1926 02 09 The Tan and Cardinal

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No. 17.



0tterb • -r.\.- - - - - - - S ein Preferred to 0 . S. U . In FORENSIC FRAT WILL election of Place for Annual SCREEN "THE FOOL" Spring Event. Pi Kappa Delta Benefit Movie to be 550 D -ELEGATES EXPECTED Flashed on Garden Screen Monday Evening. Bruce Curr Y and Many Other Prominent Speakers To Address Three-Day Session.




A kron's Defeat By Case Places O tter­ bein Indisputably In Second Place. SNAVELY IS HIGH SCORE R Buell and Barnes Score High Fast-Moving Game on O hio Northern Floor.

Debaters Journey To Denison. en tir deroC. Mc: ranvilJ quad j urn y d rning and cL bated the .,,aturday n -d ci ion deDen i on bate on in tb · in the afternoon. The debater u. cl lh lion a the}' are u ing ference d@ate . Thi and ·'Re lved that the sang it for th h uld be Adopt d." . mendmen




I DR. 1



Tuesday, Feb. 9Y. M. C. A., 6:00 p. m. President W. G. Clippinger will Y. W . C. A., 6:00 p. 111 · speak at the Indianola M . E. church Hall of Columbus Thursday even in g, at a Wednesday, Feb. 10-Children's Recital in Lambert banr:uet and yo ung people' s rally Guaranteed to dispel the blues, a t 8 o'clock. . which wi:J be giv en in th e church at gloom and grouches, and su>b stitute I six o'cl oc k. Thur sday, Feb. 11~ on Cope. sunshine and laughter, Heribert Leon , Lecture Cou rse. Herb ert Le P res iden t Cli ppinge,r spoke Sunday Cope, radiating optimism and happi­ French Club. morning in th e U. B. chu rch in Van ness through his ''Religion of Laugh ­ I W ert and in the evening at Rock­ Friday, Feb. 12ter" . will appear on th e Cit'zen's Faculty Val entin e Party at J. P. ford in the interest of ed ucation da y. Lyceum Course in the College Chapel W es t. on Thursday evening, Feb. 11. Saturday, Feb. 13in High During the war 53 of the United I wo re a polka-dotted even ing suit and Basket Ball, St. Xavier States ca ~ onmen1:s called Cope to I I red ne cktie. His fa.cial expressio ns School Gym. cure the blues. He spoke from two I and catchy gestures with his hands Monday February 15F ol" . "The o ' to fi ve times in each of these camps. were his main feat ur es. P i K a 'ppa Delta Movie, It is doubtful if any speaker faced j In its second appearanc,e the J ubi at Garden. lee Quartet gave several sn appy Thursday, Feb. 18more soldiers aqd sailors than did at vVooster. Furtherdiore, he originated st ringed instrument numbers. Cope. Basket Ball. ·wooster --;;;:;:-and was president of ''The Army A limerick contest by different ' and Navy Players," one of the big n1embers of the chorus was especially ' constructive forces designed to keep I interesting. Poetic licen se was used up the morale among service men. I Dr. E. A. Jones, professo r emeritu to its ful-l est extent. "And It Wasn' t · · h. cher­ Big red ripe marasc inod .,1·th With delightful ~ontrast of the j o'. Bible in O tterb ein will celebrate his a Good D ay for Hunting Either" . ' 111 . hqu1d -' · cream, coate '' nes f . ly melt s ublime and the ludicrous, Cope de- i ~1ghty-fourth birthday Thursday even- \ was al so a very humorous scene. rich chocolate. They air velops rare entertainment out of th e mg when he atte nds a banqu et given In the number "Hinky Dinky" sev­ in your mouth. a,bsurdi ti es, inconsistencies and ex· by members of hi s Sunday School \' era! of the students and professors cesses o f hum a n natur e. He takes Clas in th e ba se ment o f the U . B. found themselves to ,be so out-stand­ his models from life. He simply : ~ hurch. ~roject of co nsid erable ing in so me particular way as to be buttons or unbuttons his coat, turns 1111po rtan c_e w1ll be a nn ou nced at thi s incorporated in a song. A quartet up his collar, fum1bles hi s hair, and banquet.__ __ ____ composed of Richter, MicMichaels, becomes the person he represents . I Renner and Upson, gave some num0 C This a humorous number, presen t- VARSITY " O " MINSTREL bers which were es,pecially appreciaing only clean fun in the best form. 1 MAKES DRAMATIC HIT ted by the audience. - --The committee urg-es an expression I The group as a whole acquitted by the town and the college stu- Lazarus Jubilee Quart et Scores In I itself very creditiaibly. Each memdents for more o f this type o f enterInterludes - Upson and , ber seemed to be at ease and masR egu 1ar Prl·ce 59c per tb. tainment. _ McMichaels Star. I ter of the situation a t all times. Admission for the Cope humorou · ---[ Much credit for the carrying out of Bi~ thday Sale er lb. C lecture is 35 cents for _reserved ea~\ Vith pson and Mc.Michael carrvPnce ........ ................ P th Tickets may be secured from Viola ing leading roles . th e seco nd a111r,;al j e progra m is due fr. \ ilburg, the Priest, the student representati ve, or Varsity .. O" Minstrel given Thurs- interlocutor. wh o kept things moving from Mrs. Frank Bookman. day evening in the college chapel, \ smoothly during the entire enter- - -- o C - -- was a great success. During the . ta.i nme nt. MR AND MRS. R. A. DOAN whole pe rformance the audience was I ADDRESS Y. M. AND Y. W . kept in a n uproar of la ughter. Before the curtain went up the "The World I nfluenc-e of Youth·• performer did some clogs on !he 1 was the keynote of the speech which ba re floor o f the tage, which se rved \ Mr. R. A. Doan de-livered to Y. M . to arouse th e curio ity of the audi ­ C. A. last Tuesday evening. Mr . en.ce. The opening number was Doan addressed the Y . W . C. A. given by the Lazarus Diamond Jub - 1 1 meeting at the ame tim e. ilce Qua.11tet. It wa through the Mr. Doan declared in hi addres to ai d and co-ope ration of Goac'h Edler Y . M. C. . that "youth is diligen t that th is qua rtet wa brought to Ot- 1 and u_noom,promismg in its search t r.bcin for this occasion. Wi th high for the truth." He made many green silk hats and green coats, to \ startling remark about the power of say nothing of their large green ti e , yo uth in poli tic , war and religion. the qu artet made a triking ap J n hi · description of the Inter- pe.ar-ance. Th e ha rm ony o f thi s group Denominational Student onference, wa s ver y fa ci n.a.ting, especially the I which wa held in Evanston, J11., melod y o f the fi r t tenor. la t fall. Mr. D-0an tated that the As the cu rtain we nt up th e ec­ central idea of the en tire conference onJ tim e th e Min trel choru sang wa the de ire to be rid of denom - a medl ey of popular song The inationali m in the church . fi r t olo was ·ung by "Bus" McMr . D oan talked fo th e girls about Michael . Widdoes followed with a olo. "Look Out Below.'' intern a ti onal relatio ns stre ing the . the 1 fact th at merica' treatment of J ~- entertainment proceeded the Gold , pa n during th e earthqu ake caused a Du t Twin s came forward and sang fr iendly feeling to exi t between th e a du e which wa heartily receiveJ. 1 two nation s but that th e Immigration a~ the a,p,plau e te ti fi ed. Ri chter's B ill pa eel by merica totally de- " H okey Poky" ,va a take-off ~n troyed thi fee ling. ome o f th e s tudent and faculty. Devotion were led by the Pre i-. A end men, Upson and M cMi chdent, Ruth Braley. The pecial mu ic aels c~vered t ·hemselves with glory was furnished by I abelle Ru ehrmund by their make-ups and funny action . who ang a olo entitled, " I May ot "Bu " carried a horn which he Pa s Thi Way Again." practi ed on as occa ion demanded. Mr. and Mrs. Doan are world-wide His long coat flopping feet and short traveller , having made extensive hair were enoug,h to make even the trips to the Orient and Europe. most ober laugh heartily. "U,ppy"

Herbert Leon Cope, Hwnorist, Appear on Chapel Program Thursday E vening.



Maxixe Cherries





University Bookstore

Do you remember When you were in the grades And the teacher



Would let you have a mail box and All the kids would bring their· valentines And the teacher

,_ Would always get a funny one, Do you remember? ' Well if you do


Don't forget that there.are Valentines for the kids at home Greetings for the grown ups And best of all For your sweetheart at the

University Bookstore

Phone 493-J

18 N. State St.



(1)..- -- - - - - - - - --· - --------Oarver C0mment11 on Team. I PROGRAM MOVE SLOWLY





Alumni Have

Paid Duell.


To Give Ann·ual Banquet ID Nyton ight of Get-Together-Flor-ida





ment 0£ Bills.

The rc~p crn ~ s the npp al fo r co-operatio n in th e program launch1 The r ' nuu la r 111 •tin"n of th alumni e(I f"u r 1~'[arc!, !>._ O tl,, 1' c rt t' • tl1 counci l. held o n Thursday. Februa r y night f th Big 1-"a111ily R •unio n f r 4 gi\'cn lar ge ly I a clisc ussiot1 Ottenbeiners, ha been very poor • wa pf the f"l na n ia l C nditi on f th a . thi w eek. oc,a tt o n. Th re p 11 e t the all to gr up s hav r pli ed. 11 1y I\\' s11 P1>on th e new p rogram ha s been Th farthe t point ye t t o re pon,! ~pl ndid. T date :J:34 alumni have is th e F lo rida g roup. Mi Est her Paid th e 111 mhcr~hip fee f $:1.,,0. ll car s of Tampa , F l ., i g ing t The tota l a mount received is $1,146.50 m a nage ~he get-to th r th er e. Mi of wh ic h the Tan :i nd Ca rdin al gets Bea r ss . ays that th ey are few in mnn­ . 427..;o. a11d th ' r •mai nd ' r, $7t!l.0O, ber and far away, but they are go in g -~pp.tie: on the budge f of the As - to think ahont tt rb ci n that night. Tt will be difficult for them to tun e • oc1ati on. . Th fact th at :ci:H alumni have paid I 11 o n w A l U and Ii ten to the th.cir- due and are definitely in touc h lee ltLb, b u t wha.t differ nee doe With the co llege is igni fica nt. but I tha t m a ke w he n th e o ld Otterbein We an do better. That fig ure rep r e- pirit is going to permeate the at­ se nt s o nly 22 1-2 per ce nt of ot~r 111 0 phere everyw here. al.umni , and when con idera tion 1s The other ,la y we saw "Red·' Kle.p­ g1vcn the large number of . e.x -st~- inger in the Y. M. . A. at D ayto n. dent . th e pr portion 1vb cnb1ng 1 That titl e mu t di appear now, for e~en sm all er. Many o ther in titu - as an acti ve and ucces fut ministe r, ll o 1.1s have at least 50 per ~e nt of he should be ca ll ed R ev. M. ~· their alumn i up.p rtin g th •tr pro- Klepinger. W ell anyhow h e aid gra•m . that Otterib in night will go ae r o The budget o ri g:inally proposed in Preble Cou nt y. He confes ed tota led , 4,000.00 to which the tru - ti t there were everal Otteribeinite 1a d I.d tee of th e coll ege appropriated ·111 Preble ounty that he n~t 2000.00, the remaining $2000.00 to be know which g ive u one more 1>tg raj ed by the al umni as ociati on. rea o n ,vhy the Fami ly Re t~~1ion We find our ta sk is a follow s hould be put across. If ther e is an . · · · ho uld · 2000.00 le; .'7 19.00 now paid in alumna in yo ur v1cintty you lcav , .'1281.00, which ca n be r e- know h im and ca ll him fri e n.:I. Tl~c duced to $7 1.00 ince there i a exi t in "' organizations o f Otte rbem balance f . 500.00 in the hand of folk a re the be t tc tim~ny 1 know th e trea urer remaining from pre- of th e fine pi r it exi st ' ng bet ween viou · year s. If anothe r 25 pe r cent alumni of Otterbein. . ttee of the of our alumni were to pay the mcmThe executi ve comm t her hi· P f e t I1e probl em •vould be M. • Val l y sociatio n . ( D ayto • r 1a·m1d fin solved for this year. and vicinity) have determtned e A fa r . t O put 0 11 their a nnual banquet 1 u111111arv of expe nditure so 111te Y T llat kind 01 co-opera. foHow • · at that t im e. . Directo~s al arv ........................ .'10-15.00 tion mean a better Otterbein.


- - - - 0 C 1947 CLASS OF

ffice ecretar;, ························ 199.50 flice equipment, ( de k, chairs,


fi le and card . ···················· . tage ·········-··············· ················ rtntingi (card , bu ll etin ' tationa ry and


multipraghing ··· •·+····· ···-··•···· ';:.ave! ···-····································· ,w 1 11 ce aneo u ·········-········- ··- ··· ··

113.11 36.69 17.70



T otals ...... .. . 1636.50 Tl ie figures co mpiled to date and an e timate of exp n e fo r th e re~laining half vear indicate th at th e 1111 budget of ·. 4000 00 must be rai d ' to meet the need . The pr ogr am even ti1 • en cannot be a comprehcnive a is de ire.:! . . · h •Ctivn~ a 1um111• orga111zat1on can 1 th q e P e cause a long if they wi ll r eUegt thei r members to pay· their d ues. l):he council al o con5idered th e 1 a ~ Class Reunion plan but deferred tlton unfl I h . th t t t 1e next meeting oping a 0 me suggestions or plans m ight Com e from the in te re sted a lumni.

Oh boy it' another girl I ;1e;~~r Jane Wagner a rri ved January a .e f her mother and father 111 home o The young Wilmington, Delaware. lady weigh 9¼ pound . f M • th daughter o r. Eleanor Jane 1 e " h ,, and Mrs. Channingb Wtba!~~rg. to t~1:t did not graduate u f Ex many of whom are noble clas O uppor t• • st1· mo t loyal and eor h u ,a c



of Ott rb ei n. . . of a lar ge 1 M V agner i pnncipa · r. · Wiltniugton havrng hi <Yh school 111 fo l term f llo wing a uc ce gone th~re O It McKinley High of ervice at t e He i" for Otterchoo I ·m Canton · bein everywhe r e he goe · fir t time th omebody said th at e y . d ·t ou nd ed like- ea Eleanor cn e i Otterbein! - - -- 0 C I le usuall y tr y S If- acrificing peop e h w ill miss leaSI. sacrifice what t ey to


" \\' ,,.-d ,. ~a1111


- -- -

Director Ur1es Prompt Pay•




" · pre s 111 y r •,• ti11 g

of joy and ati facti n over th re· suits the ba ke bba ll ea. o n thu s r:i,· thi s y •a 1· T h • t ·a111·, ah winl!C ha.- immcasmabl va lu and hn, omc as a long-n eded ti mul a n t to ward r •\'ivi11g int •r •~t i11 tt crb i11 ill thi im m ctiat vic ini ty," in cerely, " H t" arvcr. "R 1•· piny d f tbn ll , nd bn , ha ll and belo ngs to th e cla·s of '25. _ _ __ o C - - - -




ALUMNALS . J. F lickinger , editor of the H a milton Daily w , a tt e nded a m eeting f hi o ne w pnper men h eld in olumb us la t w eek. He visited . ome Ott erb ei n friend on hi trip. He didn't come in the alumn i o ffice. howeve r, which wa a very seriou omision. '72.

" kinn y" \IVei nland , ' 11 ; Paul Fo uts, a nd J, R, Lib cap, '09, brough t two basketball team s from the Fir t U. B. hurch , D ayto n, to vi it Otter­ bein a nd play t w team from the g roup league. That' a to bring our U. B. boy college.

' 12,

Ken neth Pries t, '24. "Jake" \ Vhit e.

go Thrp

Vote s





As oc:lation in S turd

Alumni y

Evenina- Meetinir,

Th ll rh in \ mnn' lu b h Id · 1·1s regu 1ar m ect mg atur c1ay at th Fifth .\ vc. . B. church, Columbus. ,\ , id ' from •lh r gula1· progra m many it rn ~ of important l111 si11 c s were consiJe r ecl and plan were ullin cd for futur e ac ti vitie of t h The clu b ve ry gencrou ly voted ,' 100 f r the uppo rt of the program o f th 11 ral alumni a · oci:iti n • I II view of the po sible s horta ge in th e budge t o f the a · odation , the one hundred cl li a rs vo ted by t he wo m e n will assi t very materialty in the pro ecution of the work outlined. This g ift is anot her evidence of the pl nclid pirit hown by th WO· men of the club. Thei r loya lty t o 11 ·rbcin a11d their desire to be of genu in e serv ic e to th eir alma mat r has bee n ma nife ted many time s. Thi year the club will pay to the trca ur er of th c Il e e the fina l intallment . amountin g t $ 1250, o f their $5,000 pledge. Th i· is the mo t

·23, Beth Ma o n, ex -. Helen Ande r- o ut tanding gift J hn n, .·-, a nd Harn , ex-, Gra o ld Ma y berry '24. attended th game at . da aturday. '1 4. Mis Grace Brane, in tructor in the Depa rtm ent of E nglish peech of H ood College. Frederick, Mary land, recently gav e a full eve ning' pr ogram of readings before the student of the college. Mi Brane·s selection w ere ,·ar ied, including Italian and negro dia lect, givin g e iclcn c of th e ver atility of th e reader. '23.



. \,Vright ha accept -

oned a pa torate in th e Virginia ference and expect t o fi ni sh hi work in Chicago U nive r si ty later.

f any organ ized grou t> f alumni . lot w i hing to be idt th women hav turn cl th ir attention to anther project- th rai ing of a fund to provide a cho tar hip for worthy tterb in gi.rl s. The fund wi ll be s tart cl thi s year eve11 tho ugh the en tire amount ma y not be rai ed. ome of the meth od u ed by the women in raisi ng the money fo r these various cau e have been an ann ual r umm age a le. individ ua l pl dges by m cmhcrs o r th e club , and mu icat tea ·. Thcr plan to hold anoth r mu s ica l tea in t he near fut ure. Th y It k b ks . p 1an to e 1.0 coo oo • , chted by them Ive . a a mean of rai ing the money for th eir cholar hip fund . The activi ti e of the Otlerbei.n Oman' lub have meant much to Ott rheiu a nd now th ei r gift to th alu mni pr gr.am mean much b cau e­ it link actively the large t group of alumni. tho e o[ F ranklin ounty with the gene ral program. - - - - UC - - - . B. Brubaker. cl in period of . e rvice in the editorial e of our unday- chool litera ture. has accept d .th pa to r­ ate of the . B. chur ch at Wa rren, Pa.. made vacant by the d ath of Dr. R . J. Whit .

Mr. E . . Lorenz. recently compl ted e ntrtl ed " Mu ic in Work an.:! Worhip.' · lt i a di cu ion of church mu ic a an applied art and i a com­ panion vo lume to the author' im­ portant ,-olume. " hurch Mu ic.' It ha. been carefully pre1>ared f r the •amc c n stitt,e ncy as that for which the former work wa intended,- the !ltud e nt in th eo logical emi na rie , mini te rs in the active pa torat a nd mu . ica l w rkcr. in the church. The work con i t of 3 4 well printed pages, with plendi.:I a naly~ical . table When you do .not under tand a of contents and an exten sive mdex. Mr. Lorenz i al o the author of man, yo u are perilou ly near to ha t"Practica.t hurch M u ic" and "Get- ing him. ti ng Ready for a Reviva l.'' He i --- 0 the editor of the "Choir L eader" and The bank a re doing almo t a much the ·• hoir Herald." Mr. a nd Mrs. Lorenz have been . pendi ng the year adverti in g a the ciga rette manufacwith their .:laughters in hina. turer . ha


Page Four



TAN & CARDINAL Publiabed Weekly iB the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN LITERARY , SOCIETIES -Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Aasociation.




~~~! ·v . .


Harsha, ,27 N 1



From the College of the ity of New York we have just received a copy of "The Campus", a journ al pub­ lished by th e undergrad uates. This institution, like ma ny others throug h­ out the coun try, is being shaken by an attempt of t he s tudents to compel the authorities to abando n the policy of comp ul ory military training. "The Cam~us" pfrints: _in large. type, certain ma..,,:1ms o 1111 11tary science, which are quote·d from th e " M anual of M't• T ra111111g, · · " ti1c t ex t - b oo k of f 1 1tary


T he ·tud ent the fo llowing day wa snr pris d to find on return of th • scnption · · a t the bottom That our baskcteers arc certainly paper th e 111 hitting the high spots in the Ohio of the page, " Will collect the bet to­ Conference. m orrow. " At chapel the fo llowi ng morn ing That now exams are over, if you note that you arc not making the Dean Culler re lated the incident nam­ in g th e stucknt and said that he wa grade, shift into second. read y to collect the t\V,en ty cen ts. That Eugene Corbie gave a fine Without a ny hesitancy th e young ma. dn . lecture Friday evening. went forward and paid the bet, au th at bo th That Love's Old Sweet Song should the tudent body agreed wer e good ports. have been "Buy Mc Some Candy." IT STRIKES US

A s t. Editor ···· _Lome ' · or n ' Contributing EditorsVva nda Gallagher, '26 That some of Otterbcin's best L enore Smith, '26 th e two year cour se in military sci­ dramatic talent was brought to light 3ce Samples from P auline Kdtpp, ;26 ence and tactics, pre cribed for a ll Wednesday evening in the Varsity Flo\a.n't :owafdt' ,~~ students at the College of the City of "0" Minstrel O G era · ~sse ' , 1 ew y ork. H ere are a few: - - - 0 C-- ­ A thletic E ditor .... Harry W iddoes, 27 " . f II ·1· . . Asst. Ath . Editor .. Qyde Bielstein '2S The obJec t o a m t 1tary trat nm g FOOLED HIM THAT TIME Bus. Manager ........ Marcus Schear, '27 1 i to win battles. . Assistant Bu iness Ma nager-. , , "The principle portmansh1p of Dean Cull er, dean of men at Hira m Before oracring Class and Social Ross Milk r, 28 and con ideration for your opponent College and well knowu in Columb us, C irculation Manager· h · I 1· Margaret Widdoee, '26 11 h.ave no p~ace 111 t e pract1ca app tea- ha th rep utation among tudents by Group Pins. Assistant Circulation Managers, ! tion of this work. . " ·hat he believe they deserve in ex­ Ruth Hursh, 27 1 "The inherent desire to fi ght and a minations instead of by a close inM. Wilson, ' 28 j kill must be carefully watched for pection of the examination papers. Makers of Philophroncan Keys. Alumna! Editorsd d b h · t t " H . Vv . Troop, '23 an encourage y ~ e 111 ~uc or. . It is told that in a recent examina­ Alma Guitner, '97 So this is the kmd of mst ructton tion one of the you ng men student in Cochran Hall E ditor, our m ilitarists want to give the youth about the middle of his exami nation 11th and High Columbus, o. Florence Rauch, 26 of Ame rica. And such ins tru ction paper interlined words, " bet you Karl Kumler , 'ZS comes into our educational bodies twenty cents you don ' t get this far." Ernesti ne Nichols, '27. seven years after the end of the war to end war. - - - - - - - - - -.----T-h- - -- O ~-- Address all communicati.ons to e LITERARY ROUGHNECKS Otterbein T a n and Cardma.l, 103 W. College Ave., W esterville, Ohio. Subscription price, $2.00 Per Year, It is easy to write plea ant noth­ payable in advance. ings about things that do not count, E ntered as second cl.ass matter and thereby win a reputation as a September 25, 1917, at the postoffice "constructive" fellow. But give us at Westerville, 0 ., under act of March 3, 1879. . l the fellow who is not afraid to be "de­ A cceptance for mailing at spec1a structive", who does not tremble when rate of postage provided fo r in ~ec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized he . is called a "knocker", a nd who April 7, 1919. does not hesitate to call a thief a thief. W e have too many wr iters of pretty I EDITORIALS pieces; we need some more rough1 necks. The w riter who never offends 1 hi readers never gets them to think. " Uerbein evidently not




~~t;:tEdit~;·· ··


troubled by cynici m wd youth ­ . Hoopful revolt. '-Pro£.





- 0 C ---

Strange Antics of Retiring ·Editor

. U.

It wa hi last i sue. The fi r t form of type wa comple H wa taking t o taff may come and taff may go th page and j u tr · 1 must 1·1vc 1 ur , a .v an b ut our Ta n and Cardma . k' . mer with th forever. With this wee s 1 sue we fi n r. begin a new era with a practicall y I There wa new taff. So here's to the fu ture. 1 pran ing of ne in pain, Won't you wish us success? I th up pr . . al lang, T o the retiring editor and busines · a nd evh~dry obJe t m the too on a t eou b manager we desire to pay tribute. in a whirl H t up p r t How well they have uph eld the stand - of a bcuc -an I knew ards in the struggle to the peak of - u11til traug g of man ucce eve n throu gh the va lley of Ii kin 1 • • · 1. T o t h em ·1 I \\"h .el. . regret an d hum1·1·1at1on .a , honor. But in th e eta- pamc er an.1i~g; . . du e a great .\n d th rehnug d1to r open d h 1 st tion of o ur praise we mu no~ fo rgel 1 y to ee th e local editor how valuab le the ther member of in abject a mazem nt, the ta ff have been. W ithout the co- white a U1' paper h Ii Jit r . . operation of t h e s t a ff th e ed itor and - th , business manager can do nothin g; bu t wil h a f tydp ,1 111 hiE . . th h p s sp "' up we can it back and smile wi th a and the whole f r e at h r d traug pc tac! . m erry twinkle in our eyes for th e taff n s th has co-operated to the nth degree and nd they didn t like it b au will con tin ue to do o in the futu ,.._ re tir ing di tor lau h d.



Valentine Greeting The Custom 1s Growing of Giving Candy for Valentines. What is more appropriat~ than a box of WHITMAN'S or MORSE'S CHOCOLATES In Special Valentine Design




Westerville Pharmacy R. W. HOFFMAN, Proprietor

Successor to Bailey's Pharmacy 12 EAST MAIN STREET

Page Five



O ur C hris tian Jn orde r to show just what the 0 . C. DEFEATS NORTHERN r eli g io n began with th e Egy ptian s negro has done in lit eratur e, Mr. Corwho taught Moses many thin gs a bo ut bie r ead several poem s by Dunbar, (Co ntinu ed from page o ne.) (Continued from page o n e.) m o n o th e ism. T h e g r eat Hannibal, M ackay and others. . om e o,f th is kel'ba ll gam e, oach Ed ler said, 1 addiesse<l one of I rof. Hursh's so- w h o led rh e Ca rth ag in ia n a rmy across poetry ra nks with th e very b es t pro- ·'They ;; ll did." After a min utes ciology classes. The intere 5t w hi ch the Alps into Ital y is suppos ed to have du ccd in Amer ica. Most of it deal s th onght he added, ·' Each m an had he aroused showed that he wa s di s- actu a ll y b ee n of negro d esce nt a l- w ith neg ro life a nd hows th eir great , , t ce rtai n pa rt to do a nd each one cu sing a live subject. th o ug h comm o n re port has it that h e ca pa city for suff erin g , r eli gio n and c;i m e t hroug h in fi ne st yl e. I hav e ln the afternoon hi s time was gi ven was a Ph oe ni cia n. good hum o r. no complaint to m ake o n th e work o f t he pl ayer s.'· over entirely lo private conference s He s ta ted that som e o f th e great Holds Open Forum. and interviews. Quite a num be r of mind s o f co mparatively m o dern tim es vVh en as ked a bout th e poss ibilities Bu ell had hi s shootin g eye in good tudents took advantage of thi s chan ce were of neg ro an ces try. Two notab le o f a negro r epublic in Africa, Mr. shape a nd hit thre e ~rai g ht shots e xamp les h e pointed o ut wer e Dumas, Co rbi e s tated tha t s uch a thi ng is fr om the cn rn er of No rth ern 's fi ft y to lea rn more of the race problem. Speaks at Societies Session. th e !' r en ch noveli s t .and Al ex~nder possible and ,·ery desi.ra ble. The best foot wide lioor. In order to give Mr. Corbie furth er .Han11lt o n, ea rl y American financier. way for such a republic to be co nduct- I T he ga me got rough in th e last " M ost of the truly American mu sic," ed wo uld be to have som e larger pa rt of the ~e co nd half but at t ha t opportun ity· to pr esent his ubject, Philomathean a nd Philophronean Lit- Mr. Corbi e d eclared, "comes fr om the natio n protect it as E ngland does th e hom e team had o n1 y three p e-r ­ crary Societies adjourned ea rl y and ~ent- up so ul s of the s laYes, w_ho, ha ~- Australia . T hi s wo uld leave th e peo- so na.J fnu ls <.:a iled o n it in th e whole re-assembled in a joint ession in 111 g n o o th e r means of express rn g their 1 p ie of the republic fr ee to mak e laws o-arne. Philo1>hronean Hall. Ralph Tinsley, opp r ess io n, put th eir feelings into an d carry 011 their own affairs and a. t "' Th e Otterbei n cage rs played con president of Philomathea, was cha ir- song. th e sam e ti me g ive them the benefit of siste ntl y throu g h the wh ole ga m e, man of thi s meeting. The com bined Blames Whites. the protection a nd advice o f th e oth er ma kin g eig;htce n poi nt s th e lirs t half Socl·et1·cs J·oined in inging after whi ch lrt d 1·scu s·1ng ti1 e matter o f ,·ace 11 at·o,1 1 a nd tw e nt y t he second. Th e score s • Mis Pauline Knepp offered a s hort mixture, he sa id that th e b la me for Mr. Corbi e ha s trav elled ex ten - at t he end of th e ftrs t half was 18 prayer. thi s crime could always be placed on s ively in Ge rm a ny, England , Denmark 10 ., . Thn:'e of the Polar Bea rs Jive h f · ' fr. Corb,·e ,va 1·11troduce<l to the t he whites r a ther tha n the negroe s. a nd Ca1·ada. At prese nt he is making a points ca m e I>y I e r ec t 1, row r oute, Philomatheans, Philophroneans a nd Thi s di sc ussio n was s upplem ent ed la ter a to ur u f a number of Ohio Colleges and th e oth :.: r t wo were th e res ult visitors present by Prof. E. M. Hursh. by a few r emarks o n the subj ect of und er the au s pices of the Y. M . C. A . of a lo ne lie ld er. The topic of Mr. Co rbi e's talk at int e r -m ar riage. Although it is pos- 1 H e h as g iven lecture.s at Denison, Anthis meetin g was, "The Co n trib u- sibl e th a t true love can exist b etween tioc h , Ce ntral S emmary and BoneOtterbein, 38 G. F. P. 0 6 tion of the Negro to Civilization ." He two perso n s of opposite ra ce a nd sex, brak e Semi~ary. From ?tterbein he \Vidd oes . r. f. ................. :i 8 showed that the Egyptians were a ll it is n o t likel y to happ en. He ex- goe , tu vV1ttenb erg, Ohio \ Vcs leyan, Barnes, I. f. .....................-.... + 0 0 of negro ancestry a nd h ence what - pressed th e o pinion that inter-marri- O hi o Sta te and Wilberforce. P orosky. c. ····••....... ............. O 0 1 ·· .. l ever .is credited to them should be age s h o uld not exist. - - -- 0 l : - - -S na ve ly, r. g . ...... .... ........... ... 0 1 1l Sphinx and Cook House Arc Buell. l. g. .... :;


VISITS c redit ed t o th e n egro.





Winners in Wednesday Games 111 the gam es o f W edn esda y, Feb. :i, Sph inx a nd the Coo k House wo n th eir rc-s pec tivc gam es at th e exp en se of th e ountry Cl ub a nd the A nn ex in the Group Leagiu e. Bl.i il ey-Annex. wa$ also Sll,Ccess ful in the gam e 1aga in s t th e D eltas, winnin g 14 to 10. J a ppa s fo r feited to th e vVo nder ·' _,·• on th e sa m e after noon. The Cou ntr y Cluh showed co n1 siderab le imp rove 111 ent in th eir game \\'ith th e S phin x . but fai led t o brea k



Now! Spring TOP COATS

GivelHer A Delicious Box of Chocolates!

In Spring-cut new models and woolens of richness and beauty.

Friendship and devotion may be symbolized in gifts of many kinds , but the gift that always counts with her is a Box of Delicious Choco­ lates. And when· you buy them here, you are sure of getting only the best, purest and most wholesome there is.





MB ll S

To tal .. .... .......................... IS Ohio Northern, 19 G. D ixo n. r. f. ........................... 0 Mangus. r. f . .. .. ................... . 0 8au111, I. f. ........................ 2 am plbell. I. . ..!t.... .............. O· S mith . c... ......... .................. 0 Go ldstein . c. ....... ............... .. \. Co hen. r. g. :i S helle _v. I. g. ... .. ... .... ...... .-...... 0 T ota ls

....... .. .................. 6





2 2


2 0 0

2 fi fl 0

0 I







into th e winn ing column . The sco re at the end of t he half wa s 7 to 5 in favo r oi t he lnse r s. T he fi nal score wa s 14 to 11. Th ompso n of th e los­ ers, \\·as the h ig h score r of th e ga m e wit h four baskets. Ga tes wa s th e second sco rer of th e gam e wit h three bask ets a nd a fou l fo r a tota l of 7 points. Mars h \\' a, the highe s t scorer in th e defeat of the A nn ex at the hand s of th e Conk H o11·se live. The win ­ ners arl' 111 a tie a t prese nt wit h th e La kota fo r Jirst ho no rs. nei ther team hav in g los t a ga m e so fa r this year. Mars h's contrib uti on was two bas­ kets and t\\'O fo ul s fo r a tota l of six. po int s. Th e Cook H ouse led at the end o f the ha lf lO to 2 a nd increased the lead to l!l to + al the en,) nf the ga m e. :si eithrr tea m g-01 a \\'ay to a very g-oorl ,tart in the game hct\\' CC II the Ha ilcy -. \1111 c· x anrl the Del ta ~. t he first half endi ng- six to fo u:· in fa vor of the \\'in ners. Hrock \\'as th e high ~co··cr. 11·a1·ing- the net four time, fr orn 1hr licld and o nce fro m the tifte 11 -fo o t lin e. Th e linal sc ore was 1-1 10 10 1n fa vor of th e 8ail ey ­ .'\n 11 ex.

- 0 C--Th e pleasa nt liar is a lways prefer­ red to the unplea a nt truth -te J.l er.

Page Six


COOK HOUSE AND LAKOTA a n d fac ulty t o be o n l1a n·d a t the next . TIE GROUP CONFERENCE bas k e t ba il ga m e at leas t twenty min·

SATURDAY WINS MAD E ON Y X , GREENWICH AND BY ALPS AND LAKOT AS POLYGON ARE W I NNERS Kozmops Defeat Celtics 14 t o 4 and Dubs W in Over W obugas 34 to 2.

Ther e wa s o nl y o ne g am e pla yed Saturday in th e Girl s' G ro u p L eague and th e O nyx won th a t o ne at th e ex pe nse o f the Owl s 20-7. Th e game La s t Saturday the Alps a nd the La­ wa s interesting to mos t o f th e crowd k o tas wo n their Group League games th a t saw it. a t the expen s e o f the Jonda s and the Th e winner s too k o n ea rly lead a nd P hil ot as r es pec tively. Th e Alp s w on \\'e re ne,·er headed , th e fir s t half end26 to 9. The winner s didn 't find in g 10 to 3. J o hnson and Palmer of mu ch of a p uzzle in the d e fen se of the winner s we r e tied for indi"idual th eir op po nent s a nd too k an early s coring honors with s e ven po int s each. lead fr o m \\·hi ch th ey w e r e nev er o rri s wa s no t fa r be hind with s ix head ed. Th e sco re at the end of the poin t s. fi rst ha lf \\'as 14 to 4. Yanti s was th e Th e g a m es for thi s wee k. hi g h scorer o f th e ga m e with tw elv e Feb. 9po ints. Tal isman vs. Arcad y. T he Lakotas found unexp ec ted diffiP olygon vs. G ree nwich. culty with th e Philotas and w e re Feb. 13Ow ls vs. A rbu t us. fo rced to work exc eption a lly hard to Lotus vs. Phoenix. w in 7 to 4. The loss of P. Myer s w as kee nl y fe lt by the w inners. R. Myers Talisman vs. Greenwich. was the hi g h scorer o f th e game with Th e two g irl s gam es pl aye d on 4 po ints. Th e sco r e a t the en d of th e T ues da y, F eb rua ry 2, res ulted in w ins fi rs t ha lf w as O to 0. for the Gree nwich and th e Polygon The K o zm o ps co ntinu ed th e ir win - club s at the expense o f the Lotus a nd n ing way s at th e e x pe nse o f the Cel- Phoenix. The Greenwi c h s wamped t ics in th e P run e L eagu e. The Dubs the Lotus under an avalanche of field we r e s uccess ful in their g ame with the goal s t o win 37 to 1. Th e gam e wa vVo bugas in th e las t g ame o f th e a fte r - t oo o n e-s ided t o be interes ting. Dew noon. Mi ley ra n w il d a nd m a d e s ix o f the winn er s w as high scorer with ba s ket s in th e fir s t half but w as held nin e baskets. to o ne fie ld er in th e seco nd perio d. T l1e s e con d gam e wa s t11uc h mo re m ith playe d be t for th e loo er s a nd 111 . t e r es t mg. ' The p o Iy g o n d efeated made two ba sket a nd a foul fo r a tota l I th P h • t 5 Th 26 O Th e winn e r s led at t he I e o emx • e g ~me_ was O f fiv e points. bett er than. th e s core w ould md,cate. · · · 14 to 4 111ter m ission · , E very pomt was hotly co ntested. The Dub s didn 't have m uc h trou ble I B' h f h · h' h . . 1s op o t e w inn er s wa s 1g scorw ith th e Wobuga , wmmn g a n . un - 1er with seve n bas ket s a nd t wo foul s inter esting g a m e 34 to 2· D . Riegel fo r a to ta l of 16 po ints. M oom aw did a s t he hig h-point m an of th e gam e \ . w · . . mu ch to ke ep th e Phoemx sco r e low wi th twe lve bas ket s tota lm g 24 pomts. •th h ll t 1· . g at t 1l <' e n d I " '' er ex ce en g uarc mg. T h e winn er we r e leadm of the fi r t half 18 to 0. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

:Vfi ley in c rea sed hi s lead in th e li s t o f hi g h sco re r s and has a margin of 1 I po in ts be twe e n hims elf and Me nd e nh a ll, hi s c loses t competitor. D . Re ig le is third with 32 points. .\!I e nd e nh a ll has :~3 po int s. P. Myers co n t inu es in th e Gro u p League in spite o f t he fa c t th a t he did not play in t h e last g am e that the Lakotas J ha d. H e ha s sco red 29 .points. Davis and M a rs h a·r e ti ed fo r second with ' 28 points. The sta n di n gs: Group League W . L. P . Cook H ouse ............ ........ .. 4 0 1000 l.Ja kotas .... .......................... 4 0 1000 A lp s ...... ........ .. .. .. .. .. .............. 3 1 .750 Ann ex ...... .. .... ...................... 2 2 .500 Sphinx, ...................,.. .......... 2 .,;oo 2 Philotas ...... ..... ........,.. ...... .. a :l .250 Co u nty Club .................... 0 ➔ .000 J o nda s ....... .. ... .................... 0 4 .000 Prune League W . L. P. Bail ey-Ann ex ............. ...... . 4 0 1000 Dubs ...... .... ................ ... .... ... 4 0 1000 Kozmop s .... ........................ 3 1 . 750 W o nd e r " 5 "' .... .. ................ ::; .7 :iO Delta s ....................... ...... ..... 1 ::; .2:..0 Celt ics ........................ .......... 1 3 ."-o .. . :) Kappa s ........ .. ...... ................ O 4 .000 vV o bugas ............................ o ., .000

ut es be fo re th e ga m e is scheduled to be g in in o rd er t hat t l1e c h e er leaders ca n lea <l in ch ee r s fiv e minut es before th e g am e beg ins. \ Ve a r c prepared to sugge St a me t1i . g th e stu d e n t s ou t to th od fo r ge tt111 . e . no com pl ain t ga m es ea rh·. Th ere 1s a b o ut th e · supp o rt after th e game s ta rt s. \ .Y h y no t re ser ve th e whole ce nte r sec tion for the student body, . b u t n o t re se rvmg the s ea t 5 ,' The team d is fo r th e be ne fit o f th e s tudent bo y a nd ther e i no reason why t~ey s ho uld not hav e th e ce nt er section. · ed seats S in ce there w ill be no reserv d in the s tud e nt sec ti o n the chee r lea · eerer s will e xp ect th e stud ents chearlY en o ugh to do some prel imina ry in g.


- - - - 0 C---

. h ave )' Ou u ed "Good mormng, P ea r 's soap?" "?\ o , I'm no t roo min g thi s se m es ter." Health hint: N•e ver lall g h at your g irl when s he c ries.


- - - - 0 C---­ SPORTORIAL Ther e ca n b e no doubt but that w e ha ve the bes t bas ket .ball team now that Otte r bein ha s e ve r had , and it is dese r ving of all th e s uppo r t that th e s tudent body can give it. At the last ho m e game that Ott e r ­ be in had ther e w er e no t ove r thirty peop le in the auditori um at the high sch oo l when th e t eam came out on the fl oo r th e fir t time. It wo uld be a g r ea t impro veme nt for the students



The Spring Samples are on Display. Dry Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.


year ling playe r s, is w ell take n car e o f 1 j by two o ph omores "Andy" McGrath a nd " J o hnn y" William . Geo r ge ReyI no ld , la st yea r's ca1>tain , and Dick B ray at fo r wa rd a nd Capt ain Jake aturday night, Februa ry 13 Otter ­ W ein e r a nd J oe Kell y a t gua rd w ill be be in w ill m ee t her seve nth O hio Con­ th e other four men on th e fl oor fo r fe r ence foe wh en th e T a n and Ca rdi­ t h e vi itors wh en the refer ee tarts th e na l play th e St. X av ier quintet in the ga me next Saturday . high school gymnasium. I t w ill be St. Xavi er's ec ond Ohio Confe re nce game. Th e Mu s ke tee rs wi ll fi nd plenty to do in th eir ce ntra l th ey w ill at t em pt to O hi o trip a dow n M uskin g um o n Friday a nd t h e n come he r e to m eet th e T an a nd Cardi­ na l cager s the next night. St. Xavier can a lways be counted on t o furni sh most ex ce ll ent opposition in any spor t an d especially in basket ball. The la t time that the Mu sk e teer were met in basket ball was in 1924 whe n th e Tan and Cardinal pill tos­ ere w ere defeated at Cincinnati in' th e last g a me o f the seaso n. The St. Xavier five is a team com­ pos ed a lmost entirely of vetera ns. The center po sition, the only one held by






oll ege Ave. tate St.

WELLS The Tailor Corner State and Main Sts.

Dutchess Trousers 10 Cents A Button $1.00 a Rip T hall Cost N o More O r d in ar y T r ousers. S SEE T HE NEW PATT E R N


E. J. Norris&S~

, SPECIAL NOTICE Trans£erring our business to the American Laundry at Columbus we will be unable to give special rates for student work hereafter. Watch This Space for Further Notice. OHIO HOME LAUNDRY R. N. C hapman, Mgr.

Paire Seven


My Room-mate



I Stucle n,ts in un ive r s,ities I Middl e Wes t a re lea rn ing t o I U niv er sity of Wiscon sin, the


o!f the A nove l ca m p- fi re m eeting was fl y. The U ni ver­ co nd uc ted in a ve ry in formal m a nner l sity of Mi n n esota , W ashin gton U ni- by Ma r g uerite B lo tt in Sectio n A of T hat if th ey d o n 't soo n was h th e ve r sity in S t. L o ui s, Case U ni ve r sity, Chri s ti a n Endeavor Sunday evening_ m a r b les in th e ba ll ot boxes in th e So- Purdue U ni ve rsity a nd th e U niver­ T he sc riptur e con sisted of fa vorite cie ty Ha ll s, ca n dida t es a r e go in g to be sit y o f Chicago o ffer co ur ses m B ib le ver ses co ntribut ed by m e mb e rs o f th e societ y. T he lea der developed un an im ously b lac k - ba ll ed. na va l a viatio n. th e t opic, " Wh a t Does Chri s tia n E n­ Durin g Fa r mer s' W eek th e S taT hat t hese n ew swea t -soc k s are usedeavo r Mean to Me?'' by a thoroug h­ fut as mu d-gua r ds. as we ll as be in g dium at Ohio e will be co n ve rt ed goi ng di sc uss ion of J es us' life a nd effic ien t t im e-savers, in as mu c h a s he into a ga rage fo r th e co n venience cha rac t er w ith app rop r ia te a ppli ca­ n ever has to da rn her hose a n y m o r e. o f th e fa rm ers. Garage. se r vice will t io ns to ou r O\\'n a tt itud es a nd acco m ­ That .s he. sees aviati o n is bein g add - be fr ee a nd th e place w ill be g ua r d­ pli s hm en t s in Chri s ti a n E nd eavor­ ed to th e c ur r ic ulum o f seve ra l no r t h - eel day a nd ni g ht. Ca rl to n Gee a nd Ma rth a A lspac h a lso wes t e rn coll eges, but s h e thinks it's P rof,e ss~ r 0. r. o ·us th ei m e r, o f spo ke upo n top ics rela ti ve to th e di s­ scarcely n ecessa r y at O tt erb ein be­ Bal dJw in -W a ll ace coll eg e is teac hing c uss io n. T he m ee tin g closed with a ca u se s he's up in th e a ir in m ost of her a tro no m y by radio. H e is broad - voca l so lo s un g by F ra nces H in ds. c las s es a ny h ow. A nn o un ce m e nt also was made of a cast in g a se ri es o f lec tur es o n thi s s pecia l fr ee-w ill offe rin g to be ta ken . T hat af t e r t ry in g va inl y fo r fo ur s u bj ec t o ver s tati o n WE A R , of nex t Sund ay eve nin g fo r th e benefit co n sec uti ve clays t o p ract ice bas ke t­ Cle vela nd , Ohio. The fi r s t of th e of t he a nni ve r sa ry contributi o n tp ba ll on t h e gy m fl oo r a t n oo n , s h e has D r. a nd Mrs. Cla rk , fo un de rs o f Chri s­ co m e to th e co n clus io n th a t boys a r e se ri es was g ive n o n J a nu a r y 22. ti a n work. a ll ri g ht in th e ir p lace, b ut t heir place Acco rdin g to ne w s r eports from mu st have burn t cl ow n. f - - - - 0 C---­ a ll pa rt s o the country th e Charl esExpresses Gratitude. T hat li vin g in a de n of C ha rl es t o n to n m e nac e is now stalking the In r eply to an eX1pr ession of sy n-i,­ fr ie nd s has it s edu ca ti o na l a d va nt ages, A m eri ca n coll eges. A t the State Col­ .of co ur se, but th a t th e people dow n- leg e for wo m en at Atlanta, Georgia, pa th y se nt by the Secreta ry of the s ta irs a r e beginn ing to co m pla in of bits a fl oo r upo n which near ly 500 g irl Stude nt Co uncil in behaH of the s tudent s wer e practicing the ne w s tud e nt body of Otte r.bein Co ll ege. pl aste r fa lli n g o n th eir ru g . Mrs. L. 0 . O y ler o f Warsa w , Ind., T h a t s ta ti s ti cs s ho w th a t if a ll th e dan_ce , ~o ll apse d s~ddenly. At th e I h Id A • ., ll't ,, U 111ve rs 1ty of India na th e boa rd o f r es po nd ed with a des ire to express go as es _so to m e n ca n co I c 11 ' tru s tees ha s for1bidd en th e da nce in her gra titude to the s tudent bod y st ud e nt s 111 1925 w e r e pl ace d e nd -to - h S d b 'Id ' · d fo r t he ir expressio n of sy mpath y. 111 e nd, it wo uld ta k e a lo t of wo rk. t e tu ent Ut mg or er t o fo re s tall th e colla pse of tha t s tru c• g s uit or to ld ture. l n o th e r localities al so, a uthorT ha t w h en o n e aspi rm h e r th a t he was th e o n ly so n o £ a I ities have enacted pro hi bi tiv e legism illi o n a ire s h e ju s t sa id. "So use your la t io n. CO M E TO o ld m a n!' ' T he fir st co ll ege pape r in A m e r­


DORM NEWS Th e Arcacl y ·Clu b e nj oyed a ta ffy pull on Saturd ay eve nin g a t th e home of Virg ini a Ge rman an d Eth yle Wilburg. Florence Howard spe nt t h e weekenJ at her ho m e in Day to n. Dori s Weth erill r eceive d a box of dcliciou hon e- m ade "eats," w hi c h th e T. D .'s g rea tl y e nj oyed S und ay ev ening. Mary T ryo n Mil es, ·2 -1, a nd E nid Kizer. ex '25, we re gu e t·s o f th e Lotu s lub thi wee k -e nd. Th e Arb utus Clu b w e r e g uests o f Ruth Haye a t he r ?th 'b irthday p u sh Thursday eve ning . Lucille l{ obe rt s spe nt t h e end vi siting in h illico th e.


On Tu e day eve nin g t he Ta li s m a n

Cl ub gav e a " pus h" fo r th eir pl ed ges.



Verda Eva ns was cal led to h er T ha t s he is ge t ti ng o ut her ex tr a­ ica was publis hed in 1800 by s tu­ home thi s week o n atco unt o f he r d ent s of Dartmouth Colle ge and call­ c urri c ul a r work in sleep in g. grandfath er' dea th. ed th e Ga zette. In 1802- 03 it con- - - - 0 C--- ­ ' tained a rti cles by Da ni e l W eb s ter, Jea n Turn r a nd La Vo nn e S t ee le PHILALETHEA t he 11 a g r adu a t e o f o ne y ea r. went to L a V o nn e's h o m e o n Sat­ FO R Y O U R PARTY urday to ee "The Gypsy Rover,'' P hil a lc th ea e n joyed a prog ram co m A professo r o f psycho logy a t pl ayed by the resto n Hi g h School posed of t h~ fo llow in g m e~b e r s a t its D e nve r un ivers ity wa rn s young m en SUPP LI ES Student , un der th e d ir ect ion o f reg ul a r sessw n T hur sday mg h t : t o bewa re th e co-eds. " They do not 11 ida teele, '25. P ia n o d uet-Es th er W ill ia m o n a nd see k educatio n as a tr ain ing fo r a ca re&. Not one in te n expec t s t o On atu rcl ay eve ni ng th e Lo t us E d na Tracy. Sto r y- E li zat>c; th M a r s h . ho ld dow n a jo.b. N in e of eve r y te n Clu b w re g ue t of Agn es Yo hn at Voca l trio-Pa ulin e K nepp, Isa- have des ig ns to lead yo u to th e a slumber party in he r h o m e. be ll e Rub e m a n a nd N it e ti s Hu nt ley. a lt ar. Mr. an d M rs. H elsley, fo r mer ly Pa r o d y- Ruth T reva r ro w. t h ei r Fl orence Ke iser, m o t o rin g to Voca l solo-J osep hin e Drury. 1 nc\\' home in Vir g ini a. spe nt W ed­ Misce llaneo us L ette r s F lore nce (f========-~=========================i., nesday venin g in vVes t e r vill e, v isit - R a u c h. I ing wi th A udra. Verda Evans wa s elected to serve


lVIeat Market


H. C. Baughman

Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased

Els ie Mae 'o n ger an d Le na Coo k- a c hap lai n in th e p lace of Mar th a ey have return ed t o resu m e t heir S hawen w h ose re sig na ti on was acstudi cs in

t't er<be in t hi s se meste r.

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0 to be

On \. edn esday eve nin g M arg ue r it e M l'I k Blott a nd M ae Mickey de lightfull y en e t h ei r s tup id it ies. urpri eel J· ra ncis H ind s, ho no ri ng the anni ver ary of he r e n gage m e nt. ft er th e refr e hm ent s, th ey prese nt ­ ed Fran ci with a g ift fo r he r h ope chc~ t. M<1 rg!aret Norris and Dorothy l' nkl e spent the week en cl vi s iti ng i .1 Li n\\'orth.

pra ised eve n for

Your photo from


- - - - 0 C---Mrs. Rupp To Speak To Y . W . T his evening M rs. Ru pp wi ll ta lk to the girls of the Y . W . C. A. o n th e topic, " Making a Life." This pro mi ses to be a fine meet ing so every g irl is heartily in vited, a nd urge d, to com e. o few of the girls hav e a c ha nce t o become acqua int ed w ith Mrs. Ru p p and thi s is a fin e oppo rtunit y. S h e is ure to have a w orth while message.




0. Ranck


The Old Reliable





Will be the best. Rich and High Sts.



Page Eight


I Love-Lorn Hero Is

Th e ten o'clock bell haJ rung. Ge ntlem an ca llers at Cochran Hall had reluctantly ga th ered up th eir hats and coa t -, said a prolonged good-night to their co-ed friends, and left. . 11 o f th em? Alas, no! One poor. love -lorn youth, too engr ossed to notice his su rrou ndin g . haJ failed No to note th e ge neral exodus. ! doubt his thoughts were in a ro eatc I world of drea m s, wh ere He and She were alone togeth er. .\ t least-he After the games between th e An ­ g-o t loc ked in. Did his nen·e desert him? Diel he nex teams and th e teams o f th e First U. B. chur ch of Dayton, Sat­ bea t wildly upon the Joor and hri ek urday eve ning, the Annex Club gave for hel1J? No! Even th oug h his fair a "feed" at their roo m. Those pre - compani o n. remembering other en­ ent were the Dayton ba sketball counters with th e Dea n, bea t a hasty team. "Li:hhy '' Lib-eca p, '09 ; ''Skinny'' retr ea t up th e nearest stairway. The W einland. ·11 ; '' Chuck" Hall. '12; bran: young man . sun1111oning his ''Chuck' ' Campb ell. 't5 : Paul Fouts. last bit o f co urage, advanced timidly He knocked. '19; " Red" Camp, '25. M . A. Ditmer, to th e Dea n's door There ,Ya s a long m oment of silenc e. '1 0 , an.cl Carl Stair. Then th e Dean threw the door ope n, ''Teeter" Ada m s, '23, of J ohn stown a forbid,iing expres ion on her face. visited with Sphinx fri end s over the 'Tm locked ,ill'side," stammered w~ek-end. our hero. Charles Mumma. Harold Moulter . Gradually the menacing look on Al Mayer, Robert Foster and De the Dean's face changed to o ne of Mott Beucler traveled to Ada via the suppressed mirth. Mumma Ford. "I see you are," she smiled . "Brock" Bronson , '05, spen t th e And a moment later a reli eved week-end with Country Cl ub friend . young ma n stood locked on the " Bob'' Cavins went to his hom e OUTSIDE of Cochra n Hall. - - - 0 C-- in C hillicothe this week-end.



Thelma Pl etch er, of Crooksville, Quiz and Quill Glu-b held its first was in itia ted into ac tiv e meDl!bershiJ> February meeting at the home of in Clcio rh et ea la st Thursday evening. P r of. C. 0. Altman, East College D e,·o na Leh man , of Dayton , a nd aven ue, last Monday eve ning. Rut h Horloc kc-r , a lso o f Dayton, Jean T urn er and Alice Sanders gave were received as assoc iate members. · conJunc · t'10 11 a review · A n origin a l sto ry. •·L eave Your m o f the c o Ir lege anthology of verse entitled "The Sorrow F or T omorow,' ' by ~ osa 1~ Poets of the Future." This book Co peland a sketch of the hfe 0 was published by the Stratford Com- th e li fe ' of Paderews k i by Betti pany of Boston. Plummer, a nd a myth ological sketc 1 Rob ert Cavin s read a satire. "The ,by I rene Benn ett were the literary Charleston(' and Bessie Lincoln numb ers 0 11 Thursday night's ~ro­ read "J ust Talking," a fami lia: es-1' gram. Vocal solos by Francis Hmds say. Joseph Hen ry wrote an mfor. H • duet by Ruth a nd 01 1ve o 1t, a pian o " . mal es ay, The Str,ange An t ics of a . b la MarRetiring Editor,' which was a n ac- Braley a nd a reading Y 10 cou nt of his la t day's work on the cum were greatly enj oyed by Cleiorhetca and fr iend s. Tan and Cardin'al. Bri ck ice cream, angel food cake and coffee composed the refresh­ ments.

---0 C--­ Sociology Club Organiz-es. Th e Sociology Club this year com­ pri se the class in Sociology. The organizatio n too k place at the meet­ ing on F riday. The res ult of the elec­ tion was, Dwight Arn old, President; and Mabel Eubanks, Secreta r y-T rea s­ urer. The Clu:b is taking up immed­ iately it st ud y o f ocial cond ition .

Wester ville Bakery

- --0 C---

" No e..xams in Utopian University," ays Profes or William Davis of Ha rvard. Please repeat that again profe or. We want to make ure our F ACUL TY VALENTINE Leroy Hopper, Emer on White­ profs heard it. PARTY COMES FRIDAY head, Richard 'W rble, and Harold Gibson journeyed to da to see 0L­ The Vale ntin e Party to be g iven by terbein win. the Faculty Club on Friday evening, " quirrely'' Thoma spent the F eb ruary 12, at the new home of Prow ek-e nd at his home. fessor a nd Mrs. J . P . We t wi ll comJ e Yohn, lay Kohr a nd Law- bine the eriou a nd the less eriou , a lentine Party rence Hick ",bummed" to Ada to ince it will be a given on the an niver ary of Lincoln's ee the game aturday night. " Beany" Beelma~, '2 5, and George birth. Dr. Clippinger will treat r eve rential ­ Bechtolt, '25, both teachers in th e Otterbein Home, Lebanon, spent the ly the topic of human gratitude for w k-end with friend in \Ve te,rville. Lincoln and also for love bet\ ·een Roe A nder o n vi ited with ook men and women in co mmemoration of \ . t. Valentine. H ou e friend ove r the week-end.. Mr . Clippinger will peak on the Harold Yo ung, D ean Wise, and Romance of Lincoln. The ori gi n and F ran i au! went to the tterbeindevelopment of Valentine will be ex­ hi , ' rthcrn game. plained by Dr. Raymond Phelan, , bu k Beno tt vi ited .with Cook chairman of th e committee arrangi ng u e [ri end ove r the we k-end. for thi party. Emerson Bragg we nt to hi home The gue t will take part in a ce re­ mon y that date from the Roman in Dayton to pend th week-end. pent the Lupercalian Festival to honor the love J rry chwar zkopf of Juno and Pan and which urvived k-e u<l with fri end in Talmadge. in form in the hri tian celebration lu1ton La h journeyed to da to of t. ale.ntine' eve. tterbein' triumph O\'er the Jar B ar . "Happy" Royer pent the week-end Com e an d r y ur , ith Lakota fr iend . Ro, P d n ' 22, "Bob'' Martin, '22, and ''D n'' Howard. 2.3, pent th e ND Y we k- nd with ounlry lub friend. . - - - - - - - - - - -- -• {io:i.----'' L n " '.\·ewell vi -it d Lak ta un day.

l O E. Main St.

This is a Selz $six quality oxford


- --

0 C- -­


We've never sh ow n an y­ thing a t that give y~u much tn 0 s t y l e au <l value a elz lX.



Bishop Clippinger Sails. ng r , brother lippin r, , ail ­ couver. B. foT an ive trip in the O rient. He will th Phillit>inc , hina a nd J apau in the inter t of the nit cd Dr thr n :.\[i ion .




'' The Home of Quality' '

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