A ~rrry Qlqrtstmas auh 1\ f!;appy New I rar tn All
an au
ar tna
VOL. 9.
No. 12.
CHCRISTMAS EVE OM ES TONIGHT IN "Y" MEETING ! Christ mas S . . . Pmt Will Be Fostered at JOJ.nt · · M Assa c1ation Meeting In Y . · C. A. Parlors at 6 O 'clock.
BLISS COLLEGE DEFEATEDM E ~I::!'!~ ... . .. ~ .. GA , ~~ I N G N_ 0 P_E_ IN i ~CHRISTMAS
F ORMER CAPtTAIN S bill WERE EASY VICTIMS ~ ·t t W ith Commercial M en .:t:! TH E WO R L D O VER~ , Using Fourteen Men, Edler's Crew Cl ose C on es ,111 w ms · E as il y F rom O ld Grads • 0 C T · ,,, the .~n~~•~t&<&ll2tl::!'ti:.:!'l~~~~ End s Wit h . • oppm., ~~~~~~~~~~~7"i;la,~ S · 30 to 29 Score. I - . core 43 to 20. \ \/ IH.' ll we speak of any Ch ri;;tma ~ ---O1terhein de ~ ~ li ss College at song. it i;; o ur c ustom to refer to it The Otterbein ,·a r sity hasketball the Cent ral Y. M. C. A. in Colum- as a ··carol.'" l3ut the w o rd is not team made two victorie_s in a row Dec. 11 _ in a closely . wh en it defeated the l·ormer Caphus. Friday. Griffin ,vas m; rs-we borrow it. O nl y ttl Eng- , tain~ at the high ;;c hool gymnasium 29 contes ted game. :{0- · land th e high scorer oif the game . mak in g were C hri,tmas ba ll ads origin- I Saturday. Dec. 12, by a scor e of 43 ail_Y called carols-and even there it • to 20. Coach E,iler used fourteen · I · t I l !l po ints. Porosky was 11g1 po rn · · h 9 · t s I was not until the time of Chaucer men during the game. man ior Otterbem. wit porn · The graduates scored 1irst when Barnes injured his ar m in_ the fir~t that carols wer e recognized as so ngs Peden got a quick break and made half and it se ri o.usly ha 11d1 caped his to be sung o nly . a t Christmas or good o n a close-in s hot. Varsity hootinz for the rest of the time ' he soon passed them and was never head ~ d Easter. played. Van C ure n played a goo Originall y the carol sin ging was ed. The score at the e nd ot th e fi rst game as long as he was on the_ Aoor. contined to men who went abo ut on half was, Otterbein 2::l. Former (ap Bliss took a n ea rly lead, but 1t was h,ri · tm as E ,r rngi ng as ai.1"' taiJ1s, 10. soon fost.. and fterbein R:ept the lead songs or toa ts to the health of th ~ e Porosky took high scoring hono r ( Co ntinued o n Page ix) serenaded. The m os t famo us o f the ·e ,of the game 11·ith five baskets. Al - - - - l) C - -- o ld carols is "God Rest You Merry, bright was high scorer for the ''grads" HOME EC DEPARITMENT ll"ith tw o baskets and two fo ul s. WILL EXHIB IT WORK Gentlemen."' It is quite titting that th e Germ ans :'\ inc players in all performed fo r They a ll played well A ssociat ion Building Will Be Scene sJ1 -0 uld add ress one of their o ldest the alu mni. and sweetest nationa l soug. to the /)ut thei r play was natural ly without of Sewing and Cookery Exhibit little evergreen tree. We hear that very m uch well organized team \\"Ork. W ednesday Afternoon. the Roman s had a cu ri ou, ··swmgBarnes· - ho0ting wa u'lnsiderably The sevri n g a nd c ookery classes ing- tree with giits." but the Germans affected by a bruise that he got on o f the Department of Home ~cono- a,l a pted the g ift tree to be a Chri,t his e lho\\" thr night before. (Continued o n !'age Eight) .. - Ull C!er the direction of Miss L. I I was the ti rst varsity game ' for 1111<.:~. •.• - - - - 0 C---M. Hoerner, will give an exh1b1twn six ,of the fourteen players.-Ea tman , QUIZ AND QUI LL APPEARS J amcs. H . \,\ "iddoes. Reigle , Bechtolt, of their work on Wednesday._ Dec. .,. 30 to .-;·OO p. m., 111 the D. l:htel l. Barne . . G. Buell. Mc Mich 161 Ii.. f rom ,... . Association Building. Christmas Edition of Literar y Maga- ae l. and Yan Curen loo ked good 111 ( Co ntinued o n Page Six) ,h. exhibit io n will include a ,1 zine Con tains Many H igh Grade 1 IS · . I ass ortment of dainty wearmg appa~e .. Contributions. ---0 C--as we ll as considerable attracti re ---F . 0 . RASOR INITIATED fancy work which vhe girls have Over three hundred and fifty copies INTO PI KAPPA DELTA . for Chri tmas gifts. o' been ma k ,ng . . . , the Ch ristm as edition of the Quiz Tn addition to the ewmg _ exhibit, and Quill magazine are being is ued At a meeting of Pi Kappa Del ta the class in Cooke ry will have a 1~:~e by members of the club in its sales held in the assembly room of Lambert andies fo r sale. · hi, camJ)aizn which began thi morn ing. Hall Friday night. Floyd 0. Ra or . . asso rtmen t Of C ~ is a good o pportunity to buy. dehciThe magazine ha a very attractive took the membership oath into the ous home-m ade candy for Ch n s t111 as. cover orr which i printed a two-color Epsilon ·chapter of thi honorary for This exhibitio n is open t~ t ~e r u h- sketch which wa designed especially ens ic fraternity. lie. and the Department mvit~s _a ll fo,r the magazine by Don L. McGill. 1vfr. Rasor merits this dist inction be· 1ds ,.,ho may ;,e ,n011 trt"b11t1·011s ,vhich apJlea r in the cau e of his activity in forensic when students an d f nei " nd. b"o ok are Christma. storie , poeins, 111 • sc h oo 1 severa1 years ago. tere. tee' to atte ____ 0 C-- -special feature arti cle and descriptive - - - - 0 C---Prof. Hursh Will Attend sketches which were wdtten entirely by Sociology Convention. members of the Quiz and Quill Club N otice New Cut. I c tog·e ther with a lumni of the club, and. The ne\\" "'Otterbein Athletic ·, cut 0 t :sf. Hursh expect~ f til a co ntribution by Mr. To lan R. Best. which we here pre e nt for the Prof· E. the convention o ,e prese nt at .,, ·cal Soc ie t\" which Copie. of the magazine may be se- first time 1 the work of D eMott 1 \ mcncan Soci ' og, l ni - cured from any member of the c lub at Reucler. a mem·her of the o phomore .v1·11 be ·,,, ·ession at Columbia ?" . y k Citv fron1 I) er-. .,:, cen ts each . Decorated . e. nvelopes class. ancl for his work is a\"ardecl • 'ver~it~·- ?\cw or ·· may be secured for an add1t1onal five one year·s ~ubscripti'O n to the Ta11 28 to Dec. :11. ____ I cents. A table wil l he kept in the and Cardinal. ---- O C hall all week for the sa le of the hooks. There is st ill a chance for some one 12 Ne xt I ss ue J a n. · Alice Sande rs is the editor and Jean w win free uh sc ripti ons hy de,i1rnDue to t he Christmas vacation:I there Ca r- Turner is the busines manager of the rng new c ut s for the " Local s '" and will he 11 ::, issue of the Tan aih magazine. "Cochran Hall"" co lumns. dinal nntil J a nuary 12. l!l:ili. 1'
Will us Will Be Present. Tree Be Among Decorations. Cctshions Needed.
The y M . .· • and Y. W. C hri s tian soc iattons . are ho ldinz a J·oint Ch r1strnas . ~ A. Pa mcctmg in the Y. M . C. . . rlors o f th " . . 1 "ld 111g thi . e :.ssociat1on • ) Ul i an e~en in g at 6 o'clock. This stud affair for the whol e campusents f anJ ll ' Pro essors a nd their wives, a othe rs h con11ected . w o are in any way With the colleg e. 0 deve:lo . hri t P and enJoy the true nta SI)i "t 1. gath • ri the p urpose of thi,·, ri 11g d · l . · group . . 11 c 1 wi ll participate in 1n<>111g f Ch . that all "' . 0 n tmas carols 1 brief k ove. 111 ter spersed with a few s ·et h subiect c es and talks on Yuletide be the · An added attraction w ill · 111g niadPresenc e o f S a n ta Claus. havof the e a special trip fr om th e lanJ • A. gnomes for t I11s very occas •ion. easonal . . atmosphere will be secured h t rough d a1 inte ecorations of unusurest incl 1· ll:la tr · uc mg a ligh t ed C hri stha\'e a ee, _and . of cour ~e, Santa m ust . chimn ey. l\1quc in.d . tba.t all . eed I the an noun cement are ... Will si t on the Aoor so vou .... ged t 0 .. · • on. bring something to sit
Ltusrc- - o C - - ~Ec:JAULDEN'Ts GIVING WEDNESDAY EVE 1'went Pre entedY-~ne mus ic students will be • 111 llight at _a recita l on Wedne day 8 O l'he Pro clock at Lambert Hall. Pian 0 gram will be varied including b ' Voca l · . ~r . Th ' v,o 1111. and or gan numPiano 1, 11 who will part icipate in dr d ,;. ~ ers are: Helen Irwin Mil15 d" t\. s,n ' Ith O ge r, Byron Wilson . MereI)O rn e· v· . Cb 1 eek A ' vian Breden Ruth teeie' r th11 r Brubaker La 'Vonne ~arsh Olive Hol~ Elizabeth t:1 • "tary Th 0 ' . E 0 ren 2 p . 111as. Amy Morns, ' rne t r rinz. E lizabeth Plummer JOh llso a, inn D I ' · ona d Euverard. Celi a 11 ~ake Part id Kathryn Minnich will 111 . Urke Will vocal selectio ns. Viola ''JcJ rencJe r tl1e one organ piece \I· Uded 11 1 i, 0lin n the cven in g·s program 11 111bc <\oL11 · · " ert l I rs will be plaved by '\() 5 u )V C I p Sclot · · ar atton. and Lavelle
AI . tee·1 I tttden ts
lh ta1 Which a!'e urged to attend this e hest Yet ~ivcs promise of being thi s year.
~l'~a~g~ e ~1~·w ~ o~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~T~ H~ E ~~ T~A ~ N~ A ~ N= D~ C ~A~l<.~D~I~N~ A~L~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~
I I M oc k Trial in " Garden Court" Draw s ,
. the o-eneraT w enty-one Storie s C hosen as Best 1:ailur c- to receive the play books L a r g e Cro wd t o• the Hall Uu e to a b re·,kd uwn 1n " '. to th k.eY College Products For Year 192~-25. frulll the pub li s lnng house has cau ed of Philomathea. to r "hich ,rnpp hes c urrent t of . d I l'roi. Leon ~1cCartv to defer anw-a ott last O th er O hio Colleges M entlone · I noun cement o f the ca.s t for the Junior 1 i\ early two hundred people attended board. the c hape l o rgan p h I play. ""Th e Goo,e H an g, High ," un- the annual C hri . tmas sess ion of Phil- co mmi ss io n for seve ral day was Since the commutato_r • "Tht: Dream Li,·c, On,'· by ,ut til late th is afternoo n. o math ea, of whi ch a mock trial \\"as w ee k . no longer to The <:a,t w ill be se lected from the the feature. held in th e hall las t Fr i- worn so lo w th a t it wa l{obc rts. and " .\ t The l,ainbow ' . are the . I . po,sflble fo r se ve ral of the key ·as E nd ··· b)· I ,_aura \,\lhets tonc . . . ' ra,t, of th e three play, winch the t ay e venin g. fh e tri a l wa s one of · pa nY two Otte rbe111 sho • pay . . " 1 . rt. s..tones re ceiving C I '·I J un,or t 11e most unu s ua l fea tures ever pr e- resp o nd . th e e lec tri c com c lass ga ve at a private> part 11 1 Best o - per f o rm ancc he for e l'rof. and -Mr . s. sc ntecI o n any lit . erar y program . ll ollorah le m e nt10n io rce d to co mplet ely rebuild t . 111 The _,, leg ' • Short Stones · 192-lc-2;:, . g, Dec. 5. J - "-llsk111 " . Hoover pres .ided OYer . f , Ia vol- :\lcl.arty Saturday eve nm umc of twe nt y-o ne crisp ' r es 1 s tor- 1 • \ co m p 1etc c11aractenzat10-n • . f .. ,. - was cleve rl y of th e genera to r . . .111 e fo r prac· o the varcIen c· ourt. ., which The c hapel o rgan 1s us 11s you t . . . ies from the pen ·s _of colle"e and gets . . d pla y w ,11 app,ar 111 the next 1ssue o f a nn o unc e d by Gard e n Court a dve rd ti ce eYe n · h our of th e ay compi le ' l _by H · 1 · Schmttkmd an j the -1- an a nd Ca • rdmal. • · g s1g11s. · . ' ,1- he Goose t1,;111 as the Judge. Dwig ht 1 . . onth as tie ac~ Horace C.. Baker. "d I lang,; High'' will he presented by· .-\rn ol,I was th e prosec utin g a ttorney as nu1c h us e 111 o ne m . ne year we r e. the two g hui - I th e J u111·o r clas:; ·111 the c hapel Janu - \\·1t · I1 w ·1ll1am · "\rt and . . interest . C.· My er as th e pl a in - church o r gan d oes 111 o th th ing qua hti es_ m e choice of e s i°rt ary 2 l. The movi e which was made tiff. an<l J o · ep h B . Henry was the cord ing to Pr . o f . G. G· Grabill. sto nes publ_i hed. As ~ gr~up, t ,e,by fr o m thi s play app<:ar erl a t th e Ga r- defending att o-rn ey. " ·ith vVa lt er F sk ill · beaut y · 111tell1gent u. - rl.-n .fhc a ter last D ece mber. 1• he p lay .M ar\111 · as th e defendant · · 1 com b"ne ston es 1, . , ti-11 popu 1ar a nc1 •,,; still • runn111 . g in c· ar 1 E sc hbach. J o hn · Hudock a nd se r vation · A g lan ce at . the . s how , t hat colleges a re g ivm g a g r er many of th e cou ntry·, large, t play- '-:. H a le Ri chte r . announced o n the deal oi atll"nt 1011 to short story tee, _ l < , . JlfO<YT·,1n1 as the " l · t fi Id T . ,, .h . . f ti they i n1sb. .,. i es er e no niquc. l , arac ten s tt c o you _1 • • - - -- 0 C-- - sa ng "Pa l of MY C r di D · ·,. g and bnmmmg a e ays. f "d d are una rai .' arm '. . . R ev. a n d Mrs. G. N . Richter \ Vayne H a rs ha play ed a piano solo V is' t O tter be"n F r iends Friday. Dr T J S :I f J:>J ·1 · o ver with ltfc and ima.gmatton. ·• · h 1"ti f th - · · · a i1< e rs o r 11 o phr o nea "Marsh Lanterns 1s t e t e o c Tl R l 1M G ,, Prof \Iv A Kl" · · ' I , Qhi s tor , ub.lished , written , ie · e ,·. _a n_< '.·s. , . .\. Ri cht e r. ." · . · me. pnnci pal of We s0 o n} ) P . C II , rc t urnc<l m 1s~10 nan e, fro m Africa, ternll e H1 g h choo l. and Prof L A. bv Ve rn on Bowen. Manetta o ege. . . • . u · I d k · · · · . . . . h . v1s1te rl the co ll ege last l· nda v as the "em a n . po c ex t emporan eous h · 1 Other OhlO coll egesAr e~e ivl mgObonl~ gues t s of P rof. ancl Mrs. Hu.r sh . forDr. Ra ymo nd V. Phelan a nno~ 1~c able mcnt1011 are nu oc , , er m , . . . . . l I· C f W I m e r associates m th e _ fncan m1ss1,on ec 11 s acceptance to honora r y m emand Western o.\\ete .or th ~:n. field. he r s hi p to Philomat hea through a 1 \,Ve Ca ll ror and DeliverThe volume wi e 111 e r ary Mr. and Mr . Richte r were both communicati o n to th e sec t Pl ·1 short ly after t he Ch ri s tm as recess. r e ~ry. - 11 pr esent in the· cha1w l e r vi<:e a nd Mr. lip T.. C harl e. becam e an a t memc 1ve C ---- -- Ri cht e r co nrlu cted th e d evo tions. her of society at thi s e sion. CHURCH CHO I R GIVES La ter in th e day ~r. Richter addre - - - 0 C-- I R. N . CHAPMAN , Mgr, CHRISTMAS CANTATA sed the Soci ology clas es o n the ub Be Sure t o G t Your Qui z and 1 ject of Afri ca n a rt . s11 pp lem e nting hi s Quill Today. The nited Brethre n Ch urch choir \ talk by an exhibit of native handiw-ork £ si t -ti ·e ,_,oj e ' pre' en.ted the from the colle tion of Prof. H w · h. hristmas ca ntata. "The Message o[ Mr.. Richter g rad ua ted from Otterthe Star," unday evening, with Prof. hein in th e c la ss of 190 . Mr. Rich. R. Spes a rd a dire ctor, and Miss ter i a g r aduate of Lebanon Valley H ele11 Vance at the organ. The can- College. tata written by . Hunington Wood, ---- O j c mpos d f eight book which · Mr s. Clippinger Was Hos tess To t geth r por tray th e entire Christma. F aculty Women and F a culty W ives tory. T he fi r t books carried the Mr . "\i p11inger very delightfully m age connected wi th the 1hirth of e nt e rtai11c d th e faculty wom en and the Mess ia h while the co ncludin g fa ulty wive s at a Th im!h le Party par t was particularl y i nificant in o n Thursd ay afternoon. fr om three that is was a prayer for peace. to fi ve at her h om e. The organ accompanime nt throughThe afternoon's entertainm e nt inout wa unusual , being complete in , eluded a sh,ort musical progr_am. Mrs. it elf and predominant in ome parts. arl tarkey sang two olos and Th male soloists w er e : Mr. Carl 1 M i Hazel Ba rn grover played tw o in E bba h , Mr. Lawrence Mill er. Mr. violin selection . Erne t tirm, and Mr. Wendell Camp The gue t thoroughl y enjoyed th Mi Lorene mith ang the ~nly j get-tog~t~er. which wa oprano olo, and Mr . ra Wnght I h y dehclOU. refres hm ent erved in was th e contralto soloi t. , two cour es. Prof. Spes ard made helpful intro- 1 ---- 0 ductory explanations to each section VARSITY "O" INITIATES
Special Rates
to Students
Phone 465- J·
~ ===;_;;;;;;;~
The Uni n' erv1ce a n d info r m ation bureau i ready t o erve you! Your -ift ele t ion w ill be w r a pped a
com plet Chri tma a t m o phere ea \ , o-ift boxe
of the cantata, which added to the 1 impre ivene of the evening's proF ive men received the coveted mi ram. tiation of the Var ity "O" A o cia- - - - 0 C ____ tion last Wednesday evening in th e ba ement of the gymnasium. CALENDAR Tho e men who became full -fledged are: Marcu chear "B u " member Tuesday, Dec. 15McMichael . George Gohn, ,: buck" 6 :00 p. m.-Y. M. and Y . W . , Lamb rt. and Erne t Riegle. Wednesday, Dec. 16- -- 0 C - - 2 :30 to 5 :00 p. m.-Home Ee Ex Lucile Roberts. hibit, As n. Building. Lu c il e
RoberL . who ha.
been in
T hursday, Dec. 17• 1 Grant Ho pita! ince a week a 7 :00 p. m.-Philalethean a nd Cle1or- ' \ "•v edne d ay. fo ll ow .mg an appendig ihetean Ch ristmas Ses ions. ti . operati on. i recovering nicely and F riday, Dec. 18will take her place in chool follow4 :00 p. m . -Ch r istmas Recess be- ing the hri tma vacation . gins. - -- 0 C - - Tuesday , Jan. 5Be Sure t o Get Your Quiz 7 :30 a. m.-Christmas Rece s end . Quill Today. •
ribbon s a nd ti ue ' ' · · · fr ee. Gift purch a ed her e w ill be mail ed a nd in ured . .. fr e of charg ·
- - -- - ---®1~ - - - - -
THE UNION The Home of Quality
WH ERE CAN WE FIND? Last Known Address. David E. Ambrose, 1882, 1235 Chic ago Ave., Evanstown, Ill.
Mrs. Lloyd Miller (Minnie Bach 1909, 1245 E. 145th street, Cle,·eland, Ohio.
man ) ,
wijr Alumni Qtnunril lll l lislirs ! nu . · A flrrrt1 Qtqristma11 -a.uh · A i,;appy New frar \
COLUMBUS WOMAN'S CLUB ~' HOLDS L.,IOCAL . MEETING "' l,...._ • : --:-~ ~ Sixty Members Present For I)elightful Afternoon of Business and ·Entertainment at U, ·,B; Church. J •
T)1cc December meeting of the Otterbein· Wom~n's Club of Colum ALUMNALS bu · acnd vicinity wa held • in the MRS . STARKEY SINGS NEW Edward L. Baxter, 1917, 420 S. COMPOSITION BY DURIN G Gnited Brethren church in Wester Chas. t., Lima, Ohio. Mrs. W1~1. Clark, '04, Westerville, _Mrs. Wendell P. Kinkaid (Minnie Ohio, left Tuesday morning to spend ville last aturday. Luncheon wa A new and very appropriate musical Beard), 18 5, 212 Fayette St., se rved b.y the ladie of the church Tenny on's "Break, Ch~.rles- the wintet at her Hollywood Villa, etting from ton, \Ve t. \ ' a . and after the luncheon the club w~~t Break. Break," has been composed by Cor onado Beach, F lorida. M1·s. Clark Rialph L. Bierly, 1914, Lewisburg, Cha rles . A. During of New York to the Sunday School room that had Ohio. is one of our very loyal alumnae and City, who e wife, .formerly Miss Marie been tran formed into a parlor with is always interested in the progress Shank. wa a student in Otterbein in Mabel Bia g, 1923, 20 N. Goodwin of Otterbein. Before leaving for her decoration . T _here the t., Jack onville, Fla. the eighties. Mr. During ha devoted Oui tma winter home she arranged for the .club was addres ed by four student hi s entire life to music, a a teacher Robert Blagg, 1892, 20 N. Goodwin Tan and Cardina l to follow her. St. , Jacksonville, Fla. mo re prominently than a composer, who were guest at the luncheon and who told those pre ent about the Earl F. Bohn, 1902, Lorain, Ohio. Profe sor lbert Kei ter, '10, pro but his oompo ition , and especially work of the organizations they repre this latest one. are charaoterized by E. L. Doty, 1918, Findlay, 0. fe sor of economics at North Caro depth of fee ling a well as rich tonal sented. Mr. N. A. Willl>'1.11,g spoke ~r • McKinley Johns (Cleo Garfor the Men' Senate, Miss Sylvia lbfiench), 1916, n Johns Ave., Mans lina College for W ·o men, Greensboro, q uali tie. . N. C., recently won first prize in a eld, Ohio. At the tea given by Mrs. Clippin Peden for the Wom'a n's Senate, Miss . Jo eph . Goughenour, 1916, Mar contest held by the Wall Street ger for the ladies of the faculty and Ruth Braley for the Y. W. C. A., Journal, one of the leading financial the wive of the professor , Mrs. and Mr. Cari Eschbach £or the Y. tin Ferry, Ohio. papers of the country. Th~ . Jou~nal tarkey ang a one of her numbers, M. C. A. Mr . Starkey sang to the Mrs. Robinson (Sarah Hoffman), 1911 say that Professor Kei ter s arh~}.e Mr. During' arrangement of "Break, delight of all a group of three songs; , Carrmonte, Dayton, Ohio. he wa accompanied by Miss Fran G Medway D. Long, 1897, Columbus wa awarded first prize becau e 1t Break. Break," and it received hearty ces Ha rri . cover the wide range of the inve t applau e. rove, Ohio. ment fie ld better thau any other ar• During the bu ine meeting that Philip C. Luh, 1918, Plain City, Ohio. ucle ubmitted." followed the program, plans were The article wiU be published in the W es tmini ter Choir, under Mr. Wil- 1announced for the rummage sale that Rufus B Moore, 1 3, Grand Rap id, Ohio. . December "J.9tfi number, the hri ! liamson's baton. wa carri'"ed on in ol umbus last The pr gram, composed of a-capella week and variou suggestions were D Zoa Munger, 1903 200 Yeyner St., mas issue, of the vVall Street Journal. Profe or Keisler is the son of Dr. composition howing a wide range of made for rai ing the final installment e Moine ' Iowa. ' and Mrs. . W. Keister, '77, '7 , of dynamic , and sung from memory and of the pledge made by the club to M~rcellu A. Muskopf 1912, 3024 Garn ' We tervill e. without accompaniment, wa a notable the Jubile(? Endowment Fund. M O n Boulevard, Baltimore, Md. T ada hi Yabe, '24, now in Chica one. everal member of the club had f rs. Orvil le Barcu (Florence Perect 19'>1 Oh· ~ , 110 Cherry t., Kenton, go, ha recently engag ed in an effoh'.t (Mr . Dai y u ter h emaker, '05) . fancy work on ale, one of the clas JQ. to raise ufficient fund ' among t is '91. t the recent election of the l'OOms being converted into a verifriends to buy and hip a pia~o to liorner F. bade, 1917, Akron, 0 . ptimi t lub of olumbu , Edgar L. taible Chri tma bazaar. The sixty d ~abez hank, 1 15 • West Alexan- his brother, Kiyo hi Yabe, who i the Weinland was elect d a tru tee of th member of the club who were pres ria, Ohio. ' pa tor of the United Brethren Church club for the en uing year. Mr. Wein- en~ enjoyed a very delightful afterIf Our rno t difficult job is to find 'em. at Zeze, higaken, Japan. 1.a.nd ha been a promfo n member noon. Tadashi is now a tudent .at the of the club ince its organization ev an You know of the whereabouts of Y of th · th [ e e that have trayed from Univer ity of Chicago workmg to eral year ago. '97. L. Walter Lutz wa transferr .1 ort him elf while in school and e old Plea e notify u . supp f . . ti '21 '1 8. The alumni of Bonebrake at the la t conference from Wayne con equently the ta k o ra1 mg i Tl;eological minary in out'hea t boro, Penn ylvania, bol the econd mon ey for the piano was no ma_ll DARN BILL! hio Conference have organiz d an nited Brethren Church in York task. He believes in the work of h1 f whl h E. E. Harris, of Penn yl.va nia, where he i now en~ T'o her unday Bill brother which need the in piration is pr ident, and W. :[ gaged in an exten ive building pro wuz eatin' at of mu ic. ak H ill hio, i ec- gram. Th corner tone of the Sun · the Dorm and John Finley William on, a gr~duate da chool unit of the new church they had chicken of Otterbein, '11, scored ~ triumph Janet ilb rt, of Dayton, building will be laid Dec. 2lJ: an' Bill a t when the Westminister Cho1r of Dareci:etary f th Otterbein hi gurl t of which he i Director, gave f th \V man' Missionary whether aon:o n ert in Carnegie Mu ic Hall, ociatiou, ha takci1 an extended it wuz Pitt burgh, Pa., on Nov. 3· . . we tern trip in the inlere t of her incubater This choir distinctive of its km d work. he wa the peaker one mornchicken i at th chap I hour at Kan a an expon~nt of Vlor hip a nd _of and she niv.er . rti try in the church loft. and its ity. ed he member hip,. compo ed of ix:dt_yff me~ '00. George L. Graham is the new didn't from twelve I eren d B know an d wo men . h · pa tor of the Fir t nite rethrcn tate , who are contrihtm~ t t~ir cl•urch of Erie, Pa. The congregation and 1 0 musical o-ift.. gra.tuitou • reccnily gave a rec ption to th pa tor Bill f high ideal , may . advanc men t ° .111 ,1. an<l his family. aid that he . " ru ad rs 11 1 th t it mu t rightly be ca < Mi s Edith Bennett. a briJe1 12 h , for no grea can ·" p· t b g accu • el · t . wa -o ne of the honor gue t at I I· that 1t ur · · chicken that had t rare in vocal en . em hl e. 1 a party giYCJl la t week b th teacha tn'olther could t med t the fine t Id f r main I crs o( fhe Frankli11 Juni r Hi h r. · wh rt he get as f b ot I1 I oca 1 and wor -. ame. f a pro- f chool in olum bus. h10, aft r the cone 1us1011 o . f . TOUGH eate d e t d enc res ha been uperv1 r o mu I f r an a thet. h j v ral year . gran:i, and dema11ds repea e but uc h wa t he ovation given t e 0
Francis Vinton Baer, 1895, Wood haven, Long lsland, N. Y.
Ith a t the m oth.er of the Christ, ''Mary I t hat
treas ureJ up all they had said, and pondered -0 ver ii"? She treasured that ti rst Christmas morning, their st Published Weekly ia the intere ol appreciation. OTTERBEIN E RAR y Otterbein LIT by the l t is no wonder then that her Son SOCIETIES shoul d teach that "it is more Messed westerville, Ohl to give t h an r eceive. · " ·o Member of the O hio College Preas o c ____ Association. A Grade Survey.
scholarsh ip standings of a hig h \ grade show inactivity in ext r a-curri1 cu la rs is not well founded. I · :\no t he r interes ting . ide-light was gaineJ from the survey. From it we are wo nderi ng if "he,'' a "grad" inti1nate ly re lated w it h all st udent a c• ' tivitie . was not r 1·g h t \·•hen he stopped us o n the tr eet after coming : irom the office wher e he had been
1 C. Robinson •
Groceries and Meats
looking over the g rades, a nd, in his t STAFF .\ s an nounced iaS we ek. \JS Otter : usual emphatic way tated, ·•r have hcin st udent s made g rad_es ~f D , . J, co me to t he conclu sion that club· Editor-in-Chief ............ J. B. Henry, A ssistant E dito r .. \,Vayne Harsha, or X 111 two_or mor e subJ ects._ Rein - 1' room s are the ruinati on ·of this col C o ntr ibut ing Editv1:nda Gallagher, '26 tcrpret ed this mean s tha t the ir aver- . lege." His concl usion was t h at those 26 LeJ?Ore ~mith, ;26 age was be(ow C. There we;re ' who have the lower g r ades a're cl u b Pauline K nepp, ,27 1 0 students \~tth a~ average of 8 ~r : r oom ''loiterers·• w hi le the fe llows Wayne Harsha , , betkr that 1~ their grades were 111 1 · F lorence Howa rd, 28 ' wtt 1I the better g raJes a re n ot. nd not mo r e th an Louie Nor ris, '28 Vl/e ca nnot be so ext r em e in our See Samples from 27 terms of A, B, a Ath letic Editor .... Harry \ ~i ddo~S, ; o ne C. s tatement, we beli eve in cl ub rooms A sst.iness Editor .......... ..Clyde ~81elstem, 0i the "low" g roup, 81 wereu men rig htl y u ed. and less loitering i Bus Manager W . \,. Myers, '2268 Assistant Business M anag ers, ' and s oeial pper going to m ea n better <Trades. 27 " ·hil c only 1 were women. Marcus Schear, 2 cla smen claimed :._7 of these, and 2:l 'N e are wo nd ering 6if the p rese nt B efore orderin g Class Ross Miller, ' 8 of t_h1s number fa iled , to m~ke pro- , Freshman cl ass, after it gets caugh t Circulat ion Ma ~~~~-;et W iddoes, ,26 moti o n l~st year. 1 he ·• f re~hm en up in the system of clu bs and "ex I Group P ins. .Assistant Circu lation Managers-h '27 class furnished 41 of these low' con- tras" will continue du ring the next Ruth Hurs few years in its g ood chola r hi{J to M. Wi lson,, '28 te nders, 5 women and 36 men. M akers of Philophronean Keys. A lumna! EditorsIn . , I th e '' high" g ro up b the h m en ·' how he equally divided. H. \V. Troop, 23 a Je tt er average, ut t e women . - - -- 0 C - - -ColUJtlbUS, 0, Alma Guitner, '97 lead th e tield 1by a safe margin. Of 11 t h and High B r eaking the Spir it. W e ca nnot sanction the takin g o f Coch ran Hall E ditor were Florence Rauch, ,26 the 80, there ' l' h29 m en and f 51 shtars fnon 1 the Chr ist m aA u r-1 1' thu lhs and Local E ditor -----··---- John L eh m an , ,27 wo I · hm en.22 1., heI · •res men ' thclas Exchange E dit or111s es · o , t 11s group w1 an equa . re es t 1a t t e bu iness men of \Ves Ernesti ne Nichols, '27. division between men and women . , terville have provided at g r eat ex-
Phone 65
Th e above fi gures, together with , pen e for creating a ea onal a tm o _ th e a nnoun ce m en t from the High Phere in the town. Schoo l that the seven Senior honor The bu siness m en of We terville stud en ts are all girls, w•o.u ld indicate I a re who le- hea rted UJJPOlrters of eve r y that the girl are b:etter students college activity and ce rtain ly no coithan the men, in Wester vill e at least. , lege student who think t wice will AJd itional em pha i is gained t-o.ward , loop to "just tak in g" from th ese thi conclusion when we rem em ber l 111 : n. · es t graces 1 fhen aga1· 11 w h en overcoats a r e that the htgh were made I . I mem b ers o f Ia. t yea r'5 I s bo,len from th e c I1urc I1 w I11·1 e folk ~ by t hr ee gtr Sen io r class in the college. I a re Ii tening to a Chri tma canta ta there is little re s pect fo r the anctity f d ' . 1 cu ·s111 oi the ea on. A group o men were th e relative merit of the sex e in . Let's endeavor ke h scholarsh and owho ne fell ow claimed . t e · t ru e / · • at '·dep i times tha t 1• t ip pmved 1s domg t he ·spirit o f Cl1 nstma· extra-c urricular work around school.
Addres s all communicati_ons to The Otter b ein Tan and C!',rdmal,. 103 W. Colleg e Ave., W:esterv1lle, 0h10. Su bscription pnc~, $2.00 Per Year, payable m advance. E nte r ed as second class m atter Septem ber 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Wes terville, o., under act of March .3, 1879. .. · I A cceptance for ma1lmg at . spcc1a rate of postage provided for m ?CC. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.
You will find a fine line of
~~==========---:: ~ ~
o ut
of ou r fri e nd
- . • - ·
Jade Li£etime Pen.
and see
that wha t everybody mo t of all wetc me i jus t to be appreciated. vVith mo t of u , our "Christnu all o wance" i in ra of despair anJ our p cketb-ook frayed at the ed ges. e wonder , hat to give Mother. Da.d , Broth r, ister, and a ll the re st, -but , d n't yo u th.ink t he m ost welme thing t o them would be fo r ou to ho, them your app r ecia tio n in kindne . . con ideratio n. com pan ion . hip with them, -in o ther wor} , ju t a littl happy. miling app recialion ? A nd do you not remember that when th e shep herd had come in ha te and fo und Mary, and Jo ph, and th e babe lying in a manger, and had gon e, '
The brilliance of its color is only ex ceeded by the perfection of its per formance.
I .
Pen and Pencil Sets, Both in Jade aocl Black. Pens $2.75 to $8.75
University Bookstore
Phone 493-J
University Bookstore
fact , many heartaches \,;II be saved, and kri tma will leave a more ati fying a ft er-taste. I t w ill ave us a bit of mon ey, a lot Of t r ouble and tearing of o ul if we wil I Iook down into the
A g lan ce a t . ome mo re stati stics ~ ~ ~ • • - • - • -• - - 04 .. lend s con iJcrahle light on the matte r. Fro m the tandpoint o f gro up a nd ext ra-cu rri cu la r activities Freshm e n wer e not con idered. On ly o ne o f the twelve girls re ceiv ing " lo w" grades was doing what can be classilied a extra -c urri cular, wh ile of . th 111 were group m emb ers. Of the +6 upper cla • men with " low" grade , :1 were club men and 11 were ' doing "ex tra s." In contrast, 12 of 1 the :19 " high" g rade girls were doing 1 "extra " and 34 o f them belong to g r oups. mong the 1 JTien with better grade . 16 were group men and are doing "extra ." 1 ow, let u see on a percentage [ ba i what the e fi gure m ean. Looking fir t at the lo wer g roup, 3 per cent of the men and 67 per cent of 1 th e women belong to g roup , w hile 24 per cent of the men and 8 per cent o f th e women are en g aged in "ex tra" wo rk. The group wi th the hi ((hcr grade ha _ 9 per cent of the men and 7 p r ce nt of the , omen as club memb r. . with 45 per en t of the men and .JO per cent o f the women .l oin extra-c urri cular.. Thi s contra. t, together wi th the tatcment o f Dean ornetet that ·• ome f our fi nest extra-c urric ular work is being done b~:. th e men _an~ wo m en with high grade , wou ld 111d1ca te that the claim ~
"More Bl essed." . •ft 111 t he The greate t Chn tmas gi world i appreciat ion. There no gift that we can give that will be m o re plea ing to all. Without it all thc other gift amount to nothing. • 1 f we can but come to realize t I1 1s
N. State St.
"============~I MY
M 0
. th e m~rnlege Bell rang at 2 o'clck m nig s he thought it a Debate e1_1thus1a_st , 1 getting ready for the forensic act1v- ,
. T h.~t ,:he other day o n e of_ o ur V_a r -j O fellows w e nt rabbit huntmg and a• fter sh ooting · • · a n 111noce nt httle b unny was m o ved to tears when he
discol"ere I . . \ c that the poo r thmg had an ' "ath l · " h th eti c eart e ame as he had. That th e o ther night when the Co l-
" OLD IRONSIDES" CURIOS the Uni·ADDED TO MUSEUM l'rof. Ed w in Star-b.ack of d , t rs 1t y o f Io wa's ph1losop 11y epart -1 Twc;i Small P ieces O f O ld Undefeated 1 ities. . m cn t who r<:"cently returned fro m a 1 W ar Vessel Pres ented By That s he has decided to deY~te t h e Eu r opea n trip m atle th e s tatement tha t i H . R. Buntinger. rest of h e r life to the rnventt o n of manif es tations o f wha t is called th e 1 smokeless flashli g ht powders a nd ..jazz age " have 11 0 1 touch ed t he ,; tu - \ To the ever in crea si ng s t oc k of no ise less giggles in o rder to be ab le ! de n t s of Europe. Gi rl s of college ; cunos in th e mu se um at the ' cicnce take midnight s naps hots 111 the ! .-ta11di11g_ do n o t genera!ly u se cos met- 1 Hall h as been added two s mall pieces 10 Do rm . ics: their ,lress ts st-a id and c~.n sert'.1~t h1 s tonca l LT. . frigate. The ,·,uive. Om· never hears ta lk o f fla p- Co n,t1tu t1011. These pieces are from rd th at th ey have a pe r ,;.'· a n cl m odernism is co n fi ned t o I o n e o f the ofticc r ·s cab ins and they That she's hea L ders ' Co rps now. new , system at ea hv H. R. Tl . 11 r espond to r oll with o n e of int e lkc1 uaJ ;~m a nd d is cussi o n . ' wert! • scnt to Prof. Schear · · ie) ~ . \Vh en ··Reel'' G range ann o unced hi ; I 13 untmger, wh o receive d t hem from Frankl111 s p r ov erbs. ,. . . ,f . I one of the guards o f th e s hip . ) 111t en 11o n uf turni ng to pro ess1ona ' · That sh.e tri ed to c hange her m aJ_~ r fuothall, the n e ws wa s head lined in I l t will h.. r em e m ber ed th at this to bas ket ball hut th e F ac ulty wouldn t j all news pa p er;:. At t he ,ame t ime in ; irigatc was ust!d by the gov ernment
i ty
Page Five
j a l'ittshnrgh da ily, th ree inc hes of in ti1e 111ar o i 18 1'.!. . . T he Co nst it uI . at From the guar d mg tac t·ics s hown in :, .- ;pan· " e re al ,o tt c tl to ca rr y the. ne ws \ li oI n . .wasR lau1H·hed . IHar tley's he that ··Sw e de"' Oherlandcr, lam ,n1s ,,. 1ari Ill , sto11 111 I ;11:1. t s to tal mes II I • recc11t bas k et Ja ga , _ ·1e ,o~ I he d e pth . of the th mk s w e o ug 111 to h·,,ve a IJr etty good Dartm o uith football sta r, .wh o h elpe ' l I' cos t wa . s .·:rn2,\Jt • ,. • hunch· o f tac kl · es f o r n ex t Year's foot - 1I Dartmo uth to a_ ;lj- 0 n c to r y ove • r h o ld 1s 14.3 . lect a nd th e wa t er d1s. II t h e girls to 1, C hicao-o 1s :i200 to ns . L·11dcr full "' •· had re tu ed to t u rn p rutt' s- •, placemc11t . . . I I) te·,111- 1£ they a o w Ja • · s ional. He turn ed the offer dow n fc-r ,-ail 1t was capab le of m a k111g 13.5 try o ut. what he beli e ved to be •·th e best in- 1 knot s per hour. S h e ca rri es -H g un s, That we had the first thrill of th e tere s ts o f th e coll ege ga me a nd Da rt - an d the se gu ns a re al l still on board, year when the coll ege b e ll ra ng Fri- m o uth ." and " ·h e n in ac ti o 11 she was manned · day nite. G irl s at Hryn Mawr have been 1,v · -!:\O office r~ a nd m e n. pass on it.
Dad's an Office· Worker
a nd s till uses the sma ll s ized fo untain p e11. about the pleas ante t surpris e for him wou ld be a fine new ove r s iz e big ink capacity pen s uch as fea tured in our.
T hat s h e thinks it would be a good thing if th e freshman g irls would va ry th e co lo r sc heme and wear red an~ - r een ri. bbons b oth fro m now o n until ~ ""Chris t ma s in keepin g with the pirit o f th e season. ·
----0 C - --(J ppercla smen at the U niversity of
A fine choice of fini s he and a Pen point best adaptab le to _Dad' own handwriting style. In s hort, daily remin der of the t houghtful giver.
Cal ifo rn ia wt¾lr
a nd
U nivers ity,
cor duroy
trouser s.
The class
loyal ty
th e
a m ou nt of dirt he is able...to accu mlale,
$7.00, $8. 75, $7.50
Rexall Drug Store j
pair.' !being
worn b o
y ears
without being cleaned.
- -- 0 C -- Get Your Quizz a n d Q uill Today.
A Very Merry .Christmas and
A Happ y Holiday Vacation J. C. Freeman & Co.
CLOSED TODAY We thank the st u dents of Otterbein for their patronage a nd Our lea~e. expires today.
support in the past.
give n permiss io n to s moke, _ and no t J:u rin'.' th_e_ co_ur~c _of t l~e - \\'a~ <To [ onl y th at, b ut plan a re be rn g mad e 181.. she _pa 1t1c1p_atcd 111 fo, t ~ enga.,,e lo provide a s m oking room for t hem. m en t: . Some of her most important battle · w ere the battle before T ripoli ln accordance with a rece n t de• in I SO-!. batt le ,v1th the G u e1·iere in h rd cis io n of t h s: Illin ois Ai lctic hoa , 1Rl 2, hat ti e wi th the J a va , 1, 12 , ba ttle .. Red" Grange·s football je rse y is to with the Lavant, 1 ' 15. rlut th e Con be put in a gla.,s case a nd pr e e rved stituti on was 11 vcr defeated in a as an in piratio n to fut ure foo t ball s ingle e ngageme nt, a nd it was beca u se m en at Illin o is . The numb er 77 ap• of thi s wonder ful series of victo ries pears upon the jer ey, th is ha vin g whic h seem to ha,·e indicated th a t bee n Grange·s numb er eve r s ince he s h e was a lm os t invulnerab le. ~he be tri<;:d o u t ior frc hJn a n iootball. The ca me kn-crn-n a:, ··O ld Ironsid •· liJoar d ided that uo o ther Illinois After th wa r th Id hip kt rman · hall wear the e numeral in the iorated and during th , \Yi Iller of future. 1 36 a nd 1 37 a bi ll wa introd u ced I 11 ·teacl oi u. ing . top watches for in Congre ·s to cl es tro. her a nd ··ell timing foo tba ll games at Bro, n ·01- th e parts fo r junk. O liver \. endell lege a nd Bosto n · ni ver itie , the H olme · learned f the inte n,led act ion le ng<th f qua r te rs is d etermi ned by of Congres and determined to u e the number of play . The fir t two hi · influence to pre erve th e ·hip for quarter co nsi s t of for~ plays a nd the posterity. so he wrote that immortal la t two of thirty-live each. ·oa ches poem. " O ld fron ide :· Thi e ulogy a n d specta to r· decl ared the exper i w a • li rst p u b li shed in tb e ' Bos ton m ent a s ucce s becau. e thi sy t em D a ily .-\d,·e rtiser.'· It -., ve n ·r eliminates the po ibility of - tailing c ul ated on hand bi ll s from hou e to and juggling of tim e. hou. e. .\ torn, of public op in ion - - - - 0 C--- aro e as a resul t and fina ll y Congre IT STRIKES US dec id ed t pr e e rve h r .
That the ringing of t he college Friday night was the most welcome ha been note we have heard in a long time. th e gov That we're glad to sec the whole - iv re squad in action Saturday night. to in ur That the literary societies are com- vi · it t hi ing into their own. H ad it That right now is the time for all of us to begin to enforce all basket ball training rules.
·p rity igat r th be
That we should all co-operate with e h,-o piece the postal officials in their desire to titution are on gi ve the postmen a real Christ as day n the co ne! fl with their families. M ail parcels early. a ny time.
xi t nee
n at
That the short cut path to the north east door of the science building is an e ~ample of t wentieth century haste and thoughtlessness. That since a freshman girl com plains of the brigh t lights a t C. E. and a Senior boy thinks the lights in the J"brary arc too dim for good study, \ we would recommend an exchange of light:ng facuilties.
to coll ge, variou an wer. , e re re m ng them, fi ve w re th re o learn the " harle ton." th r ee , re t here to t ach it. io-h t came t o b e ."collegiate.'' ;, nd on ca me to ke p a ny othe r gi rl from running a \\·a y w it h hc-r man.
II cc ived .
Page . Six THE · TAN :A-ND : C;A,RDINAL- : ~~~=============== ==F ORM ER CAPTAINS I WERE EA SY
Of the 16 libraries in the worltl cq~taining ove r 1,000.000 vo1U me • s1ic VICTIMS 1 a r e in th e Uni ted States. I I ( Cont inu ed From Page One) the ir loca l debuts in Tan a nd Ca rdin a l uniform s. Capta in \ V1ddoes a nd Porosky w ere th e o nly letter m en to start the game. Thi s year·s tean\ will be built arou nd thes e two veterans. Porosky at prese nt leads the q uad in scoring 1 but \~liddocs is exp ectea t o affo rd I him keen competition for th e hon,o r when hi s an kl e heals. Th e def ense of the team showed some impro,·ement from th e ni " ht htcfore but is no t yet as gQod as"' it should be. Th e Bliss game was the first ap pearanc e of the sq uad in th eir new uniform . The line up: Former Captains- 20.
I ' I i
Prof. Martin Becomes President O f O hio Conference Association. O ther Matters Revie wed.
The Senior specdba ll team won th e inter-clas, speedball championship by defeating th e Sophomores in th e de cidin g game of th e series. The fina.J .-\t a m ee ting of the Manager's score wa s 12-3. ssociatio n of th e Ohio Co n fe rence Th e seco nd year· men started the last Monday and Tuesday at Co ga .n e wit h six m en a nd th e enio r lumb us. t he football schedule f-or nex t had a nin e-point lead in le s than five yea r was dra wn up. The ··menu·' for minutes. The game fr om then o n was next year include three ho me ga me s a nip and tuck a ffair. The game was G. and five games on foreign fields. The marred somewhat by rough playing. , !bright. R. F. ............ 2 scheJule as a rra nged tentatively is as Wagner. R. F . .............. 1 ---0 C--fo ll ows: GIRLS BASKETBALL RESULTS Cra bbs. L. F. ......,.......... 1 L. White. L. F ............. 2 Sept. 25-Bo wling Green, at Westen·ille. The enior basketball team ran true :\nd erso n. C. ..............•... 0 Oct. 2--Cincinnati, at Cincinnati. to form a nd defeated the Junior 35-8 Coll ier. C. ...................... 0 Oct. o r 9-Heidelberg ( tentati ve) December 9 at th e Association Build~ Ranck. R. G. ................ 1 Westerville. in g. Th e game \\"a s the Senior from R. White, R. G. .......... 0 Oct. 16-.1:laldwin-Wallace, at Berea. t he start. They had a 20"5 lead at the Peden. L. G. .................. 1 Oct. 23-Open. end of the fir st half. Pa lm er was high T o tal Oct. ao- Muskingum ( Probably sco r er with 11 points. Home-com in g), at W es terville. The Sophom o r e girls' basketball Otterbein-43. ... ;:,: ov. 6--Marietta, at M arietta. te a m upset th e dope bucket and deG. \:ov. 13-Hiram. at Hiram. feated th e Fre hm en 22- 13, December Ea st man. R . F . ............ o 7 .Ill T r evarow I Barne • R. F · ............. ... 2 NOY. 20-Dayton, at Dayton. t I1e ,..o 11 ege g),m. • h corer o f t h e game with . f these chool Bowling Green is wa• J11g 13 11James '. R • F • • •••• •••••• ••••••• 0 phomoi;es led at the · W,~doe (C), L. F. 2 the only non-conference chool. Mar P int . The ~ · \ •d L. F . ···-· 1 iefta is on problation now but by next end of the first half 13-9. fall she will be a full-fledged confer ---- 0 C--B~~~e~~' CC. ····••...,........ 5 ence chool. A glance at the stand BLISS COLLEGE DEFEATED 1 Reigl e ' . ing of these teams, in the season ju t IN OPENING GAME ~ · Bu~ll, ·L ...G.--····........... : pa sed, will how that ome of them will present ome r eal oppo ition for ( Co ntinued From Page P on. L. G. ···-············· 1 One) Bechtoldt. L. G. .......... 1 next year. incinnati, Baldwin-Wal- from then o n, except o nce near the McMichael, R. G lace, and Dayton have con istently end o•f th e seco nd half. 1 Van Curen, R. strong team . Line Up. 2 D. Buell. R. G.......······:: 0 At thi meeting of manager and O tterbein-30. coache P rof. R. F. Martin was elec G. F. Pt. Total ted pre ident o [ the Ohio Conference Barnes. R. F . ................ 1 0 2 Referee ···D-~;jap D ~l ociation. Thi i really a ingular Up on, R. F . .................. o • , en1 on . 0 0 honor, in that th is i the first time a Widdoe (C), L. F. .... 3 Ge O C . 1 7 man from a small college has been t Your Quizz and Quill 1 9 elected t this capacity. However Poro ky, C. ···············--- 4 M c Michael , R. G. ...... o 0 0 -= Prof. Martin has been intimately con Buell , L. G. .................. 2 2 6 nected with the conference for sev 'van uren, L. G. ........ 2 2 6 eral yea r , having erved a vice pre ident for the la t two years. He Totals ..........................12 6 30 ha become very well known through out Ohio through his ability of re pion hip becau e they have not play fereeing both ba ket ball and foot ed eac~ other. Thi feature will ball games, and in <the spring he i b.e avo1de~ henceforth, and in addi alway in demand to referee in High ~19n to th1~ e~ch school will be play cb ol ba kebball to unl'aments. It mg more 111 1t own cla than for p aks well of Otterbein' phy ical merly. educati n department to have a man The conference declined to re -open . a. director of physical education, who t~e .q u: tion ?f pring football, thus i capable of erving in uch a. capac . 1gn1fymg their lack of sympathy for ity. it. In other words it i felt that t
0 0 0 0
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4 0
1 0 0
Pts. 0
0 1
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2 2 2 4
G. ········
C7he!/'rr diffir,nl
HER an Apallo ~~ GIVE and you tell her, JUS as plainly as though you spoke the words, that you . I pre know she instinctive Yh. rig f ers the best of everyt 1 • We carry many M&ortmerits at Prices lo 3uii all purses, )
Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased
your photo from
The Old Reliable
gr ,up. r inner league called the Buckeye League coml)O ed of the • ix la rger chool 111 the hio I • meeting. ference was forme d at tu The maj r chool are : \ Vittenberg, Miami. hio We leyan, Deni on. Ohio and The e ch ools are to chedule gam . . w1th each other fi r t, thu a kmd of champion hip can be awar~led. Heretofor e two of these maior school have occa ionally tied for the cham-
. .
much attention ha 1been devoted ~~ football. Parallel to rt:hi e t· . . n 1t11ent I the rule 111 the We tern Conf . erence r cen tly pa ed which provide that football pract ice hall be limited to t wo hour a day. ome auth . . . . onttes mc1dently coache , claim that th~ gam e ho uld be played f th or e ake of the game it elf and u 1 e port the player get from it in tead f m ercializing football O mu h o come a it i t-odav.
Will be the beSt
• Rich and High Sts.
Page S even
Y . W . C. A.
Get Your Quizz and Quill Today.
The candle lighting meeting at Y
The Philakthean Literary Society ii- regular sess ion Thursday of the most impr essive meetings of I e,·e11 111 g. The productions presented the: year. :-\t this ti111e the new giris during the e\· en in g included a ''Con wh n had s ign ified their desire to be- ,·ersation'' by Elinor H owe. the sec come members of the organization ond part ,o i a serial story e ntitled , \\'ere taken into fr ll owsh ip with the , "Song." by Ruth Musselman, a nd an old members. : o riginal j):Jem by Gladys Snyder. Dur l{uth Bra ley . thl' pres ident . had ' in\! tht' program Ma n · Whiteford charge of the me et ing. assisted by I pl~yed a pian,o solo. A voca l trio, I "ther members of the cab inet. Dur- com posed of Lorene Smith. Pauline " , i1~g- the m_ce ting ;he r;res:nted a sh.ort Knepp. and Florence Rauch, sa ng the J11 ,;tory o l the 'I . \\. C. A .. ho\, 1t selection .. For get-Me-Not." Christ1 I began a nd how it cam e into promin- , 111as carols \\·ere play ed by a stringed I ence 011 coll ege camp u~e s. Sh~ then orchcst ra 111adc up of Margaret gav<' eac h member of th e cab in et a Haney, Ruth Haney. Betty Marsh, ••••••••;_;;~.;;;.;;..;..;.• .;.• li ghted cand le and irom th ese the and l'a ulin c Knepp. Th" On .. L'I . f li g ht wa, pa;,sed to the smaller call(! \\ 'i l111 a lnglesby, Katherine D arst, }x u 1> gir 1s were guests o . . Dorothv \\' · I "V • I - C le, which each ol the o ther girls held and Judith \Vhitn ey spoke ex tern. de ~wort 11 v etn 1anc o 1 o.· . . . ., . lu111bus for lun ch on Sunday s1gn1fy1n g th e passing- of the li ght po rancously. Mrs. Fanny Richter, a o f the world'' from one to ai:otl'.er. • Philalethean alumna . a lso spoke and Lac . . . . . _ · I) bird Sipe. 2:i. spent th e \\'eek- The meeting was clo,ed by s111g111g cmJ)hasized the worth-whileness of \'lld . ·"t' . . I vis, mg w1th Ow l friend s .. ,: 0 110 ,,- th e Gleam.'' 11·1terary t ra111111g. · · . . Adda Ly on spent th e week encl visDuring the program Len o re Smi th Syh·ia Peden was elected to serve \\·. C. :\. Tuesday evening. was o ne , held
Rhodes lVIeat Market [,'Q R YOUR PARTY
Hing in D elawa re. Ohio.
C Tl
Lotus Club announces G race oll,son as a pledge to their group.
,ang. '·On Life's Highway.'·
the next term as president.
-- -
On Friday nen ing Mrs. Spessard Clarabelle Stee le's p rophecy. "The entertain ed th e O nyx C lub. honoring t !l% Football Team." caused much 1 Mr Evelyn, Frost Carpenter. T he laughter 111 Cleiorh etea Thursday I Club presented Mrs. Carpenter w ith a evening. while an allegory, "Miss : llliscellaneous s ho\\'er. I !\metica and Her Adventures.'' b~ M Bertha Harris . and a discussion, I · abe l Bordn er spent the week end "A · uthors" writ ten by Hel at her I10 .111 C merican . _ me anton. en ]{au , were very interesting. The fhe "Sa um Hall Gang of '27" had vocal solo by Katharine Minnich , J a Pecial table on Sunday in honor of piano solos by Freda Snyder, and 1 Freda Snyder's birthday. They pre- Lillian Shively . and a piano duet b~· 1 sented her with a lovely bouquet of :tvfildred \,\/ilson and Betty Plummer, roses. added much to the prog ram. Miss Marjory Keiss was received Betty White entertained the Phoe nix into associate membe rship. Cl ub at a pre-Chri tma s lum:heon on Program for Dec. 17. Sunday evening. Christmas Open Session. B Joan Fox ha s gone to her home in Piano Solo--Dorothy S o wers. rookville becau . e o f sickness. Legend-Lois Bingham. Mr · H. E. Michaels, of Columbus, Vocal Soio--Viola Priest. Magazine-Helen Palmer. wa the g uest of the Owl C1ub at lunch- on S unday evemng. . Piano D uet-Grace ornetet, guerite Banner. " The Lotus Club formally accepted Poem-J can T u rner. ally" Baker and "Peg" T r yo n into th eir m embership at a final initiation C hri stma s Ca rols-in charge of E ubanks. Party on Satur day evening. Story-Charlotte Owen. - - - 0 C-- The Owl Club anno un ces Mary Tho . a pledge to their memberC. E. . ma ,is ' hip. A novel Christmas session of C. The Arbutu Cl ub enjoyed a " push" E., Section . . was led by Pauline 11d a the fla sh-light pictu r e accomKnepp o n S unday evening. . 1;'he Panying it on a turday evening. meeting opened with group 111ging E The ··fourth fl oorite " surprised of a number pf the old_ Christmas . th er Wi lliamson a nd Leona Raver carols. Foll owing some 1ntroduct~ry Wit h a birthday par ty on T hurs day remarks ,b~ t he leade r, Lenore Smith Party on T hursday eveni n g. sang "On L ife's Highway." . Sever al aspects of Ch ri st m as were discussed - - - 0 C- -Y. W. Drives For Finance. by member of society and the meet The Y. W . Financia l D rive was ing dO'Sed with a d_e bate upon the °Fl~ened la t week in Chapel when the ubject "Resolved: that the my t h of anta 'Clau be done away with." · I Chairman pr esented the b llla ncia Lawrence Mar h uppor ted the affi r m udget, amounting to , 600.00. and •hires ed th e work of th e Y . W. on ati,·e whi le the nega tive of the quescoritended b)' Loi s Bingham. . · t C C . ampu . personal olicitat1on t,011 \\'a was· 111a d c among all the college g irls Though no judges were electe~, popan d th e Ia d'1es on the I·- acuity. Tl1e ular appr,o bation seemed heavily Cl n 1 P edges and cash received to date th e side of the negative. 111 ---0 ; ount to approximately $4U0. 00. Qucstionaires given out among co here are a numb er of pledges yet ed s at Kan as State .'\ gricultural out tanding. college sho ws that 'i-i per ..cent of tl~e ---0 C--Bc Sure to G et Your Quiz and gi rl s pr efer a "non-petter a~ a hu,Quiu Today. banJ .
FOR A SLOGAN Distributed and For Sale By
The Buckeye Printing Co.
Let Us Wrap Up That Nice Christmas Box of Chocolates to Take Home to Mother.
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MORSE'S AND WHITMAN'S In Special Packings Always Fresh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,;, . (!•; - - - - -- -
Bailey's Pharmacy_ " Where Everybody Goes"
Page Eight
\ FROSH-SO PH DEBATE \ attend the Philomathean Mock good OVER COMES IN SPRING l'hilophronea e nj oyed a v ry
_ . . A Biograprogram I· nclay eve111ng. · (Co ntinued Fro m Page O ne) The Freshman- ophom or c d eb ate, ,. by H E. mas tr ee and have perpetuated it wh ich in former yea r s was held be- phy "Louisa May Alcott ' · by cha rm in that lovely old song, ·• o fore th e ·hri tma vacation, will not Wi~cloes; a discussion. ·'Check " Tan ne nba um •·-"o Heml ock Tree.'' be held until next Ap ril. The reason R. '.\l. Gantz. and a soliloquy . by B. R Ch ri stmas songs in F rance and for this postp nement i that most Brown co n tituted the literary proBelgium are called '·Noel " fro m th e of the tudents have had little or no k the oath of ;-.,r a rk Sc hea r too French word meaning hri tma . 1n tra m,ng. [n th e beginning course gram. es ion. I· ranee the Ch ri s ~ua celeb rati on Prof. Mc Cart y devote the fi r t half ac tiv e member - hi p at th is we re ce ntered abo ut the village cnurch of the second e me ter to debate where the littl e manger was erected work. After thi traini n g the debatand t he pea a nt s gathered to sin g and ers o f bot h cla es are to be chosen dance. This d a ncing cons isted of :i from the t hree cla e , and u ing ma few si mple tep circling aro und the teria l that th ey have already collected 1 The pledges of the Annex Club gave crib. in the cla r oom they will be pre a party Thur day night fo r pledges The yo ung fo lk s marched to the pared for the contest. of all the ot he r men's socia l g roups. ch urc h led •by the Three Wi se M en T hese men. then. wi ll be urge d to The pa rty wa held in the Annex a nd the hephercls. So ngs oif easy try o ut for th e varsity debate quad room s. rhythm a nd simple wo rd became th<: which will be made up s hortly after Lakota announces Paul :-f yers as a music of these occa io n a nd the be,t thi s debate for the next year's work. kn o wn is the song e ntitl ed, "T h e pledge bo their club. The prize of . 25 awarded to the wo uld ing Roy Peden. ·22. was back as a g uest First :,.;oel." The boy winner in th e F r e hman- ophomor e the sweep in g chorus-•·~oel, . oel. of th e Countr y Cl ub to pl ay w ith th e debate is secured from a fund for th e Born is the King of Israel!" "'Former Captain s·• last at urday purpo e. a g ift of Mr. J. 0. ox of America·s most bea uti ful C h.ri tmas 'IT alparai o , Ind. night. ,ong is undo u btedly "O, Little Town "Ex·• Albright, '22. ·'Cha rlie" Fox, - - - - 0 C--- of Beth lehem," written by Ph.il lip '20, a nd "Eddie" eib ert were e nter PHILOHPRONEA Broo ks in 1866. P hilip Brook was a tained aturday night w ith a tag bishop of the Epi copa l church. party by the Alps Club in their ro om . Althou 00 h th e program was s horten Fro m his ow n gencrou , s incere Dorsey o le who work in Dayt o n a nd deep ly a ffectionate nature pour ed ed somewhat to permit member to ~ thi year wa a J onda g ue t over the forth thi s bea utiful o ng which gloriI IllIIIIIII!. w ek end. lies humble little Bethleh em- the vii- !!,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ES :: Most of the Jondas went to the little !age so small a nd in igni fic ant th at F RESHMEN , SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS, ATHLET § country c hurch of which Dwig ht no o ne \\·ould believe the grea t Me - _ _ rn old i the pastor fo r unclay morn- ·iah should be born in uch ob cur ity. OU § ing ervice . "O. Little Town o f Bet hl ehem" tell ~ The Alp an no un ce " Dick" Wible the s tory 0£ thi greate t of events _ Tcch.ni·que of : : : : and o after nearly two thou and The Students' Hand-Book of P ractical H ints on the as a pledg o th ir lub. r yt>ar. he . e ntime nt of hri trnas Effective Study · ord ay, 2 , va m· f r by ~ th mu s ic rem a in e amc. _ WILLIAM ALLAN BROOKS :: the week end. Let u no t fo r get the s piritual ide A GUID E . . . . d I1ort cuts ::: . conta111111 g hundred of practical hmt an s X -..u?d _ Be Sure to Get Your Quiz and o f ·h ri tma. thi yea r. Why not : 111 the economy o f learni ng, to assi t tud nt in ecuring MA 1n~ and :: Quill Today. o rganiz e in your comm unity a carol SC.HOLASTIC RESULTS at a minimum co~ t of time, energy , ::: and :::::: J. 8 . rabb , '23, wa back a mong ~inging band t revive thi o ld c u - :_ fat igue. h ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED for o ,·e rw o rked st udents aud ::_ Annex fri end over aturday and Sun tom on Chri tmas Eve? at lete engaged in extra c urriculum activities and for ave rage .,,,, day. ---- O C---hon or · tud e nt · w ho a re wo rkin g fo r high s hola tic achieveme nt. ::: Y. M. C. A. :: hio Erner -on iddal vi ited at [n the form f a large triangle, § v,.r leya n thi week e nd. ym bolic of Y. M . ., with a Scientific Shortcu ts in Effective Diet During Athletic Traitung. " ::: orman Tri ler, of Dayton, vi ·ited . ma ll ta ble at t he apex crv ing a. an St udy. How to Study Modern L angu- :: Lakota tub over the week-end. altar on wh ich rested a la rge candle Prep~ng for Examinations. g § Wn.tmg G ood Examinations. a es. . L 1·terature :: "Jake" White, '23, wa back to play and a n op n Bible, t'he m e n of the _ Bram and Digestion in Relation How to Study S cience, ~aturday night' ga m . y gathe red in the s octatto n parto Study. etc. _ ' nd r on, w ho captained to rs fo r the a nnu a l initiation ser vice : H?w to Take Lecture and Re adWhy Go to College? ::: _ . h t o f t I1e Iarge candle, 13y t 11e I1g e tball team f ,'24, wa back Admg Notes. A fter College, W h a t?· . n afld ... c:a.%~i~g~nd Disadvantag es of Developing Concentratio § k Hou gu t t play atur- Pre. i.:lent arl Eschibach r ead the hi _ • t ry. t atement of purpo e, a nd pied The A thlete and His Studies. Efficiency. tc etc, ~ of the A ·ociatio n afte r which cab- : etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., e ., _ Bron on, ' 15, and " horty" inet m em ber lighted th e maller OU ~ , '24, were w ek en d gue t 3 y lu b. candle h eI cl hy the gro up from the : . . •· It. 1· . a f e to ay that failure to g uid an d direct st ud y 1· 1he we 01~ ::: 0 flame of the large ca ndle. ~[!oht. 111 th e who le educatio nal machine" J: rof. . M. Whipp 1e, · ::: B echtolt, '25, "Happy•· RJOy : ,. 1c 1gan. · ,t ::: The illuminat d triangl e, ymb,olic "The uc e . be verY ha PP-': :: r '25, and "Ted" eama n pent the of trength and unity, impres ed all Mos t of tbem d o not e m to Prof. I:{. ::: we k ncl with th e Lakota . , a r e overworked." ::: f the power f the Light. anb,.Y, Y . al~. ' tead ::: "L n' well and Ray lin , who ---- 0 C---to Mihdirected lab r , though hone t and well intentioned ma)' 1 artl ~ ar , rking in Reynold burg, vi ited Be Sure to G et Your Quiz and i ba!gt t. t cln~o ng t.he m t important things fo r the tudent 1 rgelY ~::; w·th Lakota fri nd un day. Quill Today. in vain."o P~of · G th0 ut .knowl dge of this hi labor may be ~ : "T d · · · wa111, M I T . ,,erY often a°ch~u /nt who have nev~ ; l~ar~t "How to tudy," worlc c0n- ... tentment " e'1i1ent, a fla_gella.tion , and an in upe rab le ob tac e ~ _ ffort. · r o · · Inglt , Harvard . ~ • Get a good start d . . ful one bY :: 1926 endin g fo th· h an make this year a highly s uccess ::; r I a nd-book and guide OW . ::;
Com e and Try Our
Do y Know? "HOW TO STUDY?"
Some of the Topics covered
Why y
Need This Guide
Otterbein's Basketball Schedule
Jan. 9-Case ·················-·····················-············································ Clevelan d Jan. 11-W ittenberg ···············--····················································· Springfield Jan. 16---Western Reserve ···············-··········································· Westerville Jan. 19-Muskingum ·············-··-····-······-································ New Concord Jan. 30-Heidelberg ···········-·-··················- ····-···-···-··············-·······-·· Tiffin Feb. 6---0 hio Northern ··························-·····································-·········· Ada Feb. 13-St. X avier ···-······························-·········- ··..···················· Westerville Feb. 18--W ooster ..................................................·-··········-··············· W ooster Feb. 20-Muskingum •··············· ·····················-····························· Westerville Feb. 24-Kenyon ···········································-······································ Gambier Feb. 27-B aldwin-Wallace -··-···r-···············-·-·········--··-····--·········-··· Berea M ar. 6---Kenyon ·························-····················-····························· Westerville
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You Need This Intelligent Assistance
..- ::;
i :~: MAI:- -~!~~~:: ~:,:.~~::~~,~:~~" I to
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for which I enclose 1.00 cash: 1.10 cheC ·...•·· ~ ~ ame ...................................... .: ................ ··· ....-···· Acid r e.. ·········································· ···················· 1111 11 111I