1926 02 02 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 9.

No. 16.

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Humor Galore. ---MEN HAVE TICKETS .,., ---~cP<>rter F eels Contagion of Humor As He Gets Behind Curtains For First Hand Dope. The ____ \c · annual Varsity "O" ••tin treJ econd ·1 chapel _ wi I :be given in the college :i.; fhur day evening, Feb. 4 at ta t · _Tho e who aw the min trel thc \\inter will testify that the old th el ory at a hi C'ould do nothing in Obut Play athletics has no place tterbe·111 L ' . \\'as · a t year's production Port a g:r~at succes . a nd from reYear' received behind the cu rtain , thi s Prods e_ntertainment will outclass any in /Chon of it s kind at Otterbein artistecent nd Year . With . uch vocal h.iicl, ; comedian as Upson. Mcthe ae and Richter on th e menu. Tnc~1~~:- s _of the show i ass ured. 111 &ags . d the riot of jo kes and

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Doan, World Travelers to Address Y. M. and

" O"


and .. Mketc~ by "Uppy" Upson lt Wa n't A cM10haels entitled, "And Either ,. Good Da y for Hunting ''l'he ·R ~ n·o veltq in the person of tro<hteedadzo .t\nnouncer" will he inin th· 1'h 0 IS production. e tak · are 111 zng part in the program · en wh 0 h in an . ave won their letter have lllter-collegiate port and who orll"ani!~~i:n joined the Varsity «o·• CJltert . · The proceeds of the · aznnient · in the wilt be u ed to assist \\•ea1 Purcha e of Varsity "O" l'h ers and watch-charms. · e song th io the Prog at arc to be included (C . ram are a follows: Otltznued o n Page Two)

\tanagct0 - 0 C - - -Contra 1£ ;lee Club Secures t J. l{Usk~ns F{ or Two More ~oncerts er Within ti oover ha recerved JeteveraJ O . ie pa t few day from tract for the hzo town accepting a conb. e1n GJ appea rance of the OtterOrchest:: Club and Banjo-Mandolin CePtcd · Canal Winchester has ac\\•rite :hcontract and Rev. E. H . Daly to at Port J ·11 h e rea d y th 0 rece·zve th ·Gmout 1 w1 e lee Club with one u, a 11 d trong. .• . ,_

Club c~nlJllete itinerarv

• o th• trips ,v1·11 , c be made as ontract are ig ned.

f th



Glee as all

Y. W. Tuesday, Feb. 2 ---Tonight, at 6:00 o'clock, the Y. M. and Y. W. will be addressed, respec tively. by Mr. and Mr T h ·MR. A. d Doan of Columbu houg l r. a n Mrs. Doan are quite near neighbor , liv; ng only a few miles below \Vorthington , they spend much time trav lin, n the fro11tie1· f th' world. · Mr. Doan is known a a bu mess man in Co lumbus. but for the past t w e Ive vear h e has volu ntarily give n his ;ime to the study of the nu ssion fie ld of his church. He a C hristian laymen doing a unique piece of work . He has made four trips to the Orient, the last of which was of eighteen months duration. Mrs. Doan tra,·els with him. They recen tly re-


First Grandmother Graduate to Receive A. B. In June


Ca pt. Widdoes Led Squad in Mount­ ing Score. Tri-Color Men Held President and Mrs. W. G. Clippin gTo One Basket Each. er ent ertain ed to dinner at their home 0 tterbcin kept her hold o n second Saturday evening, J a nuar y 30, Dr. and th N[rs. J . H. Harri . Professor a nd Mrs. fplace · inH -e IOhio Co n ference by cl·> L. \ V. Wars on. 1-'rofe sor a nd Mrs. eating ezde ber r in a loosely played game a t Tiffin Saturday night. JanuOscar Charles of the Philippine Is- ary ::o. ;H - l .i. lands, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Widdoes The s tory of the game could i>c of the Philippine I land , and Dr. told almo t in on lin e. They hot J ohn R. King of the Otterb ein Home. a_ncl mi~~ed a nd fol lo wed two or thi·ee d b f times with the ball ' till not throu p-h The party ~vas arrange e~au e O I the hoop. Then the Tan and c.tr­ mutual family a nd ocial mtere ts. dinal quintet would take the ball back The c n pi -uou - ieatur f t h dinut:r o , , tlit: tl r aud try it aga.in . _ ith was thi , that it was largely in honor lhe same r ults. w·dJ · cl 1 oe of Mrs. J. H . Harris who i completmzsse an easv hot to ing her work for the degree of Bach- begin with and not lo ng ;t.fter 1-leid­ elor o f Art in Otterbein College and el berg took a lea d. Otterbein tight­ who will be the fir t g randmother ened and went to th e lead. This graduate in the hi tory of Otterbein lead was no t r linqui -hed during the College. reS t of the g-ame. Otterbein led at _ _ __ 0 C ____ the intermi s ion 11 to !I. REPRESENTATIVE STUDENTS The second half was a repe tition of WILL BE SELECTED SOON the fi r t half with the exceptio n o f _ ___ (Co ntinued On Page F ive)

turned from outh America. where Winners To Remain a Secret Until PLA y CASTOri SELECTED th ey spent most o~ last yea_r. Mrs. Photographs Appear In Doa n i a Canadian by birth and Year Book 1926 Will Begin Work Soon on Comedy before marryiiig spent a number of To Be Given By Seniors vears as a mis ionary in Japan. election of repre entative men anJ I k Commencement Week · Mr. Doan ha :been a popu ar pea ·- women from the senior cla will be d O 11 P T o) f h d ( ontinue age w made soon a te-r t e secon emester election of th e cast for the e · r O C A . 0 ____ - -- get under way. committee compo - class play, ·'Kempy" which will 111 be EUGENE CORBIE WILL ed of three faculty member and three produced ommencement week. wa SPEAK HERE FRIDA y members of the 1926 ibyl staff will made la t Monday afternoon by Prof. ____ elect a number of candidates which Leon Mc arty. I t d I d I d d Eua-ene o rbie, a colore slue en will he prese nte to t 1e tu ent ,o y The eight characters. which a re taking post graduate work at the for a popular vote. Two men and equally divided between the men ' ollcge in the Ci ty of _New _York, two women will thu s be elected as and the women, are Do n Phillips. d "' b · f th t · will he on the campus Frz · ay. ,·e _rt representative o e 1>re en sernor Zane Vlil on. L ter ox, 1-l arold an· ,; . speak ing in chapel and po ~zb Y class. McMichael, Alice ander . Ad da ~O~lle of the class room . and detz,·erThe l hotogra,ph s of the winners Lyons, Pauline Kn pp and Wanda ing a n addrc s in the chape l in th e of the contest. will be placeJ in a Gallagher. Definite pa rt have not evening. beautifully engraved ection of the been a signed . I.t is an intere. ting Mr. Corbie was one of the able_ t tu- l!l26 ibyl. Thi i the fir t time co-incidence to note that the ca t for dent peakers 011 the race que 1_1011 ~t any Oterbein annual has eve r con- "Kempy" i the same, with the excep­ the tude:it Volunteer Cou~·entzon <1t rained this feature. The names of the lion o f two memb r . that produced . H e comcs· . h1g-hly rec- student who win the conte t will be the Junior play las t yea r. lndi;inapohs. . . ommc ndr,I a~ a clear 1h11'.k111 ~ s tu- kept a secret until th l!l2fi zhy1 i Thi. play. which \\.t l- written bv dent 011 the JJrcscnt race s1tuat1011 . o ff th e pre . J . C. and Elliott :\"ugent. crea ted ;, The only rule co nnected with tht' sensation in :-Jew York .i nd Chicago 0 C------Ill co nte t is that tht' candidat e must abo ut a year ago. It ta kes t1Yo :111d Professor J. H. McCloy · o tter b em · f or at tea t one - l1alf hours t o per form. ·r11e setProfes or J . H . Mc Cloy ha b een hav e been in . . t f . seven con ecutive cmest rs. .'\thlc- ting r a modern mall town which . od co11fined to l11· home for the pas . ew -;~s. sc l1olastic- work. and various 1s m em to the point of humor. One 10 day. with au attack of infiuenz~ : other factors will be considered in th e interior . et ting i_ used thro.ughout a ll f r11 H1· little daughter r no, h hght or · . f selectio n of th e ca ndiJat c . t ree acts. qua rantined with carlet ever.


~ ~Two ; ; g = = = = = = = = = ~= = = = = = ~T~H~E~T~AJN~A~N~D~C~A~R~D~l~N~A~L~ = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ : : : ~ ~y JPage UNIFORM BOOKKEEPING SYSTEM ADOPTED

International Relations Club Considered Farm Situation in U .






(Continued F rom Page One) f o e r in large gathe rings, bei nge one world 1 1 · · l aker al t th e pnnc1pa pe d . wash· mi sionary con f erence hel in J-{e at· in gto n, l) C a yea r ago. · 3 . .,recen t l nterd cnon11n te nd ed th):! t Evans·. ti o nal tud ent Conference a ton, Illinois.


The Farm ituation in th e nited Dean Wisc and John Hudock Take A ll Treas urers of Campus Clubs Will . I •! recI b :: I · w·1th tatcs was t h e topi.c con 1c Second and Third Use System Devised by Dr. . the I ntern-atio na l R elation ' lub :1 t Sarne Selections R. V . Phelan. it s bi•weekly m e ting last Mo11day M1 lice Prop t, the onl y girl eve ning. Jan. 2-l, at t'he home of D r. 1->re . \N. G. Clippinger has an• navely. T hi ,vsas th oroughl y dis• , co'.1te tant on the list, took the fi rst nd cu sed from m·an y an-gle • Dr. P helafJ pri ze o f 15 in the annual Ru ssell nou ncecl a uniform of accounting a of acco untin g u pervi ion for . a ll tu• wh o was vi itin g the club, made Declamatiun o nte t wh ich was held \\"ell as 5tU· . the in· ,. acuity m ember a dent organ ization · at O tterbein. The ome enli«h te ning ramark . ~ che in the chapel Monday evening, Jan• . . l to 0115 5 plan is that oi Dr. Ray mond Phelan, nex t meeting, th e club wi ll di scuss uary 25. D ea n Wi e and J ohn Hu• dent s wi ll no t .wan. . for ti l ei·r !lles· . terest to and was ado pted unanimo.u ly by th e I the ·zecho• lovakian election and the dock won econd and third prizes, spi ra tion of their vtSit . f u ual in faculty a nd student council. Spa ni h dictator hip. res pectively. with the ame declam a• sages will be o un Thi plan prefaced b y a declar• , - - - - 0 "C---tion "l\omin:i.t ing Woodrow Wil son." all. trary to the It i to be noticed, con .. t n1eet· ation by 'bot h students and profes ors SECOND ANNUAL VARSITY Mi P rop t' winning declamation t of a io1n I ddress tie at Otterbein. " 0 " MINSTREL THURSDAY was entitled " A T ribu te to Lincoln." fo rm er announcemen . . Dr. Phelan says, " Otterbein has a I ____ T:he remaining four contestan ts, all mg, that M r. Dua.a will .a y W. vita l interest in the fi nancial opera• 1 (Continued from page one.) of whom were elected from Profes• Y. M . a nd Mrs. Doa n the . tion and financ ial condition of . ev~ ry Opening-Plantation Minstrel o r Leon McCarty's ptvblic speaking roui, cl ub, o r othe r organ 1zat1 n Choru cla es by a competeti ve vo te, were ociated with the college. ' I D idn' t A k H e D idn' t ay . L ouie V . r or ris, Mason Haye , I , ''The pub lic doe not differentiate M cMichael laude Zimmerman a nd Geor.ge W. 1 betwee n Otterbein ollege o ffici als Thousand Miles ........................ Quartet Rohrer. Music fo r the in termi ions h. 0 cher Big red rip e marasc inted with and · the va riou club , a ociation , · Look Out B el w ·········-··-··· Widdoe wa furni hed b y the college orches• . ' . -' .d am coa nes m hqu1 ere . ' fairlY tJlCIt a nd othe-r organiz ation of th e col· Hokey Pokey ·········--··-····-······· Richter tra. ri ch chocolate. They Jegc. - n equently, if one of these how Me The Way To Go H ome. J udge fo r the occa iun wer e Miss in your mouth. or anizatio n suffers in pre tige or Quartet Chris tin e McBride, teacher of public r ep utation because of its failure to be PaddLln ' Madelin' H me ........ h ru speaking in Westerville High School, wi o r trictly honorab le in some Oh . Boy \i hat a Girl ............ horns Rev. W . J. Holme , pastor of th e Pre byterian church, a nd Prof. E . H . fin a ncia l t ran ac tion , Otterbein ol• R emember ···························- ······ . T a.:nta Go Wh e.re You Ja ck on. a n instructor in the p ublic leg al o suffer . O 'Lo:s,alty to Otterbein re quire b us· , Quartet peaking department at Ohio \ ¥ e . ine. like metho.ds and t?e tr icte t Hi nkey Dink ey (:by req u t Richter I ya n. Earl Hoover wa th e chai r• busi ne honor 111 the affairs of every Dow n b v the \ Vinegar \; oik man o f the con te t. one of it organization . f · ho ru Dr. Howard H . Ru se.11 founder ·' ital principle of good, honest Mi s Helen Jrwin i to a i t at of the Anti.Saloon League of Am eri• b u ine conduct are: contract to pay \ th e pian o. ca, ha provided each year for th 59c per Jb. for no more than you can pay fo r ; Thi min trel c me at a ve r y OP· ' la t fi fteen yea r the um of 30 which Regula r price 1 pa y bills promptly-either when you portune tim e. ince the "exam s" a re is divided into prize o f $15, $10 a nd Bi~thday Sa!e .. per lb. agree to pay, or when it i .c u st omary o,·e r an oQpor tu nity will be afforded $5, and given to th e win ni ng partici• 1 st to pay- wh en unfor ecn c rcum an• fo r 'both tud ent and fac ulty to re• pa nt in a declamatio n contest. H e c preven t prompt payment, see your cuperate. i very much interested in every creditors and a rri ve at an u n tlerome of tho e who have een the form of public speaking and ha tanJing with them ; cultivation. of min trcl in rehear a l hav made taken fir st prize in everal state and good fin anci al habit jn college 1 • a I arra ng m ent with Dr. toua hton to interstate oratorical conte ts. ma tt er of life long val ue a n <l ofte n a ' be on banJ t r •arra nge abnormal• preventive ol future di a ter." i ti , ·h.ich may pr vent any one from The book pre crib cd by Dr. I h • having a ood laugh. Ti k t ar 60 cent Ian's Y te rn ar • dr · ~ ook bud et, api c.c, and ca h book, ledger proper ty accoun t, d from any Var ity ' " and a tateme nf of a et and liabiti• are to be no re. en·ed ti to be required. twice each year. The plan put into the hand of the ---0 C- - ­ tudents includes model of all the e STUDENTS GAV E RECITAL account with appropria te 111 truction fo r keepin g them. lu pit f it bein ex_amina tion \ - -- 0 C - - ­ w ek, a fair . ized crowd a tended the CALENDAR r cital of th.e chool f mu ic, Thur . da)' cv.enin '· Th · pr g ram was be• \ Tuesday, February 2~lLD with an rgau numh ·r bv t ,. First ."enteste r E nd . _ Plummer. E lizab b :.lar h, Eth ;! , , R . A. 6: p. in.- r. a nd ,vL r tO K pier, l'aulin Knep p, an l J a.be ll e · l)oan at Y. ga ,·c voca l olo _ ad \ l~t1ehrmund \V ednesda y, February 3\ :Patton play cl "Da n R u tiqu e' 0 11 ,. ·nn.\ Seine, er Begin •. · · vidin . l'i<1.11 number. were "'aj,. Thursda y , February 4La,t day to pa~• -, , u r bilk I)· f-ranc ·, Geo rge. Glenclor:1 · I1ctca. lhrn,·,. Flor ·117, l'rinz. :\lar ~- \\'h ite• 1;·10 µ. 111. - C.1t1or · act 1 h ea. focd. Luci! ' Leiter :\'lcrerlith (),. 6:20 p. m. -P h1l , . 1_., p. m.- \ "a r ity •· )"' :\!in tr I in ho me. and Harol d Th m p· on. .\ I piano quar cttc hy H elen Irwin , ).f iJ. I chapel. <Ired Kinsinger. 13yr n \.Vil, on and 1 Friday, February ~ . colored tuduent, to ":\lildre,I \Vil,o n co nclud ccl the J)ro. Eugene Cor b 1e gram. b on campu • - -- - 0 C---G:l1l p. m.-Philophronca. Staff Reorganized. G::!O p. m. -PhiJomathea. Saturday, February 6t a meeting of th e Publication orthcrn Eoard the re ig:na ti on o( the editor Ba ket Ba.11 with Ohi was accepted a nd W ayn llar ha wa. at da. Parlor ~. O oen Hou c a .-Jec te,1 10 fill out the u n xp ircd t rn, W~dnesday, February 10Louie Norris will serve as assistant :00 p. m .-Children' ' Re ital in d i.or. Ger ald Ro selot wa add ed to th ta ll Lambert Rall. ~

I _




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Page Three

....:....C'-----'---~--'--'"------ ~ - - - --<!•

·1 · ..

ALUMNI GROUPS ACTIVE so-~osrn ~~-L o·s . · TJ:IE CLASS 1947 •:IN MANY OHIO COLLEGES DA · IN'PEREST-IµG •SESSION . . · ---- . . - -- - . .. .. . · It's another_ girl. Say fellows this Growing Spirit of Loyalty and SacriThe Dayton-Otterbi:in :.'so~~ i met cla_s · is going to be a dandy-all the lice mong All ·Alumni· Asso. · January 21 at '. the home :-of ·Mrs. R oy gir Is 3:ou . wa nt · • . . · ,ciations Everywhere.'· Peden. Alice Ann,e Braderick is enroll ed




I J\{'UMNI · D ~~

c,ou·NC!4'..) ~hi.L''· ·· ' DISCUSS REUNI:QN PLAN ,;,;;;.__, · ., J~.eunion :'Plan -~s-· Use·d -In Many Colleges Will. B e C ons1'd e,.;ed Thu~scia/ " -

M h "V ,·ctor Hu A-o ' arld hi influeHce up- this .week;. . Her father is J. C. "Johni,; · k o f t h e ca I The a l_u mni council ·will , co! uc ·. ha · been· said and ·\\Titten 011 French' Literature" was the srib- -ner . ; . B ra d enc s o f '23 an· d . . meet ncern,ng th e place of almuni influ M · R d E 11hursday, the regu lar time of mee011 ten J·ect of th e evening's discu ion led a nd her mother, argu ente ee , x. ce and ac tivity in the life of th e · h ing, and discus th e adoption of the coll prepared by Miss Florence Stevens of Oh, by the way. Alice Anne a a · If h T H Dix Reunion P lan. Man y of the ege I to which th e a lumni belong. T:h · Stivers High School. very I 11 u tnous granc at er, . . a varie ty of opinions exBraderick, Sr.-you know that fe llow leadin o- co ll eges and universities of ' ere Plans for the coming yea r were disth e country now u e the Di'x P lan Pres 1 ed wit :1 regard to th e advisab'J' with the big voi-ce who belong to that lly of aim uni control o,·e r any cussed and app roved b~ t:e clu~. 't d modest crowd of shrinkin g violets so for commencement reunions. It has Pha e of act ivit y of th e college. Mrs. Rachae l Cox o erts. '"~ 1 et inconspicuou s at every alu mna ! din- received the anct ion of th e ational ome arc willing to admit that the the club to hold a s ummer picmc a · , A ociat ion of Alumni and Alumnae a~umni sho uld be given at least ad- her home near Lewi burg, Oh io. The ner- 94 · . . . Secretaries. 1 v ory membersh ip o n th e vario us invitation . The "Brade ncks wa accep t ed • ,, . h ve at . Middletown The chief point to be advanced in board s anc1 committees which are r efa ,·or o f t 1e pan i that, it bring The soc1.a 1 h o ur was particularly en- where Johnner I a I tant. employR spo ns,'bl e fo r th e affairs o f the col- Joyable. . Th e mem b ers '•"ere seated ment manager for the American o II- together a ll1 th e 1members of a college . . lege A 11 h fireplace and were mg Mill s Co. . ____ C---ge neration o nce in twenty years, at · t 1 et ics has been th e parti - a bout t e open 0 cullar Ii_· eld in whi ch we find most of se rved cardinal punch and dainty tan the ame time it provides a cla s a ALUMNALS umn, influence-and it might be sa ndwiches. The coziness of t h e scene reunion once eve ry five years. Many added, ometimes with good res ults was enhanced by the howling of a ,98 _ Mr . 'vV. B. Gan tz, (Ma ude ti es, particu la rl y w ith th e older clas _ 11d a someti mes with res ults not so fierce blizzard that blew outside. Ba rnes) vi ited her sister, Mi s Tirza es, a per on would retu rn to find that good. W hatever position we may Mrs. Peden was assisted in her Barne 011 her way to her home in he wa the on ly one of his clas take with rega rd 10 th e place of the duties a hostess by Mrs. Go rd~n Detroit. Her We te rville visit wa prese nt. \Vith the call being ent to :!un~ni in admi,nis~ration, we must Howard, Miss Lucill e Wahl and Miss mad e in connection wi th a trip to fo ur cla es of one group there are b nut that the largest ingle force to Helen Ewery. . Hamilton, Ohio where he had ad- sure to be ome per on pre ent with e reckoned with in the future is the The ne,,ct meeting will be held at dre sed a meeting of th e Woman's common inte rests. organized effort of th e al umn i. the home of Miss Lucille Wahl on Mi ionary Society. A an example of how the cheme The aim · · · f F eb ruary 18. would work if adopted by the al umn i C ____ '08. Dr. Ma bel E. Gardner, of Middle• um or·g an1zat1ons o many 111 titution s are nO\v ;" th e midst of ---- O d k council as the plan for Otterbein _ ' ' town , Ohio, recently comple_te wor_ 111 . I I , ery defi nite move 111e11u.ts fo r the im- FACULTY CLUB WILL 1926 t ie ca e to mee t would be, '"' ovement of th e1·r 1'11st1'tut1'o n. There G roup 1. , 6. ~• HAVE VALEN TINE PARTY I enab ling her to perform maJor surg17 0 G cal iJeration . The work of Dr. ~ 0 ~ ~ood reason why alumni should ---Ga rdn er js no tabl e ·11 a much a she ro up 2 ' ' 6 ' 7 • · ' ' O, ,, g ive as istance to th eir Ima The members of th e Faculty tub the on ly woma n phy ician in the roup 3, ' 05, 06, ' 07, 0 "Later· · II Y goo d Grou t) 4, '24, '25, '26. on equently th ere has b ee n a re looking forward to a JO tate of Ohio capable of performing a a growing Spm · · t o f loyalty ' · time at th eir V ,aIentmc · P a r ty to be maJ'or oper atio n. Group 5, ' 06, '1 6, for a thi rty and an d sacnOtterb ein take nee eve ry- held the evening of Friday, F e b· 12 a t pride in addin g another achievement ten year reunion. h ' a mong a lumni g ro up 'tv1011 . • The alumni council will give the . ere· N o grad uate of any mst1tuth e new Park street h ome 0f p. ro f· to the long line of accompli hment of t d 1r J P West. The committec her son an d daughter . ca n say that hi life i no betplan eriou con . ideration and will er . aft er h av1ng • r · a · most · · completed the pre- an promises intcreS t lllg an d en- '83. One of th e intere ted p ctator fbe glad to entertain any ugge tion S<:rtbed A ti er rom any a lumnu with regard to 1',he co urse a nd re ceived a deg ree. tertaining program. mon g . o 1 f at the Heidelbe rg-Otterbein game wa this or an y other plan de igned to "'he a~e- hold for the ex- tud e nt. tlii'ngs, there will be a ddr_awmg 0 Profe sor T . H . onnedecker, profe -< 4he idpi~n, the culture, the li fe. and name fr om an urn accor 111 & bto .ian or of Greek at Heidelberg. Profe - give un io n .o me ys tem to our annual reh' eand of the college belong to old Roman cu tom in th e cc 1e rati o n o r on nedecker wa in a po ition to mor e than that, the thing of the Lupcrca l;a, or fea t of Luper, a find ati faction whatever the turn of C-- Czia tt, for the past few b man y times o verl ook. he has a ru ti c deity. victory sin ce it wa. hi Alma Mater ' 16. Milton years a tud ent of theology at Yale, road foundation for a u eful life. R. . Phelan will give an ac- oppo ing hi adopted Alma Mater. 1 t bhio_1 niver ity at A then plan co ~;~ of the origin and devel~pmcnt Among the large numb er of . Otter­ wi ll a um e th d utie of minister of en tre ongregational Church at a n 1. at one: the con truction. of of t. Valentine's Dlly celebr:tlo:- th bein followers attending the game at the The pa rty being held on t e ir - Mu kingu m Ja t Tuesday niQ'ht there Brattleboro, ermon t, on March I. by 165 a l Aud itorium 120 feet " ·,de M r. Czatt ha been pr ident of th e Pie eet long, eatino- 3,000 peo- day of Abraham ~incoln, part of the were several alu mni. Otterbein O ub. He re. igned at Yalefin~ t The building i to be of '.he program wi ll be given to numb~r h~f " Len" Newell, '24, came down from a1td b co~- r te and tee! con truction a m ore or le s patrioti c nature 111 1 Rey noldsburg where he is principal of th e meeting of the club on J an uary 20 . d b the High School. everal of his boy and Mr. J. 0. Todd, ' 17, wa elected f eautifull y lini heel. lt i the gift honor. to ucceed him. the alu111n.1 t th . ·t . . •1·11 be furm he YI . h h' \; o e umver I y. Special music " M' came along wit 1111. - -- 0 C- - ­ a,1 Vhen Mt. 111011 o llege at Alli- P rof. Spe sard, Mr · Starkey, is Dwight Blauser, who i a teacher in HOME BREW OOQce. began it · ca mpaign for 2,000,- Vance .a nd Miss Barngrover. I the High School at Zanesville was a to b h d O ri<Yinall y been Tl1 d, e u ed fo r buildin g and enThi party a .,. · "wicked" rooter also. at th e blackboard alu vm~nt it elected two prominent planned for Saturday, Feb. 13• a\ '25. Dean p on attend d the ed in a math prob0 pmni_ to head the organization . cordance with the suggeS t ed pSant bein-Heidelberg game and report player in a tourna11 t p re 1d e I · I f nctions on a ur· · fem,· 11111 · · · the cla le a r on , of Marietta o - havi ng most oc1a u d pro re in t I1e wor k o f or an1zmg men t . voice 111 :r, e ay that the A lumni Revolving I d,a)· eve ning. The dat e was m~ve th alumni of L uca county. That a keel a que tion. " Ye ,' he repli f, t nd h b b use there t a d . I . d I ee n of incalculable value fo rwa rd however, eca . roup like many other nee imp Y • a n I 1 n a rou ing o ut of hi ab en tto 1h a i . e college. It ha made po sible, ba ketb~II game Saturday evenmg. to be livened up and the contact with mindedne s. a. ked. "What wa it y u <h,_ving difficult athl etic prob lem , Dr Phelan i chairman of th e cofm- the old chool renewed. a ked? A man has to be migh "'' •en ti I . e of arrangeme nt or h h 1 tuden·t nie Y need to many needy mittee in char ' 19. Charles R. Buse aa recent Y ca reful tbe e day how he an wer it b00s, helped the college to clo e thi party. re igned as pastor of the South Con- a woman without hearing her qu c defi . ks for th ree years without a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gre ational Chu rch of Colum~us and tion. In a ddi hon · · t Th e has cit. b alumru· mteres . . st . •ons The e will be succee dc d b Y O • C, Wr 1ght . PI11·1o op h y pro £essor wa "'h een quickened. ing things for their in ,tuti • tate Rev Wright is not an alumnus but peaking in all the glorJes of hi ~ e. $8000 ourJoya owln ~ •ng. i•~ the fat her of Agnes Wright, '19.rea lm. Chem ical terms were introSorn , ,000 campaign launched are J·ust a few . within f10 ns are , giv1 Air Oh, lr«ij::~m_e ~go by Ohio Wesleyan Alumni organ~za ice to their "old / '12. Milo L. Hartma~, . ~an ce, 10, duced ,by way of ex:planation, a nd th college is one of a party o mm1sters on a CO2 became the center of di cu. _ I s1ty 1s now in the hands of of means an serv 0 £ Pto a umni orga i..ization w"rt-h good school". The future . a nyh. h th is cruise to Palestine, starting this ion. when up pipes " Heli um," the 111 1'hPeet for success. depen d s upo n the way mont h. w ic Senior, " V. hat' CO2 in Engl"1sh'." ere are other alumni groups do- powerful forc e is u ed. • ·



M::; °;





Page Four

.. Jt gains ten degrees goiiig interest in the su ccess o f th e endea­ ing the good in the othe r fellow? ' vor. lt is not pleasa nt to think of Is there not a mental unwillin g ness th ro u~h ' th e public speaking rooms." & ·· . \ 1~d lose ~ ten m ore going th rough severing such congenial relations. t o j ustl y appra ise the worth o f an ­ t0 nusual indeed has been th e cam ­ o t h er ? In a collection of the say­ th e· cold atmosphere of the · h.iS ry Published W ecldy iR the interest of pus life o f the 1>ast emester. In our ings of Heraclitus, an old Gre ek phil­ r oo1n." Otterbein by the .. Say ,,·h v don't the y burn some college experi ence we haYe not osopher, we fi nd these a.pt and pun­ OTTERBEIN LITERARY ·· · · \ant? known so widespread cooperative in­ gent words : " Dogs also ba rk at t h o·s e coal down t here at the heat111g P ' · SOCIETIES Westerville, Ohio The women ac r oss th e stree t have ter est in all acthit ies. Attempts have they do not !mow." . g out white • wa s l1111 · gs •or llanber of the Ohio College Presa , bee n made to acount for thi s. It been hangm · - - - 0 C -- ­ Association . th e la st se Yen vears and they !,av~ seems tha.t we have talked coo pera­ IT STRIKES US lion until we have come t o live it. ne,·er been ah!; to find a peck ot STAFF ·1-1 · f I I That we got more than a dime's soo t yet." "t Editor-in-Chief ............ J. B. Henry, '26 1 1e se nsat1sns o t 1e semester 1ave '·Oh listen. I' ll reco mm end th3 Assi tant _Editor ... vVayne Harsha, '27 \ been sorrowf_ully un_for'.unate. 1:he worth of fun out of the game Friday . ' d t 5 for C on tributmg Editorsdesire t o wnte a wmnmg headlme night. th ey us e th e croo~d en Wanda Gallag~er, '. 26 1 wa s pos tpo ned until the last few That for the last time we have cleaning out th e radiat ors. Lenore Smith 26 r join td Pauline Knepp; '26 weeks. As a college we have. been "done" our editorials and news, spilled -a nd th en another m em 1JC F loren ce Howard, '28 sobered to t he m ore tern r ea ltt1es of "home brew", and struck off this. th e crowd. · N · '78 th . . Lome . orns, ,- life. Experience ha s taught us the our - - -- 0 C - - "Hey. did you kn o w that e 1 2 Athl etic Ed1to_r .... Harry vV_iddoe_s, , 7 \ wor t.Ji of life and a per sistent s tru g ­ th HOME BREW I Science Hall is so sub stan tial at Asst. Ath. Ecilto r .. Clyde B 1elste111 28 . I Prof. Schear won't allow anyone t~ Bus. Manager ........ Marcus Schear, '27 • g e. . . . . 1 Assistant Business Manager, It has been a good ) ear to be the Fresihie-\\'h y ca n' t a fello w call at sneeze o n th e third floor for fear 1· Ross Miller, '28 ! edit or of th e Tan and Cardi nal. The th e do r m for hi gi rl between 1 :30 wi ll shake down the building?" Circulation Manager. , inauguration o f th e Alumna! P age is and 2 ::.io o n Sunday. .. S ur e nu ff fello,,·s that's right. . . M~rgarct Widdoes, 26 a noteworthy feature rontributing to . ' I that Senior. wh o is well acq uain ted wi t h Thev're so ca' utio Assistant C1rculat1on Managers, . . _ us dow n t 1ere Ruth Hursh, '27 i a more w idesp read 111terest. );ews donmitory life - O h , that's Quiet . . ili~ th ey k ee p the fr ogs 111 water so . M. Wilson, '28 1 ha s generally bee n suffi cient. Our H our, the g irl s u e it fo r si lent pray­ . won·t Jar . 1JUI'Id mg ' ~•hen they 1t the ' Alumna\ Edito rs, . effort has been to make the Tan and er a nd m editation. croak." HAI. W.GT:toop, ,23 11 Ca rdi na l tru lv r eprese ntativ e of the ma m ner, 97 · . Our R om a n nosed Sophomore savs -and then th ey fl oa ted out. Cochran Half Editor'\ r eal Otterbein College. . - -- 0 Florence R auch, '26 T o r esig n from t he agreeable duties that the only neckin' an Otterbein Bradley Sweater s. all 1-5 off. E. J. Local E ditor :··········· K arl Kum ler, '28 1 of the Tan an d Ca rdinal editorsh ip stud ent get i ch icken gib lets at the Norris & Son.-Ad ,·. Exchange Editoris the dema nd of a co nclud ed co·l- Blendon Re taurant. Ernestine Nichols, '27. I Iege 1·f T h e e d't · h es 111 · f u 11 I e. I o r w1s. They were gathered in the cl ub sinceri ty for h is successors t he best room di cu ssing the problems of th e 3ec S amples from Address all communications to The of all h e has known. day. One embryo scie ntist asked Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . J ___ o C--· Y, do you know that it take th~ Collcge Ave., Westerville, Ohio. · water from the heating plan t on ly Subscription price, $2.00 Per Y car, I On The Level. payable in advance. i It wa s out in front o,f "Willies" five minutes to make the whole cir­ cuit of th e coll ege b uildings?" that we met and talked for quite a and Social T hen it all :began, a nd feet were Before oraering Class Entered as second class matter white. T he mid-semester grades ha.d September _25, 1917, at the P0st0 fficc been out fo r a week or so. Hi folk~ lifted high. Group Pins. at w ester v11le, O ., under act of March . t d t A " r"' Non de~ ,ve don't get any heat I1a d writ 1et er. 3 1879. en a perp1exe in the class room s, the wate r goes 'Acceptance for mailing at special faculty note had carried a warnin g . Makers of Philophronean J{eys. rate of postage provided for in ~cc. Poor grades do get one in trouble. thro ugh too fast." ''It lose thirty degree ." 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized And his had. Apri l 7, 1919. Co!wnbuS, o. '·Y ea, it loses all tha t betwee?·, the 11th and High Out of the darkn ess of failu re he drew a memor y. One m a.n had play­ lmildings." " Sure, all we g et is the heat of ed him sq9are and he had fouled. EDITORIALS A certain professo r had gone more fri ction in the pipes." A Resume. than halfway- it was the only bright




------~---~----~ I I\




--~--- ~---~---~-:





In the backgro und of every new spaper there are ome fo lks doing a 0 1 ::;~duet~1~: : ;c:~~it~~/ ; r::te~ab~: the one who play before t he g r andtand. uch fo lk are con tented to Jive th ir live in an eve n tenor, contributing in a mode st way the prod uc t of th ei r ~abor. The Tan and ardinal ha been ble eel thro ughout th e pa t months with uch a background. The coope rat ion of variou memb er of the faculty in uppl ying it ms has :bee n of great value. 1 inc re intere t of Pre . Cl ip· · pm r, th ncouragmg remar k s o r ea n rnetet an I Dr. an tl er ' the kindly ritici m of Prof . Altman and Hur h, the contribution o f Dr. Ph Ian and P rof. Hanawalt, anJ the 11, w en e of Mi • B o wman , have made the r eti ring edit r· ex periences plea urable. Three stude nt , lice ander , Verda Eva n ' a nd Perry Laukhauff. have been con i tent contributor of new and hu mo r with out r cognition. H.armonio u relat ion of the taff ha been the di tinctive feature of the year' w rk. The Tan and CarJ.inal of thi year ha b en far more than a "one man' paper." l nfo·idua l rep 11 ibility o n the part of staff mem-




spot , but he had not even met him ~lllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM fairl y, and a conscience some would : 1 1 nd 1 ~: )e ~,~ m::sond~~:g1c~:1. wor k . A ~ . Ever y man has a high and a low § mark. But somewhere along the ascent there i a common grade. This : man and hi profes o r had met on common soil. Today the· one tands 12 higher because the other had vision I t k 1 · h 11 :: enough to meet him on his own § § g r o und. By such practica l faith and ~

armacy Announcement


Having recently purchased the .,, BAILEY PH St ARMACY, East Main · s = a. e p easure in announcing that I s a = continue the business with no radical changes with the service that made the Bailey Phar- §


works, and not by argument , are men won to doing the right. . , c ____ ---- v ''Dogs Alao Bark." ut b ursts o r censure and harsh reproof arc ofte n heard coming from the rooter' bench. A criticism is so easily made. The fault s of our £ellows stand out as a wart on the no-s c. His weakness is our chance to jibe. And no opportunities arc lost. ln common parlance, we like to " rub it in." This tra it creeps out in most human relations, w hatever their nature may !be. Honest turning of the taibles will r eveal a subtle chuckle

_ = macy a s_uc.c ess.

C Ph • H. Dew will be reta1·ned as Registere armacist and .M anager .

I o



::_ d :: --==

; ::

Gur Ul_ry, a graduate in Pharmacy will also §=:: r h emain Wlt me. =:: ... I h 11 b • 1b S a e in the store evenings and shal · e :: ! pleased to meet and learn hoV: we can best serve YOU. S


behind the words of D on Marquis, "When a man can find nothing else on earth to laugh at, there is alWays himself." Behind the whole affair, is there -

has been n1ct ,v ith a deep ning not a reluctant feeling tO\vard sec-


westerv1·11e Pharmacy R.


S § sS :E

w. Hoffman, Proprietor



::: :::







i ! ing



hctw cc11

Col umbi a.

T RO U N C E D 24 TO 15 Yale, Princet o n and f-1 an·a rd whe11 ! the fou r ri vals wi ll m eet in the ope n(C · _ I' the f ont inu h ed I· rom Page O ne) d act t at th e Tan and Cardinal e'.e nsc worked we ll eno ugh that the T n-col or pill to sers we r e able to I lf<lr'.ier o nly o ne goal from the fie ld du;;ng the final period .

r o und of an auc ti on bri dge tou rThe li r s t scss nam e n 1. • • io11 w il l he C I· uni,·ers ity p layed at the o Ium >1a J t to co nsist oi cl u b. t 1c tournamen four sc -. ions at int en ·;i ls o f a \ Vt'C'k. Disc u ~s i0'1 o f the n eed for a new

nu. ·sedany clman mi sed o ne . s hot he nam e for till' collcg_c i~ under way .1 a \ oze n. S hots wl11 ch o rd i- a,t _ t. axier. The un ,lcrgra<luatc nan Y 11leant 'baske ts rolle ,i m·rr t he b Uk~ ·h . · . w,t 1cke11ing regulari ty. W iddoes wa th e high scorer c,{ the game with 10 · f po111 t s a · a result cf our ba kets and two fou ls. Bair.es was ti ed , ·111 K f , . b ,v, eu a ud cr or He1dPl.erg for eco nd scori ng h one>rs wi;h IX Point .. . . fr • \\ ,J\·1110- the n et t ll'·c::· 1111: e~ 111 th e fie ld. Keufaud e ~'s ~ix Pr~ OJnt · ' f re ultccl from a fie ld goa l anJ our fo ul ..:J'hc o. . •·1ng · tterh\:1n defense \\..,,,. \~·ork111 . Pretty goo d o r d c, as no l-l e,delb '

a lumni . tho11µht to he "sticker.;" fo r th e p re~cnt name have specilied frcir wil iingn css to chan.ge the pre~ent name to a n ew and s uit ab le o ne. ,-\ !­ tho ug h a new na m e is thought neces­ sary. all a re agreed that n o choice shou ld he made \\'ithout m uch though t and con ,iden, t ion.

Page Fiv e ~ay ·. "Baske t ba ll pla yers are suscept­ :1ble to fallen arc h es or flat ice:. ]n l he Charies tio n. o ne' s weight is s111.1po ~ted much of th e t im e on one's to ,·s. That is good exe rci se to huild 11 -i weak a r ches. .-\

co ur~e

111 ca noeing ha hce11 :i e ndit is d er i.- cd b.,· ha--,ket­ offercrl at the un iversity of "-fi ,so;iri. - - - - 0 C--- hal l p layer, from dancing the Cha r ­ lest0 n. according to Coach Hoger, ()i S p,·in g Suit lin es j ust arrived. Let \ \';1, hing on .\gri cu ltural co ll ege H e us mca ure yon . E. J. Nor,-is.-Adv. C~reat

erg man was ab le to locate 1h e hoon Whole ' niore than once rluri:ig the gaine from the field. lo . ro ' ky Played a good ,,a me al · IV111 th p "' . -harJI e ,eidellierg men to folJ.1w the Y any hot . Ever y t ime on e of P ro iP- tater attempted ·t slio t off 0 f y ll'a. th ere to take the ball th e back:boarcl oach · 1rith Edler wa hardly p l('a scd the wo k f lri 1i. Th r · o the q uad o n this ially I e play in general a nd espcc >a k t l1 . oot111g will have 10 imPro,·e Carct· con iderabJy if the Tan and 11131 , rthern expect to handle <, hio kingu next aturJay a nd N; u ~111 1'1 aturday Feb. 20. lC liue-U[) . .

Ot · narne tcrbein-24 .

\,.. ,vldd ' f.

l>Oro ky. ' c.( n

G. F . P.



Ueli, g.

) ' [. ................ 4 ...-..... 1


•-............. 2

P On, "'·

···-.... - ...-............. 0 ... - ............... 0





Thill jiant hydro-electric unit weilfh5 750 Ion s and con i&ts or• vertical s haft hydraulic turbine attached to an e lectric tenera for de.livering 52,000 kilowatt ·

at J:1,000 volts.

3 0






24 P.

0 -t


Bigger Generators­ Cheaper Electricity


licidclb...............,................ 10 _crg-15. G


l< n1. t. ll eufauiier .£........................... •ader. c ' · -tul>bi \, eti . Id--·-..... ...................... ; cave r. g ' g ...................., J) ra111er. g. -..... ..... rau.ll'h . i.· .................... ...-........

lotals l{ fere

0 1 1

0 1 1 l

-D--..,-.......,.......... ,; unlap,

I) lin<>




0 0




A 70,000 horsepower hydro-electric unit recently installed at Niagara Falls utilizes the same amount of water as seven former 5,000-horsepower units, yet does the work of fourteen such units. And it saves 700,000 tons of coal yearly for the nation.









---_O C-- ­ LlST'NIN' IN I.


011 ha- ~ . " tean1 \\ 1111 m1n g and , re t10 th 8 k i Year which wi ll go iic the I u ey 1 l,1 • e o iation M et t Of M iu in . . cin na 1 the week-end 1'e · arch . 5 and G B 111 [ 111or . · oth t am will ur 11·hicJ 'Por t at Deni on tl1i i ll I year l•r . tt r will b given. Ole ·,

of 11 ic -. r Litt} cent h1gan 5 per hack of Coli g' for the a re a dmw­ lt of lllindect tud ent . Ver . len tak th 'I;, of ud li t th nia ree h ur outh America two or tloth to f r b go r n1 ooc cla to far ecau e th apart. e bu ilding arc L llh,, . llilfd. ., , a ll y . milder b ut m ntally r [ r n1 of I . . at ilettc co mpetiti 11

The Genttal Electric Com• y 81 o£Deccmbtt3, 1!124, 37,716 stockholdcn, of whom 45 per cen~ women. The avtta& held btt of common share• by stockholde:•. was SS , ownttship, poJ,oes, pa~t an preacnt activities, G·E 11 : ­ selfishly dedicated to e cause of electrical ~ ·


=~ 1;j


A new series of G ·E adver­ tisements sho'!1nC ~bat cJcc· tricity is doina ,n manY fields will be scn t g'.[c;'uest. Ask for booklet O • •

As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger and more economical generators are installed. At the power plant, as well as at the consumer's end, important changes and startling developments have steadily reduced the cost of electricity for light, power, and heat. And wherever electricity has blazed its trail- in towns, cities, industrial centers, and rural communities- comfort and progress have come to stay. Generating and distributing electricity concern the technical student. But ~lectricity's application in the betterment of industry, the professions, and home life concerns every edu­ cated person. Cheap electricity means many startling achieve­ ments today, but countless and unbelievable possibilities




Pµ ge Six






r ,. · ,_ ·c AR D IN AL.



.' T he Giri s•· G ro up ~eagu e :ope n.e d it seaso n. 1_vith a g a.01 e ,S atl!,r_day af ter­ ,, ' ·. noon at t he Assoc i.a ti o n B uildin g. T he 01 Ta hsma n team defea ted tl1e· T . D. by t he sc·o re o f 26- 17. · The T ·a lis man 0 . 0 . ' took a n ea rly lead a nd w ere never hea ded. · Th eir le/l,d was threa te n ed · ·, · · near th e e_n d o f the fir st halt which COOK H OUSE AND LAKOTA end ed 11 - P., in favo · · er s. D E KE USED SIXTEEN MEN , r o f ti1e · wmn LEAD MEN'S GROUP LEAGUE AGAINST VIENNA SQUAD Trevarro w· ,,,as. I11g • h scorer o f t h e .ffi ult W as N ot M et ga ( m e with eight ba kets and t wo foul s Bailey- Annex and Dubs Hold F irst E xp ec t e d D L c y . ·th I n E asy G ame A gainst W 1 Ior a tota l of eighteen points. WidPosition In Prune League--Meyers . . . < oes o f th e lo er was second with W est V 1rgimnans. Still Leads Scorers . seven baskets and one foul for a to tal O terbein did not exp eri enc e th e ex ­ of fifteen points. The game w as fa st Seve n o f th e eight intra mural games sc heduled for last week were played pec ted difficulty with th e Vi enn a a nd intere ting throughout. - - - 0 C - -­ as sc hedul ed . The D eltas forfeited to Athleti c club o f \>Ves t Virginia·, and LEAGUE STANDINGS th e W ob ugas. The Lakota swamp ed d.e-fea ted th em at th e hi gh school the Country Club squad by th e score g ymn as ium las t Friday, 45 to ~1. Group LeagueCoach Edler used· th e entir e s qua ,l of 19 to I. Paul Mey ers kept th e L akota, 19; Co untry Club, I. lead a mong th e s corer s o f the Group of six tee n men to do th e trick. Mc­ Cook H o use, 20 ; Philota, 6. L eague by coring 10 of his team' s Mich ae l. Carroll, Rei " le, U pso n and Alps, 9 ; Sphinx. 5. poin t . T he oth er 9 \\' ere scored by Van Curen start ed the gam e and Annex , 31 ; J onda, 9. af ter th ey had played a1bout ten min ­ Grotq) L eague C. Hoover. \V. L. Pct. T he P hil otas surpri sed the Cook utes the fi rst team wa put in an,1 Cook H ouse ................ 3 O 1000 The Lakota .................. ........ 3 Hou e in th e first half and were lead­ th e score bega n to mount. 0 1000 , ing 2-0 but th e Cook House pill toss­ sco re at th e end o f t he fis rt half w a s Ann ex ..................,......... 2 .667 20 to ers w ith their cu tomary eeond half lps ....... ......................... 2 I .667 Otter bein took a n ea rl y lead and purt s hot buckets from a ll over th e phinx ...................... .... I 2 .333 flo or to win 20-6. Ma r h led the was never hea ded, th ough th e score Philota .......................... l 2 .333 was tied durin g the fi rs t ha lf at Country lub ..... ......... 0 scorer with 6 points. 3 .000 Jonda .............. .............. 0 T he Al ps won from the Sphinx 9-5. ei·g:ht a l\. 3 .000 Widd oes was high corer o f the Prune League-Weave r a nd Y a nti s with 5 and 4 points gam e with twelve points by virtu e o f r e pec tively led th e corer . ta , 2•; Wobuga , 0 ( F o rfeit ). swishing th e net six tim es from the BaileyAnne.-.;:, 22 ; Celtic.., 4. The Annex, la t yea r' champion , lark was the highe t scor­ Dubs, 26; K appa , L u ce full y d efe nd ed their titl e in the fie ld_ R K ozm op , 20 ; D elta , 8. Gro up L eague game of the week er o f th e vi itors w ith eig h t p oints. The Standings. Th e line up : when they defeated the Jondas 31-9. \V. L. D avis we nt to second place in the Otterbein-45 G. F. P. Prune League Pct. B-Annex ........................ 3 L eague corers by th e aid o f the Va n 0 1000 uren. r. f. .................. 3 0 6 Dubs .................. ............ 3 eightee n points he cored in thi s game. M innich , r . f. ··--·-··· ·+·····•... O 0 0 1000 0 K ozmop ...................... 2 T h e Koz mop defea ted th e D eltas Ba rn es. r. f. .......................... 2 .667 2 6 W o nder ''S'' ....... ......... 1 20-8. M iley made 10 point a nd went ·pson, I. f. ···· ···•···-·•............. 2 I .500 0 -! D eltas ............................ 1 in to the lead a high cor er of th e H. Widd oes, I. f. .... ..........._ o 0 2 .333 0 Celtics .... ........................ 1 Prune L eagu e w ith 29 point in 3 C. Widd oes, I. f., ( ) ........ 1; 2 .333 0 12 W obuga ...................... o game . Mendenh all of t he sa me tea m >.'orr i . \. f. .....•...................... O 1 2 .000 1 Ka ppa .......................... 0 1s cond with 26 poin t . 3 Re igle, c............................... 1 .000 0 2 - --0 Bennett, c. ............................ O 0 0 0 . C. Ranks Second. Poros ky, c. ............................ 1 0 2 S na vely, r. g. ..........,. ............ 2 0 4. By vir t ue o f h er win aturd ay ni g ht 0 2 arroll, I. g. ·······················-·· t O tter bei n remain in eco nd place J ames. \. g. ........................... _ J 0 2 Tota ls ····--····················•..... 20 5 -15 a lo ng wit h A kron Up iver ity. Mt. Buell. I. g. ........................... 1 1 Vienna A. C,-31. G F. P . 2 4 Union r emains in fir t place w ith M c ,[ichael, r. :g. ...........- ..... o 0 H . lar k r f . 0 D . Clark: 3 2 t hree wi n and no losses. Ea tman, r. g. ···········-··--······ O 0 0 4 6 . E va n s, ). f. .........:.. .......... ~



. goes to A ca I n ex, t SaturOtte r he111 . 1 day ni g ht to m ee t Ohio Nor th er(I ~ Otterb ei n' s sixt h co nference gan1~. < \ 0 t he season . It w ill ma rk th e fi nis\ J! 1 t h e fi r st half of th e sc hedul e a 11 <l £ · 1 5t g ene ra l t ho ug h t is th at th e fir ~/I · 1th of t h e season w ill be fini shed w out furth er loss. Th e squ ad will hav: • prove ment over th eir wor to s how im · d .. at Ti ffi n as O hio North ern defeat~ Heid elberg th e week before by t le . ed score o f .>' O- I ? That on d y -· one-s id partia ll y show s what the Tan anp Cardinal pill tossers w1·11 come u. aga in s t wh en th ev ta k·e their tnP · fterno011 · tie northward next Saturc1ay a 1 T he N o rth ern Bear Cats will have f 1 ving on additi onal a dv a ntage o P a, . to 15 their o wn fl oo r and no walk awa~ t . N th , will pu be expected. Oh10 I or en a team on the floor that will average · f ee t 111 · height. not v ery far fr om six






1: r:


Harbinso n, c. ........... R. Eva n , I ............. ,3 F ankh ou er, ·r~·o-.:·..(····)·····••....- 3


······.. 1

T9m W. M t. nio n .............................................. 3 OTTERBEIN ...................................... 4 Akron ...................................................... 4 a e ·························-······························ 3 f u king um ·········--······..························· 3 incinnati .......... ...........................-........ 5 W. R e erve ............ ................................ 2 Ohio ............·-·--··············-........................ 3 Den i on .................................................. 3 O hio We leyan ..·••············--····-·········· 3 Woo ter ·--··············································- 3 Ohio Northern .....................·-··············· 2 Miami ···-·················································· 2 Hiram .........~·············-······························ l K enyon ·-·-·················--··························· 1_ Heidelberg ............................................ 1 Baldwin-Wallace ............·-······.............. 0 Oberlin ·······-·········································-· 0 Wittenberg ············-··················-············ 0

L 0


I 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

3 4 4

4 5

Pct. 1.000 .800

.800 .750 .750 .714 .667 .600 .600

.600 .500 .500 .500 .333 .250 .200


.000 .000

Pt . 83

O .P.





127 104 92 200 83 148 143 152 176 118 154 78 130 131 152 133 19 1

155 143 231 104 170 148 188 161

115 140 60

123 85 82 93 121

1 0 1 1

1 6

7 3

T o ta ls ,............ .................... 11 9 31 R eferee, K ing, Ohio We Ieya n.

Grocer Cor. Coll ege Ave. a n d S tate St. ,

The Spring Samples are on Display. Dry Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notic~.

WELLS The Tailor ... . Sts.

Cor ner State and .1na ~

,.F ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The College Shop

NEW SPRING HEADWEAR IS HERE Fancy Band Felt Hats, Snap Brim and Roll Styles. Vadrsity Caps-the new Spring shades of graY an tan. A beautiful line for Spring- 13 e sure and see them NEW VARS:ttY SOX-I~ NOISY PATTERNS

1· C. Freeman & Co. 22 N. State St.



I THE TAN AND C ARD IN AL to list it as around here.


Page Scvea

extra-curricular work

That he heard that the ce rtain Frosh h . . Y caught a Th c eatmg m Physical Ed MY eory. The question was how ma I . That he' going to insist on park- vertebraes M M do we ha ve and he ny mg places around the Dorm because A 0 caught rubbing hi bac k. was she got the wrong good-night kiss T 0 That the fellow that' b . E last night. R all the coats around h ere een takrng SAYS : mu t have That now she can quit studying un ­ a me 1ancholy en e of h til mid-semesters come around. lar f ·1 umor or a ge am t Y to clothe. That she's helping prepare an in­ That the other day she was down h That d exams Irnve h er so rattled that in the T . and C. office reading some dictment_ against those professors who s! e rhank t:vo quarts of black coffe• exchanges from other college in didn't use their last yea r's examination t 1e ot er mght d .. o'clock for an 8 ~:l ~ammed until 3 which they spoke casuall y of dancing questions. 0 found it d 'd ' oc exam and tbco and even adverti ed it and that she was That she discovered the following Vv d t n t come until 1 o'clock so glad that our faculty didn't see it on er what her I. Q. is? . modern version of the First Psalm and or they'd have been dreadfully shockthat she thinks it fits her case in view ed. of th e action of certain professors: That she's had an awful truggle with suppressed de ires this last week. "Their flu nk notices and their weekly tests makes me study; P. S. Cribbing. They springeth a test upon me in the That she has a friend who may presence of IJ1Y ignorance ; have to wear strong glasses the rest It maketh my head whirl, my think­ of her life to get her eyes back in ing power becometh stationary. place a s a result of last week's activurel y spirits of psychology and weekly tests will fo llow me all the ities. days of my lifeThat her boy friend thinks seal And I shall dwell in the insane asylum We Call Fo r and D c1·tver. rings have fur on them. forever and ever." That the other day in chapel one of That the other day a cert~in senior ou r professors did a significant thing. He got up, looked over th e student friend of her's was crabbing about her body and then prayed for the school. education exam and that she said it R N. CHAPMAN• Mgr. That she saw in "List' nin' In" that was actually so stiff that as a last rethe University of Missouri offers a ort he had to u e her head. course in canoeing but that we seem


., I·


DOOM NEWS Alice Blume pent th e week-end vi·· it1ng friend at Ohio Wesleyan. " horty·• Widdoes and "Babe" Bingham ,·isited in Columbu s this week-end. Kathryn her home day .

OHIO HOME LAUNDRY Special Rates to Students

Steinmetz has gone to Greenville for a few 111

Margaret Ca 11 ahan of D en-ison wa th . M e house guest of Bernice and argaret Norri this week end. The Arbutu s Club girls were guests o( Mr · West at lunch on Sunday evening.

Phone 465-J.

Fra11ces G end . . eorge spent the week- CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS ENJOY UNIQUE SESSION at _vi tting with her sisteT, Alice, PJketon. Christian Endeavor- waxed legal and ' !~farg 1 aret Weinland visited the Owl lengthy, but laugher-ma king too, l!J on un day. when Gwym:}e McConaughey, vice­ . . Pauline Kn brought before the day at epp 1 spendmg a few president, wa co ur t in mock trial charged with con­ 11er home in Marion. duct maliciously intended to demoral­ ar Elbe! K_epler and Margaret Duerr ize the society. The attorneys for the th e examination . . recess pro ecution were Dwight Arnold and at th Pendmg • . Ir home in Dayiton. Ruth Braley; the witnesses for this Viola p • Mabel E ne t was the gue t of side, Emerson Bragg and Lenore Saturd ubanks at a waffle "pu h" Smith. Robert Knight and Florence ay evening Rauch supported the defendant in his . . l-relen Pal plea of "not guilty" and Carl Esch­ visiting L _mer spent the week-end bach and Alice Sander testified in Ohio. ucille Lamlbert a,t Sullivan, Erne f behalf of the accused. have JU and Marjorie ichols The vario us court official were ton f gone t O t h e1r . home in Carding- Earl Leiter, judge; Wilbur McKnight, ,, or a f w days. bailiff; and Muri Houseman, clerk of of •Vl.r th. · •T .J. ander court. In the cour e of the procedure wa a guest d f o da,vice president was accuse r a_ li man Club at lunch Sun- the , evening. neglect of hi official dutie added to \ Arbutu general mi conduct and in iocerity a Th \[orri . ·tub greatly njoyed a member. Though the charges • tl 1•r,t,n , . . fri d hicken 'pu h" brou ht were heavy and everal prov\\ .anc1·a 'en111g. d to the ati faction of the court the t11c1 • ,a llao-b r p nt the week- 1 accu cd was va liantly defended o . at h ' r I 0111e in H. ilead. that the judge in r end eti ug hi d_ e1 1 at (•ra C Apple i· d' ! cisi O . a"· fit to dismi . th c urt with ,I r h me in ~ r l'l mg a few day · j the a dm niti on that the def ndant had kville. . l{uth \V . I be n found guilty only of . I negl ect. which h \\' C\' r appr 1n I.,,cacl, c1111cr h a. gone to her hom L ll \' . ~[it · f r ev rat da y . mali ciou in te nt 10 t I1 enou n h !\ clrecI · . If ~He furth r warned ready re , an alumna f th ! t . i abeth, w 1ub, a11d h.er daughter, £1'- I ci ty member aga.10 t n gligence a day ev .~re ue t of the Club un- brought out in th e,xampJ £ the 1 1 Elizab th i enterin g ca e at hand. Otterbe~ : Fred 1 eme ter. The entire meeting \\'a: in charge da a Snyd • f Carl tair the leader £or th eve.uY at h er hon er 1 • spending v r al ing. The cripture readi ng b Y H er1eO m Dayton. D b rt tougbton and a piano d uet b Y C--nyder "· r. Sherri'ck . Florence Howar d an d GI a d Y ..as • Hood?" ' in poetry class-"Who preceded the trial. F 1{ bin It wa followed · 0 erguson-"D · by a second musical numb r, a vocal olo, by Betty Plummer. ougla F air ban k ."



Rhode and

M eat Market



Mrs. J. 0. Ranck 34 E. LINCOLN ST.

H. C. Baughman·

Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased 1 •




Your photo from The Old Reliable





.. "if


Will be the best. R ich and High SL.



Page Eight




Myron T. Reck has returned to W esterville an d will re:gister for th e econJ semester. "Squirre ly" Thomas and Cramer Mahan went to their respective homes to spend the week-end. Dean Upson witnessed the Heidel­ berg-Otterbein game at Tiffin Satu r­ day night.

"B~ " M~Michael, Lester Cox and orman Howe enjoyed the Denison­ Woo ter game at Granville Saturday n ight.

"Shank" Shankleton over t'he week end.



Joe Yohn and Lawrence Hicks "bummed" t.o T,'ffin to ee the game. 111 •

Clive Hoover spent pnng · field , O .

the week-end

"Jack" Huffer spent the week-end home.

,at hi

Perry Laukhuff

pent the week-end

.at his home in Mt. Vernon, 0 .


Positive Results of Michelson-Morley In these days of 14 degrees below Ether D rift Experiments Negative zero, sl ippery side- wa lk s, icicles and frozen pipes, we find an occasio na l Part of "Relativity Theory." g lim pse of sun shin e as welco m e as a•n oasis in a de ert. After making some 60,000 readings Can you im agine anyt hing more g1v111g some 7500 measurements of ·'other drift,'' Professor Dayton C. heartening and encoura:ging on a Miller of Case School of App lied blizza•r dy Monday morning than to eience is ready to declare that ther e struggle thro ug h the b lindin g snow seems to be positive proof for the ex­ to a 7 :30 cla anj after arrivin g with istence of either, a medium whose ex­ frost bitten nose and toes tinged with the bite of the w·in ter morning find istence Einstein ignored. the temperature of the classToom The measurements· were made with slig,ht ly be low par an d still falling? th e ''intierferometer" an apparatus You a re picturi ng to yourself the planned by the famous scientists fig ure you would make should the Mi chelson a nd Morley. Tn this ex­ whole class be froz en st iff and are periment a beam of light is literally trying to smile your prettiest in split in two. These two beams of prepa rati on for t hi s sad scene, when light may thu s be made to I-ravel in walks the profes or. pa th s at right a11gJes to each other . He seems to, sen e somehow that At the end of the desired path each beam is r efl ected back upon itself and the temperature of the cla s is even He pace the t wo come together where they more frigid than usual. hr st separated. In the experiment the floor nervou ly; he b lows on his the inte rferometer i so adjustej that fi ngers fast stiffening wi th cold; he on e of th e beams of light travels in fi nd s that his brea th is steaming in the .di r ect ion in wh ich the earth is the Jead cold of the r oo m. The class m oving through space, and the othe r sneeze in unison. beam of light is at r ight ang les to Then - th e unexpec ted happens. this. According to the theor y, the Frie nd professor suddenly makes a observed velocity of light should be wild grab in the direction of his hip different in these two directions. pocket and draw o ut-a thermof meter He takes the tempe t f The results o the ex,periments the · ra ure o show not only the presence of ether room; looks at the re ult · fee ls b u t sho,v also that tl1e 1not,·011 of the his pulse-and dismi se the c'lass. olar system is not as previously cal­ culated about l 2 miles per econd , but ra t her about 65 mile p r second .



home posed, to provide the u e of the Au _ tralian ballot sys tem in all student election and to vest the control of Homer H uffman a nd D e Mott such a system in the hand of a board -Beucl r went to their respective of electio ns. home over the week-end. over the week-end.






lhe week-enJ.

The Ph ilomat hean Literary Society enjoyed a brief but interes tin g ext~m­ poraneous session F rida y even_,ng. T he extemporaneous program given \\'as: " ...\ Wild Dream." by R. A. Shipl~Y· "What I Would Think Whtie Drowning.'' by G. A. Rosselot. T rave logue, by E . Caldwell. Original Poem , by J. W. Hu d o.~k,,, "What I Want To D o In Lt~. by K. F. Echard. Sermonette, by W . V. Harsha. Making Pistols, by E. D. BraggB. Phi losophical Remarks. · by J. Henry.

You will find a fine line of FRUITS,



J. N. Coons

---0 C---

As a protest agai nst a new ruling George Griggs is sti ll confined to a t Taylor Univers ity that women hi room hecau e of sicknes , on W. cannot take automobile ride in t he Park t. evening, forty men and wome n took "Ernie" Riegle vent to his home buggy rid e . Which prove a l o that the above mentioned college not at Dawn, Ohio. located in a one horse tow n. J o eph Mayne, '25, a teacher in a - - - 0 C---Columbu Academy, spent the week­ 11 amendment to the Student onend at hi home in Westerville. titution at D enison has been t)'ro­ " Dutch"


Willa rd Morri


taken a position

a principal in the Juni or H igh


Just received for The Union's lower-priced suit department

New Spring Suits at a concentrated specialized price


lbert Mayer spent the week -end 111 Zane ville. at hi

home in Dayton.


hri topher.



'loyd Mar hall, Harold Young, Otter1Jein tudent, but now enrolled aldo K'eck and Lloyd Pl ummer in Kenyon at Gambier, pent un' 'b u111111ed' to Tiffin to ee Otterbein day with An nex friend . \\,;11,


\ lb rt May wen t home over the k-end.


C me and Try

ill ert )J[iley went home over the week-end. ·linton La. h pent th week- nd vi. iting wi t h friend · in Shelby, . 0. "TeJ'' eaman. ''Len" Newe l ant.I ·' H.appy' ' Royer pent Su nday with Lakota friends. "T d" Riegle went to his home in rcanum over the week-end. "Doc" Hall went horn to attend the funeral of his ister-in-law. he ter Fergu on went home over nd.

the week




Extra trousers $5 Di tinc_tive ilver o-ray , pin tripe , and fine twill erges . and recommend­ ed as the best value ever offered by The Union at $22.50.

y DI


THE UNION "The Home of Quality"

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