1926 05 04 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

au att

ar itta




N o. 2 7.


Otterbein Swamps Kenyon by 103-26 Score . OTTERBEIN WILL MEET TRI-COLOR TRACK MEN




Deadline I s Ten O 'clock. The dead line fo r a ll copy fo r

'. he Tan a nd Card ina l i ten o'cloc k Mo nday. T hi rul e muS t Nothing I K s nown of the S trength of be r ig idly enfor ced if the pape r Opponents. Easy Time Not is to be i u ed on time. Expected. • - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - {•; rn Otterbei n will ho ld its third track eet of the Otterbein fi ~deason next_ Friday o n t he op e with He idelberg as the trpeonent. othing is known of the ngth of ti T . cind 1e n-Color men on the Ii er Path as the meet will he the r~ of the seaso n for them. ed tterbein' team should how addthe trength a new weakne es show lJrn elve a nd a r e correc ted. l11at nl_e · Heidelberg has much new lcrbe~ial in the Sophomore class Ot.dif!i rn hould perienc reat 110 in cont111uing · her winni ng tr lCulty k a of little less than two years. A.NNu o C - -- -

T E NNIS C O URTS R E SERVED l:leginning Thur ·tlay of this week. th e ; hree south tenni court are to be resen-e,1 for the girl gym classes KENYON WINS NO FI RSTS from 2 :00 unti l -LOO. In like manner the north courts will be reserved from High Jump R ecord is 5 feet 9 1-4 3 :00 to .; :30 for the Varsity every Inches. S to ughton Is In­ night. All tudent are asked not to d "vidual S tar. u e t_he court. while rhey are wet.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -


Ottediein swamped Kenyon m a dual track m(•et on the Ottel"'bein field last aturday 103 to 26. 1'11e Tan 311d Card ina l cinder art i ts took every fi rst place and all but six of the second .

- -----The '·vodvil'' in the chapel at urOn Parents' Day fo r the fi rst time in . Captain day night, winding up the Paren ts' Otterbein ·s hi tory one of her st utoughton wa the indiDay ce lebration, wa dents wa crowned a Queen of the nd1131. st ar of the meet with a fi rst th o roughly worked out May. Marian Dew wa the lady place_ 111 ea::h of the da he . be ide T•he capacity crowd anJ elected by the Varsi ty "O" la t week runmng anchor man on the relay las t year. it af parent appreciation of the pr<>- to receive thi honor. team. W iddoes cored 13 poi nt with gram go to s how that the acts preThe opening feature of the cere- a fir st in each of the hurdle and a . nte ,, er.: t, th 11 ,11 (J u and iJJt r- mony wa. a o lo clan iv 11 by A lice ·cco n <l place in the pole vau lt. The quee ' · Herb i11 111· h · a nder t h en . navely brok th e~trng. · n proce 1011 The lirst ac t was g iven by the wended its way to th e throne from Jum.p r cord with a leap of 5 feet, 9 1 4 Ches terfield Trio. It final ly proved the Administ ration Buildi ng. Incl udinches. The o ld record of 5 ' AL ELECTION HELD that this number \\·as well select•·d d among the queen' escor t we re feet. ' 1-4 inche wa held by CampBY PUBLICATION BOARD for the ope nin g act. Thi ce ne wa her two flower girls, Pa uline Howe hell. of the class of 1915. • WaYne V _ ___ la id in a college tudent' room. and Lena Cook ey, he r crown bearer to ughton equalled the Ot terbein · Harsha Elected Editor of era! song ~f real melody were ren lice McC loy, and he r eigh teen maid H~ record held by himself when h e Tan and Cardinal for the ,lered hy ti1e t r io. a rrayed in blues. g reen ' and yellow . li111 heel the race in the fast time of Year 1926-27. Sphinx-Onyx Win. .\ft er being crowne,1. the queen wa s .'il econds. ,\ ____ The . econd act \\·hich proved to honor ed with a Grecian dance by her eve ral o ther Otterbein record th Pub\· c. annual election e sion of the I he the prize winner, was staged by maids. The May-Po le dance given by were almo t eq ualled and may he \Vednesday '<:atton Boa d h. h h Id I d J• I bs jointly teu gi rl clad in white clo ed the broke bef h aft r w '~ wa_s e a st th e Onyx an . P irnhx_ he uh . t '. n ore t e end of t he sea on. B:a11, W ernoon rn P hrlo ma th ean \ parlor scene. 11~ w 1c t e 1_, e~ s cerei~ony. _ . . Mey er showed promi e of bein o- a ditor-in-ay ~e V. Hars ha was electe_d beau was enter'.arne~~ hy the m~s ft . s_ Gl~d} . \ Vest was 111 _charge of good vau l_ter when he cro ed the bar 11a1 f cl11 ef of the Tan and Cardi- ch ie, ou~ little sister. wa~ dramatic( (.ontrnued O n Page Eight). at the he1gh'.h of 11 fee t. 6 inch . In order to am u, e - - - () C - -- Eberth cored mo t for Kenyon 1f u111 or the coming year. Robert I alh· portrayed. ti r1 nf1a Was elected to fil l the posi- / t•,c· calkr until the older si ter wa FRE N C H CLASSES TO PREwith a econd in the 100 and 2 0 o 8 · ' · SENT PLAYS SATUR r~cent ly rne s Manager which. wa read y. the younger . iste_r _hawed h_m1 ___ DAY yard da he . and. when he wa award11011 f eft vacant bv the r e rgna- 1 th , fa mily album. Thi s a lbum "a ed second place 111 the 440 -.:ard da 11 o M · t ' • · ·\ s has been the cu tom f th Th J · ~Orr·1. : arcu cl1ea r. Lou ie v\ . the size o f a man. with large wrng· · • or e pa t e second Otterbein man w ~ ct ,· . 1 •·ear th third e 1v1ll · h"I ·evera F h · c. ·1 E:dit retain hi po ition a ews in" leave so con tructed that w e J Y ar • renc qualified for cutting too clo e 011 th "' ( ontinued · / cla se will pre ent a serie of hort tu r n. e F' 0or. On Page E"rg h t ) . urteen . O C---French Plays. Thi year three play Tl lhe ed· . reporter now compn e ---b . 1e um.mary · are to e given aturday, May 8 at 100d . d nt rtorra l taff proper. Those tu- N E W DRAMATICS CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED SOON eig ht o'clock in the eve ning. elec- Eb ~:ar(K~;i h- tou g hto n ( .) 1st, ling s who were elected as contribu211 rep tion will be played by the allege / T" e r d, nith ( 0 ) :lrd. 111an o_rters are: Cla ude Zimmer ---. rme-10 2 eco 11 J · El b I I O f ti Pubhc rche tra between play . · . · Evere rza et h Lesher, Cather ine The clramatic c u J ,c . I 0 I ens- Poro ky (0) tt M t Ca and Dag The trtl s of the play which will c· . d p Three t. Pinn y ly, )r ' ary Thoma , Li ll ian S hive- . ,·,Jea king departmen · P C o nt ', ,vLa J d d be pre. ented are: "Le Cuvier", "L'anrnue on age ltay1110 son Hayes. Glady D ick ey, ger. haJ bee n di ban · e an a new ---- o ____ 1 "Y" MOV ~d G_ates. John H udoc k, P hillip 1 club i to be organized_. The old cl~b glais tel qu'on le parle". and " La Pri(C IE COMING h d fi t nu se Emerande". ontrn ued o n Page Eight ) had been organized wit out a _e 1111 e / co n titution. and a a re ult. did not There i . a_dmdi ion charge and / A joint committee of the y and I>arent '- - 0 C - - - s Day Winners Get have a11y Je fi nite aim or purpo e. 1_ t e,·eryone is rn V1te to attend the e Y. \V. a k' . . I · re ma mg arra ngemen ts Prizes ; Mrs. Collier Speaks seemed best to tart al l ove r again Pays. I to 1>ut on a movie at t he local Garclen --- 0 C --Theatre. The proceed of thi s r J'ect 1'he a . . a new club on a firm aijd O ct Pre ented by the p hinx and organize President and Mrs. Clipp'nger 11 Yx e-• lub · · 1 decla r- foundatio n. . are to go towar d defraying t he . • Jornt Y, was Entertain W ith Dinner Party pen f th b - """ · to operau on " ,v 1·1 iner 111 Th w cIu w r11 o~ 111 e O e two delegat to the r _ larg . the "vodvil" contest. e ne . . f th e chool y ar I re ident and Mr . W . G. lippin t y the t e il ver loving cu p wa criven a t t he beg10111 ng o ·11 1 e a defi 111'te . d D M ce_n . ou ng People' Convention at Wo I o· 27 There w1 > ge r en ertarne r. and r . J. R. B_1rmmgham, la bama. Ju t w hat Chap 1 1r c ubs a the ir t rop hy, in of 1926 - · t· and a bette r King. Dr. and M r . George cott and p t r •v1onda · • p Jr gram of mee mg rc _ure W1 11 be selected ha not been Ceived Y mo rnin g . A lice r opst I f 1 The new cl ub may daug.hter, Leona, and D r. and M rs. dec r~ ed ye t, but several are b ing O Prize 0 ff a large box of candy as the program Pay t 1 e·n 1 Dramatic T . J. ander at a ,t inner party last con rdered. Watch for a definite th irl · ered for the most beautiful ' be ca ll erl e t er> Friday evening. an1n Ot t rbcin. nou ncement nex t is u . 'lu.h.





I ·




Page Two




A meeti n g was held Wednesday of m os t of th e Sophomores that w ill ' com pose the 1927 Sibyl s taff. Ed itor I 13ob K ni g ht h e ld a disc u s io n con­ I ce rnin g th e ge n era l th eme of n ext y ea r' s book. It wa s d ec ided that d e fi 1 11 it e work wou ld b egi n soon an d as I m uch wo uld be accomp lis hed thi s school year as p ossibl . 1 Defi ni te ass ignments h ave not been 111 ad e for al l th e staff. The o rganiz a­ ti o n is s uppo se d to b e complete a n d in w o rkin g o rd er by nex t week.

Tuesday , May 4-Y. M. and Y. W . at 6: 15 p. 111 . Thursday, May 6Lleior he tea a t 6:10 p. m. Philale th ea at 6:20 p. m . Friday, M ay 7JJhi lo phron ea a t 6: 15 p. m . P hil omathea at 6 :30 p. m . Saturday , May 8-Track Me et with 1-1t'idc lb t' r g


Ohio College N ewspaper A ssociation O rganized to Replace Ohio A ssociation.




E ARL R. H OOVER PLACES SECOND IN 0. W. CONTEST Thursday ni g ht, Ap ril 29, there wa a n ora to ri cal contes t on th e U. S. con­ st it utio n w hic h wa held at Ohio We _ leya n. F lem ming of Wes leyan placed first a nd Earl R. H oover of Otterbein seco nd. Dose, of \ Voos ter, was third. The wi nn er, F lemming, goes to De­ tr o it for further elintina ti on conte ts. The na tional contes t is at Lo An- ' ge les . a nd t he prize which goes to the ,,·111 ner is 5,000.

Editors of eig ht O hi o College pap er~ m et 0 11 the ca mpu s of th e M u n- , kron last Fri · ic ipal Un iv ◊rs i ty of dav and Sa tu rday to r eorganize th e at 2: 00 p. m . olci Ohio Co llege Pre ss Association -·- ) Fren ch Pl ays in Coll,c ge Chap ­ into a new o rga11izatio11 ca ll ed th e I A new type of anima l has reached at 8 :00 p. m . el Ohio Coll egl! Newspaper A ssoc ia ti o n . - --- 0 C---the ca mpu , kn own a ''the tennis W ednesday, May 12S. B. Leonard, ed itor-elect of the Interpretative Reading Class co u rt hog'': Hi numbers are in­ Fra nces H a rri s, Pia no Gra du ­ ' Akro n Buchtelite, \\'a s. e~ccted pres i- 1 Gives Programs a t Schools cr easi n g with th advent of warm a ting R ecital. de nt of the new assoc1at10n . Charle, The l'uhli c . peak in g Depa rtment i11 w eat h er. Ca rso n o f To ledo U niv e·rsity is the € keepi ng \\'ith its po li cy o f more prac­ - - - 0 C--­ new vice-presiden t. \ Vi lli am F. Smil - 1 tical wo rk is se ndi ng the m embers of ORCH ESTRA REALIZES I EXPERT KODAK FINISHING ey. of Ohio U ive r sity, ,-V'here t he nex t the l nt crpr eta tiv e r ea,lin g class to $53 ON H OM E PROGRAM I ssoc ia ti o n meetin g. wi ll be· he ld, w a~ , AND ENLARGEMENTS th e 'g rad e sc hool to read s tories. Th e ele<.:ted sec ~etary -treas urer. Wayn e I E ight Hour Service. s tu dent s a nd th eir a udi enc es ar e e n V. H a rsha, ed itor o f th e Tan and I Chapel Conce rt W ell Received. Pro joy in g th e expe ri e nc e. The Culver Art and Frame Co. ceeds W ill Pay For New Ca rdinal. r e prese nted Otterbein at thi s meetin g. Lorin Surface acco mpani ed , S et of Drums. hin~. . . Try 1 he . kro n m ee t111 g was 111 charg" 1 From its co ncert las t Tu esday 111ght of Eugene B. Denning,. prese nt ed itor th e college orches_t ra . ha s realized \ o f th e A kron B uch teltte. Mr. Den- I about $53 whi ch wi ll Ju s t cover the , 11 ing co ndu cte d th e pa rt y on a tour pri ce of th e drum s it ha purchas ed throu g h th e plant of the Akro n Bea- a nd programs for the occasion. Dis­ SPECIAL RATES TO PARTIES. REASONABLE RATES TO ALL. co n-J ou rnal plan t and th e factory of tin ctiv e fe a tures of thi s e ntertainment A HOMELIKE ATMOSPHERE AND A CORDIAL WELCOMJt the 13. F. Goodrich Co. A forum- we re vocal olos b y Lorene Smith,





____ ,


the Delicious Dinners and Luncheons at CHURCHILL'S MANOR



lecture was he ld it: the Porta~e Hotel I Vera Wright , and Lenore Smith ,. t h e with J ohn . Kn ig ht , mana g mg ed 1- , o ri ental number s. and the select io ns tor of the Akr,0 11 Beaco n-J ournal. •, from "B lossom Tim e'' whi ch fittingly Friday eve ning th e ed itors were t he end ed the program . -


One-Half Mile North of Westerville on the CCC Highway


PHONE 380-W J As ide from thi s co ncert the a rches- / g u e_sts of t11 e Laug~:n.g Ma sqt:e C),ub at it s annual how 1 ee. for 1 wo. tra ha s, dur ing th e year, played at •1'-'.=======;;;;;;===================;;;;;;;;;=====':I A de fi nite sys tem for the ex change vari u s college functi o ns such as the of publici ty materia l a nd cuts w as D ec lamat io n Contes t and the Junior II es tabli shed betw ee n. tl~e coll eges in- P lay. T e ntati ve p lans have a l. o been I elud ed 111 th e Assoc iation. . . , m ade fo r it to a ppea r at the Wa g n er I J{e pre sc nta tivc s to th e Associat ion Memorial hurch in Columbu s somewere: Euge ne B. Dennin g and S. B. , time this sp rin g as well as a t several L eoard of Akro n U ; E. J. R oge r s, High School Comme ncements. rthur McPhil ops a nd C harl es arp f A h R S d h so n of Toledo U .: \,\/ ay ne D eni s, ro essor rt ur '-ay pessar as . \" K St t expressed pleasure at the fine response Man Nta: R. J. 'voo 1m a n, ent a e, . . [ /' v,,r .r O h. W th e student body made 111 com mg o ut I No rm alD: \ ictor j) ' r ee, f to hear thi s conc ert. " It is this sor t le yan ; o 1S,aldBMI. ozedr oD EoosMer: I of thing. w hen the student body co- II Clarence . o es , an . • • c. h · · Jvl"! ch ae l' o f O hi o U . ; a nd Ralph M. oper~tes with . sue an orhg~n1zhat1on • , se rving th e entire college, w 1c 11 e 1ps Beese o f H e1del1Jerrr. I •• " . " . to create a real school sp1nt. The next m ee t111g will be h eld o n t fli El l swor ti1 • • • 1 O r,c I1es ra o ce r s ar e the camp u s of Ohi o U111vers1ty ~om<' ,eesc. pr es1c1ent : C e 1-ta Jo h nson. sectime next fal l. d L ____ O C - - - retary and trea s urer; an awre n ce




" The Home of Quality"

/s- 1


I ]'


Green . manager.


M' B O C 1ss owman G oes To Cleveland.

Mon,lay n ig ht. .\ pril :W, the VarM iss Marie Bo wman w as in Cl e ,·esitv debate squad m et fo r disc uss io n la nd over the week e ncl , attending of· next yea r 's qu e s t ion. li st of so me operas of especial note . twe lve qu es ti ons was suhn11 tt ed h y th e Ohio Co nfer ence debate coac hes. , from which th e Otterhei11 men were to m ake th eir selec ti on. T he var s it y ' debaters favo red th e qm·s tion concern­ ing the limitation of int ercolle g iate a thl eti cs. On l' r iclay, M ay 7, P rof. l,eo n Mc ­ Carty acco mpanied by Palm er Fletch ­ er, will go to the co n ference at _--o­ lumbu s. where th e questions will he finally ,lecid ecl.



STATE ST. BAKERY For Fine Bread, Cakes and

- - - - 0 C---­ Tabulation Continues. Tabulation of the questionnaires r ecentl y submitted t o the stud ent body b y th e Student Council is continuing ra pidl y. Definite statement s w ill be ready for next week's Tan and Cardinal.


39 N . STATE ST.

PHONE 81-W. Gasho & Son

The Selz $6 shoe world's be&t buy

$6 n ew had to barmornz w ith your cl othe 0 cl , well selected C a 1 f- kin ole. medium heav (The Union-second floor)


_Kenyon Turns Tables / On Tan Tennis Team Otterbei n los t its second tennis _eet_ with Kenyon last Friday after­ wuinmg from the same team the week before. The score of th e match was 01


Otterbein lost all of the singles and won the t·wo double matches. Bech­ ~It lost in straight sets 7-5, 6-2. oby and Pilkington won the first et of their respective single matches ,

1926 TENNIS MATCHES Ap r '.! 16-0hio Wesleyan. P~il 23-K enyon, a,t Wester­ ville. · Pril 24-0hio Delawa re.



~pril 30-Kenyon, at Gambier. Nay 7-0hio U., at We terville. ~ay 8-0hio Northern, at Ada. · ay 15-0hio Northern at Westerville. May 19-Muskingum at Wes ter ville. ' May 21-0hio U., at Athens. J un e 7-Muskingum at New Concord. '

Miss Marian Dew Heads May Day Activities

MUSICAL ORGAN_IZATIONS CELEBRATE MUSIC WEEK Music Week is being celebrated ia V,.'esterville this week under the di­ rection of the local W o men's Music Club. La t night the concert given by the college included numbers by Prof. Grabill, th e Glee Club, and col­ lege orches tra. Thi evening tlie Westerville Band will give an open-air concert. The Women's Music Club will pre ent a progra m Thur day n~ght. T-h e concert on Friday night will be in charge of the High Sc!iool band, orchestra, and glee club .

- - - 0 C--­ MUSIC DEPARTMENT WILL GIVE SUNBURY PROGRAM nder the direction of the P ublic School Mu ic Department of Otteribein, a children' program will be gi,·en at unbury on F r iday evening, May 13. Thi department ·ha had charge of the grade chool mu ic in the Sunbury P ublic Schools during the pa t winter, and school 'author­ ities are much plea ed wi~h the reult of the work. - - - 0 C - -­


1 t. Tin minute., _;;



Page Four


Trevor row, Judi th Whitney, and La learn a certain t~i ng wh_ich will enable ! Vonne Steele spoke extemporaneously. them to live w'.th as little ou~~ut of \' energy as possible ; the amenities of , Musical numbers were furnished by civilization are neglected. They reIsabell Ru ehrmund and Mildred Zinn. Published W ecldy in the Interest of turn moderately skilled in their pro- j The society sang, "Believe Me If All Otterbein College by the fess io ns, in other respects unchanged. Those Endearing Young Charms. OTTERBEIN LITERARY The output of potential Frank . .. During the session Marian Dew wa& SOCIETIES · enormous. 1, WANT THIS TYPE? Cranes from our colleges 1s elected to associate membership, and Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College News­ Men study law and then sell insurance. Ethel Kepl er and L ouise Secrest be­ paper Association. The th eological st\ldent becomes a For the past few years the Tan and came active m embers. commercial secretary. In some, how- Card_inal has b~en little more than ---0 C--­ STAFF ever, there is a firm intention of !iv- a n11rr~r reflec~mg news an~ .cam~us W einlands Entertain. EDITOR-IN-CHlEF ing fo r the benefit of humanity. , happenings wh ich the admm1st~atJ~n WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 Pro,£. a nd Mrs. L. A. Weinland en­ thought would present Otte1cbem m tert ai eJ. at dinner last Wednesday 88 Plum Street P hone 455-W. THE NEW STAFF the best light. All others were not eve nin g, th e guests being children of NEWS EDITOR. \ published, they were only talked friends of form er years. Those pres­ LOUIE W. NORRIS, '28 With this issue of the Tan and Car - about. Now and then, when an arti- ent we re Misses kene Bennert, Eliz~­ CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS­ staff recently elected by cle was. somehow published which . I th Claude Zimmerman, Elizabeth Les­ d ma e new . . d . • d' I, th beth Lesher Virginia Nicholas, Lil­ her Catherine Everett, Mary Thom­ the Publication Board will assume its me_nted a mm1strattv~, ,lslapd prova the lian Shively,' Mar garet Baker, . Emily as ' Lillian Shively, Mason Hayes, d ut1es. · Th e num b er o f contri'buting editor ,, was d at" once ca e upon ,, d t e Mullin Laura Whetstone, !t1z.a:beth Giadys Dickey, Raymond Gates, reporters has increased materially as carpe t an 0 ~rg.ent 1Y requeste Trost ' F lorence Howard, Gladys John Hudock Philip Char-les, Ken­ I neth Echard,' Cylde Bielstein, Ger­ the resu lt of staff try-outs which were s uppress such items. Snyd~r Mess'l's. Charles an.i Robert ald Rosselot and Florence Howard. held several weeks ago. This plan That is why last year one of the Mumma, ' Perry Laukhuff, Ra IPh ATHLETIC EDITORproved to be an excelle.nt method for , cleverest stunts ever used to break up Gantz, Philip Gharles. H. E. WIDDOES, '27 securing new reporters from the list Senior Recognition Day was never Asst. Athl etic Ed..... Lawrence Hicks of students actually interested in col- mentioned in the Tan and Cardinal. ALUMNAL EDITORSlege journalistic work. Tha,t is why this year a student who H. W. TROOP, '23 Co~e and T r y Our With the installation of the new has twice been detected picking his ALMA GUITNER, '97 Dorms Editor ...... Florence Rauch, '26 staff must come praise for the mem- fellow students' pockets has been kept Local Editor .............. Karl Kumler, '28 hers o·f the old staff. To Margaret in school while another who spills a Exch. Editor .... Ernestine Nichols. '27 Special Features .............. Verda Evans Widdoes as the retiring Circulation foul smelling liquid in chapel is ex­ Manager we give our highest com- pelled with no word of these happen­ BUSINESS MANAGERROBERT E. MUMMA, '27 mendation for her most efficient ser- ings in t he Tan and Car-dinal until vices throughout her four years on re.cently. A ssistan ts ................ Ross C. Miller Cloyd Marshall the circulation staff. Three senior Surely it is a delightful change -to Lorin Surface contributing reporters, Wanda Galla- have an editor who writes the truth, CIRCULATION MANAGER­ gher, L enore Smith_, and Pauline showing us not only our good qualities RUTH HURSH, '27 Knepp, and Florence Rauch as the but also our faults. A few more edi­ Mildred Wilson retiring Dormitories Editor, deserves torials such as we have recently had Katharine Myer . a great deal of credit. may benefit the school considerably Margaret Duerr We also wish to thank Dr. Ray- more than the late policy of suppres­ Marga ret Edgington Address all communications to the mond V. Phelan, Miss Marie Bow- sion.-R. G. Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert man and the other faculty members - -- - 0 C - - -Hall, 103 West College Avenue, Wes­ and 'student who so capably assisted terville, Ohio. PHILALETHEA Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year, us in our struggle to find the news. Payable in Advance. At the regular session of Philalethea We wonde r why officials of the Entered as second class matter Sep­ tember 25, 1917, at the post-office at 1uzen Military Trainjng Camp did Thursday night the literary program ,. Westerville, Ohio, under act of March not solicit tudents from Otterbein for consisted of a Dream by Helen Kern, 3, 1879. an Autobi.ography ·by Mary McCabe, Acceptance £or mailing at special rate the camp which will b held at Fort a nd a Sketch by Bessie Lincoln. Ruth 'Dhoma this ummer lnconsistcnc.y of postage provided for in Sec~on 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, autbonzed e vide ntl y the keyword. April 7, 1919. Will omeone please c.ome forward EDITORIALS · 3ee Samples from a nd <;!are to climb the flagpole and put * * * * a rop, t llrough fhe pulley so we can THE COLLEGE~ BRED MAN see Old Glory wave once again? The You can always tell the college man. matter l1a already been delayed too i There i omething different about lol)g. I Before oroering Class and Social him. What kind of a tradition will the A t. present going through college senior clas e tablish this year? Grad­ Gro\jp P ins. For New Shoes and Repairs, Qua~ity rar ely makes any decisive change in uating c.la se in some colleges have and Service speaks louder than pnce, th mood and outlook 0£ th.e graduate. iotrorlu ced wagger sticks for the ' Makers of P bilophronean Keys. There is it is true, the old saying that. worn n and cane fo r the men . you ca n'·alway tell a Ha r va rd man, 27 W. MAIN ST. Th e en ti re college is in t he grip of 11th ano High ..,. Columbus, o. Westerville, O hio bu t you can' t tell him much. But like most caustic remarks it does not the Spring .l'ever germ. You can tell L~ =::;;;:::::::::::========-=--=-- - - ,--- - --...c..- - --,-- --::;:=:-;; _ llit the mark. The college graduate it by the way th e. profes.sors and stu- l ~ ■ll l ■l !l ■lill■l[■ l fl ~lill■lml'll■lJllltll■lll■tll■IJi■ li■ Jl■l.11■ is no longer arrogant but timid and dents carefully suppress yawns and i . tis • I be wildered when he d-iscovers himself gaze lo_ngingly at } he great outdoors, , ; • in a trange wo rld for whicl) he has the brrght sun hm e and the green : :es • been o expe n ively unprepared. He gras . r,.: : . .. · ~ , ~ ordinarily prizes hi experiences , in . --! ~ ·i.a~• ~ college in retrospect for various adDid you ever. hear the s to? about j v,nt;tioo, fdendHn, " ,athec than th, college decbon th,t w"n t ''.'."'- Ii "' ., _ -.,... , " for a fuller under ta nding of him el£ ! ed of bemg rul1 by campu politics? h and his surroundings. . eil er did we. BASEBALLS • TRACK SUITS i If one ob ser ves the college-trained All f h' h t h th t I :cc • GLOVES TENNIS SHOES i h th O £ th· as o w 1c goes o ow you a f■ ~ ~ is - the little red devil is back, next to the RACKETS SHOE CLEATS m en_ abo ut one, t e tru sertion becomes appare~t. College keyboard ki cking his heels against the s ~ TENNIS BALLS merely learn certam trades at ' . . ■ BASEBALL <;APS I■men back pacer, and grm111ng a t us. 2 = their various scho~ls. They . have - - - 0 C - -HEADQUARTERS FOR ATHLETIC TOGS --"" mastered such vocations as deng,~e.erTen ni Ball and R acket E J ■ ing, preaching, farming, a vertismg · · · ; 8 THE OTTERBEIN COLLEGE













See Us First




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1".!; a GK:






and the 1;1re_ .


go to collog, to

o,d & Son.-Adv.

•I i .t!




' 1■0,■u ■,1•1•J■l1•1 ■ ',m ■,--,,■IU■ll■l■l-aJl•l•11 i■11•1U■- l~ ~



MUSKINGUM CHALKS UP DIAMOND WIN ON TAN AND CARDINAL DIAMOND IN CONFERENCE TILT Otterbein lost her first Ohio Con­ ference base ball game oi the season last Friday afternoon on the local field l O to 1. Muskingum scored four runs in the first inning o n three pa;s­ e , a single anJ two e rro rs. It Tater ProYed uffici ent to win. Otterbein scored her lone tally in th third inning when Yohn doubled down the right field foul line and took third on the poor throw-in. He sco r­ ed on Slawita's slow roller down the fir t base line. lu lhe sixth inning Otterbein had '.'nother chance to score. . fter Slaw­ Ila Aied out to Montgomery, R en­ ~er was stfe when Mintier muffed his 0 t grounder. Young forced Renn er at 5 ond. Ca rrol singlod to left and ~oberts fi ll ed the ba e when he got ~n tr-e way of one of Gabbord's offer­ ing · Beucler' best wa a grounder that Trotter managed to get in front of, retiring the si<le. . Another chance was lost in the next tnning when Slawita and Renner went out on lon.g flies to the outfield after Schott had ing,l ed and taken second

on You ng's sa.c ri fice. Yohn pitched well the sevt:n innings that he worked, al lowing seven hits. He didn't walk a man. Errors be­ hind him cost him everal run . Ot­ terbein made a total of eight errors during the course of the ga!l11e. Gabbard pitched well for Mu sking­ um. all owing but six hits a nd st ruck out seve n_batters. He had masterful su pport in the pinches.

Dean H. Upson, who has been identified with the Toledo Y. M. C. A. during the past yea r, will become as ociated with the Centra l Y. M. C. A. H e will be the director of swim­ ming at the Chicago Association's summer camp in the big woods and at the close of the c-amp season will contin ue with them, doing in connec­ tion with his work at the associa tion , some research work at the Univer ity of Chicago. --- 0 C--­ Patronize Our Advertisers. '25.

Paae -Pive CLEIORHETEA Thur day evening at leiorhetea Katharine Myers was received 'into ac1in~ membership. The program for the eveni ng wa s as follows: Piano Solo Nellie Wallace Soliloquy Betty .White Musical Reading Lois Bingham Diary Edith Moore Piano Solo Do ri s Wetherill Reverie Mary Long

THE CLASS OF 1947 V-.:e are enrolling also, Pa ul En or llltth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. rnith (Helen En or) of Columbu • B: Ralph belongs to the cla s of '12 and el 11 to the class of ' 18. Paul ha a big brother John who belong to the cla of '45 and both of them are planning to come to Ot­ terb in. \ e ju t di covered another pros­ ;ct_ on one of our information cards. ~ 1 ten months old but belong in th1 cl . a Just the ame. l\,rG orge Raymond Walter, son of ~r. and Mr . Walter of pringfield, Ma achu ett . Mr . Walter wa ~ry Lanca ter, ex-'24.

Crows In a :field in sunny Spain stands a stone mortar. Crows hover around it, picking up bits of grain and chaff- cawing.

And till another boy. Walter on­ nor, Jr. on of Mr. and Mr . Walter _onnor of Menomenee Fall Wi conin W ' th · e know Mr . Connor a Ber~liancock, '21. alter Jr. ha a dad who i a -Ie th di t preacher but that doe n't inak any differ nee. tterl.> in ~lai111 part of him anyhow.

Here Marcheta, in the fresh beauty of her youth, will come to pound maize. For years she will pound maize. The stone will stand ·up under the blows; not a dent has the muscle of three generations of women made upon it. But the crows will hurl their black gibes upon a woman aging early and bent with toil. Old Marcheta-still in her thirties

- o c- - ­ T

WHERE ARE THEY? ' t be Cla s of '16 is planning a big enth · ' . anmversary reumon at com:encernent time. They would like to ~ve IOO% of the cla pre ent. Fiv o1 the D rnember of th at cla s are lo t. ; You know where they are? 0 i . eph Gou henour we under tand 111 E: Dayton. But that i a big city. V te!Ja G. Ree e formerly in Mt. ernoo Oh' , . M field • . 10, Cleo Garbench, an~Ohio; Orpha Mills T u cola, Illt­ "01 d • . ;n g, ' an Clara Kreiling a re al o m1 h

1 t . •ty which can release


E 0e~:~c;.ro:n her burden~, h~s ~ eady created a r evolution m . • d us tr y. Wherever American m G I mankind labors, enera . otors can be found Electric m . • hin• carryi ng loads, ~1v1ng rod bor nd saving time an a • ~dathere is no branch ofelec• . al development today to tr~~ch General Electri~ ha~ not :ade important contnbutions.




of;t!~ a~fe~t~t~;enbe: • • manY fields will domg ID t Ask for book• sent on reques · let GEK-1. 5

bo You Know Where They Are?


oc - - -

'25 Yo~ Floyd E. McGuire, directo r 0£ J:-·Ir n,g People' work at the Canton :t . 111 ted Brethren church, repreent tero e~ that congregation in the In­ tartonattonaJ Council of Religious Edu ­ in 1rmmgham la t week.

a· .

The American woman does not pound maize. But she still beats carpet; she still pounds clothes ; she still pumps water. She exhausts her strength in tasks which electricity can do better, and in half the time. The high ideals of a ~ommunity mean little where woman is still doomed to drudgery. But the mir­ acles which electricity already has performed indicate but a fraction of the vast possibilities for better living and the tremendous opportunities which the future developments in electricity will hold for the college man and woman.



ECHO ES from the ALUMNI prese nted a few of her pe rso na l recol­ BENJAMIN R HANBY MUSIC CLUB PRESENTS RECITAL le,ctions of her big brother. She was four years old when Ben went away PersQnal Glimpses of Big Brother to college and of co ur se a big bro th er When a Boy Given by Hanby's away at coll ege w as q ui te important Sister, Mrs. Collier. to a Ii tt le gi rl. Mr s. Collier was a very small girl W' csterville was the scene of a fine wh en the family mo ved to Wester­ O t terbein occasion when the mem­ ville. Shortly after the arrival of th e bers of the Han by Musical Art Club fami ly in th eir new hom e Ben gra du­ presented a memo rial recital in Han­ ate d from Otterbein. It was a great by' honor, Sunday afte rno on at the occa.s ion. The college b uild ings were Presbyterian church. a ll too small to contain th e :grad ua ­ The club is composed of \iVester­ tion ceremonies so a tent was erected ville girls, a number of whom are now on the cam pus. Hanby' grad ua ti on student s at Ottenbein. Miss Ma ude add•ress was written in poetic form. Hanawalt, ' Ofi, is the director of the club and is largely responsible · foj­ Hi s u1bject was the "Husking Bod­ kin." The story g oes that he was the program prese nted. faced w ith the task of writing a com­ The honoring,of t hi renowned son of •mencement a·ddress and was unabl e Otterbein honors likewise his college. to decide upon a subjec t. He fi nall y Hanby was a member of th e class of determined to close his eye s, take two '58. Shortly after his graduation the or three t urn s around hi room and song he wrote while in college, " Da·r­ then open his eyes, and th e fi rst thi.ng ling Nel lie Gray" wa so widel y ac­ coming to his attention wou ld be the cepted that he quickly became fam­ subject of his commencement addr e s. ou . Upon opening bis eye th e first thing Hanby·s wife, who survives him , is th a t ca me to his notice was the husk­ likewise a graduate of Otterbein. ing peg belonging to his roommate. he is Mary Kate Winter Hanby of From this humble sugge tion he re­ bhe cla of '57, now living at Red- -c eived the inspiration for a poem monds Beach, California. which is evidence of his genius. The recital program consisted of a While in college Hanby was an all­ number of elections by th e clu b. A ll aro und tu dent. He w as t<be leader of the elections given were composi­ in literary act ivity. He was repre­ tions of Hanby. Otterbein people sented by his fellow st udent a. a remember him usually only a the good physical man. On one occa ion composer of his w idely known song, he saved a fellow-student from out many other compo ition also d row ning in Alum Creek. According cam e from his pen. to the testimony of his ister he was Dr. E . A. J one , professor emeritu s alway kind and generou and gave of Bible, of Otterbein, addre sed the much of his tim e to the coun eling club. His subject was, "Hanby' of hi friend s. Whenever a tudent ontribution to Life and History." became ill or homesick he received Mr . Elizabeth Hanby Collier, '72, attent ion at the Hanby home. Ben,



The Darke Coun ty A lumni and ex­ O ne boy comes on the list this week also. John Stanley Wilhelm Brun­ stude nts o f Otterbein met a t the home ner th e son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery of E lizabeth M cCabe at the time of Brunner of Canton, Ohio. the b roadcasting of th e Glee Club Mrs. Brunner is Vida Wilhelm of fr om Colum bus. There were eleven present. the class of '19. I nforma l tal ks were given by Mr. Y ou kn ow of course where the lad ac quired the John Stanley part...-from Ha r ry Metzgar, Mr. Cha rl es Minnich, his g randfa th er John Stanl ey Wilhelm, and Mr. C. L. Bailey. A prominent class of '90. editor of the Canton Re- organization was formed wi th Eliza­ beth McCabe as president and H elen posito ry. It is safe to enroll him in the class Miller, ecretar y and Treas urer. Plans a re now being made for a so­ fo r he wi ll ce rtainly hear about O tt er­ cial gathering to be held at the bein. Greenvi ll e County Clu b the latter pa rt of June. The purpose of this is to re­ like hi s father, Bishop Hanby, who vive Otter bein spirit among the ex­ was one o-f th e fo und ers of the Col- students and a lumni of Darke County lege, was interes.ted in the general as we ll as to interest prospective stu­ welfare o f the College and gave much dents. to it in ttie way of personal service. - -- 0 C -- Dr. N . E. Cornetet, '96, and Hor­ Ladies' Phoenix Silk H ose, most ace W . Troop, '23 ,• also had a part mi leage o f any other hosiery. E. J. on the program. orris & Son.-Adv.

:!lary 3Jaur '.irauty ~qop Orra Morgan


Phone 126-W. Open Evenings

46½ N. State St. Westerville

THE TAN AND CAltDINAL Mr. Troy K lepi nger a nd M r. C. E . Stebl eton , of Day to n, were the dinner guests Sunday, of E s t her Moor e a nd Edith Moore.

Pqe Seven

WE HEAR THATSphinx visito rs over t h e week-end ncl uded Dean H a ncoc k, '23, and Jrother Clyde. Dea n is now loca ted , ea r Pittsbu rgh. La kota week-end call ers wer e '·Ted" 3eaman "ex' ', Pa ul Meyers "ex", :;eorge Bechtolt, '25, and P. J . Harris, '23.

Lois B ickle, who is teaching in Parker sb urg, and he r s ister Anna Lou, spe nt Saturday a nd Sunday wit h Adda Lyo n.

l nuCrushed t b r ead,

strawberries on ice cream, ang Ie- f oo d ca k e an d many other temp ting d is hes were served a t Karl Kuml er spe nt t he we ek-e nd at a " feed " given by the Talisma n gi rl s, 1is hom e in Baltimore. I in th e ir room s, Saturday nigh t. J erry s_chwartzkopf visited in Tall Mrs. James and M rs. Y ou ng wer<e niadge thi s \\'eek-end. the g ues ts, o n Sa tu rday, 0 f E th el "Tillie'' F rank li n "Teeter" Adams I Kep ler a nd Emi ly rM u 11·111 · and Fred Stevens we'r e a lumni g ue sts A "pot-luck" s upper was given at of the Sphinx on Saturday.



DOHM "°s


1 the . M rs. Grabill a nd Mrs. Widdoes . ''Old Maids A Kitchen" d Cl b , Friday . u · we re hostesses at a party gi ve n at the eve mng, by th e rca Y hom e of Mrs. Grabill, Saturday even- 1 Viri~inia T aylor Newell of Reyno ldsing, in honor of th e Mothers of the burg visited wi th th e Arbutus Club T . D . gi rl s. The week-end guests ove r th e w ee k-e nd , who were present we re :tvfrs. Wether- 1 Freda Sny d er spen t th e week-end at ill, Mr . Bral ey, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. ' J1er home in Dayton. Leiter, Mrs. Bl um e, Mrs. Bennert, I ''Coke" Vance was the gue t of Alice George, Vera J o hnso n a nd . . Em 1l. y Perterso11. I Mrs. Chppmger on Satu rd ay at1 d


TREASURER J. P . WEST TO ATTEND MEET IN AKRON Prof. J. P. W est wi ll attend the Nint h An nu al Convention of t he Ohio Associa tio n of College T reasurers at Akron May 5 and 6. The Associa tion, of which P rof. Wes t is the Sec­ reta ry and T reasure r, wi ll di sc uss the fi na n cial program of t he college. One f qu estion to be discussed is that o "Cor rela tin g the W ork o f the Treasurer and That of the Registrar". Since the work of these two d epartme nts is so closely related, the Executive Committ ee o f the A ssociation has extended an invitation to t he R egist rars to join them in t his convention. _ _ __ O C _ _ __

\ •v "alter Martin of Dayton vi·s i·ted ALL COPY OF 1926 SIBYL _run da friends Satu rd ay a nd Sunday. SENT TO PRESS SATURDAY

Aaron Leuchaur, '25, spent the The last piece of copy fo r t he 1926 iveek-e nd with O tterb ein fr iends hav­ Sibyl was se n t to the pr inters Satur­ ing th e J onda roo ms as his headday. The year book will be off the qu a rt ers. press abou t May 25. O nly 430 copies Ralph Gantz went to his home at pf the book have been order ed pub­ lished by the Business Manag er. This Do yl estow n ove r t he week-en'. · " c 1·111 10 11 Lasl1 sp 1t S t d d number wi ll take care of t he actual ei a ur ay a n sub scrib ers only, no provision having . unda y. been made fo r extra copies. M r. a n d Mrs . Heller, t I1e M 1sses Pl d Sunday with home fo lk at Tiro. Mary Caslow and Bernice Miller of Mrs. Rav er, Mrs. umm er an Elmo Lingrel, ' 16, was a Co untry Ca nal Winchester were the week-end I Ru th L yo n, who we re week-et1 d gueS t s Club visitor over the wee k- end. Elmo of Leona a nd Betty, were present at g ues t s o f Ed na H e II er. . a party g iven by th e Lot us O u b, S at- ,s now coac hin g at Biddle High COME TO · v1·s1t · e d w1'th h er I urday night. School. M rs. . F . Chnts n.iece, Mary McKenzie over Saturday Harold Anderso n, "Ed" Newell and Lena Cook ey went to her home at d au Su nd ay. Loga n to spend Saturday and unday. Fl oyd Beelman were a lumni visitors


v·1rg1111a . . B rew b a k er, ,:t. the Cook House o~er the past Sylvia Peden spe nt the week-e nd in The Misse k d Lima with friends. . Gec kl er a n d I 11 ee -en . J o eph in e Alb ert,. E ls1e Marjory Webster visited with her Helen Zimmerman of Dayton were II Th e p. h1lota Club a nn oun ces as aci tcr, H elen, 011 Saturday a nd Sun- , t he gu~st.s of th e Talisman Club over tive members Richard Durst, Lawday. th e week-end. 1ence Green, R us el Heft a nJ E a rn es t The Mis es Bernice Jackson and Miss Maxine William of Lima vis- Stirm. O C Jan e Go ett of Canto n were guests ited with Lucille Roberts on aturday of the Ar.butus Club over th e week- and Sunday. FR EE-Gem Safety Razor with end. Mr. a nd Mrs. Tracy spe nt the week- two s uit s union , $1.00 ea::h. E. J. 1 ~J orri & Son.-Adv. _Mi Rose Mc N utt spe nt Sunday I end w ith Edna. 0 C - - - -


wilh Judith Whitney. ! MEN'S LITERARY SOCIETIES The Phoenix Club gave a lu n cheon, : TO SPONSOR CONTEST Parent ' day, in hon or of their par­ ent . The list of g ues ts includes Mrs. Repre entative com mi ttee from .Blott, Mr. Wit on, Mrs. Hinds, Mrs. , both Philomath~a~ a nd Phil~phron­ Gu tin, Mr . Wallace, Mis Ruth Wal- I ean litera-r y oc1et1e , a re work mg to­ lacc, Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Cope- gether to fo ter a'.1 _extemporaneou land and Mi Marjory Copeland. peaking conte t w1thm the next two weeks. It is p lanned to ele-c t som e con­ Mr. and M rs. Nichols visited Mar- te tants fr om eac,h ociety a nd then jory and Ernestine on Saturday a nd a ll ow them to compete in a. final con ­ I te t to be held in th e chapel, open unday. T he pare nt who vi ited over the I to the publ ic. n yo ne who i n ot a we k-end with t he G reenwich Girl · member of either ociety may comwere Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, Mrs. pete by making the proper arran ge­ ment with th e pre id ents o f the tw 0 ' teinmetz, fr. an d Mrs. Melvin , Mrs. ocie ti es. Dick and Mr . ichola . Miss Evangeline Klepinger, of Day­ l9n, wa th e week-e nd gue t of E th er Moore. Ruth M us elman went to her home in Day ton thi wee k-e nd to b e pres­ ent at the teele High ch ool Senior play, " Dulcy·• in which her sister, Ann , took one of the prin cipal part · T he Phoenix Club announce Lillian hively a a new pl edge. Mary ·We imer and Marjory Garber, both of B eac h City vis ited with Ru th Weimer ove r Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. J . Diehl a nd Mrs. F. H. Marsh were the week-end guests of Betty Marsh.





H. C. Baughman

University Bookstore THE Commencement

GIFT----SHOP - - - - ---<••: li•I - - - - - - - -



Meat Market


MEMO BOOKS Otterbein




Leather Sea], or Plain Backs. BOOKS








" 0 " GUARDS.

- -- - - --{i)• Ii•\---- - - - -


University Bookstore Phone 493-J

18 N. State St.


Page Eight



· d F r om p age o ne ) Rehearsals began last week for The first of th e seri e of spring (C o ntmue Several members of 0tterb ein's I faculty and stud ent body appear ed on Charles, Kenneth Echard, Clyde Biel- ''Princess Ch rysanth emum," a Ja p­ graduating recital s offered by the the Benjamin R. Hanby Memoria l I .s tein, Gerald Rosselot an d Margaret anese operetta in thr ee acts, which music department was given Sunday prog ram which was g ive n last Sun- Duerr. Cleiorhetea will prese nt on June 10 , afternoon by Miss Fra nces Harris play ing the chapel organ. A small da y aftern oo n in th e P,rcsby terian Har ry E. \,V iddoes was re-elected accord ing to its annual custom of but appr eciat ive a udi ence attended the church. Dan N . E. Co rn etet gave a Ath let ic Editor with Lawrence . k s as h 1s " ass1s · t an t . M argare t givi ng an operetta for Commence- concert. two readings both w ritten by Hanby. H 1c H. V,,/ . Troop, Director of Alumna! Kum ler will be the new Dormitories ment Open Ses ion. T he openi ng num ber, four move­ Vio la Priest wi ll have the femi­ ments from a sonata by Guilmant, was Re lation of th e coll ege. gave a short Editor. Karl Kum ler was re-elected --address 011 "Benjam in Hanby, Stu- as Local Editor. E rnestine Nichols nine lead , and Gwynne McCo naugh y by far the m os t interes tin g. There fol­ d ent and Citizen." will a lso retain her place as Exchange will play the hero. Thelma Gustin, lowed a descriptive suite by Nevin en­ Dr. E. A. J one , professor emeri- Editor. H. W. Troop and Prof. Alma F rances. Hinds, and Lillian Shively tit led. "A Day in Venice". The four tus of Biible, used fo r t<he subject of Guitner were re- elected as Alumna! wi ll have other important parts. selection s of this delightful group, his s peec h, ·'Benjamin Hanby's Con- Editors. Abo ut thirty members of ocie ty are " D aw n" "Gondoliers" "Venetian Love tribution to Life and History." Ruth Hursh will ta ke Margaret included in the cast. Others wi ll Song" ~nd "Good ight", were full of D oroth y Sowers pl..1 yed an organ Widdoe ' plac:: as Circ ul ation Man- serve on committees, this being the m elody, furni shin g Mi s Harris op­ prelude at the beginning of the pro- ager. Her assistants will be Margaret fi rst time Cleio rh etea has ever under­ po rtunity to bring out the loveliest gram. Vio la P rie t sang that mo t Edgington, Mildred Wilson, and Mar- taken to give an ope retta without tone of the or gan. The third Sonata famou s ·song, " Dading :'iellie Gray." garet Duerr a nd Katharine Myers. outside a id. Wanda Gallag her is of Borowski, a modern compose r, Member hi p of the Hanby Musical Assistants to Robert Mumma a re coachin,g the dancing, and Viola completed the program. Art Clu b is composed almo t enti rely Ross C. Miller, Cloyd Marshall and Priest is directi ng the chorus. Other - -- 0 C - - ­ of Otterbein tudents. Mi ;,s Maude Lorin Surface. plans have no t ye t been defin itely Gua rantee-10 cents a button, $1.00 Hanawalt. director of the Westerville The new staff wi ll serve until April, fo rmul ated. a rip. E. J. orris & Son.-Adv-. B ranc h of the Morrey School of 1927. - --0 C--­ Mu ic, is the sponsor of the Club. :11 11 ■1111■1111■1111■1111■1111■111 1■1111■111 1■1111■1111■1111■111 1■1111■1111■111 1■11:1■111 1■1111■1111■1111■1111■1111■1111■1m■1111= MAY DANCE ---0 C--­ PARENTS' DAY (Continued From Page One) the morning's program. Piano accom­ i (·Continued From Page One) . WESTERVILLE, OHIO s■ one picture was being shown, a nother paniment was played by Grace Cor- ~ ■ PROGRAM could be prepared. Real live figur es netet. app eared, looking through the pages, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 4 and 5May Morning Break fa5 t There is one day in the yea r when ■ = in various costumes. HAROLD LLOYD -in;g In the next act ome mu ic of real a man can breakfast in the do rmi- i merit wa rendered on the violin, tory without being the cyno ure of § ■ "For Heaven's Sake!" ■ cello, and piano by Professor Barn­ a ll eye . Many of the masculine perThursday, May 6--Pathe pre ents grover, pe ard, and Vance, respec­ s uas ion took advantage of thi fact last aturday to attend the May Morn- i HARRY CAREY s tiv ely. re a M nace" '· Why the Italian fo wa the title of the ac t presented by th e ociology Club. The u ual trials Pro pective hu band were. intro- Friday, May 7-0ne Show at 7:30 P. M . == ■ th at mu t be endured at the hands of duced to th e cooking of their fu ture th par imonious malron were hown wive , fond daughters wruted upon Rafa el Sa batini' s romantic drama, featur ing = in charact ri tic fa hion by- an Italian doting parent all to the tune of a J. WARREN KERRIGAN fr uit and vegetabl e dealer, with hi five-p iece orche tra in the Cochran With a special cast, including littl e ca rt oi vegetables. Hall dining room. The decorating ■ JEAN PAIGE & CHARLOTTE MERRIAM tr iven valiantly an_d § ■ 1 committee had Radio Novelty. :se Radio tation S-T- -T-Iwas !I the c I ever I y ornamente d tabl e te h - ;;:;: Saturday, May 8-Fir t atio nal present ■














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11 -t in ord er. T his act was put on fie d to their labors. Of particular inw " A1'ths a M speac1·al n caDst,e 1~nicrlueds1·n'g' 1,by the hilota Club. ariou kind terest wa the Frc hman table decor- ! of mu ic wa broad-c ted, from the I ated with the fi r t lum Cr ek vioMILTON SILLS, VIOLA DANA ■ sw t ong of the quartet down t let , and f tooned wil h o-reen · ■ IRVING CUMMINGS AND ROSEMARY THEBY s th e 11t1mber played on a hand~ aw --- 0 C--§ 11 ■I :1■11 ■lll■J l■lrl•'1■ l.l■ l'l■ill■llll■llll■llll■m 1■1111■11: r■m1■1t1■11, 1■n11■1111■1111■1111■11!l■llll■IIII■ with wooden mallet. I OTTE RBEIN E LIMINATED I N dancing exhibition. by ,faQ' STAT E PEACE CONTEST M eyer elicited n id rable applau e fr om the lonr of <lane mu ic. In the Peace Oratorical Conte t, The fina l 11 ·a put on by held Friday night, Wittenberg, BluffPaul •p 011 and ·urt Poul on, gui ar ton. and hio , r~ern were elect­ and ,banj ace mpaniroent lending ed to b r pre nt ed m th tate Peace r al har,mon y to 1:h ong and Jitti • 1 Contest. tterbein r pre entative, Karl -wh ich were incorporate.i in thi act. The limio ated with th e Th r an pr lttde by P rof. raumler, wa bill helped to get the pro ram tart- peaker from three other college . · The Old Reliable ed in the ri ht direction. The Var it)~ .. ' ha been largely re ·-po nsib l for th· carryin into DELICATESSEN eff t of th wh I ];>ar nt D y pro­ gram, hen_e a large lia r of the credit for its sue es i due th m. - - - t) C - - ­ RAPI D P ROGRESS BEING MADE ON KING HALL For the Best in Photography.


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Rapid pr re i bei n mad nI Kin g Hall , the n w Men' Dormitory. I Th e fo un dation i completed and the bri k work. up to the fi r st floor will b fin ish d by th end of the week. H. C. Holbrook, former state ar­ cbit t, i making the de ign for the buildi ng.

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