VOL. 9.
No. 11.
Games With Bliss Business
Coach o· A itmer Awa rds Varsity Letters nd Commends All Who A id ed In Sea son's Work.
College Delightful Cover Encloses a Wealt h I Of Ch ristm astide L iteratu reMakes Fine Gift.
and Former Captains Will Be Treat For Fans.
Lo al ba ket bah fans will have an oppo rtunity to ee the ttenbein 4uin EIGHT SENIORS tet in action much ea rlier thi · seaWork of c . . son when the Former Captai n are Pr . aptain and Manager Highly r unded up to furni h the ppo itiou atse(i by Coach in M aid en or'i December l2. Those who wi · b Chapel Speech. can ee the Tan and ·ardinal ba ·ket-
t th regu lar chapel ·erv-ice 011 la Friday · D' IJJad . morn,ng oac h 1tmer .· e hi firs t speec h in chapel sine lh beginning of hi r i;rim a. lt er b cm. • coach at h In his brief ta lk e ex.p re ed 1,,· app reciation to the st11d ~ll hotly for it _ loyal up port and c.. 11 c1all Y lo the untiring group o f g 1 ir who . . • 10 1 " nt ou t 1110-ht aft r night l 1 ath l 11· •. h 1 ne ld to enc urage t e eain While J)ra•·t ·, 1-1,g. "Di·t•· also
University w;u B e Met In D ual Debate Here and at Columbus.
The Chri tma number of the Quiz a nd Quill magazine will be placed on CH ILD LABOR QUESTION . ale next i\lionclay morn ing following an e..xte nsiv suh cription campaign fo r 400 copies which the Q u iz and The Negati ve Teams Will Travel. Teams Have Had Thorou.g h Quill lub b gan ye tcrday morning in Class Room Drill. chapel.
eer in a tion the ni ht bef re against B li s College. The game will be " M .. .-\. in p layed at . the en tral i . ' . lumbu . Otterbei u will o into game handicapped with a large n um ber of injurie h Id over from football easo11. ' aptain \i iddoe is laid up ·with an injured ankle while navely i n ur iJ, .,. a lam ba k. foros ky i expected to ·arry the o f th attack until injuri ca n I e cur d bu t he ha ye t to hecome th roU"'hly (amiliar wi th th e Ed ler y tem. 811cll and arn_ , pr ir_u· ·ng ph mo re~, are unt ried as tar as coll ege i . -k t· l)a ll ·, s 0 11 ern ed
The magazine c nt ai ns hort stories, ske tche a nd poems written by mem bers and a lumn i membe rs of the club. The cover will be in three colors ap propriate to th e holiday pint. Any memb r of the Quiz and Quill Club 11 ill take ubscriptions for the maga zine which will be thirty-five cents. !ready many people have expres I taking a many ed ·their iotenti 11 ~ as s ix copies to give fo r hri tma /tn'. 'IHl<:<l !hose wh turned out at prc~ents. The color ' Cherne of the 111 th Of e niorning fo . cc the tam cover blends attra ·tivel with hri tOr ll eirlcll) rg. 1'I, ti pport o[ T if • ma s colors. he de ign f r the cover . lt hand thr u hout the seaso n ame 111 for 1 h , l _wa~ drawn hy 1J. I.. ~1 cGill. ~, st uden ~ are of prai e. as · · Ill th' a rt department. .. _ - - - - •J C - -- Ii e ander i th ed ito r and Jean l·ew ap1ain hav been o ffici nt 0 or " ,p rt ·1na1tlik here at tte r bein J UNIOR PLAY CAST TO / Turn r 'the bu ine manager of th e a. h;t · captain ''Bozo•· Richter," deBE CHOSEN THIS WEEK ma aziu '. lumni may 11re copie Be b addre sin the bu in manager. ntinu cl on Page ix) "The Goose Hangs High" Will 0 TTERBEIN FOLKS PLA y Staged by Juniors on January Y LECTURES CONCLUDED IN COLUMBUS SYMPHONY 21st. McCarty Directs.
This yea r' s debate ea on wi ll op n Monday eve ning. D ece mber 14. when the Otterbein boy s meet Capital ni versity hoth here and at Columbu ~ The Question is-" Re solved, t hat the everal tale hould ratify th 20th mendment. pr po in g Pe:1 ra l r gu lation of hild Lab r." The n gative t am, wh i -h , ill go to Columbus. is compo ed of Fletch
er, LaPorte and Arnold, with Mar _tin :is alternate. Mill r, La ukhauff ;in<l l'ni vitl~ Ber ,er a alternate. mpr,. affi rm ativ team. Th jud b Pr f. rnif Hon. Mr. fr 111 F'ranldin Klin r.
·'Tl,e Prof. Schear Concluded Series of be n f r Juni r play. Lectures. on Science and Rel igion and With a Masterpiece. Hangs J'I i h.'' which ' ill be in th hap I January 21, will ct d by Prof. and ienc " PI KAPPA DELTA VC1tES d ti nit I~· M. ·arty fr m th a · t of th udi,!~/e:; CHAPTER FOR MARJ¥TTA w r prival ly Ii i · f Pi. Kappa elta , lian ti noon in Prof. Meng. b)· Prof. 111. it was v tcd that p pular play ear. ollege b g ranted a bap1argc e makes a \\' Onderfu l ter in thi national foren ic frat ermany f th r my relig i u faitl ·, nity. The Ohio Ep iJon cl1 a pter, Otn1 vi theater o f fl 1e ____ O ch a.r aft ' r poin ti ng terbein., i plann ing to hav a d legate 1h Lucile Roberts is Making l>_eJong to at th nati nal conv ntion to b h Id I A Very Rapid Recovery. u n ;u1d rcl igi<>n at E Park. lorad . in th e 01. nth faith. f .Mar h. I u -i i " R bc r . wh wa~ taken to The. e. le tur at - -- - O C - - - I lospita l las! '\Vcdne$,)a y a(1h e xp nse of a va of efNew T owels Presented. 1 1 ·rn 11 a1Jd (,p rau:d upon ior a ,p " - fort 11 1he pa rt of Dr. I'. 'Ir. "ill u ·oz. h ar a nd dititi~ Thur~day n10rni11g. i . n< I. ' '.Jll· the rec pti. n. ac urde P a k: a loyal alum nu. f n. . pren il •cing rap idly. Prc, r 11t ':xr1·cta- the ap1 r c1a11 ,n of th b dy. ented th · rt wi th 1i " · are lh:it she will ht: hack 111 \\ , _ - --- 0 C---100 new i, time t rvill b fo r th h g innin :, of we Pres. and M:s. Clippmger fo a b a~on. ,·a a ti 11. 1,.1cik'.-; ia 1h r. Entertain Senate Member . M · 'ii . wa wi11t h r 1u11il Pr ,. and !\fr:· . \\·. ,. li ppin r ~p .' I a l 1y 111 at 1Iete s. · 11 me la. t f. ridav ,· ning. ent rtain ,I at their C---e ,·ening 1hc memb rs f th m ,/~ Attend S. S. Mrs. Clipp'nger to Entert;im. and " . men·~ nat lipp· upp an d ' Ii J)iO, r wil l nt ertai11 the l·niqu . in · - Pr or r inland. and r .\ rl · \V c,, an I ,yi,· , of the liqn of nam int vacant pla e ,. acu ly 111 ' • n En alt n ounty undav Men. Thur da_v alt rn n, 01:igazm _a r(J I - a_nd th cl, r 11 t II aft rn oon I0th. fr 111 thr e t fiv of z logical P c,m n, D c. 3. at th f. E. Chur h, Columhu . . rvin of refr . hm nt.. The
a ·t
I .
~l:';a;~g~e~1~·,~., 0~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ T~H = E~ T ~ A~ N~A~N=D~C~A~k=D=I= N~A ~ L~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - · kua~ VIS]f OF BISHOP MET j DECLAMA:fION CONTEST Buy him a combin at ion srno Fur· I, LATEST STAITEMENT OF WITH FINE APPROVAL '
- --
bridge lamp. See it at Johns~~v nitur tc Co.. 15 l . State t.· ----
Religion Must Find Its Place In Edu- I l.-ourth a nd . f-inal Pay ment of Jt~bi Th e l{us,cl l declamation co ntes t is cation Believes Bishop Clippinger \ Lee Pledges is now dut:. Thi will t o be held in J anuan- . The contesWho Has F aith in Youth. \ co th e greate l fi nancial pro \ants for thi s are to e s e 1ec t e d f rom r,. . mplete . . - --. _ . Ject 111 the history of the U nit ed th e bes t o f th e three sec ti o n in be.. Jr we do no t cont111ue to em•phasize Brethren hurch. Following is a giimino1~ubl·c • .,, 1 pea k' · mg. 1t h as the r eli g io u~ place .111 edu ~a t10n we statemen t of the Jubilee ~l ove m ent bee n thought best no t to allow o th er s ha vc no right of existence. declared to date: to participa te because they a r e usu Bishop A. R. Cl ippinger in a chapel :\mount Pledged by talk to the stude nt body and faculty hurches an d In ,livid ual .....-620.000 all y st ud ent who have had a g r eat dea l of trainin g and th e beginning last Thursday m o rning. General Education Board Bi. hop Clippinger spent Monday (Rocke feller ) ............ .......... 250,000 tud ent s have littl e o ppo rtunit y t o win and Tuesday on th e ca mpu · meetin g I a rn egie Co rporation ·····-··· . 7.'\,000 the prize s. an d speakin g to both fac ult y a nd Total ................,..., .... ..... :945,000 The prizes for thi s co ntest are $ 15, st ud en ts. Mu ch of the Bishop's tim e Amount Paid to Date by $ 10 , and $5. was taken in co1~feren~es with s_t~- 1 Churches and Individual s .... :{, 0.o70 dent s in te r es te(! 111 r ehg1 o us acl1v 1Ge neral Educatio n Board --- 0 tie.. A census revealed that there (Rockefeller) .................... 146. -10 Subscribe for your Quiz and Quill are 6fl O tterbein st ud ent s w ho are Carnegie ·orpora ti o n .......... 75 .000 now at 35 cents a copy. plann ing to do full tim e Christian I Total .................. ...... ........ 602.5 o I work after graduation. For ~ h e~e I Balance d ue in January a nd Bishop O ippin ger wa s enth usiastic February, 1926 aying. '" l have never een a time uch Churches & 1n,li vidua l,; .... 2:~ ,:no as thi~ for opportunity of er vice.' ' \ General Educati on Board l n all his tal k s it was ev.ident that ( Rockefe ll er ) ................ ..... 103,160 Bi hop Cl ippin ger has a mcere b eTotal ............................. :3-1 1..rno lief that •'in the m ain. tudent are , I l is necessary to make practicallv sincere and ho ne t. upright and true." \ the ent ire collec t io n from our ow~ - -- 0 C- - const it uency to claim the balance CALENDAR \ from the Ge ner al Education Board. Send checks a nd money o rd er s to H ighest Quality P.aper T uesday, Dec. 8-J . P. We t, Trea urcr. Otter bein ColVarious Sizes a nd Tints 6 :30 p. m.- ssociation ~l ecting • lege. Westerville. hi o. Thursday, Dec. 100 6: 1., p. m .-Cleiorhetea. Staff Changes Made. A Paper of Character Cl ::10 p. m.-Phil a lethea. The publicatio.n Board at its meetF riday, Dec. 11I ing. Wedne ·day e,·ening. Dec. 2. in 7 :00 p. m,-Philomathea n Open e the Cochran Hall reception room sion. made the followi¥1g elections to th; !'hi! phronean Open Se ion. edito r ial taff of the Tan a nd CardiSaturday, Dec. 12-nal: s ' . Edit r. W ay n lfarsha: · · Ed.1to r. I ,ome · pen House at Y Parontn·b utm No r ri : E• ve nmgAth letic Edi tor. Harry Widdoes; !ors. . ·oo p. m.-Former Captam Game. 1 Ass't. Athletic Editor. ly de BielMonday, Dec. 14-tein. :00 p. m..- De!bate, Otterbein vs. pital U niver ity , College Chapel. Wednesday, Dec. 16-I tudent ' I ecital in Lambert Hall.
. . . .
~ Gifts That Will .Be~
$2.65 to $4.00
Cherished. Give
Ralph Jones
$1.50 TO $6.00
U.S. Commet u. S. Stride Dr. Meanwell Converse
Rexall Drug Store
E. J. NORRIS & soN
- --0 C-- SOME
lleg ha at pre ent alumni. Th e total t udent en roll )11 nt now i 56 with an expected incr a e to nearl y 6 the econd me ter. f th enrollment 4 5 ar e i n th r egular college d partment . 195 of whom are fre hmen . The taff, in cluding ad1nini trativ officer , full time profe or , and tudent a i. · 1 tant numbers 53. The a et of th in titution total . 1,517,592.49, m ade up by P r duc1 t ve F und of 3 .0 0.96 a nd Plant et amountin g to . 670,5 11 .5:'I. ut landing note and pl d e from four campaign ( in clu l ing gymna ium) total 22,337.4 . The 1· Coll ge i ab ol ut ely free fro m deb t an .1 the current fi nan ce ar_e in good hap.e. \ ayment of the Juh1l P l d e wi ll enable the tru tee. to quickly increa e \ alarie . employ n , profe or , and make need d improvem ent to the plant. The building program include · gymna ium, pre ident' ho u e. a dorm each fo r m en and wom en, new chapel, and a ddi tion to the library and heat ing p lant. hen the J ubilee col~ec tion are completed the gymna 1t1m campaign will be pre ed.
~fil/111~ ~ ~alldi
Th e U ni
completely read y in it holid~y attire a veritable ift I aradi e. E very member of the family will find beautiful quality o-ift m d erately priced that are m o t cer t ain t ' m la ting. appreciation. A vi it t The n1 n n o w ill g ive Y u th o u and f o·ift id a _. 11
''~/j'' ~==========~ 22ui.SM-
THE UNION The H ome of Quality
Page Three
COL U MBUS WOMAN'S CLUB OTl!'ERBEIN W O MAN'S •a li sm. Mrs. D . M. P h11l1p1, . . . (E s th er . O BS ERVATI O NS I SSUE S ANN U A L P ROGRAM SO R OS IS I S A CTIVE Harlev) '21 , gave a discussion of Eng- / . . . . some sa mlt·sh p. oe try a n d G· race Co blentz , '11 , 11 We prm ted m this issue . . T he O tterbein Woman' - Club of Beginnin g th e club year wi th th e rc\'lewe · d a rece n t b oo k· , "Ariel" which j pie progra . m s of .ac ti•ve O•rtt erb h em Columbus a nd vic init y has just issued o f Shelly. vV o m e n s O rga11 1zat1 o ns. e e · a narat1ve · th J'fe September mee ting. the girls wh o 1s upo n e 1 . . . _ in ,·ery a ttractive fo rm , its program found th eir act1v1ties · program wa so " s p"1c y" it wa ~-1 wo m en ha ve . . . would a tte nd Otterlbein fo r th e firs t The for the yea r 192:i-26. . that it be repea ted la ter in helpful a nd 111 tru ct1 ve, a nd there 1 s no d t ti me were ente rta in ed at th e home Sep temb e r 26-Famil y O uting. at s uggeS e q ues tion co nc ernin g th e va lue to the of Mr~. !\ . T . Howard. ( Ma y Stev the yea r. Coll ege. the State Fairground s \\'ith a cover Tile lovem ber meeting was held at en on ) '94. A very clever dramatic \N hen th e ca ll co mes to get ready ed di sh dinner at five o'clock. Program with games was enj oyed by October. Rummage Sale. the hom q of Mrs. W . L. Matti • for the Big Family Reunio n, fall in the girl s. Mrs. S. W. Dunn, (Stella rovem ber 14, Re ception, 2 :00 until ( Bessie D a ug herty ) ·11 . Interest 111 line. It is planned to renew the old Kurtz ) ' l . Mrs. Chas. \V. Vernon, 4 :00 p. ·111. Speaker, H. W . Troop, th e club was s how n by the attendance Ofterbein spirit in every a lumnus. ( Mabel Casse l) '24, Mrs. I. R. Libe and the admission of several new Th e largest- stud ent body ever in ..\lumn a l Re lati ons Directo r of Otter cap ( Mary Kalter ) Ex., and Harriet mem bers. Two especially interesting O tte rb ein is now enroll eed. The bein, Music, Mrs. Maibe l Starkey, of Whistler, '2 4. ac ted with Mrs. How papers were given by Mrs. R. F. future of th e College is large in pos the O tt e rbein Co nse rvat o ry , Hos tess, a rd as hos tesses. Peden (Lucille Ewery) Ex.. a nd Har- sibilities. 1400 ac tive, interested Mi ss Marga ret Hillhouse, 74 E. L ane The October meeti ng was helJ in the riett Whist ler, '24. May Powe ll, 'rn, a lumni and twice th a t many ex-stu A ve., Colum b us. lihra ry of the Y. W. C. A. The pro D ece m be r 5, Otterbein Student Day, Lucille Wah l '25 . and Marguerite de nts ca n cry s talize those possibilities. gram was e pecially good. Mrs. J. G. w e,therhill '25. also too k part in the Make a n effort to get a high qual L' nited Brethr en Church, Westerville. Howard, (Rhea McConaughy) '23, program, their subject being, Dutch ity high sc hool student interested in Luncheon at twelve noon. Speakers, Prese nt ed a paper on English IndustriStudent Son g, Dut ch A rt, and Dutch litera- Otte rbein . Th e se lective process will R ep r ese nt at ives of Girl ., ture. soo n be necesa r y at the present rate Co u11cil , Y. M . C. A., Y. W. C. Mr ·. J . G. Howard and Mis Grace of in c rease. A lumni should help to a nd Social Groups. Music. Janua ry 9, Dinner part y at ix. Coblentz se rv ed <!_t the tea tab! e. select tud ent s. Miss Co blentz poured th e tea \\'hil e Pay your du es. Keep in touch. Re- H us band s and families as guests, Fifth Ave.. Unit ed Brethren Church, Mrs. Matti and Mrs. Howard di~- new your enthusia m. CO ME TO Co lum bus. Stunts and Mus ic. pen sed da int y sandwiches and sweets. H . W.T. Fe bruary 6, Luncheon, twe lve Tall tan and cardinal candles decora - - -- 0 C - - - noon, . 1e il H ou e. ''Otter bein in ted th e tables. The next meeting wa s AL UMNALS Fo reign Lands," Mr . 0 . H. Charles, announced for Dec . 10th. at Bonebrake Seminary. '19. Mr. and Mr . Floyd A. McCl ure Mrs . E. M. Hursh. Letters read from The officer of th e Dayton Otter ( Ruth Drury ) ha ve returned to their Otterbein leaders in mi sion fields. Ma rch 6, Luncheon, twelve noon, FOR YOUR PARTY bein Sorosis for the coming year are work in Ca nton Christian College, Welfare day. President, E sth er Harley Phillippi. Ca nton, China, after spending seve ral Laza ru s Tea Room. S U PPLIES '21 · Vice President, Chloe Niswon months on an enfor ced ncation in the Miss Martha St ofer . Probation Officer ge;, '11; Secretary a nd Trea urer, P.hi lippine lslands d-urmg the disturb of R ichla nd Co unty, and Mrs. E . .M. Nida. State Welfare pepartment, a nce 111 out h China. Grace CdMentz, '11. . Mr. . L. Brundage, father of Ru th speakers. Music. The publicity chairman is Mrs. Ap ril 3, Luncheon, twelve noon, Co ovember Bessie Daughe rty Mattis to whom we Brundage elson, '15, died are indebted fo r this article. :rn. at hi hom e in Weste rvill e, fol lumbus Woman's Clu b, 530 E . Town Street. Miss Rowena H . Landon 011 lowing a lon g illn e s. Mr. Brundage Otte rbein in Journalism, speaker. though not an alumnus. was a loyal May l , Musical tea from 2:00 until friend of Otterbein a nd we s hall mi s 4 :00. Talent, Music clubs of the city hi s e nthusias tic support. of Columbu . Hostes , Mr . Geo, T. The sympathy of friends is ex:tend F ranken berg, 112 Parkview Ave. ed to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, '13, 'lli, Jun e 5, Otterbein Woman' -Cl ub a nd al o to Mr . Brundage. Jubil ee Day, U nited Brethren Church, W . 0. Stauffer, '22, and Pa uline Wes terville. Luncheon twelve noon. tubb , '22, were married Saturday, Completion of $5,000 pledge. Mu ic, Nov. 2 th., at the home of the bride, Otterbein Co nservatory. Election of Elkto n. O hio. They are at Officers. W . 9th St., Wilmington. The club will complete the pay ment of it pledge of five thousand O tte r bei n lost a 11othe1· fri end re- dollar to the endowme:nt c.ampaign ce ntl y in th e dea th of L. 0 . Miller fund wit hin a hort time. The fund the ge neq1 l treas \Jrer of the denom- have been rai ed by the women th m ination for a numb er of year . fr. elves from various activitie of the Mi ler died at th e home of hi on in club as a who! and by pledge of Princeton. . J. Hi '";fe, Lida Hay- individua l member which money , as \\'Ood Miller. '77. wa wi th him at th e rai sed by thei r individual effort. death . He wa in fa ilThe Officer for the year are, . om e time previous to P re ., Mrs. E. L. Po rter: Vice P re ., hi dea th. M rs. A. M. Hill ; Recording ecre1 The Miller fami ly i well kn o '. vn . ta ry,. Mrs. C. R. Frankbam ; Corre at tt erbein and ha alway been 111 - 1ponding ecretary. Mr . C. B. Folprogress. Mr. . Mill er, kert: Treasurer, Mr . Paul Po ti e ( Lida Haywood ) \\'a a graduate in 1Yaite: \ i\1e terville officer , Pre ident, ' i7. and ma ny of hrr chi ldren follow- Mr~ . El la , . Harn tt: ec r tary, M i · cd h r t Otterbeiu . Jo hn D . Mill er Mar-" . lkire. N 1 .
R hodes
Meat Market
Rhodes & Baughman
Fancy Chocolates and Bon-Bons Made Famous By
In Special Christmas Packages. Us Show You.
Leave Your Orders, we will have them all ready for mailing free of char ge, and if you say so, we will mail them for you.
Bailey's Pharmacy "W-here E verybody Goes"
wa. a :nember of the cla of '00 : / T l:e club now ha two hund red a11 d race Miller Campion i a n ex tu -; twe nt y-five m emb er . de nt : Edna M iller Phillips belongs to the class of '17, and Marjori e I Rclhert to the cla - of '21. .
_ _ _ O C _ __
Subscribe for your Quiz and Q uill new at 35 cents a copy.
Watch Further Announce~ents. O TTERBEIN N IGHT Big Family Reunion Planned.
_P age Feur
layed he can not be but pettily r the democratic spi rit that pervaded Idisp mean. uch escapades are cos tly , but it, a nd by what he saw, decided that
it 1s - ~~--~~---~---~-·, bill. t
not the offender that pay the the in titution should have his mi l, ' lion-dolla r gift to education. Published Weekly ia the intereS of What was the good opinion of thi~ Character is what you are in the OTTEORtti~t;;1 ~iT~RARY dark and you ass uredly have not man, of the college represented in the SOCIETIES commended yo ur elve . st udent who happe ned to live acros 5 Westerville, O hio ---- 0 C ---the street from him, worth to the colMember of the Ohio College Press E DITORIALS OF MERIT lege ? A million dollars evidently . Association.
I •
C. Robinson Groceries and Meats
(Thi i· in part an edi torial printed The football enthusiast grows de. - 1 early la t fall in the Columbus Dis pondent ove r the en tire future of his patch.) college, sometim e , when the team I comes to the encl of th e ea ·on--or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - perhap · to t he end of the · econd, I rr===============~ 'I third, or fourth season-with a r ecord below the average of the in stitution l with wh ich it has played. How can a college live and prosper w ith an I See Samples from athletic bowing uch a that? nd yet eJucational in titutions do live and prosper co ncurr ently with a 1 prevailing record of defeat in the d social Before ordering Class an major intercollegiate athletic contest . I 1n spite of those defea ts , men of , Group Pins, wealth go on pouring money into their I coffers; employ er continue to eek J{eY5· Makers of Philophronean their graduate for respon ib le po i tion ; tudent pour in to t heir halls o. ColUJt!bU S' in ever increasing number with each 11th and High rec urring a utumn ; their facu ltie con __....::ctin ue to make contribution of recog nized merit to the progre s of human knowledge in many fiel d s of learning, and their alumni how a deeper a nd a n mo re ard ent loyalty as th e year go Address all communicati_ons to The on. rd 3 Otterbein TanWesterv1lle, and ma1,. 1\" 0 , defeat in intercoll egiate game ·eoueae Ave., Ohio.l0 W. Subs[ription pric~, $2.00 Per Year, ha never yet killed a college, or eve n payable m advance. temporarily retarded its material pro per 'ty. o r cau ed t he slighte t Jrop in Entered a econd class matter its reputati 11 in ed u ationaJ ci rcl . ep tember 25, .19.17, at U1e postoffice at Westerville, O ., under act of March It is prdbably u clcs to argue he 3, 1879. · .. t . l matter wit h a certain cla · of athletic Acceptance for m ~11mg a .specia enthusiasts. however. They wi ll con rate of postage provided for m ~ec. tinue to wo rry and look ad: but the 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized college will go right on in it appo int April 7, 1919. ed way. Intercollegiate athletic vic tories and educational progre ustain no cau e .and effect relation. E DITORIALS -Columbu Di patch. D c. 2. 1925. i - - - - -- -- - - -- -- : - - - - - - -- - - - - -
STAFF Editor-in-Chief ............ J. B. Henry, :26 A ssistant Editbr .. Wayne Harsha, 27 Contributing Editors, Wanda Gallagher, 26 · Lenore Smith, '26 Paul ine Knepp, '26 Wayne Harsha, '27 F lorence Howard, '28 Lou ie orri s, '28 - Ath letic Editor .... Harry Widdo~s, ;27 A t. Editor .......... Clyde 81elste111, ,28 Business Manager .. W . C. Myers, 26 Assistant Business Managers, Marcus Schear, 27 Ross Miller, '28 Circulation Manager. , Margaret Widdoes, 26 Assistant C irculation Managers-h '27 Ruth Hurs , M. Wilson , '28 Alumna! EditorsH . W. Troop, '23 Alma Guitner, '97 Cochran Hall EditorR h '26 Florence auc , . Local Editor ............ John Lehman, '27 Excha~_ge Editor Ernestine ichols, '27.
Phone 65
!vlake her
with a
-~~---~---~---~-· j
You will find
box of
line of
An Alumni Edition. We are happy to u e thi edition in th intere t · of the tterbein Alumociati n. The program of the a , ciation merits the upport . of all ho u tain an alumna! relation to tter1bein ollege. rn g iving to yo_u thi i u it i ur hope that y ur t1e to the old in titutio n will be trength ned and that tb tho ught of all may b nucl ated in the obj ctiv of a gr ater Otterbein.
J. N. cooNS
- - - 0 C---
Colleges Seen Throug1h Students. few day ago announcement w;is made that an Ohio bu in s man had given a million dollars to a well known college of the tate. He wa not a graduate of the coll ege nor were any member of hi family. In fact he w.i not a g raduate of any l college. Opportunity to go to coll g had 1L-> · n deni cl him a nd becau e he lack cl that training h wa kindly di po ed toward education. He had - -- 0 C - - - pro pered greatly in hi bu ine and A Low Mean Trick. he w· h eel to nuke a portion of hi a great deal of humor e tale aid education, o, decided to th fact that ome am make a contril)ution to a college. got up , ate breakfa t To a friend he made thi expla na and prepared f r la when the oi tion of hi choice of the coll ege to II t II cl its awakening peal be th ben l gc 'a ry of hi gift. H · l3ut a. ide a 2 :30 i1 the campu of th ~ hu finally of not k it pre id i it facu lty member . r treet !iv d a young lady who \ t to thi ollege to be edu t propert knew h r and li~ed her, and er weig wa impres ed , ith th fin \\' holeeed . Th m ome. woman ly character h aw in t he b II be peak h r. T mu t b a fi ne . merican colin g miL~d that lo t ight of all prop- lege t hat had produced thi excellent rty ri ht in it frivolou endeavor. per onalit_v. H vi ited the colle e l nd wh 11 anyo n i so irreverent a without explaining lo .anyone what he lo tak th rope from the pole n contemplated . He ,,·atchecl the _tu which the tar and tripe ·are daily , dent body an d wa impre ed with
University Bookstore ...---::Come
ID •
. g and · S ec O ur X mas Gift Shoppe. You W ill F1'nd sornethlfl For Every Member of Your F a mily.
Fancy Candle Sticks in Bright and Delicate Shades. Ivary Crumb Trays, L e t t e r Openers, and Napkins Rings. Powder Jars with Cupie Puffs to Match. Ash Trays, Leather Pocket Books and Wallets. Large selection of Gift Station ery.
University Bookstore
. North State St·
Phone 493-J i.
THE TA N AND C=A~ll=D=l~N~·~ A~L===================P ~ag~e~ F~iv~e
Dayt o n the game with the U niversity F OR ALUMNI if the new pr ogra m of the A lumni o f Dayton was made a r eal occasion. ~ --As ociation goes aero s; 265 member! Tl . . d . D ayton and Miami Valley. The board o f director s of th e club us ,s~ ue com es to y o u . to _ay a _:i s hip s a re paid and they are receiving The Miami V a ll y Otterb ein AlI t k enlib er sli, · p ,ampl e ot tlw a lumni p11hl1cat1on thi s t i e paper reg ularly. We are send. recent 1y vo tct o ma ·e 111 _ , _ . • • umn1 Associa ti on has bee n exceed - .111 t I,e c Iu IJ •me Iu cl e a m e 1nb er ~·hi'p ·111 ·,·c;. r. E.aeh week the 1 an and Ca r- 111g. t hi s issue to a ll a lumni wh ether • · • • 1ng ly ac ti ve this year under the lead- the ge ne ral a umni associat ion so that I d111al __ca rn e3 a page devoted to th e I paid o: not, so that yo u may know ership o f the Pres id e nt Frank S I f h t - be very I ac t1v1t1 s of t he a lum 111. In o rder to o ne thrng we a re try ing to do , . . . , . . the p r ogram o t e wo w1 11 . . . . . 1\-f cEn tire. 2::. vVith the aible ass 1,;. cl Pay your m e mbe r s hi p fee now, I keep 111 touc h with your 1n s11tut1on 1 1 tance of D r. P. H. Kilbourne, '02, I. close 1Y um c · you o ugh t to beco m e a member o f $3. 50 or . 6.00 for two in the same I{ . Lihecap, ·0 9, a nd Park E. Win e- - - - 0 C - - -the .\lumni Association and receive family brings the Tan a nd Cardinal 1 la nd. 11. and o ther . th e Dayton Subscribe for your Quiz and Q uill the pape r re g ul a rly. a nywhere. Some are now go in g to g roup entertain ed after th e Ot t erb ei n- now at 35 cents a copy. ,.iO paid m em bers hips a r e necessary Japan a nd t he 1-'hilip pi nes. U niver s ity of Dayto 1; game in s plendid fas hion. Tn fact th e whol e occasion ! ;-=..::_;:~ -. 7~~·:;;;:- , m oved sm oot hly and o ffer ed a good tim e fo r eve n follower of Otte r be in du e to the he;rty co-ope r a ti o n of thi s ✓ -~- ·~~ .~ Parti cular a lu mni g r oup . "\7~~~ ~ A hundred and twenty -five Otte r :_,..,bei n sup po rte rs gathered in a n inf r ma l fe ll ows hip meet ing aft e r the game to which the foot ball team a nd t.h e ha nd had bee n in vited. In spi t e o f the reverse of tbe afte rn oo n a sp lendid spirit pr e,·ail ed . The captain of th e footbal l kam. i\. H . ·'Bozo'' Richter, a n d Coach Ditme r wer e pre sented ,Yith ni ce ly e ng ra ved gold football s. • The leade r o f the band. Duane Harrold. a s tudent. who vol untee r ed hi s se rvi ces and who has de ve loped 011 e o f th e best band s eve r -..... •. een o n th e O tterb e in camp11 , wa ~-"- ... _ Prese nted a new ba ton in recognition of the se rvice be had r e nder ed . -r:::-... ' ' Tbe Da y t o n and Miami Vall ey o r . -..__.. ganization i now prepari ng to pre sent th.e Otterbein Glee Club to the People of th e cit v at th e M em o rial All t he brawn of 6tl the workers of the world would :ail to s upply the p ower Hall: th e larges t· audito rium in the needed £or our construction and production requirements. Modern civili.z•tion i s based on cheap power readily applied to t asks of all kinds. city.
\{ .
Stark County A ssoc'ation. Th e tar.k County a lumni :ron p, Ca nton a nd vici nit y, have come into th e acti ve co lumn this year. F. E. M c Guire, '25. is the pre ident of th e or ga ni zatio n. They ha ve been parti cular act ive in inte res ting new stu d ent s in Otterbei n. e veral hi g h school s tudent. accompanying P r es id e nt Mc Gu ire to the H o m eco ming e leb ra tion.
Alumni Athletic Club. Th ou h not tric tl y an a lum'm o r ganization the thleti lu b i in r ality ·a n a lumni pro ject. Tt i head ed a nd f te r e<l b y a lumni. th e pr , ent Pres id nt hein g. T. R. Lih c:ip, 09,
l'he orga nizatio n inc lude a lumni and fri e nd intere led in th e a thl e ti c P_rogram o f the co)le c. In co-opera tion w ith the alumni a ocia ti n of
Machinery works: Man thinks According to college tests, man develops one-eighth horsepower for short periods and one-twentieth in steady work. As a craftsman- a worker who uses brains- he is w 11 worth his daily wage. But as a common laborer, matching brawn against motor ized power, he is an expensive luxury.
The G lee lu\b will appea r in Ca n ton und e r the au pi ce o f the t ark ou nty association . . Th e next meeting of the a socia tio n will he he ld ometim e during t he hri tma vacation at which time th e Pre ent Otte rbein tudents from th a t t errito ry will he ente rtain ed.
Yale-Otterbein Club. T he most unique of o u r e x1 ti ng tterbein lumni socia tion the Yale - tte rb ei n club. ccording to th e ecretary of the club. Marv Elizabeth Brewbaker Howe, '24. the;e a re thir te n ''Otterb iner " now at Yale. t th e fi r t m eti ng o f th e yea r Milto n zatt. 'rn. \\'a. e l cted pre iden t of the ·rou p. a l s tud en t c har;i ct er izeq A no th er th e hunch a '·th e m t I ya l c ro \\'d I e ve r aw.'' certa inl y ~n e nviable r putation.
In m ost long-establ ished in dust r ies the G eneral Electric Company has brought about important changt'smak ing for better products with m ini mum human labor arTdexp,nse. And in many new indus tries the G -E eng ineers have played a prominent part from the very begin• ning.
A new series of G -E adv er•
t isements showing what ekctricity is doing in many fields will be se nt on request. Ask for Book• let GEK -1.
With a fifty-hor epower motor, for instance, one man can do the work of 400 common laborers. He _.-:; paid far more for his brains than his bra-wn. The great need of this and future generations is for men who can plan and direct. There is ample motorized machinery for all requirements of pro duction and construction. But motorized machinery, no matter how ingenious, can never plan for itself. And that is prec;sely where the college man comes m. Highly trained brnins a re needed more and more to think, plan, and direct tasks for the never-ending application of brawn-saving elec tricity.
SCl! E
;P~ag~e~S~i~x================T=H=E= T=A=N =·=A =ND~C~A~R~D~I~N~A~hs~=========~======~= \ Girls \ \
Interclass Games Come Before Christmas The Girl · intercla s basket ball game - wi ll all he played before tht Christma reces thi year. This i~ being done in order that the Group League games will not las t into th e hot weather a th ey did la t year. The remainder f th e schedule i as follows: vVed .. Dec. !l. at :: :-la--Jun io r vs. - enior. F ri., Dec. 11, at 3 :45-Fre hmen v . Senior. Sat., Dec. 12, at 2 :00- Junior v . Fre hman. enior v . ophomore. Mon., Dec. 14, at 3:45-Junior vs. Sophomore.
Th e ophomores and the enior. Long Run s and Fine Punting Done in speedball teams pla yed off their tie Game That First Year Men game Mo11clay. :\'ovembe1· :rn, when Lose by 7-0 Score. th e Senior lefeated the seco nd yea r The op homore football team kept men to fi. The game wa played its record clean when the econd on a slippery fie ld. year men defeated the Freshmen 7-0 Th e game wa. all to the advan ' age Tue. day afternoon. ov. 24, on the ,,f th: . o:Jh omores J t t e . tart hut the college field . The weather wa id al fourth year men tighten cl down on for football and the field wa dry th eir younger opponents and out and :olid. An otherwi e excellent played them the re t of t e gam . The game wa marred by ome que tion ophomores lost a chance to wi n the abl e playing and three ejections. game when time wa called just be The econd year men took the kick fore they we re award ed a penalty o ff and marched down the fie ld t kick. This game mak s a play-off the Fre hman 1.5-yard lin e where an game necessary to decide the inter attempted drop kick fell hort. A class peed ball champion. hip. featur e of the march wa a 22-yard Team G W L T Pct. run !by Drexel. On the fir. t play enior ............ 7 5 l .833 Weaver ran around his right en d for ophomores .. 7 ;, I 1· . 33 tw nty-two yards but the next two Freshme11 .... •,, I 4 0 .200 play lo t it all and the Freshmen J,uniors ,···-··· •5 0 ;; 0 • .000 we r forced to punt. n exchange of *O ne o f the Fre hm cn-Junior game punt. and a penalty gave the ball to w a.< called off 011 account o f rain an d the Fre hmen in the 50-yard line. probably \Yill not h played as it ha Two lin play netted five yards and no bearing n the champion ·hip . Pinney punted 50 yards to the Fresh - - -- 0 C--- men :10-vard line. The first play lost T t-. c Squad at Present. five ya rd for the Fre hmen and on cut of the ha ket b all o_uad Month e next play Drexel intercepted a day left th e following urvivor : Cap pa and ran thirty-two ya rd for the tain Widd oes. Porosky, Barnes, Mc nly tou hdown f th game. Michael. arroll. D. Buell . p on. ch lt t Ri gel. wa go d an uren. Jame . Bennett. Eastman, e tra p int. Bi,;hop. Minnich, Riegel. Pinney. Thr u hout the re t of the game tile nave ly. and tair, H . Widd o s. ball wa. arried back an~ fortn from Bechtolt. o[ th field to the other but o ----0 C--n m wa able to core. InCAPTAINS 1926 GRIDDERS t a e and a few evere pena iled po ible chance for oring. aul and Weaver f played a g od game for the Fres men.
The Grocer or . College ve. a nd State St.
Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased Your photo from The Old Reliable
- - -- 0 C--- MEN GET LETTERS
ontinued From Pag ne ) clar d the coach. Through him th:it cata tropbe of di en ion, whi h i o cha ra ri ti { an un ucce £ul ean. , a avoided. To eorge Gohn goe a gr at cl · I f credi for the efficiency with wh ;c he ha handled the • quipm nt and I oth<'r material. of th .uad. D' ay h (• had the kn ack of alway ha,._ ing tlic right thin in th right J la e ~ at th e right lime. ! Robert Snavely. Th Fre hmen manager h uld be j At a meeting of tho e f otball men c mm nd d for their faithfulne al who had played in two or more quarth clo e of hi peecl, Coach I ter during the pa t ea on Rohen nt cl the following men with navely wa cho n to captain th ar ity certificate fo r havin parti-1 1926 brigade of pig kin toter . Snave~ jpat cl in 45 per cent of th . Quart r ly played quarter mo t of the 1924 1 play cl a d er eel b~ th nbre ath l e~ on and all thi pa t ea on. Bob t.i b ard; ap. R1cht r, Capt-el ct r 11 eel only three minute oi the MusF lton, Cavanaugh, ioney, . kin.gum game and three quarters of Bi h p, Sch ar, rawford. the Dayton game because of injurie Lamb r Mill r, Widdoe . Carroll, during the entire eason. In hi ~ ( 1:i ha I, Renn·er: :oro ky,_ Gohn, ·hoot he captained the foo all a!d an apprec1ati n of h1 work basketball team and i qualified f v:a pre ented to the family the job. He i he on of Dr. Ch!~ Collier. E. Snavely, profe or of Hi tory.
Will be the best.
Rich and High Sts.
Get a RugbY order Also Sweaters Made to 'fheir They Wear and Hold Color.
J. C. Freeman and CompanY
Page Scvea
The rfearn That Started Grid Sport In Ohio
They Played for Otterbein in 1890 --------------==~=-===:-:--:~---@ TIGERT SPEAKS
FOR A SLOGAN Distributed and For Sale By
·' --
Qlhtistmas <!1arrh3
The players are, back ro w left to tate busi ness o me where. (If yott Commissioner Do_es Not Think Re right: Reib le, F a nning, Howard, Hor- know where please tell us.) t[gio~ Educatlion Should Be John D. Reible, is a successful fruit ine, Koepke, Miller. Taught in Public Schools. gro wer living nea r Galloway, Ohio. Second row: Larry Barnard, Garst. Marshall B. Fanning. a tackle on the ·· r do not !beli eve that Religi o us Third row : Streich, E . S. Barnard, team. live in Boston, Ma s., and he E<lucat io n should be taught in the Hibb a rd , Barne , Ressler, Moss- togethe r with Mr . Fanning are print'h li c sc hoo ls but l ca n accede it a hammer , Daugherty. vate tu tors helping the students who, Jlace in th e colleges a nd universiLower ro w: Zehring, Stoner, a re having a ha rd tim e of it get I ties." cicclared the Hon . J. J. Tigert, tr.rough their cour ses. I Thompson. f Ed u1 er, 1s . . . • h L . K . M"ll · secretary and treasL-11 ,·ted Sta tes Co mmi ioner· ot" l t 1s 111terest111 g to hexamme ca ti o n. in his a dd re ss . " Ol))ec n·es of . . O t e urer o f t h e Qucen c·1ty tonewa re Co., ucati on' ' which was delivered a records of these men w I1e m tter- 1 O f C . . O I110 . Ed bein and then see the positions they rncmnat,. wee k ago la. t night in the College now occupy. Unfortunatel y the recL awrence L. Barnard, "Larry" one ha1)e l as th e third number on tiI e ords do not carry the names of all of O f t I1e b est h a If - b acks 111 . th e game, ·t,·zen's • Lyceum L ec ture Co urse. h. 1 5 them and th en too ome are decea ed. an a rc 1tect who, the last we heard Cl · i e II e, N ew Albert C. Streich the manager of of I11· 111· was Ill ew R ocue l\,[r. Tiger t broug ht o ut five objecive of education in hi s lectu re. York. t'Hea lth." s tated Mr. Tigert. " is the th e tea m. Mo shammer and Koepke, s ub titut es, a nd \Vm. A. " Caesar" Charles Hibbard is 111 th e life in' • es in Cleveland, Ohio. fu ndamenta l ai m in ed uca tion . Cul- Garst, have departed this life. Gar t surance b us 111 will always J All" rem a in one of th e 1son Barnes, is a minister was one of the mallest men on the ame t tir e team but o utplaye d and outsmarted at Welle ley Hills, Ma s.-a fighting primary objectives o f edu ca tio n."' - - -- O C _Q ___- an - d Quill a ny quart back , ho opposed him. He i parson we' ll bet. ~ubscribe for your wz won a pla ce in the hearts of his teamF. J. Ressler, live in Columbu , c w at :!5 cen+s a copy. mates beca use of the fine combination Ohio and follow th e profe sion of of gr it and brain that he pos essed publicist. eve n th oug h sm a ll in tature. Clarence B. to ner i the general E. . Barnard th e father o f Otter- I a uditor of th e Statler Hote ls Co. He hein ath leti cs wa, th e coach and brai ns , is aid to be one of the be t half I of the team. He seldo m played but irnc ks in hi. time. his s tra tegy won man y ba ttles. He i •, One of the me n. an ex-stud ent, n?w president of th e leveland In- we know lit tle arbou t. Daug herty lives d, a n . somewhere betwee n We ter vi lle and Special Rates I A. T. Howard, gua rd and cen ter and California, that isn't very definite of on _o f th e be t of a ll time _, i now course. to Students president of Bonebra ke_ em111ary. Oscar Ze hing i a stock fa rmer 1rvin H ori ne. one ot the sma ll es t and breeder of Hol tei n cattl e, near \Ve Call For and Deliver. p:rards in th e gam e usually m~de his I Germantown, Ohio. ppone nt suffer. In a ga m e w ,t_h the I . L oui A. Thomp on is at the Ta Phone 465Day_ton Y . M. C. ~ -· th en a semi-pr?- , tiona l oldiers Home in Virginia. The picture was ca rried by the Dayfess1onal t ~am, ht o_pponent, a ~1g R. . CHAPMAN, Mgr. g uarcl of w1<le repu tati on, was earned I ton D aily News the night before th off the field . Horine is in the real es- O tte rb ein-l.nivt'rsity of Dayton game~ -e_
Plain I
. Engraved The Buckeye Printing Co. ~
Page Eight
rab bit f ed in their club room atu rday n ig ht.
Cook House held their llllllal In part we are pu b lis hing the r e T h anksgiving fe ed T uesday night be. po rt o f Preside nt W . C,. lippinger for T h ank g iv:ing, Prof. Valentine.Dr. to th e Exec u tiv e Co mmittee o f 0 1Ph e la n a n d Rev. May who wa • terbein Coll ege wh ich met Saturday, 1 oo A lbert. were gue t ovember 2 . / Lak ota · treated their ~ During the month of J a nua ry th e frie nd s to a J ha nk g iving feed on . final payments of the Julbilee P le,lg- / urd ay nigh t before Thank giving. e are to be made. T here are ap- 1 . o m e of th e members of Cook proximately thirty live hundred delin Hou 11·~r c p rivi leged to visit with quent ub cribers. A letter was sen t a lu mnu . "-- F. Anderson. '24, and by the P r esident to a ll of the c p er hon o ra r y meniber W. H. Andenoa, son s on Tov. 5. The p urpo se of th ·s whi le atte ndin g th e dedication recital, letter was not to o licit for payment by Pr £. G rab ill a t Ak ron, First U. B. ATf imm ediately, but to r emi nd th em t h at ewa rk over Le~ ter Cox vi s ited in h u rch. I J anuary is th e pa y me nt m o uth. th at th e wee k e nd. Beau tiful hnudoir lam ps at an ,x. the last pa yme nt i clue, that we m u t .. Red " Gea rhart, " Red" Shaffer and c cd ingly lo ll' pri ·e. • Johnson Fumj• ttl rn e nt wit h the Ge n e rn l Mabel Cas ~el cr 11 0 11 , '24, a nd M rs. male lyde Bie l tein were given fina l initi- tu1·e .. 1., N. S tate St.- Adv. their b a lanc e. C ommons. of Dayton, vi ited the , Educatio n Boa rd for Id mak ations by th e J on d as la s t at urday 1 1 fo r a few hour,: a ud that t 1ey s 1ou prepara 011 Talism an 'uh William Gibson. of Ohio State. vi. ti u in advance for I r ompt an d com - ni g ht. ited wit h K e nn eth Echard over tht unda y. · I plcte ettlement f th eir· o)1 1·1gat1011 . .. Pat'' ] a tri c k, '25; C. B r o ns on, ' 15 ; week- nd. P r of. a nd M r . Hursh were gu •ts · \\ e have rec ived to date fro m t hr - - - 0 C-- v\/ilbur \,\ ood. '25, and " horty" Mcof t h e P heo nix ·1ub a t d inner on t n ra l Education Board, $1.45,79 1.00. 1n tyre. ·24, were o untry C lu b gues ts Grade Statistic&. The arnegie orpora tion has se ttled la t wee k end. unday. T h e l~c 0 ·ist rar reports that a &ar• . in full for their amo unt. $75,000.00. Pe rry Laukhuff has b ee n s ick at hi s vey f th mid-se mes ter grades re Th e O nyx ·tub ann u nces 0 11 ie T h Gen ral Edu atio n Board sti ll John son a · a pledge to th ir gro up . owes us .'104,209.00. It w ill tak e home in Mt. Ve rnon . in ce las t W ed ve,1I. t hat !J · pupil. made two or mort grade in :0 F. or X , while l!O papils eneva M itch ell spent the week $20 .41 .00 from o ur own people to ne sday. mad e a11d 8 g rad e with not IIIOft this amount. T he amo unt s ti ll cla im ad visitin g in levcland . T h e ' phinx lu b he ld their a nnu a l t h a11 o ne 1 o wed by o ur people i app roximatel y T he rea dy lub eotertained t heir $2:l0, 000.00. lt will be seen fr m thi s p ledges with an in fo rma l d inn e r a t that w ha ll b - bliged to coll ect a l I.!! 1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII! ' Peep I nn o n Monday eve ni ng. m o. t eve ry doll a r of thi amount in : FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS, ATHLETBI Marian Wad. \vorth of olumbus, ord er to claim t h gift o f the Geo r a l E du ation Board. was the g ues t o f Hele n Rau th is Clerk io th Trea urer ' · offi e are ;w ek end. now pr pa rin g sta t em ent to b m ailThe Students' Hand-Book of Practical Hints on the Technique of Wand a a llagh,er spe nt · t he w eek ed o as to reach the s ub cr iber at Effective Study a prope r sea 011. f n acld itro n lo th i nd visiting . in B u ffa lo, O hio. by appeal. th fo ll ow in g ac tiviti arr. WILLIAM ALLAN BROOKS group ·'fo urth floorites a nd being ca rri ed o ut : A GUIDE o nta ining hundr cl f pm ti ;II hint s a nd s hort cu co t tager •· ga th red in room 405 un chcdul e of da.tes fo r th e vari ou in the economy of lea rning, t a s is t stud nt_ in sec ur ing MAXIIIUII da venin g, t ·e ldbra te the birth SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at a minim um c t of time, cncrg,·, and ·o nfer nces to obse rv e Otterbein a!' h fa tigu e. · f L la Gr iffen and Ma r jorie ll eg<h eny, Jan D,1y i as fo ll ow : ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED f r ov r wo rk cd tuclents and uary 3: Erie and W e t Virginia, Jan at hl ete: engaged in ex tra ·urricu lun1 act iviti · and fo r ave rage and W wi h to correct the it em in last Lta ry 1O: Eas t O hi o. Florida, Mi hi 11ono r s t uclent · wh o ar w rking for hi g h sc hol,1 ti c achievement. i sue tatin g that J ea n Tu rn er and gan, n1ia mi. O hi o Germa n, an d ou thT helma nyde r we re pledges of the a st hi o. Jan uary 17 ; a ndu . ky, Scientific Shortcuts in Effective wl ·1ub . These ladi es ar e pled ~es January 24. Diet During Athletic Training. Study. How to Study Modern Lanp of t h r eady clul . T he proc du r e to be f !lowed in Preparing for Examinations. agcs. ·l udes a n in ten~ ive progr am of ad Writing Good Examinations. numb r f a lu m nae were g ue ts Brain and Digestion in Relation How to Study Science, Literatlft, the Onyx lu b at lun ch on un- e rti s ing. cor r p ndence, vi. its t the to Study. etc. day e vening. Kat hl een Whit e, l a- C uncil s of dmini tr ati n by thc How to Take Lecture and ReadWhy Go to College? bdle Nolan , A li ce Sh eld on, a nd Mr . Pre ident or T r a surer. and th em ing N otcs. After College, What? 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Developing Concentration and Spessard, we r e t he g u es ts . pl ym ent' of three fie ld me n f r a two E_ Cramming. Efficiency. I Marci ll e White head wa s th e g ue · t m nth. J eriod . The Athlete and His Studies. etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. of "Peg" Baker on unday. ---- 0
j j
Do You Know .? "HOW TO STUDY?"
Some of the Topics covered
Why You Need This Guide
Gilts of furnit ure ar e lasting and M st gi rl s like g ift oi furniture. practica l. John son Furniture Com- _J oh n on F urni t ur o. has a election pany, 15 State t.-Adv. that will pl a th m . - dv.
'' Jt is afe to ·;i y that fai lure to ~ uid and direct s tudy i the weak point in th whol ed u atio nal machmc.' f r f. G. M. Whipp le, l. of Michigan . "The u cces ful m 11 in co ll ege cl n t em to be very happy, Mo t of them, esp cia lly the ath l t s, are o en orked." P rof. R. S. anby, Ya le. " Misdirected lab r, tho u h hones t au_d we ll intentio ned mav lead ~o naught. m n g t}tc m o t importa n t th iu g f r th e student to learn 1 how to s t udy. \ i\T1thout know ( dge of t hi hi la bor may be Jargely in vain." P r of. . F. wain, M. I. T. "To s tudents wh o ha,·e n vcr I arot "R , to S tud y ," work i very fte n a cha tis cm ent, a Aage ll atio n , a n d an in upnah lc ·o hsta le to cont ntm nt .'' Pro f. A. Tn Ii , Hai- va rd . ffort. ~ct a go~ start and make this year a highly successful one by ndmg for tl11 s hand - b ok a nd g uide · \I\ .
ome and Try
Abn er 8. He nd er on, k11own to his cla 'mates as '' Brad," f th e cla s of '72, di ed , ovem ber 2 th .. at his !art hom e, 52 Ea t Ga mbi er venue, 1t. Vernon, hio, fo llowing a n ill n ss of eight week . Mr. H end r on wa a ·ivil 'vVar vetera n. and of rec nt yea r a ha rdware merch ant in Mt. Vernon, th city to wbich hi s father had come many yea r b fore a a p i neer. He i u r vived 'by hi wife, two sons, and a dau g hter,
You Need This Inteiligent Assistance ..... ····-··-··.. --...................... .............. ~ ............ .... ···················•····· CLIP
Amer ican Student Publishers, 22 West 43rd St., New York. e ntl men:
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py of "How to tudy" 0 ash: $ 1.10 check.
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