VOL. 9.
B-W MUD BOAT FLOATS OVER LINE FOR WIN O tterbein L in e Outplays Opponents P assin g of B-W Effective-Mc M ichael Bucks Line Well. SCORE 7-0 Jupiter Pluvius Plays His Usual Jinx In Most Striking Way, Aided
By Stiff Wind. Mud th at was ank le d ee p. a d riz zlin g rain that fe ll from s ull e n ski es, Partially e ns h ro wdin g the swimmin g gridiron a nd a treache ro u wind that cau eel punts to c ut pec uliar didoes Played a lcadin role in the defeat of Otterbein at th e ha nds of Ba ldwin W a lla ce h y a sco re of 7 to 0. Truly it was a weird affair. fte r the first few play: th e players could carcely he distin uished. The red j ·r ·ie, of tterb ' i11 and the y · low ones of Baldwiu - \1\la ll a e s o n hecam •0 o vcred with th , s limy mud that th e two tea m s I keel a like. Jupiter :f'luvius ha d air ady g ive n the fi e ld a gc ncrou. ap1 licatio n of water befo re ~he b gi nning of t he co ntc t, o that 111 man y place. th e water wa s three o r £ ur in ches de J>. Th e law of in e rti a wa very e ff ec tive lv demonstrated o n nearl y eve ry play 'for when th e run ner wa. tack! d he us ua ll y s lid from ne to tw yard . before the ball was dec lared dead. Towe ls had to be u eel conti n ua ll y to wi1>e off the ball o that it could be Pa eel back fr m th e center to the
F~.11 Frolic To Be Presented By Junior Talent
Piano Q uartet V✓ ill Feature Th is Pro g r am. Vocal, Piano, and Violin
Solos Included.
.\ piano q ua r te t hy Mildred 'vVils on. Eth,·1 Kepl er , Vera Dunmi re a nd Ce li a J o hn son ,,·ill be the feat ur e of the lirs t recita l of the seaso n which \\'ill he held /tom o rrow ,"even in g at eight o'clock in L a mbert Hall. '\l ildred Kclston. Kathryn Minnich, Zclfa Fis he r. and F r ances Harris " ·ill appear in other piano number on the c,·e nin1(s program. iolin num bers will he giv,' n hy Raymon d chi ck, Ce li a J ol,11~011. D'<!niel Kahler. and I.a ,·er e Breden. Rheba Knapi> a nd " I o·1#·on I r·11 p l ay • - dU ~ lJ J. r Vl 1l ll li. I I v I Ir h t i1 11 if 111 11 ' tic _ '-~P e r . ~ ,:i.:a e . . 0 " • Lo re ne m1 th I a t h ry n M111n1 c h a nd Mary Mills wi ll ing voca l solo . Pau line Knepp a nd Vera Wright will · I t Til e 011 1)· s in g a cue · o r ga n num her 011 the progra m will be pre;;;ented hy ~I ary \ hit eford .
·The Mistakes o f Hl25" will be o ne of the hea dliners o n lh e vaudevill e program whic h will ·be pres.:·nt ed in the co ll ege chapel o n th e ni g ht o f th e Juni o r Fall Frolic, next Monday eve nin g, !'\ov. 16. Althoug h not as elaborate a spectacle . as th e Zeigfeld Follie , the "Mistakes o f 192:;•· c lose'.y appr ac h them in variety of ta len , a nd s killful dancing. \ no the r featu r e on th e hill " ·ill he th~ playlet ·· Th e Lamp W en t O ut .'' The ca~t is an all-star one wh ich in ·lud •s ,(>Ill of the besl talent in the Jtmi r lass. ··Tb:e Ethiopian r n ,tele rs•· and the Athl tic Vved ding en titled "The porty Knot," are a lso sched ul ed for that evenin g's pr g ram in the chap I. :\dcled o ut id e atractions in the hall, \\'ill constitute a large part £ th e eve nin g e nte rtainm e nt which no_ o ne will wa nt to mi . D not fail to visit the "Jai>anesc Tea R oom" a nd ··T h~ i,hy ll inc avern." •·zuzu. th~ VVi ld Man,"' yo u wi ll ab o lutely fail to r ecogniz e for he was lately import ed from Ta ~m a nia. "'The \ o\T onders o1 th e L: nderworld '' will not £ail t attr_act ,·ou \\'ith all o f its ubtle m y t e n e · · :-,: o t fo r two years ha there been . ·, . eve nt o f thi s nature s taged on a n. , J . the Otterh.:in ca mpu . 1 he un~ r Fall r-r li e will be on of the f> 1g gest fun - mak ing events of the dram atic ea. on. Ticket will be vari~u pri _ and wi ll be sold by a ca hter in th hall. Do not fai l to hold Mon day. ;..; v . I G. open. ,in~ c _m e t m a mm th J u ni r Fall l· roltc. - - -NOTED CELLIST MA y
SESSION CLOSED BY JUDGE ALLEN Cour t and Student Friendship Forth Serious Consideration of Student Group. NOTED SPEAKERS HEARD Res olutions Passed Asking Outlawry of W a r a nd Entrance of U . S. Into World Court. The Con .erc nce on ,lthe World Cot1rt and \ Vorl<I Fri nds hi p for cen tra l and so u rhern Ohio colleges. . em inaries an d t111 ive rs iti e opened he r e Friday ~V<'ning with an a ddre ss by the Rev. J oel Hayden , Pasto r o f the ... . . l· a,rmon t (J r ,shy terian church . evej la.n I. n the ~uh j t "'The \Vorld W L' • ive In.'' and clo eel und a.y a fterno n "'i th a n a ddr ss by Judge Flore nce :\lien. Ju sti c of the UJJr em e o urt of Ohio. and th e fi r t woman ever
elec ted to th . upre m e Court. on th them e. ··A 111 eric a 11 tucl e nt a nd Pu b li c Opinion.'' HON. JOHN J. TIGERT At thi s co n fe r nc there were 116 COMING HERE NOV. 23 regis tere d dc k ga t . rep re e ntin g fif and univ e rs i United States Commissioner of Edu teen co lle ges. sc 111ina ri ties. ]Jau l Keyse r. \,Vitt nh rg . ·haircation Will Lecture in College man o f th la te tud nt ouncil , wa Chapel Jn Lyceum Numbu.
---- 0
( ontinuerl n Page F i\re) On :\'lo "day evening. Nov. 2:{, th e C- -J ohn J. Ti!!ert. 'nit ecl COMMUNITY FUND DRIVE 'o ntinuccl II i;age five. ) tatc,; mmission r of Education, ,,; 11 lectu re in the college chapel. Mr. Studen 's Subscription of One Dollar - --0 being h ro ught to W e terDR. CORNEtrET PRESIDES Makes H im Member of National itizen ' Lyceum - ours Red Cros for 1926. AT CLASSICAL CONFERENCE It will be th li r t time hi tory that W e. terville ha \\ "st rvill<' Red i · one of Miss Otis Flook, Class of 1900, Rep 1 privi leged to ent ert ain a na tion- forty-nine oc ia l which a r e resents Franklin County And is o1 o f ducati n. combined in a l I• und in Member of Lab. Committee. cc· man and the merits Franklin oun ty . or Ro elot Dr. E. ornetet. professor of · e i a na m e mber f the board of dire he lecft . r ek in tterb ein coll ege, \\'i ll p rexiou th a t ' to tors of th driv e a nd has harg-e in •cl at the r-riday m o rning es ion of Ble nd II Townshi1>. he pr sent th fourth a n11 ~1al meeting of the hi o COME TO OTTERBEIN the · en i r nati n-wid campaig n i. la · ical nfere ncc to he held at · . f conducted by the i\a ti o nal R d 1 Tf Pr e11t 1>lan m a t rialtz Edd,· e StO Itz I nJure · d· hl·o tat ' ni ve r:ity. '.\ o ,·cmbe r t:... for the purp se '\[ e H r o · la. and I' . pe,~a rd " ·ill bring • r . ee r I \ R .. Dr. -◊ rn etet i a m c m - · · .. d Ii i t now Ed to ltz. '13. a thl e ti c a h f the m e mbe rs. .\n y · b er o f th xecutive cou ncil of the m an a ua tio na ll y no te ch O el. on ville h igh sc h o I . uffcred a one ciollar to th munity D l ' th the ' inci nnati cla. s i a l or o-~ 111·2at1·0,1. ymp ony rhecome,;, 111 n, 1, r '. ·at,·onal · I,' I tr..,~ , ,n to the college for a n educa- hro kc11 rig-ht a rm . hrok n no~e. a nd .. , ., •~· Plook. a graduate of Ot- c_hest ra. II cl internal injuri w he n th e touring ca r Cros. organ iza ti 11 th year 1!'~•11 t erb 111 111 th class of 1900, ·, n trl1ctor t1o nal t>rogram . 1 £ a · uita > an co h · 1· k"d 1 P r o fc . o r T r op 1·s I1ea cl o f· t I e s{u": . 1 1·11 1 f und Mr. H eer- in which e was n c 1n g s · • c ed a n d La ti11 i I t he W es tervill e High ,·e n• ·nt date ca n ,c . · · l \\'ent ove r a IS - foot emhankme nt near dent ca1111>aig11 in th olle.!!'e. _. appea r in co11Junct1011 wi t 1 h 00 ., c 1. has th <li st in ct io n of heing- ma n '' 111 Mr Lancaster. Ohio. . to ltz wit h t hr ee Profc or Ro. se lot i. verv a.nx i 11 ~ th rd e official repre. entative o f Franklin Prof. pes a on a t>rogram. : j othe r in tructors wer enro u tc to the t ha t •all stud nt. app re ia te · the mag. d f I k County d . I _.... f h Heerman \\'ill pre ent th e mu s1 c a f 1· J · an I a so a men w er o t <' Prof. pe arc! will hio tate- nc 1ana game at o lum - nltu e o t 1e wor , to he accompli~hnd ,ahora torv om m ittee ,Yhich will . lcction a of hus. .'\ II four men arc in the Lan- 1 ed by th e organization and that they • f I t es in exp 1a na 11 11 h;ive 311 · ex hib it in the north wi11 1.t .,.ive hne ec ur caster Municipal hospital. ,viii become m mber . I ~ach number. of th .\rcheol og-ical '\It, cum
Pag"' Twu
~ ~~~===================~I FACULITY CLUB VIEWS FI N E ART EXHIBIT
C A k D 1 NA L
C o ok's Class Sponsors Benefit Musical Recital.
Dr. lfay111ond \ '. Phelan . h ea d of i On at u r<lay, ~ o v. 21. at p. '' Eight P ictur es Pain ted by Mr. James Prof. S pessard H as Unusually Good j Material in Twenty-thr~e Mem th e departm e nt of eco n om ics a ll(I , in th e c·o ll egc cha pel. th er e will be R. Hopkin s D isplayed In bers. Will Give C on cert. ' bu s in ess ad mini s tration. discount t'. d t h e ' g·in•n a recita l und er the direction of Ass'n. BujJding. ,tat t·m e nt ~ oi over illlaginative peo - I Mr s. Cook', Sunday S··, hoor clas • .\ t the r egu lar mont h ly soc ia l m cc •l'r of. A . I{_. Sp_essard d c1·1nite ly com- : pie \\'ho c laim th a t th e co untry will I, M'I , ed in g oi th e Fa c ult y last :--I o n day at i pkted o rga111 za t1 o n p la n s fo r t he co l- ht' d evo id o i natura l resou rces to the I On th t' program " ·ill be the 1 · · f Op t imist l'lul, a t the F ort 1-layt•, 1 Ha ze l l~a rngrovt'r , Helen \' a nce. a'.ill -1:1 .·, p. 111 .. a n ex hibit o f eight pi e- lege or che~tra at th e hr, t m ee ting o 1 · \ \ ' r,n· · h'.ichard so n. The recita W J; . s. j he y<Car \\'h1·c I1 \\'as 11e IcI last m· ~ ht 111 tun, , painted hy J ames R. H op k·m H otl' I. C0l um h 11~. last \\' edne,day. co nstitut l'<I the e nt e rtainment. . I ht: chap e l. ·i· we n ty-t Iir c_c 111_,·m I>Cr · h ave Th i;. is Dr. Ph elan 's 1·i r t yea r at I ht: g i,·en in he n eti t o f the dass than• · ho ffering for a mi s sion h os pital in iu I · I · 11 Lam. Ch in a 1av111g com e 11e re to .\dmi ion charge are t the presen t time Mr. H opk 111s 1 hec n se lected by l'rol. S pessa rd for O tt ene1n, is head oi th e Departm t'.nl of Fine j the o rchestra . Twch·e ,·iolin s. a most th e vacan cy in cu rr ed when H. V.. I . cl fifteen 1 :\rt, at Oh io • iate Cn iversity. Pro - t11rn,ua l num ber. alon g \\'ith th t' regn - Troop hc carn e Dir ec to r o f .-\lumnal th irty -fi ,·e cents fo r adu lts an · h ' I I I · · ·11 cen t s fo r childr en. fe ssor H opkins received 1s ear Y a r \\'llld 111 s1rum ent,; \\'I compose the 1ie lations. teaching at th e Art .-\ cade mies of o r ga nizati o n. It is particularly fo r- ' - - - - 0 C _ _ __ Professors Elected. C in ci nn a ti a lld Pari s. afte r whi ch h e lun a te th at Prof. Spessa rd ha. sec ured m a de a t r ip around the w o rld s1udy i11 g b o th a fl ut e a nd a ha soo n. Dr. Cha s . nav e ly , Profess o r of art in th e variou s co untri es which h e EYe ry membe r oi the or ch es tra ha s History. and Prof. J ame s H . Mc Cloy . visit ed . Prof. ~ o pkins _ is o uts~a nd - , had e xtensive trai ning o n bi s p a rti - · Professo r o i Physics . were vic to ri o u ;; in g as a portra it and hgure pdmter . cu lar instrument. Rehearsal last 111 th e ele c tion la s t Tu esday. Dr . a nd in s uc h capacit y ha s won many · e ,·e n ing indi ca t e<I th a t Prof. Spe sard n ave ly was re-elected to the council. a ward s a nd p rizes. \\'ill ass ure a good orc hestra . Present ancl Prof. M cC loy will be come a Th e eight p ictures e xhibit ed at the p lan, a rc to gi,·c se,·cr al conce rt s , m e mbe r o f th e loca l hoard of ed uca Fac ult y Tea we re Roofs in Pari,, Por- thro ugho ut the yea r as well a to offer tion. tra it o f Mi ss D . B .. ~[ ountain Phil oso- ervice at any of th e chool fun ct io n ,. pher. Pl ayi ng Fountain. Sunlit Win _ _ __ O C _ _ __ dow. Varieties and Mod el Res tin g. JUNIORS WILL PRESENT To Mrs. Dunn and Prof. Hur h th e PLAYS DECEMBER 5 F ac ulty is indebted fo r thi s novel and pr olita ble form of entertainment. On D ec. :; the cla s in Junio r play ' 111
- - - - 0 C-- --
i, to produn· a gr o up of three on e
PROF. SCHEAR SECURES act plays. The ti r t will be 1'The . AFRICAN CROCODILE Valiant.'' b y R ohrt Middl cm a s and
Hal\\'orthy Hall. The play is a tra gedy and \\'ill ca ll forth best efforts taken fr o m African water s wa re - of th e cast t<• p r od L1c e it. It \\'as the ccived laS t week by Prof. E . \ · E. o u tstanding s ucces, of th e season of chear from Mr. vValter Sch u tz. a Ul24-25 and is recogniz ed a;; th e ti nes t former stud e nt in Otterbein , who ha o n e act play of its kind eve r written , s pent . e ve ra l yea rs in Africa . Th i hy . meri an . gigantic reptil e i. ten f t ten and a The part o f th e Valiant is to be h a lf inche. lo ng. taken by James Gord o n : J o ·ep hine I .\m o ng the great mu eums whi ch Pari s. by Grace Rin ehari : The War- ' bargained fo r th e crocodile wa s th e <len . W . F . Martin : Th e I ri e t . F. fam o us Briti s h Mu eum .. But M r. Be r ger: th e at ten dant. . Lambert. chutz fir ml y r e i ted all o ffer and Th e second play is "The J o int Own- I pre ·., nte <I it 10 the Otter bein mu se um . The formula for tanning the "gator's" er in pain.'' by . lice Brown. Thi kin }Va di covered by Mr. chutz. is a ve ry amu ing play of two cro _ , home . The I kin wa a l o ob- o ld maid in a n o ld ladi valuaib le lion' c hara cters Mrs. Mit c hell. Ro ali e , tain cd by M r. chutz but it was lo t in a n unfortunate ship w r eck whicl1 ·ope la nd : lVlrs. D ye r. La u ra Whet- 1 s to ne; Mr . B lair, Betty White ; Mr . occured during the passage home. cllie Wallace. F ule.rton , ---0 C--O ne of th e largest cr ocodile
. II t h ro ug h t he e fa ll rain s a nd no, Aurri e. in ure yo ur s If ao·a in st co ld a nd g rippe by keepin g
Laxative Cold B r eakers Handy for quick use. These wonderful tablets have proven themselves wonderful to thous• ands of our valued customer~. For your protection the formula is printed on the box. No as p .nn or acetanelcd. You can take them safely, even for small children and know you are get· t ing the best that money will buy. Keep a box hand}' at home. Carry one in your vest pocket.
The t hird play is "The bstinate PI KAPPA DELTA PLANS ACTIVE FORENSIC YEAR Fami ly.' ' Thi i a play showing the
tr ength of a woman' won't and how At a meeting of Pi Kappa D elta he may be won over. The play is held Wedne day afternoon in Prof. very popular be au e of its fun , McCarty' cla room pl a ns w er e made Characterization-Lucy. J ea n Turner ; to make thi a banner year for Otter- J a me . Keller: Mr . H a r wood, , bein foren ic . The matter of send- Grace Cornetet; Mr. Harwood, D . ing a delegate to the ixth ational Harrold : Henr y Harford. F . Bech,Oeonvention to be held at 'E tes Park. tolt : Je sy Harford , . my Mo rri s. olorado next Marc h. a nd th e appli---- 0 C ---cation o f Marietta C ll ege for a DR. PACE LECTURES l l'l■I TTI■ 1 1 1 . . chapt r were referred to in ve t1gat111g AND SPEAKS IN CHAPEL _' · il l■ll1■ll'l■llll ■lll■ll,i.ll'l■l q■nm 1■ 111■1i: 1■in■11: 1 ■· 11 1■ 1· 1■!!', I■ 1 1■ "•. 1■111■11 1■,1• 1■ )■; • committee . !! The f r en ic year begin with a n Tue day evening Dr. E . J. Pac , S d ebate between the tt rb ein affirm- 1 a g ra duate of tt rbein and n ow lee- , • ativ team and the Ohio late ni- turing throughout th U nit ed tale • i . r ity negative team t be held here g a ,·c hi s r enow n ed lectu r e. "The La,~ i ovember 13. On ovmber 18 t~e f th e Octave" in th nited B ret h -
The price 1s only 25c
_______ _,_____.-:~
. affirmative journ ey to Oh10 ren hurch. Through thi s illu trated I= tale for an (l,ther cla h . ~he fir t lectu re Dr. Pace h owed the ig ni fi - , conference debate will be the Capital ·a n e of th e prese n ce of the octave !I niver ity fray Decembe r 14 v ith th e I in life. i ne ati ve team trave llin g . Dr. Pac a l o appear ed in ch apel I _ .___ W d d ---- 0 ( e ne ay morning. In an informed j PLEASE PAY way he told the s tudent that life wa The Business Manager of t h e • Tan only worth living when o nce indivia nd Cardin al requests that all unpaid I dual rea liz ed that the upr eme thing s ubscriptions be paid by Nov. 18. in life wa to live for o th er i
I , S t nappyNothing Else But!
subSCfl•be T Oday
II II 11
! !
worthy of your Support. i ,11■ , 1■1 i,1■ 11■tt u•111■11■r1■ ;11■ i i•m■1n■11 11■11 ■111■ n'1■ 1 1■11 ■u I■ J■
1111■1'1■ ll■lll■
11 11
Pa c Three
Soldier, Author, Politician and Student H ere in 1856-57, Makes Trip to Old Home from Boston, Mass.
Graduates in Early Twentieth Cen tury Class Have Nine Children Here This Year.
One of the oldes t former st ud en ts of Ottenbein to ret urn to Wes ter vi lle in recent days is Genera l M orns chaff of Boston, Massa chuse tts, who was renew in g old acq uainta nces her e the la t wee k in O ctober. Gene ral Schaff, wh ose h oyhood ho me wa · on t he Na tiona l Road be tween Et na a nd K irkersvi ll e. was a tude nt in O tterbein d urin g t he col lege yea r of 1 56- 57. E ager for an ed ucation he sec ured th e appoi ntment from nis di st rict to t he U nited S tate~ M il ita ry Aca dem y at West Poi nt a nd entered as a cadet t here in May, 1858. Four yea r la ter, in June, 1 62, he was g raduated fr om West P oint as a lieu tena nt a nd at once ente red ac tive ser v ice in th e Civi l War. He was bre ve tted ca pta in fo r b ravery in th e three day·s Ba tt! ~ of th e Wilderness, hi. commi s io n signed A. L incoln , being one of his g reat es t treas ures. A ft er t he Civil War Gen eral Schaff remained fo r some years in th e r egu lar army, serving a s an officer in th e Wa tertow n A rsena l in M.a sachusett . W hen he left the army, he went to the little city of Pitts fie ld , Mass., w here he li ved for a number of years. L ater he moved to Boston after he was appointed on the board of com missioners of gas a nd electri c light for the state of Massachusetts. He erved here with such di stinction that he was retained through th e admin i tration of Democratic and Ret)Ulb lican g overnors alike until a few years ago when he was retired on a penion from the state. In politics he was a Democrat and wa urged by hi friends at different time to allow his name to be used a a candidate ' for Gover nor of Mas sachu etts, but he always declined. He tell with a sly chuckle over mem ori es of tho e times that there were onl y four Democrat in Otterbein in tile days when a Democrat wa ve ry unpopular in Ohio. About twenty years ago Gener al ·ha ff publi heel his fi rs t book, " Etn ~ and Kir ke r vi lle," a delig htful r eadabl e hi tory of th e two town s on th ra ti ona l R oad between which hi fath er's farm where he was born a nd liv d until ,be left for W es t Poin t. Two year s la te r a large work. "The Pirit of Id \ Ve t Poin t." ca me fro m t h press. This wa followed by "Th Bat tle of th e Wilderne ," and "The un et of t he onfedera cy," hook char min g ly written on th em e" about whi ch the a utho r h ad fi r t-ha nd knowledge. Hi la t work, "The L ife of J ffer. o n D avi " i th e tan da rd biog rap hy of that ~an. till t hink \·ery General Schaff tend erly of h i old home a nd of t he coll e~ whi ch he a ttended in his early life. T h is t r ip to O h io t h is fa ll w a to vi it hi 1brother who till lives on
To the t:lass of 1901 belongs the unusual distinct ion of -having ni_n_e chi ldren now stude nts in O t terbein I\ o othe r cla~s, at least so far as in vest igatio ns show, can boas t of uc h a re.cord. Irene Aston 'W het tone. of Columhus. has a . daugh ter, La ura \i\Thet 1 stone, who 1s now a j un io r. A. W . Whetsto ne belongs to th e cla ss of 1902.
M ISS 80!\ ITA JAM ISON \Ve present Miss Boni ta J ami, on. is exceed in gly capable m her chos en principa l of th e Grandvi e w Heigh t · licld. T h e 111e111hers of the alumn i council High School, Grand view H eigh ts. who elec ted Miss Jamison as one of Columbus, Ohio. t hei r fe llow- members did so because of Mis J a mison grad ua ted fro m Ot ht r loya lt y to Otterb ein and her de terbein in 1914 an d since tha t ti me sire fo r it. future success. She has has bee n enga ged in p ublic school work prove d a lre ad y th a t their con fidence b·o th as a tea cher and execut ive. She was not m isp lace d.
Milla rd , " H a nk '' Han cock , of Philipsb urg, P a ., re port tha t th e High School team th ere, of whi ch he i a istant coach, has had a very suc cessful year having won fo ur g ames o far and tied o ne, and ought to finish the year without a defeat. ' 11. A ne\ Wurlitzer- H ope-J o nes U nit organ has been in sta lled in the M ia mi Valley Conservatory of Mus i , in Dayton. Ohio, by ernon E. F ries, director in charge. Mr. Frie ' organiza ti on i the onl y one in thi s ection of the country to It i· in tall an organ of thi kind. very expensive and i imilar to tho e u ed in th e la rge t th ea ter of the country. ,75_ Mr. a nd Mr . M . . M e s, of Wa hin g ton. D . C.. recentl y celebrated t he ir fift ieth weddi ng a nniver ary wit h a fam ily reunio n a nd a com '24.
p lelely a r ran. ed al l-day pr g ram . on , t hr ee da ug hter , fo u F ive daug hter -in- la w, tw ~o n-in-law. , an d eve nteen ran dchil dr e11 helped them celt' bra te. Mr. M has a w ide and var:ed ca r r, including mu ch imp r tant w rk for the gover nm en t, t he prac-
t be ol d h me farm. and to renew hi. acqua intan e \,·ith the few friend of his ovhood w ho remain in that vihort stay cinity. · On one day of hi he came over to , e terville to see he college a nd meet again ome of hi friend both old and new.
t ice o f la w a nd the holding of a pro fessors hip in Georgetown University and oth er institutions. Following gra du ation from Otterbein he went to lncliana wh ere he erved his com m unit y a a teacher, assessor and ap praise r a nd fi nally superintendent of sc hool . H e resigned to accept a po s itio n in th e ervice of the govern men t _w h ere he remained un til 1919 ex ce pt for a hort period in which he at te nded th e ?\a tional U niversity Law chool a nd taugrht at Georgetown Univ ers it y. H e ii now a practicing attorney an d la nd scrip broker in Wa hington, D . C.
- - - 0 C--Class of 1947. Mr . . B. truble (Mary Ruth Le he r ) a nn oun e the birth of a baby gir l. Ma r y Ruth . on October 17, in Orla ndo. F' lorida. o ngra tula tion folk ! Very best wi he li tt le lady , -v e'll be looking for y u o n t he cam pu the fall of '43, or I r hap a li tt le oo ner because you may I e li ke the gi rl general ! . ju t a litt le bri a ht er th an boy . Footba ll pro pect fo r 1944 ar ver y ince W iltb ur Ra y Fran k lin brio-h t Jr., on of Mr. a nd Mr . W. R. Frank lin will be a ophomo re t hat yea r and r liR"ih le for t he var ity. H i fa ther, '·Til lie'' Fra nkl in. '23. wi ll be remem bered a a forme r footba ll cap tai n. ---- 0 C ---Form er Captain's Notice. The date for the econd annua l ha ket •ba ll game between the varsity a nd the For me r ap tain ha been et for - aturday, D ec. 12. ' 15 ,
Ral ph Gantz is th e so n o f Jessie Ko hr Ga nt z, o f Doy les town, O hio. Once more the fa t her. A rthur L Gan t z. is an Ot terbein g rad uate and belo ngs to t he class of 1900. D . Taylor Ben ne r t's daugh ter , Trene, is one of th e nin e. Mrs. Ren nert is O live Ro ber tso n of th e class of 1902. The Be nnert s live at Van da lia, O h io. P h ill ip C ha rl e i a fr es hma n who came to us fro m t he P hilippine Is la nds w he re his moth er, Caroline La m bert Charles, 1901, and hi father, 0 car H . Charl es, .1 907 , have been m iss ionaries fo r a numb er of years. M r. an d M rs. W alter C. May, F re mont. Ohio, bot h of t he class of .l.901, both a daughter and a on in college. Albert May i a se nior and H elen May is a sophomore. ' P aul Roby is the son of Mrs. U . M. Roby of New Philadelphia, Ohio. M r. Rob y, n ow deceased, together with Mrs. Roby, were members of th e class of 1901. In thi g roup of nine sons and daughter , of · 1901, are two that be long to the third generation of Otter bein graduate . Richard and Alice antler are children of Mr, and Mr . Erne t A. antler , ( Ola Schrock), of Arlington , e w J er ey. Mr . Sander belong to th e cla f 1901 a nd Mr. Sander to th e class of 1902. Dr. T . J. Sanders. '7 , and Mr . T . J. Sand er , ( Emma Slater) '77, are the grand pare nt of Alice and Dick. The on and daughter of Otter bein graduate belong to Otterbein and here i one class that ha made a plendid record in sending it child ren to th e campu of it Ima Mater.
- -- 0 F ORME R PRO F. IN SHOOTING TR A GED Y. K ILLS SELF The Wi n hom e. 256 G ra nvill Rd., W orthin g ton ,Ohio, wa. t he cene of a hooting early Tue day eve nin. when hi rl ey T. W in g, a grad uate of O h io tate niver ity. fo r mer R h de chola r, anrl dip lomat, hot a nd wounded hi. father-in- law. laude Meeker. broker at E. Broad t.. and hi w ife. Marjori Me ke r Wing, an d killed him elf. Mr. Vll ing ta ught here. while Prt'f. . P . R sclot was on hi rip to Fra nc e . evcra l year ago.
Pap Four
we can aid the tra ining athlete. With ' with LIST'NIN' IN o r being seen in company . little insistence added to consider 111g . Unique m ember s of the opposite sex. l able diligence, plus a whol e lot o f Student Court at Wesleyan West . ·ere forms o m ethods of pumshment w f the Published weekly in the interest of pc rsistance, we be lieve 0 tterb~111 . cat: t, \ ireima l ·ollege . ts . functioning in . Otterbein by the 11,embers o , have a wi nning basket ball team. 1 ,:.k:ng ca r e of v10lat1ons of co lleg e cn t\: rtain ent be f o r e t h e OTTERBEIN LITERARY cour t, wind ow washing etc. SOCIETIES \ D o you want to win ' · r;1lcs hy ir eshmcn. Some of t he ofWesterville, Ohio The n come on ! · <•: ndcrs wer e summ o ned fo r go-i ng Member of the ~hi? College Press i Assoc1at1on. Let's start now ! j 1\· : h<0u t frc,hman bands o r failing to sa lute. hut th e g reater part had brok - - - - 0 ( - -- c11 the rule in conne·ction with speakSTAFF ! Budget Your Time. Editor-ind ',26 j Th e 1111.ddle o f th e scmes t er w1·11 - · · Chie f ............ J· B· Henry, .A ssistant Ed itor. ···· D. E. Harrol ' 27 j soon be he re with its exams and 1 Contributing Edt{1/~snda Gallagher, '26 . tell-tale grades. Then it is t ha t w~ : 1 Le~ore Smith, '.26 shall know ho\,. discreetly we have Paulme Knepp, -~~ hudgeted our time. Or, hav e we : Wayne HHars hda, ,28 worked at all on such a hasis? 1 F lo.. ren owar . ' '26 1 Passing one of the clu b rooms one Business Manager W.ceC. Myers, A ssistant Business Managers, ni ght, a friend who was a m embe r, 27 Mar.R~!s S~j1~~. '28 said, "Our club rom:1 is always dark . opular Ath Iet1c 1 or ....... . Louie Norr is, '28 it seems that ther e 1s never anybody W ~ carry the moSt P The · Ed.t style, quality, andMfit~esWearAssistant Athletic Editor- . , hanging around." At anoth(·r time 27 Pride of Young en s Harry \,Vidd oes, the cr it icism of a new man wa made. The Educator. d Shoes Circulation Managerw ·dd , ·'V,lc don't want to have to go o ut Margaret I oes, 26 . Dress Oxfords an A · Black and Tan. t C lation Managersand drag hnn up to the rooms all the sstSlan ircu Ruth Hursh, '27 time.'' What about this? $3.98 to $8.00 M. Wi lson, '28 DAN CROCE Alu mna! EditorsSome fo lks seem to be bkssed with Westerville, 0 ~ H. W. Troop, '23 leis ure time for purely loafing pur Alma Guitner, '97 poses, but there a re others who do ~ Cochran Hall Editor, Florence Rauch, 26 not have time to do a ll that they .'UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII S Local Editor ............ John L ehman, '27 want to accomp lish. Can we not ~ Exchange Editoreasure a man 's purp ose anrl its iny OU BeS t• S ~ Ernestine Nichol , '27. m tensity by the way he uses his leisur e time? Surely there is 110 more de- : Address all comm unicati_ons to The pendable standa rd. A sane budget of Otterbein Tan and C~rdmal,. 103 W. time will include ome lei. ure mo- :: College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. m e nt s to be sure, but ii a man is ~ Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, payable in advance.
I •
Groceries and Meats
Phone 65
Have Tried the Rest, Now Try the EAT AT
S ,
:b~:;:;:st\~ ~n~~~isoen, ~ :§ ~ - -----------~~--~! a nd i honest with him i,\s elf 1~\:in:ff:~itts he will not Entered as second class matter a,·c ,ours for loi tering.
Cottage Restaurant
~t Wes terv ille, ., under act of March September at the postoffice - - - •, ) C - - 25, 01917, -3, 1879. On Dates .. · I Acceptance .specia A girl wi th whom we were walkt for m~ilmg at 111 1103, ofActpoSofage rate Oct.provided 3 1 1917, for authori?ec. zed in a down the stree t one day remark- -= _ Apdl 7, 1919. ed of , " "Pie <ha< had Pmed, :
Warden &
1-11·ck le 1
• ii~
"T he y arc dating their Iives a way:· IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II Ill II II IIIIIIIIIII IIII Ill Ill 11111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIII 1111111111 There have been some flag r ant cases of this type brought to o ur a1te nti o n Bas ket Ball Season. in r ece nt years. But that is beside Last week Coac h Edler called to- th e point.
gether th e men who wi ll undergo a tiff eige of tra1111ng for a sea o n of floor work which we hope will be ucce sful. But as a s tudent body we mu t realize that th ere is m o r e for 11 ° do than to ju t wish and hope. Wishe neve r won any thing. Hopes have buoyed up spirit . But it takes careful training and pcrsi tent prac ti c to reach a place of merit. The ucce of the ba ket ball eason is dependent to a degree upon th s tudent body. Right now is the time to begin to win the game that
Let it be under tood that we ar c hearty believers in co-education. There i a cultural influence exerted in mix ed society that i entirely want ing in exclusi\·e groups. Men and women were not made to live alone. Each sex need the ,tah ilizing exer ti o ns of the o ther. Vv'e believe in dates. having had lots of them . The highe t motives of life are born of the inspiration and fel lowship of man and woman, but there is dange r that this a ociation will end with a n exc lus ive interest 111 each other.
THE UNION " The Home of Quality "
- ----------------------- --
For hosiery satisfaction we suggest "Gotham
Gold Stripe !"
Just one q uestion would we ask. .-\ re these date you are having en will be played in the ea rly m o nths of larging your life. or are th ey wal- 1 l926. Let us he in i tent and dili lowing up you r vi ion? gent in eei ng that the members of ---0 Stick to Your Job. th e squad are faithful to the training
I There should not be a basket ru cs. hall man in a cluh room after ten o'c lock. Roommate ca n do much in eeing that the ·'early to bed" rule is •t th e boarding clu b • we oh se rve d . •" ·· ti t f O r t h e sa k·e o f a ttcce shcltcvc ,a . . ful season the sac ri fices of nch 1~astries and the like - a re worth askmg. You know the many ways in which
J ud e Gary says: '·O ne shou ld c1cct an occupa tio n o r husines with great care and t houghtfu l co nsi deration. and then st ick to it. a nd push J it in eve ry legiti mat e manner. without chan ge. unl . e. s for good reason '· and a cert ainty of better re ults · 1 When ;)ne has decided upon a hu siness o r profes . ion, it i wi se to con- J cent rate and not . catter so far as one·s per~onal activitie. ar e concern ed .·•
$1.95 S t•i 1.i,;:
to - top. ,roo<l ,-, . qttal1ty c I11·r·Ion . \\'ith . 1·1sI e 1·o ot • Jn se rvice -
the popular color ings: gunmetal. h iege, gravel. grain , flesh. French nuclc a11d hhck.
- --
T HE T A N A ND C~A=.ll=D~l~N = A= L= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ P;! ag~e~ F~iv;;e
~o nfere nce, as ser~ed p.ositively, ''1:her.e Ce ntral Seminary ............ .................... Resolutions. STUDENT CONFERENCE . d f ) I The r eport of th e committee on ' ,s no way of d1spos111g of the mstt· De niso n ···········•·············"···+ ·············•·· 7 rom page one. tution of legalized mas s mu r der ex• Ma r ie. ta .............. .............. .. :; (C on t 111uc the presiding o tlicer o f the co n ference. resolutions wa s read during th c laSt ceµt hy the definite, articulate, direct· Muskingrum ... . ·········•·········-····· 10 Augus ta Button. Ohio Wesl eya n, ~c~s1o n by ;vi r. 'Wayne De1111is. Mar• eel power of pu:b,lic opinion.'' Ohio State university ..... ....•...........~ 9 Stan ley Roush. O hi o uni,·ersity , and ietta, .:!:a irm a n o f the commiuee. In Representation. O hi o Cniversity .................................. 11 l~uth Ll oyd , Oh io State University. c, Sl' nc e the r eso lutions adopted de• The folowing tab le set s fo r th th e Ohio \,V esle,-an Un iv ersitv 14 each presided at a session. Earl clared the Otter bein Conference to repre~e nl a t1011 of each of the fifteen I Otterbein ..· ....... ........ .........·.. ......... ....... :i :; Hoo ve r. O tterb ein. presided at the be reso lved: ( I ) that war ~hould be schoo ls. Wilb e rfor ce .......................................... 4 banquet Saturday evening. at which o utlawed . ( 2 ) that the U. S. s hould • \nti oc h .... . . .......... ... ....... ...... .. . . fi vVilmin g t on ···· •····-·······················•·•··• 7 Pres. Clippinger made the address of e nt er the Permanent Court of Inte r - · Bo nebrake -·e minary ................. ... :: I v\litte nh e r g .................. .. ... ................. 10 welcome. Jack Ann is. Pres. Ohio national Justi ce. (:, l that the consti- ' Capita l L· niv er sity ................ ........ ...... I W es leyan Y. M. C. A .. co nducted th e tuency of the Co nfe r ence s ho uld he Ced a rville .. .................. ............ ...... ........ I T o tal ............. .................... ......... ....... .lVi devot io nal se n ·ice S u.n day m o rning. urged to adopt their full sha re in the Carl Eschbach a nd John Hudoc k, Student F,·iendship Fund. ~ 4 ) that both of Otterbein. se rved as song lead- s tudent s s hould dev elop an intl'rna · : FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS , SENIORS, ATHLETES : ers. Herb Seamans, State Secretary. tional mind , ( .5 ) t hat a co mprehe n led seve ral dis c ussio ns and kept th.! sive educational program s hould h e : confe rence fi re s burning. io ll o wt'd on e,·e ry campus. ( 6) that Speakers. the co n fer ence cxµ r ess appreciation t o Mr. J o hn Ne vin Sayre, former ed i• th e Otterbein college adminin s tratio 1. - The Students' H and-Book of Practical Hints on the T echnique of E ffect ive Study tor of "The \,\: o rld Tomorrow." and the local U. B. church. th e Otterbein 1 § by w-orld traveler. addressed th e g r ou p Ch r is tian a~0ciations. citizens o f W es- : WILLIAM ALLAN BROOKS Saturday m o rning o n ·'Th e \,Vorld te rville. th e s peakers. a nd th e central , : A GUIDE contain ing hundred s of practical hint , and s ho rt cuts § in the eco11omy o f lea rnin g, to assist st ud e nt~ in sec uring MAXIMUM Co urt-\,\ lhat [s lt-and Whv Shou!d committee. ( 7 ) that th e State Y . We Be Co nce rn ed?" A t the -ba nq uet. Secretary se :1d a copy of the first a nd § SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at a minim um cost of time. ener gv. and 1 fatig ue. · Saturday eve nin g. Mr. Pa ul Keyse r , seco nd re solu ti o ns to the Presid ent of : ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED fo r overw o rked s tudents and W ittenberg, and Miss Ruth Thomas, th e U nited States. the Cha irman of ! : ath letes e ngaged in ext ra c urri c ulum activities and for a verage and Ohio Wesleya n . both of whom visited the Fo reign Relation s committee, a nd _ ho nor st ud e nt s wh o are wo rkin g for high scholastic ac hi e vem e nt. Europe during the past summer as th e Oh io Senators. : Some of the Topics covered n1 cn11be rs of the Pilgrin1age of FriendSjgnifi cant Statements. Scientific Shortcuts in Effective D iet During Athletic T raining. ship, s po ke on the theme. "The Signitica nt statements fr o m a fe w : How to Study Modern L a ngu. Study. W o rld's Stud e nt Ch r is t ian Federa- o f the speakers give an ins ig ht into ages. P reparing for Examinations. ti on.' ' M-r. Janie~ G. McDona ld, j th e trend of the confe rence. ~' Educa - Writing Good Examinations. How to Study S cience. L iterature, Executive :3ecr etarv of th e Foreign tion has to produce a g1encra t1 o n th a t : Brain and D igestion in Relation etc. to Study. P o licy Associa ti on -with headquarte r s is willing to think things th rough. , : Why Go ti! Co llege? in 1'iew Y o rk . a nd who has j ust re· W e need educational realism,' ' declar· § How to Take Lecture and Read. After College, What ? ing Notes. ccn tly return ed fr o m Europe. address- eel Rev. J oel Hayden. " \ ,\/ha t W<' . : Advantages and Disadvantages of Developing Concentration and eel th e delegates meeting in the col• mu t have,'' pointed out Mr. John § Efficiency. Cramming. etc., etc., etc., etc., et c., etc., etc. The Athlete and His Studies. legc chape l during the nine o'clock :\ e vin Saye r, '•is not o nl y physi cal se sion and then spoke in the \vo r s hip d isa rn1a 111eut. but a ls0 n1 c ntal di s~ ·serv ice at th e First U nit ed Brethr e n a rm am<' nt." Mr. Jame~. G. McDon,1.ld : . •· ~t- ""1s_ s_a-.·-e to sa y that failure to o-uide and direct study is the weak church. cx;)la ining the Lorcarno said that the L oca rn o treaties "are po111t 111 the whol"c du ational machin e." Prof. G. M. Whipp le . of Trea ty. its significance and potentiali • t he expre ss ion of the dominant psych- § M ic higan . ' 1 ti es for world peace. ol o gy o f We s te rn Europe. They a r c : "The s uccess fu l men in co ll ege do not seem to be very happy. Mos t of th em . especia ll y th e ath let es, a r e o ve rwor ked. " Prof. H . S. \,V hile Mr. McDonald was speak in g Euroµe ·s o w1: a ns wer to o ur demand, : Ca nby.Yale. in the ch urch . Mr. Co nrad Hoffman. 'Se t your o wn hou se in o rd e r '.'' '' All ·' Mi sdire c ted la bo r, though honest a nd well intentio ned may lead Secre tary of the W o rld Student · hri s- th e machiner y in th e wo rl d will no t : to naug ht. Am o ng the m os t important thin gs fo r th e st ud e nt to learn ti a n Federation fo r th e European help," s tated Mr. o nrad Hoffman . _ !s ho ~v (,o s;udy. With o ut .kn owledge of this hi s lab o r may be largely I rof. G. F. Swam. M. l. T . Stude nt Relief with headquarters in ·'unless the re is a mora l a nd s piritual ~ 111 va111 . s tud.ent s wh o ha ve ne lea rnt ''How to Study." wo rk is very Geneva. Switzerland, spoke in the col- d ynamic in the lives o f the individ- _ o ften"To a c ha~t1scme nt. a Aagellat,on , and an rn s uperab le obstacle to con• legie chape l in regard to ·'The Student uals wh o a r e the dipl o mat a nd lead - _ t e ntment.' ' Prof. A. l ng lis. Harvard . effo rt. Frie•ndship Fund." Discussion . fol- ers o f th e na tion._s. " Jud ge Flore nce Get a good start and make this year a highly successful one by lowed eac h add r ess. · .A. l!t,n in the clos in g addres s of th e ~ 1 se nding for this hand-b oo k and guide NOW .
Ll'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Do You Know? "HOW TO STUDY?"
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Prof. }3. W . Valentine Hears Musical Dramas Lecture at Ohio State. : Will Be Presented Soon. I: L Las t T uesday evening Prof. B. W. : ater in the mus ical seaso n Prof. Vale ntin e atte nd ed Dr. Kocchl e r' lee- , § A. R Spessard, director of vo ice in tur e a t Oh io State Univ e rsity. Dr. the onser vato-r y o f Music, will pre- Kocchler ls the founder of the new : sent a se ries of mu sical d ramas which chool of p yc ho logy known as Gestalt : will be taken from section s o f o pera . Psychology. : The first dra ma which Pro f. Spessard Professor Valentine wa e ntertain~d I§
You Need This Intelligent Assistance
~~;i~;it~:esston~~!il~~ ;i~~,;~oew " ~:;:~ a :a:~ t ~~~ o ~:g: : :aete \n~!y t:~ve~ h;~ ran ee,
no ted
co ll ecto r
Why You N ee4 This Guide
.................................... •........... ...... .......... ............................. ..
America n Stud~nt Publishers, 22 West 43rd St., New York. Ge ntlemen: l' lease se nd f ··H St d ., O me a co1>Y ow to u Y ~r whic h T en close 1.00 ca h.; $1.10 c hec k. ~ ~~,e ············ ··•·······················•·········••··••················ ······
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Tndia n hon or of D r. K oec hler. Dr. K oechler ■lll l■lll l■llll■llll■ ll ll■llll■llll■llll■lll l■llll■ llll■lll l■lll l■llll■lll l■lll l■lll l■llll■lll l■llll■llll■lll l■lll l■lll l■lll l■llfl■
m elo di es. This drama will be co m· i the world ' most famous P ycho· , I po eel partly of Indian ongs and part- logi t and is Profe or of. P ycho logy ly of Tndian dialogue. at th e Lni vc r sity o f Berlin. At pre·• !!!! - - -- 0 C - - - sent he is lecturing a t Clark Un ivcr • ■ T r ophy Exhibit. sit,·. W o r ces ter ,. Ma~sac hu et ts .. . The I II h f I The lec ture g ive n Ill the eve n mg is >a s t a t we re used in some o 1 !!!! __ • report ed by Prof. Valentin e as b eing th e ga m es Otterbei n has won m th e very inte r c t in g. instructive a nd val • la s t th ree yf!a r a r e 0 11 ex hi bit in th e trop h y case at the . s ocia ti o n build- ua bl c. - - - 0 C - - -
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Varsity Rugby or Spalding Sweaters. M en ' S F.1ne 0 vercoats an d T opcoats • Zipper Boots and Galoshes. s· ilk and Wool Hosiery. Collegiate Corduroy Trousers.
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mg. The na me of t he team pla_ved Prexy Addresses Ohio 'I i i· nd th a e score in eac h ca se is printed Religious C~ d . . Coun~~: ii on ti I I Pteside nt Vv. G. ippmger , i e >a II. Grace Co rn e tet le ttered . cl dd es at the South Oh io !!!! FREEM . t he b· live r an a r s · . j= • • i 1 ll s. Demott Beucle r. Ruth . a e1a o uncil o f R eli gio us Education a t ■ 22 i nd As ,rc. a nd D o nald McG ill a r c rc spo n- Po rt s m outh, F r iday. :\"ovember 6 a 1hle for the foot ba ll lette rin g. pr esid ed a t th e e veni ng meeting. l lll■l 1l ■ l ,l ■i:l ■l'l. ■ l :l ■Ll,■l l ■l. il ■l l l ■l l ■l,l ■ l l ■l l ■l,l ■lll■ll 1 ■1 1 1 ■l 'l ■l ,l ■l il ■lli■lll■lll■l il ■II I ■~
I! I
AN & CO. North State St.
hge S ix
T wo Mile Run Nov. 19· On Thursday. J ov. ·l !! • all Fresh· n 1c11 ta ki ng gy n1 ar e req ui red to run I (Continued from page one. ) th e two mi le s4ua r e. T l,e race d start Main I bac k fie ld. howt'vcr a g reat m any furn - at th e co rn er of Gr ove an t h to bles were made by bo t h sides. st reets. west to w es t •·tree t ' nor . east I 11 the first ha lf t he ha ll fl oated up t h e fi rst road outside of town, Main ' and down the fie ld with neit her s ide to the C. C. C. highway, so ut~ to point. gaining much advan tage. In t he first · st reet and ,';is t to t he tartmg I a• -------•·•--•••--•·--·•·•·-·--· - - - - - - - - • ·· ·· part of the game however t he O . C. T he runner s w1·11 ta rt prompt y ce· BASKET BAL L SQ U AD RE : FR OS H H AV E GOOD LI NE linemen outp layed their opponcn ts. 1j four o'c lock . The wi nne r of e ra th SPON D S T O EDLER' S CALL I· UP F OR ANNUAL TILT I Finding that they could not make any 'j will r ecei, c a br o nze m edal.
. · I
headway th ro ug h the l111 e t he Bald"inh E dler Lays P lans For Seas on · Nam es of Those W ho W ill Prob - Wa llace cr ew sough t to ga in a round oa~nd D iscusses P olicies ~ efor e ably See Action A re Annou~ced. \ encl. . In t his they were fai d y su ccessP romises to be Close Affair. I fu l. H oca n wh wa · shi fted fr om Squad in First Meeting.
-- -
_ ___ O C - - - ~ SI F RO LI C W I TH THE JUNIOR ·
q uarterbac k to half-hack did som e clen•r end ru n ni ng. Bein g ma ll a nd light h e was ab le to ski m ove r t he I mu d. H e a lso had t hat la ud ab le at- ' tr ib ute of being ab le to re,·erse the field 011 an attempted end ru n. By this method he ga ined con is te ntl y. Baldw in-vVa ll ace used most ly shi ft plays. w hich afforded a good in terfer ence for end- ru n ning. The 1:k rca team was e. pecia ll y clever in th ei r furward passing. Al- • though th ey did no t use a grea t many passes, the ones th ey did u e, wer e effec ti ve.
l ·oach Ed ler call ed th e fi rst meetT he .Fre sh m en-S opho m or e foo tb a ll ing of t he va r ity !bas ket ba ll ~q~ad ! ga m e. sc hed uled fo r Novem be r 24 at Mo nday nig h t at th e Assoc,at ion I th ree ocloc k, promi ses to be a ni p a n d build ing. In th e course of t he lec~ ure I t uck affair at leas t during tlie fi r st whi ch he gave the team . he o ut lm~d part of the gam e. T he Yea r lings ,tht policies for t he season and d is-! have th e di stinct adva ntage of nu mcu ·scd the fu ndamental r~a ons fo r bers. The re er ves are good enou gh and ideal of basket ball. 1 he al r eady t hat a n entire new team co ul d be I largc squad will be inc reased a fter ubstitu ted a nd not weaken the team th Thanksgi ,·ing when ten of e foot- to any ex tent. T he q uad fo r th e hall men are expected to report fo r most part ho weve r ha not ha d m uch practice. · expe ri ence. ln thi s depa rtment th e th l,;nti l after Tha nk sgiving ~ wo r k- j op hom or es ha ve th e ad va ntage. outs will co ns ist alm os t entirely o f T he fo llo win g Fr es hm en will all
ATTENTION H ere is a real oppor t um' t Y for af club of fell ows or a number 0 friend s to room and eat together in the same house. Vert. reasonable r ates. We will. .ben glad to talk o ver the propoSitlO w ith you. ;;.;;
77 W . MAIN ST .
fundani'e nta ls wit h em phasis on foo t- ' probab ly see .o m e ac ti o n in the game : 1 E nds: work an d ha ndling th e ball. Ya nti s. Ga te , Brenne r, Coach E dle r s poke ver y highl y o f j hank leto n. M raz. the ttn!>ort g iven th e team by th e I Tac kl es: D ay, Davi s. Huffer , L ittle. st ucknt hotly la t season.• H e h ? ~es W u rm. Guar ds: Cli ne, F r eybe rger . Him es, for and expect th e ame unfa,lrn g. s u1>por t fr om the fa culty a t1 d a_Iumn , Cha rl e , Gorsuch. as well as th e tud ent body t his eaCenter : T . Rei g le, Flegal. Back : W eaver. T homp so n. Meno n. T he Lhool and t he team were unf rtun ate last year when Coac_h denha ll , Ro selot . Mumm a. Bre w ter, aul. Ed ler was opera ted on fo r a ppend,clt i j ust w hen th e tea m was ge t tmg Th e opho mo r es have not elected · ta rt ed. With a n earlier st art an no a captain and no info r m a ti on ca n b e · I hd inter uptio n fro m ickne .m gs ob tain ed a s to th eir probab le li neup. - - - - 0 C - - -h uld g o better. Durl ·ng the cou r e of hi talk Coach SE NIORS TIE SOPHS IN E tatem ent, " We hope dler mad thi F AST SPEE D BA LL GAM.E to sec th e t ime when tli e w hole tu-,1
At the begi n ning of the second half the O . C. gang loo ked like they w ere deter mined to cor e but they we re halted by the Baldwin-Wallace out- I fi t which made everal ub t itution .
whole game.
The Grocer
it to say that the line as a played a co nsi tent cl r ivmg ·
ha been t he ca e in for mer game M cMich ael wa t he leadi ng line b uc k er . S eve ral tim e he sma s hed 1 the li ne for uh tan tia t gains. Snavely d id ome ve r y good pun ti ng co ns idering the condition of th e field an d the trength of t he wind . A peculiar incident occ ured in th e ta ir d quarter w hen " Bu " fumb led and W iddoes who was behind him picked t he ball up a nd ran fo b t Id . W r a ou seven yards. 10 fi rs t 8 a Wm- allace made do wn to l? tterbein' 4. H owever she wa~ Pena •zed for a to tal o f 25 yards w';1ile Otterb ein only lost 15 yard s by th ts meth od • The vi itor cored t heir tou chdo w n a i, th e beginnin g of the 4th q uart er ,,·,,en Capta in Li e ran 30 yard a round end placing th e ba ll on o. C.'s I S-ya rcl line. Fr m th ere th y took it ov r o n a · cries f end r uns a nd line I buck · ·apt. Lis e ca rried t he hal l o ver.
bceor•en o~fto_ I r e t for 1_1ext
a t u rday.
yea r gamehawa 16 t o o. Th F r e h m en-Ju nio r game o n Howev ar, Heidelberg w on_ Thur day \\"a call ed o ff o n accoun t of o ne game o fa r t h is yea r.o n Ty her ra111 . fore th e Tan an d Ca rdina l o utfit ha ---- 0 C - - -a good chance to wi n th i game w hich Galo. he fo r college men an d ma rk t he la t co nference ga m e of t h women. \ Ve pr ice them lo\ver. e Year for Otterbei n. E. J. orri & on. -Adv. ----O
o r. Co ll eg e
tate t.
a nd
~ ~
marred t he large
--1 Wilson
teady ga m e at ta ck le. Bishop wa also very effectiv e until he was injured an d had to be r e- 1 moved from th e game. E ve n th o ugh playing w ith an injured ankle P inney gauffi ve cea good a cco unt of himself at end.
wa T he game numb r of fo ul
• Felto n p layed a
dent body is goi ng to regar d the m en w h . a rc o ut fo r varsit y tea m a I On Monday, Nov. 2. th e unbe~ten r pre ent ative of the things the chool I o phom o re s~eed ball tea m -was JU~t tand for. Anyone w ho wilfully a b le to k;ep. it late clean ~ hen it doe ~ot gi ve hi best hou ld be m ade held th e ~n1 or bto a. 3 to d~ _tte. The to f el that he i dis loyal to t he ~eld wa m a etter con .'h o n than H concluded th e lecture a it h.a ibeen for any ga m e m t_he last 1t . 'th this r equ est fo ur weeks, but th er e we re still evmm ute ·I at ,er w1 pt o ur J. obs as• era! we t a reas cattered a bout. I e · a cce ive O tterbein ,• T he ba 11 wa .m S emor . p ay er ter ri. tory th 111 an e~~n; t0 /efi t~ef to ~earn that he most of th e time in the fi rst pa r t of e g" m g th e gam e before t he full enior team C was o n th e fi eld . In the la t part of r igh rly de erv es. - -- 0 --. GAME F ORE CAST th e gam e th e advantage was entirely HEI D ELBE RG with the enior however. T he ] n th e m at ter of games wo n Heidel ophomores we re exceedingly fortun b rg ha th e edge o n Ot ter bein. [ n ate, or th e enio r un fo rtun ate, wh en y ear g o ne by . Heidelber g ha. wo n th eco nd enior pena lty kick wa rather con . i tentl y . ho weve r, m the ju t hi g h enou h to bo unce up ward last few y ar it ha bee n a to -up fro m t he goal po t in tead o f down. b tween the two team . Re ul t of The enior team wa lacki ng by game in th e pa t a r e: five me n at th e beginning o f the game 1902-0. C., 0 ; Heid elber g, l l. Tt wi:I be remem be r d tha t Heid _ hut th fu ll tea m wa pre ent by the 1 04-0. C., 5; H eidelber g, 9. end of t he fir t half. T he ga m e ~e rg tri ed _t . poi! Home-com ing la 1t l 90!>--O. C.. 0 ; Heidelb rg, 9. wa fa t, e pecially in th la t part of ) ea r b): w1nn1n th e foo t-ball ga m e. I 191 0 . C., 37 ; H eid berg, 0. the a me w hen th e co re wa t i d. For _ th ,; rea o n a lively tilt sho uld 1915-0. C., 7; H eidelbe r g, 13. 1!l l 6-O . C.. 14 ; H eidelb erg, 7. 1917-0. C., 0 ; H eidelberg , 9. 191 o. 6; H eid elber g , 13. 1919-0. C., 0 ; Heide lberg, 19. i920-O. C., 2 ; Heidelber g , 21. 1!121-0 . C., 13; Heidelber g. 2. 1922-0 . C., 20 ; H eidelberg, 0. 1923-0 . C., 25; H eidel berg, o.
(Near the College)
Rhode M eat Market F OR YOUR P P PLIE
Rhodes & BaughJ11all
See Samples frorJI
d So' jjl .,.... n ...
Group P ins.
Makers of P hilophronean
PHILALETHEA Philalcthea and · her fri ends enjoyed a p leas in g sess io n o n last T hursday eve ning. T he fo ll ow in g progra m was
Pag e Seven
La dies· Hose. Ad ,·.
a nd
E. J . "!\' o n is & Son..-
M" M. . . is mni e Pau lme Gar t. class of 1910, formerly of Westerville and ren dered : Piano Duet-Frances Harris and now at th e Potte nger Sanitarium. Monrovia . Ca l. . is o ne of the few Bess ie Lincoln. t he \\'Omen who have found a vocation in Travelogu e-"'To the PearT of sp it e of th e handicap of ill health. :\ ntilles.' ' J osephine Drury. S he ha built up her ow n magazine Prefera?ly wi t h selling experience Rea ding- E s th er \\lilli amson . age ncy and ta kes subsc ri pti o n s to any for part time work in a furniture store. Legend-''Legend of Round -Stone magazine. g ivin g club r ates for Good ~pportunity to make good Hollow."' La Vo nn e Steele. mon~y m addition t o regular salary. Voca l duet-Viola Peden. Pa ulin e , groMu_ps. G 1ss a rst is the daughter of Dr Inquire of Mr. Gifford , Johnson Furni · K nepp. Pen Portrait-"The Passing S ho\\' ·• H e nry GarSl, for m a ny years a mem- ture Co., 15 N . State S t. th Katherine teinmetz. ' ber of e O tt erb ei n faculty and late r ·s at,~ professor em eritu s of latin Morrl ura etst one . .Amy 1.: • a Wh L ---0 C-- Zora Youman s spo ke upo n varied s u bi j e ct s du r in g ex tempora neous FROLIC WITH THE JUNIORS! speakin g. Six new members. Pauline A rm entro ut. Ruth Weiner. Marga ret Dee, Kathryn Eve rett. R uth Asire, and Loui se B rads haw were ele cted to associate affiliation. The name of Nellie r-; iswo nger wa s r e placed on the ac ti ve roll. 'I
WANTED A Hustling Student
, I
()11 Saturda y e,·enin g th e O nyx Uul, ,·nterta in ecl a number of guest, with a dinne r party at Peep )1111 . Freda Ki rtz. ex-' l . visited \\'ith 4 A li,e ,·a nders th is wee k end.
Hel en Sch\\'a rt zel of Dayton wa g uest o f t\l arce lla H enn· ove r week end. .
th e th e
Try a Three Cream Beauty Outfit- Cold C r e a m , Cleansing, Vanishing. Best in all brands at
- --0 C--
Sp~cial Rates · to Students
T he Polygo n Club ent ertain ed a CLEIORHETEA \ Ve Call For and Deliver. number o f gue t Saturday evenin g \\'it!, a di nn er pa rt y at the Ce ntury C lcio rhet ea r eceived into ac tiv e lnn .. J ane Rarton. Mi ldr ed Con n. '24, membersh ip last Thu rsday evening, and :\1rs. Byron J acoby were th e Ed ith Moore. of Ca nal Win chester ; R. N. CHAPMAN, Mgr. alun1na l g u e t •. into associate memibe rship, M ary l' ranc is George spent t he week end Belle L oo mi s. of Logan. at her home in Okeana. Three or i"'inal productions gave evi~1r. E. £.Smith.of R ed Lion , Pa.; dence o f m uch literary talen t . The l::~;;;;::::::;:=============----- - - - - -- - - - - - - - has been vi siting L enore the pas t few produc tio ns were, "Adventu r es of Us g!j■ll l ■ll' l■ll l■ll ' l■ll l ■ll l■ll i l ■ l l ■ll'l■ll:l ■l l' l■ll l■ll l ■ll l■ll l l■l!l ■! l 'l■l:.l ■ll l■ll l ■ll , l ■ l !l ■ll l ■ll l ■ll l al\lJ
Phone 465- J.
Mary W ei m er of Beach Ci ty is itin g Ruth .
White; "Veiled Grace Cornet-
, a nd a meditation. ' V ho
m =-....,..,,.,..i-;.
by Helen Pa lmer. A r eview of " So The Tali m an Club had a number Bi g ," by Ecina Ferber, was well giv of ne\\' girls as their g uests at a din- en by .Florence Wardell. M u sical ncr pa r tv in the Centur~• 11111 o n Fri- number on the program wer e highly day eve~ing. pleasi ng. They consisted of a piano The Ow l Club had a "D rop In" a turday night in hon o r of a numher of t he Conference delegates.
! ! ! tri o. "Gi rard Ga rotte," by F onday, ! Ma r y Long, Charlotte Owen and ! F reda nyde r ; voca l olo, "Maybe," ! by Brown, Ma r ga ret Euba nk , and a ■ vocal duet, •·Whisper ina Hope," by '='
Rev. and Mr . l\L E. Gibson vi ited H elen last ·w ednesday. Alice Hawt horne,
era Wright a nd ii :;:;
· A Complete Line of
K -8 & 8 •
The fUi nitu;;:;-;e Art
The Phoenix lub cleverly ente rtained a number of gu e ts at an ad ve rti ement party .on Friday evening. Everyone came dre ~sed to rcp re ent ome adverti ement. The p r ize for the cleve res t cost um e \\'a s given t nivcr ity. •·Peggy•· ick of Ohio Mr. and Mr . Nichols visited M a r jori e and Erne tine on u nday.
---0 C--N ew Cupboard For Home Ee. The o ld chapel
All Styles- All Shapes.
w ILLI A M S $ 0c to 7.00
~ ~
! ii ;
ii ==
IIl■ll l■ll l■ll l ■ll' l■l l ■ll'l■ll l■ll l ■1l1l•,J11■.l·l■)l f■IIU■Jl,l■ll l■ll:i■ll!l ■ l l■JIJ■ll.l■:m■ 'l■lm■u·1■1m■iiriiI Depar t- rr==============================~~
m en t ha taken on a pat riotic newnes . Chair and tables t hat were bare and becoming quite lotter y are now d eked in tan trimmed with card in a l a nd have given up their untable habit . The college purchased the paint and an<\paper, )a nd M'r . David so n aid d in the carpen ter w ork, hut ix fre hmen of the rt Depa r t ment arc r e pon ibl e for the work. They are : Eliza1beth Tudo r, Loui e Bonar, Charl ott e Rei ·t. E lizabeth Dick. irgin ia Mile. . Lawrence r ee n and Donald McGi ll.
n Friday eve nin g the Lotu lub en tert ai ned a number of friend at Peep Inn . D ean McFadden and Mr . R os elo t were am o ng the gue ts. hi o, Henry Ga llagher of Buffalo, vi ·ired Wa nd a t his week end. Rcv. R mith vi ited L rene o n -·un day. ---- 0 C ---Prexy Speaks to Mothers. Pre ident lippinger poke unday morning to the meting of the Mother ' lu b of the Indianola M. F.. Church. olumbu . before wh om he ha appeared on everal pr evipu oc-, ca ions.
P1· pes
Dori We therill wa s called home F r a nce Hi nd s. la t week o n account f her grand- - -- 0 C - - - father· death. ART DEPT. DECO RATED Ruth LeMa ter visited with ginia thi wee k end.
I ■
lo ng ago di,-
carclcd and tho ug ht to be u ele ar proving their worth in a new fo rm . They ar e bein g u eel in the transformation o f a pa rt of the hallway o n the third floor o f Lambert Hall into a cu pboa rd fo r the Horne Economics Department. t:nder the dire ction of Mi Mav Hoerner the Home Ee. de pa rt ment- is ma k in!! ome notewor th y chan g .
Don't Delay iby l mad
1--J ave y ur P h o t o fo r the
at once a n d a oid t h e r u h. ] h
lei Reli ab le
~ Ri ch and High
olumbu ~,
Page Eight
I c============~~
Annex. / M M Pau l Bro ·k. .'\lb e rt Davis. .\•lark 0 A H a ll , Theo. l(eigle, R ob ert Ri ch ard 0 T son , Ll oy d Schea r. A rv ine H arrold. I R E Country Club. SAYS: \\"illiam Cu rti ·s, Dal e Frie nd , R ob ert Mu mm a, C ha rl es M umm a, G er a ld That last Sunday at the Dorm o n e lfosse lo t. H a r old Tho mpso n, Ken t Sprinke l. D o ugla s Byers, Harold o f t he g irls a t her taible, after fin is hMo ul te r, H omer Huffm a n. in g a piece of c hi c ken , asked permis Sphinx. s ion to take the bo n e to p ut 111 F ra nc is Frybc ,·ge r, Eni e rso n G ib so n . 1 h er Stunt Book as a so uv enier of the Geo rge Huffer. Fra nk Mraz. Claren ce Gre a t Strugg le. E. ha nkl eton . That s he thinks the P r ofesso r in Lakota. s ho uld g ive addit ion a l R. E. Fl ega l. A rthu r Go1· uch. H e r• Educa tion h er t Holm es, Cli,·c H oove r. H . E. c r edit in t>h ys ica l education b eca u se Litman. Raym o nd Myers. \,V. S . . les of the way hi s victim s s print to g e'. t o hi s c lasses before th e door closes. hit, D n hoc maker. Alps. Th a t th e reaso n o ur r oom i n ever J oseph Littl e. Cramer Mahau. C urt ·o ld is beca use o ur ta lkati ve neigh f o ulton, A lbe Himes, Art hur T ho m bo r ~p end s so mu ch time visiting us. as, Junian Yantis, Thoma s 'vVeaver. Th a t s he thinks the a dministration Cook House. Qu en tin Kin·ti g h, A lbert Mayer, sh o uld eq uip th e front and s ide porch Donald Mc ill, Earl Mood y . Francis es of Coc hran Hall with h eaters for Saul , H arold Y un g, Br uce L apo rte. th e be nefit of those who are lis ted on th e D o rm 's " waiting list." J an \!Vi se, Lewis Probs t.
R ay J o hn so n. ·22, who wa s a dele gate fro m Elon e brake eminary to th e Conferen ce wa. a J o nda g uest over the week end. " Jiff" Bay. '23. s pent the week end at hom e. Th e La kota Club had a stag affa ir for th eir pledges a nd th e "Dads" o f ome oi th e boys Sat urd ay night. linton Las h's fathe1·. Karl K..umler's father , Emerson Bragg' fa th er a nd "Tin '' Tin ley·s fathe r were th e "clads" who were th er e a nd Prof. Hurs h and Prof. Vanc e acted in that ca pacity for some of th e boys. Dave Reck. '25. who is in the ~hem ical Researc h Department of the meri ca n Rollin g Mill at Middletown, Ohio, was back for the game aturday.
Jonda. T hat if an y one had dropped into ~ - Leiter, Edwin Gea rh a rt, h er gym class last Thursday they ~1yde H . Bi 1s t in. Ora lin e. would ha ve seen a conc r e te example Philota. o f " flappers." Oay [ . Ko hr, Lawrence Gree n, That s he ca n't quit e see what the Ri chard Durst, Frank Bas ler. / Spanish Inquisition had over Snap - - - - 0 C-- - Quizzes a nd mid-semesters. PHILOMATHEA
cie ti s s ho uld b work 111 Phr ·ica l week . Th,1t h e itecr who D o rm la t of th e co n
wo nd ers whether the prof. so l l the chicken to the w e k i.- having prickin ci nee.
Tha t th e lumnac ca me and went a nd that s he ha n't been a ble to find her too th bru h or bed-room ·lipper yet. T ha t las t Mon da y n ite at the l'. E. M asq uc som e fre s hman fell 11• a ked he r to ta l< e off her mask as it gave him t h e willies a nd that he jut told him in acid tone that he had already ut1111 as ked. That th e o th r day in Hi of th gi rl s said that to the eatin g was a r ec r eat ion but thinks it is th e iife work of h er s is ter . in th e D o rm .
rory one l\ndent that he ome ot
---- 0 Duchess Tr us rs- lOc a button, $ 1.00 a rip. E. J. Norris & .on. . rh ·.
ome and Try Our
Sl E ~l
larence Broadhead , '25. wa back That something unu s ual happened D IN in town aturday. H e is teaching in Discu ion of the cons titution took in As tronom y lass the other day. Lima C ntral High School. the place of the regular literary prosenior piped up and said he had Th e Country lu b held a " Welcome" gram in Philomathea ,last Friday even - jus t had a thought, a nd that s11e think • f r their new pledges aturclay night. ing. L. B. Knouff,. of Pt>er rling- it' a bout time h 's g raduatin g. BLENDON 11 , olum bus. wa s ele~t cl to P hiloThat s he wanted to major in extra Mr. and Mrs. Beuch ler and Mr. J7en t herrick wouldn't nick of Mowrys town we re g ue ts of malil ea as a n as. oc,ate memlber. curricuar b ut Dr. v,.r, Tin s ley wa s elected as the j · I dvi ser's Demo tt Beuch ler ove r Saturda y a nd Ralph s ign ier ard. His torian for s ociety. S un day. ext rrida y evening will be ope n Tha.t s h thinks that th e girls who Perry Laukhuff' father caine for session for th e In a ugura l cer monies [>ass th e ballot box in th e va riou s sol;hc game la s t Saturday. which will hegi11 at even o'clock . Philomathea extettds invitations to P. . Ha,:ris, '23. wa s 111 town la the ot her litera ry societies. and to all aturday. her frie nd s. Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk \,Vi se wit h I - - - 0 C--dau g hter Marjorie a nd Miss Fern New Books in the Library. Oliv r drove ver fr m ewcomers of the New II Ma lcl e11- l rob lem town 0 11 Su nd ay for a visit with Dick. Testament Today. ---0 C-- Living ton Legacy o f Greece. CALENDAR ·a sonncient Greek. Robin o n-Geniu s o f the Greek Wednesday, Nov. 11Drama. Armisticc Da y. Ma o nPl re ciation of M u ic. 8:00 p. m.- Re cita l. Lambert Hall. om posers . Mason-Con tempora ry Thursday, Nov. 12Maso n-From ong to ym phony. ■1 11 ■ 1 1 11■1 11■1 ,11■ 111■111 6: 15 p. m . - leiorh ctea. rt of P,a rry- Evolution of the, 6:30 p. 111 .-Philalethea. Music, pthorp- Opera, Pa t and Present. Friday, Nov. 13Matthay-M u ical Interpretation. 7 :00 p. m. - Philomathea, Insta ll a Lo we ll . my- John Keats . ti n Open Sess ion . Yo un g- - ea Hor s. 1 1 1 ■ 111 ■ m l■lll l■ ll' l■ll lla 7 :00 p. m. -Philophro nca, In sta ll a Miller- [ aces, Nati.o n ;111d la e . Ope n cssio n. White- Mark t nalysi . Let Us Sell You Your Next Novel. Monday, Nov. 16Kar stenharts and Graphs. Junior Fall Froli . Work- F lk o ug of th m rican SEE OUR WINDOW Thursday, Nov. 19Ne gr . 4 :00 p. ni.- Fr sh 111 en Two Mil latur and its H oc king- 1:i u111 an Run . R making,. AT THE Saturday, Nov. 21ature. D wey-Experi n e aud :00 p. m. -R cita l, o llege Chapel. tir li11 g-Vll illia m de Morgan and Mr . ook' la . Hi Wife. Monday, Nov. 23Whe I r- F reig n tud ent in mer:15 p. m. -H o n. John J . Tigert, ica. tate t. I ctures. oll ege hapel. Brown-Five Young M en. ne ----0 H aye . R. B.- Diary and Letters. FROLIC WITH THE JUNIORS! Bridge - . bnonnal P y chology.
University Bookstore
A Book to satisfy Every Students taste
University Bookstore