N o. 13.
Case Subdued by 45-36 Otterbein Victory - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
ROBERT E . S PEER .W ILL ADDRE SS CLA SS O F 1926 O N CO MME N CEME NT DA y Missions Secretary and Fonner Head of Federal Council of Churches
Will Address 70th Class. Ro'bert E. Speer
secretary o f the
. ' M1ss10ns . . Board of r·'ore1gn P of the
t.'f!'~~ l\,~;...,,C""'
LY CEUM N U M BER T ON I GHT CO NFEREN CE S EASON . OPENED WITH RAGGED Miss Helen W aggoner, Entertainer , GAME AT CLEVELAND Will Present Popular Program Tonight in College Chapel. T an and Cardinal Team Rallies To Widdoes Help and Runs Up Score Second Half. ~J i~s Helen \Vaggoner, a gifted and experienced en tertainer, will present Otterbein opened her co nfe rence a program in the chapel tonight a t ~: J.i. This number of the Lyceum basket ball seaso n by defeating Case Course \\'ill be popular because Miss in a raggedly played game at Cleve land. 45 to :l6. \\'agg011er wi ll include on her pro The fi rst half was e pccially rag gram a eries of brilliant short sketche~ as \\'ell as a complete one ged and Case had scored six points act play. She is particularly skillful before the Tan and Ca rdinal pill with characte r imperso nation, mak in g to sers came to life. The half end each port rait tand out with trik- ed with the Otte rb ei n quintet on the , ing vivid ness . sho r t end of a 16 to 1!l core-. \Vid Students sho uld plan to attend thi, d oes was the only man to play up rnter tai.nm ent. AJmission with ~- lo standard in this period wh n he coreda butn o-1i•, sen eats is :i :,c. J,' ic!,:c.ts ,b;, ~,e~ •i t~s~a~~~~~-~ u<l th rce-~-~fn':,u~l~::!';~~e~::: ~c-rured at the door.
re byterian Church and president of th ' e Federal Coun cil of Churches America in 1920 the position now '.eld by S. Parkes' Cadman , will deJ1ve r the C ?mmencement A ddress at th e Seventieth Annual Comm ence me~t exerci es to be held in the . nited Brethren Churc h the mornltlg of June 16, 1926. ' i:inaJ ~,·r· . b ruigmg . . ° angemeuts ror 1 dr. . PCe'r to Otterbein were made la-s t 1'hur day morning by President ltp,f . sc ·ond bali th i,mprov , mger 111 conjunc• ,., i,h the· ~ ~~ ~:::_~~~:,..;..._:;:~- --_;,.;.i-~- --==-!:e:==-.~n..!, , _ __ Sta.te d apparent from. the DECLAMATION CONTEST un ay 6cliool . \ oc1 at1 on, . 1 ce rta in ed itor of an ea tern da il y tterbein came to life an d w llcb Mr. peer will add ress at their SCHEDULED FOR JAN. 25 made it th e rule of hi publ ication that Conveuti h pletcly out-cla ed the ase pill on t e eve ning of Ju ne 16 no pict ure . hould be publi hed wh icb se r., th e Fifth ity men not being at Tiffin, Ohio. Fray Sponsored By Dr. able to pierce the did uot have iu it some per on. W tterb ein defen e .:\fr s . k · Peer 1s an intern ationa lly iolate that rule in publi hing thi Howard Russell To Have fo.r a in ,,.le field goal un ti l fiCteen nown cha racter I)e111g . a world trave- s uow scene on lum er ek, bel ieviag Ier and minute of the riocl had pa ed aud h Seven Contestants. aut or of a great numibe r that each can r ecreate for him elf the 0f the game , a n ice · with Otterbein hoo k · D unng · . the war penod he characters he ha known here. leading. 40 to 24. Mo t of the hot Wa a I mp tetive , peaki.u program . mem le r of the a dvi ory com---0 G-- in thi period we re f the ' u ker'' llltttee on . • conducted bein g) in tb.e ublic 1 ,. re 1g1ou a nd mora l activi- JUNIOR PLAY WILL BE variety. ue f I g to let rmi11 e tie Anny and avy chair~IT AGED JANUARY 111 \Vidd e wa th · orer of the 11 le us ell D ecla ~n f the General \ Vartim; omn11Uee of Ch 11 ch wi ll b gi\·e, b live fo uls urche . Mr. peer is a . Cast For ~'The Goose Ha ngs High" g ra(Iuatc f p • I ue ll w.a el M.onda.y eve1 le 1:b . 0 nnceton U niver ity a nd Chosen. One Act Play Also v n cl a. fou l nt Pr • !c a c . t>logica l Seminary and ha reOn Program. ew d h , of 1 pu a.king cl th r i~ :f hi _ an I the on~rary_ degree fr om Ya le Eh e competi tors will be ted cond half. The ca t fo r the Junior play, "The ' niver tty of Edinburgh. d fr m th e " ame Goose Hang High" which will be one clas and two From ea h of to pl.i}• wi(h i ur er cla e . Three priz of given in the College hapel Tlrurs . a nd . 5 wi ll be uiveit. day evening, January 21, ha been <lier wa fa r from The Ru ell Declamati n definitely elected lby Pr f. Leon M cannually pon ored for work f the qi1aJ, rty. udeut by Dr. Howard. ( ontinued on Page ix) Eve~r- - == = = = = = = = d ~ In the ca t will b Betty :VVh :te nti aJ0011 the auct anon ,\re have heard o f as Euaice !Ji al ; D. Harrold, Ber founder of the C---ab ent . d . · urte 0TTERJ3EIN MEN AT doubted-lb -mm ed profe o r and nard Inga! ; bade- Lambert,. ocl f Pi i ·nco11 lu , IVe, . ut now we have proof Darby; harle Keller, Leo Day: SCHOOLMASTER'S CLUB • in titut nR salie op land. Tihoda : race 'or • One of u ii- th of ~ors at ou r Popular young profes- netet. Jttl ia }.J:urdock~ Laura \\ o tthe meeting 0 radl y: Jamee G~rto th . tt ·rbein took hi lady lbve t nc, :Mr . ter'. lub in olum thad at\ Cl~ one day. They evidently <lon, H ug.b In al : V alt r . :farru_i. erbein probaJ UO \ tur 11111 ..,. henJoyable time and w re rc- R o na ld Murdock; Jean T un1ser, Loi; enta:ge ·r he y" .111e v,a · T oo nerville Trolley Inga! : •raitcis BcchtoJt, B.rat;IJ Y Tu. 1mb li 1an an t111 lad , k . race Ri11eharf, Da~mar _ar d. Tl, a seat . J Wa l ed in and took gal ; Mrs. Guitner Ill. s w11t1e th . lip topp ct t e young profes or rol; Forr t Berg r. ·• ll ott I imfr . J. E. ui tner, mother of r. T. \\'aikec1 Pay the fare . He then f)erly. f th lma Guifn r, professor of Germa 1 On tb e ame pr ram membe r- o r. E'. a Youu d e car to , here he aw ¼ F'actd a Y eatecl talking to Dean the Junior play cla will al o . 1?:e- ha bee n ill with pneumonia ai · he; nd, b · en. B:e I he i eot a o ne-act plar en.titled. "'J. be home fo r the la t t\\·o weeks. 1de th cropped into the ea feature reasur r . hina ig." with Rosalie Copelant do_ing " a well as can be e:x;peded." f tbi- meeting ~ as an acld re tening toe Young ·dam el. fter Ii by 1 d r ri rn t. 1e co nversa tton . :ir-r . G-uitner celebrated her eig hty my for a few . ' ellie \,\ a]Jace. an ( hancellor Findley. of the ni ver ity . ec nd !birthday last eptemb er . · on tinuecI p of Kansa . the ca t. on age Eight)
Slop! Look! Listen!
Page Two
PROF. HURSH ATTENDED SOCIOLOGY CONVENTION , ---/ Fine N ational Association Gave Attention I
PHILOPHRONEA --- Time Had By Society
opposi ng the co-ope rati o n of Give your Best. coaches in th e choice of all-Arneri "A man hould Men I can tea m s . During the last few Judge Gary says: . 1l negli· at Stag Session In Blue years t hey have been call ed upon to be diligent, never intentwn_a y pointTo Theme, "The Cit y ." PracI And Gold Halls. j recommend outs tandin g players for g ent. He should keep his _ap i thi honor. tical Problems D iscussed. ments pu nctua ll y and f u Ifi ll hisd pron what ht - -.. One o f the big social e ,·ent s of I General sa ti fac tion wa s expressed 1ses. He should by study, an st During th<' course of th e. Chri rnas th e year· • too k place Rrida y eve ning I with th e present football rul es. The is even better, by careful lbougli' vacation ti~ various o rgam za ti~n s of w hen close to one hundred men gat h- Bro wn '•forty-play-per-pe r iod'" idea furni s h the best of what ever to ine . i or th e teachers of th e .Social cien~es I creel in Philo phro nea Hall for the wl~ich has received much publicity . . d in advice, provided m goo s, .fi u·on fo r held the ir ann ua l nat1 onal conven twn annual , tag session. After the adjourn- I this fall was turned d o wn . . • no i· ustt ca. se r vice. There is that ---- 0 C in :\T ew York City. While not ab le ment of a s ho rtened regular session. · g anythmgcasion unnecessan.ly o ff erm Miss Bowman Returns. to a ttend th e enti re co nventio n, Prof. durin g wh ich Wilbur C. McKnight d 1s seco nd -class. If on any ocrovjde Hursh found time lo spell f~ur d~ys , beca m e a n active memb er. memb ers, I Mi ss Marie Bowman. private sec"bl to P · it s hould be 1mpo~si eind it would there. The American Sociolog ical I alumni and g uests sett led down to r ctary to Pres. C lippinger, who had wh a t is the best of its k ' the fad 1 Society was th which Prof. listen to a mo · t enjoyable progr am, been 111 at her h om e, 150 Clin ton lbe advisable to frankly state 1 e o ne in st Bur sh wa - '. ~ost i,Here ed. dH ow- ! with P rof. Byron \,\' . Va lentin e as .\,·e. , Co lum b us, during the pas t week, and the reason." e_ver th e Poht'.cal S_ all Na: toastmaster. F oll owi ng a . general I res umed her duties agai n o n Mon 1c i~nce, 1 - - -Gt Your t,on a l Eco nomic soc :t e as w~ll. a, introduct ion, when e ver yo ne 1ntroduc- day morning. You Save Money If You ~ E. the A merican Statistical As~ociatwn eel to society. th e person nex t lo him, ---- Q C---th Basket Ball Toggery From · held their conventions Odtn~g _ e Perry Laukhuff. ga ve a r eadin g. Rubbers Rubber Rubb ers. E. J . J. N o rri s & on. same time. O n account t e m~- Th en Prof. C. O . Altman ... the funny /\orris & Son. ilarity of the fi~ l?s of th e_se o rgani- man." mad e a little speech, a ll the
oc --
zatio ns some Jomt meetmgs were held. "The City .. wa s th_e theme of th e _P_rob len~s S oc iological . con ,·ention. which ar ise 111 our mod ern cll,es weie
, j okes in which wer e " g ua ranteed to , be no t less th a n 2.000 yea rs old."" H enry \\' illiams p layed a corn et solo and Car l Stair, Gwy nne M cCo naughy and r-,:_ C. Titl ey were th e cha rac-
discu ·sed. _ f ter s in a clever stunt. portraying Tn order to g ive the atte_ndants O some- of the prese nt Philophronea ns th e co nventi o n a n opportu m ty . to see in 19-l6. \\'bil e th e orchest ra playe d, I 111 t the se problems actua l exiS ence, / an appe ti zing ··1 e11 course lunch eo n- , th rough. th e I ettc· ·was se rv ed. There followed a I to ur s were m ade aroun~l ·t , of New York Guid es explain ed c, ) · series o f short ext..-mps fr o m Prof. E. vario us prolblems as the pa rt y came to \ V E Schear on " Twenty Yea r Ago." I th em. For i_nstance,. t_h ey sa~ how Pr~f. . E. M. Hursh on. '·~ew Mem- 1 1 Ne York s prov1s1oned 111 the · ·· C E C · .JJ . ·D. ·us1c · w J l In· g reat truck. as we II as bers from Philophronea . d mg,· · enve 011 '"Th e ln s p1ral1on 1. , ave trains and other modes .of t ran p~r' fr om Philo )h ronea,'· E. H. Hammon j t f1o n w hi ch haul food mt o the city . 1 . . 011 '"Phil oph ro nean Frie nd hip." a nd I 11 a · t b e con un1Jed tlie f ·t day. t,: / J H. Lehman n ..Th e ocial ide To trace 1 • lr o n 011 1v ne · ., . . .._.-_ hc ,u c,a ~ , ,, ·ences b ut. a Is O of 1'hilophronca. Dr. Char le. Sna n:J)lla , c, u,_, · ·• , the main ly . fo r Phi lo mathea a nd Dr. Haymo n th e ectea ch111these g of meetm th em. g '' s• .It·,• J ,,·ere . ca --_ II e~ I J1µ<~,!f'fi~~ ~ ::"'<",.,-rPl1ean obJ. t of _ eti.
mated that there were approximate)-y' 'two hu ndred coll ege profe sor and ociology ex per t at the convention. Tn addition to the theme. " Th e City," other topi cs of Jes er detail we re taken up uch as, Rural Sociology, Social p ychology, and Sociology of R eligion.
- - - - 0 C- - - -
OHIO HOME LAUNDRY Special Rates to Students We Ca ll For and Deliver.
Phone 465-J. RN. CHAPMAN, Mgr.
Co me and Try Our
._ PEC JAL HICK ! ◄~ T
p ~ Ct'.-h CS.
Coach M . A. Ditmer wa in ew York attend in g t h e convention of the Tuesday, Jan. 12-American Football Coaches Associa6 :30 p. m.-Association Meetings. tion held December 26-30. This gath8 :15 p. m. -L yceum number, Col- ering brought together 300 coaches, lege Chapel. a nd 700 a?hletic director and physical T hursday, Jan. 14I education men from all sections of the 6 :15 p. m.-Cleiorhetea. U nited tate and several repre enta6 :30 p. m.-Philal ethea. I tive of for eign athletic committee . F riday, Jan. 15I Ohio wa well represented, the coache 6:15 p. m. -Phil ophronea. from everal of the Ohio Conference 6:30 p. m.-Philomathea. college being pr e eut.
Saturday, Jan. 16Th e C'1 ache. pas. eel ever al re~olu2 :30 p. m. -Basketball. Otterbein v • 1 tio n ,lesigned to to n down th !? r \\ e t rn . R ese n ·e. High chool p tlight no, thrown o n the c 1-
You can buy the Union's finest suits and overcoats now at big savings from the re~ular prices in this, greatest of all our January sales
hvl h-e . it 1011 wa re solved that "no per. who actiy l.v a ociat h"m If ·11 1 e any 111 Proany Play · capa it~• what oev r with . fe ional fot o ball team after ptemeclamation / bcr 1. 1926. . hall be Ji ibl to mem-
Gym. 7 p. m. -Op n hou. e at Y . Parl or . Prof. and Mr . Mc lay ho t and With ut
fi r t oach preliminary
. F. .. that or, ber hip in the ~a nizcd foo tb all pract1te be r e. tricted ENROLLED to two hours dai ly.' nother r e _ Rem trar571 F . J . Vance report at this I f k d 0 .,,. t 11at football prac tic e u ion a e time a total atte nd ance in a ll depart- lbc tarted no earlier than ept. ments of 571 w hich i an increa e of "unless a col lege op ns befo re 15 · three over the former report. These _,. ep t. 15 t !tree per on had fa iled to regi ter at Hera · h the op..- ning of chool. wo r, 11'P wa. it by a re olu-
proved to he a hu g success . wa , closed with a few words from J o hn Noel. th cha irman of the . tag e. sion committee. ---- 0 C ----
ho te . Thursday, Jan. 21:00 p. m. -J uni r la Monday , Jan. 25:Off p. m.- Rus ell
- - - - 0 C - - --
THE UNION '' The Home of Quality ''
Page Thr•
DINNER HELD SATURDAY •. · Stark County 1 110 Ott erbein Family Spirit Characterized . ,. - ~ Stark· c ounty Alumni Assoc,11 ion met o l . 11 The Occasion. One Hundred 1 1e evenmg of Dec. 29 . at d11111e 111 · -· Present at Neil House. the hrst l: nited Brethre C r hurch 0 f Canton. Followinoth 11, c meal ti1 "' The _ ann ua l dinn er of the OtterThe first annual B ig Family R e- bus, so that they can tun e iR and held e ann ual elec ti on was , the t k C he111 \\'oman's C lul:; held Saturda ; ar · ounty bunch hav- un ion is scheduled for the evening of catc h some of the spi rit of the e 1·ening. . ' y ng ,been 0 · ' The theme s uggested fo r the eYen eve n111 g at the new Neil Hou e, was All rganized for some time March 26. \Ve are ca lling it a famI' Eof t~e old officers were re- elected· ily reunion because it is the time ing is ''\\'hat does Otterbein mean o ne of th~ mce t held in recent years. ' MG· enter your di scussion :\ sp le ndid cr owd of about one hun c uire, '25, President; Carl' when every member of the big Otter- to m e?'' E· La. sh, 'J.-;, Vice-Pre ide1"t · Mrs : · bein family, alumni and extudents, arounJ that thought. ]f yo u are dred me~hers and friends enjoyed V i,h \\r- 11 • , . and' H • 1el111 Bruner, 'H>, S~cretary, will turn hi s at tention for a littl e while / alone a nd canno t discuss the proposi the eve mng. The pirit of the ocarold Bordner, Ex. ' Treasurer. to the old Alma Mater. tion just get out the old ibyls, those ca io n wa a pi'ri't uc h as only a . I·o 11 This is the idea. vVhere there are history making volumes, a nd think for congenial group of the Otterbein caw. ,~tn~ the election Henry Ber d · "elcomed the present tu- groups of Otterbein folk they will get yourself if Otterbein means anything family can di play. ent to h" ' w •ch Helen Rau '26 re- together in an informal way. The to you. The pre ident of the club,. Mr . . ' , sponded. E' .. - l . McCarroll '25 gave alumni office is asking key men and At nine o'clock, eastern standard E. L. _Porter, '06, introduced Mr. E. hi. in1p ·1011 ' ' is res of Otterbein ince. he women in a lumni centers to act as the time, the Glee ·1ub wi ll sing the Love L. \V em land , '91. as toastma ter .I , w ho " · legea student a t •'',[ 1ch1gan. The col- organizors for that evening. The Song. \ •Vhat will it mean to the !slll< _ed the program in a very skillful by H W programs need not be lengthy nor the future of the old College if 2,000 in fa h1 on. T roop was represented . · · Lutz ', a 1umnal director. Melvin E. refreshments elaborate-just get ac- terested and enthusiastic followers President Cl ippinger gave a toast ' lO, a n <l J. S. Wilhelm '90 re- quainted and think about the Old will sing the Love ong at that time to _th e· Ottetibein Woman's Club to Ponded , , chool for a little while. -and catc h the r ea l spirit of the even which Mr . Helen En o r Smith '1 call f extemporaneously to the 0 th There are a number of alumni who ing? It will mean a united spirit that responded. Th e toa tma ter, McGuire. ' ' enth e, S t ark County bunch i mighty are isolated an d cannot reach a meet- ll"ill kindl e the flame of loyalty and . The. hi tory of Otterbein wa di . ut 1a tic an d vote.cl at the meet- ing on that evening. For their bene- guarantee to Otterbein a continuance 1ng vided mto even period ' each period JJeopi° pre ent the Glee. Club to the fit we are broadcasting the Men's Glee a nd an enlargement of the splendid rep_re_ ented by a peaker in the r e e of Canton. lub from station W A I U, Colum- place he now o<;cupie . ma111111g talk o f the evening. Mrs. T Summit County. J. E. Guitner wa to have represented he_ following night Dec. 30 the umm1t c ' ' do in'' 1farried? Jf so, why the fi r. t period but owing to illness, ounty crowd met for din- THE DAYTON SORO SIS ner th not? If !!_. o t. \\'h <' Like yu,·- jnl1? could not 7be pre ent. Mr. Thomas 1 HA D D ECF. 1'v1 hur a~ e Fir t Unite.cl Brethren T. T(ohr, ' 2, ' a al o unable t b Etc." dinne~ I of Akron. Following the pre ent:-' 't' rerna1n ing perioqs we_r_e~,-.,,b,.;,.1;; The clas bulletin wi ll b iss ued The Dayton Otterbein orosi ed Ch ra D. Warner, ·11, introducrepre ented by the following speakester G w· , ab u t pril first. the ad Lr · 1se, 04, who gave Thur day, Dec. 10, in the dining room er , Mary. ea e Keister , '78 , ara h That's a line pirit and it will · ure of Bonebrake Seminary, Mrs. Well , toa trn c e s (of the eve ning. The ,M. Sherrick, ' 9, O sca r H. Charles Bar . a ter then called upon P. J. ?-!rs. Ja ynes. Mrs. Co le a nd Mr ·. ly result in their ambition '·a Better 07, Walter D. Kring, '07, Glady' n '23 hO Richer Otterbein for the clas a nd Frank McEntire acting as ho tes es. teri'st· ' ' w re ponded in characHoward Durrant, '20. 1c "p· of 1950." clo cd . iggy" fa shion and then The program was one appropriate Mu ic wa furnished by the Ches ----0 C--- '"l ti 111 talk by leading the group to the hristmas ea on: Christma terfield Trio of Otterbein, composed The Class of 1947 wa ie ~01 1/ege. eranade songjs. I;t story-Marie Comfort, Christma Picof Carl Eschbach Hale R' ht d ia f a might· Y 111tere ting and enthu- tures-Jo ephine Albert, and a Ch' n tJohn Hudock. ' IC er, a n an'ta Clau brought Sylvia Janet ic etti ng 1·11 which to revive a ma Legend by Janet G'lb b '0tnewh I ert a out - - -- 0 C---The at l~ggard organization. which the reporter says, "I wi h every Phillips when he came to the Phillips ALUMNALS of R election re ulted in the choice Otterbein woman might have heard home in Kensington, Connecticut t he night before Chri tma . The young Rev. e~·I.ED. Warner; 11, ~residen_t, it. It was told a only Janet Gilbert lady bids fair to fo llow in the teps ' 12. Mi Edith L. Bennett 1 of Wesdent R · Rou h, 15, V1ce-pres1- co uld tell it." of her parent and do wonders in the terville, became the bride of Mr. 0 eG ' A I h I lary G · nder on, '24, SecreMrs. Walter Schutz to d t e c ub class of 1947. Jame H . Harnett of utley, ew Jer ecr~ta race Hill Staacke, '23, As t. of Chri tmas festivities in Africa and Congratulation s are due Vernon L. ey. T~e ceremony was performed nd urer rTY,ha R. L. Roo e, '1 , Trea - Mi May Dick de cribed tho e in . .e Phillips, ' 17, and hi wife Edna Miller b?'" Pre _ident Clippinger at the MethoW. Ii e officer together with China. Phill ip , '17. di t _Episco pal church , We terville the 'o',, and· Ander o n '96 c G w· Tl1 e next meeting will be held Jan . J • , . . 1 e, 't b eve mng of January 5. there t O won e too many Ju Po e a · · Baker, '10, will com - 22, at the home of Mrs. Roy Peden. in thi cla we are enrolling !"1i s Helen Mo es, '16, wa the Ti n exec u t'ive committee. 0 C- - - Richard tern . He is now bn d e maid a nd Prof. R. D. Bennett le urnrnit C CLASS OF ' 25 BUSY Will als ounty organizatio n about even mo nth old b ut since we 'OS, gave th e bride in marriage. ' 0 Pre ent t he Glee Clu b. The class of '25 ha a live work- ju t di covered him we'll put h im in After a n ea ter n trip the bride and Good-;-- 0 C - -. f h groom will be at hom e at 42 HampI . H 1s ;11g- o rganiz a tio n t I1a t . h ou Id b e an t I1e ca at er a nd mot he r, l'he esponse to Last Appeal. ob ject of envy for th e many ther Fenton \ '. tern , . '21, and Lois S ell- ton Place, Nutley, ew J ersey. re l)On t I tI1e u e o t 1e la t appeal for _T~e si ter of Mr. A. G. Crou e, Mr gra111 hJlPort of ti1e new alumm. pro- Ott rb ei n classes. The orga nization ars team , ·22. didn't think \\'C were amp, intere ted o didn't say any thing. vV c :ellie Wa ldo, of Fo toria, Ohio, died lbe re as 1>en plendid. Chief among is h.:aded hv \Yend ell "ReJ" ice- I re i- ha,·e warned them ne,·er to let it hap- _ru e. day at !ht' home o f her hroth r ti Pon e were ome enthu ia - Pre ident , D o n Howard. note fr dent. and Elizabeth axour Pot tin- pen again, that i failure to notify u >--i 111 Westerville after a hon illne -~ letter om foreign land . ecretary-Trea. urer. They are and that goe for the re t of you too. M_r • \Vald o is \\'ell known in ht, , came from Glen T . Ro _e- ger. 16 · I eacl,· Co ngratulation folk , and go cl ltick terv11le · having pent muc h time · 0 . fe r a 100 per cent wit!i \Ve t "' in henge, a. Leone, Iioostmg a r 1,er brother and hi s 1v1'fe ~r reunion in l 930. boy. ·ron e . • " r. i\iateer ~•ca. Mr . Madge Dick on 1· of \,Veih en Shantung The chi ef nm iness 0 11 hand n " . - - - - 0 C - - -is a memlber of th clal of ewntvlhina ' · and M ' ' is-" let's m a ke nur con tributi o ns of '97, '08. Profe ors J. F. Yother · and I ~ve ,and long a friend of Otterl, i;t. hiveJy , r. and Mr . B. F -six dollars nappy so that J. P. can L. ~- Garwood of ·oc o lle¥c, Cedar 96. 01. i\l r. and Mr ·. F. lem 1·er ity ' / 5• '06, of Do hi ha 111 collcct all that's coming to him from Rapid , lowa were re ce ntly elec ted to cnts were g ue · t. of \,\' estervi lle r 1 _ . Yoto. Japan. the General Education Board! nd member hip in Phi Kappa Phi national tive during the holiday. ea '2s. W -nd- - o C--ou can bet him to get every cent honora_ ry chola tic so_ciety. a chapter 'Ol. Mr J . G. 011 underw e ell Ca who recently Y ander. of Philadelc't• an • he' had a o f w h ,c I1 wa recentl y in tailed at Coe. , phia, vi ite,l hi parents in Wester1 1 atent U . 0 ?eration for append i- coming tio him unJes Profe or. Garwood wa one of the ville enroute to Kan a bus, is rec nive_rsity Hospital, Colum change of heart since la st year!''. City. where They wo uld like se i·eral oue lions I e_ Ieve n [u II time _pro fe. sors and ad min- he attended tli ¼r C overing rapidly. meeting of Amerio f t I1e I 1strators ,,. I10 signed the p tition to ca 11 .\ .. ocia tioll f of •2;_ arnp i president of the Clas an we red too by the recipient ? \' ' h I ti · · or the ad1·anc,· ment letter.. " \Vhere' re you at. , ate 1a secure 1e organ1zat1on . of . cience.
\V~ _
.P~-~agge~F•~ugr=================T~~~E~T~A~~A~N~D~C~A~R~D~I~N=A=L~===============~=== N
day~~ That all who ra~e a trouble in putting 1t back. . ha to work up . ~ That we wtl1 ve ld fa!II· little ditty to the tune of an° iliar hymn: f P xy A volunteer or re • A climber true, Someone must do it bravely, Why not you, (Oh why n~t?) A staunch and sturdy laddie
comes a matter of the relative merits and propose henc eforth to publish of two wi?ely separated hou~s in the in the calendar th e host and hostes5 & day. Durmg the early morning hour for the fo llowing Saturday night. from 7 :30 to 8 :30 the hbrary is not _ _ __ o C ____ of much used. We believe that the Two Words. Published W eddy in. the interest Otterbein by the library would render a greate r serT wo words have come to us through OTTERBEIN LITERARY vice if it remained open one hou r SOCIETIES later in - the evening. Let us then varied experiences to have new forc e Westerville, Ohio th at l(ember of the Ohio College Press ~uggest an openi ng hour after chapel of meaning. \Ve venture to say and a closing hour of 9 o'clock in they designate qualities of personality Association. that are among the unn amed virtues. the evening.
STAFF H , \ It means no longer hour for the 5omeone, with rare sagacity, ha s With dauntless soul, f 0 rwarli Editor-in-Chief •··········· J. B. enry, 26 l'b · remarked that "l1 ell · d ·th • lease step Assistant Editor .. Wayne Harsha, '27 j ranans. . is pave WI Now wont you p Contributing EditorsIt means a greater service to the good intentions." It matters not And climb the flag-pole? Wanda Gallag~er, :26 students. what may be your idea of that inLei:ore Sm 1th • ,26 Who knows but that it may mean fernal place or state, the force of Pauline Knepp, 26 . ., . See Samples {Tom · Florence Howar_d, ;2s \ less ·unprepared replies for the the statement i inescapable. Good Louie Norns, 28 pr d essors? intentions alone die where they are Athletic Editor .... Harry W_iddoe_s, :27 ---- 0 C ---conceived and take their place among sst. Ath. Editor .. Clyde B1elstem 2 \ A New Year • the rejected. Business Manager .. W . C. Myers, '26 . and social Assistant Business Managers'vVe should like to encourage those Back up your good intentions, howClass Marcus Schear, '27 ever, with two qualities of character Before ordering 'll '28 well meaning person who have made Ross M I er, that speak louder than "'ords because Group P ins. 1 ew Year's resolutions. Our com,v Circulation Manager, of their tability, and little trouble l{eys. Margaret Widdoes, 26 mendation goes especially to those Makers of Philophronean Assistant Circulation Managerswho have adhered faithfully to their will lbe experienced. Ruth Hursh, '27 · ·· o ur encouragement We do not mean to make th'1s a M. Wilson, '28 goo d mtenttons. Colurnbu&, o. Alum na! Editors, goes to those who long since have preachment, but the life of the CarH. W. Troop, 23 broken the solemn pledge. penter of azareth has impressed us 11th and High Alma Guitner, '97 It is not the nature of mankind to w:ith such vivid reality that we beCochran Hall EditFlorence Rauch, '26 Jo good suddenly. Behind our good lieve He had some uch thing in mind "E~cbange Editorworks there i a long hi tory and a when He said "No man can serve two broad backgro und of human exper- masters." He, whom some have you will find a ichols, '27. Ernestine ience in gradual improvement. Be- chosen to call the. greatest Christian, cause we have failed is no rea on to wrote, "T!is one thing I do." Both line of Address all communications to The cease aspiring. It is the man who suggest action-backed up by two Otterbein Tan and C?,rdinal,. 103 W. "comes back for more" who e tri- unnamed virtues. College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. · Be con istent. It has its reward. Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, umph history hails. · payable in advance. I£ "every five seconds there is one nd other will know that yo u are more customer for Wrigley's," there dependable. Entered as second class matter is for u~ ~ach tick of the clock one September 25, 1917, the post more opportunity' of ·hhciriif t., !:::~;- --_;,...._-..1~~:-.:QUJU~~,,.l.1$ at v,l»-.,:,t em! ' G., \!P.{!.: act arch hard toward reaching the mark wc 3, 1879. .. · t That those who complain that they at ·Acceptance for ma1hng at spec1a have set , our life goal . Let' get the habit of coming back never have a show are generally wait n te of postage provided for in ?CC. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized for more. ing for free passes. ,April 7, 1919. - - - 0 C--That if you are right inside you Fighting Through. can stand anything from the outside. ~ ___.--/
J. N. cooNS
----- ---- --- --------------==-----~I ~ ' ~1
The · dope sheets allot to every college a good year of sports only once Using The Library. in awhile. Year of hard sailing aflibrary i t primarily for its front every chool before it can propo sibilitie of ervce. pparently, ,1 uce another winner. Dope bucket th n, all of it policie hould be hap arc uncertain. they are frequently upd toward rendering a ervice that et , a nd occasionally ome-ooe tep i called -f rth by a need. We be into them un xp ctedly. Otterbein's liev that. some adju tment in our outlook upon the Iba ketbaU ea on Ueg library y tern are needed, i. good. But that i uncertain. There i a certainitY' however. If one of which i at I resent quite out ev ry Otterbein tudent join the ta.nding. quad in the pirit of fig hting through Th ope11.i1ig ru1d clo ing hours in training, in practice, and in th; oE ur library are the cau e of con the per cent thermometer iderabl di ati faction. It is quite regi ter higher for Otterbein th common occlirrence for a stud ent than it otherwi e would. to be cut hor in the mi.:1 t of a That' what you want. j n't it? igned library -work by the riuging Then. I t' · tight it th.rough. o.f the clo ing hell, aud then m ---0 C--other \\"ho ha ngaged the b k go O ur " Y" Parlors. home with it. Tn the e day of ex
tended r c.arch it i. almo t im po Durio th early part of the ible to do a. good piece of work year th re wa inaugurated in the wit\,J ut ome re our . During the o_ciation ..Building on atuuday hoUJ the e hould be avai l eveum an open bou " for all tu e beli ve that an aj u tment dent and profe or . Thi announce mad which wiJI m t th ment came in r ply to an in istent n till not in nveni oc.e demand f r a place t go on aturday vening. faculty man and hi in charge. e write we have in min.d tho e wif are th h t and a good time who hav the faithful and ready care ha been shared by tho The project of \..-now ~ ed the op portunity. f the torehou ny change will have its 1 an nd eav r on the part of th hri tiau oc1atto11 to m e upon them, but we beli ve open that will prove ocial problem. \Ve recomm nd a more wide pread It be- and common use of the "Y" Parlor our ugge tion.
University Bookstore STATIONERY
- - - - - - - ®®1------ - -
w HY
W rrl-l
University Bookstore Phone 493-J
lS N. State
THE TAN AND C.~A==R~D~ l ~N~A~L=-============~=====~P~a~g~ e~I~ • i~ve Y's CHRISTMAS PARTY
..\ silver lovin g cup was given to Otterbein Alumni In Dayton V icinity Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Hursh as an ap preciatio n of th eir intense interest and Attend Also. Program Included ya] uable se r vices by the Y. M. and Wcstm[nister Choir. Y. W. C. A. 's as o n e of the fea tures P rof. G. G. Grabill , 1Iiss Lu lu May of th e Y. M. and Y. W . jo int Christ Bake r, and Mrs. Mab el Crabbs Star key mas party " ·hich was hclJ Tuesday were among the m o r e th an 300 teach eyening, D e~. 16. in th e Association's ers frolll through o ut th e U nit ed States parlo rs. gath ered at the convention o f th e Na A novel seating arrangement p roved tional Teachers As sociation held D e-1 cembe r 28-30 at Day ton, Ohio. - - - - - -- - - - - - The program included pa pers by recognized auth oriti es a nd mu s ica l treat such as an o rgan r eci tal o n a th re<.: manua l Aeo lia n o rga n at th e E. A. Deeds hom e. a ba nqu et a t th e Country Club a ft er w hi ch t he Dutch Club and th e \ Vom en· s Club united to gi ve "The H ighw ay m a n•·, a ca nt ata by Mark A ndrews, a n evenin g w ith th e W estmin ster Choir und er th e dir ec tion of Prof. J o hn Finley \\' ill ia n1 so n whom Prof. Grabill proudly cla ims as one of hi pupil s in th e class of I911 , and a group o f vi olin num be rs by Pa ul Katz, a youth o f sixteen year s w ho se career promises to be bright. Among th e Otterbein Alumni p res ent at the conventio n w ere Edith Co b lentz Hugh es, ' 12, Middletow n, Ohio ; Ma_y Dick, ' II , form erly missio nar y to Oiina; Ruth In g le ' IS teacher Gn F. . I ' airv1ew High School at Dayton; Mrs. Rhea Parlette Williamson, ' 11 , a nd Mrs. Mattie Bend er Kum ler, '92. - --OC-
to be an other c 1ever f eature o f th e Everyo ne wa s a sked to e,·ening. bring pill ows to sit on ; no cha irs were allowed in the room. One of th e po pular numb ers o n th e program was a selection by th e C hester fie ld Trio composed of Ca rl B. Eschbach, N . Hale Richter and J o hn \ V. Hudock. T he trio was a pplaud ed for several encores. Refreshme nt s for the evening co ns isted of po p co rn ball s \\'h1 ch \\'e r e
Mrs. H. J . D avidson ( Leota Lloyd Ex. '2-L ) wife of H J. David on ' 22 c1· . ied at Aultman h os pital , Canton , O hio, D ece m be r 21. 1925, fo llowing an -O pe ra ti on £or a cute a pp endicit is. . he i sun·ived by her hu sband , a IX-month s old son, and her parents. ~ O. 'M r . 1. N. De nnett, (A lmira Utter more) , of Glendale Cal., who wa ca Iled to Ohio by ' th e udden death of her moth er i th e guest of h ' er i ter, Mr C. H . K o hl er, ( da Ruttcrm-0 re) ·11., o f Columbu s, hio. '
- - --0 C--- QfTERBEIN MAN
An noun ce m ent wa s mad e Vvedn es D ec. 30, o f the a ppointment of enry D. Bercaw '16 of Canton , (J h" 10, a manager in charge of th e outhern divi io n of th e North ern Ohio T · n and Light Compa ny f ract1o or all the rail lines south o f A kron.
~ Y-
d1stnbuted by Earl Leiter wh o playfully to ok the role o f Santa Cl a us. An excellent colo r schemt: ,d1ich bl end ed well wi th th e Chri ~tm as spirit was di splayed <1v er th e enti r e room. - - -- 0 C - -- Th e fa culty o f \.Yoostt-r re cently di splayed its dramati c ta lent :by pre sen t ing a play. The pro fesso r prov c~I to he good actor s and furnished an e xccll e1~t - en tertainm ent for st u de nt ~ a nd 1ncnd s.
Where motorized power i s v irtually unkn o wn , men toil yet accom• p/ish little. The Unite d State s ha s over one-quarter electricAI hors epower installed per ca p i ta. Japan , Jeadin A coun t ry of the O rie nt, h os but .04 h orsepower. E lectric s hovel and s toraAe b attery locom otive are s how n at a completely e lectrified open~pit coal m ine , o f Col trip, Montana. .,.
Work without Toil G -E Motor ized Power an ideal combination of electric motor an d co n trol properly fitted ~o the individual t ask--is at work the wo rld-over, relieving workers more and m ore for b etter and mo re profitable pursuits.
Mr. Bercaw·s selectio n w as an : ~need hy . C. E lim , vice-president general mana ger o f the compa ny. r: Bercaw has lbcen a si tant chi ef I ca1m b agent. H e wa s elected a m em~ir of th e chool board at a recent c1 v el . . . b · ection . He 1s a n ac tl\"C mem · t er of th e Lio ns clu b and se n ·cd a erm a its pre ident. · · n 1s · a very re po n· T he ne ''• po 1tio • t 1,e 1blc o ne a 1t . carn·.c wit . I1 1t
I .
A n ew ser ies of G -E ad vertisements showing what electricity is doi n g in many fi elds will be sent on r equest. Ask for Booklet GEK-1.
T en or twelve hours a day toils the coolie. If he carries all he can, he moves one ton one mile in one day. For that he receives twenty cents. Cheap labor! Yet compared with our American worker, receiving at least twenty-five times as much for an eight-hour day, the coolie is expensive labor. In America we move one ton one mile for less than one cent. The coolie, working by hand, accomplishes little; while the American, with electricity's aid, accomplishes much. Plenty of electricity and cheap electricity -these are t wo great advantages which America enjoys over the rest of the world. While our present gener ating capacity is 20,600,000 kilowatts, new develop ments call for 3,000,000 kilowatts more per year. To college men and women- potential leaders- will fall the duty of finding more and still more work for electricity, with less and still less toil for our workers. For the task is but begun!
Upervi ion o l the inter urban lin e 1ith of A kro n and requires the so ·t1011 of the traffic [Jroblem o f the I y I"1 tw n~s in Ca nto n and Massillon, ~ rapidl y gro win g indu trial cities. t b r: Bercaw i well known to Ot er e111 f · t riend in that ectio n of the ate a a con i tent boo ter. Ur congratu latio n Hank.
s.s.--u1 •11
THE TAN AN D~~ C~A~--~R~ ,D~ I ;;;N~A~ L~ ~ = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~
0 . i:!!!!~=====:..==-=
W estern R eserve Will Place Veteran T eam On High School Gym Floor Sat urday Aft ernoon at 2 :30.
Four Out of F ive P ractice Garnes Were Won On Barnstorming Trip Throughout State.
Next Saturday afternoon a t two thirty Otterbein wi ll open her home basket ball season with the Western Reserve pi ll tossers furnishing th e op position. Otterbein defeated them last year in a thrilling game at Clevela nd by the narrow margin of one poin t. othing is known of the str ength of Weste rn Reserve this year. Th e o nl y clue obtain able to th e possible trength of the oppo itio n is that they have a new coach at the Clevela nd sc hool and they may have an entirely different coached team thi s year. They wi ll put a lmost an entire vete ran team on the floor an d the ophomores that do play have played with the ot her mem bers of the team w hen they were in high chool. Western Reserv e w ill play Capi tal the night befor e th ey meet th e Otter bein tea01 and th e entire Tan a nd rdinal quad will b on hand to see t he Cap1taI-\Veste rn 1~ ~ v ;. acas The game will be played in th e afternoon in order th at the W este rn R e er ve quad can m ake connection to get home on aturday night.
Saturday , J a nua ry 2. Otterbein· s Basket ball team completed a success ful barns tormin g trip on which fou r o ut of five games played were won. Ot te r bein , minus th e serv ices of Porosky, lost to the I saly Dairy team at Marion 40 to 19. Bucy rus was defeated by the scor e of 38 to 22. The Ca nton Oscars went down before th e Ot ter bein a ttack 33 to 25. With Barne Up son. and Poro ky albsen t Mt. Gilead was defeated 31 to 28 o n Christmas ni gh t. The game w ith U rbana, Jr. College, the last of th e trip was th e most exciti ng of all, but the fight ing O tterbe in q uintet, tra il ing 18 to 10 a t the end of t he fi r st ha lf, h eld their opponents to one basket in th e econd half and ca m e from behind to win 25 to 23.
Second Year Girls Finish Undefeated. Freshmen Show Up Well. Juniors Hold Sack.
T \ o 1cagLl'cl,----luw ' ., formed for Intram ural ba ket ba ll. 1 Gro up League will have eight teams in the runnin g and the P rune League wi ll have ten. Nine games will be ;,layed thi s week. An innovation thi s year will be a bulletin board on which will be po ted the standing of each team every day that . any games a re played,. th e high scoring team., the low coring team the team with the least number o f scored against it, th e team point that scor es th e most points in any one game, the in~ividual high scorer individual with the most number of field goal , the individual with the most numb er -o f foul goal and the total point regis tered !by all the teams up to that date Thi r ecord wi ll b e kept separatel y for each league.
On Monday, D ec. 14, the o phomore g irl ' basketball team won the champion ship of the gi rl ' in terclass b asket iball league by defeating the Junior by a cor e of 3 to 11. The ophomor e team came through the chedule witho ut a defeat. The core of a ll th e games and landing: ophomore 22, F re hmen, 13. eniors 35, Juniors eniors 1 , F reshmen 27. The m anagement of th e league has ophomore 23, Seniors 21 . requc te d th a t all pectators view the F r eshmen il3. Juni r. 13. g,a mes from the ga llery. phomo r ., . Junio r I l. - - --0 C-- - Team G. W . L . Pct. ., GROUP LEAGUE SCHEDULE :{ () ophomorcs l.000 :{ Fre hm en 2 .666 J a n. ll-Alp v . o untry lub. eni o rs 3 1 2 .:{3:-l Jan . 12-A nnex v . Philota. ., 0 ., Juni o r .000 ph inx v . Lakota. J a n. H ---0 C--Jan. 14- ook Hou e v . J o n d a 18 Freshmen Get Letters. This Week's Prune League S ched · . UL 1 umera ls were awarded to eigh teen J a n. 11-Dubs vs. Celtic . fre hman for their faithfulne and J an. J_2-Deltas vs. Williams. work on the Fre hman football squad. J an. 12- Wobuga vs. Count r y They are, D ay, T. Reigle, Freyberger, Club 2nd. . Davi , hankleton, Gates, G. Huff Jan. 14-Cozmop v . Kappa er, Ro elot, Saul, Weaver, Hall, Man Jan. 14-Baileys vs The W . I denhall , K lein, and Thomp on. Young, Five. · one er urface, Molter and Shoemaker were The games o n Tue day and awa rded manager's numerals. da y tart at fo ur o'clock. Thurz-
. c 11ed an d the th e pos1l10n ar e cm . man who is a sub today may be a regu1ar . . o f th e squad as tomo rrow. Th e sp mt d a w ho le is ver y good a nd the T_an a)l espec ia lly defc n ive ly, a nd individual . ~YI·11 co utinuc to Car d in al hop es that 1t .d rl efe 11se technique wi ll be s tressed in im prove as it has. It has beenb skaei t preparation fo r t he Western R eser ve as· . b)' man)' famous coac he , "A . ga m e o n Saturday afternoon. ub sll ball team is no bet ter than it The lineup: tu tes ... O tterbein 45 B. F . F .M . T . - - -- 0 c 1 W idd oe . (C) .. r. f. 6 5 J 17 A op ho m or e at Hiram Coll ~ge a~ Barnes, I. f. .......... ........ 2 1 1 5 h t u1st.JtU t f cata logued the co-eds o a , Upson, I f.. I. g. o o 1 o ti o n by thu s ehm111at111 . . . "bl'1nd dates g u· Porosky. c. .................. :i o 1 6 ' . el f t h c mo t popthe he has made hnns Carroll . c., I. g . .......... o o o o tar s tud ent in collcge-amoni list Snavely, i-. g. .............. I O O 2 m en. 1110,t of who m r efe r to t e • ha 111· Buell. I. g. ............ ........ 7 3 15 bciorc making dates. H e n' Total ........................ 19 7 7 45 · ti the wome dexcd the co-eds 111 a oil Case 36 B . F . F .M . T . dormitor ies . arr ang ing each nam~ l Anderson. I. f . .............. 3 0 7 a sepa rate' card alpha:beti callY Jll 3 Mitzel, I. f. .................... 4 2 1 JO . I d the cobox. The reference me u e h ·r Reardon, I. f. ................ 0 0 0 0 . I r of a1 ' eel's age. hei g h t. weig ht, co O d natBenn in gton, c. ............ 3 O O 6 co mpl exion ( whether good,. bad nee. 1 O 1 Frato, r. g . .... .............. O a nd 1 Y to ural o r artificial), a b 1·t·t D oll . r. g. .................. .... I 3 4 5 what she likes to talk aboU~ a " Meyers. I. g. ............... . 3 1 O 7 . · " Id-digger. whether o r not she 1s a go are To tal ............. ......... 14 8 5 36 . women d rt is sai d that the H iram 311 Referee, Roud en bu h. ,. up 111 . t h e a1r . ove r thi s cata1og uege ---0 C--thr eaten to publi sh o n _the f 000 g EDITO RIALETTE bu ll etin b oard the " black h S t O dor· men who arc taboo w ith th e Otterbein ha not had such a s tron o mitory women. sq uad o ut fo r ba ket ball in som: ----0 girl' years as he ha s this yea r. At p r e _ Ohio Nor t hern is to have ; the ent th er e are fifteen men on the basket ba ll team thi s yea r or squad. Not more than one or two of fi r st time. CASE SUBDUED ( Co ntinu ed From Page One)
AT THE COLLEGE SHOP Glee Club Supplies and Formal Evening Dress Wear. Tailored D r ess Suits
White Vests
Dress Cravats
Dress Shirts
Pearl Studs and CuJf Lin1'S
Patent Pumps or O xfords.
ff===~=====~;:::::::~~ Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased Your photo from The Old Reliable
Will be the best, Rich and High Sts.
Page Seven
That she s till believes 111 Santa Claus because sh e wrote him befor e Ch ri stm as and asked him to send Ot terbein a !winning basket ball team and he sur e did.
H OME E C. E XHIBITS MY \ Vearing appare l and a vari:ty of fancy work in tended as Chnst~1~s g ifts- made up th e ewing class ~h1b1t, a nd a large assortment of candies on disp lav by the cookery class, were o n ex h 1.b:t 1· 1·on bv • the D epartment of Home D , Eco nomics Wednesday afternoon, e-
M 0 0
That somebody as k ed her what she \\' as goi ng to 1Yrite her term paper o n The exhibition \\'as under the d1reca nd s he just told th e d um b dora f M1· s May Hoerner, and was t1011 0 • • . . · "theme paper". o en t o the public. A special mv1ta_P . d by the department to That brothe r s used to compla in uon was iss ue about their sisters borrowing neck the stud ent s and their friends. ties and S\\'ea ter bu t 1101\' it's socks ---0 C--and cigarettes. German-LeMaster Marriage.
l cemb er
- - - - 0 C---The coat.
Norri s & Son.
l. l
That inasmuch a one of our p rofes the marriage The announcement o f . . . sors has tated that it is just as harm C f A rthur H . Ger m an and Virg1_111a ongratu lations a re once mo r e 111 iJO t Chnst- ful to drink coffee as it is to smo ke Order f Le M aster came as a . o r we, have discovered a students cigarettees the dormites are planning O b Park!' mas surprise to tter em I , returned to the campus to peti ti on the substitution of cigar our's ing diamond on Dorma Riden- , left hand since the jo):S of ,·a- whe n t te) ettes for coffee at Sunday dinner. tation are over last week. That she read in a pre-,·acation i sue M . The \\'edding took place a_t the · ary Vance. ·23_ visited with ' .d , home in .\kro n on Chn st m~s of Case Tech that "the team is prepar 1in es GreenwicI1 f . . G an is ing for the game with Otterbein and ncnds thi, \\'eek end. E,·e The home of 1lr. erm Ali •r · The newly wedded feel quite confident in the expectation ce roop was the guest of the I also at Akron. . . • Rev an :I of a successful season'' and that she's Arbutu CI ding wit 11 · ' 1 . s ub at lunch on Sunday couple is now re T cl Carwonder in g what headlines they'll ru11 even 1ng. Mrs. \,Vilburg. The . an an in thi s week's issue. Marie 1' . ,linal extends best wishes. and Pa uli ne Hu____ Q r : , - That ju dging from the hue s of some g enberg rowbndge f of R er ro111 0. S. U., were guests We Extend Sympathy. of th e new neckties that haYe b lossomll th Baney this week end. I . t 1 d their sym· eel out on the campus since Christmas The G . . Students w ish to ex e1 of M: re enw 1ch Club were guests M' Joan Fox whose father she thinks some of our boy friends · rs. Martin at a part,· in her home p~thy to is: The death of Mr. Fox must have fond a unts and doting on F · 1 , died last wee · f h t mothers . nc ay evening. udd en ly as the result o ea r On came That she sort of thinks living in the Cl aturday evening the Arcady le. h I b t Dorm resemb les ltvmg m the Waldorf , ub gave a miscellaneous shower fo r troub oan has not returned to sc ~o u I h 1 "rs A J . hom e in Brooksville. as t e numb er of restnct10ns they are ,, · rthur German in the home of 1 1 "!r · Al er ____ un der sort of makes 'em "walled-off' her · t'.nan. Mrs. German before is st ill at_ _ _ QC 1- - ---DARN BILL! I trom t ,eret -of the wo rld.We trr:trr1age, ~ iTgir>ia Le-M-a-i;ter. p· e..'< tend our sin cere " ·ishes of hapThat she heard because of a recent 1ness and experienc e wi th electric lig ht bulbs. o n fo lks i prosper ity to these youn g T'other day 11 th ei r new life. Christmas trees the town a uthoriti es Bill wuz Ruth B are planning to ta ke in the side-wal ks tus CI ayes entertained the ArbuWatkin' with a t 9 o'clock. " ub With one of those de li ghtfu l His girl PUshe " O f I1 • \Ved ome-made "goodie " on In the nesday evening. Rain Lorene S . And finally at I mith spent the week end He sed ier hom~ in Columbus. " Say, do You want PHILALETHEA T ' marry A one-eyed rtt Philalet hea's electi on session llrsday • h Guy?" An Were nig t the fo llowing officers I She sed Presidc iosen: Kathryn Steinmetz, vice . e D arst, recor c1·mg "No, why?" ecret ent·' Cath erm And he '"·t ary; Florence Campbell critic· •vi Illa I ' ' Sed haw ngle sby, censor; Martha "Then Jet co en, chaplain; Laura Whetstone. rrespond· Me carry }./ichot ing ecretary; Ernestin e Thet lib . ' treasurer· Ruth Trevarrow, ranan • v·1 ' Umbreller." liet ' ola Peden en Irw· ' chorister; Du . tn , pianist. DAR .T BILL! ri ng ti . . a11ct .v' •L1ldrcd ' ie session K . . Cha rl ot te ReiIs t dUct .. 1n s111 ger played t ,e 1 Go · Ba llet Music of Faus t"' by ttn od E \\•a · xtcmporaneous spea kin g C ME TO 1 cone I . R . . and E: J) uth D av is. Uarv Mills, rn est ine Nichols. ·
Lang Collegiate Dark OverWe Save Yo u Money. E. J.
Co r. Co ll ege Ave.
and State St.
JUST the time of ye a r when an ounce of prevention 1s worth a pound of cure.
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-oc--- CLEI ORHETE A T hur da'" . . . . . elect"1 · tvenmg s meet111 g, being I 011 (' · Prove ss ion was well a tt end ed a nd • <I i·ery ent . . I'hc er ta1mn g. and following officers \\'ere elected resvond I . e< w ith a sp len did variety or cle B Ver an d ertha H ec Otes, so ngs and stunt s: 01ve 11 . arns, preside nt : Charlotte gher ' ~ice-pre id cn t; Wanda Galla• criti c. \ • 1 . 5 eGretary, · 10 a Priest, rec ord mg
ieat /.[ arket
Bailey's Pharmacy
" Where Everybody Goes"
H. C. Baughman
12 E . Main St . I
Page E ight
of seleclin!r
who he ~iven the prt\'ilege dcfimte ly th ose m en .and women Campus u . 1ctures o e f tbc · cnior Cl b p· t B T aken are moS t r ep rese ntative o This Afternoon. New Features class. In 1926 Annual. ____ 0 ,·ear fift dates a . f Picture taking of all of the C<1m O ne hundred and . I Y. the aim o pus clubs will be taken this after " ·ith J 50 differe nt gir s tsb the men Y A.. noon for the 1926 S ibyl. A great a club recen ti Y. formed Michi gan. o-f the University of b rship only deal of the engraving has a l, tady . e 1·1g 1.bl e fo r mem ·e cou1pa nv-· bee n com 1~lcted. The scenic 5(.c.t•oa man 1s I0 a fter he ha s b ee n een and upoIt is no w fu lly completed and prom k. g woman h na01e an d ises to be o ne of the best that has with a good loo ·1~ He was elected at the Friday evening appeared in annu als in recent ...-cars. i111. t1at1on . . . mus t g1,·e t e session. His Inaugural Addres wi ll :\ll fr es hmen who have 11.,t had ; he given February 5. address of the woman. A thenaeulll• -The :-. . Q I pictures taken at Baker ' an ' do not 0 C---1 C J Broadhead, ·2s. of Lnn~. ·· STOP ! LOOK ! LISTEN! . . t O f last week ""ith lounty wi h a new picture should ..:ommun i spent par ( Co ntinu ed From Page One) catc with the Siby l office at once if Club friends. I they \\'ish their photo to appear in Randall \Veber ex-student. now at minutes he bega n to feel uneasy so the :-,ihyl. Bliss College ,spent the week-e atl he gave the young lad y a closer A uniq ue sec t ion in th is year·s with Annex friends. scr utiny. He discovered to his horror annual will be t!1c presentaticm of ::i.n Th Annex boys c11terta111e · cl ti ieir · that he had never een the girl be- informal pa!sc of nap5!-i ots accom lady ~riends by a sleigh-ride to '·Bon fore. He made a hasty departure, panying each formal p;,ge of the · :\Irs Rout- traversed the lengt h of the car g iving social groups. Air" Saturday evenmg. · · each occupant a sea rching g lance, Candidates for th e rcpre ·entativc zohn served as chaperon. discovered the object of hi affection men and women contest will be se Mervin Guyton, '29, went to his and eated himself with due apolo lected immediately after the begin home in Lancaster for the week-end. gies. ning of the second semester by a "Len" Newell, "R ay " Axline ' So much committee composed of three faculty "H app y" Royer and "Ted"f · Seaman profe sor. for the absent-mi nded member and three members of the cl spent Sunday with Lakota n en s. Sibyl staff. The student body will AT A Wilbur Coon, '23, wh~ teaches at Maple Height ' Ohio, w1tnes ed Ot 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 terbein's victory over Case. SPECIAL FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS, ATHLETES : Clifford Bay, ·24, recently joined Philota as an alumna! member. LOW PRICE
A .. Humorous Reading' uy ,:..mert" . son Bragg, " An Advent ure" by Clay j P. Kohr and a eulogy entitled "Dr. ' Edmuml A. Jones" by J. Neely Boyer composed the literary program at Phi lomathea last Friday evening. ' \Villiam S . .\'esbit, E . Caldwell, Clyde Bielstein and Karl W. Kumler spoke cxtemporaneou ly. Dwight A rnold is the new pre ident of .Philomat hea for the third period.
' '·
Ray Schaffer. '26, joined I hilota fast
aturday night.
~ = = = = =
= =
George w. White, '2 1, Prof. in Univer ity of Tenn., spent his vaca- : ±ion in We terville.
Fenton Bennett, '25, Go rdon LinI '22 and Paul David on, '24, spen t con, ' ' . ·11 ome time during Yacation w1 l : friend here.
- - --0 C---C. E. W Id Keck led the fi r t meeting a o . h .. E of the New Year 111 C n han . ndeavor ection A, Sunday evemng. The le,ader departed from th.e regular topic int r oducing a di cus ton n;~re . keei>ing w;ith /the season. I he ~n . S " arabl e of the "Prodigal on wa t Id with empha i brought to bear RO upon the mi take of the smug complacency of the elder son.. Th~ man of elf-sati fied religion I quite as much in need of repentance a the lipping inner. The ew Year atmo phere wa increa cd by a emi-a rgumentative di cu si o n of the advisalbi)ity of making ... e,v \ ~ear's re oluti0n . The affirmati,·e wa upported by Alice antler the negative defended by Jo eph Henry. The same topic truck re pensive peech from member of society.
---0 C---
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