and ~fr,. Pi.fe~ a nd D au g hters.
th~ b ri de. ,"·or~ tcnni~ ne~ _as her bndal 1e1l. I~ ~o u nc , er ha , e been an opport unit y 11·ili h<.: g iv e n you to cc a s id e-sp lit ting- ·· :\ thletic Marnage" a t the Juni o r Fall Frolic which will be he ld in the chape l. M o nd ay I e ve ning. /\ovemb e r 16. T here will a lso be a n abundance o f ot her va ud e,·ill e features presented , on the same p r ogram . Ernes tin e Nichols has cha rge of the mammoth produ ct io n wh ic h th e Juni o r s will stage.
I 1·
- - - - - - -- --
T !,e o r ganizat ion of th e Ot terbein Gle e
co mpl e ted
w ith
a ddit ion "i clc,·en ne w men. T h e new mc :1 were picked from li fty cand 1dat e~ 11 ho tn ed o ut fo r pla ces. Th e new men are S t u rm and Roby. fi r , t teno r,: Zimmerman . Rohrer. Tho111 ·,,on. Hoffman. ti r. t ha,ses: Ca lch,·ell. .\1 urn ma. l'o uh o n, second
Bo tdori. second te nors : O s borne . basses. This number in creases the enro ll:r. cnt o f th e club to thirty-one. ·1 h e :>ra ·, , q :,ar , ct that was a iea t u rc o f las t y ea r· ., program wi ll be comin ued t hi s y ear. Jc,hn Hu dock 1 11il l t.· k c th<: 1·ac,111t place 111 this qu a rt e t. J. R. H oo v<: r . man ager of t he club is ha rd at w c r k making e n ga gements. I H e m a k e ., tlt c , tat en1t, nt that th e o ut ko k i, 1-e r y b r igh t.
- --
- - - 0 C--- Body
of Mrs. Billheimer Finds Last Resting
The fu neral services for Mrs. A. L . Billheimer were held at the F irst United B r et h r en churcha t two o' clock W e<ln c:sd a y afternoon. Interm e nt was made in Otterbei n cemeter y The hody of Mrs. Bi llh eimer was brought to \\ 'es t ervill e from B irmin g ham , Alabama. w h ere h e di ed October 24, at the ho m e of he r daughter.
- - --0 C-- - CALENDAR Tuesday , Nov. 3Election day. Vote. r; ::rn p. m.-Prof. Schear le ctur e5 at Y. 7:30 p. m.-E. J. Pace, lecture at l·. B. ch urch.
Wednesday , Nov. 48 :1 ,; p. 111.-MacDowell o n cert Party in Coll ege Ch ap el. Thursday, Nov. 5-6 :15 p. m.-Cleiorhetea. !i :30 p. m.-P hil a lethea. 8 :00 p. m.-Rally. Friday, Nov. 66:15 p. 111 .-Phil oph r onea. 6:30 p. m.-Phi lomat h ea . Sat urday, Nov. 72:00 p. 111.- Footba ll. Otterb ein vs. Baldwin-Wa ll ace. Monday, Nov. 16Junior Fall Frolic. Tuesday , Nov. 17D r . George Lackland lect ure ·. ---OC-- MAKE YOURSELF AGREEABLE Judge E lbert H. Ga ry of Jew York City, President of The United State tee! Corp o ration , -ept. 21, 1925, delivered a mo t en lightening and p rofitab le ad dre s on " The cience o f Bu ine s.." From time to time. th Tan and Cardinal will print exerpts from t his addre which it i hoped will J) ro,·e hel pful to the tu dent of the co llege. Judge Gary ay that if one wi ~es to ucceed. ·'He . ho uld at the out e t d terminc in what way he can popu lariz e him se lf o r his b,u. in es ; how he can mak him se lf agr eea ble and appr achablc to those w ith whom h t c m e into bus in es contact. " If ne is ee kin g cu tomers in a n y de1)artment of human a ctivitie , one hould do e 1·eryt hin g rea~onable to at tract attention and then s uppl y what is wanted . To do this. o n e houl d ad op t and conscie nti o u sly apply cer ta in tandard o f propriety."
In ~ isolat ed region, almost in a ccessible in winter, this 6500 h.p. hydro-electric p lant locate d on the D eerfield River in N ew E n gland, starts, p rotects, and stops itself.
A Self-Starting Power Plant Dawn- the slumbering city awakens and cal s for electric current. Many miles away the call is answered. A penstock opens automatically, relea~ ing impounded waters; a water turbine goes to work, driving a generator; and electric current is soon flowing through wires over the many miles to the city. This plant starts and runs itself.
The G eneral E lectric Company bas developed generating and transm itting equi pment step by st ep wit h the demand ~or electricpo wer. Alreadyelectnc ity at 220,000 volts is trans mitted over a distance of 270 miles. And G-E engineers , ever looking for w ard, are now e xperim en ti n g wit h voltages exceeding a million. A n ew seri es o f G -E a d vertise men ts showing w h a t electricity is doin g in m a n y fields w ill b e s e nt on r e qu est. A s k for bookl et GEK -1.
Power plants with automatic control are now installed on isolated mountain streams. Starting and stopping, generating to a set capacity, shut ting down for hot bearings and windings, gauging available water supply, they run themselves with uncanny precision. Thus another milestone has been reached in the generation of electric power. And with present-day achievements in power transmission, electricity generated anywhere may be applied everywhere. The non-technical graduate need not know where electricity comes from- nor even how it works. But he should know what electricity can do for him no matter what vocation he selects. 3- l OIJH
AND C·A:R D I N A L · · The Way They Lined Up.
0 . C. 12
Hiram 12
/vi ichac l. H iram-~1eyc rs lSllb titutc fo r Th o ma, ) Day. Rde r cl'- T ow n. of Bates. L· mpirc- Dunlap. oi D enison . . H ea d cs man- l>ifer. of Denison. - -- - Cl C -
:.1ill er ........... ..... L. E ........... C. Ryd er 1 Felt on ................ L. T . ............ Thomas , Cava naugh .... .... L. G . .. .............. Beitz i Sc hea r ........ .......... C. .................... Toib y F"til l line of recd for b as k et wet!v, C ra wford ............ R. G. ............ Mansell 15 ~Richter .Cap t . .. R. T . ............ .. Stofan ing at Johnson Furniture Co., l{c:i g le ················ R. E........... D . Ryd er tat c strect .-.'\ ch ·. HIRAM GA ME WAS navely .............. Q. H . ............ .. Kelk er I - ---OC· A SLUGGISH TIE Caroll ···· ·············· L. H. .......... Fa ulkner Wallop Baldwin-Wallace! Widd oes .... .......... R. H ......... Faulkner ( Con tinu ed from page one.) ~f chae l ........ F. B . ...... .. Capt. Da y ~o tl o: n on her fee t a nd from then on it T o uchd ow ns-O. 11 M 11·as a neck and ne ck affa:r. Aft er r,·cc i,·in g the kick -off. 1-liram tri ed t o ' See S,mpJ,s fro ~ " . . ,.
\:ext Sa turda y an entirely new foe invades th e Otterbein grid ca mp in th l· person of Raldwin- \,Vallace. O t tcrlwin has not played Badwin-\Val lacl' for several years. hen ce it is diiji cult t o predict just what will be th e buck the li ne but co ul d not ga in , so • for af Herc is a real opportunity r es ult of the encounter slated for thi s she punted to S navc:lv. who returned club of fellows or a number 0 0 Saturrav. 1' 11t1s rar th'1s sea, c n n alcl - th e hall to Hiram ·, :12· .,·ard Jin~. Then I friend s to room and eat to· ~,·in-V\',;llacc has met with onlp fair hy a series of buck s and end n>ns, th ~ , ge ther in t he same house. Very 1 suc cess . Th ey downed th e niv er sity ha ll was placed o n the r. vard line, Before ordering Class and Social · of . \ kron last Saturda~· a n(( 1-1 iram where :.fcMich aels fumbled. gi,·ing the reasonable rates. We will be th wo:ek before. Keny o n. C;1se a nd ball to Hiram. Failing to gain, Hiram glad t o talk over the proposition Group Pins. Oberli n however ha,·c bea ten them. again punted t o na,·eI::. who returned with you. They will ha ve th e advantage ot th e ha ll to Hiram's 20 yard line beof Philophroncan Keys. Makers • 1 · ho"·e ,·er a fore being do wned. From there 011 ,ve1g-1t ove r -O~t ,' l er b e111, 77 W . MAIN ST. ome the 0. C. gar,g co uld no t he stopped · t be exi1 ected l goo( ga m e 1s o · .1 1 · j l lth d ff h (Near the College) of th ~ir m en have played for four I ~nt, t 1ey P1owec1 over_ Hiram's goal an ig Columbus, 0 . yea rs since they hav e bee n in t he O hi o; line for th e fi r st toucndown of t~1e , - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - . _.d Thev yea r. To Johnn eyCa r oll goe . t he d•s- 1 ---::; f f O11,, t,., 0 ,·ear con ere nee Or I • • • · • • • •• m~~~;;;-;;;;;;;;;:::::::-;:::-;::::-:-::-:------ - - - - - - - - - - - --_-:-:-:11111 are a tea m that resort s to passin g a tl'.1 ct 1on o f mak111g the first tou hclown ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ::: 1 o t the seaso n. FRESHM ES "' · f I . good deal so we may 111 er t a t soml' EN , SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS , ATHLET :: thrills a rc 111 tore for thi s week end. Due to the fact th at the he ir! was a y _ _ __ O C - - - verit ahe sea of mud. neither team was : 0 OU IlOW? :::
SO PH-FR OSH GR ID DER able to g~in much advantage o ver the I COMING NOVEMBER 24 other. Smee th e players . ho f's wer e I : The Students' Hand B 00 k o f p racocal · · ue of covered with mud it wa exceed ingy Hints on the Techmq On Tue day. Nov. 24. th e Fresh- ha rd t o get off a good punt hence the Effecti~~. Study men wi ll meet the Sophomore in punting of both team wa below tan- WILLIAM AL LAN BROOKS : . A GUIDE conta in i_n g- hun dre ds o f practica l httits and s ho rt cuts th eir annual footba ll game. Th e pre- dart!. 1 of lea rning. to ass ist s tude nt in sec uring MAXIM1/~ vVidd oes got away severa l times for cnt Soph om o re s defeated la t yea~·; Sophomores G to ~ last fa ll ;i nd -'~'II s ub s tan ti al gains a ro un d th e H iram fatigue. RESULTS at a 11111 1,mum cos t o f time, energy. an ESPECIALLY RE d be ut to keep th eir slate cl ea n. 1 he I flanks. ave rag in g 5 to 7 yards o n each f.or__o verworked st udent s an _a nd athletes engaged in ext COMM.ENDED l y earling how ever, have t h c ad van-1 attempt. Renner did some clever pa _ _ h o no r st ud nt s wh o are · ra cu.r n cufor umhigh act1v1t1 es a ic nd achievement. for a,-c rage tagc f playing toge ther all ea son ing in spi te of the slippery ha II. In :_ workmg scholast ~nd hes id.cs " ·i ll have some good men t hi ,; depa rtment Otterbein fa r excelled I f 111 t heir lrne-up. The gam9 will prob-. Hira m ome O t e Topics covered abl)· he pla,·cd on a muddy fi eld a nd . t I· cl h H' Scientific Shortcuts in Effectiv D' D . . T · ·ng 1 · 1et unng Athletic rami · u· Th e 0 . C. 111 e o u pave t c ,ram Study. e the ga m e will go to the team that 1. h t ti : p · How to Study Modern Lang I 1e entire game. Most _ rep:inng for Examinations. 1 • 111c t r oug 1o u d. h k f can hold th e ball and can recove r t 1e . Wn_tmg Good Exam1·nat1·ons. ages. o ut stan mg wa t e wor o apta m ure B ball when the o ther team fumble s. R' h d C f d __ ram and Digestion in Rel ation How to Study Science, Literat ' ,1 c ter an raw o r . w110 opened to Study. 0 C ---- - - - LEAD IN holes time after · time fo r Mr.Michae l How to Take etc. SOPHS H LD t . I ti h "B ., . : Not Why Go to College? 1·ng ,roug; . us gained : . es. Lecture and Re ad P E D BALL CO NTESTS o :111as , S E consistently through th;: li ne and =- AdCvantag~s and Disadvantages of After College , W hat? and • 11 h 1ramming. Developing Concentration The Juniors lost their third traight hna Y sco red t e second touchdown I= The Athlete and His Studies. Efficiency. etc., etC• game of peedball M o nday, October o n a delayed buck. in the la. t quar- , : etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., 26. to the Senior. 9-0. It was an ter. ,. . Why You Need This Guide : e en brea k in the fir t half and th e Hiram . cored their fi r t touchdown 1t 1 afe to ay that fa iltir t .d cl the weakf · in the whole ec1uca t1ona . e o _gu1 c and direct stu y is U. o n a bl oc k e d punt f rom the 0. C. 15 :_ point Michigan. period ended o to O. hut the emor 0 1 machme." Prof. G. M. \Vhippl e, came back st rong in the second period yard lin e. Thi was the econd touch ''Th and . cor ed thr ee fi eld goal to win , down that ha been cored again t 1§ Most 0 fe th uc ce ful .men in college do not seem to he very hapPY· canb y y a Ieem , e pec1ally the athlete , a re overwo rked.,. p r o f· H · 9 to O. Penaltie , within coring di - via the blocked punt route . 1'heir : tan ce. co t the Juniors several chance fi nal score came in the third quarter :_ "M isdir~cted labor thou h h . d )' Jead to naught. Am o n th' g _ o ne t and we ll intent,one ma learn to core. There were six Juniors and when one of their lineman recovered : i how to . tud y ~-th moj} nnp orta nt thin g. for the st udent to gell' eight en iors o n th e field. Puddle of a n Otterbein fumble and ran to the § in vain ." Prof· G oSut . nowledge of thi hi s labor may be 1ar · 1 "T• o stud nt· s wh · o · h· wain · M · I · T · water here and ther e on t h e fi e Id ma d e L<> ,·ar d 1·ine I)e £ore h<e in g do1•: ned lw : •. -en · o ften a chas ti se m ent fast playing impossible. apt. Richter. From there 011 the v Ave nev er learnt '' H _o w to Study:· wo rk 1" ~ ;. 1 . l"u t"~ ', l)uckecl 1·t o,·e r. . : tcntm ang al_gelHlat, 0 11 . an d an msuperah le o bstacle to 01 The S op h omore k ep t ti Cll' effort.cnt.'' Prof· A ·. T 1 . arvard. clean by defeating the first year men 0 C- - - - : k th· ul ne h)' Get a good start and 12 to 1 la t Tue day afte rn oon . The 1 " Fight 'Em O tterb ein ." : . ending for thi han d-b k ma e _1s year a highly success£ 0 game wa . the opho mo r e 's tl1rough -y oo a nd guide ·o \ V. F h IO t 1 t of Evide nce of the activit y of the VarOU eed This Intell' t A . t nee
I 1·
= = = =
. .
= =
I -1
~~;· c~~~c:~e the~e h:t~o cor: ~y at-1 tempting long kick at fie ld goal . The ophomor e ha,·e won fo ur games . 0 far, having defeated the Fre hmen t w ice. Game thi week and n ext. ov. 5-Freshmen vs. Junior ov. 9-Freshmen vs. Senic-rs. 12--Sophomore v . Ju nior
§::: • "' :: :: ::
§ § ; ;::
:;. :: ::: ::: .::: "' ::: :::
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::: :; ::: ::
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ity "0'' wa manife ted on th e camp us ~, ··················· ··········~·~ ~~.........S.S lS a again in th e form of the "Fight 'Em ;:: Otterbein" badges. Tl CLIP ::,... American Student Publisher s ::: . 22 West 43rd St., New y o~k. ie proceeds of ~ the sale wi ll be used to buy sweate r § ~ Ge nt lemen: 1 f h AND MAI L o r t e members o f the organization. Pl S 1'··· § Tn add itio n some of the m o ne:% may §_ ea._c send m e a copy of .. H o11· to tut· ::; be T ODAY. f~r which I enclose $1.00 cash: $ 1.1 0 check. § used for watch charms for the I§ . ame ···· ····-·· ....... ::; new letter m en . Addres ········· ···· ········ ....•· ::: ' 111111111111111111111111 ······················· ········································. 1111111 11111 111111_11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Page Seve n
D·CII\TIDN L;: st \f o nda ,. e venin o- th e Green wich club <.'. llt ~rt a in c-d : n um be r of frit·nds at a hamb urg fry in the ho me nf .\ ice Pro pst. I :\1 r . and Mr ,. 1-: cplc r an d Yiol et a nd .\ hc-na Co n,·i11 spe nt the week <:IHI with Ethel K ep ler .
11rs. O wen a nd Mrs. Snyde r , of Dayton, Yi ,·s it ed Ch a rl o tte a,;d F r eda 1 his week end.
The sess ion at P hil a lethea, Thurs0 11 Sa turd ay eve nin g the Arbutus ' ·1ub entertained their a lumna! g ues t s day C'\·en in g . was Open Session. B e~t nd a number of fri e nd s at a pa rt y in fore th e performance o f t he prog ram three new m embe r s, Marian G row, Esther George a nd Jean Brom ley 1-'riday eve ning th e Onyx Club wer(! wer e elec ted int o assoc ia te m emb er rntes ts of Mrs. Cus hin g, of Columbus, ~ s hip. at a s ho wer gi ,·en in ho nor of Doro thy \ Vadsworth. wh ose marri age will tak e Th.: p rogra m for th e eve nin g was a,; follows: place in th e nea r future. l, iano o lo-F ranc es Harri s. Mr s. Phillips visi t ed D orot hy thi s B oo k R ev ie w-Ca th arine Darst. I week e nd. R ea ding- Elizabe th Mars h. I l{ut h Ly o n a nd h er sister. Esther, Satire-Ma ri an Snavely. were g u es t s o f th e Lotus Cl ,1 b thi s Piano Tr io- FI o r e n cc H o ward, l~t hd Kepler a nd Gladys Snyde r. " ·ee k e nd. Di a ry- i\ilary McCa be. Th e Gree nwich Club en te rt a in ed During extemp o raneo us speaking, their a lumn ae with a "push " o n Sat .'If erl e Hou se ma n s po ke fo r P hil o ur day eve nin g. phronea and J osep h H enry spo ke for The l,o ly gons had the ir a lumn ae as Philomath ea. Mrs. F. A. 2. Kumler, guests at breakfast in the Co tta ge a n a lumn a of P hilal e th ea . gave a very l{es ta ura unt Satu r day morning. inte res tin g a nd profitable talk to the Th e A r cady an no nn ces :\' el le ..\m present m em be rs of Phila let hea. brose as a pl ed ge. - - - - 0 C- - -
- - - - 0 C--- C. E . MASQU E
Th e ba se ment of the chur ch wa so 011 v\l cdn esday eve ning fr e Poly- tra nsformed on Mo nday eve ning by go ns initia ted Grace Corn e tet , Gl ady s \\. es t and M a rga ret Haney int0 acti ve wierd li g ht s, varied cos tum es and spirited mu s ic that the gay r evell e rs ntc-n ih c- rs hip of th at club. them se lves forgot to think of tim e \!rs . McC loy a nd Mrs. Di:mer e n and place and gave themselves o ,·e r ter ta in ed th e P olygon Club a nd a wholly to the enjoyment of the even number of fri e nds at a masq uer ade ing. Chai r s s tolen , ball oo n s blo wn . ' Party in th e ho m e o f Mrs. McCloy o n and fo rtun es revea le d, provided enFriday evenin g. tert ai nn~e nt. ,vh il e 1nany ~·ere jnitiatcd \f ae Mickey ha s b ee n ~a il ed h ome to the ne w a rt of "match-box ing."' During th e promenade, in which a o n accou nt of her au nt's death. bewildering number of clever a nd Mr. and Mrs . Wingate visit ed handsome cost um es were di s played, Be ulah over th e w ee k end. judges e ncountered grea t difficulty in Th e Tali s man Clu b had a "p us h" in selec ting the costun1es tn o t " ·orth y ~onor of th eir alumnae Saturday even- of th e prizes . The a ward was fi nall y 1ng. 111 ade to a de bo nair Spanis h ca va lier a Mrs. H a ne,· and \,\lilli am vi sited nd hi s charm in g . dark-eyed "senorita" for clevern ess and beauty re pee_M a r ga ret a nd · Ru th this week end. tiv ely. Ao1o ng the fair er sex, the Th e Owl Club ente rtain ed th eir goddess o f Liberty was ruled foremost al umna! gue ts with a breakfast at th e a nd a bangled gypsy carried off the Ce ntury Inn unday mornin g. hono r for clever costume. A f t e r a The Arbu tu s Club an no unces Mil period of fun-making a second promdred Fens ler as a pledge to their ena de pa t th e kitchen window s r egro up. ward ed everyone with doughnuts, cide r and apples. . Mrs. Spes ·ard ente rt a ined th e Onyx Prof. a nd Mrs. Martin. Prof. and lluh a o-uests at dinner on Satu r day. Mr . MvCa r tney a nd Dr. Ph elan were Florence Howard ha been called a mon g th e ho nored g uests of th e home beca use of the death of h er evening. grand m ot her.
---0 C---
The Phoenix Club en joyed a "pus h·' on Sa turday e venin g, a numb er of a lumnae be in g pr e ent. J ane Gos ett and Bernice J ack son , of Can ton, were the guests of F lorence Ra uch a nd Verda Evans over th e week end . aturday c,·en in g the T . D. Clu b a n ct al um nae en joyed a slumber par t y 111 ''Shorty's'' hon;e.
\V e notic e by "Babe's" g litter ing cou ntenance that '' id" did ar rive at la t. .T h.e A rcady gi rl s with a number of fri end s e nj oyed a "S pook Party" 111 Gertrude Knapp's home Saturday evening. Louise LeMaster spent the week e nd with her ister, Virginia.
MACDOWELL CO MPANY ( Co ntinued from Page One) r \.V a cl \,\lh itn ey, ba rit one. and Magdal c11 :\1lass 111an. piani s t a nd acco mpani s t. a ll mu icia n s o f prom ine nce. Each is a so lo is t of expe rien ce. In th eir e nse mbl e numb e r s th e voices bl e nd in comp let e ha rm o ny an d are especia ll y adapted to th e artis tic ren dition of M ac D owell compos 1hons. They al so o ffe r favorite li ght opera selec ti o ns in· costume. The committee has selec ted a n ex ce ll en t co ur se but mu s t have the sup port of every citi ze n a nd s t ude nt to put thi s co urs e ac r oss.
:\I rs. Tracy visited Edna this wee k
CLEI ORHETEA Th e nam es of Rosa Drew, Ruth Seaman, and Dorothy Ertzinger wer e added to the active ·r o ll in Cleio rhetea , The nam e of Thursday eve nin o-. O live H olt was a lso placed on the associate roll. The program fo r the eve niri g wa well given. The musical n umbers were vocal so los by Mab-el Eubanks and Betty Plummer, a pia no solo by Ruth Braley, a nd a musical r eadi ng b Lois Bingham. M uch o ri gina lity y s how n in .i parab le, " P u d wa ding and Apple Dumpli ngs" by Fred~ S ny der. a n e say, " The How of It' by Ru t h Hursh, a nd in Alice Blume's presentation of Curr ent Events as a radio program.
OHIO HOME LAUNDRY Special Rates to Students
Ruth D avis I mproving: Mi ss Ruth Davis who was r ecently o pe ra ted on for appen diciti s, has been rem o ved fr o m th e h ospital. She is co nvales cing very ra pidly, a nd is ex pecting to return to sc hool in a very j short time. 1
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I·25; E.. Ba iley. ' 15; A. L. Glunt. '1 6 ; 1 PHILOPHRONEA ·Taddv" }.f cG uire. '25; "Shor ty" Mc '24 ; ~·B_1:o k:: nro11sn 1_1 ., · 1s : H. l'hi lophro11ean election sessio n was I\\Intyre._ . E ll 10tt. lJ ; Al E llio tt . H . V. I att<: 11 dc<1 by large group of a lumni
fc_1r a g limp se of her alma mater a5
to atte nd to some legal
business . .·\ t the present ti me 1lrs. -7 ->; a :vl il lcr. '23; Ge()rge H eitz. 23; Chas. la,t F r ida y. Dr. T . J. Sa11<lers, '78 : Stockton 1s a re,ident of Pou"'h kcep \ ·a11:\fa,on. ·22: "B()b" .\l a rti11. '22: l'ror. C. 0. _·\lt111a11, '05: G. C. Gress si L'. ~- Y. 1 a nd Roger I O\\'e ll. They had a Stag m an . '15; I'. J. Strause. '25. a nti Pres. Party Sat urday nig ht. \ \ ' _ C. Clipp i11ge r , po ke n:tc111po ra 11c-
Geo rge Gohn \\' Cnt to his ho m e in o u, ly . T he clc<:tio11 r e, u lt ed 111 H. ..\. ; Dayton o,·er Sunday. CO :\IE TO ! 1'£rry La ukhu ff's pare11ts were he re S t oughton. ,·ice presiden t : J. R. :-!oel. cr itic anti J. P. L auk huff, secreta r y. Sa t urday for the foot ha ll game. O t her officer, \\'e re £. H . H ammon. .\ mong Annex Alum11i \\'ho re_t urn_~ crit ic: l\i. M. Roherts, chap lai n ; J. H . , eel fo r Home-co111111g were "Sk111ny Lehma n. fi rst judge; G. \ V. R o hre r, Gor do n, Platt \,Va r de ll. "Bot" Ca n ·er, seco nd judge: and Ross :\1ill er, t hird D r. E. P. Ry land was here T uesday \ '25; ''Kotsy'' Durr. '22 : D wig ht Bla us- judge. FOR YOUR PART Y of last \\"tek as a g uest o i " Boh'' \V eit- er . '24 ; "Skin ny '' V\,'ein la nd , ' 11; J . B . - - --0 C - - - kam p. Dr. R ylan d is a m inister in Crabhs, 23: "D al" Will ia ms, " Red'' RflTURNS F OR VISIT SUPPLIES H oll y wood , Calif. Ca mp , '25: Ha ro ld :\1 a yberry, '25 : AFTER FIFTY YEARS "Chu ck' Ha ll, 14 ; "A l' ' Mat too n. '24 ; " Bob'' Knight' moth er a nd fa th er a nd Ir vi n L eihcap, '09. T h ey held M rs. ~t' inn ie H a hn S tockt o n , a n ex a nd Cecil McCit ri ck we r e her e fr om the ir a nn ua l a ll nig h t stag Satu rda \' st udc nt \\'h o a tt end ed O tter bein in H · h f Pa rk ers burg o r t e · ome-coi:11111g ni g ht. in L87 5. a nd w ho \\' Ott Id h av e g radua fest i ,·it ies. - - - - 0 C-- - ' ted in t he class of " ·hicl, D ean ?vfcPHILOMATHEA The Sph inx Cl uh hclcl a stag pa rty Fad den was a m emb er, _\\'as a d sitor in th ei r room s last Sa t ur day ni ght. • f ffi f h o n O tter bein's ca mpu s last week . . . E lec tt o n o o ce rs o r t e nex t . Th e a lu m ni p rese nt we re Pa ul • f Pl . I S he. had no. t bee n hac k to v1s1t O tt er11 1oSpro ut, '22: Lowell Gi bso n, ·23; H ar te rm featurecl t I1e sessio n o 'd . T h be111 fo r fifty yea rs and st o pped off e • old Mi lls. '24 : Ru ssell W ar d. '25 ; mathea held las t Fn ay evenmg. T ry iollo win g offi ce rs were elec ted: R . A. " T o m '' Rr ad rick. '23: Cornell Brad rick , '23; ''Boh" Fox. W ilbur Coon . Shi ple y, Vice P r esident ; E . Caldwell , , '23: '' Ru s" Co rn etet. '24 ; ''T ee ter" Ce nsor : L. H . Ha mp sh ire, Assistant da ms. '23; Lawrence Collier. ' 23 ; Censo r; F. 0. Ras o r. Record ing J oe Ra nck. '23; Byro n J acohy a nd Secr eta ry: D. A rn old . Criti c; \ V. F. : ·Ma r tin , Chapla in ; C. H . B ie lstei n, Li H a r vey H ankin so n were also back. b rar ia n: J . \\' . Hud ock, Chori ster ; W . T he L akotas had a stag pa r ty Sa t J. Ri tchey, P ian ist; and K. F . Ec har d, I u rday nig ht fo r alum ni a nd fri end s, O rches tra L eader. a m o ng whom we r e \\' . Alt ma n of A ver y inter es tin g list o f ext em po r - 1 Washin gton St ate, Fo rr es t Low r y, '25 ; " L en" ewell. '24 : " H appy'' _a neou a nd impromptu peec he mad e \ R oyer , '25 ; L. 'B . Ha rmo n from the up t he e\'C!.nin g's progra m . E. Cald- \ O tterbe in Ho m e; vVc nd cll B la use r, R . well. F. 0. R aso r, E. D . Bragg and , M oo rehea,1 fro m Rey noldsbu r g: "Ted' ' J. W. Hudoc k in a dialogue, W . M. · Kec k. C. P. K o hr. G. A. Ros · elot and I eama n and Nor man Triss ler. W. V. H a r ha appea r ed o n the proT he A lps ·1ub ent erta in ed lady gram. fr iend s w ith a pa r ty a t th e :-iorri A la r ge nu mber o{ P hilal ethea ns l home Satu rday evening a nd a fte ra nd frie nds \\'e r e pr esen t at thi s ses wards held a tag sessio n in t heir sio n. D r. \\' . \ V. Ferri er , of the clas · rooms. A mo ng th eir alum ni who of 1878, pas to r o f the Fi rst o ng r egawe re back we re D ean Upson, ·25, who tio na l Church in Berke ley. Ca li forn ia . i employed in the Y. M. C. A. at gave a br ief message t o t he societ y. T oledo, O h io: Ceci l Conley, '23; "Bob" M iss A lice Sa nde~ s po ke fo r P bila le M o r r iso n... h ri mp' ' Nas h, '24 ; ''Co nny'' Moo re. ·21; .. Boh" Bordner a nd th ea. " J o hn ny" Geor ge, '22, and P rof. ' F . \V. H an awa lt. ' 13, a lso poke. " har lie' Fox . •·20. T wo associa te and o ne acti ve mem The J o nda Cl ub held a st ag pa r ty in be r \\' ere adm itt ed to society d urin g , th eir room s ' at urday ni ght. T he this ·essio n. ____ 0 C _ _ __ a lumni present we re E. B. S tu deba ker, '23, and H arold Boda, '25. Ea rl Freshmen Choose Their B oda was al ·o a guest. Permanent Class Officers. J o hn Le hma n' moth er a nd fat her Acco rd ing to th e rul e of the Stu were here ove r the wee k end. dent Governm e nt Con t itu.t ion, the The A nn ex lu b gave a part y 111 perm a nent offi cer o f the F reshmen th eir roo m s . Friday ni ght 111 ho nor o f cla s were elected a t the clo e o f the Mrs. Ro ut zohn . ix weeks ope ning per iod. The elec meeting chool gy m wa th e tion r es ults of the cla T he Hig h cene of a ok H o u e Banquet at- T hu r day noo n ar e a follow : P r es., urday night. T he boy ent er ta ined H arold Thomp on ; Vi ce P r es., Albert th ir lad y fri end . Amo ng th e alumn i, D avi : ec t. , ~ itit,u s Hunt ley; Trea _., a nd fri end pre ent "·ere Pro f. L. J. - lhert Maye r, gt at Arms, Q uentm I Michael, ' 19, of India na entral Col Kin t igh. 0 C -I l ge, P rof. P hela n. "A nd y" nder o n, '24 ; Dale P hilli pi, ·21 : E mm et M c- Mr. Ray Upson Conducted Chapel Devotions Friday a rrol, '25 ; "R u ff" Ruffin i. '25 ; AT T H E '' B ea ny" Beelma n, '25; ,;Chu ck" Ben M r. Ray p· o n , th e fath er o f 1 nett, '15: ;, hu ck'' Vern o n, '22, and P aul p on, w ho i a m emb er o f W alte r chutz, '2 1. the Juni o r cla . and a we ll kn o wn \ "Bozo'' Ri chter ' pa rent we re her e e!a ng~li t, led th e devotional exerc1se 111 chapel Friday morning. Mr. \ o ver th e week end. P on i the fath er of Dean l p o n T he Co untry Club had as th ei r a m ember of la t year' g rad uatin~ 1 u st. thi week end " W oody" Wood, clas .
' II
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