ar tna
an an
VOL. 9.
M iss Beulah Wingate and M iss Estella Shoemaker Expect to Leave Hospital Monday.
Bishop A. R. Clipp_inger Will be Here
N o. 10
Leroy Hopper and Mrs. Evelyn Car- ' p ~nter Are D irecting Work Color Harmony Pleasin g.
Home of United Brethren.ism Wel Mi ss l-:l e ul a h \\"in gat e a nd Miss Es I nten,i ,·e a rt \\·ork o n the I \l26 S ib y l , comed O tterbein Loyally W ith te ll a ' hoe 111 aker , \\·ho ,,·ere ope r a t ed is makin g excell e nt headway under t he I We'll Prepared Program. o n for appe ndi citi s at Grant Hosp ital ,Jirecti o n of Leroy H oppe r a n d Mrs. FULL PROGRAM PLANNED la~ t week a re both expe r ie nci ng a [vC' lyn Carpl'nle r. Sketches fo r tlte BAND PARADES Effort to Correlate Programs of Church steady reco very. ,cenic sectio n a rc alm ost completed :'vl iss \\ "i ngate expect~ to leave the and ,evcral a rc alrea dy in the hands Ba nquets at Semfoary And Y . W . C. and College Will be Made Before hosp ital next Mo nday a nd go to h er o f the cng ra,·er. 1lan y clever id eas A . Demonstrat e Undying Spirit Students and Faculty. ho m e in D ayton. he probably will a1·e hein g work ed o ut by th e a rti sts Of Dayton Alumni. Bishop :\. J< . Clippinger, bish op of not r es um e her sc hool wor k unt il in co-operat io n with L aura \ \/hetstone and Ernestine :'\ic l10ls for th e · pecia! Ot!crhci n teams a nd O tt erh eiu peo the Ce ntral Di st rict of the Un ited after the hri st m as holi days. ple pr o perly belo11g in D av ton sin ce Bre thren church . will spend tw o days ~1 iss hoe make r is a lso n!co,·ering feature sec ti o n . 'I he con~ r dl'~ ign was re tu r ned las t it i~ the s tro ng hold o f th e. deno m in on th e Otte r bein campus. Nov. 30 a nd speedily and ex pect to go to h e r The a ti o n \Yhich support s th e Co ll ege. h om e in Middl e town next Monday. week to the 111 a nufa ·turer s. D ec. 1, speaking before the faculty he is not planning to r et urn to color s w hi c h will he used in the cove r Saturday. D ayto n saw m o re of O t ter and st ud ent , and m ee ting individual ~c hool •be fo re the Ch ri s tma - hol iday . of the Sibyl s trik e a pleas in g har bein than s he ha seen in many a The a lumni group in the Air for Jl rivat e co nference . O tt erbei n s tud ent hop to co ntinu mony. The body wi ll he a deep blue day. ity. in co-operation with the officials 11i . hop ljppinger, repre enta tive of to r eceive eq ually favorable repo rts ,·ith faint tinges of light blue and the pa nel designs will he s ilver a nd o f - th e U ni,·er ity of Dayton. o-ave th e bt· t l ' 11le<l B r e riism, will b.: • ncemiJ1« the _ two gi rls. htue tin . . ' his makes an xcelleJ1t Ott ' he in a royal welc me. here iJ1 th e int r t f the c hur h and _ ___ O C - -- col r co ml, inatio n a nd har11.1o n iz · The a lu m ni a rranged for the e n io r the· pur p se · of awak · oing an in ter- Father of William Myers w ith fhe co lo r of the . cenic ·tio n. te r tainment of th e tea m o Friclav e. 1 in the den o minati o n a mong t he Taken by Very Sudden Death The at hl et ic . ection will he pr e ent eve nin g a fter its a rri val in the cit;. Yo un g people ,d10 expect to do thei r li fe work t hrough the avenue of th e .\II Otte r bein was sadde ned last ed in a novel way and in suc h des ign. - The dining room of th e Bonebrake church. The com in g of Bishop Clip - Tuesday morning when it was an as are seldom see n in co llege a nnuals. Theological emin a ry do rm itory could pinger is de igncd to m eet a need t hat nounced t ha t vVilli a m Mye rs· father A type of p e ncil s ke t ches will com easily have b en mis taken fo r a ha been kee nl y felt for a mo re vital had pa sed away. Mr. :M yer ·u c po~e the s u b-heads fo r t he at hle ti c scene in \Vesterv ill e. The team at e its eve nin g m eal urrounded hv Ot r elation hip bet,,·een the chu rc h and c umbed to a ever e and s ud cl en troke ection. terbein color s and se r ved by Ott~rbein - - - - 0 C - - -tl;i e co ll ege. , of apoplexy. grad uate. . no,,· tuclents in the e m Sidewalk Laid. T he program to be fo ll owed durin« \,Villiam wa called hom e late att r eet s ide of the inary. n the Pa rk th e Bi ho p's vi · it will include an a d- urda ,· e,·c11 ing but a rri ved too late The streets of th e city on aturday dre to the Faculty at their regu lar fo r l;is fat her to recognize him . Pe rry college lot at the corner of Gr ove morni1~g we r e th e sce ne of 1: h b lar a nd P:;;rk >'freets. a n ew conc rete M nd ay afternoo n meeting, a n acldre - Laukhuff. George G rigg , Dwight r (Conti nu ed on Fage Three) to Life Work Recruit , and all inter- no ld. and John Le hm an were in Can- sidewa lk wa laid re ce ntl y. N av. 30 And Dec. 1 In The
Int e r ests of Church.
ted per ·on at 6:.30 Monday evening. ton for th e fune r al er".'ice . a chapel talk, and a many ind ivi dual The s tudent body takes this oppo rconfercnce · a can be conveni ently tun ity of cxpre ·, ing their si ncere y ma rra n ed. pa thy to \ illiam in hi lo. s.
- - - 0 C--
. Grabill, head of. th e Oton e rvatory, w ill give a dedi-
eatory organ recital 0 £ Thank giving D ay ·nited Rr , tbren hurch, whi h Tra D. \ arner. la ti
i e pa tor.
church i
it loyalty to num be r of tudent s and alumni are expected to hear Prof. Grabill. This will be the ect nd or an Prof. Grabill ha opened in Akron ,_ H. churche. within a year. ft "ill be rem rnbercd that la t J anuary he cledicated the o rgan in the new rli ng · ton treet hurch. Th r gan o n which Prof. Grabill will perform Thanksgiving Day i, c,f the thr e ma nu al type and the produ t fa le,·eland firm.
Thanksgiving Recess. 13egins-:'.\oon, Ko,·emher 2.,. End -7::rn a. m.. \: vemher ::o.
Two O riginal Copper Engravings For Hanby's " D arling Ne1lie Gray" • •Given by Family to College."
---0 C--
- - - - 0 C---
STRANGE SIGHTS SEEN BY A SAUM HALLITE ==~==============================-;:,; \\"b ile gazing ca lmly out of one of ful a,·enger. he immediately yie lded to of aum Hall on I hi · natural in ·tincts aml wiftly climb-
Tn th o ll ction cabin t of th r n gie li b rary ther ha b en p la d I y th cle -cencla n of B nj amio Hanby. the two copper engraving fr m which th . ong, " Darling !lrellie Grav' \ a fi r t printed by the Olive r D its- 11 Co., a Lui et -01•emb r m o rnin g my e,· ·d a n arby trellice. re~y•. dig-nity of B . to11 . in 1. !in. ha rl 110\Y complete ly va nLShed . He ln th lette r wh ich a c •npan ies lh ,.,.ere attracted t s trange, unu ua l ~n_a, J~ , on t : th e la t member · of th Hanby • ":1·11 < • t ~ap._ " ·.h.rc I1 c_I ear I y pat_' ight. , s o,, cd that 1f hr ,1 p1rat1ons had not fa111tly e. · pre~ th eir ck. ire t h, v Prexy tci I ed out of hi back_ door been towa:d · the Pr . ident' Chair he ,ong publi . heel in th e . iiiiple and and began t ol, erve th b autie of at Otterbein, he would have made a origi na l form which Benjamin Hanh,, ·nature. He glance d toward th rea r of l p .:c·1 of a hi_gh jumper. gra. peel the comp s cl c:l uring hi . JI ae da) · e lot. . nd then a trange phenom- cat by the iatl and began to exec ut e I O t rhein in 1 5 . non happened. Prexy s tarted o n a an Jndian \ a r -cl a nc e. He s wung it The lett e r i. si d by Mrs. Aman~a llop toward a dove cote which b ou _ , a round hi s head three tim es and da Billheimer. ,,·h recently died in eel the prize pigeo ns of hi young I : n- but the foll_owing . ccne i too I Birming-ham. .\la .. and who e b dy son. Our horritied eyes then followed pamfu l to he re vi ewed and fo r the· now li e. in the Otterbein Cemeterv · hi s lin of vi. ion and res ted upon_ a sa ke _of o ur reader we ring down the ? !so hv Elizabeth Hanby Coll ier. cat cont e ntedly munch_ing th e remam , ct' r ta, n o n tl_ie scene. . . K a te Hanby. the oldest living alumna o f o ne of the said pigeon . the P. -__Juni or apea red a tew minute - \ o f Otlerhein. hv Minnie Hanby J o ne< cat ensed the approach of the \\·ra th - later. " 1th a · hovel. a ncl Rrainard Oakes 'Hanby.
• ~P~a~gg;e~·~r ;w~o= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ T~H ~~E= 1~' ~A~ N= A~ N= D= C~A=l<.=D= I =N=A = L= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = LABOR AND RELIGIOUS LIFE PROPERTY AND A J OB Z ipper ll ooh. : -Ula. E. J . No r ris E CHOES FROM THE O HI O DISCUSSED BY CH URCHMAN
Dr. G. S. Lackland Spent Tuesday on Professor of Economics Urges Econ T"'o sta teme nt s m ade at th e fo urth omy In Address Orf' True Thrift Campus Acquainting S tudents an nual sess io n o i th e Ohio Classica l To W. H. S. Student s. With Labor Facts. Cunfc rce ncC'. h e ld al Ohio S tate uni1·crsity, ~ o ve mber 12- 14, at whic h Dr. G. S. Lackland, nation all y "There must be pending a~ well as abo ut -WO te:::cher s of Greek an d Latin kn own rdigiou worker a nd orator, saving.'' sa id Dr. Raymond l 'hel a n, was on O tt •~rbei n's campus las t Tu e - proies:,01· of Bus in ess Admini,trat io n, fr o m th c univers ities. colleges and day ~peaking in chapel. classes. and O tterbein Coll ege. a t the Thursday high schools of th e state were in h o lding p riv a te co nference . Convocatio n of the \V e tcrville High atte ndan ce, s ho uld be h eralded, acAt the chapel hour Dr. Lackland School. in a n address on True Thrift. cord ing 10 D r. ~ _ E. Co rnet et, s o that discus eel tht. labor situatio n an d its Dr. Phelan s howed b rie f!)· how civ a ll o ur col lege peop le wo uld get th e relation to religion. l n hi cla s iliza ti o n depend, upon cap it a l as well r oom ta lks he dwelled up o n th e evo- as upon lab or a nd nature. and we n t mc ·sagc. lu tion of society both indu tr ia ll y and Doctor J . V . Denny, head o f the 11 to ex plain th a t a nati o n th a t sa,·• m ora lly. H e gave a very comprehen - cd all would he one ove rload ed wit h Engli,h D epa rtment, Oh io S tat e L:niive ou tline of the history of indus tr y mach :nes. ra w materia ls. an d ot her ver s ity. aid in his lecture on Plu and particularl y of manufacturing a nd kinds o f capital. ancl \\'O uld ha ve 11 0 ta ,·c h and Shakespeare: ''Teachers of very ingeniously r elated th e tr end for use for any o f th em. On the o ther Engli sh shou ld be requi r e d to s tud y produciion and indus try in the futur e. hand , he said, a natio n that pe nt a ll fo r eign language more than E ng Foll owi ng th e lectures in the cla s " ·ou ld soon he bankrupt and wou!l!f lish.'' rooms there wa a tim e et as ide for revert t o a condition approach in g The emin ent world scholar, Docopen discu s ion in wh ich a num ber of ,avagery . tor Edward Capps, of Princeton ni tudent took pa rt. The di cus ion •' Civilization," he d ec lared, '·depe nd s ve r s ity. aid : "The cla ical la nguage in one class very fo rcefully brought out up c n ,ome ·a ,·ing a nd som e spending department wa s recently ' paralyzed' th e question as to whether labor llpon thr ift in t he tru e se n,c.'' when th e d epa rtment o f Englis h wi he it. ha r e in culture and refine___ _ C ---came to the head of the departm e nt ment. JUNIO RS MAKE GOOD aying, per o ns s ha ll not be permit ! n th e eve ning at th e Y. :iVl. a nd Y . SUM FR OM FROLIC led to m ajor in English who have 'W. joint meeting Dr. L ac kl and gave _ __ had 110 Gre ek." H e sa id thi departa lecture touching up o n th e indus trial •1• 1, .., J ment in Princeton ha m o r e than 700 ~ un_ior Fall Frolic which wa~ Or(ler a nd the w ay to meet the con - held a week ago last night in t he students and i. not seeking more. fronting ~roblem. H e. broug~ t for- J chapel was a m a rk ed uces 0Yer any The reason is fo und in th e lingui stic ward the id ea that the mdu stnal ys- hene li t for th e S;byl 1.eld in recent background of th Engli h m as te r tern at the prese nt tim e is not hri sTl pieces. To meet thi. s ituation he 1 tian for human ri ghts are secondary y<:ar,. i e iu-;rnes ~iianagement an- savs it will he d emanded that G r eek nou nce: that the Jum or ~ cleared over 1 · considerations, and cu ltur e i deni ed a , 100 011 the evening· e ntertainmen t. be offe red jn ou r high . chools. great percentage of people. In ad diThe canc1. · booth which the g irl ~ ti o11 to thi he pointt'd out that o ur had in lh · hall was mplc ·ly d •v id pr s n ystem i. wa. efu l. fo . er of all s w ee ts lifteen minutes after the rare prejudice and tulti fies d emoFrolic ope ned. "Th e J a pa ne e Tea cracy. Room " proved to b e a popu lar ea ting The pla n th at he present ed to ver house; it was impos ible for the wait come thi s ituation was o ne f good re e to han dl e th e crowd th at in will and brotherly love with the con ,·aded the min atu re J a pan. id cra tion of human right and perTh one other hen lit which will ,✓-: . onali ty a a primary aim. he held for the iby l thi s year i the , . number of tudents took advan- Junior play. The play cla s, und er , tag of privat interview w i th Dr. t he direction of Profe o r M cCarty, Lhaavcklab1e1denand report their mee ting t o i. we ll und er way in prepa ration for v. thi event. inspiring. ____
& Son.-. \ dv.
BASKET BALL SHOES $2.65 to $4.00 Ralph Jones U.S. Commet U.S. Stride Dr. Meanwell
Converse I
CHAPE L SPE AKERS THINK UPON E DUCATION TOPICS Thi, week ha •bee n ob erved na t ionall~• a Education We ek . Recog nition of thi fact has been made throughout the college in cla room , meetin , and e p ecia lly in chapel talk . Profe or chear, on Monday, preented in Chapel the subject, "Our duty a eitiz ns i to keep informed ab6ut t he working of the ov rn m >nt a nd do o ur part fa"thfull v ." n Tue day Dr. Lackland, o f D enver , "olor ad o, poke in c hap I and at var i u gr up m eting about the cam pu , of th rowin o- importanc of labor and the po ibilitie of the Youth ovement. Prof. McO talked in c hap 1 Wedne day o n "Educatio n f r ervice.' Prof. ltman pre ented the uhject, " Thrift." on Thur day and outlined a plan whereb y Otterbein methods w ill check up the bu iae u ed by t udent . On Friday morning Prof. Hur h brought ou t the fact that educat ion i a big factor in t he securing of international understand ing< and fr iend hip.
La t Thtir ' day morning after the I r gular d evotions at chapel t he Y . M. . la unch ed their campaign for th e ecuring o f thi year budget. Earl Hoover p re ented the budg t and explained the u e to which ii will go. I Sub cription were th en called £or 1 with the re. ult o f over ix hundred doll a r s being pled ged. The •b udget as outlined howev r calls for over e ig ht hundr d dollar . s th r e i I a yet a margin to b rai eel before the entir program can he arried out.
----0 C--- Freshmen
First Class
Part y
o hran Hall parlor were the of much fun and merrim en t the girl of th F re hmen u nchool la enj o yed a party Friday eveni n g. The e nter wa in charge of Lillian , it r the tunt the compan y wa divided and engaged in var competitive game and re lay . hortly before ten o'clock refre. h ments were 5er ved.
·V \ .
Actual $4 value!
600 pairs of genuine Arabian mocha gloves Your choice
It's glove time now! It's also gift time. And gloves should be on every gift list! These a~e splendid quality ; pliable· soft· With Paris point spear b ack or black embroidery. Regular and cadet sizes, 7¼ t o 9½.
THE UNION The Home of Quality
l i
Page Three
RECORD O F OUR ATHLETES Ten ·Out of T wenty-two O n Squad Are E arning Their Way Through College. 111 investigating the types of men <:omposing the Otterbein football quad this year we discove r some in tere ting facts. The squad during the latter part of the season . has been about large enough to permit the use of two teams for practice and of the twenty-two men out te n are earnino 0 thcir way through college. Three of the boys are sons of far mers living near \\i es terville and regu larl y do th e chores before and after chool. Two of th ese three have " certain number in a large herd of <!airy cattle to care for eac h dav. Two other boys on the quad do a ,regular turn in a restaurant, the particular Job of one of them heing to o pen the place for bu siness at four-thirty in th e morning. " Willies" is the cene of act ivity of two more of the boy s, these fellow working on regular turns doin o- from twenty-live to thirty-live hours a week. Of the ~rec remaining boy who work. one 1 an employee o f the post-office, 1 ub titute carrier, another a garage mechanic and the third steward anrl di hwa her in one of the boys' "eats" club .
The e boys all carrv the ree..1 lar number of ciass hour ;nd mu t ~1ake ~v~rage grades in order to participate ~n mter-collegiate act ivities. Football. ~11 fact any collegiate sport or activ ity, demand time and energy and when a boy earns his own way in addition he can easily •be classed as unu ual.
- - - - u C--- The Class of 1947. nother hining light for the class of '47 • An ath lete too. we hope. Mr. and Mr . J. W. Seneff, (Emil y _rnold) •2~. Ex. '21, annom1ce the 1>'.rth of a on at St. Elizabeth' HosP1tal, G ran1te · c·1ty. Ill., on . ovember 14th. . "'vVe ," in his characteri tic fash ton (extrem ely mode t vou remem b r) ay he is a line bi~ boy. With :1c.h a ple11did start he should be zip~iug them down to econd in the prm,., of '44. ongratulation folk Good luck by!
- ---0
( Continu ed from page o ne.) The of trumpets a nd much color. Otterbein band and the Universit v of Day to n ba nd staged a joint pa~ac!e preceding th e ga m e. It is the fi rst time in the history of the College that a hand represe ntin g it hould appea r on the st reets of a distant city_ .\ . large body of alumni occupied a sect ion of th e new Univers ity of Day ton stadium and loyally supported the Otterbein warriors whatever the t urn of th e ba ttl e. Th e spirit of O ld Ot terb ei n permeated the air a the g ree ne t o f the Freshmen joined with the o ldest grad in a loyaJ cheer which col1\·eyed a well wish for the team ancl a boos t for the future . '.IIISS .\LM.-\ GGIT\"ER 1 You have now bee 11 i11trodu ccd fo r the alumn i int erests as a rep re mmediately fo llowing the gam e the officia ll y to a ll of the members of the ~c nta tive of the facult y. She is now c rowd gathered for an informal get Al umni Cou ncil. The President of givi ng much of her time and exper- together at the Y. W . C. A. One of th e College and the P resident of t he ience in heioing to launch the new th e large rooms had been re erved .Alumni Association are also members program of the association. Each nd of the coun cil but you were intro- week Mi ss Gu itner contributes the a was quickly transformed into a duced to them by m ea ns of the bul le- I ··alumn als' ', man y times spending scelle of e nthusiasm and splendid tin sent to you just before Home- much time in searching the col umn s spirit. Th e band was present and coming. of s uch peri odicals as will contain in- added much to the spirit of the ocMiss Guitner, whom we pre ent to fo r111ati o11 co11cern i11g Otter be in peo- ca io11. The peeches were brief and yo u today, is not connected with th ~ 1, \V e want to thank Miss Guitner for very informal. council or· the F asso ciation i11 any Tl1e entire . · 1 f offi- her sple11dicl sen·ice a11d publicly call clay was one that re c1a capacit y. or a 11umber vV e hop e her \ tl ec ts ere cl'1t upo 11 the careful pla1111111 . . o ,·ea rs atte nti o11 to her loyal!\'. • · g,;he has bee11 alumm edi tor of the intnest 111 th e alumni work con- 0 f h D · . Ta11 and Card inal and ha al o cared7 tinu,es. . ~ e . ayton Alumm group. The mvcr 1t · of Dayto offere the be t of treatment to the te am and to O t terbein students. The day wa long hom e of the brid e in We t Elkton, country sto re in the world" and re to be remem bered a one bringing in to cently ha attracted more than unu Ohio. They will go at o nce to their evidence a spirit that promise the new home in Wilmington. D elawa re. ual notice of the retail men of the 1be t for the future of the Alma Mater. country. \\·here Mr. Stauffer is con nected with ---0 C-- M r. G. A. Garver, founder of the the Du Pont Powder Company. A1 THLETIC CLUB' S business. gives hi s formula for uc F. Joy Reider . a former Otterbein ces -Combine your capital arid o-et NEW PROPOSAL MA.DE st udent, was elected mayor of Bow under one roof.-An ari tocrat neve r ling Green. Ohio, at the recent elec succeeds in a country town. The Otterbein A lu mni tbletic Club tion. Mr. Reider proved him elf a G. A. Ga r ver is not an a lumnus of has been a functioning organization ver y capable mayor and was elected Otterbein hut has been a loyal, en fo r a number of year , in fact before for · a econd term by a. big majority. thu iastic suppo rter for a number of th e almnni Association began its civic The confidence of a community i the year . Three son , all graduate of program. It ha been the desire of best evidence of efficiency and hon Otterbein are now a sociated with him. the ofuce r of ooth organizations to e· ty ,and Joy's eleotion Olice. the '' Phil' ' of th e class of '15, John, c.lass some how correlate the work of the esteem of bis community. of '17. and Paul , '2.\ are all helping two group . '91. Edgar L. Weinland was one of their father put th e bu iness aero . The thletic lub recently voted to th e peaker at the Father a11cl on ' 23. L a wren ce M . 'ollier returned to include in their member hip fee of ervice in the Central M. E. church, teo dollar a member hip in th aJum Columbu . His subject was ·'The Job his h m e in \i ester ville early la .t ni a ociation if so desir d by th wee k from a busiues trip through o f Being a Dad.'' ~l~mnu . That means that you ma.y president of tJ1e , out hem Tncliana sV!d Illino.i . ~fr. \ ei11lancl Jorn the athletic club for ten dollar ptimist club. '1 3 Profe or F red ,(\. Hanawalt of three dollar and a ha)f 9£ which lumni s ciation. the d pa rtm c: ut o f biology in Ott r be paid to th e bei n i's announced to speak this even- Thi i U1e li r· t tep i n the co rrel at ion befo r th itize.n hip h(b of of the program . on the ubje t. .. Bird, Protection." CAPTAINS NOTICE
P ut a little red mark ar und D ecember -the 12th. That i th e ela te et for he · •armer aptai n_- ar ·ity ba ket ball game. Let's mak that a real alum n i occasion. To you who a re clo e to e terville, it' an unofficial Home-coming.
Page Four
tion of ble sing that is m o re than i. been informed on the matter and ' 're heart and mind and conscience. Th, needed. ILrn cd th e ha ll' ' on so me of the state for his own good and al o becau ,, you ng people o f th e .\m e ri can m c nts mad e. Appare ntl y the glare· of eve r y ~ 11 he_ meet will re pect him commonwea lth we need to pau se in the facts c lot h ed in hiny ga rm en t and nJoy hrs company. He carri Published Weekly in the interest of th e hour of plenty and cons ider dazzled ou r eyes a nd we cou ld not ee with him e vide nce of a clear consc,. Otterbein by the whether WC ar e building o ur portion c l<.arly. The •reat r Ii ht ence and a de ·ire to regard the feel OTTERBEIN LITERARY of the tructure as well as our father s t h e lesse r lig hts. SOCIETIES ing of ot her . To the extent that he Westerville, Ohio laid th e foundation for us. I t look s as ;t hough we n eed ares for the proprieties as applitd Member of the Ohio College Press - --- 0 ---tak e an inve ntory. re w e not e n - to him e lf he s ho•-1· that hr consid Aasociation. On Losing. g-ro eel in the prob lem s of ou r wn ers th e int eres ts and u ceptibiliti It is tru e that Otterbein 1s on th e immediate camp us? Do we e ve r look of o ther A clean a nd healthy man I110 · onfc r c11cc a ro u11cl u b )'One! th e confi ne of o ur wi ll be b ·tter liked. more readily Editor-in-Chief STAFF ............ J. B. Henry, '26 IJott 111 rw 1g O f ti 1 A ssistant Editor .... D. E. Harrold, '27 ladde r of footb a ll s tanding The ea- college omm unit y? Do we have time tru s t cl . t th e fi rst meeting 11ith ,Contributing Edit.o rs, on has been trying in many re pect . to think in broad er term t han Ot- anoth r he hegin to esta blish a g 2 Wanda Gallag~er, , 6 uch persi tent unfavorable weather t rbein ? rs the world kept before u s rep utatio n. These qualities p k Lenore Ki11':pp, Smith, '26 26 on c1·ti· · o ur v1·s10 · 11 .? D o we see o ur e Jve Pauline I on s a re b eyon d ur recall. 111 lou dl y a ncl co nvincingly." Wayne Harsha, '27 1 When the breaks of th e ga me go facing real problem s? Do we ke ep - --- 0 F lorence Howa rd, ;28 con is tently to the o th er team mo rale our vision. our task. before us ? CONTRIBUTORS COLUMN 26 i almost bound to waver.. n inTh e departmental h ead of on of Business Manager •· W. C. Myer•, A ssistant Business MManageSrsh '27 nate tendency keeps callin g for a e w York's grca te s t fi nan c ial insti t u Chapel Period. Jc arcus c ear, Ross Miller, '28 win, but it has gone un a n wcred. The tion wit h antenna e reaching into T.wo ye a rs ago the chapel rieriod Athletic Editor ........ Louie orri , '28 easo n has indeed been di couraging. practica ll y eve ry city o f the coun t ry. As. istant Athletic EditorW.dd But there is a nother viewpoint. wh e n he came into his prese nt posi- wa increa. ed from fifteen to thirty ,27 I-Iarry I oes, tha t an noun cement~ and . ulatlon . Managermembers of the " tandem." s tu - tio11 a few y ears ago, wa a keel what minut s Cu-c , s tudent me tings would not encroach Margaret Widdoes, 26 dent bod y, team, a nd oach , we have per ·onal wi h e he had as t the ar• nine o'clock recitat;on•. Assi tant irculation Managersderived a ,benefit and lea rn d a !cs- rnngement an d furni s hin gs of his of- upon th Ruth Hursh, '27 M. Wilson, '28 on that wi ll certainly make u better fic e. H is repl y wa . " ive m e a m ap Fift n minutes were to be devotrd citizen of t he commonwea lth . In a of th e nited !ates to p ut under to comm o n annou ncmcnts, .pecw Alumna! E;clitor , tud ent a nnouncers and student metl 23 H. W. Troop, sen e w can consider o urselves fo r- t he gla ss of my de k." The Pre ident e have now had more than Alma Guitner, '97 tunatc. We have a greater equipment of the concern was at once inquisi- ings. Cochran Hall Editor,26 for actua l compe ti tio n in bu. in ess, t ive. and thi. •was the reply to his a yea r of this regime with what re• Florence Rauch, h L h '27 profe s io n, au d state than if every questio ning : " I want con tantly to su Its? Local Editor ············ J 0 n e man, G JI tt h J · Exchange Editorga m.e had b.een won. \ inning is vi~ua fiz my job ; to fee l the thrill of e n era Y r1e c ape exercises terErnestine ichol , ' 27. mighty fine, bu.t the test of true its bign ess." ·cedle s to ay, he got minate a b ut :55. leavin the student, sport manship i in lo. in g co ura ge- the map. bu t a ca nt five minutes. AnnounceMos t of 11 s n eed to get ou t our ments a nd m tings are discouragtd, ·Address all communicati.ons to The ou ly. This i by no m ans an alibi. It i map . whi l P ia l anno uncers are only Otterbein Tan and G!'rdmal, . 103 W. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. on of the nardcst-h eadecl common - ---0 C---grudgino-ly, if at all. given permit· Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, sense facts that i among th fi n The Clean and Healthy Man. i 11 to p eak. Ts not a r -adju tmen• payable in advance. lesso ns learned in the competition of Judge Gary ays : "a man s ho uld o f th i. ;;ituation needed? ~amc. Good SI ortsman hip is the ah ays. as far a practicab le, be ab - - - - 0 C---Entered as second class matter g enuine goal. oJute ly clean an I' h afthy. mentally IT STRIKES US September 25, 1917, at ihe postoffice The girl f th stud ent b cly ha vc in rally a nd phys icall y. His habits at Westerville, 0 ., under act of March T hat freshmen coats and feet m J, 1879. . I elem n tratecl th undyin g loyalty of h uld he a bove reproach . Th re Acceptance for mailing at spec1a t h ir s x in backing t he team to the may be a good e cuse for not having not so becoming as balcony nil rate of postage provided for in Sec. very end. a nd fr m a fe minine at h l t- tJ, c hes t of furni hin g o r dress. adornm ents. ·1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized ic organization , th e Women' wimTh re ca n be non for not b ing That Prof. Altman isn't the aaly April 7, 1919. minosociation, we wo uld bo rrow clean. H e ought to kn w him elf; to one who ever g ot bungled on a fillln. our encouragem nt, whi ch I their study him elf. to look into hi s own cial report. m tto " od port man hip i b tE DI!TORIALS tcr than victory."
- - - 0 C - -- Questions and Maps. The two of u were walking clown through th e ca mpu la t Tu . d ay o ur father s ga e lbjrth to our annual I evening after r. .Lackl a nd' lecture Thank giv in g ob ervan ce with hea rts a nd it happ ened that both f us were fi lled wi th g ratitude for th e fi rs t ha r- of th sa m mind, bu t it wa my om vests i11 th eir newly adopted h me - pani 11 w h o poke, " \ hy i it that \\' ·tud eut h ere at tt r bei n la nd. quc tion ?" vVc are called up n at thi time to .\n yone w ho wa pre cnt at t he di ch rish with high ve ne ration and j cu ion period fo lio, ing Dr. Lackland' rateful recoll ection the memory of 1 cture realize t hat th qu ti n wa a perfeetly natural on . B ut we par ur fathers. urely no nation ever eel ti ll wo nd erin g " \Nh y ?" h ad g reater occa ion for gratul ation Why don't w a k qu ti 11 · ? i n t hat re. p ct, fo r, whi l mo t na- it becau e we accept eve ryt hin g a lions tra ce their rigi 11 to ba rbar ia n , peak r • ay , wa Uo, it hook, bait, r. a r we s wep t off t-hc foundation . of our nati n were lin e. a nd a ll ? ur feet ,by th . pcakcr'. fir,t lnnd la id b. civilized men of high integrity kn , I clg f t h ,rnhjcct a nd s it ,nm1za nd worth. ed at th fact I'o,sih ly it is th we kn thrre \\'as , uc h a asting our th ughts back ov r the Let Us Give Thanks.
Three cc n turi s a nd fo ur yea r
U_n iversity Bookstore
nturi we can on ly be grateful for th e history f our n ation, a nd finally
particula1· ca. c of last ,1 eek'.._ failure t gras1 the oppo r t1111i ty. it r ·tin g our gaze upon that little Pi! - may be that 0111ing. in the 111 aio ri y grim g r up w ho were thankful for of ca. e , from h mes where the hard th m re II ce, 1t1e . w n eel a com- , hip, wroughl hy the laho r prohlc111 not I <' II kl1o w11 . our cx JJ eric nc ,; f r{ I vi11g p pie t l·r I t our eyes · 111 ha v limite<l our 1u tinni ng power a nd \\'' th a nk to Him , 1i ha bountifully c ufd not approach th e 111:ittcr int cl~uppl ied ur n eels and pray rfully lige ntly. But. that is not ,a ti,f~·ing. as k g uid anc 111 t he u e of that p r- 1 • colleg . tucl nts 11· . houlcl ha ,·e
University Bookstore 1
. tate
Phone 493-J.
MY M 0
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Pag e Five
St1•.,'.e n i r epresentatives from sixt ee n ---l co ll eges in or about New Y o rk were 1 - -- I T he Ath letic .-\ssocia1ion at Bluff- present at the Intern ationa l H o use o n Ra ll v Day in th e Lnitecl Brethren , loi, College stag es a n a nnu a l st unt Nov. 12. a nd 13 fo r a New York C it_v ~ t1 nda;· ·chool S u nda y morning , ni ght \\"h ich serve. as a homeco min g ' \<Vo rl d Co urt Confe re n ce. l> rQug ht a tota l o f nea rl y eig h t hun - fo r rnan y fo rm e r s tud e nts. Thi s year I T hree hundred white a nd colored ti r ed per,c>ns to ta k e pan in t he se r- a pa·t of the 11rogram \\" ill he the ,Ill( Icnb .. t11cre< · l a t ·'"', t l anta. Geor g ia. 6 vic e,. The co llecti o n which goes for pr e sentation o f pc rm :i ncnt g ymn asi um T : c previ ou, ''"eek end th e firs t inthe be nefi t o f th e Foreig n Par is h at '. 1:quipmcnt ,·a lued at $200 . tudent confere n ces ever 1 !er-racia l S iu La m . Ch in a . reac he d heyon d the .. l - 1e Mus tache10 . C.lub " h as rec ntl y 11e lrl · 111 - t he :--iout • 11 were ·onvened a t •
: · . Th 'a t s lie r ea d 111 th e List nin' J 11 I Co lumn th at a hun c h o f fe ll ows in / ,et g·oa l o f $SOO. hee n formed at Pomona Colle ge, l.yn c bburg , \'a .. a nd Durh am, N. C., an Iowa Co ll e· g e h a d pc l · d ge d t 11em - / Rev. J. S tu a rt In ne rst . . . ll v . .. who for . se ,·- Claremo nt. Cal. It a dmits to mem - I' at th e .-\tla11t a co n fe r e n ce pra c t1ca • f oot- II era! ,·cars \\"a, a J\f 1,s1011a n · 111 the 11 I l I · G · e Ives not to s I1ave unt1-1 t 11e ir . • . , _ · . . · . h ersh1p tho e men who ca n ma1nta111 a t 1e sc 100 s 111 ,eor g 1a. So uth C ar·hal · . . e mustache o 1·111a. .-.'I a l1a 111 a ancI 1·· 1o n'd a we re reph l tea 111 w o n a victory an d t h at s h e 1 S iu La m District a nd wh o has Ju • st one-half mch of g e nuin opes th a t o ur bovs clo n't f 0 ll , latc h · re turn ed. · pok e a t both mormng 800 h . h (C . d f ' re e iltecl. to t e s quare m c . op1e rom · ow s utt o r th t: J)tib li'•· ,,.- 11 ti - k R ev. h D . . . ) a nd eve nm g c hurc h servi ces. . . . . ~ 1 1111 we are t e e111 10 111an . (-, 1·r1 I I' dl co 11ege . s tarting a bra n c h of th e Ho u se of Inn er,; t p r ese nt ed 111dus tnal soc ial and s tu c •· nt s at Jra ey D a,·id. econom ic con di ti o n , as he had fo und S t ude nts o f Rutgers Co ll ege . :'.\ew Ill.. who clai m th ey a re physicall y I them 111 C hin a. givi n g th ose who J er sey. have voted to a bo li sh th e un a hl e to pa rticipate in gy m cla ses Th a t s h e rea d in th e sa m e co lumn heard hi m a b e tt er id ea o f th e good Hon c,r System . Fa il u re of the p lan wil l hc-reaf te r he se n t to bed- ri ght that they had in s ta ll ed beds in th e th e offe r ing \\"i ll d o 111 th e F o r e ig n th rough o ut m ost of its five y ea rs o f I in th e gym. Beds wer e in s ta lled in e xi stence is )( i,·en a s th e reaso n fu r l th e gy m 0 11 the advice th a t for girls gym in a n Illin o is Co ll ege and that s h e P a ri s h. th 111 · k , it · wou ld b e a mi g hty goo d ---- Q C---the actio1l. too de li cate fo r gym wo rk r es t was just • as ben c lic ial to t hem ;is th e exercise id ea if th ey put a fe\\' double d eck CHRISITIAN ENDEAVOR Ya e Coll ege undergrad uates voted 1 10 the hea lth,·. er s in o ur g ym o r a t le ast prov id ed The l ' ni,-~rs itv of Kan sas h a fo r them in o ur •·~ c w Gy m ." Florence Ra uch led C. E. in a aga in;;t requir ed c hapel atte nd a n ce by • I · . .. . . apa n O\e r \\"helmi11 g maj o r it y. l.lv a 3 to 1 . • ·f d , po1 11tc-c a co mm it tee to mveshgate u nique Th a nk s giving ser vi ce. The That i11 the past kw da y s s he h as th e ac u 1ty a 1so exp resse I maJonty [re l· ma 1 cap regu lat ions a n d p rov ide 1 di sc u ss io n. which ce nte r ed arou nd the th ei r d isapp roYal o f the inst itution. s ' com e to th e co nclus io n th a t the Huh I a mca11s \\"hcn, hy freshmen may sec ure s pi rit of Thanksgi v ing, wa o pened of th e u ni,·e r se has bee n cha n ged hy Ruth Hayes w ho spoke o n " Th e \,\'c,r ld Court Co n fe r e n ces we re h e ld car muffs 10 he \\"Orn \\'ith th e ir caps fr o m Ros ton to Day to n. J7 irs t Thanksgiving" a nd who in turn in va·ious p laces a ll ove r the country. I <luring cold \\'Cathe r . Th a t s he's bee n wo nderin g ever ca ll ed up o n a n other for a n exp ressio n s in ce th e rally wh en th e C h ee r Lead of t hankfu ln ess . This sam e p rocedur e e r go t hi s c han ce t o look into the wa s ca rr ied o u t . by each pe rso n who !!,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,!_ spo k e. m a kin g th e m ee ting one o f a ~ FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS , SENIORS, ATHLETES ~ eyes of o ne o f o ur lady p rofes o rs. ve ry informal nature. ~ T hat th e o th e r d ay they made an A co rn et so lo, " Going Home." fr o m a 11 nou nce m e nt in th e Dinin g R oom the N e w W o rld Symphony, was g i,·- : about go in g o ut to c. h eer a t foo tball e n hy R olbe rt We itkamp. I= The Students' Hand-Book of Practical Hints on the Techn ique of pra c tice a 11d that o n e littl e freshma n T h e Preside nt rema r ked that th; ,; i§ Effective Study girl a t her lah le sai d she didn't see meeting was the "best ever '' as it bY h ow in the world s h e co uld go as he WILLIAM ALLAN BROOXS b r ough t to li g ht much hidden talent had lafb a ll afte rn oo n. Tmm e diat ely A GUIDE c ntai n in g hundred s 0£ practica l hints" a nd s ho rt c u ts in the econo my o f learning, to a s is t st ud e nt s in sec urin g MAXIMU M a Sophom ore piped up t ha t s h e s hould SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at a minim um co,;t o f t ime, e11 er gy. and cu t it-she sti ll objec ted and a1d she fat ig u e. had no ne co min g. She was in fo rm ed ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED fo r o\'e rw or kcd st ud e nts a nd th at Coach Ditm e r ca ll e d the rol l of a thl etes e ngaged in ex tra curri c ulum act ivities and for ave ra ge and a ll fre s hme n girls so sh e conc lu ded hono r ,; tud en t,; \\'ho a re workin g for high scholastic a c hi e,·c m e nt. t hat she h ad bette r go. A n o th er in stance of where-"Tgn o r a n ce is Rli s." Diet During A thletic Training. Scientific S hortc uts in Effective Tha t the o ther day in Bible Class How to S t udy Modern Langu Study. ages. Preparing for Exa mina tions. P rofe sor Eng le asked \\"hat YOU coulc! Writing G ood Examinations. How to S t udy Science, Literature, do to stop .a Hood and a g irl i;111 ocen tly Brain and Digestion in Relation etc. r esponde d. '· Dam it." to Study. Why Go to College? How to Take Lecture and Read That he hea rd from a more o r le,s After College, What? ing Notes. Made by the Developing Con centration and Advantages and Disadvantages of reliable . ource t hat the "T" a nd "C' ' Efficiency. C ramming. . wouldn' t be th e only inte r e tin g read etc., etc., etc., etc. , etc., etc., etc. The A thlete and His S t udies. ing matter t hat the students and par ent s ho uld ha,·e to read over Thank giving a. ce rtain littl e 3 by 5 ca rd s '' It is afc lo say that failure to uuidc and direct st udy i th e weak point in the- whole ed ucational machine." Prof. G. ~l. \ \ ' hippie, '. of are s upposed to he distributed ·ere :Mi chigan. long. _''The s uccessful men in college do not seem to be ve ry ha1)py. Most of them , espec ially the athletes, are ove rworked .'' Prof. H. That she has a production to \\'rite Canby.Yale. a hook to review. a te rm paper to "Misd ire cted labor, though hon est and well intentioned may lead begin. "oodle s" of lilbrarv \\'Ork t0 tc naught. Among the m st important things for the . tudent to learn i bow to study. \ V ithout _kno\\·lcdge of thi . hi. labor may be largely make up. an l that she ca~ 't go home in vain.'' Prof. G. F. Swam. ?½. l. T. over vacation and t ill s he' supposed "To ~tudents who ha\'e ne\'Cr learnt ·'How to tudy." wor k is ,·ery to grin and he thankful. often a chastiseme nt, a flagell a ti on, and an insuperab le obstacle to con-
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tentment.'' Prof. . Tn Ii . Harvard. ffo rt. G et a good start and make this y ear a h ighly s ucc ess ful one by ~01cling for this hand-b o k and guide KO \ \' .
men at Otterbein. That if th' modern d ivo rce law had been in vogue in the time of H enry \ ' 111. he p robab ly wouldn't have Ind to re ort to the ga ll ows a often as he did.
Why You Need This Guide
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eed This Intelligent Assistance ;
··········-····· ................................ . _. ____ __ __ __ ______
Ameri ca n Student Publishers, 22 West 43rd S t. , New York. Gentleme n:
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!'lease ·encl me a copy of "How to tudy" for \\'hich l enclose 1.00 cash; I. 10 heck.
1,~ 1111 Ill1111111111111111I11111111111~;,:;;~:::I ,11::l:1,:::; ;;;;;::;:;:;;;I:;::::;;;:,;:: l:;i;;;;;; I11fl
Page Six
The 1:al l Sport Spr ead will <be held BASKETEF.RS PASSING th FROM CRUDITY- TO SKILL 011 th e ~l o ndav eve n ing fo llowin g e 1 ,.. ie l<l D aY c ,·;nts. Everyone making · · e 1·1g1·bl c. 1 • Bas ket hall pract isin g con t inues as a t earn ts 111 has bee n with o ut a ny change ex, c~p t th e add itio n of_ m ore fundam en- 1 1 1, ta ls s uch as p1votmg and turning. , The squad 1s sho wmg th e effects of hard persistent work and some of the \ crude ne ss is bei ng r eplaced by skill LA ST GAME O F SEASON i HOLDR E N WINS ANNUAL Stair . a lett er man fr o m last year, ha s GOES TO U . O F DA Yl'fON . 'l'WO-MILER. TIME 12-51 stre ngt h ened th e sq uad with hi s pre sI ---,1 ence. O tter be·n T ea m Faces Great Odds 'I Osborn H old r en won the a n nual' - - - 0 C-- and Loses t o Much Superior Freshman two -mile run Thursday , · H ere ,s How They Lined Up 1 D ayton Team. ::S:ov. I\J, with a tim e of 12 m inu te and ,; I seco nds. Lawrenc e Gre('n was \ .Otterb ein (0) D ayton (48) D ebe- si, L . E. H o pelessly o utweigh ed but not out seco nd, just 11 i11 ,- seco nd s later. 13 min- \ ~rnn ey - e,:en. Th e next th ree places l·e lton L T LLtes Rod way fo ught the Otterbein footba ll tea m Boeke went dow11 to defeat by a -1 8 to 0 went. Wm. J_ :--ieshit. 1:l- 10: fo urt h Bishop·------..-----·- L. G. 1h crt \'l.i' Mil ty. 1 :i-1 :1: fifth . Harrold Schear ·-· ··-·· C. ----·----S harpcnter score at the hands of the U ni,-e r ~ity ,. 1·• 1°· 1·11c ave rage \Va s son1e- Crawfo rd · -IJ'· G ............. Spencer of Dayton in their new stadium . .-\t 1 n u ng. ,)- , . what better th a n u sual. bein g 15 Rich ter. ( C) ---R . T . ......... .___ _.. __ Hart no tim e this season hav e the 0. C. the fought ,-;o game ly aga in st s uch great minutes anrl 2 0 seco nd s. The race Reigle ...-............ R . E . .. __.._____ J. B lak e We positively guarantee _ 1 S nave ly Q. B. Potter odd s. evera l of the Ot terbein pl ay started at -1 : l ;, and was in charge M ateri al a nd Workmanship. Widd oes L H. ---- ---- - Ca ulfi eld ers had to be removed from the ga m e Carl Stair. DAN CROCE Th e wi nn er of th e fi rst place was Renner R. H - ..-....... P ettinger on account of injuries. :\s a r esu lt Mc fi chael F. B ......... .___ nellin g W esterville, O . of the terrific driv e of the smas h awarded a bronze medal.
I . ... . _ _ __ _ __ • --·---- ---
Our Work is 100 Satisfactory
of \
in g Dayton crew, Snavely. Widd oes, Mill e1·. ).1innich and Schear . ufferecl rather severe injuries. Few feams in Ohio ca n boast of as we ll balanced a tea m as ha s the U niversity of Da yt on. W it h a line that ave rages 1 0 pounds an d a back fie ld nearly as heavy t hey can ba tt er t hei r way to victory over any o rdin ar y team. .\lm o t the ent ire fir t half was playti<I in Otte rb ein te rrito ry. With the \\·in d in their fayo th e Day ton tea m was in a po itio n to co re early in the game. nave ly had troubl e in g etting much di tance to hi s pun ts against such a strong wi nd. This fir t att empt to score was fru stra ted when D ayton fumbl ed aft er cros , ng the goal lin e, Pinney re cove r ed. thus m a king a touc hb ack. givin g th e ball to Otterbein o n he r own 20- ya r d line. Due to a wealth of r e erves D ayt o n was alb le to keep a £re h team on th e fie ld dur ing the entire game. Ob viou ly this gave them the advantage ver 0. . who could on ly mak e a fe w ub tituti 11 •• ch.iu wa the big man fo r Dayton . He wa re pons ible fo r th e fir st three tou -h down of t he g am e. Behind a lmo l pe rfect interference h e ran t hrough the tt erb ein team for m any long gai ns.
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C-- --
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A H LETIC EDITOR TALKS .\t Deni o n . Field Day for th e gir ls O F SEASON'S OUTCOME , on the Shepard on campus is a n a nnua l fa ll eve nt. A tenni s tourname nt \ 1n the matte r of games won or los t ar chery finals a nd hockev ga · . f I 11 I • me a re I t h 1s oo t )a season 1as not b ee n a inc luded in th e program for this vear. , I success. fr om the sta ndpoint of th e · develop m ent of team play and team 1 1 spi rit as well as the development of
real he-men. it ha s. \ Vhi ch ; 5 the m os t impo rt an t ' W hi ch is t he mo st las tin g? At the b_e_giuning of tbe s.easo n t prospects for a ~ood season we re Lillusua ll y good. A large quad i urn ed o ut at th e fir st pra ctice. But thro ugh m any cau e that sq uad dwindled to sca rcely 20 m en before th e fi nal ga me last a turd ay. Several of the men had to siu it beca use th ey were wor k ing and fo und th at th ey co uld not wo rk and play footba ll a lso. ucces _ fu ll y. O th ers had to 4uit o n acco unt of inju r ie o r ill health, and o ne wa ta ken by death. And o wit h uch a sma ll squad it has been difficu lt to put a strong team on the field. In everal games it has been obse rved that in the fir t part of the gam e Ot-
I. I
Grocer·- ...
Co r. Co ll ege Ave. and State St.
Phone 65
See Samples from
'"'Groceries and Meats
terbein held her own b ut as soon as her men became tired sh e lo t ground teadily. all d becau e of such a mall squad of 111 11 h e co ul d not ma ke ma ny ub titutions. _ i In t he fi rst two games the full Re igle played a bang up game for I trength of the t ·1 Otter bein at end. He had omethin g j earn wa av~i able but _ even then fa te cho e to mile o n· th e to ay a bo ut e ery play that came ht < I o p;)oncnts. And it mi ht be sa · th . way. La mb rt. at tht! oth er end al O at no time u:I Otat dun. ng the gseaso n ' has -p layed ~ ve ry commend~b le game. lerbein received more than Re received two of the kicko ff and I f a verv . . , ew hrea ks. wa. cffectJITe g omg down under pun t . I. To a Y t h a t th e t earn as a uni t did Jin thr e econdh l:alff R enn er ib rought i not fight its hardest at all time. wo uld t 1e an to t tr eet by returni ng be acri legc · ff o · · n Y O n e ''·h o saw the a. k1 ck-o £ 4 yard • through a broken I game at Da\.' lo n a t ur d ay w1-1I te tify field be ore bemg down ed by the - to that. 1 Dyl "t y man, w h o wa tne . a on are nd though we mu t be content o nl y man bet wee n him and the goa l \•·ith a 110 _m 1·11 d ,. r ecor for the sea 011 ' let u co n ide r that many factor beline: Crawford and R ichter were at all yond con t rol have bee n brought to times play ing heads-up football. bear on the team. navely, Widdoe . and Schea r, Ot- -- 0 C · • 1 h lfb k d terbem regu ar a ac · an eeut e_r, Twenty- five men at I owa We leya n were c6mpe ll ed t o leave the game m College have taken a pledge t . . . d no to the ti rst ha If b ecause o f mJunes, an have until the college footb 11 their alb ence wa keenly felt in the w ins a victory. F ou r cha nce a oft:~: . e ond hal f. tory are left to the team thi ea on.
, I
1eat M arket FOR YOUR PA RT Y
Group P ins.
. htrlat1 Rhodes & Baug
Makers 0 f Phil ophronean Keys. 11th and H igh
c_o1umb ___ _u___ s , o_.~ ~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: ~=-:::~;;;;;;......;;;
= T
= :
f O
tterbein or Patronage.
]3.D ~,,
Cottag "R e estauran t o
,§ "
Their ~
Qu 1·t F a l y ood at Popular Prices.
: : 1111111111111111ll IllIllIllIll 1111111111
17 -~
= Thank the Studen t s ~
111U ;
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111
in Da)rton, attending the game on Satu rd ay.
· 1/\TI On Thursday evening the T. D .' s r! ,;'-!'let fu lly ent ertained their pledge with a wa ffl e push.
Xe lli e and Mrs . Glover entertained the I 'heonix Club in their home at lunch Sunday evening. Hetty Marsh spent th e week end with .\I argaret Matth e ws at her home in Da yt o n. Al ary Layn e of Ohio Un iversity, wa s ~h e \\' ee k end guest of Alice Blum e. Th e Onyx Club an nounce Francis a nd Ethel Harris, Dorothy U ncle an ~l Flor enc e Prinz a pledges to their gr oup.
Mr. \Vall ace has been vi iting J el lie the past few days. We are glad t o report that Nell ie is rapid ly reo vering from her illucs . Th e Tali sman lub great ly enj oyed the rabbit which Pauline Knepp re ceived from home on F riday. Margaret and Bernice orri s acc ompanied Louise toner to her home in Dayton 0\'er the week end. The Polygon -iurb entertained their Pledge at a tea in Coch ra n Hall Thu r day afternoon. Helen Gibson spent the week en d With Mary Hummel at her home in Findlay, Ruth Hursh accompanied Wanda Callaghe r to her home in Mt. Gilead la t Tue ay evening, the occasion being \,Vanda' birthday. The \\'I Club 'l urner and Thelma 10 their group.
an noun ces J ean nyder as pledge
P age Seven
be more purt1net if an upperclas man who had ibeen engaged three 'er fo ur time would give 'em a course
New associate member of Cl eio r Mildred Schwab. ·2.;, visited Esther hetea · are Margaret Duerr, Gladys \\"illiamson this week e nd. Dickey and Katherine Mye rs . M ildrcd Fensler delightiullr enter The litera ry numbers on T hurs tain ed the A rbu•u Club with a "pu h" day evening's program were we ll of home '·goodies'' on Saturday even- ~one. They co ns isted of Pen Po r 111 traits. by Margaret Eubanks, which campustry. Darn Bill! The l'olygc,n a nn o un ce Lucille Mc clearly described well-known figures - - - - 0 C---Taughten and Dorothy Bishop a s oi our chape l services; a Eulogy of John · Greenleaf V,Thittier. by Helen An innocent little Senior who went pledges to their club. Cover ; a Dia ry by Mae Mickey; and horse-back riding yesterday afternoon Mary Mc Cabe and Katherine tein an Appreciation of \ ,V. J. Bryan, by found the stirrup s too long. metz attended the Dayton game on Lucile Leiter. :vr usic on the pro "Oh. \\'hat 'II I do--take a tuck in aturday, and from there went to g ram co nsi led of a Piano Duet by the strap?'' the demure maid wa iled. their re spective home - in Green '• ;1dn·d \ iV ilson and Frances Hinds: ville. Vocal olo by Vera \ Vright; Pia no Esther \IVilliamson. Mabel Plow S lo by Betty P lum mer; and an Il man and Eleanor \IVard were among lustrated • o ng by Mildred Fenslar. Extemp, were given by Clarabelle the 0. rooters at the Dayton game Steele. U1arl otte Owen and Margue;ite on Sat ur day. Rlott. They presented a variety of ---0 C-- interesting subject . DEAN McFADDEN REALLY . SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY - - - - 0 C--- • DARN BILL Dean Mc Fadden was genuinely sur prised on Friday evening, Nov. 20th, Bill sez as how he by a b ir thday party. D ean McFad think that den ha enjoyed many birthday par Prexy'~ orienta tie but thi was th e first time that shun talks to the girls ucceeded in having it on freshmen \VUZ th e right day. Ano ther · interesting good stuff but that feature was that although all th e he parties were "surpr ises" thi wa only thot it would the econd time that the Dean wa really ur prised. For a time it look ed as though the urpri e might be 011 the gi rl s a the Dean, v,_rho had gone to the · city, did not return until long after th e dinner hour. "Bu.t all i we ll that en.cl w II.' The D an fina ll y arrived on the cene. During the dinn er hour the girl gave s everal stu nts. One s tunt was in the nature of a mock . e ion of The Cochran Hall B oard in which " ora" McFadden. a fre hman girl, was brought before th e Board and . everely We Call For and Deliver. r ep rimand ed for br eaking rules. !\ fter dinner the girls assem bled in the Coch ra n Hall parlors where they enjoyed music by a tringed orches R N . CHAPMAN, Mgr. tra. A lice Sanders pre ented the Dean with a birthday gift from the gi rl . D ean McFadden graciously accepted the gift with a few words of appreciation of thei'r loving thoughtfulness. I Mrs. Mabel Starkey and on, Carl, 1s guests of ho nor. were ----0 C----
Special Rates tQ Students
Phone 465-J.
- =========-;:./
If your Photo
At the regular e. sion of the Phil F:rn stine and Marie chmitt, of alethean Literary ociety Thur day Ca na l \Vinche ter and Marj ori e Liech even girls Port mouth , were gue ts of the e venin g th e fo llowing were elected to memb r hip: Audra olygon lub thi week end . Ke is r. lady s Xi chol . Fr da PoulT heln1a Wingat e of Ohio We ·- ton. Edith cherring. Enid wan - 1 l eya n pent the week end with ir- ner. Ethel briner, ira Dunmire, ginia LeMa _ter. Charlotte Reist, and Mildred Kin-
The Old Reliable
Leona Raver and E th er \IVill iam - inger. the fol After the bu ine!' on· entertained a number of "fourth Rorrite " · h . • · m wa . wit a delightful fned rab - lowmg progra 1)1t "p h" . · el1'a' Piano o I0 u on und ay evenmg. R veri e-Fl oren e b The Onyx Club enjoyed a hamocal ol - Loui~e toner. urg ''feed" on Wedne day evening. Biography- . my Morri R I1 ,. ,, • r ·e and Ernesut Hur h, Lucille Rdberts GerPiano Duet-marJo 1 trud w· ' M: e 1lcox, Mary Whiteford. Ruth tine ichol ·
u el man , Ethel Kepler, Marian Magazine- Mary Mill s: G k ng was don e t row, Margaret Duerr, Adelaide PotExtemporaneous spea ·i . e~ger, Margaret Kumler, Elizabeth by delaide Pottenger, Viola Peden, Dick and Virginia icholas all spent' and Florence Campbell.
IT WILL BE THE BEST T he largest, finest, and best equipped gallery in America 1
for producing the best known to the Photographic Art.
Page Eight
I Last
R E C E IVED BY COLLEGE ' Baccalaureate Sermon and
Footba ll
I The P res ident's I season
Address to Graduates I s Gift O f Mr. L. E . Burgner.
Rally Of
Season Loyally A ttended 'fuesday , N ov. 24foo tbail las t pep rall y of th e footba ll 2::rn p . m .-Fros h-Soph. held in the colege d 1a pel last Game.
T hur ,clay en nin g wa s one o f the b est W edn esday, N ov. 5- . Rece;, 2 th e sea on. Thi s m eetin g was 12:00 noon-Thankgivm g 1narked by short, ent husiatic speeches Begins. I 'resident Clippinger has j ust re - , that invigorakd the audience to the Monday, N ov. 30Recc~s ccivecl an int eres ti ng document, the ' ex te nt tha t it ga,·e th e team the dP7::!0 a. rn.-Thanksgi,·ing ,i r~t bacca laureate sermo n preache d ' se rvin g end-off befo r e the ir game Ends. . . a-e r will at Otte rb ein L"ollege, de li,·er ed Jun e with Dayton. Mi ss L ela T ay lo r 6:3 0 p. n1.-Bishop Ch~p ino 1 · :! 1, 1.~.-,; i>y l{evercnd Lewis D a vi_s, 1 ,poke a nd let the team a n d the stu- 1 address Life \i\Tork Rec ruits. ])_ D.. the first Preside nt o f Otterbelll cl cnt body kno w that th e g irls as a O C l"niver, ity. The sermon was taken unit . are in H1pport of th em. O tte r bein W om en W ill Hold e Sale in ,d,or'.l:and hy :\fr. J acob Bu~gner, Dr. _R. v_. Phelan _then_ gave the "' Pre-~hristmas Ru_nun:Ot11en's Ua,~ o t 59. who ll"as a stud ent 111 the ga the ring hi s 1111pre ss 1o n of th e wo rk - 1 I he comb in ed Ot ter he m terviJle •• Bill" ~l vcrs r eturned lo S I at It \\"as ings o f a succe s ful school bv call in g Clu bs of Colu mbus a nd vVesColum· 1 cch oul L"niw r!'-ity at tha t time. Sundav. afternoo n bringin L a.nd Eca refull B · · g h .~ mo ther tra n~ cr ibcd in . k,nghand y lo mind that th er e is a tand em that ' will hold a Rummage t aofe Decen,ber, wi<h h;m fo , , , ho " wh ;1,. pmm,d. H" so,.. oms -. o,g. mos, O,e com vi"' lo ma kc s occrn. Im, ; " <he m ls pa< ' "" 1 ner of Ohcrlin. Ohio. kindly sen t thi,, The ta ndem was coac h team and T he clctin ite date ha s not ye Rulll· t 1th1, . onh . 1hm of 1h, ml,· ca lalogs school. .Shoe 1h;,. 1alk 1hc' chm lca<l- dcc;<l,d. Th e prnmds f ,om the1 ' 1h< Hamy Leffe l. 'l4, alm,g Coooi,y Cloh ,ooms lo, ' shu" ." " ' lo · 11, , Pm;d esf office. m look ad,a,n,g, of ;1 aod prn,ed mag, Sale ,.;11 , ;<l ;,. £,ISi '"'mad• 1 I aturday, d 1 out e f_rom Cle,·e\\"hil c cnr The document also co nta ins the 1 that th e ta nd em was co mpl e te by a!- p ledge whi ch the se clubs hadve ·I he - \\" Ork in ". to hi , . I h . · . J I ·1 e Fun 1I an •" ,ere ' ,., message of the l're~ 1dcnt to t 1e g rad u- ' 0\\" 111 g t e stud ent hody to "do th e tr I fo r th e Di amo nd u ll e h om e in Da yto n. .. 1 a t ing class. dct.i,·crccl Jun e 2 -! , l 5 9. i st uff'' hy way o f ye ll s. They did. 1 M erl Killinge r. ·2.-,. and i\l rs. "Kil - The gra dua tes o f t hi s clas wer,~ 0 C---I. th linger we r ::! visito rs in to\\·n c,ver c , Mi ss Ka te \Vi ~ter ( Mrs. Benj ~min PHILOMAITHEA week end. Hanby ) a nd Miss Sarah J a ne Miller. C II r w ho is _ at- ' The e xact wo rd s of . hi. s greeting to t J. R. H oove f M iky "Mac·• Mac a rro , .-:>. . · r and I Wm . A. t d I·ng th e U 111.vers 1t "' · - y o t· i\'1ichwan these g rad uates fo li o"' s. iecahme Factive mem >ers o Philolaw e n sc hool ll"as a gue. t o f th e c~oo k ' "I co ng firat ulat e d yo u, I .adies, in ma t ea ·• nday eve nin g in a sessio n I of
! I I
""°'" '" ' .'
rst g ra uates of this l n- with the ne_w officers presiding. H o u se Club · at\irday autl · u,Hav. '. ~titu;ion. Dr. R. V. P h elan. professor-of Eco·· Po p'' Anderson . '24, who is leach- ' " Jf \\" C could li ft th e veil th a t hide _ ' nomi cs a nd Political Science at Oting at .-\kron o uth High. Slop ped at ! the futur e fr o m ou r sight, we hould terhein, was vo ted into honorar y m em th e Cook House rooms fo r a sho rt I rt oubtl ess sec a lo ng list o f edu cated I 'bership. I·
' hein o- the
whil e Sat ur day . Chri stia ns, w ho wi ll go forth from L. H. Hamp hire was elected to th e · _ •vo u ar e .the be- j position o f Historian made vacant hv • "M I"k e .. Qll111 · la I,1 ,,·as •·1 Co untr y I this· fnstituti o n. and lub guest ove r th e week end. gi nnin g, yo u are fi rst on the li st. , the re ig nat ion of R. 'N . Tin sley . 1 1 '·You will be rem emb ered as lon g . H The program incl uded urren t ammo;it as t his colle-ge i;ta ncl . You may Event by L. E . Hick , a n autobi gPerry Lauk1huff and 111 0 hummed _)ayton l· riclay p. • r I hal'e had difficulties. but dil igenc~ raph y hy D . L. Stuckey ll'hich \\" as last Y- , .,days ga m e. a nd pe1·sever ence hav e enab led yo u to r ead by E. Caldw ell. and joke s hy ""R :· Cal'i ns a nd Hl{eggic': S l_iip- : ove rcom e a ll t hese. a nd in the opi ni o n R -~- Chapman . Impromptu speakley'. , • a m o ng the Ta n a nd .(anim al I of th e Trustees a nd Facu lt y, you ll'e!I I ing was by W. F. Martin, E . D . upporter w ho showed th eir colors deserve t he ho nors of the I nstitu t,on . . Brag-g, a nd K. F . Echa rd . b y going to Dayton. "You have not 11n~1re . . d your ,I Geor e E a t man, '·Jack'' Huffer anti h<"a lth . co ncer nin . g " ·hich yo ur teac h Ora 'line drove to Dayton Saturday · ers fe lt a deep mterest. . .and fr,om ti,ere th ey , 1·ent to Huffer , - '' fn re la ti on • to you r m en tal improve1 er I10111 c . re •pcct il"ely : m ent. you lo und at the thre. hold of Splend id for St udy L aJTlPS and an c me '· · the entrance to know ledge, th at you Geo. Gri ggs... qu irre lcy" Thoma s, had to deal with facts; hut you soon exceedingly popular in ctubS "Perry Laukhuff and John Lehman fou n d that facts only co ndu ct ~he and " H omey" Rooms. t were in ·an ton laS \ edne ·day to mind. to the di covery of syste m attend the iuncral of Mr. Myers. a tic• truth. Mind loves o r de r, harurt Poulton, "Squirrl ey·• Thoma mony. unity , beauty of connection , !be Hime · and Crame r :\•I aha n fol- hut e,·en here the mind is in want of \\"ed the te~ m to Da yto n 'aturclay. ~cience th at O\"Crlrap. the hounds of "Doc" toughton. 'v\'aldo Keck and time a nd se nse. and takes hold of InLawrence Mar h went to Dayton for fi ni ty. cience dwells in the bo om th of ,od. and her voice is the ha r mony game. of t he world. laud L"1>son, a n uncl e of Paul lip on, was a guest of the Alps atur "T n relation to your moral im prove· day night. ment. I am happy to know, that, here, Ray G ifford, Mgr.. kip '' Zeurn er. ·15, Harrold May you hal'e aid. fo r the fi rst time, in b rry, 25, and '' Doc" Hall, '14, were 15 N . S T AT E ST. ,. heart 'Lord. what wil t thou hal'e me to .do?' weeki end ,·isito r. of the . \ nnex Club. your "Whatever may be the strength and ''Ted'" Reigle . pent the week end a vigor of mind s. whateve r the amount hi s home a t .\rcanum, of inAuence that you may exer t upon \ Va,·11<' Harsha hauled a few band ociety. with the simplicity of a boy ;o Dayton to the game and re chi ld . lay all at the feet of Je u : mained there to v1s 1t over unclay. ever rememhering that scie nce. like The f-'hi lota Cl ub an no unc e Ernest the moon. can shine through the tirm and Rus -e l Heft a new pledge,. medium of another. '1/ Bring in Your old " S ky Piece" or that old pair of " Clod HoPP;: esGlenn Botdorf spent the week end they are good for $1.00 in excha nge for a new Hat or D ress 0 "Then \\"e are happy to be ab le to a"t Fredericktoll'n. r eturn you to the bo om of your ---0 C--friend . as we tru t. wiser and better Happy Parents. than when y·ou came among us." Mr. and :\[rs. L. H. Ham pshi re an---- 0 C--n ounce the birth of a daughter. Thur Twelve ample of Men' Suit o n day evening, 1\ov. l!l. Mr. Hamp- Sale Thi \I-leek. We May Have Sale Prices in Force Till Thanksgiving D ay.
;;;;;================ Come and T r y O ur
1 L,UND y
I;-==~============== Your
Old Hat or
hoe are V\ ortb $1.00
Special Cut Prices on all Overcoats $1 4-.98 and U p
shire will
of '27.
grad uate
class , Ju t What You Want.
& Son.-!\dv.
E. J. . To rri. I
=================;;;;~;;;;;;~ I