1925 11 17 The Tan and Cardinal

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" The Mistakes of 1925" Draw Great Applause From Amused Audience.


Program that took th e ho use by s torm. . Dr. Lac kl and is o_nc o~ ~he abl e ·t " Tl1e L amp Went O ut ,,. was t h e ·v un g men e ngaged III r ehg1 011s wor k titl e o f a elev r little . • 1 a m o ng s tudents. Eve-ryw here he ha• p lay 1et w 111c 1/ • · ro us tcs t1111 0 111als pr o ve wa a o pre cnted o n t h c sam e 1>1-11. been, nume . . TI _ I th a t he 1s o ne of the best liked s1 eak 1 attraction. in the hall wen: er, o n n\ode rn r e li g iou s rtrohlc:ms. ~lllo!ng the 1~ s t inte resting feature. 1 ']-J founde r of th e De uv •r Ill th e Froli c. "The ib y llin av- r ern" d r w g rea t c r o wds to it for- - - - 0 C - - -tune t ll ing b o th. Those who went TWO OTTERBEIN GIRLS th rough the "U nderworld" cam e back UNDERGO OPERATIONS With horro r- tricken face and of terro r. Miss Beulah Wingate and Estella "The Japan e c Tea Room" furni hShoemaker Operated on for d the crowd with refres hments. Appendicitis. Beautiful a nd cleve r decoration ad 'rned Dr. andc r · ' clas r o m for it ha. become necc. sa ry fo r Again • thi. s tunt. tw o ttcr bei n .s tudents to undergo Th e receipt. fr m the Frolic wi ll o pera tio ns fo r a ppendicitis. 11 aturday ML s Benlah \ in ga tc, b applied to the 1926 Sjbyl. T h bu ines man ager ha s no t ye t announ• ·ophomore. ~uffered a 11 ac ut e a ttac k and \\"a s ru . heel to Grant H os1> it;i l. , O· ced th e total receipt lumhu s. fo r a n imm ed iate o peration " ·hi ·h was perform ed hefo rc her FIELD AW ASH , fath er and mother. ~fr. and Mr . E . E. . h ome \\ in gatc. could a rr ive fr o m t he1r FOOTBALL FLOATS in I a,·ton. Latest re po rt. i11dicat TO FIRSTr DOWN that Mi \ Vingatc i. doin g


eve n thou h her co nd ition i. t erville, ., N ov. 'fh e 111 t unu s ua l fr ak of the rain y- day fo tball ga m es ~lay <I ye te rda y occ urred dur­ ing th BaJd\\'an- a llace-Otterb in ga m 11 a f urth clown Pfeffer call d for the lin e man to m eaur the di lan e a in ed. \\ hilc ~layers and official " ·e re wait­ ing f r the Iin to h brought lit th e f tball floated away in water. ffi ia L re tri eved the ba ll. gu · cl w he re it had been a n(I gav th offensive team fi r t dow n. (Th al · p >()vc 1s an A soc iat d re s r po rt th;it fo und a place 11 t h c fr o nt pa g e of eve ra l of he · na t ion\ la r ge rl ailics last


Religious Worker From "Parish Day" Also To Be Observed. Denver Spending Acfr,e Day Dr. Innerst Will Speak. Large Squad of Seventeen Men Will Be In Y Interests. Attendance P.anned. Enlarged When the Football Season Closes. >!ext Sunday will be .. l<all y Day" T he .Y. ~I . C. A . will present ti'.> ·

Nat ional

ni~ht in th e ir reg ular we ek ly m ee t­ in g a nati o nall y kn o wn relig ion workL · I e r in the person o f Dr. George . aughter Resounds Through College Lack la nd . pastor of the Grace Com Halls As Crowd Explores . -1 h D e,i,·cr olo rad o j munity mrc , . . st . Dr. Lac k land will speak o n· so m e s uh My encs. . ject pertaining t o religion in lahor. Beautiful c horus girl s that eq ualled D L kl d k · I cl tli ' • · , • r ·. ac an. s po ·e 111 fc 1a1 ,, I anyt li ng f, orenz Zeigfeld eve r d isp f . 111o rn111a a nd m se veral o r o essor O covered was o ne of the big feat ur es , [ in t h ·• rvc · k f • ,. 1-lur ·h's a nd Dr. Ph elan s cla . scs. 11 . e l is ta ·r. o 192.J, a t t 1~c hi s clas s lec tures Dr. Lackland conJunior Fall Frolic held last night 111 · . . . · th e •\ cIn11n1 · ·s trat1o . n 8 ml. d mg. " ,.-r 1.,e sid e rcd rc, hg1 . o us, social a nd eco no1111 f c Port Y K not. ·• an a t hi ellc · n o rwe dd"mg, top ics.. 1 his afte. rn oon a n ope I wa' anot h er number o n the c h ape I um " ·ill be held III the c hap e.


No. 9




We k_ )


• om ·

ll"h a t criti ·a l. Mi s E tef!a hoe makcr, Fre "' • I I wa tak n to Grant f• sp,ta un< ay I f h a ftcrno 11 for the r e mova O t e ~pi 1 ndi ,·. D ea n McFadcIe n \\"a. "'.1t 1 I o p ra t I n h r a nd rep rts t ha t tic '[" I10 k · " ·a ali factory. c, 1 m a er ·· ho m e i nea r Mindi t wn. Th Tan and Car rlin a L e,q res ' in g . tud nt ympa thy. hoJ)es f< r a raJ)id and com 1>lete recove ry f r I,ot I1· Rousing Rally. mob of 100 d rm-ite. and " howr s." with a part of tJ1 e ba nd . ,.at_h . r ­ ed a t th y m aturday m o rning " '. 'th unk mJ)t hai r a nd in co mplet a ttir , but full of loya l pep and lo ts of n a nd ~ nt th e team a\\"ay with a ing rall y. Pro fe.~o r Ph elan a 11d Hurs h a m ong th c r o wd .

at S unday School. ancl .. lj ari s h Day ·• at th e ch urch service$. A g oal ha;; I


b<:e n set in bo t h :<en·ice, for a reco rd Thorough Practice in Fundamentals attendance. Keeps Men Going In Early L' ndcr th e dirtcctor o f l'rof. L. :\ . I Floor Work. \V ei nl a nd. s upe rint e nd en t of the S 1111 day Sc hoo l. a co-o rdinati o n of teac hers : The li rst pra c ti ce of th e Var ity a nd pupils is being o pera ted in o rde r j lia~kc t hall sq uad was he ld las t Tues­ tu r eac h thl' higl_ , _a tte 11da'.1 cc o f o ver day eve nin;s. .\ good sized s quad nne th o usa nd . I here will he so11:e ha s a11,nvcr cd Coa ch R. K. Edler's s µecial features 011 the_ progr a m fo r ca ll fo r ca nd ida tes. \,\/h en the £oot­ t htc Sunday School se r vice ·. ba ll seaso n is fi 11i heel there will be 111 th e c hurch se rvice • ·' Parish nin e o r te n mo r e men o ut for the Day" will be observed and Dr. j sq uad . The o nly le tt e r man to re­ pso n. .-\mong the l nn e r c ·t, a returned mi io nary, will I port so far is he the · peakcr. Money wi ll be rais- men w ho a re . till playi ng football, e,J a t thi se rvice to he -~sed in Stt_P· 1 ~10wcv_e r. th_cr ~re se ,:eral letter men port o f th e work a t the m Lam nus- 111clud111g lapta1n Widd oes. Carroll , m o ng those who s io nary post. The wo r k at this place I and Slnavely. 1 is being carried 0 11 hy O tt erhei n grad- played 011 la~ t year ·s Fres hman team l<, s ant mer ~•nd ·nt. . l'he mi11 - and arc 110 • pla~•ing foofhall a r e imum q uo ta to b' ra is •d at th.is se,·- 8arncs. Bishop, a n~l Riege l. B i ·hop vice wi ll be . ·500. may not b able to play any •basket - - -- 0 C - - - o n a ·count o f a 11 ank le injured 1 ball EDUCf.TION WEEK TO BE I in footb.all. EXl'fENDED AT OTTERBEIN tai r anrl l'o rosky. le tter m e n of last yea r. ha ve no t ye t en rolled for prac­ Lecture by U. S. Commission Tigert ti ce. Will Add Interest To Educaj 1:he p ra ctice to date ha - con i tcd ional Work Here. , e ntir ely of fundam en ta ls . pecially handling th hall. .\ lot of h oting n Mo nday . Nov. 2:l. L nit cd ta les is bein g cfrnc hy a ll m e n a nd in Co mmjss io ne r o f Educatio n. J o hn J. addition o m e dribb ling. Tigert, will lecture i11 the co ll ge chapThe squa d o f thirt ee n o ut the fi rs t c l. ex tending beyond th privileg e of day \\";i s increased to . evc ntcen be­ o th e r commu111 t1e ·. th obs rvan cc , fo r e the "' c k was up. The sevenof Eclucatio11al wee k. Nov. 16 to 22, tee n a r e Eastman. H o u e m a n. y un g. a de ·i natcd hy the ' nitecl ta tes Benn e tt. D. B. Buell. Hopper. Ja cBur au o f Educa ti o n. Mr. Tigert i~ oby, J a me . p o n. a n uren . Beucom ing to e ·tervi ll e. according to cle r. G. M. Ru II. Gantz. H. \. idplan . made hy the itizen ' Lyceum d e.. Lo ng. , la wita. a nd V a l our e committ • Hli appearance _ _ __ 1 he r e " ·ill be the fi r t tim e a nat iona l Misses Barngrover, Vance, and commis Richardson Will Give Recital. \i\ e tcion r villr .of ed ucatio n ha been




On aturday ev o.ing, ov. 2 1, a t 8 The c hapel peaker thi we k are o'clock, the Mi Hazel Barngrover giving e pccial attention to matter and H I n 1 tructor in the ed ucatio nal in acco rd ance with th e ry of Mu ic. and national program . Th am o n. la. of '2'l a rra nged for t of are cital in th co la · f ll o \\" : . Pa ay: l ita l and di pen\\'edne~clay. a nd T ea ·her D ay : I hina. whi h Thu r. day. Tlh1roiftl i c directi n f Day: f ricl ay, Kn ow oi '22. ,. 1 Day. aturday i. know n as omr f • • 1 I 111unit~· and H a lth Day. a nd . undav. c igll u 11~ interestin g pro ra m • of vo _a l a nd III trum ntal numb r ·or , ocI an d ountry D ay. '. ____ 0 C - - - ha be II a rran ge d cl in g wi th e n1 Recess Begins at Noon. e mble a rran e m nt f ·'By th of Minn tonka' ' wi th Mi Ii 1 . \Va tcrs By act io n of the facul ty th e R ic hard. 011 as mezzo-. OJ>ran . vi Jin Tha nk. givin g r ece.. will h gi11 \ ed- ' ohliga to hy 11 is. Barngrover. a nd nesday 110011. X v. 25. in tead o f .1 piano .tl·con1pa11im 111 by Mi Van :\dmis~ion har s arc thirty- five o'clock a a nn ou nced . in th ~a talo · cenL for la. s r oom ,·? rk beg111. ag;un 7 ::)0 ce nt fo r adult.. and fi ft e 11 f onday even mg. :'-I ov. 30. chi ldre n.



Page Two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= = = = = = = = ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T~ H~E ~ T gA~N~~A~N~D::C~A=k:D=I~N:,: A :L~ : : : ~ : = : : : = : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ; ~ THREE ONE ACT PLAYS STUDENTS RESPOND . DRIVE ' WELL AT ON JUNIOR PROGRAM , 'f O RED CROSS I ARMISTICE DAY OBSERVED FIRST RECITAL WAS TENDED


Two Minutes of Absolute Silence F,;day ,non,;,,g • •=dlyaom- , R,;gn,., 11 O 'clock. D,. Jone, he r of .studen ts contributed t? the lj Addressed Students. lnterna t1onal Red Cross fund 111 reI I spo nse to an appea l mad e >y ~ro f · 1 ,-\ nnistice Day wa observed rrue s, The Juni or Cla s ~i ll present o n !\ . 1:-'. Rosse lot the previous morning. . clay morning by the entire college <he " "'";"g ol D ec. 5, ;,, >he coll, ~-• I Q ,,e dollac con,c;'.'""d w;tt ,,,_,;<1_, any wh,,, • >wo n,;nn,, Um, pe,;od was chapel. a group of three one ac_t pla) s. 11 stu de nt to a yea rs membership 111 the-. observed 1n reve rence fo r our \ Vorld 0 1Jnn;o,, wh o hm hee" <akn,g <he 1,,,e,na,fo,,,1 Red Crnss. F o,.he, Wac "'"'"'"• t;,;ng and de,d_ A< .,,; , d<am•"" ""'" co mdbo,; o,,, w,n he welcomed, and clmn <he bog!, call of aUenHon 1 Prnf. Leon McC• " y· -<hes se_mes<ec pa, m "" mad e >o P,of. Rosselot, who 0 ,oogh t , he >oden, hotly , o <he;, ' ii 1make "P ,he ,harn,>ed,auoo. ;, the chafrma" of >he comm;ue, ;n fi'e , _ "'To th e colors" wa then sounded "v al 1;· r•t in the group will -be ·'The cha rge of th e Co mmunity Fund Cam.1a1, t.·· In_· l< obe rt Midcllemas an_ paign in this loca lity. and th e flag returned to full ma t. cl Hal worthy Hall. Thi s tragedy wi 1II ---- 0 C---..-\ tw o minutes silence followed that e Jcall n tl,lonh ,he bes> effons ol <he '" BIBLE SCHOOL IS w,s ponc>oa>ed by the fi,;,,g of ,.,,_ seaso n 19Z4-25 it wa s a_ n outCOLOSSAL SUCCESS 11 011 in the cit)' of Columbus. The tile standing succes~ and is recog nized as ---sil ence period wa end ed by the long, fi nes t American one ac t play of Ove r eighty s tud ent s en roll ed fo r sti rring and doleful note of '·taps." Evening of D~=be, 5 W ill Given O ver to Junior Class In D ramatics.

d in the



Q,e,c,oo peop\ •:•~:: ~;I


given hy the Co 11ege of d were 1 numbers were well • done us1 an . well md,ed, . " ;, , The program that wa s giv follow<' _ ed WilsoJI, p; ,,, Qomd, M,ld, , c,l,a E>he0t K ep tec, Vfra D_"""'t~el;too• Joh,,,o,,, p;.,,. Solo. M,td,he_ k · ong, R nd Sc JC ' y· r Solo e 1· Violin Solo, aym,o C lia Johnson: · S()llg1, I Ethel Piano K epl er:Solo 10. 11 Kathr);i;e!r • Minnic v;ot;,, Solo, D.w;,,J Ka< • ,,mb", ff • Organ e


'°""' ;,,


;,, k;,,d_ _ 0 The mo"d play ;, am,,,;,,g "'. " call s ;,,, ac,;o, >wo crn ; old ma,ds allt ;,, "" old lad;,s' home. and >he Cal hor, :\ lice Brow n. has c1_·11hose S n. to,, l it...T he J oi nt Owner _ pam., The s, " " " ' h o l • wdma" ' won th ' and how she may be won over is. ~ ,heme of "The Obs,ma>e · F ly wh ;, h prnm;s,s • co nct,,,;on o f fon l """ ,he ,,,w sys>em of dass room play coach ing, it is to be expe~ted d ,ha, ,hm plays w;n show sope n o, ra m.atic merit. - - - 0 C--- KILGOR y WORKERS HOLD NOON MEETINGS AT · E t - -Social Associations Service Departent of ChriS ian Does Active

•= •

,,,,1,- ;,, u,,

W e.w, ;11, B;bte School wh;,h held ;,s >he p, , week ;,,0 >he Me hofa> Chmh. Twe"fY1 ,,, of ,h, """'"" ,ec,;,ed mt;fi_ cat cs for work clon e in cla ses. These ce rti fica tes will co unt towa rd a diptoma from , he ,ie,,om; ,,.,;on ""d <he Intern atio nal Co un cil. Several wh o wm "nabt, , o auend " "' fina,,dat soppon . Ouech,; " wa "'""""d at the Bihle chool by approximately a dozen ""den>s. The sc hool d~ed w;,h a fin e session and social Friday evening. th e whole co nference being con, ;rlm d a h; ghl, mees,fo commoa;,y e ffon. The ce ol o,;o,,, comm;ue, expres eel a s trd ng desir e t at th e sc ctio n.he co ntinu ed as. an h a nnual funhool


· A pec,1;., eofoc;d,nc, ;n >he a,m;, _ ,;,, ob,ec,a,;o,, wa <he,y,,,h,.,.,;,;ng of on, ,;.,, w; th >hat ;,, Coh,mbo >ha, ace;d,n<ally made <he ca,on sho,s come during th e si lence period here. At the regular chapel exerci e, Dr. E. A. J ones, whom Pees. Ct;pP;nge, spoke of as "the ideal American citi" "·" hrn"gh> a me age app,op,;atety ;gn;ficanl. C ---- O Pay Yoo, Pledge! Th e president of the Student Counc· ii r e por t s ti,at t h ere are a good many ""pa;d pledges fo, <i<e ba nd oo;fo,m · a nd asks a n ea' . fY P• ymen,_ ONo TO DAYTON C


I auditorium at_ Lamt, erhear the rec'.ta ues clay evenmg o .M ·c 11e

Marv rcl:n. Song: r· Vio· Eli zabeth\\' hit f-I oefoma · z If Fis ie Loren · · 1 ,<;,,,;,b J;,, Doc,, Rheba K"apP 111 S it h: Pia no Solo. _e a and &ubl n;xon, " " ' · ](a,h,yn , _ ,., P;ano Solo, Frnnds Hun Mm M;[] " y; 1;., Soto, 5 · Pauline

' La""




Breden: Vo ca l Duet. o cand Vera Wri g ht. ---• :Meets . , Cl" I International Rela.tio 115 b held Intern a,; onal Rel• tcon' he ho"'. o ;,, cegula, "'" ""• "' "'"'"' Dr. Snavel y la t Mo ~yed by the nd s;x ,;,;tou wm entedam fo<"" club with a program of o_pen discu s ion d ealing w ·th China. ken ·11r 1 was ",,e>"'! M,. H o w.cc! M, ,,ke <o , c1; ,e n,em hm I"P· The el~ < - 11 a, sec retary wa, 1 of Viola Pries t. 1·11ecl h.r th e 1

me- , ,;.===~========================~~]

Ocl.a l Service Work E . M. Hur hMary wa an is Here. the a im o f the Y. torProf. in the sc h<(ol. ~{cin Kenzie. Ii Catherine Darst. Fl orence Campbell, M. C. A. and the Y. W . C. A. meet- Zelfa Fi her, Waldo Keck. Earl Leiings \ hich th o eth organization have ter. J anet Magill. Helen Magill. Prof. th been holding for e employees of e Weinland and Prof. Mc Cloy . were 111 Kilgore Manufacturing Co. every attenda nce at th e school. other Thur day durin gi the noon hour. R e1J re entative from Y . M. and Y. - - - ~ t ) C - - -VI/. prese nt program composed_ ~f P rof. F . A. Hanawalt Compiles mu ical number . readings. and. sum Lefax Scientific Bulletin. tar ente rt ai nm ent for twenty mmute Prof. F . .\. Hanawalt i the comat the noo n hour. The meetin~ .are piler of a list o f Greek and Latin held in the new kite factory building. root words mo t commonly found in La t week Robert v\ eitkamp play- cientific term . For th e la t three 010 eel a eri e f corn et · rra~ge- yea r the depa rtm ent of zoology ha ment ha e -been made to ha ve a piano beeen u in g thi compilation on large at 11 xt week' meeting. mimeographed heet . In it la t enTh y· are already beginning to larged fo rm the compilation i being th e re ult in th e intere t which e published tb y Lefax:, Philadelphia, th workmen are bowing in e meet- Pa . ,a L efax 9:1. It i certain t!1at iug . That a better feelin g i being thi s convenient publica ti on will come created fo r the Y i evident by th e into wide pread use. ~ - ____ attendance at the noonday meeting . 0 ---0 C --CALENDAR BISHOP CLIPPINGER TO VISIT OUR CAMPUS i hop . R. Jippinger .vi ii be on Thursday, Nov. 19th ca mpus M nd ay, l\'o . 30. a~d 4 :00 p. m.-Fre. ho1e11 Two Mile Tue day. D c. 1, and wi ll peak 111 Run. bapel Tue day morning. 6: I 5 p. m.- leiorhet-ea_ Bi h p lippinger will meet a·fter fi :30 p. m.-Philal eth ea. T u cla y chap I all tuden t who Fr"day, Nov. 20ar preparing to do ome form of !i: 15 p. m.-P hilophronea. hri tian work. definite program 6:30 p. m.-Philomathea. of the meeting will be a nn oun ced Saturday, Nov. 21later. , :00 p. m. -Recital. Coll ege Chapel. - - - 0 C--­ by the Mi e Barngrove r, Vance and Richardson. Appreciation The tudent Council wi hes to ex­ Monday, Nov. 23pre appreciation to the w omen of :15 p. m. -Lecture, by Hon . the tow n and girl of the college f~r J. Tigert, College Chapel. John their work in making the band um ­ form. ON T O DAYTON

- - - oc ___,_

Actual $4 value!

600 pairs of genuine Arabian mocha gloves Your choice



I t's glove time nowt It's also gift time. And gloves sh~uld be on everY gift list! These soft; are splendid quality; pliable; With Paris point spear back 0 ~ black embroidery. Regular and cade · sizes, 7¼ to 9½ .

THE UNION The Home of Quality

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l"agc Thees





T hirty -five Present at Informal Din­ ner Suggested by W . 0 . Lambert, ' 00 .




Class of ' 11 Leads.


'21 ; J . G. Howard , '22; H . J. White,

F lorence Stephens and Esther Mc­ Donald, '2J: W. S. Wood, Ma rtha Sch lemm er, and Don Howa rd, '25; and Exers, Mr. a nd Mrs. E. G. Beeson, and Marv Ka lter Libecap. It was a fine g,et-together and the Otterbein . pirit di splayed was of the kind we like to see. Such meetings as these are to be encouraged a s they are bound to result in a closer association of alumni intere ts. ---- O C - --News From the Orient. The first news from far away lands arrived thi week. Two letters came from Japan •bringing the a lumni dues of Ina Gamer l £elder '24 and Mr. and Mrs. . H . Sh~lty, '•1 7, ' 18, of Tokyo. Mis Gamertsfelder write that they are happy in their work there. Rev. Sholty ha. · had very marked uccess in the la st yea r and is a lead­ e r in t he inter-denominational worl< of th e vari ou . church es in Japan. The Tan and Cardinal will go t o OL '· . Ir f nends out there and keep them in touch with us.

- - - - 0 C----

Will Speak O n Educational Programs. Pre · Cl ippinger will pend Wed­ ne day a nd Thur da ,· o f this week at L 1' , \\' bon, wh ere he will appear edne day evening before the Paren t-Teach ers , A soc1at1on, . . and again T l1ur day b f . . Cl noon, e ore the K1wa111. u IJ, peaking in the interests of educational wee k .


- --0 C--ON TO DAYTO N

Miss Margaret Hillhous~ ,W~ , HQ.S­ tess. Alumnai DirectQr Spoke. Thirty New Memb.ers.

The \'ovcmber mee ti.ng o f the · tterbein ,v oman s' Cl ub of Columbus, I and ,·icin ity. wa s a tea last Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Mar­ il i:aret 'Hi llh ous~ .. 74 , Eas t Lane Ave., Columbus, Oh16: fhe weather was I pr9piti qus and ·th e attendance wa · la rge. . .-\ fter the business m eeting, the ne w directo r o f A lumni Relations. M r. Horace W. Troop, spoke to the la di es, . tell in g them ·o f the w·o rk of th e assoc iat i1: that , he ~ inaugu rating ·and invitin g tl1em · to · s upp or t the wor k PROF L. A. WEI LAND and to int eres t others in it. · Mrs. H . :\! any good suggest ions hav e C. Plott th en sa ng two charming Professor L. A. \ \'einland. 'O.i , i, in g. the secreta ry of th e Alumni Co un cil. come fr om th e Wienlands and we are so ngs. being acco·mpanied ,b y Mrs. This official relationship is only a hop in g th a t they may inspire others V. G. \\'illi am . Mrs. W. G. Clippinger and M rs. sma ll part of the contribution to th e with th eir zeal so that this year ' s new program that he has m ade. 'vVe program will go across big. In ad di­ E lla S. Harn ett presided in the din­ rea ll y should print the picture o f ~fr ~. ti on to the enthu sia stic way th ey hav e ing room a nd dispensed delic io1,1 re­ VVeinland also, as s he is a most effi­ suppo rt ed the progra m , they have freshment s in which the coHege colors cient assistant to the Professor. m :1ck a co ntributi on to the routine wer e ca rri ed ou r. Each slice of ice T hey are enthusiastic. loyal supp or­ work o f the office. Some of th e pesky cream was dec orated with a ca rd inal ters o f every new move and are con­ little detail s that take time and energy candy pennant on which was a tan 0 . That the cl u b is flourishing was stantly alert for bits of news th at they have h elped to eliminate. M ay attes ted by the fact that thirty new wi ll m ake the alumni page intere st- their pirit ~e contagio us. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ members were received at this meet­ last summer from the P hilippine Is­ ing. Everyone present had a delight­ ALUMNALS lands, wa the guest peaker at th e ful aftrnoon a nd all expressed apprecmeeting ye terday afternoon, of the ia tion of Mi s H illho u e's h ospitality. '10. the m eeting of un et Liter­ Glen Echo Ch ild W elfa re Leagu e o f · The next m ee tin g of the club will ary Club of Co lu mb u , O h io, last Col~mbus. Ohio. M rs . Charles u sed be held in Wester v ile at noon, Dec. Wed n esday, Mrs. H. D . Strausbaugh ;; .when represe n tative of student as her subject, "Glim pses of L ife in ( Eth el Dean ) read a paper on Louis organization wi ll speak. XIV . As thi s meeting occ ur red on Other Lands ." ---- 0 C ---. rmistice Day the club obse rv ed just BIG TIME PLANNED FOR Harris V. Bear, of Miamisburg. befo re th e program a moment of quiet '03. NOVEMBER 21 IN DAYTON Ohio, was elected vice-preside nt of of the oldier dead. · in honor th e Central Ohio Teacher ' Associa­ P lans are well u nder way which ' 13, '92. The biennial cou ncil of the ti o n at the m ee ting held in Dayton, promise to ma ke the Otterbein-Uni­ ch urches of t he ea tern ar ea of t he U nited Brethren ch urch. was he ld November 7 and 8. M r . Bear is sup­ versity of Dayton game one of the the last week in October in D er r y eri ntend ent of ch ools in Miamisb ur g . big g e t of the year. T he Da yton lu mni are plan ni ng treet U nited Brethren Ch urch. Har­ ' 93, ' 93. Mr. and Mr ·. W . W. Stoner to ente r tain the team on the n ig h t ri sburg, Pennsylvania. Among the s pea ker we re J. D. Good, pasto r of ( Myrtle Miller ) of Dayton, spent the before t he game and have also a r­ the Uni ted Brethren ch urc h in M t. week-e nd in W es tervi lle visiting their ra nged a reception to ,be held after P lea ant. Pen nsylvania , who e theme daughter. L ou i e Stoner, and Mrs. the game to which a ll alumni and fri end s are invited. wa , " Revi vals in Our Modern F. E. Miller. An effo r t i being made to take World." and Presid ent G. G. Gos­ ard of Lebanon Valley College, '93. \\'. H . Fou e ent hi greet- the Otterbein band to D ayton, w here th e offic thi wee k, and ex­ it will participate in a parade being who poke on "Educational Evan- ings pressed his appreciation for the work a rra nged by the Unive r ity of Day­ ge lis m ." done by Otterbein . He enclosed a ton. '03. The par onage recently built a t picture o f the Paul Lawrence Dunbar t he Otterbein Home near Leban n. High School of Lexington, Ky. , of received more voles than all the other Ohio. >,·a dedi ca ted o n Su nday, Oc­ which is th e principal. H e i al o ca ndidates, th ere being three oppo ing tob er :n. It is a ver y attractive h me s upervi sor of th e col red chool of him. He 111 re than doubled th e vote for the pastor, 'ha rl es \ V. nyde r that city. of hi nea rest oppo nent. a nd hi family . who are now occupyUr. Fou e'has the uniqu e distincThe Ca nto n D a ily ew ay o f ing it. tion of being the fir t and only Amer- him , "M r. Bercaw i hone tly equir­ ' 10. Dr. W . A. Knapp of We tervill e, ican negro to graduate from O t ter- ped and qualified to give t rength 1 Ohio, recently closed a month 's evan­ hein. This is unu ual in a much as and a sista nce in the future rob­ ge listic.: campaign in H oisi ngto n. Kan .. Otterbein wa th e fir t institution of lem.s w hich will confront the ch ol in which thr ee ch urches, the M etho­ h igher learning to open it doors to board ." di t, Christian, and United ~rethren, all races. Ex' 28. Miss DMothy Wad worth, a ll united in a tabernacle erv1ce. The ' 16. Henry D. Bercaw was elected of Columl> us, i the recent bride of meetings resulted in much good to member of the sc hool board in the Robert A. Weinland, a ls(!) of Columthe -tow n a nd community. city of Cant on, Ohi o, at the recent bus. '01. Mrs. Oscar H . Cha rles, who re­ electio n. His popularity is evidenced - - - 0 C - -­ turned with her husband and . on by th e vote he received. M r . Bercaw ON TO DAYTON J

For a numb er of vears it has been the th oug ht of man;. Otterbein grad­ uat es in th e teaching profession to stage a ge t-together so metime during the annual m eet ings of their associa­ ti on. This yea r at th e suggestion of W. 0. Lam.bert, '00 , such a meeting wa, a rr a nged during the meeting at D ayton. Ohio, ~o ,·. 7 and 8 . Thirty­ fi ve were pre ent at a n informal din­ ner fr om six to seve n -thirty. Each person present in t roduced himself and gave his clas s. re sidence and occupa­ ti on. which was followed by a few · nappy peeches. The class of 1911 led in attenda nce with live present, C. L. Bailey, J. J . Dick. Ch lo e Z. Niswonger, Grace Cobl ent z. a nd Park E. Wineland. The others who signed the register were. W . 0. Lamlbert, '00; P . H. Kilbourn e. ·02 : H. V. Bea r. '03 ; F. L . Porter. ·o, ; I. R. Libecap and Chas. H. Ko hl er, '09; Chas. R. Hall, '12; J. ·s. Goughnour, '16: ML and Mrs: E. R. Turner, '17; L. K . Replogle, 'l!l; Mr. and Mrs. D . M . Phillippi, ·




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to make an y bald stat eme nt s. ~V as very much 1_c~ · tha n t_he annual b u<l - J any rnl e eve r perfectly adh ered to, , get o f the 1ntcr colleg1ate depa rtm en t 1 MY T here are a fe w problem · which of t he \' in O hio w hich is r es ponsihl e M .M Pub lished w eeld y in the interest oi have a ri en in conn ectio n wi t h t h.e for brin ~i no- speak er o f prominence to A 0 Otterbein by the prese nt system. h ut they arc no t un- Otterbem a nd who e ccr etary 1s -a n OTTERBEIN LITERARY T 0 dul y perplexi ng. There s hould be I indi pensa ble advisor. SOCIETIES E R so m e defi nite person e the I The Y i re spon ible for getting us to determin Westerville, Ohio SAYS: Member of the Ohio College Press eli g ibility to grou.p m em.be rship of acquainted , nurturing o ur spi ritual Association. ever y 1)ers on bid. The college e m - I l"fc, enlarging ou r intellectual grasp • g luring ploy a regist rar who houl,t be in a nd providi n.,. ocia l o pponun1t1es. That sh e lea rn ed som ethin . . STAFF d o er contact with t he complete ! \,\,"e need the Y. and th e Y need s our th e World Co urt Co nfere nce beside>< . · Chi_ef ············ J · B · Henry, nd that ,,-a. Ed1tor-m. Id '26 '27 sta nd ing of every stud ent than a ny supp rt. Assistant Editor .... D. E. Harro ' one connected with th e institution. \V e advocate 100 percent Y mem- wo rld o utl oo k 0 11 ma tters a tai n si,ter Contributing Editors, that the gi rl s from a ct:r r· Wanda Gallagher, 26 \,V e believe that the r egi· trar . hould bership fo r every ocial group. Lenore mith, '26 pa 011 e very stud ent bid for a ocial - -- - O C sc hool of o urs thought t I,a t th tie t Pauline Kltl!pp, '26 an d determ ine tht> eligi bility, "Clippings from Clippinger." I be in girl s w<' r e s_urpn.s!llg) • I . in noceder n· Wayne Harsha, ·27 agroup , . . •• we won nd in cases wh ere cons ultati o n i neeFlorence Howard, '28 eve ral tim e lately, in m y ma_ i l box · Ig no r ance 1 s h 1 ss •c d . ,. 1 Id 5 0 e c)as 11 c · Business Manager .. W. C. Myers, '26 essary , a joint ·ommittee fr om the 1 . h Assistant Busines ManageSrs-h '27 Studei1t Council a nd fac ul ty sh u .d at th coll ege office. J have fo und how " innoce nce 11·o u I) Marcus c car, · mee t with the registrar. .111 E nghsrd clippi n g s from The_ r ndex, uch clipThat s he"s learnin g a lot Ross Milltr, '28 . . '?8 Furthermo r e, it is e,ident that a ping as I ca n u e in m y work. The His to ry that he t hinks Blue-beahe Athletic Editor ._....... 1:,omc orris, Assistant Athletic Editor- . , m ore de li nite statement of eli o-i-bility clippin g s wer e placed there l>v our K,·ng Henry 1 Harry Widdoes, 27 requir~mcnts is necdccl. ot on ly credit pre ident. a nd is only ne of ' th e clidn"t ha\'e mu c I1 o n Circulation ManagerW "dd , · e11ce of o ur president 's 8th. illie' fn.· 1 oes, 26 po ints sh ould en ter into the co n icier- m any ev1cl Margaret That when she went to \ acked Assistant Circulation Managers-h '27 atio n, hut every per o n bid hould be g reat ra nge of intere t and his attenRuth Hurs , a full tim,e stud en t ca rryin g ·uffi cien tio n to detail. dav n itc sh e fo und the place p ru,h· M. Wit on, '28 to m erit clas ilication. Un der How ma ny T . _& _C. r eader . would J an~! the fi r st th in g she heard a . h Alumna! Editor T '23 hour t e pre ent ma hppinger of bei ng a . her 1·f the)' d . dequa t e sta t em ent a . u pect Pre . H. W. roop, · · · b I e for ocia l regular rea der of The Inde:it? How m g waiter hou ting at s lu dent 1·s e 11g1 Alma Guitner, '97 µa rt lime Cochran Hall Editorh '26 group m cmhership. ix of th e lJ1d . ma.ny of us would believe that in hi s had fi h at th e Dorm. 'til -_rtia1M· Florence Rauc , That it's on ly eight day Local Editor ............ John L ehman, '27 sub mitted by th e g irl · g r oups were busy rou nd of affairs he co uld find for 1,art tim e students. The p si- time to ma ke c!1"pp 1"ngo . fron, 1 · read * II Exchange Editor11 ~ many of u giv in g a nd t hen - -... t tbe fntell ··f Ernestine Nichols, '27. bi litie that arise her e ar e that even ing for oth ers? How 1 som e little child regi tered 111 the were we in a imilar po ition would T hat she thinks t Iia p fe or 0 cnce tes t g iven hy th e rod as the Address all communicat~ons to The m.u ic depa rtment i eligible to join have th co mpelling intere st t~ cau e a group providing the grade oi i these thing to be done? Educati o n was n't half as ba . en bY Otterbein Tan and C~rdmal, . 103 W. mad e. Thi p ible, extravagant k g1v College Ave., W:esterv1lle, Ohio. 1 • w r It eems to m e that thi i mer Iv pplica t ion fo r D egree ban b x.am as t may seem. e e 1eve a tated another f • · • • I Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, I O w1iere at trn t10n th e R eg1 trar. payable in advance. numb er o f hou rs s ho uld be listed as I . . Pe tiistorJ' . a few I to thing of life h ow "b"igHigh chool tud en t ca rrying . httle , 1, ha t som e fe II ow in her the tb Entered as second class matter ho ur college work wi. ll thu b in Ji- ne • . . . enter a cla s piped up t 11at HenrY September 25, 1917, at the postoffice g1b · Ic a n d t I11.s 1.s ce rta111 . Iy pru de n t. The ab°'· 1>a ra rap h s are t h e · u- tried to m a ke o ne o f hi s wn-ewonde red at We terville, o., under act of March In additi011 we unders tand that there ribution of o ne of o ur cie nce pro- · '·Mo na ste ry "' a nd th en h 3, 1879. .. t c·a1 i a state law pr oh ibiting uch an fe so rs. We can onl y emphasize what , why t hey a ll laughe d. Acceptance for ma11mg a .spe I he has aid. we too have found in J - -- - 0 - - ; f.. J· r:ue of postage provided for m ?ec. a ffiliati o n by a hig h sc hool 1t1Clent. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized . ou. r m ai l I O X · " I"1PP ·11 1g f r om I'1p, f ers . · l ·00 to • 3. ' se ntence 111 th e rul e under ,, :0.1 en' s h.ce O ne April 7, 1919. ·y ·tern of Biddin g read . ·· ft r the prn ge r. ·o rri & o n.- . dv. _,,,.,.





iI I



l . I.

EDITORIALS The Rushing Rules. \ e ha v watched with great inter­ e · t the op ration of the newly t ted cu bing rul es. nythin a lway · at­ tract attenti 11 on its fi r t trial. F ul ­

clo e of the ix weeks· ~-u hin g p riod there s hall he no regula ti o n conce rning h wonder .if t e type o f I>1·dd 111 " g. " \, period close at the end of thi chapel ervi ce of th e ixth week and if_ accordi ng _10 thi s ta temen t biddmg may be 111 a ny ma nn er immediatc ly. But t ha t i n"t t he po in t. T he sys tem ca lls for head spo nso r . W hy n t g ive t hem · o mething mo r e to tlo.

- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -

~ ll!i l■ II■ ses -


! !

i i


teamb at a nd the \ right l n and hi with their airplane att racted accept We believe thatthee very made a nd , cl a ft er ix bid weeks' period It i human ·h uld be rep orted lo the head p nr. . t pre cnt there is no way j nature to the ·teamboat,

! !!

al! of regi tering thee po ·t- ea o n b id . i In regard to the tude nt Council have b n u ed a mark . T he fi r t mboat went at a · nail' pa e, the we hould like to . ay that they are a C II ·cienti U g ro up tf1inking riou ly fir t airplane I ft the gr und for only how the t udent Ii[ of o ur college i a [ , f et, b ut what abbut th e ru h - may be bettered. I [ we hav a ny uging rul -?. ge tio n to make OJI a ny matter · T he lea t tha t we can ay tliat let' not ritici ingly mak e them ii; re tricted gathering but voi e ur they a re ob It r than the \ V realiz that the n ll gc tiou in an ope, and frank \\'ay ij and I t their m r it dete rmin e th o utrul ing i n t a perf ct it did accomp li h tw - - - - 0 C---The limitation of ru Join the Y. wo for each group w hat wa formerly thi week a am- ■ a n e. nd th P Y m mh rship a nd upp r practi e f bidding u . Th A o iation me rit ■ f the ru hin unanimo u . upp rt of th stud ent a rea nab! mmimum. b dy a nd fac ulty. t r r ga rcl we b lieve the gir ls wer Figttr compiled from tentative bud- , ~ ma r d li g nt. ~t lea t they we re mor e 'e ls of the ocial group on our cam k illful. Ho, ever. ci rc um tanti al evi­ pus s ho w that the expenditure for ■ dence i n t in thi matter ufficient purely cial p urpo e here not th

airplane, and the ru bing r ul e



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Students Suppl1·es ••• --------=-----------~--------

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Note-Books, Pencils, Fountain Pens



Supnlies of All Kinds. M



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T H E T A N AN D C~ A~R ~ D~l~ N~A~ L~ = = == == = == = = == = = = = ~ P~ag~e~ F~iv~e 1



THE GLORY OF MARTYRDOM Im ostDumheab rDt orfelta wsympath is hes t~ y 11



~x te nd hl'r to t he g irl wh o is so a n x io us to ha ve a ··date •· , ti a t , he rus hes do \\'n sta irs with he r

•===========================;;...= ;.·;;.-;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; -; ;;,,;- ' c ,.-at 1

Se,·eral year, ago. a r a th er di s ting uis hed cha u ta 11 qua ledur e r gav e a n addr ess en ti t led, "'Th e \ [art y rd om of !· Fools''. ·\ Vi th e labo r at e o ra to ry he bewai led t he fa ct t ha t th ose m e u who we re superi or to th e co m mo n run of

0 11 to a ns wer th e telep hone. l<ather pr e,;u m p t io u,; to say t he least.

less "' a nd di ed a ma r ty r to h is in-

Ive n t io n.

r cs µ.:ct a nd de fe r ence. Th e innoc e nt Junio r wh o wa s tal k­ in g to her fri e nd s a bo ut t he Ph a nt o m of th e Ope r a \\" as a lm os t respo nsible fo r th e fa ta lit y o f o ne of the sa id fri e nd , w ho a bou t cho ked to death because th e d umb bell co uld not p rono u nce Pha n t om .

1: oo lish q ues ti o n as as ke d by on e of Th e ·' little g irl " w ho, whe n ta lking But in th ose cl o s ing y ea r s of h is to t he D ean , r eplies, " \;,,: h y, kid , r o ur J nn io r D umb D o r as. On seein g life, wa s th e re no r ewa r d fo r y ea r , , kn o \\· it '' ,;ho uld no t fo rg et t hat ru k a freshman frie nd who had j ust reof sacr ifice o the r t han rid icule ? T hen· 0f e tiqu et te w hi ch sta tes one s h ou '. d 1u rned fro m ho me, s he a sked sw eetly, he \\' as , a m a rt y r to hi,; in venti o n, to l t.r ea t o ne's s up er ior s \\" ith the u tmo st " Oh E dn a. a re you b ack?·•

me n. grea t me n, wer e m o r ta l vi ct im s m ee t a pre1n.a tu r e death . Bu t in his ' - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- ­ of ingrat itud e and mi s u nd e r s tanding. min d , he ha d t hat sa t isfacti o n of work . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 With m uch di sp lay he d es cri be d the I we ll don e. th~ reali zatj o n .th at his FRESHMEN , SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS , SENIORS, ATHLETES Pa uper g r~ves of gr ea t in ve ntor s. th e liie ha d co nt n but.c d so m et- hmg, th a t y ;> wrec ked lives o f em in ent a r t is t s. th e peace o f mind w h ic h he d em o n stra ted : 0 OU disappo inted ex is t en ces o f we ll kn o wn to hi s frie nds e ve n to th e da y of h is § litera ry ge niuses-t he dis gr aced and dea th . H c had a r e ward . .: § hiss I I · · . ,T he S t ud ent s' H a nd- Book of P ractical H ints o n the Techn iq ue o f __ To Music. E ff. ect1ve · study t' · e< >em g s o i mi s und c r s tooc1 po 11I· -= ,c,a ns. Bea ut iful mu s ic was being pla yed ; ; hy Bu t. to what e ff ect ? l s it reason - a nd th e n it s to pped. A ta ll. hum p- I : WILLIAM ALLAN BROOKS ab lo to sa y t hat b ecaus e a t 0 11e t in, e s hou ld e re d , n an ,va lk ed ac r oss t h e I ~ A GU I D E con ta in in g hundr ed ~ of prac ti ca l h int!'i ~n d s ho rt c ut s th I 111 the econ o my 0 f lea rnin g. to as, is t s tud e n ts in sec uri ng MAXIMUM e wor d ha s fr o wn ed u po n inv e n - roo iii . 'v\/ha t a dra wn face he h ad, ! =-- SCHOLASTIC RE SU L1'S a t a m1111111 · · ,1m co,.;t of t im e, e ner gy , a n d tors, tha t o ne s ho uld no t a sp ire to - h u t hi s ha nds- t hey w e re la r ge a nd : fa t igue. "'ard in ventio n , The n. is it lo g ica l m usc u lar. H e s tood with poise a n d ' : E SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED fo r ove r\\" or ked s tudent s a n d _ to concl ude t ha t by r ea~on of t he fact dign it y 0 .f car r iage d es pite hi s awk wa r d - = at hl etes c nga,,ed in ex tra c uri-i c ulu111 ac ti ,·iti es an d fo r ave r age a nd _ ho no r st ud e n ts w lw a rc wo rkin g io r hi g h sc ho las ti c ac hi evem e n t. that som e ge ni uses ha ve bee n mis- ne ss. H e mu s t have b ee n a ma n o f _




now• "HOW TO STUDY?"

= :

= =

und e rstood , one sh ou ld not as pir e t o t he best in h is fi e ld o f ac t i,·ity? Scifi hi · s Y, yes-u nselfi s h l.v no. lt is not th e in t en ti o n o f t his essa y to 111imi miz e t he fact that t he g r eates t I d ea er s of civi li za tio n ha ve go ne down in this ma r tyrd o m of t he so- ca ll ed foo l . It is gen era ll y a c cepted t hat many g reat lead er s wer e an d a re mart · Yrs t o th e ir cau s es. Furthe rmor e, ,t is pract ica ll v in evitab le that anyo ne wh o rises a l;ovc the co mm o n ran k a nd fi le o f h u ma n ity is a pt to hecome unPopular. In fac t it is ve r y p r oba ble, alth o ug h it is no t a lwa ys the case, t h a t he w ill be classed in t hi s m , Und er sto d 111a rt y r dom . To Invention.. T hen, i · t her e no ea rthl y rewa rd fo r t he n1 artyr? f s h is p ri ze fo r runnin ~ th race of life not hin g mo r e th a n a d isappo int ed existe n ce ? T he m a rty r has a re\\'a rd \\'h ich t hi s essay wis hes t o na m e. "-i'he Glon- of Mar tyrdo m .'' I t was a hot ult~y day. The sun wa s beatin g dow n upo n the inade­ qua te shingled roof of t hat little shack on T hir d St reet. The air w as s a t­ urated wit h the odor of o ld b icycle g rea · e. Bare ly di s tinguishaible was t he r u bbe ry . mell oi bicvcle t ires. I t was a dep r e sing place- to s pe nd t h e best years of one's life. Yes. b u t th erc was a re mar kable cheer v voice speakin g, eve n t hough the r e · was a touch of sadness in the tone. ''Well O rv ill e, T be lieve we have enoug h m o ney to go outh a nd co n tinu e ex­ per iment there. I am very tired o f fi ' . xing cheap bicycles. The ir mecha n15111 i so simp le compa r ed to that c.omplicated machine of my d r eams.'' Thus it wa s that \IVi lbur Wrigh t Poke to hi s hrother. Orvi ll e. who ~va destined with hi111 to become Jo int i1.1 ventor 0f the greatest itinera ry mac hine e,·e r invented.

Some of the Topics covered

imvort a nce. but lo. he co ul dn't b e living in s uc h di ng y q ua r te r s. He p ic ked up a man usc r ip t a nd he ld it close t o His !near-sighted eyes; t hem. he wa lke d to th e lig ht.

_ ,_ It was F ra n z S huh e r t. O ld Slmbert. , : s wi n d led by publis he rs. was g ra du - : § a ll y approac hin g a pa upe r' s g r a ve. : Misfor tu ne had hee n hi s lo t all : : th r o ugh life. As co m pose r o f several : hundre d piC' ces, he had com e do wn to , : t he g rave a n uniort un ate. a llla r tyr to : 1~ 1,ws ic a ,1 d con ~po itio n. Bu t d id he no t ha ve a r e wa rd o th er I§ t ha n pove rty? He ha d t ha t ati sfac- , : ti on 0 f wo rk w e ll done, a li fe lived : for so me th ing w hi c h he th o ug h t : wo rth whi le. Ju befo r e his dea th 1 § th i. un fo rt u na t e o ne s tar ted a sym - § pho ny \\' h ich he ne ver fi n is h ed, fr on1 whic h we get a o n g whi c h we a rc plc;tsed to ca ll t he '·So n g of Love." § He had a rewa r d. . O f O vercoming. , ;; The crowd was p ul sating wit h , -


doing. · A s pirit. · o m eth in g , as m a n was to be hanged. It wa s a car pe n te r fr o n1 Naz~ r eth, " ·ho ra ised up a ·rc hcll io n and talked a litt le abo u t g iving his life fo r others. T here. Jesus was to face death , ridicu led by t he t h rong for whom he was g,v mg hi life. desert ed by all of had gi,·en his life, de erted by a ll of his former associates and r ecogniied

Scientific S hortcuts in Effect ive Study. Preparing for Exa minat ions. Writ ing Good Examinations. B r ain and Digestion in Relation to Study. How to Take Lecture a nd Read ing Notes. Advantages and D isad vantag es of Cra mming. T h e Athlete a nd His St ud ies.

Why You Need This Guide ''lt is safe to say t hat fa ilu r e to g uid e an d cljrec t s tudy i tJ, e w ea k po int in t he who le edu ca ti on a l machi ne." P rof. G. M. \!\! hipp ie. . of fi c higa n. " T he s uccessful me n in co ll ege do not . ee m to be very happy. M os t of th em, especia ll y t he a thl e tes, are overwo rk ed .' ' I r o f. H. Can hv ,Yal e. "Misdirected la bor, tho ugh honest a nd we ll in t entio ned i11ay lea d to naught. A m ong the mos t imµo r ta n t thi ngs fo r th e s tud e nt to lear n is how to study. \IVithout know ledge of t h is hi s labor may be largely in vain.'' Prof. G. F. S\\'ai n. M . I. T. " To s t udents who have nev< r lear nt "How to St ud y," \\·o rk is very often a c hastise m e n t. a tl age ll a ti o n, and an ins u perab le obstacle to con­ ll'ntme111.·• Prof. A. I n g lis. Harva r d . effo r t. Get a good s tart and m a ke this year a highly s ucc ess ful one by . ending fo r t hi hand-b oo k a nd gu ide NO 'vV.

You Need This Intelligent Assistance

§ §

= =

= _ .:



A merica n Studen t P ub lishers, 22 W est 43rd S t. , N ew Y ork. Gent le men:



= = = = = = = =

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!,l ease · end me a copy o f " How to Stud," for which I enclose 1.00 ca h ; 1. 10 check. § . ·ame ·······························--··-··········.......... _.... ............ = : Addre. s .........................................·-·······--·······-·-·····-- ·· iii11tll lllll lllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll lllllllllllTI


o nly b y a dying f~lo n. . But £he hak~ 1 111'1■11 1 ■11 a reward. the s at1 sfac t1on o wo r _ wel l done . Hi. sa t i faction ~f life ! wa s show n by h'.s rn.e sage which., he gave hi people 111 his la t day . Be th of good cheer, I have ove rco me ' \\"Orld.'' He· had a reward. E.verv nob le d eed. even as eve ry

nob le .l ife i. m et by ridicule. The doe r of the deed. the character of life is seldom appreciated. But it .i\ nd then at the end of two ye~ r · th e mac h in e was co mpleted . But behoo,·cs one not to co m.pla in. The ati factio n o f \\'Ork \\'ell done W il bur \Vright wa s in the la t years of I11· li· fe. The govern111ent " ·ottl,t i~ the reward and with that. o ne mu t not u hs idize experi m ental manufac ­ he content. Co mp laint points to• the ture o f the ma chi ne. Friends \\'O ul d 1ifartyrdom of the so-ca ll ed fool. : the not e ven hclje,·e in the invent ion. ~at is fact io n is the G lory of !I [ artyr\ \ ilbu r \Vri g ht was branded "har m- dom.

D iet During Athletic Training. H ow t o st udy Modern Langua ges. How to Study S cience, L iterature, etc. Why Go t o College? After College, What ? Developing Conc entration and Efficien cy. etc., etc., etc., etc. , etc., e tc. , et c .


I I I I f I I

i i



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. ·. . ·, '. · I


Prof. E. v\:. E. chea r. lec turin g t o I the join t .·\ ssoc ia ti on meeting last :.·uesda).· ev.e1i ing 0 , 1 th e su,b,ject, · E vo I ut1 on in t h e Realm of Divine Law... sta ted in a thr ee fold way the ' pu rp ose o f t 11e e rie o f lectures on the Relation of Science and Religion: ''To show th e existe nce in this world




f a: process we ha ve ca II ed ev ol ution; . . its · elf either to s•·ho "' that it is not 111 it as 0 \\·ho foster it do not look up 0.. a cause but a process." . he This lecture was the second 111 t se ri es whi c h w ill include two rnorgc lec tur e hours. Prof. Sc h ear i put t,ne< hi s ven· best int o these disc~urs ~ · 1·ud1cat,v a nd the · st ud e nt r esponse ,s b. cl of the g r ea: int erest in the u ie ·



Fas t Passing Staggers Otterbein De- , The. l' r";~}1ma1~-~op~omo;c foot ba f ense an d th e S core Mounts . ll ga m e, lu es. da,. • :\O\. ~4 , p r o m. -. • i h . 1ses to _he a _thriller fro~1. start to fin-- 1 Hg · 1sh. 1 he l · res hm an squad has the

1 C. Robinson




va rs ity

Groceries and Meats

line of




we n t advantage of numb ers hut th e Sopho- 1 m o r es are expecting their varsit:y . down to defeat before Heidelberg's work to help th e m considerabh·. An• · br ill i;rnt passing offe nse at Tiffin la 5t o ther thing to the ach ·antage. of the Saturday aftern oo n 39-0. A number Yearlings is that they have a specia l of bre a ks a nd a organ ized offense is : coac h. It wi ll he a game betwee n .a the story of Otterbein' . defeat. team and a squad inst ead of a game H.eidelherg . became active soon between squads or be t we e n teams. after tl1 e fi r st ki ck-off a nd scooped up The advantage here lies with the a fomh le and crossed the goa l line Freshmen. · with a clear fie ld. ln the first few plays O tt e rb ein showed very well a nd '. things seemed to point to the fact that •it wo ul d be an even ly fo ught game. : :No sco rin g fo llowed until th e last of j th e fi rst quarter · when a H eidelbe r g ~punt was made a fr ee ball by the ball st rikin g - an Otterbein player's back as I

You will find a fine



at J. N. COONS

Phone 65

rf th e condition o f the fi eld does not imp rove considerably the team that can recover the most fumbl e 5 \\'ill be the team that will win . Th e second year men ha vc not elected a captain hut the teams will probab ly lin e u p as fol low : • Soph. Frosh

-~ rf;,====================-


· he was b loc kin g. A H eidelbe rg man Pinney ................ E . .................... Yantis t oo k a dvantage of his opportu nity and Gates ran for a touchdow n. The rest of the .Brenner : ha lf the team s we r e in a dead lock. Bishop ........ ........ T ......................... Day The s to ry of the econd half is one ' Davi. Huffer in which D a nle "Fortune" and "ac-1 curacy·, la. ecr an -rmportant pa rt -ch-c5tt ................ G. .......... ........... Cline H e idelberg un corked her fo r wa rd F r ey berg e r pa. s off'-e nse in this half and pass after Himes pass wa com.pleted. Radenbaugh C rawford ............ C. T . R eigleoccupied th e lim e light in the last two J Flegal sta n zas ,by pottin g hi s man and hur- Yochum .... ...... ... G ................. C harles lin g bullet like passe traight into Gorsuch that man· arms. Otterbein's cfefe n e No rris ........ ....... T. ................... . Little fo r · the fi r s t time co nfronting a passWurm in g team of ab ility was taggered by R eige l ...-.............. E . ha nk leton th e puzzle and Heidelbero- completed the needed pas e to run up he r core. Pilkington .......... B.

The Grocer;.


W c carry. th e most popular ~~Ide, quality, and fitness. The n c of Young Men's W The Educator. carD ress Oxfords and Shoes Black and Tan. $3.98 to $8.oo DAN CROCE Westerville, O.


Ottel'bein displayed much fi ghting ability and kill at the game, a the lin e was not penetrated for any great di tance, punts we re ret urned fo r gain · and H e ide lberg wa o utkicked. nav­ -ely tarred for Otterbein . r unnin g back punt thirty-five, thirty, twenty­ five a11d twenty yard s. On sever a l occa ion navely and Widdoes broke away for hort gains over the end . The defen e of the Heidelberg o ut fit sti ffened whenever Otterbein had a chance to core.

Barnes Minnich Drexel

Co r . Co ll ege Ave. a nd I,

. . . . . . . ..w~::~ '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thompson Mendenhall Ros elot

M u mma Brewster

- - - 0 C--­

See Samples from






Group P ins.



Saul Before

t a te St.



Rhodes & Baughrtlart 1

Tickets for the Da yton football Makers of Phil ophronean Keys. game will he on ale at Prof. Mar­ tin· office th i week beginning to• 11th and Hi h Lin -up and ummary : day. tudent who de ire ticket can Columbus . . g loca te the o nes th ey want from th e .!_11111111111111111111111111 111111111 1,1~:; Heid elber g-39 O tterbein--0 11111111111 diagram on the As ociat io n building : 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 ~ tubblefield ( c) L. E . .............. Pinney bulletin board and hould get them as § . ·wad e ................ L. T ................. Felton early a po ibl e. The r egular $1.50 ve r holt .......... L. G................. 'Bi hop ticket s wi ll be old to tudents fo r Funk .................. C. .................. chear .' 1.00. · Bemenderfer .... R. G. .......... ra wford haw ................ R . T . ........ ( c) Ri chter F«shm,n ~,,; Th=d•y. King more ...... R. E. ................ Reigl e On Thur day of thi week at 4 , Kramer .............. Q. ................ navelv o'clock. th e annual Fre hman two _ ~. tarrett ... ~ ....... L. H ............. Wid d oe. mile run will be held. A ll Freshmen _ ~ Radcnbaugh .... R. H ....... McM ic hael taki ng gym wi ll run the race which § ~ J enkins ................ F . .................. filler wi ll tart promp tl y at the set time Official : Referee-Prugh (Wesley­ C. E . Stair and D ewey Sheidler wili _ ~

o . , -;;;;=========~:;


- Why not eat at the best place in touJTI, of course its

an) .

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have charge .of the race and take care -_ of the tartmg. The winner of fi t place wi ll be awarded a •bronze m edr:l.



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Quality Food at Popular Pr1·ces.






11111111111111111111111111111111 III UIIII II IIIII II II 111111111111111111111111111111 II 11 I III II

T H E T A N AND C ARD INAL A lm a Evans, ex ·2,,, visited with Arcady friends over th e week end.


Katherine Darst was de li ghtfuly su r- pr ised o n Saturday eve nin g when a numb e r of friends s urro unded her in th e hom e of Mrs. A. M. Hall. The party was given in ho no r of he r birth­ day. Mrs. C. 0. Altman, toge th er with th e Arca dy Cl u b. ent e rt ain ed a num­ ber of fri end s at a tea las t Monday afte rnoo n in the A ltm an home. Grace Bradford, of Dayton, was th e I week end guest of Ruth Horlocker. I --OC

Hel e n Gibso n a nd Mabel B o rdner Pent th e week end with Mary Hum­ mel at her hofme in Findlay. They attended the O tte rbein-Heid~lb erg ga me on Saturday . The

Onyx C lub enjoyed a fudge at Helen P alm er 's hom e o n aturday evening.

Pa rty

Freda Snyder s pent the week end at he r hom e in Dayton. The Lotus Club an no un ces Mar­ ga ret Bake r a nd Margaret Tryon as pledges to th eir group. .Mrs. G. E. Mill s de lightfu ll y e nt ertain ed the P heonix Club with . a fudge Party in her hom e o n Saturday e ven­ ing, at which time pledge pins were iorm:a lly pre ent ed to th e new pledge . The Owl C ub e ntertained a numbcr of friend at th e ent ury Inn la t T uesday e vening. Ruth Everett a nd I ma Fogwell, of Dayton. visited Katherine Ever ett thi s week end .



A Re sume of Odd Happenings In Other Colleges.

At the regular session of Philale­ thea Thur day evening, the followi ng program was presented: Monologue-Leona Raver. Piano Duet - Ethel Kepler anti Mary Whitf'ford. Soli loq uy-Louise Stoner. P rop hecy-Sylvia Peden. Vocal Solo-Amy Morris. During extempora neous speaking Betty Marsh, .-\dda Lyon, a nd Paul ­ in e Knepp spoke o n "T he J oys of J\Iid-Semeste r Exams," " Rain ," and "Practi ·e Teaching, ' respectively. Th e girls el ected to membership were· Edna Tracy. Mary Th omas. Marian Karns , Ni t etis Hunt ley, Lillie Gr if­ fi n a nd Mildred Zin. ·

Add o ne mor e co urse t o th e lis t of uni q ue s ubjects now being taught in A merican Coll eges. The Uaiversit y o f l:tah has in a ugurated a bri ef course in skii ng which will be taught by :\rn e Bj o rn stad, the famous winter ,ports athlete, who \';as former ly in­ s tru ctor

of skiing


Pla cid

La ke,

I\ . Y.


To rn o Dachi en masse j o urn eyed a la \\'idd oc~, Cha ndl e r to th e ho me of Huth Bra in at \V ells ton . Ohio, for a week e nd- house party. .\ 1 a dinner pa rty o n Saturday ni ght g iv e n by Ge neva Bra ley. it was di sco,·er ed that "Sid'' had left a beau­ tiful diamond rin O' fo r " Babe" B ing­ ham' s left han d . "T he group visited . Mabel and M a rgaret Eubanks in J ack­ son .o n Sunda " a ft e rnoo n. Mr. Harry W idd o es was ~ffic ia l c hauffe ur for the o ccasion.

Page Seven

.\II li r s t yea r men at Pe nn State Coll ege found gui lty of a n y \'i o lation o f freshmen cus tom s are required t o ca n 'y for l wo \\'eeks a large placa rd hea rin g upo n it th e natur e of the infringement.

The gi rl s' social g r o ups of the col­ lege s ubniitt ed 87 bids fo r pled ge members. These hids ho weve r were fo r 47 individuals howi ng the great dup li cation in th e bidding. To date H of the individuals hid have re­ spo nd ed. Arbutus. Kathryn Eve re tt. Mildr ed L ochne r , Mary Lehman. I sa,bell e Ruehrmund , Ruth vVeim e r . Arcady. Marj o ri e Keis . Audra Keiser. Cath ­ e rin e Zimme rman. L elia Griffin. Greenwich. Pa uline A rmentr o ut. Ruth As ire, Edith Baker, E lizabeth Dick, Marian Dew, Pa ulin e Howe. Lauretha Me l­ Virginia N ic ho las, Elizabeth vin, Tudor. Lotus. G race Apple, Ru th eaman.

On the theory toot an athletic con­ tes t i- no t a social eve nt , a nd that a fighting spirit can best be effected \\'hen men and women a r e free to give a ll th eir a tt en ti on to th e teams, U ni­ n :r sity o f M issou ri men have b een asked to refrain from taking a " dat e" to a football ga m e. Students o f So uth Dakota a r e ask­ ing them selve whether it is b ette r to be educated o r crazy since they di s­ cover ed that South Dakota had spent mo re for th e care of it insane and feeb le-minded si nce 1918 than for the m a intainance of its t wo major institutions of hi g her learning.

- -- 0 C - - -


Mrs .

Virginia Miles.

Hurs h

A ttended

Missionary Meeting. Owls. frs. E. M . H ursh atte nded the Louise B rads haw, Jea n Bromley, I Margaret Duerr, Gladys Pickey . Boa rd meeting of the For eign M is­ Pheotiix. io nary Society held at the F ir t U. Marga llC t Edgingt o n, Thelma Gus­ B. Church, J oh ns town, Pa., ovemtin. Dorothy Phillip . ber 9-10. Polygon. Mr . Hursh ha an active in te rest E dna Heller, Ruth Haney, Mary in mis 10n , he and Profe or Hursh bo th having e rv ed in the African B ell Loomi. 'Talisman. mi S'! ion fie ld. Dunmfre, E ther George, Vi ra - - - - 0 ~ - -- Nitetu Huntley, Maurine Knight, Ba ke tball Shoe . . 1.95 to . 3.50. E. . lellie i wonger, Mildred Zinn . I J. No rri s & o n.-Adv. Tomo-Dachi. 1rc ne Benner!. Doro thy Ertzinger. F rance George, Katherine Myer · ---- 0 C ---CLEIORHETEA

La t Mo nday eve ning the rb utu F rances !Slade w1as received into iub e nt e rta ined a number of friend s ac tive membe r hip in Clei o rh e tea last at a fo rm.a l party in ochran Ha ll. Thursday: Minnie Cole, Doroth y ~fr . Mathew and Cha rle vi ited Phi ll ips and Flor ence Cru itt we:e re­ ~l a rgaret on unday. ceive d into a sociate member hip. Extemporaneou peak ing wa don~ Martha E ll en W in gate has b een by Ma ry Long. Helen over, ana vi itin g wi th Mildr ed Fens ler t he Margaret Eubanks. The program fo r t)a t few days. the evenin was ver y enjoyab le and Alice Blume pe nt the week end con i ted of th e follo\\'ing number ' : vi iting in ol umbu s . Pia no o lo-Lucil e Leiter. Parod y-''T he Three Profcs or ," Margaret Haney was the happy r ecipie nt of a birthday box fr om h om e Ma rtha A l pach. · . D is ertatio n-''The Value of Fairy ~n W dne day, a nd g racio u ly s hared nyder. It with a number of Polygo n fri ends. Talcs in Child Life." T h elma Voca l o io-Viola Prie t. The Greenwich lub ente r tained :t Travelogue-"Travel · of a Book 1 number of friend at a party in li ce Agent.'' Kelle Glover. Pro pt 's home la ·t Monday evening. Piano olo-Margue rit e Banner. Flor ence Martin vi ited in U t ica, 0 ., Dream-Mildre d Viii on. thi week end. - - - 0 C---


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Under H ose-Pheo nix, . wool. fles h The A rcady lu b annou nce Flor. E · J · To rris & Son.e nce Wardell a s a pledge to t h e1r, co 1or, 1.00 • gro up. Adv.


IT WILL BE THE BEST The largest, fine st, and best eq uipped gallery in A merica for prod ucing the best known to the P hotographic A rt. RI C H A ND H IGH ST S.


Page Eight







I the Inaugural ceremonies (eatnrc< 5t Philomathean ession la Friday . evening. 1•he p res1"d ent • Vah:dictorY, . d . , dd 1vere "'A Picture from L"f I e, wa W by Jo · eph B. Henry. Ralph .· , · · · p · cl 111 ga i e T111. ley. the 111co1_n111g r si .· e?" " A r c We \\"astmg Our Hen t a_g The l hapas his inaugural a<Idrcs · . id lain·. . dclres~ was given b_ Regnia ,. k th uhJecl. luplcy. w lw t~o _ The '·The College Curn culmn and \V tudcnt."" A vocal solo by John! b: la)·cc ' Hudock. anrl a piano so IO P d thi \,Vi ll iam J. l{itchey compo. c "Beany" Beelman, '25. visited the The present freshman clas · at Bluff- \ Things Fi r t,'' Houseman, M. C. specia l music. ' , 111Clll" Cook House Club over the week end. to n College is the fi rst to begin the ~{u ·i -by rchestra. Dr. E. A. Jone. a n ho norar} . ,:hort Presiclcn.t' s I naug\.\'ral-'' elti shnes ' Murvan Guy ton and Geo. Griggs "wearing of the green" on that cam­ bcr of Philomathea. gave a u ic . . E. pus. The boys wear the proverbial peccl1 in th e ex temporan eou pro· pent the week end in their r espective Three n w men became a ociatc g-ram . 0. H . Cha rle , cla 5 f 1905, green caps and the girl have arm home. in Lancaster. mcmhers at this c ion. 1,c 1311 hand of the ame hue. L. \ \ . \,V ar.o n. ' 07. an cl Dr · I Philo-"Red" amp. '25, spent aturday ---- 0 al~o gave brief message to d All examination at Temple U ni- 1 N ew Book s in the L ibrary. and unday with Annex fri nd . rescn te mathea . Florence Rauc~ rep ·k for vcr. ity have been .tbolished becau e I in"tl R ec1p · 1 1Roland White, ·22, and " Al" Mat­ and Menus for Philalethea and Viola Priest sp e the Psychology D par tment believe · 1 Fifty. toon, '24, were other week-end gue~ts Clciorh tea. them to be inaccurate, antiquated and \ Jak l t · • . . . way- . n enor 0 ecoratton 0£ th nnex boys. m fl uer,ced by personaht1c . \ R tfe-I n t enor · · · '< .D ecor ation. "Reggie" hipley pent the week T he Honor ystem ha b <'n abolKi ell-Yarn and loth M aking. ~n d at hi home in Dayton . ished at Mount nion becau. e it ha Dyer - Han dbook of Fu rnitur e ur uan and Arvin Harold went to been a .failu re. It i a signi fi ca nt fa t Styles. T iffin to the game aturday and from that many college arc ab Ii hing the ndrews-Ec nomic of the Houseth re they went to their home in Fo - Honor Sy tern . I hold. t ria. Keene Van uren wa their . . I pencer-Familv and it {e b Recent tah hes have proved that m er · Abel- ucc ful Family Life gue t over unclay. mvers1ty have \ now-P v hoJ· in B in~ . the women at Akron J ohn Ca rrol wa at hi home 111 attained higher tandards of chol ar- la tions. · gy u ReAkron ove r the week en d. hip than the men. Th aver age for He _ . reative alesman hip. B H ii bur tough ton and ··Jake" J a- \ the co-eds was 2.91 per cent while arton- . ow lo \,Vrit Advertising. d p by that of the men wa 7 .15 per ent. 1 coby back d th e team aturday rin iple \ op an of M ercha n The nior at Blu ffto n elebraled di in g. f llowing them to Tiffin. . their a nnual neak Day r cently. All W, sterby-Hi . tory of- P iano forte llllda) "Perk" Coll ier. · 23 , ·pent ~ niors leave college for a day's plea - Ctt- ic. with th phinx lub. ure and fella, hip without t he known. 10 rm a n 1-lowe a nd E. ledge of anyone. They u ually leave M n' . -1.~ to . ::l.50 . to h Heid II ur am -befo re daybreak then wire ome col. J. Norri n.-Adv . I ge authoritie where th y have gone \ ---- 0 C---and then proce d to have a good tim ON TO DAYT ON Hou · lub ann unce on thi day' leave of ab ence. an hon rary member. ountry Run will be a Th una - feature Dad' Day at Heid II erg rl in r r \V ov. 14.

George \Vashin.gton ·nivei·sity has \ Phi lophronea·s Open [nstallation I instituted the unique sy tern of giving \ scs ion was well attended la t F riday \ the fro ·h ··. ocial" intelli n ee test ! evening. m o ng vi itors who spoke by mean of which th~y a~certain I e:--tcm,poran~ously were Bernice or".·hcther they arc good m1 er or not. 1 n , for_ le1or hetca. J os phine Drury This al o determines along what line I for Ph 1laletlu· a, an d J. Q . Mayne '25 I ' , o f ''.'o'.k they are be t quipped to and ~r. :1-:- J. anders. '7 , for the I specialize. I alumni. I h r gular program was . . . . ; made up of th folio\ ing numbers : .-\t 1lt. 111 0n College the Y. M. C. - 0 rn t · I b e o- K eII e r, . H . A . h as_ an an nua 1 tag. anquct a . a ' r itic' Orat ion- " hem'i str ,. Ea ty. \ prelimmary eyerlt to their annua l dri ve I man . G. H. \ for membe rship in the college a ociaPiano oloborne, M. 1 tion. Pre idein' s Valedidl'ory - ·•First




ome a n d T n





PE 1






T'he mher ·on ge paper re ently I ad" hid- open d an attack on compul ory hapel alurclay. attendance whi · till in force the.re. mh ul I Mill r vi _ Their logan wa ' I Karl Kumlcr and R in Baltir tep with th rn al I it d at the Kuml r h m tr nd ' and the edit t\it nt m or ver th week end. a tion of Dartmouth , r le ~lari n Drury on thi i u a r u u i . r ter at argume11t.

Franci B ch tolt and lcr 111 t r d t Tiffin la t


cl to ·11i~ horn b £ th

cv nin H



udent at rve cat an a vera of : lion of ice- ream and of m ilk among other tl h day, accor din t t made by the fete r ia. Mt.


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P hon e

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