1926 03 09 The Tan and Cardinal

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W E STE R VI LLE, OHIO , MARC H 9, 1926.

VOL. 9.

KENYON DEFEAT ENDS SEASON AKRON IS DEFEATED IN DEBATE CONTEST T an Forensic Men Lose Fray Bluffton Platform Through Technicality.




Otterbein's nega tive debate tea m cored th e fir st co nfere nce victory oi the eason when th ey successfully dA.owned th e affi rmativ e team from kro11 U n1vers1ty · • ., 11 th e coll ege chapel lat F rt·ct ay 111.ght. The n .ctonou . s team i composed o f A rnold. Fletcher auct LaPorte. The deci~ion was an onc. by _Prof. \\·. H. Coope r. o f 10 111vers1tv T -· d he affirmative debate team lllet C(e~t at the hands of Bluffton at 8 luffton last Friday ni g ht throug h a tec~ini cali ty. I rof. Harshman n f Mt. 111011 .was the onl y judge. . A triangle debat ·w ith • tu, -in •tnn <tlld , , . . • ' 1lfe11berg will he Otterbc111 s :c oud Co nferen ce battl e Friday 111 ~ht, ?-.farch 12. · ,She affir11.1ative team Miller. LaukI1Uu· . · . and Knight " ·ill m ee t Mu k111&u111 . . t negative 111 th e co ll ege chapel a the · ap·,1 e tim . e o ur negative . team. A ·ti rnold • Fl etch er and La Po rte, mee t 1 r c \\ ittenberg a ffirmative at pring11eld.



O r ga niza t ions Present Program in Ma rtin sburg, Canal W inchester and Pataskala. Tan and Cardinal Q uintet F in ishes U ndisputed T hird In O hio T he G lee Uu h and Ba nj o-1\'Ia ndo­ Conference. lin Orch es tra sa ng befor e a well­ fi lled house in Ca nal Winch es ter last Otterbein cl osed her m os t succe -sful Friday evening. Th e concert w as ba ket ball seaso n in yea r s last atur­ given in th e high school auditorium day at th e high school gymnasium und er t he auspi ces o f Rev. Paul when the sc rappy Tan a nd Cardinal Brake. a g rad uate of th e class of quinte t minus the se rvices of star for ­ '2.'i. who i pastor of the United ward Dames w ho was injured last Brethren chur ch in Canal Winches­ week in practise downed Kenyon '. ter. best bet 44 to 35 in a well played and Sa turd ay eve ning the t wo musical intei·csting ga me. Otterbein didn't orga ni za ti ons were g reeted hy an g et well started un til th e second h alf aud ie nc e of -!00 in th e Presb y terian \\·hen it. whirlwind attack left K enyon -: hurch at Ma rtin sb ur g. This co ncert in th e rea r. ,\·as given unde r th e auspice s o f th e Keny o n ope ned hos tiliti es- wi t h a Martin sburg High chool. \Vilbnr fi eld goa l followed by two io ul s and vVood. a graduate in la. t year's a fter \-Vidd oes· ·u cc fnl attcm1Jt '"\"1 ~n,·tnmr nl"al in cu-rin from just ut s.idc the £ ul lin tJ1 e_v conce rt for ?vfa r tinsl ur g. \ .f rep eated th pro edu r e.. tt rb •i1J . ter the co nce rt th e Home Eco- ca111e to J1'fe a11d «a · •ed tcad'l t.l ., of tl1 e 11, , • un J nomics D epa rtment hi.1rh the core stoo(I 11 · 12 · f f sc lJ ool ,• 111 avor o . to en ·cd a . lunch eo n to the Glee · Ke11yo n wh n K ny on took ti me o ut. Cl ub a nd Orche tra in the high schnol. TANS FINISH THIRD M ond ay cven i-ng. March ist. the

- - -· -J t J k t I II ··Sw ede·· P1ayerI I1.15 as >::t s ·e >a Ia 5t S a t ur.da Y game for 0 tt er I)Cllt ,.,.. L li 1 e1·eni11g wit n th Lao · nc na 4 t ... a'.· tor 1 0 q ujnl t ballled t.O a _.,. . ..., vtc ) ove r th e K enyon quad. Poros ky rtainly• dcse rYes a g reat <Ica I o f Ce cred it for th e way in which h e helpf t 1 m os ed Ottc1·,h ein to hav e one O tie succc. sf ul bas ketball tea ms in many y ea r, . T\\'o od1 er eniors. Haro ld McMicha els and Paul Upson. a re Glee ·1uh and Orchestra gave a con­ al O e nding ba ket ball ca re ers. cert in th e City Hall a t Pataskal a. ___ o C - - - \rVi lliam Hampshire. a enior at Ot­ RE CITAL CO MES T ONIG HT terbein. aided in sec uring this con lb jud . deci ion will b e give11 by three cert. He is pas tor of th e Pata · kala io c . at Wittenberg. An oral deci s- C onservatory of Music Stude~ts W ill U nited •Brethr en church. . L Pt11 \V11l. be given here by Prof. H. . Present Program of Pleasing Thur. day c,·cnin g the organiz a- t1 lank ' of Alb 1011 ' . ~lich College, A lb1on, N umbers. ti o n will gi ,·e a concert in hillithe ~ \~ho i ecretary-treasurer of of co th e and Frida~( will go to Port. of ' ational A odation o f Teachers Stud en ts in th e onscn·atory of m outh. Plans are now being mad e rat' Pe ch, a nd al o sec retary of the Mu ic will prese nt a ,·ari ed selec tio_n to cc ure a co ntra ct a t Leban n. ional Oratorical A . ociation . voca l a nd ins trum enta l n umb ers m a - -- - 0 C---recita l wh ich will be giv en in Lamb ert PRE SIDENT CO MPLETES R. Eviv AL SERV I CE S CLOSE H a ll this eve nin g a t cigM-fifteen. SURVEY OF RECRUITS Two rgan numb er played by 1v{a.rc.~ g Wom en' night, Tue day, 9 Viola Burk and Mary Whiteford, a Thirteen Percent of Student Body R.upp ~. wa well attended. Dr. • sci cti 11 bv E lwa rd Ca ld• Have Indicated Desire to do ltton ~t ed a the ba i of his er­ 111and I111 aJtd a piano quartet oompo eel of Religious Work. a11oin~ e tory of Mary of Bethany w II ' ' K I M Grace o rn etet. Ethel . e~ er, . ary ,\ ~llg the feet of J e us. 11 '"'11·1tcf6#r'l, an<l Vira Dunmire will b O ,·er thi rtee n per ce nt of dent s nu ual[y large number of . tu­ \ ,, amon th feature s on th e pro ram. stud nt s hav indi a ed d ir i11 0h": re pre ent Thur day even• ,.,. w I :\{ildr d. Kin .Jl er. Vira Dunmire, foll-time hristian ,uid religiou ·rh ~ub'. 1 wa . olle e Men's ni g ht. }.linnich. ace, rcling to a su rvey of Lif elia J .hn so 11. Ka thryn that N Ject of the ermo n wa " Path ladys Nichol and Mildre_d Zinn will R ec ruits ju t c m1>leted by l r . idcn t · :ver f eet. ' •\ 11 I10 \;i,' . lipp in er. There i a tota l of lay p iano ·el ction . \, o al . Pl il.. d . con ce r n d were P · Fr c ' (..1lltan 77 rec ruits of whi h num b r 42 ar L I will be sun o- JY cw t · . th e with th e iatere t shown u vc rar cl. Zelpha m e11 arid 35 arc \\' men. . D 11 •1t1I ttd en.t · . . • ~ \• t Ill th e m ee t m g. I11ve 1v, . · L . mith Th Im a u t111, ha th e we k. \ Th fr bman cla F1 b r. or u ' . , , .11 . Olive Holt. a nd Elizabeth number having 24 to it J\fary u1 I S, . . · ctoovcr T 0 . H offma n for " ·holll Ho m er Hoffm_a u op hom or s ha ve I 5, th e jun.iors I 5, Earl Fl. Ins all New C ha pter . • · 1· b liga to ne VlO - t he seni r 19. and I he academy 4. . chapt<: oover, pre ident of the local will play th e v10 in o n t he p ro a-ra m. The outh a t confer ence furni he 23 apPoi r f l?i Kappa D ita has b een !in num b r i . al st udent ·. t he Miami 16, and Ea . t li,1 llted by Prof. We tfal l of Col' Oh io 14: the A. llegheny co me ter of V . "0 " S we aters O rdered. th · r olorad o, to .mstall a chap ~rar,c. . raternitv M . ars1ty with represe ntati ves. andu ky ta 01, · at • anetta ollege, V ·t •·o•· ·\ •sof the ar 1 Y · ., , West irginia 3. and t he Eric 2. 110 ond · M r. Hoover will Sweaters or . th Uct th in taHati o n at Marietta. ciation were 0 rd ered ts wet"I'-



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Team Mu sk ingum :Mt. U ni on


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1.000 1.000

OTTERBEIN ...... 8



Oh io :'l!orthern ........ :\kron .................. .. .... a . c .................. ........ W estern Resen-e .. \\ ooster ...... .............. Hiram ..................... t. X avier ·······-····· Kenyo n - ·-··--- ···--· H eidel ber ······- ·--·Oberlin ···-· ··········--·· Balcl win -\VaBacc- ....








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tterb in l k the lead on after b cnyon ti d t be o ut a nd with a foul at I all. Th e half •n d soon aft er with bot h team. \\' rkin~ to break a 16 t 16 tic. K enyon op ned th with a lo ng sh t and tt rb ei1t . c 1· . I fo ur fie ld oals ,t11d two f uJ. bcf re K. nyo 11 managed again. F r m the n a Page Eig-ht)

- - - 0 C--A . 0 . Ba rne s Improving. . Barn . w h wa. crious lv in­ in a . crimm age ga 111 la t Ti1ur . . day evening i~ improvi no- r:11 idly ~c­ ordin g to an anno un ceme nt i- ued this morning.



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Al\l D



New Appliances Installed · In Home Economics Department.

G I RLS ' LEADERS' CORPS I KATHLEEN WHITE BECOMES r,1USIC STUDENTS TO APPEAR ADOPT NEW " 0 " PLAN SE CR ETARY TO '1R.i0,A S:.J R E R I IN "THE GYPSY ROVER" N ew ·Requirem ents Ar e M ore St r ingent a nd Will Stimulate Athletic Act ivit y.

Otterbein Conservatory of M us1c will have a g ood r epresentation of stl'.dents in th e production of th e light ope ra. ''T he Gypsy Rover,'' to j be presented by the glee clubs and . orc hestra oJ the loca l high school in the rJ. S. a udit orium , Friday e\'C ning at eight o'c lock. Two o f the part icipa nts . Donald Euverarcl and J ames H arris are vocal students of Otterbein .



.'\ t a recent meeting of th e Girls' Leaders Corps a new plan was adopted for awa rding "O's" to gi rl s. l t is believed that th e new requirement s wm stimulate g irl s' ath letic activities. The new ruling is as follo\\'S: An "O'' \\'ill be gran t ed to a g irl after s he has earned 8 num erals. .\ um era ls can be earned in th e fol-



U11der t he superv ision of Mi ss L. M. Hoerner a number of improved, m ode rn adclitions have been made in th e Home Economics Depar tment. The m ost out stand ing is the up-to­ datc ironing board . It has an iron s tand. a detachable sleeve boa rd , anJ a signa l li g h t which turns red wh en the ir on is in us e. An overhead pole keeps tlte cord o ut of the \\'ay. The se \\'ing machines have been eq uipped with an electric motor. A pinking machine, a compa ra ti vely new ill\·ention, is another addi t ion. Thts de\' ic e is used for ti ni hing seams. .\ t the beginnin cr of the year a " · I was cl ose t for illustrative matena built. 1n thi is kep t the lateS t

Th e plot of th e ope retta is b1sC'd upon an hi sto r ical c,·e nt in Engl ish low ing way : Miss Kathleen \Vhit e. \\'ho \\'as history. and has ma n y am using parts. 1. BY · 111 · 1924 . wt·11 · participating in three -fourth s , gra d ua t ecI f rom Ott er l)e111 There will be about tifty voices in of the q ua rt ers playe d by her team assume th e pos ition of secretary to t he mixed chor us, tw elve pr in cipals, in the inter-class basket ball series. Treasure r of the Coll ege J. p_ ~Vest and an orchestra of fifteen. 2. B,· hikin g one hundred miles. J which was rcc,:ntiy made \·aca nt by ----0 C---:;. By play ing in at lea st th ree- th e re signation oi :.liss '.\label Free- Prof. Glover Addresses Science Club. current pamphlets . color charts, an_d fourt h s of the games played by he r man. other s up pkmen tar v material. It is The regular m on thly meetin g of in te r es tin g to note• that t 111·s c loset team in th e inter-class baseball series. Mi ss Freema n has held a position in 4. By \\'inning seven points in an the Science Club was h eld last n ight \\'as made from the old chapel seats. th e Treasurer's office fo r th e past int e r-cla ss track meet. 111 McFadden Hall. The prog ram, lm provement·s in th e li g ht ing sys­ three yea r s and ha s been a full time of • ,;. By beco min g \\'inner o r runner· . a purely mat 11emat1ca 1 nature. tem and a n ew hot water tank puts I secreta ry fo r th e past eight m onths. cl . . P · h the . _ . . prove to 1Jc very 111 s truct1ve. ro- this department o n a pa r wit Lil) 1·11 a gc11 er al s· ,·11glc- or clo uble s • • > M iss l· r eeman now has a n mt cr est t11 f GI k h b . _ tennis tourname nt. esso r ove r spo ·e to t e c 1u n,C'm- Home Economics D epa rtm ent s of t1,e her fa th ers grocery stor e at Coll eg~ I h · o , Tl D ~ew spo rt s m ay be added hut o nly Ave. a nd State St. )ers_ 0 11 t e su 1?,Jec t . o r · 1e ua 1 leacling co ll eges in the state. one num eral may be won 111 each 1 ____ C - -- Decimal _System. H_1s talk was fo l- - --0 ( -- - ­ 0 sport each year , also th e Girls' Lead- RHODES SCHOLARSHIP j lo\\'ed with the r ead 111 g o f a paper International Relations Meets. ers Corp hall awa r d th e numerals by Mrs. Ma r y Needham, the title Club and le tt ers. STIPEND INCREASED i of wh ich w a s. ''Why T eac h MatheThe Tnternational R elat ions Dr. Captains of basketball and ba eball I ma t ic s?" held its r egu lar m ee ting at f Colle g es a nd Universi ties Should 1 S naYely's on Monday eve nin g. Marcl O teams s hall keep acco unt gi rl s Select Rep r esentatives / _ Both disc ussio ns brought out new ·1· Tra1111ng eligible for n umerals on he r team Befo re O ct. 26 _ 1 •<leas and con tai ned a great amount 8th. Comp ulsory M, ,tary and report th em to th e President of of real information of great worth in .\m erican Co lleges wa s th e th enic fo r discussion. the Leaders Co rp s. .-\n a,lditional feature of the Rhodes and importance t o students. Girl s ma y count part 1c1pat io 11 in Scholarshi ps for thi s year is the iu---- 0 C ------0 spo rts listeJ. entitling them to numer- , crease of the s tipe nd to four hunAn egot i t 1s a person who believes Bobbecl hair 1s not a ~ign of a clea n al befo r e the adoption of th e e r eg- I dred pow1 ds per ,_·ea r. 1 h f t 1at e a r o e rom a monkey. neck. ulatio n s. The 1926 election \\'ill he held on Hiking letter s will be awarded to December 11 . all who ha\·e completed their two I l- 0 11 eges an cl un1,·er · · ·11 celect · 1·1!CS \VI hundred mile the fi rst emester of tl • t t' I t . . 1e1r r eprese n a 1ves JC \\·een Octothe year 1925-1926. After thi s time her n a nd Oc t obe r Hi. so t hat appli I num e rals only will be awa rd ecl. cat io ns can reach t,Lte Secretaries before October 2:1. cholars ele c t ed in 1926 will enter KAMPUS KALENDAR OxforJ in October. 1927. I A Rhode s Scho l,arship 1s tenab le Tuesday, March 9for three year . Y. M . C. A. at 6:00 p. m . No res triction 1s placed up o n a Y . W. C. A. at 6:00 p. 111. , Rhodes Schola r's choica of studies. Recital in Lambert Hall at Rhodes Schola r s are appointed 8:00 o'clock. without examination o n th e basis of T h ursday, March 11their reco rd in chool and college. 6: 10 p. m. -Cleiorhetea . Fur th e r information and appli ca­ 6:20 p. 111.-Phil alethca. tion bla nks may be obtained from Friday, March 12Pre. iclen t lippinger. 8 :00 p. m.-Debatc with Mu ----0 kingum here and \\'ith 'vVitten­ DR. JON E S GETS GREETING berg there. Wednesday, March 17Dr. E . :\. Jones. professor emeri­ enior R ecognition Day. tus o f Bib le in O,tterbe in received Thursday, March 18the following telegram from the Ohio ociety of the ),Ja ti ona l Superin­ Lyceum Course, Rocky M o un ­ tain Quartet, at 8:15 in chap l. tendent s· Assoc iation \\'h ich was 111 session in Wa hington, D . ·.. la .t week: Enrollment Reaches 603. "Cord ial greetings and good wi . hMi Dori Widdoes wa enro lled ' c \\'ith deep regret that you arc not in the Mu ic Department during the with u at the Buckeye iinner. \ Ve la t week. The total enrollment now arc both eating and drinking to your 603, wi th :rn:1 bo_y and 300, girl . health and happine s . May yo u be The total number enroll ed 111 the spa r ed many yea r . fo ur college cla e ha now r eached Ohio - oc iety-F. E. Reyno lds. 500. Dr. J ones va lu es thi telegram ---- 0 C ---ve ry highly . in ce it come from so R. W. HOFFMAN, Proprietor Rev. Daugherty Speaks. important a sou rce. H e has been WHERE SERVICE IS BEST Rev. S. F. D a ugherty who was for- \ connec ted witJ, educational wo rk merly th e college pasto r , poke in praaticall y all of hi s life. chapel last Tu esday morning. Dr. j O C Daugherty is now pastor of the L . \ Vhat is a person to do when his B. church in F indlay, Ohio. teeth arc fal se to him?







Write Right



Week .End Candy Special


49c pound box

--------------- - - - - - - - - -



12 East Main St. Phone 20

Westerville, O. Call Vs


~ALUMNAL PAGE~ - -- - - - - -- - -- - -<!)


OTTERBEIN WOMAN 'S CLUB HOLDS LUNCH E ON MEETING The olumbus Ott erb ein \\' oman's Cl ub held its Ma rch meetin g at the Lazar us Companv·. tea room Satur­ day. The memb~rs of the club en­ joyed a da intv luncheon anJ social h . our before th e meeting begar,. The compilat ion of recipes for the club's -: ok book received attent ion du rin g he _bu siness sess ion. The ed iting of 1h e_cook hook is a projec t which the lad,e have undertaken and with the cliaracteri tic enth u iasm with which th Y have set about the foil sk it biJs fa!r to be a huge uccess. The book ":111 contain not only recipes of all kinds bu t menus and hous ehold hint a well. f ).[r · E. M. Kida . of the State v\/ cl­

. ar Departme nt, in a most interest­ i_n g talk, crave the clu b an idea of th e luncfion o f her department and th e go d that ca n be Jone in the case of d linq u ent and o r phaned children. .



00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08


MANY FIELDS fi A Partially completed occupational !e of th e raduat e and ex-student o1 .O tt e r b em . re\·eals some very .mterc .ting fact . The figur es given here o1 cour e cI e not give a place t ot h. at 1 arge num'l r f Otterbein women '"ho ar e cl 01ng · · I . that ver y essentta !JICCe 1• . ervice-operating ucce ful 1 . Iud e on I y t I10 e clio111e . • Tb e 1·i t 111 oing methin of a ga in ful nature, not th . at k eping a hou e is not a ga1nfut . . • pur tut but hou ewive ore1i11 arilv do . not • . not get a alary. The li t is · ntirely complete do to lack of tnforn1 f I are a n c nce rnin g some gradutu . and ex · - tu d ent who have not rerned inf · · office. rmat1on card to the a lu111 111


10 II

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


2 29

Educati n 402 Husine ···················· ·············· 181 ····· ························ 168 Religi u . "tud ents ·-······---- --------·······-·········

\[Cd ical ··················• ... •..··········· ':tt rncy ······-······················- · l'ar111cr .......- .........................Pn . ··· ··············- ··········- gincers ~I isc. Exc~~.;'~·~·············-······-····


74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

30 31 32 33



1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 19.3() 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76 76 77 i7 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 00 00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 05 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 2 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 33

33 26

Of th e g iving full time to religiou 23 work 133 are miui ster ·. .r the e ~0 18 ., r own denom1nat10n, 29 111 are 111 ou . I ·fied 4 othe r denominations, 10 unc a i : ' ~~~:'.ic Official ....:::::::::::::::::::::: I 3 . cl 5 church xecutive . D Paper ......................- ••···· ·· 8 . . · eva ngeh t an enti t The .Ii t a lso contai n~ 20 mi 10nan e 4 l.ibra ri a1~·· ·······;·······- ········· 10 christian a sociat1011 m~n, a nd L: ndcrtakcr ···········~··········· ···· 4 . dire tors of reli., iou education. 4 :\ ctor ...................... ............ 47 student . arc pur uin Ve . .........-.. ............................ 2 T l1e . fi Id hi efl y ter111aria11 .........?:................. g raduate ·t udy in vanou e medicin e and la1\·. . lhc 967 number of men Ill . td Ucatiol{r up en ag d 111 tl1e fie ld of medicine a rc pecial ists but th 1~onie all in th e field of ntain 259 teacher , 148 her includ 11 ~ live ,· 1 m n, 55 a re chool cxecu- cal activ ity. '' 9 .Pr 0 f or and in tructor in Col! •'<:s [ th 33 attorn Y • 7 ar to O and tmi v f varying rank. 5 are edi2 tterhei 11 .111 2 ath l. . vari u capacitie , f t he 8 ne,\'spaper 111cn . r upon winch th Y 'th tic Coach e . 0 £ t fIC p ape b e larg . u. incs e t in le group in the wor k. • · ,v·1 th ·[r 1ng fi • group • be kept active 111 th e manufacturT he h·t wi 11 ble to un a tld nu 111 I · . • as we are a re sec l rin g 27. T he reta iler . Th list i are ba nk Ond ~vi·th 20. The remainder qu ent a dd itton th th e information. 1 ea r . htl incomplete, at, d er , in urance men r eal es- pu bli h ed her e, . hg y Caler ' ale nian. • a5'countant clerk , and for your informat10n.




1937 1938 73 74 75 76 77

78 79 80

92 93 94 95

96 97 98 99

11 12 1.l


15 1

17 18

30 31 32 33


ALUMNI COUNCIL ADOPTS DIX REUNION PLAN FOR COMMENCEMENT PROGRA~ New P lan Greatly Facilitates All Reunion Arrangements. Chart Explains Details. This year. an .:I for the futur e, with a view to definite ly organizing class reuni on act ivities, the '•Dix Reunion P lan•· wa adopted by th e A lumni Council at its regu lar monthly m eet­ ing held March 4. The who le idea of this plan is to bring together at commencement time th ose classe and college gen­ era tion s th at were 111 th e colleg at th e same time. In addition to the ope ratio.n of the plan as outlined be­ lo"· pecia l atte n tion will be give n to the clas es having ten year re­ union . g lance at the chart will show you exactly when your cla'ss \dll " re une." Fo r many year we have used th e " hit and mis " scheme and it ha lacked many of the element of per­ fection. Failure to meet old frien ds or classmate wa. a frequent cause of disappo intment and com plaint. With the brin ging together of a whole coll ege generation the pos ibi­ lit~· o f a lone membe r of a cla wan­ derin g about the campus seeking friend is gr atly reduced. ertainly tJ1e plan is not to be un ­ der· tood a one which leave a ll th other-s, except tho e incl ud ed 111 the scheme, out in the cold. Such i not th e case. ommencement i the time when all the alumni anJ ex- tudent a nd friends com together. The adoption of the Dix Plan will help in the empha i given to ome cla cs. Tt provides for the reunion of each cla once very twenty yea r . And every year a ttenti on i given to the ten-year reuni n . The Dix pla n ha th ndor eme nt of th ociation of lumni lumnae ecretarie a nd i ful operation in mot of g r college aii.i univ er itie. a many of the maller in tit It will work at tterbcin if k It. The plan call together the foUo, ro up, thi year. F ir t ' 6. ' 7. ' , ' n. econd, '05, '06, ' 07, 'O . Third, '24, '25, '26. pccial attention i giv 11 to 76, ' 6. '!)6, ' O , and '16. Th cla of 16 i al ready at work and will sta e a big affair at c m ­ mencement time. Thirty-fiv graduof '16. thirty-o ne a ted with the cla till living. 6 ha twenty-two ori inal tw n tynin teen m mh r. f ·. 6 are still livi ng. 76 ha fiv m m b r-,

'the Faculty Club of the oil ge enter tain the alumni, ex- tudent friends in Franklin County on night of March 26th. committee from the faculty headeel by P rofe. sor Leon M-c a rty, profe or of public speaking. i preparing a pro ram which will fit in with th general pirit of th e big family reunion program. lt i the de ire of the committee to acquaint al umni with ome f th pha es of the colic e work and afford a n oppor tunity f r them to meet the member of the faculty. 'Profe or Gilb r t E. Mill . pre iJ nt f th '\V ster vill alumni group co-opera ti ng. The men 111 ch arge promise a big bi F ur th r anno un ement a to time, and place. will be ent to if yo w.

commencement houl.:I b th l in th hi tory of t h c 11 g pr pirit of the al umni a good o f jud eme.nt. .



! tht: ,lccision s in natio nal matters t ha, \ ti o 11 . murc


: a re

m o re ,·it a l t o th e m tha n to us T he tim e has. arrived fo r \ Y o uth to de m and a pa rtner s hip and Published Weekly in the Interest of ' de mand it co urageo us ly." Otterbein College by the OTTERBEIN LITERARY I lf A m eri ca is going to ab o lish war ' SOCIETIES ' th e chi ldre n of thi s country will have Westerville, Ohio to be so train ed a nd instructed that , Member of the Ohio College Press I a gen erati o n hen ce, the American Association I mind s ho uld have a deep r epu lsio n STAFF war. So lo ng as Ame rica I against EDITOR-IN-CHIEF s tr esses military trai ning, th e o the r WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 c~untri cs of the. glo?e will_ do likePlum Street Phone _w. wise-a nd Ame rica 1s an im port ant 455 88 NEWS EDITORle ader. LOUIE W. NORRIS, ,28 Every time A m e rica build s a ship, CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS- · puts a new plane in th e air, in,·e nt s Wanda Gallagher, 26 a new g un , o ther nations get the idea Lenore Smith, '26 that w e a r e preparing for w ar a nd Pauline Knepp, '26 carry o n si milar operatio ns. D oes Florence Howard,• 'ZS . tha t look like . peace~ · G era Id R osse1o t , 29 ATHLETIC EDITORj The wo rd s of Prof. George A. H. E. WIDDOES, '27 ; Coe, of th e T eacher's -College of Asst. A thletic Ed. .. Clyde Bielstein, '28 Co lum bia U ni ve r sit y, exp r cs es th e ALUMNAL EDITORSI a tti t ud e of the na t io n t o ward the H . W . TROOP, '23 peace questio n : ·'In o u·r sc hools, ALMA GUITNER, '97 Dorms Editor ...... Florence Rauch, ,26 though \\·e si ncerely profess peacefu l Local Editor .. ............ Karl Kumler, '28 se ntim ent s, we n e,·e r bring o urselves Exch. Editor .... Ernestine Nichols, '27 quite to the point of producing in BUSINESS MANAGERth e young any mind- se t that pos ibly MARCUS M. SCHEAR, '27 co ul d bring war t o an e nd. The Asst. Bus. Mgr. .......... Ross Miller, '28 sta te as it is teac he patriotism toCir. Mgr. ........ Margaret Widdoes, '26 ward th e s ta te as it is, th o ug h the Assistant Circulation ManagersRuth Hursh , s ta te t 11at 11 0 \\' is has a mind se t toMildred Wil;on27 ,28 w ard war." Ame ri ca wi ll ne,·cr aboli s h \\'ar if Address all commumcattons to the _ Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert • 11e does not begin duri ng the r eig n 1 Hall, 103 West College Avenue, Wes- of peace. terville, Ohio. 0 C - -- -





. .

' I I

Subscript~;abferif:• A~~:ce.a

Year, I

Entered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at the post-office at Westerville, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1879.

Acceptance for mailing at special rate

of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.


T opIMELY Ics ____

war s. a nd m o re loss o; SHALL WE CHANGE SOCIETY life, o r , ha ll w e ha ,·e adequa t e prepMEETING NIGHT? aratio 11. fewe r wars . a nd less loss of life? ( Edi to r 's :\'.ote: \ Vith th e few ff h c military m a n I1as no q uarre l changes required to mak e this di sc u swith peace promotio n, intell igently iion genera l " ·e present in full th e co nceived and carried fo rwar d; but paper read in Phi lomath ea o n F ebr u it is his duty and th e duty of eve ry ary 26 by Regina ld A. Shipley.) o the r clea r-vision ed patrio t to work The ·plan for c hanging the meetaga in s t paci fist m ove ments, the r e- ing ni ght fo r the societi es as it now suit s o f whi ch w ill not be peace but :on front s .us is as fo ll ows: c ru el a n d unnece ssary destru ction of , First, t he m e n' s socie tie s shall life._ Military traini1~g will never p~t 1 c~~nge th eir time o f meeting fr o m us mto war ; nor will th e lack o f 1t Fnday, as 1t now s tand s, to Thursday eve ning. Second , t he gi rl' s sokeep us o ut .~f war. . . Be sides . n11htary tra_mm g ha s m e n- c1e t1 es -s hall co ntinu e to m ee t o n tal. m o ral , and phys ical ~d_vanta ges Th ursd ay in th e men's ha ll s but girl'. e xc el led by no o ther trammg, a nd and m e n' s soc ieties s hall both have in many respe cts not e ven eq uall ed. differ ent hours o f m ee tin g. Any s uc h c hang e as thi s merit s G rea t e r hea lth a nd vigo r , greater · 1 an, . i me n ta l, 111· Je e p an d tho ugh tful co nside ra tion . a lertn ess . p Iiys1ca . .· . . . . creased d1 sc1plm e, 1ncludmg self-dis- J y way of me nti o n it might be r eciplinc, and in m a ny cases bette r call ed that t he c hange wo uld in\' o h ·e m a nn er s. a re some of the g r ea t r e- 211 a m e ndm e nt of th e by-laws whi c h s uit s of military tra inin g . Mi litary cann o t be do ne excep t on two- thirct,.: tra in in c, is up erlati ,·e ly capab 'e of ,ote o f soc iet\'. It has lo ng been . "' · turnmg out better e mp ~oye rs, bette r :he cu stom for the two men' s lit er e m ployees, better Am eri ca ns. It de- uy societies to hold thei r m eetin g ser ves th e e nthusiastic suppo rt of on F rid ay evening. Although th e eve r y man a nd w oman wh o 1s loyal ·r adit io na l eleme nt is n o se ri ous arto civili zat ion. g-um en t fo r the continuing of a ny i\-{il itary trainin g has in gene ra l ,ractice. it i we ll that a cha nge term s three vit a l values : it ma y se r ve Nhich ,nvolves d iscontinuing an e · w1·11 ·a bl 1' s 11ed c ustom, b e uph el d 1JY very to pre,·e n t war ; 1' f war co me s it save mi se r y and lives; it ha s de cided substa ntial rea son s before it he at all val ues fo r civilia n life.-Dr. R ay- co n sid er ed. Fo r this reaso n r would ·t· · 1 ttemp t 111 o ncl V . P helan. ____ en 1c1se ve r y evere y a ny a - - -- 0 C :o bring abo ut thi s cha nge in the DISCREDITS STATEMENT very immed ia te futur e without d u e R ece)Jt ly


lett e r

wri t ten- from :o nsid e ra ti o n. "M (Co ntinu ed On Page five) W es te rville. a nd signed . L.," w a s / printed in tbe Columbu s '"Di spat ch." ; Th e let t e r has bee n at tri b ut ed to m e. I th a nk the ·'Tan anJ Cardin a l" CO :\fE TO 1 fo r th e oppor tunity to ,t e ll Otter-bein - - -s tudents that t h e "M. L." of the 1 WHY NOT COMMON SENSE ? "Dispatch'' is no t I Mar,tha S. Lewis. T h e re is al:iroad in o ur la nd a clan____ O C ____ 1 I gerou propaganda, in o m e ca es , Some tim e a,g o the U nive r sity " f mi sguided , in others treasonabl e, to Oklahoma fo rb ade car rid in g on the , ham per ou r necessa ry military tra in FOR YOUR PA RTY / ing . part of its s tud e nt s and now i: ha




1 . 1




co nt inues,


int elligen t fo rbi dde n date . The on ly meetings SUPPLIE whi c h can tak e place betwee n men a nd w o m e n s tud en ts are walks taken titut iona l grants of the Ame rica1i J er in the mind a nd hea rt s of m en c iti zen so 1 the I d . . f .1 lk f in r eturn from som e place to whi c h o ng a s tateme n t s I a n women, 1t 1s ut1 e to ta · o eac h w e nt sepa rately o n bus in es . e mitted do not r evert to libel. \V e I abo li s hing war. Even t he n th ey must liv e o n ti1 , wo ul d like to call attention to the ' O ur d uty 111ean im e i c-lea·r to ~ . I t · I d "WI N C . . ' . same s treet o r go home a 1one. 1y : ot ommon i P_romo te JU uce a nd a sen se o~. JU S- / r t 1c e ., en 1~ e en se? whi c h appear 111 th e TTME- 1 t1ce, a ud to perfect our 1111lttary ;::;::;::;::====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:--.....:...--------------.:::::LY T PI col umn . l t i. a di- 1 tra ining and organiza tion to t he end .!,!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: rect attempt to a ns wer s tatements t hat we can voice effectiv ely high concerning th e a boli hm ent of mili- \ mo ra lity in th e co uncil of . nation s ta r~ training in American c~ llege and _can co n erve life if we are fo ~c~ which have re~ently appeared Ill the ! eel 111to war. Our c hoice plam. _ Tan a nd Cardmal. I hall we ha ve in uffici ent prepa ra- § · vV e must neces arily admit that ir,==============:~ th e cap t io n o f la t we ek's ed itorial , I I w hi c h wa en titl ed "Militaris m Must _ _ I ease,'' was a little tron g. Tt is o ur 1ery I S O : de fin it e pol icy to be rid · of all com- , p ul so r y mi litary training in Ameri: ~


L'n til

moral force

l'vieat Market

a nd

J• reed om o f s peec h is one of the eon- I ins ig ht become greater drivin g pow­

H. C. Baughman






= = = -

The col lege g irl li;k es

neat-fitt ing hos ier)' , that why T ru e-

can c~l le~e ~nd pa rt ic ularl y in land i gran t m s t1tut1011 ; no tatement have 1 been made in t he e columns rega rd- I ing the aboli hment of milita ry train- /. iog in . pecial mi lita r y schools. vVar i directly connec ted with mi litary training. The youth of this country have let the ad ult opinion


in Au ence them far .too lo ng no w. ir James Barrie a id in a recent tate- / ment to youth : "Youth have for t oo lon g- left exclu ively in our hand s

Get 'Your Spring


hape Ho 1 popu ar.

Clothes Cleaned for Easter at


New Spring Shades Have Arrived. -





WELLS The Tailor Corner State and Main Sts.

N d u e,


Dove, Beige, Blue Fox,

<n- r::,.:.,, uo,e

Ma ure , Magnolia, Blonde, At· h rn mosphere, Blush, Peach, C a -


,,- ........o





pagne, Lark.

Pure Silk ·· ····-·· ·- ·-·-·····-·-···· ·-·· · $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 _ J. C. FREEMAN & COMPANY =

n-I I IIHI 11111111111-11111111111111111 II II IUIII I 11111111111111 II Ill II IIII II Ill IIIII III II 11II111111111111 I­Il l

Page hve





th ing lo do or no t . tli r pra cti ,:<: \\'111 ored with some truth . 'but w hy s ub ­ ject a me mbe r to t e m ptat ion by mak ­ I never be disco nt inued. 1 1 (Co n . ,· _> • a very practicable plan. . H o w eve r, S t il( _anot h er r_e aso na bk objecr,o , ing it poss ible fo r h im to c ut societ \' trn ued [ rom I a,g c l"o ur ). there i. o ne difficulty whi c h sh o ul cl fo r l· n day cve11 111 g may he !Vlttd u nd er the excu se o f attendi11g s o m~ 1! lw n o ted. .A s is n o w the custo m the · in co nc lu sion. This is the incon,·1••1- othe r en· 11t which h e ca n claim i, :-; Alumni Like to Return. lef~ ot l~n g ago an alumnu s wh o ha -J \ ~i ri s' soc ie ti e~ bo th begi n befor e s ix \ ic·nce wit~1 re spe ct to libr.-1 ry w o- k . 1.: qu ::t lly a ., imp ~r tant. Statements Summarized. ed f society _m a ny years ago return- ;h irt\' a u d a r e on· r b y ei g ht o"c lo : k. 1 The libr:, r y does n Jl ope n Saturda y . o r a_ vi sit a 11d m entio ned th e fact Thi~- s c hed ul e ,,-,rn ld fi t int o t he pro - · morniuiz t ill JO o 'clock . 1-knc e ii it .-\ s a s•ummary of t h e differe n t as ­ t h• ,1t he1n g 111 . C o l um 1HIS o ye r t I1e po, cd p la n very \\' Cll fo r g ir . ls ' so - 1, •s . r cq 111rc·d . to pr e pare fo r a·1y c!:t,s J pec t s o f th e pla n which h as just been wee.k-end I · h · • I· S_:iturday m o rm_· u g eJ, C<'IJl an c-lc --~ n disc uss ed the fo ll o win g conclus ions anc r e m e m 1, e nng l a t c idy sess io ns mu s t he o ver h_y c1g,11 w o r,-;1. m us t he J m ig h t h e drawn . Firs t, it has b ee n soc iety had al \\ a \ s· n1"t 0 11 1·· n·<1ay o'clock in o rder to comply w it l1 ,I o r - o cloc k c I a ss , 11>rary 1 eve M e n 's soc ict ie , do ne o n Friday. ·1t ca nn o t he J ,_.,~e • no ted that irom the standpoint of ., dnin.g . he h a d J.ec .id ed t o come up m ito n · regulati o ns. a 1 · • ht _1 \ "ISi! .s oc,. ety . It 1s proba b le t hat co uld ' then begi. n promptly at eig in th e eve ning ,beca use of so . i~ty cla sses o n th e fo ll ow ing d ay, Thur s\\ 1ien a. lum · 1s . . 111· 01. v1· s1to co m e lo with o ut da n ger o f the previ o u s scs- and 1·f the stud e nt ha s la h ".> ratory day • is n o m o r e inco nv e ni e nt than 0ti llerbe111 1t w·11 · t1111 · c. B ut work Fri· day afte rn oo n h e has nrac - Friday. 1 1>c som e w h e r e n ear ;; io n runnin g o,·cr o n th eir \ Vit h respec t to in co nv en­ 1e . week e nd a11CI l1encc t hc .i r oppo r- the d ifficult v arises in th e case o f 1ica ll y no t im e fo r pr e parat io n . ience~ a nd conflicts it see m s that tl~ o f ' .·1s 1"t ·mg u. 1s . . . the c us~[ any . nlly . g reat es t "f I g irl s' ope n . sess10ns. It 1s oth er po int s might he Frida y c laim s t he maj o r it y. soc1ctv , m ee t s o n 1·· n.d ay m. g I1t. to m t o b.egin th ese sess ions at about b ronght o ut a nd c ited as co nfli ct in g Th e id ea of hav in g b o th g ir ls' and The J)l an ' · . I1t-t h.i r t y with soc iety o n 1··nday . 0 f s oc 1·ctv m ee t ,eve n and co n clud e a t e 1g ni g ht. o f I1ayu1g mc 11 's soc ie ti es m eet in the same hall on r . . . ' ritl ay ni gh t w as proba bly o rig - o r nine. To s t ar t an ope n sess io n co11rse eh (' a r g um e nt of co nfli ct s th e sa m e night is in m a n y \\' a vs vc rv inal!y ad o pt ed becaus e of th e fact any earli e r than 7 o'c loc k w o ul d g r eat- m ig ht he rdlecteJ in ,c yc ral \\'ay s goo d. but is a lso subject to, a fc ,~­ 1h a1 th er e w ere no Sat u r J ay classes . ly inco n ven ience many of the vi s itor s I fo_r it n_1 a y b_e p o inte d o u t th at con · diffic ulti cs. .-\l so it ~ho u ld he agai n . s tat eme nt of Sat nr - w h o des ir e to at te n d. · But since th e in I fl1ct s wi ll a ri se no m a tt er w hat t!J e stated th at any c h a n ge o f thi s na­ Tf it w o ul ;l b e poss ib l , to have . tim e s et. V.'ou ld - hc lo ya l soc iety ri ay . cla ·ss cs. ·1·nca · · I y 1s · Ju · s t as incon t u re s ho ul,i b e g iven th o r o ug h a nd ve n1 ent 111 · t I11·s re s pec t a s a n y othe r both soc ie ties m ee t th e sa m e c y en- 1 m e m 1>e rs w 1·11 a Iso co nt c ncI t 11at t I1c de libera te co nsid e ration befo re any d? of th e w eek " ·ith th e e xceptio n ing witho u t any s eri o us difficulties impo rtanc e o f soc ie ty pl ac es it befor e ac1io11 is ta k e n by the soc ie tie s. · 0 Sat urday. lt is o bvious that the pr a in an\ ten de rn ess of texture and e ve r y thing else. This is indeed fl av· h the pos1· a ri s in o- the r e is o ne d cc1"d e tl a d va n t age t'negat ivc r ea so n s outwe ig 1 ~ve o nes that socie ty m ee t on Sa tur- in t h~ plan which .sho ul d be n o tedf. I 11:1■11,1■11:1■1hl■iPl■11l■lll■il,l■!lil■llil■ll' l■ll,l■lll■llll■ll.l■J;!l■llll■llil■lll■IJ'l■ll \■ll.l■l:1 1■1hl■llil■llll■llll 1 ay n ig ht. Thi s is th e fact th at th e e ven ts o I !I!!

SHALL WE CHANGE SOCIETY o" cloc k o r after, a nd th e men 's at S MEETING NIGHT? o' clock. This wou ld appea r to be





Must Change Schedule. ~t s ho uld be co n s id e r e d at thi s ~0Jnt th at of lat e th e r e h a s been action taken by l hc st ude nt co uncil a nd fac ulty wi th regard to a sc hed u le of ext ra-cu rri c ula r activities . Thi s Pl an has been pa sse d and is for the Pu M rpose , of e li min a tin g co nfli cts.




! I I f

F ren s lit ~ra r y soc ieti es are assign eJ . id ay night. Thur sday eve ni ng g iv en up to g irl s' socie ti es, G lee C lub Practice, B a nj o-Ma nd o lin Orches tra Practic T e, a nd varsit y bas k e t b all. 6-~~se e~c nts take tip t h e time from d. unti l nin e o'cl oc k. It is cv ithat any diversi o n from t he s

th e w ee k a re thus not o d raw n o ut and th e r e is g reat~ r po s•s i b1lity of sc h edu lin g m o r e social events. New P'an H as S ~rong P oints. But a lt hough it is poss ible to <l etcc t some Aa II s in th e plan \\' h e n co n s id er ed as a wh ole, th e re a r e many 1 11 I · stro n g po mts w I11·c I1 m e n·t I ·g l c o n m c n dat io n. Som e h av e alrcad! bec_n m e nti o n ed. The fact th at F n day is · o n e tl1111 · g so n ea r th e "'eek-en d 15 whi c h mak es it in ma ny ways un · et·111g for Of suitab le as a time me . society. F rid ay a nd s,~tuhrday 111 g ht s a r c two c ye nin gs \\' 11c a re very popul ar a nd co nve nie nt fo r s ch edu l·

c:1ed ul c by a n y organizatio n w o uld th use conflict s and thu s n ecess itat e e co nse nt fr o m prope r authorities o \t e sc hed ul e remains valuele ss.

ing vario u s activitie~. Two i~iaJor, i ev e nt s which fo r th 1s reaso n inte r fere \\·ith socie t y as it now mee t s a re a thl etic co nte ls and Glee C lub , r, 111■111■111■111■111■111■111■ 111■111■1\'l ■lll■lll■lhl■l\:l ■llil ■lll■ll'l ■1l,l ■ll l■ll:J ■ll:1 ■1L1■U:l■ilil ■U: l■ll l ii




Ii ._::




I I-

I -

I !ii

I ii

Special Ice Cream for

st. pat,r1C • k' S party '1 ! I v an 1•11 a ROll WI•th i ·



G reen Sh amrock


■ =


ii :§




:e pla n of having both girls' and conce r ts . T he latter esp ecially d ese rv es I111 en .s soc iet · .ies me et o n Thur sday s pecia l menti o n . GI 1 season I, as I -' ce C l u) · . · m a ny respects verv good al r eady s tarted an cl concer: t ~re s c.h ed - j hve n111. g 15 111 c~:i '. 8 a lso open to some ; dvcr se ul ed for prac tica ll y e very I· rnlay ni~ht I rd111 Ver ~1 111_fn th e fi rst p la ce it is unt il the end o f th e seaso n. Acco g ca n) CY1dent th at th e girls' societ ies to information rece iv ed from tho se ha1t ot u e t he ir ow n hall s . The wh o arc acqua int ed wit h G lee ~ \uh s have become a ltoge th er too activiti es. F rid ay is th e b_es~ nigl'.t llJal\ to b · If sche,luling a co n cert 1n pract1- I acco c 111 keepi ng with a nd to I o r · ni ni odat c the m e mb e r hip of the ca ll y a n y to 11·n o r city. \,Vh at does 50 cicti : . · ? I th ·1t for . · 1 o r t hi s rea so n, they h a ,·c thi s m ea n to socie t y · t means • so111 e t" . , .. p oxi· in a tch' o ne-fo urth of the m e n 1 hall mc 1>ce n u s m g the me n s ap r • · · '\ \th o \ h • - so ci·ctY " ·ill b e ab se nt o n t he Glee arc · ug 1 t e men ' soc ieties 111 . &i rl s•v~ry_ m a ll a s com pa red to the C lub trips. Thi s is a very reg retit i tal) le cond it ion and the propose d nier ver y certain th a t t h e for\a ii s· l·io uld be comm e n ded III that Wou ld . their nev e r conse nt to g iv e u p p . . 11 Pl-ace °_lcls for .any ot her m eet ing it r eli e ,·es thi situatio n . · 1 he ref · A thletics Relieved. 0cietie a r ore it remains tha t hoth S ,. . J" o f at hl et ic events. o u t-: Use ti e p rac ti ca l!v req uired to pea,-;u"' 1·11 . f Saturday. Friday is second ie 111 e , TJ n s 11all . s1c1e o . . I ·t y for h o ldin g vanou s 111ter. ic a d vo t 1ng b ca e of th e plan of hav- pop u an _ I oth so · . II . t game and m eets. .-\ c1 e t1 es m eet o n Thurs- co eg-1a e • wh o day . V. i rn 1g~ t ha'"<! cit ed the ·uc ·css of t ho ugh the members in socie_tY . -\ . . te qu co!l'cg'e at.- hkt 1cs a r~ . · . . ,vill ·. and Y. \V . L. A. both 11-a 11.1c1pa hOldi ng · h· e1 · ,~. very s m a ll this cond 1t1 o n 1 r m cet111g evenin ,· t th e sa m e 110 A ide from this howevg. It mu st h e poi11t ed ou t. n ot always cx:i s · . e r. th a t . I. . a tl1let1·c contests on Fnday a lso <le111 t 11s case the re 1s a sep \ arate . t ract from soc iety in that not on y orR'ani·zati. · mee tin g . place for . . t · hut every s tu cIent 1,. . ea ch 0 11 ' a cond 1t1on whic h. as the part1c1pan ~ ha h lhe li~cn shown , does not exi st in i nteres t ed in e ve r y ga ~ e. . h: Anothe r poi;1t "'hich _n11g ht f a rary soc ie t y p r ob lem . 1'he Time of Meeting. cited as a p roo f of th e imprac \c ~ . neccss it th . 1 ·1·1 , of Frida,· ni g ht i . the fact t ,a · fi111 d 11 - d e irahle to ociety ·. Y e 11 anses of each J I 1 ) 1 ttiecti g iaving a differe n t tim e uf m a u,· s tt1d e nt s · k · Tt · F ·d fo r ove r th e " ·ee 11 1s sugges ted th a t the go h o me • n a y &irl ' · . I \ Vheth e r th is he th e pr '"l jl<'r soc iety , . meet firs t . pr o hahly ;1, e nc .



1 __

Men's Trouser Styles FOR SPRING Style in Men's Pants? SURE! Style in Cut, Shape, Material, Pattern and Color. Style- Also to wear the different pants suit this spring. Price Range

$3.50 to $10.00



Page Six

j da ugh ter whi ch we ar e enrolling to· ' . 110 W· ]4 a 1s . , day. Fl orence V .irg m1 Th e Menu o f games fo r t he g irl s I Id d _ e ·ses a bank ac. • \ m o nt 11s o a n poss s cl ubs 111 cludes th e fo llow m f{: , h' h . · to ta ke her to . count w 1c 1, gomg . March \J: Lot us vs. Tah sm a n :. Ar- O . H . . ·s in stilling tte r bem. e r mot11e1 1 bu tus vs. Pol y.gon. . . . b · ,gin rr and M.a rch ] 3 : Owls vs. T. D.: Onyx t he Otterbem spmt y s11 J " playing the coll ege so ngs fo r , er. vs. Aready; Phoenix vs. Greenwich. - - - 0 C--Marc h 10: T a lism an vs. Arbutus: Onyx vs. L otus. LIST'NIN' IN Girls' Games This Week.


0 . ===~=:..,,:= 00,EIDNW :ICH MAINTAIN LEAD IN CONFERENCE __ _ () 11 \ ' Tecli,esda)•. March 3. th e ,, · 1 th 0 1 111 l'h oenix defeated c w s a c ose game by the sco re of 1:1 to ll. The winners took an ea rl y lead and we re


- - -0 C--­

Vo lu ntary cha vel service was given a try-out a t Hiram College and proved successfu l. Att end ance ~,as qui. te_ 1arge an d I·t was not altogether 111d • ' fi •as observe s1g n1 ca nt t 11a t no one " off t e 11 IJl av- fulh· . - rip1Jing th e ven eer . ral sea ts a nd oth erwi se creat111g gene

ALUMNALS Buell On All-Ohio Team. l::luel l. !luard 0 11 t his )'ea r·s tea m. 11a.s 1Jecn se 1ectec1 on ti1e Colurnhu s D ispatch seco n,1 A ll -Ohio-Cc nfer cn cc bas ket ba ll tea m.

'25. The Knapp home in v\ies tervillc. \\·as the sce ne of a prettv ho me we d· din g w hen R eba Kna1JP an d H owa rd \\' oo d ware I were u111t · ccI ·111 marri·age at 9:00 o'cloc k Sa turd ay m orning , Febru, [i_ ary 27. Th e bride was a tt end ed by di sturba nce so custom ary fo rmer 1y.



ahead at t he end o f th e fi rs t half 1.0 to 2. The lose rs sho wed impro ,·~ment in t he las t h alf a nd played b et- GROUP AND PRUNE MEN ter than th eir stron g opponents, CLOSE COURT CONFERENCE h-u t th e dam age had been done. - -- ~{oody sco red mos t for the winners Cook House and Dubs Respectively with three bask ets, an ov~rhead ~hot Are Champions of th e and a fo ul for a tota l of eight pom ts. Two Conferences. Snavely d id all th e scorin g fo r th c ' L as t "vv' ecIne ~d ay an d S a t u rcIay lose rs with two bas kets and tw o k d I ffi 1 1 f th e boys' f-o ul s. ma r ·e . t 1e ba o sket c1a bac llosesc hedu o intramural le. 1' 11 e \ \ ' ith \Veimer lead in g the atta ck principal ga m e o f th e week was playwit h eigh t basket s a nd two fou ls ed W ed nesday betwee n th e Coo k th th e rbutu s defeated e A rcady in House a nd the Dub s. r es pectively 21 th t he second game o f e a ftern oo n champions of th e Gr oup league and to 12. The game was well played fo r P run e league. This was a g ood I th e most part a nd dose enoug h to game, alth oug h Cook House kep t a make it interesting. Sullivan scored good lead bot h halves. The fi na l most for the lose rs with th ree baskets. sco re was :1:{ to 22 in favor o f the 1n th e hna-1 game of Wedn esday Gro up league champions. M ar sh, o f afternoon the Greenw ich won at th e the victo rs, was hi gh scorer. dro pex,pe nse of th e T . D . 16 to 9. The ping th e ball through even times . winners took a n early lead and piled H e m ade no fou l . Pilkingto n, subup a big lead which a'll'..!ounted to 14 stitut in o- fo r L a i o n th e Dubs team, to 3 at t h e end of the fi rst half. The sco red nine points on three baskets lo ers did better in the last part of a nct three fo ul s. Saul howed himthe game. lt0lding their opponents to self up pre tt y well f r Cook House. on 1 a ket. D ew ·wa the high scor­ He ga ined eight points fo r hi. team. er of the game with 5 Ib a ket the T hi s game eem d to be a littl e fi r t half and 1 th e econd. Widdoc rou g her than usual but other w ise it scored m o t ior the lo ers with 2 bas­ a good -gam e. Coach Edler ket and a fo ul . refereed. This was th e fir t o f the rro tart things off on Saturday o-called " World's Seri es" games. S1Jhin x up et the nn ex 14 to 6, in t h e Arb utu swamped the Lotus 44 to o. W eim er agai n scored m o t w ith a game p la y.e,1 to break a tie for 12 ba kets, an overhead hot and a third p lace in the g rou p leagu e and bea t th e Bailey-An nex 31 to 24 t o fo ul fo r a total of 20 point . l n th e second gam e of the after­ decide the tie between g roup and Kozmop defeated ooo11 the Onyx won a closely played prun e leagues. the Lakota 33 to 25 for second place. game at th expeo -e of the Phoenix - --0 C--­ J2 t 10 after trailing 5 to 3 at th e 'vVork ha begun on Princeton' end f ;he fi r t half. Palmer of the " ·inner and M oody of the loser s t ied new . 1,75 0,000 chap el to replace Mar­ hapel, destroyed by fire in fo r hi g h coring honors with eve n quand 1 920. With the exceptio n of King's p int cacn. Chape l, amb ridge, England, it will T he wl broke into th e , in col- be t he large t college hou e of wor­ umn for the fi r-st time when they ship in the world. •ur pri etl. th e ready 15 to 11. The " ·in ner led at tb e intermi sio n by two poin t , 7 to 5. Each team scor­ ed six- poi nt in _t-h fi nal ha lf. Snave­ ly, of th e winn er -, carried off scor­ ing honor w ith Jive baskets and a fo ul. a rdell cored mo t of the lo er , ith three ba kets a nd a foul. I n the fin al game of t he afternoon the Greenwich hand ed the Tali man thei r fir t defeat of the season b y_ a core o f 21 to 10 • The Greenwich . d to an early lead and were JUITI[)e



her sis ter and the groo m by hi s broth er. The fath er of the brid e as sisted hy Professor V alentin e officiated. T h e yo un g coup le lef t for Elwood City. Pa.. wh ere th ey wi ll reside. Ex.. ·0-1 . Mr s. St ella An k eney L ong. rec e nt ly beca m e th e bride of Rev. U. B. BrulJak er. 'fh e cere1n ony took

Th e st ud ent counci l a t Tufts College has approv ed th e idea of the s tud en ts g radi ng th e professors ao d will devi se a suitab le plan. The f.aculty will p rohably be marked . ~or kn o wl edge of th ei r subj ec t, ab1ltty to teac h it . ge ne ra l intellige nce, perso na l fo rce . a nd persona lit y. 11ew d· Yal e 111·,,ers it,, is to have a place at the home of the brid e. lib rary. costing -$6, 000.000. design_el Rev. B rub aker ·is th e pas tor o f th e to l1 o tLSC .",.000,000 volt1111es, wit 1 ' nit ed Brethre n Chur ch at \•Varr en. room eno ug h to ad mit two thousand read er s at a tim e. Known ~s Pa.. wher e the couple now r esiJe. '24. Ma ri on Hite, g rad uate stud en t in th e Ste rlin g M emori a l Library, th1 s the Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago, vis- hn il.-lin g will be one of th e largeS t ited Otte1b ei n in connec tion with a and bes t-plann ed in th e world . trip to the vocational guidance con­ O nce upo n a tim e th ere was a pro­ ference of th e Oh io Stud ent Associa­ ti on a t Columbu s. Mr. Hite repre- fesso r wh o ne ver said. "Anduh, Anse nt ed th e Association Co ll ege at th e duh ." con fere nce. John A. , vagner. ·of North High School, Akron, stopped in 'Nester ville the night of th e Muskin g um game but lost heart when he heard that the scats were all sold and proceded into Columbus to witness the State-Michigan game. Before


3ee Samples from





- - - 0 C--Group Pins. Class of 1946 'vVe have a nother applicat ion fo r th e Makers of Philophronean Keys. class of 1946 whi ch onl y proves that Otter'b ein folk w a nt th ei r chi ldr en to he Otterbein fo lk too. . Columbus, Mrs. R ach el Cox R obe r ts . ·18. pre­ 1lt h and H 1gh se nts the nam e o f her littl e a dopted

=========,= ~=~


Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased


The Old Reliable

Come and Try Our




ah ead at t h e end of the first ~alf to 4. Hummell cored high with five b, ket and a foul. Trevarrow scor­ e: mo t for the Ta!Tsma n with three baskets and 2 fouls.








For the Best in Photography. Unquestionably, the Gallery of Superiority. The largest, finest, and best equipped gallery in America.

Rich and High Sts.


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Mrs. Juan A . Rivera, wife of Ju an l<ivcra, '23, of San Fernando, Phil­ ippi ne I lanJ , was very ill with typhoid fever, follo,,·ed -by pne u­ monia. She was in the hospi tal at San Fe rnando for some week , but i now im proved a nd ab le to be at home.

HThc Ph oe nix Cl ub a nd the "Saum I _a ll Gang of "23"' were guests at a th {; day surprist' party for :\"ell ie allace, given bv Martha Alspach and ~1 . : ' 111 t he home of Mrs. G"Jb 1 · a r) Long. Crt }I il ls Thursday eveni ng. 1 · turn s urpri·se,I h er f .~ s \\' alh< cc 111 ricncJ wh I1 'I f c et th e cat out o h en t e bag, annou11ci11g in thi s novel

;;Y,2~~r engagement to

Dorsey Cole,

The Lot us Cl u b a nn oun ces Leona

Raver as

0n Cl ll ,.u . ceived. L G 01


a P I edge to their group.

fh _ur ·cl ay eve ning the Polygo11

M 0 0



That sinc e the episode o f th e hero who was loc ked in the Dorm, the Dea n has sta rt ed putting th e li gh t s out ten minutes early o they ca n lock T hat the o th er eve ning while talk­ t he doo r at ten o"cloc k. ing to tw o young friends of hers, gi rl :-,;-o wonder the cou r se in Contem­ friend remark ed that boy friend had a porary Poetry is so pop ular-the o ther ore th roat and that later that nite she nite he wa reading a election a lo ud aw girl friend garg lin g. to her roommate and she thought it Tha t one of her friends from a ;as a n excerpt fr om The P lastic dow ntown o ffice sa id he was taking j ge. yeast in th e hope he'd get a ·' raise" T hat a stray mongre l pup a r o und a nd that s he told him s he th ought Otte rb ein's Campus has bee n s t ep ping that a rather " li ght" re mark. m rath er high soc ie ty th e las t few o,cia;ty inclu(\fog third That s he think s Otterbein should d~ys-s-aid give at leas t three ho ur s cr ed it in Aoo r of Coc hran Hall. Mrs. Cook's hristian Endeavor. higher ma th ema t ics to any tudent S. . Cla s and



Miss Harriet M. ~a~mo~d, of the Uni ted Brnthren M is ion m San f.erna ndo, Phil ippine I lands, and ~1iss arrie Miles, '15 , who ha been teaching in the government h igh sc hool in an Fernando, a re expect­ ing to lea vc the Philippines the fir t of M.ay for Ame ri ca. T hey w ill probab ly re turn by way of E ur o pe, vis iting po ints of intere t there be­ fore reach ing the U nited States. '24. Sylvester B roderick. i in truetor in English at the Agricultural and Technical Colle ge of :'\orth ar- who is able to locate the corne r a t That one of our lady bas ke t ball ol ina a,t Greensboro. In addit ion to which to catc h th e Westervill e car o ut s tars, in new costume, pressed t h e hi cla s- room work he is coach of of Colum bus in le s than eight hours. b utt on on the new shower ~n the the debate teams a nd dramatic club, G S Tha t one of th e freshman g irls at ym at urd ay to see if it would work. bes id es car rying o n re earch work in he r table to ld he r the oth e r day th e I It did. the fie ld o f negro education. f o ne thi ng th at was la c king in the M ora l-Don·t press buttons. '11. J o hn F inl ey \Villiam so n, Coc hran H a ll Dining R oo m- toothDa yto n, direc tor of the We tmin - picks. That s he has ins id e in fo rmati o n that s ter ho ir, a large musi cal o rga ni zath e ca r pet has bee n ta ken off th e h Tl t h I I ti ht th t Cl I ia · s e a ways 0 ia ,o ug a 1ape platform in o rder tl1at tl1e ~•ion , was one of th e judg es at t e co il test of g lee clubs of Ohio college the g1 r 1s aro un d tte r bein had to Phy ical Ed. Director coul d g,·ve tile ll eld recently at Ohio vVes leya n L'ni- figh t fo r their r ight especia ll y w her e J Charleston as a pre lud e to h,·s ll CJXt I ath letics are co nce rn ed and that s in ce Chapel talk. vers ,· 1y. '19.


the men are sta rting to even u s urp seat in th e girl ' sectio n at basketball games in the H . . Gym she i rally­ ing th e dormites for a final stand.



CnJoyed a box of ·'eat ·• r efrom Mildred Conn, '2~. B'ic k cl. ·2j. vi ited with the reenwich ' !uh , this ,,·eek end. - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~Ian- M of · umma and Mary Homan , }( Dano • n. were hou e g ue t o f II th a erine Myers and Mildred Loch­ ner this week encl. 1Ir and M Ethei° rs. Kepler visited wit h 0 n und ay. l<ath · h erine Everett has gone to h er omc in Dayton because of illnes s.


State Street

I\ ~artha ch le mm er. ·25 vi ited the · r >utus Club t his week ~nd. The T 11-. , a sman lub announce Dorth " H · oover as a pledge to their g roup_

On T I and ~1rue_ cay. Mr and Mrs. Owen ton d ·. and Mrs. Snyder, of Day­ anci ehghtfully s urprised Charlotte th Freda by " dropping in" on ern W·1th ' Cha j 'ea ts" from hom e, '·pu rh?,ttc entertained a t a birthda y M Tue day night. on r. and Mrs. Raver visited Leona unday Thur d . . . lub . ay eve n mg the Tomo-Dach1 of ., en Joyed a "pu h ·• with the box Cat " . . aJu · received from o ne of thei r rnnae. Elizab th .. . Vi iteJ ~- . ~ 1chola , of Ant ioch. Ca rl irg,n,a thi s week e nd . With .?W. Co.?k ey has been visit in g M: ink t he pa t few day . of argare t Eubanks and Alice Blume, their a:~ Ball. ente rtain ed four of rd fe rent \~ Aoor neighbor at a difk Arllld of a party Tuesday -night. ferent."ice and Peg why it wa "di f--UC---

Home Brew Below lie the parts Of Na ncy Marleton · o· . , ied, after doing fhe Charle ton.


- - oc

. o eve ry . ' ---Ju t t \\·o . girl s Ques tion ther e 1 the on de -her fi r s t opinion llli1ic1. c when she ha changed

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Page Eight





S nan ly . 1. g . ..... ............... 4

...........17 ( Co nt in ued From ~a ge O ne). T o ta l ---th e ga m e t he sco rin g ,,·as almo st e,·cn I K G. enyon, 35 Fir ml y convin ced that tl_1c local with t he T a n tea m h old in g a slig ht a d 2 . I1es w I11c . I1 1 Ya nta ge. Corey , r. f. ... l-l o te I B lenu" o n co ncoc t s d 1s E van s, r. f. .... · t d · t · t t \\..d 1 I 1 I · r, 1 J" co n am ex r ao r 1nary nu n en s, s. om e Ca ) t · . 1 a 111 1 c oes c osec 11s 111 a De mp sey , l.f. of its patro ns ha ve d eter1111nec.l to seaso f · 1 11 · t b k t 1 11 3 . . I . · . n o 111 er-co eg1a e a s e Ja Va n Epps, c. (C ) ....... ...... . o ff er th e ir se rvice s to -thi s v ea r· s l>v ta k · 1 th · I f I • , 11 g e sco nn g 1o no rs o t 1e Muir, r. g ..... ................ ........ t ra ck team. . gam e \\' ith se ven ba sk ets and a fo ul 0 Th e m o,·ement is being sponsored 1 for t t f fif t . t B . Newh ou s e, Lg. ··················



"Eddie'' Stoltz, '24 , of vVe sterville, v isited o ver th e w eek-e nd with Sphinx friends. "Teeter" Adam s, '23, of John sto wn was in \,V estervill e Friday night and heard the Akron -Otterbein de bate. '·Too t•· haw. ex, spent th e wee k end with Sphinx friend s. Everett U lrey, '23. visited with Sphinx friends o ver the week-end. "Ernie" Reigle w ent to hi hom e in Dawn to spend th e week-end. Carlos Cooksey of Logan visited with the Sphinx Club over the weekend. "Bill Brews ter, ex, but now attending Michiga n wa s back for the K en -

yon g am e and bro ught with him Messrs. Guffy , Fires to ne, a nd Shoemaker. "Ed" ewell and wife attended the Kenyon -Otterbein gam e aturday night. Clarence La Porte is on the sick list. "Ted " eaman br ought a p ro pective Otterbein student from olumbus to th e 6 am c a turday night. "Don" M cGill went to hi s home in Mou nd vi lle, \i . Va. o ver th e weekend. "Len·• Ne Z,·ell with hi · co usin Y ost Harbaugh o f kron attend ed th e K eny, u gam e.

hy fo ur a thl etes of very notable ahil- 1 that ;~1 e ~,:Id ohis \ n: ~1nt~J~::10s.hask::~c.es . ity. namely th e Four Hors emen , Snave ly pl ayed hi s usual excell ent a lias F elto n . Ca rroll , No rr is and 'ft d I g uar chn g gam e and besides sco red C raw fo r d . :-, er u y o r ga n izin g, . four 'baskets and three fo ul s. P o ro sky, C ra \vfor (l wa s eIected t I1e captam: No rri s. m a nage r: Carroll. coach. a nd playing hi s laSt basket ball game for F elto n, train er. In order to become th e Tan all d Ca rd inal s played an a m emb er of th e track squad, it was unusu a ll y · g ood defen siv e game tak ­ r esolved that o nl y those wh o ate at ing the ball o ff o f th e backboard with Hotel B lendon wo uld be admitted. clock-lik e regu la rity. The w o rk o f E xcelling in th e pol e-vault. it wa s N o rr is , \\'h o we nt in wh e n P o ro sky ,,·as determin ed that F elto n wa s to have disqualified with fo ur per so na l fo uls, that event with o ut com 1>etitio n ; Car- a nd o f \l a n Curen wh o played in ro ll is to do the tw o-mi le; '.'J orris wi ll Barnes' place augur s \\' Cll for next enter in the hamm er throw , and year's team. Craw fo·rd is to center hi s attention VanCuren had to take the bench on the broad jump. fo r four person a l foul s as did NewAs the warm breezes st,e al north- hou se o f Kenyon. ward again th ese athletes are anxiFins ter wald handled the game as ous ly awa1t111g the call o f Coa ch well a s an y of Otterbein's have been Ca rroll to take the field. \,Vhile the handled thi s yea r. main event are taken care of. some L in eup : of the less impo rtant one still require co nt es tants . A t a m eeting O tterbein, 44 G. F. P t. h eld last week it was decid ed that Widd oes, r.f. ( C) 7 15 I certain conspicuo u s athletes on th e Van ur en , 1.f. ............ ........ 3 campu would be approached within McMichael. 1.f. .................. 1 I 3 a few days , to find out whether o r Poro ky, c . ... ...................... . 0 0 0 o r ris, c. ................ .............. 0 not they would be a-hie to enter cer­ 0 0 tain events which are e pecially Buell, r.g. - --·· --······-········· ···· 4 4 12 adapt ed t o t hem. The pro posed personn el of the track squad yet to be selected i a s I


~~~;v~yer .........•.................. . Wer t z H igh hurdles ...................... G. Batdorf 440-yd . dash ·········-·········· vV. McKnight ' Shotput •··-··········- ··············· . Marshall 100-yd. dash ·················-······ G. Griggs High jump ·················•·-········· E. Leiter Di cu s ...... .............................. D . Phillips Announcer ................ ... ..... M. O sborne cholastic tutor ········-······· D . Harrold

laren ce Br a dh ead, '25, o f Lima vis ited Country !uh fri end s this Ra lph Gantz went to Doy lesto wn we k-end. o ver the week-e nd to vi. it a fri end. 'Pad ly " McGuire, '25, ca m back l\fo ncth mith pe nt th e week -end to ee the Otte r bein-Ken yon game and at hi home in Bloomdal . · broug'h t with him the U . B. hurch " Bozo" Ri chter, w ho uff red a ba ket ba ll team fr om anton who o untry Club a turday a fter ­ seve r e ankl e sprain in Cook H o u e- \ p layed Dub game, i improvin g. j n on .




Dale Fri end \\'ent to h i hom e in Bernard R edm a n pent th e w eke 11 d a t his hom e in D rby. P le.a antvill e to s pend th week-end. l';!ob ert Hammon o f D a yton vi ited wi.th. his brother " Ed" o ver th ~ad.

wee k-

·'P earl y·• 11a ' , ·17, f \ ilkin b urg. a. , v1 it d wi th 1111 e," fri ends Friday. Th 1111 x [ub ent rt ain cd ix Keny n t ud ent includin g loyce hri top h er after th e gam e aturd ay 1i ht. Lloyd ch a r \V ter.

pent th e w ck- nd in

'Red" a mp pent th wilh friend in W · terville.

week-e nd

D ean p o n. '25, a nd "Herb" Jenn y of Toledo p nt the week-end w ith Ip friend .


We arc now taking orders for


1 lb. $1.50 2 lb. $3.00 We Pack Them for Mailing.

J o hn so n, 1.g . ················ ········ 0

F. P t.s: 2


0 0 7 I 0 I

Total ................................ 12 11 R efer ee-Fin stenvald, yracu sc.

10 13 3



- - - 0 c--­ Ac cording to stati stic s pre$ented hy \,\ia lter M . Hart vice-prcs1·d en t of the U niver s ity of California, co-c~u­ cational uni,·ers iti cs are exactly twi ce as po pular as th ose attended onl y by o ne sex.

Westerville Bakery 1O E. Main St.

"The Home of Quality"

''Vanity Fair'' s hoes for y our Easte r outfit $6 bove mart D' r a pump 'in camel kid· a n lio·ht had . V r unu ual. B low , ne, pat nt l at h r w ith y ki l lin­ f r aftern wear.







(The Union-fourth floor)

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