1926 04 27 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

Jl;fake Parents' Day .A Success

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VO L. 9.


N o. 26.

Plans for Parents' Day Near Completion

1vA¥~~~~~~s~~~;!~~RE v=A :__R~s:n~v~c~1~ND __ ER~M ~EN~EAS __:_IL=-Y -'=-=WIN- so--s- 1___M _E _E_T:i~~~ . B~o =u= N~ T~E=::: o= u s:::: R=E== P=A=s=== T ..~ VICTORY OVER OHIO Otterbein T akes Ten F irst P la ces and T ies for First in High Jump. Otterbein defeated O hi o University in a dual track meet la t aturday on the Otterbein fie ld 80 to 51. There Wa a trong wind from the West ' ~h ich bothered competitors and offi­ cial to con iderab le extent. It was nee ary for the judge to al010 t hold the bar in place. herbein led in the numher of fir t Place Laken with ten besides a tie for fi r t in the high jump. The high j u mp wa, the only licld event in which Ot­ terbein did not have an unconditiona l hold on fi r t place. Ohio U. wa supreme in the hurdles and in the mile and two-mile run · toughton ,Yas the high corer of th e meet with a first in the 100, 220, and 440-yard da hes beside running a anc Iior man 0 11 the' relay team. _H ud on scored mo t fo'r the vi itor With ten points as a re ult of firS t Place in th e hurd le ' . Pe rcelle co red fiv Points in the mile and three in the two mile. The hi gh cros wind was c pecially hard on the 220-yard da h and the 220:\'~rd low hurdl es as full y a third of the dl_ tance wa run directly agai n t the \\·1nd. l'he ummary: 1 00 Yard Da h-Won by toughton L~tt.), E. Rob ert (0. U.)'. econd: ggett (0. U. ), third Time-10. cconds. n· . 1 cu s-Won by Poro ky (Ott.) ilcox: (0. .) seco nd, Pinney (Ott.) (Co ntinu ed On Page Eight). rl


M ormng · . B reak fa t m Cochran Hall at 7 :00 to 9 :00


a. m.

~ay Pole Dance at 10 a. m. rack Meet with Kenyon at 2-00 , V · o clock. audev ilJe and Beauty contest at 7:30.


~====:;;;;'I I




F aculty Rej ects R esolu tion.




At a meeting of t h e F ac ulty. la ' Monday even ing, that body reiccte by a large majo rity the re solut1011 . 11 ,vas. pre en tee! to it recently wh1c , by the St u d en t Co uncil. . The re so, u·o,1 i·ecommended Jancmg a.s a p~rLI · · 1al tial solution to Otterbem s soc problem. - -- 0 c--COL LEGE E DITORS TO CO NVENE AT AKRON U. BeaconWill Be Taken T hrough Journal Plant and B. F . Goodrich Co.

· College Pre s AsCocia1, he 01,10 d' . I1 the Tan and ar 1· • n of w h1c tio na l '.i a mem ber ' will holds its sec· ond meetmg o f t he year on. the. cam-f O pus o f t h e Municipal Umvers,ty 1 ' ·1 ;r and Satu.rc ay, .-,.pn · tlay \kron l 1 D · · and M ay l · Eugene B. ennmg, ~o • 1· ·•ed itor . o f ti,c ·A.kron E uch teltte, ' . h of the arrangement . . · cl 111 c arge 1 The program for FriJay me u es a • tt"h the plan t of the • kron 1 O tnp t,ro B ac n-Journa,1 .a talk . by John f he K . ht managing editor o t. B lllg ' Journ al a tentati,·e bus trip cacO~l- the l;ortage Lakes, and a a'.oun: ti1 e Lone Star fraternitf · chnn ci atI the even ing the co 11 e.ge h~-~ e. w:~ l be the gue t of th e 1 0 e ~. Ma que Jub at its annual Laug ing how~ . through the plant of the B. n~ . h Pubber o. will be the r. . G•00 Ipcattraction ~ • S a t urcIa y mo r npnn cipa ·u b conducted ing· hThe wi e B m·1J·111g the party new Municipal h t roug I o. \ meeting for in fhe mo:ning . a 1 wi l~ convene in gene ral d1scu ss101 th afternoon. _ _ __ ---- O C . . St uden t Council Begins T abulation of •Q uestionnaire t b Tile tudent ouncil -began a. a ~. f th qu tioanaire, which it latb1on_ttoed t; the tude n t body la t comu 1111 .· k e terday afternoon. wee · Y f thi questionnai re will I lete repo rt o k' T an and Car11 appear in · t wee s .:lina l.


Cochran Hall once more th rows opl'n her do ors a nd beckons the genera l p1tblic to hreakfast with her on atu1·d:1y morning. May 1; with the first strawberr ies of the season anJ all that goes with 'cm! And look ,,-ho prcpa1·e, them , and serve them. What more could one wish? Oh, music? ft will be there. An orchestra of string<"d instruments played by pretty girl in their prettie t attire is all rca ,ly for the occa ·on. c ·orati 11 ? E-,ery cla and organization in any way connected with Coc hran Hall or the girl of Otterbein Coll ege help with the beautifying of the hall dining alon for this orra.sio n. ~ Breakfa t will be erved con ti nunously from even o'clock until nine, o th a t you may come early or late, (Co ntinued on µage eight.) - -- - () C - - - FIFT EE N ME N NOW OUT F O R V A RSITY D E BATE ---The try-outs for var ity debate quad Wednesday, added lydc I Biel tein to the quad. making a tota of fifteen. nl y four old memb r s remain. Robert Kniaht. Palmer Fletcher. Karl Kum ler and Perry Laukhuff. By virtue of their work in the Fre hman- ophomore debate th ten men on the e team were automa~ically elected to tbe quad. The ophomore a re Louie orris, H udock Waldo Keck, Clay and Donald Borror. The Fre bmen are Albert Mayer, B ruce LaPort , Philip Charle , Ma on Haye and R. Dur t. - -- - 0 C - -United B rethren Ch urch Ohserves D edica tion A nniversary u rch ervic unday marked the observance of the tenth anniver ary of the dedication of the U. B. church. D an . E. Cornett poke at the morning ervice on "Glimpse W " d R J H H long · the ay, an ev. · · arn • onferen e uperint ndent, al o addre ed !he congregation.

Day Dance Headed By May Q ueen Will Also B e O ne of Big F eatures.

A May Morning Breakfast, a May Day D:fncc, a track meet with Ken­ yo n. a vaudeville conte t and a beauty contest are among th e headline fea­ ture · of the big Parents' Day P rogram which will be pre ented n xt aturday. Parents' Day is now an annual tradition for Otterbein. \.Vhen Parents' Day was inaugurat~d la y ;rr, it chi f bj ti,., '-Va to g t a many of the tudent ' pare nts on the ·ampu , a po ibl . T h is wa done in order that the parents might get a more definit and concrete idea of the s tudent'. life on the campus. In ord er to· further this purpo e the admin istration gave each student a mimeographed letter in hape l, wh ich it i hoped will reach each student' parent . Not only wi ll the parent have an pportunit y to get acquainted with th profe so r , and get a view of campus life fir t hand but plenty of entertainment is plann d for the entire day, winding up with the vaudeville and beauty conte t in the hapel in the evening. Thi b a ut y year. a innovati n thi nothing of it kind ha ever been h Id · E ach p be fore at O tter b e111. the audienc at tb vaucle ill given an opportunity to vote o whover win the prize bo · f candy will be the election of th.e , hole campus. Th May Pole dance, in cha rge of We t will b tag d on th outh of th dmini tration B u1·1d·10 • Th e May Queen 11a b een elected by the ar ity "0" but th election will be kept e ret until aturclay. Tbe fay Mornia Br ak.fa t will I erved at Cochran Hall from 7 :00 t 9 :00. Ticket may b secured at H, door for JSc. C ---- O ---President Visits Portsm outh The P re ident pent unday, April 25th. at Por t mouth, peaki ng twic in the Fir t U nited B rethren Chu rch, a nd interviewing young people wh arc int re ted in attending Otterbein.


Page Two


ORCHESTRA CONCERT WILL COME TONIGHT PROF. SPESSARD DIRECTOR Program Includes Many Classical and Semi-Popular Selections. Pro­ ceeds Buy Drums. Tuesday evening, April 27, at 8:15 the orchestra will present a prog ram in the college chapel. This i the first concert of the kind which has been given for several years. Prof. . R. Spessard has promised a rare treat. Under the direction of Professor ·pessard, the orchestra this year has become a live, progressive organiza­ tion compris ing nineteen members. Rehearsals have been held regularly every week and a splendid program 1 ha been prepared. This program will include many unique features. Voca l olos with full orche tral accompaniment will be ren­ dered by seniors in the School of 1usic. The last orchestral number, closing with the familiar "Song of Love" will prove an artistic climax to an artistic program. The complete progr am follows: 1. March-On the Campu Sousa 2. (a) Hungarian Dance No. (b) Hungarian Dance No. 6 Brahms Bohm 3. Calnl.•a the Night Hanley Ju t a ottage mall Ve ra Wright 4. inderella· Bridal P roce i n bicker


5. (a) Berceu e from "Jocelyn"



G Courtesy The Religious

--- ------ - - - - -- - -- - --




Endeavors To Produce " Everyman" Play Contrary to an a nn ou ncemen t pub-


The Publi~ation B.oard, officia l con- . Mi s Frances Harris will offer a trolling body fo r the Tan and Cardi- , delightful program of classical and nal. will hol,i it annual election for I semi-pop ular numbers a her graduthe new s taff of the paper next Wed- atin.g recital on the pipe orga n next nesday afternoon at three o'clock in Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in th e Phi lomathean Ha ll. The new s taff ollege Chapel. The pu,blic is corwi ll operate the college news publi-1 dia ll y inv!ted . to a ttend this musical cation until April 1927. event which 1 the fi r t of a eri~ . large number of fre hmen and of graduating recital by Otterbein ophomore - have J>e n tryin.g out for Slude.nt ~. the new staff for the pa t two weeks. everal students a re al o trying for taff. The competition 'th e bu ine i excep,tlonally keen thi year; twelve tudent arc trying for po itions on I the edi torial taff. new bu, ine manao-er will be elected to fill the po ition recently left vacant by the re ignation of far-, cus c.hear.

Ro e · of Love quire Lenore mith Her on (a) Babylooian Dance Katelbey (b) In a Per ia Marker 7. (a) leepy Hollow Tune . Kountz Di Capua (b) 0 ole Mio Lorene Smith 8. Selection from "Bio om-Time" - - - - 0 C---Romberg Ticket for thi concert are being VARSITY DEBATERS CONSIDER NEW QUESTI ONS offered at the exceptionally low rate f twenty-five cents. The proceeds Monday evening the Var ity De­ will erve to pay for a set of drums quad, for next yea r, held a which will remain in permanent po - bate meeting in which the propo ed que es ion of the college orchestra. tion for next year were discu sed. It i planned that debate will be KAMPU S KALENDAR club he l,i before various bu ine next year, thu que lion that inter­ e t bu ine s men will be elected. Tn Tuesday, April 27a ll probability two que tion will be Y. M. and Y. W. at 6:00 u ed next year in tead of one, a has p. m. b en the cu tom in the pa t. oncert by ollege Orche tra in hapel at 8 :15. Thursday, April 29Cleiorhetea at 6 :10 p. m. T -COME TO P hilalethea at 6:20 p. m. Friday, April 30Philophronea at 6 :15 p. m. Pihilomathea at 6:30 p. m. Saturday, May 1Annual Parent ' Day. ee front page for program. FOR YOUR PARTY Sunday, May 2Organ Recital ,b y Frances SUPPLIES Harri at 3:00 p. m. in Chapel. Saturday, May 8French plays at 8 :00 p. m. in Chapel.


lished last week Cap a nd Dagger as a club will not produce the modern version of the morality play, "Every­ man " which wa written by J oseph Q. Mayne of the class of '25. Ins te~d the Christian Endeavor societies will f co-ope rate )vith individual mem'ber of Cap and Dagger in puttin,g on lh~ play.


THE UNION "The Hom e of Quality"




. Th e ,, Bruxton ,, tie


hand-made, unliri"ed

Meat Markef


H. C. Baughman

Gloriou new urnrrter 'ilk in the marte t coloring A big election to choo e from!

Other neckwear, $1 to $4 (The Union-first floor)

Page Thres


Varsity To Cross Bats With Muskingum •

BLACK AND MAGENTAS TQ COME FRIDAY P. M. fl RST TIME RECENTLY !duskingum Nine Lost to Capital Last Friday. Montgomery Hits Home Run. ttcrbein will atte mpt t o avenge defeat · basket ball and football ' · m '~hen Muskingum comes to Wester­ vi lle. to f urn1. I1 oppos 1t1o . . n to Coac h n· /mer' baseball team next F riday a ternoon a,t th ree o'clock. Otterb ein a~d Mus ki ngum have not met o n the diaolOnd for everal year . · CLat . F•nday Muskingum lo t · to apital lO to 4. ln this aa me Mon t. l1 M'111 t er .&'oin eru, hit a 'h ome r un "wtt on ba . 111 of b e th e first inning. Taylor hold a ket ball fame, will probably down the fir t sack.

TENNIS MEN WIN OVER sets 6-3, 6-2. The second game of at meetings last week and a great KENYON RACKETERS th e econd set was deuced eight amount o f en thu siasm was shown in times befo re Pilkington fi nally won plann ing th e _praotices for the first games which will start abo ut May 3. Otterbein defeated Kenyon in a -it. Two diamond s have •bel!n laid out on Roby won his match by t>he ame Tenni match last F riday on the the eas t field; it is planned to start Otterbein courts four matches to co re, namely 6-3 , 6-2. m o t o f th e games at 6 :15 p. m. two. The visitors carried off honors •McCona ughy and Roby lost a hard in one singles match and one doub­ matc h to Martin a nd his partner The af ternoo n game will begin at 4 p. m. A ll games are to consist of les ma<tch. Rain threatened through 7-5, 0-6, 4-6. eve n inning . mo t o f th e match and th e courts Bechtolt and Lai won th eir doubWith t h e large amount of ma teri al were a little slow from ilie recent !es match 6-2, 5-7, 6-4. avai lable, th e captains should develope rai n . four smooth working, fonpidable Lai defeat ed his opponent in - - - 0 C--tea ms before the -sea on i f.ar advanc­ straight sets a ft er los in g five of th e GIRLS ORGANIZE REfi rst six games of the fi r t set 7-5, CREATION BALL LEAGUE ed and a la rge amount of rivalry is expected. · 6-2. Af,ter a somewhat s low start Foll ow ing th e precedent set_ by the . M a ry" McKenzie will captain the he s tea died down and readily han d­ men, t he n . of Ottcrbe111 . wome . . . haYe Sophomores • _, . .,Mar y L ong an d H e Ien led his opponent. recent_ly ~aken a hve_ly interest 10 the Pal.mer wiU. lead the Junior an d SenBechtolt los t to H umphrey in orga 111zaflon of an mtra-class league ior tean 1 i:e I ec t'1ve ly. A s yet, the . straight sets 7-5, 6-0. Six game in fo r rec reat10 n basebal l. F re hm e n •l1a ve no t e I~ct= _.,, .,a. capthe first set went to de uce before Caotains for the team were elected tain. · · ·- .., · they were decided. Pilkington fo und no difficulty in defeat.in g hi opponen t in stra ight



Total ._....................... 3~ 9 Otterbein-0 A. B. R.


d The Otterbein ba eball nine w ent t O\\'n to defeat at the hands of the Tancred, 2 b. ...- ........... 2

eam r


Daytonc~:e t~ntmg the U niver ity of l0cat h· e opening game of t he E. c edule last Saturday 9 to 0. Dx.ccpt for the second inning when avto n ' fiv~ b cored five r,un on, two hit , th game a e ,on ball f - and three errors, After bva; - a ir 1y _well played. ed h' a · a tart Robert improv1 '1'ohR t gaiue steadily each inning. k the . 00 • hi turn a t the rubber in Pitch:~ghtl; a nd ninth innings. He batter on Y once ro each of the, iliree Qobert who faced him in the ~ighth. even . allowed ix hit in the, Yoh n one tnnin,g•t that he worked an,i . 111 m two innings.; . A fo ul h' ~ · • · the f it PJ1alor o 1 the knee in ed _ourth inning and Wertz replac1 hi 11111 fi in t he fifth. Slawita, playing r t g din at am e for the Tan -a nd Car· Iland[ d nine chance faultless­ ly, of 1110rrors a n d passes were the cause opp 0 . 1 of the co ring done by the . l llo- tea I






lawi ta, · s. ................ Young, I. f. .................. 3 . 0 0 R enn er, 3 h. .............- ... 4 arroll , 1 b. ..................3 0 0 Beucler, 2 b........_......... 3 0 * pangler ............,-........ 1 0 3 Rober ts , p. , r. f• 0 Yohn , p......................... 1 0 Phalor, c....................... 2 0 W er tz, c. ...................... 1 0 Borror, c. .........- ......... 0 0 Hopper, c. f. ................ 3 0 f 3 p on , r. f. , c. • ........



1 0 0 0


1 0 0 1 0 0 1


~ h~:~

0 0 0

1 1 2 0 0



I• i I

Remem'ber -~Her



! !!I



SUNDA .Y, ·Jl!JA Y--9 · .

Lowneys, Morses an<I Whitmans -


_ _ oc-- -



Otterbein w ~ l P t to m'.'ke .i . r ow' in track when . a · track two 111 a · Ken on will be team rep resentU1g Y . d on the local field next ente r tarne . K Otterbein defeated enaturday. ft • • by a dec1 1ve co re • yon la t year .' . kn n of the !though notbmg ~ ow Otterbein . . , trength th1 year, v1s1tors s d•fficulty in should encounter no rea 1 t repeating.




e l


j .



i 12 East Main St. Phone 20


. ..... ,


CANDIES IN SPECIAL BOXES High Grade Stationery in Mother Day Box. Mother's Day Greeting Booklets.

·1;;·~--;;·i ;=-G~I~~ghe~. Two ba e hit-J. Blake. "" ■ D ouble play -Renn er to Carroll to Robe r t , Hipa to Ei ele to Galla-

gher. = Hit ,by pitcher; by Robert Eisele. ■ By Caul.field, Young. j C m. Stolen ba e -Gallagher, Murphy, tor aulfie ld Pit bed well for the vi i-. s, al!o . . ou t wmg five hits and trikin " Wertz. t ru ck out-By Cau lfie ld, 7; by ! even Ot erbein batter . 0 tt erb · , oarne . e111 be t chance to score Roberts 5. 111 th Ba e on balls-Off of 111en e third inning. After two of th'werc out Slawita singled back 6 . off of Ca ulfield, 1, ,.Hit - off Roberts 6 in 7 inning • Way 1rd f ba e and Young go,t in the off Yo hn .1 jn 2 inning . 'R.enn~ ~ne of Cau!field's offerings. Umpire-Metzg ar . . ide Singl:ed, .filling the bases. The tn clo retired •when Murph y came to rio-he to catch Carroll's line drive C, t. l'he !in , l) e up ·and summary: Ii:' ayton-9 ete, 2 b. · .A. B. R. H. E. _ebe r, ~- f. ..·-··········· :· .1 1 0 1 li 1Pa, 3 b. ......,..:,,-.... 5' 0 l 0 J. lllake .........,..."""....... 5 1 1 0 0 bebei ' I. f. .............. 5 1 2 Gallagh' s. s................. 4 :irl"' o o Brenne er, lb............... 2 1 1 0 W. lliak r, r. f. ...........--. 2 o o 0 0 Caulfield e, c. ···-··········· 3 . 1 0 ' p, .................. 4 0 0 0




Westerville, 0. Call Us

---=-fl'';:. ' ·1 ~­ .-.,,,~: . ~ ~! ,.


~Pq~e~F~our~================~T~H~E~T~A~N~A N D C ARD 1 NA L


· [\,;;;;===================dJ!I TIMELY TOPICS

tudent became a subscriber upon few subscribers. However, if everY paying his matriculation fee, tw 0 benefi t would be put on t sound 1-inan cial basis. and second, the su bscripttion price co.uld probably be Iow· Of ered to about $1.50 per year. . course, there is the argument that it ff t0 i good experience for .the sta try to get as many subscribers as possible every year, but I believe th at ag the results attained are far too me er to be commensurate with the enernd gy put forth year after year, a bring only wo rry and hardship to h d ubled the T. & C. staff. Wiith t e O sub c-ription list that would be ~b­ tained by the proposed plan, a bigd­ g r and better and cheaper Tan an car<imal · could be p uhl'I h ed • ff PerTY Laukhu ·

Published Wee.kly in the Interest Otterbein College by the OTTERBEIN LITERARY SOCIETIES I THE TAN AND CARDINAL T ENNIS E THICS Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Ed·t T d Ca d. I 1ho.r I an a.n r.ma : • E'<l itor Tan and Card1'11al · Association T 1s etter 1s occas1one d b y t h. e surA a .. be f · STAFF prising number of pec,tator at the B d mem r. 0 th e Publication 1 tennis matches on Friday who seemoar ' would hke to discuss briefly EDITOR-IN-CHIEF evera 1 proposals which h WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 ed to be i_gnorant of the very fund a- before that bod .ave come Y a nd which would mentals of good spor tsman hip. Ten- aff ct th f Phone 455-W. 18 Plum Street ni ethics demands that applause dit~al. e utu re of th e Tan and CarNEWS EDITORhould only be given to placement Tl fi LOUIE W. NORRIS, '28 le 11 t proposal i t O t k h shots; to app Iaud an oppe uent'· error contr O 1 f a e t e CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS­ t be _T. & C. out of the is the height of barbarism. Time h d h Wanda Gallagher, 26 5 0 after time when the Kenyo n players ~n . • t e Literary Societies and Lenore Smith, '26 1 Pauline Knepp, '26 netted a ball or, knocked it out of the \ ~ ace '.~ ~ th e ha nd s of the Student Florence Howard, '28 cour t the erro r wa promptly apt present, of course, th e ounci_ · . paper I backeJ and t d Gerald Rosselot, '29 con ro1e , fin anplauded ,by the Otterbein onlooker . 11 ATHLETIC EDITOR0 th In the name of all that is fair an d ~~:Yy an~ , envi e, by the four LitH. E. WIDDOES, '27 ocrel'ies, a,n d so long as that .A.sat. Athletic Ed. .. Clyde Bielstein, '28 quare and port manlike, let u cu l- • tivate the essence of good sport man- is tru e, we cannot say that we have ALUMNAL EDITORSa real coll ubl. H. W. TROOP, '23 . hip. In ten ni , perhaps more than ege P ication. ALMA GUITNER, '97 in any other spo rt, th e game should th Probably e worst feature is that Donna Editor ...... Florence Rauch, '26 society members can be Local Editor .............. Karl Kumler, '28 be of fi rs t consideration,-not the only thactive e st aff, which plan excluded If Otterbein cannot aston- on Exch. Editor .... Ernestine Nichols, '27 players. ish the Ohio Confe rence with her many capable stndents who d t BUSINESS MANAGERcare t · · . o no ~ Jom a literary society. Such MARCUS M. SCHEAR, '27 athletic prowess, she can at lea t exAut. BWI. lier. .......... Ross Miller, '28 eel fo superior sportt;manshipt! L. H. s. : reqmrement is perfectly proper as ong as t?e control rests wher; it CIRCULA.T ION MANAGER­ d oes, but 1t would b . e removed were Mf.RGARET WIDDOES, '26 why Otterbein students do not express the di their• true idea and opinions ; they are rection of the paper to be · .A.aailltant Circulation Manacers• gtv<'n to the Student Co Ruth Hursh, '27 unc,t, representing willing to subordinate their ideals to all h Mildred Wilson, '28 a few insignificant grades. Students oth t \ st udents. Of course, on the Addreu all c~unicationa to the nd th e T~n and Cardinal Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert should not forget that they do not hase; a ' Hall, 103 West College Avenue, Wes,. come to Otterbein to get a list of al- ·era on~ ~e~ published by ,t he Lit­ tenille, Ohio. phabetical letter , but to gain an edu- ow ry h'OCtehes and to change its &abacription Price, J1,.00 a Year, cation. ners . ip now would be to take f Payable in Advance. the Literary Societies . rom We fail to conceive of any profes- means f d. their la t Entered as second clasa matter Sep­ o irectly influencing campus tember 25, 1917, at the post-office at or who would be so common as to ~But I bel' Westerville, Ohio; under act of March lower a student's grade becau e his au.,u:rs. con iderat· f ieve that a serious 3, 1879. ion o both st"d es of the Acceptance for mailing at special rate opinions do not conform with those question will lead ef postace provided foe in Section of the student because that student sion that th one to the conclu1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized had dared to di play a difference of T. and C . e transformation of the April 7, 1919. . . mto a 100 per cent 0 opinion. If there are such professors be111 College Pub!' . . tter­ they are by no mean deserving to b; as well as in .'cation, 111 theory, called educator . benefit to th practice, woulJ result in EDITORIAL e paper and even to the Student have the right to crit·ici·ze L'1t erary Societies. but it certainly i not to their credit Th IS THIS YOU? . e econd propo"al -. t h at t h ey voice in private opinions Ute b o I to place Students have the right to criticiz,e; which they are afraid to voice in pubu scription fee of th T & C on the Matn· I . e . . . S it is their duty to criticize. The stu­ I1c. tudents should not turn traitor stud t cu ahon fee of . .d I d . . . en ' thus mak· every dents in turn expect to be criticized to t h e1: I ea ~n conv1ctions simply I subscriber . ing every student a by the administration. We may say to retam favor 111 the eyes of the pro- gent u ~ Thi proposal is contin0 in the .beginning that the Tan and fe or . Far better to be true to our- th P . the fir t, for so long Cardinal is the expression of the stu­ selves and our friend and flunk tha e ~aper •s a Literary Societ p abs • n 11catton it Id Y u dent opinion and tudcnt life and not to d egenerat .mto coward . Be true to f 0 r ' . wou scarcely seem right 11 a hot-bed of revolution. to yourself. ce it Pon the students h h or no. However . , w ct er The Tan and Cardinal feels that it done t · ' somethmg mu t be o mcrea e th umb bas the backing of a large majority The e times are out of joint they er Th ' y. scribers At e only n er of sube good old day were best they sa . present 300 of th tudent body in attempting to t he 600 stud ts · out of And maybe even you and I y. express the views and opinions of C It ken , arc taking the T & . ma e it d' · that body. About 99 percent of the In fifty years will talk that way. to make a go txcee t~gly difficult 0 Otterbein st udent body whose opin­ - R. 1lcCann' "Cheerful Cherub" in the thing with so the Columbu Dispatch. ions we endeavor to voice remain silent or, like Brutus of old, turn trait­ tho. e who do th·mgs ge t or and tab us in the back. Although · •Only . . they make empty and boisterous cnt1C1zed. The idler is lo s t s1g1t . I of . declaration s within their rooms, club m tile march of events Crt·1·lCI• m • . • room or houses this same 99 per­ 1 a compliment paid to the m h , an w o cent lack the backbo·1e to upport act. its conviction publicly. In endeavoring to find out just why Professors who do not like the a . th such an inconsistency existed we ques­ tudes '.lnd recitation of their class­ tioned a number of students. The es, should go out the hills substance of the replies in almost where their echoe among wiU ound very every case was: "If we come out with plainly. opiflions which the professors do not u.1e like, they'll either flunk us or lower So~e P_eople have to be brought to 7 . our grade . It's 'b etter to salve them a realization of their condit· b N. STATE ST. ion dorc ·a little and get good grades." they can be made enthu •· t· . as ic over So that' the putty-brained reason c h angmg or remedying it.



On ly _ c_o_ll_e_g_e l.)t~en ts and nightI theY watchmen are proud of how ong ·tay up at night o one i

busier tha n th e college

student ought to be. who Girls are not the only ones t' tar­ dislike biology. Cats find it p;.ir IC ly distasteful. We hear that t'hcre are still some th families tha t don't even consider e Cbarlesston a good parlor joke.

c- ·

tion O The Phi Beta Kappa organiz;t ys I0 at Harvard very profitably etnt> . •0 bur­ itself by maintaining a tuton g inideau for ev rat weeks before exams. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,_ -

r.'-=======~~~~~~~~ Look for the


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For New Shoes and Repairs, Q ,rtce­ and Service speaks louder thlJl

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Page Five


~f- 91

Representatives Colleges Attend. Educa tional Relations Are Stressed.

THE CLASS O F 1947. \V e j ust di scovered Lu lu J. T-bv. who is ni ne ,,·eeks old. T hi ~ you n.~ la clv is the c!2 i.:.ghter of J or n L. Ha :✓ o f • _ hcl by, O hio. Mr. Hay i of t ha t ,·ery large ch ss, t he Exers, b u· ,,·e a re q ui te cer tain t ha t Lulu w ill b ecome a n a lumn a a fter she enro ll s in t he illu st rio us cl ass of ' 47. .-\ noth cr youn g lady is enro ll ed in th e class 11 11 s week. She is th e da ug h ter oi \fr. a nd ~l rs. ' h arl es Ben nett o f \i\Tc.,; tcrvi lle. E lizabe t h .'\ 1111 was born on Apr il Ii, a nd sinc e her claddy, .. Chuck" be­ lon crs t"J c,1e clas of '1 5, she prop­ c- rlv belong s to Otter>bein. .; ' h uck " ma na ges the des ti nies o f 1he H . L. Benn e tt Coa l and F ed Com pa ny of W esterv ille. O ne boy comes on t he list th is wee k a lso. J ohn Stanl ey "Wilhelm nrunner t he son of Mr. and Mrs. very Brunn er of Canto n, Ohio.


Warren County. F rom H elen Dru ry Kni g ht : On the nig ht o f i\l a rch 2 6


Th e regu la r mont hl y mecti11g o f the t he \V es terv ill e Bran ch of th e Co­ hom e of Kay anrl Dick Goodr ich lu mbus O tter bei n W omans' lu b pirit. \Ve wa wa~ fu ll trl O t tcrbe i11 h eld · F riday aftern oon. April The O hi o ta te U niver sity en te rwere so rry t ha t we were un able to I 6. at Cochra n Hall. tain ed th e a n nua l co n ference o f the hea r th e boys sing. but some high Mrs. Oscar H. Ch a rl es wa t he Association of Alumni Secretaries of tcn ~ion wi res spoiled th e music. g ues t of honor and g ave th e clu b a the u nited S tates on A pril 1 5 to 17. The fo llow in g o ffice rs we re elec­ speech based upon her persona l re­ There W.:! re rep resentatives of 9 1 t ed. P res id ent, Di ck Goodrich : vice­ m inisce nces. colleges and universities of th e U ni t­ r rcsidc n t. Ma uri ce H o rlache r ; Sec. , The pledg es for the year were paid ed States rcp re entin g nearly 1,000,­ a•:d T rea s., H elen D . Kni g h1. a t this mee ting. Mrs. Charles pre­ ooo alumni. A lth oug h onl y l 2 in number we sid ed over the bask et and as ea ch The Otter bein secretar y too k a wan t to hel p Otterbein all w e ca n. meml>e r presented her money she lo0 k 1· 11 on th e con fe rence and gives gave a stu nt. The s tun ts we re u niqu e L'cking and Knox Counties. h _re a thoug ht o r two fo r your in ­ a nd displayed th e o riginality of th e F r0111 Wilbur W ood : P1ra1ion. \N e did have a F amil y Reuni o n in m.e111Jber . The pleJcgs paid am ou nt ,\t one o f the session three noted our com munit y bnt did no t hav~ to $19 .00. Pea ker prese n ted va rious phases of ma ny prese nt. There were only · . \ no th er o ne o f the unique featu res th e Prob lem of a lumni r elationships. t h ree pre cnt but we had a big fee d of th e m eeting was the questionaire A Profes or William J. N ewlin, o f ha nded to th o e prese nt. It was a nd listened in on th e program. 1 1therst College, who recently made J'lhe reunio n idea is good and desig ned to tes t their kn owledge, or a . st ud y of "Educa tional Relations rat her to determine t heir ,lack of w orth try ing again next year. Wrth Alumni" for t he American A s­ knowled g e o f Otterbein history. It - -- - 0 C- - - South Bend, Indiana. sociation of U ni versity P rofes sors, Dayton Otterbein Sorosis Meets. proved to be delightful entertainment A leitte r from H. Lucile Gerber : The Day ton Otterbein Sorosis met Pre en ted a little different a ngl e to a nd served to acquaint them with t he Even th oug h · T ca n not report a some of our problems. He sugges te d o n April I 5th at the home of Mrs. th large meetin g, ye t I th ought yon histor y o-f th eir own institution in oppock Pan ing. The clu b . at the rca on for the "over-empha- Lucille m ig h t be intere ted in kn owing that whi ch th ey were all interested. 1s" 0 f - --0 C--­ • athl et rcs , largely foo t bal', wa c pecially favored by having with we did observe O tterb ein night here S ign Engraving Contract. nulght be due to the profe sors them ­ th em " The Harmony Four" from in South Bend a nd our m eeting was e ve · ome of the A contrac t f r engraving in t h f tnasmuch as th ey som etime. E uclid Avenue Church. just a enthu ia tic a. three interested 1927 ibyl was • ig ned wi th the Ca n­ i or~o~ that th e undergraduate b oy gi rl in the quartette will a tte nd Ot­ Otterb ein lumni could pos. ibl:v ton E n.gra ving o. Ja t week by Rob­ run teen and healthy" and sug­ terb ein next yea r. make it. er t Knig ht, th e editor, and A. 0 . ge ted furth er that if th e college Th e general ubj ect of th e evening cour M•a ry ham.berlin, ' 23, an<I L oi Barnes, tlt e bu ine manager. ti would ' take on om thing of wa Tial y. In accorda nce wit h tl1is 1 oy, '23. and I began th e eve.n ing other arrangem en ts f or- next year' ie a ttractive nc s of a ction Ji play­ th me the singer rendered " Lucia". with a dinn er and from that time on b k have been mad e. hloe Niswonger, ' 11 , pre ented ed by athl etic that perhaps wh en Mis all our thou g ht and words w ere of Underg r d . - - - 0 C--a ua te became alumm we .a Yery intere ting paper on Roman Ottenbe in- a tru e old grond sort o f Y. M. C. A. ~ould fi nd n1uch ba i for the "over- A rt given in her accustom ed brilliant an occa ion. Along with our re­ 1ndul o. fi .,encc 111 mu cl e " ,but woul d ma i;ner. Ruth Koontz, ' 15, gave an m1111 -cences were ma ny in cere hop 111d W a ldo K eck led the Y. M. . A. in interesting and delightful account of real respect fo r brain " fo r O tterb ein' futur e and a deter­ . er. di cussion of "Ruts ," a :1farry A. Garfield, Pre iJent h er rambles through outhern Italy in m ina tion to do a ll we can to further a furth of I on tmua tiou f th e meeting o f th .a recent trip. Her de cription of ti ltarn College, and former war­ h er intere ts. We read the mo t ex­ at e _fuel admini t rator, likened t he c rem o oie in t h cathedral was very celle nt lett er which was sent out bv w e.k b fore. The ocial situation wa a gain t he principle subject urnni ecretary to a " ma in hig hway" amusing. Pre. ident Clippinger. W e a re all fo.r brought befor e the group. on wh· 1I · everal Th e following o fficer were elected_ ta· ic communicati on was m a inOld O tterbein. tn ed 111 · . . · . uggestions for t he im­ men m ade ed two direction a nd remmd - ~ r th coming year. Pr~ ident, Gr~ce provement of form er Hancock CoWlty. o bi n tz. '11 ; Vice-Pre 1d n t. L ucil~e th e a embly that if the alumni Pla n we n t awry at th e la t min­ plan • Pro f. hur h and tiec rctary be ca1ne a " one wa y tree (" J:' d n. E x.; ecy. a nd Trea ,. Mane u te and onl y a sm all g roup got to­ •at alu · brought out ome impo rtant fact r e0111fort '23. . and f nuu anJ college, the pr ident ge ther Th ey enj oyed tbe Pre ident' garding thi prob! m . . O. Barn Mr . I. R. Libecap a 1sted Mr . Woul/culty ~epre enting the college, ta lk a nd the splendid mu ical pro ­ at th e lo e of the me tiJ1g , pr nt~ Pa n ing in t. h e ocial hour. dev be enou ly hampered i11 t h eir gram. Enoug h pirit wa. generated d t h trea urer' report in th e abI0 Pment Mr . W . L. Matti , r porter. e D . by th e ma ll group to carry on until ence o f Louie orri , tr a urer. larence Cook L it tl e, Pre id nt 0 f r. th e next mee tin g can be pla nned and - - - 0 C- - the · it ind n iver ity of Michigan , p rolong-a tion of you t h au m put over. PHILALETHEA Ill ri a's ~>re ented Younge t college pre id n t, telli ent utilization." That he . ug­ - - - OC - - a few challenging idea. ,,. -t ,I wa th e rea on for th e mter­ ~ e. hrill hi h voi pen etrat d t h egt ju athletics-~b e di, 'i,re to r e- '02. We regret to learn of t h e death clign ih d ilen of tb room, filli n 1. The ed . . . of the father of Mrs. Dai y Wat­ aluu ucat1011 of th e potential t~e ? ir with el ctricity and antici­ i11u be . . Ross of Colu mbus, Ohio. Mr. kin th II h gins 111 the fr hman year, t a tag dinner tb e relation of Watkins died at the home of his c1p~ tt on. . odde nly a babble of c to b . gave concrete way by which . to football wa di cu ed by danghter. fu J n a nd cxci tem nt wa heard aumm I ;\. egin this education. th e fr~ hman t ro upe, in barg uch prominent men a Hall, K n­ ion, t~:ll ~ttention to hi wide hori- i edv avage, Wilce, Bezdek B rry, '99. Mr. Rob rt D. F unkhou er, o f J o ~phme Drury, fairl y torm d 1 recently chosen vice­ fra ?1le, y et D ayton, " a B B <big world in wJ1icb b ub tantial portal hn. and Major G riffi th. t. president of the D elco Light Com­ Plulal th a Thur day cu .' lld "'et bi upport to e..'<- ra . The fundam ental tho ught of . ev, mng. . rt ular a t 1 · .. promotion hve c v1tie . Teach him rela- group was tliat the game i for and pany of that city. Tihi In the typica l fa hion o f th Value . a a recognition of bis long ern youth, the fre hm n irl aJullln that when h I an belong to t he tuJent. If th e alumervi e with the company and of his ed in c tum • of all u h he will have an appreciation . Id use their i116uence to ~stop vary:111g from ultra nt wou . . g neral business ability. C. T:ka e of college life. modern, to tho e ecured probabl nd the out 1de pubhc rrom S a . 6dence e the tudent into the con­ th e. pre t niake the game theirs Mr. Funkhou er r cently directed from_ grandmother' eda r h t, en th try mg o . . a large convention of Delco Light _t rta1~ed ociety with an amusing aa .i college the_ a~m inis_tration of t~e . 1·de of ath letics would d 1ees 1&111ng him to · commit- b u Jiles aJesmen from all over the country. 111g~mous mock o iety, wJ1ich mi h AY as . II . be,h ow him to work with the appear. ea ily have been re-chri tened a a - - - 0 C - -~•. G·1 plea wa made for alumni to "farce." Ollege P ~c a one-hour cou rse in H a rold L. McCa ughey has been kc p liquor away from big g am es, Dr t· ohcy and Life. ~~e entire mock session was . h a re incerely grateful has working ibis way through the Uni­ "'"ork. tttJe then ummarized t he W 'h JC \Ve tr_i~1ng x.hibiti n of th potentia~ ity of Akron by pi1oting a majl ver J·n "the consideration. o f tb e " ttive of ab ility of the fre hman girl of Ph "lto th e a 1umni secretary. no par t . • two n earby cities. plan e between a thleti c manager at Otterb Ill . alethea. 1 a sis t the alumni in t he






Page Six




In th e State El imination Co ntest i to he he ld as a part of th e N atio nal ' Oratorical contest, next Th ursday . I evening at Ohio W esleya n U mver- : sity , Earl Hoover wi ll speak on " Need. Great Men, and the Constih1tion.'· The Co nsti: ution is to be bl'.e s ubj ect of all th e speeches e ntered 111 I the cont est. Karl Kumler wi ll deliver "Ca rry On" in th e State Peace contes t which will be held at Heidel berg F riday night.



I· .


: For the second time this year the April 24-0h io University, at · Otterbein tenni s team los t to Ohio W csterv ill e. W es leyan. T he match which wa r, May I- Kenyon, at Westerville. played at Delawa re wa lost by a May 8-H eidelberg, at Wester­ sco re of 6 to 0. ville. The featu re match of the afternoon !\fay 15-Dayton, at D ayton. was tha t between Lai and C. Blickle. May 22~M uskin g um , at ew Ohio onfe ren ce champion. Lai won Concord. the first set 15-13, ,but lost the next May 28 and 29-0hi_o Con­ two. 1-6 a nd 4-6. He held a lead ference Meet, at Oberlin. of 4-2 over th e champion but Blic.k le came through for fo ur ga mes in :i row to win the set and the match. President and Prof. En:gle - -- - 0 C---In the ab ence of Chairman Pil­ · Speak at Ministerial Meet BEN HANBY CLUB WILL kin g ton. McCo nat1ghy acted a tem­ Profe sor J. . Engle delivered sev­ H OLD MEMORIAL SERVICES porary cha irma n. era l addresses on "The Gospel of - - - 0 C - -Ma rk'' at the Ministerial meeting of Celebrating Nationa l Music Week. Gym Classes Play T ennis. · the Sandusky Confe ren ce, at Bryan, th e Benjamin R. Hanby Musical 1 11 eginning nhis week the Fresh man O hi o. Monday and Tuesday, Apn·1 19 rt Clu b will give a memorial ser­ and ophomo re men's gymnasium and ZO. b vi ce in honor of Mr. Hanby, author After Wednesday' game with the classes will ubstitute three sets of P reside nt O ippioger addressed t e of ·' Darling Nell y Gray," on next U niversity of Dayton, Prof. Martin tennis for the regu la r period of th e same body o n Tuesday evening on Sunday afternoon. May second, in recommended that a. chicken wire week. "The P lace of Religion in Modero he Pre byterian church at four fe nce be erected around th e base ball --- 0 C--­ Life." On Wednesday he ~elive;e~ ·c1ock. A number of poems and 0 field .in order that he might enjoy the MANAGER SELECTED FOR two add resses to the young peop es ong~ by Mr. Hanby wi ll be given game to its full est extent, hereafter. INTRA-MURAL BASE BALL conve nti on at the same place. to the public for the fir t time. During the · Dayton game two little - - - - 0 C---­ a meeting at t he Association base ball enthu ia t arm in arm wan­ PH IL OPHRONEA dered . aero s the outfield toward the Build ing last T uesday, represe ntatives Come and Try Our of the various g roup decided to con­ debate, "Resolved : That Otter - right fie ld bleacher . A these 3-year­ fo rm to the ·rules recently adopted olds pa sed the Dayton right fie lder, bein hould Permit Dancing," evok. . . . . . concerning elegibili ty of track and ed not a little comment at Philo- they excited his big ?rother mst1~ct, IDA base ball men. Two new teams, the ph ron ea's e sion of Friday eveni ng. causing him to leave his post a nd pilot Lakotas and the Cosmo politans have B. D. Redman was them toward the sidelines. However, 11 oration by enter d th e league, making eight in v ry well worked out. The book this juvenil e pair soon fo t interest in all. review by . c. MieKnight prove_d the game and tar_ted home by the eorge Griggs was elected as man­ to be inte re tin.g al o. A commit- same route over which they had come. s ger of the base ball league and vari­ tee wa app inted to investigate the But- this time the chivalric nature of ou plans were made for the games po ibilitie 0£ an extemporaneous Prof. Martin as ert ed itself. Rm~- which will probably begin thi week. peaki.ng conte t to be held within th e ning toward them, h e extended his ----0 C--next month. fat herl y ha.nd and propelled them off Ra cket · , $3. 50 to 12.00. E . J. Nor____ O C - - - tage at right, amid the hearty apri & Son.-Adv. PHILOMATHEA plause of an appreciative grandstand, th u allowi o g the game to proceed. -:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_:_-:_-:_:_:_:_:_:_:__ J>.n uou ually interesting literary H ence it is obviou that a fence program featured the meeting o! Philo- would greatly facilitate matter . . mathea F riday evening. This pro- - - - 0 C- - - ­ gram consisted of a "Di cussion", Y. W . C. A. Caldwell E .; an "Expo itory Essay", Ra or, 0 ., and an " Original tol'y'', t the weekly meeting of th Y. Hoover, J . R. Marshall, C. E.; Hu­ W . C. la f Tt1e day evening, D or ­ dock, J . W.; Biel tein, C. H ., and othy Philip and E dn a Tracy led a Mumma, C. E. spoke on the extem­ di llS ion on t he ubj ect of "Loy­ porau.eou and impromptu program. alty." Margaret Edgington and L il­ Zimmerman, C. M. and F rees, L. S. lian hively reviewed re pectively were received a s active member and the torie of E ther and Ruth, and Dodd, C. 0 . was received as an asso­ the leader applied the principal of cia e member of Philomathea. Loyalty to college and home prob­ - - - 0 C - -­ lem . pecial mu ic wa furni heel CLEIORHETEA bv F lorence Prinz. - - - 0 C---For .fen and Women. Ar1 inter e ting program for Cleior­ Apri l 21-Dayton 9, Otterbein 0, at Weste rvill e. April 30-M uskin g um , at Westervil le. May 5-Dayton, at Dayton. May 14-Keny.on, at Gambier. May 21 - Antioch, at-\,~ vi lle. ·May 26--K enyo n, a t Wester­ ville. Jun e 5-Mu kingum. at New Concord.

I 1·

Professor Exhibits Chivalrous Nature









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10 cents a button, $1.00 a rip hete.an In tallation ession last T h ur day eveni ng included a piano guarantee. E . J. Norri & Soo.-Adv. olo, ".Minuet," by DoroU1y ower ; haplaio addre , "Make Life Worth Li in.g," Mildred Mar hall ; Vocal olo " pril Ecstacy," Betty Plum3ee Samples from me/ Critics ritique, "Friend hip," ' Helen aimer ; -Piano olo, "At S uoet," Marguerite Banner ; President's Valedictory, "Thought ," Wanda Gallagher Vocal olo, "Evening,'' Katherine 'M innich ; a.od the Presiden!'s Before ordering Class and Social Inaugural, "Education and Social Group ·P ins. Progre ," by Grace Cornetet. llie Wall~ce, Nelle Glover-, and Makers of Philophronean Keys.· Ruth Hursh made interes-ting extemporaneous speeches. Mrs. E. M. Hursh discussed plans for commenceColumbus, 0 . ment. 11th ana High



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r:---------------.. , Cana l Winchester


to spend t he week­ I end. T he Sphinx Cl ub entertained n um­ J Ruth Ri ce of Dayton a nd Esther I Meyers of Va ndalia were th e week- erou guests at their annual spring banquet he ld o n Saturday evening. end gu. ests of M.ae Mickey. "Teeter" Adams, "Rus" Co rnetet, Emily Mullin was a guest at a Paul prout, Wilbur Coon, Fre,i house-par ty given her over the week­ Stephens, ·'Perk'' Collier and "M ick­ end at Penn State. ey" Demorest we re among the alu m­ Other We are very glad that Viola _Peden ni and ex- .tudents present. is able to return to school this week. guests present were Carl o Cooksey a nd Russell Keyes, both of Logan, - - - - 0 C- -- Byra Reynold , of John town, Bob Catalogues Out Soon. ew cata.logues for the 1926-1927 Keyes, "Johnny" Schott, Russell lexander. and Geor,g e Downey, all te rm of school will be out soon ac­ of \\ e terville. cordin g to information from the O"ffice. The exact date of distribu­ Lakota held its Fourth Annual Formal, Saturday evening at the tion wi ll be a nnounced later. Elk Country Club . The g ues ts of - - - - 0 C---· happy to know t hat ). We a re quite honor were Dean a nd Mr . E. ~ary Hummell, Mildred Lockner and Corn etet. Prof. and Mrs. E. W. E. ·dtble Plowman are convalescing rapchea r and Prof. and Mrs. R. F. That she· thinks it's pre:ty go.od Martin were also present. A four­ 1 .Y. We hope tha t " Father Time" will allow them to return soon. stuff having the c,ollege bell ring twice cou r e dinner was served. -Ir · v·1rg101a . . T aylor Newe II was in one week. Ed ewcll, '22, visited Cook House the g That· judging from the loving scene ue t of the Arbutus Club Sunday. friend over the week end. Mi Bernice Jones and the Misses that held up the progress of the b~se­ Wilbert £iley pent the week-e n cl ball game last Wednesday. slie thmks £1 ie Mae and Irene Sharp were the the " coo" in co-educational m~~t a t his home. gue t of the Owl Club over the week~ start in t he grade schools or else,-1t s "Tim" ewell accompanied Prof. eu d· During their visit here they at­ ju t the atmosphere. George A. Milpert of Kanawha tended the Lakota banquet. That she's wondering how many Sc hool of Mu ic, Charleston, W. Va., T The Lotus Club announces Edna heroin es will dare the May Pole dance to W es ter ville and vi ited with Cook ra Y a a pledge. Hou e friend s. Fran ce George spen t Sunday with this year. That one test of manly courage is her ist . the May Morning breakfast . er tn O berlin. atten d mg A PU h . . in squads of Jess ~h~ twenty-five. i was gtven Thursday evenang as th e r e ult of the arrival of an riPetizing birthday box received by y PRESIDENTS RETURN etty Mar h. FROM SOUTHERN MEET




Wanda Ga,lagher " - pent the ,_ week. W G Clippinger Also President · · end at her home in Mt. Gilead. Attends Inter-denominational 0 11Doriua Ridenour en tertained the Conference . • Yx Club at her home in Columbus aturda Y evenmg. . 1 tte Owen, President ~f Y . h ar o b t Pre ident ·arlo C d Charles Lam er , cook ook ey brother of Lena W . an returned la t Wednesday ey . . ' Urda visited with "Wink" on Sat- of Y . ~·• . ,.,,,,. ,Alabama, where Y and Sunday. fron1 B1rm1n1,,.am, • attended the I nterdenommafThe " they p le' Conference o 1)rated • I am Hill" gang of '27 cele- tional Young eo? They pent t 1e arrival of spring Friday . • Education. even in R el 1g1ous d . Chattanooga. g at moky Hollow with much Monday and Tues ay m I •h gee • . s the first se F . day evening wa ' an1burger and dill pickles. High a world famn . n1 r. S t a ey ' York deE:1Miria . rn Conger vis ited her sister ion. Deaker from ew ' •e Ma . address on the '8 0 b £ ~ on Thursday and Friday. ou sp I li ver.ed the operunf gtl Co ferencethe ie Mae and her i ter spent 11 l theme o ie . Th.e entire .. h . ,, Pi Wee k-end at a rnegi e Tech in genera, " hr i t ian C1bzen ip. d. tt burgh. devoted to I cusonferenc e wa f which fo l. . Blanche 1,r . the th emes o Tai 'Leyer , who 1s teachmg at s10n groups · "Christian gue'11adge, Oh_io, was the week-end owed th e general topic,,, 1 . . • in the Home. t of the Owl Club. C1t1zens 111 P f h ConferAfr Ii 0 The pecial featu\e h~ldt :n Saturthe · wa rd Loehr of Canton was a banque Weekgue t of Mabel 13ordner over the ei1ce wa . A t this banquet we:e -end. clay mght. m all over the U111tpeo_ple fr o th mener~-~nabel] Wiley aJ1d Thelma Sing­ youngtates, some froi:1 ou "'ere g S ed ,., o being r ep reSaturday ue t of the Onyx Club over ca and Canada, 0 ,,1 ' and Sunday. en ted by six. f London, E ngE:lean W 1 ho 111 . or ard was called to her Dr. W . C. Poo ~• o of the World 111 d who is President of a e Dayton becau e of the death Ian ' h I A sociation. gave t he n uncle. unday Sc oo f the Conference on 1Ir Pi 0 fourth . 0 wma.n generously s urpr ised final addre s. 'day evenrng. t 0 Wi th }1° r girls of Cochran H all .;,tli1 • W G Clippinger also a President · · . f the Cona Push" Friday evening. al sesst0ns o d to the campus B elen d te nded sever in ]) 1bson spent the week-en ference. He return e elaware with friends. f the Colgate last Sunday. O Aiar Mr. Russell Colgate elected Sister ~et Kumler visited with h~r CO mpany was ~ention to sucthe \~e kr · Wi!dasin, in D ayton, over Perfumery .d t of the con e ·end. pres1 en . W O. Thompson. ceed President · E:ctith M oore went to her home at

Wayne R.ardain journeyed to his home to spend Sunday. Harold Young and Albert Mayer vi ited in Canal Winches ter with lady fri ends. Kent Crooks visited with House friends this week-end.

C ook

W eek-end visitors o.f the Lakota Club were "Dick" Goodrich, George Bechtolt, '25, "Len" Newell. '24, "Ted" Seaman, " ex" and "Ted" Gantz. "ex." Dr. and Mrs. George Gohn of Day­ ton, vi itecl their so n, George, Sun­ day. \\T. H. Morri , '25, of Zanesville. spent the wee k-end with Jonda friends.

Dale Friend and "B ill" Curtiss pei1 t th.e week-end at their homes in Plea antville. "Eddie" Griggs was a unday vis­ itor of th e phinx Room . Wilbur Wood, '25, visited with Cou ntry Club friend over the weekend. ---- 0 C ----

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Page Eight FRESHMEN WIN ANNUAL COX FORENSIC CONTEST The Fre hmen again won th_e an-· nual Fro h- oph tilt by a unanimous vote. The Question debated was: Resolved; that Congre Shall Have th e Power:, to X ullify Decisions of the Unit J States Supreme Court Declaring Federal Laws Urnconstitutional. The. affirmative side o f the quest ion wa opened by Louie Norris of the Sophomores and followed by Clay Kohr and John Hudock; Donald Borror and \,Valdo Keck acting as alternates. The negative side wa upheld by Albert .Mayer. Bruce LaPorte and Phillip Charles of th e Freshmen; R. Durst and Ma on Haye acting a a lternate. A mall but en thus iastic crowd was pre ent. The debaters did not . d 111 · seem disappomte t 11e sm a ll turn -out but each speaker tried very ardentl y to get his part of the argument across. The members of the winning side were each presented with a purse of $5. This was made possible by "The Cox Prize Foundation for Debate." The judges were Dr. Cha . Snavely, Dr. Raymond Phelan, and Horace W. "Troop. Earl Hoover acted as chairman.

---0 C--"BOUNTEOUS REPAST" (Continued From Page One). just a you choo e. Thi 1 all offered for the mall um of thirty-five cents. Ticket will not be old in advance, but the money will be collected at the door. ow don't forget that the moue arned in thi way enJ d legate of t he Young \Vom n' hri tian so iation to th thi

ummcr. ome and enjoy a mo

OTTERBEIN WINS MEET (Continued From Page One). , third. Distance-107 feet , 11 inches. Pole Vault-Won by Widdoes , (Ott.), Meyer and Freshwater. (0. 1 U.), ti ed for second. Height. 11 feet, 3 inches. 120- Yard High Hurdles-Won by Hudson, (0 . U .) , Widdoes, ( tt. ). ccond. Drury (Ott.) . third. Time11.:; seconds. Mile Run-Vion by Percelle (O . U. ) , Neeper (0. U.) second, Cheek (Ott.) 1 third. Time-4 minutes, 59.4 ·seco nds. I I High Jump-Pinney (Ott), navely (O tt.) and Davi (0. U.) tied for I first. Height-5 feet, 6 inche . 440 Yard Dash-Won by Stoughton (Ott). , Crawford (Ott.) seco nd, Gian­ der (O. .) th ird · Time-S 2,6 sec0nd s880 Ya rd Run-Won by torey (Ott.), Erisman (Ott.) econd, eep- 1 er (0. U.) third. Time-2 minutes, 14 seconds. Shot Put-Won by Richter (Ott.), Patterson (0. U.) seco nd, Reigle I (O tt.) third. Distance-37 feet, 8 inches. 220 Yard Low Hurdles-Won by Hudson (0. U.), Glander (0. U.) econd, Widdoe (Ott.) third. Time29.3 econds. Broad Jump-Won by mith (Ott.), tair (Ott.) second, Harri on (0. U.) third. Di tance-21 feet. 220 Yard Dash-Won by Stoughton (Ott.), E. Roberts (0. U.) econd, Pinney (Ott.) thi rd. Time-24 ec- • ond . Javelin-\,Von by Reigle (Ott), Poro ky (Ott.) econd, to ne. (0. U.) third. Di tance-150 feet, 11 inches. 2 Mile Run-Won by Buxton (0. .), Percelle (0. U.) econd, Tinsley (Ott.) third. Time-1 l minute , 18.7 econd .


Punishment Partly Rescinded. College Orchestra Photographed. Puni hment inflicted upon the Alps A picture of the College O rche tra Club by the .Men's enate la t week wa partly re cinded at a meeting oi was taken at the Home Studio on th e governmental body. The Alps \: orth tate street la t at urday for ·1u.h will sti ll retain its charter and the Hl26 Sibyl. Dress suits provide it ~~ons~ r but will be given no rec- a nove l feature in the orchestra pic­ og111t1on 111 the 1926 ibyl or the Tan tu re thi5 year. The orche tra ha a and Cardinal. The Club will not be contract to play a concert at the com­ allowed to enter any intra-mural mencement at Galena on May 20. ---0 C--tea m · and may not participate in any campus activitie until the enJ Spalding and \,Vright & Ditson tenof the present chool year. nis balls. E. J. Norris & Son.-Adv.

file Relay- on by Otterbein ( torey, \,Yale , Crawford and Stough- 1 breakfa .t of delightful food, delight- ton.) Time-3 minutes, 3 .6 econd . fol mu ic, delightful conver ation, ____ C _ _ __ 0 and be t of all, delightful attention SOCIOLOGY CLASS MAKES I of the mo t delightful girl . In other word ~ co m aud have a delightfu l VISITS TO COLUMBUS I time at ochrao Hall next aturday morning. The ociology la , und r the ' ----0 C---j direction of Prof. E. M. Hursh, made two trip to Columbu la t w ek to QUIZ AND QUILL GETS SIXTY CONTRIBUTIONS tudy labor and economi condition in fa torie . On Thur day afternoon, ve.r ixty c nlribution were ub­ about 2 - member of the cla in- 1 mitte.d by fifteen £re hmen and opho­ p ct d 'the Jeffrey Manufacturing J mor for the Quiz and Quill Lit­ ompany, and on F riday a party erary ont t which do e.d la t Tue - tudied condition in the Timken } day. . ' ot in receut year have o Roller earing Factory. It wa the many contributions been enter d by purpo e f the trip to tudy the at­ o many different tudent in th' mosphere of the factorie and the literary oule t. p to the pre ent phy ical condition of the worker . only w torie have b en ubmit­ Th cla con idered the worker· t d for the Barne ' bort- tory opportunity for ocial life, recreation t t. and m dieal ervice, a11d inve tigaled Elimination of the Quiz uch e onom ie factors a wage , Quill productions are being made to 1 orker insurance, and profit determine the winners of the conte t. ing. \.Vinning production will be [)ub­ ---0 C--­ li bed in the pring number of the Science Club Meets Quiz and Quill magazi_ne which will The program for the meeting of the appear ometime during the fi rst week in Uay. Three hundred ub- cience lu b la t night was in charge cription have been received and ~he of member of the Home Economics H oerner pre ent­ publication of an 4-page magazme Department. Mi ed a di cu ion of "Vitamins' and will go forwar d r apidly. etherill had for her ubjeet Winner of the two coot t will Dori "Vitamin D". b annou nced later.


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