au an
ar ina
n ew Concord Floor Wa s Closely Fought. Break Came In Last Minutes.
No. 15.
Ba■ ed On Actual Incident In American History and Submitted By April 20.
Conservatory Pupil s To Presen · Varied Program of Interesting Musical Selections.
and Mrs. R. A. Doan Will Address Jo:nt-Y Gathering Next
C o -in cidental wi th the an no un ce.-\ piano ~uartet. ""Midsummer Tuesday Evening. mcnt oi the Quiz and Qu ill Lit erary .\ight'. Dream,"' by Mendels ·oh n. " F AST ESTGAME " Con tc~t for F reshm en and Sop ho- will he one of the features o f the SPONSORED BY Y mores, Mr. ) . .-\lli son Barnes al so an- recital which " ·ill be gin: n in Lam Snavely . G and W iddoes Play Good nouncccl the Barnes Short St 'J ry Con- bert Hall, Thursday CHning. Janu- Eugene Corbie, Colored Student of amc. Montgomery Played Best New York City College, Will tcst fo r Jun io r a nd Senior;;. ar y 28. at eight o'c lock. Game For W inners. Be Here February 5. . \ Ii . t o f cond1tio n s st a tes as on e Piano number s ,,·ill he gi,·en h y 1 he imp orta nt pro v isions that th e H a ro ld Thompson. :\1cred ith Os o f t Mu ski 11 an OJ. g um dd eate.:1 Otte r bein in sto r y have a s its !oasis som e in c id en t borne. L u cile Leiter. :\fary \1/ hite Otterbein l"hri . t ian ~socia11 T Co n fercnce baske t ba ll gam e in some es ta b li s hed fact in Am er ic a n ford . ;ire o ff('ri n g the m 0st worthF lo rence l·'rinz, Clend ,ra Uesdar J 44 · · an . 1!1, at :,.;ew Co nc o rd ( "on t inue<l On Page Two) Ha rne s . and Frances George. while prog rams of the year next to 2o TJ 1 fast · c gam e \\"a s ha r d a n d 0 C --Glizaheth 1[arsh, Ethel Kepler. \\"eek . thro u I · 1 an . g 1< ut. .\I u s k1ng11m touk SENIORS CHOOSE. "KEMPY" Pauline 1-::nepp, :\fary Mills. and earh• I I :\I r. an d :\J rs. R. . \ . Doan . of Co th · ea( and \\"as never headed Isabelle R uehrmund will sing vocal 0Ugh 1h lumhu.s will speak at a joint Y will • e O tt erbein team cam e T hree-Act Comedy Will be Presented select ions. 1111 tw O :\fr. and Mrs. the or three points of tyin By Seniors During Week of .\n 01·gan number by Betty Plum- meeting February 2. core o n . D oa n have spen t the la t twelve Th evera 1 occa 10ns. Commencement. mer and a violin se lect ion by Carl · team wa o utweigh year traveling on the frontier~ of ed e Ott er Ile m Pattou will complete the varied nd pro- the world. fou • o utreacheJ but never ou t "Kc111py ... a three-act comedy by • g-ram. 111 1 1 On the e,·ening of Dec. .;. Eu and the game was ;m ybody 's J. C. and Elliott Nugent, 1a ieen _ ___ -~-tintil 1 1 st o :e. a ol or 'd s fuder:, t;i k Play e " four or live minute o( che>s 11 a th e S.e.ni r cla. - J))a ' to ER"NE TINE NICHOLS TO 0 ft I · · ing po t-graduate work at th ol of th· . r lelll trailing at the end be given o mme.ncem el1t ' ~• ek • J • h t a k·cs t w o an c.• EDIT QUIZ AND QUILL lege of the City of lew York. wi ll (Cf1r st . half 1 10 l::l. came back The p lay, wuc 0 nt1nued on Page Six) addrc severa l student gathe rin gs on one -half hours to perform. w"._s _a hit 1 ']' lie l'li O C ____ in hoth :-,; ew York and Chicago. Quiz and Quill the race quest inn. He comes hig-hly REE PRIZES O FFERED \f o d crn in its ,ettiug. that i,. morl - specia l {neeting aturday morn in
FOR LITERARY WORK l'rn as ,mall. tomi folks a~~ ~aid 1: J elected Ernestine ):ichoL ed itor of ----0 C he ·t o-ood c1ea l of hum or h ( reate<,. I I I . I f h Q . . DECLAIMERS FLOODED , · ' •f . t ,e annua spring num ier o t e uiz
" "tcsh
l'o tbcn . and Sophomores
I Eligible I The • I ·.
u lll •t Or· · al Ann · . ig1n Productions n Ual Quiz and Qu ill Contest.
. 1' he Q · 1 1112 and Q ·ii C • ff ng a 5. . · ui lub ,s o er ~Ve a ries of three prizes oi ten, 11(1 tli 1· I arv ll Ce collars each for liter· rod1ict · .. I .II 10 11 "I . h h Cl u , s~ in the ·1i ri11 · 11,:. t e . . u l w1 , i111. h. · g cc 1t1on o t it s mag10. ' 1'w!. tch wi•11 appear about Ma y "•·re h11Jen 11s anco . Intest will be open to k' 1lld of c ophom o re;; only. Any lliitted a Production may b e su'b. Each ll)it as conte tant may su hh · 111anv c1·ff . 1 erent p r oduct10ns c ll"i h · as · es. 0 nc of I of the tic mo t st ringent featur es lliu st stci ontc st is th a t a ll productions ' ow . 0r origi . unm1 taka,bly the quality 1hat of ~ahty. The tina l te t will be th e adaptal . )t·1·tty for p ublication in Q . Pr111g lltll number of Quiz and c0 lllagazin Tl nte t . e. 1e judge in t he Will be d Quill member of the Quiz Th Club. p c n1anu · aced 1 cnpt s ho uld •be douhl efulJ . YPewrit"111 . Y 111 I 1 • or written ca r e\\>ritcr . , ack ink The name of the th s11ou1c1 c 111 311 • . not be pla ce d upon he ll script b 11 c1. ·r 1 u po n a se para te 1 resc r1•e · le Quiz a nd O uill Club Pr 0 ' I hr · ~ .J uctio 11 Pr l\·le l!'e to publis h anv sub 1111· . . . · \I · I 01 . . lted 111 It . maga zine. 10 ~Ir anuscripis 111u I he u-bmittrd the · .\ltman 01. . r 011i~ some member c,f or~ , . and (_)uil l I b ' Pt I u o n or he- ,
1 fun ~owing out of a am, YI and Quill magazine. The ot her mem1 · Jn·c lv and clean . 1 mixup · t hers of the s taff elected at this ses1 Eight characters com~osc t ,e cas sion are Char lotte Owen, ass i tant nf the iila ., ·. eq ually d1v1dcd between edito r : Ed Hammon. business man111 c 11 and ,,·o m e n. One int er ior se t - age r a11d Laura \Vh etstone. assistant iiwr i~ used in a ll th rce acts. t c bu ines, manager. Tn· -o ut s for places on t I,e cas wcr · · f , e o-o The ann ual spring 11uri1ber of the made Monday a ternoon . .... s ,,· ,-. resu lt s ha,·e not bf'en Quiz and Quill magazin e will ap10 1iress the I pear about ,K .na~· 10. a nn o unced.
Mt. Union ....................
............. ................
7;~.~: ; =;} < \1Juskingum
······· ... ••·...
3 .3 3 3
1.000 .750 .750 .750 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .600 .500 .500 .J.33 ..l.33 .250
3 3 3 4
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; 6
Cinc innati •····· ······· ..... ········ ...••::..:::::::·.::·.:::·.::.:... 3 Ca e ............... . Ohio orthern ................................................. ~ We tern Reserve ......................... •:::::::: .............. Wooster •················ ........... . ..................... Denison .. •···· ··· .. · ······ .. .................. Ohio \\ .esleyan · · .......... . ······ ............................ Hira n1 .... ..... · ········ ··· ··· ····· ······· ........ ........ ~f,ami ................ ···· .. · ....... · ................. .... Heidelherg.................. Kenyon ······················ Oberlin ........... · .... Baldwin- \,\.allace ..... \\.ittl'.nherg ..... .. .. ........ t. Xa,·ier ...
5 ➔ ➔
4 2
2 2 3 2 2
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2 2 2 2
Annual Russell Declamation Contest Was Held In College Chapel Last Night.
A literal rainstorm of o ratorv Aood ed the chape l la. t night whe~ seven contestants from Prof. Leon M c Ca r ty's public spea king cla . ses com peted in the annual Ru se ll Declama tion Contest. The Tan and Cardinal \\"ent to pre. ~ la . t ni ht befo re the contest closed and consequently can not announce the winners. Earl Hoover wa chairma n o f the contest. However. a list of the . peak er s with the ti tl es of their productions is avail ab le. :\,fa so n Hayes was the first de claimer of the eve ning with "On th e Return of the 0 lid er Dead'' as his s ubj ect. :--Jext in order came John Hudock. " ominating Woodrow Wil son": George \ ,V. Rohrer. "1.eorge Washington"; Oaude Zimmerman. "Competi tion '': Dean \~i e. " omi nating \ Voodro\\" WiLon": Louie W. I \"orri s. "\Vhat the ol lege Give ": and Alice Propst, "Tribu te to Lincoln'·. 1 i The th r e j udges were 1:iss Ch ri s I ~ine .M cBrid e, teacher of pub lic speak ' 111g 111 the Westerville H"ig-h . chool, I Prof. Enny Ja kson. instruc tor of publi c· sp aking at Ohio Weslevan t · ni,·ersity. and l{e,·. \\". J . H o l~1 es. :\fu sical numbers were gfren hv th e 1 I co lege or chestra.
~,....=-:~===============================l) OTTERBEIN STANDS HIGH IN CONFERENCE
· ; ;e~Two ~ ~= = = = = = = = =~ = = = = ~ = ~T ~ H~ E~ T~A ~ N~ A~ ~ND ~ A~l<.~D~I~N : ~L: ~ ~= = l = = = =~ :i::;~ Jag I ~ C . : A CALENDAR O L D GRADS APPEAR ! BARN E S SHORT STORY JUNI O R PLAY SHOWED 1 ON CHAP E L PROGRAMS CONTEST ANNOUNC E D R E AL DRAMA TIC T A LENT Tuesday, Jan. 26, 6:00 p. m.- Y. M. and"\: . College O rchestra Contributed L argely H.e,·. E. H. i'\ic ho ls. class of 'ta, (.Co ntinu ed 1-'ro m l'ai,:e One) T o Success of Evening's spoke 111 chapel Tuesday morning, history. The sto ries must be or.ig ings. Wednesday, Jan. 27 Entertainment. . emph asiz ing th e need of realizing . 111al ;rnd of s uch _a chara cter ai to 8:00 a. m. -Exams comme nce. th at the "life'' of which Jesus spoke is cka.rly ephasi ze the vi rtue of g ood The. Junior Class presented the a matter of th e "now•· as well as fo r citizen hip. and shall consis t o[ nbt Thursday, Jan. 286: 10 p. m.-Oeiorhetea. three -act play. "The Goose Hangs the future. ,css, than 5.000 or more than 10.000 I 6 .z0 p. m. -Philalethea. . 1 LalJl· High.'' directed lby Professor and O n Thursday morning. l<.ev. W. word.. · S tu ce I n t Rec1ta , S:00 p . m. A typewritten co py o f each o f the Mrs. Leon M,cCarty, at th e High I'. H ollar, c,ass of '17, pastor of the School Auditorium on vV ednesday U. B. ch urch at Galion, and an ener- three winning storie · will he pre bert Hall. . night. As an additional feature on I ge ti c wo rk er with youth, struck a sented to the librar y. The college Friday, Jan. 296:30 p. m.- Philomathea. the eve ning 's program. ''The China progressive note in his chapel . ta!_!( · reser.ves. the option of pub lishin g each 7 :00 p. m.-Ph iloph ronea Pig... a one-act play. was g iven. and left as his most sig nificant . -con- anq all ·of the successful 5t ories in Tuesday, Feb. 2l · nd cr the leadership of Profe · sor A. tribution, "The Measuring _ Stic-k of some periodical connected with the First S,emester e nd s. address Spessard. th e college orchestra Cha racter,'' by which to determm~ the college. cust omarily the Quiz and ., A Doan Mr. and Mrs. h.. · ~~nt~ibuteJ largely to th e success of merit of our deeds. The m~nt O'f ' Quill · ·maga:dme: ' H_o wever, the au Y . M . an d Y. W . nd 4-the even ing's en tertainment. m eas ure is whether the ~eed _will add th or ma y retain all other publica ·ome real dram atic talent ':a st rength to charac_ter. _will lb nn ~ hap- ti on r'ight s as long as they do no t Wcd. and Thurs., Feb. 3 a to work Pay your 1)1·11 s a nd get brought to light in th e production . pine~s to our friend s . . and will be interfere with t-lie college's ri g ht to again. ,of •'The Goose Hangs Hig h.'. Each a proof to othe~s th_at an hon est . to publish. student. 10 character entered irvto his part O I gqodness effort is bemg made to hv~ The judges may decide that none Friday, Feb. 5Eugen e Cor b .ie, colored whol e-hearted ly :troat the aud ience a Chris tian life. (! f the stor ies 'is of ·ufficient merit be on camp us. was made to feel the reality of the \ Both men attended the co nference _to j ustify th e awarding of prizes. J n Inga! fami ly. T he cast included th e of all the Prot_est~nt pas tors o f the such ~ case the prize monev will be Wednesday , Feb.. dlO-, Rec1•t•- l, 1)1 111 8 :00 p. m .-,Ch1l re·n s fo lowing person : state held last "eek at Memorial' Hall, given to the librar y. . bert Hall. Betty \,Vhite. Duan e Harrold, Columbus. Juniors and eniors who have been Laura Whetstone. Jean T urner, 1 -- 0 C - - -111 chool o ne year previous to th e James Gordon, Franci Bechtolt, \ OTTERBEIN MEN HEARD contest are cligiihle to the contest. Grace Rinehart, Grace Cornetet, SHERWOOD EDDY LECTURE Th ree · copies of the sto ry must be Rosalie Copeland. Charles Lambert. - - -fi led with Prof. C. 0 . 'Altman bn or , Charle Keller , Walter Martin, and ''T he Challenge of the Pre ent befo re Apri l 20, 1926. · 1 Fo re t Berger. World Situation" was the subject of \\'alter Lowrie Ban1e , fo r whom f 11 "The Ch ina Pig" the acting was Sherwood Eddy's add res to more the contest ha been named \va a do ne by Ro alie Copeland, _Tellie than 800 pastors gathered at Memor- brother of Miss Tir~a. L. 'Barn es, Wallace, a nd Amy M orri s. , ial Hall in the \Vednesday eve ning who now hold the pos ition of chief ---- 0 C---session of the an nual · Ohio Pastor's ti'h r.rian. I
Special Rates
STUD E NT COUNCIL PASSES \ Convention. . . .· . ---0 C--After concisely rev1ewmg th e cond1- l G LIBRARY R ESOLUT ION ON ct Your Accounts Ready. I tions in every European country Dr. 1 Eddy declared that democracy is gam ·we remind yo u that exams th . t its la t regular lbi-mon iy meet- growing in Europe. China a nd Rus- begin Wednesda y, January 27, and ing the Student Council passed a reso- \ ia, he declare ar.e the " hot spots" in that tui'.ti10n fee s wi ll be due and lution advocating longer hours !~r the ea tern hemisphere, but he ha ~ay.ab le at the trea urers office on th e 5 th e lib ra ry. The S1udent Coun~tl \ co nfidence in the fo.r ces that are work- hrst two day of the econd semes1 ter, February 3 and 4. pla n would not cau e any radJcal ing for good in these countries. change in the present sy tem, b ut The World Court and League of
to Students d Deliver. vVe Call For an
Phone 465- • 'fti'1'·
R ~ N . CHAPMAN, . ~ ~ 11111~
ould aff rd more time and c~n~enation were fervently upheld, D r. _!,!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ience fo r tudent to use th e library. Eddy tating that at pre ent fifty-fi ve 1 The re olution recommended the fol- nation a re participant and oon lowing change in time chedule : I Ru ia wi ll enter leaving the United
1. Thatening the (library kept open cept beaturday) un - \ every ev ti! !l o'clock. 2. That the library re-ope n in /~~ aft rn n a t 12 :3o in t ad of
'cJo k P- the m. library hav :I. That
tales alone : . on . the outside. P r . Chppmger, P rof. E. M. Hur h, _ Carl Eschbach, Ralph Tin Icy, Merl H u eman, · Lloyd chear, and arl Wil on attended thi -
S ~ ~
--- o
= =
the ame : h k Schear Manages T & C hour n aturday a any ot er wee . ted . Busiday except that it clo e at 5 :30 p. m. ~farc us · ch ear wa elec 11 This r ol ution will be pre 1, d ne s Manager of the Tan and a rto the fa ulty in th e n ar future '.1 t dinal to fill out the un expired term of that body will decic!c \Villian1 Myer , ,vhose resignation -
'"""' peti· w,a ,mpted. " • held m«fo,g of ,n, . mm ntudeut urate wi th the need Pl\1) \ica ti ou Board W cdne~dav tu dent b dy. hould • u h a I a it rn on. J an.uary 20. in Phi lop hr 1;_ time h dulc be adopted it would an ha ll. pr b:~hly ntail the empl ~•in o f antl'1iller th 1 oth r lib rarian .a i tant. fi r t Bu si ri .
0 C - -- College Pict ure Used.
ch ar.
The i[ia.mi Me, senger, a monthly Karl Kumler will ma azine publi h d by tb ~fi ami o f John L hman a on.£ rencc in njun i II wi h ti I unday cbool and hri tian EnExhibits Added deavor Union of the Con£ r nee, in it January number, carrie the group picture of the tudent and faculty f Ot erbcin ollege, taken eptember 22, 1925. Thi number of the {e enger wa Jevote<l to th ine re of Otter-bein College and the n· mond Jubil ee.
S ~ S
Loose-Leaf Note Books. Note Books, Permanent Binding,
~~ S
Tablets, Pens and Pencils.
Parker and Sheaffer Pens.
All help to keep your notes
o. .
Otterbein Test Book 3 for
f ~fr. _
rof. h a r ha ecured recently two int re ting xhibit . Th one i a collection of cotton it the various tage of growth a nd with that a number of cott 11 products. The other _ exhibit how the evolution of silk cloth from the time the egg ~ _ h ate h c d until. the cloth is woven. are ::::
~ ~
Ba1•1ey,S _pharmacy .
~ ~
- - -----.r. ;\..- - -- ---
li ll ut th term L cal EcU t r. _ ---to Museum.
~ ~
~ ~
"Where Everybody Goes"
12 E. Main St.
11111 '
1111111111 · 111111111 11 111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111
11111 1111 111 1
Page Thr•
·· .\h e" Glunt was in the office n ot
Reports Are Coming From All Parts Of The Country Endorsing Reunion Plans.
,o very long ago and wanted to Sen:ral exprc sions of good-will a nd kn o w if the class of '16 was going congratulation have come to Coac h to han• a reunion this time. \Veil Edler and his ba kethall players. of course that all depends upon the The Dayton bunch writes "We -class of '16. "'Abe'' took an a lu 111ni ,,·ish you ,,·ould call the attention of 'J'I1e rcspon,e-for the big program · I h · J· 011 ~ reg1>ter with 11111 and •'La rch 26 contin ues with the finest · I a ongd ome I · each member of the team. as well a pro1111sec to o a I that he could to the Coach. to the f.act that we are all growing spirit of cooperat ion. Eight 1110 rc groups are plann in 12: a get-tomake the reuni on of the class at this mightly pleased with the success t h e - the sp irit comme ncement- ten long yea r, after team has e njoyed , and fee l certain t hat get h er for that evening and I I they left Otte r,bein- a real even t. C. when the final accounting comes along <tsp aycd is of the very· finest. 0 E I' I I'· h '· Oh' :\ll S. ED [Tf-1 YL , .. ,1c ey. -.anton. 10. wrote that they will head the percentage column Darke Co unty headed by Betty McOtterbein has been saddcncJ •b y the he had heard a lot of talk among as other Otterbein teams ha,·e done in '21 and Helen Miller. '25. prommemhers of the class about a reunion the pa t." 1Cabe. ses to f II · death oi Edith Oyler. a graduate of a 111 line with the program and wanted to know if anything defiC. L. Richey ,·vrote to Coach Edler d 111 au addition Darke County will l;ist year. She died at f.i:OO o'clock nite had been done. \ \'ell no- aying for the Canto n Boys, "Conhave a permanent organization afte r i\l onclay e,·c11111g at her home 111 n ~_rhing definite.. but something is gratula_tions_ to you a nd the boys th 011 .,-,,.,c· I I cl . h at night B to · etty says . ,~1g1ty ga \\·arsaw, Indiana. as the result of going on tat will as~ure the clas _vour victories over Case an d R eserve. get theD Darke County fo lk to- complica ti o ns w 111c · 11 fo II owe d a c,·cre of a first_ cla s time. o plan now T_hose_two victories ha,·e certai ii ly_ regether., efi nite plans have not for the h1g event. v1,_·ed mt_erest and Old Time Spirit in been a· ·11 mastoid operat io n. . nnounced but th e meeting w 1 This is the hig year for the ,ixe, this sect ion of the state. likely b h 11 · G · l;or four vears J\liss Oyler was a 'G e e c Ill r een nll e. , you know. '76, • 6. '96, '06 , 'UI, an d · et Woo ter. we are all with you." th e "Big Boss" a nd his wife are prominent ieatle r on th e campus. '26. And likewise. Roe Anderson wri tes Putti ng th ti . . D . M ::,he wa a member of the Cleiorhef th Ak ' e 1mg over m etrott. r. - - -- 0 C -- -or e ' ron group s;iyin g. ''Conanc1 ,, tea 11 Litcrar_v ::,ociet ,· and th e Torno· I · d . lvus. Frank C leme nt s '96. '01. , A PEACH OF A L;ETTER gratu atJons an good wishes.'' 1v11l . ' . uacht Club. bemg act iv e in literary, _ __ _ ___ O C entertarn their group in their . · ---h onie ra t D earbo rn . Michigan. M r. dramatic. athletic, .flid re 1igi o u acLetters are not uncommon around CLASS O F 1947 Cl ernent · f 111 t O f tivities her influence reached prac- this office but the letter we received th orm us ectio at onurwas !iS far ucall)· every student in College. Mi s from Mr. Erma ! ·oe l Fishba ugh . '16. \\' c are mi hty lad to e· nroll the f0 tterbein folk ineclthat rorn co111p lete. True---one of the by- Oy ler wa a lso ,a talented mu ·ician. is uncomm on enou h that we are go- name of Ma r y Catherine Carlson in Product . s o f thi meeting will be the many remember her particularly be- 1·11g to g,·ve it to _vou with the hope the clas this week. She put 1'n her 1 oca1tng of a number of O tt erbei n cau:,e of the organ preludes she fre - that it will inspire in you the same appearance January 20th. Pea Pe J who e names do not appear in (!ttcittly pla)•ed 111 cha1iel sen·icc,. warm feeltng · · · · fat I1er i, Dr. B~n we experienced. I . '•' f_ary C a ti 1erm.e, our files. l f yo u kn ow a ny- e nd A il her work in clas ·es, in mu ic, iu '·I just fini shed readin your alum- t Jamrn_ rl o n, 22. now of the tty the111 in. 1iterary circles, and in all extra-cur- na l column of thi week's T . & C. I Ho p1ta l. Cl ve land and h r mother Cincin · · ncu lar orgamzations-wa · character- ca n't tell you the enjoyment thi one know,'. to the yo unger generation be guid;~at1b and . Hami lton co untyM1s ized by a Jis1i11c,i,·c th .; roughncss. division brings to me as I feel rather of al umm a Edna Dellinger, '22. nd Potteng J Y 1.r. a Mr · F. · Dean McFadden, Loi~ Bingham isolated from my Otterbein clas T he youn lady hasn't decided a th ·1 tance er, of r.Mr. , both. '25. w ho with e, and E lizabeth 1, rost attendedId the mat es and friends. I don 't kno,,· of yet whether it wi ll be natural ciNL Book.man.. 04 are counting k: h • tuncral services which were Iie o n a ny other Otterbein fol ks residing in e~ ce · . as fat he r did, or a rt , as mother of h upon ma mg t at ect 1011 · I k in f did but anyway s he 1· · t 0 t e country r f O b . ·1 hursday afternoon at l 0 O c oc Me rcer Cou nty a nd the news o your • . commg o tTbe M:· . a tve or tter _em . U · d Brethren Ch u rch at \Var- prepara tion for the Bi F amil y R e- 1 t cr bem to take h er place in the famunion ma de me wish for an organiza- ous cla of 1947. ciation i tai:11111_-Valley Otterbein Asso- 1 '.:~,. m te t0 . wi mg to adjus t its program s · ---- O C fit int th ____ 0 C - - -tion o ut here in Western Ohio. A rc - - -nite arrano ge e genera CLAMMY BUSINESS . t o o rga mzc . V an W er t It Isn't Too Early To P lan. h l program. Deficl yo u p Iannmg but th ment ave not been ma e ____ Co untv or a ny of our neighborin g Jun e eems a long way off but rea lly to c ey have voiced thei r w ill ingness I I • oop 1· 11·10 r · have a wa y a >o ut t icm co unties for this Otterbein ·• et -to- it won't be Ion until the first robin add tnaetra_te. uch a la rge gro u p wi ll ::.c s h selves lt i ab oether"? If so, I'm sure I'd like to put · in hi appeara nce. ca 1· enally to t he spi rit of the oc- pec uliar to I cm · on. I the ta k of repr esent Mercer Co. and get in the Commencement thi year is going to ir lut e fo ll y to al low t 1em 1 » r Ea· h • of reu n ion. be 1 aero · h it Hahn Mead. ' 19. w ill put 11111 . .11 extra space with aruc es . one of the biggest and best. Cer t "J belon , ed to the Colum bu Ottertamly it will be th e bi year of the he e Program in Luca Cou nty. •nterest Jt is true and we reque t enera 1 1 • bein Woman's Club when we lived in sixe . et acf . . ne~ concerning the la t- I . . . , veil frankly admit that Colum bus and I thoroughly enjoyed that .',vttie. of the coll ege ·'anything m1 ht Just as , a· I ' I ave new . I Wt I intc ... · • · ·c 1c. n t 1ust rest the alumm . Alumni 1t JS-\\ · 11 the the . ocial time we had a nd .now find are 1. 11 DEATH TAKES ANOTHER . I miss them \'Cry.• \'ery much. t Uc!l1tere . t e d and do wa nt to keep 111 ,• 1HlUg I1, pt:·re alumni news, to
I ,
lllec ~ \\Jth the c J llege. therefore the. e , >a c la,t week. l\aturally the space " I want my little dau hter to grow 1 O tltn ' s will be ea y to promote. be ti ll ed bu t that doesn 't up in an Otte rb ein atmosp here so he 1 1 terbe·111 • iac to · ca n become an enth usias tic member lcge t run J ndiarna Cent ra l ol- 1 . ·r 1 >lacin ' of .. ' ix teen V ane· ,tnct ati India napo hs-that is almo t - 111st . · I Yf t ie . . I _ ,. 011 th e a lu 111111· pa e. of the famou s '47 class that eem to 1 am . . , . rce and hard be growi ng rapidly in n umbers. If ating le group out there i, cooper- ,e~ o Unde J .\ Jumni new 1s sea ~r " r t 1e I acler hip of Mr. and th t " 'lY he doe n't I'm afraid her Dad will ''J ·h· Johnny" George '22 Ex. to ecure. obody kn ow a = ha\'(~ her rooti n for hio tate. but "I would be glad to hear from you 1 nny·• Wri· tes. ·'there i ' a red ' ring ,be tter than t h e alumni reporter ar UncI • ri sk 1 foJk March 26 for the Otterbein / he d oesn't have the a udac ity. to h in regard to thi matter and a ure 11 d 1· of I · b Y 1·n tructmg t e you I'll •cro w ' a Iou di y a I ca n from 1'h anapolis and vicinity." hi . m a l ticket . 1 eou e Yale. tte r bein Club, a po ntan- t·ditor to ti ll the pace wi'.h a cam here." the ygroup that organized and made a rticle de cribing th o e ltttle onek That kind of a letter may properly al ' · hll th ey crac Ottetil) _e ttudent fee l the spirit of t hat close up O ti Y h c1 · be igned as he signed it. " Yours e1n i . . II •o ir-it wa t e e ,. 0 b . " i>rogra ' coop ratmg al o. The their he • f he fo r a bigger ttcr em . rn \Vt·u be e ngineered by the tor who dt'd 1·t a nd O course ____ C newly cl there O ---1 '1 7. e ectecl president J. O. Todd, blames it o n the compos~r a n_ 1-i · ' 15. Penrose M . Redd, of Toledo, is W 'II just fo rgive him t ts . . . It w·11 yo u are. e . cl 11 eve r to co nducting an evangeltst1c campaign at bei 11 ,;h be a g reat night for Otte r- time for he has promts~ as nice I Rockford, Ohio, and sent his greetings h1g1e ~n !400 aluumni unite in a do it again. Then too, d e ; Mu- to Otterbein friend by means of Mr . 11 lllea118 t lOt1ght-What Ott erbe in eno ug h to add th ~ wo r Fishbaugh. . to Ill e. se um ·• to his head Ime.
An ther of Otterbein '· "oldtimers" passed into the g reat beyond . M. H. mbro e of th e clas f '71. an wered the final call January 11 . at his h me in Pittshurg, Pa. Mr. mhr se wa. one of th• fir · t t re. pond to t he call of 1he alumni a - ociati n for up I o rt in its new program. The 1c ponse wa characteri tic of thi lay.al a lumn u for he wa a hea r ty upp rtcr of h i Alma fater. The ympathy of th e offic r s and director of the al umni group a re ex tended to hi fam ily and fr iend .
~P=ag~e=F=o=u=r==================T~H=E~T~A~N~A ND C ARD IN AL THE OTTERBEIN
good s tude nt rs t he way IT STRIKES US lihrarv time." he I - -- -· 1 · I GI is a hit o f truth in the as-. Tl- at we recommend " Dutch" aze Published Weekly in. the interest of c xamm.atr on rs .a tatr bas ts of judg- i se rti on o f the J~b-r arian s ti for an honorary Varsity " O"' letter. b th m g a s tud ent s r ea l a bilit y in a h . . 1at t oo Otter.__. ucm y c . Th at Mus k mgum . ha s a good team, OTTERBEIN LITERARY g 1vc 11 subject. Practically the on ly •• mu c tr rn e . rs· waste · d 1·11 th e 1·111ra ry . .. I h SOCIETIES . . · . -. I loncrete ins tances sp r · I , a ue " e can see 111 an exa11 11na.tro n . . d · mg to c That some fellows arc becomini Westerville, Ohio p ' is the review o ne should make be- n1111 s of a ll. And, da r e we n o t say, hapel llember of the Ohio College ress f . I all a r e guilt ? A l conspicious by their absence .at c · . Asaociation . ore approaching the room o f in - . . Y• mos t umversal ly set for · I ll can he said " "' o · Th t th ad · gctt1 ·ng qurry. J t \\'Ould see m to t ha t ,. · " man was tes t une a e squ 1s or
exa minati on
sys tem.
So ; of
TAN & CARDINAL I many ,·ar iet ics of s itua tion s may use, his ---~~-----~~~~--- a r ise .that. we. do no. .t be rreve tiia t a n I There
11 5
STAFF Editor-in- Chief ............ J . B. Henry, As sista nt Editor .. Wayne Hars ha, Contributing Edi tors\ ",- van d a G a 11 ag h er, Lenore Smith, Pauline Knepp, Floren ce Howard, Louie N orri s, Athl etic E ditor .... Harry Widdoes, Asst. At h. Editor .. Cly de Bielstein Bus. Manager ........ Marcus Schear, s si tant Bus iness ManagerRoss MillH,
eightee n \\' ee ks in the cla ssroom I alo ne. O n any frolic , th e re is al'26 , " ·o uld reveal to a professo r the s tand- ways m ore fu n if there is a crowd." '27 1 in g of a ~tudent. H o we vrr. the · Fr o m a remarkable tribute to , , exa ms a re he re. 1 Louis Pasteur. and hi s kt·n,:I. "'e ca tl 26 1 ' " · · f h 1 catch th e '26 \ By working both w ays, w e mean I f . prrtt .o t e man . the rea'26 t I1at .111 ma k·mg . . . o n que s on or his achieve men t • an d an 111. o ut e xamrnatr '28 ti o ns a pr o fessor sh o uld feel that he sp-rratwn that ,.,.ill not perniit the '28 is o n his ho nor to give a fair deal waste _of tim e-"the benefactors of '27 . d humanity a r e d · b '28 111 o r er that a student may meet it I . .. riven Y the zest of t 1'<' .1oh. '27 on his ho nor. - - --0 C - - -- -- - 0 C-- - '28 Honest Abe Always. Circulation ManagerA Questionnaire. Margaret Widdoes, '26 Q J d u ge Gary says. "Abraham LinAssistant ir cul ation ManagersucS!io nn a ires see m to have beco m e Ruth Hursh, :27 an :\meri ca 11 hob by. But in pite of ' coin, ' H o ne st Abe·, would not ha ve M. Wilson, 28 all the puns and slams, the q ue - been a succes · a 5 p ·d Alumna! Editor rcs1 cn t except for t 1·-0 nnarre · · a s a valuable o-Jeaner , h · , r ernams . H . \v . T r oop, 23 "' . Alma Guitner, '97 ot th e common th o ught. I ts 1. rep utat ion for hone 5 t y. I n t h c H 11 Ed" ear ter month s of I11· Co c h ran a 1tor, D ea ling wi th campu s problem . be- . p . s service as Florence Rauch, 26 _ f . . re rd ent he wa • 1 · t I Local Editor ............ K a rl K umler. '28 ~o rnes a matter o know111 0- the dom- ou , . )rt e r y. outrageExchange Editor'. "_aut camp us thought before ratio nal \ sly assailed by h is enemies, and Ernestin e Nichol ·, '27. ,, d r..H i. ca n be tak en. W e wonder by some wh o pro fe ssed to be an d h. f · \\'hat rs t he thought of the ca m1l u , should have b , een ts nends · b t b on com pu lsory chapel , danciug, so- I ca u e h • u eAddress all communications to The cia l fun cti o ns. cont rol of the college . e wa hone t , and had confiOtterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. .. den ce m his • · • paper. li:ira r y ho ur s. th e honor sy _ own mtegnty of purpose College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. . old ac-' Subscription price, $2.00 Per Y car, tem , Sunda y School and c hurch at- , and . had dem o nstrate d to h1s payable in advance. te ndance. the ne\\' activities· sc hedul e ' qhuamtance many times that he w as one · and truthful, his repu-· a unrt o rm boo kk eeping sy tern. and . t a n d fair . gs that m i ht tatton wa e t a bl'is h cd and he triumphEntered as second cb.ss matter a num ber o f o th e r thin September 25, 1917, at the postofficc b u ge ted. ed over every cha rge of . dishone ty." at Westerville, 0 ., under act of March
-1 . .
some more conference ladder climb· ing. That the real t est of a man or 1 b k team 1·11 the fight on the come ac · That -c arc sorry the orchestra ~ • • ns in didn 't have longer intcrm1ssio which to perform at the Jµnior play, · 15 That the dramatic work here "hanging high." That our prune leaguers arc shoW·
ing good stuff.
k.ttJIIIIIJ ~•-1••
3, 1879.
e beli eve th at a q uestionnaire I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Acceptan ce for mailing at special i. s\V ued by t he s tudent co un cil eek - 1 i i rate of postage provided for in Sec. ing a co n e nu s of t he s tudent opinion ' 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized wo uld enahle th em as repre entatives j April 7, 1919. of the st ud e nt body to deal more judicio usly a nd \\'is ely with om e E DITORIALS puzz ling . ituati o n . . In t he q ue tionnaire. in o rde r to 1 Patronize Our Advertisers. he thor ugh. the re . hou ld be an g ro up of loyal \,\"estervill and h_o nest effo r t to \\'Ork o ut t he qne. _ o lumbu · bu ine men a re con 1 - tt o n~ _to h nsed with faculty co- \ O t nt hoo ·ter fo r Ottel"bein allege ope rati o n. • and · regula r adverti s r in th Tan \ Ve advoca te a q ue st ion naire! and ardina l. Throu g h th ir ad ve r O C---For Senior Men. ti in g the. e m e n a re makin« it po ibl tha t y o u may hav e a w ekly \\"c ho uld lik e to propo t l . ·1 f h . . e o t ie c llege 1 a1er. Of cour e t h ctr ac - men o t e e nr o r la · th a t a t -ome _in g pays. hu t we he li ev t ha t dat in the near futur they hold a W. man who advert ' m th e .. , m okele s s moker,' ' a c upidle Valar dina l anJ the en t ine stag party. or a get- t "eth er ~ .--::::::;::::: de erve the pat- . o f ome kind . ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 := T o our knowle<lg!!, thi s has never :.roll age. .-
Cough Remedies of every kind and one ~articular kind that s particularly good. When you think of C u g h Remedies think of '
ur pr po ,11011, the n. i that every nt fo l.ow t he adverti ement a nd patr niz the men who u e the colum · o f the college pub lication in alling att ntiot1 to their bu ine o-op ration in thi matter will mean tter b u in e relati o n for hoth :buye r and seller. Mak yo ur next pur has fr o m the m a n who ad,· rti e !
been done ; but. that i a ll the more rea. o n for O d ing. The ·ocial group a nJ li~erary ocietie have th eir tag parties, an d why cannot t~e enior m en break down the barn ers of group a nd ociety a nd meet fo_r an all a ro und gooJ time. It wr~l lay the fo un dati o n for . clo r umty o f fellow hip in the alumn ' day by hringing u clo er togeth:r no w.
- ---0 C---On Your Honor. The time for cramming here l minut e revival are the v g ue.
Men. le t' s meet ancl Jay ou~ plan j ~ th en ca rr y them thr ugh. ' '§ 11 o n for th e . nior . taal :
,. , .
Collegiate Style.
ieS, ~
15 S ... Heavy athletic stY e S
can a nyo:1e keep_ fro~ f ling I C- - § a ti ngle f xc1tement 111 ht ne rvou I Using Time. : tru ture? nd , th y tell u WC a re D ea n In ge. w ritin in the ' . o ur h nor. Education . . ocia tion magazin:tr :al / § • that " Th k f • ys lt·cvA, an We .. e mar · o a civili z d man : both way ·. ln place. \\' C i I~ th e way h use hi s l i ur time.' ar 10 booster. O ur Iii r a r ia ns would ·sa .v · " Th e m a rk I : 11 ne
Light weight fanc
I a nd
I ·
~ S
sweaters sS
I§ ·: I§ :: I§ :
• SM
,. )._
= = ,
E J NorrJS. &son s ALL REDU •
~ ,., S :=,.,
Page Five
\\ ' . Va. in o rd er to win a bet. The d isc uss ion w hi c h r es ult ed in th e wager wa s to th e effec t th a t a man co uld no t i M M a vC'rage fo ur miles pe r ho ur on a lon g Two ve ry o l I volum es of mu s ic O A hi ke a nd th e t hree ag reed to ma ke hal'e i>een pre ·cnted to !-'resi d en t O T th e journey to Wes t Vir g in ia in te n ll !)pinger fo r th e a ll ege libra ry ,; ,y R E ho urs a ctual tra velin g tim e. T hey ~I r. .\. Dur ing, of New \' or k SAYS: City. ..;;;==.;...=;.;..;=;.;;;;========":I club for the remainder of th e . c;iso n made th e trip in nine ho ur s a nd fif 'l he in scri1-•ti o n whi c h Pr esi d e n t i has led to 1 he fi li ng o f a pe titi on by te n m inu tes t hu s wi nn in g th e wager Clippinge r has written in the la r ge r i T h ,J I " ce rt ain ir icnd of he r s s ig ne d the Se n ior s a nd Juni ors askin g fo r a a nd the dinn e r for wh ic h th e losers volume, which contain s music with a pdit it io n to ha vc c h ape l in th ree -! s us pens io n o f th e senten ce fo r a ll m e n. paid . w rds in Ge rm an , r ea J s t hu s: '' G iv - 0 1· ti \' e o ne ho ur paiods a wed, a n d placi ng them o n p ro batio n. en to Otterbein li eg e, J anuary H. th o n g- ht s h e w as pl'lit io nin g ch a pel : ---1926, by C. .\ . Du r ing, 600 W. 146 th f0,r no exa minatio n s and t ha t s he I Af te r hearing a d ebate on th e que sSee Samples from t.. ;'\cw ~ ~rk , in hi uinoty-seve n t h thi_1~ks s h e _o ugh t t o hav e a g uardia n. I tion. " R esolved : That h u mmi ng is year. He I th e o n o f H. A. Durr ha t , he~ s ure s he's goin g t o get just ifiabl e fo r th e t w e nt ieth ce ntu ry · I h co ll ege woma n ,'' co-ed s at O hio U ni mg, w 1ose na m e appears. on t e n ex t I a ;:c hnnl nex t yc;i r heca use , h e's page. At ab ov d a t e tl11s boo k w as i<> ined t eac h e r 's agenc ies fro m eve r v vt"r s it y vo t ed .30! to 79 in fa,·o r of th e ,, · affi rm a ti ve. Th e winn ing t ea m <le a,o s 1atc in th e unio n a 11d a few fr om I ut two IHIii d red ye ar o Ic.I Before oraering Class a nd Social The oth er book bears th e name Ca n ada l!i u t t hat t h e qnest in n is- fended s id e o n the fo ll ow in g po ints. ".\ugu st Durin g" a nd dat e Bummin g is ju sti fiable front an ed u1837 . . \ri z · na o r L' tah . Group Pins. Augu t Dnrin$ was t he e ld er broth e r ca t io na-1 s tandpoint. Bumming is jusTh a t s he ha s tl1 c l1 ea lth1'es t te<·1cl1 - t 1' f-'1,a l) Ic f r o m a rccrea t wna ' I s t a n d po111 · t. of ·. A. During a nd live d in Fra nk Makers of P hilophronean Keys. , . . G e r , 9 11 the facu lt y , s he has n' t mis- Rummin g co n fo rm s to th e dignit y o f e nn a ny . r rt on tht .,1 a111 , , . \ 1) . th e moder n gir l. ., . :·c d a c la _s a ll yea r . 1 "r. . . . nnng ca m e t o ,-.men- -- 11th a nd High Columbus, 0 . ca from Ge rm a ny wh e n he wa q u ite j F r o m tt-r111 papers t o cxa rn s- \\' ha t T h r ee O hi o U11ive rs ity s tu de nt s a youn g 111an. He was a mu ; ic ' n ex t ? wa lked from At hen s to Parkers burg , --------·- _____ _ teache r an I e ven no,.,v. a lth o ug h h e That if she \\' e r e a ires hm a 11 again i ninet y-se H·n yea r o f age, he pl ays s he "'"u ld b ud g et he r ti 111 e, hter " the 1>ia 110 w ith exceptio n a l s kill. 111 o n ey. neve r mis s Y . \V .. C. E.. Mrs. D uring "'a M a ri e Sha n k H ot t , S., and nev er cut a c lass hut I th ink wi.i w of Ci ·hop Hott. She was a 1h;it she 'd <lo the ,ae thi ng she did student in Otte rb ei n in the e ightie s. hdo ,·e- major in CA M. PL' ST l~Y. Both Mr. a nd M r s. Du ri n g a rc Th a l s he'd hat e t o re port for t1·ack benefactors of tter bei n. Duri ll g the ,'\gita t iPn aga ins t th e dr as tic en fo r cement of th e rul e whi c h fo r bi d s the use of toba cco by a11yonc r c pre c n ting B lufft o n Coll ege in a thl etics. de: ba t ing. g lee clubs a nd qu a rt e ts ending I iu the s uspen s io n of Ca pt. f\ngs bur ge r , fro m t he ba sk e tba ll squad a nd g lee
The College Shop
1>a t ten yea r, their g if ts to the c i i-
ex eed d
su m
in s 1Hi\\· this deep .
Spring Suitings Are Ready.
That 1ww·s t he time to s tal'\ dr in k in g b lack coffee and c ra m111i n g- for
- - - - 0 C- - -
Tailored Suits, all wool, guaranteed to fit.
CXil tll.
L. M. l+oom er. p r es id e n t of 1h · \Va id rf-.\ stori a l nc.. say "app·ly simplifica ti on to t h e t h ings yo u buy. 1f one bolt will ati sfy fif t een u ses. do not li> uy tif tce n ki nd s of b o lt s." Man uactur er s are t r y in g t o in s truct buyer 1to coJ1 s ult the ir needs, the fit nc of pur c ha e, inte r c hangea b ili ty of parts, ,ge neral 111 ainte na ncc. a nd wearing qua li t ie . "Science in buyi ng m e an a richer life for the buy,er ," declar es Dr. Ray 111 0 11(1 Phelan. in poi nt in g o ut that Sweden and Ru s ia a~ we ll as th ousand s of fi rm and individual s in Amcri ca are s tud y in g an d adopti ng implilied l'ra tic e po n so r cd h y the nitcd States Departme nt of Co m merce, the Un ite.! tates hamhcr of ommerce, a nd th e A 111 c ri ca n Society of Engin ee r .
$22.50~ $26. 75, $35.00
T h at t hi s t im e 11 ex t week s he w ill tither fee l a lo t be tter o r a lot
Men's Spring Oxfords _________ _____ $5.85 and $6.85
" ·nrs...--.
- - - - 0 C- - - -
LIST'NIN' IN Whet h e r o r not th e hono r sys t em sh o ul d be r e taine d at Ade lb ert Coll eg e is a q u es ti o n of much di scu ss ion at present in \,Ves t e rn Rese r ve. T he St ud en t Cou n c il is abou t even ly di vid ed 0 11 th e po int of whet h er o r not th e system , hal l co ntinu e thro ug h the n11111ng- fina l exa mi n at io ns.
La st wee k's intern at iona l co n ve n ti o n n f c lo t hin g d es igners at Cin cin n a t i r ecognized th e d ema nd o f co ll ege I I 111e11 fo r hr oa d -s h o uld e r ed coat s with the fr o nt s s uppr essed to provide a m ore ;ith lctic appearan ce. T h e s tyle fo re-cas t co mmi t tee's s how ing of s uits fo r next sea so n g-a ,·e pro mi ne n ce t o broad s h ou ld er~. two - button . ac k coat s and tro u se r s d is tin ctly na rrower.
TEXT BOOKS Are Now Ready. Come early and avoid the rush. Note Books and Fillers of all Kinds. ART SUPPLIES
Prof.-" Rea so nabl e stud y is h ea lth
ful. ' Senior-"Wha t ?" The Prof. repeated . enior-"O h, y , reasonable st u d y!'' Ed.-"~ow.
whe r
ca n
hun t
date?" Gwy nn e- ·' 01u
college catalog."
Perry-" Naw, om ove r to my room and we'll look at th e coll ege p ielure,,,
---0 C- - -
TEST BOOKS At the Regular Price.
1n order to ·ave tra ns po rt a ti on fa re a Leland Sta nf rd tud ent b o ught a 1 hearse at a bargain and he a nd seve n of his fellow s tudent s r de ho me for their Chri. tma. vacation in a nov e l conveyance.
l O E. Main St.
University Bookstore
Phone 493-J
18 N. State St.
~~~==============~ I 'age Six
.'\ N
C A R D I N A 1.
\ Warrick's Physic Department
Girls To Play This Week.
At York .College Detroyed
The girls gro up league basket I r· . g.ame s will begin the la 5t of I • ire b roke o ut in the Phy ics Deweek. ~ o sched u le has been of York College on New n ouncec I l)tlt the sched ul e will I partment y . : <:_a r s e ,·e and d_id a_ damage of about posted a, ,oon as it is finished. I :iOO. all of which 1s covered by i.n____ Q sura nce.
bail thi, anb~
Conference Dope. Dwight Warrick, of the cla s of '23 . Conference Three we ek, ot. 01110 is head o f this d epa rtn1ent at York. ' . 0 tte rll)e ll. , iu secont. 1 basket lnll l1ncl, O C--. , ." . nd Ohio place alt,ng with .\ kron a hat Team Sent Off. l'. St. Xa,·ier is the only teani t t
____ LaS Tue day noon an e nthusia stic 1 P. Myers a nd Mendenh all Conti nu e . crowd of roote r s gather d t th H 1gh ,corers of the Ohio Con and ·ei 1t ti1 · e a e gym To Hold High Scoring Honors . . ' e team away t o :tv[ · k· : cncc co r rect as far a;: 1t can be t,nnd .· 11 . . u, mgum a ' \\ It rousing rallv I n B . B . L eagues. up t , and mcluding games of \V ed· · nc,d ay night and Jan . 20. / Barnes. I. f. I. 11r I.eagu'· · ancI l· ot11· G ruu1> B. F. p · 1' L'pson:l.f. .... 0 6 ' J 'n•n c League g-ame~ played la;:L , \\ ' ID DO ES. Otterb ein l(i 1~ 46 i'orosb·. c. ···· (} () 0 \\"l'Ck can1e out as expc:cted excepi Brodt. .\kro11 .... · ·· ·· · · 17 10 4-l :i · I1 .\lll"n. Cincinnati l{eiglc. c. · ··· ··· •······ ·--... tht: \\"onckr ··5·· l,nzmop game w I11c 1.; 12 42 I) 2 Sna,·ely. r. g . . I the \\"on,il- r ··.; \\·on >y t I1c scor e l)l; ELL. Otterbein 1.i :, 3,; ··-·· ··· ··· •···Hue :!. I. g. of 1:i to 12 . Taylor. Miami 11 10 32 I Carro ll. I. g. L'. '.\Iyer, kept h is hold on high 1\.\1,~ES. Otterbein 1:, o :{0 I] 0 () \ \ ' n.ght. () h10 . Mc Michael. r . g. .... ........... O . scoring honors in thl" game " ·l11ch 11 ,; :rn 0 0 thl: Lakotas \\"011 from th e Alps by I Tay lcJr. ~uskingum H 2 30 T . '1 d I' k 1 . ota ls the ,,·ore ol i to 6 "yers sco re I oros ") 1s twent1e t 1 111 th e It t of M . · \I 8 '.?fj all thl" points for the wmners with Ohio Conference high sc o rers with O uski_ngum-44. G. F . P. . rr. I I t\\o ha,kctr. a nd thret' f o u 1s. z.: pmnts. 1 l :{ " ntgo111en· ·1 hl" L ook House defeated the - - -- 0 C - - - Ta~ lor. c. · (Cl · r. f· .. .... :t Country UUJb with a second half STIFF GAME EXPE CTED C lark r g · 7 1 spurt. The score wa, tied at the I WITH HEIDELBERG CREW H a rr~p. . I.. o-_ 2 0 in tumi,sion but the w inn e r ,; ran I ---I' I 2 I • 0 11 S a turc1ay 111ght wild in the seco nd ha li and scored the Otterbein >rac bury. I· I. ·· ····-··---- -- -- 7 0 14 field goals from all over the Hoor. ,I quintet _will n_ieet the Heidelberg pill Th ompson oi the loser, . and Marsh t_os,er, 111 :heir fifth -~ame of th e Con- . Totals 20 H i oi t h e: " ·inners. wen, ti ed for high terencc sc,,edule. I he game promscorin g honor, oi the game with 10 ise,_ to he clJse with Heidelberg r.: points apiece. ha ving th e ach·a n tage b ecause of The pmnX" pill tos . er nosed out p.layrng on their own tlo The the :\nnex quintet in a la,t minute , tr; -col n r team dd~' a :cd Otterbein last spurt hy a score o f 1-l to 8. A bas- ; year and the fan and Cardinal j ke t and two fouls by Ja coby in th e ' ,nil he out hr revenge. They a lso la st minute of play gave the win - j have a football defeat hanging ove r lj ner an appare ntly decisive le:ad. I from last fall to acco unt for . A Mendenhall kept the hold on high g oo d game 1" expected and all the , co rin honors in the Prune League , r o~ ters that can be o n hand will 1be by co rin g eight points in the game apprt'ctatecl. which his team lost by the score of - - - - 0 C - -- 1 12 to n. MUSKINGUM WINS
ier- 1
Q'llnle to has not plavecl a conference 0 • · . dispute,1 date. Mt. l'ni o n rests 111 un. of . 11lace h)· virtue possession of lirs t three \,·in~ in a~ n1any s t arts.
IM · .......
,~ I .; I
The Spring Samples are on Display. Dry Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.
. WELLS The Tailor
.Yukon Delight Chocolate Covered.
The scores for last week.
Group Leagu~ Philot a . 10 ; J anda. 4. Lako ta , 7; Alps, 6. Sphi nx , 12; A n nex, Cook Hou e, 26; Country Club , 11. Prune LeagueDubs, 11; Delta, 5. Wobuga, I ; Celtics, 19. Wonder, ·'S", 13 ; Kozmops, 12. Hailey-Annex, 15; Kappa. 2.
Ice Cream Bar
·- - -
:--:ext Friday night at the high sc hool gymna ium Otterbein wi ll play the Vienna At hl et ic .\ s· n . The team is composed ~ fom1er high schoo l stars. They have playeJ ·e,·cn games s o far thi eason and ha,·e won all of them and a hard game hou ld be expected. No one should miss this game a it prom i es to be a thriller from start t o fini h . The probable sta r t in g line up of the visitor s is as f o II ows: H. Clark, r. £. D . Cla rk, I. f. H a r b inson, c. Funkhou ser, r. g. Evans, I. g.
( Continued from page one.) , 111 t hl" second half to come within ' four p o ints of tying the scor e with seve n minute s to play when M u sk. II d . mgum ca e time o u t. After that the score c limbed rapidl y and the 1 1 game endc,I 2(; to 44 in favor of '.\lu,kin um. The game is · aid to have li)een the fastest ever p layed on Muskingum's floor. Tayl o r . and Bradb ur y were I high scorer, ot the game with 15 and 14 po int ,; respectively b u t ~l ontg, _ 1 1111 cry playcrl the best all around floo r , game for the winner . Widd'Oes w as the high scor er for Otterbein . with \I points.
~ 1 F;;~~;;~~;;=~=-=;;=~;;=~;;=~;;=~;;=~~== ;:;~
B radbur_Y...diminutive forward ... I 011 the M u krngum q uint et, looked sm all compared to the rest of his team, but 1 was ~s la rge as any m a n o n th e Ot teiibem team with th e excep t ion of I Porosky.
Go Wher~ You Have Always Been Pleased your photo from
The Old Reliable
game in addition to h is n ine point.. , Snavel )• I cl Paye a n excel len t gu ar d'mg- I1 game as any one can see by I k " . oo mg ~ppos1te M o nt o m ery's nam e in th !me up. ·t The lin e u p:
Otterbein-26. G. Widdoes, (C). r. f............... 2
F. 5
Will be the be5t•
Rich and High Sts.
~· P age Scvca
Y . W . C. A.
The Y. \\' . C. A. meeting last \ Philomathea held its election sesTuesdav eve nin g wa s th e "' F low.er \ sio n F rid ay evening for the officers of .Fest i,•ai·• of whi ch Esther Geo rge the third term. The res4lts. are: J. N. had charge. The dc,·ot_ions fo·r the Boyer, Vice .Pres.; E. D. B r agg, R e evening wer e Jed by Marcella Henry. cording Secreta~y; W. C. My ers, Ruth Hayes th en told u some of the Critic ; R. A. Shipley. Ce nsor; W. F. things the flowers s tand for and M artin_; Ass't. Censor; \ ~. V: H ars ha , Clarabelle Steele some of th e mes- , Pia ni st; J. \V. Hudock, Cho ri ster ; an d sage of the flowers. K:a th a rine K. F . Echard. O r chestra Leader. D. Myers spo ke on the urgency of p ra y- J A. Arnold was elected president two er which was the unJ erl ying them t: ' weeks ago. of th e whole meeting. An informal gro up ing around the Kath r rn M innich who ang a solo, pia no w.as an enjoyab le part of the iurni hcd the . pecial mu sic. evening's program. ____ O C - - - ]. R. H oover pres ided during the PHILALETHEA \ parliamentary drill. _Extemporaneous and impromptu spea kin g was done by program Th ursday \V. V. Harsha, E. D. Bragg, 'vV. M . P.hilalethea's Altho ugh we haven't seen any ni g ht included th e fo ll owi u~ numbers: K ec k. and J. >i . Boyer. Piano So lo-Helen I nnn. ---- 0 C ---rob ins a yet, we a re s ure sp ring is Hu m o r o us Sketch. '"R ed ucti o n''.New Cut. on its way , judging fr o m the numlber 1 .\dclai.:le Pot tenger. The " Dorm . l\e\\·s·· cu t th at we ~f yo ung m en who have been turn Vocal Solo-Betty Marsh. " pt~b li sh here for the fi rst time is th e Question, "What's · .Your -· I . .- Q· - 1 ing their fa ncies the past few week • work of Dou McGill an.:! entitles On Saturday evening Catherine Darst Ernestine l\icho Is. 'vVhitney and I him to one year's free sub cription Vocal Duet-Judith :nouncecl her engage ment to " B(ll" La Vonne Steele. to th e Tan and Ca rdinal. Yers. Congratu lations, Cather me aucl Bill. A wo rd to the wise-please . Cur rent News-Wilma Ingalsby. - - - - 0 C---During . extempo rane o us s peaking begin early and avo id the rush. " Swcat-soclci." th e n ewest fad am on&' Josephine Drury spoke on her exper Marie Comfort, '2-1, anJ Ima Fog ience as a foreign-born. " Term Pap fl app ers ar e in th e fo regro und at Wit Well, of Dayton, were guests of the er ,, was the sub ject of Esther Sul tenb erg thr o ugh t heir use by th e rbutus Club fhi s week end. liva n's speech a nd F lorence H owa rd co-eds there. A co-ed debat e team has been or . Alice Sanders spent the week end talked about "Coasting." . - - - 0 C - -I ganized thi s y ea r at Ohio Northern. visiting in Columbus .
. Mary Hummel went to her home Ht Fi ndlay thi s week end. O n Sunday eve ning the Owl Pledges gave a "feed" for th e old ntember . Mr •. Noe l, Mrs. tarkey and M·rs. Ru PP were guests of the Talisman htb at lunch Sunday evening.
.\ rather exceptional program wa gi \·en a t l'h il o1>hronea last Friday in respec ts to ,both th e r eg ul ar literary num bers a nd the ''extemp s." The [~ca.Jing hy J. H. Lehman, th e Trav elogue 1by G. 'vV. Rohrer and the Tn\'cctive by C. E. Stair were all very interes ting. Among the extemps were "Currcqt E\'ents," by T. Deaterly; ''Equa l \V ages for Men and Wo men." by B. S. Redman; and "An Initiation of an Otterbein Men's Boarding Clu b," by Robert Kn ight E. H. avana ug h, H . D . vV illiams, a nd \\'. C. McKnight .
H. C. Baughman
"A Historical Sketch ?f. ~ es ter- I &========== == ======== == = = =======~ vi.11e an d Otterbein" by V1rg1111a Ger. , m an. a review of "The P~renma, Bachelor," - written by Parrish, by Elizabeth Lesher, "Child ho~d Recoi. ,, by Doris Wetherill and a lec t io n s '·SI1ort Skirts" by Dorothy . u t 1re . \>Vurm, made u p a var_ieJ andT1;terest ing program at Cleio rhetea urs-
Men's $35 and $40 •
Overcoats, Ill the January sales at •
. l~orence Prinz spent the week enJ daY night. ,, v1 tting in Dayto n. - n illustrated song, " Pale Moon, °'·chert, piano solo by Elizabeth Tro t and ·' Babe"' Bing- by A gnes n u ·1 Le1·ter and a piano du et by ham a tt ended th e fun eral of Ed.it h L uc1 e M" · h Man· Long a nd Kathryn 111111c . OYler in Warsa-w lnd. last Thurs, tl1e musical numbers of th e , , day, \\'ere eve nin g. cl h , \.Ye t, Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Extempore speeches were ma e ) . key Ma rga ret vVidd oe a nd , nia Fogwell a nd the Aributu Club :tv[ae M 1c \vere g . . Marguerite Blott. ue ls of Ernestme 11chols at Velva Bras hares, . of Logan, was .h r b'trt I1day party on Sunday evenmemlbersh ip. I r eceived into a oc1a t e ing. on ·d · · · " t " 1 f rmg the delicio us ea s - - - - V C---. " h' a ro111 ho me, we h o pe "E r me Mrs. Sudlow Dies. 11 · ntany more happy birth.:la • called t 1s Mi . . Flo r ence Sudlow wa Y ar. ·ght bv th e very sud111 l MoncaY · I10111 e ti of her I n and unexpectec1 c1 a 1 • J) nita J an1iso n of Columbus. visi ce M f M. udlow. of '.\ew ted the rs. · m o th er. wl Club this we ek en cl. Plym o uth . 1 ..,~ F1 r •1 I M \\' ee k F lorence's mot 1er w, · 11 l I at h e · artiu spe nt th e Th e b clY o f · Wedue•dav m ormn er ho me in Rising un. taken to Logan - di who }Lar,· , . . • . u ow. Tai- for bu ri a l bes ide 1\[ r. ·• , ·'OC 1 2.,. \\'as with th i n1an ·1 I . se,·eral vea rs ago. u ) tl11 we ek end . passe cl o n · . -b Iv make her F lo r nee will p ro _alI . 11 h; Han -y pent the \\'Cek end at . 1 ister 10 olum bus. home ,\·1t 11 ier . I 1 Ille in Po rtsmouth.
I Mr
I it h u t que t ion the be t clothing , a lu e off red at th i p n ce m many vea r .
v ctio 11 I\ l , Endeavor, wa. ed I y Lo . . u1 e in a "p rogre sive rn ee t1'11 g " 111 . ,vh1ch . ' t, ,, the su b Jec entral A . ' . d va r· rnenca, ' was d1scu sed an iou h P a e. talked of by athan ,. 0 ucrt M"t • . . 1 ured Zmn an d Cathenne ~Y r ' ~a · For th e mu ical elections l e11ore ry Mill gave a vocal solo and . san "11th and I abet Rheunnund g a duet.
,!,-=,, (••> - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thcre Arc Fifty Unpaid . . Band Uniform Subscnpuons . . 1 for com plete ettlement P rov1~10 1 b ht ta t . n d uniform oug for the .b.a not y t ma de . The rca- I Octo l)er is is fi fty unpaid j son fo r the delay Th e . the st uden t body. . pleJge m ·1 1·s very amciou5 to tudent counc i . . d e 5 in order collect the rcmamilng pl: !nd provide 11 sett emen . I to ma k e f u . . . keep th e uni adequntc fa c1 ht1_es to fo rm until spring.
THE UNION "The H ome of Quality "
\,\;;====~ ================ ============ !)
Page E ight
T AN AND C ARDINA L Prexy Attends Inaururation.
SCHEDULES ANNOUNCED Mrs. S. W . Keister Entertained FOR CLUB MEETINGS N ine Senior Men to Dinner.
kee pin g \\·ith th e ir practise o f Inter-Student and Faculty Relations t he las t io ur o r liv e years, Mrs . S. I I Committee, Announces Result \ V. K e iste r e utertaincd at h er 1ome Of Their Labors. Co llege .'\venue, Saturday even011 ing, nin e Se ni or m e n to di n ne r. MONDAY , h ose prese nt \\·er e: G eo r g e Ea -~ t · · G' I , S "l \ 6: 15- B us rn ess Meet in g of 0H" s . • M yc r s, "v,f"1II ar d rM or. man , \ V1 l1 1a111 c1a l Group s. . ns J osep h H enr v, Car I E,sc h b ac I1, 1· A Id C JI 7 ·00-Scien ce C tub. ( 4t l1 rM o n d a y ) · rn o . a r ro 7 :00-Qui z a nd Q uill. (2nd and 4t h ) . Ca rl S ta ir. Dw1g 1t vVid does and He r bert Stou g h to n. · • R · . ' . _ . 7 ·00--1nt ern a t10n a 1 e1a tl o n s. J n c1de n ta l to th is gathermg was · d h) (2nd a n 4t . I , ,v ·11 · M the an no unc e m e nt JY 1 1am ye rs, 7· 00 C h Cl b (2 I d 4th) · a uce r u · nc an · to Ca t he r in e o f h is e ngage m ent 7 :00-College Orches tra. D arSl. A lbert M ay spent t he week-e nd 7 :30--Varsi t y B.a6k et B all. Dr. Keist er has b ee n in M ississip p i at his ho m e. s in ce t h e las t of D ecem b er, see ki n g TUESDAY "Shad o w" Marsha ll , Haro ld You ng. 6:00--Y. M . C. A. a warm e r cl imat e b eca u se of his Fra n,k lin Yo un g, Craig \,Va les, \,Vald o 6:00-Y. W . C. A. h ealth . Keck, ''Rozo'' Richt er and ''Doc" 7 :00- Y . M . Ca binet. --- 0 C --S to ug hto n j o urneyed to Muski ng um 7 :00--Y. \ . Ca binet. Rcv. Widdoes Addresses Y Men. to witness th e game. 7 :30--G lce Club . T h e me n of Y. M . C. A. wer e pr iv Law rence Mar sh d ined S und ay 7 :30-Va rsity B. B. cligcd la st T uesd ay eve nin g t o hea r
I '
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Germa n a t th eir hom e o n Main St.
Ma r io n Dru ry, " J ew" Crawford, Harry \,V idd oes, D a le Fri end , Charles M umma , H aro ld Th omp so n, D e Mo tt lieucle r, and Fe r-r o n Troxe l al so .attended th e game a t Musk ing um .
Fred S teve ns s pent th e week -e nd with Sphinx friends.
FRIDAY 4 :00- Va rsity B. B. 6: 15- Phi lo phronea. 6:30--P hil om a th ea . 6:30- Gi rl s' Leader Corp s.
Dr. and Mrs. K ing P ay Visit. 1·. and Mrs. J . R. King, heads ,.f t he O tterb ein H o m e at L eba no n, 0., vi ited wi th " th ei r boys and gi rl s'" on the ca m pus la st ~if o nd ay an d Tu esday.
Wilson The Grocer· Co r. C o ll ege Ave. a n d S t ate St.
Do You Know?
;= =
The Students' Hand -Book of Practical Hints on the Technique of Effective Study · by
A GUID E containi n g h un d r ed s o f p rac t ica l h in ts and hort cuts in t h e economy o f learni ng, to ass ist s t udents in sec ur ing MAXIMUM :
= =
3. Any o rgani za tion de si ring to " Len " Newell took two High School boys fro m Rey nold sb urg to 1n ect at a n ho u r ot h er t han th e o n e ·s ee the Mu,kingum ga m e last T ue,· des ignated sha ll pr ese nt its reque s t in wr itin g to th e co mmittee on In terday ni g ht. S tud ent s a nd Faculty R elatio ns. L e roy H o p per spe nt th e week-e nd Note : Ba sketball sc h edul es subje ct at hi s home in Cos hoc to n. O hi o. to variat io n s. --- 0 C-- "Squirrely"' Thomas also journeyed P ay Lib ra ry Fines. to Muskin g um to see th e ga m e. T he Librarians a re aski ng t h at a ll " L en " 1\' ewcll a nd " Ray" Axlin e, Hhrary fine s be paid a t o nce in order 'b oth of Rey nold sb urg. spent Su n day that th e seco nd se me s ter may begin with Lako ta fri end s. \\"it h a clear slate. See th e li st posteJ Geo rge c;riggs wh o is o n the sick in the li brary a nd make se ttl em ent. list i, rcco \·erin g a t thi s wr itin g.
- - - - 0 C-- - -
NI I Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I II I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill II 111111111111111111111111111!
Socia l Eve nts. : I. Ra ll ies fo r games s ha ll be h eld from 8:30 to 9 :00 a . m . (chapel pe r io d.) _ 2. The re s hall be n o intra - m u ral Kwo ng La i ha s r eturned fro m hi s games a ft er 5 :30 p. m . on Mo n day, l1ome in H o ng K o ng, China, and T uesday, W edn esda y, Th ursday or : wi ll regi ster fo r the seco nd semester. Friday.
Th e Regis tratio n "dea d lin e" is exte nd ed to ,; :00 p. m. of t oday, ac cord in g to th e la te, t a nnounc em Pnt from Re gistrar F. J. \' a nce. I '\o ti ce is g iv en tha t thi s is abso lutely the o nl y extension of tim e that will he m ade and ti nes wi ll be a sse, sc d for late regis trat io n.
Come and T ry Our
'' P ick le'· Ph a lo r a lso w itn essed th e ga m e at Mn sk in gu nt.
- - - 0 C-- Registration Deadline at 5 p. m .
Rev. W iddo es, n ow o n furlou g h fr om WEDNESDAY t he Ph ilippin e mi ss io n fie lJ , in a n 6:30-Choir. intense ly p ra ctical ad dress o n th e 7 :30--Stud ent Co uncil (2nd a nd 4th ). R ev. 7 :30- B usiness Meetin g of Me n 's So- t hem e. "Fishing for M en ." Widd oes seas on ed hi s r em a rk s w ith cial Groups. illu strati o n s fr om hi s own experie n ce 7 :30- Va rsity B. B. in a cha ll e ngi ng w ay.
"Skin ny" \,Veinla nd. '11 and " Red" 4 :00- French Club. leio rhetea . Cam p ·25, . pent th e wee k-end with 6 :106 :20--P h ilalethea. Annex fr iend s. ''Mark" a ud Lloyd Schear 's fath er 6:30-Glee Clu b. · 7 :30--Ban j o Orch est ra. :spe n t th e wce,'k-e nd in \ Vest<;rvtlle w ith hi s so n s. ?' :30--Va rsity B. B. Schi ndler. J a m es . Bennett, R ic h ardso n. La ndi s. Re igle, C lippin g er, iddall , a nd Marcus Sc hear we n t t c New o ncor cl to see th e Otterlhe in M uskin g um ga m e.
l, r es. Cl ippinger on Friday, of la I wee k , a tt end ed the inauguration of George F r ederick Zook as president o f the U nive rsity of Akron, succeeJ in g E. A. K o lbe, who recently re signed to becom e president of Brook, ly n Poly tec hnic Institute, New York. 0 11 -We dn esday, January 13, Presi d en t Cli ppinger was present at the ina ugura ti o n ceremo nies of Mr. KoUbe.
= = := •
SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at a minimum cos t of ti me, energy, and fatigue. • E SPE CIA LLY RECOMMENDED for c,\·erworked stud ents and ath letes engaged in ex t r a curric ulu m activities and fo r average and hon o r st ud ent s who arc wor ki ng for high scho la s ti c ac h ieve ment. -
Some of the Topics covered S cientific Shortcuts in Effective Study. Preparing for Examinations. W riting Good Examinations. B rain and Digestion in Relation to Study. How to T ake Lecture and Read ing Notes. Advantages a nd Disa dvantages of Cramming. The Athl ete and His Sturues.
Diet During Athletic Training. How to Study Modern Langu ages. How to Study Science, Literature, etc. Why Go to College? After College, What? Developing Concentration and Efficiency. etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Why You Need ·This Guide
= ~
= =
-= -= = = =
" lt is safe to say that fa ilure to guide a nd direct st udy is the weak point in th e \\'hole ed ucat io na l m ac hin e." Prof. G. M . vV hip ple, U. of Mi chigan . "The s u ccessf ul men in college do not seem to be ve ry happy. Most of th em , espec ially the a thlet es, a re overworked. " P rof. H. S. Canby,Ya le. '' Mi sdirected labor, th o ug h honest and we ll intentio ned may lead ~o naught. Among th e mo s t impo rtant things for the student to learn 1s how to s tudy. Without know ledge of this his labo r m ay be largely in va in ." P r of. G. F. Swai n , M . I. T . "To st nd_e nt s wh o haYe neve r lea rnt "How to Study," work i very ofte n a chast isement, a flagell a ti o n , and a n ins uperab le ob tacl e to contentment. " Prof. A. Inglis, Har va rd . effo rt. Get a good s t a rt a nd m a ke thi s yea r a h ighly successful one by se n di ng for t hi s hand - boo k an d gu id e NOvV .
: : _ : : _
You Need This Intelligent Assistance C LIP
Amer ica n Student Publishers, 22 W es t 4.lrd -St. , New York. Ce11tl c men:
T O D A Y.
I ' leao;e se nd me a copy of " How to tudy" fo r which I enclose $ 1.00 cash; 1.10 check. ~ a ,n e ................. ............ .............................................. Add r ess ..... ..................................................... ···· ..
Ul 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111