Varsity -Basket _Ball Edt"tion
. Mor ris, 1.ucille W. a .,.Walnut StJ
VOL. 9.
r. •
ar ina OLLEGE
WESTERVILLE, OHIO . March 16, 1926.
Dr and Mrs. John R. King to Build
New Men's Dormitory on Main Street PORTSMOUTH GIVES GLEE
~LIJB HEARTY _ _ OVATIONS ~==C=oa=c=h=e=d=O=t=te=r=h=ei=·n=' s==M1=o=s=t=~=~u=c=ce=s=sfi=u=I=:; VER 1100 ATTENo coNcERT Basket Ball Team Banquet Gi vcn to Organizations. Will s1·n g in • Pi qua and Dayton This Weck.
Basement Will Contain Immense "'reat d al of the ·ucce s of Dining Room for U se A s 1h pa t eas n is Jue to none Commons Club. o th er than oach R. K. ("Deke") Edler, who ha ju t fini hed hi J?r. and lrs. J hn R. King. re cntly second sea on a var ity ba ket re ig ned hea,i of the Otterbei n Hom ball coach. • Ile ha been a true in L banon, comp! ted the fi nal ar Criend and teacher t hi quad rau ement with the olle e offi ial s and each m mber will live a b tter la. r Thur ay morning for the im-• life for }ia\'in•• a iat d with 111 diat cons tru ·tion £ a m n' dor.. - ach. ·• mitory wJ1ich will a ommodati , pl I ,· to tt rhe in t ach pr ximately 75 boJ• • Dr. ntl I:r. . fro~hma11 footbal l in the fall f KiJ ig citµec fo 11.. vc the dort11itor) I \IU. mctim e after complet .:I ,for the open in f cbool gi,·ing it " ·as ,le ided lhi - fall. Thi~ 11 •w bnilding J>roj ct should coa b var ity ba wa 11 t · licit cl by th • II and ball. \ L late cam lik 'a ''b It from tb lear fore d 11 on accou 1lt of The property on the uthea t 11 attack of appendici:ti in th 1 r of Maio and \Ve t tr et ha. A H R. K. ··DEKE" EDLER n, hi - hr t year ,.,,-a b en a ·quired by Dr. ;rnd Mr . Kin . di of far from . u c · ful a far a the Hum- D truction o f the old brick hou W E DN E SDA y MORNING IS ber no~ 11 th lot wi ll b gin at one a;1cl SE NIOR R E COGNITION DAY It Jid h ,,. v r get him acquaint d g.rading wiJl pr ·eed a. ra1 idly a. p . . · with tb men and "'av him a good ibie. Program Includes Processional Head tart t ward a ,-u · ful ason this . ~ arch n t ural Jesign of th ed by Presidents of Three bu 1l d111g ha n t yet b 11 rlcfi11i~ , • I year. Underclasses. cttl d, _bu it_ vill c nform a. nearl y · ··D k ·• •di r bail fr m hi \ a p 1bl with that of l\f Fadd ' 11 kya1 y, fr m 1 Th annual nior .. n Hall. Th bu ilding ,,·ill b of r !. 9 ti n ra<luat cl brick and will I c 10.5 f t I n Day will be ol e wa tr man i II durin 1 a and uth, and 40 f t wid in •onlc wa with an b pla e~ and 4-';1; f t at th r . ..Plan, ti n II anJ l>a b will aJI w th additio n of , in ~ probably would h ,. -. hap cd ·• nte er if th r had be n an all- two id ' making fi na lly a . tru lure with a court fa(·ing either hio ball team. north or ca t. ( n. Page Two). Kings to be Supervisors. - - - 0 C -- r. a nd Mr . in are mo,·in ODA Y IS ANNIVERSARY 1d will t rv-ille OF BEN HANBY'S DEATH f T hey will al. M. f th· 111 pkt<',I. \hi ,. !lee-<' 1>ro'l' ha · h, f'n Pn
l:'age Two
."-!'l:D CA l< DINAL
Varsity Closes Successful Basket Ba 11 Season . - ---
- - -- -
- - -- - -- -
Per Cent in O hio ference and One W in I n Buck eye.
In all respects the season just past has been the most successful basket ball seaso n t hat an Otterbein team has ever had. No record can b e fou nd of eq ual success in the last few years. A basket ball season fin ished with an average o f .750 is one which a ny Oh io Co nference school would he proud. D efeat Case. After winning si x out of seven pre seaso n games th e Tan and Cardina l pill tos sers started the season wit h a ba ng by defe ating Case a t Cleve land . Ca ptain Widdoes led the at tack with six baskets and five fo ul s for a game to tal of seventeen poi nt s. Buell came to li fe in th e second half a nd scored six baskets before the timer' s gun en ded the battle. The the first period 'but the fierce second scien ti sts w ere leading at the end of half attack left Otterbein with the long end o f a 45 to 36 score.
\ I
W ins F rom W ittenberg. T wo nights later Otter bein won her second game of the season away from hom e at the expense of Witten berg 41 to 16. T he Luthera ns were outclassed from the sta·rt and Otter bein led at the intermission 23 to 10. Widdoes and Barnes were the lead ing scol"Crs of the game with 11 and 12 points respectively. Reserve Loses 31-30. Pila.ying art; home for the first time the ··T an quintet came n ear losing to W es tern Reserve, but the timer's gun topped the game and incidently the visitors' fierce rally. Porosk y was cert-ainly needed to take th e ball from the back board, but the referee had called the fo urth pe rsonal a nd Otter bein nearly lost the game because of it. The scoring was divided between Buell,. Barnes, Widdoes and Porosky, with 9, 8, 7, and 6 points respectivel y. Muskingum Brings First D efeat. The first defeat of the season came at the hands of Taylor ·and Company down at New Concord 44 to 26. T h e game was close and hard fo u ght u nti l the last six m in utes, when s"Om e of t he boys became confused as to who they were to cover. B-radibury took advantage of the situati<ln and made even baskets in the second ha1f. The .core at the end of the first half was 13 to 18. W iddoes was again the high co r•e r among the losers. T an s H eidelberg. fter a ten-day vacation th e Tan and Cardi nal pill tossers went up to Tiffin to show the Heidel berg U ni ver sit v team how to play basket ball. They· had an off night and' had diffi culty in hitting the basket, b ut ma n aged to nose out a 24 to 15 vict or y. Heidelberg took an early lead b ut Otterhein was ahead 9 to 7 at the in termisston. Some better luck at hit( Co ntinued on Page Three)
CAPTAI N W I DDOE S Captain Widdoes lea rned his basket ball at th e Otter bein Home, w here he playe d on t he basket ball team for three years, a nJ was captain his last year. A fa st l'loor man , a good shot, and a good guard, Captain \lviddoes one of Coach Edier's most valu ab le proteges. Together with Buell, he led th e team sco ring with 127 points for the . year, or an average of nearl y 11 points per game. To fill hi s place will be one of th e hardest points in connection with Coach Ed ler's work next year as Widdo es will be awarded his diploma in the spring. "SWEDE" l>OROSKY Porosky is an Akron Central pro duct, where he played for three years. He was selected on , the All-Tourna ment team at Delaware when Akron Central won the state tournament at Ohio Wesleyan. Porosky's main job this year was to jump center and tak e the ball from the back board and in his spare moments he threw enough ba kets to g ive him :i eason tot al of :;2 po ints. Coach Edler will have r:r eat difficulty in fi ndin g a man as steady and reliable a s Porosky has been all year. Let it be said ·of him tha t " he doe s best in a pinch .··
f f o orw.a rd materia l "Bob" had to'\ play for ward . This yea r h e wa s moY ed to guard . his natural position, a nd we nt ''great gu n s•· all ye ar. Snavely h.a s another year with us an d great thin gs wi ll be expected of him n ex t year. "Bob's" ' best games were Ohio Northern a nd K enyon he re when he sco red 1:i and 11 points respectiv ely.
G. BUELL Buell lea rn ed his b ask et ball at Berlin , which is probably the town 's first ri ght t o fame. Buell is a sopho mo re a nd tied with Capta:in Widdoes fo r high scoring honors wi~h 127 poi nt s. Bu ell was selec ted as a guar J on J ack Reid's second Al'I-Ohio-·Con fer_ence basket ball team . His strong P?mts were h is unerring abi lity to h'.t th e basket from any angle, and his follow shots with his left h an d . G reat things are expected from Buell for the next two years.
b with in oe to he sorrv for . "Al'" will e 3 us"' tw o m ore •year s and shou id. befo runa nim ous se lection fo r All-Ohio ward before h e fi nishes school. MANAGER COX kick Thi s year·s team ca n har di Y ger . a n1ana on its ma.nager. Co x was had . that we to fi t the k111d of a team d his thi s year. E very ni gh t he _ha that Fres hm en assis tan ts out seein~ 1 a!I 3 the ball s were all solid and t ?,{a)' 3 th e m en had towels and so P· d next yea r's manager b e as goo •pla)' Other m en received chances t~ring· very litt le with five such firS t s ould ers, but the y proved what th ~ich c game do when they were needed. · last ael and Upso n playe d t h eir curen · Van f mafo r Otter,bein, but Norris, 0 and Reigle will furni sh plenty •teria l next year.
- - - 0 c - &A?d COACHES SUCCE SS FUL T A. 0 . BARNES . p one)("Co ntmu ed From age . e",pcr· 8,arnes received his basket ball In additi on to hi s exte nsive · train in g in Indiana, which speaks . . h·1;n· t,' · . I ra ther we ll for the state a s a place iencc as a plave r a nd h1. a · . ~ n1ct ~en:1 · t-o lt'a rn to play bas ket ba-11. His last teach fnnd am ~n tal s t o gi eei 1 vp<' , t fi ne t. '. 11·0 year s were s pent in high schoo l oach Ed ler possesses. t I1 ,1 inm Westerville. wher e he tarred bo th . ",hich uf mag net ic persqna 11ty ill· yea r on the high school t 111 . . th c. deterffort "'<\ 0 ,, h ea m. spires co-o i;c ra t1011 , and , · ad t_he mi sfortune to get · ·. a tion to put forth the ir bC 5t e 3 se riously hurt m practise just before "BOB" SNAVELY · the last game ' or h is " season sco re in the memb ers of the squad. fie h ". Snavely, of 'W estervill e, ju st fin ish h. h enable> wou (d l_i e " :ell ove r th e century mark. that impor '. an t faculty " 1_c . aske• ed hi s second year on the basket ball As it is hi s aver age o f ni n e points him to make the men cnJO~ 11 team . Last year, due to a scar city per gam e in eleven games is noth- hall.
Page T hr•
. (Co nt iill'ed fr om page two ) . tin_g th e basket in the second half brought th e sco re at the enJ of the l-a,me to 24 to 15. W iddo es was the igh scorer of the game, with • baske ts an d 2 fouls. ~ Freeze P olar Bears. J w~:t week later the Tan team again \ Viddoes, Capt.) , f. ...... 17 'IVard ;wr from home to the north- / Buell g. .... ........................ 15 O No rth , da to do battle with Ohio Barn;s, f. ........................ 5 hold in ern h Polar Bears and left the~ Poros ky, c. ······················ 6 took ~ t e hag 38 to 19. Otterbein navely, g. .... .......... ........ 2 Was e leaJ at the beginning and Reigle, c., f. .................... of nevfier headed, leading at th e end Van Curen, f. .................. 11 onlr ie irst period 18 to 5, allowin g Upso n, f. .......................... O Sn~ve~ne fie ld ~oa;I in the first half. McMichae l, f. , g. ···• ········ glor ~ came m fo r some of the orris, c. .......................... Y e deserved for his excellen t guar_Jing all yea r when he led the T o tal ·· ···· ·· ······ ···· ······ 45 scon_ng with 6 •bas kets and 1 fo ul totaling 13 points. Opponents ........ .............. 36
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Muri Houseman Ralph Tinsley have been very popul ar - at the ·grade school building during· the past three weeks as th e boys' recreational directors. There are so many boys and the play ground is so small that some 0"' sort of o rganized play had to be f-< adopted and s upervised. These two 127 Ott erbein tud ent s . ha \"e taken hold of l27 the work in a fine manner a' ea Ch • , 99 recess period they direct a sack rush 52 / a_ &:ame of thre e de_ep, or :an y · ~;th~{ 44 si milar game. ·· a ·· •; .. 5 · The girls· of "th e school have their 3 play g round adjoining that of tlie 3 boys and usuall y rather than play 3 they wilt stand anJ watch the boys 0 in their gam es. ---- 0 C---462 PHILALETHEA
35 373
· At th e in tallation ession of Phil-- -- - - -- - - - - - - - : - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - alethea la t Thursday the fo llowing St. X . Beaten. he next Saturday night Ottierbein the sea on "Deke" Edler took his program wa presented: retu rned h Chaplain's AJdress, "Playing Th~ MY home g ome to play her second boys to Berea to help Baldwin-Wal X . am e of th e year when St. lace enetrta in her tournament contes Game." Verda Evan s; Vocal Duet, M M avier was . fe t d met, entertamed, a nd de- tants. When the smoke of battle Louise Stoner a nd Amy Morri ·• 0 A 44 an~ eh to 29. It was Buel,l's night had cleared the score board read : Ot Critic's ritiqu ei "Words," Florene; 0 T . . e scored bas kets fr om .every terbein 61 , Baldwin-Wallace 34. Up Ca m pbe ll ; Pia no Solo, Helen J rwin . R E POStlton of on the fl oor , making a total unt i•I th e last few minutes .the oppon Pr~s id ent's Valedictory. ' " L ove SAYS : 8 baskets and 3 fouls during the ent's s core had been in the neigh / Pnd e." Sylvia P eden ; President' J~: course Of h t e game. St. Xavier borhood of 20, but the guarding grew bro augural. "Th e Modern Youth," F lor endUght a good team and led at the lax as the score mounted. W iddoes That he ha come to th e conclus- ence Ranch. h 1 1 th e first half 21 to 18 but were led the scori ng again with a season ion that there are ways and ways and I E,· temporaneous peaking was : do~~ e P1ess bei . by Kathryn · einm'dt M ·. • of th ore the rapid fi re a ttack record of 23 points as a result of 11 till o th er way · of ob tai ning privi- Nichol d J · z,. arJor-ie e second half. s, an ea nette Magill. Isabetlc , baskets and 1 foul. Ru ehrmund, Loretea_Mel vin, Doroth' y leges. Wooster W ~rsted. Repays Kenyon. W 11 Thur day . Otterbein went to he That the other day sa w a slip Hoover and faurine Knight were The season closed satisfactorily rneoo ter and managed to i-ing out a when the Tan and Cardinal quintet on a girl friend's table which ran elec ted to member hip during' fh'e ager vict · -b usine s s.essiori. · ·' '·· · •· la t . ory over W oost"er with a administered a sound defeat to Ken about Jike thi : t: . : • \ was t;inu~e rally, 37 to 36. Barnes yo n as payment fer the defeat s uffer ---0 C-- Be<loved-gonc ; b e high scor er of the game with ed at their hand two weeks befor e. PHILO.PH_RONE.(\ ·Beloved there wa absket_s and three fo uls. Otterbein T.he final sco re was Otterbein 44 , Beloved-here eh 111 d · Ill.a mo t of the game and just Kenyon 35. The Tan team had to Beloved-home P hilophronea enj oyed a n ex t~r:;po;~ ~rninn~ged to creep around in the last play without Barnes, who had been but _th a t he discovered later tha t it neous progra m for it fir t ses ion the ul e. Poro ky's two baskets in injured two nights previou to the wa merely a doting Dora's ve r ion a:ter a ~,,·o wee kS' rece . All of foul _at two minutes and Snavely's game in ,practice. Widdoe was again of the Gl ee Club ·ched ule. I t O e takmg part were freshm en exof t~u t a few seconds before ,the end the high scorer of the evening with I ~ept one. An ex temporaneous tocy Tha t he believe that th e on ly 111 two pa rt held th e a tt ention of the Point ~ game provided the last few 1 5 point . Snavely did an excellent job of guarding Van E.pp , Kenyon' s way yo u can get away with things I soc iety more th an a ny oth er feature of around here without bei ng to ld on is I th e program. which wa. a follow : A{ .A~ain Lose to Muskingum. AN-Ohio center. uskmgum' b . T rac k. Chee k W E · t , p t I' The Kenyon game was the last for to ·belo ng to th e bunc h that tell . Proved t s asket ball team agam h k D. · ·· Or), ar , 00 oema er. . E.: tory, Pa rt JI, boys much for Coach E<iler's Porosky and Oaptain WiJ'does of the That she think he better pipe Mayer, A. G.: A Bu for Otterbein hefor a nd they went down to defeat regula rs. besides McMichael and Up down as she's aid enough things now College, Kintigh, 0 . L.: Literary So th to 4 / . e future state champions 33 son. Coach Edler will not have an to campu her for th e re t of her cietie • in frica, Lohr, R. L. H . the hi;~ th e best game ever seen o n easy job to fin d a man with the sh~ot natural life. - - - 0 C--ed school floor. Widdoes scor- ing ability as well as the guarding . rnost f O . . ---0 C--0 . W. U . BANS CHARLES!rON ing O or tterbem besides hold- ability of Captain Widdoes. anJ a le brr. Muskingum forward score- man w ho ca n fill Porosky' shoe . Pay Your Y Pledge. . Ut ' p was followed closely by Barne Ohio We leyan Co-ed have been Points ' orosky and Buell with 8 llll■ ll■ l l■il: l■lll■ Ul■ll l■ll"l■IJ.l■n■ n■lfl■IJ!I■ ·1■ll l■Jm■ 1l'l■lrl■ll l■il l■ ll■ ll■n'laJl'l■lf[■ l'I■~-! for-bidden to do the Charleston at itho .each. " Swede" scored four long ■ •=-- Monnett hall, women' dormitory. Fear tn the d . that the train on the revered struc a good . secon half. Snavely dtd .== the fut Job on Montgomery, holding ture wou ld be too great caused uni kets !lure All-Ohio m a n to 3 bas- ~ versity authorities to i s ue the ban. ' C = ■ haH. a of w h ich he got in the fir st i For year the girls of the dormitory have danced in the parlors of the ball Disap · after dinner and recentl y they took up Ottenb . PDinted at Kenyon. the Charle ton. Satur, ein went to Ken}·o n the next uav . i - - OC-- and lo · apparently ove r-confide nt = I ~ to 3t a th rilling game to Kenyon O rchestra To Give Concert. I The a nnuai da te for the college or Otterb/ A bad break went agains t forced ;" when Captain Widdoes was Ii che. tra co ncer t ha . n bee n defiitit ly 0 na1 fo r~rn the game with four per- j set . but acc,">rding to Prof. pes ard, of th e ~ s not long after th e midd le who is th e ,lireclor. it will be d·1ring tre latter par t of pril. Thi i al ~igh scor:r t h~lf. Ba rn es was the j foul f aga in wi th 7 bas kets a nd = i a fi ne entertainment. a nd wi ll -• way n or a i avely gam e total of 16 points. = _ ■ he looked fo~ ward to again this year with much int ere t. iiig PlayeJ hi usua•I g ood guard- i T
~-==============;;! .
s·pec1·a1 Ice Cream 1or
! i
St. Patrick's Party,
van}•11 a R 11 w}•th s k Green .hamroc O
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I W· LLJAMS ICE CR EA M Co• I l l ■ l l ■ ·l a'l■ l' l ■ ll■ l'l ■ l 'IIIIIJ■IU■ ll■Tl■l[l ■ l : l ■ ,l■ !I■ I ■ I ■ l ■,1 1 ■ '
f.'o r the Squelches B.-W. !! , . next to the last game of iilll l■l ll■IU■ /.1■11.111 11.I■ '
- - - 0 C-- Pay Your Y Pledge.
Page Four
on one side o nly and that side i, the aim, purpose, and policy of the paper. The . issue ha s. bee n transfer red to the Tnnely Top ics column \\·here 11 Published W eeldy in the Interest of may be discussed at will by the stu Otterbein College by the dent body and others who desire to do OTTERBEIN LITERARY so. Articles for this column must be SOCIETIES , signed or they will not be considered Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press I for publication. Ho\\·ever, the writer Association may reques t that in itials on ly be used. STAFF O C - --EDITOR-IN-CHIEF THE COLLEGE LOAFER WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 Ph 455 W '1 You know the .college loafer. He's 88 Plum S t reetO one - · everywhere. He need not be po·1ntNEWS EDIT Red out becau-s e he 1·s as obvious a s W · NORRIS ; '28 the sidewalks. LO UIE REPORTERSCONTRIBUTING
Wanda Gallagher, 26 i The college loafer love s ease, leiLenore Smith, '26 s·,c re, sleep, ciga.rettes, chocolates, Pauline Knepp, ' 26 and girls. He is the person who Florence Howard, '28 Gerald Rossclot, '29 drapes himself so gracefully around ATHLETIC EDITORfront porches and " hangs out" in H . E. WIDDOES, '27 ithe pool room s anJ ice cream parAsst. Athletic Ed. .. Clyde Biclstein, '28 !ors. Jf he is not in a ny of those places ALUMNAL EDITORShe will be found guarding the enH. W. TROOP, ' 23 trances to Coch ran and Saum Halls ALMA GUITNER, '97 Dorms Editor ...... Florence Rauch, '26 The college loafer likes to be in Local Editor .............. Karl Kumlcr, '28 J laccs where he can watch co-eds Exch. Editor .... Ernestine Nichols, '27 pass or where he may be seen by BUSINESS MANAGERthem, for he feed·s on vanity-and MARCUS M. SCHEAR, '27 girls.
Asst. Bus. Mgr. .......... Ross Miller, '28 There are just two pur.poses in a Cir. Mgr. ········ Margaret Widdoes, ' 26 college's life. One of them is Assistant Circulation Managers-to know the latest dance s teps, the . · Ruth Hursh, '27 Mildred Wilson, '28 spiciest gossip from the dorms anJ Address all communications to the :I to have seen the_ latest -b urlesque Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert sh ows. The other ts to have as much Hal~ 103 Vfcst College Avenue, Wcs- j disdain possible for other students terville! qruo. . who do their work with zest bccau,sc • d h , · ·b Subscnption Pnce, $2.00 a Y car, Payable in Advance. · t h ey i·k I e 1t an w o uO 1t wit energy - -- - - - - - ~ · - - - - -- - because it is their duty. Entered as second class matter SepThe loafer has the idea that he is tember 25, 1917, at the post-office at Westerville, Ohio, under act of March in exclusive society and is conse3, 1879. quently proud of his laziness both Acceptance for mailing at special rate physical and mental. He has no of postage provided for in Section pangs of conscience about borrowing 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919. money from you bUit a good many about returning it. Something great has been accomplished by him, so EDITORIALS he th inks, if he can so question you * * * * ALMOST PERFECT SUCCESS about outsiJe reading that he can get · the g ist of it without doing the acIn this issue we feature Otterbein's tual work for him self. Tau and ardinal Varsity Baske t Ball It is a problem to deal with the Quintet, the mo t successful of any college loafer. He cannot be isolated team in recen.t Otterbein hi tory. or quarantined. There remains only The Tan court quad fi nished third the hope that va rious a nd welt-known in the Ohio Conference and fourth infl uences will per,suade him to rein hio and Buckeye onf~rences main at h.o me next semester. combined. I ---- 0 C - - - Back of our winning team there is The world ·is always har, h work, honest-to-goodness mental, i to tho e who· will not th ink with nhysical labor on the par t of the team, the mob. the coach and the manager. Coach "Deke" Edler deserves special com---- 0 C ---menda,tion for the way in which he Mary had a little rule, handl ed, taught and m ade a worthy It' teeth were hard as steel tea m. We have only highe t praise And never would the dean con ent for him. That rule to appeal.
True, there were di appointments, The co-ed , tho, went out one night three of them. There i only one Again t th dean' put rule, t am who can be on top, however, It made the tudents hout, it'. right and it wa not Otterbein' good lu k I To thu uppor t the . chool. t be that team, but the elated joy of O C nin \Vin easily obliterat three litn that th P ennsy h·ania t i mi fortune . , tud ent ~re not planning on gain t ____ O C-- - 1 hom e durmg the Ea tcr vacation lie s ISSUE MOVED ' in the fact that th y have o mud, trouble getting pa· t the immigrati 1 autboritie . L ha The TAN
- - -- 0 C- - - definitely tated its policy regatding Prof.-"Just what g rade do you Militarism and Military Training. We wll not he ckle and haggle and debate think I hould give you?" Co-ed-"That' for you to ay ir." the que ti 11 pro and con in th e edi Prof.-"T hav e nothing to ay." torial column ; edi torial:- arc written
to them wh c:1 a crisis arises is: •·.Se'.tle it by war". 1t cannot be otherwise, \ an.d so, ra~h~r than preventing war~ 1111htary tra1111ng o nly fosters the war \ spirit. · · And then, how can last wee k's ____ writer co ntend tha t military training will sa\·e life in the next war when Editor T an a nd Cardina l : a ll expe rts tel l us that the next war After reading last week's "Timely will be most te rr ibly destructive of Topics", I fee l that some answe r life . . It will be a case of who can should be made to the letter entitled wipe o ut th e o th er sid e fir st. In th e face of such pred ictions it is our clear " \Vh y ~ ot Common Sense". In th e first place, instead of r ega rd- dutv to civilizat io n to see to it , not ing as treasonab le, efforts to discour- that- our count r y destroys t h e other · deliverage mi litary trai n ing I conside r those o ne fi rst, but t h at I1uma111·t Y is ed from such a catastrophe. I believe again with James \V. Gerar c!, when he says: "In natio ns vie(ng in armaments a nd constantly (!Jinkmg nt war there will always be a 01ome which to th e militar y ch iefs of one or the other nations seems a favora ble one to commence the game of war. On ly in disarmame nt in com mon sense, in charity a nd' under st a nd ing p L can we find a n end of war."- · · ---- 0 C ---To Be Beheaded With a Meat Cleaver The protessor wh o used th e pronoun "I" 150 times during the course The author of "Why Not Common of one hour's lecture. - -- - 0 C---Sense?" made the statement that n11'li Pay Your Y Pledge. tary training will se rve to prevent war. Possibly he has his reasons for s uch a statement, but on the sur face, they are ce rtainly not apparent. I be lieve with James W. Gerard, former U. S. Amba.ssador to Germany, that " t h e c-0nstant ta lk· o f war, in the end, brin gs wa r." T he whole tendency of mi litary training is -to build up a p y chological attit\lde that will provide the most fe r tile ground possible for the war pirit. \Vhen men have been trained to act and think in militar v · term , the first thou ght that will come
effort s as typifying the hi g hes t sort of pat ri oti sm-patriotism for th e whole world, for afte r all we are citizens of the " ·o riel and our fi rst d uty is to the world. to ke ep it out of fu rth er wa rs. Let us distinguish between ·•paci fist" and ''passi\·ist'·. The word "pacifist" comes from th e Latin words, "pax"" peace" and "facio" "to make". So, a "pacifist" is a ''peacemaker" a nd therefore pacifist ic endeavors have the commendation of Ch rist himself, fo r did He not say, " Blessed are the peacemakers; for th ey shall be called the children of God"?
Get Your S p r i n g Clothes Cleaned for Easter at
WELLS The Tailor Corner State and Main Sts.
Rhodes Meat 1arket FOR YOUR PARTY UPPLIE
H. C. Baughman
Page Five
:\ t a r ece nt m ee tin:g of the Scie nce .\ 11 urnt1er of v i~itin g a.Iumni ha ,·c i First Place Goes To Class Of 1877 C lub it was dec ided to en te rtain the and Mrs. King and the college. T h e ex pressed thei r desi re to buy a 1926 j With 56% of ~iving MemColu mbus Divis io n o f the Am erican building will be under the control of S ibyl. There a r c doubtless many oth- 1 bers Paid Up. h e mical Soc iety at a luncheo n and Dr. and Mrs. King, but will ser v e th e ers w h o would like to sub sc ribe if they - - -----o--banq u e t so metim e in the latter part h a d au opportunit y. In o rd er to acA summa ry of th e suppo rt g iven the same purpose as if college owned a n d of Ma y. Special p lan,s will he an • co mm o dat c th ose who de sire thi s book alumni progra m is g iven 'below. Th e controlled it. no un,· cd la ter. se nt i o th em when it com es o ut about compila ti on is g iven by classes. First Dr. and Mrs. Kin,g have alwa ys - - - 0 C--th e middle of May, " ·e a r e printing a place goes to t he class of 1877 with been intensely interes ted in young Prof. W einland Has Birthday. st•Jhscript io n b la nk. Cli p it o ut a nd 56% of its li ,·in g memb ers paying dues people having been the· heads of the Un S unday, Mardi 7, Professor L. ser.:I . it in to t he "1921l Si hyl b efor e fo r thi s year. T he class of '86 is sec Otterbein Home for a long period of years. lt is the direct purpose o f D r . :\ . \ Veinland had a ve ry h appy birt h - .'VI.arch 2,i, and y o u will be as sur ed a o nd with 50 % a nd the class of '25 and Mrs. King to make a h ome life da y a nni ve rsa ry . Th e day was s pent co py of th e fi nes t annua l eve r pub- third wit h 42 %. Of course it mu st be qui e tly at his ho m e, with Professor li shc<l at Otterbein. taken into account th at th e older for the young men s tud ents. a nd Mr s. C. C . Grabi ll as dinner The staff needs a hundred m or e sub - c lasses hav e a sma ller tota l nu mbe r of Will Have Commons . Club. sc ripti o ns in order to cl ea r itself of m emb ers than the late r cla sses. One of the interestin g feature s o f g u es ts. . Pro.f. \-\ ·c_i nl a nd wa s rernem.bc r cd hy an i,np c ndin g de fi ci t of thre e hun dred It is int eres tin g to note, however. the new dormitory will be a Com mons Club. A larg dinin g room in hi s m any tncn<ls, and g r ee tm gs and do ll ars. Thi s is a s plendid op portun- th a.t t he older classes have r es po nded the basement wi ll accommodate a b o ut r cmcmb.ra n ces were in evide nce on it y for you to show your loyalty to better than th e youn ger ones. The O tt erb ein by g iYin g suppor t to o ne of pe ri od from 1906 to 1914 is the g roup 140 men. A large lounge r oom o n the eve ry s ide . - - - - 0 C - - -of classes co nsistently low, th ose fol he r wo rthy projects. first floor and showers will be a dd i PHILOMATHEA Enclosed fi nd .·4 .00 for one copy of lowin g 19 14 pi ckin g up in th eir suptional features. t he 1026 Sibyl. port of the program. Plans concerning just wha•t students In s pi te of the fact that ther e \Vere These figure s are given you so that will live in the dormit or y hav e n ot a.111 e ... •...... m a n y men a way o.n th e Glee Clu b you may see that it i possible to ade been worked out at the present, b ut tri,p Phil omathea had a very e nj oy- Arl d rnss ·······-········ ·•······································ quately support th e program thi s year it is thought that the majority will ahle sess ion Fri,lay ev en in g. A hook a nd in futur e yea rs if we but interest - - - 0 C- - consist of freshmen. S·o me u pper l{cvicw by \V. H. Mile y, a Scienti fic the alumni and ex-s tudent s to the point Pres. Clippinger Goes To Chicago. cla&Smen may also live in the· building Pap.e r by C. H . Bielstc in, a nd a Spec of pay in g their du es into t he associa Prices for room and board also ia l Featur e, by \ Vayn c V. Hars ha. Pres id en t Clippinger "·ill le ave tio n. If we could sec ur e 50% of every have not been d etermin ed but the co mpri sed th e regular literary pro- T hursda y eve nin g fo r Chi cago wh ere class-whi ch is only half the goal students are assurea that they will be g.ram of th e eve nin g. P . L. C h ar le ,. j he wi ll atte nd the . n: cct in g of th e we would be able to support a good reasonable an.i not in the least hi gh l . E . ).,fars h a l, K. r . E cha rd , a nd \ North Ce ntral As~oc1at1on o f Colleges alumni publicatio n of o ur own. · er than the general scale of the town. L. E. Hicks s poke o n t he im pro mptu a nd Second ar y Schools o n Friday 'l ll<l Some addi t io nal support is neces It was feared at fi rst that the new prog ram . · Saturday. sa ry if th e budget for th e pre cnt year dormitory would r end er th.c heating is met but t hat does not ·a llow any op plan inadequate through the in stall a portunity for th e expansion of th tion of more radiators but by the ad prog ram next year. T h e inter es t of dition of new appliances w hi ch mak e all th e alumni and ex-studen ts is for greater efficiency., the p lan t can he necessary if we make th e goa l as se t. made entirely adequa te for all of t h e (Continued From -Page On e).
- - - - 0 C- - -
college buildings. One of the biggest a se ts to the build ing of the dormrtory i Dr. and Mrs. King themselves. They are parti c u larly fitted ·by their training and in tere t in tudent s to conduct a rea l home for college men .
- - - 0 C-- - P0RTSMOUTH GIVES GLEE CLUB HEARTY OVATIONS ontinued From Page On e). and Orches tra gave a co ncert in 1 he First United Brethren church in Chillicothe before an audi ence of 500. That concert was fostered by Rev. H. 0. Thompson, the pastor. Through the efforts of W . H . Sny der and the parents of Homer Huff man, the Glee Club and Orches tra w ill sing in the high school auditorium o f the Piqua High ScJ1ool n e..-x t Friday
vening. Another large concert is · scheduled ·aturday vcn ing in ~i[ em oria l Hall in Dayton. ver o ne tho u sand People arc cx1)cctcd to a tt e nd thi ~ c ncert. cvera l social groups are planning to go in a body.
- o c - -- Cbaucer C'lub Meets. La~t 11 uda y ev nin g a t it~ r cg u h1r incctmg. th e Chauc r ltt'b devoted its lime h) a tud y o~ th e m odern s h o rt tory. Among th several au th or. tudird w re Fann ir .Hurst a nd Edith Wharton.
THE UNION " The Home of Quality "
- - -----------------
Genuine imported English broadcloth shirts at $1.95
W c jus t r e<!eiv ed one of our infor mation postal cards thi s week a nd dis covered a no th er m emb er for the cli(SS of '47. It is anoth er g irl. Lenore E. La R o uchc is jn st o n e-half yea r old and th a t ma kes her eligible for the class. H er mother is Mrs. J essie Weir LaR o uche, '21, of Rochester, . H . 'We do n't like to see so many girls getting into t hi s class becau se tha t does n't help th e footba ll team much well th ey' ll be good rooters anyhow. Ma ybe sin ce they are all such nice girls some boys will com e too. -
A disti nguished quality that is unusually lus trous. Double warp, and made to your cor rect proportions. Coll ar attached or sep arate collar to match while, ta n, gray, and blue.
Margaret Duerr, of Dayton , was in iti ated into ac tive m emb ers hip m Cleio rh ctea last Thursday evening. Th e evening's program was as fol lo ws: Pi an Solo, M a ry Bell e L oomis. \J iscclla neo u~ Lett er ~. D o ro th y Ert zin ger. Mono logue, .'\ lice Blume. Pia no Solo, Ruth Mattoon. Newspape r, Mi ldred M a rshall. Vocal Duct, Bett y P lum m er and Katharin e Minni ch . :"\arrati ve. Berni ce :\Torris. Extem po re s peec hes were made by Lillian Shively. \ far garct E dgi n g-1 n 11 . a nd Martha Alspach.
== Pa=g=e~S ~i=x~ ~=========:========T=H=E=·=T=A=N=:A=N D ··c A RD IN At.
The Grecil\,· ich are leading the race Succeed in Wresting ·a 24-22 Point fo r the· Gir ls' Social Gro up League Grune From Sophomores ·with six win s in as m a ny star ts. The \ Vith :11auy <l o ubts and mi sgivings to m ake: :\n y o ne wh o thinks that Thursday. Talisman follow closely wit h five ·wins t he T a n and Ca rdin al prese nt s h er they ha ve a be tter selec tio n, and , L eague ther e are probably several, th a n th e I A ll-Gro u p . and A ll -P run e in six st a rt s·. Las t Th ur ; day th·e Se ni o rs wo n the selecti o ns. :-.; o men wer e co n sidered one pub li sh ed in t his iss ue o f the T a n I 1 li e stan~iing. who ha ve not played in a m ajorit y of a nd Ca rdin al are to se nd th eir selec- ! int erclass baske t ha ll champio nship w. r,. Pct. Team th e games. Co nsis tency was o ne of tjon s t o th e r\thletic Editor of the '1 for tl'. e econd ti m e sin.ce they .hav e 0 J. 000 Greenwi ch ..... ,... ... . .......... 6 Tan and a rdinal and th ev w ill be bee n 111 schoo l by defea t111 g th e Sophthe point s co nsidered. A man ha s to Tali sm an ...... ...... ................ 5 1 .Sq3 I o m o r cs in a cl ose · ga m e, 24 to 2:~. play a g r ea t deal before it ca n b e pulblished in th e next iss ue.· ,750 1 Th e s ignat ur e of th e auth o r must From the fi rst it loo k ed as th o ug h Onyx ...... ..... ..... ................. 3 de termin ed how co n sisten t h e is. .1,;o th e sec~ nd year m:n w er e goin g to P olygon ............, ...... ........ . 3 To add intere st to th e selec ti on a nd accompa n y all selec tions. A ny that .667 2 ................... -! a ls o to k eep o ut of tro uble th e Tan are no t sig ned will b e thr o w n in th e have th m gs all th eir o wn way and Arbutu s .500 wer e lea d in g 10 t o 2 at th e intermi s T . D . ................................., 3 a nd Ca rdin al has th e fo ll ow in g o ffer waste ba sket at once. .250 3 sio n, hut th e Seniors tiglitenc,l up in ..-\ ready ................................ 1 .167 t he last peri od and. with P orosky O\\·l:; .... 5 1 .143 6 sco r ing mo st. went into the lead not Pheo ni x .... All-Group League Team. · All-Prune League Team. 1 ooo lo ng befo r e the tim er·s whistl e ended L o tu s 5 0 Marsh, f. , Cook House. Miler, f., K oz m o ps . th e game. Sh ank leto n, f. , Sphinx. Broc k, f., Ba il ey-Annex. ; Uncll was th e h igh point m an of th e Ya nti s, c.. A lps. M end enhall. c., K oz mop s. \ game with fo ur baske ts and tw o fo ul s. M ye rs, g., Lakota. Pilkingto n, g.. Du bs. Po r os ky sco r ed m os t fo r the winn ers Try Richt er, g., Coo k H o use. \,\Til so n, g ., Dubs. with four fie lders, a ll regist ered in the fi na l pe ri od. Th is ga m e m a rk ed th e seco nd tim e this class has wo n the intercl as bas SOPHOMORES AND SENIORS T. D. WINS FROM OWLS ket ball champio n ship, ha ving won PLACE FOR CLASS FINALS the class se ri e by la r ge margin s when IN HARD FOUGHT GAME they were fr es hm en. Greenwich Defeat Lotus 11-8. Other Th e li ne -up : 1n th e pr elim inar y games th e Sop hInteresting Court Scrambles o m or es de feat ed th e F r es hm en 20 _9 Seniors-24. G. F . P. La st Week. and th e Seniors nosed out a victory ~idcloes. r. f ·· ........ ....... 2 1 5 1 at th e expense of th e Juni o rs 23 to• . s t m a n. I. f. ...... ...... ............ 1 0 On \ Vednesday afternoon , March 20. 0 11 M o ndav :.[ ar ch 8. ta ir, I. f. ................................ 1 1 10, th e T. D. clu b defe ate d th e h . h S . Be nn ett, c. .. ... . ..... ... 2 u I 11 t e 11rs t ga me t e ophs Jump• • • . . Phoe 111x 111 a n 111terest111g ga m e I 7 to cl cl McM1chaels, r. g . .. .. ........... 1 0 . . e to an ea r 1y 1ca a nc1 were neve r p 1~. The w111n ers did m ost of th e dam. I oros ky. I. g-. .... .......... .......... -! 0 s 11eac1ec1. 1eac1m g at th e e ncl of th e fir st T o tal s ........ ' .......... ............ 11 age in th e seco nd half, coming fr o m be2 2-! 6 hind to ta k e th e lead. Widd oes of the h alf. I0- . Th e. game got r ough n.ear Sophomores.......22. G w inners was th e high scorer of th e t~1 e end, b ut with numerou s subst 1tu- Ca roll f . F. P. 3ee Samples from game with nin e point . M ood y sco r ed t10n s by bo th sides no o ne wa s in lo ng Pilkin~t~·n · j··f··•..................... ~ O O eno ugh to get in ju r ed. NT . ' · • .............. ...... · O Ii · mo t fo r th e lose rs w ith seve n points. · 1 o rri s. c. .............................. 2 o 4 Eubanks fio-ured in th e winn ers scor~uell lepc! kt.he sco ring with even I lJ. B uell , r. g ....... ................ 0 2 2 11 mg t o n was nex t with · G. Buell I. ,.,.. ing with three fielder s. pomts. 4 2 JO In th e oth er game of th e aftern oon ti ,·e. ~h~nkl eton played best for th e Total ' "' ········•--·........ .. social the Polygon nos ed o ut a victory a t the lose r:; with an excell ent fl oor ga me j R efere~·:··i;~·;;:..·o;·~ ~~·b~i1~ 4 22 Before orctering Class and nd expe nse of the A rbutu s I 5 to 11. I a sco red 2 bas kets. _ _ __ O C - - - Group Pins. Bishop was· the hi gh scorer of th e Th e lin e- up a nd s ummary: Case recently received a gift of game with six baskets. \ ,Veim er sco r Frosh-9. Soph-20. $500,000 for a new mechanical enMakers of Philophronean l{eys. eel mo st for th e lose rs with four bas- H oove r, r. f. .................... Carroll. r. f. gineering building. The donor of k et . The w inners we re trailin g at Br ock. I. f. ...... ..... ......... Pilkingto n. I. f. the gift is an o nymous and the monev the m ain intermis. ion 7 to 6. Saul , c . .... .............................. ?\o rri s, c. wilt be given only if the alumni ar-e ColUlllbUS, 0 , In th e o pener last Saturday the Hu ffe r. r. g . ............ .......... D. Buell. r. g. ab le to r aise an equivalent sum hy 11th and High Talisman "blan ked" th e Lotus 41 to 0. Iv[ycrs. r. g....................... G. Buell, r. g. the fir st day of June. Tre \·arro,,· scor ed most w ith ten ba Jn the second game the S eni o rs too k ~ k ets a nd a fou l, followed closely by a n ea rl y lead and o utsco red th e third V . Peden w ith seven bas kets. yea r m en 13-7 th e fi rst half. T he In th e econd game Sat urday the Juni ors took new life between ha lve T. D . defea ted th e Owls in a n inter- and came back and outsco red the e ting game 21 to JO. The ga me ca m e champs b ut the dama ge had been done to a scoring duel b etween Widdoes of in th e first half. the w inners a nd Snavely of th e losers \ Vicldoes led the scoring fo r the \ with Widd oes ha ving a littl e th e bet- w inners with ten pojn t . Bechtol t • ter suppor t from h er guard • Both and nave ly scored mo t for th e players did some excell ent long shoot- loser w ith 6 a nd 5 poi nts r especing in the last pa rt of th e game. Wi d- ti vely. The game wa interesting, the doe led the coring w it h eig ht bas k ets sco r e b e111g · · t I1e sec- J ti·e d once I ate 111 1 and a fo ul. Snave ly sco r ed most fo r ond half. the lo ers \\'ith fo ur baskets a nd two The line-up and summary: fo ul s. Jun iors-20. Seniors-23. Tn th e fi nal game atu r day the Bechtolt. r. f. ................ Eastman , r. f. Green wi ch held th e Phoenix to a Snavely, I. f. .. .... .......... C. vViddoes. I. f. COLUMBUS,O. single field goa l and no eel a victory Keller. c. ...... ........ .............. Porosky. c. 11 to 8. Superio r foul hooting by chear, r. g . .... ...... ....... McMicha I, r. g. the lo ers kept th em in th e runnin g Lambert . I. g. ..... .... .. ... .. ........ tair, I. g. a ll the time. Dew led the corin g _ ___ 0 C _ __ Wi lson scored w ith thre e bas ket s. Golf will be included as a pa rt of mo t for the lose rs with five o ut of the intramural program at Ohio \ Ves six fou ls. T he winners led at th e en d ley-a n thi s yea r. Events are sc hed The lar gest, finest , and best equipped gallery in America. of th e fi rst half 5 to 2. uled for eve ry week until the close
' I
Come and
Go Where You Have Always Been Pleased
The Old Reliable
For the Best in Photography.
Unquestionably, the Gallery of SuperioritY•
- - - - 0 C----
Pay Y our Y Pledge.
of Ju ne. A si lve r loving cup will be presented as a priz e to th e fra • ternity scoring th e mo t points.
Rich and High Sts.
T H E . TA N AN D C ARD I NA L BONEBRAKE SEMINARY MEN GIVE Y. M.-Y. W . PROGRAM Vocal Quartet is Feature of J oin t Session. Appear in Cha pel P rogram. The Y. M. C. .. and Y. \V. C. A. at a joint session last Tuesday evening, we r e favored with a :very interest ing program given by s ix men fr om Bonebrake Seminary in Dayton. The visitors were Messrs. Peters, John son, McIntire, Herrick, a ll st udents at the Sem in ary. Mr. Kester is director o f mu sic and Dr. Ward is business man ager of th e eminary. The fi rst three named a nd Dr. \ ,\Tard are Otterbei n graduates. Th e mee ting began with a quartet Sunday eve ning ? and Mrs. Le h er of Colu mbus entert a ined a nt11n composed of Messrs. Peters, Ke ste r, ?er of yo un g people at a dinner party He rrick. a nd Johnson. Following the 111 their hom e. Amoflg the guests quart et, Mr. Pete rs, who is pa tor of were \.Va nda Ga llaghe r , Ruth Hurs h, Oa kwood Mission, gave a short tal k " Why Otterbein Students Amy Mo rri s, Elizabeth Lesher. Mar about cus Schear, Duane Harrold, Charle s Should Attend Bonebrake Seminary." H e was fo ll owed by Mr. He rri ck, Lamlbert, and Phil ip Charles. presiden t of the Seminary Y. M. C. Anne T ryon a nd Maude "Wise of A. w ho spo ke of " The Place of the Mansfie ld were hou se g ues ts O f "Peg" Y. ' M . C. A. at Bonebrake." ~rT ryon this wee k- end. Kester ta lked about the oppor tuni ty The Talisman Club enjoyed a for mu sic s tud ents at the Seminary. country wa ffl e supper in the home of He then sa ng " J es u , Rose of Sharon ," Mr · Schrock on Saturday evening. by Gab ri el, in hi s del ig htful way. Mr. On Tuesday even ing Ma ry Belle F ra nk McIntire, chairman of the Loo mis · ent ertained the Polygo n Cl u b party told about " The Associations off t the Ca mpu s." Mr. J oh nson spoke of a t her birthd~ h C " ~Y par y . Bl I "The Associ ation s on t e ampu • anche Myers '24 visited the Ow and . Cltib tl · k ' ' I Dr Ward busm ess manager, · ' 11s wee • end · 'Id superin tenden t of grounds and bm T · luded t he program with a , he Arbutus Cl ub were g uests of . ,,tr T . t mgs, cone - · roop 1a t T uesday evening a a f rks 011 "How to Get t o the very cJever clock party. The 'd ew .rema ,, I ea wa car · d . f Seminary. en co nduct ed t he rte out 111 the games and re res I1 111ents. These same 111 chapel er vices Wednesday morning. n_ ~-fa~jorie Copelan~!. 24.. visited with scrip t ure was read by Mr. John o alte thi wee k-end. ;ohne and Dr. Ward offered prayer. The Arcady Jub held it an nua l T he st udent body was then giv~n the ~ nquet at the h m e of Mrs. Leo na rd · Cook on aturday eveni n ". The alu mna I gue ts we r e: H azel Barn grover, Pearl Lincoln Hazel D ehnhoff a nd Doris Hampshir~. •Mr . · e11·1e I· wonger went to t h e n,ver ity Ho pita! on Sunday for an operation ye terday.
CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, Chairs arranged in a triangle set the keynote for a three-corner ed meeting in Christian Endeavor, S u n day even ing. Songs were sung in verses o f three and the scripture pre sen ted by a triad of readers . Spec ial music consisted of a request t rio a t the piano, composed of the Misses C harlotte Owen , Florence Howard, a nd Eth el Kepler. L ouise Stoner also sa ng a vocal solo. The topi c. "How to Overcome Anger a nd Revenge," was so developed by the leader, Lenore Sm ith, that the rt ifferent angles were discussed ~n g roup s of speeches consisting of three each. Of these - gro ups there was a l o the key number and vario us members contrib uted in this manner to th e discussion. The m ee tin g closed with a season of "good fel iow-sh ip" and hand -s hakin g.
D wight B lauser, '24, teacher in Zanesvill e High School, visited with On Tue day eveni ng a t 8: 15 the A nn ex fri end s ..f aturday afternoon. st ud ents in th e Conservatory prese nt The Annex Club gave final in itied a pleasing var iety of both vocal and in st rum ental selectio ns to an apprecia- ations to "Doc'' Hall, "Bob" Richard ti,·e audience. son, Lloyd Shear a nd Paul Brock atSeveral of the performers were unab le to appear o n acco unt of illness. Piano selections wer e played ' by Mil. · . y·ira D un D}t•re, C e 1,a d re d K 111 m ger, John on, Glady J ohn on , Glady ichol s and ,[ildred Zinn.
New Spring Oxfords Come In and Visit a While and Look Them Over. Priced at
On F.
nday evening "Peg" T r yo n I "p u I1" for the Lot us lu b, . ring h . er week-encl gue ts. 1 V1 rgi11i T of th a aylor ewell wa a guest e Arbutus Club thi s week-end.
no un cement of his marriage to Mi s Loraine . Clark of Ro ewood, o n t he twentieth of February.
Lakota a nn ounces a active mem bers Clive Hoover, Herbert Holm es, "Fat" Myer and " Bill" es'bit. George Bechtolt pent a t urday a nd und ay with Lakota friend .
C larence Laporte is till lo hi r oom on We t M ain
Rut h the and Marga ret H a ney spent llJ Week-end at th ei r hom e in Portss outh.
urday night. Frie nds of "A l" Davis received an-
"Fat" M ye rs went to hi s home in Dayton ove r the week-end.
are here
gav ho 11
Prof. and Mr . HanawaJt attended plea ur e of listening to the quartet. the funera l of Mrs. Norwood H. Guest fr Guest wa a tudent in Mr. J\1.-cintire gave the o nly talk of Sunday. Otte rb ein in 1922. t he morning, " nited Brethren." Mr. W. H. Mouis of Zane ville pent Kester followe d him with two beau the week -end w ith Jond-a fri end t iful o los. "Teeter' ' . dams, '23, vi ited ov ~r The singing of the "Love Song" the week-end with Sphinx friend . conclud ed the program . "Frosty" L owery, teacher in Car r ollton Hi gh chool spe nt the week end with fr iends in vVe te rvi lle.
e . aturday night th e P hoenix Oub 11 Joved "h Pu h--,,_ a . amb urge;- and dill pickle
Pa~h e Arbutus Club held its initiati on ev: ~ at T he Tower o n Saturday -n111g . . ,vet f ' at w hich t1m th e pled~e in,. rm all y received into active 1 -n1)erh· 1P- Mrs. T r o p and Mr . E . · · we11 \ · \ere a lu mna! g ue ts. 1Ida · ·1r • . . I f:' Io ' ver of tra. bu rg v1s1te< rencc \Va rdell over the wee k-e nd.
La s t Sat urd ay evening Cook House ente rtai ned in honor of their new members, 1vlaye r , 1[cGill, Propst, Saul a nd Yo un g. Honor guest s p r esent were Prof. B. \ V. Valenti ne, Dean E. Cornetet. Prof. L. A. Weinland a nd Dr. R . V . Phelan and " Beany" Beelman. Former students who were present are Ke n t C roo ks and "Bob" A llison.
- - - - 0 C----
t _After being piloted o n a thrilling
1 ? to H eaven by their pledges on nd ay night, Tomo-Dachi banqueted h er new b . h' t th e "N ·1 mem er m roya l f as 10n a 'th ci Hou e on Saturday night. d e blue and w hite decoration s add ~h much to the festive atmosphere of c/ room hut the a ppea rance of "Pop" 'rna.'<ed the occasion
con fi ned treet.
" Jo hnny" Hudock i confin ed to his room by a severe cold whi ch has af fec ted hi voice. Mr. and M r . antwell La h and fam ily of Tiro p_en t unday a ft ernoo.n with their on a nd b;other linton. Clive Hoover p nt th with friend s in pringfield. " Bus·• McM icha I' with him
" r the w
- --
b rother vi it cl k- nd.
0 C-- -
Quiz and Quill Meets. .- .\ short t ry I y harl tt w n, a fami liar e _ay by Edwa rd H. Ham m n, a11d poetry by Thelma n. der, co mp r i ed th literary pro ra m giYe1t at th re ular bi- weekly meeting of Qt iz and Quill lub which wa h 1.:1 la t Monday eve n ing 111 Prof. lt111 a 11· cla room.
. T H E T A N · ·A N D .· A RD I N .A L .- .-
Will Portray Southern Darky Scenes. On Thursday eveni ng at 8:15 the Rocky Mountain Male Qua rtet ,,·ill appear in the Chapel in a very unusual and interesting program , -consi ting of musical and dramatic numbers. These men, coming from the western part of the country, have as urned the name of the Rocky Mounta in Quartet. They will play noYel mu ical instru m ents. some of which were invented by Mr. Herb Morris himself and used exclusively by the quartet. They will portray various ce nes of southern darky life a nd western cow boy cenes. Their imper so nation! and catchy negro so ngs promise an even ing of delight. ---0 C--ROSCOE O. COOK DIES
Bruce Curry, Dr. Harry F. Ward and Other Speakers of Note To Attend
J. P. West, treasurer of the col- lege. recently received a check for , $22,784.31 from the General Educa tion Board (Rockefeller) as its quota of 50 per cen t of all collections on the endowment fund maJe by the college since last June. The balance sheet of the college for Feb ruary showed that the fund is progressing rapidly. The college now has $852,862.49 invested endowment for current operating pu rposes. Funds subject to annuities total $ 4,200 a n J loan funds reach the sum of $15,2ZO. The college has $4-17,836.59 invest~d gifts for buildings, g round and equip ment. All of which bring the gra nd total to $1,400,119.08.
On Monday evening the varsity ba ket -1ball sq uad wa given a six o'clock banquet by Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Hursh , in appreciation of their sµlcndid work during the season ju t passc,l. The captain fo r next yea r's basket~ball squad was duly elected. But si nce this article went to press on Monday afternoon, the name of the captain must be with held until the next is ue.
Succumbs Unexpectedly Wednesday Morning from Apoplexy. Was U. B. Official. Funeral ervices for R. 0. Cook, who died suddenly of apoplexy at his home on West Main street last Wed nesday morning were held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in the United Brethren church. Dr. S. E<l win Rupp conducted the ervice . Burial wa made in the Otterbein emetery with Earl F. K eyes in charge. Mr. Cook wa an official of the United Brethren church and had been a member of the board of trustees for he pa t ten years. He wa al o an u her. He i urvived by hi wido\ , Mr . R. 0. ook, who teaches a class of college wome n in the U nited Brethcen Sunday School, and two children, Dr. A. D . Cook ,of Siu Lam. hjna, and Mr . Howard Elliott, of esterville; five gr,andchildren , a brother and a i ter al o survive. ---- 0 C---SOCIOLOGY CLUB MAKES TRIP TO COLUMBUS ociol gy lub made it fir t olumbus la t week. T he on Thur day vi ited the chonthal ommunity Hou e and the Home f r Babic , both under Jewi h control. On aturday another '\jfoup vi ited the Godman Guild, which i th lar t ommunity Hou e in 1umbu , primarily for men and boy . T hey al o went to the Gladden omm un ity Hou , which is chiefly for w men and irl . - -- - 0 C---0. T. DEEVER TO SPEAK AT Y. M,-Y. W . MEETING Th
Th Young Men ' and Youn vV m n's hri tian As ociation will hold a joint e ion this evenin in the ociati n Building. Th principal sp.eaker of the eveni ng will be 0 . T. D ever. who i. deeply interested in young p op! ' work At the pre ent time Mr. Derver i directly a socia l d with young p ople'. work in Dayton.
KAMPUS KALENDAR Tuesday, March 1 ~ Y. M. C. A. and Y. W . C. A. at 6 o'clock in Associaltion ,B uildin g Wednesday, March 17Senior Recogn ition Day. Thursday, March 18Lyceum C'Ourse in Chapel, at 8 :15. Rocky Mountain Quar tet. Cleiorhetea at 6:10 p. m. Philalethea tt 6 :20 p. m. Friday, March 19Philophronea at 6:15 p. m. Philomath ea at 6 :30 p. m. Monday, March 29Forensic Recognition Day.
:,ix committees were chosen last week by the Y. M. - C.. A. and the Y. ·w. C. A. to make preliminary prep arations for the conferences of the Young Men' and Young vVomen's Chr istian Association and the North ern and Southern Volun•t eer Un ion which will be held on the campus April 9, 10, and 11. Between five an d s.ix hundred delegates are ex:pecteJ to attend this conference. Among the prominent speakers at the conference wi ll be B ruce Curr y, of Union Theological Seminary in New York City; Harry F . Ward, also of Union Theological Seminary ; Francis Miller, Associate National .Secret,ary of S1.uJent Y. M. C. A.'s, and Irma V oigt, Dean of Women at Ohio University. "Undiscovered Re sources of Life Today" will be the main theme under discussion. Definite plans wh:ch have been for mulated by the commilttees are now under way. Boardin g and rooming for the de legates for three days will likely present a problem to the com mittees. A rrangements are being made for a banquet. .
We are now taking orders for
1 lb. $1.50 2 lb. $3.00 We Pack Them for Mailing.
- - - 0 C----
Fable. There wa once a co-ed who O\vned a fur coat who wa n' t in a sorority.
DEBATE TEAMS LOSE IN WE"EK-E'ND TILTS iOtterbein's affi rmative and negative debate team were defeated in the triangle meet, Friday evening, with Muskingum and \1\ ittenherg, Mu kingum' negative winning on the home platform, while Wittenberg 1be ted the negative at Springfield. Both battle were hotly contested, the other ide victor by a narrow mar gin. 1'he team will meet Heidelberg 1arch 19, before the high chool of ardington, the afMt. Gilead and firmative, Miller, Laukhauff , and Knight, debating one place, while the negative, Arnold, Fl tcher and La Porte, debate at the otl,er. - - - 0 C--GLEE CLUB TO GIVE PROGRAM AT HEATON'S The Glee lub and Banjo Orches tra have been e pecially invited by the Otto B. Heaton Mu ic Co., on Ea t Long treet in Columbu , to give a pecial program tomorrow evening at :30 a a part of the grancl opening ~f the new mu ic tore. Thi concert i nc of many which will be given throughout th open ing week. Capital niver it y, eid'.!l · hool of Mu ic, and the Morr y chool of Mu ~ will al gi,· program on that we k. - --0 Library Now Open On Saturdays. h librar. · ning at 7 :::o on Saturday II · facdent ulty action th -ouncil. T h till 5 o'clock on
CANDIES TOYS, NOVELTIES AND BOOKLETS When you go home for Easter Vacation take a Box of Easter Candies with you.
12 East Main St. Phone 20
Westerville, O. Call Us