1926 01 26 The Tan and Cardinal

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n ew Concord Floor Wa s Closely Fought. Break Came In Last Minutes.


No. 15.



Ba■ ed On Actual Incident In American History and Submitted By April 20.

Conservatory Pupil s To Presen · Varied Program of Interesting Musical Selections.


and Mrs. R. A. Doan Will Address Jo:nt-Y Gathering Next

C o -in cidental wi th the an no un ce.-\ piano ~uartet. ""Midsummer Tuesday Evening. mcnt oi the Quiz and Qu ill Lit erary .\ight'. Dream,"' by Mendels ·oh n. " F AST ESTGAME " Con tc~t for F reshm en and Sop ho- will he one of the features o f the SPONSORED BY Y mores, Mr. ) . .-\lli son Barnes al so an- recital which " ·ill be gin: n in Lam­ Snavely . G and W iddoes Play Good nouncccl the Barnes Short St 'J ry Con- bert Hall, Thursday CHning. Janu- Eugene Corbie, Colored Student of amc. Montgomery Played Best New York City College, Will tcst fo r Jun io r a nd Senior;;. ar y 28. at eight o'c lock. Game For W inners. Be Here February 5. . \ Ii . t o f cond1tio n s st a tes as on e Piano number s ,,·ill he gi,·en h y 1 he imp orta nt pro v isions that th e H a ro ld Thompson. :\1cred ith Os­ o f t Mu ski 11 an OJ. g um dd eate.:1 Otte r bein in sto r y have a s its !oasis som e in c id en t borne. L u cile Leiter. :\fary \1/ hite ­ Otterbein l"hri . t ian ~socia11 T Co n fercnce baske t ba ll gam e in some es ta b li s hed fact in Am er ic a n ford . ;ire o ff('ri n g the m 0st worthF lo rence l·'rinz, Clend ,ra Uesdar J 44 · · an . 1!1, at :,.;ew Co nc o rd ( "on t inue<l On Page Two) Ha rne s . and Frances George. while prog rams of the year next to 2o TJ 1 fast · c gam e \\"a s ha r d a n d 0 C --Glizaheth 1[arsh, Ethel Kepler. \\"eek . thro u I · 1 an . g 1< ut. .\I u s k1ng11m touk SENIORS CHOOSE. "KEMPY" Pauline 1-::nepp, :\fary Mills. and earh• I I :\I r. an d :\J rs. R. . \ . Doan . of Co­ th · ea( and \\"as never headed Isabelle R uehrmund will sing vocal 0Ugh 1h lumhu.s will speak at a joint Y will • e O tt erbein team cam e T hree-Act Comedy Will be Presented select ions. 1111 tw O :\fr. and Mrs. the or three points of tyin By Seniors During Week of .\n 01·gan number by Betty Plum- meeting February 2. core o n . D oa n have spen t the la t twelve Th evera 1 occa 10ns. Commencement. mer and a violin se lect ion by Carl · team wa o utweigh year traveling on the frontier~ of ed e Ott er Ile m Pattou will complete the varied nd pro- the world. fou • o utreacheJ but never ou t "Kc111py ... a three-act comedy by • g-ram. 111 1 1 On the e,·ening of Dec. .;. Eu­ and the game was ;m ybody 's J. C. and Elliott Nugent, 1a ieen _ ___ -~-tintil 1 1 st o :e. a ol or 'd s fuder:, t;i k­ Play e " four or live minute o( che>s 11 a th e S.e.ni r cla. - J))a ' to ER"NE TINE NICHOLS TO 0 ft I · · ing po t-graduate work at th ol­ of th· . r lelll trailing at the end be given o mme.ncem el1t ' ~• ek • J • h t a k·cs t w o an c.• EDIT QUIZ AND QUILL lege of the City of lew York. wi ll (Cf1r st . half 1 10 l::l. came back The p lay, wuc 0 nt1nued on Page Six) addrc severa l student gathe rin gs on one -half hours to perform. w"._s _a hit 1 ']' lie l'li O C ____ in hoth :-,; ew York and Chicago. Quiz and Quill the race quest inn. He comes hig-hly REE PRIZES O FFERED \f o d crn in its ,ettiug. that i,. morl - specia l {neeting aturday morn in








FOR LITERARY WORK l'rn as ,mall. tomi folks a~~ ~aid 1: J elected Ernestine ):ichoL ed itor of ----0 C he ·t o-ood c1ea l of hum or h ( reate<,. I I I . I f h Q . . DECLAIMERS FLOODED , · ' •f . t ,e annua spring num ier o t e uiz

" "tcsh

l'o tbcn . and Sophomores

I Eligible I The • I ·.

u lll •t Or· · al Ann · . ig1n Productions n Ual Quiz and Qu ill Contest.

. 1' he Q · 1 1112 and Q ·ii C • ff ng a 5. . · ui lub ,s o er ~Ve a ries of three prizes oi ten, 11(1 tli 1· I arv ll Ce collars each for liter· rod1ict · .. I .II 10 11 "I . h h Cl u , s~ in the ·1i ri11 · 11,:. t e . . u l w1 , i111. h. · g cc 1t1on o t it s mag10. ' 1'w!. tch wi•11 appear about Ma y "•·re h11Jen 11s anco . Intest will be open to k' 1lld of c ophom o re;; only. Any lliitted a Production may b e su'b. Each ll)it as conte tant may su hh · 111anv c1·ff . 1 erent p r oduct10ns c ll"i h · as · es. 0 nc of I of the tic mo t st ringent featur es lliu st stci ontc st is th a t a ll productions ' ow . 0r origi . unm1 taka,bly the quality 1hat of ~ahty. The tina l te t will be th e adaptal . )t·1·tty for p ublication in Q . Pr111g lltll number of Quiz and c0 lllagazin Tl nte t . e. 1e judge in t he Will be d Quill member of the Quiz Th Club. p c n1anu · aced 1 cnpt s ho uld •be douhl efulJ . YPewrit"111 . Y 111 I 1 • or written ca r e\\>ritcr . , ack ink The name of the th s11ou1c1 c 111 311 • . not be pla ce d upon he ll script b 11 c1. ·r 1 u po n a se para te 1 resc r1•e · le Quiz a nd O uill Club Pr 0 ' I hr · ~ .J uctio 11 Pr l\·le l!'e to publis h anv sub 1111· . . . · \I · I 01 . . lted 111 It . maga zine. 10 ~Ir anuscripis 111u I he u-bmittrd the · .\ltman 01. . r 011i~ some member c,f or~ , . and (_)uil l I b ' Pt I u o n or he- ,






1 fun ~owing out of a am, YI and Quill magazine. The ot her mem1 · Jn·c lv and clean . 1 mixup · t hers of the s taff elected at this ses1 Eight characters com~osc t ,e cas sion are Char lotte Owen, ass i tant nf the iila ., ·. eq ually d1v1dcd between edito r : Ed Hammon. business man111 c 11 and ,,·o m e n. One int er ior se t - age r a11d Laura \Vh etstone. assistant iiwr i~ used in a ll th rce acts. t c bu ines, manager. Tn· -o ut s for places on t I,e cas wcr · · f , e o-o The ann ual spring 11uri1ber of the made Monday a ternoon . .... s ,,· ,-. resu lt s ha,·e not bf'en Quiz and Quill magazin e will ap10 1iress the I pear about ,K .na~· 10. a nn o unced.


Mt. Union ....................

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Cinc innati •····· ······· ..... ········ ...••::..:::::::·.::·.:::·.::.:... 3 Ca e ............... . Ohio orthern ................................................. ~ We tern Reserve ......................... •:::::::: .............. Wooster •················ ........... . ..................... Denison .. •···· ··· .. · ······ .. .................. Ohio \\ .esleyan · · .......... . ······ ............................ Hira n1 .... ..... · ········ ··· ··· ····· ······· ........ ........ ~f,ami ................ ···· .. · ....... · ................. .... Heidelherg.................. Kenyon ······················ Oberlin ........... · .... Baldwin- \,\.allace ..... \\.ittl'.nherg ..... .. .. ........ t. Xa,·ier ...


5 ➔ ➔




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Annual Russell Declamation Contest Was Held In College Chapel Last Night.

A literal rainstorm of o ratorv Aood ­ ed the chape l la. t night whe~ seven contestants from Prof. Leon M c­ Ca r ty's public spea king cla . ses com­ peted in the annual Ru se ll Declama­ tion Contest. The Tan and Cardinal \\"ent to pre. ~ la . t ni ht befo re the contest closed and consequently can­ not announce the winners. Earl Hoover wa chairma n o f the contest. However. a list of the . peak er s with the ti tl es of their productions is avail­ ab le. :\,fa so n Hayes was the first de­ claimer of the eve ning with "On th e Return of the 0 lid er Dead'' as his s ubj ect. :--Jext in order came John Hudock. " ominating Woodrow Wil­ son": George \ ,V. Rohrer. "1.eorge Washington"; Oaude Zimmerman. "Competi tion '': Dean \~i e. " omi­ nating \ Voodro\\" WiLon": Louie W. I \"orri s. "\Vhat the ol lege Give ": and Alice Propst, "Tribu te to Lincoln'·. 1 i The th r e j udges were 1:iss Ch ri s­ I ~ine .M cBrid e, teacher of pub lic speak­ ' 111g 111 the Westerville H"ig-h . chool, I Prof. Enny Ja kson. instruc tor of publi c· sp aking at Ohio Weslevan t · ni,·ersity. and l{e,·. \\". J . H o l~1 es. :\fu sical numbers were gfren hv th e 1 I co lege or chestra.

~,....=-:~===============================l) OTTERBEIN STANDS HIGH IN CONFERENCE



· ; ;e~Two ~ ~= = = = = = = = =~ = = = = ~ = ~T ~ H~ E~ T~A ~ N~ A~ ~ND ~ A~l<.~D~I~N : ~L: ~ ~= = l = = = =~ :i::;~ Jag I ~ C . : A CALENDAR O L D GRADS APPEAR ! BARN E S SHORT STORY JUNI O R PLAY SHOWED 1 ON CHAP E L PROGRAMS CONTEST ANNOUNC E D R E AL DRAMA TIC T A LENT Tuesday, Jan. 26, 6:00 p. m.- Y. M. and"\: . College O rchestra Contributed L argely H.e,·. E. H. i'\ic ho ls. class of 'ta, (.Co ntinu ed 1-'ro m l'ai,:e One) T o Success of Evening's spoke 111 chapel Tuesday morning, history. The sto ries must be or.ig­ ings. Wednesday, Jan. 27 Entertainment. . emph asiz ing th e need of realizing . 111al ;rnd of s uch _a chara cter ai to 8:00 a. m. -Exams comme nce. th at the "life'' of which Jesus spoke is cka.rly ephasi ze the vi rtue of g ood The. Junior Class presented the a matter of th e "now•· as well as fo r citizen hip. and shall consis t o[ nbt Thursday, Jan. 286: 10 p. m.-Oeiorhetea. three -act play. "The Goose Hangs the future. ,css, than 5.000 or more than 10.000 I 6 .z0 p. m. -Philalethea. . 1 LalJl· High.'' directed lby Professor and O n Thursday morning. l<.ev. W. word.. · S tu ce I n t Rec1ta , S:00 p . m. A typewritten co py o f each o f the Mrs. Leon M,cCarty, at th e High I'. H ollar, c,ass of '17, pastor of the School Auditorium on vV ednesday U. B. ch urch at Galion, and an ener- three winning storie · will he pre­ bert Hall. . night. As an additional feature on I ge ti c wo rk er with youth, struck a sented to the librar y. The college Friday, Jan. 296:30 p. m.- Philomathea. the eve ning 's program. ''The China progressive note in his chapel . ta!_!( · reser.ves. the option of pub lishin g each 7 :00 p. m.-Ph iloph ronea Pig... a one-act play. was g iven. and left as his most sig nificant . -con- anq all ·of the successful 5t ories in Tuesday, Feb. 2l · nd cr the leadership of Profe · sor A. tribution, "The Measuring _ Stic-k of some periodical connected with the First S,emester e nd s. address Spessard. th e college orchestra Cha racter,'' by which to determm~ the college. cust omarily the Quiz and ., A Doan Mr. and Mrs. h.. · ~~nt~ibuteJ largely to th e success of merit of our deeds. The m~nt O'f ' Quill · ·maga:dme: ' H_o wever, the au ­ Y . M . an d Y. W . nd 4-the even ing's en tertainment. m eas ure is whether the ~eed _will add th or ma y retain all other publica­ ·ome real dram atic talent ':a st rength to charac_ter. _will lb nn ~ hap- ti on r'ight s as long as they do no t Wcd. and Thurs., Feb. 3 a to work Pay your 1)1·11 s a nd get brought to light in th e production . pine~s to our friend s . . and will be interfere with t-lie college's ri g ht to again. ,of •'The Goose Hangs Hig h.'. Each a proof to othe~s th_at an hon est . to publish. student. 10 character entered irvto his part O I gqodness effort is bemg made to hv~ The judges may decide that none Friday, Feb. 5Eugen e Cor b .ie, colored whol e-hearted ly :troat the aud ience a Chris tian life. (! f the stor ies 'is of ·ufficient merit be on camp us. was made to feel the reality of the \ Both men attended the co nference _to j ustify th e awarding of prizes. J n Inga! fami ly. T he cast included th e of all the Prot_est~nt pas tors o f the such ~ case the prize monev will be Wednesday , Feb.. dlO-, Rec1•t•- l, 1)1 111 8 :00 p. m .-,Ch1l re·n s fo lowing person : state held last "eek at Memorial' Hall, given to the librar y. . bert Hall. Betty \,Vhite. Duan e Harrold, Columbus. Juniors and eniors who have been Laura Whetstone. Jean T urner, 1 -- 0 C - - -111 chool o ne year previous to th e James Gordon, Franci Bechtolt, \ OTTERBEIN MEN HEARD contest are cligiihle to the contest. Grace Rinehart, Grace Cornetet, SHERWOOD EDDY LECTURE Th ree · copies of the sto ry must be Rosalie Copeland. Charles Lambert. - - -fi led with Prof. C. 0 . 'Altman bn or , Charle Keller , Walter Martin, and ''T he Challenge of the Pre ent befo re Apri l 20, 1926. · 1 Fo re t Berger. World Situation" was the subject of \\'alter Lowrie Ban1e , fo r whom f 11 "The Ch ina Pig" the acting was Sherwood Eddy's add res to more the contest ha been named \va a do ne by Ro alie Copeland, _Tellie than 800 pastors gathered at Memor- brother of Miss Tir~a. L. 'Barn es, Wallace, a nd Amy M orri s. , ial Hall in the \Vednesday eve ning who now hold the pos ition of chief ---- 0 C---session of the an nual · Ohio Pastor's ti'h r.rian. I





Special Rates


STUD E NT COUNCIL PASSES \ Convention. . . .· . ---0 C--After concisely rev1ewmg th e cond1- l G LIBRARY R ESOLUT ION ON ct Your Accounts Ready. I tions in every European country Dr. 1 Eddy declared that democracy is gam ·we remind yo u that exams th . t its la t regular lbi-mon iy meet- growing in Europe. China a nd Rus- begin Wednesda y, January 27, and ing the Student Council passed a reso- \ ia, he declare ar.e the " hot spots" in that tui'.ti10n fee s wi ll be due and lution advocating longer hours !~r the ea tern hemisphere, but he ha ~ay.ab le at the trea urers office on th e 5 th e lib ra ry. The S1udent Coun~tl \ co nfidence in the fo.r ces that are work- hrst two day of the econd semes1 ter, February 3 and 4. pla n would not cau e any radJcal ing for good in these countries. change in the present sy tem, b ut The World Court and League of

to Students d Deliver. vVe Call For an





Phone 465- • 'fti'1'·


R ~ N . CHAPMAN, . ~ ~ 11111~


ould aff rd more time and c~n~enation were fervently upheld, D r. _!,!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ience fo r tudent to use th e library. Eddy tating that at pre ent fifty-fi ve 1 The re olution recommended the fol- nation a re participant and oon lowing change in time chedule : I Ru ia wi ll enter leaving the United





1. Thatening the (library kept open cept beaturday) un - \ every ev ti! !l o'clock. 2. That the library re-ope n in /~~ aft rn n a t 12 :3o in t ad of

'cJo k P- the m. library hav :I. That



tales alone : . on . the outside. P r . Chppmger, P rof. E. M. Hur h, _ Carl Eschbach, Ralph Tin Icy, Merl H u eman, · Lloyd chear, and arl Wil on attended thi -

S ~ ~



--- o



= =

the ame : h k Schear Manages T & C hour n aturday a any ot er wee . ted . Busiday except that it clo e at 5 :30 p. m. ~farc us · ch ear wa elec 11 This r ol ution will be pre 1, d ne s Manager of the Tan and a rto the fa ulty in th e n ar future '.1 t dinal to fill out the un expired term of that body will decic!c \Villian1 Myer , ,vhose resignation -

'"""' peti· w,a ,mpted. " • held m«fo,g of ,n, . mm ntudeut urate wi th the need Pl\1) \ica ti ou Board W cdne~dav tu dent b dy. hould • u h a I a it rn on. J an.uary 20. in Phi lop hr 1;_ time h dulc be adopted it would an ha ll. pr b:~hly ntail the empl ~•in o f antl'1iller th 1 oth r lib rarian .a i tant. fi r t Bu si ri .


0 C - -- College Pict ure Used.

ch ar.



The i[ia.mi Me, senger, a monthly Karl Kumler will ma azine publi h d by tb ~fi ami o f John L hman a on.£ rencc in njun i II wi h ti I unday cbool and hri tian EnExhibits Added deavor Union of the Con£ r nee, in it January number, carrie the group picture of the tudent and faculty f Ot erbcin ollege, taken eptember 22, 1925. Thi number of the {e enger wa Jevote<l to th ine re of Otter-bein College and the n· mond Jubil ee.

S ~ S

Loose-Leaf Note Books. Note Books, Permanent Binding,


~~ S

Tablets, Pens and Pencils.


Parker and Sheaffer Pens.


All help to keep your notes



o. .


Otterbein Test Book 3 for

f ~fr. _


rof. h a r ha ecured recently two int re ting xhibit . Th one i a collection of cotton it the various tage of growth a nd with that a number of cott 11 products. The other _ exhibit how the evolution of silk cloth from the time the egg ~ _ h ate h c d until. the cloth is woven. are ::::


~ ~

Ba1•1ey,S _pharmacy .

~ ~





- - -----.r. ;\..- - -- ---

li ll ut th term L cal EcU t r. _ ---to Museum.



~ ~

~ ~

"Where Everybody Goes"


12 E. Main St.

11111 '


1111111111 · 111111111 11 111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111


11111 1111 111 1


Page Thr•









·· .\h e" Glunt was in the office n ot

Reports Are Coming From All Parts Of The Country Endorsing Reunion Plans.

,o very long ago and wanted to Sen:ral exprc sions of good-will a nd kn o w if the class of '16 was going congratulation have come to Coac h to han• a reunion this time. \Veil Edler and his ba kethall players. of course that all depends upon the The Dayton bunch writes "We -class of '16. "'Abe'' took an a lu 111ni ,,·ish you ,,·ould call the attention of 'J'I1e rcspon,e-for the big program · I h · J· 011 ~ reg1>ter with 11111 and •'La rch 26 contin ues with the finest · I a ongd ome I · each member of the team. as well a pro1111sec to o a I that he could to the Coach. to the f.act that we are all growing spirit of cooperat ion. Eight 1110 rc groups are plann in 12: a get-tomake the reuni on of the class at this mightly pleased with the success t h e - the sp irit comme ncement- ten long yea r, after team has e njoyed , and fee l certain t hat get h er for that evening and I I they left Otte r,bein- a real even t. C. when the final accounting comes along <tsp aycd is of the very· finest. 0 E I' I I'· h '· Oh' :\ll S. ED [Tf-1 YL , .. ,1c ey. -.anton. 10. wrote that they will head the percentage column Darke Co unty headed by Betty McOtterbein has been saddcncJ •b y the he had heard a lot of talk among as other Otterbein teams ha,·e done in '21 and Helen Miller. '25. prommemhers of the class about a reunion the pa t." 1Cabe. ses to f II · death oi Edith Oyler. a graduate of a 111 line with the program and wanted to know if anything defiC. L. Richey ,·vrote to Coach Edler d 111 au addition Darke County will l;ist year. She died at f.i:OO o'clock nite had been done. \ \'ell no- aying for the Canto n Boys, "Conhave a permanent organization afte r i\l onclay e,·c11111g at her home 111 n ~_rhing definite.. but something is gratula_tions_ to you a nd the boys th 011 .,-,,.,c· I I cl . h at night B to · etty says . ,~1g1ty ga \\·arsaw, Indiana. as the result of going on tat will as~ure the clas _vour victories over Case an d R eserve. get theD Darke County fo lk to- complica ti o ns w 111c · 11 fo II owe d a c,·cre of a first_ cla s time. o plan now T_hose_two victories ha,·e certai ii ly_ regether., efi nite plans have not for the h1g event. v1,_·ed mt_erest and Old Time Spirit in been a· ·11 mastoid operat io n. . nnounced but th e meeting w 1 This is the hig year for the ,ixe, this sect ion of the state. likely b h 11 · G · l;or four vears J\liss Oyler was a 'G e e c Ill r een nll e. , you know. '76, • 6. '96, '06 , 'UI, an d · et Woo ter. we are all with you." th e "Big Boss" a nd his wife are prominent ieatle r on th e campus. '26. And likewise. Roe Anderson wri tes Putti ng th ti . . D . M ::,he wa a member of the Cleiorhef th Ak ' e 1mg over m etrott. r. - - -- 0 C -- -or e ' ron group s;iyin g. ''Conanc1 ,, tea 11 Litcrar_v ::,ociet ,· and th e Torno· I · d . lvus. Frank C leme nt s '96. '01. , A PEACH OF A L;ETTER gratu atJons an good wishes.'' 1v11l . ' . uacht Club. bemg act iv e in literary, _ __ _ ___ O C entertarn their group in their . · ---h onie ra t D earbo rn . Michigan. M r. dramatic. athletic, .flid re 1igi o u acLetters are not uncommon around CLASS O F 1947 Cl ernent · f 111 t O f tivities her influence reached prac- this office but the letter we received th orm us ectio at onurwas !iS far ucall)· every student in College. Mi s from Mr. Erma ! ·oe l Fishba ugh . '16. \\' c are mi hty lad to e· nroll the f0 tterbein folk ineclthat rorn co111p lete. True---one of the by- Oy ler wa a lso ,a talented mu ·ician. is uncomm on enou h that we are go- name of Ma r y Catherine Carlson in Product . s o f thi meeting will be the many remember her particularly be- 1·11g to g,·ve it to _vou with the hope the clas this week. She put 1'n her 1 oca1tng of a number of O tt erbei n cau:,e of the organ preludes she fre - that it will inspire in you the same appearance January 20th. Pea Pe J who e names do not appear in (!ttcittly pla)•ed 111 cha1iel sen·icc,. warm feeltng · · · · fat I1er i, Dr. B~n we experienced. I . '•' f_ary C a ti 1erm.e, our files. l f yo u kn ow a ny- e nd A il her work in clas ·es, in mu ic, iu '·I just fini shed readin your alum- t Jamrn_ rl o n, 22. now of the tty the111 in. 1iterary circles, and in all extra-cur- na l column of thi week's T . & C. I Ho p1ta l. Cl ve land and h r mother Cincin · · ncu lar orgamzations-wa · character- ca n't tell you the enjoyment thi one know,'. to the yo unger generation be guid;~at1b and . Hami lton co untyM1s ized by a Jis1i11c,i,·c th .; roughncss. division brings to me as I feel rather of al umm a Edna Dellinger, '22. nd Potteng J Y 1.r. a Mr · F. · Dean McFadden, Loi~ Bingham isolated from my Otterbein clas T he youn lady hasn't decided a th ·1 tance er, of r.Mr. , both. '25. w ho with e, and E lizabeth 1, rost attendedId the mat es and friends. I don 't kno,,· of yet whether it wi ll be natural ciNL Book.man.. 04 are counting k: h • tuncral services which were Iie o n a ny other Otterbein fol ks residing in e~ ce · . as fat he r did, or a rt , as mother of h upon ma mg t at ect 1011 · I k in f did but anyway s he 1· · t 0 t e country r f O b . ·1 hursday afternoon at l 0 O c oc Me rcer Cou nty a nd the news o your • . commg o tTbe M:· . a tve or tter _em . U · d Brethren Ch u rch at \Var- prepara tion for the Bi F amil y R e- 1 t cr bem to take h er place in the famunion ma de me wish for an organiza- ous cla of 1947. ciation i tai:11111_-Valley Otterbein Asso- 1 '.:~,. m te t0 . wi mg to adjus t its program s · ---- O C fit int th ____ 0 C - - -tion o ut here in Western Ohio. A rc - - -nite arrano ge e genera CLAMMY BUSINESS . t o o rga mzc . V an W er t It Isn't Too Early To P lan. h l program. Deficl yo u p Iannmg but th ment ave not been ma e ____ Co untv or a ny of our neighborin g Jun e eems a long way off but rea lly to c ey have voiced thei r w ill ingness I I • oop 1· 11·10 r · have a wa y a >o ut t icm co unties for this Otterbein ·• et -to- it won't be Ion until the first robin add tnaetra_te. uch a la rge gro u p wi ll ::.c s h selves lt i ab oether"? If so, I'm sure I'd like to put · in hi appeara nce. ca 1· enally to t he spi rit of the oc- pec uliar to I cm · on. I the ta k of repr esent Mercer Co. and get in the Commencement thi year is going to ir lut e fo ll y to al low t 1em 1 » r Ea· h • of reu n ion. be 1 aero · h it Hahn Mead. ' 19. w ill put 11111 . .11 extra space with aruc es . one of the biggest and best. Cer­ t "J belon , ed to the Colum bu Ottertamly it will be th e bi year of the he e Program in Luca Cou nty. •nterest Jt is true and we reque t enera 1 1 • bein Woman's Club when we lived in sixe . et acf . . ne~ concerning the la t- I . . . , veil frankly admit that Colum bus and I thoroughly enjoyed that .',vttie. of the coll ege ·'anything m1 ht Just as , a· I ' I ave new . I Wt I intc ... · • · ·c 1c. n t 1ust rest the alumm . Alumni 1t JS-\\ · 11 the the . ocial time we had a nd .now find are 1. 11 DEATH TAKES ANOTHER . I miss them \'Cry.• \'ery much. t Uc!l1tere . t e d and do wa nt to keep 111 ,• 1HlUg I1, pt:·re alumni news, to


I ,



lllec ~ \\Jth the c J llege. therefore the. e , >a c la,t week. l\aturally the space " I want my little dau hter to grow 1 O tltn ' s will be ea y to promote. be ti ll ed bu t that doesn 't up in an Otte rb ein atmosp here so he 1 1 terbe·111 • iac to · ca n become an enth usias tic member lcge t run J ndiarna Cent ra l ol- 1 . ·r 1 >lacin ' of .. ' ix teen V ane· ,tnct ati India napo hs-that is almo t - 111st . · I Yf t ie . . I _ ,. 011 th e a lu 111111· pa e. of the famou s '47 class that eem to 1 am . . , . rce and hard be growi ng rapidly in n umbers. If ating le group out there i, cooper- ,e~ o Unde J .\ Jumni new 1s sea ~r " r t 1e I acler hip of Mr. and th t " 'lY he doe n't I'm afraid her Dad will ''J ·h· Johnny" George '22 Ex. to ecure. obody kn ow a = ha\'(~ her rooti n for hio tate. but "I would be glad to hear from you 1 nny·• Wri· tes. ·'there i ' a red ' ring ,be tter than t h e alumni reporter ar UncI • ri sk 1 foJk March 26 for the Otterbein / he d oesn't have the a udac ity. to h in regard to thi matter and a ure 11 d 1· of I · b Y 1·n tructmg t e you I'll •cro w ' a Iou di y a I ca n from 1'h anapolis and vicinity." hi . m a l ticket . 1 eou e Yale. tte r bein Club, a po ntan- t·ditor to ti ll the pace wi'.h a cam here." the ygroup that organized and made a rticle de cribing th o e ltttle onek That kind of a letter may properly al ' · hll th ey crac Ottetil) _e ttudent fee l the spirit of t hat close up O ti Y h c1 · be igned as he signed it. " Yours e1n i . . II •o ir-it wa t e e ,. 0 b . " i>rogra ' coop ratmg al o. The their he • f he fo r a bigger ttcr em . rn \Vt·u be e ngineered by the tor who dt'd 1·t a nd O course ____ C newly cl there O ---1 '1 7. e ectecl president J. O. Todd, blames it o n the compos~r a n_ 1-i · ' 15. Penrose M . Redd, of Toledo, is W 'II just fo rgive him t ts . . . It w·11 yo u are. e . cl 11 eve r to co nducting an evangeltst1c campaign at bei 11 ,;h be a g reat night for Otte r- time for he has promts~ as nice I Rockford, Ohio, and sent his greetings h1g1e ~n !400 aluumni unite in a do it again. Then too, d e ; Mu- to Otterbein friend by means of Mr . 11 lllea118 t lOt1ght-What Ott erbe in eno ug h to add th ~ wo r Fishbaugh. . to Ill e. se um ·• to his head Ime.





An ther of Otterbein '· "oldtimers" passed into the g reat beyond . M. H. mbro e of th e clas f '71. an wered the final call January 11 . at his h me in Pittshurg, Pa. Mr. mhr se wa. one of th• fir · t t re. pond to t he call of 1he alumni a - ociati n for up­ I o rt in its new program. The 1c ponse wa characteri tic of thi lay.al a lumn u for he wa a hea r ty upp rtcr of h i Alma fater. The ympathy of th e offic r s and director of the al umni group a re ex tended to hi fam ily and fr iend .

~P=ag~e=F=o=u=r==================T~H=E~T~A~N~A ND C ARD IN AL THE OTTERBEIN

good s tude nt rs t he way IT STRIKES US lihrarv time." he I - -- -· 1 · I GI is a hit o f truth in the as-. Tl- at we recommend " Dutch" aze Published Weekly in. the interest of c xamm.atr on rs .a tatr bas ts of judg- i se rti on o f the J~b-r arian s ti for an honorary Varsity " O"' letter. b th m g a s tud ent s r ea l a bilit y in a h . . 1at t oo Otter.__. ucm y c . Th at Mus k mgum . ha s a good team, OTTERBEIN LITERARY g 1vc 11 subject. Practically the on ly •• mu c tr rn e . rs· waste · d 1·11 th e 1·111ra ry . .. I h SOCIETIES . . · . -. I loncrete ins tances sp r · I , a ue " e can see 111 an exa11 11na.tro n . . d · mg to c That some fellows arc becomini Westerville, Ohio p ' is the review o ne should make be- n1111 s of a ll. And, da r e we n o t say, hapel llember of the Ohio College ress f . I all a r e guilt ? A l conspicious by their absence .at c · . Asaociation . ore approaching the room o f in - . . Y• mos t umversal ly set for · I ll can he said " "' o · Th t th ad · gctt1 ·ng qurry. J t \\'Ould see m to t ha t ,. · " man was tes t une a e squ 1s or


exa minati on

sys tem.

So ; of


TAN & CARDINAL I many ,·ar iet ics of s itua tion s may use, his ---~~-----~~~~--- a r ise .that. we. do no. .t be rreve tiia t a n I There

11 5

STAFF Editor-in- Chief ............ J . B. Henry, As sista nt Editor .. Wayne Hars ha, Contributing Edi tors\ ",- van d a G a 11 ag h er, Lenore Smith, Pauline Knepp, Floren ce Howard, Louie N orri s, Athl etic E ditor .... Harry Widdoes, Asst. At h. Editor .. Cly de Bielstein Bus. Manager ........ Marcus Schear, s si tant Bus iness ManagerRoss MillH,

eightee n \\' ee ks in the cla ssroom I alo ne. O n any frolic , th e re is al'26 , " ·o uld reveal to a professo r the s tand- ways m ore fu n if there is a crowd." '27 1 in g of a ~tudent. H o we vrr. the · Fr o m a remarkable tribute to , , exa ms a re he re. 1 Louis Pasteur. and hi s kt·n,:I. "'e ca tl 26 1 ' " · · f h 1 catch th e '26 \ By working both w ays, w e mean I f . prrtt .o t e man . the rea'26 t I1at .111 ma k·mg . . . o n que s on or his achieve men t • an d an 111. o ut e xamrnatr '28 ti o ns a pr o fessor sh o uld feel that he sp-rratwn that ,.,.ill not perniit the '28 is o n his ho nor to give a fair deal waste _of tim e-"the benefactors of '27 . d humanity a r e d · b '28 111 o r er that a student may meet it I . .. riven Y the zest of t 1'<' .1oh. '27 on his ho nor. - - --0 C - - -- -- - 0 C-- - '28 Honest Abe Always. Circulation ManagerA Questionnaire. Margaret Widdoes, '26 Q J d u ge Gary says. "Abraham LinAssistant ir cul ation ManagersucS!io nn a ires see m to have beco m e Ruth Hursh, :27 an :\meri ca 11 hob by. But in pite of ' coin, ' H o ne st Abe·, would not ha ve M. Wilson, 28 all the puns and slams, the q ue - been a succes · a 5 p ·d Alumna! Editor rcs1 cn t except for t 1·-0 nnarre · · a s a valuable o-Jeaner , h · , r ernams . H . \v . T r oop, 23 "' . Alma Guitner, '97 ot th e common th o ught. I ts 1. rep utat ion for hone 5 t y. I n t h c H 11 Ed" ear ter month s of I11· Co c h ran a 1tor, D ea ling wi th campu s problem . be- . p . s service as Florence Rauch, 26 _ f . . re rd ent he wa • 1 · t I Local Editor ............ K a rl K umler. '28 ~o rnes a matter o know111 0- the dom- ou , . )rt e r y. outrageExchange Editor'. "_aut camp us thought before ratio nal \ sly assailed by h is enemies, and Ernestin e Nichol ·, '27. ,, d r..H i. ca n be tak en. W e wonder by some wh o pro fe ssed to be an d h. f · \\'hat rs t he thought of the ca m1l u , should have b , een ts nends · b t b on com pu lsory chapel , danciug, so- I ca u e h • u eAddress all communications to The cia l fun cti o ns. cont rol of the college . e wa hone t , and had confiOtterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. .. den ce m his • · • paper. li:ira r y ho ur s. th e honor sy _ own mtegnty of purpose College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. . old ac-' Subscription price, $2.00 Per Y car, tem , Sunda y School and c hurch at- , and . had dem o nstrate d to h1s payable in advance. te ndance. the ne\\' activities· sc hedul e ' qhuamtance many times that he w as one · and truthful, his repu-· a unrt o rm boo kk eeping sy tern. and . t a n d fair . gs that m i ht tatton wa e t a bl'is h cd and he triumphEntered as second cb.ss matter a num ber o f o th e r thin September 25, 1917, at the postofficc b u ge ted. ed over every cha rge of . dishone ty." at Westerville, 0 ., under act of March

-1 . .



some more conference ladder climb· ing. That the real t est of a man or 1 b k team 1·11 the fight on the come ac · That -c arc sorry the orchestra ~ • • ns in didn 't have longer intcrm1ssio which to perform at the Jµnior play, · 15 That the dramatic work here "hanging high." That our prune leaguers arc shoW·

ing good stuff.





k.ttJIIIIIJ ~•-1••


3, 1879.

e beli eve th at a q uestionnaire I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Acceptan ce for mailing at special i. s\V ued by t he s tudent co un cil eek - 1 i i rate of postage provided for in Sec. ing a co n e nu s of t he s tudent opinion ' 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized wo uld enahle th em as repre entatives j April 7, 1919. of the st ud e nt body to deal more judicio usly a nd \\'is ely with om e E DITORIALS puzz ling . ituati o n . . In t he q ue tionnaire. in o rde r to 1 Patronize Our Advertisers. he thor ugh. the re . hou ld be an g ro up of loyal \,\"estervill and h_o nest effo r t to \\'Ork o ut t he qne. _ o lumbu · bu ine men a re con 1 - tt o n~ _to h nsed with faculty co- \ O t nt hoo ·ter fo r Ottel"bein allege ope rati o n. • and · regula r adverti s r in th Tan \ Ve advoca te a q ue st ion naire! and ardina l. Throu g h th ir ad ve r O C---For Senior Men. ti in g the. e m e n a re makin« it po ibl tha t y o u may hav e a w ekly \\"c ho uld lik e to propo t l . ·1 f h . . e o t ie c llege 1 a1er. Of cour e t h ctr ac - men o t e e nr o r la · th a t a t -ome _in g pays. hu t we he li ev t ha t dat in the near futur they hold a W. man who advert ' m th e .. , m okele s s moker,' ' a c upidle Valar dina l anJ the en t ine stag party. or a get- t "eth er ~ .--::::::;::::: de erve the pat- . o f ome kind . ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 := T o our knowle<lg!!, thi s has never :.roll age. .-

Cough Remedies of every kind and one ~articular kind that s particularly good. When you think of C u g h Remedies think of '





ur pr po ,11011, the n. i that every nt fo l.ow t he adverti ement a nd patr niz the men who u e the colum · o f the college pub lication in alling att ntiot1 to their bu ine o-op ration in thi matter will mean tter b u in e relati o n for hoth :buye r and seller. Mak yo ur next pur has fr o m the m a n who ad,· rti e !

been done ; but. that i a ll the more rea. o n for O d ing. The ·ocial group a nJ li~erary ocietie have th eir tag parties, an d why cannot t~e enior m en break down the barn ers of group a nd ociety a nd meet fo_r an all a ro und gooJ time. It wr~l lay the fo un dati o n for . clo r umty o f fellow hip in the alumn ' day by hringing u clo er togeth:r no w.

- ---0 C---On Your Honor. The time for cramming here l minut e revival are the v g ue.






Men. le t' s meet ancl Jay ou~ plan j ~ th en ca rr y them thr ugh. ' '§ 11 o n for th e . nior . taal :

,. , .


Collegiate Style.



ieS, ~


15 S ... Heavy athletic stY e S


can a nyo:1e keep_ fro~ f ling I C- - § a ti ngle f xc1tement 111 ht ne rvou I Using Time. : tru ture? nd , th y tell u WC a re D ea n In ge. w ritin in the ' . o ur h nor. Education . . ocia tion magazin:tr :al / § • that " Th k f • ys lt·cvA, an We .. e mar · o a civili z d man : both way ·. ln place. \\' C i I~ th e way h use hi s l i ur time.' ar 10 booster. O ur Iii r a r ia ns would ·sa .v · " Th e m a rk I : 11 ne

Light weight fanc







I a nd

I ·

~ S

sweaters sS

I§ ·: I§ :: I§ :


• SM




,. )._

= = ,




E J NorrJS. &son s ALL REDU •


~ ,., S :=,.,


Page Five


\\ ' . Va. in o rd er to win a bet. The d isc uss ion w hi c h r es ult ed in th e wager wa s to th e effec t th a t a man co uld no t i M M a vC'rage fo ur miles pe r ho ur on a lon g Two ve ry o l I volum es of mu s ic O A hi ke a nd th e t hree ag reed to ma ke hal'e i>een pre ·cnted to !-'resi d en t O T th e journey to Wes t Vir g in ia in te n ll !)pinger fo r th e a ll ege libra ry ,; ,y R E ho urs a ctual tra velin g tim e. T hey ~I r. .\. Dur ing, of New \' or k SAYS: City. ..;;;==.;...=;.;..;=;.;;;;========":I club for the remainder of th e . c;iso n made th e trip in nine ho ur s a nd fif­ 'l he in scri1-•ti o n whi c h Pr esi d e n t i has led to 1 he fi li ng o f a pe titi on by te n m inu tes t hu s wi nn in g th e wager Clippinge r has written in the la r ge r i T h ,J I " ce rt ain ir icnd of he r s s ig ne d the Se n ior s a nd Juni ors askin g fo r a a nd the dinn e r for wh ic h th e losers volume, which contain s music with a pdit it io n to ha vc c h ape l in th ree -! s us pens io n o f th e senten ce fo r a ll m e n. paid . w rds in Ge rm an , r ea J s t hu s: '' G iv - 0 1· ti \' e o ne ho ur paiods a wed, a n d placi ng them o n p ro batio n. en to Otterbein li eg e, J anuary H. th o n g- ht s h e w as pl'lit io nin g ch a pel : ---1926, by C. .\ . Du r ing, 600 W. 146 th f0,r no exa minatio n s and t ha t s he I Af te r hearing a d ebate on th e que sSee Samples from t.. ;'\cw ~ ~rk , in hi uinoty-seve n t h thi_1~ks s h e _o ugh t t o hav e a g uardia n. I tion. " R esolved : That h u mmi ng is year. He I th e o n o f H. A. Durr ha t , he~ s ure s he's goin g t o get just ifiabl e fo r th e t w e nt ieth ce ntu ry · I h co ll ege woma n ,'' co-ed s at O hio U ni mg, w 1ose na m e appears. on t e n ex t I a ;:c hnnl nex t yc;i r heca use , h e's page. At ab ov d a t e tl11s boo k w as i<> ined t eac h e r 's agenc ies fro m eve r v vt"r s it y vo t ed .30! to 79 in fa,·o r of th e ,, · affi rm a ti ve. Th e winn ing t ea m <le a,o s 1atc in th e unio n a 11d a few fr om I ut two IHIii d red ye ar o Ic.I Before oraering Class a nd Social The oth er book bears th e name Ca n ada l!i u t t hat t h e qnest in n is- fended s id e o n the fo ll ow in g po ints. ".\ugu st Durin g" a nd dat e Bummin g is ju sti fiable front an ed u1837 . . \ri z · na o r L' tah . Group Pins. Augu t Dnrin$ was t he e ld er broth e r ca t io na-1 s tandpoint. Bumming is jusTh a t s he ha s tl1 c l1 ea lth1'es t te<·1cl1 - t 1' f-'1,a l) Ic f r o m a rccrea t wna ' I s t a n d po111 · t. of ·. A. During a nd live d in Fra nk Makers of P hilophronean Keys. , . . G e r , 9 11 the facu lt y , s he has n' t mis- Rummin g co n fo rm s to th e dignit y o f e nn a ny . r rt on tht .,1 a111 , , . \ 1) . th e moder n gir l. ., . :·c d a c la _s a ll yea r . 1 "r. . . . nnng ca m e t o ,-.men- -- 11th a nd High Columbus, 0 . ca from Ge rm a ny wh e n he wa q u ite j F r o m tt-r111 papers t o cxa rn s- \\' ha t T h r ee O hi o U11ive rs ity s tu de nt s a youn g 111an. He was a mu ; ic ' n ex t ? wa lked from At hen s to Parkers burg , --------·- _____ _ teache r an I e ven no,.,v. a lth o ug h h e That if she \\' e r e a ires hm a 11 again i ninet y-se H·n yea r o f age, he pl ays s he "'"u ld b ud g et he r ti 111 e, hter " the 1>ia 110 w ith exceptio n a l s kill. 111 o n ey. neve r mis s Y . \V .. C. E.. Mrs. D uring "'a M a ri e Sha n k H ot t , S., and nev er cut a c lass hut I th ink wi.i w of Ci ·hop Hott. She was a 1h;it she 'd <lo the ,ae thi ng she did student in Otte rb ei n in the e ightie s. hdo ,·e- major in CA M. PL' ST l~Y. Both Mr. a nd M r s. Du ri n g a rc Th a l s he'd hat e t o re port for t1·ack benefactors of tter bei n. Duri ll g the ,'\gita t iPn aga ins t th e dr as tic en ­ fo r cement of th e rul e whi c h fo r bi d s the use of toba cco by a11yonc r c pre c n ting B lufft o n Coll ege in a thl etics. de: ba t ing. g lee clubs a nd qu a rt e ts ending I iu the s uspen s io n of Ca pt. f\ngs bur ge r , fro m t he ba sk e tba ll squad a nd g lee





The College Shop


1>a t ten yea r, their g if ts to the c i i-



ex eed d


su m

in s 1Hi\\· this deep .


Spring Suitings Are Ready.

That 1ww·s t he time to s tal'\ dr in k­ in g b lack coffee and c ra m111i n g- for


- - - - 0 C- - - ­

Tailored Suits, all wool, guaranteed to fit.

CXil tll.


L. M. l+oom er. p r es id e n t of 1h · \Va id rf-.\ stori a l nc.. say "app·ly simplifica ti on to t h e t h ings yo u buy. 1f one bolt will ati sfy fif t een u ses. do not li> uy tif tce n ki nd s of b o lt s." Man uactur er s are t r y in g t o in s truct buyer 1to coJ1 s ult the ir needs, the fit nc of pur c ha e, inte r c hangea b ili ty of parts, ,ge neral 111 ainte na ncc. a nd wearing qua li t ie . "Science in buyi ng m e an a richer life for the buy,er ," declar es Dr. Ray 111 0 11(1 Phelan. in poi nt in g o ut that Sweden and Ru s ia a~ we ll as th ousand s of fi rm and individual s in Amcri ca are s tud y in g an d adopti ng implilied l'ra tic e po n so r cd h y the nitcd States Departme nt of Co m merce, the Un ite.! tates hamhcr of ommerce, a nd th e A 111 c ri ca n Society of Engin ee r .


$22.50~ $26. 75, $35.00

T h at t hi s t im e 11 ex t week s he w ill tither fee l a lo t be tter o r a lot

Men's Spring Oxfords _________ _____ $5.85 and $6.85

" ·nrs...--.

- - - - 0 C- - - -


LIST'NIN' IN Whet h e r o r not th e hono r sys t em sh o ul d be r e taine d at Ade lb ert Coll eg e is a q u es ti o n of much di scu ss ion at present in \,Ves t e rn Rese r ve. T he St ud en t Cou n c il is abou t even ly di vid ­ ed 0 11 th e po int of whet h er o r not th e system , hal l co ntinu e thro ug h the n11111ng- fina l exa mi n at io ns.


La st wee k's intern at iona l co n ve n­ ti o n n f c lo t hin g d es igners at Cin cin n a t i r ecognized th e d ema nd o f co ll ege I I 111e11 fo r hr oa d -s h o uld e r ed coat s with the fr o nt s s uppr essed to provide a m ore ;ith lctic appearan ce. T h e s tyle fo re-cas t co mmi t tee's s how ing of s uits fo r next sea so n g-a ,·e pro mi ne n ce t o broad s h ou ld er~. two - button . ac k coat s and tro u se r s d is tin ctly na rrower.

TEXT BOOKS Are Now Ready. Come early and avoid the rush. Note Books and Fillers of all Kinds. ART SUPPLIES

Prof.-" Rea so nabl e stud y is h ea lth ­

ful. ' Senior-"Wha t ?" The Prof. repeated . enior-"O h, y , reasonable st u d y!'' Ed.-"~ow.

whe r

ca n



hun t



date?" Gwy nn e- ·' 01u




college catalog."


Perry-" Naw, om ove r to my room and we'll look at th e coll ege p ielure,,,

---0 C- - -


TEST BOOKS At the Regular Price.



1n order to ·ave tra ns po rt a ti on fa re a Leland Sta nf rd tud ent b o ught a 1 hearse at a bargain and he a nd seve n of his fellow s tudent s r de ho me for their Chri. tma. vacation in a nov e l conveyance.

l O E. Main St.

University Bookstore



Phone 493-J

18 N. State St.


~~~==============~ I 'age Six


.'\ N


C A R D I N A 1.

\ Warrick's Physic Department


Girls To Play This Week.

At York .College Detroyed

The girls gro up league basket I r· . g.ame s will begin the la 5t of I • ire b roke o ut in the Phy ics Deweek. ~ o sched u le has been of York College on New n ouncec I l)tlt the sched ul e will I partment y . : <:_a r s e ,·e and d_id a_ damage of about posted a, ,oon as it is finished. I :iOO. all of which 1s covered by i.n____ Q sura nce.


bail thi, anb~




Conference Dope. Dwight Warrick, of the cla s of '23 . Conference Three we ek, ot. 01110 is head o f this d epa rtn1ent at York. ' . 0 tte rll)e ll. , iu secont. 1 basket lnll l1ncl, O C--. , ." . nd Ohio place alt,ng with .\ kron a hat Team Sent Off. l'. St. Xa,·ier is the only teani t t



____ LaS Tue day noon an e nthusia stic 1 P. Myers a nd Mendenh all Conti nu e . crowd of roote r s gather d t th H 1gh ,corers of the Ohio Con and ·ei 1t ti1 · e a e gym To Hold High Scoring Honors . . ' e team away t o :tv[ · k· : cncc co r rect as far a;: 1t can be t,nnd .· 11 . . u, mgum a ' \\ It rousing rallv I n B . B . L eagues. up t , and mcluding games of \V ed· · nc,d ay night and Jan . 20. / Barnes. I. f. I. 11r I.eagu'· · ancI l· ot11· G ruu1> B. F. p · 1' L'pson:l.f. .... 0 6 ' J 'n•n c League g-ame~ played la;:L , \\ ' ID DO ES. Otterb ein l(i 1~ 46 i'orosb·. c. ···· (} () 0 \\"l'Ck can1e out as expc:cted excepi Brodt. .\kro11 .... · ·· ·· · · 17 10 4-l :i · I1 .\lll"n. Cincinnati l{eiglc. c. · ··· ··· •······ ·--... tht: \\"onckr ··5·· l,nzmop game w I11c 1.; 12 42 I) 2 Sna,·ely. r. g . . I the \\"on,il- r ··.; \\·on >y t I1c scor e l)l; ELL. Otterbein 1.i :, 3,; ··-·· ··· ··· •···Hue :!. I. g. of 1:i to 12 . Taylor. Miami 11 10 32 I Carro ll. I. g. L'. '.\Iyer, kept h is hold on high 1\.\1,~ES. Otterbein 1:, o :{0 I] 0 () \ \ ' n.ght. () h10 . Mc Michael. r . g. .... ........... O . scoring honors in thl" game " ·l11ch 11 ,; :rn 0 0 thl: Lakotas \\"011 from th e Alps by I Tay lcJr. ~uskingum H 2 30 T . '1 d I' k 1 . ota ls the ,,·ore ol i to 6 "yers sco re I oros ") 1s twent1e t 1 111 th e It t of M . · \I 8 '.?fj all thl" points for the wmners with Ohio Conference high sc o rers with O uski_ngum-44. G. F . P. . rr. I I t\\o ha,kctr. a nd thret' f o u 1s. z.: pmnts. 1 l :{ " ntgo111en· ·1 hl" L ook House defeated the - - -- 0 C - - - Ta~ lor. c. · (Cl · r. f· .. .... :t Country UUJb with a second half STIFF GAME EXPE CTED C lark r g · 7 1 spurt. The score wa, tied at the I WITH HEIDELBERG CREW H a rr~p. . I.. o-_ 2 0 in tumi,sion but the w inn e r ,; ran I ---I' I 2 I • 0 11 S a turc1ay 111ght wild in the seco nd ha li and scored the Otterbein >rac bury. I· I. ·· ····-··---- -- -- 7 0 14 field goals from all over the Hoor. ,I quintet _will n_ieet the Heidelberg pill Th ompson oi the loser, . and Marsh t_os,er, 111 :heir fifth -~ame of th e Con- . Totals 20 H i oi t h e: " ·inners. wen, ti ed for high terencc sc,,edule. I he game promscorin g honor, oi the game with 10 ise,_ to he clJse with Heidelberg r.: points apiece. ha ving th e ach·a n tage b ecause of The pmnX" pill tos . er nosed out p.layrng on their own tlo The the :\nnex quintet in a la,t minute , tr; -col n r team dd~' a :cd Otterbein last spurt hy a score o f 1-l to 8. A bas- ; year and the fan and Cardinal j ke t and two fouls by Ja coby in th e ' ,nil he out hr revenge. They a lso la st minute of play gave the win - j have a football defeat hanging ove r lj ner an appare ntly decisive le:ad. I from last fall to acco unt for . A Mendenhall kept the hold on high g oo d game 1" expected and all the , co rin honors in the Prune League , r o~ ters that can be o n hand will 1be by co rin g eight points in the game apprt'ctatecl. which his team lost by the score of - - - - 0 C - -- 1 12 to n. MUSKINGUM WINS

ier- 1


Q'llnle to has not plavecl a conference 0 • · . dispute,1 date. Mt. l'ni o n rests 111 un. of . 11lace h)· virtue possession of lirs t three \,·in~ in a~ n1any s t arts.

IM · .......

,~ I .; I


The Spring Samples are on Display. Dry Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.

. WELLS The Tailor







.Yukon Delight Chocolate Covered.

The scores for last week.


Group Leagu~ Philot a . 10 ; J anda. 4. Lako ta , 7; Alps, 6. Sphi nx , 12; A n nex, Cook Hou e, 26; Country Club , 11. Prune LeagueDubs, 11; Delta, 5. Wobuga, I ; Celtics, 19. Wonder, ·'S", 13 ; Kozmops, 12. Hailey-Annex, 15; Kappa. 2.






Ice Cream Bar

·- - -


:--:ext Friday night at the high sc hool gymna ium Otterbein wi ll play the Vienna At hl et ic .\ s· n . The team is composed ~ fom1er high schoo l stars. They have playeJ ·e,·cn games s o far thi eason and ha,·e won all of them and a hard game hou ld be expected. No one should miss this game a it prom­ i es to be a thriller from start t o fini h . The probable sta r t in g line up of the visitor s is as f o II ows: H. Clark, r. £. D . Cla rk, I. f. H a r b inson, c. Funkhou ser, r. g. Evans, I. g.

( Continued from page one.) , 111 t hl" second half to come within ' four p o ints of tying the scor e with seve n minute s to play when M u sk. II d . mgum ca e time o u t. After that the score c limbed rapidl y and the 1 1 game endc,I 2(; to 44 in favor of '.\lu,kin um. The game is · aid to have li)een the fastest ever p layed on Muskingum's floor. Tayl o r . and Bradb ur y were I high scorer, ot the game with 15 and 14 po int ,; respectively b u t ~l ontg, _ 1 1111 cry playcrl the best all around floo r , game for the winner . Widd'Oes w as the high scor er for Otterbein . with \I points.



~ 1 F;;~~;;~~;;=~=-=;;=~;;=~;;=~;;=~;;=~~== ;:;~


B radbur_Y...diminutive forward ... I 011 the M u krngum q uint et, looked sm all compared to the rest of his team, but 1 was ~s la rge as any m a n o n th e Ot­ teiibem team with th e excep t ion of I Porosky.

Go Wher~ You Have Always Been Pleased your photo from

The Old Reliable







game in addition to h is n ine point.. , Snavel )• I cl Paye a n excel len t gu ar d'mg- I1 game as any one can see by I k " . oo mg ~ppos1te M o nt o m ery's nam e in th !me up. ·t The lin e u p:

Otterbein-26. G. Widdoes, (C). r. f............... 2

F. 5



Will be the be5t•

Rich and High Sts.


~· P age Scvca



Y . W . C. A.


The Y. \\' . C. A. meeting last \ Philomathea held its election sesTuesdav eve nin g wa s th e "' F low.er \ sio n F rid ay evening for the officers of .Fest i,•ai·• of whi ch Esther Geo rge the third term. The res4lts. are: J. N. had charge. The dc,·ot_ions fo·r the Boyer, Vice .Pres.; E. D. B r agg, R e­ evening wer e Jed by Marcella Henry. cording Secreta~y; W. C. My ers, Ruth Hayes th en told u some of the Critic ; R. A. Shipley. Ce nsor; W. F. things the flowers s tand for and M artin_; Ass't. Censor; \ ~. V: H ars ha , Clarabelle Steele some of th e mes- , Pia ni st; J. \V. Hudock, Cho ri ster ; an d sage of the flowers. K:a th a rine K. F . Echard. O r chestra Leader. D. Myers spo ke on the urgency of p ra y- J A. Arnold was elected president two er which was the unJ erl ying them t: ' weeks ago. of th e whole meeting. An informal gro up ing around the Kath r rn M innich who ang a solo, pia no w.as an enjoyab le part of the iurni hcd the . pecial mu sic. evening's program. ____ O C - - - ]. R. H oover pres ided during the PHILALETHEA \ parliamentary drill. _Extemporaneous and impromptu spea kin g was done by program Th ursday \V. V. Harsha, E. D. Bragg, 'vV. M . P.hilalethea's Altho ugh we haven't seen any ni g ht included th e fo ll owi u~ numbers: K ec k. and J. >i . Boyer. Piano So lo-Helen I nnn. ---- 0 C ---rob ins a yet, we a re s ure sp ring is Hu m o r o us Sketch. '"R ed ucti o n''.New Cut. on its way , judging fr o m the numlber 1 .\dclai.:le Pot tenger. The " Dorm . l\e\\·s·· cu t th at we ~f yo ung m en who have been turn­ Vocal Solo-Betty Marsh. " pt~b li sh here for the fi rst time is th e Question, "What's · .Your -· I . .- Q· - 1 ing their fa ncies the past few week • work of Dou McGill an.:! entitles On Saturday evening Catherine Darst Ernestine l\icho Is. 'vVhitney and I him to one year's free sub cription Vocal Duet-Judith :nouncecl her engage ment to " B(ll" La Vonne Steele. to th e Tan and Ca rdinal. Yers. Congratu lations, Cather me aucl Bill. A wo rd to the wise-please . Cur rent News-Wilma Ingalsby. - - - - 0 C---During . extempo rane o us s peaking begin early and avo id the rush. " Swcat-soclci." th e n ewest fad am on&' Josephine Drury spoke on her exper­ Marie Comfort, '2-1, anJ Ima Fog­ ience as a foreign-born. " Term Pap­ fl app ers ar e in th e fo regro und at Wit­ Well, of Dayton, were guests of the er ,, was the sub ject of Esther Sul­ tenb erg thr o ugh t heir use by th e rbutus Club fhi s week end. liva n's speech a nd F lorence H owa rd co-eds there. A co-ed debat e team has been or­ . Alice Sanders spent the week end talked about "Coasting." . - - - 0 C - -I ganized thi s y ea r at Ohio Northern. visiting in Columbus .






. Mary Hummel went to her home Ht Fi ndlay thi s week end. O n Sunday eve ning the Owl Pledges gave a "feed" for th e old ntember . Mr •. Noe l, Mrs. tarkey and M·rs. Ru PP were guests of the Talisman htb at lunch Sunday evening.

.\ rather exceptional program wa gi \·en a t l'h il o1>hronea last Friday in respec ts to ,both th e r eg ul ar literary num bers a nd the ''extemp s." The [~ca.Jing hy J. H. Lehman, th e Trav­ elogue 1by G. 'vV. Rohrer and the Tn\'cctive by C. E. Stair were all very interes ting. Among the extemps were "Currcqt E\'ents," by T. Deaterly; ''Equa l \V ages for Men and Wo­ men." by B. S. Redman; and "An Initiation of an Otterbein Men's Boarding Clu b," by Robert Kn ight E. H. avana ug h, H . D . vV illiams, a nd \\'. C. McKnight .



H. C. Baughman


"A Historical Sketch ?f. ~ es ter- I &========== == ======== == = = =======~ vi.11e an d Otterbein" by V1rg1111a Ger. , m an. a review of "The P~renma, Bachelor," - written by Parrish, by Elizabeth Lesher, "Child ho~d Recoi. ,, by Doris Wetherill and a lec t io n s '·SI1ort Skirts" by Dorothy . u t 1re . \>Vurm, made u p a var_ieJ andT1;terest ing program at Cleio rhetea urs-

Men's $35 and $40 •

Overcoats, Ill the January sales at •

. l~orence Prinz spent the week enJ daY night. ,, v1 tting in Dayto n. - n illustrated song, " Pale Moon, °'·chert, piano solo by Elizabeth Tro t and ·' Babe"' Bing- by A gnes n u ·1 Le1·ter and a piano du et by ham a tt ended th e fun eral of Ed.it h L uc1 e M" · h Man· Long a nd Kathryn 111111c . OYler in Warsa-w lnd. last Thurs, tl1e musical numbers of th e , , day, \\'ere eve nin g. cl h , \.Ye t, Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Extempore speeches were ma e ) . key Ma rga ret vVidd oe a nd , nia Fogwell a nd the Aributu Club :tv[ae M 1c \vere g . . Marguerite Blott. ue ls of Ernestme 11chols at Velva Bras hares, . of Logan, was .h r b'trt I1day party on Sunday evenmemlbersh ip. I r eceived into a oc1a t e ing. on ·d · · · " t " 1 f rmg the delicio us ea s - - - - V C---. " h' a ro111 ho me, we h o pe "E r me Mrs. Sudlow Dies. 11 · ntany more happy birth.:la • called t 1s Mi . . Flo r ence Sudlow wa Y ar. ·ght bv th e very sud111 l MoncaY · I10111 e ti of her I n and unexpectec1 c1 a 1 • J) nita J an1iso n of Columbus. visi­ ce M f M. udlow. of '.\ew ted the rs. · m o th er. wl Club this we ek en cl. Plym o uth . 1 ..,~ F1 r •1 I M \\' ee k F lorence's mot 1er w, · 11 l I at h e · artiu spe nt th e Th e b clY o f · Wedue•dav m ormn er ho me in Rising un. taken to Logan - di who }Lar,· , . . • . u ow. Tai- for bu ri a l bes ide 1\[ r. ·• , ·'OC 1 2.,. \\'as with th i n1an ·1 I . se,·eral vea rs ago. u ) tl11 we ek end . passe cl o n · . -b Iv make her F lo r nee will p ro _alI . 11 h; Han -y pent the \\'Cek end at . 1 ister 10 olum bus. home ,\·1t 11 ier . I 1 Ille in Po rtsmouth.

I Mr

I it h u t que t ion the be t clothing , a lu e off red at th i p n ce m many vea r .






v ctio 11 I\ l , Endeavor, wa. ed I y Lo . . u1 e in a "p rogre sive rn ee t1'11 g " 111 . ,vh1ch . ' t, ,, the su b Jec entral A . ' . d va r· rnenca, ' was d1scu sed an iou h P a e. talked of by athan ,. 0 ucrt M"t • . . 1 ured Zmn an d Cathenne ~Y r ' ~a · For th e mu ical elections l e11ore ry Mill gave a vocal solo and . san "11th and I abet Rheunnund g a duet.


,!,-=,, (••> - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thcre Arc Fifty Unpaid . . Band Uniform Subscnpuons . . 1 for com plete ettlement P rov1~10 1 b ht ta t . n d uniform oug for the .b.a not y t ma de . The rca- I Octo l)er is is fi fty unpaid j son fo r the delay Th e . the st uden t body. . pleJge m ·1 1·s very amciou5 to tudent counc i . . d e 5 in order collect the rcmamilng pl: !nd provide 11 sett emen . I to ma k e f u . . . keep th e uni adequntc fa c1 ht1_es to fo rm until spring.


THE UNION "The H ome of Quality "

\,\;;====~ ================ ============ !)


Page E ight

T AN AND C ARDINA L Prexy Attends Inaururation.

SCHEDULES ANNOUNCED Mrs. S. W . Keister Entertained FOR CLUB MEETINGS N ine Senior Men to Dinner.




kee pin g \\·ith th e ir practise o f Inter-Student and Faculty Relations t he las t io ur o r liv e years, Mrs . S. I I Committee, Announces Result \ V. K e iste r e utertaincd at h er 1ome Of Their Labors. Co llege .'\venue, Saturday even011 ing, nin e Se ni or m e n to di n ne r. MONDAY , h ose prese nt \\·er e: G eo r g e Ea -~ t · · G' I , S "l \ 6: 15- B us rn ess Meet in g of 0H" s . • M yc r s, "v,f"1II ar d rM or. man , \ V1 l1 1a111 c1a l Group s. . ns J osep h H enr v, Car I E,sc h b ac I1, 1· A Id C JI 7 ·00-Scien ce C tub. ( 4t l1 rM o n d a y ) · rn o . a r ro 7 :00-Qui z a nd Q uill. (2nd and 4t h ) . Ca rl S ta ir. Dw1g 1t vVid does and He r bert Stou g h to n. · • R · . ' . _ . 7 ·00--1nt ern a t10n a 1 e1a tl o n s. J n c1de n ta l to th is gathermg was · d h) (2nd a n 4t . I , ,v ·11 · M the an no unc e m e nt JY 1 1am ye rs, 7· 00 C h Cl b (2 I d 4th) · a uce r u · nc an · to Ca t he r in e o f h is e ngage m ent 7 :00-College Orches tra. D arSl. A lbert M ay spent t he week-e nd 7 :30--Varsi t y B.a6k et B all. Dr. Keist er has b ee n in M ississip p i at his ho m e. s in ce t h e las t of D ecem b er, see ki n g TUESDAY "Shad o w" Marsha ll , Haro ld You ng. 6:00--Y. M . C. A. a warm e r cl imat e b eca u se of his Fra n,k lin Yo un g, Craig \,Va les, \,Vald o 6:00-Y. W . C. A. h ealth . Keck, ''Rozo'' Richt er and ''Doc" 7 :00- Y . M . Ca binet. --- 0 C --S to ug hto n j o urneyed to Muski ng um 7 :00--Y. \ . Ca binet. Rcv. Widdoes Addresses Y Men. to witness th e game. 7 :30--G lce Club . T h e me n of Y. M . C. A. wer e pr iv­ Law rence Mar sh d ined S und ay 7 :30-Va rsity B. B. cligcd la st T uesd ay eve nin g t o hea r


I '

with Mr. and Mrs. Art Germa n a t th eir hom e o n Main St.


Ma r io n Dru ry, " J ew" Crawford, Harry \,V idd oes, D a le Fri end , Charles M umma , H aro ld Th omp so n, D e Mo tt lieucle r, and Fe r-r o n Troxe l al so .attended th e game a t Musk ing um .

Fred S teve ns s pent th e week -e nd with Sphinx friends.

FRIDAY 4 :00- Va rsity B. B. 6: 15- Phi lo phronea. 6:30--P hil om a th ea . 6:30- Gi rl s' Leader Corp s.



Dr. and Mrs. K ing P ay Visit. 1·. and Mrs. J . R. King, heads ,.f t he O tterb ein H o m e at L eba no n, 0., vi ited wi th " th ei r boys and gi rl s'" on the ca m pus la st ~if o nd ay an d Tu esday.





Wilson The Grocer· Co r. C o ll ege Ave. a n d S t ate St.


Do You Know?

;= =




The Students' Hand -Book of Practical Hints on the Technique of Effective Study · by




A GUID E containi n g h un d r ed s o f p rac t ica l h in ts and hort cuts in t h e economy o f learni ng, to ass ist s t udents in sec ur ing MAXIMUM :


= =

3. Any o rgani za tion de si ring to " Len " Newell took two High School boys fro m Rey nold sb urg to 1n ect at a n ho u r ot h er t han th e o n e ·s ee the Mu,kingum ga m e last T ue,· des ignated sha ll pr ese nt its reque s t in wr itin g to th e co mmittee on In terday ni g ht. S tud ent s a nd Faculty R elatio ns. L e roy H o p per spe nt th e week-e nd Note : Ba sketball sc h edul es subje ct at hi s home in Cos hoc to n. O hi o. to variat io n s. --- 0 C--­ "Squirrely"' Thomas also journeyed P ay Lib ra ry Fines. to Muskin g um to see th e ga m e. T he Librarians a re aski ng t h at a ll " L en " 1\' ewcll a nd " Ray" Axlin e, Hhrary fine s be paid a t o nce in order 'b oth of Rey nold sb urg. spent Su n day that th e seco nd se me s ter may begin with Lako ta fri end s. \\"it h a clear slate. See th e li st posteJ Geo rge c;riggs wh o is o n the sick in the li brary a nd make se ttl em ent. list i, rcco \·erin g a t thi s wr itin g.

- - - - 0 C-- - -


NI I Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I II I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill II 111111111111111111111111111!

Socia l Eve nts. : I. Ra ll ies fo r games s ha ll be h eld from 8:30 to 9 :00 a . m . (chapel pe r io d.) _ 2. The re s hall be n o intra - m u ral Kwo ng La i ha s r eturned fro m hi s games a ft er 5 :30 p. m . on Mo n day, l1ome in H o ng K o ng, China, and T uesday, W edn esda y, Th ursday or : wi ll regi ster fo r the seco nd semester. Friday.

Th e Regis tratio n "dea d lin e" is exte nd ed to ,; :00 p. m. of t oday, ac­ cord in g to th e la te, t a nnounc em Pnt from Re gistrar F. J. \' a nce. I '\o ti ce is g iv en tha t thi s is abso­ lutely the o nl y extension of tim e that will he m ade and ti nes wi ll be a sse,­ sc d for late regis trat io n.

Come and T ry Our


'' P ick le'· Ph a lo r a lso w itn essed th e ga m e at Mn sk in gu nt.

- - - 0 C--­ Registration Deadline at 5 p. m .


Rev. W iddo es, n ow o n furlou g h fr om WEDNESDAY t he Ph ilippin e mi ss io n fie lJ , in a n 6:30-Choir. intense ly p ra ctical ad dress o n th e 7 :30--Stud ent Co uncil (2nd a nd 4th ). R ev. 7 :30- B usiness Meetin g of Me n 's So- t hem e. "Fishing for M en ." Widd oes seas on ed hi s r em a rk s w ith cial Groups. illu strati o n s fr om hi s own experie n ce 7 :30- Va rsity B. B. in a cha ll e ngi ng w ay.

"Skin ny" \,Veinla nd. '11 and " Red" 4 :00- French Club. leio rhetea . Cam p ·25, . pent th e wee k-end with 6 :106 :20--P h ilalethea. Annex fr iend s. ''Mark" a ud Lloyd Schear 's fath er 6:30-Glee Clu b. · 7 :30--Ban j o Orch est ra. :spe n t th e wce,'k-e nd in \ Vest<;rvtlle w ith hi s so n s. ?' :30--Va rsity B. B. Schi ndler. J a m es . Bennett, R ic h­ ardso n. La ndi s. Re igle, C lippin g er, iddall , a nd Marcus Sc hear we n t t c New o ncor cl to see th e Otterlhe in M uskin g um ga m e.


l, r es. Cl ippinger on Friday, of la I wee k , a tt end ed the inauguration of George F r ederick Zook as president o f the U nive rsity of Akron, succeeJ­ in g E. A. K o lbe, who recently re­ signed to becom e president of Brook, ly n Poly tec hnic Institute, New York. 0 11 -We dn esday, January 13, Presi­ d en t Cli ppinger was present at the ina ugura ti o n ceremo nies of Mr. KoUbe.

= = := •


SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at a minimum cos t of ti me, energy, and fatigue. • E SPE CIA LLY RECOMMENDED for c,\·erworked stud ents and ath letes engaged in ex t r a curric ulu m activities and fo r average and hon o r st ud ent s who arc wor ki ng for high scho la s ti c ac h ieve ment. -

Some of the Topics covered S cientific Shortcuts in Effective Study. Preparing for Examinations. W riting Good Examinations. B rain and Digestion in Relation to Study. How to T ake Lecture and Read ­ ing Notes. Advantages a nd Disa dvantages of Cramming. The Athl ete and His Sturues.

Diet During Athletic Training. How to Study Modern Langu­ ages. How to Study Science, Literature, etc. Why Go to College? After College, What? Developing Concentration and Efficiency. etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Why You Need ·This Guide

= ~

= =

-= -= = = =

" lt is safe to say that fa ilure to guide a nd direct st udy is the weak point in th e \\'hole ed ucat io na l m ac hin e." Prof. G. M . vV hip ple, U. of Mi chigan . "The s u ccessf ul men in college do not seem to be ve ry happy. Most of th em , espec ially the a thlet es, a re overworked. " P rof. H. S. Canby,Ya le. '' Mi sdirected labor, th o ug h honest and we ll intentio ned may lead ~o naught. Among th e mo s t impo rtant things for the student to learn 1s how to s tudy. Without know ledge of this his labo r m ay be largely in va in ." P r of. G. F. Swai n , M . I. T . "To st nd_e nt s wh o haYe neve r lea rnt "How to Study," work i very ofte n a chast isement, a flagell a ti o n , and a n ins uperab le ob tacl e to contentment. " Prof. A. Inglis, Har va rd . effo rt. Get a good s t a rt a nd m a ke thi s yea r a h ighly successful one by se n di ng for t hi s hand - boo k an d gu id e NOvV .



: : _ : : _

You Need This Intelligent Assistance C LIP

Amer ica n Student Publishers, 22 W es t 4.lrd -St. , New York. Ce11tl c men:


T O D A Y.


I ' leao;e se nd me a copy of " How to tudy" fo r which I enclose $ 1.00 cash; 1.10 check. ~ a ,n e ................. ............ .............................................. Add r ess ..... ..................................................... ···· ..

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